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Outlines: Chapter-1 Basic Concepts of Power System

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Basic concepts of power system

▪ Outlines
➢ Introduction
➢Power system components
➢Source of Energy
➢Power system structure
➢AC and DC transmission scheme
➢Single-phase and three-phase transmission
➢Single-line diagram or one-line diagram
➢Per-Unit system

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 1

▪ Introduction
• Power System is a network of electrical components deployed to supply, transfer, and use electric power. An
example of an electric power system is the grid that provides power to an extended area. Power is an essential
pre-request for the progress of any country.

• Electric power is the product of two quantities: current and voltage. These two quantities can vary with
respect to time (AC power) or can be kept at constant levels (DC power). An electric power system is designed
to generate, transmit , distribute and control electrical energy to consumers.

Power System consists of the following main components:

I. Generation System- Energy Conversion Methods

II. Transmission System- Ultra-high, Extra-high, High and Medium Voltage levels

III. Distribution System- Low voltage levels

IV. The Load or Energy sink- Resistive, Capacitive and inductive Electrical devices

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 2

Power System Components
▪ Power System Components
1. Power Generation System:
• simply the combination of a potential or stored energy converter providing kinetic energy, which, in turn, creates electric
power for use in motors, lighting, heating, and other conveniences of modern life.
• Covers the selection, design and construction of facilities that convert energy from primary forms to electric power.
▪ Source of energy in the generation systems:
i. Non- conventional (renewable energy sources )
• are sources that are continuously replenished by natural processes.
• PV System, Solar Thermal, Hydropower, Wind Power, Geothermal, Biomass (Renewable conversion systems)
ii. Conventional (non-renewable energy sources )
• Are sources that are not continuously refilled by natural processes. Diesel Generator, Gas Turbine, Steam Turbine, Combined
Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT), Steam Injected Gas Turbine, Nuclear power (Conventional systems)
2.Transmission Systems:
• This component of the power system transmits the bulk electrical energy from generation stations where it is produced to
the main load centres.
• Transmission lines are sets of wires, called conductors, that carry electric power from generating plants to the substations
that deliver power to customers.

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 3

Power System Components
• The transmission system is made up of various components, namely poles, lattice structures, conductors,
cables, insulators, foundations and earthing systems.
3.Distribution Systems
• The final stage in the delivery of electric power; it carries electricity from the transmission system to individual
consumers. Distribution substations connect to the transmission system and lower the transmission voltage to
medium voltage ranging
• The distribution system gives out the energy from the medium voltage substations to customers’ location. It is
composed of:
• Medium Voltage (MV) lines (66kV, 33kV, 15 kV)
• MV/LV transformer substations (66kV/33/15/ kV to 400/380/220 V)
• Distribution lines (25mm2, 50mm2, 90mm2 conductors and cables )
4. Load or Energy Sink:
• Load is the end equipment of the power system where the transmitted electrical energy is converted to other
forms of useful energy.
• Loads could be industrial, commercial and residential based on their power consumption. Based on their
behaviour resistive, capacitive and inductive loads.

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 4

Source of Energy
▪ Source of Energy
• Energy is the power we use for transportation, for heat and light in our homes and for the manufacture of all
kinds of products. There are two sources of energy:
▪ Renewable/ non-Conventional energy sources
▪ Non-Renewable/ Conventional energy sources
1. Renewable/ non-Conventional energy sources
• Renewable sources of energy can be used over and over again, are sources that are continuously refilled by
natural processes. Renewable resources include solar energy, wind, geothermal energy, biomass,
hydropower/falling water and sea wave/tidal energy.
▪ Solar Energy:
• Solar energy can be utilized through two different routs
i. Solar thermal rout.
• Solar thermal route uses the sun's heat to produce hot water or air, cook food, drying materials etc.
ii. Solar electric rout(Photovoltaic) rout.
• Solar photovoltaic uses sunlight to produce directly electricity for the applications such as; lighting home and
building, running motors, pumps, electric appliances, and lighting.

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 5

Source of Energy
• Photovoltaic is the technical term for solar electric. Photo means "light" and voltaic means "electric".
• PV cells are usually made of silicon, an element that naturally releases electrons when exposed to light.
Amount of electrons released from silicon cells depend upon intensity of light incident on it.
• The silicon cell is covered with a grid of metal that directs the electrons to flow in a path to create an electric
current. This current is guided into a wire that is connected to a battery or DC appliance.

Figure 1.1: Solar electrical power

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 6
Source of Energy
▪ Wind Energy
• The wind is a free, clean, and inexhaustible energy source. It has served humankind well for many centuries
by propelling ships and driving wind turbines to grind grain and pump water.
• Denmark was the first country to use wind for generation of electricity.
• One of the most critical features of wind generation is the variability of wind. Wind speeds varies with time
of day, time of year, height above ground, and location on the earth’s surface.
• Wind energy is basically harnessing of wind power to produce electricity. The kinetic energy of the wind is
converted to electrical energy.
• According to the orientation of wind turbine blades, there are two wind energy technologies:
1. Horizontal-axis turbines, in which the axis of rotation is horizontal with respect to the ground (and roughly
parallel to the wind stream).
2. Vertical-axis wind turbines, in which the axis of rotation is vertical with respect to the ground (and roughly
perpendicular to the wind stream).
• Horizontal axis wind turbine dominate the majority of the wind industry. In big wind application, horizontal
axis wind turbines are almost all you will ever see. However, in small wind and residential wind applications,
vertical axis turbines have their place.

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 7

Source of Energy

Figure 1.2: Wind electric power generation

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 8

Source of Energy
▪ Biomass Energy
• Biomass is organic material that comes from plants and animals, and it is a renewable source of energy
derived from the carbonaceous waste of various human and natural activities.
• It is derived from numerous sources, including the by-products from the wood industry, agricultural crops,
raw material from the forest, household wastes etc.

▪ Hydro power
• Hydroelectric power generation involves the storage of a hydraulic fluid, water, conversion of the
hydraulic (potential) energy of the fluid into mechanical (kinetic) energy in a hydraulic turbine, and
conversion of the mechanical energy to electrical energy in an electric generator.
• The early generation of electricity from about 1880 often derived from hydro-turbines, and the capacity
of total worldwide installations has grown at about 5% per year since.
• Hydro-power now accounts for about 20% of world’s electric generation. Output depends on rainfall
and the landscape.
• The term hydro-power is usually restricted to the generation of shaft power from falling water.
• The power is then used for direct mechanical purposes or, more frequently, for generating electricity.

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 9

Source of Energy

Figure 1.3: Schematic diagram of hydropower station

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 10

Source of Energy
▪ Tidal Energy
• Tidal power is a form of hydro-power that converts energy from the natural rise and fall of tides in to
electricity. Tidal electricity generation involves the construction of a bombardment across an estuary to block
the incoming and outgoing tide. The head of water is then used to drive turbines to generate electricity from
the elevated water in the basin as in hydroelectric dams.

Figure 1.4: Tidal energy

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 11

Source of Energy
▪ Geothermal Energy
• The temperature of the ground or groundwater a few feet beneath the Earth’s surface remains relatively
constant throughout the year, even though the outdoor air temperature may fluctuate greatly with the change
of seasons. At a depth of approximately six feet, for example, the temperature of soil in most of the world’s
regions remains stable between 45º and 70°. This is why well water drawn from below ground tastes so cool
even on the hottest summer days.
• Utilizes the Earth’s inner heated rocks to heat water that reaches these areas through seismic faults. This
water is turned to steam then captured to operate steam-powered generators.

Figure 1.5: hottest regions of the world

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 12

Source of Energy

Figure 1.6: Geothermal potential in Ethiopia, Aloto Langano, Ziway (left side) and Tendaho, Afar (right side)

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 13

Source of Energy
2. Non-Renewable/ Conventional energy sources
• Is a stocks of energy Not continuously refilled using natural process.
• Most of the energy we use comes from fossil fuels, such as coal, natural gas and oil. Uranium is another
nonrenewable source, but it is not a fossil fuel. Uranium is converted to a fuel and used in nuclear power
plants. Once these natural resources are used up, they are gone forever.

▪ Natural Gas
• A natural gas is a mixture of different gases, the main ingredient is Methane, a natural compound that is made
from the decay of plant and animal remains.

▪ Nuclear Fission
• Splitting uranium atoms produces a great deal of heat energy that is processed into electrical energy in
nuclear plants.

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 14

Source of Energy

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 15

Power system structure
▪ Power system structure
• Electric energy is produced in large quantities at small number of locations in the electric power plants by
converting different forms of energy fossil fuels, nuclear energy, water power, etc. Generating stations,
transmission lines and the distribution systems are the main components of an electric power system.
• Generating stations and a distribution station are connected through transmission lines, which also connect
one power system (grid, area) to another. A distribution system connects all the loads in a particular area to
the transmission lines.
• Electric power is generated at a voltage of 11KV to 25kV which then is stepped up to the transmission levels in
the range of 66KV to 400kV (or higher)

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 16

Power system structure

Figure 1.8: Power system structure

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 17

Power system structure

Figure 1.10: Schematic overview of the Conventional Electricity System

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 18

Power system structure
• Generation: Normally 11KV-25kV, Generation sources could be Hydro, Nuclear, Thermal, Gas turbines,
Geothermal, wind, solar.
• Step-up transformer: Increase the voltage from the generation level to the transmission level. In this case, the
line current will be low and hence power loss (I2R) due to the transmission line will be low.
• High voltage transmission: The high voltage transmission network is responsible for transporting the energy
over long distance from the generator. The long distance transport is only possible at high voltage levels to
reduce losses. The voltage level varies from 220kV to 800kV.
• High voltage substation: Reduce the voltage to sub-transmission level (69kV-150kV) and works like a node for
several lines.
• Sub-transmission: Like the High voltage transmission network, the sub-transmission network used to transport
the power over relatively long distance. The sub-transmission supplies regions and large industries.
• Distribution station: Another reduction of voltage to 10KV-20kV and supplies distribution grids.
• Distribution lines: Each lines supplies small area (several streets) or medium industry.
• Distribution transformers: Reduce the voltage to 400V (in Europe) and 380V (in Ethiopia) and Supplies Street
or a large building or small scale industries.

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 19

Power system structure
Generation 11KV-25KV

Step-up transformer
Figure 1.11: Power flow diagram
220KV-765KV High voltage transmission

High voltage substation

Very large consumer Very large consumer
33KV-150KV substation
large consumer
Distribution station

10KV-20KV Distribution line Medium consumer

Distribution transformer

Small consumers

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 20

Power system structure

Table 1.1: Some of the generation stations in Ethiopia

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 21

Power system structure

▪ Interconnected Power system

• Individual power systems are
organized in the form of electrically
connected areas or regional grids.
• Each area or regional grid operates
technically and economically
independently, but these are
eventually interconnected to form a
national grid.
• It is also possible to have
international grid
• advantages of interconnecting
power systems
• Increases reliability
• Reserve sharing
• Economic operation
Figure 1.12: Sample of Interconnected power system

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 22

AC and DC transmission scheme
▪ AC and DC transmission scheme
• Electric power can be transmitted either by means of d.c. or a.c. Each system has its own merits and demerits.
It is, therefore, desirable to discuss the technical advantages and disadvantages of the two systems for
transmission of electric power.
▪ DC transmission: For some years past, the transmission of electric power by d.c. has been
receiving the active consideration of engineers due to its numerous advantages. Development of solid state
devices (rectifiers and inverters)enables HVDC transmission. For long distance(600Km ~ 800km) HVDC system
is less expensive and suffer low electric losses.
Advantages: High voltage d.c. transmission has the following advantages over high voltage a.c. transmission :
(i) It requires only two conductors as compared to three for a.c. transmission.
(ii) There is no inductance, capacitance, phase displacement and surge problems in d.c. transmission.
(iii) Due to the absence of inductance, the voltage drop in a d.c. transmission line is less than the a.c. line for the
same load and sending end voltage. For this reason, a d.c. transmission line has better voltage regulation.
(iv) There is no skin effect in a d.c. system. Therefore, entire cross-section of the line conductor is utilized.
(v) For the same working voltage, the potential stress on the insulation is less in case of d.c. system than that in
a.c. system. Therefore, a d.c. line requires less insulation.
(vi) A d.c. line has less corona loss and reduced interference with communication circuits.
(vii) The high voltage d.c. transmission is free from the dielectric losses, particularly in the case of cables.
(viii) In d.c. transmission, there are no stability problems and synchronizing difficulties.

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AC and DC transmission scheme
(i) Electric power cannot be generated at high d.c. voltage due to commutation problems.
(ii) The d.c. voltage cannot be stepped up for transmission of power at high voltages.
(iii) The d.c. switches and circuit breakers have their own limitations.
▪ AC transmission: Now-a-days, electrical energy is almost exclusively generated, transmitted and distributed
in the form of a.c.
(i) The power can be generated at high voltages.
(ii) The maintenance of a.c. sub-stations is easy and cheaper.
(iii) The a.c. voltage can be stepped up or stepped down by transformers with ease and efficiency. This permits to
transmit power at high voltages and distribute it at safe potentials.
(i) An a.c. line requires more copper than a d.c. line.
(ii) The construction of a.c. transmission line is more complicated than a d.c. transmission line.
(iii) Due to skin effect in the a.c. system, the effective resistance of the line is increased.
(iv) An a.c. line has capacitance. Therefore, there is a continuous loss of power due to charging
current even when the line is open.

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AC and DC transmission scheme

Figure 1.13: Cost comparison of HVDC and HVAC overhead transmission lines

Figure 1.14: Single line diagram of DC [left] and AC[right] transmission

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 25

AC and DC transmission scheme

Table 1.2: Comparison of DC and AC transmission system

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 26

Single-phase and three-phase transmission
▪ Single-phase and three-phase transmission
• Both single phase and three phase power systems refer to units using alternating current (AC) electric power.
With AC power, the flow of current is constantly alternating directions.
• Electrical service can be available in single-phase current or three-phase current.
• Many years ago, single-phase current was sufficient to do the work that was necessary on nearly all farms.
• However, as farm sizes increased and the size of workloads for electric motors increased, single-phase current
was not enough to meet the load demands.
• As a result, three-phase current at the local farm level became a viable solution for several farms.
▪ Single-phase AC power
• With single-phase current, the voltage rises to a peak in one direction of flow, subsides to zero, reverses, rises
to a peak in the opposite direction, subsides to zero, and so on.
• The cycle repeats itself 60 times every second, which is where we get the term 60-cycle or 60-hertz
alternating current.
• Single-phase current requires the use of one transformer

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 27

Single-phase and three-phase transmission
Benefits of single phase
✓ Broad array of application uses
✓ Most efficient AC power supply for up to 1000 watts
✓ Fewer design costs
✓ Less complex designs

Figure 1.15: single phase AC voltage

▪ Three-phase AC power
• In the case of three-phase current, the same pattern exists, except that there are three separate and distinct
single-phase currents, which are combined so they can be transmitted over three or four wires.
• The three currents rise to a peak in one direction, subside, reverse, and so on; however they do not peak at
the same time.
• Each phase reaches its peak 120 degrees apart from the others.
• Three-phase current requires two or three transformers.

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 28

Single-phase and three-phase transmission
• Delta and wye are the two types of circuits use to maintain equal load across a three phase system, each
resulting in different wire configurations. In the delta configuration, no neutral wire is used.
• The wye configuration uses both a neutral and a ground wire. (Note: In high voltage systems, the neutral wire
is not usually present for a three phase system.)
Benefits of three phase
✓ Reduction of copper consumption
✓ Fewer safety risks for workers
✓ Lower labor handling costs
✓ Greater conductor efficiency
✓ Ability to run higher power loads

Figure 1.16: Three-phase AC voltages

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 29

Single-phase and three-phase transmission
• A balanced 3 phase () system has

✓ three voltage sources with equal magnitude, but with an angle shift of 120

✓ equal loads on each phase

✓ equal impedance on the lines connecting the generators to the loads

▪ Per-phase Analysis
• It is always better to solve the balanced three phase circuits on per phase basis. When the three phase supply
voltage is given without reference to the line or phase value, then it is the line voltage which is taken into
• Per phase analysis allows analysis of balanced 3 systems with the same effort as for a single phase system.
• When analyzing balanced three-phase circuits, the first step is to transform any Delta connection into any Wye
equivalent, so that the overall circuit is of the Y-Y configuration.
• A single-phase equivalent circuit is used to calculate the line current and the phase voltage in one phase of
the Y-Y structure.

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 30

Single-phase and three-phase transmission
▪ Steps for Per-phase Analysis
1. Convert all  load/sources to equivalent Y’s
2. Solve phase “a” independent of the other phases
3. Total system power S = 3 Va Ia*
4. If desired, phase “b” and “c” values can be determined by inspection (i.e., ±120° degree phase shifts)
5. If necessary, go back to original circuit to determine line-line values or internal  values.
Example: Assume a 3, Y-connected generator with Van = 10 volts supplies a -connected load with Z = -j
through a transmission line with impedance of j0.1 per phase. The load is also connected to a
-connected generator with Va”b” = 10 through a second transmission line which also has an impedance of
j0.1 per phase.
1. The load voltage Va’b’
2.The total power supplied by each generator, SY and S

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 31

Single-phase and three-phase transmission

To solve the circuit, write the KCL equation at a'

(Va' − 10)(−10 j ) + Va' (3 j ) + (Va' −  − )(− j) = 

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 32

Single-phase and three-phase transmission
To solve the circuit, write the KCL equation at a'
(Va' − 10)(−10 j ) + Va' (3 j ) + (Va' −  − )(− j) = 
(10 j + 60) = Va' (10 j − 3 j + 10 j )
Va' = 0.9 − volts Vb' = 0.9 − volts
Vc' = 0.9 volts '
Vab = 1.56 volts
 Va − Va 
Sygen = 3Va I a* = Va   = 5.1 + j 3.5 VA
 j 0.1 

 ' *
V "
− Va
Sgen = 3Va"  a  = −5.1 − j 4.7 VA
 j 0.1 

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 33

Single-line diagram or One-line diagram
▪ Single-line diagram or one-line diagram
• A major portion of the modern power system utilizes three-phase as circuits and devices. A balanced three-
phase system is solved as a single-phase circuit made of one line and the neutral return. Often the
diagram is simplified further by omitting the completed circuit through the neutral and by indicating
the component parts by standard symbols rather than by their equivalent circuits. Such simplified
diagram of electric system is called one-line/single-line diagram.
• It indicates by a single line and standard symbols how the transmission lines and associated apparatus
of an electric system are connected together.
• The purpose of the one-line diagram is to supply in concise form the significant information about the
• The importance of different features of a system varies with the problem under consideration, and the
amount of information included on the diagram depends on the purpose for which the diagram is in
tended. For instance:
▪ location of circuit breakers and relays is unimportant in making a load study. Breakers and relays
are not shown if the primary function of the diagram is to provide information for such a study.
▪ On the other hand, determination of the stability of a system under transient conditions resulting
from a fault depends on the speed with which relays and circuit breakers operate to isolate the
faulted part of the system. Therefore, information about the circuit breakers may be of extreme

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Single-line diagram or One-line diagram
• Below are the standard for one-line diagram.

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Single-line diagram or One-line diagram
• Using the symbols, a section of a one-line diagram of a power system is shown in Figure below

• Two generators grounded and one of them is through a resistor , are connected to a bus and through
a step -up transformer to a transmission line.
• Another generator, grounded through a reactor, is connected to a bus and through a transformer
to the opposite end of the trans mission line.
• A load is connected to each bus.
• On the diagram information about the loads, ratings of the generators and transformers, and
reactance's of the different components of the circuit is often given.

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Single-line diagram or One-line diagram
▪ Impedance and Reactance diagram
• In order to calculate the performance or a system under load conditions or upon the occurrence of a fault,
the one-line diagram is used to draw the single-phase per-phase equivalent circuit of the system.
• In the impedance diagram the Equivalent circuits of these components will be interconnected.
1. A generator can be represented by a voltage source in series with an inductive reactance. The
internal resistance of the generator is negligible compared to the reactance.
2. The motor load is inductive.
3. The static load has a lagging power factor.
4. A transformer is represented by a series impedance on a per phase basis.
5. The transmission line can be represented by a T or Pi section.
• Impedance diagram is used for power-flow studies.

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Single-line diagram or One-line diagram
▪ Reactance diagram
• Resistance is often omitted when making fault calculations, even in computer programs. Loads which
do not involve rotating machinery have little effect on the total line current during a fault and are
usually omitted. Synchronous motor loads, however, are al ways included in making fault calculations since
their generated emfs contribute to the short-circuit current.
• If we decide to simplify our calculation of fault current by omitting all static loads, all resistances, the
shunt admittance of each transformer, and the capacitance of the transmission line, the impedance
diagram reduces to the per-phase reactance diagram.
• Reactance diagram is only used for fault(short-circuit) calculations.

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Per-Unit system
▪ Per-Unit system
• The ratio of the actual value in any value to the chosen base value of the same unit is known as; per unit
value. It has a unit less quantities
• A key problem in analyzing power systems is the large number of transformers.
• It would be very difficult to continually have to refer impedances to the different sides of the transformers.
This problem is avoided by a normalization of all variables, This normalization is known as per unit analysis
actual quantity
quantity in per unit =
base value of quantity
▪ Advantage of Per-Unit system
1. While performing calculations, referring quantities from one side of the transformer to the other side serious
errors may be committed. This can be avoided by using per unit system.
2. Voltages, currents and impedances expressed in per unit do not change when they are referred from one side
of transformer to the other side.
3. Per unit impedances of electrical equipment of similar type usually lie within a narrow range, when the
equipment ratings are used as base values.
4. Transformer connections do not affect the per unit values.
5. Manufacturers usually specify the impedances of machines and transformers in per unit or percent of name
plate ratings.

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Per-Unit system
• In the per-unit (pu) notation, any electrical quantity may be expressed in pu as the ratio of the actual quantity
and the chosen base value for the quantity expressed either in decimal form or percent.
• Four basic quantities must be considered, namely, power Sb, voltage Vb, current Ib, and impedance Zb.
• In single phase systems, the relationships among these quantities are;
𝑆𝑏 = 𝑉𝑏 𝐼𝑏 Vb = I b Z b
• With only two equations relating the four basic quantities, it is necessary to specify two base values.
• The power and voltage bases are usually chosen equal to the rated value and the other two are computed
from the basic relations as follows. Sb
Ib =

• The specified power base is applicable to all parts of the power system.
• The voltage base varies across a transformer and so is the current base and impedance base. The per unit (pu)
electrical quantities are calculated as follows:
P + jQ V
S pu = = Ppu + jQ pu V pu =
Sb Vb
I pu = Z pu =
Ib Zb

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Per-Unit system
• It can be seen by inspection of any power system diagram that:
▪ Several voltage levels exist in a system.
▪ It is common practice to refer to plant MVA in terms of per unit or percentage values.
▪ Transmission line and cable constants are given in ohms/km.
• Before any system calculation can take place, the system parameters must be referred to ‘base quantities’ and
represented as a unified system of impedances in the either ohmic, percentage, or per unit values.
• The base quantities are power and voltage. Normally, they are given in terms of the three-phase power in
MVA and the line voltage in kV. The base impedance resulting from the above base quantities is:
( KVb ) 2
Zb =

• Real power systems are convenient to analyze using their per-phase (since the system is three-phase) per-unit
(since there are many transformers) equivalent circuits. The per-phase base voltage, current, apparent power,
and impedance are as follows. Usually, base apparent power and base voltage are specified at a point in the
circuit, and the other values are calculated from them.
S B3 3 S 1B S 1B VB2, LL ( 3 VB , LN ) 2 VB2, LN
I3B = = = = I1B ZB = 3
= =
3 VB , LL 3 3 VB , LN VB , LN SB 3S 1B S 1B

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 41

Per-Unit system
Example 1: a power system consists of one synchronous generator and one synchronous motor connected by
two transformers and a transmission line. Create a per-phase, per-unit equivalent circuit of this power system
using a base apparent power of 100 MVA and a base line voltage of the generator G1 of 13.8 kV. Given that:
• G1 ratings: 100 MVA, 13.8 kV, R = 0.1 pu, Xs = 0.9 pu;
• T1 ratings: 100 MVA, 13.8/110 kV, R = 0.01 pu, Xs = 0.05 pu;
• T2 ratings: 50 MVA, 120/14.4 kV, R = 0.01 pu, Xs = 0.05 pu;
• M ratings: 50 MVA, 13.8 kV, R = 0.1 pu, Xs = 1.1 pu;
• L1 impedance: R = 15 , X = 75 .

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 42

Per-Unit system
• To create a per-phase, per-unit equivalent circuit, we need first to calculate the impedances of each
component in the power system in per-unit to the system base. The system base apparent power is Sbase = 100
MVA everywhere in the power system.
• The base voltage in the three regions will vary as the voltage ratios of the transformers that delineate the
regions. These base voltages are:
Vbase1 = 13.8 KV Region1
Vbase2 = Vbase1 *110/13.8 = 110 kV Region2
Vbase3 = Vbase2 * 14.4/120 = 13.2 kV Region3
• The corresponding base impedances in each region are:
Zbase1 = (Vbase1)2/Sbase = (13.8 KV)2/100MVA = 1.904 Ω Region1
Zbase2 = (Vbase2)2/Sbase = (110 KV)2/100MVA = 121 Ω Region2
Zbase3 = (Vbase3)2/Sbase = (13.2 KV)2/100MVA = 1.734 Ω Region3

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 43

Per-Unit system
• The impedances of G1 and T1 are specified in per-unit on a base of 13.8 kV and 100 MVA, which is the same as
the system base in Region 1. Therefore, the per-unit resistances and reactance of these components on the
system base are unchanged:
RG1,pu = 0.1 per unit
XG1,pu = 0.9 per unit
RT1,pu = 0.01 per unit
XT1,pu = 0.05 per unit
• There is a transmission line in Region 2 of the power system. The impedance of the line is specified in ohms,
and the base impedance in that region is 121 . Therefore, the per-unit resistance and reactance of the
transmission line are:
Rline,system = 15/121 = 0.124 pu
Xline,system = 75/121 = 0.620 pu

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 44

Per-Unit system
• The impedance of T2 is specified in per-unit on a base of 14.4 kV and 50 MVA in Region 3. Therefore, the per-
unit resistances and reactance's of this component on the system base are:
Per-Unit Znew = Per-Unit Zgiven * (Vgiven/Vnew)2 * (Snew/Sgiven)
RT2, pu = 0.01 * (14.4/13.2)2 * (100/50) = 0.238 per unit
XT2, pu = 0.05 * (14.4/13.2)2 * (100/50) = 0.119 per unit
• The impedance of M2 is specified in per-unit on a base of 13.8 kV and 50 MVA in Region 3. Therefore, the per-
unit resistances and reactance of this component on the system base are:
Per-Unit Znew = Per-Unit Zgiven * (Vgiven/Vnew)2 * (Snew/Sgiven)
RM2, pu = 0.1 * (13.8/13.2)2 * (100/50) = 0.219 per unit
RM2, pu = 1.1 * (13.8/13.2)2 * (100/50) = 2.405 per unit

• Therefore, the per-phase, per-unit equivalent circuit of this power system is shown:

Introduction to Power Systems, ECEg3154 by: Alem T. ADU 2011 E.C 45

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