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Design Standards No.


Embankment Dams
Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting
Phase 4 Final

U.S. Department of the Interior

Bureau of Reclamation September 2014
Mission Statements
The U.S. Department of the Interior protects America’s natural
resources and heritage, honors our cultures and tribal communities,
and supplies the energy to power our future.

The mission of the Bureau of Reclamation is to manage, develop,

and protect water and related resources in an environmentally and
economically sound manner in the interest of the American public.
Design Standards Signature Sheet

Design Standards No. 13

Embankment Dams
DS-13(15)-1: Phase 4 Final
September 2014

Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) design standards present technical requirements and
processes to enable design professionals to prepare design documents and reports necessary to
manage, develop, and protect water and related resources in an environmentally and
economically sound manner in the interest of the American public. Compliance with these
design standards assists in the development and improvement of Reclamation facilities in a way
that protects the public's health, safety, and welfare; recognizes needs of all stakeholders; and
achieves lasting value and functionality necessary for Reclamation facilities. Responsible
designers accomplish this goal through compliance with these design standards and all other
applicable technical codes, as well as incorporation of the stakeholders’ vision and values, that
are then reflected in the constructed facilities.

Application of Design Standards

Reclamation design activities, whether performed by Reclamation or by a non-Reclamation
entity, must be performed in accordance with established Reclamation design criteria and
standards, and approved national design standards, if applicable. Exceptions to this requirement
shall be in accordance with provisions of Reclamation Manual Policy, Performing Design and
Construction Activities, FAC P03.

In addition to these design standards, designers shall integrate sound engineering judgment,
applicable national codes and design standards, site-specific technical considerations, and
project-specific considerations to ensure suitable designs are produced that protect the public's
investment and safety. Designers shall use the most current edition of national codes and design
standards consistent with Reclamation design standards. Reclamation design standards may
include exceptions to requirements of national codes and design standards.

Proposed Revisions
Reclamation designers should inform the Technical Service Center (TSC), via Reclamation’s
Design Standards Website notification procedure, of any recommended updates or changes to
Reclamation design standards to meet current and/or improved design practices.
Chapter Signature Sheet
Bureau of Reclamation
Technical Service Center

Design Standards No. 13

Embankment Dams
Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

DS-13(15) - Phase 4 Final

September 2014

Chapter 15, “Foundation Grouting,” is a new chapter within Design Standards

No. 13 – Embankment Dams.

This design standard chapter presents Bureau of Reclamation best practices for
foundation grouting beneath embankment dams. The procedures discussed in this
design standard are based on many years of shared foundation grouting
experience within Reclamation gained throughout the arid and semi-arid
17 Western States. The best practices summarized in this design standard have
been successfully implemented throughout Reclamation for decades.
Prepared by:

~ -.~
Christop r Slaven, P.E.
t.E. Cj p. ~11'1
Civil Engineer, Geotechnical Engineering Group 1, 86-68314

d 4 uf lvc. f?. Cf~s/zct1-


Date' '

Peer Review:

()!'z s // -v·
Peter P. Aberle
' Date 7 /
Groutin Engineer, Consultant, Geotechnical Services Division, 86-68300

Willia . Engemoen, P.E.

Civil ngineer, Geotechnical Services Division, 86-68300

Security Review:

Ashok Chugh, P.E.

Civil Engineer, Geotechnical Engineering Group 1, 86-68311


Chief, Geotechnical Services Division, 86-68300


sa. ;;t.d4.
Thomas A. Luebke, P.E.

Director, Technical Service Center


Chapter 1: General Design Standards

15.1 Introduction ...................................................................................... 15-1
15.1.1 Purpose............................................................................. 15-1
15.1.2 Scope ................................................................................ 15-1
15.2 When Is Grouting Necessary ........................................................... 15-3
15.3 Design Considerations ..................................................................... 15-5
15.4 Preconstruction Geologic Site Investigations .................................. 15-6
15.4.1 Surface Geology............................................................... 15-7
15.4.2 Joints and Other Discontinuities ...................................... 15-7
15.4.3 Cored Holes ..................................................................... 15-8
15.4.4 Permeability Testing and Interpretation........................... 15-9 Procedure Calculations ................................... 15-12 Geologic Data ................................................. 15-13 Stepped Pressure Tests ................................... 15-13 Back Pressure and Holding Pressure .............. 15-17 Test Equipment............................................... 15-17
15.4.5 Geophysical Borehole Logging ..................................... 15-17 Geophysical Logs Used to Evaluate
Fracturing ................................................. 15-19 Geophysical Logs Used to Evaluate
Formation and Density ............................. 15-19 Caliper Log ..................................................... 15-19 Acoustic Borehole Image and Optical
Borehole Image ........................................ 15-19 Full Wave Sonic Log ...................................... 15-20 Gamma-Gamma Density Log ........................ 15-21 Neutron Log ................................................... 15-21
15.4.6 Exploratory Shafts and Adits ......................................... 15-21
15.4.7 Grout Testing Programs ................................................. 15-21
15.5 Optimum Mix................................................................................. 15-22
15.6 Grout Curtain Design ..................................................................... 15-26
15.6.1 Grout Curtain Location .................................................. 15-26
15.6.2 Curtain Depth ................................................................. 15-27
15.6.3 Injection Pressure ........................................................... 15-28
15.6.4 Grouting Methods .......................................................... 15-32 Single-Stage Grouting .................................... 15-32 Upstage Grouting ........................................... 15-32 Downstage Grouting....................................... 15-34 Multiple Port Sleeved Pipe ............................. 15-36
15.6.5 Stage Length .................................................................. 15-36
15.6.6 Single Row Versus Multiple Row Grout Curtain .......... 15-36
15.6.7 Grout Hole Spacing and Closure Criteria ...................... 15-37

DS-13(15) September 2014 15-i

Contents (continued)
Page Split Spacing Method ..................................... 15-37 Water Testing of Grout Holes ........................ 15-38 Stage Refusal .................................................. 15-39 Grout Pattern Closure Criteria ........................ 15-40
15.6.8 Grout Standpipes and Grout Cap ................................... 15-42
15.7 Blanket Grouting ............................................................................ 15-45
15.7.1 Location ......................................................................... 15-45
15.7.2 Depth .............................................................................. 15-45
15.7.3 Stage Length .................................................................. 15-46
15.7.4 Pressure .......................................................................... 15-46
15.7.5 Blanket Grouting Methods ............................................. 15-46
15.7.6 Spacing and Closure Criteria ......................................... 15-46 Split Spacing Method ..................................... 15-46 Water Testing ................................................. 15-48 Stage Refusal Criteria ..................................... 15-48 Grid Closure Criteria ...................................... 15-48
15.8 Stitch Grouting ............................................................................... 15-49
15.9 Special Conditions ......................................................................... 15-50
15.9.1 Remedial Grouting Through Embankments .................. 15-50 Drilling ........................................................... 15-50 Casing of Grout Holes .................................... 15-51 Grouting Method and Injection Pressure........ 15-53
15.9.2 Artesian Flow ................................................................. 15-54
15.9.3 Large Grout ‘Takes’ ....................................................... 15-55
15.9.4 Karst Environments ....................................................... 15-55
15.10 Grout Materials and Mixes ............................................................ 15-56
15.10.1 Grout Materials .............................................................. 15-56
15.10.2 Cement Grout ................................................................. 15-57 Water ............................................................. 15-57 Cement........................................................... 15-57 Pozzolans ........................................................ 15-60 Bentonite ....................................................... 15-60 Water Reducers and High Range Water
Reducers ................................................... 15-61 Thixotropic Agents .......................................... 15-62 Hydration Controlling Admixtures ................. 15-62 Accelerators ................................ 15-62 Retarders and Set Extenders ....... 15-63 Expansion Aids/Fluidifiers: ........................... 15-63 Silica Fume .................................................... 15-63 Sand ............................................................... 15-63
15.10.3 Grout Properties ............................................................. 15-64
15.10.4 Standard Reclamation Foundation Grouting Mixes ...... 15-66

15-ii DS-13(15) September 2014

Contents (continued)

15.10.5 Balanced-Stable Grout Mixes ........................................ 15-66

15.11 Drilling ........................................................................................... 15-67
15.11.1 Drill Hole Sizes .............................................................. 15-67
15.11.2 Acceptable Rock Drilling Methods for Grouting .......... 15-68
15.11.3 Selection of Drilling Method ......................................... 15-70
15.11.4 Hole Logging ................................................................. 15-70
15.11.5 Hole Straightness ........................................................... 15-71
15.12 Grouting Equipment....................................................................... 15-71
15.12.1 Mixer .............................................................................. 15-74
15.12.2 Agitator .......................................................................... 15-74
15.12.3 Water Meter ................................................................... 15-74
15.12.4 Pumps............................................................................. 15-74
15.12.5 Valves ............................................................................ 15-75
15.12.6 Pressure Gauges and Sensors ......................................... 15-75
15.12.7 Circulation Lines ............................................................ 15-76
15.12.8 Grout Manifold .............................................................. 15-77
15.12.9 Flowmeter ...................................................................... 15-78
15.12.10 Packers ........................................................................... 15-79
15.12.11 Packer Pipe..................................................................... 15-79
15.12.12 Standpipes ...................................................................... 15-81
15.12.13 Fluid Density Meter ........................................................ 15-82
15.13 Field Supervision, Inspection, and Monitoring.............................. 15-82
15.14 Construction Sequencing ............................................................... 15-84
15.15 Reclamation Grouting Procedures ................................................. 15-85
15.15.1 Initial Mix ...................................................................... 15-85
15.15.2 Adjusting the Mix .......................................................... 15-86
15.15.3 Important Observations During Grouting ...................... 15-88 Uplift Monitoring ........................................... 15-88 Back Pressure and Holding Pressure .............. 15-89 Leaks .............................................................. 15-89 Communication to Adjacent Grout Holes....... 15-91
15.15.4 Contractor Shifts ............................................................ 15-91
15.15.5 Minimum Time Between Hookups ................................ 15-91
15.16 Postgrouting Assessment ............................................................... 15-92
15.17 Case Histories ................................................................................ 15-94
15.18 Quantity Estimates ......................................................................... 15-95
15.19 References ...................................................................................... 15-99

DS-13(15) September 2014 15-iii

Table Page

15.4.5-1. Borehole geophysical log types 18

15.6.8-1. Advantages and disadvantages of a grout cap ................................. 15-45
15.17-1. Grout program statistics.................................................................... 15-95

Figure Page

15.1.2-1 Overview of grouting operations at Ridges Basin Dam ............... 15-2

15.5-1 Photo illustrates grout infilling (shown in purple) of
joint within a grout check hole ............................................. 15-24
15.6.1-1 Illustration of large window in grout curtain resulting
from reversal of grout hole orientation ................................. 15-27
15.6.3-1 Illustration for calculating effective grout pressure at the
bottom of the packer ............................................................. 15-29
15.6.3-2 Circulating line system ............................................................... 15-30
15.6.3-3 Reclamation’s standard grout manifold drawing
(flowmeter not shown) .......................................................... 15-31
15.6.3-4 Grout manifold used at a Reclamation grouting project ............. 15-32 Upstage grouting ......................................................................... 15-33 Upstage grouting when water loss occurs ................................... 15-34 Downstage grouting .................................................................... 15-35 Typical Reclamation 80-foot grout hole pattern using the
split spacing method ............................................................. 15-37 Typical manifold configuration used by contractors for
water tests ............................................................................. 15-39 Evaluation of secondary hole depth within an 80-foot
grout hole pattern .................................................................. 15-41
15.6.8-1 Typical grout hole standpipe detail ............................................. 15-43
15.6.8-2 Contractor setting standpipes along a single row grout curtain .. 15-42
15.6.8-3 Grout cap detail ........................................................................... 15-44 Plan view of typical Reclamation blanket hole layout................ 15-47 Drilling and grouting of blanket grout holes on a
Reclamation project .............................................................. 15-48 Evaluation of closure for blanket grout holes ............................. 15-49 Illustration of standpipe and interface zone grouting using
MPSP system ........................................................................ 15-52

15-iv DS-13(15) September 2014

Figures (continued)
Figure Page MPSP and MPSP with textile barrier bag ................................... 15-53 Illustration of downstage grouting immediately below an
embankment dam .................................................................. 15-54
15.11.2-1 Contractor using a Chicago-pneumatic 65 (CP-65)
drill for drilling abutment grout holes on steep terrain ......... 15-69
15.12-1 Portable batch plant at Starvation Dam ...................................... 15-71
15.12-2 Portable batch plant at Ridges Basin Dam .................................. 15-73
15.12-3 Centralized batch plant at New Waddell Dam ............................ 15-72
15.12.6-1 Pressure gauge and pressure sensor on a grout manifold
(Series 42 Red Valve pressure sensor) ................................. 15-76
15.12.7-1 Supply and return grout circulation grout lines at the
grout manifold....................................................................... 15-77
15.12.9-1 An ultrasonic flowmeter installed downstream of bleeder
valve. The standpipe is not shown in the photo ................... 15-79
15.12.10-1 Inflatable packer being placed into grout hole ............................ 15-80
15.12.11-1 Packer pipe being installed into a grout hole .............................. 15-80
15.12.12-1 Standpipes used for a recent Reclamation project ...................... 15-82 Contractor sealing leak by pushing oakum into a crack
in sandstone........................................................................... 15-90 This leak has been caulked with oakum and wood wedges.
A ring was formed with empty cement bags, earth
materials, and grout to apply back pressure and further
reduce leakage....................................................................... 15-90

A Case Histories of Pressure Grouting Programs within Reclamation
B Grouting Mix Adjustment Examples
C Examples of Grout Summary Tables and Plan and Profile Drawings
D Drilling and Grouting Data
E Standard Drawings, Inspector Drilling and Grouting Forms

DS-13(15) September 2014 15-v

Chapter 15

Foundation Grouting

15.1 Introduction
15.1.1 Purpose
This design standard chapter presents Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) best
practices for foundation grouting beneath embankment dams. The procedures
discussed in this design standard are based on many years of shared foundation
grouting experience within Reclamation gained throughout the arid and semi-arid
17 Western States. The best practices summarized in this design standard have
been successfully implemented throughout Reclamation for decades. Seepage
performance data at Reclamation dams that were grouted using these best
practices indicate that they have been very effective in limiting underseepage and
excessive uplift pressures beneath embankment dams.

15.1.2 Scope
Grouting is widely used in civil works projects for the purpose of foundation
improvement. There are many applications for foundation grouting, such as water
control, strengthening the foundation, or seepage reduction. The type of grout
and equipment used to inject the grout for each application and foundation
conditions varies substantially. This design standard chapter only discusses
foundation grouting of rock formations beneath embankment dams using cement
based grouts.

Foundation grouting for embankment dam foundation improvement is a process

of injecting cementitious slurries under pressure into the underlying rock
formations through specially drilled holes for the purpose of filling joints,
fractures, fissures, bedding planes, cavities, or other openings. Grouting is
generally used to reduce erosive leakage, excessive uplift pressure, and high water
losses through the foundation rock. This use generally applies to the design of
new dams, but grouting can also be used as a remedial measure to help control
seepage at existing dams.

Foundation grouting for embankment dams includes curtain grouting, blanket

grouting, and stitch grouting. Figure 15.1.2-1 illustrates curtain grouting, blanket
grouting, and stitch grouting on a recent Reclamation project. Curtain grouting is
probably the most common method of foundation seepage reduction used beneath

DS-13(15) September 2014 15-i

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

new dams. This method consists of drilling holes into the foundation bedrock at
some regular spacing along a line or lines parallel to the dam axis and normal to
the seepage flow direction. In cases where fractured rock exists at the foundation
contact, blanket grouting is often used to provide a firm foundation, to reduce
seepage within the near-surface foundation bedrock, to reduce seepage from the
embankment into the foundation, and to reduce the likelihood of internal erosion
of the embankment materials into the foundation. Stitch grouting is used to seal
isolated pervious discontinuities exposed on the foundation surface on an as-
needed basis within or near the impervious core footprint.

Figure 15.1.2-1. Overview of grouting operations at Ridges Basin Dam.

Foundation grouting is an engineering process that must be designed and planned

for in the office by an experienced designer, grouting specialist, and geologist.
The design must then be executed by competent field personnel. Every
foundation grouting project presents a unique set of conditions. For this reason,
this design standard and all other grouting textbooks and manuals should only
be used as a guide. Explicit rules pertaining to drilling and grouting

15-2 DS-13(15) September 2014

Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

methodology, including design, grout materials, and grouting equipment, may

be inappropriate in some instances due to differing geological conditions.
Adaptation to site-specific geologic conditions is always necessary. The grouting
design and specifications must be flexible to adjust to the conditions observed in
the field during grouting. The design of a foundation grouting program is not
complete once the layout, depth, and spacing of the grout holes are laid out on a
design drawing. A successful foundation grouting project requires that
engineering decisions be made on a stage-by-stage and hole-by-hole basis. The
design of a foundation grouting program is not complete until the last stage in the
last grout hole has been grouted.

There are many references available on foundation grouting. This design standard
provides limited references on the subject because this design standard focuses on
presenting Reclamation’s best practices. For a more basic understanding of
grouting, Houlsby [1] provides a hands-on manual that explains grouting design,
drilling, explorations, equipment, procedures, how to handle potential problems,
and many other subjects.

It should be noted that foundation grouting should not be considered as a cure-all

for all embankment dam foundation issues, particularly when selecting an
alternative to address a dam safety issue for an existing embankment. Careful
consideration should be given to other alternatives, or alternatives to be used in
conjunction with grouting, that may provide a more reliable method for improving
the geologic conditions beneath an embankment dam.

15.2 When Is Grouting Necessary

For a new embankment dam placed on a rock foundation, a grout curtain is almost
always required. Preconstruction geologic site investigations are often limited
and provide information on a very small percentage of the foundation. Even in
circumstances where the foundation permeability is known to be low, a grout
curtain should be incorporated in a design for a new embankment to provide high
confidence that the actual foundation conditions observed during construction
match the design assumptions and possibly limited preconstruction
geologic information.

Reclamation experience indicates that the groutability of rock formation with a

permeability less than 1.0 x 10-5 centimeters per second [cm/s] (10 feet per year
[ft/yr] or 1.3 Lugeon Units) using cement-based grouts is typically very limited.
Recommendations for grout hole spacing and depth discussed in this design
standard can be altered if foundation conditions are believed to be ideal and of
low permeability, such as tight fractures with limited connectivity and
permeability, and if there is high confidence in the results of geologic
investigations over the entire foundation.

DS-13(15) September 2014 15-3

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

The need for blanket grouting should be evaluated during design of a new
embankment. In cases where fractured or jointed rock lie at the foundation
contact, and they are not removed as part of the foundation cleanup, blanket
grouting is used to provide a firm foundation and to reduce seepage from the
embankment into the foundation and along the foundation contact. Subsequently,
the likelihood of internal erosion of the impervious core into the foundation and
along the embankment/foundation contact is reduced. In cases where high quality
rock is believed to be present at the embankment/foundation contact, provisions
for blanket grout holes (and/or stitch grouting) can be provided for in the
specifications to seal any isolated fractures exposed during foundation cleanup or
for conditions that deviate from the design assumptions. Additional surface
treatment recommendations are provided in Chapter 3, “Foundation Surface
Treatment [2],” of Design Standards No. 13 – Embankment Dams.

Water pressure tests of exploratory holes are the most commonly used method of
measuring permeability and evaluating groutability of a foundation, even though
the quantity of water injected into a stage is not necessarily indicative of the grout
quantity that can be injected. For example, a porous sandstone formation may
possess high permeability characteristics and accept water readily but refuse to
accept a particulate grout (cement) due to the small size of the voids.
Permeability testing in differing geologic conditions, such as one large crack in a
stage or many fine cracks in another stage, may result in high water ‘takes1 in
both cases; however, the subsequent grout ‘takes’ may vary considerably. The
primary and secondary permeability of the rock mass also need to be considered.
Primary permeability refers to the permeability of the interconnecting pore spaces
within the rock mass. Secondary permeability refers to the permeability of the
rock mass and is typically a measure of the permeability of the discontinuities
such as open bedding planes, fractures, or joints within the rock mass.
Consequently, water tests without consideration of geologic factors may be
inaccurate in predicting grout ‘takes.’
The groutability and amount of foundation grouting required can be greatly
underestimated if erroneous permeability data is used to estimate the groutability
of a foundation. Standard water testing procedures, which include pressures
comparable to those used during grouting, water pumps, supply lines and packers
capable of high volume injection, and standard hole sizes and stages, must be
used to estimate the permeability of a formation. The drill holes used in
permeability testing should be oriented to intercept the maximum number
of discontinuities possible.

This chapter uses the term ‘takes’ when referring to water or grout that is injected into rock
during permeability testing or foundation grouting, respectively. The word takes is in single
quotes to differentiate it from the normal usage of the word.

15-4 DS-13(15) September 2014

Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

15.3 Design Considerations

It is often difficult to quantify the effects of foundation grouting within a seepage
analysis. When laying out the design and closure criteria for a foundation
grouting project for an embankment dam, some additional factors that should be
taken into account include:

 A properly designed seepage collection system is always necessary within

an embankment dam. Foundation grouting may not eliminate foundation
seepage and may not eliminate the presence of high piezometric pressures
beneath the embankment. Seepage beneath the embankment must be
safely collected and monitored. The potential for high piezometric
pressure beneath the embankment must be evaluated and accounted for
during design. Small fractures that may not accept grout can still transmit
water pressure downstream of the grout curtain.

 The extent of grouting may be related to the tolerable seepage losses for
the project. In areas where water is a limited resource and almost no
seepage can be tolerated, the costs for an extensive grouting program can
easily be justified.

 The extent of grouting may be related to future operation and maintenance

(O&M) issues for the project. If excessive seepage over time or high pore
pressures are expected to result in the need for rock stabilization, increased
monitoring, instrumentation, seepage collection systems, etc., the costs
associated with a grouting program may be justified when considering the
potential long-term O&M costs.

 An evaluation should be performed to determine the effects of the

grouting program on the potential failure modes. Some considerations
include the following:

o What is the piezometric pressure within the foundation upstream and

downstream of the grout curtain?

o What effect will the grout curtain have on the piezometric surface
within the core of the embankment?

o What effect will the grouting have on seepage along the

embankment/foundation contact? Is there a potential for grouting to
result in increased seepage at the embankment/foundation contact?

o What is needed to prevent the migration of the embankment materials

into the foundation openings?

DS-13(15) September 2014 15-5

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

o Will grouting increase the likelihood of any of the potential failure


o What would be the effect of any “window” in the grout curtain?

 When performing seepage analyses to evaluate foundation seepage beneath

an embankment dam, the permeability of a well-built grout curtain(s) is
likely to be about 1x10-5 cm/s or less. The width of the grout curtain used in
the analysis should be determined by considering how many grout curtain
rows are incorporated into the design, the geology, the closure criteria
selected for the grout curtains, results of verification testing, and the suite of
grout mixes used for construction. Water tests performed in grout
verification holes are likely to be the best source of data for establishing a
permeability value of the grouted rock mass.

15.4 Preconstruction Geologic Site

Understanding the geologic characteristics of a damsite is a key part of the
successful design and construction of a foundation grouting program. The path(s)
that grout follows when injected into rock is a direct function of the type of rock
and its structural characteristics, such as joint openness, spacing, and continuity of
features. Detailed geologic data of the rock or formation, such as age, origin,
character, structure, properties, dips and strikes, size and location of faults,
fractures, bedding planes, joints, seams and cavities, and the knowledge
accumulated from past experience in similar geologic settings, all help to form the
basis of a foundation grouting program design. Knowledge accumulated from
past experience under similar geologic settings should also be used to interpret the
exploratory data. Understanding the site geology gives the design staff and
construction personnel the ability to plan for, recognize, and react to actual field
conditions as construction progresses.

When determining the extent of grouting required for a project, the designer must
work with the project geologist and a grouting specialist (engineer) to analyze the
in situ properties of the foundation, particularly the competency and overall
permeability of the foundation. It is equally important for the designer to
understand the impacts a grouting program will have on local groundwater
conditions. Successfully reducing and controlling seepage beneath an
embankment can result in higher pressures or new seepage at other locations
and should be a design consideration for any grout program.

15-6 DS-13(15) September 2014

Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

The rock type can have a significant impact on grouting. A strong stable rock,
such as a quartzite, will usually behave in a more predictable manner than a weak
rock, like a shale or claystone. Some shales and claystones exhibit high
shrink-swell characteristics and may close during permeability testing. Volcanic
rocks, such as basalts, may have very complex fracture and jointing due to highly
variable cooling and stress relief. Flow tubes in basalt may accept large quantities
of grout. Likewise, karstic terrain in soluble rocks, such as limestone, could have
extensive formation of secondary ground water paths. These consist of solution
joints, vugs, sinkholes, caverns, and large-scale collapse features. Impounded
reservoirs adjacent to karstic terrain could activate or reactivate dissolution of

15.4.1 Surface Geology

Determining the grouting characteristics of a rock mass requires an understanding
of the surface and subsurface geologic conditions. An investigation program
should include detailed mapping of the surface geology at the damsite. Geologic
mapping should include the footprint of the proposed dam, areas upstream and
downstream of the damsite, adjacent ridges, and any other areas where seepage
could potentially contact or bypass the embankment. This should include
identifying rock units, which may not be exposed within the dam footprint but
may daylight upstream or downstream of the dam in the valley floor or abutments.
These units could also represent a potential seepage path under or around a dam.
An understanding of the regional geologic structure can help identify potential
weaknesses in rock that may not be visually apparent. Sometimes these
weaknesses are not identified until testing is conducted or during grouting.

Exposed bedrock should be mapped to determine its extent, rock type, physical
characteristics, and structural features including joints, bedding, foliation, and
other discontinuities. Field mapping of joints and discontinuities for attributes
that could affect grouting should include the trend (or strike), dips, spacing,
continuity, openness, infillings, and weathering. Weathering of rock exposed at
the surface often results in a significant reduction in the hardness and strength.
This effect can be more pronounced along joints and discontinuities so that the
grout requirements of weathered rock can be considerably different than less
weathered rock in the subsurface.

15.4.2 Joints and Other Discontinuities

While rock porosity (primary permeability) may, in extreme cases, permit grout
travel, it is generally not a factor in determining the permeability of a rock
formation for a foundation grouting program. In most damsite foundations,
seepage often follows joints and other discontinuities within the rock. Therefore,

DS-13(15) September 2014 15-7

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

grout holes should be designed to intercept the maximum number of joints and
other discontinuities as is possible per foot of hole drilled at an inclination less
than or equal to 30 degrees from vertical. Grout holes should never be drilled
flatter than 30 degrees from vertical, except fan holes at the end of the grout
curtain. The strike and dip of the dominant joint sets play a primary role in
determining the inclination and direction at which the grout holes are drilled.
Inclined bedding or other rock structure should also be taken into consideration
when determining the orientation of grout holes. When primary permeability is
present, water tests must be carefully interpreted, taking primary permeability into

The degree to which a rock mass will accept grout is determined by the overall
permeability of the rock formation. The permeability of a rock mass is related
principally to the presence of rock discontinuities such as open joints, faults, shear
zones, solution cavities, and interconnected fractures. Joint openness and
continuity determine how easily and how far grout will travel in the rock mass,
although continuity plays less of a role in grouting than with seepage due to
comparatively lower travel distance of grout. Joint spacing combined with
openness and continuity can give an indication of how difficult it will be to grout
the rock formation at a damsite.

Reclamation’s Engineering Geology Field Manual [3] contains detailed

information for the mapping of discontinuity features and the engineering
properties of rock.

15.4.3 Cored Holes

Reclamation typically uses diamond bit core drilling to investigate foundation
suitability for grouting. Recovered rock core provides details on subsurface
jointing and structure, allows more precise seating and placement of packers for
permeability testing, provides a relatively smooth borehole wall for geophysical
testing and camera inspection, and provides samples for physical properties
testing. Prior to beginning a subsurface investigation program for grouting, a
thorough review should be made of existing surface and subsurface data.

In the initial stages of a subsurface investigations program, the drill holes should
extend to slightly deeper than 1.0 times the hydraulic head above the surface of
the bedrock. Usually, a few holes are drilled to at least twice the maximum
hydraulic head to investigate foundation bedrock directly beneath the grout
curtain. Both vertical and inclined drill holes are needed to best determine
foundation grouting needs. As bedrock foundation conditions are better
understood, drilling is conducted at specific bearings, inclinations, and depths to
test permeability along potential grout curtain hole orientations.

15-8 DS-13(15) September 2014

Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

The number of cored holes necessary for a geologic site investigation for a
grouting program will vary from project to project. Factors that influence the
number of cored holes needed in preconstruction geologic investigation for a
grouting program include:

 Complexity of the damsite foundation geology, such as extensively folded,

faulted, or highly fractured rock; more than one rock type in the
foundation; naturally weak rock; karstic rock; steeply dipping beds;
adverse ground water chemistry; and artesian pressures.

 Length and height of the dam.

 The anticipated cost of the grouting program. The expense of additional

cored holes can easily be justified for an extensive grouting program.

 Rock permeability and permeability variations along the damsite.

Each of these factors should be discussed with project team members to determine
an appropriate number of core holes. Additional core holes will likely be
necessary as the project progresses from the initial geology exploration phase to
final design.

15.4.4 Permeability Testing and Interpretation

Water testing is necessary for evaluating seepage potential beneath the damsite
and for determining how much grouting may be required. Water testing for
designing a grout program is often secondary to the main purpose of the water
testing program, which is to determine permeabilities for seepage evaluation or
control. Design of an exploration program for grouting should consider the

(1) The geologic conditions at the site and the variations between areas or
reaches must be understood. Generalizations based on other sites are
usually inaccurate because geologic conditions depend on the
interrelationship of the local depositional, tectonic, and erosional history
that uniquely determine geologic conditions important to the
permeability and groutability of a site. Damsite foundation
permeabilities can vary over short distances because of lithology and
fracture changes, faults, rebound of horizontal beds in the canyon
bottom, or stress relief in the abutments. Proper evaluation of water test
results requires that the values be correlated with geologic conditions.
The permeability values should be noted and plotted on the drill logs,
along with the water ‘takes’ and test pressures. The test interval should
be indicated on the log so that the water test data can be related to
fracture data.

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Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

(2) The level of seepage control desired. The allowable seepage quantities
beneath a dam in the arid West compared to a dam located in an area
with abundant rainfall are likely to be quite different based on the
economic value of water.

(3) The potential for internal erosion failure modes. When an embankment
contains or is founded on or adjacent to erodible or dispersive soils and
rock, water testing and the effectiveness of the grouting program are
critical in the design and construction of the dam.

(4) Rock mass permeability is not always an indicator of how a grout

program should be conducted or how successful a grout program will be.
A highly fractured rock mass with very small fracture aperture sizes may
be very permeable but essentially ungroutable using standard cement
grout. Water test data must be correlated with geologic data to properly
assess groutability.

(5) The ability to cut off or effectively control seepage though the injection
of grout (groutability) depends on the openness, continuity, joint
infilling, and number of discontinuities. Connectivity may not be as
important if discontinuity properties limit the travel of grout.

(6) Permeability depends on fracture openness, number, and connectivity.

Highly fractured rock with low connectivity will have low permeability,
and a slightly fractured rock with high connectivity can have
high permeability.

(7) Exploratory drill hole orientations introduce a significant bias into water
test results. The orientation of the drill hole relative to the fractures has
a direct effect on the number of fractures intercepted by the hole. A
vertical hole drilled in a material that has predominantly vertical
fractures, like flat-bedded sediments, will likely not intercept the
fractures that control the rock mass permeability. Drill holes should be
oriented to cross the maximum amount of discontinuities per foot of hole
drilled not only for more meaningful permeability tests, but also to
obtain more meaningful rock mass design parameters.

(8) Water test calculation results can be very misleading. Water test
calculations from a 10-foot interval with one 1/4-inch fracture taking
water can have a significantly different seepage and grout potential than
a 10-foot interval with dozens of relatively tight fractures taking the
same amount of water. While the tighter fractures may readily convey
water, grout ‘takes’ may be negligible. Each water test must be
evaluated individually.

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Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

(9) Hydraulic fracturing occurs when the rock mass is fractured due to
excessive grout pressures. Different rock types, geologic structures, or
in situ stresses have different hydraulic jacking and hydraulic fracture
potential; therefore, they have different maximum acceptable water
testing and grouting pressures. During the injection of fluid grout, the
grout pump can act as a hydraulic jack and cause damage by the use of
excessive pressures. Hydraulic jacking occurs when excessive grout
pressures enlarge existing discontinuities. Dam foundations are more
sensitive to hydraulic jacking and hydraulic fracturing than tunnels.
Dam foundations can be seriously damaged by hydraulic jacking and
hydraulic fracturing. A dam foundation in interbedded sedimentary rock
with high horizontal in situ stresses is very sensitive to hydraulic
jacking. Hydraulic jacking a dam foundation in hard, massive rock is
extremely unlikely.

(10) Rock mass permeability or groutability information collected within drill

holes should be supplemented with geologic mapping and an analysis of
the fractures. Geologic mapping and analysis of the fractures are
necessary factors in determining seepage potential and groutability.
Judgments made solely on drill hole data may not provide a realistic
characterization of fracture orientations and connectivity. All data
should be integrated to determine rock mass permeability and

(11) “Rules of thumb” are not good substitutes for using data and judgment
when making grouting decisions unless they are specifically developed
for the site conditions.

(12) Hydraulic models can be used as a tool to evaluate seepage potential and
groutability, but they depend on realistic design and data input
parameters. Water test-derived permeability and groutability are
important parameters for hydraulic models. Water tests must be
carefully evaluated to ensure that bad test data are not used in models.
Models large enough to approach characterizing a site are usually very
large and expensive. The tendency is to build models that are small and
economical and, therefore, have a limited connection with reality.
Realistic parameters are often difficult to obtain in quality or quantity.
Few exploration programs provide a statistically significant sample size
to fully characterize a site. Model input parameters and design should
be part of any modeling report so the output can be properly evaluated.
Sensitivity studies should also be performed to evaluate the effect of the
model input parameters and may provide justification for additional
investigations to reduce the uncertainty within the model.

DS-13(15) September 2014 15-11

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams Procedure Calculations

Permeabilities can be calculated in Lugeons, feet per year, centimeters per second,
or other units from the same basic field data. Lugeons are commonly used in the
grouting industry; however, because the Lugeon test could represent permeability
of the rock mass and/or the influence of joints in the rockmass, Reclamation
typically reports permeabilities (k-values) in feet per year and the volume of water
loss for an interval of time. It is important to note that the water tests performed
in the field should measure the flow rate after flows have stabilized and should be
run for at least 5 to 10 minutes at each pressure step.

One Lugeon unit equals:

1 liter per minute per meter of test length at a pressure of 10 bars

0.01076 cubic feet per minute per foot of test length at a pressure of
142 pounds per square inch (lb/in2)

1.3 * 10-5 cm/s

10 ft/yr

To calculate the Lugeon value at any test pressure, the following equation can
be used:

Lugeon units = (Q/L) * (1801/Peff)

where Q equals the flow rate in gallons per minute (gal/min), L equals the
stage length in feet, 1801 is a conversion factor, and Peff equals the
effective pressure applied to the test stage in pounds per square inch.

The effective pressure can be calculated by accounting for the gauge

pressure at the surface during testing, the depth of the water column in the
drill hole, groundwater depth at the time of drilling, line losses between
the packer and the gauge, and the height of the gauge above or below the
ground surface. See figure 15.6.3-1 (located later in this chapter) for
additional guidance on calculating the effective pressure.

When using the Lugeon unit, it is important to consider the crack sizes and the
spacing of the cracks within the test interval. For example, over a 10-foot
interval, the same Lugeon value can be calculated for 1 large crack versus many
small cracks. In the case of a large crack, if the length of the test interval was
reduced from 10 feet to 2 feet and centered at the location of the large crack, the
water ‘takes’ would be the same as a 10-foot test interval; however, the Lugeon
value would be 5 times higher. For these reasons, additional geologic factors
must be considered when using water test results during grouting. Borehole
televiewers, which are discussed below, can provide valuable information to assist
in the interpretation of water test results.

15-12 DS-13(15) September 2014

Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting Geologic Data

The geologic data should be examined to determine the optimum drill hole
orientations and locations necessary to intercept the maximum number of
discontinuities per foot of drill hole at an inclination less than or equal to
30 degrees from vertical. Geologic structure, such as bedding and rock type, can
be used to set the initial maximum water test pressures. Easily jacked or
hydraulically fractured rock should initially be water tested at a pressure of
0.5 lb/in2 per foot of overburden and increased pressures based on stepped
pressure tests or jacking tests. Stepped Pressure Tests

Stepped pressure tests are the best method of conducting water tests. Pressures
are stepped up to the maximum pressure and then stepped down through the
original pressures. Comparison of the calculated permeability values and the
pressure versus flow curves for the steps can help indicate whether the flow is
laminar, if jacking or hydraulic fracturing is occurring, and if fractures are being
washed out or plugged. Single pressure tests can be misleading because of all the
unknown pressure and flow variables affecting the test. The permeability or
Lugeon value for the test interval should be determined by analysis of the
individual test values and not necessarily by an average. The individual tests are
used to determine the response of the rock mass, and one value from the five tests
is usually the appropriate value to use.

Figures through are bar chart plots showing the relationship
of pressure to Lugeon values for the more common types of water test results.
Figure is a plot of laminar flow in the fractures. The permeability is
essentially the same regardless of the pressure and resultant water ‘take’. Figure is a plot of turbulent flow in the fractures. Permeability decreases as
the pressure and resultant flow increases because of the turbulent flow in the
fractures. Figure is a plot of flow in fractures that increase in size as
the water washes material out of the openings. Permeability increases because
fractures are enlarged by the test. Figure is a plot of flow in fractures
that are being filled and partially blocked as water flows, or the fractures are in
swelling rock, which closes fractures over time because of the introduction of
water by the test. Figure is a plot of testing in rock that is being jacked
along existing fractures or rock that is being fractured by the highest water test
pressure. Flow is laminar at the lower pressures.

Combinations of these types of flow can occur and require careful analysis. If the
pressures are increased to where jacking or hydraulic fracturing is occurring, the
design grout pressures can be set as high as possible to obtain effective grout
injection, yet preclude fracturing (or, if appropriate, induce fracturing). Hydraulic
fracture tests are easier to analyze if a continuous pressure and flow recording are
obtained. The resolution of a step test may not be adequate to separate hydraulic
fracturing from hydraulic jacking. Figure is a plot of a continuously
recorded hydraulic fracture/jacking test.

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Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

Figure Bar chart showing relationship of test pressure and Lugeons in
laminar flow.

Figure Bar chart showing relationship of test pressure and Lugeons in
turbulent flow.

15-14 DS-13(15) September 2014

Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

Figure Bar chart showing relationship of test pressure and Lugeons
when fractures are washed out.

Figure Bar chart showing relationship of test pressure and Lugeons
when fractures are filling and swelling.

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Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

Figure Bar chart showing relationship of test pressure and Lugeons
when rock is hydraulically fractured or joints are jacked open.

Hydraulic Fracturing/Jacking Test










0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Flow (Q) Pressure - Fracturing
Pressure - Jacking

Figure Continuously recorded plot of pressure and flow in a hydraulic

fracturing and hydraulic jacking test.

15-16 DS-13(15) September 2014

Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting Back Pressure and Holding Pressure

During water testing and grouting, it is important to determine whether or not
there is back pressure or holding pressure. Back pressure and holding pressure
should be measured after every test. Differentiating between back pressure and
holding pressure takes place at the manifold. (Section discusses the
procedure for checking for back pressure and holding pressure). The cause for
back pressure within a hole should be carefully evaluated. Back pressure often
occurs when: (1) there is artesian flow into the grout hole; (2) the formation
being water tested is lifted or squeezed, and the weight of the rock tends to force
the water back out of the hole; and (3) there is compressed methane gas or other
gases within the foundation. Back pressure could also occur if water fills voids
above the point of injection. The presence of artesian flow and methane gas
within the foundation should be well documented in the preconstruction geologic
investigations. Test Equipment

Test equipment can affect the test results. At moderate to high flows, the friction
loss caused by the piping and the packer should be considered. Significant loss of
pressure could occur between the gauge and the packer. At high flows, the
plumbing system “permeability” can be the controlling factor and not the
permeability of the test interval. If meters and gauges are located in optimum
relation to each other and close to the hole, the arrangement of pipe, hose, etc.,
will not seriously influence shallow tests, although sharp bends in hose, 90-degree
fittings on pipes, and unnecessary changes in pipe and hose diameters should be
avoided. It is a good idea to lay the system out on the ground and pump water
through the plumbing to determine the capacity of the system, especially if
small-diameter piping or wireline packers are being used.

15.4.5 Geophysical Borehole Logging

Geophysical borehole logging can be used to supplement drill hole data to
improve the understanding of the damsite geology and interpret packer test data.
Geophysical borehole logging can also be used to evaluate the effectiveness of
grouting programs during and after construction by imaging the areas that have
already been grouted. Grouted intervals by design contain fewer open fractures
and cavities than ungrouted intervals, and they should exhibit a lower overall
formation porosity compared to ungrouted formations. Table 15.4.5-1 lists
borehole geophysical log types that are applicable for grouting evaluation. Note
that some of the logs discussed here use radioactive sources and require licensed
operators. Logs are discussed according to their applicability below.

DS-13(15) September 2014 15-17

Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

Table 15.4.5-1. Borehole geophysical log types

Physical parameter Requires water in
Source Geophysical measured or the borehole
type log type inspected [Yes] [No] Application in grouting evaluation/remarks
Caliper Borehole diameter No Detect variations in borehole diameter possibly related to
presence of fractures or cavities.

Caliper should be run first to assess borehole condition

before running more costly logging tools.
Acoustic Variations in borehole Yes Examine borehole wall for signs of open cracks, joints, or
Borehole Image wall acoustic reflectivity cavities.

This test may be run in cloudy, opaque water or in drill

Optical Variations in borehole No Examine borehole wall for signs of open cracks, joints, or
Borehole Image wall image cavities.

This log requires clear water or no water.

Full Wave Compression [P-] and Yes Variations in P- and S-wave velocity may be indicative of
Sonics Shear [S-] wave incomplete grouting, open fracturing, or open voids.
Acoustic porosity log can indicate variations in bulk
Gamma-gamma Bulk density No Detect variations in bulk density possibly related to
presence of fractures or cavities.

This tool uses a radioactive source. Caliper log should be

run first to assess borehole condition.
Neutron Hydrogen (water) No Detect variations in hydrogen (water) content possibly
content related to presence of fractures or cavities.

This tool uses a radioactive source. Caliper log should be

run first to assess borehole condition.

DS-13(15) September 2014 15-18

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams Geophysical Logs Used to Evaluate Fracturing

Primary logs used to assess fracturing include caliper (Cal), Optical Borehole
Image (OBI), Acoustic Borehole Image (ABI), and Full Wave Sonics (FWS).
Other logs that may be run for fracture delineation include gamma-gamma density
(GG) and Neutron (Neu), which both use radioactive sources. Geophysical Logs Used to Evaluate Formation and Density

Formation density should be expected to increase after grouting. Formation bulk
porosity should be expected to decrease. The primary log used to assess density
is the GG (radioactive). Primary logs used to assess porosity are the Neu
(radioactive) and FWS. Caliper Log

The caliper log tool generally uses three or four arms that extend from the tool
and scrape against the borehole wall as the tool is being run up the borehole. This
tool is typically run first in any borehole logging operation because a more
expensive tool could become stuck in the hole due to poor borehole wall
conditions. The caliper log data indicate borehole diameter, as well as variations
in diameter that may be related to the presence of open fractures and voids. Acoustic Borehole Image and Optical Borehole Image

The ABI log provides an image based on borehole wall acoustic (sound) wave
reflectivity. This log is sensitive to fractures, jointing, and cavities in the borehole
wall and may indicate poor grout ‘takes’ or ungrouted intervals in the borehole.
The ABI log requires water to operate, and it may be run in clear or opaque water
or in drill fluid.

The OBI log provides a visual image of the borehole wall. It can be run in dry
holes or holes filled with clear water. Similar to the ABI, the OBI log images can
show fractures, jointing, and cavities in the borehole wall and may indicate poor
grout ‘takes’ or ungrouted intervals in the borehole. Generally ABI and OBI are
run together, if possible, because the visual image can complement and enhance
the interpretation from ABI alone. This log requires clear or no fluid in the

ABI and OBI logs are usually run and interpreted together because they give
complementary images of the borehole wall. Figure is an illustration
of an OBI. Ungrouted voids or open joints intercepted by the borehole would
appear as variations in the ABI or OBI images.

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Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

Figure Optical borehole image with true and apparent dip poles. Full Wave Sonic Log

An FWS log shows sonic wave signals that have traveled through the borehole
wall and back to the receiver in the tool. It provides an image based on seismic
velocities in and immediately behind the borehole wall. Variations in this log can
show locations of poor grout ‘takes,’ voids, joints, and cavities. When used with
the GG density log in pregrout and postgrout evaluations, the formation modulus
values and modulus improvement values may be derived.

15-20 DS-13(15) September 2014

Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting Gamma-Gamma Density Log

A GG density log uses a radioactive gamma ray source to bombard the borehole
wall, as well as a gamma ray count detector in the logging tool to record how
many rays have traveled through the formation and back to the detector. In a
calibrated tool, this gamma ray count is then proportional to the bulk density of
materials surrounding the borehole. When used in conjunction with the FWS log,
formation modulus values can be obtained. Neutron Log

The Neu log uses a radioactive neutron source to bombard the borehole wall, as
well as a neutron count detector in the logging tool. The neutron count is
proportional to the amount of hydrogen atoms (i.e., water molecules) in the
borehole wall vicinity. Variations in this log may indicate intervals with very
high or very low grout ‘takes,’ which can be used with ABI, OBI, and modulus
data to interpret overall grouting effectiveness.

15.4.6 Exploratory Shafts and Adits

Exploratory shafts and adits can provide an excellent view of the foundation or
abutment rock mass. Reclamation does not normally use shafts and adits for the
sole purpose of investigating rock permeability and suitability for grouting.
Typically, excavations of this type serve a multipurpose role, and grout design
data collection should take place with a consideration of any exploratory shaft or
adit. Detailed mapping can be made of the discontinuities and used to assess the
suitability of the rock to grouting. Exploratory drilling and testing from within
the tunnel allow the specific targeting of defects within the rock mass for testing.

15.4.7 Grout Testing Programs

Although water tests of exploratory holes and other geologic investigation
methods can indicate the relative permeability of a foundation, there is no
definitive or predictable correlation between the results of the geologic
investigations and the quantity of grout that is needed to obtain closure at the
damsite. Test grouting programs during preconstruction investigations may
furnish useful design information to reduce some of the uncertainty in the
effectiveness of a grouting program and provide higher confidence in the cost
estimates. Reclamation does not typically perform grout test programs because a
test program gives little indication as to how the total foundation will behave.
Reclamation’s experience is that no two grout holes behave the same way, nor can
the results of a test program be extrapolated to how the total grouting program
will behave. On most dam grouting projects, there are few similarities between
either of the abutments and the foundation bottom.

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Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

15.5 Optimum Mix

The most important single factor for foundation grouting is the use of the best or
optimum grout mix. Effective filling of fine joints and cracks may be
significantly reduced by the use of grout that is too thick to penetrate into them.
Conversely, injection of a thin grout into large voids may promote detrimental
shrinkage/bleed, as well as excessive grout travel beyond the target grouting area.
The guidelines discussed throughout this design standard chapter are based on the
use of the optimum mix technique. Reclamation defines the “optimum mix” as
the thickest grout mix which is readily accepted by the rock mass without
prematurely closing off passageways. Determination of the optimum mix should
be made in the field based on the actual grout ‘takes.’ The ultimate objective
when grouting any stage is to establish an optimum grout mix whereby a stage
can be completed to refusal without thickening the grout mix to a point that might
slug passageways prematurely. Proper grouting of a stage to refusal should
eliminate the need to reinject grout into the stage unless intermittent grouting is
planned for large voids or severe leaks, or if rock movement occurs. The
optimum mix is established on a stage-by-stage basis because every grout stage
may behave differently.

Reclamation grouting projects typically use a starting grout mix of 5:1

(water:cement ratio, by volume) 2 with an appropriate dosage of super plasticizer
for each stage unless large voids are discovered during drilling or the primary
focus of grouting is to fill only large voids. The initial mix is gradually thickened
until the optimum mix is reached and the stage achieves the desired closure
criteria without being prematurely slugged with thick grout. Reclamation
grouting practice uses initial grout mixes that are thinner than the expected
optimum mix to avoid losing a stage if thinner grout is needed. The grout mix
can be gradually thickened, as needed, but if the stage is prematurely thickened at
the start of grouting, a new drill hole is necessary. Section 15.15.2 discusses the
guidelines Reclamation follows for thickening the grout mix. The optimum mix
technique maximizes the amount of cement pumped into the formation and
reduces the amount of drilling required for the project.

If the primary purpose of a grout hole is to fill large voids, or when large voids are
discovered during drilling, the initial grout mix should be adjusted to minimize
bleed and contain thixotropic admixtures to increase cohesion as the grout enters
the void. Section 15.10 of this chapter contains suggestions for grout mixes that
minimize bleed, additives that modify the viscosity, and additives that alter the
“set” time.

Some government agencies and engineering firms in the United States and around
the world currently prefer the use of “stable” (consequently, thicker) initial grout

All water:cement ratios discussed in this design standard chapter are by volume unless
otherwise noted.

15-22 DS-13(15) September 2014

Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

mixes relative to Reclamation’s grouting practices. A “stable” grout mix is

defined as a blend of water and cement combined with selected additives and
admixtures that produce a grout with zero bleed, low cohesion, and good
resistance to pressure filtration. The use of stable grout mixes provides the
benefits of near zero water bleed from the grout mix and optimal pressure
filtration performance. The initial grout mixes used on a Reclamation grouting
project do not meet the criteria for zero bleed and optimal pressure filtration
performance and are referred to as “unstable” grout mixes. It should be noted that
if stable grout mixes are judged to be necessary by the grouting engineer and the
designer, Reclamation is not opposed to their use. However, Reclamation
grouting practice would still recommend starting with a 5:1 mix and gradually
thickening from unstable grout mixes to the desired stable mixes only if the rock
mass will readily accept the stable mix.

Bruce and Weaver [4] discuss in detail the potential benefits of using a stable
grout mix. The main arguments in the grouting industry for eliminating unstable
(or thinner) grout mixes are listed below, followed by a brief comment from
Reclamation based on many years of grouting experience and performance data at
Reclamation facilities.


The potential for excessive bleed from unstable grouts results in partial crack

Reclamation Position:

The seepage performance observed after decades of operation of an embankment

provides the best argument for or against this comment. The seepage
performance has been excellent at Reclamation embankments that were
constructed using the best practices for foundation grouting described in this
design standard. Appendix A includes five case histories that illustrate the use of
Reclamation’s grouting practices. Each of the grouting programs summarized in
appendix A was generally constructed using the best practices discussed in this
design standard. The seepage performance data of these dams, along with many
other Reclamation dams, support Reclamation’s position.

In Reclamation’s experience, when using the optimum mix technique, excessive

bleed, resulting in partially unfilled voids, has not been observed. The area being
grouted is typically tested by drilling verification holes in the vicinity of the
grouted area to check the quality of the in-place grout. The recovered samples
from Reclamation grouting projects indicate the rock discontinuities are
completely filled with high quality grout.

Since the failure of Teton Dam in 1976, all new Reclamation dams have been
independently peer reviewed by noted experts in the field of embankment dam

DS-13(15) September 2014 15-23

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

engineering and construction. After viewing Reclamation’s grouting results,

consultant review boards have not expressed any remaining concerns related to
partial crack filling resulting from excessive bleed water generated during

In Reclamation’s experience, as grout is injected into openings within bedrock

under pressure, the cement particles will settle out at some distance from the
injection point, be filtered at choke points in the discontinuity network, and stick
to the rock opening being grouted. As grouting progresses over a period of time
while under pressure, water is continuously pushed out of the grout mixture.
Reclamation’s combination of pressure, time, and grout ‘take’ requirements for
stage refusal minimize bleed water left within discontinuities, and high quality
grout is left in the bedrock opening.

Figure 15.5-1 illustrates what is typically observed in a grout check hole after
grouting is complete. The grout observed in the bedding planes was hard, with no
partial crack filling observed.

Figure 15.5-1. Photo illustrates grout infilling (shown in purple) of joint

within a grout check hole


There is perceived to be little benefit to using grout mixes that are thinner than

15-24 DS-13(15) September 2014

Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

Reclamation Position:

In the arid and semi-arid Western States of the United States, where Reclamation
has constructed the majority of its dams, seepage losses must be minimized given
the high economic value of water in these dry regions. In many cases, thin grout
mixes were needed to penetrate finer openings in bedrock to reduce seepage
losses to an acceptable level. The remedial grouting performed at Hoover Dam is
an excellent case history [5] that supports the effectiveness of thin grouts in the
Western United States. Uplift pressures and leakage into drainage galleries at
Hoover Dam were judged to be excessive during initial filling of the reservoir in
1937 and 1938. It was believed that the original grout curtain was not deep
enough to provide an adequate cutoff given the extremely large head induced by
the reservoir; and that rapid setting of cement occurred due to high alkaline
groundwater, resulting in limited grout travel. Installation of additional drain
holes and remedial grouting was performed between 1938 and 1947 to reduce
uplift pressures and seepage. Water:cement ratios generally ranged from 15:1 to
5:1 during the remedial grouting although some 20:1 mixes were used. At the
beginning of the program, the water:cement ratios varied from 7:1 to 3:1 but
thinner mixes were used more frequently as work progressed. Thinner grouts
were found to be more successful for reducing seepage. As grouting progressed,
grout thicker than 7:1 was rarely used unless surface leaks developed. The
combination of additional drain holes and grouting was effective in reducing
seepage and uplift pressures. In the late 1980s, an elevator shaft was excavated
within the downstream right abutment of Hoover Dam. There was little to no
seepage within this elevator shaft excavation that extended almost 600 feet
vertically, which further supports the effectiveness over time of the thin grout
mixes used at Hoover Dam.

In dry conditions, grout travel may be increased by using thinner initial grout
mixes. In-place rock usually has both primary and secondary permeability. As
grout is being injected into the rock formation, the pore space of a dry rock mass
will absorb some of the water from the grout mixture. The use of thinner grout
will result in greater penetration and travel since bleed water is available for


Excessive bleed from thin grouts results in weaker/less durable grout.

Reclamation Position:

In Reclamation’s inventory of dams, this issue has not been observed when using
the best practices described in this chapter. Performance of grout curtains on
Reclamation projects show no indications of grout breakdown over time. Five

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case histories have been summarized in this chapter. Each of these case histories
indicate that there is little to no change in the quantity of seepage collected over

Some additional benefits for using unstable (thin) initial grout include:

 The optimum mix technique maximizes the amount of cement pumped

into the ground.

 The need for a multiple-row curtain is greatly reduced because the

optimum mix technique results in relatively larger grout travel distances
upstream and downstream of the single-line grout curtain.

 The likelihood of excessive drilling is reduced because no stage is

prematurely “slugged” with grout that is not readily accepted by the rock

 Progressive thickening of the grout mix and stage refusal criteria using the
optimum mix technique are based on the grouting results, rather than
having stage refusal being based on time allowed for each stage that can
result in premature closure of the hole due to overthickening of the grout

15.6 Grout Curtain Design

15.6.1 Grout Curtain Location
For a zoned embankment dam with a central impervious core, the grout curtain is
typically located slightly upstream of the midpoint of the base of the impervious
core material. The final location of the grout curtain should be based on the type
of dam, the configuration of the impervious portion of the dam, seepage gradients,
and the geologic conditions below the dam. Some general guidelines for locating
a grout curtain, which should be consistent for any embankment dam design,

 If the grout curtain is placed closer to the upstream toe of the core, then
high gradients may exist from the embankment core into the foundation.

 If the grout curtain is placed closer to the downstream toe of the core, then
high gradients may exist from the foundation into the core.

 The location of the grout curtain should be at or upstream of the dam


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Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

Many examples of grout curtain location can be found in Reclamation’s

Maximum Sections and Earthwork Control Statistics [6]. In general, most of the
grout curtains for more recent Reclamation embankment dams (designed after
1970) are located at or just upstream of the midpoint of the base of the impervious
core of the embankment.

When locating the grout curtain, one of the most important considerations is the
potential for high gradients at the embankment/foundation contact if the rock is
permeable. Designers must consider the implications of high gradients at the base
of the core and the potential for scour of the embankment core materials in this
area. For permeable rock foundations, blanket grouting is highly recommended to
reduce the potential for high gradients within the embankment core over the grout

Once the location, orientation, and depth of grout curtain holes are established,
sufficient overlap distances need to be provided in areas where there is a sharp
change in the grout curtain alignment, a reversal of the grout hole orientations,
and beneath underground structures to avoid windows within the grout curtain.
“Windows” in the grout curtain can result in areas of high seepage gradients that
could cause scour of the joint infillings or of the embankment core materials.
Figure 15.6.1-1 is a simplified illustration showing how reversing the grout hole
orientation results in a large window within the grout curtain.

Figure 15.6.1-1. Illustration of large window in grout curtain resulting from reversal
of grout hole orientation.

15.6.2 Curtain Depth

Unless special geologic conditions dictate otherwise, general practice for modern
Reclamation dams is to extend the primary grout holes to a depth below the
surface of the rock equal to about 0.5 to 1.0 times the reservoir head, which lies
above the surface of the rock. The selected design depth for the grout curtain
should be based on the geology, regional groundwater conditions, permeability

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test results, potential failure modes, O&M needs, and seepage analyses. In many
cases, the curtain depth may vary across the damsite, depending on the damsite’s
geologic conditions.

Once the depth for the primary holes is selected, Reclamation typically decreases
the specified minimum depths of the remaining intermediate grout holes by a
stage length or two relative to the preceding series of holes (primary, secondary,
etc.). Progressively diminishing the minimum depths of intermediate holes is
justifiable because higher pressures are used on deeper stages, thus forcing grout
to travel farther and cover a larger area.

It should be noted that the final depth of the secondary, tertiary, and quaternary
grout holes will be determined in the field based on the actual grout ‘takes’ from
the preceding series of grout holes. Section 15.6.7 discusses this issue in greater

15.6.3 Injection Pressure

Reclamation practice is to inject the highest quantity of grout at the allowable
injection pressure without causing uplift, horizontal movement, fracturing,
rupturing, and excessive grout travel. Reclamation typically uses a maximum
injection pressure of 1.0 pounds per square inch per foot (lb/in2/ft) of depth
measured from the surface to the packer, plus back pressure due to artesian
waterflows. Adjustments are made to the maximum injection pressure, if
necessary, based on the results of the preconstruction geologic investigations,
engineering analyses, the behavior of the rock mass during water testing and
grouting, and the results of the grouting program. Reclamation typically does not
account for the static weight of the grout, frictional head losses, or groundwater
levels when determining the maximum injection pressure of a grout stage. Back
pressure is measured at the pressure gauge on the manifold. Reclamation
specifies the use of a short tail hose length attached to the manifold; therefore, no
adjustment is made for head losses or gains from the manifold to the grout hole
standpipe. This maximum injection pressure is recommended for new dams only.
Remedial grouting below an existing embankment dam requires special attention,
and this situation is discussed separately in section 15.9.1 of this chapter.

Injection pressures must be monitored and controlled at all times to prevent

damage to the foundation or structure. The injection of fluid grout can result in
hydraulic jacking or hydraulic fracturing caused by the use of excessive injection
pressures. Grout pressures must be adjusted, as needed, to eliminate hydraulic
jacking or hydraulic fracturing. The maximum injection pressure is measured at
the pressure gauge located between the control valve and grout hole valve on the
grout manifold (see figure 15.6.3-3). The gauge pressure on the manifold does
not represent the actual grout pressure at the bottom of the packer within the hole,
which is often referred to as the effective grouting pressure (Peff). The effective

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grouting pressure at the bottom of the packer must factor in the static head of the
grout column, elevation of the manifold pressure gauge above or below the top of
the rock surface, groundwater levels, and frictional head losses from the pressure
gauge to the packer. Figure 15.6.3-1 is an illustration for calculating the effective
pressure at the bottom of the packer.

Figure 15.6.3-1. Illustration for calculating effective grout pressure at the bottom
of the packer.

In the 1980s, Reclamation evaluated the need to attach a pressure gauge just
below the packer within the grout hole [7]. The field testing results indicated
that the effective pressure at the packer could be closely estimated by fairly
simple calculations; however, thin grout mixes were used for this test, which
limited frictional head losses in the packer pipe. Given the expense of the
instrumentation necessary to make this measurement, the potential for damage of
these instruments and the number of instruments that could be required during a
large grouting project, Reclamation currently does not require a down-the-hole
pressure gauge.

The maximum injection pressure may vary, depending on many factors such as
ground water, distance to the nearest free surface, purpose of the grouting,
orientation of the joints and bedding planes, rock quality, etc. For example,
foundations with horizontal bedding planes tend to be more susceptible to uplift
than steeply dipping formations. In hard, massive rock, Reclamation has often
increased the maximum injection pressure by up to 50 lb/in2 above the 1 lb/in2/ft
of depth. In bedded sedimentary rock units, Reclamation has often decreased the

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injection pressures to avoid uplift and fracturing. The tensile strength and
three-dimensional effects in the rock mass are relied upon to avoid heave when
the injection pressure exceeds the overburden pressure. An analysis of the rock
mass stress relationships and tensile strengths along bedding planes may be
necessary to evaluate whether or not the 1.0 lb/in2/ft injection pressure would
result in damage to the rock mass. The grout injection pressures used in abutment
fan holes should also be evaluated to reduce the likelihood of uplift or horizontal
rock movement near the top of the abutments.

Reclamation requires the use of a circulating grout line for a foundation

grouting project that includes a grout manifold (synonymous with “header”).
Figure 15.6.3-2 illustrates a circulating line system. Figure 15.6.3-3 shows the
standard Reclamation grout manifold design. This standard drawing number for
the grout manifold is currently 40-D-7100 and is included in appendix E of this
chapter. A grout manifold allows for monitoring and regulating grout flows and
pressures. Figure 15.6.3-4 illustrates a grout manifold used at a Reclamation

Figure 15.6.3-2. Circulating line system.

During grouting, it is important to ascertain if a stage has back pressure or holding

pressure. Differentiating between back pressure and holding pressure takes place
at the manifold (discussed in section During a foundation grouting
project, back pressure often occurs when the formation is being lifted or squeezed,
and the deformation of the rockmass tends to compress and force the grout back

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Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

out of the hole. Back pressure can also occur when grout flows above the
injection point, such as in an abutment. Holding pressure is normal and occurs
gradually as the stage approaches refusal. When the holding pressure equals the
pumping pressure, grout is not being injected because equilibrium has been

Figure 15.6.3-3. Reclamation’s standard grout manifold drawing (flowmeter not


Two pressure gauges, both protected by pressure sensors, should be installed in

the circulating grout line. As discussed above, one gauge is installed on the
manifold, and a second gauge should be installed in the outlet to the supply line at
the pump. The gauge near the grout plant allows the operator to monitor and
regulate the pressure to match the needs of the stage being grouted.

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Figure 15.6.3-4. Grout manifold used at a Reclamation grouting


15.6.4 Grouting Methods

Methods of grouting commonly used by Reclamation include single-stage,
upstage, or downstage grouting. Single-Stage Grouting

Single-stage grouting consists of drilling the hole to full depth, washing the hole,
water testing, and grouting the hole in one stage. This method should be limited
to grouting shallow holes (  20 feet) in relatively sound rock with no major
surface leaks. Figure illustrates single-stage grouting. Upstage Grouting

Packers permit grouting of predetermined stages at any depth. Upstage grouting
consists of drilling the hole to full depth, washing the hole, setting the packer
within the drill hole at the top of the lowest stage level, water testing, and
grouting the stage. Grouting of additional stages in the drill hole is performed
upward using packers. Once refusal is reached on a stage, Reclamation practice is
to proceed to water testing and grouting the next stage immediately unless back
pressure is encountered. Water should be flushed through the packer to clean it
between stages. If back pressure is encountered, water testing and grouting of the
next stage is delayed until the grout in the previous stage has reached initial set
(2 to 6 hours). When practical, Reclamation prefers to use upstage grouting
because the drill may only need to be set up once, which leads to considerable
cost and time savings compared to downstage grouting. Figure
illustrates upstage grouting.

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Figure Single-stage grouting.

Figure Upstage grouting.

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When drilling an upstage grout hole, the contractor and inspector must closely
monitor the rate of drilling water injection and return from the grout hole. If there
is a drill water loss of 50 percent or more, or if artesian flows are encountered
when drilling a grout hole for upstage grouting, Reclamation practice is to drill
several additional feet below the pervious feature. The pervious feature would
then be cleaned, water tested, and grouted in accordance with the specifications.
Once the grout has set, the remaining length of the grout hole can be drilled.
Figure illustrates upstage grouting when water losses are encountered.

Figure Upstage grouting when water loss occurs. Downstage Grouting

In descending stages, the hole is staged from the top downward by drilling one
stage at a time. Once the first stage is drilled, washed, water tested, and grouted,
sufficient set time must be provided before redrilling to prevent washout of
partially set grout in the stage. Once the grout has sufficiently set, an additional
stage length is drilled. The packer is set at the top of the new stage, followed by
water testing and grouting. Subsequent lower stages are drilled and grouted in a
similar manner. Because drills have to be set up multiple times on one hole,
downstage grouting is more expensive than upstage grouting and is only used by

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Reclamation if poor conditions (such as caving, squeezing, or packer leakage)

within the grout hole are encountered. Figure illustrates downstage
grouting of a grout hole.

Figure Downstage grouting.

If there is a drill water loss of 50 percent or more, or if artesian flows are

encountered when drilling a grout hole for downstage grouting, Reclamation
practice is to drill several additional feet below the pervious feature. The pervious
feature would then be cleaned, water tested, and grouted in accordance with the
specifications. Once the grout has set, the remaining length of the grout hole can
be drilled.

If no blanket grouting is included in the design, and excessive surface leaks are
occurring that delay the project, consideration should be given to grouting the
shallowest stage of a curtain hole first to seal near surface leaks, followed by
drilling to the lowest stage level and using upstage grouting procedures to grout
the remaining stages in the drill hole. Sealing near-surface leaks at a lower
injection pressure in shallow holes can save considerable time if delays are

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occurring from surface leaks while deeper stages are grouted under
larger injection pressures.

Staging downward is recommended when the foundation formation is relatively

soft and the drill water tends to wash the hole larger, which could prevent proper
seating of a packer in ascending stages. Staging downward is also helpful for
grouting jointed rock that allows grout to bypass the packer or stabilizing a caving
formation by grouting and allowing the grout to set before redrilling. Multiple Port Sleeved Pipe

If grouting is necessary in extremely poor rock conditions, and the methods
discussed above will not work (such as in friable rock or collapsing borehole
walls) multiple port sleeved pipe (MPSP) casing provides grouting ports at
regular intervals along the casing. Reclamation has no dams in its inventory for
which MPSPs were necessary for grouting. If extremely difficult rock is
encountered, Bruce and Weaver [4], the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE) [8], and Houlsby [1] provide some guidance on MPSP systems.

15.6.5 Stage Length

Reclamation typically specifies shorter stage lengths near the rock surface and
longer stage lengths at greater depths within the grout hole. As the injection
pressure increases with depth, longer stage lengths are used. The shallowest stage
in a grout curtain hole is often limited to 0 to 10 feet. Between depths of 10 feet
and 90 feet, each stage length is often limited to 20 feet. Between depths of
90 feet and 220 feet, each stage length is typically limited to 30-foot stage lengths.
At depths exceeding 220 feet, stage lengths of 40 feet can be used. In poor rock
conditions, the stage lengths at depth may need to be reduced as needed.

15.6.6 Single Row Versus Multiple Row Grout Curtain

When using Reclamation’s optimum mix technique, a single row of grout holes
has commonly been used by Reclamation to form the grout curtain. For dams
where geologic conditions are difficult, such as highly fractured rock, soluble
rock, presence of large voids, or high permeability rock, multiple rows of grout
holes may be necessary to form the grout curtain. When three rows of holes are
planned, the upstream and downstream rows are grouted ahead of the middle row.
The two outer rows serve as barriers to limit grout travel from the middle row (or
closure row).

If stable grout mixes are exclusively used for a grouting project, current grouting
industry practice would require the use of a multiple row grout curtain.

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15.6.7 Grout Hole Spacing and Closure Criteria Split Spacing Method
Reclamation uses the split spacing method to obtain closure during foundation
grouting. Curtain grouting is initially divided into “pattern” lengths. A typical
Reclamation closure pattern is 80 feet long with grout holes on 10-foot centers
measured perpendicular from one hole to the next, and consists of primary (P),
secondary (S), tertiary (T), and quaternary (Q) grout holes. Using the optimum
mix technique, grout travel can be extensive in some cases. The 80-foot spacing
of the primary holes limits the likelihood of communication to adjacent primary
grout holes. Figure illustrates the layout of primary, secondary, tertiary
and quaternary grout holes within an 80-foot closure pattern.

Figure Typical Reclamation 80-foot grout hole pattern using the split
spacing method.

The split spacing method begins with drilling and grouting the primary holes.
Upon completing grouting of the primary holes within a closure pattern, the
secondary hole is drilled halfway between the primary holes and grouted. Upon
completing grouting of the secondary grout hole within a closure pattern, the
tertiary holes are drilled halfway between the secondary and primary holes and
grouted. The quaternary holes are then drilled halfway between the primary,
secondary, and tertiary grout holes and grouted. For a single row grout curtain or
the closure row in a multiple row grout curtain, additional split spacing may be
necessary, depending on the actual grout ‘takes’ in the quaternary holes and the

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closure criteria. Section discusses the method of determining the need
for additional grout holes based on the grout ‘takes’ and closure criteria. When
grouting the upstream and downstream rows in a multiple row grout curtain, no
additional split spacing is performed upon completing the scheduled grout holes
in each grout pattern.

Ideally, the grout ‘takes’ and water test results should decrease as closure
progresses. The optimum mix will likely be somewhat thinner in the closure
tertiary and quaternary holes than in the primary holes. Reclamation experience
has shown that the primary grout holes may take 55 to 70 percent of the total
volume of cement, the secondary holes may take 10 to 30 percent of the
total volume of cement, the tertiary holes may take 5 to 20 percent of the total
volume of cement, and the quaternary holes may take 0 to 5 percent of the total
volume of cement. Additional closure holes usually account for less than
1 percent of the total volume of cement ‘take.’ If unusually high ‘takes’ occur in
the closure holes, an assessment must be made to determine the cause. Water Testing of Grout Holes

Prior to pressure grouting in the grout curtain holes, each stage shall be tested
with clean water under continuous pressure. The pressure used for each water test
should be equal to the pressure anticipated for grouting. In upstage grouting,
Reclamation does allow the contractor to water test and grout the lowest stage and
then upstage with water testing and grouting of the remaining stages in the hole.
The packer should be cleaned by flushing the hole with water between grouting
and water testing.

Once waterflow into the drill hole has stabilized, the water pressure test
performed prior to grouting is performed again for at least 5 minutes per stage.
Longer periods may be needed if significant water ‘takes’ occur to verify the
rate of ‘take’ or to wash out material from foundation discontinuities. Figure illustrates a water test manifold configuration used by a contractor on a
Reclamation grouting project.

Reclamation uses the results of the water test to determine if grouting of a stage is
necessary. Reclamation experience has shown that if a formation ‘takes’ less than
1 cubic foot (ft3) of water over a 5-minute water test duration, the stage is likely to
accept little to no grout. The criteria for when to grout a stage (referred to as a
“hookup” in grouting specification paragraphs) must be verified on every job for
each location of the grout curtain alignment (left abutment, valley, and right
abutment), as well as for variations with depth and geology. Reclamation
recommends using an initial criterion for hookups of 1 ft3 of water or greater
over 5 minutes. If minimal grout ‘takes’ are occurring at somewhat low water
test values (1.0 to 2.0 ft3 over 5 minutes), the criterion for hookups could be
increased to 2 ft3 of water or greater over 5 minutes. If large grout ‘takes’ are
occurring at somewhat low water test values (1.0 to 2.0 ft3 over 5 minutes),
the criterion for hookups could be reduced to 0.5 ft3 of water or greater over

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5 minutes. If, at any time, the grouting engineer or grout inspectors feel that a
hookup is necessary on a particular stage, regardless of the water test result, this
judgment should outweigh the result of the water test.

Figure Typical manifold configuration used by contractors

for water tests. Stage Refusal

For a single row grout curtain and the closure row within a multiple row grout
curtain, Reclamation recommends discontinuing grouting when the grout rate of
flow is less than 1 ft3 of grout in 20 minutes if pressures of 50 lb/in2 or less are
used, in 15 minutes if pressures between 50 and 100 lb/in2 are used; or in

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10 minutes if pressures between 100 and 250 lb/in2 are used. Grouting of any
stage could also be discontinued when less than two bags of cement per hour are
being injected during continuous pumping over a period of 2 hours.

For the upstream and downstream grout curtain rows within a triple row grout
curtain, Reclamation recommends doubling the stage refusal criteria established
for the closure row. Grout Pattern Closure Criteria

Reclamation uses the total quantity of cement injected into each stage to
determine grout pattern closure criteria. Reclamation’s current closure criterion
for a single row grout curtain, or the closure row within a multiple row grout
curtain, is 0.5 bags of cement per foot of linear drill hole length (bags/ft) within
each split-spaced grout closure pattern for each stage. Reclamation dams that
have been grouted to this closure criterion have shown exceptional performance.
In addition, many of the dams built using this criterion have been located in areas
where water is a precious resource and minimal seepage was desired. If
constructing a dam in areas where some seepage can be tolerated, it may be
acceptable to loosen the closure criterion to 1.0 bags/ft. Prior to 1970s, many
Reclamation grout curtains used 1.0 bag/ft as the closure criterion, and their
performance has been satisfactory.

For the upstream and downstream grout curtain rows within a multiple row grout
curtain, Reclamation recommends doubling the closure criteria established for the
closure row to determine the final depth of each grout hole.

For a single row grout curtain or the closure row within a multiple row grout
curtain, the final hole spacing and depth of the grout holes are dependent on the
actual grout ‘takes.’ The primary holes are always drilled to the design depth of
the grout curtain. A minimum length is provided in the specifications for all other
scheduled holes. Figure provides an example of the initial layout of a
120-foot-deep grout curtain. The final maximum depths of all other grout holes in
the 80-foot closure pattern are dependent upon the grout ‘take’ within each stage
in the preceding series of holes (primary, secondary, etc.). If the closure criteria
at the bottom stage in any hole is exceeded, the next hole series adjacent to this
grout is usually extended another 20 feet deeper than the design depth.

The following information provides guidance for determining the depths of a

secondary grout hole between two primary grout holes:

 Upon completing the adjacent primary holes, the secondary hole within a
closure pattern should extend to the design depth or to the lowest stage in
the primary grout hole at which grout ‘takes’ exceeded a ½ bag/ft plus
20 feet. In instances where the stage at the bottom of the grout curtain in
the primary grout hole has grout ‘takes’ that exceed a ½ bag/ft, the

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designer and field staff may elect to extend the depth of the secondary
hole below the depth of the primary hole to obtain closure at depth.

 The greater of the two depths is selected in the field for the secondary
grout hole.

 Figure shows an example for determining the depth of

secondary grout holes.

Figure Evaluation of secondary hole depth within an 80-foot grout hole

The following information provides guidance for determining the depths of the
tertiary grout holes.

 Upon completing the primary and secondary grout holes, the tertiary grout
holes should extend to the design depth or to the lowest stage (or lower,
depending on geology) at which an adjacent secondary grout hole had
grout ‘takes’ that exceeded a ½ bag/ft plus 20 feet.

 The greater of the two depths is selected in the field for the tertiary grout

The following information provides guidance for determining the depths of the
quaternary grout holes.

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 Upon completing the primary, secondary, and tertiary grout holes, the
quaternary grout holes should extend to the design depth or to the lowest
stage (or lower, depending on geology) at which an adjacent tertiary grout
hole had grout ‘takes’ that exceeded a ½ bag/ft plus 20 feet.

 The greater of the two depths is selected in the field for the quaternary
grout hole.

If any of the quaternary grout hole stages within a single row grout curtain or
closure row in a multiple row grout curtain exceed ½ bag/ft, additional closure
holes would be added using the split spacing method until closure is obtained to
½ bag/ft or less. If closure is not obtained on quinary holes, which would be the
5th series of grout holes in a closure pattern and would reduce the grout hole
spacing to 5-foot centers, consideration should be given to locating additional
grout holes (senary and septenary) upstream or downstream of the grout curtain,
rather than locating grout holes on 2.5-foot centers.

For the upstream and downstream rows in multiple row grout curtain, only the
scheduled grout holes would be grouted. No additional split spacing outside of
the scheduled grout holes is performed. The guidance discussed in this section for
determining the final depth of each grout hole would not change for the upstream
and downstream rows within a multiple row grout curtain.

15.6.8 Grout Standpipes and Grout Cap

Prior to drilling and grouting, grout standpipes (also known as nipples or grout
collars) are installed into the rock formation to facilitate drilling and grouting.
Grout standpipes consist of steel pipes of an appropriate diameter to
accommodate the drill hole size necessary for grouting. On most Reclamation
projects, the inside diameter of the standpipe is the same nominal diameter as the
drill bit. When drill hole caving issues arise, the standpipe diameter is typically
increased by ½ inch to accommodate casing pipe within the drill hole if it is
necessary. The inside diameter of the standpipe should not be more than ½ inch
larger than the anticipated drill bit size. The use of larger standpipes results in a
decrease in velocity of the flushing fluids through the standpipe and results in
issues related to removing drill cuttings from the hole.

Figure 15.6.8-1 shows a typical grout standpipe detail. The grout standpipes are
installed at all scheduled hole locations within the 80-foot closure reach prior to
drilling. The grout standpipes should extend at least 6 inches above the rock
surface and are typically set at least 2 feet into bedrock to hold the pipe firmly.
Additional depths may be needed to provide a firm base. The height of the grout
standpipes above rock should not interfere with the drill rig specified for the
project. The standpipes should be set within 1 degree (in both the horizontal and
vertical direction) to the desired inclination to avoid “windows” in the grout

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curtain. Figure 15.6.8-2 illustrates a contractor drilling and setting standpipes

along a single row grout curtain.

Figure 15.6.8-1. Typical grout hole standpipe detail.

Figure 15.6.8-2. Contractor setting standpipes along a single row grout curtain.

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In cases where bedrock is badly jointed or broken below the surface, a grout cap
may be necessary to establish a cutoff at the surface. Badly jointed or broken
rock near the surface often leads to excessive surface leaks near surface in the
vicinity of the grout standpipe. Surface leaks can limit grout pressure and,
subsequently, grout travel. Caulking leaks under these conditions is sometimes
difficult. The grout cap is usually about 3 feet wide and 3 to 8 feet deep. If
blasting is needed for this excavation, a grout cap is probably unnecessary.
Reclamation has typically used a rock saw and/or standard excavation equipment
for the grout cap excavation. The grout cap is created by placing concrete into the
excavation. The grout standpipes are embedded in the grout cap at the specified
hole inclination and direction. Figure 15.6.8-3 shows a typical detail for a grout

Table 15.6.8-1 summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of a grout cap. It

should be noted that Reclamation practice is to avoid the use of grout caps under
embankment dams, if possible, because of the difficulty in sealing the contact
between the grout cap and the foundation rock. In most embankment dam
foundations, it is difficult to keep the grout cap at the same elevation as the rock,
which results in additional foundation treatment and special compaction in this
area. Alternatives to grout caps may include extending the depth of the standpipe
or leaving the foundation high and performing the final excavation after grouting
is complete, provided that no blasting is required for the final foundation
excavation. Blanket grouting, which is discussed in section 15.7, may also reduce
the need for a grout cap.

Figure 15.6.8-3. Grout cap detail.

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Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

Table 15.6.8-1. Advantages and disadvantages of a grout cap

Grout Cap
Advantages Disadvantages
Good anchorage for standpipes and may Increased costs associated with
allow for the use of shorter standpipes excavation and concrete

Forms near-surface seepage barrier of Potentially creates the need for special
zone 1 contact compaction, particularly where rock
deteriorates next to the grout cap, or if
the grout cap is not flush with the
foundation surface

Provides good work platform for drilling Excavation for the cap may disturb
and grouting (damage) the foundation

Provides control for heave monitoring

and inspection

15.7 Blanket Grouting

15.7.1 Location
Blanket grouting (also known as “consolidation grouting”) involves the use of
low-pressure shallow grouting to seal near-surface bedrock beneath the
impervious core of the embankment and provide a firmer foundation for the dam.
For an embankment dam, blanket grouting is used in areas of highly fractured
rock or high permeability, open jointed rock that may lead to seepage and internal
erosion issues when the reservoir is filled. Blanket grouting is typically limited to
the impervious core footprint beneath the embankment. In most cases, the
foundation beneath the impervious core requires some blanket grouting. The
extent of blanket grouting is initially laid out by the designer, grouting engineer,
and project geologist. After the final excavation surface is exposed, the final
extent of blanket grouting is reviewed and adjusted by the designer, grouting
specialist, and field staff.

Blanket grout holes are scheduled grout holes that are shown in the design
drawings. Blanket grouting is performed prior to curtain grouting to limit the
amount of surface leakage during higher pressure curtain grouting.

15.7.2 Depth
Blanket grout holes are typically 20 to 30 feet deep. For embankments that are
less than 100 feet high, 20-foot-deep blanket grout holes are typically sufficient.

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For larger dams, Reclamation typically uses 30-foot-deep blanket grout holes.
Geologic factors may influence the depth of the blanket grout holes.

15.7.3 Stage Length

Blanket grout holes can be grouted in one stage, or two stages, depending on the
depth and the amount of surface leakage observed during grouting. Blanket grout
holes that are 30 feet deep are typically grouted into two stages: 0 to 10 feet, and
10 to 30 feet. Blanket holes that are 20 feet deep are often grouted in one stage,
unless extensive surface leaks occur. If surface leaks occur, the 20-foot-deep hole
may be separated into two stages, with the shallow stage grouted first at lower
pressure, in an effort to limit surface leakage from the higher pressure stage.

15.7.4 Pressure
The top stage, or only stage, for blanket grout holes is typically limited to 5 to
10 lb/in2 at the manifold, plus back pressure due to artesian waterflows. Injection
pressures are adjusted in the field, as necessary, to safeguard against foundation
displacement. In hard, sound rock, Reclamation has used an injection pressure as
high as 25 lb/in2 for the top stage. If two stages are necessary, the maximum
injection pressure for the lower stage is limited to 1 lb/in2/ft of depth, plus back
pressure measured from the surface to the packer.

15.7.5 Blanket Grouting Methods

When practical, Reclamation prefers to use upstage grouting procedures because
the drill may only need to be set up once, which results in considerable cost and
time savings, compared to downstage grouting, unless caving or a loss of water
circulation occurs.

Section 15.6.4 discusses the procedures for upstage, downstage, and single-stage

15.7.6 Spacing and Closure Criteria Split Spacing Method
Blanket grout holes are typically arranged in a grid and are spaced 10 to 20 feet
apart, depending on the nature of the bedrock surface. Figure shows a
typical Reclamation blanket grout hole pattern with a grout hole spacing at
roughly 10-foot centers. The primary grout holes are initially drilled and grouted
on 40-foot centers within each row. The location of the primary grout holes

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Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

are typically offset in adjacent rows. The secondary grout holes are then drilled
and grouted at the midpoint between the primary grout holes within each row.
Tertiary grout holes are then drilled and grouted at the midpoint between the
primary and secondary grout holes within each row. The quaternary and quinary
grout holes are located within a new row. The quaternary grout holes are drilled
and grouted at the midpoint between the primary and secondary grout holes in
adjacent rows. The quinary grout holes are drilled and grouted at the midpoint
between the quaternary grout holes. If the closure criterion is not reached on the
quinary grout holes, additional grout holes are then drilled and grouted around the
quinary grout holes that exceeded the closure criteria. Figure
illustrates an array of blanket grout holes on a recent Reclamation grouting

Figure Plan view of typical Reclamation blanket hole layout.

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Figure Drilling and grouting of blanket grout holes on a Reclamation

project. Water Testing

Reclamation’s best practices for water testing a grout hole stage and when to
grout a stage, based on the water test result, were previously discussed for the
grout curtain in section Reclamation’s water testing practices for water
testing blanket grout holes are similar to the practices discussed for curtain
grouting. Stage Refusal Criteria

Reclamation’s best practices stage refusal were previously discussed for the grout
curtain in section Reclamation’s stage refusal criteria for blanket grout
holes are similar to the criteria discussed for curtain grouting. Grid Closure Criteria

The blanket grout holes often have the same closure criteria selected for the grout
curtain holes. If any of the quinary grout holes exceed the closure criteria,
additional quinary grout holes should be added, as needed, to obtain closure.
Figure shows how to evaluate the need for additional closure holes. As
shown in the figure, one of the quinary holes had a stage that exceeded ½ bag/ft.
For this reason, four senary grout holes were added around the quinary grout hole
that exceeded that closure criteria.

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Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

Figure Evaluation of closure for blanket grout holes.

15.8 Stitch Grouting

Reclamation uses the term “stitch grouting” to refer to grouting that is performed
to seal isolated pervious fractures, such as fault zones, that are exposed on the
foundation surface that lie outside of the blanket grouting footprint and within the
footprint of the impervious core. Provisions are made in the specifications that
allow the field staff to add additional grout holes for stitch grouting.

The design for stitch grouting is very similar to the design for blanket grouting.
The orientation of the fracture(s) needs to be known to allow for optimal grout
hole inclination. Stitch grout holes are typically about 30 feet deep. Primary
grout holes are usually laid out on a 20- or 40-foot pattern along very large
fractures, and faults with closure holes are added in between them as needed.

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15.9 Special Conditions

15.9.1 Remedial Grouting Through Embankments
If remedial grouting beneath an existing embankment dam is performed, care
must be taken to avoid damaging the embankment during drilling, washing the
hole, water testing, and grouting. A conservative “do no harm” approach must
always be taken when grouting beneath an existing embankment dam. When
designing a remedial grouting program through an existing embankment dam, the
grout mix selected, allowable injection pressures, curtain location and depth,
grouting method, etc., must include consideration for dam and foundation specific
features such as the orientation of joints and bedding planes within the foundation
rock, filters, drains, instrumentation, etc.

Some common issues that could occur during drilling and grouting include:

 Excessive grout pressures within the foundation bedrock may result in

hydraulic fracturing of the embankment.

 Poor embankment/foundation contact seal, combined with damage from

drilling and grouting fluids, result in erosion of the embankment materials.

 Poor embankment/foundation contact seal, combined with damage from

drilling and grouting fluids, result in hydraulic fracturing of the

To avoid these issues, casing must be installed through the embankment or

overburden materials prior to initiating drilling and grouting through the
foundation bedrock, and the casing must extend a minimum of 2 feet into
bedrock. Drilling
Reclamation prefers the use of hollow stem augers and sonic drilling within
embankment dams and prohibits the use of air and fluid based drilling methods
because the use of air or drill fluid within an embankment dam can result in
hydraulic fracturing. Compressed air drilling should never be used within an
embankment dam. In some cases, rotary duplex drilling may be necessary and
approved when drilling within an embankment dam or overburden materials for
remedial grouting. The use of water within the inner drill string within a duplex
drill may be approved in special cases provided that all of the drill cuttings and
fluid are returned to the surface within the annular space between the inner and
outer casing. The use of mud is not recommended because the casing will be
embedded several feet in rock, and this mud could plug off fractures at the
embankment/foundation contact that would accept grout. If hollow stem augers
are specified, a duplex drill with an auger as the inner drill string would allow a
flush joint casing to be installed with the outer drill string. The advantage in this

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Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

scenario is that the augers can be retrieved, and the outer casing can be pulled,
after the annulus between the outer casing and standpipe is grouted. Reclamation
would permit the outer casing to be installed with rotation. Advancing the outer
or inner casing via wet or dry percussion is not permitted. The initial drilling
within the embankment must extend 2 to 5 feet into sound bedrock. The initial
bedrock embedment depth of the casing is based on the quality of the bedrock at
the embankment/foundation contact. Drill holes should be inclined to intercept
the maximum number of fractures possible per foot of drilling. Casing of Grout Holes

After the outer casing is installed, a standpipe is placed within the drill hole to
allow for future drilling and grouting within bedrock, while providing a proper
seal through the embankment. The size of the inner casing material is selected
based on the drill hole size necessary for drilling and grouting within bedrock.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe is often used as the standpipe material.

Care must be taken to ensure that a proper seal is developed through the
embankment and at the embankment/foundation contact. Once the standpipe and
outer casing are installed, the annulus between the two pipes must be grouted.
The procedure for grouting this area depends on whether or not the interface at the
embankment/foundation contact needs to be grouted. For most Reclamation
embankments where zone 1 materials were placed directly on bedrock, final
foundation cleanup likely removed weathered material and poor rock at the
bedrock surface, and high quality compacted fill was placed directly over
bedrock. In this scenario, treatment at the interface is probably unnecessary, and
the annulus between the inner and outer casing would be grouted in one stage.
Tremieing grout between the two pipes at the surface is unlikely to result in
complete filling of the annulus and should not be permitted in the specifications.
Filling of the annulus should occur from the bottom up. As the annulus is being
grouted, the outer casing can be removed; however, care needs to be taken to
ensure that the grout level is kept above the bottom of the outer casing, while it is
being withdrawn, to reduce the likelihood of collapse of the drill hole walls. After
grout is flowing from the surface, sufficient time must be provided to allow the
grout to set.

In cases where grouting is performed at natural soil/rock interface zones, special

treatment of this area may be necessary. The following quotation, taken from
USACE Engineering Manual (EM) 1110-2-3506 [8], discusses why it may be
necessary to isolate the embankment/foundation contact area:

There can be pervious zones within the overburden; there might be loose,
soft zones of material near the rock interface resulting from loss of
materials into the rock; and there can be an extensive transition zone of
mixed soil and rock materials with voids and/or soft infilling that have
high permeability and that cause grout hole stability problems. These
materials must be treated and at the same time protected from induced
damage during drilling and grouting operations [8].

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Stare et al. [9] recommend a procedure using a MPSP system to isolate the soil
rock interface zone in these conditions. Reclamation supports this procedure.
Figure, taken from Stare et al. [9], shows this procedure. The barrier
bag noted in figure is shown in figure This procedure
allows for proper grout mix selection to seal this contact area, rather than using
the same grout mix that was used for filling the annular space between the casing.
It also allows for monitoring of the amount of grout injected into the contact area.
The maximum injection pressure for grouting the embankment/foundation contact
should be limited to 5 lb/in2 or less. Gravity grouting is preferred at this location.

Figure Illustration of standpipe and interface zone grouting using

MPSP system (from Stare et al. [9], with permission from the American Society of
Civil Engineers).

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Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

Figure MPSP and MPSP with textile barrier bag (from Stare et al.
[9], with permission from the American Society of Civil Engineers).

If the MPSP system is not used to isolate the soil/rock interface zone, the amount
of grout necessary to fill the annular space between the standpipe and borehole
wall should be closely examined. If the volume of grout that is used to fill the
annular space exceeds the approximate volume of the annular space, grout is
probably flowing into the interface zone. If this occurs, a MPSP system should be
used to allow for proper grouting of the interface zone, as discussed below. Grouting Method and Injection Pressure

After the casing is properly sealed, Reclamation recommends downstage grouting
one or two 10-foot-long stages immediately below the embankment in all of the
scheduled grout holes prior to initiating drilling and grouting the primary grout
holes to full depth. The recommended gauge pressure at the manifold for this first
stage should be the lower value of 0.5 lb/in2 per vertical foot of overburden height
or 10 lb/in2. If a second stage is downstaged, the recommended gauge pressure at
the manifold for this first stage should be the lower value of 0.5 lb/in2 per vertical
foot of overburden height or 20 lb/in2. Adjustments to this gauge pressure should
be made to factor in the phreatic surface within the embankment and foundation
and the observed behavior during grouting in order to seal the foundation below
the embankment. If high injection pressures from lower stages were to travel to
the embankment, hydraulic fracturing could occur. This is illustrated in
figure (taken from Stare et al. [9]). The remaining stages could then be
completed using upstage grouting methods.

For all other stages beneath an existing embankment dam, Reclamation limits the
maximum injection pressure to the lower value of either: (1) the pressure
equivalent to the maximum water surface at the top of rock, or (2) 0.5 lb/in2 per
vertical foot of overburden plus 1.0 lb/in2 per vertical foot of bedrock plus back

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Figure Illustration of downstage grouting immediately below an embankment dam (from
Stare et al. [9], with permission from the American Society for Civil Engineers).

Adjustments to the maximum injection pressure are made, if necessary, based on

the behavior of the rock mass, the embankment, and the results of the grouting
program. When grouting below a high hazard facility, it may be necessary to
evaluate the stresses to locate zones of low confinement stress and determine safe
injection pressures. Extreme care must be taken to avoid hydraulic fracturing of
the embankment.

As discussed in section 15.13, Reclamation requires the use of real-time computer

monitoring when grouting below an embankment dam to assist in detecting
hydraulic fracture within the embankment.

15.9.2 Artesian Flow

It is common to encounter artesian flow during a foundation grouting program,
especially in the foundation bottom. If artesian flow is encountered, the effective
grouting pressure on the grout manifold should be 1 lb/in2/ft of drilling, plus back
pressure from the artesian flow. If artesian flow is encountered, additional uplift
monitoring is probably necessary, particularly if artesian flow is occurring during
blanket grouting or stitch grouting. After a stage experiencing artesian flow
reaches refusal, the packer must not be removed until the measured back pressure
on the manifold dissipates.

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Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

15.9.3 Large Grout ‘Takes’

Preconstruction geologic investigations and foundation grouting programs may
expose zones of high permeability within the foundation. Unless large geologic
features are identified, closure within zones of high permeability in bedrock
resulting from open jointing, bedding planes, fractures, shear zones, voids, etc.,
are typically achieved by progressively thickening the grout mix. If there is no
reduction in the bag ‘take,’ even when pumping the thickest grout mix,
intermittent grouting can be beneficial. In these instances, stable grout mixes
should be used. On rare occasions, Reclamation has added fine sand and calcium
chloride to limit excessive grout travel and reach closure, while using the
specified onsite grouting equipment. Some experience and/or laboratory testing is
necessary when adding calcium chloride to avoid damaging the grouting
equipment because set times may vary, based on many factors. Additional closely
spaced closure holes would be necessary in these areas to verify that the high
permeability zones have been sealed.

In addition to the karst features discussed below, geologic features that could
result in extremely large grout ‘takes’ could be lava tubes, large voids in basalt
flow tops, and excessive open jointing resulting from rapid cooling of volcanic
deposits. These types of features must be identified during geologic
investigations. Once identified, additional planning is needed during design to
determine how to treat these portions of the foundation when progressive
thickening of the grout mix will not work. For large features where grouting is
judged to be ineffective, additional foundation treatment may include secant piles,
concrete plugs, low mobility grouting (similar to compaction grout mixes), and
hot bitumen grouting. For smaller features, multiple row grout curtains using
high mobility grouts combined with some combination of fine sand, calcium
chloride, bentonite, sawdust, cellulose, synthetic fibers, diatun gum, etc., may
help create upstream and downstream plugs, which are followed up by a center
closure row.

15.9.4 Karst Environments

Karst topography is a geologic landscape shaped by dissolution (or dissolving) of
soluble bedrock such as limestone, dolomite and gypsum. The karst landscape is
often characterized by underground drainage paths systems, caves, pinnacles, and
sinkholes. Dissolution of bedrock beneath an embankment could result in many
issues related to internal erosion and excessive seepage. Over time, seepage
through karstic bedrock could enlarge existing features. Enlargement of existing
fractures may lead to an unfiltered exit point for seepage and initiate internal

Reclamation has several embankment dams in its inventory that overlie karst
formations, including Alcova Dam in Wyoming and Brantley Dam in New

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Mexico. At both of these facilities, extensive grouting programs were performed

during construction to limit seepage through the foundation. The USACE has
recently experienced significant issues related to karst environments at Center Hill
Dam in Tennessee, Wolf Creek Dam in Kentucky, and Clearwater Dam in
Missouri [8]. Extensive foundation remediation, which included remedial
grouting, was performed at each of these facilities to address dam safety issues
related to solutioning. The Alabama Power Company has experienced significant
issues related to karst features beneath Logan Martin Dam in Alabama. Grouting
has been ongoing for many years at Logan Martin Dam to improve the
embankment stability and minimize seepage through the dam foundation.

Prior to undertaking a grouting project in karst topography, the assistance of a

noted expert in the field of foundation grouting is required to provide expert level
assistance. A karst grouting project can become very expensive and can be
ineffective if the design and construction staffs are not experienced with the
potential issues that may arise. It should be noted that constructing an
embankment dam on a karst formation should be avoided if possible.

The USACE has provided a detailed writeup on grouting in karst environments in

EM 1110-2-3506 [8]. This guidance is applicable when designing a new
embankment dam or remedial grouting beneath an existing embankment dam.
For additional information, see EM1110-2-3506.

15.10 Grout Materials and Mixes

15.10.1 Grout Materials
The criteria pertaining to groutability of foundations in relation to permeability,
grain size, void size, etc., are important in choosing a grout material. The grout
material must have properties that are compatible with a foundation to effectively
reduce permeability, increase strength, or both. Important properties to consider
in determining the best grout for a job are viscosities, setting times, strength,
stability, durability, impact of wet-dry cycles, and toxicity. In addition, cost is a
very important factor, and estimates for comparison should include all facets
involving materials, labor, equipment, and injection.

Grouts are divided into two principal types as follows:

1. Particulate grouts contain particles or solids in suspension, such as cement

or clay, and often have a high viscosity. Reclamation practice is to use
cement based grouts for foundation grouting projects beneath an
embankment dam.

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Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

2. Chemical grouts are comprised typically of organic compounds that react

in place and normally have a controllable gelling time. This design
standard focuses on foundation grouting using cement-based grouts.
Chemical grouts are not discussed, and their use for grouting beneath an
embankment dam is strongly discouraged.

Based on volume, cement grout is typically more economical than most chemical
grouts. However, in some instances where a cement grout is being carried away
by flowing water, a chemical grout with a controllable set time may be more
economical by requiring a smaller quantity of material to reduce the flow as a
temporary measure.

15.10.2 Cement Grout

A grout mixture of cement and water, frequently used in combination with other
materials, is the most widely used grout for improving foundations beneath
embankment dams. Grout mixtures can contain supplemental cementitious
(pozzolanic) materials, clays (bentonite), water reducing additives, stabilizers or
gums, accelerators, extenders, and other additives. Except for relatively high
viscosity and difficult to control setting time, the properties of cement grout are
superior to most other grouts, particularly when comparing strength and economy. Water
The water used in cement grout should be free from objectionable quantities of
silt, organic matter, oil, alkali, salts, and other impurities. In addition, it must
meet the appropriate water requirements for concrete (ASTM C1602 – Standard
Specification for Mixing Water Used in the Production of Hydraulic Cement
Concrete). In addition, the temperature of the water must be considered.
Abnormally high or low temperatures can have significant impact on grout
properties from delayed set to rapid hardening.

If bentonite is to be used, the chemical composition of the water should be tested

to ensure that there are no impurities in the water that would affect the full
hydration of the bentonite. Cement
Hydraulic Portland cement is the most commonly used cement for foundation
grouting. The cement should be fresh and free of lumps due to warehouse set,
especially where filling fine cracks or small voids is involved. It should meet the
requirements for cement used in concrete. Protection of cement until use is
essential. Cement is usually furnished in bags weighing 94 pounds, where grout
‘takes’ are relatively small. However, where large quantities are used (as for
solution channels and large voids), bulk cement is normally used for economy.

ASTM C150 classifies Portland cement into five types (I, II, III, IV, and V),
according to limitations of certain compound composition and particle size.

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 Type I cement is commonly used for grouting. However, the other types
of cement having special properties may be used generally or for specific
problems. Type I cements typically have blaine fineness in the 3,000 to
5,000 square centimeters per gram (cm2/g) range.

 Type II cement has moderate resistance to sulfate attack and a lower heat
of hydration. Type II cement is available and is required for grouting in
much of the Western United States.

 Type III cement has characteristics to produce high, early strength;

therefore, it is frequently ground finer than other types to attain that
property. Type III cements typically have blaine fineness ranging from
5,000 to 7,000 cm2/g. However, there is no fineness requirement for
Type III. High, early strength may not always indicate a finer grind.

 Type IV cement has lower heat of hydration and slow strength

development properties, and it costs more than other types of cement. It is
seldom used for grouting.

 Type V cement has high sulfate resistance and would be of value where
the formation or ground water has high sulfate content. Unless high
sulfate resistance is required, Type II cement is typically used instead of
Type V because of its lower cost.

Roughly 90 percent of the total weight of hydrated cement paste consists of the
following four products:

1. Tricalcium silicate: 3CaO.SiO2

2. Dicalcium silicate: 2CaO.SiO2
3. Tricalcium aluminate: 3CaO.Al2O3
4. Tetracalcium aluminoferrite: 4CaO.Al2O3.Fe2O3

Chemical shorthand for these compounds is as follows:

A = Al2O3, C = CaO, CH = Ca(OH)2, F = Fe2O3, H = H2O, S = SiO2, and S = SO4.

If there are 2CaO molecules, it is expressed as C2.

The Portland cement phase hydration reactions are shown below in equations
(1) through (6); however, these equations do not represent the complexities of the

(1) Tricalcium silicate + water = calcium silicate hydrate + calcium hydroxide

2C3S  11H  C3S2H8  3CH

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Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

(2) Dicalcium silicate + water = calcium silicate hydrate + calcium hydroxide

2C 2 S  9H  C 3S 2 H 8  CH

(3) Tricalcium aluminate + gypsum + water = ettringite (calcium

trisulfoaluminate hydrate)

C 3 A  3CS H 2  26H  C 6 AS3 H 32

(4) Tricalcium aluminate + ettringite + water = calcium monosulfoaluminate

2C3 A  C 6 AS3 H 32  4H  3C 4 AS H12

(5) Tricalcium aluminate + calcium hydroxide + water = tetracalcium

aluminate hydrate

C3 A  CH  12H  C 4 AH13

(6) Tetracalcium aluminoferrite + calcium hydroxide + water = calcium

aluminoferrite hydrate

C 4 AF  2CH  10H  C 6 AFH12

The hydrated cement particles are made up of a high-density calcium silicate

hydrate (C-S-H) gel and act as solid particles in a continuous matrix. The outer
hydration product is the continuous phase in the capillary pore space and consists
of solid C-S-H gel, gel pores, calcium hydroxide, and calcium sulfoaluminate

Cement types other than Type I or II are often more expensive. For this reason,
Types I and II cement are frequently used for foundation grouting. Type III
cements are typically not used in the Western United States due to high alkali
soils. In addition, most cement now is made to meet more than one ASTM type
(for instance, the cement could be made to meet both ASTM Type II and IV).

There are other specialty hydraulic cements, including Portland cements with air
entraining additives, and expansive cements. High alumina cements, calcium
sulfoaluminate cements, and various mixtures of these are also available.
However, foundation grouting may require special compounds for specific grout
properties, which are usually added during mixing of the grout. Preblended
cements are not typically used for grouting.

In general, particulate grouts will penetrate fissures and voids larger than three
times their largest particle size. The largest particle in ordinary cement is about

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0.1 millimeter (mm) (0.004 inch), so joint openings less than 0.3 mm (0.012 inch)
are generally not groutable using ordinary cement.

There are also micro-fine and ultra-fine cements, which are specially ground and
processed so that the average particle size is much smaller. They can range in
size from 0.01 to 0.001 mm and smaller. For example, the particle size
distribution of micro-fine slag cement is 98 percent below 7 microns and
50 percent below 3 microns. The particle size distribution of ultra-fine Portland
cement and ultra-fine blast furnace slag cement is 98 percent below 10 microns
and 50 percent below 4 microns. Micro-fine and ultra-fine cements can have
blaine fineness in the 8,000 to 10,000 cm2/g range and higher. These cements can
be used to grout masses with very small pore sizes or fracture sizes. However, the
costs of these products can be three to four times (or higher) than the cost of
ordinary Portland cements. Designers should carefully consider the need for
micro-fine or ultra-fine cements. Reclamation has never used these products for a
foundation grouting program in rock. Pozzolans
Pozzolans are siliceous or siliceous and aluminous materials, which, in
themselves, possess little or no cementitious value but will chemically react with
calcium hydroxide in cement to form compounds possessing cementitious
properties. Examples of pozzolans are fly ashes resulting from burning coal,
calcined clays and shales, and volcanic tuffs and pumicites. For concrete,
Reclamation typically only uses ASTM C618 Class F fly ash, which comes from
burning anthracite or bituminous coal. Fly ash is roughly comparable to cement
in fineness. Natural pozzolans such as volcanic tuffs or pumicites can be used if
the quality is consistent, but they are not typically used. Shales and clays
frequently need to be calcined at temperatures between 1,200 and 1,800 degrees
Fahrenheit and ground prior to use, which can make their use more expensive
than conventional fly ash. Pozzolans can improve fluidity of cement grouts and
reduce bleeding, shrinkage, and permeability. They typically reduce early age
strength gain, but later age strength can be higher than grouts made without fly

Typical dosage is variable and can be quite high. Dosage can be from 10 to
30 percent Class F, by weight, of cement. For some void filling, 100 percent fly
ash grouts can be used, which are typically mixtures of ASTM C618 Class F and
C fly ashes. Cement can be added to increase strength of these high fly ash
mixes. Bentonite
Clays are a popular admixture to cement grouts. The small particle size of clays
aids fluidity by keeping the cement particles in suspension and preventing
settlement and bleeding of the grout. Injected cement-clay grout shows greater
impermeability when compared to neat-cement grout or cement-sand grout.

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Clays are usually stable in alkaline suspensions and tend to flocculate when
the pH is changed to acidic.

Bentonite (sodium montmorillonite) clays are sometimes used for grouting or

mixed with silicates or other chemicals. There are a wide variety of grades and
types of bentonite. Because of this, bentonite from Wyoming is frequently used
because of its consistency. Wyoming bentonite has a high proportion of sodium
montmorillonite, which is often used for grouts where high fluidity is important.

When using bentonite in a grout, the sequence and quality of mixing is very
important. Bentonite should be hydrated by mixing in water for at least 12 hours
prior to being used in grout. However, that time can be reduced if tests show that
equivalent hydration can be achieved with a high shear mixer. Grouts containing
bentonite that has not been properly hydrated can experience many problems,
including highly variable properties as the bentonite hydrates during grouting.
After addition of dry cement to the bentonite slurry, a high-speed, high-shear
mixer should be used, followed by constant agitation to keep the cement-bentonite
mixture from clumping.

The addition of bentonite to cement grout reduces compressive strength, may

increase shrinkage, and can increase a grout’s resistance to pressure filtration. It
has seldom been used on Reclamation jobs. Bentonite is typically used at doses
less than 2 percent, by weight, of cement. Water Reducers and High Range Water Reducers

One of the most common practices now is to include a water reducing admixture
(WRA) or a high range water reducing admixture (HRWRA) in the grout mix.
These materials are also known as plasticizers or super plasticizers. The addition
of a WRA or HRWRA will usually allow for less water in the grout mix but with
the same penetrability and higher strengths than a comparison mix. A normal
WRA can allow for a 5- to 10-percent water reduction in the grout, while
maintaining similar flow properties, and an HRWRA can allow for a 15- to
30-percent or more reduction in water, while maintaining the same flow

HRWRAs reduce water requirements by breaking up clumped cement particles.

Breaking apart these clumps allows the grout to flow much easier (lower
viscosity) and penetrate finer cracks than grouts without an HRWRA. However,
the addition of excessive HRWRA to a grout mix can result in rapid settlement of
cement grains in grout and cause weak zones. This can be especially true of
newer generation HRWRAs. For cement and water mixes, HRWRAs should not
be dosed higher than about 0.5 percent, by weight, of cement. Typically,
HRWRA use is most effective after the cement and water have already been
mixed. If very thick grouts are being mixed, it is sometimes necessary to add part
of the HRWRA to the water before adding cement, and then adding the remainder
of the HRWRA after initial mixing. If other additives are used, such as

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thixotropic additives, the dosage of the HRWRA may need to be higher, up to

about 2 percent, by weight, of cement. Thixotropic Agents

These are materials that, when added to grout, can lead to rapid changes in
viscosity in response to changes in shear. This property results in fluids that
readily flow but are capable of suspending or stabilizing components. These are
high molecular weight gums (biopolymers) specifically formulated for use with
cements. Earlier versions used welan gum, but more recent versions use diutan

These materials can significantly enhance resistance to pressure filtration. They

can also be used to impart anti-washout properties for grouts that are exposed to
flowing water. The dosage is typically quite small (approximately 0.1 percent, by
weight, of cement). Hydration Controlling Admixtures

These admixtures can be classified into three distinct groups: (1) accelerators,
(2) set retarders, and (3) hydration stabilizers. Accelerators reduce setting time.
The most common accelerators are sodium silicate and calcium chloride. Set
retarders extend the gel and set times of grouts. Set times of several days can be
attained with some products. Finally, hydration stabilizers (set extenders) can be
used as one- or two-component systems involving the use of a stabilizer and an
activator. The stabilizer stops the hydration process for a specific time or until an
activator is introduced to the grout. After that occurs, hydration begins. Accelerators
Accelerators are used to speed the set time and achieve high early strength. The
use of accelerators in cement grout is common when flowing water is a problem
or when attempts are made to restrict travel in large voids below the surface.
Cement grouts will usually set in about 4 to 6 hours after contact with water. Set
times for cements are hard to adjust between about 10 minutes and 4 hours.

Solutions of sodium silicates can greatly accelerate the set of cement grout. For
setting times under 10 minutes, sodium silicate solutions between 10 and
20 percent, by weight, of cement can be used to cause setting. Reclamation has
performed tests to determine the accelerating effect, which have shown that grouts
can set in a few seconds with these accelerators.

Calcium chloride is considered an economical accelerator, and has been used

by Reclamation in concentrations up to 6-1/2 percent of the weight of cement
with no detrimental effects. Calcium chloride is usually added to thick, neat
water-cement grout mixes to accelerate cement hydration and limit grout travel or
to accelerate the setting time. Care should be used with calcium chloride in grout
that will be in contact with metal because rapid corrosion of metal could occur.

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Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

Some chemical grouts are compatible with cement grout and may be used as
admixtures to accelerate the set time of the grout. This is useful in sealing off
flowing water and springs. Sodium silicates and acrylamides each have been
combined successfully with cement grout to control setting time in flowing water. Retarders and Set Extenders

Although Reclamation seldom uses retarders and set extenders in grout mixes,
these admixtures are sometimes used to lower the viscosity, reduce the water
content, and slow the setting time, thereby slowing early strength gain of grouts.
These admixtures are beneficial when grout is transported long distances before
placement. It should be noted that grout should never be mixed offsite for a
foundation grouting project. Expansion Aids/Fluidifiers:

Another common grout additive is an expansion aid/grout fluidifier, which is
typically a combination of a dry HRWRA and an expansive agent such as
aluminum powder. Some grout fluidifiers can contain thixotropic admixtures like
gums as well. The actual effects of these admixtures should always be verified
before use because the specific constituents of the cement can cause different
expansion amounts. Overly high expansion can lead to significant loss of
strength. Silica Fume

Silica fume is another pozzolan that comes from the production of ferrosilicon
materials. It is typically used for making high strength concrete and can be used
in grouts with the same effect. In grout, silica fume can also add stability
(increase resistance to pressure filtration) and reduce bleed and settling. They can
also improve grout durability. Because of their very small particle size (about
1 percent of the diameter of the average cement grain size, about 0.1 micron),
silica fume has a very high water demand. Thus, whenever silica fume is used, an
HRWRA is almost always needed. Silica fume is typically dosed between 5 and
10 percent, by weight, of cement.

Silica fume can be delivered in a dry, densified form due to its very light weight.
If this form of silica fume is used in grout, it is very important to ensure adequate
mixing. If not, the densified particles will not break down, and the effectiveness
of the silica fume can be greatly diminished. In essence, it becomes an expensive
filler. Sand
Sand is commonly used in a cement grout to act as bulk filler in large voids. The
sanded grouts tend to exhibit reduced travel and are often used to build a barrier
by pumping a limited volume on an intermittent basis. The time between
pumping is often 4 hours after the sanded grout has set. Sand should only be
used in cases where grout is free flowing into the hole under “suction” conditions
(bleeder valve on the manifold remains open during grouting to ensure no
pressure on the hole).

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For foundation grouting, the typical ratio of water:cement:sand is 1:1:1, by

volume. As an aid to keep sand suspended in the mix, bentonite can be included
in the cement-sand mixes at the rate of 2 percent of the weight of cement (or
more) with a 2-percent typical dosage rate.

The sand gradation used for foundation grouting varies. Sand can be successfully
pumped if 100 percent of the sand particles pass the No. 30 sieve, and 15 percent
or more of the sand particles pass the No. 100 sieve.

The use of sand in a cement grout does not necessarily result in a more
economical mix. The yield of total solids in a neat cement grout is considerably
greater than a sand-cement-bentonite grout when using equal volumes of dry
material. Reclamation laboratory tests showed that two bags of cement in a neat
cement grout with a water:cement ratio of 1:1, by volume, yielded 2.56 ft3 of
solids. On the other hand, one bag of cement and 1 cubic foot of sand plus
2 percent bentonite by weight of cement with a water:cement:sand ratio of 1:1:1
yielded only 1.92 ft3of solids. Laboratory results at Teton Basin Project showed
that the use of neat cement grout was more economical based on yield and bid
prices than grout containing cement, sand, and bentonite.

15.10.3 Grout Properties

A number of tests are used to measure the performance of cement grouts. The
purpose of the tests ranges from helping establish field performance to verifying
specification compliance. The most frequently used tests are described below.

 Apparent viscosity (ASTM D6910, Marsh Funnel, American Petroleum

Institute (API) Recommended Practice 13B-1). Viscosity is a measure of
flowability and is typically measured using a marsh funnel. The test is
performed by filling a marsh cone to the bottom of the dump screen and
then measuring the time for 1 quart of grout to flow through the funnel
into a graduated cup.

 Cohesion (“Dam Foundation Grouting” [4]). Cohesion is yield stress and

is related to how far and how easily a fluid will flow through a channel of
a given size under a given pressure. Cohesion can be measured with a
Lombardi plate (Lombardi, 2003).

 Time to initial and final gel time (“Dam Foundation Grouting” [4]).
These are measured using vane shear apparatus. The tests measure the
amount of time required for the grout to reach initial gel time (cohesion
of 100 Pascals [Pa]) and final gel time (cohesion of 1,000 Pa).

 Pressure filtration coefficient (API Recommended Practice 13B-1).

Measured using an API filter press. The test is performed by pouring a
400-milliliter grout sample into the top of the filter press. The sample is

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then pressurized to 100 lb/in2. The test is run for 10 minutes. The value
indicates how easily the cement grains will come out of the suspension to
form a filter cake, which prevents further grout penetration. The value of
the pressure filtration coefficient is then calculated with the following

Kp f = (volume of fluid extruded/initial volume of sample) x (time

in minutes)1/2

 Bleed (ASTM C940, Standard Practice for Use of Apparatus for the
Determination of Length Change of Hardened Cement Paste, Mortar, and
Concrete). Grout ‘bleed’ is a result of sedimentation/ separation of solid
particles within the grout mixture. The bleed capacity of the grout can be
measured in accordance with the method described in ASTM C940, with
1,000-milliliter graduate cylinder.

 Specific gravity (API Recommended Practice 13B-1, Recommended

Practice for Field Testing Water-Based Drilling Fluids). Typically
measured using a mud balance. The specific gravity of a grout can be
measured in accordance with the method described in API Recommended
Practice 13B-1, with a Baroid mud balance. The Baroid mud balance is a
calibrated scale that is used to measure the specific gravity and density.

 Initial and final set times (ASTM C191, Standard Test Methods for Time
of Setting of Hydraulic Cement by Vicat Needle). Measured using a Vicat
needle. The initial and final set times can be determined with the Vicat
needle testing apparatus.

 Compressive strength (ASTM C39, Standard Test Method for

Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens). Usually
measured using 2-inch cubes or 2-inch-diameter by 4-inch-tall cylinders.

Thixotropy is a property that relates to the time in which a certain cohesion value
is obtained and the impact of the shearing or mixing in obtaining an increase or
decrease in cohesion. Several tests described above measure certain parameters
related to thixotropy. There are various admixtures that can impact this,
predominately HRWRAs and gums. For grout mixtures that have thixotropic
admixtures, the cohesion and viscosity can rise rapidly as shear rate or mixing in a
grout is reduced.

The critical elements of a grout mix are the water-to-cement ratio, particle size
and distribution, pressure filtration, bleed, gel and set times, cohesion, and
strength. Adjusting a grout mix to change one property will typically affect other
properties. For instance, reducing viscosity by adding water typically reduces
strength and may increase the pressure filtration coefficient (tendency of the grout
to plug the grout pores or cracks and not penetrate well). However, if the
viscosity is reduced by using a water-reducing admixture, the strength will likely

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not be reduced, the pressure filtration coefficient may go down (grout would
better penetrate the grout medium), but bleed water may increase slightly.

15.10.4 Standard Reclamation Foundation Grouting

Unless large voids are known to exist, the use of the optimum mix theory dictates
that the initial grout mix must be thinner than the expected optimum mix to avoid
losing a stage if thinner grout is needed. For this reason, Reclamation grouting
projects typically use neat cement grouts consisting of water, cement, and a super
plasticizer with the initial grout mix having a water-to-cement ratio of 5:1, by
volume, with an appropriate dosage of super plasticizer for each stage unless large
voids are discovered during drilling or the primary focus of grouting is to only fill
large voids. The initial mix is gradually thickened until the optimum mix is
reached and the stage achieves the desired closure criteria without being
prematurely slugged with thick grout. Reclamation typically progresses through
the following series of grout mixes with an appropriate dose of super plasticizer
until the optimum mix is reached: 5:1  4:1, 4:1  3:1, 3:1  2.5:1, 2.5:1 
2:1, 2:1  1.5:1, 1.5:1  1:1, and 1:1  0.8:1, 0.8:1  0.6:1. Skipping grout
mixes could result in premature closure of a grout stage.

Some may argue that super plasticizer is not necessary and has little benefit at
high water-to-cement ratios. Reclamation began using super plasticizers in the
early 1980s and has routinely observed increased penetrability of cement grouts
at high water-to-cement ratios when a super plasticizer is added to the grout
mix. Prior to the 1980s, Reclamation routinely used initial grout mixes with a
water-to-cement ratio as high as 8:1 to 10:1, with the optimum mix routinely
falling within the 6:1 to 3:1 range at many Reclamation projects. At the time,
grouting personnel within Reclamation resisted the use of thicker initial grout
mixes to avoid premature refusal of a grout hole stage, while Reclamation
designers pushed for less ‘bleed’ water in the grout. The advent of super
plasticizers struck a balance between design staff and field staff. Once
the benefits of using super plasticizers were observed within grouts at high
water-to-cement ratios, Reclamation grouting policy [10] was changed to begin
with a 5:1 grout mix with an appropriate dosage of super plasticizer.

15.10.5 Balanced-Stable Grout Mixes

Balanced-stable grout mixes provide the benefit of minimal to no bleed water, a
high resistance to pressure filtration, and only minor changes in the grout
properties before and after injection. Grout ‘bleed’ is a result of sedimentation of
solid particles within the grout mixture. Pressure filtration measures the amount
of water pushed out of the grout mix during injection.

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Balanced-stable grout mixes contain water, cement, and admixtures. Admixtures

that are now routinely used in balanced-stable grout mixes are bentonite, welan or
diutan gum, and super plasticizers. Water-to-cement ratios for balanced-stable
grout mixes typically range from 3:1 to 1:1 (by volume). The bentonite dosage is
often within 1 to 3 percent, by weight, of cement. The diutan or welan gum
dosage is often about 0.1 percent, by weight, of cement. The super plasticizer
dosage is often between 1 to 3 percent, by weight, of cement for grouts that
contain bentonite.

If balanced-stable grout mixes are used for a foundation grouting project, a

laboratory testing program must be performed prior to initiating grouting
operations to determine the correct proportions of each material for each grout
mix that will meet the desired properties, along with the batching instructions.

15.11 Drilling
Drill holes provide the means of conveying grout to the rock foundation. The
grouting program and the drilling technique must work together to inject as much
grout as possible at the optimum mix. It is important that the holes are drilled
with relatively smooth and uniform borehole walls to facilitate seating of a
packer. It is also important that the drill cuttings are sufficiently flushed out of
the drill hole to prevent sealing of the fractures exposed on the borehole wall.

15.11.1 Drill Hole Sizes

Decades of Reclamation experience using unstable grout mixes have shown grout
hole sizes of 2.5 inches or less are necessary to prevent premature refusal of a
grout stage resulting from poor pressure filtration performance of unstable grouts.
A 1.9-inch to 2.0-inch drill hole size is preferred unless the hole depth exceeds
400 feet. Since Reclamation uses unstable grouts in foundation grouting
programs, Reclamation typically specifies an AX size (1.9 inches) drill hole
diameter for grout holes. For grout holes that exceed a depth of 400 feet,
Reclamation typically specifies a size BX (about 2.4 inches) drill hole diameter.
At depths greater than 400 feet, the drill strings can experience excessive drill rod
flexure, resulting in unacceptable changes in drill hole bearing and inconsistent
hole diameter. BX size drill holes allow for the use of higher strength drill
strings, resulting in straighter and more consistent diameter grout hole.

Given these hole size limits (less than 2 inches) and the use of the optimum mix,
grout holes for Reclamation grout curtains are typically drilled with fluid rotary
techniques. When using balanced-stable grout mixes, grout hole diameters up to
3 inches may be acceptable to accommodate less expensive drilling methods such
as a water powered down-hole rotary hammer. However, a 3-inch-diameter grout
hole is not recommended.

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15.11.2 Acceptable Rock Drilling Methods for Grouting

Many methods exist for drilling in rock. Regardless of which method is selected
for drilling the grout holes, Reclamation always requires the use of water as the
flushing medium for drilling grout holes because it usually results in the most
uniform and straight borehole, as well as the best method for removal of drill
cuttings prior to grouting. The use of air as a flushing medium can result in
excessive plugging of the fractures and prevent grout penetration. Additives to
enhance the removal of drill cuttings or maintain a stable borehole, such as
bentonite, are not allowed because they can partially or completely block off
natural fractures in the rock. The use of bentonite clays as a drilling fluid additive
is a separate process from the use of bentonite as a grout additive.

Reclamation prefers the use of water rotary methods for grouting. Rotary drilling
techniques include the use of tri-cone bits, button bits, diamond bits, and diamond
coring. Diamond coring is usually one of the slower methods of drilling, but it
can result in the straightest drill hole with the most uniform borehole wall. It can
be required where there is a need to verify rock conditions prior to grouting or
when a very precise hole placement is needed. Reaming shells can be placed up
the hole from the bit to keep the hole in alignment and to keep the borehole walls
uniform in size and smoothness. Grout holes for Reclamation grout curtains are
typically drilled with water rotary techniques due to the small hole diameters
required (less than 2 inches).

Air or water powered rotary hammer drilling (rotary percussion), especially with
top drive hammer drills, are some of the fastest drilling methods; however, it can
result in the most irregular borehole and force the most cuttings into the
formation. For top-hole percussion, the hammer is mounted on the drill, and the
energy is applied to the bit through the drill rods. For downhole methods, the
hammer is installed just above the bit and is activated by the drilling fluid, while the
drill head rotates the string. In a Reclamation grouting program, the use of top
drive hammer drilling may be acceptable for shallow grout holes, such as blanket
holes, that are less than 20 to 30 feet deep, provided that excessive fines are not
produced during drilling relative to standard rotary techniques. Given the
relatively small hole sizes needed in a grouting program, at depth the drill strings
can experience excessive drill rod flexure from the top drive hammer, resulting in
unacceptable changes in drill hole bearing and inconsistent hole diameter.
Inconsistent hole diameter can result in leakage around the packer or damage to
the packer. For these reasons, Reclamation does not allow the use of top drive
percussion methods for deeper grout holes.

Downhole hammer methods improve the efficiency of percussion drilling because

the hammer is located at the end of the drill string. Downhole rotary hammer
drilling typically uses some form of a button bit. Current bit technology and the
use of steering tubes with guide ribs have resulted in borehole diameter
consistency and wall smoothness approaching that of diamond rotary techniques.

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Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

In recent years, the grouting industry has used downhole hammers because
modern equipment allows for drill hole sizes as small as 2.5 inches. Historically,
downhole hammers could not accommodate the relatively small drill hole size
necessary for a grout hole, due to the size of the hammer. Downhole hammers
offer the benefit of reduced cost and drilling time compared to standard rotary
techniques. In addition, downhole hammers significantly improve accuracy and
are able to drill much deeper holes compared to top drive hammer methods.
When balanced-stable grout mixes are used for a project, the use of larger drill
holes (up to 3 inches) is acceptable and would allow for the use of downhole
hammer methods.

Areas of restricted access, steep terrain, or grouting from a tunnel may require the
use of smaller, portable drills for drilling grout holes. These rigs will usually have
less torque and down pressure for drilling and will drill at a slower rate. Often,
their small size requires the use of shorter drill rods. This also lengthens the time
required to drill each grout hole. Figure 15.11.2-1 shows a small portable drill
used on a recent Reclamation project.

Figure 15.11.2-1. Contractor using a Chicago-

pneumatic 65 (CP-65) drill for drilling abutment grout
holes on steep terrain.

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15.11.3 Selection of Drilling Method

The selection of a drilling method should be based on a consideration of the
properties of each rock unit that will be encountered. Many damsites have several
different types of rock present in a foundation. Selection of a drilling method is
often a compromise of what drilling method is most suited for the range of
conditions and various rock types encountered within the dam foundation.
Given the variety of drill bits and rigs currently available, adequate combinations
are possible which will yield good borehole geometry with good drilling rates.
Bits can be chosen specifically for the most common rock type or condition found
at a damsite, but there will be an increased risk for changes in hole bearing,
borehole straightness, wall integrity, blockage, and caving or complete loss of

Plugging fractures with cuttings from drilling reduces the ability of the grout to
penetrate those fractures effectively. This is the primary concern when discussing
and choosing the grout hole drilling method. Some factors that could influence
the plugging of fractures are:

 Fracture width
 Size of drill cuttings for drilling method
 Lithology
 Amount of weathering
 Hardness
 Clay/silt content
 Rotation speed and torque
 Pressure and volume of circulating fluid
 Type and sharpness of the drill bit
 Rate of penetration
 Water table

Usually, igneous and most metamorphic rocks do not produce significant fines
relative to the rate of drilling that would clog the openings (fractures). In these
types of formations, Reclamation would allow for downhole hammer methods if
smaller hole sizes were available when using unstable grout mixes.

Argillaceous sandstones, claystones, and shales are more apt to produce fines
relative to the rate of drilling that could clog fine fractures. For these reasons,
Reclamation would recommend the use of water rotary drilling methods for these
types of materials.

15.11.4 Hole Logging

A drill hole log should be kept for each grout hole drilled so verification can be
made that grouting design assumptions for the rock mass are correct. The drill

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Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

hole log can also provide advanced knowledge of potential zones of higher grout
‘takes’ and be used to adjust the grout program for special conditions. The drill
hole log should include the rate of advance, zones of water loss or gain, down
pressure used, water pressure used, nature of drill cuttings, location of any voids
encountered, and character of drilling (how smooth or rough each drill run was).

Any cored holes should also include the core recovery for each drill run, location
of joints encountered, character of joints encountered such as openness, healing,
location of highly fractured or broken zones, and changes in rock type. Rock
coring should be monitored and logged by a person trained in core logging and
handling requirements as outlined in Reclamation’s Engineering Geology Field
Manual [3].

15.11.5 Hole Straightness

Grout holes need to be drilled to the bearings and inclinations intended in the
design to be most effective. Many factors can affect how straight a grout hole can
be drilled. These include properties of the rock mass, initial hole orientation, size
and depth of hole to be drilled, size and type of drill rig used, drill methods, bits,
drill rods, and drill fluid used. Drilling a grout hole to the proper location starts
with setting the standpipe to the correct bearing and inclination, proper initial set
up of the drill rig, and orientation of the drill rods. A drill hole started on an
incorrect bearing or inclination cannot be corrected in the ground.

In rotary drilling, the use of reaming shells helps with proper orientation. In
downhole rotary hammer drilling, steering tubes with guide ribs behind the bit
help keep the proper orientation. During drilling, the drill rig operator must
maintain a balance between down pressure, advance rate, rotation speed, fluid
volume, and fluid pressure to get the straightest hole possible.

Borehole straightness can be verified quickly with several types of instruments.

Tri-axial magnetometers use the earth’s magnetic field direction and strength to
determine the straightness of a borehole. However, they do not perform well in
rock with higher iron content or in areas with localized magnetic anomalies.
Tri-axial accelerometers detect changes in the instrument angle in relation to the
earth’s gravity (referred to as the gravity roll angle) to determine changes in hole
bearing and inclination. Many instruments operate on a combination of gravity
and magnetic capabilities. Optical instruments use a laser beam to detect changes
in hole orientation.

15.12 Grouting Equipment

The main components for a grout plant include a grout pump, grout mixer,
agitator tank, pressure gauges, and a water meter. Additional necessary grouting
equipment includes circulation lines, packer hose, valves, pressure gauges,

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pressure sensors, grout manifold, standpipes, and packers. Reclamation also

requires the use of a flowmeter on any foundation grouting project. The use of
a density meter should also be considered for large grouting projects.
Figure 15.6.3-2 shows the layout of this equipment for a typical grouting job.

More sophisticated equipment monitoring during grouting, such as density meters

and automated electronic instrumentation to record pressure, flow, volume,
specific gravity, density, apparent Lugeon value, time, effective pressure, etc., are
now regularly used throughout the grouting industry. Section 15.13 discusses the
monitoring equipment.

Because a proper grouting design includes specifying the correct equipment, a

brief discussion is provided below on the grouting equipment typically specified
on a Reclamation foundation grouting project. Additional discussion on grouting
equipment can be found in Houlsby [1] and Bruce and Weaver [4].

The most common type of grout plant is portable and is typically mounted on a
trailer or skids. Given the remote location of many Reclamation dams at the time
they were built, portable grout plants have often been used for Reclamation
grouting projects (as shown in figures 15.12-1 and 15.12-2). Multiple grout
plants can be used at various locations to concurrently grout multiple project
features. For large grouting jobs involving large quantities of grout, a centralized,
automated batch plant may be designed by the contractor. Centralized batch
plants are capable of batching large quantities of grout and delivering it to
multiple agitator tanks and pumps located closer to the point of injection.
Figure 15.12-3 shows a centralized batch plant at New Waddell Dam.

Figure 15.12-1. Portable batch plant at Starvation Dam.

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Figure 15.12-2. Portable batch plant at Ridges Basin Dam.

Figure 15.12-3. Centralized batch plant at New Waddell Dam.

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15.12.1 Mixer
A grout mixer must have the ability to mix the grout, including admixtures, to a
uniform consistency that is free of lumps. Reclamation requires the use of
high-speed, colloidal-type mixer equipped with a high-speed centrifugal mixing
pump operating at 1,500 to 2,000 revolutions per minute during mixing. The
return flow from the centrifugal pump is directed tangentially into a cylindrical
tub to create a vortex within the cylindrical tub. The centrifugal action tends to
break up lumps and tends to limit segregation. The use of vertical paddle-type
mixers is unacceptable given the superior mixing quality of a high-speed colloidal

Reclamation currently specifies a minimum volume of 17 ft3 for the mixer and
agitator tank. This volume is necessary in the event of a high ‘take’ grout stage.

15.12.2 Agitator
The agitator tank serves as a reservoir or holding tank, which keeps the grout in
suspension after the grout is mixed. The agitator tank feeds the grout to the
pump via a hose. Mixing tanks are typically vertical-tub, paddle-type tanks. In
addition to the rotating paddle, baffles can be welded on the inside of the mixing
tank to increase the mixing action. Reclamation Standard Drawing 40-D-6571 is
included in every specification for a foundation grouting project to illustrate the
requirements for the agitator tank.

After grout is mixed and dumped into the agitator tank, the next batch of grout
can be mixed, while the grout in the agitator tank is being injected. Reclamation
requires that all grout flowing into the agitator tank (includes inflow from the
mixing tank and return flow from the manifold) pass through a U.S. Standard
No. 16 sieve to remove any lumps from the grout..

15.12.3 Water Meter

Water meters or a water column are used to ensure that the water-to-cement ratio
of the grout is accurate. The water meter or water column should be adequately
sized to supply water to the mixer to allow for rapid mixing.

15.12.4 Pumps
Reclamation requires the use of a progressive cavity pump on a foundation
grouting project. Reclamation also requires progressive cavity pumps because
they produce uniform pressure without pulsations, have a large pumping capacity,
and can pump a wide range of grout consistencies.

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Reclamation does not allow the use of piston pumps because uniform pressure is
difficult to maintain, and these pumps require frequent cleaning.

The grout pump should always be connected directly to the agitator tank. Pumps
with holding hoppers and pumps with an open throat design are not acceptable for
foundation grouting of an embankment dam.

The location of the grout pump should not be more than 20 feet above the
elevation of the standpipe and no more than 200 feet from the grout hole to
prevent excessive circulation line pressure relative to the grout injection pressure.

A standby grout pump is needed at each grout plant. This standby pump must be
capable of being placed into operation within 15-minute’s notice.

15.12.5 Valves
Valves used for grouting must remain operable after long durations of grouting,
be easily cleaned, and be able to withstand the abrasive grout. For these reasons,
Reclamation allows the use of ball valves or diaphragm type valves. All ball
valves should have minimum 6-inch lever handles permanently fixed to the valve
that clearly show the position of the valves. Only cast iron or steel bodied valves
are acceptable. The use of PVC or other plastic valves are never allowed and are

15.12.6 Pressure Gauges and Sensors

Accurate pressure gauges at the manifold are highly important during grout
injections. Reclamation typically requires two gauges on the grout line: one
gauge at the pump and one gauge at the manifold. A faulty gauge can result in
high pressures, which can lead to hydraulic jacking or hydraulic fracturing. A
faulty gauge can also result in low injection pressures, leading to ineffective
grouting. The rating of each gauge should not be more than three times the
maximum grouting pressure of the stage being grouted.

Reclamation requires the use of a pressure sensor on the manifold during

grouting. Figure 15.12.6-1 shows a pressure gauge and pressure sensor on a grout
manifold. The pressure sensor is positioned on the manifold in the flow pattern
behind the pressure control valve and ahead of the of the bleed-off valve (see
figure 15.6.3-3 for Reclamation’s standard grout manifold design drawing).
A pressure sensor allows for reliable pressure readings when pumping a
cementitious grout. Reclamation specifies a Red Valve Series 42 pressure
sensor, or equivalent, for all foundation grouting projects.

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Figure 15.12.6-1. Pressure gauge and pressure sensor on a grout manifold

(Series 42 Red Valve pressure sensor).

15.12.7 Circulation Lines

The circulating grout lines consist of a supply line to the manifold and a return
line to the agitator tank. The supply and return lines permit continuous circulation
of flow to the manifold. The minimum size of the supply line, along with all
valves and fittings, is often specified at 1 inch; however, if the viscosity of the
grout is high, and the expected ‘takes’ are high, 1.5-inch hose may need to be
specified. High pressure flexible hose is often used by contractors for the
circulation lines. Figure 15.12.7-1 shows circulation lines to a grout manifold.

Water should always be circulated through the grout lines prior to initiating
grouting to ensure there are no blockages in the grout lines.

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Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

Figure 15.12.7-1. Supply and return grout circulation grout lines at the grout

15.12.8 Grout Manifold

Reclamation requires the use of a grout manifold on every grouting project.
Figure 15.6.3-3 shows Reclamation’s standard grout manifold design. The
manifold is required to control pressure and flow into the grout hole.

Grout flows from the agitator tank, through the grout pump and the supply line,
and then to the manifold. Prior to initiating grouting, the supply valve and return
valve should be completely open, and the control valve should be closed. In this
scenario, all of the grout flowing through the supply line is directed back to the
agitator tank via the return line. With the pump circulating grout in the lines,
pressure and flow into the grout hole are controlled at the manifold by control
valve and return valve. As the control valve is slowly opened, the grout begins to
flow into the grout hole. If added pressure and flow are needed after the control
valve is completely open, the return valve can then be adjusted to provide
increased pressure and flow. Typically, some return flow to the agitator tank
should be maintained. As the stage is being grouted to refusal, the pressure will
gradually build, which necessitates slowly opening the return valve and closing
the supply valve on the manifold to maintain uniform pressure. It is important
that the headerman and inspector maintain constant vigilance on the manifold to
properly control pressure.

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Multiple-port grout manifolds allow one grout pump to grout multiple grout holes
at the same time. Because each port on the manifold is supplied by the same
pump, the same grout mix must be used for each grout hole that is connected to
the multiple-port manifold. For this reason, multiple-port grout manifolds are
never acceptable on a foundation grouting project because each grout hole/stage
could require a different grout mix as described in section 15.5.

Periodic back pressure and holding pressure measurements are necessary during
grouting. Differentiating between back pressure and holding pressure takes place
at the manifold by closing the top supply valve to the hole, while circulating grout
in the line. If the pressure gauge returns to zero immediately, there is neither back
pressure nor holding pressure. If the pressure gauge maintains pressure, the
bleeder valve should be opened until the gauge reads zero, and then the bleeder
valve should be closed. If the gauge remains at zero after bleeding, the gauge
reading prior to bleeding is the holding pressure. If the gauge is then activated
after closing the bleeder valve, this is the back pressure reading.

15.12.9 Flowmeter
Reclamation typically requires the use of a flowmeter on every foundation
grouting project. A flowmeter provides real-time flow and volume measurements
at the grout hole. Prior to flowmeters, an inspector would stand at the grout plant
and insert a dipstick into the tub every 15 minutes. The elevation difference on
the dipstick would be converted to a volume and a flow rate. A flowmeter
reduces the number of inspectors required on a grouting project because the flow
and volume can be read at the flowmeter instead of dip-sticking the agitator tank
on regular intervals. It also allows for real-time flow and volume readings.

Reclamation prefers that the flowmeter be placed between the bleeder valve and
the standpipe. Either ultrasonic or magnetic flowmeters are typically specified.
On most flowmeters, there is a digital readout screen, and the data on the screen
can be stored in the readout device or be transmitted to a central data collection
station. Figure 15.12.9-1 shows a Compu-flow ultrasonic flowmeter in use on a
grouting project.

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Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

Figure 15.12.9-1. An ultrasonic flowmeter installed downstream of bleeder valve.

The standpipe is not shown in the photo.

15.12.10 Packers
Packers are expandable devices that stop or prevent the injected fluid from
returning past the packer and to the surface. Packers are used to water test and
grout a section of hole by inserting the packer, which is attached to the packer
hose, to the desired depth. Reclamation typically specifies the use of pneumatic
packers. For single-stage grouting from the surface, a mechanical packer could be
used. The packers are typically commercially available for many hole sizes,
or they can be fabricated to suit any hole size. The packer should have a
1-inch-diameter hole, or larger, through the packer to avoid restricting grout flow
through the packer. Figure 15.12.10-1 shows an inflatable packer being placed
during a Reclamation grouting project.

15.12.11 Packer Pipe

On many recent projects, the grout supply pipe to the packer is a polyethylene gas
pressure pipe with a minimum inside diameter of 1 inch and meets the criteria
within ASTM D2513. If the contractor elects to use steel pipe, flush-coupled pipe
is necessary. Standard pipe and couplings often cause withdrawal problems by
raveling or caving holes. Figure 15.12.11-1 shows the installation of packer pipes
into a grout hole on a recent Reclamation project.

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Figure 15.12.10-1. Inflatable packer being placed into grout hole.

Figure 15.12.11-1. Packer pipe being installed into a grout hole.

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Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

Many contractors prefer the use of packer pipe grout reels. A packer pipe grout
reel can accommodate any grout hole depth encountered on the project. If a
packer pipe grout reel is not used, multiple lengths of packer pipe are needed to
accommodate different grout hole depths. For this reason, the use of a packer
pipe grout reel can save time between stages because frequent switching out of
the packer pipe is not necessary.

When a packer pipe grout reel is used, the grout manifold is hooked to the grout
reel. A packer is attached to the end of the packer pipe on the grout reel, and then
it is lowered to the required stage depth. After grouting begins, the grout must
flow through the entire length of packer pipe on the reel before it flows down the
grout hole.

Despite the advantages provided by packer pipe grout reels, Reclamation does not
allow packer pipe grout reels on projects that require low flow injection rates. At
low flow rates, Reclamation has experienced issues with stage refusal occurring
within the grout hose reel, rather than within the grout hole. At low flow rates,
the grout may begin to gel in the bottom section of the reel, especially during hot
weather, which causes faster gelling of the grout. Because most of Reclamation’s
foundation grouting projects require low flow injection rates, the use of packer
pipe grout reels is not permitted by Reclamation.

15.12.12 Standpipes
Prior to drilling the grout holes, shallow standpipes are installed to mark the
location of the hole, control leaks at the top of the hole, limit surface water inflow
into the hole, and set the orientation and inclination of the hole. Figure 15.6.8-1
shows a typical detail for standpipe installation. Figure 15.12.12-1 shows
2-1/2-inch, schedule 40, black steel standpipes used on a recent Reclamation
grouting project. In sound rock, embedment depths are usually 2 to 3 feet. In
poor rock, the embedment depth should be increased until the standpipes are
secure. The standpipes are usually capped when they are not being worked on.
The inside diameter of the standpipes should be equal to, or within, one-half inch
of the size of the hole being drilled through the standpipes. Reclamation requires
the use of black steel pipe for standpipes. When grouting is complete, the
standpipes are cut off flush with the final foundation surface before earthfill is

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Figure 15.12.12-1. Standpipes used for a recent Reclamation project.

15.12.13 Fluid Density Meter

If a real-time computer monitoring system is judged necessary for a grouting
project, as discussed in section 15.13, Reclamation recommends the use of a fluid
density meter. The density of the grout and, subsequently, the grout mix can be
continuously recorded versus time. If a fluid density meter is needed, a straight
tube type should be specified. The accuracy of these instruments is affected by
the flow rate in the grout lines. To ensure accurate measurements, the fluid
density meter should be located between the supply line and the grout manifold.
The inside diameter of the density meter shall be specified to be equal to the grout
line diameter.

15.13 Field Supervision, Inspection, and

Foundation grouting is a somewhat unique construction activity within civil
construction in that the design is adjusted and engineered in the field, based on the
actual grout ‘takes’, drilling observations, and water test results. The design
drawings provide the initial design for the grouting project; however, the design
drawings are viewed as a dynamic document. For these reasons, Reclamation has
always required that all drilling and grouting operations be directed by
Reclamation staff. At the end of every Reclamation project, Reclamation is
responsible for the safety of the embankment and its foundation. Reclamation
firmly believes that the engineering field decisions for all foundation grouting

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features shall be made by Reclamation. There are many qualified grouting

contractors within the United States, and their experience should be relied upon
throughout drilling and grouting within the dam foundation or other project
features; however, Reclamation must ultimately be responsible for the
engineering design decisions that are made in the field.

Reclamation’s specifications are written such that the contractor supplies the
equipment, materials, and labor necessary to execute the drilling and grouting
operations. This does not mean, however, that the contractor’s expertise and
ideas should be ignored. Experienced field engineering staff and inspectors must
work with the contractors to foster an environment where all ideas are shared to
make the project as successful as possible.

Reclamation has produced a training manual [11] that outlines the primary
objectives of a grouting inspector. This training manual provides a good
overview for what is required during inspection. The grouting inspectors and
engineers should review this training manual before each grouting job. Some
general inspection requirements that affect the overall design of a grouting
program are the following:

 Grouting is not an activity where the inspector can roam the site and stop
by every hour or so. A person(s) needs to be 100 percent dedicated to
DIRECTING the drilling/grouting operations.

 Grouting of dam foundation will likely involve long hours, if not

continuous work. Provisions need to be made to provide continuous
(24-hour) supervision of the contractor’s work. It is critical to ensure that
there will be adequate inspection staff available for the duration of the
grouting project.

 Each inspector is required to fill out the drilling and grouting forms for
each drill hole and grout hole/stage. The data on the forms is very
important for several reasons: (1) the contractor is paid based on the
information contained on these forms; and (2) filling out the forms
requires the grouting inspectors to stay engaged and "on top" of the
situation. The grouting supervisor assesses the information collected by
the inspectors to direct changes to the design (grout hole spacing,
orientation, depth, grout mix proportions, pressures, etc.) when necessary.

 If the embankment designer and grouting engineer elect to use

computer-aided monitoring of the drilling and grouting, field inspection
is still necessary. A computer should never replace the need for an
inspector to stand at the manifold or drill rig.

It is now common practice on many grouting jobs to use real-time computer

monitoring. These real-time computer monitoring systems are able to measure,
record, and graphically display the real-time injection pressure, rate of injection,

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fluid density, volume, Lugeon value, start/stop times, or any other information
that is requested for the project. Equipment that is used to generate this data
typically includes pressure transducers, flowmeters, and density meters. Data is
transmitted via cables or wirelessly. After the data is received, computers will
convert an analog signal to a digital signal.

The cost/benefit ratio of these real-time monitoring systems must be evaluated for
each project. When remedial grouting is performed underneath an existing
embankment dam, Reclamation requires a real-time monitoring system to
reduce the likelihood of hydraulically fracturing the existing embankment
during grouting. When the grouting program is expected to exceed $1 million,
a real-time monitoring system should be considered.

Reclamation has used real-time, computer-aided monitoring for Ridgway Dam,

Upper Stillwater Dam, Brantley Dam, Jordanelle Dam, and New Waddell Dam.
The most recent large Reclamation grouting project, Ridges Basin Dam, did not
use computer monitoring. With the exception of Ridgway Dam, the automated
systems used at Reclamation dams were designed, operated, and maintained by
the Government. The equipment and computer monitoring hardware and
software Reclamation used in the 1980s and 1990s are now obsolete.
Reclamation would likely use a real-time monitoring system provided by the
grouting contractor for future large grouting projects if it was deemed economical.
Real-time, computer-aided monitoring provides the ability to store large amounts
of data, graphically display the grouting results in real time, and make more
informed decisions if the data is properly evaluated.

If the Embankment Designer and Grouting Engineer elect to use computer aided
monitoring of the drilling and grouting, field inspection is still necessary. Some
contractors are now able to place all of the information collected from the
monitoring system on a Web site. The Government should have someone
reviewing this data in real time as it is collected. An electronic copy of this data
should also be provided to the Government on a daily basis, and the data should
be available to the Government in real time as well. Both the contractor and the
Government are responsible for storing this information.

15.14 Construction Sequencing

Reclamation typically provides some construction sequencing criteria for grouting
within the specifications. Guidance on typical construction sequencing issues is
provided below:

 When possible, grouting should always be performed from the bottom up.
In an ideal situation, grouting would begin at the lowest point in the valley
and progress upward on each abutment. In many cases, grouting is broken
up into stages to accommodate other construction activities such as

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excavation, foundation cleanup, and river diversions. If grouting

commences on an abutment, grouting should begin at the lowest elevation
possible and progress upward on the abutment.

 Prior to commencing foundation grouting beneath a new embankment

dam, foundation overburden materials must be removed to expose the
bedrock surface. Reclamation always performs geologic mapping prior to
grouting. The cleanup requirements for geologic mapping are discussed in
chapter 3 of Design Standards No. 13 - Embankment Dams [2].

 Reclamation typically requires the concrete lining for an outlet works

tunnel, spillway tunnel, and gate chamber to be completed 100 feet
upstream and downstream of the centerline of the grout curtain prior to
drilling and grouting curtain holes within a minimum of 100 feet from the
centerline of the tunnel/gate chamber.

 Blanket grouting is always performed ahead of curtain grouting.

Reclamation specifications are written such that blanket grouting should
be at least 80 feet ahead of curtain grouting.

 After grouting is initiated, an effort must be made to limit blasting in the

vicinity of a completed closure pattern or areas being actively grouted. If
blasting is necessary, the allowable peak particle velocity measured on the
ground surface adjacent to an active grout hole or completed closure
pattern should be determined for each site. When possible, work should
be staged so that all blasting is completed prior to the start of grouting.
The contracting officer must approve all blasting plans in the vicinity of an
active grout hole or completed closure pattern if blasting is unavoidable.

 Reclamation does allow embankment placement to begin prior to

completing grouting operations; however, the grouting must be complete
at least 100 feet (measured along the slope from the collar of the grout
hole) from the surface of the embankment material placement.

15.15 Reclamation Grouting Procedures

15.15.1 Initial Mix
When the purpose of grouting is to fill joints, fractures, fissures, bedding planes,
or other openings similar in size, Reclamation’s initial mix for each grout stage is
typically 5:1 (water:cement ratio, by volume) with an appropriate dosage of super

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When the purpose of grouting is to fill large voids and caverns, a balanced stable
grout mix should be used to limit bleed water at the desired viscosity. Therefore,
the section below, “Adjusting the Mix,” does not apply to filling large voids and

15.15.2 Adjusting the Mix

Several guidelines are provided below for adjusting the grout mix in the field to
find the optimum mix. Because every grout stage is different, these guidelines are
not set rules. It is not permissible to simply ignore what is happening in the field.
Experience on a project and awareness of conditions in the field play a vital role
in determining the best way to adjust the grout mix:

 Reclamation does not use the results of the water test to obtain the initial

 Reclamation always takes a conservative approach when grouting a hole,

which means that the starting grout mix is always thinner than the
optimum mix. A grout mix can always be thickened when excessive
‘takes’ occur. The optimum mix technique, as described in section 15.5,
should always be used. Never try to pump a grout mix that the rock will
not readily accept.

 Reclamation typically thickens grout mixes (with an appropriate dosage of

super plasticizer) progressively from 5:1  4:1, 4:1  3:1, 3:1  2.5:1,
2.5:1  2:1, 2:1  1.5:1, 1.5:1  1:1, 1:1  0.8:1, and 0.8:1 
0.6:1. Reclamation recommends gradually thickening the grout. Skipping
grout mixes could result in premature closure of a grout stage. On some
projects, a 1.25:1 mix is necessary.

 Reclamation records the bag ‘take’ per hour at 15-minute intervals. The
bag ‘take’ can be easily calculated by converting the flow rate readings at
the flowmeter to bags/hour. A few examples are provided below:

o The grout flow reading after 15 minutes has averaged about 4 gal/min
at a 5:1 mix. The conversion to bags/hour from this flow reading is:

gal 60 min 1 ft 3 1bag

4 * * * 3
 5.8bags / hour
min 1hour 7.48 gal 5.5 ft grout (5 : 1grout )

o If 8 ft3 of 4:1 grout was pumped over a 15-minute interval, the

conversion to bags/hour would be:

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Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

8 ft 3 60 min 1bag
* * 3
 7.1bags / hour
15 min 1hour 4.5 ft grout (4 : 1grout )

To simplify this process, each inspector can be given tables to easily

convert grout flows or volumes from a flowmeter to bags/hour.

 If the grout pump is able to reach the maximum allowable injection

pressure, Reclamation typically pumps a 5:1 mix for at least 2 to 4 hours
before adjusting the mix, provided that the grout ‘take’ stays constant. If
the grout ‘take’ steadily decreases, then the optimum mix has been
reached, and thickening of the grout mix should not be attempted.

 In stages where large grout ‘takes’ occur (>40 bags/hour), and the grout
pump is unable to achieve the maximum allowable injection pressure after
30 minutes to 1 hour of pumping, consideration should be given to
adjusting the mix.

 If the bag ‘take’ is steadily declining, regardless of the bag ‘take’ rate,
wait an additional 2 hours and reevaluate whether or not the grout mix
should be adjusted.

 In general, as the grout mix is progressively thickened, Reclamation

experience has shown that the optimum grout mix is obtained when the
grout ‘take’ decreases to about 10-15 bags/hour. After the bag ‘take’ falls
below 15 bags/hour, the bag ‘take’ rate should be closely observed before
thickening the mix.

 If the bag ‘take’ rate is generally steady and is more than 15 bags/hour
after 2 to 4 hours of pumping, consideration should be given to thickening
the mix.

 Each grout mix is generally given 2 to 4 hours of pumping time prior to

thickening the grout mix. The amount of time for each mix may be
adjusted after some experience is gained on a project.

 When the grout mix is thickened, the bag ‘take’ should remain the same
or increase. If the grout mix is thickened and the bag ‘take’ drops
immediately, the optimum mix may have been exceeded. If
overthickening occurs, consideration should be given to using the
previous, thinner grout mixes for subsequent grout batches mixed;
however, Reclamation does not typically do this. If a thickening to a
certain grout mix results in premature closure, caution should be used
when deciding to thicken to this grout mix on future grout holes.

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 If the grout ‘take’ is less than 10-15 bags/hour for a long duration
(>8 hours) while using the same grout mix on a curtain hole or blanket
hole stage, and closure has not been obtained, the grouting engineer must
weigh the benefits of continuing to pump the same mix or thickening the
mix. There are no set rules for this case. The decision made on this issue
will vary from project to project and is a stage-by-stage decision. In
general, Reclamation would likely hold a 3:1 mix or thicker for a longer
duration relative to thinner mixes. Reclamation would likely switch to a
thicker mix if there is high confidence that the use of a thicker mix will
not result in premature closure of the hole due to slugging. If the field
staff knows that the optimum mix is being pumped, Reclamation would
likely keep grouting at the same mix for an extended duration. The
geologic feature being grouted should factor into the decision. For
example, closure must be achieved in a continuous stress relief joint in a
dam abutment.

 The field staff will gain a lot of experience as to what works, and what
does not work, at a damsite once grouting commences. This experience
should be used to adjust any of these guidelines.

 If stable grout mixes are deemed necessary, a compromise between stable

grout mixes and the optimum mix technique could be the following:

o If closure is not obtained after progressively thickening to a

2:1 unstable grout mix, consideration could be given to switching to
balanced-stable grout mixes. If this decision is made, the grout mix
could be progressively thickened from 2:1 (unstable)  2:1 (stable),
2:1 (stable)  1.5:1 (stable), and 1.5:1 (stable)  1:1(stable). If the
bag ‘take’ immediately drops upon switching over to stable grout
mixes, the use of unstable grout mixes should be resumed or thinner
balanced-stable grout mixes should be used in the future.

This compromise limits the likelihood of premature closure of a grout

stage due to the use of an initial mix that exceeds the optimum grout mix.

Appendix A provides several examples for adjusting the grout mix.

15.15.3 Important Observations During Grouting Uplift Monitoring
During grouting, the contractor is required to provide equipment for uplift
monitoring. The system must be capable of providing real-time monitoring that is
able to incorporate data from various types of instrumentation. Vertical
displacements need to be accurate to at least 0.05 inch. If a predetermined
amount of uplift is exceeded during grouting, the uplift monitoring system
should be capable of providing warning.

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Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

Uplift monitoring can be accomplished using borehole extensometers, tiltmeters,

surface measurement points, global positioning system (GPS) points, and lasers.
Laser uplift monitoring is a popular choice among contractors for measuring
uplift during foundation grouting. Recent Reclamation experiences with laser
uplift monitoring have revealed problems with vibration, wind, and installation
issues on uneven ground. These issues should be evaluated prior to commencing
grouting operations. Back Pressure and Holding Pressure

During grouting, it is important to determine whether or not a stage has back
pressure or holding pressure. Differentiating between back pressure and holding
pressure takes place at the manifold by closing the control valve. If the gauge
pressure returns to zero, there is neither holding pressure nor back pressure. If the
pressure gauge maintains pressure, open the bleeder valve in the manifold until
the gauge reads zero, and then close the bleeder valve. If the gauge remains at
zero, the gauge reading prior to bleeding was the holding pressure. If the pressure
gauge is activated after closing the bleeder valve and shows pressure, that stage
has back pressure, which could damage the formation. The cause for back
pressure within a hole should be carefully evaluated. Back pressure often occurs
when the formation being grouted is being lifted or squeezed, and the weight of
the rock tends to force the grout back out of the hole. Back pressure could also
occur if grout fills voids above the point of injection (as on a dam abutment) or
methane gas or other gases in the foundation are compressed. Lowering the
pressure and/or thickening the grout may reduce the potential for uplift. Under
some conditions, it may be necessary to halt grouting to prevent further damage.
For a completed stage with back pressure, a closed valve should be maintained at
the standpipe until pressure has subsided. Holding pressure is a normal
occurrence that gradually increases as the grout stage approaches refusal. Leaks
During grouting on most projects, surface leaks are inevitable. When
Reclamation’s optimum mix technique is used, most leaks start out as water or
very thin grout and then progressively thicken. After grout at the leak is the same
consistency as the grout being pumped, the leaks must be caulked. If caulking is
needed, the super plasticizer must be temporarily removed from subsequent grout
batches, and the injection pressure should be reduced until the leak is sealed.
Materials that are typically used to caulk leaks in rock include lead wool, oakum,
burlap, wooden wedges, and empty bags of cement (figure If the
rock is clean (i.e., a leak is observed during the water test and caulking is
performed prior to grouting), sprayed foam and silicone based caulks have been
successfully used if the product is able to bond to the rock. The contractor should
always have the necessary tools onsite to caulk the leaks, such as chisels and
hammers. If possible, sandbag rings around a leak may reduce leakage and aid in
sealing the leak (figure A manlift is sometimes used to access areas
that are not readily accessible to seal leaks. If the leaks are inaccessible or cannot
be sealed, sealing can be accomplished by some combination of intermittent

DS-13(15) September 2014 15-89

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

pumping, thickening the mix, cutting the super plasticizer from the mix, and
reducing the pressure. After the leaks are sealed, the use of super plasticizer
should be continued.

Figure Contractor sealing leak by pushing oakum

into a crack in sandstone.

Figure This leak has been caulked with oakum and wood
wedges. A ring was formed with empty cement bags, earth
materials, and grout to apply back pressure and further reduce

15-90 DS-13(15) September 2014

Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting Communication to Adjacent Grout Holes

The likelihood of communication to adjacent grout holes is reduced by using the
split spacing method and 80-foot closure patterns. If communication does occur,
the following actions should be considered:

 If water or air is flowing into adjacent holes, but no grout is observed, no

action is needed.

 If grout is observed flowing into adjacent grout holes, a packer must be

placed in the adjacent grout hole to cap the connection. The packer should
be placed just above the location where the grout is entering the adjacent
hole. The pressure in the adjacent hole must be measured and be kept
below the allowable grouting pressure for that hole. After refusal is
obtained on the hole being grouted, the adjacent grout hole shall be
immediately grouted to refusal.

15.15.4 Contractor Shifts

After grouting commences on a stage, Reclamation practice is to continuously
inject grout until refusal is reached. This practice typically results in either three
8-hour shifts or two 12-hour shifts for the contractor on large grouting projects.
After some experience is gained on a project, the water test results can be used to
indicate when high grout ‘takes’ are expected and to assist the contractor in
scheduling to avoid weekend work and overtime pay. In instances where the
contractor has to shut down the operation for an unexpected reason, such as when
the contractor runs out of cement, a minimum of 20 ft3 of water should be injected
into the grout hole immediately after grouting ceases. The reason for injecting
water is to decrease the likelihood that refusal will be immediately reached when
grouting resumes. Grouting of this stage would be resumed when the contractor
resumes work.

15.15.5 Minimum Time Between Hookups

If no back pressure is observed upon completing a stage, Reclamation does not
have a minimum time between hookups. The typical series of events during
grouting is listed below:

 Drill the grout hole. If less than 50-percent fluid loss occurs during
drilling, the grout hole is drilled to its full depth.

 The grout hole is washed out.

 The lowest stage is water tested.

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Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

 If the water ‘take’ exceeds 1 ft3 over a 5-minute test period (or the
particular value that is selected for grouting), the stage is grouted to

 If there is no back pressure, the packer is deflated, and water is injected

through the packer pipe and packer until clean water exits the surface.

 The next stage is water tested.

 Repeat this process for each stage.

If back pressure is observed, the packer is typically left in the hole for several
hours to allow the grout to partially set. Once the grout has partially set, the
packer should be removed to avoid losing the packer and grouting of other stages
can commence.

15.16 Postgrouting Assessment

As discussed above, the grouting specifications and drawings are viewed as a
dynamic document. The design is adjusted in the field based on the actual grout
‘takes’; therefore, it is necessary to continuously review the grouting results
during construction.

Each grout hole should have a drill record and a grouting record. The grouting
inspector is responsible for filling out these records. The grouting supervisor or
shift leader is responsible for checking their accuracy before they become an
official record. The grouting supervisor is responsible for totaling the pay items
listed on these forms. The grouting data should be summarized in tables that
summarize the results for each feature (curtain grouting, blanket grouting,
pressure grouting for appurtenant features such as an outlet works tunnel or
drainage adit). For blanket grouting and curtain grouting, the summary tables
should also be further separated based on location (e.g., left abutment, right
abutment, and valley section). These summary tables should indicate the grout
‘takes’ for each series of holes. Appendix C provides some examples.

The best way to track progress to evaluate closure, when using the split spacing
method, is to plot the grouting results. Every foundation grouting project should
have an up-to-date plan and profile of the grouting results in the field office. The
process for generating these drawings varies, depending on whether or not
real-time computer monitoring is used.

On every foundation grouting job, a specified number of verification core holes

are included in the contract. The verification core holes are drilled within a
completed 80-foot grout curtain pattern. The purpose of these verification core
holes is to observe the discontinuities after closure has been reached and perform

15-92 DS-13(15) September 2014

Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

additional permeability tests to verify that the permeability of the formation has
been sufficiently reduced. Within each verification hole, the rock is cored, the
condition and amount of grout observed within the discontinuity are documented,
water tests are performed, and some limited geophysical testing is performed. If
the water tests exceed 1 ft3 in 5 minutes, these stages would be grouted to refusal.

On a recent large Reclamation foundation grouting projects that did not use
real-time computer monitoring, the grouting supervisor and field geologist were
responsible for compiling all of the data collected during grouting to assess
closure and keep track of the pay items. Upon receiving the inspector’s daily
reports, the grouting data is then transferred to a geotechnical borehole log by a
geologist, and the field engineer illustrates this data on a working copy of the plan
and profile grouting drawings in the field.

The drawings and borehole logs should include the following:

 Identification of hole (station number and series)

 Hole inclination angle
 Ground surface elevation
 Contact surface for geologic units
 Stage lengths
 Water ‘take’ and injection pressure for each stage
 Bag ‘take’ for each stage
 Total bag ‘take’ for grout hole
 Date grouted

A separate plan view drawing should be created to track any information on

surface leaks and grout hole communication.

The inspector’s grouting records are also provided to a computer-aided design

(CAD) technician. The grouting engineer in the field is periodically provided
with an updated plan and profile grout drawing to replace the working copy that is
in use in the field. Appendix C shows examples of plan and profile drawings.
The updated CAD drawings and working copies in the field contain the same

The field staff typically produce daily and/or weekly reports that briefly
summarize the completed work, a summary of pay items, and any noteworthy
issues that occurred. At the end of each month, Reclamation also requires that a
Monthly Grouting Progress Report (the L-10 report) be completed by the grouting
engineer in the field. The L-10 report briefly summarizes the areas being grouted
during that month, specifies the contractor equipment, staging areas, contractor
shift schedules, updated quantities for pay items, updated grout summary tables,
updated drawings, selected construction photos, and a brief summary of any
issues that came up during that month.

DS-13(15) September 2014 15-93

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

If real-time computer monitoring is used, several contractors are now able to

interface the real-time grouting data to produce CAD drawings and grout
summary reports. The updated grouting drawings and reports would then be
available on an Internet site that would allow all authorized personal to access this
information and track real-time grouting progress. It should be noted that the use
of this technology is not free. The need for this technology should be made on a
project-to-project basis. If computer monitoring is used, the specifications should
be written such that the electronic data must be available to the Government in
real time, and electronic copies of all reports and drawings must be supplied to the
Government in the desired format.

As discussed above in section, the information provided on these

drawings is then used to adjust the grouting design in the field based on the grout
‘takes’. The grouting engineer should review these drawings on a daily basis to
verify that closure is achieved.

Upon completing all grouting for the project, a final grouting report is generated
to summarize the results of the project. The report should provide a complete
summary of the project, along with final pay item quantities, final grout summary
tables, as-built drawings, and selected construction photos.

15.17 Case Histories

The foundation grouting programs at Ridgway Dam, McGee Creek Dam,
Jordanelle Dam, New Waddell Dam, and Heron Dam were designed and
generally constructed using methods similar to those described in this chapter.
These projects are judged to be representative of the performance observed at
Reclamation facilities that were grouted using the best practices described herein.
The data shown in table 15.17-1 is included to provide additional insight into the
magnitude of these projects.

Since their original construction, these dams have experienced relatively little
seepage. There have been few incidents of wet spots, and seepage measurements
through toe drains have typically been on the order of 0 to 5 gal/min. The lack of
seepage at these dams indicates that seepage through the bedrock has not been a

15-94 DS-13(15) September 2014

Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

Table 15.17-1. Grout program statistics

Blanket grouting Grout curtain Length of
Bags of Bags of Structural grout Crest
Linear feet cement Linear feet cement dam height curtain length
Dam drilled used drilled used (ft) (ft) (ft)
a a a
Ridgway Dam 38,009* 22,168 26,344 9,996 330 2,500 2,460

McGee Creek 5,182 1,223 22,465 11,872 161 2,096 1,968


Jordanelle Dam 29,820 6,581 50,977 12,520 345 3,673 3,820

Heron Dam 394 5,548 81,737 134,676 269 2,900 1,220

New Waddell Dam 221,306 c 68,114
440 10,900 4,900

Data not available for grouting in left abutment due to technical difficulties with tracking during grouting.
Actual grout totals are greater due to omission of these quantities.
Crest length is independent of curtain grouting that occurred on the right abutment ridge.
Approximate values; reported Stage I values for blanket and curtain grouting were not separated.

15.18 Quantity Estimates

The pay items that are typically included in Reclamation foundation grouting
specifications include the following:

 Lump sum payment for mobilization and demobilization. Includes

cost of moving equipment onto the site, assembling the equipment,
disassembling the equipment, site cleanup, and removing equipment from
the site.

 Standpipes. Includes cost for materials and installation of standpipes

required for drilling and grouting.

 Drill setups. Includes cost for each time the drilling equipment must
mobilize to the grout hole. Upstage grouting will require one drill setup
for each hole unless 50-percent or more drill fluid loss occurs during

 Drilling grout holes. Includes cost for measured length of drilling for
grout holes. Different types of drilling should be paid for separately. For
example, sonic drilling through an embankment would have a different
unit price than rock drilling.

 Casing for grout holes. Includes cost for casing within overburden or an
existing embankment.

DS-13(15) September 2014 15-95

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

 Hookups to grout holes. Includes costs for setting packer and equipment
needed for grouting. Cost is typically limited to one hookup per stage.

 Grouting time. Includes cost for operation of grout pump measured from
the time grout is first injected into a hole until closure is reached.
Reclamation provides the contractor with ½ hour of setup and cleanup
time on days when grouting is performed.

 Cement. Includes cost for number of bags of cement actually injected

into grout holes. No payment is made for cement that is wasted.

 Admixtures. Includes costs for any admixtures that are used in the grout

 Water tests. Includes cost for each water test performed.

The pay items for any grouting project may vary to suit the needs of the project.

Foundation grouting differs from all other construction activities associated with
civil engineering construction. The full extent of the required work is unknown
until the grouting project is complete. Any quantity estimate should be
considered as an approximate cost. Some guidance for estimating quantities is
provided below:

 The information collected during the geologic explorations must be

evaluated to determine the formation’s response to grouting.

 The judgment used in providing grouting estimates should be discussed

with the project designers, the grouting engineer, and geologists.

 A thorough geologic investigation is necessary for providing reasonable

quantity estimates for foundation grouting. Overruns and underruns of
schedule quantities related to foundation grouting can result from
inadequate geologic data.

 High quality water test data is necessary for providing reasonable quantity
estimates for foundation grouting. The procedures, equipment, and
calculations used in the water tests should be closely reviewed.

 Previous grouting experience with similar geologic formations should be

used. Appendix D contains spreadsheets that show pertinent drilling and
grouting information from many of Reclamation’s previous projects. The
reference data provided in appendix D, when combined with actual site
data for a new damsite, can further contribute to the effectiveness of grout
quantity estimates. These spreadsheets could be used to view the grouting
results of dams that were constructed in similar geologic settings. A final

15-96 DS-13(15) September 2014

Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

grouting report for existing Reclamation projects should be available for

any project that was constructed after 1970.

 Judgment from a grouting expert is extremely valuable and should be

factored into the quantity estimate.

 Estimates for standpipes, drilling, casing, setups, water tests and hookups
can be estimated based on the number of grout holes provided on the
design drawings. On every grouting job, some number of additional
closure holes not shown on the design drawings will be required to obtain
closure. An estimate needs to be made for the number of additional holes,
the average depth of the additional holes, and the number of water tests,
setups and hookups. For non-scheduled grout holes, the number of setups
and hookups per grout hole is typically 1.

 The number of water tests, setups and hookups must account for the
potential for drill fluid losses and borehole wall collapse that results in
some downstage grouting.

 An estimate must be made for the number of hookups per grout hole. The
number will vary based on the number of stages within each grout hole
series. The number of hookups per hole should gradually decrease from
the primary grout hole series to the quaternary holes series since the
quaternary grout holes are typically shallower than the primary grout holes
and the formation should be substantially less permeable when grouting
the quaternary grout holes relative to the primary grout holes.

 Grouting time, cement ‘takes’ and the required amount of admixture are
often very difficult to estimate.

For a new embankment dam, the cement ‘takes’ are often estimated
between 0.25 and 3 bags/ft of linear drill hole length, with 0.5 to 1.0 bag/ft
being the most common range. The number is adjusted based on the
results of the geologic investigations, experience in similar geologic units,
and expert advice. For an existing embankment dam, the amount of
remedial grouting could be estimated by reviewing the original
construction grouting quantities and adjusting them to suit the needs and
purpose of the remedial grouting project.

For curtain grouting, the grouting time estimate is typically based on a

range of 8 to 15 bags/hr. For jobs with a high bag ‘take’ estimate, such as
3 bags/ft, the grouting time estimate would be on the high end of the 8 to
15 bags/hr range, and vice versa. For blanket grouting, the grouting time
estimate is typically based on a range of 5 to 12 bags/hr.

DS-13(15) September 2014 15-97

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

The amount of admixture is estimated based on the amount that is

necessary for each bag of cement (such as 8 ounces of super plasticizer for
every bag of cement).

15-98 DS-13(15) September 2014

Chapter 15: Foundation Grouting

15.19 References

[1] Houlsby, A.C. 1990. Construction and Design of Cement Grouting – A

Guide to Grouting in Rock Foundations. Wiley Series of Practical
Construction Guides, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.

[2] Bureau of Reclamation. 2012. Design Standards No. 13 – Embankment

Dams, Chapter 3, “Foundation Surface Treatment.” Technical Service
Center, Denver, Colorado.

[3] Bureau of Reclamation. 1998. Engineering Geology Field Manual.

Second Edition, U.S. Department of the Interior.

[4] Bruce, D., and K. Weaver. 2007. Dam Foundation Grouting. American
Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia.

[5] Bureau of Reclamation. 1986. Analysis of Utilization of Grout and Grout

Curtains – Hoover Dam. Division of Research and Laboratory Services,
Concrete and Structural Branch.

[6] Bureau of Reclamation. 1994. Maximum Sections and Earthwork Control

of Earthfill Dams Built by the Bureau of Reclamation. U.S. Department
of the Interior.

[7] Bureau of Reclamation. 1995. A Summary Report of the Foundation

Grouting Research Program. Technical Service Center, Civil
Engineering Division, Materials Engineering and Research Laboratory

[8] U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. July 2014. “EM No. 1110-2-3506 –
Grouting Technology.” DRAFT. Department of the Army, Washington,

[9] Stare, D., A. Hockenberry, D. Wilson, and D. Bruce. 2012. “Protection of

Embankments During Drilling and Grouting,” Proceedings of the
4th International Conference on Grouting and Deep Mixing. American
Society of Civil Engineers, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 228,
Grouting and Deep Soil Mixing, pp. 1304-1313 (with permission from

[10] Bureau of Reclamation. 1984. Policy Statements for Grouting.

ACER Technical Memorandum No. 5, Engineering and Research,
Denver, Colorado.

DS-13(15) September 2014 15-99

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

[11] Bureau of Reclamation. 1991. “Grouting.” Construction Inspector

Training, Engineering and Research Center, Denver, Colorado.

15-100 DS-13(15) September 2014

Appendix A

Case Histories of Pressure Grouting

Programs within Reclamation
Purpose.................................................................................................................... 1
Case Histories ......................................................................................................... 1
Ridgway Dam ................................................................................................ 1
Site Geology.......................................................................................... 1
Grout Design ......................................................................................... 2
Grout Hole Patterns, Depths and Orientations ...................................... 4
Grouting Method ................................................................................... 4
Foundation Permeability Values Prior to Grouting .............................. 6
Grouting Issues ..................................................................................... 6
Post-Grouting Seepage Observed ......................................................... 6
McGee Creek Dam ........................................................................................ 7
Site Geology.......................................................................................... 7
Grout Design ......................................................................................... 7
Grout Hole Patterns, Depths and Orientations ...................................... 7
Grouting Method ................................................................................... 9
Foundation Permeability Prior to Grouting ........................................ 10
Grouting Issues ................................................................................... 11
Post-Grouting Seepage Observed ....................................................... 11
Jordanelle Dam ............................................................................................ 11
Site Geology........................................................................................ 11
Grout Design ....................................................................................... 12
Grout Hole Patterns, Depths and Orientations .................................... 12
Grouting Method ................................................................................. 15
Foundation Permeability Prior to Grouting ........................................ 17
Grouting Issues ................................................................................... 17
Post-Grouting Seepage Observed ....................................................... 17
Heron Dam ................................................................................................... 18
Site Geology........................................................................................ 18
Grout Design ....................................................................................... 19
Grout Hole Patterns, Depths and Orientations .................................... 19
Grouting Method ................................................................................. 22
Foundation Permeability Values Prior to Grouting ............................ 22
Grouting Issues ................................................................................... 22
Post-Grouting Seepage Observed ....................................................... 22
New Waddell Dam ....................................................................................... 23
Site Geology........................................................................................ 23
Grout Design ....................................................................................... 23
Grout Hole Patterns, Depths and Orientations .................................... 25
Grouting Method ................................................................................. 27
Grouting Issues ................................................................................... 28
Post-grouting Seepage Observed ........................................................ 28
Summary ............................................................................................................... 30
References ............................................................................................................. 31

DS-13(15)-1 March 2014 A-i

The purpose of this appendix is to briefly summarize the performance of multiple
foundation grouting projects that were generally designed and constructed using
Reclamation’s best practices discussed in this design standard. Design
components documented in this appendix include:

 Brief description of embankment

 Brief geologic description of the damsite
 Foundation grouting design
 Closure pattern
 Brief summary of grout ‘takes’
 Grout hole orientation
 Depth of holes
 Grout mixes utilized (by volume)

Factors discussed to evaluate the effectiveness of the grout programs include:

 Pre-construction foundation permeability values

 Post-grouting seepage observed (from historical seepage data)
 Post-grouting foundation permeability values

Case Histories
Ridgway Dam
Ridgway Dam was constructed from 1978 to 1987 on the Uncompahgre River in
southwestern Colorado. The dam is a rolled earthfill dam with a clay central core
zone and various zones. The structural height is 330 feet and the hydraulic height
is 200 feet. The crest length is 2,460 feet and the reservoir has a maximum
capacity of 93,945 acre-feet.

Site Geology
The geologic description of the damsite can be simplified as including various
deposits of Quaternary Alluvium overlying the Jurassic Morrison Formation.
Within the impervious core footprint, the alluvium was excavated to bedrock for
construction of a cutoff trench composed of core material (Figure A-1). However,
the alluvium material remains below the upstream and downstream portions of the
dam below the shell material.

DS-13(15)-1 March 2014 A-1

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

Figure A-1 – Photograph of core trench construction at Ridgway Dam.

The Morrison Formation is primarily composed of shales and mudstones, with

random thin beds of sandstone and siltstone. Clay seams several inches thick
occur throughout the formation. The Morrison Formation has a regional dip of
about 4 to 5 degrees toward the northeast (the right abutment).

Site investigations were extensive to allow for design of an effective grout

program. Site investigations included geologic mapping, air photographic
interpretation, drill holes, test pits and trenches, surface and downhole
geophysical testing, and laboratory testing.

Grout Design
The grout program was divided into two stages (Figure A-2) due to a slide which
developed on the left abutment during excavation of the overburden materials
prior to initiating foundation grouting. Stage one included a single row grout
curtain between Stations 7+05 and 24+75, as well as blanket grouting at specified
locations. Grouting within the river channel (Stations 13+05 to 16+25) was
completed last to allow the river to be diverted.

Stage two grouting consisted of curtain grouting and blanket grouting on both the
left and right abutments (Figure A-2). Grouting of the right abutment included
two rows; a row located 5 feet upstream and another located 5 feet downstream.
Grouting was intended to fill faults, joints, shear zones, springs, and any
foundation defects that required treating.

A-2 DS-13(15)-1 March 2014

Appendix A: Grouting Program Case Histories

Figure A-2 – Section view of original grout curtain design at Ridgway


DS-13(15)-1 March 2014 A-3

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

Grout Hole Patterns, Depths and Orientations

The main dam grout curtain was originally designed using the split-spacing
closure method, with final closure holes spaced at 10-foot centers and primary
holes spaced at 80-foot centers. To obtain closure, additional holes spaced at
5-foot centers were periodically included between stations 18+90 and 24+53.

The grout curtain holes between stations 7+00 and 29+82 were angled 15 degrees
from vertical toward the left abutment. The upstream grout holes on the right
abutment (between 4+80 and 7+50) were angled 30 degrees from vertical toward
the right abutment. The downstream grout holes on the right abutment (between
4+80 and 7+50) were angled 15 degrees from vertical toward the right abutment.

The specifications also required blanket grouting the foundation to a depth of

30 feet at all locations specified by the Contracting Officer. Blanket holes were
provided to permit special treatment of open cracks, jointed areas, high grout take
areas, and other defects in the foundation. Blanket holes were drilled to a depth
of 30 feet and were spaced on 10 foot centers. Blanket grouting was performed
after the completion of curtain grouting.

Grouting Method
After setting the nipples, grout holes were drilled to depth to allow for stage-up
grouting. Each hole was grouted in 30-foot stages. Before grouting a stage, a
water test was performed. Each stage was pressurized to 0.75 psi per foot of
depth to the bottom of the packer. Grouting was required within the stage when
water-take was greater than 2 ft3 over 5 minutes. Grout injection pressures
measured at the manifold were 0.75 psi per foot of depth to the packer.

The water-cement ratio (by volume) within grout mixes typically varied from 8:1
to 2.5:1, although grout mixes with a 1:1 ratio were sometimes used to treat
surface leaks. Large artesian water flows were encountered in the holes between
stations 18+25 to 23+05. The flows were up to 35 gallons per minute (gpm) with
pressures up to 70psi and were successfully grouted off using grout with a water-
cement ratio ranging from 8:1 to 3:1.

The blanket grouting resulted in a total of 38,009 linear feet of drilling, with
22,168 bags of cement being injected into the foundation. The curtain grouting
resulted in a total of 26,344 linear feet of drilling, with 9,996 bags of cement
being injected into the foundation. These quantities do not include the grout takes
in the left abutment due to technical difficulties with the automated data collection
system. A detailed summary of the average cement take for various areas is
provided in Table A-1.

A-4 DS-13(15)-1 March 2014

Appendix A: Grouting Program Case Histories

Table A-1 – Summary of Grouting at Ridgway

Angle Avg.
(degrees) Cement-
Spacing Hole from Take
Hole Series (ft) Length (ft) vertical (sacks/ft)
Stage 1 - Grout Curtain, Main Dam (Station 7+05 to 13+05 and Station 16+25 to 24+75)
Primary 80 150 0.89
Secondary 40 90 0.50
Tertiary 20 60 -15 0.42
Quaternary 10 30 0.45
Quinary 5 30 0.11
Check Holes Random 130-150 0.20
Stage 1 - Grout Curtain, Main Dam (Station 13+15 to 16+15)
Primary 80 150 0.15
Secondary 40 90 0.08
Tertiary 20 60 -15 0.10
Quaternary 10 30 0.21
Quinary 5 30 0.01
Check Holes Random Not available 0.00
Stage 2 - Grout Curtain, Right Abutment (Station 4+81.5 to 7+50)
b c b c
4+81.5 to 7+50 4+92 to 7+50 Typical (80, 40, 20, 10) 150, 90, 60, 30 +15 /30 0.27
Stage 2 - Grout Curtain, Left Abutment (Station 25+51 to 29+82)
24+51 to 29+82 Typical (80, 40, 20, 10) 150, 90, 60, 30 -15 N/A
Stage 1 - Blanket Grouting, Main Dam (7+07 to 13+05 and 16+25 to 24+75)
10 x 10 30 -15 0.31
Stage 2 - Blanket Grouting, Right Abutment (4+93 to 11+30)
115 feet u/s to 75 feet d/s 10 x 10 30 +30 0.74
Stage 2 - Blanket Grouting, Left Abutment (24+50 to 29+60)
245 feet u/s to 345 feet d/s 10 x 10 30 (50)a -30 N/A
Holes above elevation 6750 and downstream of the dam centerline were grouted to a depth of 50 feet
Right abutment upstream curtain holes (5 feet upstream of centerline)
Right abutment downstream curtain holes (5 feet downstream of centerline)
Positive indicates angled towards R abutment, negative indicates angled towards L abutment

DS-13(15)-1 March 2014 A-5

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

Foundation Permeability Values Prior to Grouting

Foundation permeabilities were calculated from water tests performed during
preliminary geologic investigations [1]. These tests were performed primarily
using pressure packers over 10- to 12-foot spans within each hole. Permeability
was calculated for each span in accordance with Reclamation’s Designation E-18
(now designated as USBR-7310). Permeabilities were most frequently calculated
to be in the 0 to 200 ft/yr (low permeability), but were sometimes calculated to be
in the 200-1000 ft/yr range (moderate permeability), and were even calculated to
be greater than 1000 ft/yr (high permeability) in a few instances. Testing
indicated that large water losses were related to jointing, while smaller losses
could be through rock pores. Also, tests indicated that the mudstone of the
Morrison Formation tends to become less permeable with depth [1].

Grouting Issues
Several surface cracks were observed in the left abutment during foundation
excavation and grouting operations. In this (and similar) cases, new holes were
drilled nearby and grouted to greater depths to provide additional protection.
Also, several water tests were performed in holes drilled after completion of
grouting within an area. Tests typically showed the grouted areas to be water-
tight. In the instances when they were not, additional grouting was performed.

Remediation of the large foundation block in the left abutment consisted of

installation of 51 rock tendons to pin the block to the abutment, completion of the
grout curtain, 23 horizontal drains from the abutment surface, extension of the left
abutment drainage tunnel drains into the slide mass to reduce pore-water
pressures, and instrumentation to monitor the water levels and movement of the
block [2].

Grouting also took place within a drainage tunnel at the left abutment. The
drainage tunnel allowed for additional grouting in the left abutment. Additional
grouting was desired to provide additional stability, as several slides had already
occurred on the left abutment.

Post-Grouting Seepage Observed

The 2010 CFR describes there to be “very little seepage anywhere at Ridgway
Dam” and that “the downstream area of the dam is dry [2].” There are presently
four active seepage monitoring locations. V-notch weirs located in inspection
wells at the outfalls of the left and right toe drains have “been essentially dry
since first filling [2].” The one seepage monitoring location that consistently
registers measurable flows is a V-notch weir in the left abutment drainage tunnel.
Flows have been found to correspond with the reservoir level, and have
historically averaged 14 to 22 gpm. The low flow quantities through the drainage
tunnel indicate that the grout curtain is successfully limiting flow through the

A-6 DS-13(15)-1 March 2014

Appendix A: Grouting Program Case Histories

McGee Creek Dam

McGee Creek Dam was constructed from 1982 to 1987 on McGee Creek in
southern Oklahoma. The dam is a zoned earthfill embankment. The dam has a
crest length of 1,968 feet, and the reservoir has a maximum capacity of
approximately 199,700 acre-feet. The structural height is 161 feet and the
hydraulic height is 154 feet. The dam was founded on interbedded sandstone,
shale, and siltstone formations. The shale deposits were found to contain
dispersive clays.

Site Geology
The dam and appurtenant structures are founded on interbedded shale, sandstone,
and siltstone of the Pennsylvanian Atoka Formation. The strike of the beds is at
approximately 60 degrees from the dam axis, and the dip varies from about 35
degrees in the right abutment to about 10 to 15 degrees in the left abutment. Two
prominent joint sets were readily recognized during construction, with one having
joints spaced from 0.33 to 2.30 ft, and the other having joints spaced from 3.28 to
13.12 ft. Major faulting was not observed in the foundation area of the dam and
structures [3].

Grout Design
A single row grout curtain (Figure A-3) was constructed between Stations 0+11
and 6+501, with a grout cap being constructed between Stations 1+49 and 4+52 to
facilitate grouting and setting of nipples. Blanket grouting was performed
between Stations 0+29 and 1+54 to consolidate the foundation materials and
prevent piping of the dispersive clay embankment material into jointing along the
abutment in this area. Curtain grouting was performed to create a positive
seepage path cutoff [4].

Grout Hole Patterns, Depths and Orientations

The grout curtain (Figure A-4) was constructed using the split-spacing closure
method, with final closure holes spaced at 10-foot centers and primary holes
spaced at 40-foot centers. To obtain closure, additional holes spaced at 5-foot
centers were periodically included. A second line of curtain holes was also added
approximately 6 feet upstream of the main curtain at select locations to further
establish closure.

Dam Stationing is in meters. Stationing for other case histories is in feet.

DS-13(15)-1 March 2014 A-7

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

Figure A-3 – Section view of original grout curtain design at McGee Creek Dam

A-8 DS-13(15)-1 March 2014

Appendix A: Grouting Program Case Histories

Figure A-4 – Photograph of curtain grouting at McGee Creek Dam

Grout curtain holes between stations 0+11 and 1+60 were angled 20 degrees from
vertical towards the right abutment. Curtain holes between stations 1+50 and
6+50 were angled 20 degrees from vertical towards the left abutment.

The grout blanket consisted of 107 grout holes, constructed in a 26-foot diamond
grid (75-degree angle between adjacent holes, as opposed to 90-degree angle for
typical rectangular grid). Holes were angled 20 degrees from vertical towards the
right abutment, with holes varying in depth from 33 to 53 feet.

Grouting Method
After setting the nipples, curtain grout holes were drilled to their scheduled depth.
After drilling curtain holes, water testing and grouting proceeded in 20-ft stages.
Grouting of a stage was required if the water-take under a given pressure was
greater than 1 cubic foot per 5 minutes. The pressure used was based on the depth
of the packer to the top of the stage. When the packer was at the ground surface,
a pressure of 10 psi was used. When the packer was placed down the hole, the
injection pressure measured at the manifold was 0.88psi/ft of depth plus 5 psi.

After drilling blanket holes, packers were used to test and grout the holes in two
stages. Blanket grout holes were typically separated into two stages, 0 to 10 feet
and 10 to 30 feet. The injection pressure measured at the manifold used was
based on the depth of the packer at the top of the stage. When the packer was at
the ground surface, an injection pressure of 5 psi was used. When the packer was
placed down the hole, the injection pressure measured at the manifold was
increased by 0.66 psi per foot of depth to the bottom of the packer.

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Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

The starting water-cement ratio (by volume) for each stage was determined based
on the results of the water tests and is summarized in Table A-2.

Table A-2 –Starting grout mix (water:cement ratio) based on water loss observed
Water loss (ft3/ 5 minutes) Starting mix (water:cement)
1.1 to 3.5 8:1
3.6 to 7.0 6:1
> 7.0 5:1

The blanket grouting resulted in a total of 5,182 linear feet of drilling and 1,223
bags of cement were injected into the foundation. The curtain grouting resulted in
a total of 22,465 linear feet of drilling and 11,872 bags of cement were injected
into the foundation. A detailed summary of the average cement take for various
areas is provided in Table A-3.

Table A-3 – Summary of Grouting at McGee Creek Dam

Spacing Hole Angle Avg. Cement-
Hole Series
(ft) Length (ft) (degrees) Take (sacks/ft)
Right Abutment + Main Dam Grout Curtain (0+11 to 1+50)
Primary 40 -20 0.18
Secondary 20 -20 0.04
Tertiary 10 40 to 119 ft -20 0.09
Quaternary 5 -20 0.03
Check Holes N/A -20 0.01
Left Abutment + Main Dam Grout Curtain (1+50 to 6+50)
Primary 40 +20 1.29
Secondary 20 +20 0.85
Tertiary 10 40 to 138 ft +20 0.34
Quaternary 5 +20 0.25
Check Holes N/A +20 0.10
Right Abutment Blanket Grouting (0+29 to 1+54)
Primary -20 0.27
Secondary -20 0.24
Tertiary 8 x 8 m grid 33 to 53 ft -20 0.42
Quaternary -20 0.07
Closure -20 0.13

Foundation Permeability Prior to Grouting

Joints and fractures within the top 5 to 10 feet of ground surface are mostly tightly
closed or filled, as evidenced by field permeability test results [5]. Maximum
water take during field permeability tests was about 30.4 gpm. Most water takes
were less than 2.5 gpm. Depth to tight rock (rock with water take equal to or less
than 1.3 gpm) varied from 10 to 120 ft [4].

A-10 DS-13(15)-1 March 2014

Appendix A: Grouting Program Case Histories

The construction design indicated that “with the cutoff beneath the dam excavated
to moderately to slightly weathered bedrock and with effective grouting there will
be no potential for significant reservoir losses due to under seepage and deep
percolation [5].”

Grouting Issues
No significant issues were noted during grouting in the available records.

Post-Grouting Seepage Observed

McGee Creek is heavily monitored, so seepage issues could be expected to be
more readily observed. Five seepage measurement points are monitored at the
dam. Flows at these measurement points are typically less than 1 or 2 gpm, and a
maximum flow of 5 gpm was measured on one occasion [6].

Flow is also monitored at three additional locations downstream on the right

abutment. These areas started as wet spots before they started flowing in 1987.
The maximum flow measured for any of the wet spots was 1.35 gpm. However,
these areas have been drying up in recent years [6]. The grouting program and
foundation treatment performed at the site appears to have been satisfactory as
seepage has been minimal [6].

Jordanelle Dam
Jordanelle Dam was constructed from 1987 to 1992 on the Provo River
approximately 25 miles southwest of Salt Lake City. The dam is a zoned earthfill
structure with relatively steep upstream and downstream slopes. The dam has a
crest length of 3,820 feet, and the reservoir has a maximum capacity of 361,000
acre-feet. The structural height is 345 feet, while the hydraulic height is 283 feet.

Site Geology
The dam and appurtenant structures are primarily founded on an intrusion of
andesite porphyry of the Jordanelle Stock unit, although a portion of the
downstream toe is founded on volcanic breccia of the Coyote Canyon unit.
Surficial deposits above these units consist of alluvium, colluvium, slope wash,
talus, landslide deposits, and alluvial fan deposits. The intrusion of the andesite
porphyry created stresses that resulted in areas of shearing, fracturing, and
extensive weathering in the foundation. These areas have been referred to as
faults, structure zones, shears, and hydrothermally altered zones during the
preconstruction investigations. They lack continuity, are steeply-dipping, vary
widely in width, and do not extend beyond the andesite boundary. The primary
rock crystals within these areas have been pseudomorphically replaced by clay

DS-13(15)-1 March 2014 A-11

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

Grouting was expected to be “difficult in the foundation … [as the] high

variability of the jointing patterns … [would] make it difficult to predict spacing
and orientations for grout holes [7].”

Grout Design
The grout program consisted of both blanket grouting and curtain grouting along
the entire length of the dam (Station 1+97 to 38+70, Figures A-5 and A-6).
Blanket grouting always took place before curtain grouting. Alluvium was
excavated down to bedrock within the footprint of where zone 1 material was to
be placed, allowing blanket grouting to be performed within the area.

Construction was divided into two stages to allow the Provo River to be diverted.
This allowed grouting to take place across the entire channel without being
disrupted by the river. The first stage took place from Station 14+65 to 20+20,
while the second stage took place from Station 1+95 to 15+25, and from Station
19+90 to 38+60.

The width of the grout blanket spanned 100 feet (from 168 ft to 268 ft upstream of
the dam centerline) using six rows of grout holes. Five of these rows (located
168, 188, 228, 248, and 268 feet upstream, designated as Lines 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6,
respectively) made up the grout blanket. A sixth row (located 208 ft upstream of
the dam centerline, designated as Line 4) made up the grout curtain. This pattern
is depicted in Figure A-7.

Additional holes needed for closure of the grout blanket were located in
intermediate rows (designated as Lines 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 4.5, and 5.5, based on their
location) between the existing rows. Most of the additional closure holes needed
for the grout curtain were located 10 feet upstream (Line 3.5) of the grout curtain
centerline (Line 4), although in some instances additional holes were also located
5 feet upstream (Line 3.75) of the grout curtain centerline.

Grout Hole Patterns, Depths and Orientations

The hole spacing pattern for the blanket hole rows was constructed using the split-
spacing closure method, with final closure holes spaced at 5-foot centers, and
primary holes spaced at 40-foot centers. To obtain closure, additional holes
spaced at 2.5-foot centers and at 1.25-foot centers were periodically included.

A-12 DS-13(15)-1 March 2014

Appendix A: Grouting Program Case Histories

Figure A-5 – Section view of original grout curtain design at Jordanelle Dam – Stage 1

Figure A-6 – Section view of original grout curtain design at Jordanelle Dam – Stage 2 (1 of 2)

DS-13(15)-1 March 2014 A-13

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

Figure A-7 – Grouting pattern at Jordanelle Dam.

A-14 DS-13(15)-1 March 2014

Appendix A: Grouting Program Case Histories

The hole spacing pattern for the grout curtain holes was also constructed using the
split-spacing closure method. Final closure holes were spaced at 10-foot centers,
and primary holes spaced at 80-foot centers. To obtain closure, additional holes
spaced at 5-foot centers and at 2.5-foot centers were periodically included.

Blanket holes were drilled 30 feet deep and were oriented either vertically, or
dipped 30 degrees from vertical (towards the nearest abutment). Curtain holes
were drilled to depths varying from 100 to 150 feet for primary, secondary, and
tertiary holes, and to depths varying from 20 to 150 for closure holes. Hole
orientation was often modified from the orientation presented in the specifications
(Figure A- 8) in order to better intercept faults and seams.

Grouting Method
Blanket grouting was performed first. After setting the nipples, grout holes were
drilled to their scheduled depth. Upstage grouting methods were utilized.
Packers were then used to water test and grout the holes in two stages, 0 to 10 feet
and 10 to 30 feet, with the injection pressure based on the depth of the packer.
For the upper stage in the blanket holes, an injection pressure of 10 psi at the
manifold was used. An injection pressure of 15 psi measured at the manifold was
used when the packer was placed at a depth of 10 feet.

After completing the grout blanket, construction proceeded on the grout curtain.
Upstage grouting methods were utilized. After drilling curtain holes, packers
were used to perform water tests in 20- or 30-foot stage lengths. The stage length
increased from 20 to 30 feet at depths greater than 120 feet. The injection
pressure measured at the manifold used for both water testing and grouting was
equal to 1 psi per foot of depth to the bottom of the packer. Grouting of a stage
was required if the water-take under a given pressure was greater than 1 cubic
foot per 5 minutes. When the grout-take dropped below 2 bags per hour, or below
1 ft3 of grout mix per 10 minutes, grouting of the stage was considered completed.
Grout mixes normally consisted of a water-cement ratio (by volume) between 5:1
and 1:1.

The blanket grouting resulted in a total of 29,820 linear feet of drilling and 6,581
bags of cement were injected into the foundation. The curtain grouting resulted in
a total of 50,977 linear feet of drilling and 12,520 bags of cement were injected
into the foundation. Due to errors associated with the grout monitoring software,
the variance grout sequences (primary, secondary, etc.) were often mislabeled.
This led to the final grouting report being misleading in that closure holes (and
later-sequence holes) did not always reflect smaller grout-takes. For this reason,
Table A-4 does not indicate grout takes for these sequences. However, it was
noted that “each line was completely closed in accordance with standard grouting
procedures [8].”

DS-13(15)-1 March 2014 A-15

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

Figure A- 8 – Section view of original grout curtain design at

Jordanelle Dam – Stage 2 (2 of 2)

A-16 DS-13(15)-1 March 2014

Appendix A: Grouting Program Case Histories

Table A-4 – Summary of Stage 1 Grouting at Jordanelle Dam

STAGE 1 (14+65 to 20+20)
Blanket* Curtain (Line 4)
Spacing Depth Spacing Depth
Sequence Sequence
(ft) (ft) (ft) (ft)
Primary 40 30 Primary 80 150
Secondary 20 30 Secondary 40 120
Tertiary 10 30 Tertiary 20 100

STAGE 2 (1+95 to 15+25, and 19+90 to 38+60)

Blanket* Curtain**
Spacing Depth Spacing Depth
Sequence Sequence
(ft) (ft) (ft) (ft)
Primary 40 30 Primary 80 150
Secondary 20 30 Secondary 40 120
Tertiary 10 30 Tertiary 20 100
Quaternary 5 30 Quaternary 10 20-150
Quintary 2.5 30 Quintary 5 20-150
Sextary 1.3 30 Sextary 2.5 20-150
* Blanket included lines 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6, plus additional closure lines 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 4.5, and 5.5
** Curtain included line 4 and additional closure lines 3.5 and 3.75

Foundation Permeability Prior to Grouting

Permeability values for the foundation were documented in Appendix 1 of the
Foundation Construction Geology Report [7]. Permeabilities were calculated to
be less than 200 ft/yr (low permeability) in about 75 percent of tests, were found
to be in the 200-1000 ft/yr range (moderate permeability) in about 20 percent of
tests, and were found to be greater than 1000 ft/yr (high permeability) in about
5 percent of tests. Packer tests indicated that “permeability in the foundation is
variable and unpredictable, but generally small [7].”

Grouting Issues
Casing was required for some holes to keep the hole from caving in on itself.
Uplift was monitored using installed elevation measurement points every 40 to
50 feet along the grout curtain line. No change in elevation was detected at these
points. Surface leaks were “caulked” with oakum and cement, but were relatively
ineffective in sealing the surface. Pressure transducers and flowmeters were used
to monitor grouting operations but occasionally were inactive due to technical
difficulties. Reclamation’s grouting software was also not entirely compatible
with the grout hole layout due to the complexity of the site and the significant
number of grout lines. This resulted in errant values in the grout-take report [8].

Post-Grouting Seepage Observed

Jordanelle Dam is well instrumented and seepage has been minimal [9]. The CFR
states that “there is a lack of any appreciable seepage emanating from the
downstream toe areas.”

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Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

Total seepage through the toe drain system is typically between 15 and 30 gallons
per minute, depending on the reservoir level.” This is a “very low volume of
seepage given the size and hydraulic height of Jordanelle Dam [9].” Since 2001,
seepage has been measured greater than 32 gpm on four occasions, with
maximum seepage being measuring at 60 gpm. These increased seepage values
were observed when “snowmelt at the damsite is sufficient to appreciably raise
tailwater levels [above the invert of the toe drain collection pipe]” [9].

Heron Dam
Heron Dam was constructed from 1967 to 1971 in northern New Mexico on
Willow Creek (Figure A-9). The reservoir has a maximum capacity of 401,320
acre-feet. The dam has a crest length of 1,220 feet, a structural height of 269 feet,
and a hydraulic height of 249 feet [10].

Figure A-9 – Photograph of grout hole construction at Heron Dam

Site Geology
The dam was founded on the sedimentary bedrock units of the Dakota and
Morrison Formations. These formations each contain beds of both shale and
sandstone. At the dam site, the sedimentary foundation beds dip gently at 5 to 10
degrees. Two primary joint sets were noted; numerous north-south joints were
spaced a few inches to about a foot apart; east-west joints were less common and
were spaced 50 to 100 feet apart. Extracted rock cores found joints within the
sandstone to be open 1/8 -inch to 1/4-inch, but to be tight within the shale. Open

A-18 DS-13(15)-1 March 2014

Appendix A: Grouting Program Case Histories

stress relief joints at the surface of the sandstone were found to be open from a
fraction of an inch to two or more feet for lengths up to 150 feet.

Site investigations were extensive to allow for design of an effective grout

program. Site investigations included subsurface mapping and drilling, and
surface mapping.

Grout Design
The grout program (Figure A-10) included the following components: a grout
curtain beneath the dike; the main dam grout curtain along the valley bottom and
extending up the abutments; a grout cap above the main dam grout curtain (with a
width of 3-feet and a depth ranging from 3 to 6-feet); a second grout curtain
(constructed without a grout cap) located twenty feet upstream of the main curtain
along the channel bottom and extending partway up the abutments; extended
grout curtains extending 1,000 feet beyond each abutment; grout blanket over
portions of the impervious core footprint; and grouting along features such as the
outlet works intake structure, tunnel, gate chamber, adit to gate chamber, and
access shaft.

The main dam grout curtain was designed to prevent seepage through relief joints
in the abutments, and to prevent seepage through the valley bottom. The grout
curtain extending beyond the abutments was to prevent seepage in relief joints
parallel to the main river channel.

Grout Hole Patterns, Depths and Orientations

The main dam grout curtain was originally designed using the split-spacing
closure method, with final closure holes spaced at 10-foot centers and primary
holes spaced at 80-foot centers. However, need for additional grouting resulted in
some final closure holes being spaced as closely as at 5-foot centers. Hole
spacing for the second grout curtain and the extended grout curtains are also
presented in Table A-5.

Grout curtain holes were angled at 24 degrees from the vertical, but in opposite
directions on each abutment. These hole-orientations were extended from the
abutments towards the center of the channel-bottom, with the two orientations
overlapping by about 68-feet.

Grout mixtures used within the curtain had water-cement ratios (by volume)
ranging from 12:1 to 1:1, with most of the grout having an 8:1 ratio. Grout
injection pressures measured at the manifold were 1 psi per foot of depth to the
packer setting (and a maximum pressure of 150 psi) plus 10 to 15 psi.

DS-13(15)-1 March 2014 A-19


Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

March 2014

Figure A-10 – Section view of original grout curtain design at Heron Dam.
Appendix A: Grouting Program Case Histories

Table A-5 – Summary of Grout-Takes at Heron Dam

Hole Angle (degrees) Avg. Cement-
Hole Series Spacing (ft) Length (ft) from vertical** Take (sacks/ft)
Main Dam Grout Curtain
Primary 80 ±24 9.11
Secondary 40 ±24 5.62
30 to 260
Tertiary 20 ±24 2.48
(30 to 150)*
Quaternary 10 ±24 0.77
Quinary 5 ±24 0.57
Upstream Curtain (20-feet upstream)
Primary 40 ±24 0.49
Secondary 20 30 to 250 ±24 0.30
Tertiary 10 (30 to 140)* ±24 0.33
Quaternary 5 ±24 0.00
Extended Curtain (Left Abutment)
Primary 120 +24 8.08
Secondary 60 +24 3.64
Tertiary 30 +24 2.26
60 to 260
Quaternary 15 +24 0.69
Quinary 7.5 +24 0.33
Senary 3.75 +24 0.03
Extended Curtain (Right Abutment)
Primary 120 -24 2.81
Secondary 60 -24 1.65
Tertiary 30 90 to 260 -24 0.70
Quaternary 15 -24 0.34
Quinary 7.5 -24 0.10
* The long grout holes (primary, secondary, etc.) along the channel bottom were 150 ft
long, while the holes were lengthened to 260 ft along the abutments
**Positive angle indicates angled towards R abutment, negative angle indicates angled
towards L abutment

Thirty-six blanket holes were drilled and grouted. These holes ranged from 5 to
40 feet deep, and were oriented vertically. Grout mixtures used for blanket holes
had water-cement ratios ranging from 5:1 to 1:1. Pressures were limited to 10psi
at the manifold for each hole.

DS-13(15)-1 March 2014 A-21

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

The blanket grouting resulted in a total of 394 linear feet of drilling and 5,548
bags of cement were injected into the foundation. The curtain grouting resulted in
a total of 81,737 linear feet of drilling and 134,676 bags of cement were injected
into the foundation. A detailed summary of the average cement take for various
areas is provided in Table A-5.

Grouting Method
Upstage grouting methods were utilized. After drilling curtain holes, packers
were used to perform water tests in stages. Grouting was required when water-
take was greater than 2 ft3 per 5 minutes. Stages were set in 30-foot increments
for spans of the holes deeper than 100 feet, and in 20-foot increments for spans of
the holes shallower than 100 feet. Within each hole, grouting was stopped when
grout-take was less than 1 ft3 for the following conditions:

 10 minutes (at less than 50 psi)

 7.5 minutes (at 50 to 100 psi)
 5 minutes (at greater than 100 psi)

To ensure that closure was taking place, grout-take quantities were compared
from sequential closure hole groups (primary, secondary, etc.). This data is also
presented in Table A-5.

Foundation Permeability Values Prior to Grouting

Foundation permeability values were not included within the documents reviewed
for this appendix. Likewise, packer test data performed during grouting
operations was not located.

Grouting Issues
No significant issues were noted during this review.

Post-Grouting Seepage Observed

There are thirteen seepage monitoring points; eight below the dike and 5 below
the dam. Seepage has been monitored since 1975. An inspection dated
September 11, 1980 found minimal seepage downstream of the dam, indicating
that the grout curtain “undoubtedly blocked seepage that would have developed
through the relief joints paralleling the canyon walls [11].” The CFR states that
“measurable seepage has been very low or nonexistent since construction [10].”
The dam has operated with reservoir elevation at least ten feet below the top of
active conservation pool (Elevation 7186.1) since 2003. This timeframe
corresponds to a drought within the area. No seepage has been reported from the
toe drains during this time. Prior to the drought, the maximum seepage measured
from any of the toe drains was 4 gpm in 1983.

A-22 DS-13(15)-1 March 2014

Appendix A: Grouting Program Case Histories

New Waddell Dam

Construction on New Waddell Dam was completed in 1992. The dam is
approximately 35 miles northwest of Phoenix, Arizona on the Agua Fria River.
The dam impounds Lake Pleasant, which has a maximum capacity of 902,000
acre-feet. The dam has a crest length of 4,900 feet, a structural height of 440 feet,
and a hydraulic height of 300 feet. The dam was founded on bedrock except near
the maximum section, where the foundation excavation extends only to the top of
a dense, permeable, older alluvium. The foundation preparation included
grouting, shaping of bedrock surfaces, filters, and a concrete cutoff wall through
the alluvium where the embankment bears on it [12].

Site Geology
Geology at the dam site is complex, characterized by thin alluvial soils and a
conglomerate unit overlying interlayered volcanic units. The alluvial soils were
identified as a younger alluvium (Qal) and an older alluvium (Qoal). The younger
alluvium was all removed from the dam foundation. The older alluvium, which
ranges from about 95- to 120-feet thick, was excavated or compacted and treated
where loose. The conglomerate unit is encountered below the alluvial units.
Below the conglomerate unit are the various volcanic units, which were grouped
into three rock types: tertiary andesite, brecciated andesite, and tertiary tuff.

The conglomerate is mostly horizontally bedded, with some cross-beds which dip
up to 30 degrees, predominantly in the southeast to southwest direction. The dip
of the bedding tends to become steeper towards the right. Volcanic units were
emplaced over an irregular erosional surface, typically as flows.

Faulting at the site is believed to be inactive. Joints and fractures vary widely
among the bedrock units and across the dam foundation. The orientation of
bedrock jointing is essentially random, especially in the volcanic units. Within
the footprint of the dam, prominent joints in the conglomerate are nearly vertical
and tend to strike nearly perpendicular to the dam axis. These joints are widely to
extremely widely spaced, and range from wide open to tight.

Site investigations were extensive to allow for design of an effective grout

program. Site investigations included over 300 borings. Many of these borings
were then pressure tested (with water) to determine permeability.

Grout Design
The grout program consists of blanket and curtain grouting along the foundation
of the dam, and curtain grouting along the ridge west of the right abutment.
Curtain grouting was performed in two parts: 1) exploratory grouting and 2)
closure grouting. Individual holes were grouted using the upstage grouting
method, with stages set in 30-foot increments for spans of the holes deeper than

DS-13(15)-1 March 2014 A-23

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

100 feet, and in 20-foot increments for spans of the holes shallower than 100 feet.
A grout cap was not used because the quality of the foundation rock was
sufficient so that nipples could be grouted in place.

Construction of the dam was performed in two stages, with Stage II being divided
into two phases. Stage I was originally designed to include all blanket and curtain
grouting for the left and right abutments, and exploratory grouting of the right
abutment ridge. However, due to time constraints, certain sections of abutment
grouting were delayed; these sections were instead included in Stage II of
construction. The grouting operations performed during Stage I and II are shown
in Table A-6.

Table A-6 – Summary of Stage I and II Grouting Operations

Right Abutment
Main Dam
Curtain Blanket Curtain
Single line
9+80 to 33+30** Exploratory curtain
Stage I 9+80 to 57+30*
42+50 to 57+30** grouting holes
Closure grouting:
28+00 to 36+55
Sections of the abutments Phase I:
that were not grouted Row 1 holes, spacing
Closure grouting:
during Stage I: ranges from 10- to
80-foot (centers)
7+00 to 28+00
Stage II 15+00 to 20+00 Phase II:
36+40 to 37+60
22+00 to 28+00 Closure grouting:
41+00 to 44+00
36+55 to 37+90 Additional holes for
47+00 to 53+00
41+00 to 45+30 row 1; additional
rows 2 and 3
* Exploratory grouting was not performed in vicinity of outlet works tunnel construction,
or in channel section
** Blanket grouting not performed during Stage I due to time constraints and design

Grouting was also performed along an existing concrete cutoff wall, along several
secant pile walls, around the river outlet works intake structure and gate chamber,
and around the CAP outlet works tunnels. Additionally, a grout gallery was
constructed to facilitate future grouting should it be needed. Grouting performed
for these additional features is not described in this report.

A-24 DS-13(15)-1 March 2014

Appendix A: Grouting Program Case Histories

Grout Hole Patterns, Depths and Orientations

Curtain holes constructed along the dam axis during Stage I (Figures A-11 and A-
12) were drilled to depths ranging from 100 to 250 feet. The main line of
exploratory holes (located 5 feet downstream of the dam centerline) was drilled
and grouted first, with adjacent holes spaced at intervals of either 10 or 20 feet.
Based on water and grout takes in these holes, additional closure holes were
added as needed. The additional holes were added using the split-spacing
method, reducing the spacing between adjacent grout holes to as little as 5 feet in
some areas. Additional rows were also added upstream and downstream of the
main line where needed. Curtain holes were orientated at angles ranging from
vertical to 30 degrees from vertical. An AX-size (about 2 inches) hole diameter
was used for drilling. Curtain grouting along the right abutment ridge (Figures A-
13 and A-14) took place using holes drilled to depths as deep as 550 feet.

Blanket grouting was performed in the foundation within the footprint of the Zone
1 core material. Blanket holes were drilled to a depth of 30 feet. They were
located on a staggered, 10-foot by 10-foot grid pattern across the foundation, for
the full width of the Zone 1 material. Holes were grouted in two 15-foot stages.
Blanket holes were also orientated at angles ranging from vertical to 30 degrees
from vertical, and were also drilled using an AX hole-size (diameter of about 2

Grout mixtures used for both blanket and curtain holes started at water-cement
ratios of 5:1 (water:cement), and were varied as necessary down to a ratio of 1:1.
Grout injection pressures measured at the manifold were limited to 10psi within
the top stage of each hole. For blanket holes, the injection pressure measured at
the manifold for the bottom stage was 20psi. For curtain holes, the injection
pressure measured at the manifold within the lower stages was increased by a
maximum of 1.5psi per linear foot of depth of the hole, to a maximum of 400 psi.

A high-range, water reducing admixture (HRWRA) plasticizer was used in the

grout mix to improve the pumpability of the grout and to achieve greater
penetration of grout into the foundation. The amount of plasticizer in the grout
varied between 4 and 16 fluid ounces per bag of cement.

DS-13(15)-1 March 2014 A-25

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

Figure A-11 – Section view of original grout curtain design at New Waddell Dam

A-26 DS-13(15)-1 March 2014

Appendix A: Grouting Program Case Histories

Figure A-12 – Section view of original grout curtain design at New Waddell Dam

Grouting Method
Grout holes were first drilled to their full prescribed depth. After drilling a hole, a
packer was inserted and the hole was water-tested in stages, with each stage being
grouted if needed. Grouting was required when water-take was greater than 2 ft3
per 5 minutes in curtain holes, and greater than 3 ft3 per 5 minutes in blanket
holes. Grouting was stopped within each stage of a hole once it met refusal
criteria, which was defined as when grout-take was less than 1 ft3 for the
following conditions:

DS-13(15)-1 March 2014 A-27

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

- 20 minutes (at less than 50 psi)

- 15 minutes (at 50 to 100 psi)
- 10 minutes (at greater than 100 psi)

Table A-7 provides a detailed summary of the average cement take within curtain
and blanket holes.

Table A-7 – Summary of Dam Foundation Grouting

Total Linear Total Grout Avg. Cement-
Stage Type Feet Drilled Injected (bags) Take (bags/ft)
Blanket and
273,331 128,519 0.47
* * * *
Stage I Blanket 82,500 41,500 0.50
Main Dam

* * * *
Curtain 190,831 87,019 0.46

Blanket 138,806 26,614 0.17

Stage II
Curtain 137,067 46,524 0.34

Right Abutment

Stage I 12,639 25,644 2.03


Stage II – Curtain
90,266 458,062 5.07
Phase I Closure
Stage II – Curtain
402,848 301,787 0.75
Phase II Closure
Records show linear footage drilled and total grout injected quantities combined for blanket and
curtain grouting. Values divided based on estimates of blanket grouting quantities from design
estimates [13].

Grouting Issues
No significant issues were noted during this review.

Post-grouting Seepage Observed

There are three areas where seepage has been noted to daylight from the
abutments or foundation: 1) on the cut-slope behind the pumping/generating
plant, 2) on the left abutment, and 3) at the embankment toe near station 32+00.
Seepage quantities are very small at the latter two locations; seepage at the toe
near station 32+00 has been reduced substantially since a French drain was
installed. A V-notch weir at mid-height on the cut-slope currently measures peak
flows of about 15 gpm when the reservoir is up, although greater measurements
have been made in the past (including a maximum seepage quantity of 35 gpm in

A-28 DS-13(15)-1 March 2014

Appendix A: Grouting Program Case Histories

Seepage is also measured using various instruments located at the dam; there are
9 seepage weirs in the toe drain inspection wells, 2 outlet pipes from the toe drain
system, and 7 seepage flow locations which are measured using bucket and
stopwatch. Seepage at these locations is typically monitored monthly, and flows
at these locations have typically been found to vary with the elevation of the
reservoir. Flows from the left toe drain outfall have been measured at 17 gpm
during peak reservoir surface elevations. A weir on the right side of the
embankment has measured flows (from surface flows as well as subsurface
seepage) as high as 60 gpm during peak reservoir surface elevations; there is no
flow when the reservoir is below el. 1660. The CFR states that seepage at these
locations “…has not changed significantly over time… [12].”

Figure A-13 – Photograph of dam alignment along right abutment ridge

Figure A-14 – Photograph of grouting performed along right abutment ridge

DS-13(15)-1 March 2014 A-29

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

The foundation grouting performed at Ridgway Dam, McGee Creek Dam,
Jordanelle Dam, Heron Dam and New Waddell was generally designed and
constructed using methods similar to those described in this design standard.
These projects are judged to be representative of the performance observed at
Reclamation facilities that were grouted using the best practices described herein.
The data shown in Table A-8 has been included to provide additional insight into
the magnitude of these projects.

Table A-8 – Grout Program Statistics

Grout Blanket Grout Curtain
Bags of Bags of Length of
Cement Cement Grout Crest
Dam LF Drilled Used LF Drilled Used Curtain (ft) Length (ft)
a a a a
Ridgway 38,009 22,168 26,344 9,996 2,500 2,460

McGee Creek 5,182 1,223 22,465 11,872 2,096 1,968

Jordanelle 29,820 6,581 50,977 12,520 3,673 3,820

Heron Dam 394 5,548 81,737 134,676 2,900 1,220

New Waddell c c c c b
221,306 68,114 833,651 919,036 10,900 4,900
Data not available for grouting in left abutment due to technical difficulties with tracking during
grouting. Actual grout totals are greater due to omission of these quantities.
Crest length is independent of curtain grouting that occurred on the Right Abutment Ridge.
Approximate values; reported Stage I values for blanket and curtain grouting were not

Since their original construction, these dams have experienced relatively little
seepage. The small amounts of seepage collected at these dams indicate that the
foundation grouting performed at these structures was very effective in limiting
seepage through the foundation.

A-30 DS-13(15)-1 March 2014

Appendix A: Grouting Program Case Histories

[1] "Geologic Specification Design Data," Ridgway Dam and Reservoir, Dallas
Creek Project, Montrose Projects Office, Bureau of Reclamation, Montrose,
CO, April 1979.
[2] "Ridgway Dam - Comprehensive Facility Review," Bureau of Reclamation,
Technical Service Center, Denver, CO, December 2010.
[3] "McGee Creek Dam - Final Construction Geology Report," Bureau of
Reclamation, Farris, OK, July 1998.
[4] "McGee Creek Dam - Construction Considerations," Bureau of Reclamation,
Denver, CO 1983.
[5] "McGee Creek Dam - Final Construction Report," Bureau of Reclamation,
Oklahoma-Texas Area Office, Oklahoma City, OK, October 2000.
[6] "McGee Creek Dam - Comprehensive Facility Review," Bureau of
Reclamation, Technical Service Center, Denver, CO, June, 2010.
[7] "Jordanelle Dam - Foundation Construction Geology Report, Stage 1,"
Bureau of Reclamation, Boneville Construction Office, Provo, Utah, March,
[8] "Jordanelle Dam - Final Grouting Report (L-10); Stages 1 and 2 - Foundation
and Outlet Works," Volume 1 of 2, Bureau of Reclamation, Provo Area
Office, Provo, UT, June 1997.
[9] "Jordanelle Dam - Comprehensive Review," Bureau of Reclamation,
Technical Service Center, Denver, CO, January 2013.
[10] "Heron Dam - Comprehensive Facility Review," Bureau of Reclamation,
Technical Service Center, Denver, CO, September 2007.
[11] "Analysis of Utilization of Grout and Grout Curtains - Heron Dam,"
Prepared by Claude A. Fetzer for Bureau of Reclamation under Contract No.
2-07-DV-00148, Denver, CO, February 1986.
[12] "New Waddell - Comprehensive Facility Review," Bureau of Reclamation,
Technical Service Center, Denver, CO, July 2011.
[13] “New Waddell – Comprehensive Facility Review,” Bureau of Reclamation,
Technical Service Center, Denver, CO, July 2011.

DS-13(15)-1 March 2014 A-31

Appendix B

Grouting Mix Adjustment Examples

200 ·-----------···-··---
After 4+ hours of grouting, bag
~ 120 "take" remains over 15/bags/hour.
~ 100
Grout mix is thickened. Bag "take" ::r:
Ill 80 0
remains the same initially. Bag r
a.. 60 m
40 ~
"take" slowly decreases until refusal ~
0 is reached. In this example, the w+
optimum mix was reached at a 4:1 ~
I'\) ()
5.0 ~ r
4.5 mix. m ::;a
0::: 3.5
4.0 Q)

~ 3.0 -:::::J
...... ~
2.5 <D
2.0 n<D en
a. ~
45 m
-.:::- 40 ~
J: 0I
Ui 35
CJ) ~


Cl 15
co 10
0 I
0 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 lS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time (Hours)
\.::19'UU 1 ll'ltU r 1...1 ' ' ~• '\.IVal\a -.i""a... '-'• u u • •"-'

160 After 4+ hours of grouting, the bag
CJ) "take" rate remains less than 10 bags/h<Dur.
e:. 120
100 The inspector believes a 5: 1 mix is the
en 80
~ optimum mix. Refusal is reached
a. 60
40 after 9 hours of grouting a 5: 1 mix. ::i::
20 Grout mix was not thickened due to low r
0 m
"takes" and inspector's judgment that I\.)
(;.) O'I
5.0 a 5: 1 mix was the optimum for this 0 +
m en
4.0 (Q c(;.)

CD (/)
2.0 ;. -i
45 0
-.::- 40 ~
::c 0
(ij 35
m 30
CJ) 15
CD 10
0 I
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time (Hours)
160 During the first 2 hours of grout, grout "takes"
~ 140
en are large. Between 2 hours to 4 hours, grout
e:.. 120
e 100
:I "takes" slowly decrease to less than 10 bags/hour.
rn 80
! Due to low grout "takes", 5: 1 mix is held until
a. 60 :::c
40 refusal is reached. 0
20 m
0 N
5.5 ~
...i.. +
5.0 ...... 0
4.5 OJ
~ 3.0 -
.2 CJ)
2.0 rs-
1.0 O>
45 '?
40 ...a..
::c 0
c;; 35
ftl 30

a:: 20
O> 15
al 10
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 f 1 12 f3 14 15 16 17 18 f9 2o 21 22 23 24 25
Time (Hours)

180 ....................... .............. ......................... . . . ...................... ..

160 .... ...................................... (3rout inspect9.f.. 9T99~.C!J.IY.~hi~K~n,s_ the grout 11JiX .f.r9rr.i.. ~.:JJ.o. ?.~ 1_..
~ 140 · · · ·· ............................... Bag "take" rate·remains-·steady as grout mix-+s·thickened ... sag-..... .
';- 120 ........................................... · .... ,,take" rate graau·a11y·ae·creas·es using 2: 1 mix; ·and.refus·ans· ....... .
... 100 ............................................... ..... . . . ................... ....................... ....... . ................................................. .
~ 80 ........................................... -.reached at 1-9-hours-.-- -Sin.ce-the-bag '.'take" rate ..graduaHy ................ ..
a.. 60 ................................................... decreasedusi'ri~fa·zt··mT>(.nci' additionarthicke·nrn~fWas··ri'eeded·--·······
40 ........................................................ . ...................................................... . ...................................................... . ::c
20 ....... and the optirn.um ..mix..was..reached" .............................................................. . 0
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• r-
o-·· m
5.5 .ii. I\)
5.0 .ii. ......
4.5 CD 0
4.0 D>
0:: 3.5 en r-
~ 3.0
~-·········-- -·Sl.
1.5 Q.. m
1.0 ...a.
45 I
'C' 40 0
~ 35

m 30

en 15
m 10
5- ......... .
0 Ii I l I I I I I I I 11 I I I 1111t1111III1111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1; 1 1 1 1 1; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 17'1•1 a 1 a 1 a 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 a a 1 r 1 1 1 1 1I
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2·1 22 23 24 25
Time (Hours)
·::.~t~:~~:i~:~p~d()(~f.~~~-~lly th_icke~s·~:r~~-(~!~:Y~~:~:.?.~:1 )nix to a 2:! -~ix.·:.
~ 140 Bag-~~take~' rate gradually increases-as the.grout.mix.-is thickened.- The
e:. 120 .... ba~f''take"'·rate ·steadily· decreases -~fftei""sWitcliiti~;ft<:Hf2:1 mix.' After
e::I 100 ................................................... ..............................
, . . ··-·· .. ............................................. .
._.. , ,,_ ,

.... 20.ho.urs.of.grouting,.refusal is reached ...................................... .

40 ::c:
20 0
0 r-

:8m 40
0:: 3.5
............, ................ ..
3: - -
•······•·•·•··································· (/)
.............................................................. ········-·· ... , .......... .

i ~=································································································ U1


Q) 25
~ 20
~ 15
ca 10
5 ............................... .
Q I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 Ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ii I I I I I I I I Ii I I I I I I I I l I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I Ii I I I I I I I I I I ••• t I I I Ii I I I Ill I I I I I Ir

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time (Hours)
200 ---
160 Grout mix was gradually decreased from
~ 140
(/l 5: 1 to 1: 1, however the 2.5: 1 and 1.5: 1
!:!::.. 120
!::s 100 grout mixes were skipped. The bag "take"
~ 80
! rate drops upon switching from a 2: 1 tp
ii. 60
40 1: 1 grout mix. The hole was slugged. :r:
The 2.5: 1 and 1.5: 1 mixes should NOT r
0 m
5.5 be skipped. ~
5.0 , ••••• , m
~ +
4.5 OJ 0
4.0 m c0
~ 3.5
CA -.lo.
~ 3.0
.2. en
2.5 <D
(if ~
1.5 ~

45 0I
-;:::- 40 ~
U:i 35

a 15
ID 10
0 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time (Hours)
160 After 2 hours of grouting, the bag "take" rate
:::::::- 140
begins to drop. For this reason, the grout mix is
e:. 120
~ 100
not thickened. Refusal is reached after 7 hours
(I) 80
of grouting at a 5: 1 mix. ::r::
~ 0
a.. 60
40 m

0 +
5.5 ......,
(X) (")
4.5 CD r
~ 4.0 Q)
0:: 3.5
- :i:,, )>

~ 3.0
-·;. ?

0. (/)
1.0 )>
45 G>
-;::- 40
~ 35 0I
i> co
as 20

en 15
m 10
0 I I
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time (Hours)
GROUTING PERFORMANCE GRAPHS HOLE 27+80 U01, STAGE 110-140 533 Bags Injected
160 During the first 13 hours of grouting, the bag
140 "takes" were between 10-15 bags/hour. Between
:. 120
~ 100
13 to 20 hours the grout mix was gradually

80 thickened from a 5:1 to 2:1 mix. The bag "take"
- 60
gradually increased as the mix was thickened.
20 After about 10 hours of holding at a 2: 1 mix the
grout mix was thickened to a 1: 1 mix. The bag
50 "take" rate slowly decreased from about 20
) bags to refusal using a 1: 1 mix. The optimum
~ 4.0
- 35 mix was reached at a 1:1 mix.
2 5· '
1.5 J

;- 40~

r =~
.... 25
~ 20
~ 15
l 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ' 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
Time (Hours)
Appendix C

Grout-Takes and Plan and Profile Drawings

PROJECT: Animas La Plata Project DATE: 12/17/2007
FEATURE: Ridges Basin Dam
SPECIFICATION: 04-NA-40-8064 Blanket Total
GROUTED FROM 4/12/2005 TO 61712006 Page: 1


(Linear FT) DRILLING (Linear FT/HR) REDRILL (FT' in 5 min) IPSll IPSll IPer Staael IPSll /PSI) W:C
Primary Holes 5698 335.42 16.99 5.90 2.24 7 3 6494 1.14 609.45 4.23 10.66 7 2 3.7

Secondary Holes 4677 257.48 18.16 1.92 1.83 7 3 3967 0.85 433.47 3.47 9.15 7 3 3.4

Tertiary Holes 5847 318.18 18.38 2.45 1.38 7 3 2902 0.50 386.02 3.06 7.52 6 3 3.3

Quaternary Holes 3360 181.47 18.52 0.00 0.84 7 4 1199 0.36 124.08 2.76 9.66 6 3 3.0

Quinary Holes 750 37.97 19.75 0.00 0.69 8 4 341 0.45 25.10 3.59 13.59 4 1 2.4

Senary Holes 60 3.07 19.57 0.00 1.95 9 3 17 0.28 2.47 2.47 6.89 3 0 2.8

Septenary Holes 60 3.72 16.14 0.00 1.58 9 4 7 0.12 1.50 1.50 4.67 2 0 3.4

TOTALS 20452 1137.30 17.98 10.27 1.61 7 3 15030 0.73 1582.08 3.52 9.50 7 3 3.5
PROJECT: Animas La Plata Project DATE: 12/17/2007
FEATURE: Ridges Basin Dam
SPECIFICATION: 04-NA-40-8064 Curtain Grouting Total
GROUTED FROM 4/15/2005 TO 21612007 Page: 1


Primary Holes 6424 240.60 26.70 30.48 3.17 75 36 27075 4.21 1194.78 10.96 22.66 108 59 3.6

Secondary Holes 5765 217.85 26.46 2.12 2.17 76 44 17446 3.03 696.95 9.82 25.03 133 62 3.8

Tertiary Holes 10938 410.35 26.66 5.37 1.50 73 44 13791 1.26 806.05 5.84 17.11 112 58 4.1

Quaternary Holes 16395 598.02 27.42 5.98 0.84 69 43 9179 0.56 730.35 4.77 12.57 103 55 4.1

Quinary Holes 15883 578.27 27.47 3.73 0.63 70 45 6495 0.41 429.82 4.43 15.11 137 60 4.2

Senary Holes 8490 238.07 35.66 6.88 0.44 72 52 578 0.07 109.65 3.23 5.27 124 60 4.4

Septenary Holes 1380 16.63 82.97 0.00 0.38 52 32 27 0.02 10.58 1.32 2.55 88 44 5.0

TOTALS 66193 2371.43 27.91 54.57 1.20 71 44 77179 1.17 4113.32 6.51 18.76 115 57 3.9
PROJECT: Animas La Plata Project DATE: 12/17/2007
FEATURE: Ridges Basin Dam
SPECIFICATION: 04-NA-40-8064 Grand Total
GROUTED FROM 4/6/2005 TO 21612007 Page: 1


Primary Holes 12582 584.13 21.54 36.60 2.71 33 15 33868 2.69 1854.75 6.92 18.26 70 23 3.6

Secondary Holes 10672 473.17 22.55 4.03 1.96 34 19 21518 2.02 1150.92 5.70 18.70 81 27 3.6

Tertiary Holes 16875 729.82 23.12 7.82 1.44 41 24 16709 0.99 1194.73 4.51 13.99 76 33 3.8

Quaternary Holes 19815 781.00 25.37 5.98 0.84 53 33 10382 0.52 856.38 4.28 12.12 88 45 4.0

Quinary Holes 16693 617.07 27.05 3.73 0.63 65 42 6836 0.41 454.92 4.37 15.03 130 57 4.1

Senary Holes 8550 241.13 35.46 6.88 0.46 72 51 595 0.07 112.12 3.20 5.31 121 59 4.4

Septenary Holes 1440 20.35 70.76 0.00 0.43 50 30 34 0.02 12.08 1.34 2.81 77 39 4.8

TOTALS 87545 3518.32 24.88 65.05 1.37 48 29 92633 1.06 5771.03 5.22 16.05 83 34 3.8
PROJECT: Animas La Plata Project DATE: 12/17/2007
FEATURE: Ridges Basin Dam
SPECIFICATION: 04-NA-40-8064 Right Abutment Curtain Total
GROUTED FROM 9/8/2005 TO 9/13/2006 Page: 1


REDRILL (PSI) (PSI) (Per Stacie) (PSI) (PSI) W:C
Primary Holes 2280 112.82 20.21 26.42 4.14 86 43 16841 7.39 525.07 14.59 32.07 113 71 3.0

Secondary Holes 2020 113.70 17.77 1.17 2.22 84 55 11694 5.79 336.12 16.81 34.79 140 77 3.4

Tertiary Holes 4153 231.93 17.91 1.17 1.56 78 53 9441 2.27 370.37 8.05 25.49 126 67 3.7

Quaternary Holes 5540 258.67 21.42 1.92 0.70 79 52 3578 0.65 215.08 5.38 16.64 123 67 4.1

Quinary Holes 4526 239.93 18.86 1.70 0.53 74 51 3340 0.74 105.08 6.57 31.78 169 90 3.8

Senary Holes 2400 35.58 67.45 6.88 0.32 85 66 44 0.02 8.45 1.69 5.21 149 92 5.0

Septenary Holes 380 6.17 61.62 0.00 0.68 62 27 13 0.03 5.17 1.29 2.52 96 58 5.0

TOTALS 21299 998.80 21.32 39.25 1.31 79 52 45040 2.11 1567.50 9.33 28.73 128 72 3.5
PROJECT: Arimas La Pla1a Project DATE: 12/1812007
FEATURE Ridges Basil Dam
sPEc1F1c.A.T10N: 04-NA-40-8064 Tunnel Total
GROUTED FROM 7f26f2CXX3 TO 1!25!2007 Page: 1


REDRILL n rm (PSI) (PSI) : (PerStanP.\ ag (PSI) (PSI) WC

PrirayHoles 100'2 163.10 11.Q5 0.00 4.38 86 35 al10 1.12 150.28 5.01 13.37 89 48 4.5

Sea:n:ayHoles 1100 96.53 11.40 0.00 3.29 91 46 435 0.40 63.D7 3.00 6.00 94 47 4.9

Tertiary Holes '2ffi7 224.58 11.52 0.00 2.13 83 41 744 0.29 112.28 2.55 6.63 72 45 4.4

OuaerEvyHoles 125 12.75 9.00 0.00 0.93 35 al 35 0.28 4.00 2.40 7.29 38 :lJ 3.8

~Holes 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 M

~Holes 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 M

SeiEuy Holes 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.0

TOTALS 6174 561.80 1o.99 0.00 Ui1 81 40 37116 0.53 339.27 329 9S1 82 46 4.5
PROJECT: Animas La Plata Project DATE: 12/17/2007
FEATURE: Ridges Basin Dam
SPECIFICATION: 04-NA-40-8064 Right Abutment Blanket Total
GROUTED FROM 6/27/2005 TO 6/7/2006 Page: 1


Primary Holes 2490 212.78 11.70 0.65 2.69 7 3 2437 0.98 263.45 3.99 9.25 7 3 3.4

Secondary Holes 2067.5 154.17 13.41 1.67 1.98 7 3 1761 0.85 187.78 3.61 9.38 6 3 3.2

Tertiary Holes 2997.5 187.88 15.95 2.45 1.23 7 3 1188 0.40 181.67 2.98 6.54 6 3 3.2

Quaternary Holes 1560 98.92 15.77 0.00 1.04 8 4 403 0.26 61.52 2.80 6.55 5 3 3.1

Quinary Holes 300 9.75 30.77 0.00 0.87 8 3 171 0.57 16.58 3.32 10.31 4 2.3

Senary Holes 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.0

Septenary Holes 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.0

TOTALS 9415 663.50 14.19 4.77 1.76 7 3 5960 0.63 711.00 3.45 8.38 6 3 3.2
I I I ~~i~~
~ ~
__.-Grout Curtain 100' upstrem of Dam Centerline +6!?~ ~

I "' 8
~'1~~ .
_ ... .AN
+6 ... ~

I 0
°'8 8 8
~- I I
::> ~~'-
~ ...!Jf:i

I +~~~
e?f I I
____ ... --


10 0 10 20 30
STATION 16+00 TO STA T!ON 19+00
I I I I / I DESIGNED ~. _c~ l;. _M_!!n.Qenll.91L - _CHECKEo_C~ 1:!..alL - - - - - - - - - - -
{ I I I
I I ;
I \ DRAWN !)_, _TQoaib.JJr:g - - - - - - _TECH. APPR. ,J,G..attis_ - - - - - - - - -
I I I APPROVED l;._Ggte_s _____________ _
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Appendix D

Drilling and Grouting Data

DS-13(15)-1 March 2014 D-1
D-2 DS-13(15)-1 March 2014
DS-13(15)-1 March 2014 D-3
D-4 DS-13(15)-1 March 2014
Appendix E

Standard Drawings, Inspector Drilling and

Grouting Forms

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