Project Factsheet - IED Bandung

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Project Factsheet

Integrated Education (Phase 2) Project

(Bandung, Indonesia)


The Integrated Education (Phase 2) project in Bandung was a two-year

collaboration between the Singapore International Foundation (SIF), The Education Bureau,
Bandung City (TEB BC) and Senior State High School 11 (SMAN 11). The project was a follow-up from
the successfully completed phase 1 of a 3-year Integrated Education project, which concluded in
March 2014. The project duration was from June 2015 to March 2017.

Project Objectives
1. Introduce new classroom teaching strategies and practices compatible to the Indonesian context.
2. Enable participants to integrate various elements of effective classroom teaching strategies and
practices in lesson planning and design.
3. Enable participants to implement the planned lessons in the classroom.
4. Enable participants to review and reflect on own lesson designs and improve on them.
5. Train a core group of Master Trainers who will be able to train others in Integrated Education.

Project Location and Target Community

Training was conducted at Senior State High School 11 (SMAN 11).
The target trainees for the workshops were teachers from 10 selected schools and staff from TEB BC.

No. of Participants Trained & Master Trainers

A total of 249 participants were trained over four workshops.

This was a Training of Trainers (ToT) project, whereby Master Trainers (MTs) were identified from the
first training workshop. Besides the core trainees, each session also included about 20-30 teachers,
appointed by TEB BC. The MTs were tasked to cascade training for teachers who were unable to attend
SIF’s training. A total of 21 MTs were identified and participated in a study visit to Singapore in Feb
2017. One MT, Pak Atik from SMAN 11, is a national champion and through this project, more national
champions were identified. Their role is to cascade training to teachers in other provinces.

60A Orchard Road, #04-01 Tower 1, The Atrium@Orchard, International Involvement Hub, Singapore 238890
Tel +65 6837 8700 Fax +65 6837 8710
Training Topics
1. An Integrated Approach to teaching and Learning
2. Approaches in Classroom Teaching and Delivery
• Inquiry approach and Socratic questioning
• Elements of critical thinking
• Scientific approach
• Collaborative learning strategies
• Use of ICT in teaching and learning
• Different strategies and practices compatible in the Indonesian context

3. Elements in Lesson Design

4. Assessment Methods
• Approaches in assessment
• Modes of assessment
• Assessment rubric design

5. Facilitate and conduct the ToT methodology

6. Review and sharing of observations

Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators Outcomes

KPI 1: New classroom and/or KPI1
curriculum activities • 100% of the 10 teachers surveyed indicated that they were
able to apply the creative approaches and strategies in
teaching at least once a week. A few of them shared that they
were able to apply them every day.
• During a classroom observation, one of the teachers was
observed to be able to facilitate collaborative, diverging and
converging discussions, as well as group presentations,
which were followed by critique and a discussion session.
The students were observed to maintain a high level of
engagement throughout the lesson.
KPI 2: % of trainees show KPI2
uplifted skills after the • 100% of the 10 teachers surveyed indicated that they were
training able to design lesson plans using the new teaching ideas,
techniques and creative strategies learnt during the
workshops. Some examples of these new teaching
techniques and strategies include:
- Dilemma Approach, where students were given a
situation to discuss on and determine the best solution
viewed from different aspects.
- Cooperative and Collaborative Learning, where students
learn to work together
- Inquiry Approach where students were encouraged to
take on an exploratory approach towards a subject.

KPI 3: % of trainees KPI3

conducted training • 70% of the 10 teachers surveyed indicated that they had
workshops (TOT) shared the knowledge gained from the workshops with other
teachers. Most of them shared through informal settings like
over breaks.

KPI 4: Improved professional KPI4

skills • 80% of the 10 teachers surveyed indicated that their
professional teaching skills had improved as a result of the
project. Some examples of how this was evident:
- Easier to facilitate the delivery of lesson materials to
- Better communication between teachers and students.
- Consideration of class dynamics and time to use the
most appropriate teaching method to benefit the
- Increase in confidence after designing and carrying out
the lesson plans with more varied methods and
- Being able to explore further and look for more of such
creative learning techniques and applying them where
• 90% of the 10 teachers surveyed indicated that they were
able to better manage their classes. Students were found to
enjoy such lessons more. For example, through cooperative
and collaborative learning, the various student work groups
would assign a representative to share and they would have
the opportunity to take turns to share their perspectives.
This method was highly effective in allowing the students to
formulate answers by themselves, with the teacher doing a
summary to conclude the discussion.
Overall Assessment

The success of this project can be credited to a dedicated and passionate person-in-charge from the
Host Agency, namely Pak Atik from SMAN 11. He took great initiative to assist with the planning and
coordination, as well as in executing the project. Furthermore, the project intervention areas were
aligned with the project goals, and this can be attributed to detailed planning during the feasibility

As per the Key Project Indicators, the teachers gave feedback that they were able to design lesson
plans using teaching ideas taught in training and apply the creative approaches and strategies in their
classes. There was an overall improvement in their professional skills.

The teachers surveyed informed that the students were more appreciative, responsive and motivated
as the classes were more interesting.

Other schools became aware of the Integrated Education project and were interested to find out more
about the creative teaching techniques that were shared by the Singapore International Volunteers
(SIVs). Some MTs were invited by the teachers in other provinces to share their learning. The teachers
who participated in the workshops also shared what they had learnt and tips with their peers in school.

The Integrated Education project acts as a catalyst for teachers and their exposure to the endless
possibilities and ideas that can be used in lesson plans.

For future projects, the scope can be expanded to include monitoring and evaluating tools to
determine the benefits and learning outcomes of the application of creative teaching methods in
lesson plans, higher order thinking skills in teaching and approaches to developing teacher expertise.


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