Accepted Manuscript: Process Safety and Environment Protection
Accepted Manuscript: Process Safety and Environment Protection
Accepted Manuscript: Process Safety and Environment Protection
PII: S0957-5820(17)30033-2
Reference: PSEP 968
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Postal address: Senior Principal Scientist, Environmental Science and Engineering Division,
Research Highlights
Mixture of the wastes produced more biogas yield compared to the mono-digestion.
Efficiency of the sCODr and VSr showed significant differences in the wastes.
This paper describes biomethanation of tannery limed fleshing (TLF), fruits and vegetables (FVW),
and sugarcane juice residue (SJR) with pre-fermented tannery-based common effluent treatment plant
sludge (CETP), as an inoculum. The BMP, microbial morphology and other bioprocess efficiency
parameters were evaluated using a laboratory scale batch reactor, with a substrate/inoculum ratio of
under a mesophilic anaerobic (35± 2°C) condition and mixed at 100 rpm in orbit shaker. Maximum
cumulative biogas yield was observed in FVW (2468.50 ± 0.44 Nm.mL.d-1) followed by TLF and
comparatively to the inoculum. The specific methane yield observed ranged from 0.169 ± 0.05 to
± 0.00 Nm.L.g-1VSr for the wastes, against 0.204 ± 0.01 Nm.L.g-1VSr for control treatment. The
mixture of all the three wastes (CLFS) benefitted to yield more biogas compared to the
The highest VSr and sCODr efficiency of 62.44 ± 0.32 and 93.46 ± 1.04 % obtained in FVW
to other wastes, coincides with the methanogenic microbial count and densities. A good correlation
= 0.82) was also observed between the experimental BMP and stoichiometric methane potential of
Keywords: Organic solid wastes; Common effluent treatment plant sludge; Anaerobic digestion;
Biochemical methane potential; Methanogens
1. Introduction
Leather manufacturing processes contribute to tremendous pollution of ground water and soil
contamination due to the release and percolation of toxic chemicals from the solid and liquid wastes. The
environmental impacts of tanneries are the major concerns which have become a problem to the tanning
industry in the recent past. This has spawned unhygienic environmental and safety conditions in the
leather manufacturing areas. The solid wastes such as raw trimmings, liquors, shavings, fleshings,
sludge, and buffing dust are inevitable by-products of the leather manufacturing processes (Sundar et al.,
Each tonne of raw hide processed produces 800 kg of solid wastes in leather processing (Salman, 2015).
About 150 kg of tannery wastes composed of raw hide trimmings (5- 7 %), tannery fleshings (56 - 60 %),
hide splits and chrome shavings (35- 40 %) are generated (Rao et al., 1994; Salman, 2015) which are not
utilized while, about 1.67×109 m2 of leather is estimated to being made annually in the world (FAO
2001). This creates disposal problem in tanneries and, thus causes environmental pollution. The existing
solid waste management techniques such as landfilling, incineration, and composting trigger a primary,
secondary and tertiary environmental impact that cause groundwater contamination, odour, pests
infestation, greenhouse gases emission, climate change and epidemiological problems. Alternatively,
the recycling of the sludge as inoculum and generation of biogas with these tannery solid wastes in
anaerobic digestion process has been experimented and evaluated in this study.
Anaerobic digestion (AD) process decomposes organic matter by diverse microbial consortia in an
acetogenesis and methanogenesis for biogas production with an energy-rich methane as an end product
(Lastella et al., 2002). Anaerobic digestion has many environmental and energy benefits coupled with
environmental protection. AD is widely used as a viable technology for the treatment of organic solid
and liquid waste, because of its reduction in waste volumes, carbon offsettings, carbon footprint coupled
with renewable energy generation. AD has been demonstrated for a wide range of feedstocks including
industrial and municipal organic solid wastes, agricultural wastes, food industry wastes, slaughterhouse
wastes etc. However, the efficiency of biogas and power generation depends on the waste composition
and process efficiency during AD (Lin et al., 1997; Navia et al., 2002).
Ward et al. (2008) described the benefits of AD to reduce environmental pollution in two ways: Firstly,
the sealed environment of the process prevents the release of methane into the atmosphere and secondly,
the methane produced serves as fuel for human utilization (in vehicles, electricity and cooking purposes).
Nevertheless, AD process has a number of limitations that includes slow reaction rates, long retention
times, complex operation, sensitivity to waste loads improper mixing and toxic materials (Li et al.,
2011). There is also the danger of fire outbreak if the gas leaks due to carelessness.
Similar to the huge tannery limed fleshing wastes generated in tanneries, fruits and vegetable wastes and
sugarcane juice residue accounted for the largest portion of wastage in the agricultural sector. Molasses,
a typical liquid waste from sugarcane processing contain high carbon with 52% of fermentable sugars
and, with relatively high values of chemical oxygen demand (COD) of more than 100,000 mg.L-1
(Lutoslawki et al., 2011) that affect the environment when it is directly discharged onto land. Processing
of fruits and vegetables produces two kinds of wastes: the solid waste (peel/skin, seeds and stones) and
liquid waste (juice and wash-water), which contain highly biodegradable organic matter. Fruits and
vegetable wastes are generated during selecting, sorting and boiling processes. Thus, the improper
disposal of these fruits and vegetable wastes leads to breeding of flies, rodents infestation, dysentery and
The suitability of these wastes and their conversion rates to biogas have been proven by the biochemical
methane potential (BMP) test, which is a relatively economical and reliable method (Owen et al., 1979;
Angelidaki et al., 2009; Li et al., 2011) that can pave a path for the designing of continuous or
semi-continuous AD systems. BMP measures the biomethane or biogas produced by a known quantity
of waste, and also estimates the degree of hydrolysis with the retention time required for the complete
conversion of the mono-substrate or co-digested solid wastes into soluble volatile fatty acids (VFAs)
through hydrolysis and further into methane by methanogenesis processes. A number of studies have
established and demonstrated BMP test with the use of solid wastes substrates like organic fraction of
municipal solid waste (OFMSW) (Neilfa et al., 2015), slaughterhouse waste (Flores-Juarez et al., 2014),
fats, oil and grease (FOG) (Li et al., 2011), leather fleshing waste with different sludge (Shanmugam and
Horan, 2008) etc.; with cow dung, pig manure (Alvarez et al., 2010) and, fermented sewage sludge as
inoculum. In addition to this, Erguder et al. (2001) digested cheese whey using upflow anaerobic sludge
blanket (UASB) reactors after the batch BMP experiments provided fundamental information on
substrate characteristics, loading rate ranges and biogas yield. But, little research was focused on BMP
testing of tannery wastes, sugarcane juice residue, fruits and vegetable wastes, using a tannery-based
common effluent treatment plant (CETP) sludge. Therefore, this present study has been attempted to
determine the BMP, process efficiency and the substrate to inoculum ratio in a laboratory scale batch
anaerobic reactor and, to characterize the morphology of the methanogens responsible for gas
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Collection and preservation of organic solid wastes
In this study, three waste materials were used namely: tannery limed fleshing (TLF), fruits and vegetable
(FVW) wastes, and sugarcane juice residue (SJR) together with the Common Effluent Treatment Plant
(CETP) sludge. The TLF was collected from the Pilot Tannery of Central Leather Research Institute,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Crushed fruits and vegetable wastes were collected at the milling stage
from Koyambedu Biogas plant, Chennai, while the sugarcane juice residue was collected from a
roadside sugarcane spot near Anna University Chennai, India. The TLF and crushed FVW were chopped
and minced with a blender (Jai Lakshmi, model CM/L 3713860) at 15,000 rpm for 10 minutes in order to
have increased surface area. The sugarcane juice residue was properly sieved using 0.5mm sieve to
remove debris. Then, the samples were preserved in the refrigerator at 4°C prior to analysis.
The samples of biological secondary sludge was obtained from the secondary clarifier tank and it was
used as the base material for preparing the seed inoculum, collected from the tannery based Common
Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) in Pallavaram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The collected sludge was
anaerobically activated by adding stock mineral solutions of freshly prepared defined nutrients (Owen et
al., (1979). The pH of the seed inoculum prepared was adjusted to 6.5 and kept at room temperature for
five days under an anaerobic condition. It was then pre-fermented for acclimatization before the
substrates were being added. An appropriate substrate was added to the acclimatized anaerobic seed
2.3. Characterization of solid waste feedstock
The organic solid wastes used as substrates were characterized according to standard methods for the
examination of water and wastewater (APHA, 1998) procedure 2540G, in determining the total solids
(TS), volatile solids (VS) and fixed solids (FS). The pH was determined immediately upon collection of
samples. The ratio of the organic and inorganic (O/I) contents was calculated.
The elemental compositions [carbon(C), hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N) and oxygen (O)] of each organic
waste were determined using CHNS Analyzer Model Euro vector 3000 series, Italy (available in CSIR-
CLRI, Chennai, India) according to ASTM D-5291 method based on dry weight. The oxygen content
was calculated by difference. An aliquot of the sample was oven dried at 105°C and kept in a desiccator
prior to analysis. 0.5-1mg of the dried sample was taken into an aluminium boat. The initial weights
were noted and the boats were loaded in the CHNS analyzer. The CHNO and ash data were used to
estimate the calorific energy value (CEV) using Eq. (1) proposed by Channiwala and Parikh, (2002):
where CHNO and A represent the mass of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and ash on dry weight
basis. Based on the elemental composition, the empirical formula, COD equivalent (COD´/weight) and
theoretical equation on the atomic composition basis of the waste materials were used to calculate the
stoichiometric methane potential (SMP), and compared with experimental BMP (BMPexp) as presented
in Eqs. 2, 3 and 4. The theoretical amount of the gases produced and COD´/weight were calculated
according to Rittmann and McCarty, (2012) in Eqs. (2) and (3) respectively. The presence of proteins
and ammonia are considered in Boyles Eq. (4) (Neilfa et al., 2015).
Each of the minced TLF, FVW and SJR was mixed with a substrate to seed inoculum ratio of 3:1 (wet
weight), by adding 300ml of minced waste materials to 100ml of the seed inoculum as the working
volume in a 500 ml capacity batch reactor (borosilicate glass serum bottles) while, the remaining 100 ml
was left as headspace for biogas collection. These borosil bottles were sealed hermetically with butyl
rubber stoppers and aluminium crimps. The control experiment which contained the seed inoculum
alone was set-up along with the combination of all the solid wastes (CLFS) and operated simultaneously.
The reactors were kept in the orbital shaker at a constant mesophilic temperature of 35± 2°C for 42 days
and continuously stirred at 100 rpm for thorough mixing with a periodical waiting time during the
experimental period.
The daily methane production from the batch experiment was obtained through alkaline-water
displacement method (Fig.1) and calculated as Nm.mL of CH4.d-1 at normal temperature and pressure
(NTP). In this method, the gas line from the reactor was connected to an aspirator bottle with the same
headspace as the BMP bottle. A graduated measuring cylinder was placed at the end of the tap to
measure the amount of alkaline-water displaced (in millilitres) as an equivalent of methane gas produced
Biogas sample was collected from the headspace of the batch reactors with a gas-tight syringe and a
sample volume of 500 µL was injected into the gas chromatograph (GC) for analysis. The methane
(CH4) content (in percent) was determined using GC (CHEMITO GC-7610) equipped with a thermal
conductivity detector (TCD) and a capillary column (Poropak Q). The carrier gas used was nitrogen
(N2) while, the analysis was carried out at a carrier gas flow rate of 30 mL.min-1 with the injector,
The BMP, specific methane yield (SMY) and efficiency of VS removed (VSr ) of each solid waste
experimented were calculated (Angeldaki et al., 2009; Alvarez et al., 2010; Kaosol and Sohgrathok,
2012). The SMY and VSr were calculated using the equations as follows:
where sub-indexes refer to the removed, initial and final volatile solids. The efficiency of VSr (%) of the
The initial and final bioprocessing impact of the fermentation in the BMP bottle were evaluated with
5-10 ml of the supernatant (centrifuged at 5800xg for 10mins) to determine the soluble chemical oxygen
demand (CODs), volatile fatty acids (VFA by distillation method), free ammonia (NH3), alkalinity
(ALK) and the total anaerobic microbial count according to standard methods. The efficiency of the
soluble chemical oxygen demand removal (sCODr) was also calculated using the same formula as VSr.
An aliquot of granules from each waste in the batch reactor was collected and prepared for SEM analysis
as described by Angenent et al., 2000. The morphology of the microbial population at high gas
production in each reactor during the anaerobic digestion was observed using High-Resolution Scanning
Electron Microscopy (HR-SEM) examination (model: FEI Quant FEG 200). The specific
microorganisms in the anaerobic reactors were identified based on the morphological characteristics
reported in the past research investigations (Gonzalez-gil et al., 2001; Liu and Tay, 2004; Pandey et al.,
Data obtained during the experiments were analyzed statistically by determining the standard deviation
of the means and analysis of variance (ANOVA) using IBM SPSS Statistics version 20. Duncan’s New
Multiple Range test was used to separate the means at significance level of P ≤ 0.05.
The characterization of the organic solid wastes such as colour, pH, TS (%), VS (% of TS), FS (% of TS)
and O/I ratio are presented in Table 1. The pH of the different waste materials used as substrates ranged
from 5.70 (± 0.18) to 12.60 (± 0.32), while the control (anaerobic seed inoculum) had pH of 7.20 (±
0.20). The TS obtained for TLF, FVW, SJR and the inoculum ranged from 4.60 ± 0.10 to 9.72 ± 0.11 %,
whereas the VS values ranged between 51.38 ± 0.50 and 96.27 ± 0.25 % of TS respectively. The FS,
which is the inorganic portion of the wastes ranged from 3.73 ± 0.06 to 46.59 ± 0.11 % of TS,
with the O/I ratio ranging from 1.10 ± 0.13 to 25.81 ± 0.31 respectively. The C/N ratios (Table 2) were
found to be in the range of 4.41 ± 0.03 and 29.39 ± 0.41. Fruits and vegetable wastes had the lowest total
solids (less than 8-18%) with high volatile solids (80-90%) which were confirmed as easily degradable
material in the anaerobic reactors. However, the substrate-SJR had the highest VS and C/N ratio (96.27 ±
0.25 %, 29.39 ± 0.41) while, the seed inoculum had the lowest VS with 51.38 ± 0.50 % and C/N of 8.48
± 0.22. Basically, TLF contains a high amount of fat and protein; FVW organic fraction includes sugars,
pectin, hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin while, SJR contains mainly fermentable sugars (such as
sucrose), mineral salts and vitamins (Faria et al., 2011). The TLF waste had the highest value of
nitrogen which suggests that substrate-TLF has nitrogen-rich content similar to slaughterhouse waste
(Flores-Juarez et al., 2014) compared to the rest of the waste materials. Even though, Bouallagui et al.
(2009a) suggested that a C/N ratio between 22 and 25 seemed to be optimum for anaerobic digestion of
fruits and vegetable wastes; Lee et al. (2009b) reported that the optimal C/N ratio for anaerobic
degradation of organic waste was 20–35 which is similar in SJR. The physico-chemical compositions of
the organic waste materials were significantly different from each other.
3.2.1. Daily and cumulative gas production of the different substrates in the BMP bottle
The daily gas production of the different organic solid wastes used as substrates for AD was shown in
Figure 2a. A slow start-up of AD was observed for substrate-FVW and the inoculum whereas, a quick
gas production was observed in the rest. This could be attributed to an initial adaptation of
microorganisms to the nutrients available in preparation for AD process. The peak daily gas production
was observed in substrate-FVW with 327.4 Nm.mL.d-1 on 17th day whereas the lowest gas peak (110
Nm.mL.d-1) was observed in the inoculum alone on the 10th day. Substrates- TLF, SJR and CLFS (a
mixture of all the wastes) had a peak daily gas production of 302, 271.6 and 187.9 Nm.mL.d-1 on day
21st, 17th and 17th respectively. This indicates that the difference in peak time range of the organic wastes
depends on the biodegradability of the substrate composition and its readily available nutrients for
microbial utilization. From the 23rd day, the daily gas production showed a decreasing trend in both the
substrates and inoculum. The cumulative biomethane produced from different organic solid wastes is
illustrated in Figure 2b. FVW had the highest cumulative biomethane (2468.50 ± 0.44 Nm.mL.d-1)
production followed by TLF (2016.30 ± 2.11 Nm.mL.d-1), while the control gave the lowest value of
475.40 ± 1.45 Nm.mL.d-1. From the FVW, a steep increase in the CH4 production was observed until 7
days, which is attributed to the presence of readily available soluble carbon source (after the breakdown
of organic macromolecules to free fatty acids (FFA) for energy). This was attributed to the high C/N
ratio and soluble (liquid) nature of the waste that paves a path for rapid substrate degradation in
anaerobic condition for gas production and a similar result was also reported by Wang, (2008). This
study clearly indicates that the fruits and vegetable wastes were easily biodegradable due to the high
On the contrary, a lower gas production (lag phase) was initially observed in TLF, which could be
attributed to poor degradation of proteins and fats, as the degradation depends on the subcutaneous fat
and adhering protein body (N2 source) only. The degradation of these macromolecules into consistent
FFA or peptide/amino acids in a soluble form, delays or slows down methane production. However, once
the required nutrients/substrates are available, the onset of methanogenesis commences gradually. Since
the substrate (TLF) is proteinous in nature, ammonia (NH3) is liberated as co-product in this anaerobic
method (Khalid et al., 2011). Thus, the produced ammonia accumulates at high pH due to the reduction
in VFA. This could further result in lowering methanogenesis as well as the sodium sulphide (Na2S)
inhibition in the substrate (fleshings) from beam-house operations. Therefore, the lower cumulative
methane (2016.30 ± 2.11 Nm.mL.d-1) observed for TLF compared to that of FVW substrate could be
attributed to the presence of NH3 and Na2S which are considered to pose a threat to the survival and
activities of the methane producing archaea (Sakar et al., 2009; Khalid et al., 2011). This was in line with
a low C/N ratio that could have contributed to the accumulation of ammonia to have become toxic for
methanogenic bacteria; a cause for reduced gas yield (Palatsi et al., 2010). Although the poor C/N ratio
of a highly proteinaceous waste such as leather and slaughterhouse wastes become detrimental to
methanogenesis (Shanmugam and Horan, 2008; Palatsi et al., 2010), the biogas yield could possibly be
enhanced through an increased C/N ratio. In spite of the highest C/N ratio observed in substrate-SJR, a
lowest cumulative gas production of 1625.4 ± 2.34 Nm.mL.d-1 was obtained compared to other
substrates used, which was attributed to the rapid hydrolysis to VFA production and saccharification of
the carbon sources (to ethanol) as depicted by high VFA and an acidic pH (5 - 6) could have led to
fermentative solventogenesis instead of methanogenesis. However, the mixture of all the three waste
materials (CLFS) resulted in lower methane yield (1853.8 ± 1.04 Nm.mL.d-1) as a result of the waste
mixing ratio of 1:1:1 used which could have caused pH variation and possibly lead to a shift in microbial
population for biogas production. The control experiment gave the lowest methane production (475.40 ±
1.45 Nm.mL.d-1) out of all which was attributed to lack of substrate addition and nutrients depletion.
3.2.2. Removal efficiency of the crude organic matter ( VSr and CODr)
The crude organic matter present in these solid wastes materials are in the form of VS and COD. The
efficiency of VSr of the entire BMP experiment is presented in Figure 3. Besides the part of the substrate
been gasified, there were significant differences in the VSr observed among TLF, FVW, SJR and the
control as the rates of biogas production differed appreciably according to the TS concentrations. A
maximum percentage of VSr was observed in the BMP bottle containing the FVW (62.44 ± 0.32d %
VSr) followed by TLF (56.69 ± 0.50c % VSr) and SJR (43.57 ± 0.34b % VSr) as compared to the
control BMP bottle with a minimal value of 12.97 ± 0.41a % VSr. The lower biogas yields could be
attributed possibly to the TS concentrations of the feedstocks and inhibition of methanogenic bacteria, an
observation which correlates with the substrates degradation that took place between the 11th and 23rd
day of digestion (Fig. 2a). Thus, the inhibitory substances present during the anaerobic fermentation
process of various solid waste materials could be neutralized to a considerably reduced level and thus
enhance the biogas production by co-digestion (Bouallagui et al., 2009a). Nevertheless, the result of
this study showed a higher range of TS concentrations between 15.03 ± 0.03a - 35.44 ± 0.43d g (initial
TS) and 9.88 ± 0.29a - 28.52 ± 0.47d g (final TS), which is similar to the values of high-solids sludge
reported by Lay et al., 1997 and Liao et al., 2014. The efficiency of the sCODr showed significant
different values of 72.88 ± 0.93a, 73.94 ± 0.26a, 93.46 ± 1.04c, 73.42 ± 0.82a and 79.36 ± 1.73b for the
The specific methane yield (SMY) per gram of VSr obtained from different waste materials is presented
in Figure 4. The SMY for substrates- FVW, SJR and TLF were 0.478 ± 0.00, 0.184 ± 0.10 and 0.169 ±
0.05 Nm.L.g-1VSr respectively, compared to the inoculum alone (0.204 ± 0.01 Nm.L.g-1VSr). The
highest methane yield obtained from FVW reactor could be as a result of enhanced growth and rapid
proliferation of microorganisms, and production of all necessary metabolizing enzymes to degrade the
substrate. This coincides with the anaerobic microbial count (1.89 ± 0.00 ×104 CFU/mL) obtained that
could have accelerated the process of biodegradation in FVW during anaerobic digestion than the others
(Table 3). In contrast, SJR and TLF had a lower SMY of 0.184 ± 0.10 and 0.169 ± 0.05 Nm. L.g-1VSr
respectively, as against the highest yield observed in FVW. The lower yield in TLF waste could mostly
be due to the long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) and ammonia produced during lipid and protein degradation,
which is inimical to methanogenesis. This suggests a blocked mass transfer that could have resulted
from the build-up of some inhibitory products, whose effects may be an impending factor according to
the report of Baskar et al., 2014. However, the lower yield in SJR could be attributed to the increased
carbohydrate and simple sugar contents that lead to lesser energetic end products, with higher energy
content per electron equivalent than acetate or other organic molecules during AD processes (Rittmann
and McCarty, 2012). Besides, the initial VFA value of 21,089 ± 10.63 mg.L-1 obtained indicates a rapid
accumulation of VFA and prevention of methanogenesis that further leads to the pH drop (from pH 6.54
to 4.06) observed at the end of digestion; with further gradual reduction confirmed (2155.47 ± 2.25
mg.L-1) on the final day of the experiment attributed to the conversion of VFA to gas. Thus, a metabolic
shift was observed from methanogenesis to solventogenesis by a rapid change in pH. Therefore, the
result obtained in this study clearly demonstrated that the FVW serves not only as a better nutrient for
anaerobes but also, as a superior co-substrate for methanogenesis with TLF in a co-digestion system.
This was in agreement with the study reported by Gomez et al., 2006 that the codigestion of FVW with
primary sludge yielded more biogas than the sludge alone. The methane content generated from the
The anaerobic bioprocess evaluation of the solid waste materials before (initial) and after (final) the
fermentation was shown in Table 3. The parameters employed such as soluble chemical oxygen demand
(CODs), VFA, NH4, ALK, pH and an anaerobic microbial count showed a significant reduction from the
initial values to the final values of digestion. The initial CODs from the reactor ranged from 4,870 ±
399.62 (inoculum) to 63,998.33 ± 227.51 mg.L-1 (CLFS), while the final CODs showed values between
4,870 ± 399.62 (inoculum) and 13,210 ± 1,065.04 mg.L-1 (CLFS) respectively, with the percentage of
CODs removal ranging from 72.88 ± 0.93 - 93.46 ± 1.04 %. SJR and TLF had the highest VFA values of
21, 089 ± 10.63 and 1322.77 ± 2.75 mg.L-1 respectively, compared to the control value of 4,263.84 ±
1.24 mg.L-1 at the initial stage. The final VFA of the substrates decreased, ranging between 314.76 ±
0.26 and 2,155.47 ± 2.25 mg.L-1 as the same. During the SJR fermentation process, a larger
concentration of VFAs (21,089 mg.L-1) accumulation could lead to the drop in pH as observed by
Sumardiono et al., 2013. They reported that carbohydrate-rich substrates are rapid producers of VFAs
and protein-rich substrates with moderate ammonia act as a good buffering agent due to the production
of ammonia, even at a higher accumulation of VFA. The higher content of NH3 obtained in TLF
(21,10.92 ± 1.01 mg.L-1) confirmed inhibition in the digestion process as compared to the control
treatment (184.55 ± 0.58 mg.L-1) and other waste materials used. This finding was supported by Duan et
al. (2012) that reported an excess production of ammonia at the methanogenesis stage attributed to an
inhibition and elevated pH by rapid conversion of VFA to CH4, and eventually ceased the biogas yield
as observed in TLF. Compared to the initial pH of the waste materials in the reactor which was adjusted
to pH 6.50 ± 0.01- 6.67± 0.03, the final pH of TLF and FVW showed a higher pH of 8.11 ± 0.02 and 6.85
± 0.04 respectively. pH value is an important parameter that affects the growth of microbes and, the
amount of CO2 and VFA produced during the anaerobic fermentation. Hence, the pH showed a stable
condition within the optimum pH range (5.5– 8.5) as reported by Sung and Lui (2003) and, Zupancic and
Grilic (2012). An increased alkalinity in all the reactors coincided with increased pH and a decreased
VFA and vice versa. The ALK values ranged from 11,566.67 ± 251.66 (inoculum) to 36,060.67 ± 115.47
(CLFS) mg CaCO3.L-1 for the initial digestion whereas, the final values observed ranged between 9800 ±
147.99 and 25, 233.33 ± 152.75 mg CaCO3.L-1, respectively. Since alkalinity is based on carbonate
(CO32-) in equilibrium with the dissolved CO2, a higher alkalinity signifies a higher buffering capacity
that could possibly be achieved at stable pH (Sakar et al., 2009). However, the TLF (being a
protein-rich substrate) would have liberated ammonia when degrading which could have further
contributed to the high alkalinity observed beside rapid conversion of VFA at the end of its digestion.
The values observed conforms within the range of 2,000 to 18,000 mg CaCO3.L-1 (Cuetos et al., 2008)
as reported from the previous investigation. The initial anaerobic microbial count ranged from 1.10 ±
0.21×103 to 5.5± 0.54×106 CFU/mL, whereas the final microbial count ranged between 4.80 ± 0.50
×103 and 3 ± 0.20 ×106 CFU/mL for the wastes respectively. This data could be attributed to the
microbial adaptation and interactions in the AD system, to degrade the pollutant compounds for growth,
which was later on dominated by the methanogens in the reactor for gasification. Microorganisms
proliferate in wastes due to the available nutrients that support their growth (Giller and Cadisch, 1997),
which could be associated with the pattern of the microbial growth, competition between
microorganisms and varying abilities to break down the different available substances for growth, cell
synthesis and transformation in the system. Even though the microbial plate count (in this study)
showed a low plating efficiency, the SEM was further conducted to determine the structures of the
The empirical formula and stoichiometric or theoretical methane potential (SMP) equations of the
feedstocks were calculated based on the elemental composition of the solid waste materials (Table 2).
The calculated empirical formula was used to determine the theoretical COD equivalent (COD´/weight)
of each organic waste and expressed in terms of the measured volatile solids. The empirical formula for
the seed inoculum, TLF, FVW and SJR were C9.9H21.83O6.18N, C5.15H10.09O2.28N, C10.82H17.57O6.53N and
C34.29H50.26O16.3N, respectively while, the calculated COD equivalent from the elemental composition
were 1.45, 1.51, 1.21 and 1.65 gCOD´/gVS for the same, which agreed with the result published
elsewhere (Rittmann and McCarty, 2012). The gross calorific energy value (CEV) gives the tendency to
quantify the total energy introduced into the BMP bottle (reactor) that can be obtained in the form of
biogas and digestate. Thus, the maximal GCEV obtained was found in SJR (22.89 MJ/kg) and the
minimal with 10.97MJ/kg for seed inoculum, respectively. In this study, the empirical formula obtained
for TLF seems higher (Table 2) compared to the reported formulation of Shanmugam and Horan (2008)
for leather fleshing as C4H13O2N with an average value of 1.4 gCOD.g-1VS. Zuo et al. (2014) reported an
empirical formula of C12.74H18.79O9.12N with a theoretical methane production estimated as about 0.41 L
CH4. g-1VS for raw vegetable waste alone. Moreover, the SMP gave an indication of the estimated
maximum methane production expected from a specific waste. The SMP values obtained were 0.43, 0.53
and 0.58 Nm.L.g-1VSadded for FVW, TLF and SJR, respectively, relative to the seed inoculum (0.51
Nm.L.g-1VSadded) according to the formula of Neilfa et al. (2015); Fig. 5). However, the BMPexp yields
obtained were substantially different, ranging from 0.16 to 0.48 Nm.L.g-1VSr for the mixture of the three
wastes and FVW, respectively. Nevertheless, the BMPexp values obtained in this study (Fig. 5) were
much lower than theoretical yield in accordance with Mussoline et al. (2013). This could be attributed to
some difficulties in degrading tightly lignocellulosic and recalcitrant materials as well as a need of wider
range C/N ratios for optimum digestion performance as suggested by Zhang et al. (2008). A good
correlation (R2 = 0.82) was observed between the experimental BMP and COD equivalent determined
3.5. Microbial morphology by SEM analysis in the BMP
The HR-SEM micrographs of the different feedstocks are presented in Figure 6. The HR-SEM showed
different bacterial structures, densities and populations present in each reactor containing different waste
materials. It was evident from the micrographs that the anaerobic digestion mixture had rod-shaped
(bacilli) and spherical shaped (cocci) as predominant microbes. There was no clear image of
microorganisms in the reactor containing substrate-SJR (data not presented), whereas there were
structures of microorganisms being observed in the remaining TLF and FVW reactors. A greater
diversified population of bacilli and cocci organisms of various sizes were observed in the reactor
containing the mixture of the three wastes materials-TLF, FVW and SJR (Fig. 6b) as compared to the
control experiment (Fig. 6a). The mixture of the substrates used could be responsible for the increased
microbial population influenced by the amount of biomethane production in the reactor. Presumably, the
In TLF-reactor, a bamboo-shaped rod with flat ends (Fig. 6c) was observed which was distinctly
different from the microbial morphology observed in SJR and FVW. This was similar to the images
obtained from the previous studies reported by Gonzalez-gil et al. (2001), Liu and Tay (2004) and
Pillay et al. (2004), that operated an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR), up flow anaerobic sludge blanket
(UASB) granules of a bench-scale reactor and full-scale expanded granular sludge bed reactor. (Fig. 6c)
revealed a typical morphology of Methanosaeta methanogen with a length of 234.37 micronmeter (µm)
and 23.74 µm in diameter. It also resembled a filament-type granule with a predominantly long
rod-shaped organism which could be a Methanothrix-like (Liu and Tay, 2004). Methanosaeta is
represented by only one genus Methanosaeta belonging to the family Methanosaetaceae, with their cells
producing methane by splitting acetate (Hassan et al., 2015) which is an acetoclastic organism that has a
higher affinity for acetate solely as substrate (Pandey et al., 2011). They are either present as
a filament (Liu and Tay, 2004) or clusters of rod-shaped (Gonzalez-gil et al., 2001) or single-rod shaped
microorganisms (Pillay et al., 2004 and Gonzalez-gil et al., 2001). This organism could have
predominated as a result of the substrate composition that significantly influenced the microstructure
In contrast to the organism present in the substrate-TLF reactor, there was a greater prevalence of
cocci-shaped methanogens in the reactor containing fruits and vegetable wastes (Fig. 6d). These
Methanocorpusculum species (Pillay et al., 2004). The cells observed were irregular cocci-shaped with
a diameter range of 190.4 and 229.3 nanometers (nm). The cocci-like methanogen observed shared
similarity with the micrographs reported by Pillay et al. (2004) and Gonzalez-gil et al. (2001) from fruits
and vegetable wastes. The faster growth rate and lower affinity for acetate in Methanosarcina could
have been the reason for the larger population density and highest gas production that was recorded for
4. Conclusion
The study demonstrated vastly significant differences in the compositions of the wastes and bioprocess
evaluation parameters. FVW had a higher C/N ratio, highest CH4, SMY and microbial count that
TLF and SJR. The gas production efficiency was consistent with the microbial density and populations
of Methanothrix compared to the prevalent Methanococcus observed in TLF and FVW respectively.
Therefore, FVW serves as a better bioenergy substrate to enhance gas production for co-digestion
purposes particularly with TLF. This paper recommends a further study be conducted on the mixture(s)
of these substrates in continuous plant operations. The ANOVA results showed that the organic solid
wastes were significantly different (P≤ 0.05) in all characteristics of the AD process to each other.
5. Acknowlegdements
The authors express their profound gratitude to Central Leather Research Institute, Adyar, Chennai,
India for providing the laboratory for carrying out this study and Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
(SEMJUL/02/2014S13) for conducting the HR-SEM analysis. This work was supported under the
Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India and The World Academy of Sciences
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Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the laboratory scale anaerobic batch BMP reactor.
Fig. 2. Gas production of TLF, FVW, SJR, CLFS and the inoculum (a) daily (b) cumulative.
TLF: Tannery limed fleshing; FVW: Fruits and vegetable wastes; SJR: Sugarcane juice residue;
Fig. 3. Removal efficiency of VS from different organic solid waste materials.
TLF: Tannery limed fleshing; FVW: Fruits and vegetable wastes; SJR: Sugarcane juice residue;
Fig. 4. Specific methane yields of the different organic solid wastes during anaerobic digestion.
TLF: Tannery limed fleshing; FVW: Fruits and vegetable wastes; SJR: Sugarcane juice residue;
Fig. 5. Experimental and stoichiometric methane potentials of the different organic solid waste
a b
c d
Fig. 6. Methanogens from the different solid waste materials and control treatment subjected to
(a) Micrograph of seed inoculum in the reactor (control), (b) micrograph of three substrates with seed
inoculum (CLFS), (c) micrograph of TLF with the seed inoculum, (d) micrograph of FVW with the
seed inoculum.
Table 1: Characterization of the organic solid wastes (substrates).
Physicochemical Seed inoculum Tannery limed Fruits and vegetable Sugarcane juice
O/I ratio 1.10 ± 0.13a 1.81 ± 0.31b 6.27 ± 0.06c 25.81 ± 0.31d
Data are presented as Mean ± SD. Values followed by similar alphabets along the same column are not
Table 2: Elemental composition and empirical formula-related analyses.
Carbon, C (%TS) 25.02 ± 0.41a 32.53 ± 0.05b 39.69 ± 0.24c 53.78 ± 0.11d
Hydrogen, H (%TS) 4.61 ± 0.09a 5.32 ± 0.08b 5.37 ± 0.11b 6.57 ± 0.07c
Nitrogen, N (%TS) 2.94 ± 0.12b 7.38 ± 0.05d 4.28 ± 0.07c 1.84 ± 0.06a
Oxygen, O (%TS) 20.84 ± 0.15b 19.23 ± 0.09a 36.81 ± 0.08d 34.09 ± 0.32c
C/N ratio 8.48 ± 0.22b 4.41 ± 0.03a 9.28 ± 0.17b 29.39 ± 0.41c
Calorific Energy
MJ/kg 10.97 ± 0.12a 14.77 ± 0.10b 16.03 ± 0.18c 22.90 ± 0.11d
Value (CEV)
C9.9H21.83O6.18N C5.15H10.09O2.28N C10.82H17.57O6.53N C34.29H50.26O16.3N
COD equivalent
gCOD´/g VS 1.45 1.51 1.21 1.65
Methane (CH4)
(%) 31.75 46.05 62.73 36.68
Data are presented as Mean ± SD. Values followed by similar alphabets along the same column are not
significantly different at P≤ 0.05.
Table 3: Bioprocess evaluation of the organic solid wastes during and after anaerobic digestion.
INITIAL 18000 ± 2000 4263.84 ± 1.24 105.10 ± 2.33 6.5± 0.01 11566.67 ± 251.66 1.10 ± 0.21×102
(Control) FINAL 4870 ± 399.62 314.70 ± 0.26 184.55 ± 0.58 6.47 ± 0.05 9800 ± 147.99 4.80 ± 0.50 ×103
limed INITIAL 41627.67 ± 668.93 10263.23 ± 7.09 453.58 ± 0.38 6.53 ± 0.01 15700 ± 700.00 1.67 ± 0.32 ×102
FINAL 10848 ± 221.71 1322.77 ± 2.75 2110.92 ± 1.01 8.11± 0.02 25233.33 ± 152.75 5.02 ± 0.55 ×104
Fruits and
vegetable INITIAL 56400.33 ± 100 9294.50 ± 25.02 252 ± 2.00 6.52 ± 0.01 17000 ± 435.90 1.87 ± 0.25 ×103
FINAL 3687.33 ± 585.389 1068.37 ± 1.48 818.67 ± 2.52 6.81 ± 0.04 20500 ± 100.00 3.30 ± 0.47 ×105
juice residue INITIAL 38413.33 ± 574.92 21088.81 ± 10.63 294.69 ± 0.32 6.54 ± 0.02 28013.33 ± 32.15 2.51 ± 0.24 ×103
(SJR) FINAL 10206.66 ± 205.99 2155.47 ± 2.25 784.67 ± 1.53 4.06 ± 0.04 10333.33 ± 577.35 6.50 ± 0.58 ×104
Mixture of
the 3 wastes INITIAL 63998.33 ± 227.51 8067.00 ± 7.02 315.17 ± 1.76 6.67 ± 0.03 36060.67 ± 115.47 5.50 ± 0.54 ×104
(CLFS) FINAL 13210 ± 1065.04 1027.17 ± 0.20 1097.33 ± 2.52 6.07 ± 0.20 11700 ± 200.00 3.00 ± 0.20 ×106