Practical Guide Edexcel2
Practical Guide Edexcel2
Practical Guide Edexcel2
This guide includes details about the core practicals for A-level chemistry. It also contains information about
other experiments that often occur in A-level examinations. You may be asked to describe these experiments in
details or be asked about reasons for doing individual steps.
You may be asked about other unfamiliar experiments but these will be using the skills and techniques that are
described in the following experiments.
N Goalby 1
Core Practical 1:Measure the molar volume of a gas
Detailed method
1. Measure 30 cm3 of 1 mol dm⁻3 ethanoic acid and transfer
to a conical flask.
From the graph read the volume of CO2 given off with 0.25 g CaCO3
Work out the moles of CaCO3 in 0.25g = 0.25/100.1 = 2.5 x 10-3
Assume the moles of CO2 = moles of CaCO3
Work out molar volume of CO2 = volume of CO2/ moles of CO2
Example 1 : 0.150g of a volatile liquid was injected into a sealed gas syringe. The gas syringe was placed in an oven at
70oC at a pressure of 100kPa and a volume of 80cm3 was measured. What is the Mr of the volatile liquid ? (R = 8.31)
Mr = mass/moles
= 0.15 / 0.00281
= 53.4 g mol-1
N Goalby 2
This method could be used for measuring mass loss in various
Heating in a crucible
thermal decomposition reactions and also for mass gain when
reacting magnesium in oxygen.
The water of crystallisation in calcium sulphate crystals can be The lid improves the accuracy of the
removed as water vapour by heating as shown in the following experiment as it prevents loss of solid
equation. from the crucible but should be loose
CaSO4.xH2O(s) → CaSO4(s) + xH2O(g) fitting to allow gas to escape.
•Weigh an empty clean dry crucible and lid .
•Add 2g of hydrated calcium sulphate to the crucible and weigh
•Heat strongly with a Bunsen for a couple of minutes
•Allow to cool
•Weigh the crucible and contents again
•Heat crucible again and reweigh until you reach a constant mass (
do this to ensure reaction is complete).
Example 2. 3.51 g of hydrated zinc sulphate were heated and 1.97 g of anhydrous zinc sulphate were
obtained. Use these data to calculate the value of the integer x in ZnSO4.xH2O
Calculate the mass of H2O = 3.51 – 1.97 = 1.54g
Calculate moles of Calculate moles of = 1.54
= 1.97 H2O
ZnSO4 161.5 18
= 0.0122 =0.085
N Goalby 3
Core practical 2. Make up a volumetric solution and carry out a simple acid–base titration
Making a solution
• Weigh the sample bottle containing the required mass of solid Alternatively the known mass of solid
on a 2 dp balance in the weighing bottle could be
• Transfer to beaker transferred to beaker, washed and
• Reweigh empty sample bottle washings added to the beaker.
• Record the difference in mass
A graduated flask has one mark on the neck which the level to
fill to get the accurate volume. Do not heat or put hot
solutions in the volumetric flask because the heat would cause
the flask to expand and the volume would then be incorrect.
Diluting a solution
Using a volumetric pipette is more accurate
than a measuring cylinder because it has a
•Pipette 25cm3 of original solution into a 250cm3 volumetric smaller uncertainty
•make up to the mark with distilled water using a dropping Use a teat pipette to make up to the mark in
pipette for last few drops. volumetric flask to ensure volume of solution
• Invert flask several times to ensure uniform solution. accurately measured and one doesn’t go over
the line
N Goalby 4
Titrations Core Practical 3: Make up a volumetric solution and carry out a simple acid–base titration
General Method
•rinse equipment (burette with acid, pipette with alkali, conical flask with distilled water)
•pipette 25 cm3 of alkali into conical flask
•touch surface of alkali with pipette ( to ensure correct amount is added)
•adds acid solution from burette
•make sure the jet space in the burette is filled with acid
•add a few drops of indicator and refer to colour change at end point
•phenolphthalein [pink (alkali) to colourless (acid): end point pink colour just disappears] [use if NaOH is used]
•methyl orange [yellow (alkali) to red (acid): end point orange] [use if HCl is used]
•use a white tile underneath the flask to help observe the colour change
•add acid to alkali whilst swirling the mixture and add acid drop wise at end point
•note burette reading before and after addition of acid
•repeats titration until at least 2 concordant results are obtained- two readings within 0.1 of each other
N Goalby 5
Using the burette
The burette should be rinsed out with substance that will be
put in it. If it is not rinsed out the acid or alkali added may be
diluted by residual water in the burette or may react with
substances left from a previous titration. This would lead to
the concentration of the substance being lowered and a larger
titre being delivered.
make sure the jet space in the burette is filled with the
solution and air bubbles are removed.
If the jet space in the burette is not filled properly prior to commencing the
titration it will lead to errors if it then fills during the titration, leading to a
larger than expected titre reading.
Even though a burette has marking reading to 0.1cm 3, the burette readings
should always be given to 2dp either ending in 0.00 or 0.05. 0.05cm3 is the
volume of 1 drop of solution delivered from a burette and so this is the
smallest difference in readings that can be measured. If the bottom of the
meniscus sits on a line it should end with a 0.00 as in the above example
9.00cm3. If the meniscus sits between two lines it should end 0.05. e.g. if the
bottom of the meniscus sits between the lines marked 9.1 and 9.2, you should
record 9.15
Adding indicator
Indicators are generally weak acids so only add a few
Add a few drops of indicator and refer to colour change drops of them. If too much is added they will affect
at end point the titration result
phenolphthalein Methyl orange
If acid is added from the burette the colour change would
Methyl orange is a suitable indicator for neutralisation
be pink (alkali) to colourless (acid): end point pink colour
reactions where strong acids are used.
just disappears [use with titrations using strong alkalis e.g.
It is red in acid and yellow in alkali. It is orange at the end
NaOH ]
Methyl orange
Methyl orange Methyl orange
Alkali colour
end point acid colour
phenolphthalein phenolphthalein acid
colour Use a white tile underneath the flask to help
Alkali colour
observe the colour change
N Goalby 6
Add solution from burette whilst swirling the mixture and add drop-wise at end
Distilled water can be added to the conical flask during a titration to wash the
sides of the flask so that all the acid on the side is washed into the reaction
mixture to react with the alkali.
It does not affect the titration reading as water does not react with the reagents
or change the number of moles of acid added.
Initial burette reading (cm3 ) 0.50 2.50 1.55 Average titre = (24.50+ 24.40)/2 =
Final burette reading (cm3 ) 24.50 27.00 25.95
Safety precautions
Common Titration Equations
Acids and alkalis are corrosive CH3CO2H + NaOH CH3CO2-Na+ + H2O
(at low concentrations acids are irritants)
Wear eye protection and gloves H2SO4 + 2NaOH Na2SO4 +2H2O
If spilled immediately wash affected parts after spillage HCl + NaOH NaCl +H2O
NaHCO3 + HCl NaCl + CO2 + H2O
If substance is unknown treat it as potentially toxic and wear
gloves. Na2CO3 + 2HCl 2NaCl + CO2 + H2O
Titrating mixtures
Testing batches If titrating a mixture to work out the concentration of
In quality control it will be necessary to do titrations/testing an active ingredient it is necessary to consider if the
on several samples as the amount/concentration of the mixture contains other substances that have acid
chemical being tested may vary between samples. base properties.
If they don’t have acid base properties we can titrate
with confidence.
N Goalby 7
Readings and Measurements
Readings Measurements In general, if uncertainty is not indicated
the values found from a single the values taken as the on apparatus, the following assumptions
judgement when using a piece difference between the are made:
of equipment judgements of two values For an analogue scale-
(e.g. using a burette in a The uncertainty of a reading (one
judgement) is at least ±0.5 of the smallest
scale reading.
Calculating Apparatus Uncertainties
The uncertainty of a measurement (two
Each type of apparatus has a sensitivity uncertainty
judgements) is at least ±1 of the smallest
•balance 0.001 g (if using a 3 d.p. balance) scale reading.
•volumetric flask 0.1 cm3 - If the apparatus has a digital scale, the
•25 cm3 pipette 0.1 cm3 uncertainty is the resolution of the
•burette (start & end readings and end point ) 0.15 cm3 apparatus in each measurement
N Goalby 8
Core practical 4: Investigation of the rates of hydrolysis of some halogenoalkanes
Hydrolysis is defined as the splitting of a molecule ( in this case a Water is a poor nucleophile but it can react
haloalkane) by a reaction with water slowly with haloalkanes in a substitution
CH3CH2X + H2O CH3CH2OH + X- + H+
Aqueous silver nitrate is added to a haloalkane and the halide CH3CH2I + H2O CH3CH2OH + I- + H+
leaving group combines with a silver ion to form a SILVER HALIDE
Ag+ (aq) + I-(aq) AgI (s) - yellow precipitate
The precipitate only forms when the halide ion has left the The iodoalkane forms a precipitate with the
haloalkane and so the rate of formation of the precipitate can be silver nitrate first as the C-I bond is weakest
used to compare the reactivity of the different haloalkanes. and so it hydrolyses the quickest
N Goalby 9
Core practical 5. Oxidation of an alcohol
Partial Oxidation of Primary Alcohols H
Conditions: (use a limited amount of dichromate) warm gently and distil out
the aldehyde as it forms: H
This experiment uses a limited quantity of oxidising agent (0.01 mol) and the product is distilled from the reaction
mixture immediately it is formed. In this way we hope to achieve a partial oxidation of propan-1-ol.
Place about 10 cm3 of dilute sulphuric acid in a flask and add about 3g of potassium dichromate(VI) and 2 or 3
anti-bumping granules. Shake the contents of the flask until solution is complete (do not warm).
Add 1.5 cm3 of propan-1-ol in drops from a dropping pipette, shaking the flask so as to mix the contents, and
then assemble distillation apparatus as shown below
Gently heat and slowly distil 2 cm3 of liquid into a test tube, taking care that none of the reaction mixture
splashes over.
N Goalby 10
Reflux: Full Oxidation of Primary Alcohols
Reaction: primary alcohol carboxylic acid
OH + 2[O] OH
+ H2O
Observation: the
O orange dichromate
ion (Cr2O72-)
reduces to the
propan-1-ol Propanoic acid green Cr 3+ ion
Detailed method
Measure 5 cm3 of water into a boiling tube. Add 6 g of sodium dichromate(VI), shake and set aside to dissolve.
Put about 1.5 cm3 propan-1-ol into a 50 cm3 round bottomed flask and add about 5 cm3 of water and two or
three anti-bumping granules. Put a condenser on the flask for reflux, as shown in figure below.
Add 2 cm3 of concentrated sulphuric acid down the condenser in drops from a dropping pipette. While the
mixture is still warm, start to add your sodium dichromate(VI) solution down the condenser in drops from a
dropping pipette. The energy released from the reaction should make the mixture boil. Add the solution a drop
at a time so that the mixture continues to boil without any external heating.
When all the sodium dichromate(VI) solution has been added, use a low Bunsen burner flame to keep the
mixture boiling for 10 minutes, not allowing any vapour to escape.
At the end of that time remove the Bunsen burner and arrange the apparatus for distillation. Gently distil 2-3
cm3 of liquid into a test tube.
Reflux is used when heating organic reaction mixtures for long periods. The
condenser prevents organic vapours from escaping by condensing them back Water out
to liquids. The reactant vapours of volatile compound are condensed and
returned to the reaction mixture.
Never seal the end of the condenser as the build up of gas
pressure could cause the apparatus to explode. This is true of any
apparatus where volatile liquids are heated including the
distillation set up
It’s important to be able to draw and label this apparatus bottomed
• Don’t draw lines between flask and condenser.
• Don’t have top of condenser sealed
• Condenser must have outer tube for water that is sealed
at top and bottom
• Condenser must have two openings for water in and out
that are open
N Goalby 11
Fractional Distillation: In the laboratory
Fractional distillation is used to
• Heat the flask, with a Bunsen burner or electric mantle
separate liquids with different
• This causes vapours of all the components in the mixture
boiling points
to be produced.
• Vapours pass up the fractionating column.
• The vapour of the substance with the lower boiling point
reaches the top of the fractionating column first.
• The thermometer should be at or below the boiling point
of the most volatile substance.
• The vapours with higher boiling points condense back
into the flask.
• Only the most volatile vapour passes into the condenser.
• The condenser cools the vapours and condenses to a
liquid and is collected.
fractionating column
N Goalby 12
Purifying an organic liquid
General method
• Put the distillate of impure product into a separating funnel
Sodium hydrogencarbonate will neutralise
• wash product by adding either
any remaining reactant acid.
• sodium hydrogencarbonate solution , shaking and
releasing the pressure from CO2 produced.
Sodium chloride will help separate the
• Saturated sodium chloride solution
organic layer from the aqueous layer
•Allow the layers to separate in the funnel, and then run and
discard the aqueous layer. The layer with lower density will be the
upper layer. This is usually the organic layer
•Run the organic layer into a clean, dry conical flask and add three
spatula loads of drying agent (e.g. anhydrous sodium sulphate, The drying agent should
calcium chloride) to dry the organic liquid. When dry the organic •be insoluble in the organic liquid
liquid should appear clear. • not react with the organic liquid
• Carefully decant the liquid into the distillation flask Decant means carefully pour off organic
liquid leaving the drying agent in the
•Distill to collect pure product conical flask
Separating funnel
N Goalby 13
CORE PRACTICAL 6: Chlorination of 2-methylpropan-2-ol using concentrated hydrochloric acid
a) Pour about 20 cm3 of cyclohexanol into a weighed 50 cm3 pear-shaped flask. Reweigh the flask and record
the mass of cyclohexanol.
b) Using a plastic graduated dropping pipette, carefully and with frequent shaking, add to the flask
approximately 8 cm3 of concentrated phosphoric acid.
c ) Add a few anti-bumping granules to the flask and assemble the distillation apparatus, so that the contents
of the flask may be distilled. Heat the flask gently, distilling over any liquid which boils below 100 °C.
d) Pour the distillate into a separating funnel and add 50 cm 3 of saturated sodium chloride solution. Shake
the mixture and allow the two layers to separate.
e) run off the lower layer into a beaker and then transfer the upper layer, which contains the crude
cyclohexene, into a small conical flask.
f) Add a few lumps of anhydrous calcium chloride or anhydrous sodium sulfate(VI) or anhydrous magnesium
sulfate to the crude cyclohexene to remove water. Stopper the flask, shake the contents and allow this to
stand until the liquid becomes clear.
g) Decant the liquid into a clean, dry, weighed sample container.
h) Reweigh the container, calculate the mass of dry cyclohexene produced
N Goalby 14
Detailed Method for Preparing and Purifying an Ester
Propyl ethanoate can be made in the laboratory from propan-
1-ol and ethanoic acid.
The equation for the reaction is
1. Propan-1-ol (50 cm3) and ethanoic acid (50 cm3) are mixed
thoroughly in a 250 cm3 round-bottomed flask.
2. Concentrated sulfuric acid (10 cm3) is added drop by drop Sulfuric acid is a catalyst
Adding conc H2SO4 is an exothermic reaction- to
to the mixture, keeping the contents of the flask well-shaken
prevent uncontrolled boiling over add drop by drop
and cooled in an ice-water bath. and cool
3. When the acid has all been added, a reflux condenser is In reflux the reactant vapours of volatile compound
fitted to the flask and the mixture gently boiled over an are condensed and returned to the reaction mixture.
electric heating mantle for about 30 minutes. The reaction is slow so it is heated for 30 minutes
The electric heating mantle allows for controlled
heating and stops flammable vapour lighting
4. The mixture is cooled, and the apparatus rearranged for
distillation. The crude ester (about 60 cm3) is distilled off. Sodium carbonate reacts with unreacted acid and
5. The distillate is placed in a separating funnel and shaken remaining catalyst still present after distillation.
with about half its volume of 30% sodium carbonate solution, The reaction produces CO2 so the pressure of gas
with the pressure being released at intervals. The lower needs to be released.
The upper layer is organic because it has a lower
aqueous layer is then discarded.
density than water
8. The ester is filtered into a clean, dry flask, with a few anti- Anti-bumping granules are added to the prevent
bumping granules, and distilled. The fraction boiling between vigorous, uneven boiling by making small bubbles
100°C and 103°C is collected. form instead of large bubbles
Purity of liquid can be determined by measuring a boiling point. This can be done
in a distillation set up or by simply boiling a tube of the sample in an heating oil To get a correct measure of
bath. If the liquid is pure it will have the boiling point referred to in data books. If boiling point the
impure the boiling point tends to be higher than the pure liquid thermometer should be
above the level of the surface
of the boiling liquid and be
Pressure should be noted as changing pressure can change the boiling point of
measuring the temperature
a liquid
of the saturated vapour.
N Goalby 15
CORE PRACTICAL 7 + 15: Analysis of some inorganic unknowns
Testing for cations
Flame tests
Method Lithium : Scarlet red
Use a nichrome wire ( nichrome is an unreactive metal and Sodium : Yellow
will not give out any flame colour) Potassium : lilac
Clean the wire by dipping in concentrated hydrochloric acid Rubidium : red
Caesium: blue
and then heating in Bunsen flame Magnesium: no flame colour (energy emitted of a
If the sample is not powdered then grind it up. wavelength outside visible spectrum)
Dip wire in solid and put in Bunsen flame and observe flame Calcium: brick red
Strontium: red
Barium: apple green
N Goalby 16
CORE PRACTICAL 7+15: Analysis of some inorganic unknowns
Testing for anions: – Group 7 (halide ions), OH– , CO32– , SO42–
The hydrochloric acid is needed to react with carbonate impurities that are often found in salts which
would form a white Barium carbonate precipitate and so give a false result. You could not used
sulphuric acid because it contains sulphate ions and so would give a false positive result.
2HCl + Na2CO3 2NaCl + H2O + CO2 Fizzing due to CO2 would be observed if a carbonate was present.
Testing for presence of halide ions with silver nitrate. The role of nitric acid is to react with any
carbonates present to prevent formation of the
This reaction is used as a test to identify which halide ion is precipitate Ag2CO3. This would mask the desired
present. The test solution is made acidic with nitric acid, and observations
then Silver nitrate solution is added dropwise.
2 HNO3 + Na2CO3 2 NaNO3 + H2O + CO2
The silver halide precipitates can be treated with ammonia solution to help differentiate between them
if the colours look similar:
N Goalby 17
Reactions of halide salts with concentrated sulphuric acid.
The Halides show increasing power as reducing
Explanation of differing reducing power of halides
agents as one goes down the group. This can be
A reducing agent donates electrons.
clearly demonstrated in the various reactions of
The reducing power of the halides increases down group 7
the solid halides with concentrated sulphuric
They have a greater tendency to donate electrons.
This is because as the ions get bigger it is easier for the outer
Know the equations and observations of these electrons to be given away as the pull from the nucleus on them
reactions very well. becomes smaller.
Br- ions are stronger reducing agents than Cl- and F- and after the initial acid-base
reaction reduce the Sulphur in H2SO4 from +6 to + 4 in SO2
Observations: White steamy fumes of
Acid- base step: NaBr(s) + H SO (l) NaHSO (s) + HBr(g) HBr are evolved.
2 4 4
Redox step: 2HBr + H2SO4 Br2(g) + SO2(g) + 2H2O(l) Red fumes of Bromine are also evolved
and a colourless, acidic gas SO2
Ox ½ equation 2Br - Br2 + 2e-
Re ½ equation H2SO4 + 2 H+ + 2 e- SO2 + 2 H2O Reduction product = sulphur dioxide
Note the H2SO4 plays the role of acid in the first step producing HBr and then
acts as an oxidising agent in the second redox step.
I- ions are the strongest halide reducing agents. They can reduce the Sulphur from +6 in
H2SO4 to + 4 in SO2, to 0 in S and -2 in H2S.
Note the H2SO4 plays the role of acid in the first step producing HI and then
acts as an oxidising agent in the three redox steps
N Goalby 18
More on Insoluble salts and Precipitation reactions
Insoluble salts can be made by mixing appropriate solutions of ions so that a precipitate is formed
Barium nitrate (aq) + sodium sulfate (aq) Barium Sulfate (s) + sodium nitrate (aq)
These are called precipitation reactions. A precipitate is a solid
There are some common rules for solubility of salts. No syllabus requires these to be learnt but a good
chemist does know them.
Soluble salts Insoluble salts
All sodium, potassium and ammonium salts
All nitrates
Most chlorides, bromides, iodides Silver, lead chlorides, bromides iodides
Most sulfates Lead sulfate strontium and barium sulfate
Sodium, potassium and ammonium Most other carbonates
Sodium, potassium and ammonium Most other hydroxides
When making an insoluble salt, normally the salt would be removed by filtration, washed with distilled
water to remove soluble impurities and then dried on filter paper
paper Buchner
Filter Filter paper
Buchner flask (has
Air outlet to
thicker glass walls than
water pump
a normal flask to cope
filtrate with the vacuum )
For both types of filtration apparatus AQA expect filter paper to be drawn on the diagram
We usually write ionic equations to show precipitation Spectator ions are ions that are
reactions. Ionic equations only show the ions that are • Not changing state
reacting and leave out spectator ions. • Not changing oxidation number
Take full equation Ba(NO3)2 (aq) + Na2SO4 (aq) BaSO4 (s) + 2 NaNO3 (aq)
Separate (aq) solutions into Ba2+(aq) + 2NO3-(aq) + 2Na+ (aq)+ SO42-(aq) BaSO4(s) + 2 Na+(aq)+ 2NO3- (aq)
N Goalby 19
CORE PRACTICAL 7+15: Analysis of some organic unknowns
Tests for alcohol, aldehyde, alkene and carboxylic acid
Functional group test for an Alkene
To 0.5 cm3 of bromine water in a test tube add a few drops of the unknown and shake.
Observation: alkenes should decolourise bromine water
Tollen’s Reagent
Reagent: Tollen’s Reagent formed by mixing aqueous ammonia and silver
nitrate. The active substance is the complex ion of [Ag(NH 3)2]+ .
Conditions: heat gently
Reaction: aldehydes only are oxidised by Tollen’s reagent into a carboxylic
acid and the silver(I) ions are reduced to silver atoms
Observation: with aldehydes, a silver mirror forms coating the inside of the
test tube. Ketones result in no change.
Place 1 cm3 of silver nitrate solution in each of two clean boiling tubes.
Then add one drop of sodium hydroxide solution to form a precipitate of
silver oxide. Add ammonia solution dropwise until a clear, colourless
solution is formed. Add a few drops of the unknown and leave in the
water bath for a few minutes.
Fehling’s solution
Reagent: Fehling’s Solution containing blue Cu 2+ ions. Fehling's solution method
Conditions: heat gently Place 1 cm3 of Fehling's A into each of
two boiling tubes, and then add Fehling's
Reaction: aldehydes only are oxidised by Fehling’s Solution
into a carboxylic acid and the copper (II) ions are B until the blue precipitate redissolves.
reduced to copper(I) oxide . Add a few drops of the unknown and
Observation: Aldehydes :Blue Cu 2+ ions in solution change leave in the water bath for a few
to a red precipitate of Cu2O. Ketones do not react minutes.
N Goalby 20
Reaction of carbonyls with iodine in presence of alkali
Reagents: Iodine and sodium hydroxide Only carbonyls with a methyl group next to the O
Conditions: warm very gently C=O bond will do this reaction. Ethanal is the
only aldehyde that reacts. More commonly is H3C C H
The product CHI3 is a yellow crystalline methyl ketones.
precipitate with an antiseptic smell
N Goalby 21
CORE PRACTICAL 8: To determine the enthalpy change of a reaction using Hess’s Law
Measuring the Enthalpy Change for a Reaction Experimentally
Calorimetric method This equation will only give the
energy for the actual quantities
For a reaction in solution we use the following equation used. Normally this value is
converted into the energy
energy change = mass of solution x heat capacity x temperature change
change per mole of one of the
Q (J) = m (g) x cp (J g-1K-1) x T ( K) reactants. (The enthalpy change
of reaction, H)
Calorimetric method
One type of experiment is one in which substances are mixed This could be a solid dissolving or reacting in a
in an insulated container and the temperature rise measured. solution or it could be two solutions reacting
General method
washes the equipment (cup and pipettes etc) with the solutions to be used
dry the cup after washing
put polystyrene cup in a beaker for insulation and support
Measure out desired volumes of solutions with volumetric pipettes and transfer to
insulated cup
clamp thermometer into place making sure the thermometer bulb is immersed in
measure the initial temperatures of the solution or both solutions if 2 are used. Do this
every minute for 2-3 minutes
At minute 3 transfer second reagent to cup. If a solid reagent is used then add the
solution to the cup first and then add the solid weighed out on a balance.
If using a solid reagent then use ‘before and after’ weighing method
stirs mixture (ensures that all of the solution is at the same temperature)
Record temperature every minute after addition for several minutes
N Goalby 22
Calculating the enthalpy change of reaction, Hr from experimental data
The heat capacity of water is 4.18
General method J g-1K-1. In any reaction where the
reactants are dissolved in water
1. Using q= m x cp x T calculate energy change for quantities used we assume that the heat capacity
is the same as pure water.
2. Work out the moles of the reactants used
3. Divide q by the number of moles of the reactant not in excess to give H Also assume that the solutions
have the density of water, which is
4. Add a sign and unit (divide by a thousand to convert Jmol -1 to kJmol-1
1g cm-3. Eg 25cm3 will weigh 25 g
Example 3. Calculate the enthalpy change of reaction for the reaction where 25.0cm3 of 0.20M
copper sulphate was reacted with 0.01mol (excess of zinc). The temperature increased 7.0oC .
Step 1: Calculate the energy change for the amount of reactants in the test tube.
Q = m x cp x T Note the mass is the mass of the copper sulphate
Q = 25 x 4.18 x 7 solution only. Do not include mass of zinc powder.
Q = 731.5 J
moles of CuSO4 = conc x vol If you are not told what is in excess, then you need to work
= 0.2 x 25/1000 out the moles of both reactants and work out using the
= 0.005 mol balanced equation which one is in excess.
Step 3 : calculate the enthalpy change per mole which is often called H (the enthalpy change of reaction)
H = Q/ no of moles
= 731.5/0.005
= 146300 J mol-1
= 146 kJ mol-1 to 3 sf
Remember in these
Finally add in the sign to represent the energy change: if temp increases the questions: sign, unit
reaction is exothermic and is given a minus sign e.g. –146 kJ mol-1
Example 4. 25.0cm3 of 2.0M HCl was neutralised by 25.0cm3 of 2.0M NaOH. The Temperature increased 13.5oC
What was the energy change per mole of HCl?
Step 1: Calculate the energy change for the amount of reactants in the test tube.
Q = m x cp x T
Note the mass equals the mass of acid + the
Q = 50 x 4.18 x13.5 mass of alkali, as they are both solutions.
Q = 2821.5 J
Step 3 : calculate H the enthalpy change per mole which might be called the enthalpy change of neutralisation
H = Q/ no of moles
= 2821.5/0.05 Remember in these
= 564300 J mol-1 Exothermic and so is given a minus sign questions: sign, unit,
= -56.4 kJ mol-1 to 3 sf
N Goalby
Often Hess’s law cycles are used to measure the enthalpy change for a reaction that cannot be measured directly by
experiments. Instead alternative reactions are carried out that can be measured experimentally.
H reaction + 11kJmol-1 = -66.1 kJ mol-1 Instead both salts are dissolved in excess water
H reaction= -66.1 - 11 to form a solution of copper sulphate. The
temperature changes can be measured for
= -77.1 kJ mol-1
these reactions.
Detailed method for measuring enthalpy change of solution of anhydrous copper(II) sulfate
1. Weigh out between 3.90 g and 4.10 g of anhydrous copper(II) sulfate in a dry weighing bottle. The precise mass
should be recorded.
2. Using a volumetric pipette, place 25 cm3 of deionised water into a polystyrene cup and record its temperature at the
beginning (t=0), start the timer and then record the temperature again every minute, stirring the liquid continuously.
3. At the fourth minute, add the powdered anhydrous copper(II) sulfate rapidly to the water in the polystyrene cup and
continue to stir, but do not record the temperature.
4. Reweigh the empty weighing bottle
5. At the fifth minute and for every minute up to 15 minutes, stir and record the temperature of the solution in the
polystyrene cup.
6. Plot a graph of temperature (on the y-axis) against time. Draw two separate best fit lines; one, which joins the points
before the addition, and one, which joins the points after the addition, extrapolating both lines to the fourth minute.
7. Use your graph to determine the temperature change at the fourth minute, which theoretically should have
occurred immediately on addition of the solid.
8. Using q= m x cp x T calculate energy change
= 20 x 4.18 x T
9. Calculate Hsolution by dividing q by number of moles of anhydrous copper(II) sulfate in mass added
The above method is then repeated using hydrated copper sulfate. The two Hsolution can then be used to calculate
the H for the enthalpy change of forming a hydrated salt as in the example above
N Goalby 24
Measuring Enthalpies of Combustion using Flame Calorimetry
Example 5. Calculate the enthalpy change of combustion for the reaction where 0.65g of propan-1-ol was
completely combusted and used to heat up 150g of water from 20.1 to 45.5 oC
Q = m x cp x T
Note the mass in this equation is the mass of water in
Q = 150 x 4.18 x 25.4
the calorimeter and not the alcohol
Q = 15925.8 J
Step 3 : calculate the enthalpy change per mole which is called Hc (the enthalpy change of combustion)
H = Q/ no of moles
= 15925.8/0.01083
= 1470073 J mol-1
= 1470 kJ mol-1 to 3 sf
Remember in these
Finally add in the sign to represent the energy change: if temp increases the
questions: sign, unit
reaction is exothermic and is given a minus sign eg –1470 kJ mol-1
N Goalby 25
CORE PRACTICAL 9: Finding the Ka value for a weak acid – titration curves
Constructing a pH curve
1. Transfer 25cm3 of acid to a conical flask with a volumetric Calibrate meter first by measuring known pH of a
pipette buffer solution. This is necessary because pH meters
2. Measure initial pH of the acid with a pH meter can lose accuracy on storage.
3. Add alkali in small amounts (2cm3) noting the volume Most pH probes are calibrated by putting probe in a
added set buffer (often pH 4) and pressing a calibration
4. Stir mixture to equalise the pH button/setting for that pH. Sometimes this is
5. Measure and record the pH to 1 d.p. repeated with a second buffer at a different pH
6. Repeat steps 3-5 but when approaching endpoint add in
Can also improve accuracy by maintaining
smaller volumes of alkali
constant temperature
7. Add until alkali in excess
25 cm3 of base
Weak acid – Strong base e.g. CH3CO2H and NaOH Half neutralisation volume
At the start the pH rises quickly and then levels off. The For weak acids
flattened part is called the buffer region and is formed because [H+ (aq)][A- (aq)]
a buffer solution is made Ka=
[HA (aq)]
At ½ the neutralisation volume
13 the [HA] = [A-]
½V V cm3 of base
N Goalby 26
CORE PRACTICAL 10: Investigating some electrochemical cells
• Clean the zinc and copper foils with emery before use. Salt bridge
Degrease the metal using some cotton wool and copper
propanone. electrode
• Place the copper strip into a 100 cm3 beaker with
about 50 cm3 of 1 mol dm–3 CuSO4 solution.
• Place the zinc strip into a 100 cm3 beaker with about
50 cm3 of 1 mol dm–3 ZnSO4 solution. 1M zinc copper
• Use a strip of filter paper soaked in saturated sulphate sulphate
potassium nitrate solution for the salt bridge solution solution
• Connect the Cu(s)|Cu2+ (aq) and Zn(s)|Zn2+ (aq) half-
cells by connecting the metals using the crocodile clips
and leads provided to the voltmeter
Salt Bridge
The salt bridge is used to connect up the circuit. The free moving ions conduct the charge.
A salt bridge is usually made from a piece of filter paper (or material) soaked in a salt solution, usually Potassium Nitrate.
It can also be a glass U tube containing a salt solution plugged with cotton wool
The salt should be unreactive with the electrodes and electrode solutions.. E.g. potassium chloride would not be suitable
for copper systems because chloride ions can form complexes with copper ions.
A wire is not used because the metal wire would set up its own electrode system with the solutions.
Pt electrode
Salt bridge
Method copper KNO3 (aq)
If one or both of the half cells do not contain a electrode
conducting metal, we must use an inert platinum
Set up a copper half cell using a similar
arrangement to the previous one. Combine it
with a Fe2+/Fe3+ half-cell with a platinum 1M
electrode. copper
The half cell should have a mixture of acidified sulphate
1.0M iron(II) sulphate solution and an equal
volume of 0.5M iron(III) sulphate solution as the 1M FeSO4 and 0.5 M Fe2(SO4)3
electrolyte. Use a fresh salt bridge.
Note: in the electrode system containing two solutions it is
A platinum electrode is used because it is necessary to use a platinum electrode and both ion solutions must
unreactive and can conduct electricity be of a 1M concentration so [Fe2+] = 1M and [Fe3+] = 1M .
N Goalby 27
CORE PRACTICAL 11: Redox titration
Manganate Redox Titrations The purple colour of manganate can make it
The redox titration between Fe2+ with MnO4– (purple) is a very common difficult to see the bottom of meniscus in
exercise. This titration is self indicating because of the significant colour the burette.
change from reactant to product. If the manganate is in the burette then the end
point of the titration will be the first permanent
MnO4-(aq) + 8H+ (aq) + 5Fe2+ (aq) Mn2+ (aq) + 4H2O (l) + 5Fe3+ (aq) pink colour.
Purple colourless Colourless purple
It cannot be conc HCl as the Cl- ions would be oxidised to Cl2 by MnO4- as the Eo MnO4-/Mn2+ > Eo Cl2/Cl-
MnO4-(aq) + 8H+(aq) + 5e– Mn2+ (aq) + 4H2O(l) E+1.51V
Cl2(aq) +2e– 2Cl–(aq) E +1.36V
This would lead to a greater volume of manganate being used and poisonous Cl 2 being produced.
N Goalby 28
Other useful manganate titrations
With hydrogen peroxide
Ox H2O2 O2 + 2H+ + 2e-
Red MnO4-(aq) + 8H+(aq) + 5e- Mn2+ (aq) + 4H2O The reaction between MnO4- and
Overall 2MnO4-(aq) + 6H+(aq) + 5H2O2 5O2 + 2Mn2+ (aq) + 8H2O C2O42- is slow to begin with (as the
With ethanedioate reaction is between two negative
ions). To do as a titration the conical
Ox C2O42- 2CO2 + 2e-
flask can be heated to 60o C to
Red MnO4-(aq) + 8H+(aq) + 5e- Mn2+ (aq) + 4H2O
speed up the initial reaction.
Overall 2MnO4-(aq) + 16H+(aq) + 5C2O42-(aq) 10CO2(g) + 2Mn2+(aq) + 8H2O(l)
With Iron (II) ethanedioate both the Fe2+ and the C2O42- react with the MnO4-
1MnO4- reacts with 5Fe2+ and 2 MnO4- reacts with 5C2O42-
EDTA titrations
The formation of the stable EDTA complex with metal ions can with the choice of suitable indicator be done in a
quantitative titration.
[Cu(H2O)6]2+ + EDTA4- [Cu(EDTA)]2- + 6H2O Always the same 1:1 ratio with any metal ion
N Goalby 29
Core practical 12: Prepare a transition metal complex
1. Add 1.5 g of hydrated copper(II) sulfate to weighing The mass of the copper(II) sulfate is the
bottle and measure the combined mass. difference between the two masses.
2. Transfer the copper (II) sulfate to a test tube and
measure the mass of the empty weighing bottle.
3. Add 4 cm3 of water to the test tube
4. Place the test tube in the water bath (a beaker with
freshly boiled water).
5. Stir gently to dissolve the copper(II) sulfate.
6. Remove the test tube containing copper(II) sulfate
solution from the water bath
7. In a fume cupboard, add 2 cm3 of concentrated
ammonia solution to the copper(II) sulfate solution Concentrated ammonia is corrosive.
8. Pour the contents of the test tube into a beaker Use in a fume cupboard and wear
containing 6 cm3 of ethanol. Stir well and cool the gloves
mixture in an ice bath.
9. Using a Buchner funnel and flask, filter the crystals.
Wash the test tube with some cold ethanol and add
the washings to the Buchner funnel. Finally, rinse the
crystals with a little cold ethanol.
10. Scrape the crystals onto a fresh piece of filter paper
and cover with a second piece of filter paper and Buchner
press to dry the crystals. funnel
11. Measure the mass of the dry crystals Filter paper
Buchner flask (has
Air outlet to
thicker glass walls than
water pump
a normal flask to cope
with the vacuum )
If the crystals are not dried properly the mass will be larger
than expected which can lead to a percentage yield >100%
N Goalby 30
Investigating rates of reaction
Techniques to investigate rates of reaction
There are several different methods for measuring reactions rates. Some reactions can be measured
in several ways
measurement of the change in volume of a gas
This works if there is a change in the number of moles of
gas in the reaction. Using a gas syringe is a common
way of following this.
Titrating samples of reaction mixture with acid, alkali, sodium thiosulphate etc
Small samples are removed from the reaction mixture, quenched (which
stops the reaction) and the titrated with a suitable reagent.
HCOOCH3(aq) + NaOH(aq) HCOONa(aq) + CH3OH(aq) The NaOH could be titrated with an acid
BrO3 –(aq) + 5Br –(aq) + 6H+(aq) 3Br2(aq) + 3H2O(l) The H+ could be titrated with an alkali
CH3COCH3(aq) + I2(aq) → CH3COCH2I(aq) + H+(aq) + I–(aq) The I2 could be titrated with sodium
If one of the reactants or products is coloured H2O2(aq) + 2I- (aq) + 2H+(aq) 2H2O(l) + I2(aq)
then colorimetry can be used to measure the
change in colour of the reacting mixtures The I2 produced is a brown solution
N Goalby 31
General: Measuring the rate of reaction: by an continuous monitoring method
The gradient represents the rate of reaction. The reaction is
fastest at the start where the gradient is steepest. The rate
drops as the reactants start to get used up and their
concentration drops. The graph will eventual become
horizontal and the gradient becomes zero which represents
the reaction having stopped.
Typical Method
The initial rate is the rate at the start of the • Measure 50 cm3 of the 1.0 mol dm–3 hydrochloric acid
reaction, where it is fastest. It is obtained by taking and add to conical flask.
the gradient of a continuous monitoring conc vs • Set up the gas syringe in the stand
time graph at time = zero. A measure of initial rate • Weigh 0.20 g of magnesium.
is preferable as we know the concentrations at the • Add the magnesium ribbon to the conical flask, place the
start of the reaction bung firmly into the top of the flask and start the timer.
• Record the volume of hydrogen gas collected every 15
seconds for 3 minutes.
N Goalby 32
CORE PRACTICAL 13a: Rates of reaction: Following the rate of the iodine propanone
reaction by a titrimetric method
Propanone reacts with iodine in acidic solution (the acid is a catalyst) as shown in the equation
CH3COCH3(aq) + I2(aq) → CH3COCH2I(aq) + H+(aq) + I–(aq)
This reaction can be followed by removing small samples from the reaction mixture with a
volumetric pipette. The sample is then quenched by adding excess sodium hydrogencarbonate to
neutralize acid catalyst which stops the reaction. Then the sample can be titrated with sodium
thiosulphate using a starch catalyst
[I2] This reaction is zero order with respect to I2 but 1st order
with respect to the propanone and acid catalyst
The rate determining step of this reaction must therefore contain one propanone molecule and one H+ ion
forming an intermediate. The iodine will be involved in a subsequent faster step.
Detailed Method
1. To a beaker add 25 cm3 of 1 mol dm−3 aqueous propanone and 25 cm3 of 1 mol dm−3 sulfuric acid.
2. Add 50 cm3 of 0.02 mol dm− 3 iodine solution. Start the clock swirl the beaker well to mix.
3. Using a 10cm3 pipette, withdraw a sample of the mixture and transfer it to a conical flask.
4. Add a spatula measure of sodium hydrogencarbonate (This stops the reaction). Record the time at which the sodium
hydrogencarbonate is added.
5. Titrate the iodine present in the conical flask with 0.01 mol dm − 3 sodium thiosulfate solution. When the colour
turns a pale yellow add the starch indicator. The end point is then when the mixture goes from blue to colourless.
6 Every 5 minutes withdraw another 10 cm3 sample and repeat steps 4 and 5
This method allows the order with respect to Iodine to be calculated because the propanone and
acid are in large excess so their concentrations do not change during the reaction
N Goalby 33
CORE PRACTICAL 13b: Rates of reaction: clock Reaction
The initial rate can be calculated from taking the Initial rate can also be calculated from clock reactions
gradient of a continuous monitoring conc vs time where the time taken to reach a fixed concentration is
graph at time = zero measured.
Detailed method
• Put each of the chemicals in the table in separate burettes.
• In each experiment, measure out required volumes of the potassium iodide, sodium thiosulphate, starch and
water into a small conical flask from the burettes
• Measure the hydrogen peroxide into a test tube
• Pour the hydrogen peroxide from the test tube into the conical flaks and immediately start the timer. Stir the
• Time until the first hint of blue/ black colour appears
1 25 1 20 5 5 10
2 25 1 15 10 5
3 25 1 10 15 5 10
4 25 1 5 20 5 10
5 25 1 0 25 5 10
Normally to work out the rate equation we do a series of experiments where the initial concentrations of reactants are
changed (one at a time) and measure the initial rate each time.
Working out rate order graphically
In an experiment where the concentration of one of
log (rate)
BrO3– + 5Br– + 6H+ 3Br2 + 3H2O The Bromine produced in the first reaction reacts with the phenol. When
the phenol is used up, the bromine is no longer removed. The bromine
C6H5OH + 3Br2 → C6H2Br3OH + 3HBr then bleaches the methyl red indicator at the ‘end of the reaction’
Detailed Method
1. Pipette 10 cm3 of phenol solution and 10 cm3 of bromide/bromate solution into a boiling tube.
2. Add a few drops of methyl red indicator to the mixture.
3. Into a second boiling tube pipette 5 cm3 of sulfuric acid.
4. Place the two boiling tubes in a water bath at temperature 20oC.
5. When the substances have reached the water temperature, mix the contents into one of the boiling tubes and
swirl. Start the stop clock.
6. Place the boiling tube containing the reaction mixture in the water bath.
7. Stop the clock when the methyl red indicator disappears.
8. Repeat the experiment at 30,40 50 60oC
In this experiment rate is 1/time where the time is the time taken for the indicator to change colour.
This is an approximation for initial rate of reaction as it does not include the change in concentration term. We can use
this because we can assume the amount of phenol used in each experiment is the same and constant. The change in
concentration is therefore the same for each experiment so only the time taken to reach this concentration is relevant.
Gradient = - Ea/ R
k is proportional to the rate of reaction so ln k can be
replaced by ln(rate)
Ea = - gradient x R
From plotting a graph of ln(rate) or ln k against 1/T the
activation energy can be calculated from measuring the
gradient of the line
Example 9 1/T
0.0029 0.003 0.0031 0.0032 0.0033 0.0034
Temperature time t -1.6
T (K) 1/T (s) 1/t Ln (1/t) x1,y1
297.3 0.003364 53 0.018868 -3.9703 -2.1
310.6 0.00322 24 0.041667 -3.1781
ln (Rate)
gradient = y2-y1 The gradient should
x2-x1 always be -ve -4.1
N Goalby 35
Preparation of a pure organic solid and test of its purity
Step Reason
1. Dissolve the impure compound in a minimum volume An appropriate solvent is one which will dissolve both
of hot (near boiling) solvent. compound and impurities when hot and one in which the
compound itself does not dissolve well when cold.
The minimum volume is used to obtain saturated
solution and to enable crystallisation on cooling
2. Hot filter solution through (fluted) filter paper quickly. This step will remove any insoluble impurities and heat
will prevent crystals reforming during filtration
3. Cool the filtered solution by inserting beaker in ice Crystals will reform but soluble impurities will remain in
solution form because they are present in small quantities
so solution is not saturated. Ice will increase the yield of
4. Suction filtrate with a Buchner flask to separate out The water pump connected to the Buchner flask reduces
crystals the pressure and speeds up the filtration.
5 Wash the crystals with distilled water To remove soluble impurities
If the crystals are not dried properly the mass will be larger buchner flask
than expected which can lead to a percentage yield >100%
N Goalby 36
16. Core activity: The preparation of aspirin
Detailed method for Preparation of Aspirin Aspirin is made from 2-hydroxybenzoic
O acid which contains a phenol group. In the
reaction the phenol group is turned into an
ester by reacting it with the reactive
+ O O C CH3 + CH CO H
3 2
ethanoic anhydride
O Aspirin Ethanoic anhydride is used instead of
Add to a 50 cm3 pear-shaped flask 2.0 g of 2-hydroxybenzoic acid and acid chlorides because it is cheaper, less
4 cm3 of ethanoic anhydride. corrosive, less vulnerable to hydrolysis,
To this mixture add 5 drops of 85% phosphoric(v) acid and swirl to and less dangerous to use.
mix, Fit the flask with a reflux condenser and heat the mixture on a
The excess ethanoic anhydride will
boiling water bath for about 5 minutes. Without cooling the mixture,
hydrolyse and the contents of the flask
carefully add 2 cm3 of water in one portion down the condenser.
will boil.
When the vigorous reaction has ended, pour the mixture into 40 cm 3
of cold water in a 100 cm3 beaker, stir and rub the sides of the beaker
with a stirring rod necessary to induce crystallisation and, finally,
allow the mixture to stand in ice bath to complete crystallisation.
Collect the product by suction filtration and wash it with a little water.
Now add the nitrating mixture drop by drop from a dropping pipette to
the solution of methyl benzoate. Stir the mixture with a thermometer and The temperature is kept low at this
keep the temperature below 10 °C. When the addition is complete, allow stage to prevent multiple
the mixture to stand at room temperature for another 15 minutes. substitution of nitro groups on the
After this time, pour the reaction mixture on to about 25 g of crushed ice benzene ring
and stir until all the ice has melted and crystalline methyl 3-nitrobenzoate
has formed.
Then use same purification method as in aspirin above
N Goalby 37
Measuring melting point
One way of testing for the degree of purity is to determine the melting
“point”, or melting range, of the sample.
Thermometer with
If the sample is very pure then the melting point will be a capillary tube
sharp one, at the same value as quoted in data books. strapped to it
containing sample
If impurities are present (and this can include solvent from the
recrystallisation process) the melting point will be lowered and the Heating oil- needs to
sample will melt over a range of several degrees Celsius have boiling point
higher than samples
melting point and low
Melting point can be measured in an electronic melting point machine or flammability
by using a practical set up where the capillary tube is strapped to a
thermometer immersed in some heating oil.
In both cases a small amount of the sample is put into a capillary tube. The
tube is heated up and is heated slowly near the melting point
Comparing an experimentally determined melting point value
with one quoted in a data source will verify the degree of
Sometimes an error may occur if the temperature
on the thermometer is not the same as the
temperature in the actual sample tube.
Steam distillation in
Solvent extraction
N Goalby 38
Separation of species by thin-layer chromatography
N Goalby 39
Practical: Working out equilibrium constant Kc
A common experiment is working out the equilibrium constant for an esterification reaction. Ethanol and
ethanoic acid are mixed together with a sulphuric acid catalyst.
Part 1 Preparing the equilibrium mixture
1 Use burettes to prepare a mixture in boiling tube of carboxylic acid, alcohol, and dilute sulfuric acid.
2 Swirl and bung tube. Leave the mixture to reach equilibrium for one week
The sodium hydroxide will react with the sulphuric acid catalyst and any unreacted carboxylic acid in the
equilibrium mixture
There are many different calculations that can be based on this experiment. Let’s
look at general stages. Not all calculations will use all the stages.
Working out equilibrium amount of moles of acid present from the titre results
39.0 cm3 of 0.400 mol dm-3 sodium hydroxide was used in the above titration. The initial moles of sulphuric acid
was 5x10-4 mol. Calculate the moles of ethanoic acid present at equilibrium
Total mol acid present = moles of carboxylic acid + moles of acid catalyst
So X 2 because H2SO4
Amount of carboxylic acid at equilibrium = 0.156 – (5x10-4 x 2) has 2 H+
= 0.155 mol
The pink colour of the phenolphthalein in the titration can fade after the end-point of the titration has been reached
because the addition of sodium hydroxide may make the equilibrium shift towards the reactants
N Goalby 40
Working out equilibrium amount of moles of other substances
Calculate the equilibrium amount of ethanol, ethyl ethanoate and water if there were initially 0.400 mol of
ethanol and 0.500 mol of ethanoic acid and at equilibrium there were 0.155 mol of ethanoic acid.
Kc = [CH3CO2CH2CH3 ] [H2O]
In order to confirm that one week was sufficient time for equilibrium to be established in the mixture
from Part 1, several mixtures could be made and left for different amount of time. If the resulting Kc is
the same value then it can be concluded the time is sufficient
If visible light of increasing frequency is passed through a Absorption of visible light is used in spectrometry to
sample of a coloured complex ion, some of the light is determine the concentration of coloured ions.
The amount of light absorbed is proportional to the method
concentration of the absorbing species (and to the distance •Add an appropriate ligand to intensify colour
travelled through the solution). •Make up solutions of known concentration
Some complexes have only pale colours and do not absorb •Measure absorption or transmission
light strongly. In these cases a suitable ligand is added to •Plot graph of absorption vs concentration
intensify the colour. •Measure absorption of unknown and compare
Spectrometers contain a coloured filter. The colour of the filter is chosen to only allow the wavelengths of light
through that would be most strongly absorbed by the coloured solution.
N Goalby 41
Autocatalytic Reaction between Ethanedioate and Manganate ions
Potassium manganate(VII) will oxidise ethanedioic acid (oxalic acid) to carbon
dioxide and water, in the presence of an excess of acid:
2MnO4-(aq) + 6H+ (aq) + 5(CO2H)2 (aq) 2Mn2+ (aq) +10CO2 (g) + 8H2O (I)
Detailed method
1. Prepare a reaction mixture according to the table, using Solution Mixture 1 Mixture 2
measuring cylinders. 0.2 M ethanedioic acid 100cm3 100cm3
2. Some members of your group should use Mixture 1 and some 0.2 M manganese(ll)
-- 15cm3
Mixture 2. The results should then be shared. sulphate
3. Add 50 cm3 of 0.02 M potassium manganate(VII) and start timing. 1 M sulphuric acid 10 cm3 10cm3
Shake the mixture for about half a minute to mix it well. Water 90 cm3 75 cm3
4. After about a minute use a pipette to withdraw a 10.0 cm3
portion of the reaction mixture and empty into a conical flask.
5. Note the time and add about 10cm3 of 0.1 M potassium iodide
solution. This stops the reaction and releases iodine equivalent to
the remaining manganate.(VII) ions.
6. Titrate the liberated iodine with 0.01 M sodium thiosulphate,
adding a little starch solution near the end-point Record the titre
of sodium thiosulphate.
7. Remove further portions every 3 or 4 minutes and titrate them in
the same way. Continue until the titre is less than 3 cm3,
Explanation of results
The autocatalysis by Mn2+ in titrations of C2O4 2- with MnO4- This is an example of autocatalysis where one of
the products of the reaction can catalyse the
overall 2 MnO4- + 5 C2O42- + 16 H+ 2Mn2+ + 10 CO2 + 8 H2O reaction.
N Goalby 42