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<div class="post-info"><span class="date published time" title="2015-01-
15T13:02:47+00:00">January 15, 2015</span> by <span class="author vcard"><span
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Comments</a></span> </div><div class="entry-content"><h1>Share your Recent IELTS
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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-661199">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Ras</cite>
<span class="says">
says </span>

<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-661199">April 30, 2019 at 4:48 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>30th April </p>

<p>Part 1.<br />
where do you live?<br />
since when?<br />
what do you like about your city?<br />
anything you want to add to your city?<br />
do you like movies?<br />
who is your favourite actor?<br />
do you want to become an actor?</p>
<p>Part 2.<br />
Describe a party you went.<br />
where/why/what<br />
what you felt after the party?</p>
<p>Part 3.<br />
What festivals do you have in your country?<br />
Is it good to have festivals to attract foreigners?<br />
are festivals traditional or religious in your country?<br />
what kind a pressure a person might get if selected to participate an international
event?<br />
Holding an international sporting events (pros and cons)</p>
<p>Even though i got a foreign examiner, she is not friendly as the person i got
last time. she asked the questions and just observed my little drama. LOL<br />
But the last time its completely different because the examiner (foreign as
well)kept the conversation smooth and running, which helped me to get a better
score.<br />
well who know maybe i might get lucky this time.</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=661199#respond' data-commentid="661199" data-
postid="3278" data-belowelement="comment-661199" data-respondelement="respond"
aria-label='Reply to Ras'>Reply</a> </div>
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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
<span class="says">
says </span>

<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-662156">May 1, 2019 at 6:29 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Hopefully your performance was still

strong and your results will be strong &#8211; fingers crossed �</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=662156#respond' data-commentid="662156" data-
postid="3278" data-belowelement="comment-662156" data-respondelement="respond"
aria-label='Reply to Liz'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-660404">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">J</cite>
<span class="says">
says </span>

<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-660404">April 29, 2019 at 3:36 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I had my speaking today..<br />

Part 1- Do you work or study?<br />
What changes do want at your workplace?<br />
What type of season do you like?<br />
What type of season does your city or region has?<br />
What are the benefits of different seasons?</p>
<p>Part 2- cue card on someone who gave you money.</p>
<p>Part 3- do you prefer using credit cards or cash?<br />
What the oldage people prefer to have, cards or cash?<br />
Adv And disav of credit cards<br />
What are views about power of money. Do you think its bad always</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=660404#respond' data-commentid="660404" data-
postid="3278" data-belowelement="comment-660404" data-respondelement="respond"
aria-label='Reply to J'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment byuser comment-author-liz bypostauthor odd alt depth-2"


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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
<span class="says">
says </span>

<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-660910">April 30, 2019 at 11:12 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-660018">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">T</cite>
<span class="says">
says </span>

<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-660018">April 29, 2019 at 5:53 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi, I took the IELTS test on 26 April 2019<br />

Academic Module<br />
Writing 1: Two graphs describing the change in the student&#8217;s shared room
during the last five years.<br />
Writing 2: Additional economic wealth happiness in rich countries . do yo agree or
dis agree.</p>
<p>Speaking task 1:<br />
home<br />
colour<br />
Speaking task 2:<br />
book cue card<br />
Speaking task 3:<br />
reading related question</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=660018#respond' data-commentid="660018" data-
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aria-label='Reply to T'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
<span class="says">
says </span>

<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-660912">April 30, 2019 at 11:13 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-660970">April 30, 2019 at 12:59 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hello Liz, I couldn&#8217;t figure out the meaning of Writing

Task 2 scenarios, posted by TS. Can you help me to understand that ?</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-661021">April 30, 2019 at 2:09 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I see what you mean. My guess is it means: &#8220;Economic

wealth in rich countries brings happiness. To what extent do you agree?&#8221;.
This is only my understanding of it. Can anyone else confirm it?</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-659970">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Tinks</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-659970">April 29, 2019 at 4:38 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Academic (APRIL 27, 2019)<br />

Part 1<br />
What is your name?<br />
Where do you live?<br />
Do you wear sunglasses?<br />
Have you gifted anyone with sunglasses?<br />
Do you watch movies?<br />
What type of movies do you like?<br />
How often do you watch?</p>
<p>Part 2<br />
Describe a city</p>
<p>Part 3<br />
About buildings and city<br />
Why do we have buildings?<br />
What is the reason why we create buildings?<br />
Where do you want to live (in a city or away from the city)?<br />
In the future, do you think we will have more buildings?<br />
<p>Waiting for my result</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=659970#respond' data-commentid="659970" data-
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aria-label='Reply to Tinks'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-660139">April 29, 2019 at 8:11 am</a>
<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=660139#respond' data-commentid="660139" data-
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<li class="comment even depth-2" id="comment-660153">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Ranga</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-660153">April 29, 2019 at 8:20 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Describe a city? You mean any city you have travelled? What
you talk about good things bad things and why you like it? Can you remember the sub
topics? (I hate talk about buildings, such a boring topic)</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-659111">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-659111">April 28, 2019 at 8:20 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Speaking Date: 25/04/2019<br />

Exam Type: General<br />
Speaking<br />
Part 1: Sleep, Patience<br />
Part 2: Describe a time when you did not have enough time<br />
Part 3: Lots of questions related to time management,<br />
&#8211; Time utilization ways nowadays and comparison with the old days.<br />
&#8211; How old people utilize their time nowadays compared to the old days.<br />
&#8211; And many more&#8230; I can&#8217;t remember others because it was a too
fast conversion with the examiner </p>
<p>LRW Date: 27/4/2019<br />
W1: Letter to your manager for the suggestion to open a cafeteria for staff in the
company<br />
W2: In recent years children have been given more freedom than in the past. Do you
think this is a positive or negative development?</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-659210">April 28, 2019 at 10:40 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=659210#respond' data-commentid="659210" data-
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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">R</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-659043">April 28, 2019 at 5:38 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,<br />

I took my exam yesterday Academic module<br />
speaking:part 1-drinking habits and colors<br />
part2-Somthing I complained about<br />
part3-all about complaint any why do some people complain alot<br />
writing:task 1-diagram how to make biogas(very difficult)<br />
task 2-people buy electric devices more that before is this positive or negative

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-659216">April 28, 2019 at 10:42 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-659039">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-659039">April 28, 2019 at 5:31 am</a>
<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi guys,<br />

I give my IELTS Exam on 27th April 2019 (Academics).</p>
<p>In Reading Section </p>
<p>There are three passages named<br />
1) Energy from Ocean<br />
2) How Deserts are forme<br />
3) this was about something &#8220;Archaeological Plane&#8221;. It was about the
plane but I forgot the first word of the title.</p>
<p>Writing Task &#8211; 1</p>
<p>In Task 1 They give a bar chart with a table in the combine.<br />
The bar Graph shows the average minus spends by men and women for Household
Activities. And Table shows the data of average minutes spend by both genders on
their leisure time.</p>
<p>Writing Task &#8211; 2</p>
<p>Why local people do not visit the historical site and museums.<br />
Discuss the reasons and give a solution to this problem.</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-659192">April 28, 2019 at 10:21 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-659000">April 28, 2019 at 4:20 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi liz!<br />

I took my speaking test on 26th of April<br />
Part 1. What do you do?<br />
-Do you like your major?<br />
-What&#8217;s more interesting about it?<br />
&#8211; Do you often look at the sky?<br />
&#8211; What is the best place to look at the sky?<br />
Few more questions, can&#8217;t recall now.<br />
Part 2<br />
Describe a period of history you want to learn more about.<br />
Part 3<br />
Did you have any interest in history when you were a kid?<br />
Do you think enough is taught about history?<br />
Why people today are not interested in history and no less about it?<br />
What are some ways you think history should be taught?<br />
Do you think it&#8217;s important to learn the history?<br />
Was asked few more which I can&#8217;t remember.<br />
Writing task 1.<br />
Diagram on the production of Biogas.<br />
Writing task 2.<br />
Nowadays, many people buy household goods( like television, rice cookers
etc).<br />
Do you think this is a positive or negative development?<br />
This is my 4th attempt. I am struggling with the writing part. Hope I achieve my
required band this time.<br />
Your website is quite helpful. Thanks very much Liz for your efforts on this
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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-659193">April 28, 2019 at 10:22 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Many people struggle with writing more

than other parts of IELTS. Fingers crossed you get the score you need in this
attempt �</p>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">sar rits</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-661019">April 30, 2019 at 2:06 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Don&#8217;t test takers sign a form that they will not

disclose the questions on the test?</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-658967">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">AN</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-658967">April 28, 2019 at 3:39 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>My exam was on 27th april 2019<br />

Listening was quite easy<br />
A map and a flowchart were there</p>
<p>Reading was also comparatively easy<br />
Passage 1: different types of powers like thermal,wind etc..<br />
Passage 2: desertification<br />
Passage 3: planes</p>
<p>Writing<br />
Task 1 : table and bar chart comparison graph about average minute spent by men
and female for their leisure and household activities per day<br />
Task 2: Mainly museums qnd and historical sites are visted by tourist not local
people..<br />
Why is the case ?<br />
And how can be it solved</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=658967#respond' data-commentid="658967" data-
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aria-label='Reply to AN'>Reply</a> </div>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-659217">April 28, 2019 at 10:42 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=659217#respond' data-commentid="659217" data-
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">A</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-659848">April 29, 2019 at 1:58 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>..welcome&#8230;.Your website helped me a lot.<br />


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-658897">April 28, 2019 at 1:18 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks ma&#8217;am for your wonderful tips. I did my speaking

test of 25th and I goofed in part 2. How I forgot some of the points I rehearsed
about the topic baffled me but that is by the way. I hope for a favourable outcome.
These are the questions that I was asked;<br />
PART1:<br />
Describe the place you live?<br />
How long have you live there?<br />
Are you a patient person?<br />
Were you more patient when you were younger?</p>
<p>PART2: CUE CARD<br />
Describe someone you know that is intelligent.<br />
What is the name of the person?<br />
Where did you meet this person?<br />
Give a reason why you said the person is intelligent.</p>
<p>PART3:<br />
Are people in your country intelligent?<br />
Do you think that your country recognise intelligent people?<br />
Do people in your country recognise international movie stars?<br />
Do you believe that children should be allowed asses to computer at early.</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=658897#respond' data-commentid="658897" data-
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-659196">April 28, 2019 at 10:24 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � It&#8217;s not such a good idea to get

too hooked on remember things you prepared at home. In the test, you must approach
all questions and parts naturally and let your speaking come out spontaneously. Any
preparation prior to the test, needs to be technique and your own personal memories
from your own life. It&#8217;s only part 3, that isn&#8217;t about you. Part 1 and
part 2 is nearly all about yourself and your own life &#8211; so don&#8217;t get
too hooked on fancy ideas or anything like that. Your ideas are not marked in IELTS
speaking &#8211; they are marked in IELTS writing. And in IELTS writing you have
lots of time to plan ideas.</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">JJL</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-658896">April 28, 2019 at 1:18 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hello all,</p>
<p>I gave IELTS GT on 27th April 2019 (LRW) </p>
<p>Listening:<br />
Section 1: Telephone conversation for a job<br />
Section 2: Talk on some island<br />
Section 3: Discussion between a professor and 2 students<br />
Section 4: Talk on biofuel<br />
Section 2 &amp; Section 3 were all multiple choice</p>
<p>Reading:<br />
Fill in the blanks, True/False/Not Given and find the information from the
<p>Writing:<br />
Task 1: Letter to the manager of an international company responding to an
advertisement about job<br />
-why you would like to do that job<br />
-skills and experience you have<br />
-which department you wish to work into</p>
<p>Task 2: Some people say that parents should limit their hours of watching TV and
playing computer games for children, but instead encourage to read books. Do you
agree or disagree? </p>
<p>(Please note the task 2 question is not the exact words as I forgot the first
<p>Just want to thank Liz for this great platform which helps so many people. �

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-659198">April 28, 2019 at 10:25 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Sharing is caring �</p>


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rel='external nofollow' class='url'>AS</a></cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-658586">April 27, 2019 at 2:21 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I had the ILETS listening, reading and writing test today an
here is the writing test<br />
Task 1<br />
You ordered a book from a company on the internet and it didnt arrive yet<br />
Write a letter to the manager of the company asking about that<br />
1. Give details about ur order<br />
2. Explain why u need it urgently<br />
3. Tell him what u want the company to do for u.<br />
Task 2<br />
Some people believe that residents are responsible for the place where they live to
be clean and tidy. Others believe that government is the responsible.<br />
Discuss both views and give ur opinion.</p>
<p>I would like to thank u liz for ur great website it was really useful to me
during preparation for ilets . I hope I get good band scores�</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-659190">April 28, 2019 at 10:19 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Glad my website was useful � Good luck

with your results �</p>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-659207">April 28, 2019 at 10:36 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>The first bullet point of task 1 was,</p>

<p>Give the details of the book.</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-658551">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-658551">April 27, 2019 at 1:34 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>General Test Topic on April 27 </p>

<p>Reading is as usual time constraining especially the last part which is very
long and you can&#8217;t easily find the answers. But the best advice I can give is
<p>Writing Test:<br />
(1)Letter to a Manager about the book you order online but you didn&#8217;t
received until now? Give the details of the order , why do you need it now, and
what do you want the company do.<br />
(2) Some people say that it is the responsibility of the residents to maintain the
clean and tidy street while others say it is the government officials. Discuss the
different views and what is you opinion.</p>
<p>Speaking Test:<br />
Part 1: the usual personal question like whats your complete name and where are you
from then directly to the topic. The examiner mostly asked about the work. How do
you go to work? Do you consider taking any other transportation? When you were a
kid how do go to your school? What is the interesting thing about going to school?
What will motivate you at work? What are the qualities of a good colleague? Is it
difficult to work with a friend?</p>
<p>Part 2: Tell about someone you enjoyed working or studying with.<br />
-State the who the person is<br />
-When did you meet the person<br />
-Why do you enjoy working/studying with the person.</p>
<p>Part 3: Is it good to have a leisure area in your work? what will be its
benefit? Is it possible to have it in your current work. </p>
<p>I kinda enjoy talking to the examiner because I felt like I was just talking to
a friend and his approach was also relaxing, I was like really discussing
everything about the work related issue thats currently happening or that I really
experienced so everything just come out normally. So my advice for speaking is just
think that your talking to a normal friend like youre having a regular conversation
and deep breath before you enter the room and everything will all go smoothly.</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-659187">April 28, 2019 at 10:15 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Good speaking tips �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-658448">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-658448">April 27, 2019 at 11:01 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>GT, 27/04/19</p>
<p>Writing:<br />
Task 1.<br />
Write a letter to your friend with who you spent a weekend participating party
regarding his relocation to new house. In the letter, you should:<br />
-Describe what you liked the most at their new apartment.<br />
-Why did you like the weekend.<br />
-When and where do you want to meet them again.</p>
<p>Task 2.<br />
Some people think that all teenagers should be required to do unpaid work in their
free time to help the local community. They believe this would benefit both the
individual teenager and society as a whole.<br />
Do you agree or disagree?</p>
<p>Speaking<br />
Part 1.<br />
As usual &#8211; Workplace. Your hometown. Why do you like your job? What can help
you to be better at your work? What is the most overcrowded places in your
hometown?<br />
Why are they overcrowded?<br />
Do you think comfortable in the crowd?<br />
When did you last time enjoy being in the crowd? (It was a wierd question, probably
he asked me because I said: &#8220;I feel confident in a crowd :)&#8221; I replied
back by saying it was on the Easter eve in a train station but I cannot say I
enjoyed this time.</p>
<p>Part 2.<br />
Describe a person you have seen who is beautiful or handsome<br />
You should say:<br />
Who is he/she<br />
how do you know him/ her<br />
why do you think he/she handsome or beautiful</p>
<p>Part 3.<br />
Is it important to wear stylish clothes to look good?<br />
What do you think about being beautiful?<br />
What do you think about top models in luxury journals?<br />
Do you think is it ok to use such models to advertise clothes?<br />
Many debates are going on this subject, what do you think?<br />
What are the landscapes common for your country?<br />
Can cities be more beautiful than a nature? Even some of European cities?<br />
Can some pictures express full beauty of nature?</p>
<p>Reading:<br />
Section 1. Regulation to obtain car license in New Zealand &#8211; special rules
for learner and full license.<br />
Section 2. Railways in UK.<br />
Section 3.1. Who is a teacher assistant and what he supposes to do.<br />
Section 3.2. How to speak to a manager about a pay raise.<br />
Section 4. Article about Franck Goddio &#8211; underwater archaeologist.</p>
<p>Listening:<br />
Section 1. International club. US woman is thinking about spending holidays
there.<br />
Section 2. Cookery classes with temporary employment after. Map of
facilities.<br />
Section 3. Archeologists found the paintings in caves and a couple of students talk
about it.<br />
Section 4. Lecture about seahorses.<br />
<br />
My advice and experience:<br />
My speaking examiner was brilliant. We had quite informal chat going to the
speaking room, were laughing about IELTS exam, because he asked me if l like to
pass to the exam, I answered yes, so he said me &#8211; you can tell me the true, I
also tried it a couple times, so I know your feelings � During my speech, he also
helped me a lot by the expression on his face, I could find out that I&#8217;m
losing the point of doing mistakes. So overall, atmosphere was pretty relaxing
which lift me up for a bit. I felt like I found the examiner similar to my
personality � (or may be I just was thinking like that)</p>
<p>The best of the best advice, which I would like to mention, is a sleep well
before the exam. Despite I went to bed around 11:30PM and woke up about 6:30AM, I
actually really slept about 5 hours because I did some IELTS tests on the day
before the exam so I felt like my brain was still working during a sleep, plus I
was really nervous which helps insomnia to suffer me :). It is extremely bad, just
the worst thing I can imagine before the exam. So I do recommend you to find a way
to relax your mind and body in order to be in 100% capacity, refreshed and have a
clear mind during the test. I could not find a way to organize it, hopefully you
will be able to.</p>
<p>Liz if you are still reading my confession � is it ok to use Singular they on
the IELTS exam? will it be count as a mistake?<br />
Can you shed a light on how tests are being assessed? As far as I know R and L
checking are fully automated, so they will be processed by computer which will
recognise hand writing and give a mark? But how speaking are assessed? Will it be
assessed by the same examiner or others? Will it be done at the same day after all
speakings over or how? I found that my examiner was writing something on the paper
during speaking some digits like 10 in one column, 11 in another one. What do they
mean? � Forgive my curiosity, I just cannot wait for the results and it is really
interesting �</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-659189">April 28, 2019 at 10:19 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � The examiner who conducts your speaking

test is the one who decides your score. At the end of the test, after you walk out
of the room, the examiner will decide your band score and write it down. It is only
at the end of the test that the examiner knows what score you are because it is
based on your overall performance, not on each part. Any notes the examiner makes
on paper while you are talking is not related to your score and you definitely
shouldn&#8217;t pay attention to it. Numbers relate to timing &#8211; nothing you
need to worry about. About using singular they in writing &#8211; no problem �
<br />
Thanks for sharing your tips &#8211; sharing is caring �</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">dhaval bhatt</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-660756">April 30, 2019 at 5:48 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>you are so lucky because you got friendly examiner she dont
even talk properly</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-657957">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-657957">April 26, 2019 at 12:04 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>26.05<br />
Part 1:<br />
How long do you live in your city?<br />
What improvements could be done there?<br />
What things do you usually share?<br />
Do you like sharing things with people?<br />
What are the things that you don’t like to share with others?<br />
Are your parents taught you to share?<br />
Do you think that people would share cars in the future?<br />
Part 2:<br />
Traditional meal in your country that you really like (polish people &#8211;
dumplings and beetroot soup FTW) �<br />
Part 3:<br />
Do lots of people grown their own food in your country?<br />
Is it hard to grown your own food?<br />
Do you think that nr of these people in the future would decrease or increase?
<br />
What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation? (you can exemplify your
answer with McDonald’s, highly recommend) </p>
<p>Overall guys, DON’T STRESS, atmosphere on the exam is really great, examiners
are soo nice, she didn’t interrupt me a single time, so go there confidently and
smile a lot! � There’s nothing to be afraid of! Wish you luck! ♥</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-657982">April 26, 2019 at 1:21 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Sounds as though you enjoyed the

speaking test which is important. Being interrupted is not about the examiner being
nice or not &#8211; it is a usual part of most speaking tests. It is something that
everyone should be prepared for &#8211; if it doesn&#8217;t happen or if it does
happen has no bearing on your score or on how nice the examiner is.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-657945">April 26, 2019 at 11:32 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hello Liz,</p>
<p>You&#8217;re doing a wonderful job through this website and it is extremely
useful.<br />
Thank you so much for all the help.</p>
<p>I had IELTS GT CDT on 25/4/2019 and these are the questions I got for
<p>Task 1:</p>
<p>Someone has returned your bag with all its belongings that you recently lost.
Write a letter to thank that person.</p>
<p>thank him/her<br />
explain how you left your bag<br />
explain why its belongings were important to you</p>
<p>Task 2</p>
<p>One of the best methods to motivate and encourage workers is to pay them
according to what they produce or sell.<br />
Do you think this is the best method? Give relevant examples from your

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-657985">April 26, 2019 at 1:30 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-657695">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-657695">April 25, 2019 at 11:32 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,<br />

Speaking for GT held today 25-04-2019</p>
<p>Prt1: What is your name?<br />
Do you work or study?<br />
Where do you work?<br />
What improvement will you like in your work?</p>
<p>Prt2: Tell us about a film/TV program you saw that made you laugh<br />
*title *main character * what made you laugh </p>
<p>Prt3 : Follow up questions<br />
Do you think humour is good for the body?<br />
How important is humor in a relationship?<br />
Do you consider humor has a talent? </p>
<p>Closing remark : We have come to the end of the speaking test&#8230;..</p>
<p>Thanks Liz &#8230;..</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-657934">April 26, 2019 at 10:58 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Remember, that there is no GT speaking

test. All candidates take the same speaking test &#8211; there is only one speaking
test for IELTS.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-657940">April 26, 2019 at 11:12 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Dear Liz,<br />

I also got the same set of questions mentioned above!<br />
One doubt though..<br />
During the start, my examiner asked me..what should I call you?..and as it was just
the start&#8230;I was very nervous and said&#8230;<br />
&#8216;Anything&#8230;shruti is also fine&#8217;<br />
Is it inappropriate? Have I made a blunder!�<br />
Otherwise the test was fine. The examiner was really nice and comforting.</p>
<p>PS : Your work is amazing!!! Keep it up.</p>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-657987">April 26, 2019 at 1:40 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Did you make a blunder? No, not at all. It&#8217;s a

completely natural way to answer that is 100% appropriate. It&#8217;s an informal
speaking test and that works perfectly. But the problem I&#8217;m worried about
is&#8230; did that affect your confidence for the rest of your test? Were you
worried about it? Hopefully, you didn&#8217;t let it affect you. Rest easy now and
look forward to your results �</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-656566">April 24, 2019 at 10:32 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,<br />

My L,R and W Test is on 27th April and i would like to ask in your READING TIPS
VIDEO, you say to take time reading and analyzing the question statement, while we
have one hour for three passages. How can we manage that time?</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-656606">April 24, 2019 at 11:54 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>You have one hour to find 40 answers. Analysing the question

will help you locate answers quicker and choose the right answer. Your aim is not
to understand everything, it is simply to locate information and choose correctly
&#8211; without analysing the question enough you won&#8217;t have prepared
paraphrases (this will mean it takes longer to find the information in the passage)
and you won&#8217;t have analysed the meaning enough (so you might choose the wrong
answer). It is a question of correct practice before your test.</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-656503">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-656503">April 24, 2019 at 7:57 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>and one more question Liz.<br />

in the end of my speaking test.i abruptly said to examiner that &#8221; hope i did
well&#8221; and she just smiled but said nothing.. will this effect my score or i
mean its a bad or good impression for examiner?</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-656569">April 24, 2019 at 10:39 am</a>

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<p>It makes no difference to your score at all. It&#8217;s

completely normal to say that. Just forget it.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-657762">April 26, 2019 at 2:15 am</a>

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<p>Hi Liz, during today&#8217;s speaking test I drew an underline

on the cue card in part 2, will that affect my score? Thank you for your help!</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-657919">April 26, 2019 at 10:18 am</a>

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<p>No, nothing can affect your score except the English language
you produce. But to save paper and resources, I suggest people use the paper given
for notes and underlines, not the cue card.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-656397">April 24, 2019 at 5:01 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hello Liz,<br />

Today I had my speaking exam 24th April 2019.<br />
Part 1 &#8211; Do you work or study? What is your job? How to improve your job
better in your office?<br />
Part 2 &#8211; Describe a place of history that you would like to learn about<br />
Part 3 &#8211; Questions related with history</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-656463">April 24, 2019 at 6:28 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-656318">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-656318">April 24, 2019 at 2:55 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I had speaking test on 23rd April 2019.I would like to share
some questions based on my memory.<br />
Part 1:<br />
can you tell me your name?<br />
where are you from??<br />
are you a student or do you do a job?<br />
did you like everything about your college or wished to change something?<br />
There were more questions but I forgot.</p>
<p>Part 2:<br />
describe a person who is doing something to protect the environment.<br />
Who he/she is?<br />
what does he/she do?<br />
what is the difficulty in doing so?<br />
I was really confused because at that moment not a single person popped into my
head and I gave a fabricated answer out of imagination.He said can you tell me more
about the person?I said I can&#8217;t? later I thought I had prepared well for that
topic.I regretted because there is a businessman saying no to plastic bags and
encouraging recyclable bags in his supermarket and building parks as a part of
corporate social responsibility.I could elaborate a lot about him.So I suggest
everyone please prepare well on recent topics as I knew that topic was asked
earlier recently.<br />
part 3:<br />
what can an individual do to protect environment? I could tell a lot but I missed
out points like limiting use of private vehicles , maintaining gardens, use of
recyclable materials.<br />
Why don&#8217;t politicians care much about environment?<br />
do you think nations must cooperate to protect environment?<br />
What are the main environment problems?</p>
<p>my rest exams are going to be held tomorrow.Please advise me what should I do
day before exam.I find reading quite challenging and can&#8217;t manage time
otherwise I could fare well.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-656467">April 24, 2019 at 6:34 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Make a list of areas you feel still need
review. Also review this page of last minute tips for each section of the test: <a
rel="nofollow"></a> and this page
to review any information about the test: <a href="
faq/" rel="nofollow"></a></p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-655722">April 23, 2019 at 10:23 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Writing task 1:<br />

You work for an international company. Recently your job has changed and you
believe that more training is needed. Write a letter to your manager and say<br />
&#8211; How has your job changed?<br />
&#8211; Describe a type of training you will need.<br />
&#8211; Suggest the arrangements incorporating training and your work.</p>
<p>Writing task 2: </p>
<p>Nowadays young people know less about traditions and culture than in the past.
What are the reasons for it? Is this a positive development or a negative
<p>Speaking (Part 2): Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were
growing up</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-656607">April 24, 2019 at 11:55 am</a>

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<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-655672">April 23, 2019 at 8:58 am</a>

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<p>Speaking. 23 April, 14.30 p.m. (Academic)<br />

PART 1<br />
Do you work or study?<br />
What do you like about your work?<br />
What would you change in your workplace?<br />
Do you like going to parks?<br />
Do you prefer parks with open space or facilities?<br />
When did you last go to a park?<br />
Did you enjoy it?<br />
PART 2<br />
Describe the situation when you last complained.<br />
Who did you complain to?<br />
How did you feel?<br />
Did you like the result?<br />
PART 3<br />
Do people often complain in your country?<br />
Why do they complain?<br />
Who usually complains more: older people or younger people? Why?<br />
Why do some people always complain?</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-655674">April 23, 2019 at 9:04 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I remembered some more questions.<br />

Is it better to make a complaint face to face or on paper? Why?</p>
<p>Thank you, Liz for creating this website. I prepared myself for the speaking as
the questions were similar. That&#8217;s my third IELTS this year. I always get 7.5
for speaking but unfortunately get only 6.5 for writing. It makes depressed
already. What can I do? And I&#8217;m an English language teacher myself.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-655698">April 23, 2019 at 9:43 am</a>

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<p>Oh, and also can writing tasks be repeated throughout the


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-656613">April 24, 2019 at 12:00 pm</a>

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<p>On any one day, there might be a number of test papers used.
Certainly old essay questions can be recycled, but it is less common than for

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-656610">April 24, 2019 at 11:58 am</a>

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<p>I think you&#8217;ve just explained the problem yourself

&#8211; you are a language teacher. Most people with native or similar level of
English, enter the test feeling confident in their English but without having
understood the marking criteria or the band score requirements enough to give the
examiner what they need to see to be given a higher score. This is more common than
you might imagine. I&#8217;ll email you about this further.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-656609">April 24, 2019 at 11:56 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-655454">April 23, 2019 at 1:39 am</a>

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<p>I think I love you Liz! Will you marry me ?</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-656611">April 24, 2019 at 11:59 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Funny comment �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-654945">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-654945">April 22, 2019 at 3:11 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>General Training 22-4-2019 </p>

<p>What is your full name?<br />
Can i see your identification please?</p>
<p>Speaking Part:-1<br />
Could you tell me do you work or study?<br />
What do you like most about your job?<br />
How many hours do you work weekly?<br />
How do you go at your work?<br />
Is there any other transportation system else than this?<br />
What do you think how you can improve or do better at your work?</p>
<p>Speaking Part:-2<br />
Describe an outdoor sport activity that you do or did?<br />
&#8211; What it is?<br />
&#8211; Where you can do this activity?<br />
&#8211; Is it easy to learn that activity?</p>
<p>Speaking Part:-3<br />
&#8211; What are other outdoor sports played in your country?<br />
&#8211; When did football sports come in your country?<br />
&#8211; What are the benefits of outdoor sports?<br />
&#8211; What a person learn from outdoor sports?<br />
&#8211; Do girls play outdoor sports same as their counterparts in your country?<br
&#8211; What do you think are there more holidays in your country?<br />
-What is your opinion there should be more holiday than currently?<br />
&#8211; What do you do in your holiday? Any special activity?</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-655004">April 22, 2019 at 4:22 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-655565">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Muhammad</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-655565">April 23, 2019 at 6:25 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>will be similar the speaking part of ielts in academic and

general training?</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-655618">April 23, 2019 at 7:58 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Similar? There is only one speaking test for all candidates.

Only reading and writing have a different GT paper.</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-655942">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Chuks david</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-655942">April 23, 2019 at 3:49 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz ,<br />

my speaking text is tomorrow 24th April and I&#8217;d like to ask if I have to
follow the guidelines sequentially on how to answer the speaking text questions
eg &#8221; the what, where , when and how&#8217;s&#8221; Or can I answer it the way
it suits me but still answer the question according to the guidelines expected of
me? Also can I use short words like &#8220;I&#8217;ve &#8221; instead of &#8221; I
have&#8221;<br />
You&#8217;re really doing a spectacular job Here.<br />

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aria-label='Reply to Chuks david'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-655987">April 23, 2019 at 4:39 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>There are no questions on the cue card. You do not need to

answer anything. There are prompts to guide you and it is your choice how to use
them. Following the order is a good thing because it creates a clear framework and
order. Furthermore, the examiner is expecting the information in that order.
However, it is your choice and doesn&#8217;t affect your score if you change it.
Just make sure it is coherent &#8211; that it doesn&#8217;t jump about from one
thing to another randomly. Also make sure you add more &#8211; a lot more. Yes, you
can use contractions. See this page: <a href=""

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-654815">April 22, 2019 at 12:07 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz, am quite nervous. Just concluded my general speaking

test. The question is nothing like I imagined. The interviewer had to interrupt and
rephrase a couple of times. I lost confidence most especially because of her
countenance.<br />
Questions are<br />
Part 1 where do you live. What do you think about national leaders and more
questions.<br />
Part 2 cue card. Describe an important decision you made with help of someone. She
interrupted alot.<br />
Part 3 can&#8217;t remember.</p>
<p>What do you think Liz. Is this normal?</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-655007">April 22, 2019 at 4:25 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � In part 1, the examiner will normally

interrupt your answers. In part 2, you have 2 mins to talk and they cannot
interrupt you during the time you are talking. They can and must stop you when 2
mins is up. These are the rules of IELTS and no examiner can change them.</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-654733">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-654733">April 22, 2019 at 10:36 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,<br />

today i had speaking exam. 22/4/2019<br />
part 1:<br />
-do you study or work?<br />
-what do you want to change at your work?<br />
&#8211; how many seasons do you have in your country?<br />
-what&#8217;s your favorite season?<br />
-about climate changes<br />
-about traffic in my city<br />
part 2:<br />
-the city that i like<br />
part 3:<br />
&#8211; about old cities<br />
&#8211; why old buildings are important for tourists?<br />
-why should we take care of historical buildings?<br />
-why it is exciting for tourists to see old buildings?<br />
-taking care of old buildings is government responsibility or people
responsibility?<br />
-about modern cities<br />
-why we have a lot of tall buildings in modern cities?</p>

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aria-label='Reply to mn87'>Reply</a> </div>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-655011">April 22, 2019 at 4:27 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-654704">April 22, 2019 at 9:58 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>IELTS SPEAKING Test 22nd April 2019 </p>

<p>1)What is your name<br />
2)What can i call you?<br />
3)Do you watch movies while you were child .Answer<br />
4)Cross questioning:why?<br />
5)Why you watch movies?<br />
6)Do you prefer to go with your friends or alone ?<br />
7)What is your favourite colour?<br />
8)what colour you want in your room?<br />
9)again cross question why don&#8217;t you want bright colours.<br />
10)what colour of car you prefer?<br />
11)Cue car: talk about important advice?<br />
12)followup question: why people seek advice?do we need to take decision at once?
<br />
Why people take time to decide and so on ?</p>
<p>Examiner stopped me before 2 minutes while cue card and there was lot of cross

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s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-655014">April 22, 2019 at 4:28 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-654683">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-654683">April 22, 2019 at 9:39 am</a>

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<p>22nd April 2019<br />

Speaking </p>
<p>Part 1:- information about my home, weather, season, cooking.</p>
<p>Part 2:- Talk about a place where you like to study (indoors/outdoors) or where
it is easy<br />
for you to study</p>
<p>Part 3:- Related to cue card, and some study related questions like drawback,
group discussion, etc.</p>

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aria-label='Reply to SJ'>Reply</a> </div>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-655016">April 22, 2019 at 4:29 pm</a>

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<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">GD</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-651737">April 19, 2019 at 6:58 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Speaking idp 19 april<br />

1. What is your full name?<br />
2. What do you do?<br />
3. Have any plan to change your job?<br />
4. Have you wear sunglasses?<br />
5. Have you lost sunglasses?<br />
6. To home you gifted sunglasses and why?<br />
7. 2 more questions forgotten<br />
Cue card: a time when you looked or search for an information<br />
Follow up : around a dozen question<br />
1. Is internet huge source of information<br />
2. Do you think library still a viable source of information<br />
3. Other source of information<br />
4. Quality of internet information<br />
5. Tell about Tv for information<br />
6. Some areas internet does not acces, what will happened there&#8230;<br />
7. What leads internet information<br />
8.. Bla bla bla&#8230; 3-4 question forgotten<br />
I have answered all questions without stop, though thete was many grammatical
mistake seems to me.</p>

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aria-label='Reply to GD'>Reply</a> </div>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-651738">April 19, 2019 at 6:59 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-651511">

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">K</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-651511">April 19, 2019 at 9:48 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>19.04.2019<br />
part 1:<br />
drawing pictures<br />
part 2:<br />
describe a lecture that you took part in<br />
part 3:<br />
listening lecture</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-651690">April 19, 2019 at 6:02 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-649810">April 17, 2019 at 4:39 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Shouldn&#8217;t everyone have to mention his exam type

(Academic-General) and his country? It will be more useful. PLEASE.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-649941">April 17, 2019 at 6:28 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>It is not necessary to state if it is GT or Academic. If the

writing task 1 is a letter, then obviously the test is GT. For speaking, there is
only one test so GT or Academic makes no difference at all.</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-649500">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-649500">April 17, 2019 at 9:44 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>17/April/19<br />
Speaking<br />
Intro- are you student or employee<br />
Where are u studying<br />
Do u want any changes in your college<br />
Do u like pictures<br />
What kind of pictures do u like<br />
Are pictures important<br />
Do u listen to music<br />
What kind of music u don&#8217;t like</p>
<p>Part2<br />
Handmade gift for someone<br />
Part 3<br />
Difference in gifts of past and present<br />
Do u prefer handmade gift or gift from shop<br />
Do u think art subject is important in school<br />
Do u think girls like different gifts and boys like different<br />
Many more questions</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=649500#respond' data-commentid="649500" data-
postid="3278" data-belowelement="comment-649500" data-respondelement="respond"
aria-label='Reply to J'>Reply</a> </div>

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s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-649504">April 17, 2019 at 9:45 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=649504#respond' data-commentid="649504" data-
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aria-label='Reply to Liz'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-2" id="comment-650327">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Sahana</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-650327">April 18, 2019 at 2:30 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Part 2 and Part 3 were same for me in Speaking test dated

&#8211; 5 April 2019.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-647103">April 15, 2019 at 3:19 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi guys,</p>
<p>If you want to share your experience and tips for the computer based IELTS test,
I&#8217;ve created a new page for it.</p>
<p>Click here: <a href=""
rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Pros &#038; Cons Computer Delivered

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-645928">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-645928">April 14, 2019 at 2:09 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>April 13th 2019 </p>

<p>SPEAKING<br />
Part-1 (Introduction) </p>
<p>1-Do you work or study?<br />
2-What do you like about your work?<br />
3-Which movie star you like and why?<br />
4-Do you want to be a movie star?<br />
5-Are you a patient person?<br />
6-How important is it to be patient? </p>
<p>Part-2 (Cue Card)</p>
<p>Talk about a healthy habit/routine that you have.<br />
1-what is it?<br />
2-when did you start doing it?<br />
3-what is the benifit of it on your health. </p>
<p>Part-3 (Follow-up questions)</p>
<p>1-What should schools do to improve children’s health?<br />
2-How is employees health important to an employer?<br />
3-Is mental health of employees important ?<br />
4-What should employers do to improve employees health? </p>
<p>LISTENING<br />
Part-1 (Two words only)<br />
Filling a job application form.</p>
<p>Question type:<br />
1-sentence completion. </p>
<p>Part-2<br />
Discussion on theater project between drama student and her teacher. </p>
<p>Question types:<br />
1-MCQs<br />
2-label the map</p>
<p>Part-3<br />
Talk on agricultural development in a country.</p>
<p>Question types:<br />
1-Sentence completion<br />
<p>READING<br />
Passage-1 on job description.<br />
Question type:<br />
1-summary completion (no more than 3 words)</p>
<p>Passage-2 on different trains and their routes.<br />
Question types:<br />
1-Match information</p>
<p>Passage-3 on guidlines for business start-up<br />
Question types: (no more than two words)<br />
1-Summary completion<br />
2-Short answer question </p>
<p>Passage-4 on Real tennis<br />
Question types:<br />
1-Match information<br />
2-True/False/Not Given</p>
<p>Task-1<br />
A local magazine editor has asked for readers opinion. Write a letter to magazine
editor;<br />
1-describe what made you choose this magazine.<br />
2-why do you like and dislike about it.<br />
3-what improvements do you want to see. </p>
<p>Task-2<br />
People doing dangerous sports activities like scuba diving and bungi jumping, they
should be responsible for their own life and rescue workers should not risk their
lives to save people.<br />
Do you agree or disagree?</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-645941">April 14, 2019 at 2:24 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Aaleeya</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-648197">April 16, 2019 at 12:37 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Wow. That&#8217;s really super memory. Thanks a lot</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-654878">April 22, 2019 at 1:39 pm</a>

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� �</p>
<p>Thank you. �

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-645925">April 14, 2019 at 2:02 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz, I had my speaking test on 11 April 2019<br />

Part 2 topic : describe a gift that someone gave you on your birthday. I did the
test nicely without any mistakes but my answers were no long enough. Will that
affect the score ?<br />
Thank you</p>

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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-645945">April 14, 2019 at 2:25 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � The length of answers will only affect

your score for fluency, not any other marking criteria.</p>

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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-646823">April 15, 2019 at 8:51 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks Liz ☺️</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-645633">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">A</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-645633">April 14, 2019 at 5:20 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>April 13th<br />

Academic<br />
&#8212;&#8212;-<br />
&#8211; Part 1: at school, what is the thing you struggle most with? How did you
overcome it?; What is your favourite movie star? Do you often see movie stars in
your country?<br />
&#8211; Part 2: talk about your perfect, ideal house and why you think it&#8217;s
perfect for you<br />
&#8211; Part 3: environmentally friendly technologies usage at houses; the
differences between living in a house and a flat; advantages and disadvantages of
living in an apartment<br />
TIPS: recently, IELTS speaking tests mainly focus on social problems (things like
public transport, etc)<br />
&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;<br />
&#8211; I think the listening test is quite easy for me. Personally, I did very
well on Section 4 (which is supposed to be the hardest) but missed one answer on
Section 1.<br />
TIPS: &#8211; If necessary, you can email the IELTS centre that you&#8217;re taking
the test, express your concerns and ask them to leave a note for you to sit closer
to the speaker (if the centre only offers speakers but not headphones)<br />
&#8211; Be very mindful when you are required to circle TWO answers in the multiple
questions section<br />
&#8211; A website that I use and find very helpful in practicing is, go there and you won&#8217;t regret it.<br />
&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8211;<br />
READING: the 3 paragraphs were long and a bit bulky, so DO read them as fast as you
can. I&#8217;m a fast reader, nevertheless still struggled to manage the
time.<br />
&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;-<br />
WRITING:<br />
&#8211; Task 1: I was given 2 college diagrams (maps) in the present days as well
as their plans in the future.<br />
&#8211; Task 2: More and more people are becoming seriously overweight. Some people
say that the price increase of fattening foods will solve this problem. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?</p>

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aria-label='Reply to A'>Reply</a> </div>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-645786">April 14, 2019 at 9:44 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-645401">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-645401">April 13, 2019 at 10:29 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I had my computer based gt exam today </p>

<p>Speaking part 1 was about work, sleeping hours and cooking.<br />
Cue card: something you taught to a younger person.<br />
Part 3 was mainly about skills that children should learn before school.</p>
<p>I did really good in part 1 and 2, but i had a complete mind block in part 3. I
made some mistakes and i couldnt think of good ideas. I m not sure if this will
greatly affect my score. Please advise. </p>
<p>Writing task 2 was a discussion essay. It was about ppl should be to drive at 18
or 25 years old. </p>
<p>Writing task 1 was a formal letter to an hotel manager asking about a party you
want to arrange for somebody you know.</p>
<p>Typing was much easier than writing for me, and i was able to revise and read my
essay a couple of times.<br />
Good luck everyone.</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-645793">April 14, 2019 at 9:53 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">
<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>

<div class="reply">
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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=645793#respond' data-commentid="645793" data-
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aria-label='Reply to Liz'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment even depth-3" id="comment-650901">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-650901">April 18, 2019 at 2:25 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I got my scores today. L 8.5 R 8.5 W7 S8 overall 8</p>

<p>I was stuck in 6.5 writing score, and this was my 7th attempt. </p>
<p>I am truly appreciative to you Liz. I would have never scored 7 without your
advanced writing videos. They are absolutely useful and comprehensive, and they
give clear structure to follow. </p>
<p>My message to future test takers: follow liz&#8217;s structure and advice,
include different types of sentences in your writing to boost your grammar score
and try the computer-delivered ielts (it was much easier for me). Don&#8217;t give
up ppl!</p>
<p>Liz, you&#8217;re a life-saver!</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-650931">April 18, 2019 at 3:04 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I&#8217;m so pleased to see your results &#8211; very well

done � It shows your determination �</p>

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<li class="comment even depth-4" id="comment-656754">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-656754">April 24, 2019 at 5:18 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>@K can you please share liz advanced writing videos


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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-656847">April 24, 2019 at 7:48 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>You can buy them on this page: <a

rel="nofollow"></a>. They are
copyright protected and out of respect for myself, you should not be trying to get
hold of unauthorised copies.</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-645097">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Jelly</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-645097">April 13, 2019 at 2:13 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hello Liz,</p>
<p>Thanks so much for your page, it was very helpful during preparation.<br />
So, here are my questions for the Academic Module:<br />
1) Listening: a young man being interviewed about the town he lived in<br />
a man talking about a vehicle sale/market and how and where
to find what on<br />
a map<br />
two students talking about a plant and how it affects the
environment<br />
a scientist talking about how people might have traveled from
Asia to America<br />
in ancient times and setteled down</p>
<p>2) Reading: one text about eating, food and celebrations in ancient Rome, one
text about optimism and psychology and science thereof, one text about using old
diaries and records of the life cycles of plants and animals and how they are used
by scientists today to research climate change</p>
<p>3) Writing: describe how a TV center has changed over ten years according to two
maps<br />
an opinion essay about how parents and teachers believe that children should be
supervised in their activities most of the time whereas others believe that kids
need more freedom</p>
<p>4) Speaking: I had a very nice examiner. My questions were: about my job and how
I get to work, about handwriting and if I liked two write with my hand. Then I had
to prepare and talk about a situation where I didn‘t have enough time to finish
something. After that she asked me about how and why people today seem to have less
time today than some years/decades ago.</p>
<p>I hope it helps. I didn‘t find it that hard but it also wasn‘t an easy breezy
thing either.</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-2" id="comment-645134">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Jelly</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-645134">April 13, 2019 at 3:04 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>What I forgot: I invested some time in finding a pencil I

liked to write with and a good eraser only to find out at the test venue that we
were not allowed to use our own stuff and had to use the pencils and erasers that
were given to us by the test center. And I really didn‘t like these! I might be a
bit strange concerning my pencils and pens but I like to use stuff I‘m comfortable
with in exams. Don‘t know if anyone else can relate to this though.</p>

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aria-label='Reply to Jelly'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-645795">April 14, 2019 at 9:55 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">
<p>Personally, I fully understand. Pencils are not all the same.
Some are easier to write with than others.</p>

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aria-label='Reply to Liz'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-4" id="comment-645894">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">TGA</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-645894">April 14, 2019 at 1:03 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>One experience I would like to share is about preventing

smudges on the answer sheet due to eraser marks. To prevent unsightly eraser marks,
I found it helpful to rub off lead residue on the eraser surface by rubbing it off
on the question paper or on my pants. I did this while I was listening to
instructions. The test center initially provided 2 pencils and a used eraser and at
the end of the reading test an IELTS staff member went around offering more
pencils. I requested 2 more for my writing test. I had about 280 words on Task 1
and about 310 words on Task 2. I used all 4 pencils until they were blunt. The lead
was really soft, there was shallow tapering on the newly sharpened pencil tips, and
I used a lot of pressure while writing. I hope that would help on the mechanics of
pencil writing and erasing on the IELTS.</p>

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<li class="comment byuser comment-author-liz bypostauthor even depth-5"

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-645948">April 14, 2019 at 2:26 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks. I appreciate you sharing these tips �</p>


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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-645794">April 14, 2019 at 9:54 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Glad you had a nice examiner for the
speaking test �</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-644009">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">XXX</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-644009">April 12, 2019 at 12:57 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Just done my academic speaking today, 12 april</p>

<p>Part 1:<br />
&#8211; study/work<br />
&#8211; how many hours a week<br />
&#8211; what u want to improve in ur organization<br />
&#8211; questions about email: how many per day access email, do u prefer to have
text or email, do u reply email directly or not<br />
&#8211; questions about camera: preferences on camera/smartphone</p>
<p>Part 2<br />
&#8211; name a successful fried<br />
&#8211; what his/her achievement<br />
&#8211; how the achievement meaning to him/her<br />
&#8211; I missed the last question since it was in the bottom of the box and
separated from the other 3 questions. I just noticed it when the examiner took the
paper. I hope I&#8217;ve covered that question in my 2 mins answer �</p>
<p>Part 3<br />
&#8211; achievement in science is better than arts/sports, agree or not<br />
&#8211; how the student should be rewarded<br />
&#8211; 1 more question relate to above questions</p>

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<li class="comment byuser comment-author-liz bypostauthor odd alt depth-2"


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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-645800">April 14, 2019 at 10:00 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even depth-2" id="comment-655202">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">AAA</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-655202">April 22, 2019 at 7:59 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hello, </p>
<p>Is Part 2 Correct ? I didnt understand the cue card though </p>
<p>name a successful fried &#8211;</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-655626">April 23, 2019 at 8:04 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I&#8217;m sure that is a typo and that you can predict what
the correct typing should be. Always allow for typos when people post their topics
and questions.</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-643850">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">A</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-643850">April 12, 2019 at 9:26 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz, been using your website and resources for a couple of
days and i tried using all the tips and tricks you have shared so thank you!!I had
my speaking exam today and I am a fluent English speaker but knowing that I will be
tested on fluency and vocabulary is quite unnerving. I tried to be as fluent as
possible however I realise I did repeat a lot of vocab. How much will that affect
my grade?<br />
For part 1 I was asked about whether I work or study and whether I like parks or
gardens.<br />
Do I prefer open parks or parks with leisure facilities.<br />
Part 2 was about where I find it easiest to study and why<br />
Part 3 was about whether academics is better than experience for getting a
job.<br />
Hope this helps other IELTS candidates �</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-645798">April 14, 2019 at 9:59 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � In speaking, it is perfectly normal to

repeat words &#8211; it doesn&#8217;t affect your score. The score for vocabulary
is about the range you use in different topics, not about how many synonyms you
use. Speaking naturally and with fluency is the aim. Remember this is an informal
speaking test and the marking criteria are not the same as IELTS writing.</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-642614">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">R</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-642614">April 11, 2019 at 5:37 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,<br />

I had my speaking exam last week for IELTS General Training.<br />
Section 1:<br />
Tell me whether you study or work. Tell me about your work<br />
Do you enjoy your work and why ?<br />
Do you look at sky?<br />
Do you prefer sky at day or night?<br />
Do you have any particular place in your house where you can see the sky?<br />
What do you enjoy most about sky?<br />
Do you use to see sky when you were kid?<br />
Section 2: Tell one instance when you receive a bad customer experience in a
restaurant?<br />
Cue card: 1- When it happened? With whom you were? What you did about it<br />
&#8211; I explain the restaurant where it happened and with whom I was. How was I
mistreated and what I did about it. But at the end of my speaking I was stopped in
the middle of my sentence. So I just stopped and said Thank you. Did I do something
wrong? Will this affect my score?</p>
<p>Section 3: Mostly question related the customer experience like, reason why
people think that they are getting bad customer service, have you faced bad
customer service during online shopping- how ? , Are people having high expectation
for customer service. I actually find most of the question quite repetitive, so
most of my answer were almost similar. How will it affect my score?<br />
Thanks and Regards,<br />

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-645796">April 14, 2019 at 9:57 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Remember there is only one speaking

test. The above questions are for any candidate regardless of what test they take
for reading or writing.</p>
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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-641110">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Ik</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-641110">April 9, 2019 at 9:56 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,</p>
<p>Thanks a lot. You don&#8217;t know this but i have been a silent reader and your
page really helped me a great deal. i was surprised as to similarities in questions
that i felt relaxed and instantly at home in the first few seconds of the
interview. I had my speaking test today so i would share my experiences as well,
like many before me.</p>
<p>Part1<br />
Do you work or study?<br />
Do you like your place of work and what do you like about that?<br />
Is there anything you would like to change about your work place and what is that?
<p>Part2<br />
Name someone you know who is doing something good about the environment<br />
i) Say who the person is. ii) How he/she does this. iii) Challenges he has
experienced in the process of doing this.</p>
<p>Part3<br />
Name a serious environmental challenge that you can think of and why?<br />
Do you think international organizations or nationals has responsibility towards
address these challenges.</p>
<p>N/B: the questions aren&#8217;t recanted word for word, just wanted to give a
general feel of the questions and hopefully it helps someone as other contributions
did help me. like a great woman always &#8220;sharing is caring&#8221;.</p>
<p>Good Luck Folks.</p>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-642253">April 10, 2019 at 9:37 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Sounds like a good speaking test � Good

luck with your results �</p>

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<li class="comment even depth-3" id="comment-643280">

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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-643280">April 11, 2019 at 8:15 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>tomorrow is my exam nd i definately share my all topics with

you becz your ielts liz page is very helpful for me</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-643290">April 11, 2019 at 8:27 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Good luck �</p>


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<li class="comment even depth-4" id="comment-644251">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Alina</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-644251">April 12, 2019 at 5:48 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hello, how was your exam? Did you face any difficulties?</p>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-640198">April 8, 2019 at 10:35 pm</a>
<div class="comment-content">

<p>Took the GT Test on April 6. </p>

<p>Writing Task 1 &#8211; A item of clothing you purchased but found some issues
with it once you returned home. Describe &#8211; what the item was, what were the
issues, and what you expect the store manager to do.<br />
I wrote about a 3 piece suit because if I had written about a shirt or a pant, how
much could you really write to describe the product. Or how many issues can you
have with a single shirt. With a 3 piece suit I could describe all three items
separately and mention different issues with each. Hope a 3 piece suit counts as
an item of clothing.</p>
<p>Writing task 2 &#8211; Should people get a job right after school or should they
attend university. Discuss both and give your opinion.</p>
<p>Speaking Part 1: Where you live, what you like about the area. What you dont
like about it. Do you like pets, which kind do you like, which ones you dont.
Handwriting vs typing. Handwriting analysis.<br />
Part 2: A beautiful/handsome person you have met. Where you met them. Their
personality. I spoke about a film actress and told the examiner I have not actually
met the person but have seen them on TV in Live TV shows or press conferences.</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=640198#respond' data-commentid="640198" data-
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aria-label='Reply to NK'>Reply</a> </div>

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s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-642254">April 10, 2019 at 9:37 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=642254#respond' data-commentid="642254" data-
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<li class="comment odd alt depth-2" id="comment-644890">

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s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn"><a href=''
rel='external nofollow' class='url'>Ikhioya micheal</a></cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-644890">April 13, 2019 at 8:31 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Nk very nice talking about the suits and also about an actress
. </p>
<p>Quick question. </p>
<p>How do start with your answers ?</p>

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aria-label='Reply to Ikhioya micheal'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment even depth-3" id="comment-644972">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Nk</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-644972">April 13, 2019 at 10:46 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>For part two of speaking I just started with &#8220;I am going

to talk about..&#8221; or &#8220;I will be telling you about..&#8221;. Other
questions were direct and started with &#8220;I believe&#8221; or &#8221; I
think&#8221; but not always</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=644972#respond' data-commentid="644972" data-
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aria-label='Reply to Nk'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-639527">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-639527">April 8, 2019 at 11:20 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Im J<br />

Speaking questions<br />
Study, sky, children<br />
2. Talk about a person you admire.<br />
3. Famous person and children.<br />
-Growning up related questions</p>

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aria-label='Reply to J'>Reply</a> </div>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-642257">April 10, 2019 at 9:38 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=642257#respond' data-commentid="642257" data-
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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">MM</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-638233">April 7, 2019 at 5:17 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi! Just finished my ielts academic yesterday. Overall, it was

a great experience tho I thought I was going to have a heart attack haha! I tried
to remember everything. Thank you Liz for your helpful website. Good luck to
<p>Listening<br />
&#8211; winter concert<br />
&#8211; 2 students preparing for their presentation<br />
&#8211; cotton production</p>
<p>Reading<br />
&#8211; multitasking<br />
&#8211; can’t remember the rest sorry</p>
<p>Writing<br />
&#8211; pie charts about responses of club member and general public about a new
theatre<br />
&#8211; about retirement: individuals should provide for themselves when they
retire, govt should take care of its people. Describe both views then give your
<p>Speaking<br />
&#8211; describe where do you live<br />
&#8211; are you a patient person?<br />
&#8211; cue card: describe something you do that is good for your health<br />
&#8211; what schools should do to further promote health among students</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=638233#respond' data-commentid="638233" data-
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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-638424">April 7, 2019 at 10:54 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Fingers crossed for your results �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-638228">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-638228">April 7, 2019 at 5:04 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Speaking part 2: March 2019</p>

<p>Describe an intelligent person you know.<br />
1. Who the person is?<br />
2. Why do you consider him/her intelligent?<br />
3. What do you like about the person?</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=638228#respond' data-commentid="638228" data-
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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-638425">April 7, 2019 at 10:54 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=638425#respond' data-commentid="638425" data-
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<li class="comment odd alt depth-2" id="comment-641056">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Pee</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-641056">April 9, 2019 at 8:57 pm</a>

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<p>This was exactly what i was asked when i wrote in January


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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-637993">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">V</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-637993">April 6, 2019 at 11:09 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Dear Liz,<br />

I&#8217;ve finished my academic test today:<br />
Speaking section:<br />
Part1: Do you work or study?<br />
what do you like about your courses?<br />
where do you live? since when? and what do you like about your place?
what changes would<br />
you like to add to your city?<br />
what kind of things do you like to share?<br />
did your parents encourage you to share things as a child?<br />
what things you don&#8217;t like to share?<br />
do you think people will share their cars in the future?<br />
let&#8217;s talk about sleep: how many hours do you need to sleep?<br />
is it important for you to get enough
sleep? why?<br />
Part2: describe a party you went to, you should talk about:<br />
where was the party?<br />
why was it?<br />
what did you do?<br />
and describe what you felt after the party and why.<br />
Part 3: General questions about parties:<br />
do you go to a lot of parties?<br />
what festivals do you have in your country?<br />
some people like to arrange family parties, why?<br />
are festivals more traditional or religious thing in your country?<br />
do people spend too much money on weddings and why?</p>
<p>Writing section:<br />
task 1: a graph shows the number of immigrants to three countries.<br />
task 2: government should support sports and the arts at school to encourage
children to take part in sports, more than supporting professional sports and
artistic performances for general public.<br />
to what extent do you agree or disagree?</p>
<p>Thank you Liz for all the materials you provide through your website, I&#8217;m
really appreciated �</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-638428">April 7, 2019 at 10:56 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=638428#respond' data-commentid="638428" data-
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aria-label='Reply to Liz'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment even depth-2" id="comment-638617">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Levi</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-638617">April 7, 2019 at 4:11 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Me too</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=638617#respond' data-commentid="638617" data-
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aria-label='Reply to Levi'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-2" id="comment-639595">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Shok</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-639595">April 8, 2019 at 12:52 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I also had the same writing tasks)))</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-637799">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">HZ</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-637799">April 6, 2019 at 6:53 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Wrote today<br />

Writing Task 1 : Line graph showing immigration to USA, Canada and Australia from
1990 to 2001.<br />
Comment on the main points and make comparisons&#8230;..<br />
Task 2 : Government money should be used to support children in school for sports
rather than to support professional sports and arts that perform for the general
public.<br />
To what extent do you agree?</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=637799#respond' data-commentid="637799" data-
postid="3278" data-belowelement="comment-637799" data-respondelement="respond"
aria-label='Reply to HZ'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-638363">April 7, 2019 at 9:14 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=638363#respond' data-commentid="638363" data-
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aria-label='Reply to Liz'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment even depth-2" id="comment-645713">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Virat Gor</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-645713">April 14, 2019 at 7:38 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Dear Liz<br />

Please can I have some hint for this essay ?<br />
Or Can anyone give some hint for this essay ?</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-637684">April 6, 2019 at 4:53 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz.<br />

Thank you for making this website available. It has really helped a lot of people
including me. I wrote my test today 6th April 2019. General training</p>
<p>Writing task 1: write a letter to your colleague telling him about your planned
visit to the town you use to work. Tell Him details arrangement of your visit. </p>
<p>Task 2.<br />
In many countries, weddings are expensive compared to the past. What is the cause?
Is it a positive development or negative development? </p>
<p>Speaking : part 1: where do you live presently.<br />
2. Do you know people living in that area. 3. How often do you cook. 4. Do you
prefer eating home made meals or eating in a restaurant. 5. Describe a delicious
meal you eat recently. 6. Do you prefer foundation water or bottle water.<br />
Part 2.<br />
Decribe a skill that took you long time to learn.<br />
Say when you learnt the skill. Where you learn it. Why it took you long time to
learn it. </p>
<p>Part 3:<br />
Mention other skills that take a long time to learn. Why do people prefer skill
that take short time. My answer made the examiner ask me if people are not patient
to spend long time to learn skill compared to the past.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-638365">April 7, 2019 at 9:15 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-637619">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-637619">April 6, 2019 at 3:10 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>hi liz<br />

i have done my ielts exam test on 6th april 2019<br />
writing task 1<br />
the two maps are the changes on a particular area in 1980 and another was given
after the constructing the dam in 2000<br />
task 2<br />
more and more people are becoming seriously overweight. some people suggest that
the solution this problem should increase the price of fattened foods.<br />
to what extend do you agree or disagree?</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-638367">April 7, 2019 at 9:16 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-637614">April 6, 2019 at 3:03 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz, thank you so much, your website helped me a lot.<br />
I had my speaking test and L, R, W test at 6th April.</p>
<p>As I remember, this is my Academic Test:</p>
<p>Writing:<br />
Task 1:Graph about overweight men and women in Australia between 1980 and 2010.
Compare and summarize!</p>
<p>Task 2:People realize the importance of natural world.<br />
What the reason?<br />
How can increase people knolwledge?</p>
<p>Liz, what should the idea that I put in details body 1 and 2 in task 2? Because
I have little doubt with my answer.</p>
<p>Speaking:<br />
Part 1<br />
About hometown,<br />
Where do you live?<br />
Why do you live in your town?<br />
How do you feel live in that town?<br />
What do you like in your town?<br />
Do you know people who live near you?<br />
How often you wearing sun glasses?<br />
Are you ever lose sun glasess?<br />
Talk about sport,<br />
What most popular sport in your country?<br />
what sport do you like?<br />
Do you like sport team or individu? Why?<br />
Who are your favorit sport star? Why?</p>
<p>I think, my examiner give me alot of random topic in part 1, I don&#8217;t know
why. But i can answer all of that clearly. What&#8217;s wrong, Liz?</p>
<p>Part 2<br />
Card:<br />
Describe teenager that you know.<br />
Who is he/her?<br />
Why do you choose that person?<br />
What kind of person he/she is?<br />
Explain her positive value</p>
<p>Part 3<br />
How yong people respect to elder people in your country?<br />
What the difference between children and teenager?<br />
Do you think that teenager are enough to think in the right way?<br />
How can the school educate student to have attitude?</p>
<p>While I speaking, the examiner often cut my answer. Is that bad for the result?
<p>Sorry, for listening and reading, I can&#8217;t remember the details.</p>
<p>Thank you, Liz.<br />
And, good luck with high band score, Guys.<br />
Please, also pray for me, I just need band 7, with minimum 6 each session.

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-638368">April 7, 2019 at 9:18 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � It is normal for the examiner to

interrupt answers &#8211; it is a normal part of the testing process. Good luck
with your results �</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-638417">April 7, 2019 at 10:39 am</a>

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<p>I took the same exam at the same date as well.<br />
Task 2<br />
Today, many people have little knowledge about the importance of natural
world.<br />
What are the reasons for this?<br />
How can we solve this problem?<br />
I found it was quite difficult, and I spent around 10 mins on planning, brain
storming part is very hard as well cause I seriously have not much ideas why&#8230;
so I managed to give some reasons, for example, it’s because people are more
interested in enjoying their own material lives and chose to ignore the natural
world around us. Another reason is there is not enough information or education
provided to the general public by the government to encourage people to get
involved more in protecting natural world.<br />
Also, I give the solutions as: 1. educate people at their young age such as put
more information regarding to natural world into children’s study book; 2.
Encourage families with children to go out more and have closer contact with the
wild world.<br />
I felt I was out of ideas on this topic and could you give me some advice on this
topic&#8230; thanks a lot Liz</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-638422">April 7, 2019 at 10:52 am</a>

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<p>Your ideas are absolutely fine. Why are you worried? Your
ideas do not need to be exciting or ground-breaking, they just need to be relevant
and well explained. Your reasons are certainly relevant. Another reason is that
many people live in urban areas which are not designed to encourage wildlife and
have not allocated space for nature, such as parks or gardens. This could actually
also lead to a solution of better planning in urban areas.<br />
Your solutions are clear and distinct which is good. Another solution is to involve
the media. In the UK, we have amazing wildlife programs that encourage children and
parents to get involved in nature by giving them projects for their garden and
suggesting ways they can make a difference. The programs are incredibly well filmed
and presented by people who are enthusiastic and good at communicating to a broad
age group from 5 years old &#8211; 60 plus.<br />
Good luck with your results �</p>

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-640696">April 9, 2019 at 12:05 pm</a>

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<p>Hello Madam,<br />

Thanks a lot for your magnificent guide line. It really shows how well a writing
could be&#8230;..<br />
Planning to sit for IELTS on 27th April. Please keep us in your prayer&#8230;.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-640701">April 9, 2019 at 12:15 pm</a>

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<p>Good luck �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-637606">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-637606">April 6, 2019 at 2:45 pm</a>

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<p>Hi Liz,</p>
<p>Hope you are well and heading towards Sunday! �</p>
<p>I had my Listening, Reading &amp; Writing sections. L &amp; R sections were easy
and I am positively thinking to have a good scoring in both. In Writing the
questions were:-</p>
<p>Letter &#8211; to friend whom you are coming to meet after some time as you
shifted to other location for job. Tell him about your current Job, tell him about
your stay plan and tell how you are going to make arrangements meet him.</p>
<p>Essay &#8211; weddings are more expensive in some countries in present in
comparison to the past. What is the reason behind this? Is this a positive or a
negative development?</p>
<p>Is this an opinion essay? I have not given my opinion in this as it has not
asked me.</p>
<p>Thanks,<br />

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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-638369">April 7, 2019 at 9:19 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Your task 2 required two things from

you: 1) to give the causes &#8211; this would be in one body paragraph 2) to give
your opinion if it is positive or negative (similar to agree or disagree) &#8211;
that would be the second body paragraph.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-637559">April 6, 2019 at 1:48 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Today (April 6th) I took my General IELTS test. Following is

what I remember<br />
Task1:<br />
A local college is having an international day. You want to speak about your
country to students from different cultures.<br />
Write a letter to the college head<br />
* Tell him/her about the topics you are going to talk about<br />
* Why would they be of interest to the students<br />
*ask for any arrangements that you need</p>
<p>Task2<br />
Some believe that is is the responsibility of people to take care about the
environment.Others say it is the government that should take care of the
environment.<br />
Discuss both views and state your opinion</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-638370">April 7, 2019 at 9:20 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-636127">April 5, 2019 at 7:25 am</a>

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<p>Hi Liz<br />

I had my speaking test on 04th April 2019<br />
Part 1- Living place, foods, and cook, shoes<br />
Part 2 -describe a complaint you made<br />
Part 3- about complaint making an impact on the organization, Some questions
relation to their decision making</p>
<p>Thanks, Please pray for me to rest of the exam.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-636442">April 5, 2019 at 3:17 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Good luck indeed in the rest of the

test �</p>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-636047">April 5, 2019 at 5:47 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,</p>
<p>Your website is full of valuable information. Thank your so much for such a
fantastic website.</p>
<p>Speaking 04 April 2019<br />
PART 1<br />
&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;-<br />
Do you study or work?<br />
Where do you work?<br />
What do you like about your work place?<br />
If you were to improve one thing in your work place, what would that be?</p>
<p>Lets talk about food<br />
Do you like cooking, how often do you cook?<br />
Why do people like cooking?</p>
<p>PART 2<br />
&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8211;<br />
Topic on environment pollution</p>
<p>PART 3<br />
&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8211;<br />
Follow ups on cue card. Below is what I can barely recollect:<br />
What is the cause of environment pollution in your hometown? And what can be done
to stop this practice?<br />
In your hometown, tell me one person you know is trying to protect the environment
pollution?<br />
How is he doing it?<br />
What are your thoughts about countries around the globe in regards to environment
pollution?<br />
Do you think enough is being done to protect the environment around the globe?</p>
<p>I hope to get 8.0.<br />
Fingers crossed</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-636443">April 5, 2019 at 3:18 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � I&#8217;ll keep my fingers crossed for

that band 8 �</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-2" id="comment-637319">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-637319">April 6, 2019 at 8:30 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>First time I seen generalize topic in part 2, I thought

it&#8217;s something to do with personal situation. Can&#8217;t you remember the
exact quation?</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-635666">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-635666">April 4, 2019 at 8:39 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Had my Speaking Test today (04/04/2019)</p>

<p>Section1:<br />
Pretty basic stuffs examiner asked like:<br />
What you do work or study?<br />
What does is your company best in business?<br />
What changes you would like to see in your company?<br />
Why your company attracts youth?<br />
Which is your favorite colour? Why is that colour your favorite?<br />
If you have to choose a car colour which one will you prefer brighter or dark
shades? Why so?</p>
<p>Cue Card: Which is the most beautiful city you have visited<br />
Where is it located?<br />
What you loved about City?<br />
What are the things you can do?</p>
<p>Followup Questions:<br />
According to you is historic places be preserved?<br />
What does it takes to preserve such historic places?<br />
How shall these places be preserved?<br />
If government stop giving funds to preserve to historic places, what impact it will
have in world?<br />
Why do people like to explore different places?<br />
Why do city generally build skyscrapers? what is the reason?</p>
<p>Just express yourself out that&#8217;s the key to speaking test!!<br />
Hope this helps<br />
Wish you all goodluck!</p>
<p>Thanks Liz for this amazing platform, where we could share our ideas!

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-636454">April 5, 2019 at 3:31 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � You are 100% right &#8211; expressing

yourself natural is the key to IELTS speaking. Don&#8217;t memorise answers &#8211;
just prepare ideas and then speak naturally in the test.</p>
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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-635523">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-635523">April 4, 2019 at 5:55 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,<br />

Firstly I want to thank you very much for your tips, your blog helps IELTS test
takes alot in achieving the target score, a true example of sharing is caring. �
<br />
I have my LRW test on 6th April and I have taken speaking test yesterday i.e 3rd
April<br />
Part 1:<br />
Work/study<br />
What do you like about your work?<br />
Do you like taking photographs?You prefer taking pictures with a camera or mobile
phone? Why?<br />
What photographs do you like taking?<br />
What do you do with them?<br />
Who is your fav actor?<br />
Are international actors famous in our country? Why<br />
Part 2:<br />
Talk about a job your grandparent has done? What is it? How did you know about it?
Will you prefer to do such job?<br />
Part 3:<br />
Which do you think are hard jobs<br />
Do people doing easy jobs be paid less?<br />
Why people prefer hard jobs?<br />
Why should company encourage people doing hard jobs?<br />
How does a hard jobs help in developing a person&#8217;s personal </p>
<p>I was able answer part 1 and 2 well but in part 3 I felt i have I repeated
,answers for 2 ques. Hope I could score well. ,</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-635552">April 4, 2019 at 6:26 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Don&#8217;t worry about answers being

similar &#8211; the marking isn&#8217;t the same as writing. In writing, you should
not repeat information because it affects your score for Task Achievement or Task
Response , but there is no such marking criterion in speaking. Good luck on
Saturday! See this page: <a href=""

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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-635417">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-635417">April 4, 2019 at 3:39 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,<br />

U have been absolutely a great guide for IELTS and I had prepared all from ur
website .. today I had my speaking test &#8230;I was confident and comfortable
talking with long complex sentences as u had said. Following were the topic I
got :<br />
Part 1_<br />
Do u work or study<br />
What u enjoy the most about ur work<br />
Do u like taking photos in camera or cell phone<br />
Part 2_<br />
Describe a subject u didn&#8217;t used to like during ur childhood which u like
now<br />
•what was the subject<br />
•why u disliked it<br />
•what made u change ur dislike<br />
•when did it change<br />
Part 3_<br />
does teachers play role for students like for subject or study<br />
Why do u think so<br />
How can a teacher grab attention of students for the lecture<br />
Are the teachers using modern methods for teaching </p>
<p>I felt good after the test. Hoping for good score..<br />
All the best to all</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-636444">April 5, 2019 at 3:21 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Glad my website was useful �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-635397">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-635397">April 4, 2019 at 2:54 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Speaking test 03 april 2019<br />

1) Do you study or work<br />
2) what do u like about work , any improvements<br />
3) do u drive ? do u use public transport<br />
5) when was the last time you took a taxi ; should everyone learn to drive<br />
6) Do u like parks; how often you go to parks; do u prefer open parks or covered
leisure centers<br />
Part 2:<br />
Speak for 2 min : Any good law in your country </p>
<p>part 3 :<br />
1) Why do we need laws<br />
2) Are all laws just<br />
3) Do people respect laws in your country<br />
4) What kind of international laws are needed and why<br />
5) Do u think universal laws are possible<br />
6) Should all countries have same laws ? Is is possible</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-635462">April 4, 2019 at 4:53 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-635239">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-635239">April 4, 2019 at 10:06 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>My topics were</p>

<p>1) Talk about the SKY</p>
<p>2) Second part: describe an occasion where someone didn&#8217;t tell you all the
<p>3) Honesty</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-635241">April 4, 2019 at 10:07 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-635237">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-635237">April 4, 2019 at 10:03 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Dear Liz,</p>
<p>Thank you for all the tips you have shared to us, which were very useful. Today
(04 April) i had the Speaking test. After i finished the test, i looked to the
white paper of the examiner where some number were written in this order: (from the
left side of the paper going to the right side) number 2, 4, 5, than a number 31,
and at the end a number 8 0 0. Could you please explain to me what might be the
meaning of this numbers, in particular the last number written by the examiner (8 0
0). </p>
<p>Thank you</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-635243">April 4, 2019 at 10:09 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Examiners make notes mainly of seconds and minutes. Any

numbers have nothing to do with your score. All IELTS candidates should not pay any
attention to what the examiners jots down on paper. Your score is not decided until
after you walk out of the room. The examiner doesn&#8217;t make notes of scoring
during the test because the results are based on an overall performance and not on
each part.</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-635168">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-635168">April 4, 2019 at 8:47 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">
<p>Hi Liz<br />
I had my speaking test on April 4th. These were my questions:<br />
-Part 1<br />
Where do you live?<br />
Do you like your neighborhood?<br />
Do you know the people living around you?<br />
When you were a child, did you go to the cinema?<br />
Which kind of movies do you prefer?<br />
How often do you go to the cinema?<br />
Do you like to watch movies alone or with your friends?</p>
<p>_Part 2:<br />
Describe an important decision made with the help of others?</p>
<p>-Part3:<br />
Did you mad the same decision again?<br />
Why it is important to consult with other people?<br />
What are some important decision teenagers have to make?<br />
Why some people listen to others advises but do not confirm?</p>
<p>I want 7 though I had a few pauses and corrected myself a couple of times. Could
these things damage my score?</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-636450">April 5, 2019 at 3:27 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Pauses and self-correction are part of

the band score for fluency which is 25% of your marks. But even so, your score will
be based on your overall performance, not just one individual questions and
answers. Good luck with your results �</p>
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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-635144">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-635144">April 4, 2019 at 8:16 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,<br />

I just had my speaking test and I just wanted to post the questions, before I
forget, as it may help someone.<br />
So for part 1, the examiner asked me the following questions<br />
&#8211; Where do you live?<br />
-What do you like about living there?<br />
-What kind of footwear do you like?<br />
-Do you prefer comfort over fashion?<br />
-Tell me about your fav footwear<br />
-Do you often buy new shoes?</p>
<p>Cue card<br />
Describe a place you would like to visit in the future.<br />
What that place is?<br />
How do you go there?<br />
What do you want to do there?<br />
Explain why do you want to go.</p>
<p>Part 3<br />
Mostly questions on young people and travel, like is it beneficial for young people
to travel for a year before going to a university?<br />
What should they carry with them?<br />
What are the benefits of travelling?<br />
Why do some people do not want to travel?</p>
<p>Tourism<br />
What are the benefits of tourism?<br />
What are the disadvantages of tourism?</p>
<p>Thank you for this platform!</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-636449">April 5, 2019 at 3:26 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-634087">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-634087">April 3, 2019 at 3:10 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I had my speaking test on 2nd April and would like to share
the topics�<br />
Part 1 questions:<br />
What do you do work or study?<br />
What type of work do you do?<br />
Are you happy with your work environment?<br />
Do you want any changes in your workplace?<br />
Now let’s talk about music:<br />
Do you listen music?<br />
Which type of music do you listen?<br />
Is there any music which you don’t like? And why?<br />
What do music do to you?<br />
Have you ever been to live concert?<br />
Why did you enjoyed the concert?</p>
<p>Questions for the Topic of SHOES</p>
<p>What kind of shoes do you usually wear?<br />
Do you have a favourite pair of shoes?<br />
How often do you buy shoes?<br />
Where do you usually buy your shoes?<br />
Have you ever ordered shoes online? Why or why not?</p>
<p>Part 2: cue card<br />
Describe a skill that takes a long time to learn:<br />
You should say:<br />
What is that skill?<br />
Why does it take a long time?<br />
How and where you can learn it?<br />
And explain how did you feel when you learn it?</p>
<p>Follow up questions:<br />
Which other skills take long time to learn?<br />
Why do you think so?<br />
Is it good that to spend long time on skill?<br />
Why some people don’t like to spend such long time?<br />
Some people learn skills very fast, what can be the reason for it?<br />
Why do older people take more time to learn skill?</p>
<p>Too many questions on skill and that too very repetitive and fast, she did not
allow me to complete my answer.<br />
That’s all I think, there may be few questions that I don’t remember.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-636445">April 5, 2019 at 3:22 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-633887">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-633887">April 3, 2019 at 11:20 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">
<p>I did my speaking test today which is on 3rd April and the
questions were&#8230;.<br />
section 1 :: About my name and do I work or study<br />
about my job and the work environment<br />
do you like texting or emails.<br />
the most important email which i received.<br />
Section 2 :: A message which I read on newspaper or internet which made me so
<p>Section 3 :: Do people read lots of news?<br />
News reading is different than past.<br />
How important to teach children to read news?<br />
How news reporting has changed over time?<br />
How news reporters will be in the future?<br />
Do you think news at present are reliable if you compare it with
the past?<br />
How do you feel when you are on a crowed place?<br />
Have you been visited any crowded place recently?<br />
How it would be if you are in a lonely place?</p>
<p>I really appreciate your efforts to create such blog which is really useful.
Thank you so much.</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-636448">April 5, 2019 at 3:25 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � I&#8217;m really pleased me website is

useful �</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-633834">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-633834">April 3, 2019 at 10:44 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,<br />

I had my speaking on April 02, 2019 and LRW is on April 06,2019<br />
Part 1: General questions; study or work, education, cinema<br />
Cue Card: Describe an indoor or outdoor place to study or work.<br />
Part 3: Follow Ups on cue card</p>
<p>I hope to get 7.5 in speaking. Fingers crossed !</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-633933">April 3, 2019 at 12:01 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Yes &#8211; fingers crossed. Good luck

on Saturday!</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-633772">

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s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn"><a href='
%20available' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>H</a></cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-633772">April 3, 2019 at 10:12 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,<br />

Had my speaking exam today.<br />
Below are the questions:<br />
Part 1:<br />
1. Do you work or study<br />
2. Where do you work<br />
3. Do you like working there<br />
4. One thing you would like to change in your organisation<br />
5. Do you like music<br />
6. Have you ever been to live concert<br />
7. What kind of music you like<br />
8. Do music have connection with thoughts<br />
9. Did you learn any music instrument<br />
10. Do you drink enough water<br />
11. Do you think extra curricular is important<br />
Rest I forgot.</p>
<p>Part 2:<br />
About teenager I know how they relate to you. Describe his nature<br />
What you would like to see him in future</p>
<p>Part 3:<br />
More in detail about how to bring up kids affectionate towards older PPL.<br />
Do entertainment has got changed from older days.<br />
How would you like to change a teenager to respect elders<br />
When would you say a child is moving to teenager<br />
Would you recommend a teenager to take responsibility<br />
How would you mould teenager.</p>
<p>These are relatively to the kind of answer I gave in part 2.</p>
<p>Liz, I laughed out for a question is it wrong.<br />
I corrected and reused some words while speaking and I was speaking until examiner
said exam over thank you. Are these going to be a problem for me in marking?</p>
<p>Is it also fine for an examiner to start exam right from the moment we enter
into the room? Earlier I had chance to relax for a min and examiner will ask for my
consent to begin exam.</p>
<p>And many thanks Liz, I practiced and practiced alot with your speaking
questions, so it was easy to do it in exam.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-636447">April 5, 2019 at 3:24 pm</a>
<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � It&#8217;s fine to laugh. The speaking

test is completely informal. It is also normal to use the same words in the
speaking test. Some examiners start directly and some not &#8211; there is no set
standard for this. The standard starts once the ID check begins and then when the
recording is switched on.</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-633520">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-633520">April 3, 2019 at 8:07 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I just came back from my speaking test. (3rd April, 2019)</p>
<p>My test was awesome. I got a lot of easy questions.</p>
<p>In part 1 she asked me some questions related to my hometown and what was I
doing (Are you a student or Do you work) and some questions related to Emails and
social networking.<br />
Part 2 My monologue topic was<br />
A good news you heard/ read or saw on the internet/ television.<br />
Part 3 questions were related to News trends and the importance of news and the
development in the media and then there were questions about today&#8217;s news
reporters and the role of schools in motivating young children to listen to

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-636446">April 5, 2019 at 3:22 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Glad the test was ok �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-632715">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-632715">April 2, 2019 at 5:38 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Today I have taken my speaking test..<br />

Part 1: Questions about where you are living right now and why, facilities around
your home, whether you know your neighbours or not, your favourite colour, did u
wear bright colours in your childhood, and 3 to 4 questions about cinema and
movies..m<br />
Part 2: Favourite place of your country<br />
Part 3: Questions related to remote areas, towns and cities</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-633932">April 3, 2019 at 11:59 am</a>

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<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-632547">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-632547">April 2, 2019 at 2:23 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I had my speaking test today on 2nd of April 2019. I would

like to contribute to the list of topics so it might help someone else. I was
asked: &#8220;Describe a game you played when you were younger&#8221; in part 2.
Thank you very much for this useful site.</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-633930">April 3, 2019 at 11:59 am</a>
<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-632541">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-632541">April 2, 2019 at 2:18 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Part one<br />

Talk about where you live ? What you like there ?<br />
Whats your favorite colour?<br />
Does the car colour present your personaly?<br />
Cue Card<br />
Talk about a person you have never met but you want to know more<br />
Part three</p>
<p>Why do people feel lonely in a big city with milion of people ?<br />
how to be friendly ?<br />
how to make new frineds</p>

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aria-label='Reply to Egi'>Reply</a> </div>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-633929">April 3, 2019 at 11:58 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-632534">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Egi</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-632534">April 2, 2019 at 2:12 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">
<p>Today was my Speaking Test. Firstly I want to Thank L8z and
everyone who wrote about the latest exam questions because some of them Helped me a
lot today. I am a bit sad and worried because in my Cue Card the question was Talk
about a person you never met but want to know more. I talked about Julia Roberts
her movies prices and some donationes she has made but I didnt say something like
what i want her to know about her. Is that going to affect my score ?</p>

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aria-label='Reply to Egi'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-633931">April 3, 2019 at 11:59 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-631139">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">K</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-631139">April 1, 2019 at 1:37 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,<br />

Today i had my speaking exam 01 apr 2019.<br />
1. information about workplace, work hours.<br />
discussion on tea or coffee<br />
part2. Describe an item which yu bought and never used.<br />
Part3. talked about advertisements. talked about recycling.</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-632368">April 2, 2019 at 11:04 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-631043">April 1, 2019 at 11:29 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,</p>
<p>Your site is very helpful for the test takers.<br />
It helped me immensely.</p>
<p>I had my test today</p>
<p>Part1: questions on sky, beauty of sky, places we can see d beauty of sky<br />
<p>Part 2: an outdoor sport which i have not done yet and willing to do in life</p>
<p>Part 3 : continued queations on outdoor sports<br />
In the listening section one, the caller said as canadian in d call .and in the
answers i have written nationality as canada. Will that be marked wrong. </p>
<p>Writing task1: enquire about the results of interview attened couple of weeks
ago<br />
Writing task2 : tourism bringing environmental probles, what r the causes and
suggest some solutions</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-633934">April 3, 2019 at 12:02 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even depth-2" id="comment-635461">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-635461">April 4, 2019 at 4:50 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Can you please add some details, its quite to vague to

understand.<br />
Thanks and regards.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-630875">April 1, 2019 at 7:48 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hello Liz, I have appeared my speaking test (academic)

01.04.2019&#8230;I’d like to share some of the topics with all&#8230;.<br />
Part 1<br />
What’s your name?<br />
Do you work or study?<br />
Which institute are you studying?<br />
What facilities do you have there?<br />
What facilities do you suggest to add there in future?<br />
Do you like to cook or not?<br />
How do you think people find interest in cooking?<br />
Do you prefer homemade food or restaurant food?</p>
<p>Part 2<br />
Describe a family business you know<br />
Who runs that?<br />
How do they run that?<br />
Have you know about that?</p>
<p>Part 3<br />
Can you tell me what will be the benefits of having family members in a family
business?<br />
What are the advantages and disadvantages of family business?<br />
What can be skills of a business person?<br />
Which type of business should people join small or big business?</p>
<p>I can remember these besides there maybe 1/2 questions extra&#8230;..</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-631086">April 1, 2019 at 12:13 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Hope your test went well. For all IELTS
candidates, remember these questions are for both GT and Academic IELTS &#8211;
there is only one speaking test for all people.</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-630293">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-630293">March 31, 2019 at 7:39 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Speaking part 2 topic:<br />

A task that you had to do recently but was not given enough time.<br />
What was the task?<br />
Why you had to do it?<br />
Why you didn&#8217;t have enough time?</p>
<p>Writing task 2 topic:<br />
Nowadays parents are sending their children to trips abroad for educational
purpose. What are the advantages and disadvantages of it?</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-633935">April 3, 2019 at 12:02 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=633935#respond' data-commentid="633935" data-
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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">J</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-629549">March 31, 2019 at 2:25 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>hii&#8230;my speaking has done on 25th of march<br />

1 part &#8211; intro<br />
2 part &#8211; Describe a game which you mostly played in your childhood.<br />
3 part &#8211; All questions were related to games and children</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-630239">March 31, 2019 at 6:36 pm</a>

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<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-638373">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Sitora</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-638373">April 7, 2019 at 9:22 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz.<br />

I wrote on my answer sheet T/F/N.G , instead of full form�Is this mistake?</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-638423">April 7, 2019 at 10:52 am</a>

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<p>It&#8217;s fine as long as the letters were clear and easy to


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-638522">April 7, 2019 at 1:33 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">
<p>Thank you very much ❤��</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-628795">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-628795">March 30, 2019 at 1:05 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>HI Liz,</p>
<p>I took my speaking test today..<br />
Intro questions were about locality i am living right now.<br />
While answering one of the questions, I totally forget about the question and half
way through I asked to repeat.<br />
Is it ok to do this? I am freaking out right now.</p>
<p>In Cue card : she asked me to describe a time when I felt cheated.<br />
This I answered well.</p>
<p>and follow up questions were on truth and lies.<br />
1. Is it ok to tell white lies?<br />
2. how a person may feel if she/she finds out that you lied?<br />
3. what are the negative effects of telling lie?<br />
I forget rest of them. But there were many.</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=628795#respond' data-commentid="628795" data-
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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-628847">March 30, 2019 at 2:03 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � It is 100% fine to ask the examiner to

repeat the question. The examiner will also allow for nerves. Your score will be
based on your overall performance throughout the whole test, not on one

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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-626688">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-626688">March 28, 2019 at 6:18 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,</p>
<p>I had my speaking test on 27th March , here are questions that were asked to
<p>Speaking<br />
Part 1<br />
What is your full name?<br />
Where do you live?<br />
Why did stay in your city?<br />
What do you like about our place?<br />
Do you like going to parks and why?<br />
When was the last time you visited a park?<br />
Is there any park closer to your apartment ?<br />
What do you think, parks should have open space or more of leisure activity things?
<br />
What changes do you think should be made in parks of today’s time ?</p>
<p>Part 2<br />
Describe an activity you enjoy doing when you are alone<br />
What do you do?<br />
Where you do you it?<br />
How do you do it?<br />
Why do like doing this activity?</p>
<p>Part 3<br />
What do think kids of today’s time like to do in their lesuire time ?<br />
Is media playing an important role to keep kids busy?<br />
Is it important for parents to make a time table for kids , is so , why?<br />
Why do people like to post pictures on social media?<br />
When you were kid did you have any bright colour cloths in your wardrobe ?<br />
Why did you like wearing them?<br />
If you have to relate you self with one colour, which colour would it be?<br />
Does car colour defines your personality?</p>
<p>While I was answering part 2 question, I guess I finished 5-7 seconds before the
time got up, is it a problem?<br />
And while I was answering the last question of part 3, examiner stopped me and said
your time is up.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-626729">March 28, 2019 at 7:16 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Everything you mentioned is fine.</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-626285">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-626285">March 28, 2019 at 10:03 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Dear Liz<br />

You are amazing ! I am watching your videos and reading your blog to prepare for my
IELTS after a friend who is a IELTS trainer recommended it to me ! Your tips very
helpful especially for non-native speakers of English !<br />
I just gave my General Speaking Test this morning.</p>
<p>Part 1:<br />
Mostly questions related to my house, the area where I currently live followed by
some questions related to films and filmstars. This part felt quite simple and went
by like a breeze. </p>
<p>Part 2:<br />
Describe a dish which is usually prepared on special occasion.<br />
What is it<br />
When is it prepared<br />
How is it prepared </p>
<p>Although it seem simple enough, I do not think I performed very well. I started
talking and suddenly got very nervous because I realized the Examiner is not
looking directly at me. She kept looking down in her notebook. For some reason I
lost my track of thought and started mumbling my sentences. I did talk continuously
2 mins but I was off-topic for the most part. </p>
<p>Liz, will I loose my marks for this? I am worried that my average score will go
down because unlike in Part 1 &amp; 3, I could not use any good vocab or phrases in
Part 2. I was just holding my breath while words came out of my mouth. </p>
<p>Part 3:<br />
A range of questions related to food trends and how people in recent times have
started growing their own food. It was like a discussion on organic farming and
organic cooking methods.</p>
<p>I felt I did well on Part 1 and Part 3 moreover because I felt confident that I
had the examiners attention as she kept looking at me and changed her facial
expressions along with everything I said. But I lost my calm during Part 2 as I got
the feeling that I lost her attention because she did not look up at me even once.
<p>I am sharing this experience here so that other fellow test takers can be
prepared for this possibility. Keep talking and do not get anxious if the examiner
does not look up at you. Do not let the nerves take over&#8230;. it happens&#8230;.
it happened to me � </p>
<p>Good Luck!<br />
Thank you Liz&#8230; you are a great tutor !</p>

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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-628840">March 30, 2019 at 1:52 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Your final speaking score is based on

your overall performance and not on one part. If your confidence failed you, the
question will be how did it affect your English language. But even so, your score
will be based on your general level of English overall.<br />
It is really important that people are prepared for examiners having slightly
different reactions. Some will smile, some will not. Some will be encouraging with
body language, some will not. Some will hold your eye so that you feel you are in a
conversation, others will not. You need to enter the test determined that for 14
mins, your English will not be affected by any behaviour from the examiner. This
requires preparation and determination.<br />
Good luck with your results �</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-625292">March 27, 2019 at 5:38 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz, </p>

<p>I have completed my speaking test today (27/3/2019). I felt I was able to extend
my answers, couple of places I stuttered and couple of places I knew I did mistake
but I did not correct it. I said &#8220;is nightmares&#8221; instead of &#8220;are
nightmares&#8221;, I used to hardly instead of hard, which is entirely wrong
(hardly means entirely different but on the flow the word I spoke was wrong , I
should have said hard). Apart from these, I believe most of the parts are okay. I
spoke until the examiner stopped in the part 2 section. The topics were really
unusual or tough to think.</p>
<p>Part 1: </p>
<p>Where do you live? Why is it good to live there?<br />
What are the problems in your area which could be improved?<br />
<p>Have you ever been waiting patiently and how it feels?<br />
Are you a patient person usually?<br />
Have you been the same way in your childhood?<br />
Is it important to be patient? why ? why not?</p>
<p>Crowd:<br />
Which places are more crowded in your city?<br />
How do you feel about crowd wherever you are going?<br />
Have you thought about living in scarcely populated area? why?<br />
What are the advantages of living in less populated area? </p>
<p>Part 2:<br />
Describe a situation where you intended to do something and did not had enough time
to do so?<br />
explain when and what you were doing?<br />
what actions you took on this situation?<br />
&lt;&gt; I was not looking at bullet points while preparing my answer, because I
knew this is tough to explain for 2 minutes, so i concentrated on my story related
to main topic. </p>
<p>I chose exams and my slow writing situation in childhood, how i corrected it etc
for 2 minutes. (I believe, because I was speaking till examiner stopped)</p>
<p>Follow up question was also there regarding this. Did you informed anyone else
about this situation?</p>
<p>Part3: </p>
<p>Time pressure related questions.<br />
Do people manage time efficiently?<br />
How can they improve?<br />
Do Older people take more time to do certain tasks?<br />
Should people take out time for relaxation? why?<br />
In the future, will people face same time pressure related problems? Why?<br />
Do people need to manage work and personal life?<br />
Why people fail to do so? and how can they do it?</p>
<p>Though, I was confident while coming out of the test. I am skeptical on my
score, as I more and more think about it and few mistakes i have made. I need a 7
atleast, hoping for it. Examiner gave a handshake to me after the exam, not seen
anytime in my previous attempts of IELTS. Examiner was rushing up to move to next
questions in Part 3 also, which was sometimes distracting for me.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-628841">March 30, 2019 at 1:55 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Good luck with your results �</p>


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<li class="comment even depth-3" id="comment-636077">

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s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
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rel='external nofollow' class='url'>Sushil</a></cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-636077">April 5, 2019 at 6:23 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz, </p>

<p>I am very happy to have achieved my results today. L &#8211; 8.5 R -8 W -7 S-7.
Overall 7.5<br />
Your website helped me a lot with respect to every aspect of the test.<br />
I took your advanced writing essay course, which was excellent for understanding
how to write all types of essays. Though, I was believing on higher score after I
finished my exams (7.5 or so), I am happy with 7 as it is sufficient for me to
apply for visa.<br />
Thanks a lot again � I have always seen successful results posted by others in
this blog. I have always wished one day I would also share such good news and it
really happened �</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-636417">April 5, 2019 at 2:48 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>That&#8217;s great news!! I&#8217;m really pleased for you

&#8211; well done �</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Rashmi</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-636439">April 5, 2019 at 3:11 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Congratulations Sushil. I am also trying to get 7 in writing

to apply for Canada PR. Your results have given me encouragement that it is
possible. I have already given two attempts and I was losing hope. Thanks for
posting your results and resources that helped you. I have also purchase
Liz&#8217;s advanced video and looking forward to the next test in a week.</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-5" id="comment-636885">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-636885">April 5, 2019 at 10:48 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thank you � All the best for your upcoming exam. Practise in
official ielts answer sheet for writing all formats of letters and essays with
timing. This will help in measuring our writing speed and mistakes during

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">WJ</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-642932">April 11, 2019 at 11:34 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Sushil,<br />

Congratulations on achieving your desired score. I am hoping to purchase
LIZ&#8217;S advanced writing videos but I am not sure it might help me or not. Can
you tell me how did it make a difference to your score ? I am stuck at Band 6.5 and
have lost all the hope now. Please share how did you attain your band.</p>
<p>Thanking you in anticipation</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-643026">April 11, 2019 at 1:51 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>My Advanced lessons go into great depth taking you step by

step through each paragraph so you understand completely what is expected or you
for a high score. Click here: <a

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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-624710">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-624710">March 27, 2019 at 7:07 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Dear Liz,</p>
<p>Ive completed my IELTS speaking on 26th March 2019. </p>
<p>Part 1:<br />
Which part of your city do you reside currently?<br />
How long you&#8217;ve been residing in this location?<br />
What kind of improvisation should we do to your current locality?<br />
It is preferred by tourists?<br />
Are you a patient person?<br />
If not why?<br />
What should an anxious person do to overcome their anxiousness?</p>
<p>Part 2 :<br />
Talk a free day from work or study which you had recently.<br />
&#8211; What did you do?<br />
&#8211; How was it different ?<br />
&#8211; Why was it special?</p>
<p>Part 3 :<br />
Lets talk about movies</p>
<p>Who is your favorite actor?<br />
Why?<br />
Do you think any Hollywood actor can do well in Indian movie?<br />
Would you like to be an Actor? �</p>
<p>Lets talk about leisure..</p>
<p>Is a free time / leisure important to a person? why?<br />
Adult&#8217;s leisure time has changed over time?<br />
Is the leisure time and activities done by men and women are different?<br />
What do people do in their leisure time in your city?<br />
Would you like to have another free day as we discussed in part 2 ? � </p>
<p>Quite honestly, my speaking exam went like a blur. I told myself to remain calm
however I sounded so &#8216;high&#8217; most part of the session. Can you believe I
told the examiner I want to be an actress if given an opportunity! LOL For those of
you prepping for Speaking IELTS, I encourage you to prep well and just go with the
flow and enjoy the conversation. Good luck!</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-624991">March 27, 2019 at 11:41 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Sounds like the test went well for you �
If you speak and chatter, it&#8217;s a good thing. Always be natural in your test.
It is an informal speaking test and being friendly and open is the best way. Good
luck with your results �</p>

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<li class="comment even depth-3" id="comment-626110">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-626110">March 28, 2019 at 7:41 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi liz good day .<br />

I just want to share my experienced in taking the exams<br />
Listening questions: beechen festival, music and psychology and advertisement</p>
<p>Reading : impact of noise , new ways of learning , and about the screen in the
<p>Writing task one a land in 1980 and 200 before and after the building of
hydroelectric dam<br />
Task 2 : in the future there will be higher number of old people than the younger
ones , is this a positive or negative development </p>
<p>Speaking : travel, handwriting and transportation<br />
Part 2 : a beautiful or handsome person you know<br />
Part 3 : about beautiful people and clothes </p>
<p>In speaking i was able to answer all the questions however in part 2 , my
mistake is that i did not take a look on the ff. Questions like who the person is ,
or why u think he is handsome , . What i did is that i keep on talking and
talking . I dont know whats the meaning of it but my examiner is smiling at me and
i consume the 2 mins of answering the part 2 . Aside from that were laughing all
the time .<br />
Do you think liz it will affect my scores in part 2 since i did not take a look at
the other questions ?</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-628844">March 30, 2019 at 1:59 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � There are NO questions on the cue card.

There are prompts which you can use or not use as you wish.</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Jayne</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-629894">March 31, 2019 at 9:45 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks so much i feel relaxed now maam</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-621618">March 24, 2019 at 2:01 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>GT March 23<br />

Writing:<br />
Task 1: A letter to your friend traveling overseas. You’re staying at their
apartment and there was a storm.<br />
Tell your friend about the storm.<br />
Tell them what got damaged<br />
Detail what repairs need to be done </p>
<p>Task 2: Fast food is a part of life in some place. Some people think this has
bad effects in lifestyle and diet.<br />
Do you agree or disagree ?</p>

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aria-label='Reply to E'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-621658">March 24, 2019 at 2:38 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt depth-2" id="comment-622694">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">orly</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-622694">March 25, 2019 at 2:28 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>This is exactly my questions for GT on 23/03/2019. I do pray i

hit band 8. Although i used Chinese rice and an example of fast food. I hope that
does not affect me.</p>

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<li class="comment even depth-2" id="comment-625427">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Rabiat</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-625427">March 27, 2019 at 8:09 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">
<p>Yay! Same questions with me on 23rd of march &#8230;looking
forward to 5th of April for the results..thanks for sharing</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-621585">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-621585">March 24, 2019 at 1:44 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,</p>
<p>I had my LRW exam yesterday and had my speaking test on earlier in March.<br />
Thanks for all the videos you have posted, especially the Advanced writing task 2
videos that have helped me a lot.</p>
<p>Here are the questions asked:</p>
<p>Speaking<br />
Part 1<br />
What is your full name?<br />
Where do you live?<br />
Why did you choose to live there?<br />
What do you like about the place?<br />
Which is the popular sport in your country?<br />
Who is your favorite sport person?<br />
Here I had to tell her that I am not fond of Cricket which is a popular sport. I
spoke about a body builder, not sure if I would be marked down as body building is
not considered as sport by many.<br />
Would you like to go and visit Olympics?<br />
Part 2<br />
What games did you play as a child?<br />
Whom did you play with?<br />
Where did you play?<br />
Part 3<br />
Do you prefer comfortable shoes or fashionable shoes?<br />
Do you think there should be competition in business?<br />
Are people born competitive or they become competitive with time?<br />
Is being too competitive good or bad? Why?</p>
<p>Writing Task 1<br />
You booked theater tickets in advance. Write a letter to your friend to let him
know you would not be able to make it. Explain:<br />
Apologize<br />
What the problem is<br />
What can be done with the tickets.</p>
<p>Writing Task 2<br />
Working from home<br />
Advantages and disadvantages.<br />
This was my favorite topic so it turned out to be easy.</p>
<p>I have a doubt in my listening task answers. I was not confident with my
handwriting when I wrote the numbers, for example: I wrote in my answer sheet as
15/Fifteen and 12/Twelve , I hope this is not considered as incorrect :-(. Please
let me know if I am wrong as I am very tensed now.</p>
<p>Thanks<br />

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-621615">March 24, 2019 at 2:00 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � If you are asked to give a number, you

shouldn&#8217;t write it twice. You shouldn&#8217;t write both the digit and the
word &#8211; choose one only. It is possible that it would be marked wrong.
You&#8217;ll have to wait for your results to see the impact. Your writing task 2
was a good topic �</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-628612">March 30, 2019 at 9:25 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz, I&#8217;m wondering if the writing task 1 has changed.

As far as I know, it should be an infographic. However, I&#8217;ve read a couple of
comments and it seems to me that it changed to a letter. Is it the case? Thank

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-628846">March 30, 2019 at 2:01 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>You are confusing GT and Academic writing. Academic is a

report, GT is a letter.</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Tester</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-621191">March 24, 2019 at 5:33 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz, I found your lessons to be very helpful during my

review, so here I am trying to give back �</p>
<p>I took General training IELTS exam last week &#8211;</p>
<p>Speaking:<br />
1st part was about what I do (study or work)<br />
Favourite color<br />
Is breakfast important to me</p>
<p>For the 2nd part, i was asked to describe a time when i received money as a
gift. I think I was babbling and she stopped me because of the 2 min mark so I did
not get to finish my story&#8230; will this affect my score??</p>
<p>3rd part was just some follow up questions abt money, like if it is true that
money equates to power, and if we can live without money etc</p>
<p>Listening &#8211; nothing different from Cambridge practice tests. Speakers
spoke at average speed and their accents weren&#8217;t that heavy</p>
<p>Reading &#8211; last part was about the evolution of navigational tools in
sailing. I found this the most challenging</p>
<p>Writing &#8211; 1st part was to write to a friend who is starting an import
export business who asked you for recommendation for a product from your own
<p>2nd part &#8211; many people today use their phones for sending texts more than
talking.<br />
What are the reasons for thuis?<br />
Are there more adv than disadv?</p>
<p>This caught me off guard bec I was expecting to answer so many questions! I
ended up writing 3 body paragraphs. If you have the time can you comment on the
structure and ideas i used? </p>
<p>Intro &#8211; rephrased topic + something abt while there are clearly benefits,
there are also drawbacks</p>
<p>BP1 &#8211; Reasons: 1. Convenience 2. I forgot! Haha<br />
BP2 &#8211; Advantages: 1. Cut down on communication costs 2. I forgot what i
wrote down again<br />
BP3 &#8211; Disadvantages: 1. Could lead to feelings of isolation 2. Social skills
are compromised 3.speaking abilities are not practiced enough</p>
<p>Conclusion &#8211; finished it off with saying that there are more disadvantages
than advantages</p>
<p>This was really hard to write for me as the 40 mins i alloted just flew by! </p>
<p>Thanks so much for your free guides again, Liz! Hope someone finds my comment
helpful to them as well</p>

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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-621494">March 24, 2019 at 11:57 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Your writing task 2 structure

(paragraphing) is fine, but it will depend on how you approached the task. The
second question is asking for you to choose &#8211; which is more? You do need to
give a clear answer about your opinion &#8211; ie advantages more / disadvantages

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-621187">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-621187">March 24, 2019 at 5:26 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,</p>
<p>I would like to appreciate you so much for your extreme useful website. It
really helped me a lot when I was preparing for my Ielts.</p>
<p>I had taken writing &#038; speaking test yesterday (Academic). It&#8217;s my
turn to share my experience, as following:</p>
<p>&#8211; Reading and listening: I did not remember exactly. They were similar to
some tests in IELTS Cambridge books., but not as difficult as in these books.<br />
Experience: Listening: do not turn to next pages unless you were asked to so.</p>
<p>&#8211; Writing:<br />
+ Task 1: 2 maps of a same land area in 1980 and 2000. Describe what it changed (I
also did not remember the question exactly)<br />
+ Task 2: Many people expect that the proportion of old people will be more than
the young people in the future. Do you think it is positive or negative?<br />
Experience: read questions carefully, spend time to list ideas. Sadly, I spent more
than 30 minutes for the task 1 � and as a result, I did not have enough time for
the task 2.</p>
<p>&#8211; Speaking:<br />
+Part 1: Some question about my current living place.<br />
+Part 2: Describe a time when you found something which someone lost<br />
+ Part 3: some relevant question with the topic<br />
Experience: listen to questions carefully, speak naturally, not try to remember
what you prepared.</p>
<p>Honestly, I did not do all of skills well, especially writing and speaking. I
had a lot of mistakes about vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation and ask for
repeating questions many times. I disappointed so much when I finished my speaking
test. </p>
<p>I&#8217;m trying to console myself that it&#8217;s a good chance for me to gain
experience and know where my English ability is. I will prepare, improve and take
another exam. Fighting!</p>
<p>Note: you should prepare a thick coat, temperature of exam rooms would be very
cold. My hands seemed to be frozen and find it difficult to write.</p>
<p>Good luck, everyone and thank you so much again, Liz.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-621499">March 24, 2019 at 12:01 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing both topics and your experience � As you

said, managing time in the writing test is essential. You also pointed out that
people must speak naturally in the speaking test &#8211; that is 100% correct. The
temperature in the test room can vary depending on test centre, season, country etc
&#8211; people should take layers which they can take off or put on depending on
how they feel &#8211; it is crucial that you feel comfortable &#8211; it&#8217;s a
long test (2 hours 40 mins). Good luck with your results �</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-620653">March 23, 2019 at 3:04 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>test date; 2019/03/23</p>

<p>listening part was really easy.</p>
go with the flow<br />
environmental issue<br />
how elephant listen to seismic vibrations?</p>
<p>WRITING TASK 1<br />
a table representing the number of visitors from Uk to spain in 1885 and 2005 by
different age groups</p>
<p>WRITING TASK 2<br />
some people believe that the family has greater influence in child&#8217;s
development.Others believe that other influences (television,friends,music,etc) has
greater influence .<br />
Discuss both views and give your opinion.</p>
<p>Thanks liz for your helpful tips and advanced lessons.It really helped me alot
and thanks everyone for sharing recent exam questions.</p>
<p>Speaking test is on monday&#8230;lets hope for the best&#8230;..all the best to
you all guys&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;</p>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-621489">March 24, 2019 at 11:53 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-622691">March 25, 2019 at 2:16 pm</a>

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<p>I got the same essay question in December 2018</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-627685">March 29, 2019 at 11:22 am</a>

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<p>I also got same essay in 2018</p>


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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-620645">March 23, 2019 at 2:46 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>General training 23 March :<br />

My speaking test is later.<br />
today’s LWR questions were as follows :<br />
Listening was more about MCQs in the section 4,Qs like, why the teacher chose to
train students, the reason she chose the topic etc. Section 2 was a map about a
fitness centre, finding man’s washroom, locker etc. Section 3 was about naming
authors and list their specialities. Section 1 was fill in the blanks for various
activity tours and what each tour included. I am writing as I remember.<br />
Reading : Passage 1 &#8211; City museum tour, Passage 2- AA- AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION
Passage 3- Electrician in Canada, Passage 4 &#8211; Dreamweavers : about difft
materials and what each company plans to do with high tech clothes. They are used
for space, for controlling devices, learning from spider how to make clothes
without making it go through several process. Using spiders genes in goat and use
their milk to make spider silk.. sounds weird but it was awesome read and also too
easy. Most of us finished it before an hour as we looked at each other faces.<br />
Writing : Task 1 &#8211; Aplogise to ur friend as you cant make it to the theatre
with him, give explanation and also tell him what to do with your ticket.<br />
Task 2- many people these days have computer, laptops, telephones at their home for
work. Do you think, working from home has more advantages or disadvantages? Give

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-621487">March 24, 2019 at 11:52 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Urjit</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-621860">March 24, 2019 at 5:51 pm</a>

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<p>You are just amazing. Fantastic memory. Hats off to you.</p>


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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Si</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-624807">March 27, 2019 at 7:55 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,<br />

I had the same paper as twinks had on 23rd March 2019 &#8211; GT. Just one doubt
&#8211; In task 2, it says does working from home has more advantages or more
disadvantages. I wrote it simple as Adv n Disadv, But after coming out of the hall
that was thinking was it an outweigh question since it mentioned the word
&#8216;OR&#8217;&#8230; if it was, will I lose marks for the same? but in the end,
conclusion i wrote &#8211; &#8216;there more benefits than any disadv it might
have&#8217;..something similar line.</p>
<p>Also, I wrote 2 paras of each advn disadv excluding conclusion and intro( total
6 paras). Will this also affect my organization skill marks?</p>
<p>Regards,<br />

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-628843">March 30, 2019 at 1:57 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>It does require you to decide &#8211; this means you need to
give your opinion. However, as long as you gave it eventually in the conclusion,
that will be ok. Don&#8217;t worry too much. Advantages should be in one paragraph
and disadvantages in another &#8211; that would be logical organisation. However,
you used paragraphs and that is good. You will need to wait for your results �</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-625878">March 28, 2019 at 3:55 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Yeh, you have a great memory power and very meticulous<br />
I got the same questions in exam on 23/03/2019<br />
Thanks for sharing and thanks to Liz as she provides such a amazing platform to
share<br />
And it&#8217;s truly sharing is caring </p>
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">RM</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-620577">March 23, 2019 at 1:02 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hello!<br />
Took my IELTS exam GT.<br />
WT1:Write a letter to your friend who is asking for suggestion of an equitable
product for export business.<br />
&gt;What will be the product?<br />
&gt;From which region of your country where it came from?<br />
&gt;Why is it a good product to xport?<br />
WT2<br />
Many people used their phones to communicate by sending txt messages than
talking.<br />
What are the reasons for this?<br />
Does it has advantages/ disadvantages?</p>

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aria-label='Reply to RM'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-621486">March 24, 2019 at 11:51 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=621486#respond' data-commentid="621486" data-
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aria-label='Reply to Liz'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-622386">

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">verina</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-622386">March 25, 2019 at 6:32 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>i took 23 march exam to , how can i get the right answers for
reading and listening to calculate my score !</p>
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-622627">March 25, 2019 at 12:16 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>IELTS do not release answers.</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-620317">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">m</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-620317">March 23, 2019 at 5:27 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Liz, I discovered your blog the night before my Speaking test

and I&#8217;m very glad I did! I found your Writing tips and model essays most
helpful. Thank you very much!</p>
<p>For Speaking Part 1, I was asked:<br />
&#8211; about my hometown and what I like about it<br />
&#8211; to describe the seasons in my country<br />
&#8211; whether I&#8217;d like to experience other seasons<br />
&#8211; whether I like wearing sunglasses</p>
<p>Speaking Part 2 &#8211; Describe a plant or flower that&#8217;s important in my
<p>Speaking Part 3 &#8211; Is it important to grow plants? How has society changed
in the way it views farmers?</p>
<p>Writing Task 1 &#8211; Compare 2 maps before and after the building of a
<p>Writing Taks 2 &#8211; In the future, there will be more older people than
younger people in most nations. Is this a positive or negative development?</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=620317#respond' data-commentid="620317" data-
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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-621484">March 24, 2019 at 11:50 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=621484#respond' data-commentid="621484" data-
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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Merry</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-620226">March 23, 2019 at 3:01 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,<br />

I&#8217;m so glad that I referred your channel &amp; blog before attending my GT
speaking test. I was lucky to get my part-2 cue card topic one among the same you
posted.<br />
Part 1:<br />
Where are you from?<br />
Are you working/studying<br />
What makes you like your work<br />
Anything that you don&#8217;t like where you work<br />
What&#8217;s your usual morning routine?<br />
How different is that from your childhood ?<br />
Is there any changes you&#8217;d like to make in your daily morning routine?<br />
Is it the same everyday?<br />
How important is breakfast for you<br />
Do you watch movies? How often? How different from childhood? What type of movies?
<p>Part2:<br />
Someone gifted you money:<br />
-On what occasion<br />
-why was it given<br />
-how did u use it</p>
<p>Part 3:<br />
What&#8217;s your take money as gift<br />
Do you think money is power?<br />
Does money make u do evil things<br />
Is is advisable to give children money as rewards for their achievement?<br />
Does the barter system work in today&#8217;s world instead of money</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=620226#respond' data-commentid="620226" data-
postid="3278" data-belowelement="comment-620226" data-respondelement="respond"
aria-label='Reply to Merry'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-621482">March 24, 2019 at 11:49 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � There is no specific GT speaking &#8211;

there is only one speaking test for all candidates.</p>

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aria-label='Reply to Liz'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-622331">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Merry</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-622331">March 25, 2019 at 5:11 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,<br />

I have got a doubt regarding the task-1 for Writing:<br />
You &amp; ur friend booked a theater in advance. you can&#8217;t make it<br />
Apologise<br />
Options what can be done with the ticket</p>
<p>My dbt is: i wrote the whole essay imagining as we booked a movie ticket in a
theater in advance .<br />
Does the question mean something else like booking a concert or a play?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=622331#respond' data-commentid="622331" data-
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aria-label='Reply to Merry'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-622723">March 25, 2019 at 3:07 pm</a>
<div class="comment-content">

<p>&#8220;a theatre ticket&#8221; refers to a play, a

&#8220;concert ticket&#8221; refers to a concert, a &#8220;movie/cinema
ticket&#8221; refers to a film at the cinema. Even so, I wouldn&#8217;t worry too
much, it would only affect your score for Task Achievement which is 25% of task 1
marks and task 1 is only 33% of your final writing marks.</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=622723#respond' data-commentid="622723" data-
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aria-label='Reply to Liz'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-627829">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Rakshu</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-627829">March 29, 2019 at 3:10 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I am going to take my GT exam on 27th april&#8230;I have some

doubts in speaking module&#8230;Nowadays I am following your video..Could you give
me some tips about GT speaking please</p>

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aria-label='Reply to Rakshu'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-627844">March 29, 2019 at 3:38 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>There is no such thing as GT speaking. All people take the

same speaking test. There is only one speaking test for everyone. It is not like
reading or writing.</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-619677">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">K</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-619677">March 22, 2019 at 2:43 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi!<br />
I did my Speaking test yesterday.</p>
<p>Part 1: Where do you live? Have you lived in the same place for a long time?
<br />
What changes would you make in the place where you live?</p>
<p>Part 2: Tell about a job that your grandparents have made </p>
<p>Part 3: What do you think about hard jobs?<br />
Difficult jobs are more interesting than easy jobs?<br />
Rich people should work?</p>
<p>I was so nervous, I think that my grammar isn&#8217;t the best and I had to ask
for clarification about the questions :(. However, thank you so much, Liz.</p>

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aria-label='Reply to K'>Reply</a> </div>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-619843">March 22, 2019 at 7:06 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=619843#respond' data-commentid="619843" data-
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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">GP</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-619656">March 22, 2019 at 2:11 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi everyone,</p>
<p>First I´d like to thank Liz for all the high-quality content and great tips
given on this website, and also to everybody that have shared their experience in
this forum. </p>
<p>I just did the Speaking Test yesterday (March 21st).</p>
<p>Part 1<br />
Where do you live and questions regarding my neighbourhood. </p>
<p>Part 2<br />
Main theme Parks. Tell about a park you frequently go to. What do you like doing in
that park? Do you prefer more open space natural parks or spaces with leisure
infrastructure? What sort of facilities do you think are lacking in the park you go
<p>Part 3 (Cue Card)<br />
Tell about a time when you complained about something and your complaint was
solved.<br />
Who did you complain to? How did you complain?</p>
<p>Follow up questions:<br />
Who do you think complains more, men or women? Younger or older people?<br />
Do you think that the habit of complaining is more related to gender or
personality?<br />
What do you think about that complain constantly about their lives?<br />
Do you think that people who do this complain more to family or friends?</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=619656#respond' data-commentid="619656" data-
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aria-label='Reply to GP'>Reply</a> </div>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-619702">March 22, 2019 at 3:30 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=619702#respond' data-commentid="619702" data-
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<li class="comment odd alt depth-2" id="comment-619814">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">MrPlatinum52</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-619814">March 22, 2019 at 6:38 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hello ladies and gentlemen. Today I had my speaking test and

here are the queastions I was asked:</p>
<p>Part 1<br />
Do you drink much water?<br />
Is it expensive in your country?<br />
Do you like to buy wate in a bottle or in smth else? (I forgot what it was)<br />
What would you like to change in your lyceum?<br />
Do you like to visit parks?<br />
What would you like to change in parks you visit?<br />
Should there be more space in parks or should they be full with leisure facilities?
<br />
Why people are attracted by historical places?</p>
<p>Part 2</p>
<p>Describe a city which you think is beautiful?<br />
-how you known this city<br />
-what do you think is beautiful in it<br />
<p>Part 3<br />
Why do people erect tall buildings?(That one made me stumble over my words)<br />
Do you think developing cities are similar to each other?<br />
How they will change in future?<br />
Do people in the countryside and in cities lead the same life?</p>
<p>Hope it will be helpful and OFCOURSE Thank you Liz)</p>

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aria-label='Reply to MrPlatinum52'>Reply</a> </div>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-619827">March 22, 2019 at 6:49 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=619827#respond' data-commentid="619827" data-
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aria-label='Reply to Liz'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-617673">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Rij</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-617673">March 20, 2019 at 3:42 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Well, l must say that ielts liz is a best site and helping
alot of people across the globe&#8230;<br />
Liz i wanna thank you on creating such magnificent site and helping others&#8230;
love ur efforts&#8230;</p>
<p>Part 1<br />
Where do u live?<br />
Why do u live?<br />
Questions on neighborhood<br />
Do u cook?<br />
When and why?<br />
Do u like cooking?<br />
When did u last cook the food that everyone liked?<br />
Do u prefer to eat home made or restaurant food?</p>
<p>Part 2<br />
Skill that u took time to learn</p>
<p>Part 3<br />
What are the skills that need patience?<br />
Why some people learn new things and others dont?<br />
Do u think elderly are more patient then youngsters?</p>

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<a rel='nofollow' class='comment-reply-link' href='/recent-ielts-
questions-and-topics/?replytocom=617673#respond' data-commentid="617673" data-
postid="3278" data-belowelement="comment-617673" data-respondelement="respond"
aria-label='Reply to Rij'>Reply</a> </div>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-617770">March 20, 2019 at 6:04 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � I&#8217;m really pleased you like my

site �</p>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn"><a href=''
rel='external nofollow' class='url'>HORRIBLE</a></cite>
<span class="says">
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-616363">March 19, 2019 at 11:48 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hey Liz,<br />

I have given ielts speaking, I have done it .. I believe in my self .<br />
Part 1<br />
Name<br />
Favorite festival<br />
Home-town<br />
Anything you want to change<br />
Why you live<br />
Favorite actor<br />
Any international actor<br />
You want to be a actor<br />
Part 2<br />
Bad service<br />
Part 3 follow up<br />
Same any other bad service<br />
Bad service at general level<br />
Why people don&#8217;t complaint<br />
How companies can solve<br />
Some difficult questions<br />
I answered in one that it&#8217;s difficult question<br />
But she helped me<br />
Don&#8217;t what will be the result ?<br />
T ha n x l I z I<br />
Such a pleasure that I got that examiner<br />
She smile many times</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=616363#respond' data-commentid="616363" data-
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aria-label='Reply to HORRIBLE'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-616435">March 19, 2019 at 1:44 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Sounds like you had a nice examiner �


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-616267">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Sam</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-616267">March 19, 2019 at 9:02 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hey Liz<br />

Thank you for this amazing website. You are a good human being. We all love you.
You have a very smiling face and that makes us happy when we watch your videos on
YouTube<br />
I had my IELTS speaking test and thanks to your advice to the shy girl, it went
very well. It&#8217;s natural to be nervous everyone before exam. Just take a deep
breath before going in and be the best version of yourself for 12 minutes. It will
help you if you relate the questions with your life and speak naturally.
Don&#8217;t try to memorize anything. It is not going to help you in any way. Just
read the ideas for questions you can&#8217;t relate to your life<br />
Task 1<br />
What is your full name?<br />
Do you study or go to work?<br />
What do you like about your subjects?<br />
Is there something that helps you to study efficiently?<br />
How many hours should you try to sleep?<br />
Do you used to sleep more when you were a child?<br />
Do you take a nap in afternoon? How does that affect you?<br />
Task 2<br />
My cue card was Describe a party you recently attented<br />
&#8211; Where was it?<br />
&#8211; When was it?<br />
&#8211; Why did you attend it?<br />
&#8211; Describe the party<br />
Task 3<br />
Are family events important?<br />
What are the reasons when families organize a party?<br />
Do families use to spend more time together in past?<br />
Are the reasons for organizing a party same today as compared to past?<br />
What are International events important?<br />
How does the person feel when he is representing his country on global level?<br />
What are the benefits of International events.</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=616267#respond' data-commentid="616267" data-
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aria-label='Reply to Sam'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-616441">March 19, 2019 at 1:47 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Your tips are spot on! Good luck with
your results �</p>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">O</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-614723">March 17, 2019 at 5:27 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hello Liz,<br />

I had my speaking 17 March 2019<br />
Part 0<br />
What is your fullname? I said my name&#8217;s &#8220;XXX&#8221; �<br />
Where do you come from?<br />
<p>Part 1: Do you work or do you study?<br />
How is your workplace?<br />
What would you like your organization to change about your organization</p>
<p>Part 2:<br />
Law<br />
What the law is about.<br />
How did you know about the law<br />
In your opinion do you think people like this law?</p>
<p>Part 3<br />
Who are those responsible for the law?<br />
Some questions about police men and enforcing the law and their level of
education.<br />
What international law do you know about?<br />
Why do you think the law is important?<br />
Do you think there are some laws in other countries apart from the one mentioned?

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aria-label='Reply to O'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-614829">March 17, 2019 at 7:14 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=614829#respond' data-commentid="614829" data-
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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-615500">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">prahlad</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-615500">March 18, 2019 at 1:45 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>i have been asked the same type of questions too brother!!</p>

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aria-label='Reply to prahlad'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment even depth-4" id="comment-615646">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">MICKY</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-615646">March 18, 2019 at 5:25 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I am having my speaking test tomorrow perhaps i should study

this too.</p>

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aria-label='Reply to MICKY'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-614397">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">KT</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-614397">March 17, 2019 at 11:08 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,<br />

Thank you for all your support, your hard work on this website is highly
appreciated.<br />
I just had my IELTS test 16 March, General Training, computer-based and I would
like to share the questions that I can recall </p>
<p>Reading: Sec3 was about the Great Smog of London 1952</p>
<p>Writing:<br />
Task 1: you are interested in attending a short course at a college in an English
speaking country:<br />
write a letter to the college administration include what course you would like to
attend?<br />
give details about your educational background and work experience?<br />
what reasons make you choose this college? </p>
<p>Task 2: Direct question.<br />
more people are spending their free time watching movies.<br />
why is this? is it a good thing or bad?<br />
( the ideas for this question was:<br />
BP1: causes: 1- the easily accessible to the movies because of the new
sophisticated technology. 2- the minimum physical demand of this activity<br />
BP2: it is a negative trend: 1- health problems due to spending most of the leisure
time watching films (obesity) 2- Lack of social life which affect society)<br />
what do you think about my ideas?</p>
<p>speaking:<br />
sec 1: question about job and study, favourite colour and why</p>
<p>sec 2: cue card, talk about a teenager you know<br />
sec3: more discussion about teenagers and their influence in society </p>
<p>listening: Section 4 was about animals wildlife in cities </p>
<p>Pros and cons of CB test:</p>
<p>pros: I found this way of the test is very practical for reading and writing, it
is helpful to read the questions on the right of the screen and see the topic on
the left at the same time in the reading part ( I used my finger to follow the text
on the screen because I found this way helps to accelerate my reading speed). And
for the writing, easy correction and typing are very advantageous (please note
that your speed in typing should be adequate). for the listening, you should write
the answers directly because the 2 minutes at the end of the test is just for the
spelling correction.</p>
<p>Cons: 1- practice for the test is very tiring particularly for eyes. I spend
days behind the screen of the computer which eventually ended me at the hospital
emergency due to a severe headache ( so please be sure to take enough breaks while
you are studying)<br />
2- lack of materials online for practice, however you still able to practice using
the traditional way but on the computer and that what I did.</p>
<p>One more note: Could you please add (Direct Question) type to your advance
writing lessons. As I already bought the lessons and they are very beneficial but
the absence of this type of question makes the task harder.</p>
<p>Best regards,</p>

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s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-614827">March 17, 2019 at 7:14 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Your ideas for writing task 2 sound

fine. Also a big thanks for sharing your experience of the computer based test.
Sorry to hear about the problems you had, I hope you felt ok on the day of the
test. It certainly is something people should consider. About the Advanced Lessons,
due to health problems I had to stop making videos. But once I am better,
I&#8217;ll continue again &#8211; may be next year. Glad my Advanced Lessons were
useful to you �</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=614827#respond' data-commentid="614827" data-
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aria-label='Reply to Liz'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-619736">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">John</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-619736">March 22, 2019 at 4:35 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hopefully nothing really to worry about but as you mentioned

&#8216;may be next year&#8217;, it seems serious. I wish you all the best in your

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s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-619798">March 22, 2019 at 6:23 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">
<p>Thanks �</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=619798#respond' data-commentid="619798" data-
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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-623465">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Jskill</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-623465">March 26, 2019 at 5:46 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I wish you quick recovery. You are really helpful.</p>


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<li class="comment even depth-2" id="comment-615200">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Shahla</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-615200">March 18, 2019 at 6:08 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>What was your band score in writing? I have found computer

delivered exam was helpful, but unfortunately my band went down (.5) in writing, as
well as in listening while I moved to Computer delivered exam from paper based

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-2" id="comment-619435">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Navjeet Singh Sidhu</cite>
<span class="says">
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-619435">March 22, 2019 at 8:44 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>thanks you so much for told us about the exam pattern At the
result I relized that exam was very simple and 23 march is my exam thx once
again ���</p>

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aria-label='Reply to Navjeet Singh Sidhu'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-612028">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Manpreet</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-612028">March 15, 2019 at 3:22 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>My reading test was very bad<br />

I wrote after examiner instruct to stop and he put his signatures with cross </p>
<p>What does it mean?</p>

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aria-label='Reply to Manpreet'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-612115">March 15, 2019 at 4:32 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>It means that the answer cannot be counted. It is a form of

cheating to write after the time has finished. Any word or letter written after
that time will be discounted.</p>

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aria-label='Reply to Liz'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-611412">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">RTH</cite>
<span class="says">
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-611412">March 15, 2019 at 4:20 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz!<br />

I just had my IELTS Academic test yesterday (14 Mar) and I&#8217;d like to thank
you for your tips and lessons on this website. I found it really helpful to prepare
myself and boost my confidence, especially in Writing, before the test day.
I&#8217;m aiming to get an overall band score of 7, so finger crossed!<br />
Also, I&#8217;d like to share (some of) the questions/topics I got for my exam,
hope this will help those who will have their IELTS exam soon. Best of luck!</p>
<p>Reading<br />
The essays&#8217; topic are about the source of happiness, Gerard Mercator map
projection, and orchid&#8217;s cultivation.</p>
<p>Writing<br />
Task 1: flowchart on how to get a driving licence<br />
Task 2: small town center shops are running out of business because rural residents
tend to go shopping in big cities store. To what extent do the disadvantages of
this development outweigh the advantages? (not the exact words but the point of
question is pretty much like that)</p>
<p>Speaking<br />
Sec 1<br />
A brief self introduction (occupation, college major, etc)<br />
Sports (popular sports in your country, preference on group or individual sport,
favorite athlete if any)<br />
Cooking<br />
Sec 2<br />
Cue card&#8211;describe an interesting person whom you never met and would like to
meet<br />
Sec 3<br />
I&#8217;m not sure how to put it a word, but the examiner pretty much asking about
how you feel and act about your social circle (meeting new people, is someone who
is friendly born with it, etc)</p>
<p>And for listening part fortunately I didn&#8217;t find it to be burdensome, so I
believe anyone can nail this part with a lot of practice and be careful with the
instruction and the word limit.</p>
<p>By the way, during the speaking test, sometime the examiner talked too quietly
and I didn&#8217;t get it clear on what she was asking, so I asked her to repeat
the question (on the whole interview I counted at least I asked 3-5 times). Will it
be affecting my score? Was it okay for me to do so (I mostly said the word
&#8220;Sorry?&#8221; after she asked the first time)?<br />
Thanks Liz!</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-611703">March 15, 2019 at 10:45 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">
<p>Thanks for sharing � It&#8217;s fine to ask the examiner to
repeat the question and it doesn&#8217;t affect your score. However, if the reason
is that you couldn&#8217;t hear her, you should have said &#8220;Sorry, could you
speak louder, I can&#8217;t hear you properly.&#8221; When you do this, it means
the reason is being recorded. Whenever you have a problem in the test, be vocal and
make sure it is recorded. It is always useful for remarking purposes. But
don&#8217;t worry about your situation &#8211; it&#8217;s fine and won&#8217;t
impact your score. Good luck with your results �</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-611848">March 15, 2019 at 12:50 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I had the same topics in speaking , even the part 1 in the
same day- from Saudi Arabia</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-612052">March 15, 2019 at 3:38 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Is this topic relted to shopping mall merits and demerits ??


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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-610707">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-610707">March 14, 2019 at 12:16 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Academic 14 March 2019 :<br />

Writing task 2 :<br />
Scientists have been warning from.many yaers about environmental protection and we
limit the use of energy in daily lives.<br />
What are the reasons for that and how people encouraged to take an interest towards
environment protection ?</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-611735">March 15, 2019 at 11:21 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-609839">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-609839">March 13, 2019 at 7:27 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I had my speaking test on 10 March<br />

Part 1<br />
Do you work or study<br />
What are things that help you work or study<br />
Sleep<br />
Children or adults need sleep more<br />
Do you take a little nap in the mid of the day<br />
<p>Part 2 ( actually I prepared it from here)<br />
A situation that someone didn&#8217;t tell you the complete truth</p>
<p>Part 3 wasn&#8217;t about truth and honesty<br />
It was about lying a little<br />
What situations you can lie a little<br />
Do peopleofen lie a little</p>

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aria-label='Reply to M'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-610670">March 14, 2019 at 11:23 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">
<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>

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<li class="comment even depth-3" id="comment-610779">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-610779">March 14, 2019 at 2:25 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>My speaking was on 12march</p>

<p>Part1<br />
Sky<br />
Sleep<br />
<p>Part2<br />
Talk about a something for good health</p>

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-609822">March 13, 2019 at 7:09 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Dear Liz</p>
<p>I have my IELTS academic tomorrow and I am really nervous about it. I am very
confident in English and usually score 9 in reading an listening. The only thing I
am worried about is my speaking, since I am a very shy person and generally
don&#8217;t tend to speak a lot. I am always the quiet one at our table and I just
don&#8217;t seem to come up with answers to &#8220;irrelevant&#8221; questions. Do
you have any tips? I only need a 6.5 and it is really important that I manage to
get this score.</p>
<p>Thanks very much for your help and all the material you provide!!</p>

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-609858">March 13, 2019 at 7:40 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I don&#8217;t usually answer questions like this on this page

&#8211; but for you, I will. This is your chance to become an actress for 14 mins
of your life. Walk in with a smile and remember this is a casual, friendly chat
with the examiner.<br />
<strong>Part 1</strong>: I know what you mean about irrelevant questions. Here is
an example &#8220;What&#8217;s your favourite colour?&#8221; Never feel forced to
explain yourself. Instead remember that part 1 and part 2 are mostly about
yourself, your family, your past, your future and your opinions. So, you could
answer &#8220;Personally, I like blue. I prefer light blue, like the sky. I like
clothes with that colour although when I was a child I hated it.&#8221; &#8211; now
you have given just a little bit more information by adding about your past &#8211;
you also showed the use of different tenses &#8211; win, win � Or you could answer
&#8220;I like white. I can&#8217;t explain why. I&#8217;ve liked it ever since I
was a child&#8221; &#8211; another great answer. Here is another question &#8220;Do
you like to look at the sky at night?&#8221;, your answer &#8220;I can&#8217;t say
I pay much attention, but when I get the chance I love to see the stars.&#8221;
&#8211; you don&#8217;t need to add more. The topic of sky will immediately bring
you to words like: star, moon, clouds, sunshine, rain, storms etc &#8211; use those
words to add a bit more. So, you could say &#8220;I don&#8217;t often look at the
sky unless I notice there are really big storm clouds overhead&#8221; &#8211; those
topic words are very useful &#8211; do you see �<br />
Let&#8217;s do another question &#8220;Do you like drinking tea?&#8221;, your
answer &#8220;Not really, I prefer coffee. But most people in my country drink tea
at least five times a day.&#8221;. Your answers for part 1 do not need to be long
and impressive &#8211; they are simple questions and you give straight forward
answers adding a bit more about yourself as a child, your preferences or what other
people like. This is not going off topic &#8211; it&#8217;s all fine.<br />
One more question: &#8220;do you like sport?&#8221; &#8211; &#8220;No I
don&#8217;t, but many people do like it in my country, particularly football&#8221;
&#8211; a great answer. You answered for yourself and then added a bit more about
other people &#8211; all fine. Use the topic vocab: tennis, football, matches,
exercise, muscles, excitement etc. Final question: &#8220;Do you live alone&#8221;
&#8211; &#8220;Yes, I do, but I&#8217;ve only been living alone for 3 years.&#8221;
OR &#8220;No, I don&#8217;t. But I think I would like to live alone and be
independent&#8221; &#8211; add whatever you want. there is no right or wrong. So,
the rule: answer directly and add one more thing &#8211; your preference, your
childhood preference, other people&#8217;s preference, your ideas and don&#8217;t
forget = topic vocab!!<br />
<strong>Part 2</strong> &#8211; use the 1 min to think of extra things to say
&#8211; about your childhood memory, the first time you did something, your ideas,
your dreams, your hopes, compare two things, describe streets, buildings, people,
transport, your opinions, your family&#8217;s opinions, popular opinions &#8211;
all these things can be added to your talk without any problem and will all help
your score. You do not need to follow only the prompts on the card &#8211; add more
and more and more. So &#8230; memorise your options and use them in your part 2
talk.<br />
<strong>In part 3</strong>, it&#8217;s about world issues. Explain what most people
think and then give examples. Imagine me on your shoulder saying &#8220;what do you
mean&#8221; &#8220;explain it more&#8221; or &#8220;give examples&#8221;. The
examiner doesn&#8217;t care what you say as long as you talk. Your answers should
be explained in as much detail as you can &#8211; a bit like in your writing task 2
essay. This is the part to impress (unlike part 1 which is quite straight
forward).<br />
So &#8211; relax! Sleep well and walk into that test room as an actress with all
these ideas in your mind and the confidence to talk. If you met me, you would not
have a problem talking to me &#8211; I&#8217;m sure &#8211; so just picture me
instead of the examiner. Be chatty.<br />
Don&#8217;t worry if the examiner interrupts your answer &#8211; it&#8217;s normal.
Just listen for the next question and go, go, go �<br />
I hope all this helps you tomorrow. I also hope this helps everyone else who has
their speaking test coming soon �<br />
Shygirl &#8211; let me know how it goes tomorrow &#8211; we will all be supporting
you �<br />
Liz xx</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-609957">March 13, 2019 at 9:19 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Dear Liz</p>
<p>Thank you so much for your helpful tips! I&#8217;ll try to be another person for
a couple of minutes tomorrow and will definitely let you know how it went!<br />
If I don&#8217;t cover all the prompts on the cue card it doesn&#8217;t matter,
right? Sometimes the prompts make it harder for me to structure my answer&#8230;<br
Anyways, I&#8217;ll try to catch some sleep now � </p>
<p>Again, thank you very much for your time and effort! xx</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-609967">March 13, 2019 at 9:29 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>It definitely doesn&#8217;t matter not to cover all points.

You decide your own structure and add the ideas and information you want. Just try
to use a good range of English &#8211; comparisons, future, past (childhood or your
first memory of something), descriptions of either people or places &#8211; and
topic vocab &#8211; weather, food, clothes, sport, transport, buildings etc. Part 2
is your only chance to control the content of the test &#8211; so use your chance
well &#8211; take control and just talk on as many things as you can. It&#8217;s
your talk &#8211; so do it your way � And remember, it&#8217;s informal &#8211; so
be yourself. If you want to say &#8220;yeah&#8221; instead of &#8220;yes&#8221;,
it&#8217;s fine &#8211; just talk as you normally talk � Read these comments
before you walk into the test and keep those ideas in your mind &#8211; get ready
to win your Oscar for best actress �</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-5" id="comment-610746">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Shygirl</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-610746">March 14, 2019 at 1:31 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Dear Liz</p>
<p>I just finished my speaking exam and feel pretty good � I was quite nervous and
therefore made some stupid mistakes, but overall I was rather fluent and could
speak for the whole 2 minutes in part 2. I even received a thumbs up in the end!
<p>Speaking and listening went pretty well as well, I am just a bit worried about
the writing: The question was &#8220;Do the advantages outweigh etc<br />
I was not sure if I had to state my opinion throughout the whole essay or only in
the conclusion. I followed this structure:<br />
&#8211; General introduction<br />
&#8211; Body One: Advantages<br />
&#8211; Body 2 Disadvantages<br />
&#8211; Conclusion: My opinion and why I think the advantages outweigh the
<p>Is that ok? Thanks again very much for your encouraging words and all your help!
<br />

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-610750">March 14, 2019 at 1:34 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thumbs up is a great sign � Now you can relax. Let me know

when your results arrive �</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-7" id="comment-611597">

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Jon</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-611597">March 15, 2019 at 8:37 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>It&#8217;s so sweet of you to respond the way you did here,

Liz. Kindness can go a long way in shaping someone&#8217;s future. This thread
genuinely made me happy. Bless you.</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Taqi</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-611693">March 15, 2019 at 10:26 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>You are such an amazing person Liz. I don&#8217;t understand

how you manage to read all these comments and answer all of them very quickly.
I&#8217;m very impressed. God bless you !!</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-7" id="comment-624848">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Shygirl</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-624848">March 27, 2019 at 8:39 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Dear Liz</p>
<p>I scored 8 in speaking and am truly happy!! Thanks soo much for your support �

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-624852">March 27, 2019 at 8:43 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>FANTASTIC!!! You did it !!! You should be very proud of

yourself &#8211; such a great achievement � I hope this gives you lots more
confidence in your own abilities � Well done � Thanks for letting me know �</p>

<div class="reply">

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-8" id="comment-638135">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">mega</cite>
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says </span>

<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-638135">April 7, 2019 at 2:35 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>this threads really warms my heart, you are truly an angel


<div class="reply">

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<li class="comment byuser comment-author-liz bypostauthor even depth-8"


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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-638426">April 7, 2019 at 10:55 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>She did amazingly well �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-642102">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Vivi</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-642102">April 10, 2019 at 7:03 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I have the same problem than &#8220;Shygirl&#8221; and my

IELTS test is tomorrow. I really appreciate your tips and I hope that they also
help me to get through the test successfully.<br />
Thank you and congrats for your amazing website and responses here. �</p>

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aria-label='Reply to Vivi'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-642179">April 10, 2019 at 8:10 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I&#8217;ll keep my fingers crossed for you � Remember

it&#8217;s only 14 mins of your life &#8211; take a deep breath and do your best �

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-609479">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Sam</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-609479">March 13, 2019 at 1:17 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,<br />

I had my speaking test (GT) 13th March 2019<br />
My topics were:<br />
Part 1 : your name, do you work or study, how long you have associated with this
company, what is the change that you would like to see in your company, what is
your favorite color and why?<br />
Part 2 :<br />
Describe a time when you had searched for a information? When was it? What was the
information you were looking for? How did it help you?<br />
I talked about finding an information on the internet.<br />
Part 3 : what about information available on library and books? How would the
information available on internet help those who have no knowledge of using it? How
will you find out if the information available on internet is genuine?<br />
I think I answered all these well but my only worry is the last question she asked
something related to value of information available and should recordings be kept
of historic events which she repeated twice as I gave an personal example instead
of an historic event. Will this lower my band</p>
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-610671">March 14, 2019 at 11:24 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-610868">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">K</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-610868">March 14, 2019 at 4:02 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi liz.could you please answer those follow ups questions that
are mentioned by Sam?? I am not having enough content to answer such

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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-609252">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Nelly</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-609252">March 13, 2019 at 9:43 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hello, Madam.<br />

I had my speaking exam today, it was my first time (not to mention a mock exam I
took last year). In Part 1 I got q-ns about cooking and sunglasses, my cue card was
about an important decision I made with sb else&#8217;s help and finally in Part 3
I was asked q-ns about asking for advice and sth about the way political leaders
make decisions. The examinator was a nice, friendly man. But I really screwed up,
even though I got relatively simple q-ns. My level of English is normal, but I get
EXTREMELY nervous when I talk to strangers + I know that I&#8217;m at the exam + I
know that my voice is being recorded. &#8220;Taking a new persona&#8221; for the
exam didn&#8217;t help, I still screwed the test. Throughout my talk I made SO
stupid mistakes (like &#8220;an advice&#8221;, &#8220;in the summer days&#8221; and
so on) that I HATE myself now! And the worst thing is that I&#8217;m not a child,
I&#8217;m 28 and I have a Master&#8217;s degree in linguistics. And still I get
nervous and make much mistakes when I use English under pressure. </p>
<p>Anyways, I have my LRW tomorrow and I&#8217;d really like to ask you one
question. Am I allowed to flip through the Listening test booklet when the test has
already started? I mean, sometimes I look through the qn-s too fast and I have a
couple of seconds to have a quick look at the q-ns on the next page. So, is it ok
if I turn the page during the listetning session?</p>
<p>Sorry, if I wrote too much. I&#8217;m just so disappointed with my performance
that I don&#8217;t want to attend tomorrow&#8217;s exam&#8230;But, of course, I
<p>Thank you for everything you do. This site has been really helpful throughout my
preparation. �</p>

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aria-label='Reply to Nelly'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-609449">March 13, 2019 at 12:39 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Sorry to hear about your speaking test. I think self

confidence is an issue for you. It&#8217;s something you really need to work at.
you always need to remember that it is only 11 to 14 mins of your life and during
that time you can &#8220;play act&#8221; &#8211; be an actress who is confident and
chatty. Also, some people try to imagine that they are talking to me instead and
just enjoy it as a friendly conversation. Any mistakes you make you should ignore.
The examiner doesn&#8217;t count each mistake at all and just goes by the general
impression over the whole test. So, individual mistakes are not serious.<br />
For listening, you will be given time to read questions before the audio plays.
They will say something like&#8221; now you have time to look at questions 11 to
16. Then you read those questions &#8211; underline keywords and see what type of
answer is needed. Never look any further ahead because it won&#8217;t help you.
Good luck tomorrow �</p>

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<li class="comment even depth-3" id="comment-609502">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Nelly</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-609502">March 13, 2019 at 1:51 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for everything. I feel a little better now �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-609505">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">beck</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-609505">March 13, 2019 at 1:56 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hello Nelly May i ask you some question about speaking exam If
you have time? please</p>

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<li class="comment even depth-4" id="comment-609536">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Nelly</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-609536">March 13, 2019 at 2:18 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Sure, go ahead.</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=609536#respond' data-commentid="609536" data-
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<li class="comment odd alt depth-5" id="comment-609742">

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s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
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%20com' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>Vineetha</a></cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-609742">March 13, 2019 at 5:52 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Dear Nelly<br />

This was my problem actually a couple of months back. But I made myself somehow to
manage with the next 3 modules. Don&#8217;t get upset and do not overthink about
the past. It&#8217;s over. You may score good in S, and if you get upset it can
affect your tomorrow&#8217;s performance. Stay confident, you will definitely nail

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aria-label='Reply to Vineetha'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment even depth-6" id="comment-609841">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Nelly</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-609841">March 13, 2019 at 7:28 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">
<p>Thank you, Vineetha. Good advice �</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-608446">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">An</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-608446">March 12, 2019 at 7:05 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi, I had my IELTS speaking test today (12/03/2019)</p>

<p>and these are the questions I remember: </p>
<p>¿How long have you been living where you live? ¿why?<br />
¿What do you like the most about the area where you live?<br />
¿What would you change about the area where you live? </p>
<p>¿Are there many holidays in your country?<br />
¿What is the holiday you like the most? ¿why do you like?<br />
¿What do you do during this holiday? </p>
<p>Please talk about a dish you like that it is common to eat in a special occasion
in your country,<br />
¿what it is?<br />
¿why is it eaten in special occasions?<br />
¿how is it prepare?</p>
<p>Now, could you please tell me </p>
<p>¿what is the type of food more common in your country? ¿why?</p>
<p>¿is it possible to have a holiday or carnaval or special occasion without food?
<br />
¿how industrial food have changed the habits of eating?<br />
¿Does in your country like food from other countries?<br />
¿what are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization in food? </p>
<p>Hope you fnd out helpful!</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=608446#respond' data-commentid="608446" data-
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aria-label='Reply to An'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-610672">March 14, 2019 at 11:25 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-


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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">El</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-604505">March 10, 2019 at 12:15 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I had my academic test for LRWS. Writing task 2: In many

countries tries, more money is spent on transport system in the cities. In
contrast, very little is spent in rural areas. What are the effects of this. What
can be done to solve this problem. </p>
<p>Task 1 had both a line graph and a barchart with informations about the price of
tickets and the number of tickets sold in 4 quarters of 2009 and 2010.</p>

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aria-label='Reply to El'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-605251">March 10, 2019 at 1:26 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">
<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=605251#respond' data-commentid="605251" data-
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aria-label='Reply to Liz'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-608843">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Si</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-608843">March 13, 2019 at 3:17 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz&#8230;.</p>
<p>The way you teach Ielts is very easy and well understanding and I did my exam
well. Here&#8217;s the questions which I was asked </p>
<p>Listening was based on majorly fillups with 6 mcqs and 5 map questions with a
bit of fast speed.</p>
<p>Reading<br />
passage 1 was about Ape Extinction<br />
Passage 2 was on water purification experiment<br />
Passage 3 was on human sleep and dreaming<br />
The format was mostly true false not given, some fill ups, mcqs, complete
sentences.<br />
The level of reading was totally Cambridge.</p>
<p>Writing<br />
Task 1 was a table on four countries giving temporary work to migrants in two years
and it&#8217;s ratio with the country&#8217;s citizens.<br />
Task 2 was a discussion based asking that some believe films and violent games are
negative influencing while some say it is harmless relaxation.</p>
<p>Speaking<br />
Intro questions were on home and colours and cue card was an interesting lecture
you attended and enjoyed. The discussion followed the questions related to cue

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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-604179">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-604179">March 9, 2019 at 7:05 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi, guys and Liz! I passed Academic module of IELTS in 9th of

March<br />
Speaking<br />
Part 1 was the most long part in as i noticed.<br />
1. Where do u live now? What do u like about this place? What would you want to
change about it in the future?<br />
2. Do you like looking at sky? At what time of day and where and so on&#8230;<br />
3. About coffee and tea. Which one is popular in ur country?and so on&#8230;</p>
<p>Part 2 the one that i messed up. I recommend all people to be prepared for
topics. </p>
<p>Part 3 seemed to be normal&#8230;<br />
Overall time runs really quickly&#8230;really</p>
<p>Listening test went really well, nothing new from Cambridge Ielts Books</p>
<p>WT 1 was a bar graph and a line graph for sales and price of tickets for
theatre.<br />
WT 2 was Many countries spent a lot of money for transport systems in urban cities,
while rural transport system is having less money. (Not exactly same words)<br />
What are the problems caused by this?<br />
What are their solutions?</p>
<p>Reading first and second passages were normal, but it was hard to solve third in
20mins., because i spent time more than usual for transfering them to answersheet,
chacking all spellings and so.<br />
Results will be in 13 days. I hope to get at least 5.5( it&#8217;s the requirment
for my zero year of Master&#8217;s, but if i get higher i will apply to direct
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-605246">March 10, 2019 at 1:23 pm</a>

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<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even depth-2" id="comment-607222">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Bayan</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-607222">March 11, 2019 at 10:16 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Can you please post your result? Because I did the same and I
feel we will get the same score</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">m</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-604170">March 9, 2019 at 6:58 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>i have my SRW exam today<br />

the writing task 2 was about:<br />
in some countries, as cities grow, more money is spent on the urban transport
systems and little is spent on the rural ones.<br />
what problems is it creating?<br />
what solutions to these problems </p>
<p>reading was long<br />
the third passage was about &#8220;crave theatre&#8221; known as &#8220;in-out

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-605248">March 10, 2019 at 1:24 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Good luck in your speaking test &#8211;

be chatty, friendly and open �</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-605258">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-605258">March 10, 2019 at 1:40 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>first of all, many thanks to you, liz and your helpful

website<br />
I had my speaking exam today, and It was very good </p>
<p>Part 1:<br />
your full name<br />
do you work or study?<br />
what do you love about your work?<br />
something help you to study or work?<br />
do you like your handwriting?<br />
do you like to receive handwritten cards?</p>
<p> part 2<br />
actually I prepared it from here (Thanks a lot)<br />
tell me a situation when someone did not tell you the complete truth</p>
<p>Part 3<br />
this time it was not about honesty and truth, it was about lying a little<br />
1- what situations when one can lie a little<br />
2- do people in your country lie a little in their lives<br />
3- do lying a little have always have positive or negative effects?</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-603302">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Ra</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-603302">March 9, 2019 at 2:32 am</a>
<div class="comment-content">

<p>I had my speaking test (academic) today March 8th. It was my

first experience.</p>
<p>The first part was about where I was living now if I like the place and what I
would change. Then, I was asked about the sky, if I like to watch the sky, when,
where, and if I learned about planets at school.<br />
Cue card: Describe a house where I would like to live.<br />
Follow-up question: If I think that someday I could own and live in a house like
<p>Last part about cities and towns. If I prefer to live in a house or an
apartment. Why people are living in cities and why it is difficult to live there.
Then, three or four more questions about that topic. Sadly, I don&#8217;t remember
very well the last part. I was so nervous, and I feel that I freaked out.</p>
<p>Overall, was a good experience. The interviewer was kind and gave me time to
answer all the questions. But I am very upset with myself because I prepared all
the topics that he asked me, and I didn&#8217;t do as I expected because of the
nervousness and I couldn&#8217;t extend the answers in the way that I prepared them
or use a wide range of vocabulary.</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-603916">March 9, 2019 at 2:17 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � It is important that when you prepare

topics, you prepare only ideas such as your past memories, your opinions, your
future hopes etc. Your answers must be produced naturally in the test room and not
come from memory. Nerves are normal and will affect your performance. For this
reason, some people often take the test twice. Hopefully your results will still be
fine �</p>

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<li class="comment even depth-3" id="comment-604264">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-604264">March 9, 2019 at 8:26 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks, Liz for your answer.<br />

I had the LRW</p>
<p>Listening was easy but not the second lecture that was very quick. </p>
<p>Reading about tubes worm in the ocean, how tv influence children and finally,
types of personalities &#8211; why is important to have all of them at work. </p>
<p>Writing:<br />
A table with 8 most visited countries and the millions of visitors in 2009 and 2018
and the percentage of variation between those years</p>
<p>Some people think that men are naturally more competitive than women. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?</p>
<p>I would like to thank you Liz, and everyone who participate in this website.
Keep posting what you remember guys! It is very useful!</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-605250">March 10, 2019 at 1:25 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-602312">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-602312">March 8, 2019 at 8:56 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">
<p>I did LRW today 8th March 2019.<br />
Writing 1<br />
letter to a friend. your friends son is going to your country for his holiday, she
want him to stay in your home. But you cant accomodate him.<br />
write letter for your friend :<br />
&#8211; apology to your friend<br />
&#8211; explain why he cant stay in your home<br />
&#8211; give her suggestion for her son arrangement during his holiday</p>
<p>Writing 2<br />
there is increase of noise in our dailylives nowadays.<br />
&#8211; why is this a problem?<br />
&#8211; what can be done to reduce it?</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-603919">March 9, 2019 at 2:18 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-602224">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-602224">March 8, 2019 at 7:24 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz, </p>

<p>I took my speaking exam on 5th March and my writing test tomorrow.<br />
Here are the questions that I could remember.</p>
<p>* part1<br />
job/study<br />
pet<br />
sky<br />
major which you interested in<br />
the object which can help your study</p>
<p>* part2<br />
describe one of your grandparents&#8217; job<br />
and whether do you take the same job in the future.</p>
<p>* part3<br />
What kinds of jobs are full of challenges?<br />
Is that great to take the hard job?<br />
Do you think the robots will replace the job that we used to take in the future?
<p>I really appreciate your help! Best wish to you!</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-603920">March 9, 2019 at 2:18 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Good luck with your LRW test �</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-601037">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-601037">March 7, 2019 at 8:35 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I took the speaking test on 5th march<br />

Part 1:<br />
1. Where are you from?<br />
2. Describe the place where you live<br />
3. Do you like watching stars?<br />
4. Do you like looking at the sky?<br />
5. What time for you is good to look at the sky?<br />
6. Where do you go to look at the starts and the sky?<br />
7. Do you communicate via emails?<br />
8. Do you prefer getting texts or emails?<br />
9. Tell me about an email that you received that made you happy?<br />
Part 2:<br />
A thing that helps you to start working or studying<br />
what is that thing<br />
where do you do it<br />
how do you it<br />
Part 3:<br />
All about routines and importance of routines.<br />
importance of routine for children<br />
tasks that are to be done daily in the same routine</p>
<p>I did good i believe, hope to get 7 or above in speaking. I have my LRW on 9th
March.<br />
Need prayers. Thank you Liz you are the best!</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-601622">March 7, 2019 at 5:11 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Good luck on the 9th !!</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-602623">March 8, 2019 at 2:36 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi liz. Where can i find modal answers for speaking part 3 i.e
follow ups on your website to uplift my ability to speak more.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-603917">March 9, 2019 at 2:17 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Click on the word &#8220;speaking&#8221; on the RED BAR at the

top of this website.</p>

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<li class="comment even depth-2" id="comment-601979">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-601979">March 8, 2019 at 1:27 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>What can I tell about this cue card?<br />

I&#8217;m a bit confused&#8230;</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-600027">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-600027">March 6, 2019 at 2:00 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,</p>
<p>I got this question today in writing task 2:</p>
<p>The best manager is the one who is friendly and warm to his staff.Do u agree or
<p>I had a tough time collecting ideas for it, can you pls help</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-603923">March 9, 2019 at 2:24 pm</a>
<div class="comment-content">

<p>It is an interesting topic. This is about what makes a good

manager. Here are some ideas:<br />
1) past experience<br />
2) communication skills<br />
3) leadership skills<br />
4) organisational skills &#038; time management skills<br />
5) personal traits: patient, approachable, positive, reliability, a motivator<br />
6) someone who has a good relationship with staff and creates a positive team
spirit<br />
7) a good role model who leads and inspires through example</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-608294">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-608294">March 12, 2019 at 4:00 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thats great- how do u jus paraphrase it?</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-599909">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-599909">March 6, 2019 at 12:21 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,<br />

I had my IELTS speaking (Academics) on 6th March, 2019 </p>
<p>Part 1<br />
Question about where i lived?<br />
what do i like about that area?<br />
what i didn&#8217;t like about the area?<br />
do i like watching the sky?<br />
do i like watching sky in day or night?<br />
which is the best place to watch sky?</p>
<p>Part 2<br />
Tell about a good news you got from the internet or news channel?</p>
<p>Part 3<br />
difference between current media and media in old days?<br />
what type of people like to watch news?<br />
what sort of news people from different age groups like watch?<br />
and 3-4 more questions about media which i forgot.</p>
<p>I first 2 parts went smoothly but in my last part there was some repetition of
words in some questions. Apart from that i answered all questions confidently and
with a smile. Lets hope i get a good band score. Thanking for all your help. Your
material was really helpful.</p>
<p>My LRW is on 9th march. Any last minute tips? And please wish me luck as

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-600002">March 6, 2019 at 1:29 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � See this page: <a

rel="nofollow"></a>. Also review
the main sections which you can find on the RED BAR at the top of the website. Good
luck �</p>

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<li class="comment even depth-2" id="comment-601314">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-601314">March 7, 2019 at 10:53 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">
<p>Hi Liz, </p>
<p>I had my Ielts general speaking test today</p>
<p>Part 1 about place of work, private and public transport, music and musical
<p>Cue card: lecture you attended</p>
<p>Part 3: about listening, communication, public speaking</p>
<p>My part 1 was fantastic but, I just ran out of ideas in part 2 and stopped
before 2 minutes, although I spoke when my examiner provoked me to speak more. In
part three also I used repeated ideas and vocabulary.</p>
<p>Just hoping for a decent score.</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-599740">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">MrN</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-599740">March 6, 2019 at 8:56 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I have taken my Speaking exam, today on 6 March, 2019</p>

<p>Speaking Part 1:<br />
-what is your name?<br />
-why do you live in Astana city? (I expected that she would ask &#8220;Where do you
live?&#8221;, but she asked the reason of my living in that city)<br />
-what&#8217;s there interesting to do or see in this city?<br />
-where do you work?<br />
-why did you choose that job?<br />
-what&#8217;s the typical weather in your city?<br />
-what&#8217;s your favourite season?<br />
-what can people do in different seasons in your city?<br />
-how does the weather change in your country?</p>
<p>Overall, there were roughly 12 questions. I don&#8217;t remember but this part
of Speaking was on three topics (Current place of living, work and seasons)</p>
<p>Part 2: Describe a part of your country that you find the most interesting</p>
<p>You should say:</p>
<p>-the location of this place<br />
-how do you know this place?<br />
-what&#8217;s there interesting to do or see in this part of your country?<br />
-explain why you think it is the most interesting part of your country</p>
<p>Then she asked one follow-up question, but, honestly speaking, I can&#8217;t
<p>Part 3: questions related to the topic of &#8220;Big cities and small
<p>-What makes big cities interesting to live?<br />
-Why do most people prefer to move to big cities?</p>
<p>I was asked these two questions, after that the examiner started to ask
questions according to my answers. </p>
<p>I&#8217;m worrying about my Speaking result because she interrupted me a lot. I
gave fluent answers without any pauses and also added a lot of idiomatic
expressions, but she interrupted after each of my answers. I know that all of my
answers were ON TOPIC, Sometimes it is hard to answer when you get confused.
Anyway, I perceive this like an experience. </p>

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-599991">March 6, 2019 at 1:21 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Being on or off topic is not marked in

IELTS speaking. It is 100% normal for the examiner to interrupt your answer and you
should be prepared for that before entering the test room.</p>
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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-599671">March 6, 2019 at 7:15 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi<br />
4 March 2019 GT speaking<br />
Part 1- about work<br />
Shoes &#8211; comfortable or fashionable<br />
Why<br />
Drinking water- tap water or bottled</p>
<p>Part 2- a skill that took a long time to learn </p>
<p>Part 3- about skill development<br />
Patience &#8211; one should be patient or not . Why<br />
Are Older people more patient than younger people ? Why?</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-599980">March 6, 2019 at 1:11 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-599561">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-599561">March 6, 2019 at 4:16 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I have given my speaking : 4 the march 2019<br />

Intro questions:<br />
1. What&#8217;s your full name??<br />
2.are u a student or working?<br />
3. How often do you like to watch movies ?<br />
4. Did you often watch cinema when you were a child?<br />
5. Which type of movies do you like to watch?<br />
6. How often do you watch cinema now?<br />
7.wgi is Ur favourite bollywood actor?</p>
<p>Topic was : a indoor or outdoor place where u like to study<br />
Where is it<br />
How this place look like<br />
What type of people are there<br />
Why do you think this place </p>
<p>Follow ups:<br />
1. What&#8217;s the importance of education in recent era?<br />
2.Do you think education can help to improve one&#8217;s situation?? How ?<br />
3.why some students can&#8217;t able to concentrate on study ?? One specific
solution<br />
I have a question : I gave my all answers but i missed a question ,will it affect
to my score??</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-599987">March 6, 2019 at 1:18 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � How many questions you answer is not

part of the marking criteria for speaking. You will only be assessed on the English
language you spoke.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-597097">March 3, 2019 at 10:06 pm</a>

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<p>3 March speaking<br />

Do I enjoy looking at the sky, when is better day or night, watch it alone or with
friends, where from home can I see it?</p>
<p>Talk 2 mins about an intelligent person, who it is, how u know him/her and
additional details</p>
<p>Follow up on intelligent people&#8217;s behavior, how teachers should teach
children to be intelligent, how parents contribute to it.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-597943">March 4, 2019 at 12:40 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-595984">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-595984">March 3, 2019 at 4:39 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Ielts Speaking Exam on 1st March 2019<br />

Part 1: where do i live?<br />
what i like about the house?<br />
If i could change anything what would it be?<br />
Are there many public holidays in my country?<br />
what do people usually do on public holidays?<br />
part 2: tell about a time when you received a bad service<br />
who gave you the service<br />
what was wrong about it<br />
how you felt receiving it<br />
Part 3 : questions related to customer satisfaction</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=595984#respond' data-commentid="595984" data-
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aria-label='Reply to NB'>Reply</a> </div>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-596386">March 3, 2019 at 11:45 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-595842">March 3, 2019 at 1:37 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz, </p>

<p>I had my test, Mar. 2 &#8211; GT </p>
<p>Writing:<br />
TASK 1: The historical building in your place is in a bad condition. Write to the
local government. In your letter write:<br />
&#8211; why is the building important<br />
&#8211; what is its present condition<br />
&#8211; what action must be taken</p>
<p>TASK 2: Today, the younger and older generations are in the same workplace. Is
this more an advantage or more disadvantage.</p>
<p>At first, I really am nervous. But try to talk to other test takers especially
while waiting for your speaking test. This will help you to calm (well it works for
me). And honestly, during my preparation for my test, I watch videos on YT for
speaking. Well, the speaking test is nothing like the ones I&#8217;ve watched. You
just have to talk and talk, then you&#8217;ll never know it&#8217;s time for you to
<p>As for the writing, well the good thing is upon reading task 2, I dived right
ahead with planning my BP1 and BP2.</p>
<p>Tip: See to it that you practice daily on planning, invest a lot of time reading
on topics that test takers posted in this site. If you think you need to purchase
on her advance lessons, do so. It will be worth it. Because seriously this is where
I got all the ideas and techniques in answering both writing and speaking. </p>
<p>Lastly; for you, Liz, thank so much for your genuine generosity of helping us.
We will be forever thankful for the time and effort you tirelessly give.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-596391">March 3, 2019 at 11:51 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Glad my Advanced Writing Task 2 Lessons

were helpful �</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-598251">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Joy</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-598251">March 4, 2019 at 5:40 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I had the same question in March 2nd general.</p>


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<li class="comment even depth-2" id="comment-601970">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-601970">March 8, 2019 at 1:17 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>oops. I forgot to post my speaking test.</p>

<p>Tell me your full name.<br />
Where are you from?<br />
Do you work or study?<br />
What do you love most about your work?<br />
What are some things that can assist you with your work?</p>
<p>Part 1: Sharing<br />
Do your parents encouraged you to share when you were a child?<br />
Today, what do you like most to share with your friends?<br />
What are the things that you don&#8217;t like to share?<br />
In the future, do you think people will share their cars with others?</p>
<p>Part 2: Cue Card<br />
Talk about good news you saw on TV or the Internet<br />
-where and when did you see the news?<br />
-What is the news all about<br />
-How is it a piece of good news for you?</p>
<p>Part 3: News<br />
Who are the group most interested in the news from your country?<br />
Are the news today reliable?<br />
How can you make a child watch news?<br />
How do you compare the news nowadays to the news in the past?</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-595433">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-595433">March 2, 2019 at 7:20 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>IELTS Academic<br />

March 2, 2019</p>
<p>Writing task 1:<br />
We were given a table about the percentage of countries which used water for 3
sectors (industrial, domestic, agricultural) in 2003</p>
<p>Writing task 2: (paraphrased)<br />
Leaders and directors in an organisation are frequently older people. Some people
think younger leaders would be better.<br />
To what extent do you agree or disagree?</p>
<p>Speaking:<br />
Part 1<br />
Can you tell me your full name?<br />
Where are you from?<br />
Where are living at the moment?<br />
What do you like about where you at right now?<br />
Are you fond of listening to music?<br />
What are the kinds of music that you don&#8217;t like?<br />
Do you drink much water?<br />
What do you prefer, drinking tap water or bottled water?</p>
<p>Part 2:<br />
Describe an important decision that you made with the help of someone</p>
<p>Part 3: (More about asking for advices)<br />
What do you think is harder, asking for opinion regarding personal problems or work
problems?<br />
Why do people ask for opinions?<br />
What are the factors that a leader should do in a country?</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-596373">March 3, 2019 at 11:35 am</a>

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<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">RM</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-595225">March 2, 2019 at 3:06 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">
<p>Hi Liz,<br />
I had practised many letters and task 2 essays. But on the test day, writing a
letter to more than one person was slightly hard for me. It was my first
time.<br />
How should we address? How can we close the letter?<br />
Below are the questions.</p>
<p>Test Date: 02-Mar-2019<br />
Module: General Training</p>
<p>writing task 1<br />
You are working overseas in an international company. You travelled back to your
home country without informing your office friends. Write a apology letter to these
friends.<br />
1. apologise to your friends<br />
2. explain the situation<br />
3. what you enjoyed most working with them</p>
<p>writing task 2<br />
Doctors in many countries are saying that people are not getting enough physical
exercise. What do you think are the causes of this problem? How can you address

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-596376">March 3, 2019 at 11:36 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � You can start your letter &#8220;Dear

Sarah, David and Simon,&#8221;</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-595115">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Thu</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-595115">March 2, 2019 at 12:31 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Test date: 02-Mar-2019;<br />

Writing task2: Some people believe that teenagers should concentrate on all school
subjects others think that they should focus on subjects which they do best or find
interesting.<br />
Discuss both views and your opinion.</p>
<p>Writing task1: Simple Bar Graph represents the salary data in Pounds of 4
different professionals worked in UK in 2001 and next three years. Along with the
table where it illustrates the average working hours per week.</p>
<p>Speaking;<br />
Section &#8211; I Where do you live in your city? Followed by few related
questions.<br />
Section &#8211; II Cue card: A time you had to search for information.<br />
Section &#8211; III: Followed by the questions related to information over TV,
website and Newspaper.</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-596377">March 3, 2019 at 11:38 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Smi</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-595108">March 2, 2019 at 12:20 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>IELTS General:<br />

Speaking: Cue card on Beautiful Cities, Why you like them, Have you visited any.<br
Writing Task 1: You have been working in an international company in abroad. Now
you are going back to home and haven&#8217;t said good bye to your friends.<br />
Apologies to friends, explain why you are leaving, what you are going to miss<br />
Task 2: Doctors from many of the countries are concerned that people are not
getting enough physical exercise.<br />
What causes are there and what can be done.</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=595108#respond' data-commentid="595108" data-
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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-595086">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">P</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-595086">March 2, 2019 at 11:53 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,<br />

I had my exam today, General IELTS</p>
<p>Listening and Reading were simple.</p>
<p>Task 1 was write letter to friends to say good bye as you were not able to meet
them when you left from abroad and you all were working together in multinational
company there.<br />
-apologize to them<br />
&#8211; tell them why u left<br />
&#8211; tell them what you&#8217;ll miss about them</p>
<p>Task 2 &#8211; Doctors in many countries think that people are not doing enough
exercise<br />
What causes this ?<br />
How this can be solved ?</p>
<p>For task 2 I wrote what causes people to not do enough exercise have got used to
sedentary life and they do not get enough time as causes.<br />
Solution as schools should engage to make children aware about benefits of exercise
and government should make people aware about health benefits by exercise.<br />
However now after exam I feel my causes are not relating anywhere to the doctors
opinion and may be considered as incorrect response. Can you please help me to
understand what impact this can have on my score. However, others parts like
structuring, linking words and grammar are done well ..but I missed on response in
a hurry.</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-596378">March 3, 2019 at 11:40 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � For this essay, it makes no difference

who holds the opinion because it is a very common opinion &#8211; we all agree.</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-595068">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Hi</cite>
<span class="says">
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-595068">March 2, 2019 at 11:34 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>2nd March<br />

Listening:<br />
section-1: one word (inquiry)<br />
Section-2: sort multiple choice and maps<br />
Sceptical-3: multiple choice and matching<br />
Section 4 : one word ( Australian agriculture past and present )</p>
<p>Task -1<br />
A table about water uses by domestic, industrial and agricultural in six different
countries </p>
<p>Task:<br />
Some organisation and company Older people are the leader some say the young people
should be leader </p>
<p>What extent do you agree and disagree?</p>
<p>Reading:<br />
Passage-1 is very easy<br />
Passage -2 too much difficult<br />
Passage 3- moderate </p>
<p>Please pray for my results</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-596381">March 3, 2019 at 11:41 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even depth-2" id="comment-597145">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">may</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-597145">March 3, 2019 at 11:00 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>same here wishing the best for both of us .<br />

i really do not know whethet i did well or not<br />
desperate to get the results</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-594974">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">RST</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-594974">March 2, 2019 at 9:57 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Ms. Elizabeth. I just wanted to thank you for having a

reliable and informative website regarding IELTS preparation as well as for the
advanced writing lessons. This helped me a lot in my journey. Hope to receive my
target band score. �</p>
<p>Here are some of the questions that appeared on my exam.</p>
<p>Date: March 2, 2019<br />
Academic UKVI</p>
<p>Speaking Part 1<br />
Can you describe your workplace?<br />
How can it be improved?<br />
Do you drink water? How often?<br />
Do you prefer bottled water or water from the faucet?<br />
Do you like buying shoes? How often?<br />
Do you like buying shoes online?</p>
<p>Part 2<br />
Describe a book you recently read.<br />
What it is? When did you read it? Explain why you liked it.</p>
<p>Part 3<br />
Why do you think people like reading?<br />
What are the advantages of reading?<br />
Who do you think is responsible for teaching children, teachers or parents? Why?
<p>Writing Task 1<br />
A diagram of how to build an igloo out of snow.</p>
<p>Task 2<br />
The world of work is changing rapidly. Working conditions today are not the same as
before and people no longer rely on taking one job for life. Descibe the possible
causes and give suggestions on how people should prepare for work in the

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-596382">March 3, 2019 at 11:42 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � The diagram sounds interesting �</p>


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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Al</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-593956">March 1, 2019 at 5:34 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hello, Liz! I want to share with Part 2 question. 1st of

March, Speaking test, Part 2: Describe a family business that you know. Questions
in Part3 were related to this topic.</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-595134">March 2, 2019 at 12:48 pm</a>

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<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-593905">March 1, 2019 at 4:46 pm</a>

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<p>SPEAKING TEST (ACADEMY) 1/3/19<br />

<p>you should talk about:<br />
what was the event<br />
where it held<br />
what happened during the event<br />
why you found it interesting.</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-595126">March 2, 2019 at 12:42 pm</a>

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<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-593762">March 1, 2019 at 2:09 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Test type: Academic paper based<br />

Test date: 01/03/2019<br />
Speaking<br />
Part 1; How long have I been living in my area<br />
Do I like it<br />
What will I like to change<br />
Why do people keep things from the past<br />
Part 2: A lost item that I found which belonged to someone else.<br />
How did I find it<br />
What did I do with it<br />
How I felt about it<br />
My concern is part 3, it was totally unrelated to task 2. She was asking me about
archeology, I am scared because I didn&#8217;t really flow well. Other than that,
I think I did well in part 1 and 2</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-595133">March 2, 2019 at 12:47 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Archaeology is about finding things that

belonged to people in the past. This means it is a related topic. But even so, it
is the examiner&#8217;s choice what questions to ask in part 3. Your score will be
decided on your overall performance. Although, part 3 does offer you a chance to
get into more interesting and varied language by dealing with more complex

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-593745">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-593745">March 1, 2019 at 1:27 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Speaking test<br />

Part 1:<br />
Describe your apartment<br />
does it have Park?<br />
do you use Park? for what?<br />
what you do in park?<br />
how often you go to park? </p>
<p>Part 2:<br />
Describe a lecture which you heard recently.<br />
who was speaker?<br />
when did you heard it?<br />
what is was about?<br />
what did you take away from speech?<br />
will you listen to it again? </p>
<p>Part 3: Communication<br />
is communication important?<br />
at home, office?<br />
types of communication?<br />
communication and mobile phone?<br />
what is going to be future of communication / phones?</p>

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aria-label='Reply to sp'>Reply</a> </div>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-595132">March 2, 2019 at 12:45 pm</a>
<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Girl</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-593642">March 1, 2019 at 11:11 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Speaking 03-01-2019<br />

Part 1<br />
Work or study?<br />
Hometown, nice place?<br />
Part 2<br />
Describe a person who you want to be similar with when you were a child<br />
Part 3<br />
Compare children from past and today<br />
Do famous people influence children&#8217;s behaviour?<br />

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=593642#respond' data-commentid="593642" data-
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aria-label='Reply to Girl'>Reply</a> </div>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-595130">March 2, 2019 at 12:45 pm</a>

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<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-593538">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-593538">March 1, 2019 at 8:56 am</a>
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<p>Speaking Test </p>

<p>Part 1: about work and current living area </p>
<p>Part 2: Describe something you borrowed from a friend or family member. You
should say<br />
-what you borrowed<br />
-when you borrowed it<br />
-whom you borrowed it from<br />
– why you borrowed it</p>
<p>Questions on borrowing?<br />
Will borrowing is good or bad?<br />
What you feel about borrowing and did any body borrow<br />
From you anything and did they give it back </p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=593538#respond' data-commentid="593538" data-
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aria-label='Reply to Ni'>Reply</a> </div>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-595129">March 2, 2019 at 12:44 pm</a>

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<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-596360">March 3, 2019 at 11:25 am</a>

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<p>its difficult</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-593411">March 1, 2019 at 5:55 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">
<p>IELTS ACADEMIC SPEAKING , 27-February.<br />
Part 2- Describe a game you played when you were child</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-593658">March 1, 2019 at 11:21 am</a>

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<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-593365">March 1, 2019 at 4:45 am</a>

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<p>Speaking Exam :01/03/2019<br />

Section 1 :<br />
What type of houses are common in your country ?<br />
Why cities are over crowded ?<br />
Do you drink tea / coffee ? Do you offer the same to guests who come to your
house ?<br />
Hove you been staying at your current place for long ?<br />
Any advantage / disadvantage of living in your area.<br />
Section 2 &#8211; Talk about your Ideal house ?<br />
Section 3 &#8211; do you think , you can achieve ur dream of building that house ?
<br />
How would you do that ?<br />
Questions related housing and society.</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-595128">March 2, 2019 at 12:44 pm</a>
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<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-592940">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-592940">February 28, 2019 at 8:48 pm</a>

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<p>Writing :<br />

Task 1: write a letter to your neighbor about the damage that occurred to your car
while he was parking his car in the lane outside your home.<br />
Task 2: in the era of e technology do you think print newspaper and magazines will
cease to occur in the near future?</p>
<p>Reading:<br />
One was a passage on grocery store; one was on how to rent an apartment in UK; one
was on market research and psychology of consumers.</p>
<p>Speaking:<br />
1. Where do I work? Do you prefer public transport or private? which season do you
like and what do you do in your spare time in that season?<br />
2. Cue card: what is the recent thing that you wanted and someone gave you and how
you felt after receiving that.<br />
3. Everything on consumerism. What are the negative effects of consumerism. </p>
<p>I scored the following: Overall:7.5; L-7.5; R:7.0; W:7.5; S:8.5 � 14.02.2019.
<p>Thank you Liz for all the tips! It really helped me! And this was my first
attempt! Planing to re-take the exam to improve the score!</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-593657">March 1, 2019 at 11:20 am</a>

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<p>Thanks for sharing and well done �</p>


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<li class="comment even depth-3" id="comment-609344">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Ramya Sree</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-609344">March 13, 2019 at 10:54 am</a>

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<p>Liz , in the above task2 , what kind of essay is this ?

agree/disagree or opinion essay ?</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Paulina</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-593724">March 1, 2019 at 12:55 pm</a>

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<p>Hi JSP,</p>
<p>Congrats! I have a question to you re the letter: which one was this? informal
or semi-formal? </p>
<p>Liz would you be able to advise?</p>
<p>TA<br />

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Siva</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-594240">March 1, 2019 at 9:37 pm</a>

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<p>Hi Paulina,</p>
<p>Hope you don&#8217;t mind me answering for this. It would come under semi-formal
as you know the people(neighbour) you are writing the letter to. If you are writing
letter to a stranger, it is formal and informal would be the letter meant for your
<p>@Liz ,Please correct me if I&#8217;m wrong.</p>
<p>Thank You!</p>
<p>Regards<br />

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Paulina</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-594694">March 2, 2019 at 5:23 am</a>

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<p>Hi Siva,<br />

Thanks for your comment. That’s what I thought but was listening to a different
IELTS teacher the other day and the guy said, there’s no such a thing as semi-
formal letter. He said the only difference between semi-formal and formal is the
salutation and the signing off (say: Dear Michael or Dear Mr.Smith and then yours
sincerely,) apparently that’s the only difference. Are you able to guide me here as
I’m a bit confused ♀. Too much info is sometimes not helpful at all.<br />

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-595149">March 2, 2019 at 1:06 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Each teacher categorises letters differently. Some teachers

only recognise formal and informal. Some teachers add a semi-formal style to the
list. I personally do recognise semi-formal letters. </p>
<p>As Siva said, you know your neighbours on a personal level (ie not through work
which is a formal context). This would make it an informal relationship. But the
content of the letter is about a serious matter (not about a party) which would
then make the tone semi-formal. Also you need to consider that you do not
necessarily have a close relationship with your neighbour ( not like with a
friend). That again would make it semi-formal. So, for this letter, I would drop
the formality, but maintain a polite and respectful tone. There is no right or
wrong &#8211; no black or white. This is about understanding relationships and
understanding a general tone and style. I would address this letter to either
&#8220;Dear Mr Jones&#8221; or &#8220;Dear John Jones&#8221;. I would sign off
&#8220;Best regards&#8221;. Again, let me stress these are not fixed rules for a
semi-formal letter &#8211; it is about how you want to approach this person. You
need to stop looking for fixed structures and fixed language. A high band score
IELTS candidate can be flexible and knows how to adapt language to the topic and to
the context.</p>
<p>I also need to point out that a formal letter can be to someone you know. If the
person is an a position of superiority over you (eg a manager at work or a boss),
then you must use a formal approach. If the person is someone whose name you know,
but you have not met them (eg a hotel manager), you would use a formal approach. If
the person is a stranger (eg local council), you would use a formal approach. If
the person is a work colleague, then they are not in a position of superiority and
you would probably approach it as semi-formal which means not so formal, but still
with respect and politeness. If the person is a neighbour, it means the person is
not your superior and not a stranger, but you also might not have a close
relationship on a personal level &#8211; that would make it semi-formal. A friend
is someone you know on a personal, private, close level &#8211; informal. You need
to think about the relationship with the person and the purpose of the letter
&#8211; stop trying to find fixed rules for a test that is designed to test
<p>I hope this helps.</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-6" id="comment-595218">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-595218">March 2, 2019 at 3:01 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks Liz, you’re 100% right. I guess I’m overthinking it.

Thanks for you clarification!</p>
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<li class="comment even depth-2" id="comment-593757">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Raks</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-593757">March 1, 2019 at 1:49 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Congratulations JSP on the great score in your first

attempt.<br />
In my first attempt on 12.02.2019 for GT Computer based, I had scored 7.5 overall
(L-7.5, R-7.5, W-6, S-8.5). As I am giving second try on in 10 days, i.e., March
12th to improve my writing score, I would appreciate if you can please share with
us your writing experience or any comments/feedback/technique you used. Thank you!

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-592383">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-592383">February 28, 2019 at 9:07 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,</p>
<p>Thanks for your helping.</p>
<p>28/02/2019 &#8211; Computer based test<br />
Writing<br />
Part 1 &#8211; Letter to offer a concert ticket to a friend<br />
Part 2 &#8211; Schools should be responsible to teach young adults to look after
their health.</p>
<p>Speaking<br />
Part 2 &#8211; Describe something that you bought but did not use much<br />
Part 3 &#8211; Disadvantages of shopping in a big mall?<br />
Why do people like to buy branded products?<br />
2 questions about Recycling </p>
<p>Good luck everybody</p>

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aria-label='Reply to A'>Reply</a> </div>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-593649">March 1, 2019 at 11:16 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Pa</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-590493">February 27, 2019 at 5:28 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Academic Speaking: Cue Card<br />

Describe your ideal perfect house<br />
where it would be<br />
how it would be<br />
what it would contain<br />
explain why it is perfect for you.</p>

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aria-label='Reply to Pa'>Reply</a> </div>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-593655">March 1, 2019 at 11:18 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-588936">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-588936">February 26, 2019 at 8:02 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hello Good morning</p>

<p>I had my specking test 26/feb</p>
<p>Section 01 </p>
<p>Where do come from?<br />
Have you lived for a long time in your current city?<br />
How much do you like this city?<br />
Why you like the city?<br />
Do you think this city will change in future ?<br />
Who is your favorite movie start?<br />
Why you like him\her?<br />
Have you seen a movie star somewhere?<br />
Are you like to be a movie star?</p>
<p>Section 02 &#8211; Que &#8211; Card</p>
<p>Describe a party that you have participated<br />
where it was<br />
who are the guests<br />
what is the reason for party</p>
<p>Section 03</p>
<p>Have you discussed about the party with your friends?<br />
are there any parties\ event in your country that people participate with family?
<br />
What is the most important festival in your country?<br />
How this festival effect tourism industry in your country?</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-593653">March 1, 2019 at 11:17 am</a>
<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-587824">February 25, 2019 at 5:41 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Academic Test &#8211; 23th February<br />

Speaking:<br />
Part 1: Do you work or study? How can I improve my work? How many hours do I work?
Do I prefer tea or coffee? Do I offer tea or coffee to the people who visit me? Do
I like crowded places?<br />
Part 2: Describe one of my granparents job (What was the job/ Was the only job?/Do
I would like to do the same job?<br />
Part 3: robots/individuals &#8211; advantages/disadvantages and other questions
that I cannor remember!</p>
<p>Writing:<br />
Task 1: bar graph regarding 4 subjects attended in 3 different universities<br />
Task 2: Double questions: why peoplo sleep less/What causes in society and
<p>Afraid about the results because listening was pretty hard&#8230; and I need 7.5

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-587877">February 25, 2019 at 6:11 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-589820">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-589820">February 26, 2019 at 7:37 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi, given CBT exam on 25th feb </p>

<p>listening is very difficult due to 3 reasons.<br />
1- they dont play example<br />
2- there is no extra 10 minutes so you end up missing answers while typing ( my
typing speed is 40 WPM but still couldnt focus much )<br />
3- Answers could come randomly, For instance you focus on question 5 and answer
will come in the end but you will realise that answers for 6-10 are already given
and recording is about to finish. Also, 3-4 answers are given in single line</p>
<p>writing task &#8211; Letter to neighbour for inconvenience caused due to pet
animals<br />
task 2- is self employed better or service</p>
<p>speaking &#8211; interesting place in your country</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-593651">March 1, 2019 at 11:16 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-596422">March 3, 2019 at 12:35 pm</a>

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<p>are you allowed to key in, CAPITAL LETTERS in CBT both in

Listening and Reading?</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Lina M</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-602089">March 8, 2019 at 4:09 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I was on that test too. Need the same 7.5 overall but minimum
7 on both R and W. Tomorrow can&#8217;t come soon enough&#8230;</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-584717">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-584717">February 23, 2019 at 11:26 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Feb 23, 2019<br />

Academic<br />
Dear Liz, your site was very useful to me! Thanks!<br />
I will recommend it to all my friends!</p>
<p>Writing<br />
Task 1 &#8211; the bar graph shows numbers of applicants for 4 different courses in
3 UK universities in 2011, 2018 and one prediction for 2025.<br />
Task 2 &#8211; people are sleeping less than in the past. What are the effects of
this? Why do people do it?</p>
<p>Speaking<br />
Part 1 &#8211; questions about work and cook.<br />
Part 2 &#8211; speak about something that you complained and if the company solved
your problem.<br />
What was it? How did you feel?<br />
Part 3 &#8211; more questions about complains.</p>
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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=584717#respond' data-commentid="584717" data-
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-585663">February 24, 2019 at 2:04 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">HA</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-584603">February 23, 2019 at 9:39 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hello,<br />
Thank you for great lessons and website you provided for us. I&#8217;d like to
share questions of Academic IELTS, Feb 23, 2019. Hope it can be helpful. </p>
<p>Writing Task 1: The given chart compared numbers of applications of students at
three different schools in UK in 2011, 2018, and 2025. </p>
<p>Writing Task 2: People sleep less than before in many countries. Why people
sleep less ? What effect does it have individually and in society?</p>
<p>Speaking:<br />
Part 1:<br />
Where do you come from? Have you lived for a long time in your current city?<br />
How much do you like this city? Why you like here? Do you think this city will
change in future?<br />
Who is your favorite movie star? Why you like him/her? Have you seen a movie star
<p>Part 2:<br />
Describe an item you already bought but you don&#8217;t use it.<br />
When did you buy it?<br />
Why you buy it?<br />
Explain why you don&#8217;t use it?</p>
<p>Part 3:<br />
How popular is shopping in your hometown?<br />
(after I said that some people feel better after shopping) examiner asked? How do
people can feel better besides shopping?<br />
Is quality more important or price to buy something? Why?<br />
How different advertising on TV and journals ?</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-585665">February 24, 2019 at 2:05 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-584082">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-584082">February 23, 2019 at 4:22 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>23 February 2019 (Academic)<br />

Speaking<br />
Part 1- do you work or study?<br />
Questions about pets, politeness, free time<br />
Part 2 &#8211; A time you wished to do something but you didn’t have time<br />
Part 3- about time management </p>
<p>Writing task 2 &#8211; Some people think that government is wasting money on the
arts and that this money could be spent elsewhere. To what extent do you agree with
this view?</p>
<p>Thanks for your help!</p>
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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=584082#respond' data-commentid="584082" data-
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aria-label='Reply to SA'>Reply</a> </div>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-585668">February 24, 2019 at 2:06 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-596352">

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">minahil</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-596352">March 3, 2019 at 11:18 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>thanks yrr</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-584021">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-584021">February 23, 2019 at 2:41 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hello&#8230;exam date 23 February<br />

In task 2&#8230;.they have asked &#8220;do you think it is a negative or positive
change?<br />
Mam I explained both of them in two paras by partially agree &#8230;.is it right
the way I explained?<br />
Task 1-production of electricity by a coal mine<br />
Task 2-Computers techniques have become cheap n easy to assess ,young adults will
work from home and children will study from home &#8230;do you think it is a
positive or negative change.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-585669">February 24, 2019 at 2:08 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � You shouldn&#8217;t sit on the fence. If

you go for a balanced view, you need to quantify your opinion. In what way is it
positive and in what way negative. You must be very precise to present a clear
position. You should not attempt this unless you have been trained how to do it

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<li class="comment even depth-2" id="comment-587132">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">BESTIN</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-587132">February 25, 2019 at 9:30 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I got the same essay question. But I am a bit concerned about
the tense we should have used. should we write the essay in the present or future

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-583803">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Ghazaleh Akhoundi</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-583803">February 23, 2019 at 9:42 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hello liz<br />

I had the ielts test of 23 february in IRAN, in the begining of listening section 3
, the recording got hung up by the order of IDP and writing test immediately began
instead of reading and at last they played the listening from part 3 again but
skipped the last 6 questions and said the listening of today contained only 34
questions<br />
everyone was pissed since they messed up their reading skill due to lack of
concentration and tierdness<br />
My question is, what are the neccesarry actions need to be done for this matter?
how can we object to this test and it’s result since the results are would not be
even close to what we want then to be?</p>
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-585672">February 24, 2019 at 2:15 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>It sounds like the test was a mess. Personally, I think IELTS
should offer you all a new test for free. If they do not offer you all a free test,
it will show how disinterested IELTS are in standardisation, respect for customers
and commitment to quality. </p>
<p>Certainly you can complain both to your local test centre and to IELTS Official
(it is important that you complain at the highest possible level). I wish you lots
of luck! Make sure your complaint is written with good English to avoid

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Ni</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-582658">February 22, 2019 at 10:43 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Feb 21, 2019<br />

Speaking (Academic)</p>
<p>Part 1<br />
Work related like what I usually do, do I like my job then why<br />
Then shifted to email, how often do i write an email, email that made me
happy<br />
Patience, why it is important and etc</p>
<p>Part 2<br />
something about good news that I recently received<br />
Who gave </p>
<p>Part 3<br />
kinds of news</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=582658#respond' data-commentid="582658" data-
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aria-label='Reply to Ni'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-583944">February 23, 2019 at 12:32 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-582513">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-582513">February 22, 2019 at 8:19 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz, I just had my computer based IELTS test on 22 Feb

<p>Reading 1: the origin of tattoos from polynesian island, there are diagram,
T/F/N, multiple choice questions<br />
Reading 2: An article about corporate social responsibility, need to match headings
to paragraph, and complete missing words question<br />
Reading 3: voynic manuscript, there are some T/F/N, matching the name of person and
its statement, and some complete missing words question</p>
<p>The writing 1 was about a bar graph of family weekly spending in 2 different
period. Writing 2 was about products is all about good quality and its needs in
people. Advertisement is unnecessary and only a form of entertainment. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?</p>
<p>Speaking is about the environment that I live in, what do I want to change in my
neighbourhood.<br />
Thee second part was about an intelegnce person I know, who is the person, what is
the person doing, and why is the person intelegent<br />
The third part was about hand writing, its relation with intellegence, can teacher
help the development of intellegence, what is a good teacher, who is more important
between parents and teacher to educate kids, and that’s all I can think about</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-583946">February 23, 2019 at 12:33 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-581055">February 21, 2019 at 7:58 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Academic test, 21 Feb. 2013<br />

Speaking test </p>
<p>Part1<br />
Do you work or study?<br />
What do you wxactly do?<br />
How ofetn does it rain in your city?<br />
Do you like to go out in rainy days?</p>
<p>Part 2<br />
Describe a place where you spend your free time<br />
Where is it?<br />
How did you find it?<br />
What do you do there?</p>
<p>Part 3<br />
Why old people like quite places?<br />
What are the source of noise in the cities?<br />
Why suberbs are quite?<br />
Why some people does not enjoy calm places?<br />
Will cities noisier in the furte?</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=581055#respond' data-commentid="581055" data-
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aria-label='Reply to M'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-583947">February 23, 2019 at 12:34 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-579827">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-579827">February 20, 2019 at 5:55 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Test date: February 20th, 2019<br />

General Training</p>
<p>IELTS Speaking:<br />
Part 1:<br />
A) Questions on Work and companies<br />
B) Questions on cooking, home made food vs outside food etc<br />
Part 2: Describe something you borrowed from a friend or family member. You should
say<br />
-what you borrowed<br />
-when you borrowed it<br />
-whom you borrowed it from<br />
&#8211; why you borrowed it<br />
Part 3:<br />
A) Questions on borrowing<br />
B) Questions on Car Pooling</p>
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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-583949">February 23, 2019 at 12:34 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-579404">February 20, 2019 at 10:53 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz, I just took my CDT yesterday Feb 19, 2019. The test
runs smoothly for me and here are the topics that I encountered.<br />
Writing Task 2 = &#8220;Many people try to look younger than their age. What are
the causes people do this. Do you think this is a good thing or bad thing?
<p>Speaking Task 2 = Talk about an intelligent person that you know<br />
Who is it<br />
How did you know him/her<br />
Describe this person<br />
Task 3 = Is your handwriting good?<br />
Do you love recieving handwritten letters? why or
why not?<br />
Why do you think intelligent students are
sometimes get bullied at<br />
school?<br />
Why do people often talk about intelligent people
but seldom talk<br />
about genius people?<br />
Are intelligent people always happy?<br />
What do you think are the qualities that a good
teacher should have?<br />
Do you think that teachers and parents should work
hand in hand in<br />
educating a child?<br />
Nowadays children do not like studying or
learning. why do you think<br />
are the raesons?<br />
How do you think the teachers can motivate their
students to study<br />
<p>Thank You Liz for all the tips and lessons. It helped me a lot during the

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-579490">February 20, 2019 at 12:01 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Good luck with your results �</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-574725">February 17, 2019 at 8:13 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,</p>
<p>Thank you for all your support. It is very kind of you to spare your precious
time to help us all.</p>
<p>I sat the academic test which was delivered on computer.</p>
<p>Listening: was fairly easy. It’s exactly the same as paper based exam.<br />
Reading: there was a passage on how pencils were first found, second: workjng with
partners. I can’t recall the third.<br />
Writing:<br />
Task 1: two plans of a museum before and after its redevelopment.<br />
Task 2:<br />
‘Some countries spend a lot of money to make bicycle usage easier. Why is this? Is
this the best solution? </p>
<p>I found this question difficult to pick what form of an essay it would be.
Could you please guide me? It wasnt the usual agree disagree or discuss. I felt as
though it was asking me to evaluate the reasons why and give my opinion. </p>
<p>Speaking:<br />
Part 1: Asked about seasons, shoes, leisure time.<br />
Part 2: a foreign language i’d like to learn, why, how, why would it be difficult?
<br />
Part 3: language and culture</p>
<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-576531">February 18, 2019 at 3:30 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt depth-2" id="comment-579440">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-579440">February 20, 2019 at 11:23 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Sorry to bother, but is that the complete question? The

second part &#8220;Is this the best solution?&#8221; seems to be incomplete.
solution to what? Do you remember?</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-574051">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-574051">February 16, 2019 at 8:39 pm</a>
<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz</p>
<p>Probably more a question towards the candidates who already took the GT computer
based test, but you will probably be able to awnser as well.</p>
<p>Are you allowed to have a pen and extra paper with you to scraboe some
notes,write your awnsers for the listening test and then fill in(I’m not that
sufficient on a comp to listen and fill in directly,but am practicingto get
bette4),as well as planning of the writing tests?</p>
<p>Thank you for your info!</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-2" id="comment-574346">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-574346">February 17, 2019 at 1:49 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Yes, you do get a pencil and paper (which will also have your
login details) if you want to write something down. I&#8217;m not sure if
you&#8217;ll have enough time to first write the answers on the paper and then
enter as you won&#8217;t get the 10 min (instead you get 2 min to check your
answers) in the end.</p>

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<li class="comment even depth-2" id="comment-574375">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-574375">February 17, 2019 at 2:22 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>they will give you a pencil and a sheet of paper for taking
notes. But you will not get any time to transfer answers (may be 1 or 2, not more
than that) as you only have 2 minutes towards the end of the test (which should be
used for checking the answers, not for transfering). You can use the sheet for
preparing points for essay writing, though. Good luck �</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-2" id="comment-574949">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-574949">February 17, 2019 at 1:33 pm</a>
<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi,<br />
I took my IELTS GT computer based on 16th Feb. I was provided with the login sheet,
with some blank spaces and pencil. So don&#8217;t worry, you are covered.</p>

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<li class="comment even depth-3" id="comment-584627">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-584627">February 23, 2019 at 10:08 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi,<br />
Did you find the computer based easier than the paper based?<br />
Thank you!</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-2" id="comment-575311">

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">K</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-575311">February 17, 2019 at 7:29 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>yes, you will be given a pencil and paper but remember in

computer based test you don&#8217;t get time to transfer your answers, you&#8217;ll
have to fill in directly.</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Rockstar</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-576138">February 18, 2019 at 9:48 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>You would be given a new paper for every section of the test
and would be collected at the end of the section. Pencil and eraser is provided in
the beginning. I wrote the exam 1 week ago and I use the paper only for writing
section to plan and organize. Had no time in Listening section to even touch the
pencil or paper.</p>
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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-574017">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-574017">February 16, 2019 at 8:03 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thank you Liz for your website!</p>

<p>IELTS Academic 13-Feb-2019 </p>
<p>Reading:<br />
-Passage 1: History of Potatoes, how they where discovered in South America and
brought to Europe.<br />
-Passage 2: A text describing the link between emotions and smells
(Neuroscience)<br />
-Passage 3: The most difficult one since it had a lot of vocabulary on astronomy.
It was a scientific article describing the different theories on planet formation.
<p>Writing:<br />
#1. Two pie charts:<br />
a)The first one showed the population distribution in different regions of the
world (Sub-Saharian, South Asia, East Asia, South America and Industrialized
countries) in 2010.<br />
b) Total spending in education for each region in 2010. </p>
<p>#2 Plastic shopping bags contribute to the pollution of land and sea, some think
they should be banned.<br />
Do you agree or disagree? Give examples of your knowledge.</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-574061">February 16, 2019 at 8:52 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-573288">February 16, 2019 at 4:41 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Ielts Exam on 14-Feb-19, General Training-Computer Based

<p>Writing Task 1</p>
<p>Write a letter to your friend to ask for help about a new job you have been
placed to, your friend is doing the same job in another company.</p>
<p>1. What is the problem you are facing in your new role?<br />
2. How your friend can solve it?<br />
3. Meeting arrangments and details?</p>
<p>Writing Task 2</p>
<p>Some people think that watching sport is wastage of time during leisure time. Do
you agree or disagree?</p>

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-573657">February 16, 2019 at 12:27 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-571462">February 15, 2019 at 1:35 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>My speaking was on 13 feb<br />

Part 1 study or work<br />
Do you like pets animal?<br />
In your counrty which pets animal is popular?<br />
Which is the pet you hate most?<br />
Part 2 tell about the latest party that u attend.<br />
Part3 (about money) spending a lots of money on wedding is good?<br />
Why family party is important?<br />
Whats diff between family and friends party?<br />
Was in past party was important?<br />
is culture is saved by tourism?<br />
What can country get help from tourism industry?<br />
SEC 1<br />
SEC 2 MCQ<br />
SEC 3 WHO SAY<br />
SEC SAME AS 1<br />
TASK 1<br />
TASK 2<br />
ECONOMIC GROWTH IS only one key factor for ending world poverty problem.however
someone says it leads towards a environment damaging and stop it.</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-572351">February 15, 2019 at 3:52 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-571179">February 14, 2019 at 9:06 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Academic Test: 14th Feb.2019</p>

<p>Task 2<br />
Many people today are spending lesser and lesser time at their homes.<br />
What are the reasons for this?<br />
What are the effects of this trend on individuals and society?</p>
<p>Speaking<br />
Part 2: Describe you idea of a perfect house. Its appearance and its location.</p>
<p>I can&#8217;t remember the other aspects of the speaking test. I wouldn&#8217;t
want to give inaccurate information.</p>
<p>Thank you Liz for your assistance</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-572354">February 15, 2019 at 3:54 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-571061">February 14, 2019 at 7:20 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz, I would like to share my Ielts questions:<br />

Academic test 12/02/2019<br />
Speaking part<br />
1. Questions related to the sky( Do you like look at sky on day or night, do you
like star, where in your city the best place to see the stars, do you have subject
at school what you learn the stars)<br />
2. Discribe the person with whom you enjoyed to work.<br />
How long you work, what you learn from her etc<br />
3. All related to the co-workers.<br />
What is important for you in your colleges, is that important to be friends with
them, what help you work in your job, Is that important to give for little children
give the choice with whom to sit in the class, is that important having friends at
school.<br />
Writing part1;<br />
Table, which show three study courses, where students search in the study aspect
which has good rate of grade.<br />
Writing task 2:<br />
The people spending less and less time at home. Problem and solution.</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-572356">February 15, 2019 at 3:54 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Mary</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-570895">February 14, 2019 at 5:11 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">
<p>Test date: 14th February 2019<br />
General training</p>
<p>Writing task 1:<br />
Write a letter to invite your English-speaking friend to watch a new film with you
about your country. In your letter,<br />
1. Include some information about the film<br />
2. Explain why your friend might be interested to watch the film<br />
3. Inform other arrangements you will be making for watching the film</p>
<p>Writing task 2:<br />
Eating too much sugar is harmful for health. Some people think that it is
government responsibility to limit people&#8217;s sugar consumption while others
think that it is individuals responsibility to limit the amount of sugar they eat.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.</p>
<p>Listening:<br />
Please practise multiple choice type questions that come in section 2 and 3. They
are bit confusing and you might loose your place in listening to the recording.
<p>Reading:<br />
Section 3 contains 8 to 9 passages about &#8216;Edmund Selous Bird Watching&#8217;.
Please try to leave more time for section 3 as it takes little bit more reading
than skimming and scanning.</p>

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-572346">February 15, 2019 at 3:50 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=572346#respond' data-commentid="572346" data-
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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-570615">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Ach</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-570615">February 14, 2019 at 2:46 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>2018.2.14<br />
IELTS academic writing exam<br />
Now many people spend less and less time at home.<br />
What are the causes for this?<br />
What are the effects of this on individuals and on the society.</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=570615#respond' data-commentid="570615" data-
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aria-label='Reply to Ach'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
<span class="says">
says </span>

<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-572344">February 15, 2019 at 3:48 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=572344#respond' data-commentid="572344" data-
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aria-label='Reply to Liz'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-


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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Zee</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-570533">February 14, 2019 at 1:56 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Feb 12, 2019<br />

Speaking:<br />
Part1<br />
Questions were related to:<br />
-Name.<br />
-Home.<br />
-Sunglasses.<br />
-Tap water &amp; Bottled water.<br />
Part 2<br />
Any gift you presented to your friend on some occasion.<br />
Part 3<br />
Questions related to part 2 and creativity. Why girls are more into hand made
<p>Feb 14, 2019<br />
Writing Task 1<br />
A letter to a friend inviting him to visit your country.</p>
<p>Writing Task 2<br />
Government role is more important in minimization of sugar consumption or
individuals is of more opinion. Give opinion with examples.<br />
(I have rephrased the wording as I don&#8217;t exactly remember).</p>
<p>Liz, thank you so much for this courtesy. Secondly, please give your opinion on
length of writing tasks. I wrote quite lengthy piece of writing for both. Probably
around 300 for task 1 n 450 something for task 2. Does that influence marks?<br />
Further, please comment on my essay structure. I started with the role of
technological advancements and artificial intelligence in replacing older
techniques. Then i mentioned both roles that this essay will discuss both opinions
followed by a reasoned conclusion.<br />
To begin with, people of historical times prefer the usage of natural sweetners
that doesn&#8217;t have any deteriorating effects on human health. However,
nowadays corporations and scientists have came up many alternate solutions that are
ready to facilitate the unavailability of many natural ingredients.<br />
For instance, sugar composition involve some ingredients that are also used in
manufacturing of paints. Likewise soft drinks manufacturing include a number of
harmful chemicals that may lead to heart, sugar and various other physical
diseases.<br />
To minimize these health deteriorating effects, government can restrict the
production of these items. Further, price increase can also lead to decreased
demand and eventually decreased consumption.<br />
On the flip side, individuals&#8217; intentions have a role to play too. That is,
if government play it&#8217;s part but individuals still show an inclination
towards increased consumption, issue will remain unresolved. Hence an awareness is
required regarding individuals role in abstaining the increased usage of sugar and
sugary products.<br />
To recapitulate, both the government and individuals roles are equally important in
restraining the consumer&#8217;s increasing sugar consumption. Either way, the
purpose can&#8217;t be achieved.</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-570552">February 14, 2019 at 2:08 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � I don&#8217;t normally comment on

writing, but I will in this case and I hope other people can benefit from it too.
Your task 1 should be between 160 and 190 words. You are being marked on selecting
and summarising main features. You are marked down if you present too much small
detail. Your task 2 should be about 280 words. Your essay should not contain any
padding. All sentence must be vital to the aim of the essay. It is about writing a
highly focused essay, not a long one. Also a long essay will show more mistakes to
the examiner. So, word count is important. </p>
<p>About your task 2, this is about who is responsible to control sugar
consumption. This is a common topic (is the government or individuals responsible
for public health). You have stated this is an opinion essay only which means the
essay contains your opinion and nothing more. But other people have reported this
as a discussion essay with an opinion. In which case, your whole essay discusses
both sides and with equal weight presents your opinion. </p>
<p>Ideas: Governments or individuals responsible to limit sugar consumption =
governments can introduce sugar taxes, introduce new laws and also run nationwide
promotion campaigns. Their influence is nationwide. Individuals, on the other hand,
should be responsible for their own choices which will influence all their family
members. </p>
<p>Once you have the main ideas planned, you need to decide your opinion and
present it clearly. You need to decide who is responsible and support your view.
You should also avoid using informal language such as &#8220;flip side&#8221;.</p>

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aria-label='Reply to Liz'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-573496">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">mandeep</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-573496">February 16, 2019 at 9:25 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>thanks a lot mam.</p>


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<li class="comment even depth-3" id="comment-573617">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Kanwal</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-573617">February 16, 2019 at 11:41 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>What we can use instead of &#8216;flip side&#8217;</p>


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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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says </span>

<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-573754">February 16, 2019 at 3:00 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>See this page: <a href="

for-writing/" rel="nofollow">

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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-567052">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Nick</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-567052">February 12, 2019 at 2:31 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">
<p>Speaking<br />
12.02.2019<br />
Part 1<br />
Work or study<br />
How many hours do you work<br />
Favorite Celebrity and related Qs<br />
part 2<br />
Intelligent person you know<br />
Part 3<br />
Are intelligent people successful people<br />
What are the Public holidays in country<br />
What do you do on those<br />
Should there be more public holidays</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=567052#respond' data-commentid="567052" data-
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aria-label='Reply to Nick'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-568829">February 13, 2019 at 12:00 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-567014">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">M</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-567014">February 12, 2019 at 1:51 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Task 1 topic: You are living overseas and you have just come across an article
about your country in a magazine where some of the informations are incorrect.
Write to the editor pointing out the mistakes and suggesting an alternate
<p>Task 2: Some people do not mind to spend their leisure time with their
colleagues while some people prefer to keep their private life separate from their
work life.<br />
Discuss both views and give your opinion.</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=567014#respond' data-commentid="567014" data-
postid="3278" data-belowelement="comment-567014" data-respondelement="respond"
aria-label='Reply to M'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
<span class="says">
says </span>
<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-568827">February 13, 2019 at 12:00 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=568827#respond' data-commentid="568827" data-
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<li class="comment even depth-3" id="comment-573796">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Ken</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-573796">February 16, 2019 at 3:56 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks but for Task 2 Liz, what will be your points to answer
this queries. This essay seems a bit tough to reply cause i can&#8217;t see of any
viewpoints for this. Hope to hear from you.</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-566975">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Rockstar</cite>
<span class="says">
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-566975">February 12, 2019 at 1:06 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I have utilized the information shared by others all this

while and now its time to turn the table and contribute for the future exam takers.
Experience is included in line with the various sections. </p>
<p>Exam Date &#8211; Feb 12 2019<br />
Computer Based GT </p>
<p>Speaking<br />
Part 2 &#8211;<br />
An activity that you do when you are free alone.<br />
Cues &#8211; What is the activity? Where do you do it? How does it make you feel?
How often you do this?</p>
<p>Part 3 &#8211; Continuing discussion about work &#8211;<br />
1. Do you think some people work a lot of hours?<br />
2. How does company benefit by allowing flexible hours?<br />
3. Follow up question based on my answer &#8211; why do you say this country is
more balanced?<br />
4. Why is the life getting very hectic these days compared to earlier?</p>
<p>Listening &#8211; </p>
<p>Section 1 was super easy. Conversation b/w a man and woman looking for apartment
to rent.<br />
Section 2 &amp; 3 was too fast. filled with MCQs. So too difficult for me to
follow.<br />
Section 4 &#8211; Academic talk about nanoparticles technology and its application.
Easier to follow. 1-3 words answer questions. </p>
<p>At the end of all sections, I was given 2 mins to check all answers.<br />
After each section was given 30 seconds to check answers of that section. I used
that time to start glancing thru questions of next section. </p>
<p>Reading &#8211;<br />
Passage 1 &#8211; Lengthy passage but easy language. Had 7 different advertisements
of gyms and art center. Had to match which information matches with which
advertisement. Needed attention to skim through all for possible answers.<br />
Passage 2 &#8211; about mouse and keyboard. 1 word and 3 words answer. Easy.<br />
Passage 3 &#8211; Academic language historical passage about Gwen John, her
personal life and work. matching which character from the passage did which
activity. As usual, this part needs extra attention and fast reading skill. </p>
<p>I completed Passage 1 &amp; 2 in 27 mins and dedicated all time to passage 3.
Took last 4 minutes to check 40 answers once again. For last passage, I highlighted
the various names of people in the computer. was very useful to look back and
forth, as the passage gets very long and one can get lost searching for the
information they had already read. </p>
<p>Writing &#8211;<br />
Task 1 &#8211; You are planning to give a presentation in your large company. Write
a letter to your colleague asking for help.<br />
1. When and where the presentation will be<br />
2. what is the presentation about<br />
3. what would you like your colleague to do<br />
Task 2 &#8211; Some people believe that children should be given lessons on how to
manage money in the school. Do you agree or disagree. </p>
<p>I found the topic easy, fortunately. Not very complicated and straight forward.
<p>Hoping for the desired score.</p>

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aria-label='Reply to Rockstar'>Reply</a> </div>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
<span class="says">
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-568824">February 13, 2019 at 11:59 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Good luck with your results �</p>


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aria-label='Reply to Liz'>Reply</a> </div>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Rockstar</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-569893">February 14, 2019 at 4:18 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thank you so much! I will update my results as soon as I

receive them. Your website was the only source I referred to prepare for the

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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-566707">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Ha</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-566707">February 12, 2019 at 8:51 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Speaking test 12 feb</p>

<p>What’s ur full name?<br />
Do u study or work?<br />
Do you like studies when u were in college?<br />
Were u patient in ur childhood?<br />
How patience is important in study and at work?<br />
Do u like to take photographs from camera or phone?<br />
Y u like taking picture?<br />
Do u take pictures of humans or places?<br />
Do u want to learn photography in future?</p>
<p>Task 2 </p>
<p>What kind of food people like to eat in special event<br />
What kind of food they like<br />
How they prepare it</p>
<p>Why it is important </p>
<p>Task 3 </p>
<p>Some question abt food don’t remember<br />
People like to grow food or buy from market<br />
Now a days people don’t have time to grow food why is that?</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-566987">February 12, 2019 at 1:14 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-566349">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-566349">February 11, 2019 at 10:01 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>First of all, Thank you Mrs Liz for your great website.</p>
<p>IELTS Academic Test &#8211; (11/2/2019)</p>
<p>Listening Exam: (4 Parts/ Audios)<br />
Part 1: Some woman need to make subscription for her kid in sport club, and she was
talking with the responsible person from the club.<br />
Part 2: (Sorry, not remembering)<br />
Part 3: Conversation between 2 students about preparing presentation in the
university.<br />
Part 4: (Sorry, not remembering)<br />
==============================<br />
Reading Exam: (3 Long Passages)<br />
Part 1: Islands food habits<br />
Part 2: Memorials in Europe<br />
Part 3: Music and Language (in humans and animals)<br />
==============================<br />
Writing Exam: (2 Parts)<br />
Part 1: Describe columnar chart that talk about the urban population in three
continents (Asia/ Africa/ Latin America) and the whole world, also the columns
represents the population in 3 years: 1950, 2000, 2030 (predicted); and the
question is to describe the chart and write your prediction for the urban
population in the future.</p>
<p>Part 2: If you sell a product and the people buy it, then advertising is not
necessary and considered as a kind of entertainment.</p>
<p>Are you agree or disagree with this?<br />
Give an example from your experience to support your opinion.<br />
=================================<br />
Speaking Exam: (3 Parts)<br />
Part 1: Are you study or work?<br />
What makes you happy in your work?<br />
Some questions about hand-writing style in general<br />
Some questions about pet animals in the home</p>
<p>Part 2: Talk 1-2 minutes about lost something you find it<br />
&#8211; Where did you find it?<br />
&#8211; What did you do with it?<br />
&#8211; What happened when you gave it back to his owner?<br />
&#8211; Describe your feeling with this thing?</p>
<p>Part 3: Some questions related to the subject I talked about.</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-566990">February 12, 2019 at 1:15 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-566222">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Pa</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-566222">February 11, 2019 at 6:08 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Firstly, thanks a lot Liz, you are doing a great job.</p>

<p>General Training &#8211; 09-02-2019<br />
The test was not that difficult.<br />
Question types-<br />
Listening &#8211; mcq, information matching,fill-ups.<br />
Reading &#8211; information matching, fill-ups, true/false/motgiven.<br />
Writing &#8211; Task1 Letter to the manager, as he is leaving the company(express
your feelings).<br />
Task 2 While some people say hobby should be enjoyable, it must be
difficult.<br />
Speaking &#8211; Part 1- season, sunglasses.<br />
Part 2 &#8211; Comedy show/movie which you had seen.<br />
Part 3 &#8211; questions related to comedy, laughter, children,
adults psychology.<br />
How to make them laugh? Is it good for health? (It was a real
fast<br />
bombardment of questions).<br />
I hope for the good scores. All the best to all of you who are preparing. �</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-566299">February 11, 2019 at 8:27 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-566092">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-566092">February 11, 2019 at 2:50 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks a lot Liz, your website is really helpful.</p>

<p>I gave my exam (Speaking) and 10 (LRW) Feb 2019</p>
<p>Speaking: Questions were abt; are you working or studying, changes you want to
see in your organisation, About hometown. and followed by several other general
<p>Cue card: Discuss the place whether indoor or outdoor wherein you prefer most to
<p>L1: Write a letter in response to advertisement you saw wrt project on
environment development.</p>
<p>L2: Private schools have undue advantage over other schools hence should be not
<p>My Advise to others: First of all be confident, that will take you half way
towards success, and remaining half way can be achieved by practice and patience.
try to give computer based exams as its quick and also convenient.</p>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-566124">February 11, 2019 at 3:49 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-564964">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-564964">February 10, 2019 at 7:16 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Exam Date: 09.02.2019<br />

Module: Academic </p>
<p>Speaking: some questions about work and study<br />
Part 1: questions about tea and coffe and about photography<br />
Part 2: a time when you wish to do something, but you don&#8217;t have enough
time<br />
Part 3: questions about time and managers </p>
<p>Writing: task 1- a chart<br />
Task 2- if a good diet and regular exercise make your life better or not</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=564964#respond' data-commentid="564964" data-
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aria-label='Reply to G'>Reply</a> </div>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-565330">February 10, 2019 at 2:56 pm</a>
<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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rel='external nofollow' class='url'>Vanessa</a></cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-566529">February 12, 2019 at 3:02 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi! Thanks for sharing, may I ask what kind of chart was your
exam about? Thanks</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-564782">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-564782">February 10, 2019 at 3:36 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Exam GT ielts<br />

writing task 1<br />
Complaing about recent flight to the manager<br />
1 give details of flight<br />
2 what was d issue with the flight<br />
3 what you want the manger to do about it</p>
<p>Task 2<br />
Public libraries are not important fr people is believed by few and other
contradict to this statement. Discuss both views and opine</p>
<p>I did task on time i m nervous about my results. Hope this questions also help
you all as this website helped me alot thanx to mam liz however i m hoping fr
positive results<br />
Good luck all of you who have their exam in upcoming week.</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-565328">February 10, 2019 at 2:56 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-565442">February 10, 2019 at 5:54 pm</a>

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<p> it was to what extent do you agree&#8230; share your was not discuss both views</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Sana</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-566013">February 11, 2019 at 12:26 pm</a>

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<p>I had the same topic on 9th of Feb<br />

They asked us to discuss both views and give your opinion</p>

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-564590">February 9, 2019 at 10:33 pm</a>

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<p>9th Feb GT<br />

Writing task 1<br />
You’re interested in a music course music that you saw advertised.<br />
Explain why you’re interested<br />
Request more information about the course<br />
Talk about your past experiences</p>
<p>Task 2<br />
Some people say that Holding sport competitions cause many troubles. Others
disagree<br />
Discuss both views and give your opinion</p>

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aria-label='Reply to J'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-565326">February 10, 2019 at 2:54 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-564354">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Keh</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-564354">February 9, 2019 at 6:30 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>GT test date &#8211; 9th February 2019.<br />

Writing task 1-<br />
Write a letter to your manager ,who is leaving the company.<br />
-include how are you feeling about this<br />
-what did you like about working with him/her<br />
-ask questions about his/her future plans.</p>
<p>Task2-<br />
some people believe that in order for a hobby to be enjoyable,it needs to be
difficult in some way.<br />
Do you agree or disgaree?</p>
<p>When I first saw the question,I found it easy however, I wasnot too satistfied
by the ideas which I wrote down while brainstorming.<br />
I disagree to the above statement,therefore I wrote my eassay based on my opinion
of why it is not necessary for a hobby to be difficult in order to be enjoyable.<br
Please, Can you tell me what ideas I should have included in my essay? Or Direct me
where to look for a sample answer in order to compare my writing.</p>
<p>Listening and Reading was bit easy.</p>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-565323">February 10, 2019 at 2:53 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Your essay topic is all about the idea
that a hobby should be challenging rather than just relaxing or interesting. Your
idea would explain why a hobby does not need to be challenging and why a relaxing
hobby or an interesting hobby is a more valuable. Personally, I would have taken a
different approach. I would have said that some people do enjoy having a
challenging hobby because it helps them develop new skills and pushes them outside
their comfort zone. However, other people enjoy relaxing hobbies for health reasons
or interesting hobbies to give their life a broader interest beyond just work and
family. This is a simple Opinion Essay &#8211; you either have a one sided approach
or a more balanced approach ( a partial agreement).</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=565323#respond' data-commentid="565323" data-
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aria-label='Reply to Liz'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-567481">

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">chris</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-567481">February 12, 2019 at 7:35 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz, we can still go with a balanced approach in the case

of Agree or disagree essay?</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-567536">February 12, 2019 at 8:19 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>The instructions agree or disagree ask for your opinion and

your opinion is your own choice. You are not marked on your choice, you are marked
on relevant, extended ideas.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-564095">February 9, 2019 at 2:43 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Good day gorgeous people of the universe. here are the

speaking and writing quetions rephrased.</p>
<p>Speaking: Who is your favorite co-worker?<br />
Where did you meet her?<br />
Do you know her for a long time?<br />
How can you say that she is your favorite co-worker?</p>
<p>Writing task 1 was about an income generation in billions within 3 different
years illustrated through a bar graph.</p>
<p>Writing task 2: Some people dont believe in the benefits of good diet and daily
excercise. To what extent do you agree or disagree? </p>
<p>Good luck on your exams! Prioritize a positive mindset partnered with proper
practice techniques. Cheers!!!</p>

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-565333">February 10, 2019 at 2:57 pm</a>

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<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-564094">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-564094">February 9, 2019 at 2:40 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Academic Writing exam 9/2/2019<br />

Task 1<br />
Describe a bar chart that has 4 digital games.<br />
Task 2<br />
Some people think that a good diet and exercise are not necessary for health and
long life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?</p>
<p>Speaking part 1</p>
<p>about the area I live in and what would be improved.</p>
<p>Part 2<br />
A party I went to.<br />
When<br />
What did I do<br />
How I felt</p>
<p>Part 3<br />
Extended questions about part 2 and also about my opinion regarding spending much
money on parties and international conferences. Also How you may feel if you are
representing your country in international events.</p>

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aria-label='Reply to K'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-565338">February 10, 2019 at 3:00 pm</a>

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<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-563812">February 9, 2019 at 10:01 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,</p>
<p>Test Date : 9th Feb<br />
General Training</p>
<p>Speaking:<br />
Part 1: Questions about workplace, emails ,importance of study in my current
<p>Part2: Cue Card: Name the food that people usually have at special events.</p>
<p>Part3: Questions about food, organic food , why people grow their own food. why
people use pesticides.</p>
<p>Writing:<br />
Task 1: Your friend from another country is interested to visit your home
town.<br />
write a letter to him and describe what&#8217;s the best time to visit.
How he can enjoy his<br />
<p>Task 2:</p>
<p>Some people say that schools do not do enough to teach young people about
health. </p>
<p>Do you agree or disagree?</p>
<p>Best Regards</p>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-565337">February 10, 2019 at 2:58 pm</a>

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<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-562748">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">An</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-562748">February 8, 2019 at 11:28 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>7th Feb,2019 (IELTS,GT)</p>

<p>Speaking:<br />
Questions about self e.g do you work or study? how can your workplace be improved,
have you ever been to a concert, and some general questions on music.<br />
Cue Card &#8211; Describe a good law in your country<br />
Follow up questions on laws e.g do people follow law in your country? can there be
a any case where breaking law could be acceptable?etc<br />
Writing:<br />
Task 2: Some people think watching movies is a waste of time. Do you agree or
disagree?<br />
Task 1:You are moving to a new country, write a letter to the accommodation agency
&#8211; &#8211; &#8211; introduce yourself and your family<br />
your preferences about the rental accomomdation<br />
your preferred location<br />
(something like this)</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-562828">February 8, 2019 at 12:31 pm</a>

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<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">M</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-563794">February 9, 2019 at 9:45 am</a>
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<p>I finished my test (academic)<br />

Speaking: part 1: did you grow up in the same city you live in?<br />
What do you like about it?<br />
What do you want to improve in it?<br />
Is sharing important?<br />
What do you share with your friends?<br />
Do you like sharing?<br />
Did your parents teach you to share ?<br />
Do you think they will share everything in the future ?<br />
Part 2 : talk about a subject you didn’t enjoy and explain why.<br />
Part 3: about subjects<br />
Which better studing one or many subjects?<br />
Which one provides you more knowledge?<br />
Is television is good to gain knowledge? Why and why not<br />
Writing task 1 : two maps of some street now and in the past<br />
Writing task 2 : the government should make people take responsibility for their
actions to the environment. To what extent do you agree?</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-562698">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Titu</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-562698">February 8, 2019 at 11:01 am</a>

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<p>Test date:6 feb 2019<br />

Speaking part1:<br />
-ur fullname<br />
-work or study<br />
-is it good place to work?why<br />
-one thing u want to change abt ur workplace<br />
-do u like drawing<br />
&#8211; which type of drawings do u like more? Why<br />
-do u like ur room to be decorated with paintings?why<br />
-ever learned drawing? If not y?<br />
-which mode of transport do u use more?<br />
-when was the last time u travelled<br />
-do u think everyone should learn driving?why</p>
<p> Part2:<br />
Describe a place where u study indoor/outdoor<br />
-how is it like<br />
-do others study there</p>
<p>Part3:<br />
-Why do somepeople fail to study properly<br />
-do u think it is good to have a timetable and why<br />
-why do u think girls are more concentrated than boys while studying<br />
-what is the good way to study<br />
-why some people fail to follow the timetable<br />
-which one is better online or classroom teaching<br />
-advantages and disadvantages of group studies</p>
<p>Thank you liz for this wonderful site��</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-562829">February 8, 2019 at 12:32 pm</a>

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<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-562474">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">CIA</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-562474">February 8, 2019 at 7:25 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks Liz for this amazing website, it was really helpful I

must say. I sat for the Computer-Delivered GT test on the 7th of Feb.</p>
<p>Speaking:<br />
Part 1<br />
what&#8217;s your full name?<br />
what can I call you<br />
where are you from?<br />
Do you enjoy crowd?<br />
would want to live in a crowded environment? why?<br />
Part 2<br />
talk about an old man you know</p>
<p>who is this person<br />
how did you know this person?<br />
what do you like about this person?<br />
explain what is interesting about the person</p>
<p>Part 3<br />
Have you told your friends about this person<br />
is any similarities between the old and young generation?<br />
is there anything old people can learn from the young<br />
are there things that young people can teach the old<br />
do you think the aged will be willing to learn from the young<br />
these are the ones I can remember<br />
Listening<br />
I think the listening was easier than the paper based. a considerable number of
questions was to write one word while others were basically drag and drop.</p>
<p>Questions 1-27 were quite easy but 28-40 were hell difficult. I had finished 1-
27 in about 20 mins but it seemed 40 mins wasn&#8217;t enough time for 28-40. What
I noticed at the end of the test was that everyone had a different set of question
and everyone complained about the difficulty of their individual section 3.</p>
<p>Writing<br />
Task 1<br />
You are currently running a course and have a part-time job. You boss suggested
that you leave your course and work full time. Write a letter to your boss, in your
letter,<br />
-tell him/her your decision<br />
-the reason for your decision<br />
<p>Task 2<br />
Recently, many people know a few of their neighbours<br />
-what is the cause of this problem?<br />
-what can be done to solve this problem<br />
Give reasons for your answer and any example from your own experience.<br />
*but the question did NOT state write at least 250 works*</p>
<p>I hope for the best result in all areas this time.</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-564163">February 9, 2019 at 3:50 pm</a>

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<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-561987">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-561987">February 8, 2019 at 12:37 am</a>

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<p>Speaking Test on 7th Feb 2018<br />

sorry i don&#8217;t remember all the questions&#8230;<br />
Part 1:<br />
How is whether in your country?<br />
Practical test is more important that the exam?<br />
&#8230;<br />
Part:2<br />
Where do you like to study indoor or outdoor?<br />
Why do you like that place?<br />
&#8230;<br />
Part3:<br />
What are the colors you like? Why?<br />
What colour you would prefer to paint your house? why?<br />

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-564164">February 9, 2019 at 3:51 pm</a>

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<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-561371">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-561371">February 7, 2019 at 3:05 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Exam Date: 7th February 2019<br />

Part 1 :<br />
where are you from ?<br />
your full name .<br />
what you like to improve in your city? and why ?<br />
Your favorite place in your hometown.<br />
Do you like to have pet?<br />
Which pet is common in your country and why ?<br />
Did you have pet in your childhood?</p>
<p>part 2 :<br />
Describe a situation when someone didn&#8217;t tell you the complete truth.</p>
<p>part 3 :<br />
actions taken by government against crime.<br />
situation when someone is speaking lie but it didn&#8217;t hurt anyone ?<br />
are we telling a lie to kids ?</p>

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aria-label='Reply to H'>Reply</a> </div>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-562847">February 8, 2019 at 12:41 pm</a>

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<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-561217">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Am</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-561217">February 7, 2019 at 1:06 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hey ,<br />

I had my speaking test. The introduction questions was about park and gardens . The
cue card was “ A part of your country you like the most “<br />
•which part<br />
•why you like it<br />
•what people can see and do there<br />
The follow ups were about towns buildings plans</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-561258">February 7, 2019 at 1:41 pm</a>
<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-560441">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Ab</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-560441">February 6, 2019 at 10:59 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I appeared in my speaking exam on 5th February 2019 in

Academic Ielts. The questions that I recall (not in the exact words) are:<br />
Part 1<br />
Where are you from?<br />
Where are you situated in your city?<br />
How do you find your hometown? (i.e the advantages and disadvantages)<br />
Do you know many people where you live?<br />
Do you like to cook?<br />
Why do you think some people like to cook?<br />
Do you prefer home-cooked meal or eating outdoors? (I said home-cooked so then I
was asked:)<br />
When was the last time you ate a good home-cooked meal?<br />
Part 2:<br />
Tell about a family business you know.<br />
Cues:<br />
The family business you know<br />
who are their customers?<br />
(There was one more which I forget)<br />
Part 3<br />
Do you prefer working in a small scale business or a large scale business? (I
mentioned CPEC-China Pakistan Economic Corridor during my answer so the next
question was about that)<br />
What kind of businesses do you think it will help?<br />
Name a few of those businesses?</p>
<p>Tips:<br />
Read all the tips on the links and videos on this page regarding the speaking test
and try to remember them as you prepare for the test. Try to prepare and practice
as many topics as you can. Ask a teacher, relative or friend to test you. If not
then use a recording device e.g your phone to record your answers. Do not worry if
you make mistakes while preparing, you&#8217;ll be far more fluent when you are
talking to a person/examiner. Specially try to prepare recent topics and common
topics. During the test speak fluently and don&#8217;t stop, be confident and keep
talking until you complete your points or the examiner stops you. Best of luck!</p>

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aria-label='Reply to Ab'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-561422">February 7, 2019 at 3:45 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing &#8211; all good tips � Here is a link to

my free speaking lessons: <a href="
lessons-essential-tips/" rel="nofollow">

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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-560119">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">MJ</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-560119">February 6, 2019 at 6:10 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Exam Date : Feb 2019<br />

Computer Delivered<br />
I was quite nervous to face the Computer Delivered IETLS (CDI). I was not sure what
to expect and now I am glad I choose the CDI. It was not as stressful as I expected
it to be. I just practised the few sample exams online.<br />
Following are the writing questions<br />
Letter &#8211;<br />
Your local council have asked locals suggestions in how keep the city cleaner<br />
&gt;Explain what the council can do<br />
&gt;What the people can do<br />
&gt;tell how the community will benefit by keeping the city clean</p>
<p>Essay<br />
Some people believe that the museums and historic sites should be open for free for
children under 18.<br />
Do you agree or disagree</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-561411">February 7, 2019 at 3:33 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � If you can share any tips about pros and
cons of the computer delivered test, please let me know.</p>

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<li class="comment even depth-2" id="comment-561416">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Ludmila</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-561416">February 7, 2019 at 3:37 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hello,<br />
Glad you found the computer-based exam easier than expected. I’m going to do it on
February 20.<br />
For this reason I’d like to ask you to share where I trained specifically for
computer test.<br />
Thanks in advance</p>
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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-559992">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Ree</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-559992">February 6, 2019 at 3:37 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Speaking Test date: Feb 2019<br />

part 1:<br />
* give me your full name, please.<br />
* what would you like me to call you?<br />
* where do you live<br />
*how is the neighborhood like where you live<br />
* do you like the neighborhood? [why?]<br />
* do you the people who live around you ?<br />
Lets move on and talk about shoes<br />
* do you prefer shoes which are fashionable or shoes which are comfortable?
[why]<br />
* do you buy many shoes? [why not ]<br />
* how many pairs of shoes have you got and do you have a favorite pair? [why is it
your fav]<br />
*what is your favourite color ? [why]<br />
* did you wear bright colors when you were younger?<br />
* why don&#8217;t you wear them anymore?<br />
* what color would you prefer your walls to be painted in? [why]<br />
* does the color of a car matter when you buy? [why not]</p>
<p>Cue Card:</p>
<p>* talk about a tv show / film that made you laugh alot.<br />
&#8211; what was the film/ tv show about<br />
&#8211; when did you watch it<br />
&#8211; what were its main characters<br />
why did it make yiu laugh alot .</p>
<p>* are children easy to make laugh or adults [why]<br />
* does it impact the learning of a child if the teacher is funny ? [how ]<br />
* do you think people understand and enjoy comedy shows from foriegn countries?
[ why not]<br />
* do you think a person from suburbs of your contry would enjoy German or American
comedy [why not]</p>

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aria-label='Reply to Ree'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-560066">February 6, 2019 at 5:24 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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aria-label='Reply to Liz'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-560338">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Christopher Tongol
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-560338">February 6, 2019 at 9:15 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz � Is there&#8217;s a different question in each

country? Thanks</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-564169">February 9, 2019 at 3:54 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>On any one day there will be a number of tests.</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-560475">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">ADEOLA</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-560475">February 6, 2019 at 11:46 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Dear Liz,<br />

Thanks for your support. I need a clarification as I purchased your advanced
task 2 lectures. If a question says &#8220;some people prefer ready-made foods to
homemade foods. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?&#8221; Am I supposed
to state which one I prefer while stating the advantages and disadvantages or I
have to write about the Advantages of ready-made foods then that of homemade meals
then in another paragraph discuss the problems associated with both? I am confused
and my exam is on Saturday.</p>

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aria-label='Reply to ADEOLA'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-564168">February 9, 2019 at 3:54 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>There is only one question to answer: &#8220;Do the advantages

of ready-made foods outweigh the disadvantages? Of course you will compare them to
home cooked foods &#8211; that is part of how you will explain the advantages and

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-2" id="comment-582485">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Reeha</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-582485">February 22, 2019 at 7:49 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I GOT 7.5 IN READING</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-559742">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn"><a href='
%20Facebook' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>RaM</a></cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-559742">February 6, 2019 at 9:34 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hello Liz,<br />

I gave my IELTS speaking in India .<br />
1st part ÷ Question about Work, Emails and Celebrities.<br />
2nd part (Cue card) ÷ A recent public development in your city ( park, gym or
health centre ).<br />
3rd part ÷ Questions about development of public and transport facility in your
city and sense of community in modern days.<br />
My interview went well and it lasted for 25 minutes.<br />
But during my cue card I pronounced a local word theek hai( its alright), and I did
not took a pause after saying on and continued speaking. Overall I&#8217;m pretty
confident, I want to know will that error have impact on my result?<br />
Thanks Liz</p>

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aria-label='Reply to RaM'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-561464">February 7, 2019 at 4:03 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks of sharing � The speaking test cannot last less than

11 mins and it cannot last more than 14 mins. These are rules which cannot be
altered by any examiner. It is possible you continued to chat after the recording
device was switched off, in which case nothing you said after that point would
count towards your score. Your score is decided on your overall performance, not on
one slip up.</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-559660">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Genesis</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-559660">February 6, 2019 at 8:41 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">
<p>Speaking test (Feb 6, 2019)</p>
<p>Part 2:<br />
Talk about a game you enjoyed playing when you were younger.</p>
<p>-what the game is<br />
-who you played it with<br />
-where you played it</p>
<p>Explain why you enjoyed it (or something like that)</p>
<p>***In this part, I foolishly wrote on the task booklet instead of the paper
given. Would it affect my score? *facepalm*</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=559660#respond' data-commentid="559660" data-
postid="3278" data-belowelement="comment-559660" data-respondelement="respond"
aria-label='Reply to Genesis'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-561412">February 7, 2019 at 3:34 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Only the language you speak is marked.

Nothing else affects your score.</p>

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aria-label='Reply to Liz'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-557795">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Sho</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-557795">February 4, 2019 at 9:20 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hello Liz &amp; All,<br />

Speaking Test 4th Feb 2019<br />
The examiner was very friendly but she bombarded with questions &#8230; �<br />
Liz, I quit speaking in part II approx 10-15 sec earlier, will it effect my score ?
Also, please let me know from your experience that why the examiner asked so much
questions. Some if the questions in part 3 were totally away from the topic.</p>
<p>Part 1<br />
Do you study or work?<br />
Why you chose this field?<br />
Are you satisfied with your current job?<br />
How long you work a day in your job?<br />
What can make your job more interesting?<br />
Do you like sky? Why<br />
Do you like the sky in the morning or in the night? Why<br />
Lets talk about patience, do you think patience is necessary? Why<br />
Do you think you had more patience in your young age than now? Why<br />
Tell me situation when you showed patience? Why</p>
<p>Part II</p>
<p>Describe an old interesting person you met in your life.</p>
<p>&#8212; Who the person is<br />
&#8212; Where he lives<br />
<p>Part 3 </p>
<p>&#8212; Do you think older people have a part to play in society?<br />
&#8212; What differences in society you would like to tell to the old person?<br />
&#8212; What experience can a young one learn from the old people?<br />
&#8212; Can old people learn things from the young one&#8217;s?<br />
&#8212; How the culture of other countries can be adapted?<br />
&#8212; Do the people in your country stick to their traditional culture or they
wanted to adapt the western? Why<br />
&#8212; Do you think tourist can adapt the culture of a particular country.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-558590">February 5, 2019 at 11:53 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Your score for fluency isn&#8217;t based

on how many seconds you speak in part 2. It is an overall score and part 2 is just
a chance for you to show the ability to speak at length. Stopping 20 secs short
makes little difference. The examiner can tell the difference between someone who
stops talking because they ran out of ideas and someone who stopped speaking
because they do not have the capacity to speak more in English.</p>

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aria-label='Reply to Liz'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment even depth-3" id="comment-558614">

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Paulina</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-558614">February 5, 2019 at 12:18 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I completely agree with what Liz says. I had a similar hiccup
during my speaking exam but still got 9! �</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-558642">February 5, 2019 at 12:41 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Brilliant score ! Well done �</p>


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<li class="comment even depth-5" id="comment-558667">

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Paulina</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-558667">February 5, 2019 at 1:03 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thank you unfortunately got 6.5 in writing so a retake has

been already scheduled �</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-563108">February 8, 2019 at 6:40 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I just emailed you about your writing. Can you check your

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<li class="comment even depth-4" id="comment-558715">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">manpreet</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-558715">February 5, 2019 at 2:01 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Give some tips to score 9 ..i often auto-correct myself while

speaking and in cue card ,i repeatedly say &#8216;and &#8216; word</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-557242">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Mandy</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-557242">February 4, 2019 at 10:37 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Cue card- 03 feb, 2019</p>

<p>Talk about a good news you heard or received-</p>
<p>-When and where<br />
-Who told you about this<br />
-What was you your reaction<br />
-how you felt about it</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=557242#respond' data-commentid="557242" data-
postid="3278" data-belowelement="comment-557242" data-respondelement="respond"
aria-label='Reply to Mandy'>Reply</a> </div>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-561465">February 7, 2019 at 4:04 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=561465#respond' data-commentid="561465" data-
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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Chi</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-556977">February 4, 2019 at 7:12 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Good morning Liz, Thanks for the materials in this

website.<br />
Academic &#8211; 29th Jan 2019 &#8211; CBT<br />
Sorry for the long post. When I tried searching CBT test tips, found only
misleading videos and post on net. so I am giving a detailed explanation regarding
my experience.<br />
Reading &#8211; Match headings my weakest type of question in section. Got that in
every section of my test. Pretty hard on computer as you can not mark important
points BUT you do have an option for highlighting which was not useful for me. so i
suggest students to practice on computer especially for this section. Any
suggestion to improve this questions type. Another trouble is you will to scroll
pages if the section is long, so be patient and do PRACTICE a lot in
computers.<br />
Listening &#8211; Pretty Easy section for me. Had trouble only in navigation
between parts of the sections. Practice typing questions directly into the
computer. Use KEYBOARD. Do not practice writing in books or papers as you will not
have any extra time to transfer answers. But after each part you will have 30
seconds to check the answers. This time is to check answers not to transfer.<br />
Writing- Part 1 &#8211; Pie Chart regarding employment of graduates in various
sectors and a table regarding their annual salary increase (%) from 2003 to
2004.<br />
Part 2 &#8211; Some parents think that Advertisements are misleading to children
while advertisers claim that they provide knowledge. Give your opinion.<br />
Speaking- Don&#8217;t Remember much.<br />
Part 2 &#8211; Talk about an Elderly Person &#8211; who is that pearson?<br />
What do you like about him?<br />
Where did you meet him.</p>
<p>Part 3 was based on the same topic. &#8211; It was like as if examiner was
picking questions from my previous answers. Is it normal? Would it affect my score?
Like what do elders need to learn from young people? next was do you think young
people should learn anything elders? I gave around 3 examples until examiner
stopped me. Based on Examples she asked further questions. I am really worried
about this.<br />
Praying to get the desired score.<br />
Good luck to everyone.</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-561471">February 7, 2019 at 4:06 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-556957">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">P</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-556957">February 4, 2019 at 6:52 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Speaking: Part 1: Describe the place you stay currently. What

is the best part?<br />
About movies and cinema. How your taste has changed as a child and now. </p>
<p>Part 2:Describe a lecture you recently attended. </p>
<p>Part3: About communication Technology in Urban Areas and digital Gap.</p>
<p>Writing topic 2: Books VS Internet for getting information. Is this development
positive or negative?</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-555925">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Am</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-555925">February 3, 2019 at 5:03 pm</a>
<div class="comment-content">

<p>hello friends (03-02-2019) my speaking test and my cue card is

talk about your grandfather job</p>

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s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-561474">February 7, 2019 at 4:08 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-554651">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Fer</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-554651">February 2, 2019 at 8:21 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Academic module &#8211; 2/2/19</p>

<p>Speaking<br />
Part 1<br />
do I work or study<br />
what do I like in my course<br />
how much time I study in the week<br />
what do I do to study well (a quiet place etc)<br />
questions about sharing:<br />
what do I like to share<br />
if my parents taught me about sharing when I was a child<br />
if I think that in the future people will share cars</p>
<p>if I’m a patient person and what do I do when I have to wait</p>
<p>Part 2<br />
Talk about and occurrence when someone didn’t tell you the complete truth<br />
&#8211; how was the situation<br />
&#8211; who was involved<br />
&#8211; what did I do</p>
<p>Part 3<br />
questions about honesty:<br />
why sometimes witnesses don’t agree<br />
how modern technology can help to find the truth and what do I think about
this<br />
what can be done in future to find out the truth<br />
the importance of teaching children to be honest</p>
<p>Writing<br />
Task 1<br />
1 table and 3 pie charts about the values and sources of fish imports to the
<p>Task 2<br />
Films and games can be accessed at any time from mobile devices, like smartphones,
tablets and laptop computers.<br />
Do the advantages of such developments outweigh the disadvantages?</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-555546">February 3, 2019 at 11:46 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-554478">

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s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn"><a href='http://...'
rel='external nofollow' class='url'>El</a></cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-554478">February 2, 2019 at 5:34 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">
<p>Hello. February 2 ,2019 academic exam<br />
Task 1 bar chart &#8211; personal income spent on 4 different categories( health
care, transportation, food, housing) in the USA, Canada, the UK and Japan.<br />
Task 2 discuss both views and give your own opinion &#8211; testing on animals
medicines for human use is necessary / other think it is not right.</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-555555">February 3, 2019 at 11:55 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-554219">

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Am</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-554219">February 2, 2019 at 12:27 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi<br />
I would like to share questions with you<br />
Reading writing listening test date 2 feb 2019<br />
Task 1<br />
2 Pie charts<br />
Compare the streams chosen by students in 1985 and present &#8230;<br />
Task 2<br />
The gap between rich and poor is increasing what it causes and what are its
solutions &#8230;.<br />
Speaking held on 31 jan 2019<br />
Cue card<br />
An effigy in your town this was difficult part </p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=554219#respond' data-commentid="554219" data-
postid="3278" data-belowelement="comment-554219" data-respondelement="respond"
aria-label='Reply to Am'>Reply</a> </div>

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s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-555557">February 3, 2019 at 11:56 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even depth-3" id="comment-557572">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Sargun</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-557572">February 4, 2019 at 5:11 pm</a>

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<p>I wrote 280 words is my marks deduct.</p>


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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-558644">February 5, 2019 at 12:44 pm</a>

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<p>For which writing task?</p>


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<li class="comment even depth-3" id="comment-560599">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Khush</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-560599">February 7, 2019 at 3:25 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz I want to ask if u don’t know meaning of any important

word in question can u ask examiner to explain meaning or it will loose ur marks??

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-561419">February 7, 2019 at 3:41 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>See this page: <a href="

tips-asking-the-examiner-questions/" rel="nofollow">

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<li class="comment even depth-2" id="comment-555745">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Arcie</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-555745">February 3, 2019 at 2:50 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I got the same Writing Tasks. I, too, had my test on the same
date �</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-557006">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Sid</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-557006">February 4, 2019 at 7:37 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Even i got the same writing and speaking but i think writing
was tricky bec it asked what it causes which means what are its effects but 99
percent of students have written what are its causes ??? Ielts liz PLZ HELP TO

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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-553246">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Mo</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-553246">February 1, 2019 at 6:07 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Exam date 28 jan 2019 test<br />

Part 1<br />
My name<br />
Meaning of my name<br />
What i like about my name<br />
The food i dislike<br />
My collage and changes i want </p>
<p>Part 2<br />
An effigy which i saw in my town<br />
What it was<br />
Why it is made<br />
How you feel about it </p>
<p>Part 3<br />
Uses of art and craft<br />
Why people undervalue art<br />
What can be done<br />
Are artistic skills innate<br />
What things to admire in art</p>

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=553246#respond' data-commentid="553246" data-
postid="3278" data-belowelement="comment-553246" data-respondelement="respond"
aria-label='Reply to Mo'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment byuser comment-author-liz bypostauthor odd alt depth-2"


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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-555560">February 3, 2019 at 11:57 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-551023">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn"><a
href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>Sum</a></cite>
<span class="says">
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-551023">January 31, 2019 at 3:54 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thank you very much liz for you excellent tips<br />
I would like to share my speaking topics<br />
My speaking exam was on 29th jan 2019<br />
Part 1 :-<br />
Question about me, my hometown and music(music you dont like, instrument you would
like to learn in future, why people listen music )<br />
Part 2 :- cue card<br />
Describe a information you got from somewhere<br />
• what was the information<br />
• where u got from<br />
• did you enjoy to get the information </p>
<p>Part &#8211; 3 (follow up question)<br />
Question about parks, type of information, sourse of information, helpful or not
and few more questions regarding this</p>
<p>My listening, writing and reading is on 2nd feb 2019 , I hope I will manage to
do it in a better way as speaking with you helpful tips and video liz</p>
<p>Again thanks to liz </p>
<p>And please guys post your recent exam so it can help other students to achieve a
better score</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-553115">February 1, 2019 at 2:51 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-550274">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">WJI</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-550274">January 30, 2019 at 4:31 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Test type: General<br />

Medium: Computer-delivered<br />
Date: 30th Jan 2019</p>
<p>Writing task 2<br />
Some people prefer to buy local products while others prefer international
products.<br />
Do you agree or disagree?</p>
<p>Writing task 1<br />
Your friend has asked you about the course details you recently did in a training
centre. Explain about the course details, why should your friend take this course,
how has the course benefited you.</p>
<p>Listening:<br />
Task 1: Fruit Picking Farm: Telephonic conversation. Fill in the blanks<br />
Task 2: Details of the festival arrangement. MCQ&#8217;s and Select what is true
for given options.<br />
Task 3: Professor and Student discussion on Houses made of Plastic. MCQs and select
what is true for given details.<br />
Task 4: Impact of birdsong on Humans. sentence completion</p>
<p>Experience: I have attempted IELTS four times till this date starting from last
year October. First two tests I took were paper-based in which it was significantly
difficult for me to complete the writing task which is the reason behind my
repetition. I was unable to write on paper and organize my ideas properly. Lately,
the computer-delivered test was introduced and I decided to attempt it. </p>
<p>Let me tell you, for the computer-delivered test you need to practice yourself
well on the computer. I could see candidates who were not aware of how to move on
to the next section in the listening test eventually missing some part of the test.
You must be aware of how to drag headings on the passages because they are given
right after the question instructions and could be considered as the bullets if you
do not read the instructions properly. It is far easy than the written mode. If by
chance your country has the facility of computer-delivered test do go for it.</p>
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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=550274#respond' data-commentid="550274" data-
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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-553116">February 1, 2019 at 2:52 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-549489">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Tam</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-549489">January 30, 2019 at 3:34 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>25th Jan, 2019 &#8211; computer-delivered GT </p>

<p>Listening:<br />
Sec 1 &#8211; fill in the blanks with not more than one word<br />
Sec 2 &#8211; drag and drop(conversation about 2 people talking about children
football camp)<br />
Sec 3 &#8211; fill in the blanks (conversation about the remains of an area)<br />
Sec 4 &#8211; fill in the blanks, drag and drop (conversation about a course and
feedback on books)</p>
<p>Experience: It gets harder especially in sec 3 as the conversation ran pretty
quickly between the 2 persons talking &#8211; need to really focus as the answers
are not that explicit. Honestly, I prefer paper-delivered version for
<p>Reading:<br />
Sec 1 &#8211; Passage about Lemur (T,F or NG)<br />
Sec 2.1 &#8211; Mini passages about setting-up business (Fill in the blanks)<br />
Sec 2.2 &#8211; Mini passages about a race (Fill in the blanks)<br />
Sec 3 &#8211; long lengthy 11 passages about bears (match summary sentence against
the passage; T, F or NG)</p>
<p>Experience: I finished the first two sections within 5 minutes. I was
overwhelmed at first upon seeing section 3&#8217;s paragraphs. Took me 10 mins to
calm down and got my act together to work it out &#8211; quickly read thru the
summary sentences and skimmed through/ looked for matching key words in the
passages. In the end, I had 20 mins to check my answers for all sections.</p>
<p>Writing:<br />
Task 1 &#8211; Upcoming meeting with manager to discuss your work done last year.
Write a letter to him/ her about your work done past year, what you could have done
better, what sort of training do you want to take next year<br />
Task 2 &#8211; Some people say that children given pocket money every week will
have lesser money problems when they become adults. Do you agree or disagree?</p>
<p>Experience: Honestly, an hour is not enough (to plan, structure and write,
check). I spent almost 17 mins on Task 1 and stopped myself as I was hitting 300
words. For Task 2, many many thanks to your Advanced Ielts, I tweaked one of your
model essays (about children do paid work) with key words into my essay. Honestly,
I prefer computer-delivered format as I can type pretty fast &#8211; managed to
have last 10 mins to recheck both essays. Pray that everything is fine (I had two
nights dreaming that I did not write conclusion :-s)</p>
<p>Speaking:<br />
Part 1 &#8211; Questions related to where I live, what do I like about my area, on
portraits (although I replied with my views on portraits and drawings &#8211; he
didn&#8217;t stop me and I hope that&#8217;s fine)<br />
Part 2 &#8211; Describe a flower which is of importance to your country.<br />
Part 3 &#8211; Questions about living in country side</p>
<p>Experience: When I was presented with part 2 question, it got the better of me
with the timing set. Examiner gave me less than a min to write notes and read the
question paper, and was told that I need to talk about it straightaway. I was
talking about it and still had about 10-15 secs to go, he looked at me and smiled
and I just went on to talk and got stopped in the end &#8211; don&#8217;t think I
did a great job there. With part 3, I sort of lost my composure and said
&#8220;yup&#8221; at times when he was asking questions (my way of acknowledging
it) &#8211; hope &#8220;yup&#8221; is fine.</p>
<p>Hope the above helps. Sharing is caring. Cheers.</p>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-550557">January 30, 2019 at 8:48 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � I also want to thank you for sharing

your experience of the test as well. I hope more people do this. It really helps
other test takers. For the speaking test, &#8220;yup&#8221; is completely fine. It
is an informal speaking test and you can use informal language. Good luck with your
results �</p>

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<li class="comment even depth-3" id="comment-559763">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Mahmudul Hassan</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-559763">February 6, 2019 at 9:56 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Since this is an informal test, can we ask examiner to repeat


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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-559861">February 6, 2019 at 12:17 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>See this page: <a href="

free-lessons-essential-tips/" rel="nofollow">

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<li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-548771">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Ray</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-548771">January 29, 2019 at 2:28 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>29th of January 2019<br />

Computer Based<br />
Academic </p>
<p>Speaking:<br />
Where are you from<br />
Do you work or study<br />
Do you like where you study<br />
Do you think there is something your institution could do to improve </p>
<p>Part 2:<br />
Book you read<br />
About the book<br />
When you read it<br />
Did you enjoy it (something like that can’t remmeber)</p>
<p>Part 3:<br />
Books in society<br />
Are people still reading<br />
How can we allow books to be read mor</p>
<p>There were other speaking questions but i can’t recall all of them. </p>
<p>Writing: </p>
<p>Task 1: bar graph and a box with % change . Different types of road vehicles
registered in 1996 and 2006. </p>
<p>Task 2: Some people say that family is the most powerful influence in a child’s
development. Other’s say that other factors such as ( television friends music etc.
) play a greater role today. </p>
<p>Discuss both views and give your opinion</p>
<p>Thank you Liz for your wonderful lessons and tips.</p>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-550553">January 30, 2019 at 8:46 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=550553#respond' data-commentid="550553" data-
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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-548337">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Kar</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">

<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-548337">January 29, 2019 at 6:04 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Exam Dates : 18,19 Jan 2019</p>

<p>Speaking<br />
Part 1 :<br />
Name, work environment, bottled water v/s tap water<br />
Part 2 :<br />
An important decision you took with the help of someone else<br />
Part 3 :<br />
Important decision taken by teenagers, national leaders.<br />
Who should be considered while taking decisions.<br />
Should decisions be taken quickly</p>
<p>Writing<br />
Task 1 :<br />
A colleague is leaving your company and has invited you to a farewell party. But
you are unable to attend.<br />
Task 2 : Most people prefer ready to eat food than homemade food now. Advantages
and disadvantages</p>
<p>Listening :<br />
Hotel room booking conversation<br />
A map of playground &#8211; identify spots marked as A,B,C etc<br />
A conversation on project submission : MCQ<br />
Fill in the blanks : Textiles and art</p>
<p>Reading :<br />
Match ques with correct event : Exhibition, concerts<br />
Fill in the blanks : Dress code at work<br />
Flow chart completion : Problems at office<br />
True, false, not given ques : Real Tennis </p>
<p>My Experience :<br />
I found listening to be quite easy. I read the question in the time given and
focussed to spot the answer. However, the audio clipping was quite long and answers
were wide apart. So I read the next question as well, when I felt that I might
have missed the current ques.</p>
<p>Reading seemed fine too. Am just worried about the true, false, not given ones.
MA never confident about those.</p>
<p>Speaking : The interviewer was real friendly. However, I did have issues finding
ideas at that moment and struggled with Part 3. I would say practice all topics
given in this site. They are real helpful.</p>
<p>Writing : Time management was my issue in writing. I spent about 30 minutes on
the 1st task and hence was in a hurry during the last few minutes for Task 2. I
feel like I should have gone with Task 2 first.</p>
<p>Thanks to you Liz for the website. You are awesome. Hoping for a score good
enough to get me through immigration. Will keep you updated.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-550563">January 30, 2019 at 8:51 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � Glad you had a friendly speaking

examiner. Good luck with your results �</p>

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<li class="comment even depth-3" id="comment-552816">

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-552816">February 1, 2019 at 8:53 am</a>
<div class="comment-content">

<p>Got them today.<br />

Got overall 8 �</p>
<p>Listening &#8211; 8.5<br />
Reading &#8211; 9<br />
Writing &#8211; 7.5<br />
Speaking &#8211; 7.5</p>
<p>Thanks a ton Liz. You were of great help.</p>

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aria-label='Reply to Kar'>Reply</a> </div>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-555561">February 3, 2019 at 11:57 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Brilliant!! I&#8217;m so pleased for you &#8211; well done �


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<li class="comment even depth-5" id="comment-557135">

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Kar</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-557135">February 4, 2019 at 9:01 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thank you Liz �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt depth-5" id="comment-561219">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Manpreet kaur</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-561219">February 7, 2019 at 1:08 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hye mam plz tell me the prediction of speaking . My

speating date is 13feb 2019</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-561255">February 7, 2019 at 1:40 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Unfortunately, my crystal ball broke the other day which means

I am no longer able to predict future events. Try a local fortune teller.</p>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Renson</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-563084">February 8, 2019 at 5:55 pm</a>

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<li class="comment even depth-4" id="comment-555587">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Paula</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-555587">February 3, 2019 at 12:31 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Wow congrats! Would you be able to share any strategies or

recommendations for reading? I did academic on 19th Jan and got 6.5 which was
rather disappointing&#8230; Thanks</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Kar</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-556947">February 4, 2019 at 6:42 am</a>

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<p>Sorry..i missed to mention that i had taken general</p>


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<li class="comment even depth-6" id="comment-557224">

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s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Paula</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-557224">February 4, 2019 at 10:22 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>That&#8217;s ok � Is reading in GT considerably easier?</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt depth-7" id="comment-558105">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Kar</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-558105">February 5, 2019 at 4:32 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>�<br />
Am not sure about that, as I haven&#8217;t checked academic reading. Liz might be
able to help.<br />
I always felt that listening was easy for me. Reading would come after that. What
confused me most in reading were the True, false, not given questions. However,
thankfully for the test I got them right.</p>
<p>Good luck with your test. Hope you get the desired score soon.</p>

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<li class="comment even depth-4" id="comment-563755">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Bina</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-563755">February 9, 2019 at 8:54 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hello Kar .<br />

I would like to know how you prepared for your writing for such desirous score ?

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s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-547948">January 29, 2019 at 12:13 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi there, I had the test on the 25th of January.

Academic.<br />
speaking<br />
-general questions, if I like music, if I play any instrument,<br />
topic: an important decision I had made with the help of someone.<br />
-writing: task 1 2 maps and the changes in a town<br />
task 2 most people work hard to earn lots of money and there is no other reason, to
what extent do you agree or disagree?</p>

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s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-550564">January 30, 2019 at 8:51 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-547349">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Peter</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-547349">January 28, 2019 at 11:35 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>My speaking test:<br />

1. Part 1.<br />
Free time,<br />
Get bored<br />
Comfortable or fashion shoes<br />
2. Part 2<br />
Describe a book that you read recently<br />
You should say:<br />
What is it?<br />
When you read it?<br />
Why you like it?<br />
3. Followed question about reading habit<br />
Writing: many people believe that advertising have negative effects on customers.
What extend do you agree or disagree?<br />
My opinion is advertisements do not bring negative effects to customer.<br />
Whether or not it is Ok. My teacher told that this perception will bring down my

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questions-and-topics/?replytocom=547349#respond' data-commentid="547349" data-
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-550571">January 30, 2019 at 8:54 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � You are not marked on your opinion. You
are marked on whether it is relevant, focused, connected to the task and whether it
is well developed. However, you missed the opportunity to write about influencing
consumer purchasing, effects on children and encouraging overspending which leads
to debt. These are all very strong points which are easy to extend.</p>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">isha</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-547063">January 28, 2019 at 5:11 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>hello LIz,<br />

this is actually very helpful website.</p>
<p>jan , 2019<br />
topic:-<br />
speaking ,<br />
part 1 : work ,study, sports game related ques<br />
Part 2 : describe a poisonous plant that you know<br />
part 3: discussion about plants, flowers , garden and maintenance</p>

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aria-label='Reply to isha'>Reply</a> </div>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-547444">January 28, 2019 at 1:20 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-548733">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Nabzz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-548733">January 29, 2019 at 1:15 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>hi liz, how to answer a question if one doesn&#8217;t know

anything about a poisonous plant. are the IELTS examiners checking our general
knowledge about the topic?</p>

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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-548735">January 29, 2019 at 1:17 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Your knowledge is not tested. For this reason, you can very
easily say &#8220;I don&#8217;t know anything about a poisonous plant, but one
plant I do like is &#8230;&#8221;</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-5" id="comment-549440">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Laura Vanessa</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-549440">January 30, 2019 at 2:21 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for this recommendation! I think it&#8217;s very


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<li class="comment even depth-5" id="comment-559839">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Mahmudul Hassan</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-559839">February 6, 2019 at 11:40 am</a>

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<p>As the part-2 question is asking to describe a poisonous

plant, can we talk about any other plant saying that I don&#8217;t know anything
about a poisonous plant?</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-561415">February 7, 2019 at 3:35 pm</a>

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<li class="comment even depth-2" id="comment-549515">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-549515">January 30, 2019 at 4:20 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>@liz<br />
What if I don&#8217;t know the English name of the plant? Can I refer its local
name and say l don&#8217;t know the exact English name?</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-549928">January 30, 2019 at 11:14 am</a>
<div class="comment-content">

<p>Of course you can say &#8220;I don&#8217;t know the name in
English, but it&#8217;s tall, with large leaves, a thick trunk and wide reaching
branches offering lots of cool shade in summer.&#8221;. You are not marked on your
knowledge of plant names. You will be marked on your use of language. My sample
answer is high band score with excellent vocabulary.</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-546336">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-546336">January 27, 2019 at 1:55 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>27 Jan &#8211; General &#8211; CBT</p>

<p>Speaking Topic<br />
Part 1<br />
About where u live<br />
About drinks<br />
Part 2<br />
Topic for me<br />
Talk about a old person you have met?<br />
Topic for my fellow candidate<br />
Talk about sense of humour?(looks very uncommon topic)<br />
Topic for another fellow candidate<br />
Talk about something u bought and have not used?</p>
<p>Reading<br />
Last passage was tricky</p>
<p>They gave 11 paragrpahs, with 6 questions for paragraph identification 4 fill in
blanks 3 choose the correct option, which was mamoth amount of info and tricky part
was they wanted to trace paras containing info rather than naming the paragraph
which means u need to have complete overview of passage. I have wasted 10 min just
to have an overview and another 20 min finding info for the complete section 3. I
was lucky bcz i was quickly able to finish section 1 and 2 in 30 min.</p>
<p>My suggestion would be as quick as you can in section 1 and 2 which will help in
section 3. </p>
<p>Writing task -1<br />
Letter<br />
U work as part time and you are attending a course and your manager offered you
full time and asked to leave the course.<br />
Write a letter about your decision on job offer.</p>
<p>How u feel about the job ?( confused me whether about current part time or
future full time)<br />
Tell about u r decision<br />
Explain reasons of u r decision</p>
<p>Task &#8211; 2<br />
Some young people are leaving countryside to live in cities and towns, leaving only
old people in countryside?</p>
<p>What are the problems of this issue?<br />
What can be done to solve this problem?</p>
<p>Thesis:- while there are some drawbacks to issue, which can be a addressed by
young people leaving their counties.</p>
<p>Bp- tp -1:- old people are effected emotionally.<br />
in villages people are more connected with each other and support each other.<br />
If young people leave they are disconnected and there will be no one to support
them in later stages of their life.</p>
<p>Bp 2:- this can be solved by young people planning their vacations to their
original homes.<br />
Adults should plan their vacation to live with old people so that old people are
motivated by their children’s regular visits.<br />
Although life in city is fast paced and could not visit their home, they should
stay connected by regularly discussinf about their family well being and discussing
with them.</p>
<p>Final concl- there are issues, young peopel shoulf stay in contact with their
elderly family memebers.</p>
<p>Hi liz,<br />
Could you please suggest whether i had covered all parts of the question to get
high bands in task achievement?</p>
<p>Will post results in 6 days on followup reply.</p>
<p>Thanks for creating such a resourceful website and platform to improve

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-547638">January 28, 2019 at 6:00 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � The main problems of young people

leaving the countryside and old people staying are: a) lack of support b) economy
in rural area. The idea of emotions is connected, but it the main point. It is
about lack of support &#8211; physical support &#038; emotional support. The best
solution is for the government to offer incentives for young people to remain in
rural area by setting up employment schemes and benefits. The idea of just visiting
on vacation does not solve the problems, it only alleviates them slightly.<br />
So, your ideas are connected, but not strong. However, your score is based on main
things and even ideas are marked not purely on how strong they are but how you use
them.<br />
Good luck with your results �</p>

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<li class="comment even depth-2" id="comment-549984">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Jasmeet kaur</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-549984">January 30, 2019 at 11:41 am</a>
<div class="comment-content">

<p>Reading test 8 of book -12 is in same format</p>


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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-544890">January 26, 2019 at 3:02 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>1. Listening Tes<br />

I had my computer-based test today and the listening part was the most difficult.
Everyone says here that the actual listening test is easier as compared to the
material available in the Cambridge books. Moreover, I always scored in the range
of 7.5 to 8.5 in listening practice tests. My actual IELTS test score was 8 in the
first paper-based attempt. However, this paper was out of the world. They did not
follow any set pattern. There were around 20 MCQs and only 14 fill in the blank
questions which made it really tough to attempt. At least 2 times, the recording
quickly moved to the next part in an unprecedented way and I couldn&#8217;t catch 3
questions each time. I have practiced at least 50 listening test from Cambridge as
well as other websites but this was the hardest one. I felt like there are two
different bodies which are making paper-based and computer-based listening
<p>Speaking<br />
Firstly, my examiner interrupted me several times during the speaking test and here
interruption does not mean asking me another question but guiding me to the right
answer. For example, he asked me how does a routine effects children? I started
answering him and gave the example of my toddler son, he interrupted and asked me
to not to give the example of my son but talk about the children in general.
Another time, when he asked me something about students, I started giving him my
personal example, he interrupted again and asked me not to give any personal
example but talk about the topic in general. My confidence was so shattered that I
did not give an example in the following questions. I messed up everything due to
this interruption. Liz, is it normal? </p>
<p>Second, he gave me only 1 minute to answer my cue card and stopped me when I was
in the middle. I had prepared my answer according to 2 minutes and was planning to
use some rare vocabulary words but he did not allow me to do so. </p>
<p>I scored 7.5 last time in the speaking test but it seems that this time he
messed up everything.</p>
<p>Reading on the computer was manageable for me as I am a good reader.</p>
<p>Writing is the best part as you can type and edit them very easily.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-547626">January 28, 2019 at 5:53 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � It is important to listen to the

question. If the question is about people in general, then your answer will be
about people in general. This is because the question is testing your ability to
speak in the third person plural &#8211; people. A low level English user struggles
to do this. A low level English user will immediately start talking about
themselves (I, my) because it is easiest. A low level English user will talk about
their friends and family but it is easiest. You need to show the examiner that you
do not need to do this. This is one aspect of the speaking test that you should
know about before entering the test room.</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-557200">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Meenakshi</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-557200">February 4, 2019 at 10:02 am</a>

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<p>This was a great tip, Liz! Thanks a lot</p>


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<li class="comment even depth-2" id="comment-657958">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-657958">April 26, 2019 at 12:07 pm</a>

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<p>What did you score buddy?</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-544694">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-544694">January 26, 2019 at 10:22 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I was a test candidate on Jun.20, 2019 . Here are some

speaking questions I still remembered:<br />
Part 1:<br />
Living Surroundings:<br />
Talk about your living environment<br />
Share my hometown<br />
What things do you think your living area can be improved?<br />
Pets:<br />
Do you have pets?<br />
Do you like dog or cat?<br />
Which species are not suitable for being pets?<br />
Tea and Coffee:<br />
Do people from your country like to drink tea or coffee?</p>
<p>Part 2<br />
Describe an old man you met once</p>
<p>I got stocked because I rarely meet old people in my immediate circle, hope
other candidates can search for a good idea.</p>
<p>Part 3:<br />
Do you think old people and young people should get together?<br />
Do you think young people can learn things from the older generation?</p>
<p>Writing Task 2:<br />
Some people think high-end technology can prevent and cut down the rate of
committing crime. Do you agree or disagree?</p>

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-547719">January 28, 2019 at 7:24 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � It is unfortunate to get a topic about

old people if you rarely have contact with them. Hope you do well with your

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-543145">January 25, 2019 at 6:35 am</a>

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<p>hi Liz,<br />

Speaking Test GT 24/01/2019<br />
Part 1<br />
work<br />
sky &amp; stars<br />
Public holidays</p>
<p>Part 2<br />
Free day from work or study</p>
<p>Part 3<br />
spending holidays</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-547725">January 28, 2019 at 7:29 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1" id="comment-541824">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Nen</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-541824">January 24, 2019 at 1:33 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>General Training<br />

Speaking exam: 24 Jan 2019</p>
<p>Part 1: </p>
<p>1. What is your name?<br />
2. Where are you staying at present?<br />
3. Why do you choose that place?<br />
4. What would you like to change about your surroundings?<br />
5. Who is your favourite filmstar, would you like to be superstar oneday?<br />
6. Are international superstars famous in India?<br />
7. Do you feel the cities are crowded nowdays?<br />
8. Which part of the city according to you is most crowded?<br />
9. How do you feel in crowded place?<br />
10. A time when you were in a crowded place and it didn&#8217;t bother you?</p>
<p>Part 2:</p>
<p>Talk about a beautiful/ handsome person you have ever met.</p>
<p>Part 3:</p>
<p>1. Today people are focusing on physical appearance. Why?<br />
2. People&#8217;s viewpoint about beauty has changed over past years. How?<br />
3. Should we dress up according to the latest trends?<br />
4. Should we consider people&#8217;s views or dress up according to ourselves?</p>

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aria-label='Reply to Nen'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-547726">January 28, 2019 at 7:29 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing �</p>


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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-560505">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Neha</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-560505">February 7, 2019 at 12:45 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>I got the scores:</p>

<p>Overall : 7.5<br />
L: 9.0<br />
R: 7.0<br />
W: 7.0<br />
S: 7.5</p>
<p>Thanks a lot Liz!!</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-561417">February 7, 2019 at 3:40 pm</a>

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<p>Brilliant ! Well done �</p>


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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-541384">January 24, 2019 at 4:59 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hello,<br />
I took IELTS on 17 Jan 2019.<br />
Speaking task 1:<br />
Do I work or study?<br />
Where do I work/study?<br />
Is it the best place to work/study?<br />
What changes can they make?<br />
(part 1 was recurring)<br />
Speaking task 2:<br />
A time I had to ask someone for advice regarding a decision.<br />
Speaking part 3:<br />
questions about decisions of national importance and things like that (except for
part 2 and sometimes part 1, other parts tend not to recur, so don&#8217;t waste
time thinking about these, just prepare naturally)<br />
Writing (Although I&#8217;m sure they change it)<br />
task 1: 2 pie chart for 2 different years (percentages of attendees in training
center courses)<br />
task 2: some people think people are responsible for a solution to pollution made
by transportation and others think governments are. Discuss both views and give
your own opinion.<br />
Again, guys it would be pointless to prepare for these except for speaking part 2
and sometimes part 1. Just work on your English and IELTS techniques.</p>

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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-541884">January 24, 2019 at 2:36 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thanks for sharing � You are right. You can&#8217;t predict

the topic you will get in IELTS speaking or writing. The most you can do is prepare
a variety of topics and make sure your IELTS exam techniques are up to scratch.
Your response in your IELTS speaking test should be natural and not memorised.</p>

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aria-label='Reply to Liz'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-543157">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">DD</cite>
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<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-543157">January 25, 2019 at 6:46 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Liz,<br />

Thankyou for all the resources you have shared on this blog, which are really
useful..<br />
My Speaking test happened on 25th Jan 2019 GT<br />
Part 1:<br />
About hometown, work, how do you travel to work, would you like to change the mode
of travel, how you used to travel in school days<br />
Part 2:<br />
An instance when you experienced bad service at a shop or restaurant</p>
<p>Part 3:<br />
About jobs where customer service is important and where it is unimportant<br />
What should employers do to ensure good service<br />
Some clients may still be irritated, despite all efforts. why</p>

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aria-label='Reply to DD'>Reply</a> </div>

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Manpreet kaur</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-544492">January 26, 2019 at 5:11 am</a>

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<p>hello ma’m &#8230; i wnna tll u abt a YOU TUBE PAGE NAMED
“Adel samak” has posted ur video last week� I suppose i shld infrm so i m writing
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-547722">January 28, 2019 at 7:27 pm</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know.

I&#8217;ve asked the person to remove the content. Thanks &#8211; for your
support �</p>

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<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-541332">

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<img alt=''
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-541332">January 24, 2019 at 3:53 am</a>

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<p>General Training Jan 19th</p>

<p>Speaking: part 2<br />
Describe a time when you had a problem with a piece of equipment.<br />
what equipment it was<br />
what problem you had<br />
when you had this problem</p>
<p>explain what you did about this</p>
<p>Writing:<br />
Task 1: You are planning a party for your family and want to invite a
<p>Task 2: People doing different jobs enjoy different amount of holiday time.</p>
<p>Should people have the same amount of holiday time? Give your opinion&#8230;</p>
<p>My essay was terrible! pretty basic. I wasn&#8217;t sure how make the structure.
In the Pharagraph 1 I wrote about why some people think that everyone should have
the same amount of holiday time even they doing different task, and the second I
talked about why some people deserve more days, such as supervisor or manager who
have more responsabilities and stress&#8230; the reasons and examples were really
poor!&#8230; but well&#8230; </p>
<p>Thanks for your help Liz! If my score are not good I´m going to practice more

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s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Liz</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-541795">January 24, 2019 at 12:53 pm</a>

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<p>Thanks for sharing � Your task is to answer one question

only: &#8220;do you think people should get the same amount of holidays regardless
of the job they do?&#8221; Your whole essay answers that question. Your whole essay
is your opinion, your answer. If you need to learn more about writing essays, see
my Advanced Writing Task 2 Lessons: <a

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aria-label='Reply to Liz'>Reply</a> </div>

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<li class="comment even depth-3" id="comment-545874">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Hardeep Singh Fagura</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-545874">January 27, 2019 at 6:37 am</a>

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<p>Can we use bullet points rather than shorting into a


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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-546162">January 27, 2019 at 11:30 am</a>

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<p>You can&#8217;t use bullet points in any IELTS writing. You

must use full connected sentences.</p>

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<li class="comment even depth-2" id="comment-543270">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Joy</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-543270">January 25, 2019 at 8:28 am</a>

<div class="comment-content">

<p>Hi Nateep, </p>

<p>I took my exam also last Jan 19 also general ielts, we have the same
<p>In the essay task 2, I discuss it so briefly.<br />
I made it clear that its only my own opinion and knowledge I wrote in here that I
strongly agree the people must receive equal holidays regardless of their position.
I discusses why they deserve this. And then I make at the last part my conclusion.
<p>Im really nervous for the result</p>

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<li class="comment odd alt depth-3" id="comment-632403">

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<img alt=''
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width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Uvi</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-632403">April 2, 2019 at 11:32 am</a>

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<p>Hi Liz,<br />

Today i had my speaking exam 02 apr 2019.<br />
Part 1. information about workplace, parks<br />
part2 cue card. Describe an important decision you made with help of someone.<br />
Part3 Questions about decision making, and some questions related to teenagers and
decision making</p>

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<li class="comment even depth-4" id="comment-661677">

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<img alt=''
s=96&#038;d=monsterid&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48'
width='48' /> <cite class="fn">Noname</cite>
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<a href="
topics/comment-page-14/#comment-661677">April 30, 2019 at 11:53 pm</a>

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<p>My friend were passing IELTS 3 times. After the first attempt,
he thought that he’d failed speaking because his examiner was really strict, even
when her talking was a bit aggressive according his feeling. As a result he has got
8.5 in speaking and was surprised. In contrast, the other attempt was pretty
unsuccessful even with nice and sweet examiner where he has got 6.5. </p>
<p>So I believe that no matter what kind of examiner you have just try to not focus
on them, focus on yourself and your performance �</p>
<p>My wife said she tried to imagine like she is talking with her grandmother so it
made her feel relaxed a bit �</p>
<p>Anyway, don’t worry hopefully you did well no matter what the examiner</p>

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