Paper53254 258
Paper53254 258
Paper53254 258
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All content following this page was uploaded by Sanjay Havaldar on 08 September 2016.
Research Article
Accepted 02 March 2016, Available online 15 March 2016, Special Issue-4 (March 2016)
This paper analyzes the design of a pedal operated water filtration system to be used by local dwellers. It works on
the principle of compression and sudden release of a tube by creating negative pressure in the tube and this vacuum
created draws water from the sump into the pump while rollers push the water through to the filter where
adsorption takes place to purify the water. The design comprises of a peristaltic pump powered by pedaling, a filter
and hose or flexible tube. As the operator sits on the seat and pedals, the pedal crank transfers the motion to the rotor
thus the rollers and the tube is squeezed by the set of rollers to move the fluid. This design will reduce the labour, cost
and weariness caused by transporting and sanitizing drinkable water for use.
Keywords: Filtration System, Pedal crank, Peristaltic pump, Sump, Local dwellers, pure water
Peristaltic pump in the design as shown in Fig. 2 To establish an analytical model using these
consists of a tube which is squeezed by a set of rollers
parameters, it is necessary to consider the relation
or shoes to move fluid. By constricting the tube and
increasing the low-pressure volume, a vacuum is among the various parameters. (Garneau C., 2008)
created to pull the liquid into the tube. The material
used for the peristaltic pump is mild steel. This Power Supplied
material is used for the pump casing, plates, and shaft.
The problem most likely to cause damage to the design It is a function of moment arm (R) and RPM (N).
is corrosion. For this reason to protect the shaft from
corrosion it is subjected to hardening. Psupplied = PR, N
255| MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India, AMET 2016, INPRESSCO IJCET Special Issue-4 (March 2016)
S.N.Havaldar et al Pedal Operated Water Filtration System (Mobifilt)
3.1 Theoretical Flow Rate Calculations Kinematic viscosity of water at 20.20C for all practical
2 -6 2
purposes is considered as 1 mm/s = 10 m /s
The theoretical flow rate is calculated as follows. Therefore, = 10 m /s
-6 2
Assuming inner diameter of tube (d) = 0.0095m, casing
diameter (D) = 0.23m.
d h = 4A/P = 4 r 2 2 r
The volume of water displaced per roller is given as: = 2r
= d duct diameter
Volume displaced per roller = Area of the tube (cross-
Where, A = area of cross section of duct
sectional) * (circumference of the casing)
= 0.25 d 2 0.23
P= wetted perimeter of duct
Re = v d /
= 5.1217 10-5 m3
= 1.675 0.0095 10- 6
Vtotal for 5 rollers used:
Total volume displaced = 15912.5
For a variety of D and d and a set ν (kinematic Taking average, therefore, K = 4.25 10-6 m .
viscosity): N, Q, v (average fluid velocity), Re
(Reynolds’s number), f (friction factor), HL (head loss). Thus, f = 0.0282
Variables v, Re, f, H, L and WHP may be found as k
follows: relative roughness = = 0.00045
Head lost can be calculated by Darcy Weisbach’s
Let the diameter of both the suction and delivery tube
equation as
be equal. For the purpose of this design, the tube is
considered to be smooth. Therefore, velocity of flow in
the tube is: f l v2
HL =
2 g dh
Velocity = discharge area 0.0282 1.5 1.6752
1.18772 10-4 ( 0.25 0.0152)
2 9.81 0.0095
= 0.6367 m
= 1.675 m/s
Fx = - N - Ncos72
Ncos36 - Ncos72 + Ncos36
= 2 N Fig.6 Bernoulli’s equation
Therefore, z1 + H p = z 2 + losses
0.8 + H p = 0.85 +
H L + Loss at entry to pipe and filter + Loss at exit
through pipe and filter + Loss due to bends +
Fig.5 Resolution of forces Pressure head lost in filter
Fx = 120 N 0.6367 + 2 9.81
0.8 + Hp = 0.85 +
Fy = 1 Nsin72 + 1 Nsin36 - 1 Nsin36 - 1 Nsin72
+ 4 1.5 1.675 + 2 1.6752 + 24.94
=0 2 9.81 2 9.81
F1 = F + F
Hp = 26.8671 m
= 120N
Total torque T = T1+ T2 = F1 r1 + F2 x r2 Power delivered by pump = g Q H p
= 1000 9.81 1.18772 10- 4 26.8671
F2 = N = 0.3 200 = 60N
= 31.304 W
r1 = effective radius from the sprocket centre pt.O to
the tube' s inner diameter = 0.102m 4. Results and Discussion
r2 = radius of pedal = 0.015m
= 120 0. 102 10-3 + 0.3 200 0.015
The design was focused on all the processes of
conception, invention, visualization, calculation,
= 13.14 Nm refinement and specification of details that determine
the form of the system. The design has gone under
T = T1 + T2 = 13.14 Nm force analysis so that its performance criterion will not
Power = T fail in any sense. The main physical parameters of the
2 35 design are determined through the appropriate
= 13.14 calculations and practical considerations with
reasonable assumptions. It is discovered that the
= 48.1606 W design is simple, cheap, efficient and affordable as
257| MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India, AMET 2016, INPRESSCO IJCET Special Issue-4 (March 2016)
S.N.Havaldar et al Pedal Operated Water Filtration System (Mobifilt)
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Conclusion Garneau, C. McNamara, K. and Chung J. (2008), Peristaltic
Pump Project, Unpublished Final Project Report, Team D,
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The pedal operated water filtration system is a new University
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