Natural Selection Clippy Island
Natural Selection Clippy Island
Natural Selection Clippy Island
This pack has been developed for teaching at KS4 for the English National
Curriculum by at team of scientists, curators and educators from The University
of Manchester and The Manchester Museum: Lauren Furness, Louise Sutherland,
Hannah Chalk, Dr. Susan Bulleid, Dr. Amanda Bamford and Henry McGhie.
This session was trialled and tested by Lauren Furness and Abigail Jones,
working with Year 10 students at Sandbach High School with support from
the MLA Learning Links Project.
Session Overview 1
Session Length: one hour Links to GCSE Specifications 2006
Number of pupils: 30 (but can be adjusted for different class sizes) (Science)
In this exercise, students will observe the process of natural 1. Data, evidence, theories and
selection on a population of birds called 'Springbeaks' over explanations
four seasons of breeding on an isolated environment called
'Clippy Island.' a) how scientific data can be collected
and analysed
Students will simulate feeding in a timed exercise to illustrate how
a limited food supply and the introduction of genetic variants can b) how interpretation of data, using
lead to natural selection and adaptation creative thought, provides evidence
to test ideas and develop theories
Students will examine whether or not beak size affects the ability
of a Springbeak to gather food and how this variation can affect c) how explanations of many
successive generations in the population phenomena can be developed
using scientific theories, models
Students will calculate the population ratios in successive and ideas
generations on the island.
2. Practical and enquiry skills
Objectives of the Session
a) plan to test a scientific idea, answer
Students will: a scientific question, or solve a
Understand that organisms show natural variation within a scientific problem
3. Communication skills
Understand that species characteristics can change over periods
of time a) recall, analyse, interpret, apply
and question scientific information
Understand that natural selection is the main mechanism which or ideas
drives evolution
b) use both qualitative and quantitative
Know that natural selection acts on individuals and that approaches
populations evolve
c) present information, develop an
Understand that adaptations are controlled by genes, and that argument and draw a conclusion,
these genes are passed from parent to offspring. using scientific, technical and
mathematical language,conventions
and symbols and ICT tools.
Breadth of Study
Key Vocabulary
5. Organisms and health
Equipment 2
2 1 1 1 2 1
2 large
bags of dried bag of dried bag of dried stop watch large tables small table
foam sheets
butter beans black beans mung beans
white beans black beans red beans
The Set Up
step 1 step 4
ks eaks ks eaks
bea b bea b
big big big big
step 3 big b
eaks medius
step 6
3.4 Chart (Table 3.4 in the resource
pack) on to a flip chart.
small s tiny s
beak beak
Have 30 Student Worksheets
step 7
W printed off and ready.
Place the four plastic trays on a separate table
and mark each one as “big beaks” / “medium
beaks” / “small beaks”/ “tiny beaks.” Place You are now ready to start!
these on the small table.
Introduction 3
Tell the students that they are going to become members of a bird Notes
population in an imaginary place called Clippy Island to undertake
an investigation into natural selection. Ask the students to define
natural selection.
Explain to the students that there are feeding rules. These rules
must be followed and are detailed in Table 3.2
If the Springbeak died, the student must return their beak and
sit down
You should then record the population after the feeding season
on Table 3.4 Population Record Chart
Once the students understand the concept of the game you are
ready to move on to the Pre Season Scenario discussed in
Section Four.
Information Tables
Calorie values of The Feeding Rules
food on Clippy Island 3.1 3.2
The Thresehold for Survival: Population Record Chart
Food Requirements 3.3 3.4
Procedure 4
Set up the season as detailed in the tables
below and after each season the students should
carry out Steps 1-5:
5. Collect all the beans both consumed and left over from
the season.
x 30 x 4 handfuls of each
Discussion Notes 5
Evolution by natural selection is the theory which a tiny beak and a gaping beak. The tiny beak was the
accounts for the changes in a population over time. advantageous phenotype because it required very little
In this scientific sense, the word 'theory' means a food to survive and could reproduce on a minimal
well supported generalisation that explains all of amount of food. The gaping beak was the detrimental
the available facts. It is not a guess or a hypothesis. phenotype as its beak was poorly adapted to the
Evolution is driven by natural selection. Natural environment and it could not sustain itself to reproduce.
selection occurs because of slight variations between
individual organisms in a population that are associated The results of Season Two should illustrate that
with differences in survival and breeding success. evolution is not 'progress,' but rather is the result of
a population adapting to its environment by the
All species and populations show natural variation elimination of unsuccessful genetic variants and the
like the beak size in Springbeaks. This type of variation domination of successful genetic variants.
occurs within a species. But there is also variation
between species such as the calorie value of the The term 'survival of the fittest' refers to how well
different species of bean that grow on Clippy Island. 'fitted' an organism is to the environment in which
it lives. In Season Three there was a drastic food
A species is a group of animals or plants that reduction due to the environmental conditions on
interbreed to produce fertile young. Species are made North Island. Whilst the population of South Island
up of populations, and populations are composed of should have remained stable, the principle of survival
individuals. In this session Springbeaks are a breeding of the fittest is demonstrated by the probable death
population that inhabit one large island. When the of medium beaks and large beaks on the North
island splits in two, the original population of Island. Overall the population of North Island will
Springbeaks divides into two populations because have declined. This is because environmental
the birds on North Island could no longer breed with pressures determine how beneficial a trait is to an
the birds on South Island. organism.
In Season One it was apparent that the Springbeaks Natural selection only allows organisms to adapt
with small beaks were better adapted to the environment to their current environment. In Season Four the
than those with big beaks. The Springbeaks with the population of North Island should have stabilised
smaller beaks could feed more effectively and also with the introduction of increased amounts of food.
needed fewer calories to survive. This variation should The populations of both North Island and South
have resulted in a higher survival rate because those Island should look very different after four feeding
that survived with the beneficial trait or adaptation (in seasons. Overall it should be evident that natural
this case the small beak) were more likely to reproduce. selection acts on individuals and that this causes the
This phenomenon is called 'survival of the fittest.' population to change. The changes that occur in this
experiment do not lead to the generation of new
Variation in beak size is determined by genes, which are characteristics in individuals; they merely change
the genetic information passed from parent to offspring. the proportions of the existing traits in the population.
Organisms with forms of genes that produce
advantageous phenotypes will pass their traits on to Key Questions
the next generation. Those that carry forms of genes
that produce disadvantageous phenotypes will not pass Use the Key Questions as prompts to elicit ideas
on their traits and will be less represented in successive from students. The Key Questions could be set
generations. as homework and then followed up next lesson.
Mutations occur because of random errors in the DNA Which Springbeak type was the most successful
copying process. When mutations occur, new alleles overall?
(forms of a gene) are integrated into the population.
If these alleles result in an advantageous phenotype Which population was larger in the end?
then they will remain or expand in successive
populations through reproduction. If new alleles cause How did the populations compare in terms of numbers
a detrimental phenotype then the organism will die out. and varieties?
In Season Two, mutations were introduced on the North
If the populations started out with the same number of
and South Islands which manifested themselves as
each beak type, why do you think they didn't all develop
in the same way?
Research Profiles 6
Why are animals different shapes? Whatever happened to our gills?
My name is Tokiharu Takahashi and I am a researcher My name is Donald Ward and I am a researcher in
in the Faculty of Life Sciences at The University of Physiology at The University of Manchester. I am
Manchester. My primary area of research is in interested in how blood calcium levels are regulated.
evolutionary developmental biology. I study how and The primary focus of my work is trying to understand
why different animals have different shapes. I am how the CaR works in controlling blood calcium levels
particularly interested in how vertebrates (animals with and how its function has adapted to meet various
back bones) evolved from invertebrate (animals without evolutionary challenges. Using this research we hope
backbones). to improve upon our current treatments for the bone
disease osteoporosis and the cardiovascular problems
From worms to whales, we are surrounded by animals of people on kidney dialysis.
of different shapes and forms. Remarkably all of them
are related and descended from a common ancestor. Calcium is important as it gives our bones strength,
The body shape of each animal is formed throughout allows our muscles to contract and our nerves to fire.
its gestational development. Research on gestational Fish breathe under water using their gills for oxygen
development is essential to understanding evolutionary exchange, but the gills also regulate their calcium levels.
relationships. In my research we are examining and We use our lungs to breathe on dry land, but the job of
comparing embryos of various animal species working regulating blood calcium levels remains with glands in
to understand mechanisms underlying this process. the neck known as the parathyroids. Amazingly, gills
and parathyroid glands are related since the same
gene, Gcm-2, leads to the development of both. So,
gills are an ancestor to human parathyroid glands which
means a remnant of our gills is still present in our
necks! Both tissues express a protein called the
Why are there so many species in the calcium-sensing receptor (CaR). The part of the CaR
tropical rainforests? that binds calcium is actually derived from an ancient
bacterial protein secreted to supply the bacterium with
My name is Sharon Zytynska and I am a researcher nutrients. Therefore evolution has adapted already
in Evolutionary Biology in the Faculty of Life Sciences existing calcium-regulating genes and tissues for new
at The University of Manchester. My primary area uses in higher organisms.
of research is in Community Genetics. I am interested
in how genetic variation within a species affects other
species it interacts with in an ecological community.
My research takes me as far as the rainforests of Belize
in Central America.
Why do we have bones and some
I carry out investigations into how variation within a tree animals don't?
species affects the other species of plants that grow on
it. By collecting samples from trees, I can extract DNA My name is Julie Huxley-Jones and I was a researcher
and analyse how similar the specimens are at the at The University of Manchester. I was interested in why
genetic level. My results show that the genetically vertebrates, such as fish, mammals and birds, have
similar trees have the most similar plants growing on tissues such as bone, cartilage and skin and why
them. We still do not fully understand why there are so invertebrates (animals without backbones) do not.
many species in the tropics, but genetic diversity of I looked at the genes responsible for the proteins that
plants may explain why overall diversity is maintained. function to surround and support cells in the same way
My work has implications in conservation, since the mortar glues together bricks in a building. These
conserving genetic diversity in trees will enhance the genes characterise the properties of the different tissues
preservation of other species including mammals and I was investigating; they make bone strong, cartilage
birds. bouncy and skin elastic. (continued on next page)
Research Profiles
of the session
(cont.) 1
Why do we have bones and some animals don't? (cont)