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1. L.CORRADI, Instabilità delle Strutture (Structural Stability), CLUP, Milano, 1st

ed. 1975, 2nd ed. 1978.
2. L.CORRADI, Meccanica delle Strutture, 1. Il comportamento dei mezzi continui
(Structural Mechanics, 1. Stress analysis of continuous bodies), McGraw-Hill,
Milano, 1992.
3. L.CORRADI, Meccanica delle Strutture, 2. Le teorie strutturali e il metodo degli
elementi finiti (Structural Mechanics, 2. Structural theories and the finite element
method), McGraw-Hill, Milano, 1993.
4. L.CORRADI, Meccanica delle Strutture, 3. La valutazione della capacità
portante (Structural Mechanics, 3. Load bearing capacity of structures), McGraw-
Hill, Milano, 1994.
5. L. CORRADI, G. NOVATI, U. PEREGO (eds). Special issue for the 70th birthday
of Giulio Maier, Meccanica, 36, No. 1, 2001.
6. C. COMI, L. CORRADI, Introduzione alla Meccanica Strutturale (Introduction
to Structural Mechanics), McGraw-Hill, Milano, 1st ed. 2003, 2nd ed. 2007.

Papers on international journals

1. L.CORRADI, G.MAIER, A Matrix Theory of Elastic-Locking Structures,

Meccanica, 4, p.4 (1969)
2. L.CORRADI, G.MAIER, Inadaptation Theorems in the Dynamics of Elastic-
Work Hardening Structures, Ingenieur Archiv, 43, p.44 (1973)
3. L.CORRADI, G.MAIER, Dynamic Non-Shakedown Theorem for Elastic-
Perfectly Plastic Continua, J. Mech. Physics of Solids, 22, p.401 (1974)
4. L.CORRADI, A.ZAVELANI, A Linear Programming Approach to Shakedown
Analysis of Structures, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng, 3, p.37 (1974)
5. L.CORRADI, O.DE DONATO, G.MAIER, Inelastic Analysis of Reinforced
Concrete Frames, Proc. ASCE, J. Struct. Div., 100, p.1925 (1974)
6. G.MAIER, L.CORRADI, Upper Bounds to Dynamic Deformations of Elasto-
Plastic Continua, Meccanica, 9, p.30 (1974)
7. G.MAIER, L.CORRADI, O.DE DONATO, Inelastic Analysis of Reinforced
Concrete Frames via Mathematical Programming - A Survey of Recent Results,
CEB Bull. 101, p.142 (1974)
8. L.CORRADI, R.NOVA, A Comparative Study of Bounding Techniques in
Dynamic Shakedown of Elastoplastic Structures, Int. J. Earthqk. Engng Strct.
Dyn., 3, p.139 (1974)
9. L.CORRADI, O.DE DONATO, Dynamic Shakedown Theory Allowing for
Second Order Geometric Effects, Meccanica, 10, p.93 (1975)
10. L.CORRADI, G.MAIER, Extremum Theorems for Large Displacements Analysis
of Discrete Elastoplastic Structures with Piecewise-Linear Yield Surfaces,
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 15, p.51 (1975)

11. L.CORRADI, Mathematical Programming Methods for Displacement Bounds in
Elasto-Plastic Dynamics, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 37, p.161 (1976)
12. R.CONTRO, L.CORRADI, R.NOVA, Large Displacement Analysis of Elasto-
Plastic Structures - A Nonlinear Programming Approach, Solid Mechanics
Archives, 2, p.433 (1977)
13. L.CORRADI, On a Stability Condition for Elasto-Plastic Structures, Meccanica,
12, p.24 (1977)
14. L.CORRADI, O.DE DONATO, Collapse Analysis of Elastic Plastic Trusses with
Unstable Bars, Mechanics Research Communications, 4, p.417 (1977)
15. L.CORRADI, Stability of Discrete Elastic Plastic Structures with Associated
Flow Laws, Solid Mechanics Archives, 3, p.201 (1978)
16. L.CORRADI, On Compatible Finite Element Models for Elastic Plastic Analysis,
Meccanica, 13, p.133 (1978)
Programming and Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech.
Engng, 17/18, p.497 (1979)
18. L.CORRADI, G.GIODA, A Plane Strain Formulation of Elastic Plastic
Constitutive Laws, J. Structural Mechanics, 7, p.325 (1979)
19. L.CORRADI, G.GIODA, An Analysis Procedure for Plane Strain Contained
Plastic Deformation Problems, Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng, 15, p.1053 (1980)
20. C.CHICON, L.CORRADI, Large Displacement Analysis of Elastic-Plastic
Trusses with Unstable Bars, Engineering Structures, 3, p.210 (1981)
21. G.MAIER, L.CORRADI, A.MAZZOLI, R.MICHELINI, Optimization of Stinger
Geometry for Deepsea Pipelaying, Trans. ASME, J. Energy Resources
Technology, 104, p.294 (1982)
22. L.CORRADI, A Displacement Formulation for the Finite Element Elastic-Plastic
Problem, Meccanica, 18, p.77 (1983)
23. L.CORRADI, On the Developments of Computational Mechanics, Meccanica,19
(special issue celebrating C.A.Castigliano), p.76 (1984)
24. L.CORRADI, C.POGGI, A Refined Finite Element Model for the Analysis of
Elastic-Plastic Frames, Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng, 20, p.2155 (1984)
25. L.CORRADI, Finite Element Formulation of some Extremum Theorems of
Incremental Plasticity, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 21, p.807 (1985)
26. L.CORRADI, On Stress Computation in Displacement Finite Element Models,
Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng, 54, p.325 (1986)
27. L.CORRADI, C.POGGI, Estimates of the post-Shakedown Response of
Hardening Structures by means of Simplified Computations, Meccanica, 22,
p.193 (1987)
28. L.CORRADI, F.GENNA, Kinematic extremum theorems for holonomic
plasticity, International Journal of Plasticity, 6, p.63 (1990)
29. L.CORRADI, C.POGGI, P.SETTI, Interaction domains for steel beam-columns in
fire conditions, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 17, p.217 (1990)
30. A.CAZZANI, R.CONTRO, L.CORRADI, On the evaluation of the shakedown
boundary for temperature-dependent elastic properties, Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids, 11,
p.539 (1992)

31. A.CAPSONI, L.CORRADI, A plane strain formulation of the elastic-plastic
constitutive law for hardening von Mises materials, Int. J. Solids Structures, 32,
p.3515 (1995)
32. A.CAPSONI, L.CORRADI, Variational formulation for the plane strain elastic
plastic problem for materials governed by von Mises criterion, International
Journal of Plasticity, 12, p.547 (1996)
33. A.CAPSONI, L.CORRADI, A mixed finite element model for plane strain elastic-
plastic analysis. Part I: Formulation and assessment of the overall behavior,
Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng, 141, p.67 (1997)
34. A.CAPSONI, L.CORRADI, A mixed finite element model for plane strain elastic-
plastic analysis. Part II: Application to the 4-node bilinear element, Comp. Meth.
Appl. Mech. Engng, 141, p.81 (1997)
35. A.CAPSONI, L.CORRADI, A finite element formulation of the rigid-plastic limit
analysis problem, Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng, 40, p.2063 (1997)
36. A. FRANCHI, F. GENNA, L. CORRADI, On the Determination of Bifurcation
and Limit Points, Proc. ASCE, J. Engng Mech. Div., 124, p.866 (1998)
37. A. CAPSONI, L. CORRADI, Limit Analysis of Plates - A Finite Element
Formulation, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 8, 325-341 (1999)
38. A. CAPSONI, L. CORRADI, P. VENA, Limit analysis of orthotropic structures
based on Hill’s yield condition, Int. J. Solids Structures, 38, 3945-3963 (2001)
39. L. CORRADI, N. PANZERI, C. POGGI, Post-critical behavior of moderately
thick axisymmetric shells: a sequential limit analysis approach, International
Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 1, 293-312 (2001)
40. A. CAPSONI, L. CORRADI, P. VENA, Limit analysis of anisotropic structures
based on the kinematic theorem, International Journal of Plasticity, 17, 1531-
1549 (2001)
41. L. CORRADI, P. VENA, Limit analysis of orthotropic plates, International
Journal of Plasticity, 19, 1543-1566 (2003)
42. L. CORRADI, F. GENNA, Finite Element Analysis of the Jaw-Teeth/Dental
Implant System: A Note About Geometrical and Material Modeling, Computer
Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 4, 381-396 (2003)
43. L. CORRADI, N. PANZERI, Post-Collapse Analysis of Plates and Shells Based
on a Rigid-Plastic Version of the TRIC Element, Computer Methods in Applied
Mechanics and Engineering, 192, 3747-3775 (2003)
44. R. ACETI, G. BALLIO, A. CAPSONI, L. CORRADI, A limit analysis study to
interpret the ultimate behavior of bolted joints, Journal of Constructional Steel
Research, 60, 1333-1351 (2004).
45. L. CORRADI, N. PANZERI, A triangular finite element for sequential limit
analysis of shells, Advances in Engineering Software, 35, 633-643 (2004)
46. R. ACETI, A. CAPSONI, L. CORRADI, A 3D finite element with planar
symmetry for limit analysis computations, Comp. Methods Appl. Mech. Engng.,
194, 1823-1838 (2005).
47. L. CORRADI, L. LUZZI, F. TRUDI, Plasticity-instability coupling effects on the
collapse of thick tubes, International Journal of Structural Stability and
Dynamics, 5, pp.1-18 (2005).

48. L. CORRADI, L. LUZZI, F. TRUDI, Collapse of thick cylinders under radial
pressure and axial load, ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 72, 564-569
49. L. CORRADI, L. LUZZI, P. VENA, Finite element limit analysis of anisotropic
structures, Comp. Methods Appl. Mech. Engng., 195, 5422-5436 (2006).
50. L.CORRADI, C. GHIELMETTI, L. LUZZI, Collapse of thick tubes pressurized
from outside: an accurate predictive formula, ASME, Journal of Pressure Vessel
Technology, 130, 021204 (2008).
elastic stability of slender arches for bridges includine deck slenderness,
Structural Engineering International, Journal of the IASBE, 19, 149-154 (2009).
assessment of the load bearing capacity of externally pressurized moderately thick
tubes, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 86, 525-532 (2009).

Papers on national journals and contributions to national volumes

1. L.CORRADI, Sulla condizione di stabilità per strutture elastoplastiche con parti

instabili (On a stability condition for elastic-plastic structures with unstable parts),
Rend. Ist. Lomb. Sci. Lett., cl. Sci., A102, p.942 (1968)
2. L.CORRADI, O.DE DONATO, Indagine sperimentale su una tensostruttura a
ruota a semplice ordito (An experimental study on a prestressed cable structure),
Rend. Ist. Lomb. Sci. Lett., cl. Sci., A104, p.43 (1970)
3. L.CORRADI, Problemi di stabilità dell’equilibrio di strutture in muratura
(Stability problems in masonry structures), in: Comportamento statico e sismico
delle strutture murarie, G. Sacchi Landriani e R.Riccioni edts., p.272, CLUP,
Milano, 1982.
4. L.CORRADI, Sulla natura di un modello elasto-plastico ad elementi finiti (on the
properties of an elastic-plastic finite element model), in: Sandro Dei Poli -
Testimonianze e note scientifiche in onore del 70mo compleanno, p.229, CLUP,
Milano, 1985.
5. L.CORRADI, C.POGGI, An analysis procedure for non-linear elastic-plastic
frames accounting for the spreading of local plasticity (in italian and english),
Costruzioni Metalliche, n.1 (1985)
6. L.CORRADI, Valutazione della risposta a regime di strutture elastoplastiche
soggette a carichi ciclici (Estimate of the regime response of elastic-plastic
structures under cyclic loads), invited general lecture at the meeting of the
“Gruppo Nazionale di Coordinamento per gli studi di Ingegneria Strutturale del
C.N.R.” (Engineering and Architecture comittee), p.12, Ancona, 1987.
7. L. CORRADI, Analisi rigido-plastica per elementi finiti (Rigid-plastic analysis by
finite elements), Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano, vol.
LXVI, pp. 293-321 (1998).
8. L. CORRADI, Sulla dinamica di Lagrange (On lagrangean dynamics), in:
Sfogliando la Méchanique Analytique, G. Sacchi Landriani e A. Giorgilli, edts. p.
141, Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere, October 19, 2006, LED,
Milano, 2008.

9. L. CORRADI, L. LUZZI, Un problema statico relativo a reattori nucleari di nuova
generazione (A structural problem in new generation nuclear reactors), Rendiconti
dell’Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere, classe di Scienze
Matematiche e Naturali, 140 (2006), pp.255-273, LED, Milano, 2008.

Proceedings of international conferences

1. G.MAIER, L.CORRADI, O.DE DONATO, Inelastic Analysis of Reinforced

Concrete Frames by Quadratic Programming, in: Inelasticity and Non-Linearity in
Structural Concrete, M.Z.Cohn ed., p.265, University of Waterloo Press, 1972.
2. L.CORRADI, G.MAIER, Inadaptation Theorems in the Dynamics of Elastic-
Work Hardening Structures, 2nd SMiRT Conference, proc. paper L7/5, Berlin,
3. L.CORRADI, A.ZAVELANI, A Linear Programming Approach to Shakedown
Analysis of Structures, 2nd SMiRT Conference, proc. paper L7/2, Berlin, 1973.
4. G.MAIER, L.CORRADI, Upper Bounds to Dynamic Deformations of Elasto-
plastic Continua, 2nd National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,
Varna (Bulgaria), 1973. Proc.vol.2, p.355 (1974)
5. L.CORRADI, R.NOVA, Estimates of Maximum Deformations in Inelastic Beams
and Frames Under Repeated Loads, Int. Symp. on Discrete Methods in
Engineering, CISE, Segrate (MI), proc. paper III-5, p.362, 1974.
6. L.CORRADI, A.FRANCHI, Bounds on Dynamic Plastic Deformations of
Hexagonal Frames, 3rd SMiRT Conference, proc. paper E2/8, London, 1975.
7. M.CAPURSO, L.CORRADI, G.MAIER, Bounds on Deformations and
Displacements in Shakedown Theory, Proc. Sem. Materiaux et Structures sous
Chargement Cyclique, p.231, Paris, 1978.
8. L.CORRADI, On Displacement Bounding Techniques in Elastic Plastic
Structures Subjected to Cyclic Loads, Proc. Sem. Materiaux et Structures sous
Chargement Cyclique, p.249, Paris, 1978.
9. L.CORRADI, G.GIODA, On the Finite Element Modelling of Elastic-Plastic
Behavior with Reference to Geotechnical Problems, in: Numerical Methods for
Non-Linear Problems, Taylor, Hinton and Owen edts., p.61, Pineridge Press,
Swansea (U.K.), 1980.
10. L.CORRADI, G.MAIER, Finite Element Elastoplastic Analysis - Some
Consistency Criteria and their Implications, in: Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis
in Structural Mechanics, Wunderlich, Stein and Bathe edts., p.290, Springer
Verlag, Berlino, 1981.
11. L.CORRADI, C.POGGI, A Refined Finite Element Model for Numerical
Analysis of Nonlinear Steel Frames, in: Stability of Metal Structures, Preliminary
Report, p.441, Paris, 1984.
12. A.CAZZANI, R.CONTRO, L.CORRADI, On the evaluation of the shakedown
boundary for temperature-dependent elastic properties, Advances in Plasticity
1989, A.S.Khan and M.Tokuda edts., p.487, Pergamon Press, 1989.
13. L.CORRADI, F.GENNA, L.ANNOVAZZI, Consistent Finite Element Models for
Elastic Plastic Kirchhoff Plates, in: Progress in Structural Engineering,
Proceedings of the meeting in honour of M.Z.Cohn (Brescia, 26-27 settembre
1991), Grierson, Franchi and Riva edts., p.373, Kluwer, 1991.

14. A.CAPSONI, L.CORRADI, A new mixed variational formulation for the elastic-
plastic problem as a basis for efficient plane strain analysis, Proc. Third World
Congress on Computational Mechanics, p.I-729, Chiba, Giappone, 1994.
15. A.CAPSONI, L.CORRADI, Rigid-plastic limit analysis by finite elements, Proc.
Joint Conf. of Italian Group of Computational Mechanics and Ibero-Latin
American Association of Computational Methods in Engineering, p.85, Padova,
25-27 Sett. 1996.
16. A.CAPSONI, L.CORRADI, A finite element formulation for rigid-plastic limit
analysis of plates, Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Computational Plasticity, p.1865,
Barcelona, 17-20 marzo 1997
17. A.CAPSONI, L.CORRADI, Limit Analysis of Mindlin Plates - A Finite Element
approach, 3rd Euromech Solid Mechanics Conference, p.254, Stockolm, 1997.
18. A.CAPSONI, L.CORRADI, P.VENA, Limit Analysis of Orthotropic Plates,
Proceedings of Plasticity ’00: The Eigth International Symposium on Plasticity
and Its Current Applications, p. 398, Neat Press, Fulton, Maryland, 2000.
19. L.CORRADI, P.VENA, Limit Analysis of Periodic Composites via
Homogenization, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Structural
Stability and Dynamics, p.211, Taipei, Taiwan, 2000.
20. L. CORRADI, P. VENA, On the definition of the power of dissipation for
anisotropic perfectly plastic materials, ECCM-2001, European Conference on
Computational Mechanics (CD-Rom), Cracow (Poland) June 26-29, 2001.
21. L. CORRADI, N. PANZERI, A triangular finite element for the study of the post-
critical behavior of shells, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on
Computational Structures Technology, B.H.V. Topping and Z. Bittnar (edts),
Paper 79 (CD-Rom), Prague, September 4-6, 2002.
22. L. CORRADI, L. LUZZI, F. TRUDI, Plasticity-instability coupling in the
ultimate behavior of thick and medium thick shells, Proceedings of CIMS '04,
Fourth International Conference on Coupled Instabilities in Metal Structures,
pp.277-286, Rome, 27-29 September, 2004.
deck girder slendereness on lateral stability of tied arched footbridges, Footbridge
2005 – 2nd International Conference (CD Rom), Venice, 6-8 December 2005.
24. L. CORRADI, L. LUZZI, Collapse of thick tubes subjected to external pressure:
an interpretation of present code requirements, Transactions of the 19th SMiRT
Conference, paper # F01/1 (CD Rom), Toronto, Canada, August 2007.
PEROTTI, L. CORRADI, S. MONTI, A new approach to the seismic analysis of
the IRIS reactor, Transactions of the ENC 2007 – European Nuclear Conference,
Session 18.1.4: Status of Future Projects (CD Rom), Brussels, Belgium, 16-20
September 2007.

Proceedings of national conferences

1. L.CORRADI, O.DE DONATO, Bounds on Plastic Deformations after Dynamic

Shakedown of Hardening Structures in the Presence of Second Order Effects, 2nd
AIMETA Conference, proc. paper II-10, p.93, Napoli, 1975.

2. R.CONTRO, L.CORRADI, Analisi di travi elastoplastiche in grandi spostamenti
mediante programmazione nonlineare (Large displacement analysis of elastic-
plastic beams by non-linear programming), 3rd AIMETA Conference, Cagliari,
3. L.CORRADI, On some “Consistent” Finite Element Approximations in Non-
Linear Structural Analysis, 5th AIMETA Conference, vol.II, p.137, Palermo,1980.
4. R.CONTRO, L.CORRADI, Un nuovo modello elasto-plastico per l’analisi di
sistemi di travi in grandi spostamenti (A new elastic-plastic model for large
displacement analysis of beams), 6th AIMETA Conference, vol.II, p.285, Genova,
5. L.CORRADI, C.POGGI, Un modello a Plasticità diffusa per l’analisi non-lineare
di telai in acciaio (An analysis procedure for non-linear elastic-plastic frames
accounting for the spreading of local plasticity), 9th CTA conference, p.65,
Perugia, 1983.
6. A.CAZZANI, L.CORRADI, Valutazione della risposta di telai elasto-plastici
soggetti a carichi ciclici in presenza di effetti instabilizzanti (Post-shakedown
response of elastic plastic frames under cyclic loads in the presence of
instabilizing effects), 9th AIMETA Conference, vol.II, p.533, Bari, 1988.
7. L.CORRADI, A.TRALLI, Formulazioni variazionali e modelli agli elementi finiti
in presenza di distorsioni (Variational formulations and finite element models in
the presence of imposed strains), Proceedings of the meeting: Meccanica dei
materiali e delle strutture (dedicated to the memory of R.Baldacci e M.Capurso),
p.177, Roma, 1989.
legame costitutivo sui domini di presso-flessione di membrature in acciaio ad alta
temperatura (Influence of the constitutive law on the interaction curves of steel
beam-columns at elevated temperature), CTA conference, Capri, 1989.
9. L.CORRADI, F.GENNA, L.ANNOVAZZI, Holonomic versus rate relations in
plasticity, in: International Series of Numerical Mathematics, 101, p.29,
Birkhauser Verlag Basel, 1991.
10. L.CORRADI, Displacement models in inelastic finite element analyses, in: New
Developments in Structural Mechanics, Proceedings of the meeting dedicated to
the memory of M.Romano (Catania, 4-6 luglio 1990), p.395, Graficatre, Catania,
11. A.CAPSONI, L.CORRADI, Analisi limite ad elementi finiti di piastre alla
Mindlin (Finite element limit analysis of Mindlin plates), 13th AIMETA
Conference, vol.IV. pp.139-144, Siena 1997.
12. A. CAPSONI, G. CERUTI, L. CORRADI, Un modello di mandibola per lo studio
degli sforzi locali indotti da impianti dentali (A mandibula finite element model
for the analysis of stresses induced by dental implants), 14th AIMETA Conference
(CD-Rom), Como, 6-9 Ottobre 1999.
13. FRANCHI, F. GENNA, L. CORRADI, Condizioni analitiche per l’individuazione
dei punti critici e punti limite nel problema elastoplastico incrementale discreto
(Analytical conditions for detecting bifurcation and limit points in the discrete
elastic-plastic problem), in: Problemi attuali di Ingegneria strutturale, ed. G.
Oliveto, pp.51-70, CUEN s.r.l., Napoli, 2000.

14. L. CORRADI, N. PANZERI, C. POGGI, Post-collapse prediction of
axisymmetric shells by sequential limit analysis, atti del XIII convegno AIMETA
di Meccanica Computazionale, Brescia, 13-15 Novembre 2000, pp. 428-432.
15. L. CORRADI, N. PANZERI, Post-collapse analysis of rigid-plastic shells by
sequential limit analysis, XV Congresso Nazionale AIMETA (CD-Rom),
Taormina, Sett. 2001.
16. R. ACETI, G. BALLIO, A. CAPSONI, L. CORRADI, Interpretazione del
comportamento di Giunti bullonati mediante calcolo a rottura, XVI Congresso
Nazionale AIMETA (CD-Rom), Ferrara, Sett. 2003.

Lecture notes

1. L.CORRADI, Large Displacement Elasto-Plastic Analysis, in: Engineering

Plasticity by Mathematical Programming, M.Z.Cohn and G.Maier edts., chpt.18,
p.471, Pergamon Press, 1979.
2. L.CORRADI, Deformation Bounding Techniques in Elasto-Plastic Analysis, in:
Engineering Plasticity by Mathematical Programming, M.Z.Cohn and G.Maier
edts., chpt.19, p.499, Pergamon Press, 1979.
3. L.CORRADI, Linear Programming Applications - Shakedown Analysis, in:
Engineering Plasticity by Mathematical Programming, M.Z.Cohn and G.Maier
edts., sec.2.4, p.268, Pergamon Press, 1979.
4. R.CONTRO, L.CORRADI, Nonlinear Programming Applications - Large
Displacement Analysis, in: Engineering Plasticity by Mathematical
Programming, M.Z.Cohn and G.Maier edts., sec.20.3, p.535, Pergamon
5. L.CORRADI, Effetti instabilizzanti nelle strutture snelle (Instabilizing effects in
slender structures); in: 20 Conferenze nel Politecnico di Milano (Twenty
conferences at the Politecnico di Milano), A. Carotti ed., p.363, CUSL, Milano,
6. L.CORRADI, Variational statements and mathematical programming
formulations in elastic-plastic analysis, in: Mathematical programming methods
in structural plasticity, D.Lloyd Smith ed., p.232, Springer Verlag,1990.
7. L.CORRADI, Finite element modelling of the elastic-plastic problem, in:
Mathematical programming methods in structural plasticity, D.Lloyd Smith ed.,
p.256, Springer Verlag, 1990.
8. L.CORRADI, I continui nella meccanica (An introduction to continuum
mechanics), in: Meccanica dei tessuti biologici (Mechanics of biological tissues),
F. Montevecchi ed., pp.63-81, Patron, Bologna, 1997.

Technical reports

1. O. DE DONATO, L.CORRADI, QPFRAM: Finite Element Inelastic Analysis of

Frames by Quadratic Programming, Computer Report n.4, I.S.T.C., Politecnico
di Milano, 1972.

A.FRANCHI, Ratchetting in the Creep Range, Report EUR 9876 EN, Office for
Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxemburg, 1985.
Thick Tubes Subjected to External Pressure, CeSNEF Report IN-07-2007, 2007.


1. F.ALBERTI, E.BONA, L.CORRADI, A.VIGANO’, “Insegnamento, sviluppo e

ricerca” (Teaching, development and research), from graduation thesis in
Architecture (supervisors L.Finzi and G.Ballio), Casabella, n.309 (1966).

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