Analtyical Skills
Analtyical Skills
Analtyical Skills
Level -1
(b) 12.5cm
Q1. The diameter of the base of a cylindrical (c) 14cm
drum is 35 dm and its height is 24 dm. It is (d) 13 cm
full of kerosene. How many tins, each of
size 25 cm × 22 cm × 35 cm can be filled Q6. The capacity of a cylindrical vessel is
with kerosene from the drum? 25.872 litres. If the height of the cylinder is
(a) 1000 three times the radius of its base, what is the
(b) 1200 area of the base?
(c) 1400 (a) 616cm square
(d) 1800 (b) 612cm square
(c) 600cm square
Q2. A wooden box measures 20 cm × 12 cm (d) 588cm square
× 10 cm. the thickness of the wood is 1 cm.
The volume of the wood required to make Q7. A tank is 7 m long and 4 m wide. At
the box is: what speed should water run through a
(a) 960 cm cube pipe 5 cm broad and 4 cm deep so that in 6
(b) 900 cm cube hours and 18 minutes, the water level in the
(c) 1000 cm cube tank rises by 4.5 m?
(d) 1100 cm cube (a) 12 kmph
(b) 10 kmph
Q3. If the areas of the three adjacent faces of (c) 14 kmph
a cubical box are 120 cm square, 72 cm (d) 18 kmph
square and 60 cm square respectively, then
the volume of the box is: Q8. The water in a rectangular reservoir
(a) 800 cm cube having a base 80 m by 60 m is 6.5 m deep. In
(b) 680 cm cube what time can the water be emptied by a
(c) 700 cm cube pipe of which the cross-section is a square
(d) 720 cm cube of side 20 cm, if the water runs through the
pipe at the rate of 15 km per hour?
Q4. The size of a wooden block is (15 cm × (a) 40 hrs.
12 cm × 20 cm). How many such blocks will (b) 58hrs.
be required to construct a solid wooden (c) 54hrs.
cube of minimum size? (d) 52 hrs.
(a) 50
(b) 40 Q9. A cistern of capacity 8000 litres
(c) 60 measures externally 3.3 m by 2.6 m by 1.1 m
(d) 55 and its walls are 5 cm thick. The thickness of
the bottom is:
Q5. The ratio of the radius and height of a (a) 22dm
cone is 5 : 12. Its volume is 2200/7 cm cube. (b) 1 dm
Its slant height is: (c) 42 dm
(a) 15cm (d) 2dm
Q10. A right-angle triangle having base 6.3 Q15. The area of a triangle is 216 cm2 and
m and height equal to 10 m is turned its sides are in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5. The
around the height. Find the volume of the perimeter of the triangle is
cone thus formed. (a) 6 cm
(a) 410 m cube (b) 12 cm
(b) 415.8 m cube (c) 36 cm
(c) 512.6m cube (d) 72 cm
(d) 504m cube
Q16. Two solid cylinders of radii 4 cm and 5
Q11. The surface area of cube is 864 cm cm and lengths 6 cm and 4 cm, respectively
square. Find its volume. are recast into cylindrical disc of thickness 1
(a) 1728 cm cube cm. The radius of the disc is
(b) 1628 cm cube (a) 7 cm
(c) 1748 cm cube (b) 14 cm
(d) 1720 cm cube (c) 21 cm
(d) 28 cm
Q12. The perimeter of a square is equal to
twice the perimeter of a rectangle of length Q17. The outer circumference of a 1 cm
of 8 cm and breadth 7 cm. What is the thick pipe is 44 cm. How much water will 7
circumference of a semicircle whose cm of the pipe hold?
diameter is equal to the side of the square? (a) 1078 cm cube
(a) 38.57 cm (b) 1792 cm cube
(b) 23.57 cm (c) 303 cm cube
(c) 42.46 cm (d) 792 cm cube
(d) 47.47 cm
Q13. A path of uniform width surrounds a Q18. The areas of three consecutive faces of
circular park. The difference of internal and a cuboid are 12 cm square, 20cm square and
external circumferences of this circular path 15 cm square, then the volume (in cm
is 132 m. Its width is (take π=22/7) square) of the cuboid is
(a) 22 m (a) 3600
(b) 20 m (b) 100
(c) 21 m (c) 80
(d) 24 m (d) 60
Q.30. ABC is an equilateral triangle of side 2 Q.35. If h, c, v are respectively the height,
cm. With A, B, C as centers and radius 1 cm curved surface area and volume of a right
three arcs are drawn. The area of the region circular cone then the value of 3πvh³ – c²h²
within the triangle bounded by the three + 9v² is
arcs is? A. 2
A. 3(√3-π/2)cm² B. –1
B. (√3-3π/2)cm² C. 1
C. (π/2)cm² D. 0
D. (π/2-√3)cm²
1 B 11 A 21 A 31 A 41 B
2 A 12 A 22 A 32 D 42 B
3 D 13 C 23 B 33 B 43 C
4 C 14 B 24 A 34 A 44 D
5 D 15 D 25 A 35 D 45 C
6 A 16 B 26 A 36 C 46 C
7 B 17 D 27 D 37 A 47 C
8 D 18 D 28 C 38 D 48 B
9 B 19 D 29 C 39 C 49 B
10 B 20 C 30 C 40 A 50 C