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Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 81–94

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XFEM based seismic potential failure mode analysis of concrete gravity

dam–water–foundation systems through incremental dynamic analysis
Gaohui Wang a,b,⇑, Yongxiang Wang c, Wenbo Lu a,b, Chuangbing Zhou a,b, Ming Chen a,b, Peng Yan a,b
State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
Key Laboratory of Rock Mechanics in Hydraulic Structural Engineering Ministry of Education, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: As revealed by the structural damage of concrete dams (e.g. Hsinfengkiang, Koyna, Sefid-Rud) arising in
Received 26 October 2014 recent earthquakes, cracking damage would probably occur inside concrete dams when subjected to
Revised 2 April 2015 strong ground motions. This phenomenon is caused by the low tensile resistance of concrete. Research
Accepted 11 April 2015
on the cracking damage process and failure modes of concrete gravity dams subjected to strong earth-
Available online 2 May 2015
quakes is crucial to a reasonable assessment of the seismic safety of dams. In this paper, the extended
finite element method (XFEM) is presented to describe the crack propagation within concrete gravity
dams subjected to earthquake loads. Moreover, the interaction between the impounded water and the
Concrete gravity dam
Extended finite element method (XFEM)
dam–foundation system is explicitly taken into account by modeling the reservoir water with two-
Cracking damage process dimensional fluid finite elements in the Lagrangian formulation. In order to validate the proposed
Potential failure mode algorithm, seismic crack analysis is performed to investigate the failure modes of the Koyna dam–
Incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) reservoir–foundation system under the 1967 Koyna earthquake. It shows that the cracking damage pro-
Dam–reservoir–foundation interaction file obtained from the proposed XFEM framework agrees well with that reported in the literature. With
the validated algorithm, we further apply it to study the potential failure modes of the Guandi concrete
gravity dam. Seismic cracking response of concrete gravity dams considering the effects of the dam–
reservoir–foundation interaction is obtained through the incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) based
XFEM. 40 as-recorded accelerograms with each scaled to 8 increasing intensity levels are selected in this
study. Based on the 320 numerical simulation results, typical failure processes and five potential failure
modes of concrete gravity dams under the selected database of strong earthquake ground motions are
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction world, only some of them have experienced ground shaking

induced structural damage. To name just a few, the Hsingfengkiang
Due to the outburst of strong earthquakes like Wenchuan earth- dam, China, 1962; Koyna dam, India, 1967; and Sefid-Rud dam,
quake in 2008, Haiti earthquake in 2010, Tohoku earthquake in Iran, 1990 are the ones that have suffered from damage in
2011, and Chile earthquake in 2014, it seems that the earth has earthquakes.
come into an era with more and stronger earthquakes. When sub- In order to meet the ever increasing demand for power, irriga-
jected to strong ground motions, mass concrete dams are likely to tion, drinking water, etc., numerous high concrete dams are being
experience cracking due to the low tensile resistance of concrete. built or to be built and the majority of them are located in active
Meanwhile, the potential crack initiation and propagation would seismic regions. Considering that the possible dam failure due to
adversely affect the static and dynamic performance of dams. As seismic activities could result in heavy loss of human life and sub-
cracks penetrate deep inside a dam, its structural resistance may stantial property damages, seismic safety evaluation of high dams
be considerably weakened, thereby endangering the safety of the remains a crucial problem in dam construction. To achieve a rea-
dam. While there are many high concrete dams throughout the sonable assessment of the seismic safety of dams, study on the
cracking damage process and potential failure modes of concrete
⇑ Corresponding author at: State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and dams subjected to strong earthquakes is indispensable and
Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China. Tel.: deserves more investigation and attention, which will be the major
+86 027 68772221; fax: +86 027 68772310. focus of this contribution.
E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Wang).
0141-0296/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
82 G. Wang et al. / Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 81–94

The shaking table test, which can reproduce the seismic originally proposed by Belytschko and Black in 1999 [24], is
response of structures to seismic loadings, is one method to inves- employed to investigate the nonlinear dynamic behavior of con-
tigate the seismic failure process of high concrete dams. However, crete gravity dams. Moreover, the cohesive segments method
many issues need to be clarified for the model test. Among them, [25] in conjunction with the phantom node technique [26,27] is
the problem of similarity relation is the most difficult, particularly introduced to the XFEM framework in order to simulate crack ini-
for the seismic failure process of high concrete dams. Apart from tiation and propagation along arbitrary paths, This strategy pro-
the shaking table test, many nonlinear models have also been vides great flexibility and versatility in the numerical modeling
developed in order to assess the seismic safety of concrete dams. of discontinuities, since the finite element mesh conforming to
There are based either on the discrete crack approach [1–4] or cracks is not required and the remeshing during crack growth is
the smeared crack approach [5–8]. In addition, other models, such avoided in this strategy. These advantages are attributed to the
as plastic-damage model, extended finite element method (XFEM), enrichment functions added to the standard finite element approx-
discrete element method (DEM), and discontinuous deformation imation, which is based on the partition of unity concept. Further-
analysis (DDA), are also used in some cases to analyze the seismic more, the interaction between the impounded water and the dam–
failure behavior of concrete dams. foundation system is also explicitly taken into account by model-
Without being exhaustive, some contributions to these methods ing the reservoir water with two-dimensional fluid finite elements
and their applications in seismic analysis of concrete dams are in the Lagrangian formulation. That is to say, the presented XFEM
worth mentioning. Lee and Fenves [9] developed a new plastic- framework is applied in the fluid–solid coupled systems for solid
damage constitutive model for earthquake analysis of concrete (concrete dam) modeling.
dams. By using this plastic-damage model, Long et al. [10] investi- More importantly, the presented study also attempts to gener-
gated the seismic damage mechanics of a high gravity dam with alize the potential failure modes of concrete gravity dams from a
and without the presence of reinforcement. Calayir and Karaton large database of ground motions. Considering the uncertainty in
[11,12] presented a continuum damage model and a co-axial rotat- ground motion input, 40 as-recorded accelerograms with each
ing crack model for earthquake damage response analysis of con- scaled to 8 increasing intensity levels are selected as seismic exci-
crete gravity dams with the effects of dam–reservoir interaction tations. Seismic cracking damage process and dynamic response of
considered. Zhang et al. [13,14] investigated the influences of concrete gravity dams including the effect of dam–reservoir–foun-
strong motion duration and mainshock–aftershock seismic dation interaction are simulated through the IDA [28–30] based
sequences on the accumulated damage of concrete gravity dams XFEM. The typical failure process and potential failure modes of
using a concrete damage plasticity (CDP) model. Omidi et al. [15] concrete gravity dams under strong earthquake ground motions
examined the seismic fracture responses of concrete gravity dams are presented.
due to constant and damage-dependent damping mechanisms.
They used a plastic-damage model to simulate the irreversible 2. Extended finite element method for dynamic crack analysis
damage occurring in the fracturing process of concrete. Pan et al.
[16] compared the cracking process and profiles of concrete dams In the standard FEM, cracks are required to follow element
using the XFEM with cohesive constitutive relations, crack band edges for the discontinuity modeling. In contrast, the crack geom-
finite element method with plastic-damage relations, and the finite etry in the extended finite element method (XFEM) need not be
element Drucker–Prager Elasto-plastic model. Zhang and his co- aligned with the element edges and thus is independent of the
workers [17] presented the XFEM for analyzing the seismic crack background mesh. Such a independence is made by enriching the
propagation of concrete gravity dams with initial cracks at the standard displacement-based finite element approximation with
upstream and downstream faces. Zhong et al. [18] extended the some pre-knowledge of the physics of crack. It is based on the par-
Rock Failure Process Analysis (RFPA) to study the failure process tition of unity method (PUM) introduced by Melenk and Babuška
of high concrete dams subjected to strong earthquakes. They pre- [31], which allows local enrichment functions to be easily incorpo-
sented the typical failure process and failure modes of concrete rated into a finite element approximation. This enrichment func-
gravity dams considering the uncertainty in ground motion input tions typically consist of some near-tip asymptotic functions that
and concrete material. Pekau and Yuzhu [19] used the DEM to study capture the singularity around the crack tip and a discontinuous
the seismic behavior of the fractured Koyna dam during earth- function that represents the jump in displacement across the crack
quakes. Their results showed that the safety of the dam is ensured surface. By implementing the generalized Heaviside function [32],
if the crack shape is horizontal or upstream-sloped, and it is very the method was further enhanced, avoiding taking into account the
dangerous if the crack slopes downstream. Bretas et al. [20] devel- complicated mapping for arbitrary curved cracks.
oped the DEM to investigate failure mechanisms in masonry gravity
dams. Mirzayee et al. [21] proposed a hybrid distinct element– 2.1. The XFEM approximation
boundary element approach to model the nonlinear seismic behav-
ior of cracked concrete gravity dams considering dam–reservoir The XFEM enriches a standard displacement based finite ele-
interaction effects. Wang et al. [22] employed the DDA to study ment approximation with discontinuous functions. The approxi-
the seismic stability of the upper part of the fractured Koyna dam. mation for a displacement vector function u with the partition of
Das and Cleary [23] explored a mesh-free particle method called unity enrichment (Fig. 1) in the XFEM takes the following form
smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) for the modeling of gravity [32]:
dam failure subjected to fluctuating dynamic earthquake loads. X X
Although all the aforementioned research investigated the fail- uxfem ðxÞ ¼ ui Ni ðxÞ þ b N ðxÞHðxÞ
j2J j j
ure process of dams under some specific seismic ground excita- i2I |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
only Heaviside nodes
tions, only a quite limited number of them have been performed X X4  X X4 
to generalize the seismic failure modes of concrete dams, espe- þ k2K 1 k
N ðxÞ cl1 F ðxÞ þ
l¼1 k l1 k2K 2 k
N ðxÞ cl2 F ðxÞ
l¼1 k l2
cially from a large and reliable database of ground motions. In this only cracktip nodes
contribution, we analyze the complicated seismic failure process of
the Guandi concrete dam located in China, which involves lots of
mechanisms such as elastic deformation and initiation and propa- where x ¼ fx; yg is the two-dimensional coordinate system, I is the
gation of cracks leading to ultimate failure. The XFEM, which was set of all nodes in the mesh, N i ðxÞ is the shape function associated
G. Wang et al. / Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 81–94 83

used in the element which contains the crack tip. For an isotropic
material, the crack-tip enrichment functions F l ðr; hÞ which are also
shown in Fig. 2 are given as
4 pffiffiffi h pffiffiffi h pffiffiffi h pffiffiffi h
fF l ðr; hÞgl¼1 ¼ r sin ; r cos ; r sin h sin ; r sin h cos
2 2 2 2

where (r; h) is the local polar coordinate system with its origin at
the crack tip, and h = 0 is tangent to the crack at the tip. Note that
the first function in Eq. (3) r sin h=2, is discontinuous across the
crack plane whereas the last three functions are continuous. It bears
emphasis that the near-tip discontinuity can be represented with
Fig. 1. Enriched nodes in the XFEM. other sets of functions, or even a single function which is discontin-
uous across the crack tip geometry. Multiple cracks can be treated
in the above framework, by incorporating additional discontinuous
with node i, ui are the classical degrees of freedom for node i. J  I and near-tip enrichment.
is the set of nodes whose shape function support is cut by a crack, bj The cohesive segments method [25] in conjunction with phan-
is the vector of corresponding additional degrees of freedom for tom nodes proposed by Song et al. [27] has been used in the
modeling crack faces (not crack-tips). If the crack is aligned with framework of the XFEM to simulate the crack initiation and prop-
the mesh, bj represent the opening of the crack, H(x) is the Heav- agation along arbitrary, solution-dependent paths in the bulk
iside function. K 1  I and K 2  I are the set of nodes whose shape materials for brittle or ductile fracture. The cohesive segments
function support contains the first and second crack tips in their are not restricted to being located along element boundaries, but
influence domain, respectively. cl1 l2
k and ck are the vector of corre-
can be located at arbitrary locations and in arbitrary directions,
sponding additional degrees of freedom which are related to the allowing for the resolution of complex crack patterns. In this case
modeling of crack-tips, as the near-tip regions are enriched with the near-tip asymptotic singularity is not needed, and only the dis-
four different crack functions. F l1 ðxÞ and F l2 ðxÞ are the asymptotic placement jump across a cracked element, which is described
crack-tip enrichment functions. If there is no enrichment, then the using the phantom node method, is considered. Therefore, the
above equation reduces to the classical finite element approxima- crack has to propagate across an entire element at a time to avoid
P the need to model the stress singularity. Phantom nodes which are
tion ufem ðxÞ ¼ i ui N i ðxÞ.
The first term on the right-hand side of the above equation (Eq. superposed on the original real nodes, are utilized to represent the
(1)) is applied to all the nodes while the second term is only valid discontinuity of the cracked elements, as illustrated in Fig. 3
for nodes whose shape function support is cut by the crack interior, [27,33]. Propagation of a crack along an arbitrary path is made
and the third (fourth) term is used only for nodes whose shape possible by the use of phantom nodes that initially have exactly
function support is cut by the crack tip. the same coordinates as the real nodes and that are completely
constrained to the real nodes up to damage initiation. In an
uncrack element, each phantom node is completely constrained
2.2. Enrichment functions to their corresponding real nodes (n1 to n4 ). But when crossed by
a crack at Cc , the element is partitioned into two subdomains,
To model the discontinuity in displacement field, the enrich- XA and XB . The discontinuity in the displacement is made possible
ment function H(x) which we refer to as a generalized Heaviside by adding phantom nodes (n01 to n04 ) superimposed to the original
enrichment function is implemented in the simulation of pow-
nodes. The existing element is replaced by two sub-elements,
der-die contact surface. The function H(x) takes the value of +1
referred to as element A and element B. Each sub-element is
above the crack, and 1 below the crack. The function H(x) is given
formed by a combination of some real nodes (the ones correspond-
ing to the cracked part) and phantom nodes (the ones correspond-
 ing to the respective part of the original element). The two sub-
1 if ðx  x Þ  n P 0
HðxÞ ¼ ð2Þ elements are constituted by the nodes n01 ; n02 ; n3 and n4 ðnA Þ and
1 otherwise
n1 ; n2 ; n03 , and n04 ðnB Þ. Each phantom node and its corresponding
where x is a sample gauss point, x (lies on the crack) is the closest real node are no longer tied together and can move apart. Both ele-
point to x (Fig. 2), and n is the unit outward normal to the crack at ments are only partially active, the active part of element A is XA
x . Fig. 2 illustrates the discontinuous jump function across the and the active part of element B is XB . This is represented numer-
crack surface. ically in the definition of the displacement field: the displacement
In order to model the crack-tip and also to improve the repre- of a point with coordinates x is computed by
sentation of crack-tip fields, crack-tip enrichment functions are (
uA ðx; tÞ ¼ uAj ðtÞNj ðxÞ; x 2 XA
uB ðx; tÞ ¼ uBj ðtÞNj ðxÞ; x 2 XB

The approximation of the displacement field is then given by:

uðx; t Þ ¼ uAj ðtÞNj ðxÞHðf ðxÞÞ þ uBj ðtÞNj ðxÞHðf ðxÞÞ ð5Þ
j2nA |fflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} j2nB |fflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
uA ðx;t Þ uB ðx;t Þ

where nA and nB are the index sets of the nodes of superposed ele-
ment A and element B, respectively; f ðxÞ is the signed distance mea-
sured from the crack.
The crack normal opening dn and the tangential sliding dt are
Fig. 2. Representation of normal and tangential coordinates for a smooth crack. shown in the following equation:
84 G. Wang et al. / Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 81–94

Fig. 3. Representation of cracked elements by implementation of phantom node method.

dn ¼ n½u In the analysis, the effects of the small amplitude free surface
dt ¼ k½u  ndn k waves, which are commonly referred to as the sloshing effects,
are taken into account. The sloshing effects cause a pressure at
where [u] is the jump in the displacement given as the free surface of fluid, which is given by
½u ¼ Nj uAj  Nj uBj ð7Þ P ¼ cw ufn ð9Þ
j2nA j2nB
where cw is the weight density of fluid and ufn is the normal com-
In order to control the magnitude of separation, the cohesive ponent of the free surface displacement. The free surface stiffness
law is defined. A separation occurs when the cohesive strength of for fluid is obtained from the discrete form of Eq. (9).
the cracked element is zero, after which the phantom and the real In this study, the equations of motion of the fluid system are
nodes move independently. This method which provides an effec- obtained using energy principles. Using the finite element approx-
tive and attractive engineering approach, has been used to simu- imation, the total strain energy of the fluid system can be written
late the initiation and growth of multiple cracks in solids by as
Remmers et al. [25] and Song et al. [27]. The detail of the flowchart
for crack propagation simulation can be found in references 1
pe ¼ UTf Kf Uf ð10Þ
[34,35]. 2
In the XFEM, the mesh is not required to conform to the geo- where Uf is the nodal displacement vector, Kf is the stiffness matrix
metric discontinuities. Two signed distance functions per node of the fluid system. Kf is obtained by the sum of the stiffness matri-
are generally required to describe the crack location, including ces of the fluid elements as follows
the location of crack tips, in a cracked geometry. The first signed P )
distance function describes the crack surface, while the second is Kf ¼ Kef
R ð11Þ
used to construct an orthogonal surface so that the intersection Kef ¼ V
BeT e
f Cf Bf dV

of the two surfaces gives the crack front. The first signed distance
function is assigned only to nodes of elements intersected by the where Cf is the elasticity matrix consisting of diagonal terms in Eq.
crack, while the second is assigned only to nodes of elements con- (8). Bef is the strain–displacement matrix of the fluid element.
taining the crack tips. An important behavior of fluid systems is the ability to displace
without a change in volume. For reservoir and storage tanks, this
3. Lagrangian formulation for dynamic interaction of dam– movement is known as sloshing waves in which the displacement
reservoir–foundation systems is in the vertical direction. The increase in the potential energy of
the system because of the free surface motion can be written as
The formulation of the fluid–solid system based on Lagrangian 1
approach is given according to Refs. [36,37]. In this approach, dis- ps ¼ UTsf Sf Usf ð12Þ
placements are selected as the variables in both fluid and structure
where Usf and Sf are the vertical nodal displacement vector and the
domains. Fluid is assumed to be linearly elastic, inviscid and irro-
stiffness matrix of the free surface of the fluid system, respectively.
tational. For a general two-dimensional fluid element, the stress–
Sf is obtained by the sum of the stiffness matrices of the free surface
strain relationships can be written as:
   fluid elements as follows
P C 11 0 ev P )
¼ ð8Þ Sf ¼ Sef
Pz 0 C 22 WZ R T ð13Þ
Sef ¼ qf g A hs hs dAe
where P is the pressure, C 11 is the bulk modulus of fluid and ev is the
volumetric strain; W z is the rotation about the axis z; Pz and C 22 are where hs is the vector consisting of interpolation functions of the
the rotational stress and constraint parameter related with W z , free surface fluid element. qf and g are the mass density of the fluid
respectively. Note that the rotation constraint parameter C 22 in and the acceleration due to gravity, respectively. In addition, the
the above stress–strain relationship of fluid is introduced to enforce kinetic energy of the system can be written as
the irrotationality of fluid by penalty method. It should be as high as
1 _T
necessary to prevent fluid rotation but small enough to avoid caus- T¼ U Mf U_ f ð14Þ
ing numerical ill-conditioning in the assembled stiffness matrix. 2 f
G. Wang et al. / Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 81–94 85

where U _ and Mf are the nodal velocity vector and the mass matrix where U n is the normal component of the interface displacement
of the fluid system, respectively. Mf is also obtained by the sum of [39]. Using the interface condition, the equations of motion of the
the mass matrices of the fluid elements as follows coupled system to ground motions including damping effects are
P ) given by
Mf ¼ Mef
R T ð15Þ € c þ Cc U
Mc U _ c þ Kc Uc ¼ Rc ð18Þ
Mf ¼ qf V H H dV e

where H is the matrix consisting of interpolation functions of the where Mc ; Cc and Kc are the mass, damping and stiffness matrices
fluid element. If Eqs. (10), (12) and (14) are combined using the _ c and U
for the coupled system, respectively. Uc ; U € c are the vectors
Lagrange’s equations [38], the following set of equations is obtained of the displacement, velocity, acceleration of the coupled system,
respectively. Rc is the time-varying nodal force vector of ground
€ f þ K Uf ¼ Rf
Mf U ð16Þ
f acceleration.
where U € f ; Uf ; K and Rf are the nodal acceleration, the nodal dis-
placement, the system stiffness matrix including the free surface 4. Validation test
stiffness and the time-varying nodal force vector for the fluid sys-
tem, respectively. In the formation of the fluid element matrices, The Koyna gravity dam, which is one of a few concrete dams
reduced integration orders are utilized. that have experienced structural damage during earthquakes, is
The equations of motion of the fluid system (Eq. (16)), have a selected to validate the numerical framework we used. In this
similar form to those of the structure system. For obtaining the paper, the XFEM implemented in ABAQUS finite element program
coupled equations of the fluid–structure system, it is required to is used to predict the initiation and growth of cracks and subse-
determine the interface condition. Because the fluid is assumed quent nonlinear structural behavior. The time histories of the
to be inviscid, only the displacement in the normal direction to Koyna earthquake are shown in Fig. 4. The finite element model
the interface is continuous at the interface of the system. Assuming of the dam–reservoir–foundation interaction system is given in
that positive face is the structure and negative face is the fluid, the Fig. 5(a), and the dimensions of the dam are given in Fig. 5(b). In
boundary condition at the fluid–structure interface is the initial time step, displacements of the nodal points on the left
and right truncated boundary of the reservoir and foundation are
U n ¼ U þn ð17Þ
assumed to be zero in the normal direction. In addition, the bottom

0.4 Horizontal component 0.4 Vertical component

Acceleration (g)

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0

-0.2 -0.2

-0.4 -0.4

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) Horizontal component (b) Vertical component

Fig. 4. Koyna earthquake on December 11, 1967: (a) horizontal component and (b) vertical component.

(a) Dam-reservoir-foundation system (b) Concrete gravity dam

Fig. 5. Finite element discretization for the dam–reservoir–foundation system of Koyna dam. (a) Dam–reservoir–foundation system. (b) Concrete gravity dam.
86 G. Wang et al. / Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 81–94

boundary of the foundation is fully constrained. After static analy- 5. Seismic potential failure mode analysis of Guandi concrete
sis, displacement constraints are released, and the horizontal and gravity dam–reservoir–foundation system
vertical components of the Koyna earthquake accelerations are
applied to the base of the foundation as input load. The material 5.1. FEM model and material properties
parameters for the Koyna dam concrete are as follows: the elastic-
ity modulus E = 3.1  104 MPa, the Poisson’s ratio m = 0.2, the mass In this section, the seismic potential failure modes of the Guandi
density q = 2643 kg/m3, the fracture energy is 250 N/m. The tensile concrete gravity dam–reservoir–foundation system are studied.
and compressive strength of the dam are 2.9 and 24.1 MPa, respec- The Guandi gravity dam with a design PGA of 0.34 g is located on
tively. The foundation rock is assumed to be linearly elastic. In the Yalong River in the Sichuan Province of China. A typical non-
order to avoid reflection of the outgoing waves, the foundation overflow monolith with a height of 142 m is employed to model
rock is assumed to be massless. The elasticity modulus and Pois- its seismic damage process. The dam–reservoir–foundation inter-
son’s ratio of the foundation rock are taken as 21.6 GPa and 0.20, action system is shown in Fig. 7. Lagrangian approach is used for
respectively. The fluid is assumed to be linearly elastic, inviscid the finite element modeling of dam–reservoir–foundation interac-
and irrotational. The bulk modulus and mass density of the fluid tion problem. For the initial time step, displacements of nodes on
are taken as 2.07 GPa and 1000 kg/m3. The rotation constraint the left and right truncated boundary of the dam–reservoir–foun-
parameter of the fluid is assumed to be 100 times of the bulk mod- dation system are assumed to be zero in the normal direction. In
ulus. A dynamic magnification factor of 1.2 is considered for the addition, the base of the foundation is fully constrained. For the
tensile strength to account for strain rate effects. The energy dissi- sequent dynamic analysis, all displacement constraints are
pation of the dam and foundation is considered by the Rayleigh released, and the horizontal and vertical components of the
damping method with 5% damping ratio. The maximum reservoir selected earthquake accelerations are applied to the foundation
water level of 96.5 m is considered. It should be noted that the seis- base as input load. The material parameters of the fluid are
mic water pressure effects inside the cracks are not considered in assumed as aforementioned. The traditional massless foundation
the analysis. Further studies of the effect of seismic water pressure approach is utilized herein to account for the dam–foundation
on the crack propagation and dynamic response of the dam are interaction. Since the presented research aims at the seismic dam-
deemed necessary. age process of concrete gravity dams, nonlinearity of the founda-
Dynamic crack propagation analysis of Koyna gravity dam tion rock is not considered. The energy dissipation of the
under the 1967 earthquake is conducted employing the XFEM monolith is considered by the Rayleigh damping method with 5%
based cohesive segments method. Fig. 6 shows the final crack pro- damping ratio. Three indices of concrete are employed, i.e., C15,
file of Koyna dam under the 1967 Koyna earthquake obtained from C20 and C25. The static material properties are listed in Table 1.
the numerical simulation and the model test [40], respectively. It The tensile strength is taken as 10% of its compressive counterpart.
can be noted that the occurring crack profile matches reasonably The elasticity modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the foundation rock
well with the experimental result from the model test. By compar- are taken as 21.6 GPa and 0.20, respectively. To account for the
ing the current results with the Koyna dam prototype observation effects of strain rate, modulus and strength for the dam and mod-
[41], model test [40] and previous research results [11,15,16,23], it ulus for the foundation rock are increased by 30% according to the
may be concluded that the XFEM procedure can predict effectively Code for Seismic Design of Hydraulic Structures in China. Both hor-
the crack propagation process in concrete gravity dams under seis- izontal direction and vertical direction are subjected to earthquake
mic conditions. excitation.

(a) Numerical result (b) Experimental result from

from the XFEM procedure the model test [40]
Fig. 6. The final failure modes of Koyna dam under the 1967 earthquake. (a) Numerical result from the XFEM procedure. (b) Experimental result from the model test [40].
G. Wang et al. / Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 81–94 87

(a) Dam-reservoir-foundation system (b) Guandi gravity dam

Fig. 7. Finite element meshes of the Guandi graivty dam–reservoir–foundation system. (a) Dam–reservoir–foundation system. (b) Guandi gravity dam.

Table 1
Material properties of the Guandi gravity dam.

Concrete Modulus (GPa) Poisson’s ratio Density (kg/m3) Compressive strength (MPa) Tensile strength (MPa) Fracture energy (N/m)
C15 56.0 0.167 2552 14.53 1.45 205
C20 57.6 0.167 2552 19.38 1.94 257
C25 58.8 0.167 2552 21.45 2.15 300

5.2. Seismic response and crack propagation analysis of the Guandi have 0.34 g spectral acceleration in the stream direction, is used
dam under design peak ground acceleration as seismic excitation. The implicit Newmark-b method is used in
the incremental dynamic analysis for time stepping, which is
In this section, the effects of the concrete cracking damage on unconditionally stable. That is to say, any time step will lead to
the seismic response of the dam–reservoir–foundation system stable results. However, in order to ensure accurate time integra-
under design peak ground acceleration (PGA) of 0.34 g are investi- tion, sufficiently small time increment are needed. On the other
gated by comparison of the linear and nonlinear dynamic solutions hand, excessive time steps result in high burden and poor compu-
of the system. The linear solution is obtained by assuming the con- tational efficiency. In practice, an adequate balance between accu-
crete to be linear elastic while the nonlinear dynamic solution of racy and efficiency can be obtained by choosing the following
the dam is obtained from the XFEM-based cohesive segments combination: the initial increment size and maximum increment
method. Namely, the concrete cracking damage resulting from size are 0.001 s and 0.01 s, respectively. Meanwhile, automatic
the seismic ground motion is considered in the nonlinear solution. time incrementation is used for the dynamic analysis to further
Besides the effects of the concrete cracking damage, we also ana- improve the efficiency.
lyze and discuss the full process of dynamic cracking of the Guandi Fig. 8 compares the history of horizontal and vertical displace-
dam. The Koyna earthquake as shown in Fig. 4, which is scaled to ments at the dam crest obtained from the linear elastic method

2.00cm Linear
2 1.91cm
0.92cm Linear
0.5 Non-linear
Displacement (cm)

Displacement (cm)

-1 -1.0
-2 -1.97cm -1.5

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) Horizontal displacement (b) Vertical displacement

Fig. 8. Time history graphs of the horizontal and vertical displacements of the point P1 at the dam crest. (a) Horizontal displacement. (b) Vertical displacement.
88 G. Wang et al. / Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 81–94

and the XFEM, respectively, when the Guandi dam is under the is clear from Fig. 8 that the nonlinear response has a substantially
combined static and earthquake loads. The solid lines are the different displacement history than the linear model after
response of the dam using the XFEM, whereas the dashed lines t = 3.67 s. The vibration periods of displacement response are also
are the dam response assuming the concrete is linear elastic. The changed by the crack propagation, and a lengthened vibration per-
positive directions of the horizontal and vertical displacement iod from the XFEM procedure is found. It implies that the crest dis-
are in the downstream and upward directions, respectively. As placements are dominated by rigid–body rocking of the upper
can be seen in Fig. 8, the nonlinear dynamic response before crack- portion of the dam after the formation of cracks near the change
ing initiation (1.90 s) are coincident with the response calculated in the slope of the downstream face. At all times the nonlinear
from the linear elastic analysis. This means that the maximum response analysis shows that the dam remains stable.
principal stress in the dam does not exceed the tensile strength Figs. 9 and 10 present the time history graphs of the crack open-
of the concrete during the relatively small amplitude motion, and ing displacements, and the histories of the sliding of the upper
there is no cracking before t = 1.90 s. The subsequent displace- block of the dam after the formation of the penetrated crack. As
ments obtained from the linear and nonlinear solutions separate shown in Fig. 9, the peak of crack opening displacement at the
with each other as the cracks form and propagate in the dam. It downstream end happens at 4.32 s, reaching 1.79 cm, and at the
upstream end happens at 3.92 s, reaching 0.77 cm. It can also be
found form Fig. 9 that the crack opening displacement at the
2.0 downstream end is dominant compared with that at the upstream
1.79cm Downstream
Upstream end. The reason for this is mainly because the upstream-sloped
crack, which increases the resistance against downstream sliding
of the upper block, makes the upper block easier to rotate toward
COD (cm)

1.0 0.77cm
the upstream direction rather than downstream direction under
0.5 seismic conditions. As may be seen from Fig. 10, the maximum
sliding displacement toward the downstream direction is 0.26 cm
0.0 at 3.69 s, and toward the upstream direction is 2.08 cm at
Initial crack Penetrated crack 3.92 s. It may be concluded that when the Koyna earthquake scaled
-0.5 to have 0.34 g spectral acceleration in the stream direction causes
0 2 4 6 8 10
the penetrated crack damage to the dam, the upper block remains
Time (s) stable against overturning, as the maximum sliding displacement
of 2.08 cm is almost negligible, and the residual displacement is
Fig. 9. Time history graphs of the crack opening displacement (COD).
very small.
Crack propagation processes in the Guandi gravity dam at four
selected times as predicted using the XFEM procedure are shown
0.26cm in Fig. 11. As shown, the smooth curvature discrete crack penetrat-
Sliding along the crack (cm)

0.0 ing the elements is obtained. Damage initiates from regions with
very high stress concentrations. An upstream-sloped in the dam
-0.5 is initiated at the discontinuity in the slope of the downstream face
Penetrated crack
at about t = 1.90 s (Fig. 11(a)). At this location, stresses are concen-
-1.0 trated and the tensile stresses take large values. As the vibration
characteristics, the crack extends deeper inside of the dam. The ini-
tial crack propagates almost perpendicular to the downstream sur-
-2.0 face. The crack trajectory curves down due to the compressive
-2.08cm stresses resulting from rocking of the top block (Fig. 11(a) and
-2.5 (b)). At t = 2.59 s, the upper crack propagates to about three-fifth
0 2 4 6 8 10 through the thickness of the dam section (Fig. 11(b)). After the
Time (s) time instant t = 2.59 s, the crack propagates approximately hori-
zontally toward the upstream face. At t = 3.67 s, the downstream
Fig. 10. Sliding displacement histories of the upper block of the dam after the
formation of penetrated crack.
crack extends completely to the upstream face at a height of

(a)Time A (t=1.90s) (b) Time B (t=2.59s) (c) Time C (t=3.67s) (d) Time D (t=3.98s)

Fig. 11. Processes of the crack propagation in the Guandi gravity dam at four selected times. (a) Time A (t = 3.87 s). (b) Time B (t = 4.00 s). (c) Time C (t = 4.27 s). (d) Time D
(t = 4.48 s). (Amplification factor: 100.)
G. Wang et al. / Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 81–94 89

118.4 m above the base, penetrating the whole section of the dam self-weight of the dam and the hydrostatic load on upstream face
(Fig. 11(c)). Because of the thrust of impounded water which is of the dam are applied, and then the two components of the
opposing the tendency of the top section to slide along the crack selected earthquakes are uniformly applied at the base of the
in the upstream direction, the computed crack profiles in the upper foundation.
part of the dam can be considered neutral or favorable conditions Failure mode analysis of concrete gravity dams–reservoir–foun-
to maintain stability. dation systems is carried out through nonlinear IDA based on
XFEM. The final cracking profiles of the Guandi gravity dam under
5.3. Potential failure mode analysis of concrete gravity dams the 1967 Koyna record at different shaking intensity levels are
shown in Fig. 12. The crack initiation occurs at different times
In order to investigate the potential failure modes of concrete and locations depending on the amplitude. When the dam is
gravity dam–reservoir–foundation systems subjected to strong loaded with only static loads, stress level in the dam is relatively
ground motions, 40 real earthquake records, which have been low, no visible crack is detected. For the seismic motions associ-
selected from the databases of the COSMOS [42] and PEER [43] ated with a PGA of 0.2 g, very minor damage is identified near
with a broad distribution of durations, are applied to the structure. the change in downstream slope. With the increasing acceleration
The seismic sequences with different earthquake magnitudes (i.e., excitation, the downstream surface and upstream surface as well
M w 6.0–7.8) that have occurred in the United States, Taiwan and as the dam heel of the dam are characterized by high tensile stress
India, are shown in Table 2. The data sample includes well-known and compressive stress. At the 0.30 g level, some moderate damage
earthquakes with strong seismic activity, such as Loma Prieta is identified but it does not seem to reach a level that could com-
(1989), Northridge (1994), and Chi-Chi (1999) events. Owing to promise the integrity of the section. The upper crack propagates
the uncertainty of earthquake activities, the amplitude of earth- to about three-fifth through the thickness of the dam section.
quakes may vary over a wide range according to the seismic hazard The results corresponding to the 0.34–0.80 g PGA level clearly indi-
analysis with a different occurrence probability. Eight levels of cate that significant damage is detected. At the 0.34 g level, the
acceleration amplitudes are employed in the analysis, i.e., 0.2 g, upper crack propagates completely to the upstream face, causing
0.3 g, 0.34 g, 0.4 g, 0.50 g, 0.6 g, 0.7 g and 0.8 g. By increasing the the dam head detached from the dam body. At the 0.6 g level,
earthquake intensity, the structure is shifted from its initial elastic cracks appear not only at the dam heel and the change in down-
state into a series of successive inelastic states and finally to its col- stream slope, but also near the change in the slope of the upstream
lapse. In each seismic analysis first the static loads including the face. As the dam oscillates during an earthquake, these cracks

Table 2
The earthquakes used in the failure mode analysis.

No. Earthquake Date Distance to fault (km) Station location Mw Comp. PGA (cm/s2)
1 Koyna 11-12-1967 13.0 Koyna Dam 6.5 0 464.78
2 Northridge 17-01-1994 12.5 Coldwater Canyon School #5309 6.7 180 313.30
3 Northridge 17-01-1994 35.8 Los Angeles Terrace #24592 6.7 180 310.10
4 Northridge 17-01-1994 15.7 Epiphany Litheran Church #5353 6.7 196 404.20
5 Northridge 17-01-1994 18.4 Los Angeles Mulholland Dr. #5314 6.7 35 641.90
6 Northridge 17-01-1994 8.6 Los Angeles Dam #2141 6.7 334 419.10
7 Northridge 17-01-1994 12.9 CA – White Oak Covenant Church #5303 6.7 180 467.90
8 Northridge 17-01-1994 7.1 Newhall, CA – Los Angeles County Fire #24279 6.7 360 578.20
9 Northridge 17-01-1994 8.6 Sylmar, CA – Jensen Filtration Plant #655 6.7 22 560.30
10 Northridge 17-01-1994 29.4 Warm Springs #24272 6.7 90 221.20
11 Northridge 17-01-1994 17.9 Tarzana, CA – Cedar Hill #24436 5.3 90 365.30
12 Chi-Chi 20-09-1999 8.3 Taichung, Taiwan #TCU078 7.6 0 301.80
13 Chi-Chi 20-09-1999 7.9 Taichung, Taiwan #TCU072 7.6 360 360.10
14 Chi-Chi 20-09-1999 8.9 Taichung, Taiwan #TCU050 7.6 0 127.50
15 Chi-Chi 20-09-1999 32.0 Ilan, Taiwan #ILA067 7.6 90 195.70
16 Chi-Chi 20-09-1999 37.2 Chiayi, Taiwan #CHY014 7.6 0 254.90
17 Chi-Chi 20-09-1999 3.2 Taichung, Taiwan #TCU076 7.6 90 336.10
18 Chi-Chi 20-09-1999 31.1 Chiayi, Taiwan #CHY086 7.6 0 201.60
19 Loma Prieta 18-10-1989 17.2 South St and Pine Dr. #47524 7.0 90 174.50
20 Loma Prieta 18-10-1989 15.9 Capitola, CA #47125 7.0 90 390.80
21 Loma Prieta 18-10-1989 11.9 Santa Teresa Hills #57563 7.0 315 223.40
22 Loma Prieta 18-10-1989 6.3 Gilroy Array Sta 3 # 47381 7.0 90 362.00
23 Loma Prieta 18-10-1989 22.7 Gilroy Array Sta 7 #57425 7.0 90 314.30
24 Loma Prieta 18-10-1989 2.8 Corralitos, CA #57007 7.0 90 469.40
25 Loma Prieta 18-10-1989 16.9 Coyote Lake Dam, CA #57217 7.0 285 471.00
26 Loma Prieta 18-10-1989 2.8 Gilroy Array Sta 1, CA #47379 7.0 90 433.60
27 Imperial Valley 15-10-1979 12.9 El Centro, CA – Array Sta 7 #5028 6.5 52 205.76
28 Imperial Valley 15-10-1979 5.6 El Centro, CA – Differential Array #5165 6.5 360 473.64
29 Imperial Valley 15-10-1979 9.8 Casa Flores Mexicali #6619 6.5 0 238.10
30 Imperial Valley 15-10-1979 5.2 El Centro, CA – Array Sta 5 #0952 6.5 230 360.37
31 Imperial Valley 15-10-1979 21.7 El Centro, CA – Array Sta 13 #5059 6.5 230 131.07
32 Imperial Valley 15-10-1979 8.8 Holtville, CA – Post Office #5055 6.5 225 242.96
33 Imperial Valley 15-10-1979 21.8 Superstition Mtn, CA – Camera Site #0286 6.5 135 182.19
34 Petrolia 17-08-1991 11.7 General Store #89156 6.0 90 488.70
35 Parkfield 28-09-2004 14.0 USGS Parkfield Dense #02 6.0 360 170.00
36 Superstition Hills 24-11-1987 13.0 Westmorland, CA #11369 6.6 180 203.56
37 Kern County 21-07-1952 36.2 Lincoln School #1095 7.5 111 175.95
38 San Simeon 22-12-2003 14.8 Caltrans Bridge Grnds #37737 6.5 90 175.00
39 Landers 28-06-1992 28.6 Whitewater Canyon #5072 7.3 270 124.92
40 Landers 28-06-1992 10.0 Joshua Tree #22170 7.3 90 278.40
90 G. Wang et al. / Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 81–94

extend into the dam. The case associated with a PGA of 0.70 g A typical damage process of the Guandi gravity dam–reservoir–
shows clear indications of significant strength degradation in the foundation system subjected to the Koyna acceleration time histo-
dam, with two cracking patterns that completely extends across ries with an amplitude of 0.7 g, about 2.0 times the design PGA, is
the upper and middle sections. plotted in Fig. 13. As shown, three damage zones (i.e., the change in

(a) PGA=0.2g (b) PGA=0.3g (c) PGA=0.34g (d) PGA=0.4g

(e) PGA=0.5g (f) PGA=0.6g (g) PGA=0.7g (h) PGA=0.8g

Fig. 12. Final cracking profiles of the Guandi gravity dam subjected to Koyna record at various intensity levels.

(a) 1.84s (b) 1.89s (c) 1.95s (d) 2.23s

(e) 2.32s (f) 2.77s (g) 3.69s (h) 4.42s

Fig. 13. A typical damage process of the Guandi gravity dam under Koyna acceleration time histories with an amplitude of 0.7 g. (Amplification factor: 100).
G. Wang et al. / Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 81–94 91

the slope of the down face, the change in upstream slope and the seconds, this crack propagates quickly and finally to the upstream
dam heel) are clearly identified and they correspond to the areas face at 1.95 s, penetrating the whole section of the dam (Fig. 13(c)).
associated with the maximum tensile demands. At 1.84 s, the ini- In addition, a crack develops in the dam heel at 2.23 s, which is
tial crack in the dam is firstly observed near the change in the slope probably due to stress concentration (Fig. 13(d)). After the time
of the down face (Fig. 13(a)). With the on-going acceleration exci- instant t = 2.32 s, a crack in the middle of the dam is initiated at
tation, the crack extends deeper inside of the dam. During the next the change in the slope of the upstream face (Fig. 13(e)) and the

Fig. 14. Typical cracking profiles for the Guandi gravity dam under real earthquake records at different shaking intensity levels. (Amplification factor: 100.)
92 G. Wang et al. / Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 81–94

tensile stress is remarkably concentrated here. With the continu- two damage zones (the downstream face and concrete partition
ous vibration of the dam, this crack continues to grow downward junction) are also detected. The top cracking profiles are almost
toward downstream in a slightly inclined direction (about 10° to either nearly horizontal or sloping downward from the down-
the horizontal). The crack propagates up to 27 m and then grows stream face toward the upstream face. It can also be found from
upward toward downstream at an angle of about 50° with respect Fig. 14 that for concrete gravity dams, the dam neck is vulnerable
to the dam bottom (Fig. 13(f) and (g)). At t = 4.42 s, the upstream to damage due to stress concentration. At this location, penetrated
crack extends completely to the downstream face, penetrating cracks are detected even under some smaller ground motions. In
the whole section of the dam (Fig. 13(h)). This finally separates a some records, there are uncompleted cracks at the neck of the
major portion of the structure and causes catastrophic failure. dam. But in some earthquake analyses, there is no cracking at
In order to obtain the potential failure modes of concrete grav- the neck of the dam. With the increasing acceleration excitation,
ity dams, 40 real earthquake records are selected as earthquake cracks are predicted to initialize near the middle of the upstream
excitation. Each record is scaled to 8 increasing intensity levels in face or the downstream face, and multiple failure modes occur in
the stream direction to generate eight groups of acceleration exci- the dam, which may be because that the downstream and
tations. More than 320 cases were calculated in the present study. upstream surfaces as well as the dam heel of the dam are charac-
But only some typical results are shown in this section. Typical terized by high tensile stress under strong ground motions.
cracking profiles of the Guandi gravity dam for each record at a cer- From the 320 numerical simulations, five typical failure modes
tain shaking intensity level are shown in Fig. 14. The deformations are obtained, as shown in Fig. 15. The first failure mode (Fig. 15(a))
of the dam at the end of the earthquakes can also be observed in is cracking that initiates at the change in downstream slope and
Fig. 14. It should be noted that the deformation has been magnified propagates almost perpendicular to the downstream surface for a
100 times. These figures depict the damage predicted for different certain distance. Then the cracking propagates approximately hor-
real ground motions considered in this study. From the numerical izontally toward the upstream face and separates the crest from
results, it can be found that the selected real strong motion records the upper part of the dam. The second failure mode (Fig. 15(b))
have significant influence on the crack propagation process and the is cracking that initiates at the dam heel and progresses a certain
finial cracking profile of concrete gravity dams, which may be distance from the upstream face to the downstream face. In the
mainly because they have a different intensity parameter, such third failure mode (Fig. 15(c)), cracking in the middle of the dam
as the peak ground acceleration (PGA), the strong motion duration are initiated at the changes in the slope of the upstream face and
(SMD) and the spectral amplitudes for different characteristic peri- propagate toward downstream in a slightly inclined direction.
ods. In addition to the previously mentioned three damage zones Finally the cracking reaches the downstream face. These crack
(the dam neck, dam heel and change in upstream slope), other finally separates a major portion of the structure and causes catas-

Fig. 14 (continued)
G. Wang et al. / Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 81–94 93

Failure mode I

Failure mode v
Failure mode iv

Failure mode II

Failure mode II Failure mode III

(a) Failure mode I (b) Failure mode II (c) Failure mode III (d) Failure mode iv (e) Failure mode v

Fig. 15. Typical failure modes of concrete gravity dams under strong ground motions.

trophic failure. The fourth failure mode (Fig. 15(d)) is cracking that considering the effects of dam–reservoir–foundation interaction
initiates from the downstream face and travels almost normal to are investigated by applying the IDA method based on the XFEM.
the initiation surface. Then the cracking propagates across another Damage and cracking of concrete gravity dams in earthquakes
crack initiated from the change in upstream slope and finally pen- are caused mainly by excessive stress. The selected real strong
etrates the whole section of the dam. In the fifth failure mode motion records have significant influence on the crack propagation
(Fig. 15(e)), crack begins to initialize near the upper of the process and the finial cracking profile of concrete gravity dams. The
upstream face, which is especially easy for the concrete partition dam neck is vulnerable to damage, in which penetrated cracks are
junction. Then it propagates approximately horizontally toward detected even under some smaller ground motions. With the
the opposite face and finally reaches the downstream face, with increasing acceleration excitations, multiple failure modes occur
a cracking pattern that extends completely across the upper in the dam. Cracks at the dam neck, dam heel and abrupt change
section. in slope of upstream face are most often observed. Based on the
The first two failure modes can be caused by relatively minor 320 numerical simulation results, five typical failure modes are
earthquakes. Since water pounding function of the reservoir is obtained. Cracks may mainly occur in the following regions: the
retained to a great extent, no disastrous results would occur toward discontinuity in the slope of the downstream face, the change in
the downstream areas. These latter three failure modes require upstream slope, the dam heel, the downstream face and the con-
much stronger seismic excitations (maybe 1.5 times the design crete partition junction. The obtained potential failure modes of
PGA or even greater than that), as compared to the former two fail- the dam can be used to assist in improving dam design and provide
ure modes. Although earthquake shocks much stronger than the more realistic failure scenarios for subsequent dam break flood
design value are of low probability, the experiences from Hsin- modeling.
fengkiang gravity dam in China, Koyna gravity dam in India, and
Sefid Rud dam in Iran show that these could happen. The possible
failure in these three modes of dams retaining large quantities of Acknowledgments
water will cause the most undesirable impact on the downstream
populated area along with a considerable amount of devastation. The authors gratefully appreciate the supports from the Chinese
This enlightens the importance for the dam designers and related National Programs for Fundamental Research and Development
researchers to obtain insights into fracture mechanisms of the (973Program) (No. 2011CB013501), the Chinese National Science
dam under various dynamic load cases. Understanding the failure Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (No. 51125037), and the
pattern can also be used to assist in improving dam design and pro- Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
vide more realistic failure scenarios for subsequent dam break flood (2042015kf0001).

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