Journal of Clinical Gerontology & Geriatrics: Camilla Jing Hwa Chern, BS, Shyh-Dye Lee, MD, MPH
Journal of Clinical Gerontology & Geriatrics: Camilla Jing Hwa Chern, BS, Shyh-Dye Lee, MD, MPH
Journal of Clinical Gerontology & Geriatrics: Camilla Jing Hwa Chern, BS, Shyh-Dye Lee, MD, MPH
Brief communication
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In Asia, the proportion of older people (i.e., > 65 years) in the population is already high and will
Received 30 December 2013 continue to grow in the 21st century. Malnutrition, particularly undernutrition, is a common and costly
Received in revised form problem among older people in communities and in hospitals. People with acute and chronic conditions
21 October 2014
are at a high risk of malnutrition. In our paper, we review the tools that are used to screen for malnu-
Accepted 27 February 2015
Available online 18 August 2015
trition risk and to ascertain malnutrition. We call on health care professionals in Asia to take action
against malnutrition in older people. Increased attention to nutritional care is essential to improving the
wellbeing of older people and containing health care costs.
Copyright © 2015, Asia Pacific League of Clinical Gerontology & Geriatrics. Published by Elsevier Taiwan
Asia LLC. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
assessment tool
* Corresponding author. Scientific and Medical Affairs, 200 Abbott Park Road, Abbott Park, IL 60064-6130, USA.
E-mail address: [email protected] (C.J.H. Chern).
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (
which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2210-8335/Copyright © 2015, Asia Pacific League of Clinical Gerontology & Geriatrics. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
74 C.J.H. Chern, S.-D. Lee / Journal of Clinical Gerontology & Geriatrics 6 (2015) 73e77
2.1. Malnutrition and undernutrition: synonyms in hospital settings Malnutrition as undernutrition is common among hospitalized
patients, even in well-developed countries such as the United
Malnutrition (i.e., undernutrition) is a widespread condition that States, and its coded prevalence is increasing.27 The prevalence
impacts millions of people across the world annually. Adult un- varies, depending on several factors such as a patient's diagnoses,
dernutrition typically occurs along a continuum of inadequate age, nutrition parameters, and the screening and assessment tools
intake and/or increased nutritional requirements, impaired ab- used. Table 1 shows the prevalence of malnutrition in hospitalized
sorption, altered transport, and altered nutrient utilization. Weight seniors in Asia, according to country and setting, from data
loss can, and frequently does, occur at multiple points along this collected from studies conducted from 2005 to 2012.43e51
continuum. According to the definition by the British Association of Our review of the studies conducted in Asia from 2005 to 2012
Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, malnutrition is a state of nutrition demonstrated that the prevalence of malnutrition (which includes
in which a deficiency or excess (i.e., imbalance) of energy, protein, the risk of malnutrition) among hospitalized seniors ranged from
and other nutrients causes measurable adverse effects on tissue/ 16% to 78%. This range is consistent with the prevalence of malnu-
body form (i.e., body shape, size and composition, function, and trition that has been documented in the United Kingdom (UK). For
clinical outcome).11 Although the term malnutrition refers to over- example, one study in the UK found that 29e61% of hospitalized
nutrition/obesity too, our discussion focuses on undernutrition. older people had malnutrition,28 and another study places the
In late 2009, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND; Chi- figure at 58%.29 This wide range can be attributed to differences in
cago, IL, USA) appointed a workgroup that included representation the criteria used to identify malnutrition or its risk. However, it is
from the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition clear that malnutrition is common in hospitalized elderly patients.
(A.S.P.E.N.; Silver Spring, MD, USA) to identify and standardize the
markers and characteristics of nutritional status that are distinct 2.3. Nutrition screening and assessment tools
from the inflammatory response associated with various diseases
and conditions.12 No single parameter is definitive as undernutrition Screening tools such as the Malnutrition Screening Tool (MST),
for adult malnutrition. The identification of two or more of the the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST), and the Nutri-
following six characteristics is recommended for diagnosis: (1) tion Risk Screening (NRS 2002) tool can quickly flag high-risk pa-
insufficient energy intake,13e15 (2) weight loss,6e19 (3) loss of muscle tients for further assessment. Thorough assessments can be
mass,19,20 (4) loss of subcutaneous fat,19,20 (5) localized or general- completed efficiently by using tools such as the Subjective Global
ized fluid accumulation that may mask weight loss,19,20 and (6) Assessment (SGA). The results can help personnel design appro-
diminished functional status as measured by handgrip priate nutrition intervention plans. Assessment tools such as the
strength.19,21e26 The Consensus Statement of the Academy of SGA provide a more complete picture of nutritional status beyond
Nutrition and Dietetics and American Society for Parenteral and biochemical or anthropometric markers alone, both of which can
Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.) suggested that the term “adult be affected by factors other than nutrition. Table 2 provides a brief
malnutrition” should be synonymous with “adult undernutrition.”12 description of commonly used validated tools.52e60
Table 1
Prevalence of malnutrition in Asian countries.
Country Study Study population Subjects (no.) Health care setting Prevalence of Method & details of patients with
malnutrition reported malnutrition & patients at
&/or at risk risk of malnutrition
of malnutrition (%)
China Lei et al 2009 43 >60 y 184 Hospital 72.8 MNA: at risk, 53.2%; malnourished, 19.6%
Shum et al 2005 60 y 120 Convalescent 16.7 Malnutrition: BMI <18.5 & albumin
& rehabilitation hospital level <35 g/L
Woo et al 2005 65 y 867 Hospitals & nursing homes 35.9 Chinese Nutrition Screening (CNS): at
risk, 25.8%; undernourished, 10.1%
Vietnam Pham et al 2006 Surgical patients, 438 Hospital admission 55.7 SGA
age not specified Total patient group: moderate, 28.8%;
severe, 26.9%
77.7 Major surgery group: moderate, 35.4%;
severe, 42.3%
India Karmakar >60 y 76 Hospital 27.6 BMI: undernourished, <18.5 kg/m2
et al 2010 47 42.1 IBW: undernourished, <85%
Singapore Lim et al 2011 Adults, 18e74 y 818 Acute tertiary hospital 29 SGA: moderate, 25%; severe, 4%
(i.e., within 48 hours
of admission)
Korea Chung & Sohn Hospitalized geriatric 108 Hospital 63 MNA
2005 49 patients, 65 y Malnutrition: 22.3%
At risk: 40.7%
Malaysia Sakinah & Tan Medical & oncology 100 Hospital 21 Malnutrition Risk Screening TooleHospital
2012 50 elderly patients, 65 y (MRST-H; structured questionnaire),
followed by anthropometry measurements.
A total score 5 indicates “at high risk of
Indonesia Sutanto 2011 Radiation therapy 36 Hospital 34.8e37.1 Identified as underweight by BMI:
& gastrointestinal 34.8% of 23 patients in the
surgery patients Radiotherapy Unit
37.1% of 13 patients in the
Gastrointestinal Surgery Unit
BMI ¼ body mass index; IBW ¼ ideal body weight; MNA ¼ Mini Nutrition Assessment; SGA ¼ Subjective Global Assessment.
C.J.H. Chern, S.-D. Lee / Journal of Clinical Gerontology & Geriatrics 6 (2015) 73e77 75
2.4. Managing hospital malnutrition leads to positive outcomes cost effective. Stratton et al33 completed a meta-analysis of five
randomized, controlled trials of 1224 older adult patients; their
Nutrition screening and assessment can result in appropriate results showed that oral nutritional supplementation can signifi-
nutrition intervention, which can improve outcomes for patients cantly reduce the risk of developing pressure ulcers by 25% in this
and hospitals. One hospital developed a comprehensive program population. The authors reviewed > 80 studies on the use of oral
integrated in the care plan of all patients and in the discharge nutritional supplements by people with chronic conditions. They
planning process. Outcome studies have demonstrated the effect of found that supplementation typically had a positive effect on
the malnutrition treatment program on patient recovery and cost of functioning (e.g., improved muscle strength, walking distance, and
care.30 Reilly showed that a 3- to 5-day delay in identifying wellbeing) in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
malnutrition has a direct variable cost of $1,500 per case.31 The Additional findings by Stratton and Elia34 suggested reduction in
rates of complication and mortality were also significantly falls and increased ability to perform activities of daily living in
reduced.31 Milne et al32 reviewed 62 randomized and quasi- older adults. Beattie et al35 followed 101 hospitalized patients who
randomized controlled trials of oral protein and energy supple- received oral nutritional supplementation after surgery for 10
mentation in older people, excluding patients recovering from weeks instead of the standard postoperative care; they found that
cancer treatment or in critical care. They concluded that among the nutritional status and quality of life measures significantly
10,187 randomized participants, supplementation produced a small improved in the treatment group.
but consistent weight increase in older people, and mortality may Growing evidence suggests that nutritional intervention, espe-
have been reduced in the older people who were undernourished. cially with oral nutritional supplements, leads to faster recovery,
Oral supplementation or “sip feeds” are usually provided first to fewer complications, and lower overall health care costs.36 A pro-
individuals with functional gastrointestinal tracts to promote spective observational study conducted from 2011 to 2013 by
gastrointestinal functionality and integrity. The “sip feeds” are also Guerra et al37 demonstrated that undernourished patients who
Table 2
Common nutritional screening/assessment tools.
Tool Features of the tool Result expressions (i.e., score, degree, or rating)
Screening MST Simple, quick, valid, & reliable. A score of 2 suggests the need for further assessment.
Only 2 questions related to weight loss & decreased appetite.
SNAQ An easy, short, valid, & reproducible questionnaire for the early Well-nourished: score of 0e1 point
detection of hospital malnutrition Moderately malnourished: score of 2 points & nutritional
Scores patients by 3 questions related to unintentional weight intervention.
loss within the past 1e6 mo, decreased appetite within the past Severely malnourished: score of 3 points, nutritional
1 mo, & use of nutritional supplements or tube feeding within the intervention, & treatment by a dietitian.
past 1 mo.
MUST A tool for screening adult patients. A score of 1 indicates “medium risk” & a score of 2 indicates
The clinician determines BMI, the % of unintended weight loss “high risk.”
over the past 6 mo, & estimates the effect of illness on nutrition Based on the score, the clinician develops a patient care plan.
MRST-H Tool developed in Malaysia to screen for malnutrition risk in older A score of 5 indicates “high risk” of malnutrition.
patients in hospitals.
Responses are scored on a structured questionnaire (e.g., physical
function, self-feeding, unintentional weight loss), & anthropo-
metric measures.
NRS 200256,a Recommended by the ESPEN for nutritional screenings; identifies The degree of disease severity & undernutrition is defined as
risk in patients who are severely ill with: “absent,” “mild,” “moderate” or “severe,” & assigned a numeric
▪ Increased nutritional requirements score.
▪ Severely undernourishment
▪ Certain degrees of disease severity combined with degrees of
Assessment SGA A validated tool that includes a medical history & a physical Patients are assigned a nutrition rating of SGA-A (i.e., “well-
examination. nourished”), SGA-B (i.e., “moderate or suspected undernour-
▪ Changes in weight, dietary intake, gastrointestinal symptoms ished”), or SGA-C (i.e., “severely undernourished”).
that persist > 2 wks & functional capacity. Some clinicians now use a 7-point scale instead of the original
▪ The physical exam includes an evaluation of subcutaneous fat, 3-point scale.
muscle wasting, ankle & sacral edema, & ascites. Key indicators of undernutrition are
▪ Weight loss >5% within the past 3 mo or
▪ Weight loss >10% within the past 6 mo.
MNA58,59,a Designed for use with older patients & includes Once complete, the patients are categorized into one of three
▪ Anthropometric measurements (e.g., calf & arm circumferences, levels: “satisfactory,” “risk of malnutrition,” or “protein energy
BMI, & weight loss). malnutrition.”
▪ Lifestyle, mobility, & medication usage are assessed.
▪ Dietary questionnaire to measure food & fluid intake &
autonomy of feeding.
The clinician has to subjectively assess the perception of the health
& nutrition status by the patient.
NRI An index derived from serum albumin (ALB) level & the ratio of Scores fall into 1 of 4 categories:
actual to usual weight Not malnourished, >100;
NRI ¼ (1.519) ALB (g/L) þ (41.7) (present weight/usual weight) Mildly malnourished, from 97.5 to 100;
Moderately malnourished, from 83.5 to <97.5;
Severely malnourished, <83.5.
BMI ¼ body mass index; ESPEN ¼ European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism; MNA ¼ Mini Nutrition Assessment; MRST-H ¼ Malaysian Malnutrition Risk
Screening Tool-Hospital; MST ¼ Malnutrition Screening Tool; MUST ¼ Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool; NRI ¼ Nutrition Risk Index; NRS 2002 ¼ Nutrition Risk
Screening; SGA ¼ Subjective Global Assessment; SNAQ ¼ The Short Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire.
The NRS 2002 and short-form MNA can be used for screening and assessment.
76 C.J.H. Chern, S.-D. Lee / Journal of Clinical Gerontology & Geriatrics 6 (2015) 73e77
were evaluated by the Academy of Nutrition and Diete- and policies. For the best health outcomes among hospitalized se-
ticseAmerican Society for Parental and Enteral Nutrition Recom- niors, we emphasize the importance of prompt nutritional inter-
mended Clinical Characteristics of Malnutrition (AA-CCM) and the vention, (e.g., oral nutrition supplements), as soon as the risk is
Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA), or pa- detected. In addition to improved health outcomes, evidence shows
tients whose nutritional risk was identified by the criteria of the that nutrition intervention also reduces the care costs in this pop-
NRS-2002 and MUST questionnaire (with low quartiles by sex and ulation.36e39 Proactive planning and proper execution of nutri-
phase angle and with low handgrip strength at hospital admission) tional support will help save overall health care expenditures.
had a lower probability of being discharged from the hospital.
Many studies have found a direct relationship between
malnutrition and length of stay, treatment costs, delay in the return Conflicts of interest
to usual life, and hospital readmission rates.36e39 In addition, oral
nutrition supplements are associated with decreased use of health The authors have no conflicts of interest relevant to this article.
care resources. The results of a recent, large health economic study
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