Tesis Referencia 1
Tesis Referencia 1
Tesis Referencia 1
ABSTRACT: The aim of this research was to expose individual removals for removal of different heavy metals from aqueous solutions
of copper, chromium, nickel, and lead from aqueous solutions via bio- (Dönmez et al., 1999; Gupta et al., 2001; Kaewsarn, 2002; Nuhoglu
sorption using nonliving algae species, Chara sp. and Cladophora sp. et al., 2002; Terry and Stone, 2002).
Optimum pH values for biosorption of copper (II), chromium (III), nickel Algae, bacteria, fungi, and yeasts have proven to be potential
(II), and lead (II) from aqueous solutions were determined to be 6, 7, 7, and 3
metal biosorbents (Ekinci Doğan et al., 2006). Chara sp. and
for Cladophora sp. and 5, 3, 5, and 4 for Chara sp. respectively. Maximum
Cladophora sp., green filamentous macro-algae, have been widely
adsorption capacities of Chara sp. [10.54 for chromium (III) and 61.72 for
lead (II)] and Cladophora sp. [6.59 for chromium (III) and 16.75 and 23.25 used as wastewater pollution monitors because of their ability to
for lead (II)] for chromium (III) and lead (II) are similar. On the other hand, bind and accumulate many metals strongly. Algae grow in fresh
copper (II) and nickel (II) biosorption capacity of Cladophora sp. [14.28 for and/or saltwater over a wide range of temperatures and pH values
copper (II) and 16.75 for nickel (II)] is greater than Chara sp. [6.506 for (Sternberg and Dorn, 2002). They are ubiquitous and native to
copper (II) and 11.76 for nickel (II)]. Significantly high correlation almost all parts of the world.
coefficients indicated for the Langmuir adsorption isotherm models can be Studies on biosorption using algae species in Turkey are not as
used to describe the equilibrium behavior of copper, chromium, nickel, and extensive as in other countries. Turkey is a developing country;
lead adsorption onto Cladophora sp. and Chara sp. Water Environ. Res., 79, thus, biosorption studies are gaining importance. In addition, the use
1000 (2007).
of algae in heavy metal removal is inexpensive when compared with
KEYWORDS: biosorption, copper, chromium, nickel, lead Chara sp., other systems, and climate and geographical conditions in Turkey
Cladophora sp. are suitable for the plant biomass. A survey of literature indicated
doi:10.2175/106143007X183961 that not much work has been done so far on the nonliving biomass
of Cladophora sp. and Chara sp. for heavy metal removal. The
objective of this study is to evaluate the biosorption capacity of the
Introduction nonliving Chara sp. and Cladophora sp. for copper (II), chromium
The accumulation of heavy metals in the environment has (III), nickel (II), and lead (II) from aqueous solution. Further, the
received a great deal of attention because of the threat to public use of these materials has been insufficiently addressed in the
health. Traditional technologies used for heavy metal removal literature. Results obtained in this study could be useful for
include chemical precipitation, ion exchange, reverse osmosis, and developing pilot- and full-scale studies. The biosorption capacities
solvent extraction. Although these processes tend to be efficient, are evaluated from equilibrium adsorption isotherms.
they are often ineffective or expensive (Dönmez and Aksu, 2001;
Kaewsarn, 2002; Sternberg and Dorn, 2002). The need for eco-
nomical and effective methods for metal removal resulted in the
search for alternative materials and methods. Materials and Methods
It has been demonstrated that biosorption is a potential alternative Preparation of the Algae for Biosorption. Fresh samples of
to the traditional treatment process of metal ions removal (Gupta Chara sp. and Cladophora sp. used in all experiments were
et al., 2001). Biosorption uses the ability of the biological materials collected from Uluabat Lake, Bursa, Turkey. Before use, all
to accumulate heavy metals from waste streams by either meta- samples of algae were washed several times with distilled water and
bolically mediated or purely physicochemical pathways of uptake kept on coarse filter paper to reduce the water content. Following
(Fourest and Roux, 1992). The biosorption process has been demon- the prewashing step, the biomass was dried at 608C for 24 hours
strated in a wide range of algae, such as Spyrogira sp., Chlorella before grinding. After this processes, algae species were grinded
sp., Scenedesmus sp., Synechocystis sp., Ulotrix sp., and Padina sp., and sieved to select particles between 0.3 and 0.7 mm for use.
For biosorption studies, 10 g/L inactivated dried algae species
Department of Environmental Engineering, Uludag University, Bursa, were suspended in distilled water and homogenized for 0.5 hours
Turkey. in a homogenizer (Yellowline, DI 25 basic, Sheffield, United
* Uludag University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department Kingdom) at 8000 r/min, then stored in a refrigerator until use.
of Environmental Engineering, Gorukle Campus, 16059, Bursa, TURKEY; Biosorption Studies. Sorption studies were conducted at
e-mail: [email protected]. room temperature (22 6 18C) in 150-mL flasks. For isotherm
Figure 1—(a) Effect of pH on biosorption of copper (II), chromium (III), nickel (II), and lead (II) ions by (a) Chara sp. and
(b) Cladophora sp.
determination, nonliving samples of Chara sp. and Cladophora sp. concentration in the solution. Adsorption isotherm tests were run in
(1 g/L) were thoroughly mixed individually with 90 mL of metal triplicate, and average values were reported.
solutions, with varying concentrations of copper (II), chromium Batch sorption experiments were performed at various pH values
(III), nickel (II), and lead (II) solutions (20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 mg between 2.0 and 8.0. pH measurements were made using a pH meter
metal/L [AccuTrace Reference Standard (1000 mg/L [1000 ppm]) (model T10, Cyberscan, Ayer Rajah Crescent, Singapore). The pH
AccuStandard Inc., New Haven, Connecticut]) by diluting with values of solutions were monitored continuously and adjusted using
distilled water (Dönmez et al., 1999; Dönmez and Aksu, 2001; 0.1 M sulfuric acid or 0.1 M sodium hydroxide (supplied from
Terry and Stone, 2002). The suspensions were shaken on the orbital Merck, Darmstadt, Germany), if deviations were observed.
shaker (Nuve SL 350, Ankara, Turkey) at 200 r/min for 24 hours. The residual concentrations in the liquid of copper (II), chromium
Samples collected at required time intervals were centrifuged (Nuve (III), nickel (II), and lead (II) were determined using an atomic
nf 815) at 3000 r/min for 10 minutes. The supernatant was filtered absorption spectrophotometer (ATI Unicam 929 AA Spectrometer,
through 0.45-lm filter paper and analyzed for residual metal Cambridge, United Kingdom) (APHA et al., 1995).
Figure 2—Effect of initial metal concentration on copper (II), chromium (III), nickel (II), and lead (II) biosorption by (a)
Chara sp. and (b) Cladophora sp.
All glassware used for the analyses was carefully cleaned with nitric the biosorption process (Dönmez et al., 1999; Fourest et al., 1994;
acid followed by through rinsing with deionized water before use. All Gupta et al., 2001). The pH affects the solution chemistry of the
reagents used were of analytical reagent grade. Deionized water was metals, activity of the functional groups in the biomass, and
used throughout the study. All analyses were done in triplicate. competition of metallic ions (Ekinci Doğan et al., 2006; Sanchez
et al., 1999). Therefore, the effect of pH on metal adsorption of
Results and Discussion Chara sp. and Cladophora sp. was studied first. Removal
Effect of pH on Copper (II), Chromium (III), Nickel (II), and efficiencies of metal ions for each species studied are given in
Lead (II) Biosorption. Earlier studies on heavy metal biosorption Figures 1a and 1b under different pH values. As seen from the
have indicated that pH was the most important parameter affecting figure, for Cladophora sp., the adsorption of chromium (III) and
Table 1—Comparison of the Langmuir and Freundlich This situation explains the similarity and the difference between the
adsorption constants for copper (II), chromium (III), nickel heavy metal removal rates of two algae species.
(II), and lead (II) for Cladophora sp. and Chara sp. Adsorption Isotherms. The adsorption isotherm was obtained
under the best pH values for each metal, as determined above. The
Cladophora sp. Chara sp. most widely used models to describe the equilibrium behavior of
metal adsorption are the well-known Freundlich and Langmuir
Q0 b R2 Q0 b R2 sorption isotherms. These two models were used to correlate the
Langmuir model isotherm data in this study. The Langmuir equation is expressed in
Copper 14.28 0.36 0.9935 6.506 2.54 0.754
eq 1, as follows:
Chromium 6.55 4.34 0.9904 0.404 10.54 0.9118 Q0 b Ceq
Nickel 16.75 1.98 0.9902 11.76 0.272 0.7948 qeq ¼ ð1Þ
1 þ b Ceq
Lead 23.25 2.56 0.9778 61.72 0.819 0.9955
Cladophora sp. Chara sp. Where
20 30 40 50 60 20 30 40 50 60
algae are given in Table 1 for both algae species. Table 2 shows the more work is required. The results obtained in this study could be
experimental data of the Ce2qe plots. The results have shown that useful for developing pilot- and full-scale studies.
heavy metal adsorption isotherms are fit to the Langmuir model.
Maximum adsorption capacities of Chara sp. and Cladophora sp. Credits
for chromium (III) and lead (II) are similar. On the other hand, the Submitted for publication May 25, 2006; revised manuscript
copper (II) and nickel (II) biosorption capacity of Cladophora sp. is submitted September 5, 2006; accepted for publication January 16,
greater than that of Chara sp. When compared with literature studies 2007.
in which algae was used (Chang et al., 1997; Dönmez et al., 1999; The deadline to submit Discussions of this paper is December 15,
Gupta et al., 2001; Jalali et al., 2002; Terry and Stone, 2002; Wong 2007.
et al., 2000), Chara sp. and Cladophora sp. are also good
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