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Cite This: J. Agric. Food Chem. 2018, 66, 395−413 pubs.acs.org/JAFC

Emerging Chitosan-Based Films for Food Packaging Applications

Hongxia Wang, Jun Qian,* and Fuyuan Ding*
School of Printing and Packaging, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, PR China

ABSTRACT: Recent years have witnessed great developments in biobased polymer packaging films for the serious
environmental problems caused by the petroleum-based nonbiodegradable packaging materials. Chitosan is one of the most
abundant biopolymers after cellulose. Chitosan-based materials have been widely applied in various fields for their biological and
physical properties of biocompatibility, biodegradability, antimicrobial ability, and easy film forming ability. Different chitosan-
based films have been fabricated and applied in the field of food packaging. Most of the review papers related to chitosan-based
films are focusing on antibacterial food packaging films. Along with the advances in the nanotechnology and polymer science,
numerous strategies, for instance direct casting, coating, dipping, layer-by-layer assembly, and extrusion, have been employed to
prepare chitosan-based films with multiple functionalities. The emerging food packaging applications of chitosan-based films as
antibacterial films, barrier films, and sensing films have achieved great developments. This article comprehensively reviews recent
advances in the preparation and application of engineered chitosan-based films in food packaging fields.
KEYWORDS: chitosan, food packaging, antibacterial, composite film

■ INTRODUCTION packaging, and provide perspectives in the modern packaging


Currently, environment problems and food safety have caused
many concerns to the public, and green chemistry appeals to DIFFERENT CHITOSAN-BASED FILMS
many researchers. Chitosan, the derivative of chitin after
deacetylation, is a linear amino polysaccharide with D- Chitosan films have been researched for years because of their
glucosamine and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine units. Chitosan has excellent performance, especially in food industry, in relation
with the reduction of environmental impacts.8,15,16 Chitosan-
been applied in many fields, such as medicine, agriculture, food,
based films can be used as food packaging materials and extend
textile, environment, and bioengineering, due to its excellent
the shelf life of food,4,10,12 in the form of pure chitosan films,
properties of antimicrobial activity, nontoxicity, biocompati-
chitosan/biopolymer films, chitosan/synthetic polymer films,
bility, biodegradability, chelating capability, etc. chitosan derivative films, etc.

Chitosan has certain solubility in acetic acid and hydrochloric
acid, which leads to the film-forming ability. Many researchers PURE CHITOSAN FILMS
have fabricated chitosan-based films by methods, including
Chitosan can be dissolved in dilute acid solutions (e.g., acetic
casting, coating, layer-by-layer assembly, etc., and modified the
acid and hydrochloric acid), and fabricated into different
characteristics, such as antimicrobial activity, barrier property, products, like edible films.17−21 Various foods have been
antioxidant activity, mechanical property, optical property, preserved by chitosan films. The involved foods include banana,
sensing/indicating capacity, and thermal stability. Moreover, pomegranate, carrot, mango, tomato, fish, papaya, wolfberry,
they added other functional materials into chitosan to fabricate etc., with the improved storage stability after treatment.
composite films to enlarge the combinational advantages of the Moreover, these pure chitosan films have been proven to be
obtained films. The obtained films have been applied to able to delay the qualitative and nutraceutical traits changes,
different foods, e.g., meat, fruit, and vegetables, with excellent prevent the growth of microbial, keep antioxidant activity, and
preservative effects displaying the potential as an alternative prolong the shelf life.
means food packaging. The films based on conventional chitosan and submicron
Chitosan has made important progress in food packaging chitosan dispersions with diameter of 600 nm demonstrated
with the development of science and technology. Many reviews better preservation on food than that with submicron chitosan
focused on the literatures regarding overall application (before dispersions of 1000 nm.22 In addition, small amount of
the year 2000),1 antibacterial packaging films,2−9 active plasticizers, like glycerol and sorbitol, could be added to
packaging films,10 or the practical food application.11−14 In improve the strength, extendibility, flexibility, and chain
this article, we comprehensively reviewed the recent advances mobility.23−26 Also, emulsifiers or surfactant, such as Tween-
in the strategies to fabricate chitosan-based films, including 80, Tween 20, Brij 56, and Span 20, could also be added to
direct casting, coating, dipping, layer-by-layer assembly, and chitosan solution to develop films for improvement of
extrusion. Recent advances in the applications of engineered
chitosan-based films in food packaging, such as antibacterial Received: September 30, 2017
films, barrier films, and sensing films, have also been discussed. Revised: November 21, 2017
The aim of this article is to review the latest trends of materials Accepted: December 19, 2017
and methods, highlight the potential of chitosan in food Published: December 19, 2017

© 2017 American Chemical Society 395 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b04528

J. Agric. Food Chem. 2018, 66, 395−413
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

properties. Vacuum packaging was often used to combine with possessed proper properties, such as high resistance, elasticity,
pure chitosan films for preserving the food, such as swordfish, uniformity, and transparency, which were suitable for
hake, sea bass, and rainbow trout.27−29 Though these films application in food packaging.
demonstrated overall great characteristics, some films have high Alginate, a natural linear and anionic polysaccharide, is an
advantages in some aspects but low disadvantages in other attractive biopolymer for the favorable properties, such as low
aspects like weight loss, and requires special conditions like toxicity and chemical versatility. The stable complex film based
ultrasound, which may be not beneficial for the practical mass on chitosan/alginate were developed via electrostatic deposi-
application to food.30 tion of opposite charges. These charges on the chitosan/

Due to the characteristics, such as biodegradability, nontoxicity,
alginate film had a significant influence on properties, such as
contact angle, microstructure, and thermal performances.43 The
chitosan/alginate films showed excellent gas-exchange perform-
biocompatibility, etc., the naturally derived biopolymers are ance and water vapor permeability property,44 which provided
appropriate to combine with chitosan for fabricating chitosan/ the treated foods with attractive succulent appearance and high
biopolymer films. These obtained chitosan/biopolymer films, microbiological and physicochemical quality.45 Overall, chito-
with combinational properties, were widely researched for san/alginate films displayed great potential for food pack-
application in food. These biopolymers include polysaccharides, aging.42,46
proteins, extracts, organic acids, etc. Pectin is a structural polysaccharide obtained from plants.47

Polysaccharides have been reported to blend with chitosan for
Positively charged chitosan and negatively charged pectin
promoted the strong intermolecular interaction between each
other, which greatly contributed to the stable and uniform
the development of functional films. Starch, with low cost, wide film.48 The treated fresh-cut cantaloupe possessed high
availability, and biodegradability, is one of the most important physicochemical and sensory values.49 Overall, the composite
renewable polysaccharides derived from plants. Both chitosan films demonstrated desirable characteristics and permitted the
and starch have good film-forming capacities, which contribute practical application as an alternative to conventional food
to the formation of the composite film.31 These obtained films packaging film.50 Cyclodextrin has been reported to increase
exhibited reduced bacterial adhesion on the packaging, great the tensile strength of chitosan film.51 After the incorporation
antioxidant activity, and improved water vapor barrier property, of active materials or photoactive agent in chitosan/cyclo-
which proved to be promising for active packaging film.32,33 dextrin films, the enhanced antimicrobial activities and release
Cellulose has been explored by many researchers to prepare properties promoted the composite film to be used as bioactive
chitosan/cellulose films with improved mechanical property.34 food-packaging material.51−53 Many polysaccharides, including
Hydrogen bonds between nanocellulose and chitosan are the glucose, xylan, fucose, and konjac glucomannan, were also
driving forces for development of films. These obtained films studied in combination with chitosan for food packaging. For
showed excellent optical property, gas barrier property, example, the chitosan/glucose films, with enhanced antioxidant
antimicrobial property, sustainability, and bioactivity (in Figure property, effectively delayed the declines of total soluble solids,
1).35−38 The chitosan/carboxymethyl cellulose film prepared decreased decay and weight loss, suppressed respiration rate,
via electrostatic interactions proved to increase the shelf life of and ensured better berry texture and higher sensory scores of
cheese and wheat bread.39,40 Other cellulose materials can also food.54,55 These obtained biodegradable chitosan/polysacchar-
be blended with chitosan to develop composite films, such as ides films, with enhanced properties, could be exploited and
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose,24 quaternized hemicelluloses,41 applied to food packaging, as a strategy to extend the shelf life
methylcellulose, and micro fibrillated cellulose.42 These films of various food.

Many proteins, obtained from plants, animals, or micro-
organisms, could be blended with chitosan to form films with
different preprogrammed properties. Because of the presence of
special groups, these films based on chitosan/protein have
abundant functions, which promote the application in food
Proteins obtained from animals have appealed to many
researchers, because of properties like film-forming ability, high
nutritive value and biocompatibility. Caseinate, with excellent
thermoplastic and film-forming properties, could combine with
chitosan to prepare chitosan/caseinate film, through ionic
interaction, with the final film properties being improved, like
water vapor permeability.56 Collagen has attracted great
interests from researchers as a potential alternative to synthetic
polymer. After compositing with chitosan, the developed films
Figure 1. (a) Illustrations of fabrication process, (b) the nanostructure
constructed by the alternate adsorption of chitosan (CS, orange) and
obtained high thermal stability, good adhesion, and compati-
cellulose nanocrystals (CNs, gray) onto a substrate, (c) scanning bility.57 Lysozyme−chitosan films could also enhance the
electron microscopy image of the multilayer cross section with average freshness of the egg during storage, improve shell strength, and
thickness of the multilayer about 800 nm, (d) optical property of maintain the internal quality.58 Gelatin is a purified protein
coated A-PET. Reprinted with permission from ref 37. Copyright 2012 derived from collagen in the bones and skin of animals. Films
Elsevier. based on chitosan/gelatin often showed improved properties,
396 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b04528
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

Figure 2. Illustration of grafting gallic acid onto chitosan.

like mechanical properties and barrier properties against water microorganism and the suppressed synthesis of white blush and
vapor and light (e.g., UV, due to UV absorption of peptide lignin.70

bonds in the polypeptide chains).59−64 Overall, many foods
(e.g., red bell peppers) treated with chitosan−gelatin edible CHITOSAN/EXTRACTS-BASED FILMS
films showed low microbial decay, proper physicochemical and
microbiological properties, and longer shelf life.65 Extracts from bee secretions, such as beeswax and propolis,
Proteins, derived from plants, presented great promise in were also blended with chitosan to develop films for food
food preservation, due to the rich sources and low cost. packaging. Beeswax, a complex mixture with antimicrobial
Chitosan/kidney bean protein isolate complex produced less activity, is now widely used in the food industry. The
rigid and more flexible films, with high surface hydrophobicity incorporation of beeswax into chitosan films was an environ-
and low surface free energy, which were expected to work as mental-friendly alternative to control pathogenic microorgan-
antimicrobial packaging for food.66 The composite film based ism and to maintain food quality (visual appearance and
on chitosan/quinoa protein had the improved properties, such taste).73 Overall, after incorporation of extracts from bee
as mechanical and water barrier properties,67,68 which owned secretions, mechanical property, barrier performances, and
application in food. antioxidant activity of chitosan films were enhanced, though
Proteins produced from microorganisms could also play an some films demonstrated deep orange color.74,75
important role in packaging films. Nisin, an amphiphilic Extracts from plants, natural and nontoxic, have been used
cationic peptide, is often obtained from microorganisms like for decades in many fields like food preservation. As for the
Lactococcus lactis. The films based on chitosan and nisin could chitosan film, the addition of extracts from plants proved to
be favorably used for extending the shelf life of packaged significantly modify the film properties, such as antimicrobial
foods.69 ε-polylysine, naturally biodegradable and nontoxic, is a activity (including honeysuckle flower extract76 and citrus
natural food additive approved by FDA (the United States),70 extract77), antioxidant activity (including clove eugenol32 and
National Health and Family Planning Commission of the maqui berry extracts78), barrier performances (including thyme
People’s Republic of China (NHFPC),71 Ministry of Health, extract31), mechanical property (including tannic acid79),
Labour and Welfare List of Existing Food Additives (Japan),72 thermal stability (including young apple polyphenols15), and
et al. When the chitosan/ε-polylysine/nisin film was applied to color property (carvacrol80), thus obtaining the synergistic
fresh-cut carrots, the carrots showed the inhibited respiration effect of chitosan and plant extracts. Gallic acid, a promising
rate, the declined ascorbic acid, the decreased growth of functional material, could be grafted onto chitosan via
397 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b04528
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

carbodiimide by free-radical-initiated grafting (in Figure 2).81,82

Inclusion of gallic acid also significantly increased antioxidant
capacity, antimicrobial activity, and tensile strength, and
decreased water vapor permeability and oxygen permeabil-
ity,82−85 thus exhibiting promise as a good candidate for
multifunctional food packaging materials.
Essential oils, aromatic and volatile, are extracted from plant
materials. The obtained chitosan films enriched with cinnamon
oil exhibited the excellent antimicrobial and showed potential
as active food packaging film.86 Carvacrol incorporated in
chitosan films could effectively ensure the food safety, through
headspace technique or in combination with gamma irradiation
and modified atmosphere packaging.87−89 Other essential oils,
such as olive oil, buriti oil, rosemary essential oil, and oregano
essential oil, also proved to improve mechanical properties,
barrier properties, and antioxidant activity of chitosan films.90,91
These chitosan/biopolymer (including polysaccharides,
proteins and extracts) films, exhibit certain advantages, such
as the enhanced antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.34,78
The excellent protection effects on food quality, as indicated in
papers,65,70 demonstrated that these films are holding great
promise and deserve further optimization for industrialization Figure 3. Field emission scanning electron microscopy images of
in market. PLA/OLLA-g-CH (5%) bionanocomposite film (a) at 8.97 KX, (b) at

higher magnification ∼85 KX, (c) transmission electron microscopy
topography of PLA/OLLA-g-CH (5%) bionanocomposite film, and
CHITOSAN/SYNTHETIC POLYMER-BASED FILMS (d) schematic representation of interaction between matrix and lactic
Chitosan could blend with synthetic polymers to develop films, acid oligomer-grafted-chitosan nano filler. PLA, poly(lactic acid).
with improved properties and characteristics. Poly(vinyl OLLA-g-CH, lactic acid oligomer-grafted-chitosan. Reprinted with
alcohol), with good mechanical property, is a nontoxic and permission from ref 95. Copyright 2016 American Chemical Society.
water-soluble synthetic polymer. The intermolecular hydrogen
bonds between chitosan and poly(vinyl alcohol) molecules Some synthetic polymer films worked as substrates and were
promoted the fabrication of the films.92 High amounts of coated with chitosan to fabricate the composite films, with
poly(vinyl alcohol) could contribute to the plasticization, polyfunctionality and sustainability.37,102 Polyethylene films
enhance the elasticity, increase the elongation, raise tensile were coated with chitosan to introduce the antibacterial activity,
strength and improve water and oxygen barrier properties of release property, hydrophilic property and chemically reactive
the obtained films, affirming the potential as a universal ability to the films.92 The properties of obtained films could be
antimicrobial food packaging material.92,93 Also, many tuned by controlling the electrical charges of biopolymer and
researchers incorporated or immobilized some bioactive volume/concentration of chitosan.43 Chitosan could be also
materials to endow the films with special characteristics, such applied to special synthetic polymer films, such as poly-
as fire resistance and mechanical property, thus broadening the propylene film, polystyrene films, and azopolymer films, mostly
application of the chitosan/poly(vinyl alcohol) films.94 by electrostatic interaction.103−105 These films with properties
Synthetic acids could also be added into chitosan films. The like antimicrobial activity and optical activity, are promising for
chitosan/poly(lactic acid) films could be achieved by blending food packaging.
chitosan with poly(lactic acid) or adding lactic acid oligomer- It should be noted that some synthetic polymers (e.g., low
grafted-chitosan as a nanofiller to poly(lactic acid) films.95,96 density polyethylene, poly(ethylene oxide), and polystyrene)
Figure 3 shows the composite films with lactic acid oligomer- are not easy to be degraded in environment and may cause
grafted-chitosan as a nanofiller. The improvement of multiple environment problems. Though some research has done the
properties, such as tensile and thermal properties, further degradation test in soil,106 many papers have not involved the
verified the promising use of the obtained material in packaging films’ degradation in practical environment.98−100,102,103 Thus,
food.96 The films based on chitosan and synthetic acids (e.g., the environment experiment (e.g., degradation in soil) should
be attached with great importance.

salicylic acid and fumaric acid), with enhanced properties,
proved to alleviate chilling injury and preserve quality of foods,
Low density polyethylene often blended with chitosan for Chitosan, with high chelating ability, has been used to prepare
extruding into chitosan/low density polyethylene films, with different chitosan-inorganic complexes for potential use as films
promising application in food.98,99 Poly(ethylene oxide) could (Figure 4). These films often demonstrated great promises in
greatly influence hydrophobicity and thermal properties of the food packaging.
composite films.100 The addition of allyl isothiocyanate and Silver nanoparticles, with antimicrobial activities against a
polycaprolactone could also synergistically increase the wide range of pathogenic microorganisms, could be incorpo-
antibacterial effect of chitosan films.33,101 Moreover, other rated into chitosan films for active food packaging. Chitosan
synthetic polymers, such as lauric arginate ester, poly(butylene and silver nanoparticles could be homogeneously distributed in
adipate-co-terephthalate), liquid paraffin and polyethylene polymer matrix via a green chemistry methodology.104,107 The
terephthalate, could blend with chitosan, allowing a designed enhanced antibacterial activity, hydrophilic property, degrad-
flexibility of the final films. ability, biocompatibility, and nontoxicity of the films consisting
398 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b04528
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

Figure 4. Preparation of chitosan-inorganic complexes.

Figure 5. Development of different chitosan derivatives which have been used to fabricate chitosan-based films.

of silver nanoparticles and chitosan could promote the films to into chitosan to form films. The selectivity and safety
be feasibly used for edible food packaging applications.108,109 demonstrated its potential as antimicrobial films for food
Zinc oxide is another filler which can enhance the storage.114,115
physicochemical and biological properties of chitosan films. Chitosan/montmorillonite composite films has been widely
After incorporation of nano zinc oxide, antimicrobial activity, researched, for the improvement of films barrier (oxygen,
mechanical properties and transparency of composite films carbon dioxide, and water vapor).93,116−118 Some researchers
were greatly improved.110,111 The prevented growth of food found that the addition of montmorillonite in chitosan films
pathogens and the increased shelf life of food indicated that the could also enhance mechanical property and improve flame-
composite films were applicable for food application.39 retardant properties, showing benefits for new types of food
Compared with pristine chitosan, chitosan/graphene oxide packaging.119−121
films based on chemical cross-linking have the improved Silicon materials, such as silica and silicon carbide, could be
mechanical capacity and oxygen barrier property.112,113 Also added into the film matrix. There were some reports
graphene oxide and expanded graphite stacks could be added demonstrating that chitosan/nanosilica films could lower the
399 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b04528
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

Figure 6. Different methods to fabricate the chitosan-based films.

decay of food by preventing the membrane structure from 9H2O, CaCl2, CaCO3, zinc(II), and cerium(IV)) proved to
peroxidation, thus ensuring a longer storage life and offering reinforce chitosan films,34,114,125 such as thermal stability and
acceptable external and internal quality.122,123 What’s more, barrier properties.126−128 These films, with special structure due
nano silicon carbide incorporated chitosan nanocomposite films to the inorganic materials,129 could even have resistance toward
could substantially decrease oxygen barrier properties, enhance chemical materials like dilute HCl and NaOH,130 demonstrat-
thermal stability, and strengthen chemical resistance, which ing as a promising candidate for food packaging application.131
indicated the promises in food packaging.124 When incorporating inorganic materials, it is of vital
Inorganic materials (including titanium dioxide, cloisite 20A, importance to consider the application objects, even if these
nanomagnesium oxide,(Mg(NO3)2·6H2O, and Al(NO3)3· inorganic materials have exhibited excellent advantages in
400 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b04528
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

Table 1. Preparation Tools, Conditions, and Characterization of Chitosan Filmsa

CS-CCT tools DC characterization refs
1% wt% Petri dishes RT FTIR, TGA, XRD, CIE Lab, CA, MP 23
2% w/v ceramic plate 25 °C for 48 h CIE LAB, MP, FTIR 75
0.8% w/w plastic containers 40 °C for 48 h CIE LAB, MP 73
2% w/v plastic Petri plate 60 °C for 24 h XPS, DSC, SEM, AFM, XRD, UV- VIS, FTIR 53
0.4% w/v glass plate 50 °C for 12 h FTIR, TG, DTG, MP 42
0.5% w/v Teflon sheet 50 °C for 24 h UV−vis, DLSA, TEM, SEM, XRD, MP, CA 164
2% w/v glass plate RT for 72 h FTIR, XRD, SEM, MP, CIE Lab 141
2% w/w acrylic plate 45 °C for 72 h FTIR, XRD. 179
1% w/v Teflon plate 50 °C overnight XRD, SEM, SEM-EDS 108
1% w/v Petri dish 50 °C for 3−4 h XRD, FTIR, SEM, TGA, MP 120
1 wt% Petri dish RT for 72 h FTIR, TEM, SEM, XRD, EDS, CA 39
0.4% w/v Petri dish 25 °C for 72 h SEM, DSC 40
2% w/v Petri dish RT FTIR, SEM, MP 36
1% w/v glass plate overnight TEM, SEM, XRD, FTIR, EDS 35
2 wt% filter membrane 70 °C for 10 min MP, TGA, DTG, SEM, AFM, FTIR, UV−VIS 41
0.5% w/w plastic Petri dish 40 °C for 12 h FTIR, SEM, TGA, CIE LAB 48
2% w/w Petri dish 24 h at 25 °C SEM, ET, TPM, XPS, NMR 184
1% w/v polystyrene plates 40 °C for 20−24 h UV−VIS, TA 77
2% w/w Teflon plate 25 °C for 48 h SEM, FT-IR, UV−VIS, MP 31
1% w/w glass plate 23 ± 2 °C MP, FTIR, SEM 85
2% w/v silicone resin plate RT for 12 h MP, CIE LAB, UV−vis, FTIR, DSC, TGA, SEM 57
2% w/v plastic Petri dish 25 °C for 18−24 h CIE LAB, MP, FTIR 181
1.5%; 2.0% w/v polyethylene plaque 50 °C TEM, CA, XRD, SEM, MP 68
2% w/v Petri dishes 25 °C 48 h SEM, FTIR, NMR, XRD, TA, MP, CIE LAB 15
1.5% w/v Petri dishes 23−25 °C for 72 h MP, DSC, FTIR 63
1 wt% Teflon plates RT SEM, 183
2%w/v glass plates RT for 4 d CIE LAB, SEM 175
2%w/v plastic dish ∼22 °C for ∼5 d XRD, MP 93
2% w/v plastic dish 40 °C FTIR, SEM, MP, CA 174
2.7% w/v glass plate RT and VA for 48 h SEM, FTIR, TGA, XRD, DSC, MP 170
1% w/v Petri dishes RT for 72−75 h SEM 69
2 wt% glass plate 45 °C for 2 d TEM, XRD, FTIR, MP, DSC, MCC, SEM, LRS 94
5% w/w silicon Petri dish RT for 24 h UV, XRD, SEM, TEM 107
1.0 wt% glass plate RT XPS, NMR, XRD, TEM, SEM, DMA 113
2% w/v Petri dish 40 °C for 8 h FTIR, XRD, SEM 119
1.5% w/w polystyrene plate 37 °C for 48 h CIE LAB, DTG, UV−VIS, TEM, XRD 104
1% w/v glass Petri dishes 50 °C for 4 d XRD, FE-SEM, TGA, FTIR, UV 126
5% w/v Teflon pane 50 °C FTIR, XRD, SEM, TGA 139
1% w/v Petri dish 20 °C for 48 h SEM, CIE LAB, MP 180
2% w/v multiwall plate 45 °C FTIR, DSC, SEM, XRD 135
Abbreviation: chitosan concentration, CS-CCT; drying conditions, DC; room temperature, RT; mechanical properties, MP; differential scanning
calorimetry, DSC; microscale combustion colorimeter, MCC; scanning electron microscope, SEM; laser Raman spectroscopy, LRS; contact angle,
CA; thermogravimetric, TG; derivative thermogravimetric, DTG; dynamic light scattering analysis, DLSA; two-photon microscopy, TPM; color
measurement, CIE Lab; thermal properties, TP; vacuum, VA; microscale combustion colorimeter, MCC.

packaging. Inorganic materials may be beneficial to one object tion.134 What’s more, chitosan could be blended with chitosan
but unsuitable for other objects. For example, Cu-chitosan derivatives for fabricating edible films.
coating films could enhance seedling growth in maize by Chitooligosaccharides have appealed to many researchers.
mobilizing reserved food,132 but copper-free chitosan films Some researchers developed chitosan/chitooligosaccharide-
demonstrated better results in terms of overall flavor and based films and found that chitooligosaccharide could increase
appearance of fruit in comparison with the copper-loaded the inhibitory effect against microorganisms.135 On the other
films.133 hand, the water vapor permeability had not been significantly

affected, which demonstrated the possible method to obtain a
more insoluble chitosan film with high antimicrobial activity.
Wu et al. also prepared the composite films to store white
FILMS shrimp.136 The white shrimp showed lower metamorphism,
With large amounts of amino and hydroxyl groups, chitosan high sensory scores, and long shelf life during storage.
could be modified into chitosan derivatives (Figure 5). These Quaternization of chitosan could improve antibacterial
chitosan derivatives not only have the properties of chitosan, activity.137 Some authors coated quaternized chitosan onto
but also have additional characteristics due to the modifica- poly(vinyl fluoride) and metal substrates through electrostatic
401 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b04528
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

interaction.138 The films were noncytotoxic with high killing time, the drying conditions are relatively mild and the process
efficacy against microbial, demonstrating great potential for needs little complicated operation.
developing large-scale, stable coating films. Hu et al. fabricated Two-step casting technique was also efficient in preparing
quaternized chitosan (2-N-Hydroxypropyl-3- trimethylammo- the films.142 After fucose-rich exopolysaccharide solution was
nium chloride chitosan)/carboxymethyl cellulose blend film, cast and dried with adhesive surface, the chitosan solution was
with improved tensile strength, thermostability, and water cast on the top of it. The excellent properties, especially barrier
resistance.139 The treated bananas showed low decay and to gases, imparted the dense and homogeneous films the
excellent sensory quality. Wan et al. developed three types potential in packaging low-moisture products. Also, some
quaternized chitosans, i.e., N-(2-hydroxyl) propyl-3-trimethy- researchers prepared green and biodegradable composite films
lammonium chitosan chloride, N-(2-hydroxyl) propyl-3- with novel antimicrobial performance by casting and
triethylammonium chitosan chloride, and O-(2-hydroxyl) immersing.143 The process includes: (1) cellulose solution
propyl-3-trimethylammonium chitosan chloride.18 The films was cast on a glass plate; (2) the obtained films were then
based on the three types of chitosan showed excellent immersed into coagulation bath containing 5% (w/v) H2SO4 to
antioxidant potency and displayed the application possibility regenerate for 10 min and was immersed into 5 wt% Na5IO6
in food field. solution in succession for different time; (3) the films were then
Chitin, with film-forming ability, could blend with chitosan to immersed into 2.5 wt% chitosan solution to form the composite
form films with special properties like lower oxygen films. The composite films had better preservation effect than
permeability.140 Jafari et al. added the chitin nanofiber into traditional polyethylene wraps.
chitosan films based on affinity interaction.141 The mechanical Overall, these cast films with programmed formulations often
and barrier properties of the obtained films were significantly showed the enhanced properties. The application to food also
enhanced. showed that the obtained films held promise as a packaging film
At present, the types of chitosan derivatives applied to food for ensuring the safety of the food, maintaining the quality and
are not much, and more chitosan derivatives with special prolonging the shelf life. In addition to the excellent properties,
functions should be explored. Though chitosan derivatives have some cast chitosan-based films had defects and disadvantages.
been produced and applied to film, the production process Though the cast films demonstrated some excellent properties,
should be further simplified and the byproducts should be the addition of the special materials could lead to the decrease
minimized.18 Also, toxicity test should be considered, which is a in Young’s modulus for cast films with several layers.38,39,53
paramount process before applying to practical market.18,139 Thus, the film formulations should be designed properly, and

combined methods should be carried out to improve the
comprehensive properties.

Many methods were studied to prepare chitosan-based films to
Coating is often applied to prepare the chitosan-based thin
meet the needs of food applications.17,97,129 In terms of films on the surface of objects or immobilizing functional
operation, the current fabrication technologies include direct polymers on the surfaces to achieve protection purposes or
casting, coating, dipping, layer-by-layer assembly, extrusion, etc., special properties.56,138,144,145 The obtained biobased films,
(Figure 6) which greatly promote the development of chitosan- with environment friendly nature, have advantages of low cost
based films in food packaging industry. and biodegradation.7,22,146,147 The films were even proven to be

Casting is often used for preparing the chitosan-based films due
an attractive alternatives to synthetic materials used in food
packaging.146 This technology, including spread-coating and
spray-coating, holds great promises in food preserva-
to its simplicity. The films were prepared in different conditions tion.88,148,149
and characterized for various properties, such as microstructure,
chemical bonds, crystallinity, color, and mechanical perform-
ance. Table 1 displays the preparation tools, drying conditions,
Spread-coating is often used to produce chitosan films with the
and characterization of chitosan films. The commonly used help of tools, like brush and spatula. It contains direct coating
instruments for casting solutions are Petri dishes, glass plates, (on the surface of food including vegetables, fruit, and meat)
plastic plates, aluminum plates, silicon supports, etc., which and indirect coating (on the surface of packaging materials).
usually decide the thickness of the uniform films. The direct coating is an effective way to limit the growth of
The preparation often has several steps: (1) dissolving microorganisms and maintain the quality of food. The direct
chitosan in acid solution with planned pH; (2) blending, coating process may involve several steps: (1) developing
compositing, or cross-linking with other functional materials at chitosan-based solutions that may contains antioxidants,
different volume or mass ratio; (3) stirring for obtaining antimicrobials, strengthening agents, etc.; (2) preparing
homogeneous viscous solution; (4) solution filtration, soni- samples with treatment such as screening, washing, cutting,
cation, or centrifugation for removing any remaining insoluble irradiating, heating and steam flash pasteurizing; (3) spreading
particles and air bubbles; (5) pouring onto level bottom (e.g., chitosan-based solutions onto food to form even films by sterile
flat polystyrene tray) with different sizes; (6) drying under spreader, brush, spatula, etc.; (4) drying in certain conditions,
programmed temperature, relative humidity, and time; (7) such as laminar-flow biohood under ventilation and drying
peeling off, specially treating (e.g., NaOH), and storing.23,75,141 tunnel; (5) packaging and storing in circumstances, including
Though some films need special equipment (e.g., desiccator vacuum oven and refrigerator. The coatings that contact the
cabinet, hot-air oven, vacuum oven, convection oven, and food surface can influence gas permeability coefficient and the
ventilated climatic chamber) for drying and require long drying antimicrobials can gradually migrate from the films onto the
402 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b04528
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

food surface, thus offering concentrated protection from the uniform films on the surface were achieved.70,144,154 The
external environmental factors. films could alleviate chilling injury, lower color variation,
The indirect coating on the surface of packaging materials is maintain better quality, and delay the decay, thus significantly
needed for the storage of final products, though the direct extending the shelf life.17,97
coating of chitosan-based solutions on food surfaces can lower Several-dipping procedures or combination with other
the number of pathogens and spoilage microorganisms. Some methods were also used to form films with several layers for
chitosan solutions, based on their binding or adhering capacity, food preservation with high overall acceptance.58,136 However,
were coated onto plastic films by methods like brushing, thus in some reports, double-dipping was more recommended than
obtaining multiple-layer functional films for food pack- three-dipping.155 Cheeses with double-dipping procedures had
aging.148,149 The coating significantly promoted antibacterial the best evaluated aroma and flavor, while the aroma and flavor
property of the plastic films. Though chitosan layer on coated of three-dipped cheeses were negatively affected.
paper did not have significant influence on the mechanical The method of dipping or immersing is easy with simple
properties, it greatly reduced the water vapor permeability of procedures, without large equipment. Also, the preservation
the paper.56 The spin-coating was also used for production of performances on food have been proven to be of high
chitosan-based multilayer films.129 Compared with pristine efficacy.70,144,154

substrate, the multilayer films had better gas barrier properties.

Spray-coating is usually achieved on food through tools, such as
The layer-by-layer (LBL) electrostatic deposition technique has
been extensively explored in biomaterial films and it aims at
compressed air-assisted sprayer, knapsack sprayer, and copper efficiently controlling the material properties and functionality.
backpack. Combination of spray-coating with other treatment It is a versatile technique for the fabrication of multicomponent
shows many advantages. The combined treatment of spraying films.34,37 It does not need any sophisticated instruments and
coating, gamma irradiation, and modified atmosphere pack- the formed films are independent of substrate shape.
aging could integrate the excellent characteristics of the three The pH is an important factor that affects the formation of
treatments, cause the decrease of microbial population and LBL films. The electrical charge could be changed by pH, which
guarantee the food safety of green beans.88 Also, combination significantly affected the deposition amount of the polymers,
of spray coating of chitosan and heat treatment proved to because more biopolymer molecules were required to
effectively improve postharvest quality and own higher neutralize the previous layer.43 The structure and properties
acceptability of wolfberries.150 Preharvest spraying coating of of the multilayer films could also be greatly influenced by
oligochitosan proved to stimulate the resistance of navel pH.105 When the pH decreased and the layer number
oranges to anthracnose.151 Though chitosan film did not alter increased, the thickness, roughness, and elastic modulus of
the ripening and the alcoholic fermentation, it had a great effect the prepared films would increase. Moreover, the high level of
on the composition (such as phenolic acids, flavanols, and photo-orientation was achieved as the pH decreased and the
nitrogenous) of berries and wines.152 layer number increased. Some authors found that the films with
Above all, the process of coating is easy and does not need the best barrier performance were based on chitosan (pH 5.5)/
complicated equipment. It also shows advantages to protect the poly(acrylic acid) (pH 3)/chitosan (pH 5.5)/graphene oxide
food from spoilage and maintain food quality. In some cases, (48 nm). At this pH, chitosan was highly ionized by the
compared with the cast films, coating films performed better in poly(acrylic acid) counterion and could attract more graphene
terms of reducing lipid oxidation of food.153 oxide into the bulk film. The multilayer films proved to have

the combinational properties of the components, and
DIPPING OR IMMERSING demonstrated that its inhibition of E. coli and antioxidant
activity increased with the increase of bilayer number.102,156
Dipping or immersing food into the chitosan-based solutions LBL assembly technique is often combined with immersing
has been adopted to develop uniform films on the surface of method. The oppositely charged materials are usually used to
food. The success of film formation depends highly on the prepare the films, i.e., polycation chitosan and polyanion
effective wetting capacity of the surface, processing time, and materials.44 The objects were immersed into different solutions
draining time. for several times.45,49 The investigation of texture, color,
The dipping or immersing steps included: (1) developing moisture, pH, sensory analysis, microbial quality, and growth
chitosan solutions and adjusting the pH; (2) preparing food indicated that the obtained films could prolong the shelf life of
samples, such as selecting (shapes, maturity, sizes, and health), the treated food.
cutting, cleaning, drying, and weighing; (3) dipping or This LBL assembly, often combined with other methods like
immersing the food in the solution for designed time, usually immersing, is simple and offers a distinct shortcut to fabricate
around 30 s to 30 min; (4) taking out the food, draining excess functional materials. It is also reported to produce films that
solutions, and drying the food (e.g., under or in fans and plastic could effectively retain the quality of the food and extend the
sieve, forced-air dryer, biosafety cabinet, and food dehydrator) shelf life. Some films even show great barrier/separation
or drying the food with tissue paper for 30 s to 24 h; (5) properties under high humid conditions.112

randomly placing the food onto trays or plastic support; (6)
storing the food in plastic boxes, plastic film, cardboard-
corrugated boxes, polyethylene terephthalate clamshell contain- EXTRUSION
ers, biochemical oxygen demand chambers, etc., with definite Melt extrusion has also been developed widely to fabricate
temperature, relative humidity, and even exposure to certain biodegradable chitosan-based active packaging. The steps
light. After dipping and drying food, including guavas, include: (1) preparing material formulations using different
blueberries, mushrooms, plums, carrots, salmon fillets, etc., compositions; (2) blending materials in a mixer; (3) blending
403 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b04528
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

the mixture in a twin-screw extruder under designed the foods with high water activity, such as fresh meat. Some
conditions; (4) cutting extrudates into pellets through the researchers compared the films fabricated by casting, extrusion,
pelletizer; (5) drying pellets in a hot-air oven; (6) extruding the and coating.158 They found that the coating films were excellent
pellets into sheets through the twin-screw extruder that was with satisfactory storage effect of beefsteak, while the presence
attached to a flat die; (7) or blowing the mixed resins into a of chitosan exerted a negative influence on mechanical
film by a blown film extruder by an annular die. Extruding properties of the extruded films probably due to the poor
process often provides the films with acceptable mechanical interaction between the polyamide matrix and the chitosan.
properties and good thermal stability.99 During the extrusion The poor affinity or lack of miscibility led to the poor
(Figure 7), low density polyethylene worked as a matrix mechanical properties and the brittle failure.
Extrusion demonstrates to be an effective way to fabricate
films with good properties, such as mechanical properties,
thermal stability, and antimicrobial activity. Some extruded film
was an exception with the decreased mechanical property and
oxygen barrier property.32 To make full use of materials and
achieve the best performance with degradation, the temperature
should be tailored to different materials.32,33,159 Also, the poor
interactions between polymers requires attention, because it
may cause a negative effect on mechanical properties and lead
to brittle failure.158
These methods have different advantages in film production.
Also, new methods or technologies are still required to meet
different packaging applications and market needs.


The obtained chitosan-based films have different properties,
which result in different applications. Overall, there are
antimicrobial films, barrier films, and sensing films, which are
mostly researched at present.

Chitosan, with polycationic characterization, naturally shows
excellent antimicrobial activity.66,70,160 Therefore, chitosan-
based films exhibit great potential for food packaging
applications, protecting food from microorganism, and ensuring
Figure 7. Extrusion of blends containing chitosan. (A) pellets of
food safety.
chitosan/LDPE/adhesive composite blend; (B) laminated film by
extrusion of chitosan composite blend pellets; (C) extruded films Many factors could influence the antimicrobial activity,
containing chitosan with different formulations. Low density poly- though chitosan showed a wide spectrum of antimicrobial
ethylene: LDPE. Reprinted with permission from ref 99. Copyright activity. The antimicrobial activity of chitosan-based films were
2012 Elsevier. contingent on organic acid,26 temperature,23,161 molecular
weight,162 heat treatment,13 concentration,163 films sizes,52
additives,68 type of microbial,38 etc. In some cases, chitosan film
polymer and ethylene-acrylic acid copolymer served as an did not show inhibition of the tested bacteria unless the
adhesive promoting the adhesion in the interphase of the addition of other materials, such as propolis extract and silver
immiscible polymers. nanoparticles.75,164 What’s more, modifications to chitosan,
Two-step melt-compounding process was also popular for such as chitosan derivatives and Schiff-base, were reported to be
the blown films.98 When the chitosan content increased, the influential on the antimicrobial activity, probably due to the
breaking strength and elongation decreased, and the water structure and groups affecting its interaction with surface
vapor permeability was enhanced. Another film based on groups of microorganisms.163
polyethylene glycol chitosan and low density polyethylene was As for Gram-negative bacteria, the antimicrobial activity
fabricated by compression molding.157 The thermal stability of differs from Gram-positive bacteria. Chitosan-based film was
the obtained film mainly depended on low density poly- reported to have higher antibacterial performance against
ethylene. Though the films had excellent transparency, the Gram-negative bacteria than Gram-positive bacteria,143 while
addition of polyethylene glycol lowered the Young modulus. some other studies reported the reverse antibacterial effect.82,85
Three-steps extrusion processing could be realized by The reasons may be attributed to the chitosan content and the
coextrusion device and could extrude films without degrada- different structure of the cell membrane. Also, some researches
tion:33 (1) starch or flour powder plasticization by twin-screw put forward that antimicrobial action against Gram-positive
extrusion; (2) extrusion of thermoplasticized starches or bacteria was enhanced with the increase of molecular weight of
thermoplasticized flour granulates with polycaprolactone; and chitosan because of the formed film inhibiting nutrient entrance
(3) coextrusion with polycaprolactone/chitosan. Poly(lactic into bacteria cell. However, antimicrobial effect against Gram-
acid)/starch/chitosan blended matrix was also extruded into negative bacteria was improved with the decrease of molecular
antimicrobial film with thickness of the obtained films ranging weight of chitosan due to the easy entrance of low molecular
from 0.15 mm to 0.18 mm,96 which was suitable for protecting chitosan into microbial cell and the accompanying destruction
404 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b04528
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

Figure 8. Antimicrobial mechanism of chitosan films.

to metabolism.165 However, there is also report indicating that (3) Chitosan, a polycation biopolymer, can be absorbed on
as for Gram-positive bacteria, the antibacterial performance the surface of the microbial, and form a polymer
differs as bacteria types.38 For example, Staphylococcus aureus membrane and cause blockage. The membrane can not
was found to be less susceptible to chitosan-based films than only chelate some nutrients outside the microorganisms,
Enterococcus faecalis and Listeria monocytogenes, due to the but also prevent nutrient and necessary elements from
different structures of the outer membrane. Overall, the entering the microbial cell and influence the physio-
obtained films proved to exhibit a remarkable antibacterial logical activity of the microbes, causing the microbes to
activity against poisoning microorganism, including Gram- death.111,170
positive bacteria (e.g., S. aureus,166 lactic acid bacteria,27 and
Listeria innocua,77,149), Gram-negative bacteria (e.g., E.
coli, 102,110,121 Pseudomonas spp,68,70,78 and Salmonella (4) NH3+ groups of chitosan can disturb the negatively
spp75,88,111), and fungus (e.g., yeast and mold,26,162,167 charged phosphoryl groups on the cell membrane of the
Aspergillus niger,125 and Candida albicans125). bacterial and cause distortion and deformation.102,171
There are also some differences between bacteria and fungus Also, different bacteria showed different sensitivity to
regarding antimicrobial activity. Some research pointed out that chitosan’s NH3+ groups.172
chitosan’s bacteriostasis was higher than its fungistasis at low (5) The chitosan can diffuse the cell wall, disrupt the
temperature.168 The reason may be that mold spores were cytoplasmic membrane of bacteria, and affect the
more resistant to low temperature than bacteria, and mold integrity, leading to leakage of the intercellular electro-
spore germination kept growing, causing low fungistasis. Even lytes and cell death.39,173
though the differences existed, chitosan films could also (6) Chitosan can penetrate nuclei, bind DNA, and inhibit its
effectively protect the food from fungus.40 replication ability, thus suppressing synthesis of the RNA
Overall, antimicrobial mechanisms of hypotheses on food are and the protein.109
raised from outside to inside as follows. Figure 8 illustrates the
(7) Chitosan can also chelate internal nutrients and essential
antimicrobial mechanism of chitosan films.
metals that are important for microbes. These materials
may lose activity and the chelation complex could not be
(1) Chitosan-based films serve as cellophane-like structure ultilized by microbes, restraining the growth of micro-
on the food surface, thus effectively building a protective bial.174,175
layer and preventing the food from the attacks of the (8) Chitosan may induce the synthesis of Chitinase in fruit
outer microbial.169 by increasing the gene expression of the Chitinase (in
(2) Chitosan-based film can act as an oxygen barrier and Figure 9), which indirectly degrades the cell walls of the
hinder the transference of oxygen, which can inhibit the microbial.167,176 The treated wheat seeds with chitosan
respiratory activity and the growth of bacteria in food.162 proved to induce resistance to Fusarium graminearum by
405 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b04528
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2018, 66, 395−413
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

can disperse well in the film matrix, fill the empty spaces in the
microstructure and thus prevent the migration of water
molecule.60 In addition, orderly dispersed nanoparticles
compelled the water vapor to go through a tortuous path
through the polymer network, lengthening the path length and
hindering the passage of water molecule.68,110,164 However,
high concentration of glycerol caused a poor barrier to water
vapor.178 The phenomenon could be attributed to the glycerol
properties that could modify the polymer network and give rise
to mobile regions along with larger interchain distances,
promoting the water molecules to pass through the film.
The effect of pH on water vapor permeability is attributed to
the number of “available” −OH. At low pH, chitosan
protonation is enhanced. Hydrogen bonds interaction between
chitosan and pullulan molecules was improved, resulting in the
decreased number of available −OH groups and the impeded
exchange of water vapor.179 Also the increased intermolecular
bonds leaded to a polymeric matrix with reduced free volume
and then the lower water vapor permeability.

Figure 9. Gene expression and enzyme activity involved in resistance

Oxygen could lower the quality and reduce the shelf life of
induced by chitosan and other materials. Glutathione S-transferase: food. Oxygen permeability, an important parameter of film in
GST; calcium-dependent protein kinase: CDPK; ascorbate peroxidase: food storage, demonstrates the ease of oxygen molecules
APX; phenylalanine ammonia-lyase: PAL; chalcone synthase (CHS); transporting through the film and characterizes the film’s
chalcone isomerase: CHI; flavano 3-hydroxylase: F3H; dihydroflavo- possibility for food packaging applications. Though chitosan
nol 4-reductase:DFR; flavonol synthase: FLS; anthocyanidin synthase: can inhibit the entrance of gases into the obtained film because
ANS; flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase:UFGT; endo-β-1,4-glucanase:
endoβGlu; polygalacturonase: PG; polygalacturonase-inhibiting pro-
of the tightly packed hydrogen-bonded structure, oxygen
tein: PGIP; β-1,3-glucanase: βGlu; class III Chitinase: Chi3; guaiacol barrier property of chitosan-based films is being widely studied
peroxidase (GPX). Reprinted with permission from ref 176. Copyright and improved for practical packaging industries.130
2014 American Chemical Society. The process of gas passing through the film involves four
stages: (1) gas is adsorbed on the external atmosphere−film
stimulating the accumulation of phenolics and lignin and interface; (2) gas is dissolved in polymer matrix via interactions;
to improve the seed quality.177 (3) gas diffuses inside the films and crosses the film; (4) gas is

desorbed from the film interface and released into the internal
BARRIER FILMS atmosphere.95 The second and third steps are the rate-
determining steps and are of vital importance due to the
Barrier properties are necessary to be characterized for capacity of controlling the rate of oxygen permeability. During
application in stringent food packaging.98,159 Currently, the the two stages, many factors can effectively exert great effect on
detailed barrier properties against water, oxygen, carbon oxygen permeability, such as crystalline, chemical interactions,
dioxide, nitrogen, UV light, etc. have been widely researched. amorphous zones, fillers compatibility, chain mobility, and


One of the main functions of food packaging is to prevent or
hydrophilic−hydrophobic ratio, tortuosity of diffusion path,
Chemical interactions act as a major role in the barrier
lower the moisture transfer between food and surrounding properties of the obtained films. The cross-linking between
environment. Water vapor barrier property, the important oxidized products and chitosan was reported to result in tighter
property of films for food packaging, indicating the barrier to matrix, thus reducing oxygen permeability.180 Films with
water vapor, has direct influence on the shelf life of food ordered hydrogen bonded matrix structure and a more compact
products.38,142 Many standards are involved in the measure- construction, have been demonstrated to be good oxygen
ment, such as ASTM E 96/E 96M,41 ASTM E96-95,31,66,85 barriers.41,181 The formation of the cross-linking network
ASTM D1653-93 and DIN 52615 standard,68 ASTM E96- developed by chemical reaction between borate ions and −OH
05,60,61 and AFNOR NF H00-030.56 To retard food of chitosan was also found to enhance the oxygen barrier
deterioration, the water vapor permeability value should be property of the films.113
kept as low as reasonably achievable.41 Many operation Environmental conditions matter in barrier property of films.
conditions were studied to change the water vapor permeability Polar biopolymers including chitosan have good barrier
of chitosan-based films, such as functional materials, pH, etc. property in dry environment. Relative humidity (RH) could
Functional materials have a significant decreasing effect on influence oxygen barrier property greatly, because plasticization
the water vapor permeability. Many organic materials (e.g., with water may lead to changes in the diffusivity and the
polyphenols) may build the interactions with chitosan via solubility of oxygen molecules in the film matrix. RH from 0 to
bonding, thus limiting the interactions between hydrophilic 50% did not significantly change the permeability.182 At 50%
groups of chitosan and water molecules.15 This competitive RH, there are two opposite effects: (1) the occupation of free
binding effect resulted in the decreased water vapor volume by water molecules (instead of oxygen); (2) the
permeability. Nanoparticles, with three-dimensional networks, favorable diffusion of the increased segmental motion. Some
406 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b04528
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

Figure 10. Comparative test of uncoated bananas (1), coated bananas by using CMC100 film (2), HTCC40/CMC60 film (3), HTCC70/CMC30
film (4), HTCC90/CMC10 film (5), and HTCC100 film (6). Carboxymethyl cellulose, CMC. 2-N-Hydroxypropyl-3-trimethylammonium chloride
chitosan, HTCC. Reprinted with permission from ref 139. Copyright 2015 Elsevier.

researcher simulated the films at low 15% and 95% RH to offer reversibility, and low cost, which demonstrate the capacity in
atomistic-level mechanisms and found that oxygen permeability intelligent food packaging.
increased with the increase of humidity.140 The increase in Colorimetric sensor is popular currently. Methylene blue
temperature also could result in higher oxygen permeability due could be immobilized to the modified film via electrostatic
to the increased mobility of molecular chains.183 interaction for indicating food condition, which was placed into
This mechanism of oxygen barrier by the nanomaterials is the most inner layer.103 Methylene blue could display a blue
due to (1) the adequate nanomaterial distribution in the films color under certain content of oxygen dissolved, and could
possibly reduces the free spaces and thus increases the difficulty show white color when oxygen was depleted by the metabolism
for oxygen to pass through the film; (2) the strong interactions of microorganism and the generation of reducing substance. A
between nanomaterials and polymer result in the chain small window of the sensor on the inner face of the packaging
immobilization; (3) nanomaterials increase the crystallinity film with reference colors around could thus indicate the food
degree of the film matrix.164,170 The oxygen permeability of quality. Colorimetric pH sensor also provides potential for the
chitosan-based films with nanomaterials was even lowered by indication of food quality, safety, and freshness. The indicator,
three folds in comparison with the pure chitosan films.124 Some based on chitosan, pectin, and anthocyanin, could indicate
hydroxide platelets and clays could also result in intercalated variation of pH by visual observation in color.48 The variations
structures in the matrix that formed a tortuous path delaying or of color were related to chemical structures of anthocyanin
inhibiting the passage of oxygen.93,129 molecules that were sensitive to pH, and the color was
Side effects of the oxygen barrier could be obtained with the restorable by adjusting the pH. Another study also reported the
addition of some functional materials into chitosan. Carbox- chitosan/anthocyanin based colorimetric pH sensing film.185
The color from red to green matched with pH from 2.2−9.0,
ymethyl cellulose was reported to increase oxygen permeability
helping the sensor monitor the freshness of pork and fish
of the chitosan-based film.139 It may be attributed to the
(Figure 11). Highly sensitive and reversibility of the pH sensing
formation of carboxymethyl cellulose crystals that disrupted the
film demonstrated the latent capacity as intelligent label to
homogeneous, continuous structure crystals of 2-N-hydrox-
detect the spoilage of food.
ypropyl-3-trimethylammonium chloride chitosan in the films.
The treated bananas showed higher delayed decay when
chitosan content was high (Figure 10). The addition of some
materials, like lignin, may destabilize the chitosan network, thus
influencing oxygen permeability.184 Also, polarity of the
material had a great influence on the oxygen permeability
because oxygen molecules could dissolve better in less polar
polymers. Poly(vinyl alcohol), a nonpolar material, was found
to increase the oxygen permeability of chitosan-based films.92
The explanation was that the polarity of film matrix was
lowered due to the decrease of NH2 and OH groups.


Food safety has been increasingly drawing the concern of
Figure 11. Application of sensing film as a sticker sensor for pork and
fish freshness. Reprinted with permission from ref 185. Copyright
2014 Elsevier.
consumers. During storage, pH and microbial population rise
with the deterioration and spoilage of food. Natural and Microbial sensor also shows great promises. Microbial
nontoxic technologies are needed to detect the quality of the growth increases the threat to food safety, so systems that
food. Chitosan could combine with other biomaterials to can report microbial infection are needed. Some authors
develop sensing films, which could be sensitive to pH, microbial reported chitosan hydrogel films with a self-reporting function
enzyme, microbial metabolism, etc. These films own many for β-glucuronidase secreted by E. coli strains.186 The hydrogel
advantages, such as small size, lightweight, safety, sensitivity film sensor, based on covalent coupling of 4-methylumbelli-
407 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b04528
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2018, 66, 395−413
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

Figure 12. Schematic of the enzyme-sensing hydrogel platform and details of the modification of chitosan hydrogel. Reprinted with permission from
ref 186. Copyright 2015 American Chemical Society.

feryl-β-D-glucuronide or 4-nitrophenyl-β-D-glucuronide, could be performed when the film is contacted with the food, for
report β-glucuronidase with detection limit <1 nM (Figure 12). further practical application in market. (4) More studies need
The former is based on selective enzymatic reactions of β- to be carried out to reveal the degradation and environmental
glucuronidase. Enzymatic reaction resulted in hydrolysis of 4- impact of the films in a real environment. Though the chitosan-
methylumbelliferyl-β-D-glucuronide and the cleavage of 4- based films face many challenges to realize the practical usage,
methylumbelliferone from the glucuronide unit. The deproto- the films should have a bright future in different packaging
nation in the hydrogel medium could dramatically change the applications.
fluorescence emission and promote the deprotonated free 4-
methylumbelliferone to be detected at certain emission
wavelength. The later enzymatic cleavage is the process of β-
Corresponding Authors
glucuronidase liberating 4-nitrophenol from the glucuronide. *Tel: +027-68778489; E-mail: [email protected].
The color from colorless to yellow observed by naked eye is *Tel: +027-68778489; E-mail: [email protected].
attributed to deprotonation of 4-nitrophenol. The self-reporting
chitosan-hydrogel-based film is promising in food packaging. ORCID

Fuyuan Ding: 0000-0001-8241-9398
The biobased polymeric materials possess great potentials in This work was financially supported by National Natural
the field of packaging for the severe environmental and human Science Foundation of China (Grant no. 51603153), the
health threat of the petroleum-based packaging materials. Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
Advances in the technology are enabling the preparations of (Grant no. 2042017kf0015), Project Funded by China
chitosan-based films with multiple functionalities which are Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant no. 2016M602348),
promising to be used as packaging materials. Packaging and Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province (Grant no.
applications, for instance antibacterial films, barrier films, and 2017CFB656).
sensing films, are the most involved areas of chitosan-based Notes
films in that chitosan is biocompatible, biodegradeable, The authors declare no competing financial interest.

antibacterial, and has low cytotoxicity. However, many efforts
are needed to develop the chitosan-based films which can meet ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the practical criteria and compete with the petroleum-based
We thank the Large-scale Instrument and Equipment Sharing
packaging films. For instance some strategies need to be taken
Foundation of Wuhan University for support.
to enhance the mechanical strength of chitosan-based films to
meet various packaging applications.
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considered in the following aspects: (1) More chitosan
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