Geotelematics: Telematics Is An Interdisciplinary Field That Encompasses Telecommunications
Geotelematics: Telematics Is An Interdisciplinary Field That Encompasses Telecommunications
Geotelematics: Telematics Is An Interdisciplinary Field That Encompasses Telecommunications
Several types of vehicle tracking devices exist. Typically they are classified
as "passive" and "active”
Passive Tracking "Passive" devices store GPS location, speed, heading and
sometimes a trigger event such as key on/off, door open/closed. Once the
vehicle returns to a predetermined point, the device is removed and the data
downloaded to a computer for evaluation. Passive systems include auto
download type that transfer data via wireless download.
Active Tracking "Active" devices also collect the same information but
usually transmit the data in near-real-time via cellular or satellite networks to a
computer or data center for evaluation.
Many modern vehicle tracking devices combine both active and passive
tracking abilities: when a cellular network is available and a tracking device is
connected it transmits data to a server; when a network is not available the
device stores data in internal memory and will transmit stored data to the server
later when the network becomes available again.
Location data is offered in most cases by the GPS (Global Positioning Service)
radio navigation system - hence the name GPS tracking - though in some other
specific cases different location technologies can be used (for example,
GLONASS, a satellite navigation system originated in Russia, or even other
type of location technology).
The vehicle data collected is transferred in a software user interface that can
be available in the form of an installed computer program or, as recent trends
suggest, as a cloud computing service.
The vehicle data collected in the software might be made available for a
smartphone app or be downloadable in excel or PDF format or the vehicle
tracking system can be able to create alerts looking for specific vehicle positions
of vehicle activity.
Vehicle tracking systems are commonly used by fleet operators for fleet
management functions such as fleet tracking, routing, dispatching, on-
board information and security. Some vehicle tracking systems are
bundled with or interface with fleet management software. Along with
commercial fleet operators, urban transit agencies use the technology for
a number of purposes, including monitoring schedule adherence of
buses in service, triggering automatic changes of buses' destination
sign displays once the vehicle approaches the bus terminus (or other set
location along a bus route such as a particular bus stop along the route),
Fig-7Architecture Of OpenGts
This diagram shows the basic relationships between the various main
components of OpenGTS. The various device communication servers run as
seperate processes on top of Java. The Track servlet (which provides the web-
interface), as well as other servlets (including any http-based device
communication servers) run within a Servlet Container, such as the one
provided by Apache Tomcat. This architecture allows for running the various
components on different physical servers, for assisting with 'high-availability'
1) Login
Fig-8Login Page
Login into your account with a valid authentication, and click on login button .
This will display the main navigation menu, shown on the next page.
Fig-9Main Menu
As you can see, the functions are broken down into 3 main categories,
Mapping, Reports and Administration. Each of the tabs corresponds to the
appropriately named category of functions.
Navigation may be accomplished in one of two ways: From the Main tab, select
Main Menu and the screen displayed above will be presented. From there, you
may select whichever section of the application is of interest. Alternatively, you
may use the individual tabs (Mapping, Reports, Administration) to select
functions within those specific categories. For instance, from the Reports tab,
you may select Vehicle Detail Reports, Vehicle Summary Reports, etc.
Now that we know how to navigate, let's get started with the Mapping
functionality. Click on the link for Track Vehicle Locations on a Map as
highlighted above and the following screen will be displayed.
Here we have the basic map view, with map zoom controls on the left.
On the right hand side, we have the date range controls allowing you to select
the period of time for which you'd like to review activity for a particular
vehicle/asset. Currently displayed is the starting date or "From" calendar
(yellow arrow). The right and left arrows just above the calendar will change the
month and then you can select the particular day of the month you want. To
select a different end date, click on the 3 triangles below the calendar (red
arrow) and the "To" calendar will roll up to replace the "From" calendar. Follow
the same procedure here to select your end date and then click the Update
button (green arrow) to redraw the vehicle/asset history on the map for the
selected date range.
Note that on the following screen, there appears to be a red pushpin. Let's zoom
in on that area.
We have two ways of diving deeper into the details. The first is obviously to
continue to zoom tighter into that portion of the map. The second is to utilize
the Location Details, by clicking the Show Location Details link at the bottom
of the map.
The values for each of the columns are as follows (reading from left to right):
Pin #, Date/Time, Event Status, GPS (lat/long), Speed, Heading, and Address.
Reading down the Date/Time column, you can see that this vehicle/device is
configured to report a fresh GPS reading to the server every 30 seconds.
All the navigation controls are the same as the individual Vehicle Map, Group
positions can be viewed in date-specific configurations by changing the
calendar and detailed information on any asset can be accessed by placing the
cursor over any "pushpin" to display. If multiple groups have been defined, then
alternate groups of assets/vehicles can be accessed in a pull-down menu by
clicking in the field next to "Vehicle Group Map"
Detail reports are vehicle or device specific and are structured to pull
information from the database in pre-defined formats that are relevant to the
type of report requested. It is important to understand that while the fields
(columns) presented in the following reports are what we have found to be most
useful for the majority of users, they are not cast in stone. If it is necessary to
add/remove data fields (columns) to any of these reports, it is simply a matter of
reconfiguring the report generator for a specific client. Any data field that exists
in the data table is capable of being added to a specific report.
The GPS Tracking Reports – Device Detail Reports Screen can be accessed
from the Reports tab and appears as shown above.
The Since Last Check In field is the amount of time that has passed since the
device has last checked in with the server. This may not necessarily mean that
this is the time the device last sent an event, only the last time the device
communicated with the server (at which time it may, or may not have sent an
actual event).
The GPS Tracking Reports – Performance Reports Screen can be accessed from
the Reports tab and appears as shown below.
For the purposes of this report, we have selected There is a lot of information to
absorb in the Driving/Stopped Time Summary report. It is designed to give the
detailed information, showing how much time was spent driving, how long the
transit time was between stops and how much distance was covered.
Additionally, the report shows how much time the vehicle/personnel spent
stopped, what the duration of the stops were and how many stops there were
and what the locations were. The fields presented in the report are Start Date,
Start Time, Driving Elapsed, Miles Driven, Stop Date, Stop Time, Latitude,
Longitude, Address, Idle Elapsed time, and Stopped Elapsed time.
This report can provide full detail on time spent driving, and time spent at stops.
After making any edits on this screen, it is important to press the Change button
at the bottom of the screen to save those edits (a message should then be
displayed at the bottom of the frame to indicate that the information was saved).
To cancel changes, press the Cancel link.
By selecting User Admin from the Administration tab, the View/Edit User
Information screen will be displayed, as shown below. On this screen, you can
review all of the defined users in the system. There are a number of fields that
are available in this summary view --User ID, User Name, Contact Name,
Contact Email, Time Zone and whether the user is Active (ie. allowed to log-
in). As you can see from the list below, it isn't necessary to populate all of these
fields when setting up new users. If all of the fields are not defined, the table in
the User Information Summary will just have some gaps.
It is possible to access the details that have been defined for any user in either
View or Edit mode. All of the details are the same in these two modes, with the
primary difference being unable to edit in the View mode. There's also the
ability to add new users using the Create a new user, in the field at the bottom of
the screen. The new user ID must be all one word and can't have any upper-case
letters or special characters.
To edit user information, click the Edit button to open the Edit window.
In the table, the following pieces of information are displayed --Vehicle ID,
Unique ID, Vehicle Name, Equipment Type, SIM Phone#, and whether the
device is currently Active.
Once the device has been added we can see the device listed in the above table ,
to enter the complete details of the device, we have to just select the device and
click the edit. We will see the screen as below
o Ignition Input should be set to the digital input line of the ignition sense.
If the device does not have an ignition sense, or the ignition sense is not
connected, then leave it set to “n/a”. The value of this field is used to
determine idle time on the Driving/Stopped time report.
o Vehicle Group Pushpin ID should be set to the desired pushpin icon to
use when representing this device on the Fleet/Group map.
When all changes have been made to your satisfaction, click the Change
button to save your changes.
The goal of the Group Admin function is to simply define what groups
exist. As we just covered in the Vehicle Admin section, this is where all
of the vehicles are assigned to their groups. So all that is left to do in the
Group Admin function is to define the actual Groups. By selecting Group
Admin from the Administration menu, the View/Edit Group
Information screen will be displayed, as shown below.
The following screen shot will drive home the point of just how straight
forward it is to set up and administer groups. When you've drilled down
to the edit function on a specific Group, just give the group a text
description in Group Name and you’re done. The Current Vehicle
Member List shows all vehicles which are currently a member of this
group. When satisfied with your modifications, click the Change button
to save changes.
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