Rules Procedures Manual
Rules Procedures Manual
Rules Procedures Manual
Lucier’s Classroom
Table of Contents
2……………………………………………………………………..……. Table
of Contents
Letter to Home
Classroom Rules
5-9…………….………………………..…………..……………. Classroom
Classroom Layout
Dear Students and Families,
Welcome to our fourth-grade class! I’m sure that you are just as excited as I am for
this upcoming year as we have so much to look forward to. To briefly introduce myself, my
name is Montana Lucier and this year I have been given the privilege to be your student’s
teacher. I am a recent graduate of Stetson University in DeLand, Florida with a focus on
Elementary Education and Environmental Science. (Sadly no, I don’t have a green thumb.)
With all of your experience in school thus far, I know that you have noticed that
with each new year comes new rules and expectations from your teacher. Because of this, I
wanted to give you an explanation of the rules and procedures that I have set for our
classroom thus far for you to reference.
To begin, communication is very important in the classroom and I believe that you
should be informed about things that are occurring in the classroom that affect your child,
both positive and negative. To keep you informed and to maintain a direct line of contact, I
plan to use Seesaw as the main method of teacher-family communication in our classroom.
This app is something easily downloadable to any smart phone and will not only keep you
up to date on the happenings in our classroom but will also give you more opportunity to
see your student’s work!
During the first week of school, our class worked together to establish our class
rules. The rules that your student helped to create were based on the guidelines of “care for
self, care for others, and care for environment”. These guidelines provided a framework for
students to create a classroom climate based on respect and empathy for one another.
Likewise, because each student participated in the creation of our classroom rules and
procedures, each student has ownership over his or her behavior. I highly recommend that
you ask your student which rule that he or she helped to create is his or her favorite!
With positive behavior comes rewards, and there is nothing that I love more than to
reward your student for having and maintaining positive behavior at school. Our class is a
team on campus, and like a team we have to work together to achieve our goals, inside and
outside of the classroom. When our class is caught working on task, showing kindness
towards others, or following classroom procedures, I will award “Hall of Fame Points”. Our
Hall of Fame Points go towards a larger reward system where the class as a whole can
work to earn a class wide reward of their choosing (within reason). Individually, I like to
reward students that are working hard to maintain positive behavior by following
classroom rules and procedures by giving lunch bunch tickets and positive referrals.
Similarly, I am very fond of updating families on the positive things that their student is
doing in school, so be on the lookout for a call coming your way.
If a student is not following our classroom rules and procedures, I will first address
the situation with the student by giving a verbal warning. If the behavior continues, your
child will sign into my behavior notebook. If a child receives two sign-ins in one day, I will
contact you through Seesaw to address the issue. If a student receives five sign ins in one
week, I will request a brief phone conference with you and the student to work together to
find a solution to our challenge.
I am thrilled for the year that we have ahead of us and for the gift of teaching your
child. Please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns at any time. I always
promise to respond to correspondence within 24 hours on school days.
Classroom Rules
2. Students will be active listeners by
staying silent and keeping their eyes on
the speaker.
*Each rule was created by students for students based on the guidelines of
“care for self, care for others, and care for environment”.
Classroom Procedures
Before School:
Students have access to the classroom in the mornings, unless the “closed”
sign is on my door. If the “closed” sign is up, students will report back to
the cafeteria to wait until I pick them up after the first bell, Students may
come in the classroom and read or work on makeup assignments before
school. If students are socializing or are interrupting others, they will be
asked to return to the cafeteria.
Students will enter the classroom at a level one whisper voice, put away
belongings into their assigned cubbies, obtain 2 sharpened pencils from the
sharp pencil cup, place any unsharpened pencils into the “sharpen me” cup,
and put their take-home folder into the folder bin. If there is a message for
students on the board, students are expected to follow stated directions.
Once completed, students will join me at our gathering place for morning
Take-Home Folder:
Your student’s take-home folder should be something that comes to school
with your student daily and goes home with your student nightly. Inside the
folder, there are two pockets—"Leave at Home” and “Bring Back to School”.
Any graded papers, important school correspondence, or newsletters will be
placed in the “Leave at Home” pocket and can be left at home. Homework,
permission slips, and correspondence that requires response will all be
placed in the “Bring Back to School” pocket and are requested to return to
school with the student. Students will need to open their folders at home to
review the contents of their folder as well as to complete nightly homework.
I do not request parent/guardian signatures on nightly reading logs as it is
your student’s responsibility to complete on his or her own.
Morning Meeting:
Students will participate in morning meeting at the start of every day.
Students will greet one another, and I will greet the students. We will
participate in a team-building activity, followed by a brief themed sharing.
At the beginning of the year, this will be teacher led. As students are more
comfortable with the routine of morning meeting, I will choose a student to
lead our class in morning meeting. Typically, the student that I choose will
be chosen because of behavioral accomplishments the previous day. After
morning meeting, we will review the schedule for the day ahead.
Classroom Procedures
Movement in the Classroom:
I am a big believer in controlled classroom movement and its effectiveness
for maintaining student attention and success. Students will participate in
“brain breaks” at various time periods during the day. I have an alarm set to
go off at specific times to alert the class of a brain break. When the alarm
goes off, I will choose a movement topic from our brain break bucket for us
to complete. Typically, these brain breaks will last between 30 seconds and
2 minutes, depending on the activity, and are designed to get students
moving and refocused.
Outside of brain break time, students are allowed to be out of their seats
only to use the restroom, get water, replace an unsharpened pencil, or visit
the classroom library outside of whole group instructional time. Students
should try to refrain from using the restroom during whole group time as
doing so results in loss of instruction for that student. Students who need to
use the restroom during this time will show me by utilizing our crossed
fingers hand signal. I will nod silently to dismiss that student. Students will
not be allowed to use the restroom multiple times during whole group
instructional time, as there are frequent opportunities for students to use
the restroom during independent work time. If a student’s pencil needs to
be replaced during whole group instruction, the student will raise the pencil
into the air, and I will come by and replace said pencil with a sharpened
When students are engaging in discussion or working independently and I
need to refocus the group or draw everyone back in, I will utilize one of our
classroom signals to do so. Whenever the attention-grabbing signal is
performed, students will immediately STOP LOOK & LISTEN to the speaker.
When transitioning from one activity to another, students should move
quickly and quietly to try to beat their transition time from the
day/transition before. Doing so will ensure a fast and efficient transition
and will also be a fun challenge for students.
Pencil Sharpening:
During the day, students will not need to sharpen pencils, but instead utilize
our “sharpened” and “sharpen me” pencil cups in the rear of the classroom.
The pencil sharpened is to only be used by the teacher or at the teacher’s
discretion. If a student needs a newly sharpened pencil during whole group,
he or she will raise the unsharpened pencil in the air and I will replace it
with a sharpened one.
Classroom Procedures
Small Group:
During small group instruction, the remainder of the class is working
independently at a voice level zero. If a student has a question requiring
assistance from me, the student will first ask my classroom assistant. If the
matter is something more pressing and needs to be brought to my
immediate attention, the student can then approach the small group and
wait until I address him or her. Small group interruptions should be kept to
a minimum, as the time that I have with these students is very minimal. By
using the classroom assistant, the student can have their question answered
and the students in small group are not distracted by the interruption.
Class Discussions:
In our classroom, we will discuss a variety of topics throughout the year.
Some of which will be sensitive in nature and/or challenging to talk about.
All students will maintain a respectful and open mindset when approaching
discussions. Students will show respect by being an active listener, by
showing silent agree/disagree hand signals, and by understanding that we
all think differently and are allowed to have different opinions. Similarly,
students will participate in classroom discussions by raising hands and
waiting to be called on.
Read-to-Self Time:
In our class, students will have 20-30 minutes of silent read-to-self time
daily. During read-to-self time, students have the opportunity to move to a
spot in the classroom that they can be comfortable and productive. This
means that students have the responsibility to pick a spot that allows them
to read silently and stay focused. If I recognize that a student has picked a
spot that does not allow him or her to do these things, I will move the
student. The opportunity of spot-selection is a privilege for students.
the book is checked out with me at the end of the day. I highly recommend
that students continue reading their classroom books at home to continue
building strong readers!
Classroom Procedures
Technology Time:
In the classroom, approved technology is to be used only when specified.
Students will be using technology for education purposes and will be
expected to maintain a level of academic integrity when using technology
independently. If the student is working in a program that uses sound, the
student will use an assigned set of headphones to minimize distractions of
others. Students will utilize technology at their seats or in designated
“technology zones” of the classroom. These zones include our desktop area
and our STEM counter.
Walking in Line:
When we are walking in line, students will stay at a voice level zero, behind
the person in front of them, and with hands at their sides. These procedures
are universal throughout the school and are expected of each class in the
hallway. The students in my class are Hall of Famers and will excel at this!
will place a “Find Me” slip on the student’s desk for the next morning with
the name of that assignment and date. When the student completes the
assignment, the student will staple the “Find Me” slip to the assignment. If
an assignment is not submitted within two weeks of the “Find Me” slip
being issued, the student will not receive a grade for the assignment and
will not be allowed to resubmit unless conferred between teacher and
Classroom Procedures
After we finish with the last subject, students will be required to pack up
backpacks and stack chairs. Once students have packed and stacked, they
will collect their take-home folders, put them in their backpack and meet
me at the gathering place. The last ten minutes of class are spent reading
aloud our class read aloud book, followed by having a brief closing meeting.
Our closing meeting will be the opportunity for students to share highs and
lows of the day as well as ways to improve the following day. Students will
have the opportunity to share until the bell rings for dismissal.
Rewards & Consequences
Students who have displayed “Hall of Fame Behavior” by following the
rules and procedures outlined in this manual throughout the day may be
rewarded in a variety of ways. Some of our students’ favorite rewards are:
Earning a ticket to Lunch Bunch
Being posted in our Hall of Fame
Receiving a positive phone call home
Earning a Treasure Box Back Stage Pass
Earning a homework pass
When the class has reached their student-set goal for Hall of Fame Points,
the entire class will earn the reward of their choosing. Past class rewards
have been:
Entire class eats lunch in the classroom with a movie
Pajama Day
A special mystery treat from Ms. Lucier
A Virtual Fieldtrip of the class’ choosing
Additional Prodigy time
Occasionally, students can find themselves outside of the expected Hall of
Fame behavior outlined in this manual. When this happens, there are
consequences. In our class, the consequence will always align with the
misbehavior. All instances of misbehavior will be handled with the intention
of getting the student back on track to the Hall of Fame. Students will
always be given a verbal warning before receiving a sign in. As stated
previously, if a student receives two sign ins during one school day,
parents/guardians will be notified. If a student receives five sign ins during
one week, a student/family/teacher phone conference will be requested
with the intent of finding a solution to the challenges that the student is
having in class.
Classroom Layout
Rules & Procedures Contract
Please complete and return to Ms. Lucier.
Family Member/Guardian:
___________________________ (Signature)
___________________________ (Signature)
Date Signed: ______________________