Chapter 3 Vectors in
Chapter 3 Vectors in
Chapter 3 Vectors in
• To each point P in 3-
space we assign a triple
of numbers (x, y, z),
called the coordinates
rectangular coordinate system of P.
Vectors in 3-Space (2/4)
Rectangular coordinate
systems in 3-space fall
into two categories,
left-handed and right-
In this book we shall use
only right-handed
coordinate systems.
Vectors in 3-Space (3/4)
A vector v in 3-space is positioned
so its initial point is at the origin of a
rectangular coordinate system. The
coordinates of the terminal point of
v are called the components of v,
and we write v (v1 , v2 , v3 )
Similarly in 2-space:
u v ( u v v u )
1 2 2 2
or 2
Component Form of the Dot
Product (2/2)
u u1 u2 u3 , v v1 v2 v3
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
and v u (v1 u1 ) 2 (v2 u2 ) 2 (v3 u3 ) 2
we obtain after Simplfying
u v u1v1 u2 v2 u3v3
u v
u v
Example 2
Dot Product Using [3]
Example 4
Finding Dot products from Components
Orthogonal Vectors
Perpendicular vectors are also called
orthogonal vectors.
In light of Theorem 3.l.1b, two nonzero
vectors are orthogonal if and only if
their dot product is zero.
To indicate that u and v are orthogonal
vectors we write u ⊥v.
Example 5
A Vector Perpendicular to a Line
Show that in 2-space the nonzero vector n=(a,b) is
perpendicular to the line ax+by+cz=0.
Let P1 ( x1 , y1 ) and P2 ( x2 , y2 ) be distinct points on the line, so that
ax1 by1 c 0
ax2 by2 c 0 (6)
Since the vector P1 P2 ( x2 x1 , y2 y1 ) runs along the line (Figure 3.3.5),
we need only show that n and P1 P2 are perpendicular. But on subtracting
the equations in (6) we obtain
a ( x2 x1 ) b( y2 y1 ) 0
which can be expressed in the form
(a, b) ( x2 x1 , y2 y1 ) 0 or n P1 P2 0
Thus, n and P1 P2 are perpendicular.
Theorem 3.3.2
Properties of the Dot Product
w2 u proja u
Example 6
Vector Component of u Along a
Let u (2,1,3) and a (4,1,2). Find the vector component of u along a
and the vector component of u orthogonal to a.
Solution :
u a (2)(4) (1)(1) (3)(2) 15
a 4 2 (1) 2 2 2 21
and the vector component of u orthogonal to a is
u proja u (2,1,3) ( 20
7 , 7 , 7 ) ( 7 , 7 , 7 )
5 10 6 2 11
Verify that the vector u proja u and a are perpendicular by showing that
their dot product is zero.
Example 7
Distance Between a Point and a
Line (1/2)
Find a formula for the distance D between point P0 ( x0 , y0 ) and the line ax by c 0.
Solution :
Let Q( x1 , y1 ) be any point on the line and position the vector n (a, b) so that its initial
point is at Q.
By virtueof Example5, the vector n is perpendicular to the line (Fig 3.3.8).
As indicated in the figure, the distance D is equal to the length of the orthogonal
projection of QP0 on n; thus,
QP0 n
D projn QP0
But QP0 ( x0 x1 , y0 y1 ), QP0 n a( x0 x1 ) b( y0 y1 ), n a2 b2
Example 7
Distance Between a Point and a
Line (2/2)
Solution (count)
so that
a( x0 x1 ) b( y0 y1 )
D (12)
a b
2 2
(3)(1) 4(2) 6 11 11
32 4 2 25 5
3.4 Cross Product
Cross Product of Vectors
Recall from Section 3.3 that the dot
product of two vectors in 2-space or 3-
space produces a scalar.
We will now define a type of vector
multiplication that produces a vector as
the product, but which is applicable only
in 3-space.
Example 1
Calculating a Cross Product
Example 2
u×v Is Perpendicular to u and to v
Determinant Form of Cross
Product (1/2)
A cross product can be represented
symbolically in the form of 3 × 3 determinant:
the direction
the length
ax by cz k1
dx ey fz k 2
gx hy iz k3
correspond to the
points of intersection
of three planes.
Example 2
Equation of a Plane Through
Three Points (1/2)
Example 2
Equation of a Plane Through
Three Points (2/2)
Vector Form of Equation of a
Referring to Figure 3.5.3, let r=( x, y, z) be the vector
from the origin to the point P (x , y, z),