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(Revised 2013)




Prof. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed Executive Director

Mr. Fida Hussain DG (Academics)

Mr. Rizwan Shaukat Deputy Director (Curri)

Mr. Abid Wahab Asst. Director (Curri)

Mr. Riaz-ul-Haque Asst. Director (Curri)

Composed by: Mr. Zulfiqar Ali, HEC, Islamabad

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 6
2. Mission………………………………….. 9
3. Standardized Format for BS/BE/BSc in
Food Engineering……………….……… 11
4. Scheme of Studies for BS (4-Year) in
Pakistan Studies ……………………… 14

5. Detail of Courses…… …….…… 18

6. List of Minor Courses…………………. 42

7. Recommendations……………………. 68

8. Compulsory Courses 69

The curriculum, with varying definitions, is said to be a plan of the teaching-
learning process that students of an academic programme are required to
undergo. It includes objectives & learning outcomes, course contents,
scheme of studies, teaching methodologies and methods of assessment of
learning. Since knowledge in all disciplines and fields is expanding at a fast
pace and new disciplines are also emerging; it is imperative that curricula be
developed and revised accordingly.

University Grants Commission (UGC) was designated as the competent

authority to develop, review and revise curricula beyond Class-XII vide Section
3, Sub-Section 2 (ii), Act of Parliament No. X of 1976 titled “Supervision of
Curricula and Textbooks and Maintenance of Standard of Education”.
With the repeal of UGC Act, the same function was assigned to the Higher
Education Commission (HEC) under its Ordinance of 2002, Section 10, Sub-
Section 1 (v).

In compliance with the above provisions, the Curriculum Division of HEC

undertakes the revision of curricula after every three years through respective
National Curriculum Revision Committees (NCRCs) which consist of eminent
professors and researchers of relevant fields from public and private sector
universities, R&D organizations, councils, industry and civil society by seeking
nominations from their organizations.

In order to impart quality education which is at par with international

standards, HEC NCRCs have developed unified templates as guidelines for
the development and revision of curricula in the disciplines of Basic Sciences,
Applied Sciences, Social Sciences, Agriculture and Engineering in 2007 and

It is hoped that this curriculum document, prepared by the respective NCRC’s,

would serve the purpose of meeting our national, social and economic needs,
and it would also provide the level of competency specified in Pakistan
Qualification Framework to make it compatible with international educational
standards. The curriculum is also placed on the website of HEC

(Fida Hussain)
Director General (Academics)











Abbreviations Used: IMPLE. OF BACK TO

CRC. Curriculum Revision Committee CURRI. STAGE-I
VCC. Vice Chancellor’s Committee
EXP. Experts
COL. Colleges
UNI. Universities
PREP. Preparation COURSES
REC. Recommendations


The final meeting of National Curriculum Revision Committee in

the discipline of Food Engineering was held on January 29-31, 2013 at HEC
Regional Centre, Lahore to finalize the draft curriculum of Food Engineering,
developed in its preliminary meeting held on September 04-06. Following
attended the meeting:

1. Engr. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Convener

Team Leader / Convener,
Food Engineering Programme,
Faculty of Agri. Engineering. & Technology,
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.

2. Engr. Dr. Abdullah Khan Durrani Member

Institute of Chemical Engineering & Tech,
University of Punjab, Lahore

3. Engr. Dr. Kh. Altaf Hussain, Member/Secretary

Head Food Engineering Programme,
Faculty of Agriculture Engineering &
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.

4. Dr. Sagir Ahmed Sheikh, Member

Institute of Food Science & Technology,
Sindh Agriculture University, Tajdojam.

5. Dr. Farzana Yasmin, Member

Dept. of Biomedical Engineering,
NED University of Engineering &
Technology, Karachi.

6. Dr. Jehan Ara, Member

Department of Food Science & Technology,
University of Karachi, Karachi.

7. Engr. Dr. Nasir M. Khan Member
Additional Registrar (Accr.),
Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC),

8. Dr. Ijaz Ahmad, Member

Principal Scientific Officer (PSO),
Dept. of Food & Biotechnology Research
Centre (FBRC),
PCSIR, Ferozpur Road, Lahore.

9. Dr. Mohammad Shoaib Member

Senior Manager Quality Assurance (Retd),
Rafhan Maize Products, Abdullah Pur,

10. Dr. Sarfraz Hussain, Member

Associate Professor,
Institute of Food Science & Nutrition,
University of Sargodha,Sargodha.

11. Dr. Nuzhat Huma, Member

Associate Professor,
(In Place of Dr. Faqir Muhammad Anjum,)
Institute of Food Science & Technology,
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad

12. Dr. Ihsan Mabood Qazi, Member

(In Place of Prof. Dr. Javaidullah),
Assistant Professor,
Department of Food Science & Technology,
KPK Agricultural University, Peshawar.

2. The meeting started with the recitation from the Holy Quran by
Engr. Dr. Kh. Altaf Hussain. After brief introduction of the participants Mr.
Farman Ullah Anjum, Director General (Acad.), HEC welcomed the
participants on behalf of the Chairman and Executive Director, HEC, and
briefed the aims and objectives of the meeting with particular focus on the
development of curriculum of new discipline of Food Engineering at
undergraduate level. He thanked all the members of the committee for
sparing their precious time to participate in the meeting, and added that their
efforts will go long way in developing workable useful and comprehensive
new degree program in Food Engineering and to make it compatible with
international standards. Mr. Muhammad Arif, Dy. Director (Curriculum) then

requested Engr. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, the Convener and Engr. Dr.
Kh. Altaf Hussain, the Secretary of the Committee, to conduct proceedings
of all technical sessions of meeting for three days.

3. Engr. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal welcomed the participants

and apprised them that the Pakistan Engineering Council has accorded its
approval for launching of Food Engineering programme in University of
Agriculture, Faisalabad. The house was then opened to all participants to
present their views/recommendations on the first draft prepared during the
preliminary meeting in September 2012. The Committee discussed the
recommendations given by each participant in detail and incorporated the
necessary suggestions in the draft curriculum. The Committee taken into
account the aspect of available facilities and faculty in the respective
university, recommended to add some more foundation, breadth and depth
courses. The individual university may choose optional courses out of the
approved list according to faculty availability, suitability and needs and all the
optional courses should be completed with regard to credit hours already
approved in the final draft of the scheme of study. The Committee during its
deliberation achieved the following objectives:

i. Finalized the curriculum in the discipline of Food Engineering so

as to bring it at par with international standards.

ii. Updated the course contents and also improved the

nomenclature of some courses.

iii. Incorporated latest reading & writing material against each


iv. Brought uniformity and developed minimum baseline courses in

each and every course of study.

v. Made recommendations for promotion/development of the


4. After three day’s long deliberation, the Committee unanimously

approved the final curriculum of Food Engineering for BSC/BE/BS (4-year)
degree programme. The Convener of the Committee thanked all members of
the NCRC for their input in finalizing the curriculum keeping in view the
requirement of the country and to make it more practical competitive and
effective. The Committee highly appreciated the efforts made by the officers
of HEC and all of other officials of HEC Regional Center Lahore for providing
local hospitality.

5. Mr. Muhammad Arif thanked the Convener and all the members
of the committee for sparing precious time and for their quality contribution
towards preparation of the curriculum in the discipline of Food Engineering.

6. The meeting ended with the vote of thanks to the Chair as well
as participants of the meeting.


To enhance value engineering, by providing excellence in professional
learning, guidance and experience, focusing on capacity building of
engineers in the discipline of Food Engineering.

To create the competency of graduating engineers for developing linkages
between farm, academia, and food industry issues.

Food is the mainstay of all the developed and developing countries. Food
handling is a significant feature in agriculture sector and skill in dealing with
agricultural produces at and off-farm gate is an uphill task. The sensitivity of
food requires engineering knowledge to carefully deal with such products.
Food processing can be performed if professional engineers in the
agricultural sector are available to keenly understand and manipulate with the
tools of engineering.
Keeping in view, a degree programme in engineering has been designed in
accordance with the basic guiding principles of the Accreditation Board of
Engineering and Technology (ABET) in the USA to meet the current needs of
value addition of farm products and self-employment prospects. Our
neighbour countries namely; Turkey, Malaysia, Bangladesh etc. are
successfully running the undergraduate programme in food engineering.
Similarly Australia, USA, UK and Scandinavian countries are already
producing food engineers and agricultural processing engineers.
In Pakistan, all types of seasons exist in various regions. The land potential
to produce is very high and only thing we lag behind is the proper handling of
harvested farm products. Therefore, scope of skilled professional in food
engineering cannot be denied.
The surplus fruits, vegetables, cereal crops, dairy/poultry/aquatic products
need specific hygienic handling/processing when mechanically produced and
reduction in losses are the sole object of engaging engineering in food
products. Various studies in Pakistan reveal that 30-50% losses occur during
and after harvesting and handling of different agricultural products,
particularly perishables towards higher side of losses. The economic loss to
farmer cannot be denied under such circumstances. The production potential
of our farming system needs engineering approach to overcome prevailing
vicious circle of poor food handling. Food Engineering is the answer to alter
the existing circumstance in the agriculture sector. Marketable surplus can
only be taken care of by mechanized processes and a multiplier for a growing
economy in mechanized agriculture is food engineering. Time has come to
initiate the new degree programme to meet the WTO standards in food
products to compete the world market.
There is a strong demand for food engineering graduates in the food industry,
which is the second largest industrial sector of Pakistan’s economy. Food
engineers help in developing new food products and conceive, design and
operate food processes, equipments and plants for effective production of
foods with minimal impact on the environment. Food engineers may work for
food companies in research and development (R&D), equipment and facilities
design, or management of production operations. Internships are usually
available, and students are encouraged to make use of these opportunities.
Food engineering involves the application of engineering principles and
concepts to the handling, storage, processing, packaging, and distribution of
food and related products. In addition to engineering principles, the food
engineering degree provides an understanding of the chemical, biochemical,
microbiological, and physical characteristics of foods. Concepts of food
refrigeration, freezing, extrusion, drying, packaging, handling, and other food
operations are studied.
The food engineering curriculum provides a strong foundation in
mathematical and physical, biological and food sciences, chemical and
mechanical engineering. These courses will enable the students to familiarize
with material and energy uses, methods for analyzing and designing
processes, equipment and operations, methods for optimizing performance of
operations in relevance to food and food systems.
Food engineers are key contributors in optimizing food quality and safety,
and in maintaining high nutritional standards. In the development of food
products like low-fat foods, food engineers design the conversion processes
to assist in required quality food formulation.
There is a national demand to introduce newly emerging discipline of food
engineering, thereby, fulfilling the necessity of value addition of agricultural
products to compete the world market and provide technical skill to food
industry. Additionally, food security and safety issues are also the concern to
be addressed through this new programme.

Duration: 4 years
Number of semesters: 8
Number of weeks per semester: 16 - 18
(minimum 16 weeks for teaching and 2 weeks for
Total number of credit hours: 136
Number of credit hours per semester: 16 - 18
Engineering Courses (Minimum): 69.12 percent
Non-Engineering Courses (Maximum): 30.88 per cent

Non-Engineering Domain
Knowledge Sub Name of Course Lec Lab Cre Total Total % %
Area Area CH CH dit Cour Credits Area Overall
Hour ses
Humanities English English Composition & 3 0 s 3
Comprehension 2 6 14.3 4.4
Communication & 2 1 3
Presentation Skills
Culture Islamic Studies or ethics 2 0 2
2 4 9.52 2.94
Pakistan Studies 2 0 2
Social Sociology for Engineers 2 0 2 1 2 4.76 1.5
Management - Engineering Economics 3 0 3 1 3 7.14 2.2
Sciences - & Management
Natural Math Linear Algebra & 3 0 3
Sciences Calculus

Differential Equations, 3 0 3 21.43 6.62

3 9
Power Series, Laplace
Statistics & Probability 2 1 3
Physics Applied Physics 2 1 3 1 3 7.14 2.2
Chemistry Food Chemistry 2 1 3 1 3 7.14 2.2
Electives Basic Agriculture for 2 1 3
Post harvest handling of 2 1 3 4 12 28.57 8.82
fruits and vegetables
Food Plant Layout and 3 0 3
Food Industrial Waste 3 0 3
1 42 100 30.88
Total: 42 36 6 42

* Math/Physics/Chemistry/Biology/Engineering Economics or related subject as

appropriate for the programme; Lec CH: Lecture Credit Hours, Lab CH: Laboratory
Credit Hours.


Engineering Domain
Knowledge Sub Area Name of Course Lec Lab Credit Total Total % %
Area CH CH Hours Cour Credit Area Overa
ses s ll
Computing Programming Computer Programming
and Application in 2 1 3
Engineering 2 6 6.38 4.44
Design Engineering Drawing ,
1 2 3
Graphics & CAD
Engineering -- Fluid Mechanics 2 1 3
Foundation Metallurgy and 8 24 25.53 17.65
2 1 3
Workshop Practices
Engineering Mechanics 2 1 3
2 1 3
2 1 3
Heat and Mass Transfer 2 1 3
Instrumentations and
2 1 3
Industrial Engineering
3 0 3
and Management
Major Based Physical Properties of
2 1 3
Core Food Materials 11 33 35.1 24.26
(Breadth) Material and Energy 3 0 3
Agricultural Process
2 1 3
Food Engineering
2 2 4
Operations I
2 1 3
Energy Resources for
2 1 3
Food Industry
Mechanics of Materials 2 1 3
Food regulations and
2 0 2
Process Food
2 1 3
Food Microbiology 2 1 3
Engineering Numerical 2 1 3
Major Based Food Engineering 7 19 20.21 13.97
1 2 3
Core Operations II
(Depth) Food Product and
2 0 2
Plant Design
Food Storage
2 1 3
Food Packaging 2 1 3

Food Quality Control 2 0 2

Food Processing and 2 1 3
Food Engineering
Design or Machine 3 0 3
Inter- -- Machine Vision and
2 1 3
Disciplinary Industrial Automation 2 6 6.38 4.415
Engineering Fluid flow Systems 2 1 3
BreadthDesign --
Senior Senior Design Project-I 0 2 2
Project 2 6 6.38 4.41
Senior Design Project-II 0 4 4
Industrial Training (Summer) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Credit: 94 62 32 94 32 4 100 69.12

Scheme of Study of BS/BE/BSc Food Engineering
First Semester
Course Code Title of the Course Credit Hours
Major Courses
Metallurgy & Workshop Practices 3 (2-1)
Fluid Mechanics 3 (2-1)
Minor Courses
Islamic Studies or 2 (2-0)
Ethics (for non-Muslims)
English Composition & Comprehension 3 (3-0)
Linear Algebra & Calculus 3 (3-0)
Applied Physics 3 (2-1)
Total Credit hours 17 (14-3)

Second Semester
Major Courses
Manufacturing Engineering 3 (2-1)
Engineering Numerical Analysis 3 (2-1)
Engineering Mechanics 3 (2-1)
Engineering drawing, Graphics, and CAD 3 (1-2)
Minor Courses
Basic Agriculture for Engineers 3 (2-1)
Communication & Presentation Skills 3 (2-1)
Total Credit hours 18 (11-7)

Third Semester
Major Courses
Engineering Thermodynamic 3 (2-1)
Agricultural Processing Engineering 3 (2-1)
Minor Courses
Food Chemistry 3 (2-1)
Computer Programming and Applications in 3 (2-1)
Differential Equations, Power Series, Laplace 3 (3-0)
Sociology for Engineers 2 (2-0)
Total Credit hours 17 (13-4)

Fourth semester
Major Courses
Instrumentation & Measurements 3 (2-1)
Engineering Economics & Management 3 (3-0)
Fluid flow systems 3 (2-1)
Mechanics of Materials 3 (2-1)

Minor Courses
Pakistan Studies 2 (2-0)
Statistics and Probability 3 (2-1)
Total Credit hours 17 (13-4)

Fifth Semester
Course Code Title of the Course Credit Hours
Major Courses
FE---- Physical Properties of Food Materials 3 (2-1)
FE--- Post-Harvest Engineering 3 (2-1)
FE--- Food Engineering Operation I 4 (2-2)
FE---- Heat and Mass Transfer 3 (2-1)
Minor Courses
Post harvest handling of fruits and vegetables 3 (2-1)
Food regulations and legislations 2 (2-0)
Total Credit Hours 18 (12-6)

Sixth Semester
Course Code Title of the Course Credit Hours
Major Courses
FE---- Food Engineering Design 3 (3-0)
FE--- Food Process Engineering 3 (2-1)
FE--- Material and Energy Balance 3 (3-0)
FE--- Food Quality Control 2 (2-0)

Minor Courses
Food Processing & Preservation 3 (2-1)
Food Microbiology 3 (2-1)
Total Credit Hours 17 (14-3)

Seventh Semester
Course Code Title of the Course Credit Hours
Major Courses
FE--- Food Engineering Operations II 3 (1-2)
FE--- Food Product and Plant Design 2 (2-0)
FE--- Food Packaging 3 (2-1)
FE--- Project & Report – I 2 (0-2)
FE--- Renewable Energy Resources for Food Industry 3 (2-1)
Minor Courses
Food Plant Layout and Sanitation 3 (3-0)
Total Credit Hours 16 (10-6)

Eighth Semester
Course Code Title of the Course Credit Hours
Major Courses
FE---- Machine Vision and Industrial Automation 3 (2-1)
FE--- Food Storage Engineering 3 (2-1)
Industrial Engineering & Management 3 (3-0)
FE--- Project & Report – II 4 (0-4)
Minor Courses
Food Industrial Waste Management 3 (3-0)
Total Credit Hours 16 (10-6)

FE = Food Engineering breadth and depth courses

Total Credit Hours for BS /BE/BSc Food Engineering = 136

1. A supervised internship training is a mandatory requirement for partial
fulfillment of Engineering Degree Program to be arranged by the Institution
after Sixth / term (3-years). The evaluation of internship report through
presentation shall be graded as Excellent, Good, or Satisfactory.

2. Final year Project and Report will be completed in the last two semesters


Course Title of the Course Credit Hours

FE- Physical Properties of Food 3 (2-1)
Food Engineering Design / Machine
FE- Design 3 (3-0)
FE- Post-Harvest Engineering 3 (2-1)
FE- Food Process Engineering 3 (2-1)
FE- Food Engineering Operation I 4 (2-2)
FE- Material and Energy Balance 3 (3-0)
FE- Heat and Mass Transfer 3 (2-1)
FE- Food Quality Control 2 (2-0)
FE- Food Engineering Operations II 3 (1-2)
FE- Machine Vision and Industrial Automation 3 (2-1)
FE- Food Product and Plant Design 2 (2-0)
FE- Food Storage Engineering 3 (2-1)
FE- Food Packaging 3 (2-1)
FE- Renewable Energy Resources for Food 3 (2-1)
Metallurgy & Workshop Practices 3 (2-1)
Manufacturing Engineering 3 (2-1)
Engineering Thermodynamic 3 (2-1)
Instrumentation & Measurements 3 (2-1)
Agricultural Processing Engineering 3 (2-1)
Engineering Economics & Management 3 (3-0)
Industrial Engineering & Management 3 (3-0)
Fluid Mechanics 3 (2-1)
Engineering Numerical Analysis 3 (2-1)
Fluid flow Systems 3 (2-1)
Engineering Mechanics 3 (2-1)
Engineering Drawing, Graphics, and CAD 3 (1-2)
Mechanics of Materials 3 (2-1)
FE- Project & Report – I 2 (0-2)
FE- Project & Report – II 4 (0-4)


FE- Physical Properties of Food 3(2-1)

Characterization of food materials with regard to their functionality,

rheological, thermal and electrical properties. Colloidal food systems and
importance; functionality of food components; emulsifiers, stabilizers,
texturizers, gelling and foaming agents, kinetic properties; characterization,
porosity. Electron microscopy; Principles, scanning, transition, Colorimetry,
tristimulus colorimetry, properties of colors, physiological basis of colors.

Determination of; viscosity; Specific gravity of oils; Organic solvents,
solutions, types of liquid mixtures; conductivities of different foods.
Measurement of food textures and rheological properties.

Suggested Readings:
1. Arana, I. 2012. Physical Properties of Foods: Novel Measurement
Techniques and Applications (Contemporary Food Engineering).
2. Figura, L. 2010. Food Physics: Physical Properties - Measurement and
Applications; Publisher Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Germany.
3. Friberg S. E., KIre Larsson and Johan Sjoblom. 2004. Food Emulsions
(4th ed.). Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madison Avenue, New York, NY
10016, U.S.A.
4. Rivas, E. O., P. Juliano and H.Yan. 2010. Food Powders: Physical
Properties, Processing, and Functionality (Food Engineering Series).
5. Sahin, S and S. G. Sumnu. 2010. Physical Properties of Foods (Food
Science Text Series).

FE- Food Engineering Design / Machine 3(3-0)

Food Engineering Design:
Basic principles of designing a food factory, feasibility survey, preliminary and
detailed cost estimation. Optimization of operating conditions and design of
equipment used in food industry, special examples of designed food
factories, (Students will perform literature and feasibility survey of assigned
food factories, equipment design specific to assigned food factories, example
of designed food factories, special topic of food factories design).

Suggested Readings:
1. Brennan, J. G., Butters, J. R., Cowell, N. D. and A. E. V Lilly. 1995. Food
Engineering Operations. 3rd Ed., Elsevier Science B. V., Amsterdam -
Lausanne - New York, USA.

2. Gomez, A. L. and G. V. Barbosa. 2005. Food Plant Design. Universidad
Politecnica de Cartagena, Spain, CRC Press. Washington State
University, Pullman, USA Washington State University, Pullman, USA.
3. Holah, J, BRI. Campden BRI, UK and H. L. M. Lelieveld. 2011. Hygienic
design of food factories formerly Unilever R&D, Netherlands.
4. Peters, M. S. and Timmerhaus, K. D. T. 1991. Plant design and
Economics for Chemical References: Engineers. 4 th Ed., McGraw Hill
Co. Ltd. New Delhi, India.
5. Robberts, T. C. 2013. Food Plant Engineering Systems, CRC Press,
University of Minnesota, Crookston, Minnesota, USA.

Machine Design:
Shafts and columns; Static, Cyclic and Shock Loads, Torsional stiffness;
Critical speed; Shaft Materials and Design of Circular Shafts under normal
and combined loading. Introduction to flexible shafting; Connecting rods and
crank shafts. Friction and Wear, Lubrication theory; Bearing types and
materials; Detailed design of Journal and Thrust slider bearings, Design of
roller bearing including spherical and tapered roller bearings. Introduction to
the design of pressure vessels, tanks and piping system. General gear
theory; Design of the spur gear, Design of any one of the following types of
gears; Helical, Worms, Bevel, Novikou and Hypoid Gears; Design of Gear
Boxes and Gear Trains. Introduction to Industrial Design Codes. Application
of at least one design standards i.e. ASME, BS, ANSI, JIS, DIN, and ISO in
the design of machine elements and assemblies. MEMS Manufacturing;
Lithography, Etching, Micromachining; MEMS Devices; Sensors, Actuators,
Springs and Fluid Flow devices.

Suggested Readings:
1. Collins, J. A., H. R. Busby and G. H. Staab. 2009. Mechanical Design of
Machine Elements and Machines.
2. Norton, R. L. 2005. Machine Design: An Integrated Approach (3 rd ed.)
3. Shigley, J. C. Mischke and T. Brown. 2008. Standard Handbook of
Machine Design.

FE- Post-Harvest Engineering 3(2-1)

Techniques in post-harvesting methods for grains, fruits, vegetables, and other

food products. Pre-storage handling of food products - Physiological maturity,
harvesting, threshing, handling, transportation techniques of grain, pulses,
vegetable, fruit crops, and their harvesting recommendations, losses during
harvesting, handling, transportation and their control methods. Post-harvest
losses, forms, measurement of post-harvest losses, methods to control losses.
Food quality; importance, grades factors and standards.

Measurement of moisture content of various food products, Measurement of
size, shape, density, specific gravity, porosity, angle of repose, coefficient of
friction, hardness test; Thermal properties of biological materials; specific heat,
thermal conductivity; Demonstration of separators, sorters, graders; field visits.

Suggested Readings:
1. Brennan, J. M. 2006. Food Processing Handbook. WILEY-VCH Verlag
GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany.
2. Jongen W. 2006. Fruits and Vegetable Processing-Improving Quality.
CRC press, Wood head Publishing Limited, Cambridge, UK.
3. Kumari, A. 2013. Post-harvest management of fruits & vegetables, Enkay
Pub. House, New Delhi, India.
4. Nirala, V. K. 2011. Harvest technology of the horticultural crops. Vista
International Pub. House, Delhi, India.
5. Sahay, K. M. and K. K. Singh. 2008. Unit operation of agricultural
processing (4th Ed). Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, India.
6. Singh, D. K. 2012. Post harvesting engineering, Oxford Book Co., UK.

FE- Food Process Engineering 3(2-1)

Principles of operations for the equipment used in processing industry and
the response of biological materials to these operations. Non-linear curve
fitting, energy associated with food freezing accounting for non-frozen water
below the freezing point, flash evaporation, evaporated cooling, pumps, high
pressure system applications, effective temperature measurements to
account for radiation, simultaneous conduction, convection, heat transfer
freezing time predictions, reaction kinetics including acquisition and analysis
of reaction rate data and use in process optimization.

Activities for sterilization of fluids containing particulates; Training in vapor
induced puffing for producing crispy dried or baked food products; Training in
application of supercritical fluids and extrusion to generate unique food
ingredients; Food industrial visits.

Suggested Readings:
1. Bellinghouse, V. C. 2009. Food Processing: Methods, Techniques and
Trends, Nova Science Pub Inc.
2. Doona, C. J. and F. E. Feeherry. 2007. High Pressure Processing of
Foods. Blackwell Publishing and the Institute of Food Technologists,
Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2121 State Avenue, Ames, Iowa
50014, USA.
3. Gaonkar, A. G. 1995. Food Processing, Recent developments. Elsevier
Science B. V., Amsterdam - Lausanne - New York, USA.

4. J. Scott Smith, Y. H. Hui, 2008. Food Processing: Principles and
Applications, John WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim,

FE- Food Engineering Operations-I 4(2-2)

Material handling; handling and transportation freshly harvested and
refrigerated perishable and non-perishable produce. Cleaning, sorting,
grading, peeling, size reduction and mixing. Separation techniques;
screening, filtration, centrifugal filtration, membrane filtration-MF, UF, NF,
RO, IE., sedimentation, crystallization, centrifugation. Homogenization,
Bleaching, blanching, deodorization, extraction, grinding. Conveying; Screws,
vibrators, belt conveyors and elevators; fluidization and agitation, flow pattern
and baffles.

Demonstration of equipment and instruments used in food engineering
operations. Evaluation of performance; Capacity; Efficiency and operating
costs of individual food engineering units; Determination of optimum
operating conditions.

Suggested Readings:
1. Brennan, J. M. 2006. Food Processing Handbook. WILEY-VCH Verlag
GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany.
2. Ibarz, A and G. V. Barbosa-Cánovas. 2007. Unit operations in food
engineering. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 6000 Broken Sound
Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742, USA.
3. Jun, S and J. M. Irudayaraj. 2009. Food Processing Operations Modeling
(2nd ed.), Design and Analysis, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 6000
Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742,
4. Saravacos, G. D. and Z. B. Maroulis. 2011. Food Process Engineering
Operations. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 6000 Broken Sound
Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742, USA.
5. Smith, P. G. 2011. Introduction to Food Process Engineering. Publisher
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Germany.

FE- Material and Energy Balance 3(3-0)

Systems of units, dimensions, basic principles of material balances for

processes with and without chemical reaction, gases and vapors, saturation
and humidity. Energy balance: Physical, chemical heat effects, enthalpy, latent
heat, sensible heat, freezing drying, canning, other form of energy, use of
steam tables. Simultaneous material and energy balances, engineering ethics,
responsibilities, and heat safety considerations.

Suggested Readings:
1. Anonymous. 2004. Unit operations in Food Processing. (web ed). The
New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology.
2. Jackson, A. T. and J. Lamb. 1991. Calculations in Food and Chemical
Engineering. McMillan publishing Co., Inc. New York. 10022.
3. Sahay, K. M. and K. K. Sing. 2002. Unit Operations of agricultural
processing (2nd ed). Vikas Publishing House, Pvt., Ltd. New Delhi, India.

FE- Heat and Mass Transfer 3(2-1)

Heat Transfer-Thermodynamics and heat transfer, engineering techniques in
heat transfer, different forms of energy, heat transfer mechanisms; Principles
of convective, conductive and radioactive heat transfer, shell balances
concerning heat transfer, heat transfer coefficient correlations, boiling and
condensation, thermal design of heat exchangers, transient heat transfer.
Equations of change for isothermal systems, macroscopic balances for
isothermal systems, analytical, approximate solutions to equations of heat,
transfer, momentum, energy transport, interphase momentum, heat transfer.
Empirical model the evaluation of heat transfer coefficients.

Mass Transfer - Introduction, analogy between heat and mass transfer, mass
diffusion, boundary conditions, steady mass diffusion through a wall, transient
mass diffusion, diffusion in moving medium, mass convection, simultaneous
heat and mass transfer. Principles of diffusion, mass transfer in turbulent
flow, mass transfer theories, general principles of stage wise and continuous
contacting operations, applications to absorption and distillation.

Method of heat transfer; Measurement of heat transfer by different methods;
Study of boiling and convection heat transfer; types of heat exchangers,
thermal processing; Experiments related to heat transfer from food products.

Suggested Readings:
1. Baehr, H. D. and K. Stephan. 2011. Heat and Mass Transfer. Print ISBN
978-3-642-20020-Online ISBN 978-3-642-20021-2 Publisher Springer
Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-20020-5 (Print) 978-3-642-20021-2
2. Çengel, Y. A, 2003, Heat Transfer-A Practical Approach (2nd ed).
McGraw-Hill, USA.
3. Thrimulashwar, M. 2009. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer (2 nd
ed.). Pearson Education. ISBN 978-81-7758-519-3. Published Dorling
Kindersley, Pvt., Ltd. India.

FE- Food Quality Control 2(2-0)
Principles of quality control: Attributes and their measurement, development
of grades and standards of food products and food quality. Quality attributes:
Influencing quality attributes in the Agri-food chain, quality management and
organization, history of quality management, principles of the techno-
managerial approach, concepts, systems and methods of quality design,
quality control and quality improvement from a technological and managerial
perspective. Food quality systems: GMP, HACCP, ISO, BRC, quality policy
and strategy. Total Quality Management: Evaluation quality management,
quality costs and auditing, specific aspects in different sectors.

Suggested Readings:
1. Clute, M. 2009. Food Industry Quality Control Systems. CRC Press
2. Mutlu, M. 2010 Biosensors in Food Processing, Safety, and Quality
Control. CRC Press.
3. Pomeranz, Y and Melcoan C. E. 2002. Food Analysis: Theory and
Practices. 3rd Ed., Kluwer.
4. Vasconcellos J. A. 2005. Quality assurance for the food Industry – A
practical approach. Boca Raton, London, UK.

FE- Food Engineering Operations-II 3(1-2)

Heat exchanger; principles, types and their design. Unit processes;
pasteurization, sterilization, cooling, freezing, drying, evaporating and
concentration, distillation, Separators; calculation of number of plates
required for binary separations. Lewis-Sorel, McCabe-Thiele methods.
Column design; design, capacity and efficiency. Absorption; Extension of
design techniques. Wetted wall columns and determination of transfer
coefficients. Equipments for gas absorption.

Liquid-Liquid Extraction; Introduction, extraction Processes, extraction

Adsorption; The nature of adsorbents, Adsorption equilibria. Adsorption
equipments and regeneration of spent adsorbents. Extrusion; introduction,
importance, types, functions, dry, interrupted flight extruders/expanders,
Single screw and Twin screw extruders: principles, applications, advantages,
disadvantages. Textured vegetable proteins, breakfast cereals etc.

Determination of heat transfer coefficients; Experiments related to size
reduction, screen analysis of solid food; Dehydration of fruits, vegetables by
using various drying techniques; Preservation of fruits and vegetables by the
use of food additives and fermentations; Experiments on evaporation –
multiple-effect evaporator, feeding of multiple-effect evaporators, advantages
of multiple-effect evaporators, recompression and boiling evaluation,
evaporation of heat sensitive materials. Preparation of textured vegetable
proteins, breakfast cereals. Effect of variation of ingredients, screw speed,
temperature, etc. on the quality of end product.

Suggested Readings:
1. Aguilera, J. M. 2011. Food Engineering Interfaces. Publisher Springer
Berlin Heidelberg, Germany.
2. Albert Ibarz, Gustavo V. Barbosa-Cánovas. 2007, Unit operations in food
engineering. CRC Press LLC International Standard Book, USA.
3. Parker, M. E. 2012. Elements of Food Engineering, V3: Unit Operations 2.
Literary Licensing, LLC.
4. Patel, K. D. 2009. Mechanical Operations Fundamental Principles and
Applications. NiraliPrakashan.
5. Riaz, M. N (ed.). 2003. Extruders in food applications. Technomic Pub.
Co. Inc., Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA.
6. Singh, R. P., R. P. Singh, and D. R. Heldman. 2008. Introduction to Food
Engineering, Food Science and Technology, International Series.

FE- Machine Vision and Industrial Automation 3(2-1)

Machine Automation: Introductions to programming controllers, Number

system and codes, Logic concepts, processors, power supply, programming
devices, memory system and I/O interaction, discrete input output system,
analog input output system.

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), Programming Languages, ladder

logic simulator, Programmable Logic Controllers startup and maintenance,
system selection guidelines, Human Machine Interface (HMI), fundamentals
of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA).

Machine Vision: Introduction to machine vision, Illumination and sensors;

Illumination, image formation, camera sensors, camera interfaces and video
standards, characteristics of camera sensors, commercially available camera
sensors. Image acquisition and presentation; image acquisition hardware,
speed considerations, inter-pixel distances. Fundamentals of digital image
processing; point operations, geometric operations, mathematical
morphology, Segmentation problem. Image Analyses, techniques for shape
description, representation and information processing, organization of visual
processes, visual representations, and visual processes. Industrial Automation
and Its Components; Motor Control & Industrial Automation control circuits.

Demonstration and selection of PLC. Basic task to ladder logic programming.
Intermediate task to ladder logic programming. Advance task to ladder logic
programming. Installation of program in PLC. Testing of program in PLC and
its reliability. Demonstration of different sensors and cameras used in
machine vision. Demonstration to image processing software. A case study
of image processing.

Suggested Readings:
1. Anonymous. 2007. Programming Manual. Mitsubishi Electric, Japan.
2. Dhillon, B. S. 2007. Applied Reliability and Quality: Fundamentals,
Methods and Procedures . Publisher Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
3. Hornberg, A. 2006. Hand Book of Machine Vision, Litges & Dopf
Buchbinderei. Latest Information and company manuals about PLC, HMI,
SCADA and Machine Vision.
4. Pletney, V. N. 2007. Focus on Food Engineering Research and
Developments. Nova Science Publishers.
5. Sun, D. W. 2011.Computer Vision Technology for Food Quality
Evaluation. Food Science and Technology, International Series.
6. Vernon, D. 2002. Machine Vision. Prentice Hall Ltd., Ireland.

FE- Food Product and Plant Design 2(2-0)

Food product design; selection of novel products from food industry through
market survey, food product development. Selection of the local preparation
of the plant layout, material and energy balances. Design of the major units
and sizing, auxiliary equipment including services, health and safety
considerations, plant and product cost estimation. Plant design and layout;
Objectives and functions, financial requirements, plant location, site selection,
space requirement, building design and construction, floors, drains, walls,
doors, windows, ceiling, ventilation, lighting, auxiliary facilities. Food plant
equipments, layout of equipment, requirements, design, construction, and
choice of materials. Use of computer for layout, environmental impact,
material handling and equipment process flow chart.

Suggested Readings:
1. Antonio López Gómez, Gustavo V. Barbosa-Cánovas. 2007. Food plant
design. Taylor & Francis inc.
2. Brennan, J. M. 2006. Food Processing Handbook. WILEY-VCH Verlag
GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany.
3. Clark, J. P. 2008. Practical Design, Construction and Operation of Food
Facilities. Food Science and Technology, International Series.
4. Cramer, M. M. 2006. Food Plant Sanitation. CRC Press LLC International
Standard Book, USA..
5. Lelieveld, H. L. M. 2003. Hygiene in Food Processing. CRC Press LLC
International Standard Book, USA..
6. Maroulis, Z. B. and G. D. Saravacos. 2003 .Food Process Design . Taylor
and Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.

FE- Food Storage Engineering 3(2-1)
Cold Storages: Needs, types, design, and conditions; temperature, humidity
controls, heat load, air conditioning, aeration etc. Storage of fresh and
processed fruits, vegetables, principles of storage, mechanical refrigeration,
controlled atmosphere storage (CA), vacuum storage, storage in polymeric
films, transportation and marketing. Low temperature preservation: methods
and equipments. Cold storage: requirements, insulation, air circulation,
humidity, refrigeration load, automation of cold storages. Thermal properties
of foods; refrigeration of fruits and vegetables, refrigeration of meat, milk and
milk products, bakery products, poultry, eggs and aquatic foods and cool
chain. Food freezing, storage, variably in storage conditions, maintenance
and control of storage conditions.

Measurement of bulk density of raw fruits, vegetables; Determination of
physico-chemical properties of meat, milk, Determination of transpiration of
fruits, vegetables, and other food products; Determination of refrigeration of
fruits, vegetables, meat, milk, etc; Calculation of load of storage structures,
mobile vans, CA compartmental storages; Determination of dehydration
characteristics of fruits/ vegetables employing psyschrometry. Visit to food
storage structures and food industries.

Suggested Readings:
1. Karel, M and D. Lund. 2003. Physical Principles Preservation of Food (2 nd
ed.). Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016,
2. Khetarpaul 2005. Food Processing and Preservation. Daya Publishing
3. Salunkhe, D. K., Bolin, H. R. and Reddy, N. R. 1991. Storage, Processing
and Nutritional Quality of Fruits and Vegetables; Fresh Fruits and
Vegetables. CRC Press
4. Sivasankar, B. 2004. Food Processing and Preservation. PHI Learning Pvt.
5. Taub, I. A and Singh, R. P. 1997. Food Storage Stability. CRC Press.

FE- Food Packaging 3(2-1)

Introduction and importance of food packaging; evolution, functions and

selection of packaging. Requirements and functions of containers. Heat and
mass transfer aspects influencing effectiveness of packaging materials.
Packaging materials, their properties and techniques for packing geometries.
Type of containers: Primary and secondary containers, degree of rigidity, pre-
formed and in-line forming, hermetic closure. Filling, Closing and Sealing
Equipment: Operation and principles of simple gravity filler, vacuum gravity
filler, vacuum filler, counter pressure filler, piston filler, volumetric cup filler for
solids and fully automated weight control system. Closing and Sealing
Equipment: Principle, design, operation and handling of can-seaming
machine, push on caps for glass containers and other sealer types, vertical
form- fill- seal machine, vertical form-full-seal machine for sachets. Aseptic
filling system: horizontal form-fill-seal machine for sachets, a thermoforming
filling and sealing system, tetra brick aseptic packaging system. Modern
packaging: Active, edible film, fiber, and Nano-composite packaging.
Temperature control; self-heating and shrink wrapping machines.

Identification of packaging materials used for various food products; Study of
Package testing equipments and machineries; Study of food packaging
machine parts, analysis of motion and displacement, velocity and
acceleration of moving parts; Analysis of static and inertia of forces in
machines; balancing of rotating and reciprocating mass; Study of principle,
design, operation and handling of Horizontal form-fill-seal machine;
Requirements of foods for specific packaging material; Canning in metal
containers; Can testing; Determination of shelf-life in various packaging
materials; Vapor permeability test. Determination of film thickness and
preparation of edible films. Vacuum packing machines. Industrial visits of
packaging industries.

Suggested Readings:
1. Anonymous. 2007. Handbook of packaging technology. Engineers India
Research Institute Engineers India Research Institute, New Delhi, India.
2. Lee, D. S., K. M Yam, and L. Piergiovanni, 2008. Food packaging science
and technology. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton,
Florida, USA.
3. Robertson, G. L. 2006. Food packaging: principles and practices. CRC
Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
4. Han, J. H. 2005. Innovations in Food Packaging. Elsevier Science B. V.,
Amsterdam - Lausanne - New York, USA.
5. Ahvenainen, R. 2003. Novel food packaging techniques, Published in
North America by CRC Press LLC 2000 Corporate Blvd, NW, Boca Raton
FL 33431, USA.
6. Robertson, G. L. 2012. Food Packaging: Principles and Practice, CRC
Press. Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
7. Wagner, J. R. 2009. Multilayer Flexible Packaging: Technology and
Applications for the Food, Personal Care, and Over-the-Counter
Pharmaceutical Industries. William Andrew.

FE-- Renewable Energy Resources for Food 3(2-1)

Energy reclamation from agricultural crops/wastes: Energy and agricultural

biomass production, bio-fuel, critical parameters of design, installation,
operation and management of family and community biogas plants, vegetable
oils as fuel. Classification and characterization of food stuffs, heat transfer
phenomena, heat transfer and solid foods, heat transfer and liquid foods,
thermal process equipment, examples on control and optimization of thermal
process. Solar energy: Introduction, solar system, solar radiation, solar
radiation at outer limit of atmosphere, estimation of solar radiation, direct and
diffuse radiation, radiation measurement, solar radiation collectors, water and
air heating, drying of agricultural products with solar radiation, space heating
with solar energy, solar energy conservation. Energy Consumption in Farming:
Energy for crop production, dairy farming, poultry farming, energy consumption
for waste water treatment and solid wastes, energy conservation. Wind Power:
Wind energy potential, vertical and horizontal axis wind mills, wind operated
pumps and water lifts, other applications of wind power in agriculture. Energy
and Environment: Greenhouse effect, energy dissipation through industrial and
engine emissions and their impact on environment.

Demonstration of different components of solar water heater and differentiation
of active and passive solar systems; Performance evaluation of solar water
heater in the laboratory; Demonstration of different components of Photovoltaic
panels. Determination of voltage, Ampere and resistance of PV modules in
parallel and in series circuits; Production of bio-diesel from agricultural
seeds/plants in the laboratory; Visits to different biogas plants and
demonstration of different components of fixed dome and floating drum type bio
gas plants.

Suggested Readings:
1. Abbasi, T and S. A. Abbasi. 2010. Renewable Energy Sources. PHI
Learning Private Limited.
2. Ho and On P. N. 1981. Methane production from agricultural and domestic
wastes. Applied Sci. Publishers Ltd, London, UK. Jewell, W. J. 1996.
Energy, agriculture, and waste management. Ann Arbor Science. Publisher
Inc. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
3. Kothari. 2009. Renewable Energy Sources and Emerging Technologies.
PHI Learning Private Limited
4. McVeigh. 1987. Sun power; an introduction to the application of solar
energy. Pergman Press, N. Y. USA.
5. Pimental, D. 1993. Hand book of energy utilization in Agriculture. CRC
Press Inc. 2000 corporate. Blvd. Florida, USA.

6. Stout, B. A. 1990. Hand book of energy for world Agriculture. Elsevier
Science B. V., Amsterdam - Lausanne - New York, USA.
7. Threlkeld, J. L. 1993. Thermal environmental engineering. Prentice Hall, Inc.
Englewood Cliffs, N. Y. USA.

Metallurgy and Workshop Practices

Production and properties of common engineering materials: Ferrous metals,
iron ores, properties and uses of pig iron, cast iron, wrought iron, steel,
standard processes of manufacturing of Iron and steel, open hearth process,
basic oxygen processes, production of ingots. Composition/properties and
uses of plastics, rubber, fibre glass and composite materials. Alloy steel and
Irons: Effect of alloying elements, the AISI/SAE alloy steel and their
identification, corrosion resistant steel, steel for high temperature services,
alloy steel.

Non-ferrous metals: Properties and uses of copper, aluminum, zinc, tin,

nickel, and lead. Non-ferrous alloys, copper alloys. Aluminum alloys, zinc
base alloys, nickel base alloys. Lead-tin alloys, iron-carbon equilibrium
diagram. Heat treatment: Heat treatment theory and process, heat treatment
of steel, annealing, hardening, tempering, normalizing, surface hardening,
quenching, heat treatment equipment. Welding: Definition, types of welding
process, survey of welding equipment. Arc welding; Current rating, welding
materials, arc welding processes, inspection and testing of welded joints. Gas
welding; Welding flames and materials, cutting of metals, gas welding
processes. Foundry: Definition, importance, advantages and disadvantages
of foundry, casting, hand moulding tools, characteristics of moulding sand,
foundry cores, properties of core and, crucibles, handling and care, copula
furnace, construction, zone of copula and its advantages. Safety and First
Aid: Safety in the shop, mechanical and other accidents, safety devices,
safety methods, first aid equipment and methods, care and order in the

Identification of tools and machines in the workshop. Identification of different
metals by spark tests and advance methods. Demonstration of different heat
treatment processes. Practice of arc welding. Practice of gas welding. Safety
and first aid in the workshop related to electrical, mechanical and other
accidents. Safety in the use of hand tools. Visits to local foundries.

Suggested Readings:
1. Abbaschian, R., L. Abbaschian, and R. E. Reed-Hill. 2008. Physical
Metallurgy Principles. Cengage Learning.
2. Chapman, W. A. J. 2004. Workshop Technology Part-I. and II. Viva Books
Private Ltd., India.
3. Havey, D. Miner. 1999. Exploring Pattern Making and Foundry. The
MacMillan Co. N. Y., USA.
4. John, K C. 2011. Mechanical Workshop Practice. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
5. Ostwald, P. H. and J. Munoz. 2002. Manufacturing Processes and
systems. 9th edition John Wiley and Sons, New York. USA.
6. Sharma, S. 2010. Manufacturing Processes. I. K. International Pvt Ltd.

Manufacturing Engineering 3(2-1)

Turning and related operations: Lathe, construction, types of lathes,
accessories, lathe operations, turret lathe; construction, types, turret lathe
tooling, chip formation, mechanism of chip formation, cutting tool materials,
tool failure and tool life. Shaping and planning: shaper; classifications,
functions, shaper drive mechanism, shaper speeds and machining times,
planning, construction and types, work set up, planer tools, metal bending
and sheet rolling processes.

Drilling and reaming: Drilling; types and sizes, drill chucks. Counter boring,
counter sinking, reaming, drilling machine types, and estimating drilling time.
Milling: Definition, milling operations, milling cutters, milling machines types,
size, accessories, dividing head, estimating milling time. Gear manufacturing:
Gear terminology, gear types, basic methods for machining gears. Computer-
aided manufacturing (CAM) and computer – integrated manufacturing (CIM)
Systems: Machine tools control, numerical control system, computerized
numerical control system (CNC) programming for numerical control.
Automatic machines, transfer machines, computer aided- manufacturing
(CAM), computer simulation of manufacturing process and system.
Automated assembly use of mechanical hands/Industrial Robots, concept of
computer-integrated automation system (unmanned factory).

Fabrication of various machine elements using lathe. Making a slot on a shaft
for a cotter pin using shaper and milling machines. Cutting threads using
milling and lathe machines Making holes in machine parts using drilling
machines. Making bends of metal sheet using sheet rolling machines.
Fabrication of a given agricultural machinery part. Local visits to agricultural
Machinery Manufacturing Industries.

Suggested Readings:
1. Chapman, W. A. J. 2004. Workshop Technology Part-I. and II. Viva Books
Private Ltd., India.
2. Kalpakjin, S. and Schmid, R. S. 2004. Manufacturing engineering and
technology. 4th Ed. Tata McGraw-Hill Co. Ltd., New Delhi, India.
3. Ostwald, P. H. and J. Munoz. 2002. Manufacturing Processes and
systems. 9th Edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York. USA.

4. Pang, P. N. T. 2004. Essentials of Manufacturing Engineering
Management. Universe, Inc.
5. Qin, Y. 2010. Micro-manufacturing Engineering and Technology. Elsevier
Science B. V., Amsterdam - Lausanne - New York, USA.
6. Rao, P. N. 2005. CAD/CAM – Principles and applications. 2nd ed. Tata
McGraw Hill Co. Ltd. New Delhi, India.

Engineering Thermodynamics 3(2-1)

Heating and expansion of gases; Units of heat, gases and vapors, constant
volume and constant pressure, P-V diagram, specific heat of gases, internal
energy of gas, law of conservation of energy, methods of heating and
expanding gases and vapors, work done by gas in expanding.

Laws of perfect gases: The two laws of thermodynamics, the heating of

gases, equations for different types of heating methods. Air cycles: Cycles of
operation, air standard efficiency of a cycle, reversible process, reversible
cycles, reversibility and efficiency, Carnot cycle, Otto cycle, diesel cycle,
mean effective pressure. Entropy of gases: Entropy and heat, T-S diagrams,
Carnot, Otto, diesel and dual combustion cycles on T-S diagrams. Air
compressors: functions, compressor types, reciprocating and rotary
compressors, single and multistage compressors, cylinder clearance, work
done, compressor efficiency. Compound expansion: advantages of
compound expansion, tandem type of two- cylinder compound engine,
receiver type compound engine; combined indicator diagram for compound
engine. Fuels: Combustion of fuels, properties of fuels – viscosity, pour point,
flash point, calorific value, API gravity, conversion of volumetric analysis,
analysis by weight, weight of carbon in burnt gases, weight of air required for
complete combustion of fuel, weight of flue gases per pound of fuel burnt,
weight of excess air supplied, method of analyzing flue gases, heat carried
away by flue gases, volumetric analysis of a gas, air fuel ratio for I.C. Engine.
Refrigeration: Co efficient of performance, units of refrigeration, air
compression refrigeration, vapor compression refrigeration, refrigeration
cycles, rating, quality of refrigerant and general considerations, components
of refrigeration system, heat pumps.

Study of working principles of two stroke and four stroke engines using
models. Demonstration of Joule's law. Study of rotary and reciprocating air
compressors and their characteristic curves. Study of PV diagram of
diesel/gasoline engines. Analysis of engine flue gases for CO, CO2, NO2,
etc. Determination of energy content of different fuels using calorimeter.
Study of heat transfer using refrigeration and air conditioning cycle.
Measurement of fuel viscosity using viscometer. Determination of flash point
and fire point of different petroleum products.
Suggested Readings:
1. Eastop, T. D. 2004. Applied thermodynamics for engineering and
technologists (5th ed.) Pearson Education Singapore.
2. Jones, J. B. and Hawkais, G. A. 2002. Engineering Thermodynamics.
John Willey and Sons, Inc. N.Y., USA.
3. Lewitt E. H. 2002. Thermodynamics applied to heat engines, Isaac Pitman
and Sons, London.
4. Sontagg, R. E. and G. J. Van Wylen. 2010. Fundamentals of
thermodynamics (7th ed.), John Willey and Sons, Inc. New York, USA.
5. Muthuraman, S. 2011. Engineering Thermodynamics: Study of
Thermodynamic Properties and Applications. VDM Publishing.
6. Mishra, D. P. 2012. Engineering Thermodynamics. CENGAGE Learning.
7. Chattopadhyay, P. 2011. Engineering Thermodynamics (Revised 1st ed.).
Oxford University Press, UK.

Instrumentation and Measurements 3(2-1)

Basic terminology and concepts related to instruments, instrument behavior

application of instrumentation, functional elements of instruments, basic terms
related to instrumentation, such as threshold, resolution, accuracy, precision,
sensitivity, response and error of instrument, uncertainty analysis, and least
square techniques, static and dynamic characteristics of instrumentation, signal
conditioning and recording devices. Principles and theory of electrical
instruments: potentiometer, wheat stone bridge, strain analysis; strain
measurement; strain gauges, types and their applications.

Displacement, velocity and acceleration measurement: sensors and

transducers, displacement measurement sensors; potentiometer, LVDT,
capacitance sensors, piezoelectric sensors, velocity and acceleration sensors.
Force and Torque Measurements: Force Measurements; Load cells. Torque
measurements; torque cells. Pressure Measurement: Gauge, vacuum and
absolute pressure, pressure measuring devices. Measurement of Temperature:
Resistance thermometers, thermocouples and radiation methods.
Fundamentals of mechatronics: Introduction to electronics and sensors used in
agricultural machinery, interfacing the machine and computers for response,
controls and data logging, computer simulation of mechanical system.


Measurement of Displacement by LVDT and Potentiometer; Measurement of

wind velocity. Measurement of Force by Strain Gauges; Calibration of
pressure gauges with dead weight tester; Measurement of Temperature by
thermocouples; Computer inter-facing for the depth and draft controls of
tractors; Visit to Mechatronics labs BSc. of different institutions; Study of
depth sensors in Agricultural Machinery

Suggested Readings:
1. Bakshi, U. A. and A. V. Bakshi. 2009. Instrumentation Engineering.
Technical Publications.
2. Bakshi, U. A. and A. V. Bakshi. 2010. Measurements and Instrumentation.
Technical Publications.
3. Dally, J. W., W. F. Riley and K. G. McConnel. 2003. Instrumentation for
engineering measurements, 2 nd Ed. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Singapore
4. Figliola, R. S. and D. E. Beasley. 2004. Theory and design for mechanical
measurements. (3rd ed.). John Willey and Sons (Asia) Pvt., Inc. Singapore
5. Kishore. 2009. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation. Pearson
Education India.
6. Mahalik, N. P. 2003. Mechatronics, principles, concepts and applications.
Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, India.
7. Shetty, D. and R. A. Kolk. 2001. Mechatronics System Design. Vikas
Publishing House, Pvt., Ltd. New Delhi, India.

Agricultural Processing Engineering 3(2-1)

Introduction: industrial processes, value addition, structure and composition

of food grains and fruits, engineering properties of agricultural materials -
physical, mechanical and thermal properties. Pumps: types of pumps used in
the industries, pump selection, pump laws and performance, viscosity effects.
Fans: Classification as to type and design of fans, fan theory, fan
performance, factors affecting fan selection, general performance and laws,
fans in series and parallel, compression effect. Material handling and
transportation equipment: Belt conveyors, chain conveyors, bucket elevators,
pneumatic conveyors, gravity conveyors, augers, and trailer/ trucks.
Cleaning, Sorting and grading: Grade factors, washing types and methods of
washing, sorting fruits and vegetables, types of sorters, cleaning and sorting,
grading, nuts and seeds, types of grain cleaners/sorters, aerodynamics of
small particle, types of separators, machine vision and its applications in
grading. Size reduction: Size reduction and screen analysis of solid foods.
Types of size reduction mills; fineness modulus, value of ground feed, size
relationships, energy requirements, size reduction procedures, reducing
devices, performance and characteristics of size reduction devices, mixing
and types of mixers. Drying: Drying and dehydration, moisture content
determinations; primary methods, equilibrium moisture content, drying
processes, constant rate period, falling rate period, falling rate drying
mechanism, dynamics of equilibrium moisture content, effect of temperature
upon the rate of drying, effect of air rate upon the rate of drying, heat and
mass balance limitation of the drying equipment, calculations, types of driers,
psychometric chart.

Determination of internal friction and angle of repose. Measurement of bulk
density of grains; Measurement of grain moisture content by oven method
and moisture meter; Selection of fans for aeration of bin. Calculation of
Fineness modulus of wheat flour; Demonstration of sieves used for
cleaning/grading; Carrying out screen analysis of milling/grinding equipment;
Study of Psychometric chart to calculate heat transfer during aeration/drying;
Study of dehydration characteristics of fruits/vegetable by moisture content
vs. time curve and drying rate vs moisture content curve; Visit to cold storage
facilities; Study tour to visit agricultural processing units and plants.

Suggested Readings:
1. Dabhi, M. N. and N. K. Dhamsaniya. 2008. Agricultural Process
Engineering. Agrotech Publishing Academy, India.
2. Hanlon, J. F. 1992. Handbook of packaging engineering. 2 nd Ed. John
Willey and Sons, N. Y., USA.
3. Henderson, S. M. 2010. Agricultural Process Engineering. The AVI
Publishing Company, Inc. Westport, Connecticut. USA.
4. Myler, H. R. 1999. Fundamentals of machine vision. Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi.
5. Pandey, H. H. K. Sharma, R. C. Chauhan, B. C. Sarkar and M. B. Bera.
2004. Experiments in food process engineering. CB.SC. Publishers and
distributers, New Delhi, India
6. Sahay, K. M. and K. K. Singh. 2002. Unit operation of agricultural
processing (2nd ed). Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, India.
7. Toledo, R. T. 2006. Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering. Food
Science Text Series.

Engineering Economics and Management 3(3-0)

Management Fundamentals: Management, Administration, Leadership,

Relationship Vs Task Management, Project and Program, Project Life Cycle,
Trade Off. Line/Project Organization, Functional Organization, Matrix and
Mixed Organization. Role and Responsibilities, Career Path, Special
Demands on the Project Manager, Common Characteristics of a most
effective Team, Selection of a Project Manager. Project Scheduling and
Control: Network Techniques, PERT, CPM & GRANT Charts, Use of Project
management Software’s, Crashing of a Project, Physical Assets Control,
Human Resource Control, Financial Control. Marketing Management: Selling
versus Marketing, Role of a company: Leader, Follower, Challenger, Basics
of Marketing, Place, Price and Promotion. Role of a company in Market
Place. Economics and Accounting: Budgeting Methods, Cost Estimation,
Assets, Liabilities, Capital and Revenue Expenditure, Depreciation,
Depletion, Amortization, Owner’s Equity Debentures, Loan Financing,
Accounting, Qaurds, Ledgers, Profit and loss statement.
Suggested Readings:
1. Anonymous. 2002. The Certified Quality Auditors HACCP Handbook.
ASQ Food, Drug and Cosmetic Division. ASQ Quality Press, Milwaukee
Wisconsin, USA.
2. Mishra, R. 2008. Industrial Economics and Management Principles.
Firewall Media.
3. Swamy, N. 2007. Engineering Economics & Management, Dynaram
Publications, India.

Industrial Engineering and Management 3(3-0)

Introduction: Industrialization and industrial policies of Pakistan; Classification

of agro-based industries, management, operations research, system
engineering, statistics, ergonomics, manufacturing engineering, ISO and
WTO regulations. Production System Design: Mill and Plant Layout; Line
Diagrams; Flow Diagrams, Work measurement, General Terminologies used
in physical measurements. Product System control: Inventory control,
production control, production planning, quality control, statistical process
control charts, sampling plan, Total Quality Management.

Industrial Management: Definition of Management; Functions of

Management: Personal Management; human resource development, Policy
Formulation and decision Making. Materials Purchase and Stores.
Management. Cost Management. Production Routing, Scheduling and
Dispatch Management.

Operations Research: introduction, linear programming, graphical and

algebraic method, transportation algorithm, assignment algorithm, queuing
theory and simulation. Engineering Economy: Pricing, costing, interest
calculation, present worth, future worth, annual rate of return, annual cost
method, return on investment, payback method, cost control engineering.
Industrial Safety Engineering: Safety Measures, Accidents Causes, Job
Safety Analysis. Machine Guards and Safety Equipment; Control of Noise,
Contaminants and Radiation/heat etc. Health hazards and Safety
Management. Health and Safety Policies. Industrial Environmental
Communication and Pollution: Industrial Environmental Education; Factors
Affecting Environment of different industries; Environmental Planning,
Monitoring and Control Strategies of Recycling Materials for Ecological
balance. What is Pollution; Sources of Pollution, e.g. Natural Sources,
Industrial Sources, Point Sources and Non-Point Sources. Industrial
Revolution and its Impact on Soil, Water, Air and human health. Effect of
Unplanned Technological growth on Environmental Pollution.

Suggested Readings:
1. Hicks. P. 1994. Industrial engineering and management (2nd ed.).
McGraw-Hill International Edition. N. Y.
2. Kumar, B. 2001. Industrial Engineering, Khanna Publishers, Nath
Market, Delhi, India.
3. Patil, S. B. 2008. Industrial Engineering and Management. Technical
Publications PUNE.
4. Reddy, C. N. M. 2007. Industrial Engineering and Management. New age
International Publishers, India.
5. Telsang, M. 2004. Industrial engineering and production management.
Tata McGraw-Hill. N. Delhi.

Fluid Mechanics 3(2-1)

Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics: Definition and branches of fluid
mechanics, distinction between solid and fluids, Properties of fluids: density,
viscosity, surface tension, specific weight, specific gravity, etc., bulk modules
of elasticity, compressibility of fluids. Fluid statics: Pressure variations in a
fluid, pressure measuring devices, gauges and manometers, buoyancy and
stability of submerged and floating bodies, forces on plane and curved
surfaces, center of pressure. Fluid kinematics: Types of flow, dimensions of
flow, streamlines, path lines, flow patterns for different references, continuity
equation, source flow, sink flow, flow nets, uses and limitations of flow net.
Pipe flow: pipe flow equations, head losses in pipes flow; friction losses due
to ends, elbows, reducers, etc; pressure distribution along pipe line; laminar
and turbulent flow in pipes, major and minor energy losses in pipes,
branching pipes, flow distribution in pipes place in series and in parallel; pipe
network analysis. Energy Consideration in Steady flow: General equations of
steady flow, heads, Bernoulli’s equation and its Practical applications,
hydraulic and energy grade lines, power consideration in fluid flow,
cavitations, head losses, solution of flow problems. Momentum and forces in
fluid flow: Impulse-momentum principle and application, force exerted on a
stationary and moving bodies (flat and curved), relation between absolute
and relative velocities, reaction of a jet, jet propulsion, torque in rotating
machines. Fluid Flow Measurements: Orifices, weirs, notches and venture
meter, pitot tube, coefficient of contraction, velocity and discharge, derivation
of their discharge formulae and their applications.

Demonstration of various parts of hydraulic bench. Experimental study of
laminar and turbulent flow. Experimental study of tube gauges and dead
weight pressure gauges. Calibration of orifices by various methods.
Calibration of Venturimeter. Calibration of rectangular and triangular notch.
Verification of Bernoulli’s theorem. Determination of meta-centric height.
Viscosity of a given fluid by viscometer. Drag on a small sphere.

Suggested Readings:
1. Çengel, Y. A. 2010. Fluid Mechanics. Tata McGraw-Hill Education, India.

2. Daughterty, R. I., J. B., Franzini, and E. J. Finnemore. 1995. Fluid
Mechanics with Engineering Application, McGraw Hill Book Co.
3. Franzini, J. B. and Finnemore, E. J. 2003. Fluid Mechanics with
Engineering Application. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Singapore.
4. Jain, A. K. 1990. Fluid Mechanics: A Text-Book for Engineering Students.
Khana Publishers, New Delhi, India.
5. Streeter, V. L. 1988. Fluid Mechanics. McGraw-Hill Inc., New York. Potter,
M. C., C. David and B. H. Ramadan. 2011. Mechanics of Fluids. Si
Version. Cengage Learning.

Engineering Numerical Analysis 3(2-1)

Finite difference, Forward, backward and central difference and its operators
form, Interpolation and extrapolation; Linear and higher order interpolating
polynomials, Newton’s Gregory forward and backward difference
interpolation formulas and its utilization as extrapolation, Lagrange
interpolation and extrapolation, Numerical differentiation based on
differences, Numerical integration; Trapezoidal and Simpson’
approximations, Trapezoidal and Simpson’s extrapolations by Romberg
integration process, Numerical Solution of non-linear equations; Bracketing
and iteration methods and its applications as multiple root methods, Direct
solution of the system of linear equations; Gauss-elimination, Direct and
indirect factorization, symmetric factorization, tridiagonal factorization,
Iterative methods like Jacob’s iteration and Gauss-Seidel iteration, Numerical
solution of initial value problems; Single-Step methods like Euler’s method,
Euler’s modified method, Runge-Kutta method and its comparison with
Taylor’s series expansion, Multi-steps methods like Adams Bashforth and
Modulation two and three step methods, Higher order differential equations,
system of differential equations, Numerical solution of linear and nonlinear
boundary value problems.


Numerical solution techniques will be elaborated and demonstrated.

Suggested Readings:
1. Bhat, R. B. and S. Chakraverty. 2004. Numerical Analysis in Engineering.
Alpha Science International.
2. Moin, P. 2010. Fundamentals of Engineering Numerical Analysis.
Cambridge University Press.
3. Sastry, S. S. 2005.Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis. PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd.

Fluid Flow Systems 3(2-1)

Pumps: Purposes, pump components, pump classification centrifugal, jet,

positive displacement, turbine pumps, submersible pumps, propeller and
mixed flow pumps and gas or air lift pumps; types of impellers (open, semi-
closed, closed), terminology in pumping systems-specific speed, priming,
pumping energy, total dynamic head pump problems and their remedies.

Characteristic curves: TDH-Q curve, cavitations; net positive suction head;

umps location, affinity laws, pump testing, maintenance of pumps, system
head curves and its components for pumps selection, pumps in parallel,
pumps in series. Pumping system head and power requirements; Suction lift,
well draw down, friction head loss, operating head seasonal variation in
system head curve, pumps selection, prime mover electric, diesel and their
selection, feasibility of prime mover selection, determining pumping head,
brake horsepower; water horse power; input horse power; pumping plant


Study of components of various pumps; study of pump characteristics;

determination of pumps efficiency; determining operating conditions and
input horse power for pumps installed in parallel; determining operating
condition and input horse power for pumps installed in series; laboratory
study of losses in pipe flow; visit to study the pumping system and pipe flow
of a selected industry.

Suggested Readings:
1. Ahmad, N. 1995. Groundwater Resources of Pakistan, Shahzad Nazir
Publisher, Gulberg-III, Lahore, Pakistan.
2. Ahmad, N. 1995. Tubewell Theory and Practices, Shahzad Nazir
Publishers, Gulberg-III, Lahore, Pakistan.
3. Saleh, J. 2002. Fluid Flow Handbook. McGraw-Hill Professional, USA.
4. Tranini, J. B. and E. J. Fennimove. 2003. Fluid Mechanics with
Engineering Applications, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Singapore.

Engineering Mechanics 3(2-1)

Concept of measurement of mass, force, time and space, Systems of units,

Fundamentals & Derived units, Conversion of units, required Accuracy of
results, General Principles of Statics, Vector addition, Subtraction and
Products, Resultant of Distributed (Linear & Non-linear) force Systems,
General conditions of equilibrium of Co-planer forces, Laws of Triangle,
Parallelogram and Polygon of forces, Types of beams, Supports and Loads,
Simple cases of Axial forces, Shear forces and Bending Moment diagrams,
Problem involving friction on Flat surfaces, Geometrical Properties of Plane
Areas, Work, Energy, Power, Impulse, Momentum, Conservation of
Momentum and Energy, Rectilinear and Curvilinear motions, Tangential and
Normal Components of Acceleration, Simple Harmonic motion


To verify the law of polygon of forces, the law of parallelogram of forces, the
principles of moments, the co-efficient of friction between surfaces. Special
numerical problems and assignments. Moment of inertia of fly wheel mounted
on wall and a wooden block by suspension. Efficiency of various models of
machines. Modulus of rigidity of metal bar by static and dynamic methods.
Special numerical problems and assignments.

Suggested Readings:
1. Bansal R. K., 2004 Engineering Mechanics and strength of materials,
Mehar Offset press, New Delhi, India.
2. Khurmi R. S. 2006. Strength of Materials, Rajandar Ravindra Printers
(Pvt) Ltd., New Delhi India.
3. Kumar, K. L., 2006. Engineering Mechanics 3rd edition, Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi India.
4. Meriam, J. L. and L. G. Kraige. 2005. Engineering Mechanics. Vol. I,
Statics. John Wily and Sons, Co., New York.
5. Mukherjee, S. and A. R. 2011. Elements of Engineering Mechanics. PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd., India.
6. Singal, S. 2009. Engineering Mechanics. I. K. International (Pvt) Ltd.,
7. Singer, F. L. 2000. Engineering Mechanics. Harper and Row Publishers,
New York, USA.

Engineering Drawing, Graphics, and CAD 3(1-2)

Introduction to engineering drawing, various types of lines, basic geometrical

constructions, conic sections, theory of orthographic projection, dimensioning
& lettering, Introduction to tolerance, projections off points, projections of
straight lines, Projections of planes and solids in simple position, sectioning
of solids, Isometric projections, development of surfaces.

Drawing Sketches. Working with drawing Aids. Basic Dimensioning and

Tolerancing. Model Space view ports, Paper space view ports and Layouts.
Plotting Drawing. Hatching Drawing. Working with Blocks. Working with
Advanced Drawing Options. Technical Drawing with AutoCAD. Isometric
Drawing. The User Coordinate System. Getting Started with 3D. Creating
Solid Models. AutoCAD on the Internet.

Introduction to drawing instruments and their use, various scales, practice of
orthographic projection missing lines in orthographic projection, Drawing
three views of different objects, Practice of Dimensioning and Lettering,
Practice of Sectioning, Conversion of orthographic projection into isometric
view, Creating drawings of Engineering Fasteners like Rivets, Cotters Joints,
threads etc. Drawing and working problems on AutoCAD Mechanical Power
Pack Package.

Suggested Readings:
1. Autocad. 2004. Autocad Mechanical Power Pack, Autodesk New York,
2. Auto CAD. 2005. A problem –Solving Approach Autodesk Press Sham
3. David A. and D. P. Madsen. 2011. Engineering Drawing and Design.
Delmar Cengage Learning.
4. French, T. E. and Vierch, C. J. 2000. A Manual of Engineering Drawing,
McGraw Hill Book Co. New York, USA.
5. James, H. Earle. 1992. Engineering Design Graphics, Addison-Wisley
Publishing Co. Reoding Massachusetts.
6. Lang, K. L and A. J. Kalameja. 2011. AutoCAD 2012 Tutor for Engineering
Graphics. Delmar Cengage Learning.
7. Parkinson A. C. 1998. A First year Engineering Drawing, Sir Isaac Pitman
and Sons Ltd., England.

Mechanics of Materials 3(2-1)

Stress and strains: Stress at a point, components of stress, analysis of plane
stress, principle stresses, maximum shear stress, Mohr’s circle. Axial loading:
Stress due to axial forces, strain, properties of material under axial loading.
Bending: Bending stress in beams, shear and bending moment diagrams.
Combined loading: Stresses due to axial, bending and torsional loading.
Deflection: Moment curvature relationship, deflection of beams by the method
of double integration. Deflection of beams: Double integration method with
singularity function, area moment method, torsion: shearing stress and angle
of twist, hollow and circular shafts.
Buckling; pin ended column, eccentrically loaded column, initially curved
column, critical loads and critical stresses. Curved beans, stresses in curved
bars, cylinder and spheres: stresses in thin and thick walled cylinders,
Fatigue loading analysis and design.

Practical exercises related to axial loaded, bending torsions and deflection of
beams. Buckling curved bars, strain gauges and fatigue loading, special
numerical problems and assignments.
Suggested Readings:
1. Gere, J. M. and B. J. Goodno. 2012. Mechanics of Materials. Cengage
2. James M. Gere, Barry J. Goodno. 2011. Mechanics of Materials. Cengage
3. Hannah J. and R. C. Stephens, 1999. Mechanics of Materials: Advance
theory and Examples, Vinod Vasishtha, India.
4. Muvdi, B. B. and J. W. Mcnabb. 2001. Engineering Mechanics of
Materials. Mac-Millan Publishing Co. New York.
5. Sarkar B. K. 2006. Strength of Materials, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Pvt.
Ltd. New, Delhi.

FE- Project & Report-I 2(0-2)

Introduction to technical report writing, important components of technical
writing, selection/preparation of research topic, objectives, review of
literature, methodology, data processing, results, conclusions, summery,
abstract, presentation of (data collected in the field/laboratory) results in the
form of graphs, tables, figures, and photographs, references and appendices,
report writing, presentation methods and skills.

FE- Project & Report–II 4(0-4)

Introduction to project planning and location, plant design and development,
project analysis and evaluation, project simulation and thesis writing.


Course Title of the Course Credit

No. Hours
1 Islamic Studies or 2 (2-0)
Ethics (for foreign student)
2 English Composition & Comprehension 3 (3-0)
3 Linear Algebra & Calculus 3 (3-0)
4 Applied Physics 3 (2-1)
5 Basic Agriculture for Engineers 3 (2-1)
6 Communication and Presentation Skills 3 (2-1)
7 Food Chemistry 3 (2-1)
8 Computer Programming and Applications in 3 (2-1)
9 Differential Equations, Series, Laplace 3 (3-0)
10 Sociology for Engineers 2 (2-0)
11 Pakistan Studies 2 (2-0)
12 Statistics & Probability 3 (2-1)
13 Post-harvest handling of Fruits and Vegetables 3 (2-1)

14 Food Processing and Preservation 3 (2-1)

15 Food Plant Layout and Sanitation 3 (3-0)
16 Food regulations and legislations 2 (2-0)
17 Food Industrial Waste Management 3 (3-0)
18 Food Microbiology 3 (2-1)

Islamic Studies or Ethics for Non-Muslims 2(2-0)
Annexure – A

English – I 3(3-0)
(Functional English)
Annexure – B

English – II 3 (2-1)
(Communication Skill)

English – III
(Technical Writing & Presentation Skills)

Linear Algebra and Calculus 3(3-0)

Basic set theory: Complex numbers: Cartesian and polar form, De Moivre’s
theorem, roots, exponential, trigonometric, hyperbolic and logarithmic
functions’, complex powers. Matrices, determinants and system of linear
equations. Vector spaces: Definitions, linear dependence and independence of
vectors, some theorems on linear dependence, linear transformation, bases.

Suggested Readings:
1. Kreyszig, E. 2000. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Ed. 8th, John Wiley
and Sons, New York.
2. Yusuf, S. M. and M. Amin. 2002. Mathematical Methods, Ilmi Kitab Khana,
Kabir Street Urdu Bazar, Lahore.

Applied Physics 3(2-1)

Electricity and Magnetism: Voltage, current, resistance, power, single phase

and 3-phase A.C. supply. Series and parallel circuits. Vector addition and
subtraction of A.C. voltages. A.C/D.C. motors: Concept of rotating fields,
polyphase induction motor, lap and wave winding of single phase and three
phase motors, torque and starting characteristics, measuring instruments,
transformers. A.C. power generators. Electrical distribution and wiring for
farm buildings. Electric controls, motor controls, and protection. Selection of
farm motors, applications of electricity at farm.

Electronics: Semi-conductors, PN-junction; Transistor; its characteristics and

uses; Amplifiers; Power supplies; Magnetism: Electro-Megnetic induction
and radiation; Radioactivity: Radio isotopes; Biological effects of radiation;
Laser: Introduction, generation and uses of Laser. Fiber optics–

Construction of wiring systems, fuses, switches of various types insulators.

Circuits design and drawing of a typical farm electrical system. Selection of
motor for various farm equipment such as forage cutter, feed-grinders, and
shop tools. Practice on repair and adjustment of electric motors, switches,
fuses, transmission wiring controls. Study of 3 phase induction motor. Study of
star and delta connections. Study of semi conductor, triode, diode valve and
transistors. Use of AVO meter, CRO, plani meter. Fabrication of full wave
rectifier and inductance study of its wave-shape. Measurement of self
inductance and mutual inductance.

Suggested Readings:
1. Theraja, B. L. 2004. A Text-Book of Electrical Technology. S. Chand & Co.
Ltd. New Delhi, India.
2. Fitzgeraid, A. E. 1994. Basic Electrical Engineering. McGraw-Hill, New
3. Hammond, P. 1979. Electromagnetism of Engineers. Pergamon Press,
New York, USA.

Basic Agriculture for Engineers 3(2-1)

Agriculture-history, importance and branches, allied sciences, impact of
climate of Pakistan on crop production. Area under crop production, Basic
inputs of agriculture for crop production viz; biological, hydrological, chemical,
and mechanical inputs. Land resources and their utilization in Pakistan.
Principles of crop production. Tillage: its objectives and types. Cropping
systems and crop rotations, Irrigation systems. Production technology of
major and minor crops. Classification of field crops w.r.t their food value.
Techniques and practices for enhancing crop productivity.

Identification of various soil types; Demonstration of various irrigation
methods; Demonstration and use of tillage implements, seedbed preparation
and intercultural operations; Identification of various crops and their seeds
w.r.t food value; Demonstration of improved sowing methods; Visits to grain
storage facilities and progressive farms; Raising nursery for transplanting
seedlings of non-traditional / regional crops; study of medicinal crops and
organic farming.

Suggested Readings:
1. Arnon, I. 1992. Agriculture in Dry Lands-Principles and Practices. Elsevier
Sci. Pub., London.
2. Chaudhri, D. P. and K. A. Dasgupta. 1985. Agriculture and the
Development Process: A study of Punjab, Cromm Helm Ltd., London.
3. Cheema, Z. A. and M. Farooq. 2007. Agriculture in Pakistan. Allied Book
Centre, Urdu Bazar Lahore, Pakistan.
4. Cooper, E. L. 1990. Agriscience: Fundamentals and Applications, Delmar
Publisher, New York.
5. Khan, S. R. A. 2001. Crop Management in Pakistan with Focus on Soil
and Water. Directorate of Agri. Information, Punjab, Lahore.
6. Nazir, M. S. 1994. Crop Production. Ed. E. Bashir & R. Bantel, National
Book Foundation, Islamabad.
7. Somani, L. L. 1993. Recent Advances in Dry Land Agriculture. Part-2,
Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur.

Communication and Presentation Skills 3(2-1)

Definition, types and functions of communication; effective communication
and its barriers; verbal communication skills; speaking, speech making,
listening, reading and writing. Preparing and delivering a speech,
development of effective reading skills, art of effective writing, writing
scientific and popular articles. Listening: the process, types, barriers and
strategies for effective listening; non-verbal communications; characteristics,
functions and types; leadership; concept, techniques, functions and
characteristics; development of effective leadership skills.

Communication & Presentation Skills labs related to speaking, speech
making, listening, reading and writing.

Suggested Readings:
1. Calvert, P. (Ed.). 1990. The communication’s Hand Book: Techniques and
Technology. Maupin House, USA.
2. Devito, J. A. 1997. Human Communication: The Basic Course. Addison
Wesley Longman, Inc., New York, USA.
3. Gronbeck, B. E., R. E. McKerrow, D. Ehninger and A. H. Monroe. 1974.
Principles and Types of Speech Communication. Harper Collins College
Publishers, New York.
4. Kossen, S. 1994. The Human Side of Organizations. Harper Collins
College Publishers, New York, USA.
5. Roy, E. and S. Roy. 1993. Guide to Basic Writing. Prentice Hall.
Englewood Cliffs. New York, USA.

Food Chemistry 3(2-1)

Brief review of organic chemistry; Structure and component of food

components: Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, water, vitamins, minerals,
enzymes, phenolic compounds and pigments. Food Additives: Preservatives,
colorants, antioxidants, sweeteners, emulsifiers and their role in food
industries. Toxicological concepts: Contaminants and evaluation of metals,
pesticides, antibiotics mycotoxins, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and toxic
compounds naturally found in foods. Nutritional value of food: Calorific value
and pH of food.

Proximate analysis of moisture, ash, fibre, fat, peroxide value, acidity, pH,
protein and carbohydrate. Use of analytical instrumentation like HPLC,
polarimeter, conductivity meter and spectroscopic techniques. Familiarities
with sensory evaluation and shelf life estimation of perishable food.

Suggested Readings:
1. David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox Lehninger. 2005. Principles of
Biochemistry; 4th ed.
2. Freeman and Comp. Fennama O.R. 1996, Food Chemistry, Marcel and
Dekker, New York.
3. Berlitz H. D. & Grosh W. 1999. Food Chemistry, Publisher Springer Berlin
Heidelberg, Germany.
4. Brody T. 1999, Nutritional Biochemistry, Academic Press.
5. Shi J. 2002, Functional Foods: Biochemical & Processing Aspects, CRC
6. Principles of Biochemistry; David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox
Lehninger, 4th ed. 2005.
7. Freeman and Fennama O. R. 1996, Food Chemistry, Marcel and Dekker,
New York.

Computer Programming and Applications 3(2-1)

in Engineering

Introduction: Computer components, operating system, software &

applications, Programming: Introduction, programming languages, flowchart,
programming structure, introduction to C++, application of C++ to solve
engineering problems, modeling and simulation.


Demonstration of computer components and Windows installation. Exercise

on the use of word processing, spreadsheet and engineering graphics.
Programming of engineering problems with C++.

Suggested Readings:
1. Perry, G. and M. Johnsons. 1992. Turbo C++ by Examples. Prentice Hall
Computer Publishing, New York, USA.
2. Shelly and Cashman. 1996. Using Computer, a Gateway to Information.
Boyd and Fraser Publishing Company, USA.

Differential Equations, Power Series, Laplace 3(3-0)
Ordinary Differential Equation: Basic concepts of ordinary differential
equation, General and particular solution, Initial and boundary condition,
Linear and nonlinear differential equations, Solution of first order differential
equation by separable variables and its application in our daily life situations,
Techniques like change in variables homogeneous, non-homogeneous,
exact, non-exact, linear and non-linear Bernoulli could be used in case of
complications. Solution of second order differential equations by theory of
operators and its application as forced and free oscillations, the extension of
second order solution criteria to high order differential equations, solution of
the system of differential equations by theory of operators and its application
in daily life situations.

Partial Differential Equations: Basic Concepts, linear and non-linear P. D

equations, Quasi linear and Quasi non-linear P. D equations, homogenous
and non-homogenous P. D equations, solutions of P. D equations, boundary
and initial conditions as dirichlet conditions, Neumann’s condition,
Robbin’s/mixed condition, classification of P. D equations as Elliptic
conditions, Parabolic and hyperbolic. Analytic Solution by separation of
Variables of the Steady State, two dimensional heat equation/Laplace
equation and un-steady one dimensional heat equation/Diffusion equation
with homogenous and non-homogenous boundary conditions. D’Alembert’s
solution of two dimensional wave equation homogenous and non-
homogenous boundary conditions. Fourier Series: Periodic waveforms and
their Fourier representations, calculating a Fourier series, Fourier series of
odd and even functions, Half range Fourier series, Fourier series solution for
the above P. D equations.

Suggested Readings:
1. Kreyszig, E. 1999. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. John Wiley and
Sons, New York, USA.
2. Yousaf, S. M. 1998. Mathematical Methods, Ilmi Kitab Khana Kabir Street,
Urdu Bazar, Lahore, Pakistan.
3. Sharma, G. S., K. L. Auhuja and I. J. S. Sarna.1988. Advanced
Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists. Tata McGraw-Hill Co., India.

Sociology for Engineers 2(2-0)

Studying the Group Dynamics; Types of Social Groups, Primary and

Secondary groups, In-groups and Out-groups, Reference Group; Group
Dynamics; Group Size, Leadership, Social Loafing, Social Dilemmas,
Groupthink, Conformity. Types of Disputes: Dispute Resolution Techniques;
Participatory Irrigation Management; Organizational Techniques for
Sustainable Social Organizations: A Case Study; Community Development: A
Case Study of AKRSP.

Suggested Readings:
1. Bhatti, M. A., M. A. Cheema and G. V. Skogerboe. 1999. Maintenance and
Operational Activities in the Command Area of Shahpur and Mirwal Small
Dam. Pakistan National Programme International Irrigation Management
Institute Lahore. Report No. R-78.
2. James, W. and V. Zanden. 1988. The Social Experience: An Introduction to
Sociology. Random House, New York.
3. Starkloff, R., D. J. Bandaragoda, M. A. Cheema and M. A. Bhatti. 1999.
Social Organization for Improved System Management and Sustainable
Irrigation Agriculture in Mirwal and Shahpur Small Dams. Pakistan National
Program International Irrigation Management Lahore. Report No. R-80.
4. Charles D Fledderman, Engineering Ethics, Prentice Hall, New Mexico,

Pakistan Studies 2(2-0)

Annexure - C

Statistics and Probability 3(2-1)

Statistics: Mean value, Measures of central tendency, Measures of variation,

Standard deviation, Expected value of a random variable, Standard deviation
of a random variable, The Poisson distribution, The uniform distribution, The
exponential distribution, The normal distribution, The standard normal, The
standard normal distribution. Probability: Sets, Application of Venn Diagrams,
Introducing probability, Mutually exclusive events, The addition law of
probability, Complementary events, Concepts from communication theory,
Problems related to engineering, Conditional probability, The multiplication
law, Independent events, Baye’s formula, Permutations and combinations,
Multiplication principle, Problems related to engineering, science and
management, Applications of counting, Bernoulli trials, Binomial probability,
Markov chains, Probability distribution, Expected value, Decision making,
Problems related to engineering and management.

Simple, Multiple and Component bar diagram. Historigram, Frequency
polygon, Frequency curve, c.f. curve, cumulative percentage curve and
locate Quantiles. Problem assignments relating probability. Fitting a Binomial
distribution. Fitting a Poison distribution. Fitting a Normal distribution.
Sampling distribution of difference between two means. Application/use of t-
test for Null hypothesis. Test of significance of association of attributes by x -
test (chi-square test). Testing goodness of fit. Calculating a simple, partial
and a multiple correlation and their tests of significance. Fitting a simple
linear regression equation and its test of significance by Analysis of Variance
(F-test) and t-test. Analysis of variance of data from C. R. D., R. C. B. D. and
L. S. design.

Suggested Readings:
1. Choudhry, S. M. and S. Kamal. 1998. Introduction to Statistical Theory
Part I & II; Ilmi Kitab Khana, Kabir Street, Urdu Bazar, Lahore, Pakistan.
2. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics 8 th Edition, John
Wiley & Sons Publication.
3. Lind, D., W. Marchal, and S. Wathen. 2011. Basic Statistics for Business
and Economics with Formula Card (7th ed.). The McGraw-Hill/Irwin Series
Operations and Decision Sciences, McGraw-Hill Co., India.
4. Miller I. and J. E. Freund. 1985. Probability and Statistics for Engineers.
Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA.
5. Muhammad, F. 1999. Statistical Methods and data analysis; Kitab Markaz,
Bhowana Bazar, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
6. Ronald E. Walpole. 1982. Introduction to Statistics; McMillan publishing
Co., Inc. New York. USA.
7. Taylor, L. D. 1974. Probability and Mathematical Statistics. Harper & Row,
Publishers New York, USA.
8. Walpole R. E. 1982. Introduction to Statistics, McMillan publishing Co, Inc.
New York.

Post-harvest handling of Fruits and Vegetables 3(2-1)

Importance of postharvest science and technology; fruits and vegetable

classification; maturity indices, quality standards, harvest and postharvest
handling, pack house operations and transport of important fruits and

Tools and machinery used in harvest and post harvest management;
Determination of maturity indices; Assessment of quality standards; Visit to
fruit and vegetable markets and progressive farms for experience inn post
harvest handling of important fruits and vegetables.

Suggested Readings:
1. Florkowski, W. J. and R. L Shewfelt, B. Brueckner, and S. E. Prussia.
2009. Postharvest Handling; A Systems Approach (2 nd Ed.). Academic
2. Kader, A. A. 2002. Postharvest Technology of Horticulture Crop (3 rd Ed.).
University of California. Agriculture and natural Resources. California,
3. Kader, A. A. 2002. Postharvest Technology of Horticulture Crop (3 rd Ed.).
University of California. Agriculture and natural Resources. California,
4. Kitinoja, L. and A. A. Kader. 2003. Small-Scale postharvest handling
practices. A manual for Horticultural Crops (4 th Ed.). University of
California, Davis, Postharvest Technology Research and Information
5. Kitinoja, L. and A. A. Kader. 2003. Small-Scale postharvest handling
practices. A manual for Horticultural Crops (4 th Ed.). University of
California, Davis, Postharvest Technology Research and Information

Food Processing and Preservation 3(2-1)

Preparatory operations: cleaning, sorting, grading, size reduction, blanching,

sulphiting. Heat processing: methods – thermisation, pasteurization, HTST,
commercial sterilization, UHT. Canning: unit operations. Retort operation:
equipment. Ohmic heating: Principles, processes and equipment design.
Effect of heat processing: nutrients, microorganisms. Low temperature
preservation: refrigeration: methods and equipments. Use of chemical
additives: contaminants, adulterants, additives. Food additives: classification,
criteria for selection, GRAS additives, permissible limits, food safety, E-
numbers. Preservation by fermentation technology: principles, objectives,
types - alcoholic, acetic and lactic fermentations. Fermented foods: bread,
wine, vinegar, yoghurt, sausages, pickles. Food irradiation: principles,
applications, equipments, safety aspect, effect on food properties, detection


Bottling/canning of selected fruits, vegetables. Cold storage of fruits and

vegetables. Freezing of fruits and vegetables. Dehydration of fruits and
vegetables. Use of chemicals in preservation of food products. Production of
vinegar, yoghurt and pickles. Evaluation of bottled, frozen and dehydrated
products. Visit to food industries. Ohmic heating procedure for food quality

Suggested Readings:
1. Brennan, J. G. 2006. Food processing handbook. Wiley-VCH Verlag
GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany.
2. Fellow, P. J. 2005. Food processing technology: principles and practices,
(2nd ed.). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
3. Rahman, M. S. 2007. Handbook of food preservation. CRC Press, Taylor
& Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.

Food Plant Layout and Sanitation 3(3-0)

Food processing industry: introduction, investment. Plant location and layout:

significance, location analysis, selection criteria - freedom from pollution,
availability of potable water, raw material, labor and energy supply,
communication facilities, facilities for waste disposal. Plant cleaning: soil
types, methods, detergents, water conditioners. Sanitizing: chemical, heat,
irradiation. Cleaning methods – CIP, dismantling cleaning. Pests: types,
inspection, control. Waste management: fluid and solid wastes. HACCP:
introduction, requirements.

Suggested Readings:
1. Arvanitoyannis, I. S. 2008. Waste management for the food industries.
Elsevier Academic Press, New York, USA.
2. Farber, J. M. and E. C. D. Todd. 2000. Safe handling of foods. Marcel and
Dekker, New York, USA.
3. Leliveld, H. L. M., M. A. Mostert, and J. Holah. 2005. Handbook of hygiene
control in food industry. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Abington Hall,
Abington, Cambridge, UK.

Food Regulations and Legislations 2(2-0)

Pakistan Standards: Standards and Quality Control Authority: functions,
authorities. Pure Food Rules: Background, definitions, significant features,
enforcement, amendments; Food inspector and public analyst: qualifications,
duties, powers. Food Adulteration: Adulterants, health hazards, methods of
detection. Food Labelling: Perspectives on nutrition labelling; Islamic food
laws and regulations: sources, principles, lawful foods, unlawful foods;
Consumer laws in Pakistan. International Food Laws: Introduction, The World
Trade Organization (WTO) - the agreement on the application of sanitary and
phytosanitary measures; GATT; Codex Alimentarius: general, procedural
manual, standards, codes, legal force.

Suggested Readings:
1. Janjua Z I. 1987. Food laws manual. Law Times Pub., Lahore, Pakistan.
2. Rees N and D. Watson. 2000. International standards for food safety.
Kluwer Sci. Pub, New York, USA.
Food Industrial Waste Management 3(3-0)

Food industrial wastes: types; sources and characteristics of food processing

wastes. Waste disposal and physical, chemical and biological treatments.
BOD, COD, Bio processing in food waste treatment. Management of waste
by products: sugar, fruits and vegetable, meat, fish, oil and fat, dairy and
cereals. Recovery of materials from effluents by different systems. Utilization
of food industry wastes. ISO Environmental Standards.

Suggested Readings:
1. Arvanitoyannis, L. S. 2008. Waste management for the food industries.
Elsevier Academic Press, Oxford, USA.
2. Lawrence, K. W. and M. U. S. Wang. 1992. Hand Book of Industrial Waste
Treatment. Harcep Dekker, Inc., New York, USA.
3. Lee, B. H. 1996. Fundamentals of food biotechnology. VCH Pub. Inc.,
New York, USA.
4. Waldron, K. 2008. Handbook of waste management and co-product
recovery in food processing. CRC press, New York, USA.

Food Microbiology 3(2-1)

History, branches, scope and significance of microorganism. Overview of

eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell, characteristic of Microorganism,
nomenclature, culture media, Growth curve. Introduction to microorganism
important in food industry and their effects in food products (food born
diseases). Measures to control growth of such organism in food. Cleaning,
disinfection, sanitation. Combined methods, preventive measures; GMP,
GHP, SSOP, HACCP. Beneficial microorganism in food industries. Structure
of Nucleic acid, DNA replication, protein synthesis, gene transfer. Spoilage of
various foods causes of spoilage, types of spoilage. Examination: Sampling,
microbial test procedures, indicator organisms, food poisoning organisms,
food spoilage organisms.

Microscopic study of food pathogens, familiarities with washing, cleaning,
sterilization and inoculation using instrumentation like autoclave, laminar flow,
incubators and drying oven.

Suggested Readings:
1. Adams M. R. and M. O. Moss. 2005. Food Microbiology (Second Edition).
Thomas Graham House, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4
2. Bibek R. 2004, Fundamental Food Microbiology III Edition, CRC Press LLC

3. Hogg, S. 2005. Essential Microbiology. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The
Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8SQ, UK.
4. Jay, J. M., M. J. Loessner and D. A. Golden. 2010. Modern Food
Microbiology (Food Science Text Series). Springer Science + Business
Media, Inc., Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA.
5. Montville, T. J. and K. R. Matthews. 2008. Food Microbiology: An
Introduction. Amazone Company.
6. Ray, B and A. Bhljnia. 2008. Fundamentals of food Microbiology (4th Ed).
CRC Press Taylor & Frands Group, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW,
Suite 300, Boca Ratan, FL 33487-2742.

Islamic Studies
Annexure - A


Note: All the optional courses should be compatible with regard to credit
hours approved in the scheme of studies

A.Options for Foundation Courses

Foundation 1 (Base) Basic Agriculture for Engineers 3(2-1)

Agriculture-history, importance and branches, allied sciences, impact of

climate of Pakistan on crop production. Area under crop production, Basic
inputs of agriculture for crop production viz; biological, hydrological, chemical,
and mechanical inputs. Land resources and their utilization in Pakistan.
Principles of crop production. Tillage: its objectives and types. Cropping
systems and crop rotations, Irrigation systems. Production technology of
major and minor crops. Classification of field crops w.r.t their food value.
Techniques and practices for enhancing crop productivity.

Identification of various soil types; Demonstration of various irrigation
methods; Demonstration and use of tillage implements, seedbed preparation
and intercultural operations; Identification of various crops and their seeds
w.r.t food value; Demonstration of improved sowing methods; Visits to grain
storage facilities and progressive farms; Raising nursery for transplanting
seedlings of non-traditional / regional crops; study of medicinal crops and
organic farming.

Suggested Readings:
1. Arnon, I. 1992. Agriculture in Dry Lands-Principles and Practices. Elsevier
Sci. Pub., London.
2. Chaudhri, D. P. and K. A. Dasgupta. 1985. Agriculture and the
Development Process: A study of Punjab, Cromm Helm Ltd., London.
3. Cheema, Z. A. and M. Farooq. 2007. Agriculture in Pakistan. Allied Book
Centre, Urdu Bazar Lahore, Pakistan.
4. Cooper, E. L. 1990. Agriscience: Fundamentals and Applications, Delmar
Publisher, New York.
5. Khan, S. R. A. 2001. Crop Management in Pakistan with Focus on Soil
and Water. Directorate of Agri. Information, Punjab, Lahore.
6. Nazir, M. S. 1994. Crop Production. Ed. E. Bashir & R. Bantel, National
Book Foundation, Islamabad.
7. Somani, L. L. 1993. Recent Advances in Dry Land Agriculture. Part-2,
Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur.

Foundation 2 (Base) Metallurgy & Workshop Practices

Production and properties of common engineering materials: Ferrous metals,
iron ores, properties and uses of pig iron, cast iron, wrought iron, steel,
standard processes of manufacturing of Iron and steel, open hearth process,
basic oxygen processes, production of ingots. Composition/properties and
uses of plastics, rubber, fibre glass and composite materials. Alloy steel and
Irons: Effect of alloying elements, the AISI/SAE alloy steel and their
identification, corrosion resistant steel, steel for high temperature services,
alloy steel. Non-ferrous metals: Properties and uses of copper, aluminum,
zinc, tin, nickel, and lead. Non-ferrous alloys, copper alloys. Aluminum alloys,
zinc base alloys, nickel base alloys. Lead-tin alloys, iron-carbon equilibrium
diagram. Heat treatment: Heat treatment theory and process, heat treatment
of steel, annealing, hardening, tempering, normalizing, surface hardening,
quenching, heat treatment equipment. Welding: Definition, types of welding
process, survey of welding equipment. Arc welding; Current rating, welding
materials, arc welding processes, inspection and testing of welded joints. Gas
welding; Welding flames and materials, cutting of metals, gas welding

Foundry: Definition, importance, advantages and disadvantages of foundry,

casting, hand moulding tools, characteristics of moulding sand, foundry
cores, properties of core and, crucibles, handling and care, copula furnace,
construction, zone of copula and its advantages. Safety and First Aid: Safety
in the shop, mechanical and other accidents, safety devices, safety methods,
first aid equipment and methods, care and order in the workshop.

Identification of tools and machines in the workshop. Identification of different
metals by spark tests and advance methods. Demonstration of different heat
treatment processes. Practice of arc welding. Practice of gas welding. Safety
and first aid in the workshop related to electrical, mechanical and other
accidents. Safety in the use of hand tools. Visits to local foundries.

Suggested Readings:
1. Chapman, W. A. J. 2004. Workshop Technology Part-I.and II. Viva Books
Private Ltd., India.
2. Rao. P. N. 2002. Manufacturing Technology: metal cutting and machine
tools. Tata McGraw-Hill Co. Ltd. New Delhi, India
3. Ostwald, P. H. and J. Munoz. 2002. Manufacturing Processes and
systems. 9th edition John Wiley and Sons, New York. USA.
4. Havey, D. Miner. 1999. Exploring Pattern Making and Foundry. The
MacMillan Co. N. Y., USA.

Foundation 3 (Base) Fluid Flow Systems

Pumps: Purposes, pump components, pump classification centrifugal, jet,
positive displacement, turbine pumps, submersible pumps, propeller and
mixed flow pumps and gas or air lift pumps; types of impellers (open, semi-
closed, closed), terminology in pumping systems-specific speed, priming,
pumping energy, total dynamic head pump problems and their remedies.

Characteristic curves: TDH-Q curve, cavitations; net positive suction head;

umps location, affinity laws, pump testing, maintenance of pumps, system
head curves and its components for pumps selection, pumps in parallel,
pumps in series.

Pumping system head and power requirements; Suction lift, well draw down,
friction head loss, operating head seasonal variation in system head curve,
pumps selection, prime mover electric, diesel and their selection, feasibility of
prime mover selection, determining pumping head, brake horsepower; water
horse power; input horse power; pumping plant efficiency.


Study of components of various pumps; study of pump characteristics;

determination of pumps efficiency; determining operating conditions and
input horse power for pumps installed in parallel; determining operating
condition and input horse power for pumps installed in series; laboratory
study of losses in pipe flow; visit to study the pumping system and pipe flow
of a selected industry.

Suggested Readings:
1. Ahmad, N. 1995. Groundwater Resources of Pakistan, Shahzad Nazir
Publisher, Gulberg-III, Lahore

2. Ahmad, N. 1995. Tubewell Theory and Practices, Shahzad Nazir
Pubishers, Gulberg-III, Lahore.
3. Tranini, J. B. and E. J. Fennimove. 2003. Fluid Mechanics with
Engineering Applications, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Singapore.

Foundation 4 (Base) Food Toxicology

Toxicology: basic concepts, toxicants, Toxicity: curve, factors influencing.
Dose response relationship. Intrinsic and extrinsic toxicants: overview.
Toxicological testing methods: acute, subacute and chronic toxicity.
Toxicants in the body: absorption, translocation and excretion.

Food Safety: characterization, risk assessment. Food hazards: physical,

chemical and biological. Systems for food safety surveillance: GAP, GMP,
HACCP, CIP, SSOP related standards over view. Organic solvent, Lubricant
and Cleaning agents’ safety evaluation.

Suggested Readings:
1. Sharma PD.1997. Toxicology. Rastogi publication, Meerut, India.
2. Lu FC and kacew S.2002.Lu’s basic Toxicology .4 th ed. Taylor & Francis
Inc. New York. NY.
3. Blanchfied JR.1998.Good Manufacturing Practices. Institute of Food
Science & Technology, London.

Foundation 5 (Base) Introduction to Food Engineering

Development of food engineering and its scope, Importance of chemistry and

biological science in food engineering, Industries based on Raw materials;
Heat processing of food, processing of baked and snacked food, honey,
syrups, confectionery, beverages, milk and fish, freezing and cold storage of
food, microwave heating; Personal cleanliness, buildings and facilities; Food
processing from harvest to preservation, packaging and distribution.

Suggested Readings:
1. Heldman, D. R. 2007. Handbook of food engineering ( 2 nd ed.) 6000
Broken sound Parkway NW, Suit 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742.
2. Singh R. P. and D. R. Heldman. 2009. Introduction to Food Engineering
(4th ed.) Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier, 30 Corporate Drive,
Suite 400, Burlington, MA 01803, USA.
3. Yanniotis, S. 2008. Solving Problems in Food Engineering. ISBN: 978-0-
387-73513-9 eISBN: 978-0-387-73514-6, Library of Congress Control
Number: 2007939831. Yanniotis, S. 2008. Solving Problems in Food
Engineering. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC., 233 Spring Street,
New York, NY10013, USA.

Foundation 6 (Base) Electrical Technologies for Food

Electric Circuits; Kirchoff’s Laws, Superposition theorem, Substitution

theorem. Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, Rosen’s theorem of star /
mesh transformation, Transformers, generators and their accessories;
Voltage and current relations, Balanced and unbalanced load analysis;
Elementary concept of armature reaction and commutation, Cross and
demagnetizing ampere turns; Motors, Induction Motors, Rotating field theory,
Principle of working, Slip and its effect on motor current quantities, Losses,
efficiency and performance curves, Starting, Full load and maximum torque
relations, Torque slip characteristics; Construction, working principles, Emf
equation, Electrical circuits; Voltage and current ratios of single and three
phase converters, Mercury arc Rectifiers, Construction, Operation, Voltage
and current ratios of single phase and three phase rectifiers.

Suggested Readings:
1. Baksh, T. A. 2009. Electrical Technology (4th ed.) Technical Publications
2. Thereja, B. L. 2006. A textbook of Electrical Technology (1st ed.. S. Chand

B.Options for Breadth Courses

Elective 1 (Breadth) Machine Vision and Industrial Automation

Machine Automation: Introductions to programming controllers, Number

system and codes, Logic concepts, processors, power supply, programming
devices, memory system and I/O interaction, discrete input output system,
analog input output system. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC),
Programming Languages, ladder logic simulator, Programmable Logic
Controllers startup and maintenance, system selection guidelines, Human
Machine Interface (HMI), fundamentals of Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition (SCADA).

Machine Vision: Introduction to machine vision, Illumination and sensors;

Illumination, image formation, camera sensors, camera interfaces and video
standards, characteristics of camera sensors, commercially available camera
sensors. Image acquisition and presentation; image acquisition hardware,
speed considerations, inter-pixel distances.

Fundamentals of digital image processing; point operations, geometric

operations, mathematical morphology, Segmentation problem. Image
Analyses, techniques for shape description, representation and information
processing, organization of visual processes, visual representations, and
visual processes. Industrial Automation and Its Components; Motor Control &
Industrial Automation control circuits.


Demonstration and selection of PLC. Basic task to ladder logic programming.

Intermediate task to ladder logic programming. Advance task to ladder logic
programming. Installation of program in PLC. Testing of program in PLC and
its reliability. Demonstration of different sensors and cameras used in
machine vision. Demonstration to image processing software. A case study
of image processing.

Suggested Readings:
1. Dhillon, B. S. 2007. Applied Reliability and Quality: Fundamentals,
Methods and Procedures.
2. Hornberg, A. 2006. Hand Book of Machine Vision, Litges & Dopf
Buchbinderei. Latest Information and company manuals about PLC, HMI,
SCADA and Machine Vision.
3. Mitsubishi. 2007. Programming Manual. Mitsubishi Electric, Japan.
4. Pletney, V. N. 2007. Focus on Food Engineering Research and
Developments. Nova Science Publishers.
5. Sun, D. W. 2011.Computer Vision Technology for Food Quality
Evaluation. Food Science and Technology, International Series.
6. Vernon, D. 2002. Machine Vision. Prentice Hall Ltd., Ireland.

Elective 2 (Breadth) Renewable Energy Resources for Food


Energy reclamation from agricultural crops/wastes: Energy and agricultural

biomass production, bio-fuel, critical parameters of design, installation,
operation and management of family and community biogas plants, vegetable
oils as fuel. Classification and characterization of food stuffs, heat transfer
phenomena, heat transfer and solid foods, heat transfer and liquid foods,
thermal process equipment, examples on control and optimization of thermal
process. Solar energy: Introduction, solar system, solar radiation, solar
radiation at outer limit of atmosphere, estimation of solar radiation, direct and
diffuse radiation, radiation measurement, solar radiation collectors, water and
air heating, drying of agricultural products with solar radiation, space heating
with solar energy, solar energy conservation.

Energy Consumption in Farming: Energy for crop production, dairy farming,

poultry farming, energy consumption for waste water treatment and solid
wastes, energy conservation. Wind Power: Wind energy potential, vertical and
horizontal axis wind mills, wind operated pumps and water lifts, other
applications of wind power in agriculture. Energy and Environment:

Greenhouse effect, energy dissipation through industrial and engine emissions
and their impact on environment.


Demonstration of different components of solar water heater and differentiation

of active and passive solar systems; Performance evaluation of solar water
heater in the laboratory; Demonstration of different components of Photovoltaic
panels. Determination of voltage, Ampere and resistance of PV modules in
parallel and in series circuits; Production of bio-diesel from agricultural
seeds/plants in the laboratory; Visits to different biogas plants and
demonstration of different components of fixed dome and floating drum type bio
gas plants.

Suggested Readings:
1. Hobs, P. N. 1981. Methane production from agricultural and domestic
wastes. Applied Sci. Publishers Ltd, London, U. K. Jewell, W. J. 1996.
Energy, agriculture, and waste management. Ann Arbor Science. Publisher
Inc. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
2. McVeigh. 1987. Sun power; an introduction to the application of solar
energy. Programme Press, N. Y. USA.
3. Pimental, D. 1993. Hand book of energy utilization in Agriculture. CRC
Press Inc. 2000 corporate. Blvd. Florida, USA.
4. Stout, B. A. 1990. Hand book of energy for world Agriculture. Elsevier
Science B. V., Amsterdam - Lausanne - New York - Oxford - Shannon –
5. Threlkeld, J. L. 1993. Thermal environmental engineering. Prentice Hall, Inc.
Englewood Cliffs, N. Y. USA.

Elective 3 (Breadth) Engineering Economics & Management

Management Fundamentals: Management, Administration, Leadership,

Relationship Vs Task Management, Project and Program, Project Life Cycle,
Trade Off. Line/Project Organization, Functional Organization, Matrix and
Mixed Organization. Role and Responsibilities, Career Path, Special
Demands on the Project Manager, Common Characteristics of a most
effective Team, Selection of a Project Manager. Project Scheduling and
Control: Network Techniques, PERT, CPM & GRANT Charts, Use of Project
management Software’s, Crashing of a Project, Physical Assets Control,
Human Resource Control, Financial Control.
Marketing Management: Selling versus Marketing, Role of a company:
Leader, Follower, Challenger, Basics of Marketing, Place, Price and
Promotion. Role of a company in Market Place. Economics and Accounting:
Budgeting Methods, Cost Estimation, Assets, Liabilities, Capital and Revenue
Expenditure, Depreciation, Depletion, Amortization, Owner’s Equity

Debentures, Loan Financing, Accounting, Quards Ledgers, Profit and loss

Suggested Readings:
1. Anonymous. 2002. The Certified Quality Auditors HACCP Handbook.
ASQ Food, Drug and Cosmetic Division. ASQ Quality Press, Milwaukee
Wisconsin, USA.
2. Hand Outs on Engineering Economy and ISO 9000.
3. Meredith, J. R. and S. J. Mantel. (2000) Project Management, McGraw-
Hill Co. Ltd. New Delhi, India.
4. Narasimha Swamy, N. (2007) Engineering Economics & Management,
Dynaram Publications, India

Elective 4 (Breadth) Food Biotechnology

Biotechnology: Introduction, history. Microbial metabolism. Developments in

metabolic and biochemical engineering: metabolites, range of fermentation
process, components of fermentation process .Isolation and preservation of
industrially important microorganisms. Industrial fermentation: media, design
and types of fomenters, process variable in fermentation, recovery,
purification of fermentation products . Production of organic acids, enzymes,
amino acids, single cell proteins, carotenoids and fermented food products.
Microbial genetics: conjugation social aspects of food biotechnology.
Recycling of agriculture waste: renewable energy generation. Genetic
concept of replication, translation and transcription in production of GMO food
ingredients: advantages and disadvantages perception.

Isolation, purification and maintenance of yeast and bacterial cultures.
Aerobic and anaerobic fermentation and production of various fermented
food products.

Suggested Readings:
1. El-Mansi, F. M. T, Bryee, C. F. A, Demain, A. L. and Allman, A. R. 2007.
Fermentation microbiology and biotechnology. CRS press, Taylor &
Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
2. Shetty, K., Paliyath, G, Pometto, A. and Levin, RE.2005. Food
biotechnology .Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, USA.
3. Borem, A., Santos, F. R. and Bowen, D. E.2004. Understanding
Biotechnology. Pearson Education Inc., New Jersey, USA.

Elective 5 (Breadth) Food Biochemistry

Brief review of organic chemistry; overview of cellular structures and

processes; acids, bases and buffers; amino acids and peptide bonds; protein
structure and function; enzymes; biochemical basis of diseases; use of
biochemical measurements for diagnosis. Thermodynamics of biological
processes; adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and phosphoryl group transfers;
oxidation-reduction reactions; ATP synthesis via oxidative phosphorylation in
mitochondria. Carbohydrate structure, glycoconjugates: proteoglycans,
glycoproteins and glycolipids; digestion of carbohydrates; glycogen structure
and metabolism; glycolysis; gluconeogenesis; the pentose phosphate
pathway; regulation of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis; the citric acid cycle.

Lipids and membranes; digestion of triacylglycerol; fatty acid and

triacylglycerol synthesis; triacylglycerol storage in adipose tissues;
cholesterol and bile salt metabolism; blood lipoproteins; fatty acid oxidation;
ketone body synthesis and utilization; phospholipid and sphingolipid
metabolism. Protein digestion and amino acid absorption; the urea cycle;
synthesis and degradation of amino acids; role of various tissues in amino
acid metabolism; molecules derived from amino acids. Nucleic acid structure:
RNA and DNA; the genome; DNA synthesis (replication); RNA synthesis
(transcription); protein synthesis (translation); regulation of gene expression;
recombinant DNA and biotechnology.

Suggested Readings:
1. Garrett, R. H and C. M. Grisham. 2008. Biochemistry (4th
Ed.). Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning
2. Hui, Y. H., Wai-Kit Nip, Leo M. L. Nollet and G. Paliyath. 2006. Food
Biochemistry and Food Processing.
3. Nelson, D. L and M.M. Cox. 2005. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry
(4th ed.), Freeman and Comp.
4. Pamela C. and C. Lippincott. 2005. Biochemistry (3 rd ed.). Lippincott’s
Illustrated Review, Williams & Wilkins.
5. Voet, D. V and J. G. Voet 2010. Biochemistry (4th ed.) VP & Publisher
Kaye Pace

Elective 6 (Breadth) Food Enzymology

Chemical and biological reactions, reaction types, determination of reaction

rate constants, factors effecting reaction kinetics, microbial death and
enzyme kinetics, semi-continuous and continuous fermentation systems,
design of a bioreactor, biomass formation kinetics, substrate consumption
kinetics, inhibition kinetics, determination of oxygen transfer coefficient and
specific oxygen consumption rate, determination of yield and productivity
values in bioprocesses; Factors affecting reaction rates in foods, calculation
of kinetic parameters for reactions in foods, effects of temperature on
reaction rates in foods; Kinetics of biomass production, substrate utilization
and product formation in cell cultures, kinetics of microbial death and enzyme
inactivation. Reaction rates; theories about reaction rates; factors affecting
reaction rates in foods; calculation of kinetic parameters for reactions in
foods; effects of temperature on reaction rates in foods; Kinetics of biological
reactions; Kinetics of biomass production; substrate utilization and product
formation in cell cultures; Kinetics of microbial death and enzyme

Suggested Readings:
1. Kolev, D. 2013.Enzymology. Amazon.com Textbooks Store
2. Whitaker, J. R. 2003. Handbook of Food Enzymology, Publisher-Marcel
Dekker, New York, USA.
3. Whitaker, J. R., G. J Alphons, and D. W. S. Wong. 2002. Handbook of
Food Enzymology, Food Science and Technology.

C.Options for Depth Courses

Elective 1 (Depth) Food Processing and Preservation

Preparatory operations: cleaning, sorting, grading, size reduction, blanching,

sulphiting. Heat processing: methods – thermisation, pasteurization, HTST,
commercial sterilization, UHT. Canning: unit operations. Retort operation:
equipment. Effect of heat processing: nutrients, microorganisms. Low
temperature preservation: refrigeration: methods and equipments.
Use of chemical additives: contaminants, adulterants, additives. Food
additives: classification, criteria for selection, GRAS additives, permissible
limits, food safety, E-numbers. Preservation by fermentation technology:
principles, objectives, types - alcoholic, acetic and lactic fermentations.
Fermented foods: bread, wine, vinegar, yoghurt, sausages, pickles. Food
irradiation: principles, applications, equipments, safety aspect, effect on food
properties, detection methods.


Bottling/canning of selected fruits, vegetables. Cold storage of fruits and

vegetables. Freezing of fruits and vegetables. Dehydration of fruits and
vegetables. Use of chemicals in preservation of
food products. Production of vinegar, yoghurt and pickles. Evaluation of
bottled, frozen and dehydrated products. Visit to food industries.

Suggested Readings
1. Brennan, JG. 2006. Food processing handbook. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH
& Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany.
2. Fellow, P.J. 2005. Food processing technology: principles and practices,
2nd ed. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida.
3. Rahman, M.S. 2007. Handbook of food preservation. CRC Press, Taylor
& Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.

Electives 2 (Depth) Sugar & Confectionery Technologies

Composition and properties Sugarcane and sugar beet and honey, Sugar of
Molasses: production, quality; Indigenous technology for small scale sugar
production: gur, khund, shaker; Raw sugar manufacturing: unit operations,
Bagging, storage; Factors affecting sugar processing; Quality criteria: raw
and refined sugar; Specialty sugar products: brown or soft sugar, liquid
sugar; Sugar industry by-products and their uses; Caloric and non-caloric
sweeteners; Nutritional Value, Sweetening Power, Processing, Toxicology
and Safety. Packaging, By-products and their Utilization. Quality Control.
Non- Nutritive Sweeteners; Significance, classification, industries in Pakistan.
Ingredients, manufacturing - high boiled sweets, caramel, toffee, fudge,
gums; Need, ingredients, manufacture; Chewing gum technology; Chocolate
confectionery; History, manufacture - potato, nuts, cereal, meat and fish
based; Puffed and baked snacks; Ingredients, formulations, applications;
Quality control; Packaging;

Suggested Readings:
1. Delgado, A.V. 2001. Sugar Processing and By-Products of the Sugar
2. William, W.P. 2000. The Science of Sugar Confectionery, RSC

Elective 3 (Depth) Process Control in Food Industry

Importance; introduction to process control principles; definition of control
objectives; Basics of mathematical modelling; process control elements;
definition of open and closed loop systems; transfer functions and block
diagrams; Types and selection of control schemes; Process control of
selected food engineering operations; Bioreactors, blanching, pasteurization
and sterilization, drying, freezing, evaporation and concentration, baking and

Suggested Readings:
1. Koughner and Couple. Process Modelling and Control (7 th ed.)
2. Luyben, W. and L. L. Michael. 1997. Essentials of Process Control.
McGray Hill, Inc., USA.

NCRC Recommendations for Food Engineering Under-
graduate Program
The degree nomenclature of Food Engineering Program will be BSc/BE/BS
Food Engineering.
1. Food Engineering will be a minimum four year degree program
inclusive of mandatory engineering courses of foundation, breadth and
depth given in the Food Engineering curriculum.
2. The food Engineering program may be registered as a separate
engineering profession with PEC.
3. The PEC is required to legislate for induction of food engineering
graduates in the food industries of Pakistan.
4. The HEC and PEC need to coordinate in the profession of food
engineering degree program for internship and employment generation
for the graduates in public and private sector organizations in particular
with food industries and chambers of commerce at federal and
provincial levels.
5. The HEC need to facilitate the required necessary funding to the
universities offering food engineering program.
6. Keeping in view the multidisciplinary nature of the food engineering
program and a new discipline in Pakistan, it is recommended that non-
engineering qualified faculty (PhD only) relevant to the specialized area
of food engineering may be hired, but not exceeding 25% of the total
strength of the program as per in line with PEC policies.
7. The Federal and Provincial Food Control Authorities be approached by
HEC and PEC for employment of graduates of food engineering.
8. For any institution seeking eligibility for F.Sc. pre medical students, it
will be mandatory to launch zero semesters in addition to four year
degree program in food engineering to cover the deficiency of Pre-
Engineering courses.
9. All the optional courses should be compatible with regard to credit
hours approved in the scheme of studies
10. Facilities of training abroad to the faculty members in food engineering
program be provided by HEC on priority basis.
11. Preference be given by HEC to offer scholarships to the deserving
graduates for higher studies abroad.
12. Annual seminars/workshops be organized by the Food Engineering
departments with the financial assistance of HEC for the development
and promotion of the discipline of Food Engineering.
13. Faculty should manage to attend national/international
conferences/expo with the financial support from HEC related to the
field of Food Engineering.


Effectively practice Food √ √ √ √ √
Process Engineering for the
design and operation of
systems for processing of
biological materials with
Controlled Atmosphere (CA)
practices and also to develop
products for the food

Have demonstrated √ √ √ √
proficiency in fundamental
engineering skills and
technical knowledge as well
as professional and personal
skills appropriate for their

Are prepared for future challenges √ √ √ √

and opportunities in the areas of
food engineering and value
addition/food security through the
discovery and applications of
technical knowhow.

Subjects outcomes:

Course title PO1 PO2 PO3 PO3 PO4 PO5

An ability An ability An ability to An ability An ability to An
to apply to design design a system, to identify, understandin
knowledge of and component, or function formulate, g of
mathematics, conduct process to meet on and solve professional
science, and experimen desired needs multidisci engineering and ethical
engineering ts, as well within realistic plinary problems responsibility
as to constraints such teams
analyze as economic,
and environmental,
interpret social, political,
data ethical, health
and safety,
and sustainability

PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10

An ability to The broad A recognition of the An understanding An ability to use
communicate education need for, and an ability of biological and the techniques,
effectively necessary to to engage in life-long food process skills, and
understand the learning engineering modern
impact of principles engineering tools
engineering necessary for
solutions in a engineering
global, economic, practice
environmental, and
societal context

Non-Engineering Domain
Islamic Studies or √ √ √
Ethics (for foreign
English Composition & √ √ √ √ √
Linear Algebra & √ √ √ √
Applied Physics √ √ √ √ √
Basic Agriculture for √ √ √ √ √
Communication & √ √ √
Presentation Skills
Food Chemistry √ √ √ √ √ √
Computer √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Programming and
Applications in
Differential Equations, √ √ √ √
Series, Laplace
Sociology for √ √ √ √
Pakistan Studies √ √ √
Statistics & Probability √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Post-harvest handling √ √ √ √
of Fruits and
Food Processing and √ √ √ √ √ √
Food Plant Layout and √ √ √ √ √
Food Regulation and √ √ √ √ √
Food Industrial Waste √ √ √ √
Food Microbiology √ √ √ √
Engineering Domain
Metallurgy & Workshop √ √ √
Manufacturing √ √ √ √ √
Engineering √ √ √ √ √ √
Instrumentation and √ √ √
Agricultural Processing √ √ √ √
Engineering Economics √ √ √ √ √
& Management
Industrial Engineering √ √ √ √ √ √
& Management
Fluid Mechanics √ √ √
Engg. Numerical √ √ √ √ √ √
Fluid flow systems √ √ √
Engineering Mechanics √ √ √ √ √
Engineering Drawing √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Graphics and CAD
Mechanics of Materials √ √
Major Based Core
Physical Properties of √ √ √ √
Food Engineering √ √ √ √
Material and Energy √ √ √ √
Principles of Food √ √ √
Process Engineering
Food Engineering √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Heat and Mass √ √ √ √
Food Engineering √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Operations II
Machine Vision and √ √ √ √ √
Industrial Automation
Food Quality Control √ √ √
Food Storage √ √ √ √
Food Product and Plant √ √ √ √ √
Post-Harvest √ √ √ √ √
Food Packaging √ √ √ √
Renewable Energy √ √ √
Resources for Food
Project & Report I-II √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Annexure - A
Islamic Studies
1 To provide Basic information about Islamic Studies
2 To enhance understanding of the students regarding Islamic Civilization
3 To improve Students skill to perform prayers and other worships
4 To enhance the skill of the students for understanding of issues related to
faith and religious life.

Introduction to Quranic Studies
 Basic Concepts of Quran
 History of Quran
 Uloom-ul -Quran

Study of Selected Text of Holy Quran

 Verses of Surah Al-Baqra Related to Faith(Verse No-284-286)
 Verses of Surah Al-Hujrat Related to Adab Al-Nabi
(Verse No-1-18)
 Verses of Surah Al-Mumanoon Related to Characteristics of faithful
(Verse No-1-11)
 Verses of Surah al-Furqan Related to Social Ethics (Verse No.63-77)
 Verses of Surah Al-Inam Related to Ihkam(Verse No-152-154)

Study of Selected Text of Holy Quran

 Verses of Surah Al-Ihzab Related to Adab al-Nabi (Verse No.6, 21, 40,
56, 57, 58.)
 Verses of Surah Al-Hashar (18,19, 20) Related to thinking, Day of
 Verses of Surah Al-Saf Related to Tafakar, Tadabar (Verse No-1,14)

Seerat of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) I

 Life of Muhammad Bin Abdullah ( Before Prophet Hood)
 Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Makkah
 Important Lessons Derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Makkah

Seerat of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) II

 Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Madina
 Important Events of Life Holy Prophet in Madina
 Important Lessons Derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Madina

Introduction to Sunnah
 Basic Concepts of Hadith
 History of Hadith
 Kinds of Hadith
 Uloom-ul-Hadith
 Sunnah & Hadith
 Legal Position of Sunnah

Introduction to Islamic Law & Jurisprudence

 Basic Concepts of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
 History & Importance of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
 Sources of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
 Nature of Differences in Islamic Law
 Islam and Sectarianism

Islamic Culture & Civilization

 Basic Concepts of Islamic Culture & Civilization
 Historical Development of Islamic Culture & Civilization
 Characteristics of Islamic Culture & Civilization
 Islamic Culture & Civilization and Contemporary Issues

Islam & Science

 Basic Concepts of Islam & Science
 Contributions of Muslims in the Development of Science
 Quranic & Science

Islamic Economic System

 Basic Concepts of Islamic Economic System
 Means of Distribution of wealth in Islamic Economics
 Islamic Concept of Riba
 Islamic Ways of Trade & Commerce

Political System of Islam

 Basic Concepts of Islamic Political System
 Islamic Concept of Sovereignty
 Basic Institutions of Govt. in Islam

Islamic History
 Period of khlaft-e-rashida
 Period of Umayyads
 Period of Abbasids

Social System of Islam

 Basic concepts of social system of Islam
 Elements of family
 Ethical values of Islam

Recommended Readings:
1. Hameed ullah Muhammad, “Emergence of Islam” , IRI, Islamabad
2. Hameed ullah Muhammad, “Muslim Conduct of State”
3. Hameed ullah Muhammad, ‘Introduction to Islam
4. Mulana Muhammad Yousaf Islahi,”
5. Hussain Hamid Hassan, “An Introduction to the Study of Islamic
Law” leaf Publication Islamabad, Pakistan.
6. Ahmad Hasan, “Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence” Islamic
Research Institute, International Islamic University, Islamabad (1993)
7. Mir Waliullah, “Muslim Jurisprudence and the Quranic Law of
Crimes” Islamic Book Service (1982)
8. H.S. Bhatia, “Studies in Islamic Law, Religion and Society” Deep &
Deep Publications New Delhi (1989)
9. Dr. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, “Introduction to Al Sharia Al Islamia”
Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad (2001)

Annexure - B
English I
(Functional English)

Objectives: Enhance language skills and develop critical thinking.

Course Contents:
Basics of Grammar
Parts of speech and use of articles
Sentence structure, active and passive voice
Practice in unified sentence
Analysis of phrase, clause and sentence structure
Transitive and intransitive verbs
Punctuation and spelling

Answers to questions on a given text

General topics and every-day conversation (topics for discussion to be
at the discretion of the teacher keeping in view the level of students)

To be improved by showing documentaries/films carefully selected by
subject teachers

Translation skills
Urdu to English

Paragraph writing
Topics to be chosen at the discretion of the teacher

Presentation skills

Note: Extensive reading is required for vocabulary building

Recommended Books:

1. Functional English
a) Grammar
1. Practical English Grammar by A.J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet.
Exercises 1. Third edition. Oxford University Press. 1997. ISBN

2. Practical English Grammar by A.J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet.
Exercises 2. Third edition. Oxford University Press. 1997. ISBN
b) Writing
1. Writing. Intermediate by Marie-Christine Boutin, Suzanne
Brinand and Francoise Grellet. Oxford Supplementary Skills.
Fourth Impression 1993. ISBN 0 19 435405 7 Pages 20-27 and

c) Reading/Comprehension
1. Reading. Upper Intermediate. Brain Tomlinson and Rod Ellis.
Oxford Supplementary Skills. Third Impression 1992. ISBN 0 19
453402 2.

d) Speaking

English II
(Communication Skills)
Objectives: Enable the students to meet their real life communication

Course Contents:
Paragraph writing
Practice in writing a good, unified and coherent paragraph

Essay writing

CV and job application

Translation skills
Urdu to English

Study skills
Skimming and scanning, intensive and extensive, and speed reading,
summary and précis writing and comprehension

Academic skills
Letter/memo writing, minutes of meetings, use of library and internet

Presentation skills
Personality development (emphasis on content, style and

Note: documentaries to be shown for discussion and review

Recommended Books:
Communication Skills
a) Grammar
1. Practical English Grammar by A.J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet.
Exercises 2. Third edition. Oxford University Press 1986. ISBN 0
19 431350 6.

b) Writing
1. Writing. Intermediate by Marie-Chrisitine Boutin, Suzanne
Brinand and Francoise Grellet. Oxford Supplementary Skills.
Fourth Impression 1993. ISBN 019 435405 7 Pages 45-53 (note
2. Writing. Upper-Intermediate by Rob Nolasco. Oxford
Supplementary Skills. Fourth Impression 1992. ISBN 0 19
435406 5 (particularly good for writing memos, introduction to
presentations, descriptive and argumentative writing).

c) Reading
1. Reading. Advanced. Brian Tomlinson and Rod Ellis. Oxford
Supplementary Skills. Third Impression 1991. ISBN 0 19 453403
2. Reading and Study Skills by John Langan
3. Study Skills by Riachard Yorky.

English III
(Technical Writing and Presentation Skills)

Objectives: Enhance language skills and develop critical thinking

Course Contents:

Presentation skills

Essay writing
Descriptive, narrative, discursive, argumentative

Academic writing
How to write a proposal for research paper/term paper

How to write a research paper/term paper (emphasis on style, content,

language, form, clarity, consistency)

Technical Report writing

Progress report writing

Note: Extensive reading is required for vocabulary building

Recommended books:

Technical Writing and Presentation Skills

a) Essay Writing and Academic Writing

1. Writing. Advanced by Ron White. Oxford Supplementary
Skills. Third Impression 1992. ISBN 0 19 435407 3
(particularly suitable for discursive, descriptive,
argumentative and report writing).

2. College Writing Skills by John Langan. McGraw-Hill Higher

Education. 2004.
3. Patterns of College Writing (4th edition) by Laurie G.
Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell. St. Martin’s Press.

b) Presentation Skills
c) Reading
The Mercury Reader. A Custom Publication. Compiled by
norther Illinois University. General Editiors: Janice Neulib;
Kathleen Shine Cain; Stephen Ruffus and Maurice Scharton. (A
reader which will give students exposure to the best of twentieth
century literature, without taxing the taste of engineering

Annexure - C

Pakistan Studies


 Develop vision of historical perspective, government, politics,

contemporary Pakistan, ideological background of Pakistan.
 Study the process of governance, national development, issues arising
in the modern age and posing challenges to Pakistan.
Course Outline:
1. Historical Perspective
a. Ideological rationale with special reference to Sir Syed Ahmed Khan,
Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
b. Factors leading to Muslim separatism
c. People and Land
i. Indus Civilization
ii. Muslim advent
iii. Location and geo-physical features.
2. Government and Politics in Pakistan
Political and constitutional phases:
a. 1947-58
b. 1958-71
c. 1971-77
d. 1977-88
e. 1988-99
f. 1999 onward
3. Contemporary Pakistan
a. Economic institutions and issues
b. Society and social structure
c. Ethnicity
d. Foreign policy of Pakistan and challenges
e. Futuristic outlook of Pakistan
Recommended Books:
1. Burki, Shahid Javed. State & Society in Pakistan, The Macmillan Press
Ltd 1980.
2. Akbar, S. Zaidi. Issue in Pakistan’s Economy. Karachi: Oxford
University Press, 2000.
3. S.M. Burke and Lawrence Ziring. Pakistan’s Foreign policy: An Historical
analysis. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1993.
4. Mehmood, Safdar. Pakistan Political Roots & Development. Lahore,
5. Wilcox, Wayne.The Emergence of Banglades., Washington: American
Enterprise, Institute of Public Policy Research, 1972.
6. Mehmood, Safdar. Pakistan Kayyun Toota, Lahore: Idara-e-Saqafat-e-
Islamia, Club Road, nd.
7. Amin, Tahir. Ethno - National Movement in Pakistan, Islamabad: Institute
of Policy Studies, Islamabad.
8. Ziring, Lawrence. Enigma of Political Development. Kent England:
WmDawson & sons Ltd, 1980.
9. Zahid, Ansar. History & Culture of Sindh. Karachi: Royal Book Company,
10. Afzal, M. Rafique. Political Parties in Pakistan, Vol. I, II & III. Islamabad:
National Institute of Historical and cultural Research, 1998.
11. Sayeed, Khalid Bin. The Political System of Pakistan. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin, 1967.
12. Aziz, K.K. Party, Politics in Pakistan, Islamabad: National Commission
on Historical and Cultural Research, 1976.
13. Muhammad Waseem, Pakistan Under Martial Law, Lahore: Vanguard,
14. Haq, Noor ul. Making of Pakistan: The Military Perspective. Islamabad:
National Commission on Historical and Cultural Research, 1993.


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