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Creatingstronger, finer and
higher-quality wires DIES


Diamond dies are used for precision drawing of various metal wires. 《Five points to be confirmed》
We provide products that satisfy our customers growing demands
1. Selection of correct types of raw diamonds
for precision and performance by using the rich know-how Asahi
2. Proper die hole profile according to
Diamond has accumulated over many years, by assuring high quality wire materials
using state-of-the-art technology, and by making sure to confirm the 3. Strict compliance with size and circularity
following five points all the time. tolerances
4. Satisfactory mirror polishing of die hole
5. Firm and accurate mounting

Manufacturing process   (e.g., electric wire industry)

Shaving die Wire drawing die SD/AD/ND die Ultra-fine die

Unshaved wire Intermediate wire fine wire Ultra-fine wire

8mm 2.6mm 0.5∼0.1mm 0.05∼0.01mm

Tin coating guide Wire twisting die Nipple

Fine wire Tin coated wire Stranded/compacted wire Coated wire

Molten tin bath

■Type and applicable diameter range of raw diamond material ■Comparison of characteristics among different raw diamond materials

Type Applicable diameter range Type ND die AD die SD die WC die

Single crystal diamond ND:0.008∼2.0mm  AD:0.008∼1.5mm Type of raw material Natural diamond Synthetic single crystal diamond Sintered diamond Cemented carbide (used as die material)
Sintered diamond SD:0.04∼30.0mm Hardness (Knoop hardness)(HK) 9,000∼12,000 8,000∼10,000 6,000∼8,000 1,700∼1,800
Bending Strength(GPa) 2.0 2.0 1.8 1.8
Compressive Strength(GPa) 8.5 8.5 7.3 6.1
Young's modulus(GPa) 990 990 880 630
Thermal conductivity (W/m・K)

700∼920 1,260∼1,670 130∼210 70∼80
※)Under a temperature range between room temperature and 100̊C

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Diamond drawing dies

Single crystal diamond dies

Single crystal diamond dies are often used for

creating ultra-fine wires that must meet strict
dimensional precision or for drawing wire
materials that require high surface quality. The
applicable diameter ranges are approximately
0.008‒2.0 mm for ND and 0.008‒1.5 mm for

We fabricated ultra-fine dies, which must

be equipped with a high-quality die hole
surface, using Asahi Diamond s know-how
Single crystal diamond dies
on a mirror-polishing method.

Cross section (along the length of die hole)

of a single crystal diamond die

■Single crystal diamond dies (standard sizes)

Maximum diameter
Nominal diameter (mm)
of repairable wire (mm)
0.01∼0.05 0.19
0.06∼0.09 0.29
0.10∼0.29 0.39
0.30∼0.39 0.49
0.40∼0.49 0.59
0.50∼0.59 0.69
0.60∼0.69 0.79
0.70∼0.79 0.89
0.80∼0.89 1.09
0.90∼1.09 1.29
1.10∼1.29 1.39
1.30∼1.39 1.59
1.40∼1.59 1.79
Note. The maximum diameters of repairable wires listed are
rough estimates and the diameters of actual wires to
be repaired may not match these values due to such
factors as wear conditions of the wires.

Sintered diamond dies

Sintered diamond dies consist of a material

resulting from sintering diamond powder
under ultra-high pressure.
They are of ten used to maintain the high
quality of drawn wires. They are applicable to
wires with a diameter between 0.04 and 30.0

Sintered diamond dies

These dies are frequently used to

process large-diameter wires, are not
wear- resis t ant , an d are f re e of
directional cleavage. Consequently,
th ey wear evenl y an d ten d to b e
resistant to chipping and cracking.
Cross section (along the length of die hole)
of a sintered diamond die

■Sintered diamond dies (standard sizes)

Sintered diamond Maximum diameter

Nominal diameter (mm)) Support ring ADDMA No.※1
Diameter (mm) Thickness (mm) of repairable wire (mm)
0.1∼0.5 2.5 1.0 D6 0.5
0.1∼1.0 3.0 1.5 D12 1.0
0.2∼1.5 5.0 2.5 D15 1.5
0.4∼2.0 5.0 3.5 D18 2.0
0.1∼0.8 1.5 1.5 D12 0.8
0.2∼1.8 4.0 2.3 D15 1.8
0.4∼2.3 4.0 2.9 Used D18 2.3
1.6∼3.5 7.0 4.0 D21 3.5
2.3∼4.6 7.0 5.3 D24 4.6
Note 1. When hard wires are processed, their diameters should not exceed 70% of the maximum diameters of repairable wires listed above.
Note 2. The maximum diameters of repairable wires listed are rough estimates and the diameters of actual wires to be repaired may not match
these values due to such factors as wear conditions of the wires. 
*1 ADDMA: American Diamond Die Manufactures Association 04
《Internal parts of a die》

ⓑ Entrance


ⓓ Bearing
Back relief

Casting Exit 

■Profile of a dies internal parts ■Standard tolerance of wire drawing dies set by Asahi Diamond

Measurement Angle or length Die size (mm) IDAS※1(μm) Asahi Diamond (μm) Standard die case (mm)
ⓐ Entrance angle (̊) 70°± 20° 0.013 4%D 2%D
ⓑ Approach angle (̊) 40°± 10° 0.18 3%D 2%D
ⓒ Reduction angle (̊) 8°∼ 18° 0.050 2%D 1%D
ⓓ Bearing length (%D) 20 ∼ 70% 0.150 1 0.5
ⓔ Back relief angle (̊) 20°± 10° 0.30 1.5 1 25×8
ⓕ Exit angle (̊) 50°± 20° 1.00 2 1 25×10
3.00 3 2 30×15
6.00 5 3 42×20
8.00 8 5
10.00 10 8
Note. Please contact us for inquiries regarding die sizes and tolerance ranges different from
    those listed above.
*1 IDAS: Industrial Diamond Association Standards

Shaped dies

Shaped dies
Die hole surface
Asahi Diamond s shaped dies, equipped with sintered diamond, have
earned a good reputation from our customers as the dies have
enabled consistent manufacturing of high-quality shaped wires (i.e.,
wires with non-circular cross sections). Cross-sectional profiles of
typical shaped dies are shown on the right side of this page. Shaped 0.500mm

wires are used, for example, in connector pins and transformers for Cross section of a die hole Cross section of a drawn wire
office automation equipment. The coiling of rectangular wires yields a
higher space factor (higher density) compared to the coiling of round
wires, leading to the generation of stronger magnetic force. So, the
use of rectangular wires enables weight and volume reduction in
motors and transformers. Due to this discovery, shaped wires are 0.500mm 0.500mm

attracting much attention in recent years for their applicability in a

wide range of fields including electronic and audio devices.

Square Rectangle

《Round wires》

0.200mm 0.500mm

Running-track shape Ribbon

1.000mm 0.500mm

《Square wires》
Hexagon Turtleback shape


Increased space factor

■Size range of shaped dies
(1) These dies enable creating superior wire surface
  conditions compared to a rolling method
Dimensional limit Tolerance
Shape of die (μm) (2) Their holes can be adjusted to non-square shapes
Min. (mm) Max. (mm)
(3) They are compatible with different kinds of materials
A 0.10 10 10
R A   to be drawn
A R 0.02 1 ̶

W 0.5 10 10
Rectangle H 0.20 1 10
W R 0.02 0.3 ̶

Note 1. Please contact us for inquiries regarding die shapes different from those listed above.
Note 2. Regarding rectangular dies, we normally handle a range of hole dimensions that comply with a formula: the long side divided by the short side 15. 

Compacting dies

Compacting dies

In combination with wire twisting dies, which

twist many wires together, compacting dies
close the gaps between wires by exerting
external force. The resulting strand wires are
used as power line cables, wiring harnesses for
au to m o b il e s , w ire ro p e s , an d fo r oth e r

Wire twisting dies

Cross section of wire twisting dies

Guiding board Guiding board

Wire twisting die Wire twisting die

Shaving dies & Guide dies for tin-coating wires

Shaving dies

If defects are found on the wire surface and

they may cause damage to the performance
of final products, shaving dies are used to
remove (shave off) them.

・B e c a u s e t h e s e d i e s h a v e a l o n g
lifespan, they enable shorter
preparation time and reduce the
amount of wasted wire materials
・The lifespan of these dies is 50 to
100 times longer than that of dies
made of cemented carbide
・These dies can shave wires to give
them superior surface conditions
Shaving dies

Tin coating guide dies

A copper wire gets coated with a layer of tin as it passes through a molten tin bath. Then, a tin coating guide die controls
the thickness of the tin coating by pressing it as the coated wire is pulled through the die. Because copper wire is washed
in an acid solution before the coating process, as the wire goes through the guide die, the die comes into contact with
acid. This leads to the corrosion of the sintered metal and the metal frame on which the diamond is mounted. To prevent
this, the guide die is generally reinforced with a corrosion-resistant titanium frame. Because titanium has poor wettability
with molten tin, tin does not stick to the die frame easily. In addition, because titanium has lower specific gravity than tin,
if the guide die accidentally falls into the molten tin bath, it conveniently floats to the surface and can be easily picked up.

Guide die

Copper wire

Molten tin bath

Sinking dies / Floating dies & Nipples

Sinking dies/floating dies

In a tube drawing process, a plug is inserted into a tube as a means to reduce the diameter of the tube in the same manner that dies are
used to reduce the diameter of wires and round bars. The method to reduce only the outer diameter of tubes is called sinking, and
this can be achieved using sinking dies. This method does not change the wall thickness of tubes, but deteriorates the tubes internal
surface conditions. However, the tube drawing process can be enhanced by inserting a metal bar called a floating plug into the die. This
process is called floating-plug drawing and it involves a floating die. Through this procedure, superior conditions are created both on
the inner and outer surfaces of tubes. The floating-plug drawing process is primarily used to draw fine and long tubes.

Floating die



Nipples (used with extrusion machines)

Nipples are tools to guide metal wires, such as copper and aluminum wires, as they get coated with resin after passing through
wire-drawing dies. There are generally two types of nipples as extrusion machines have different head shapes: an axially aligned type
with screw thread and a bullet-shaped non-axially aligned type. The tip angle and tip diameter of nipples vary in relation to the hole
shape of receiving dies, which apply resin to an incoming wire, and in relation to the diameter of wires to be coated. As well as a
single-core type, we also manufacture a multicore type and specially-shaped outer frames.

Copper wire

Receiving die

Vinyl coating

Applied products

Diamond wire guides used with wire-cut electrical discharge machines

The accuracy of wire guides largely determines the

precision of wire electrical discharge machining used in
metal forming processes by various industries including
die manufacturers. In collaboration with electrical
discharge machine manufacturers, Asahi Diamond is
among the first die manufacturers to develop diamond
wire guides contributing to precision machining.

Diamond ultra high pressure water jet nozzles

Diamond water-jet nozzles were produced using the

know-how we accumulated about wire-drawing dies.
As diamond is incorporated into these nozzles, they can
produce very narrow water flow which travels in a
straight line under ultra-high pressure. The nozzles have
a long lifespan and serve as precision cutting tools. By
increasing the width of water flow, they are commonly
used for washing automobiles and parts of electrical
devices as well as for deburring.

Flat diffusion nozzles for high-pressure

washing and surface treatment
Spray patterns

《Spray angle: 15̊》 《Spray angle: 7̊》

Wear resistant tools

Hollow centers

Hollow centers hold a workpiece in place during lathe

turning or cylindrical body processing. Very hard and
wear resistant, Asahi Diamond s hollow centers enable
creating cylindrical products with a precision equivalent
to circularity of less than 1 μm.

Nozzle cutters

Nozzle cutters are used to cut electronic component

(e.g., terminals and switch contact parts) materials. Asahi
Diamond s PCD nozzle cutters have excellent cutting
quality and a long lifespan. Material yield associated
with them is higher than that associated with circular
saws, and the quality of cut surfaces produced by PCD
nozzle cutters is superior to that produced by cemented
carbide nozzles.

Diamond Nozzle body Wire



《Precautionary notes on handling of dies》

1. Set dies correctly.

● Correctly set dies in die holders.
● Very carefully pass a wire through dies so that it makes a straight line. Neglecting to do so may
lead to the production of low-quality drawn wires or abnormal wearing of dies.

2. Use a lubricant.
● The use of lubricants greatly enhances work efficiency, the surface finish of wires, and the
lifespan of dies.
● Insufficient use of lubricants may cause damage to dies and yield wires with non-lustrous surfaces.

● Keep lubricants clean all the time.

3. Handle dies gently.

● Do not apply impact to dies; do not make them bump into hard objects; and do not handle
them roughly.

4. Repair damaged dies as soon as possible.

● The lifespan of damaged dies can be extended by repairing them when the damage/wear is
still minimal.
● In general, the surface roughness of drawn wires indicates the conditions of the dies used̶

if the wire surface is rough, it is likely that the inner surface of the die is also rough.
● We recommend users to frequently and carefully inspect surface conditions of drawn wires to

determine the proper timing of die repair.

● Avoid excessive use of dies, as such practice will roughen the surface of drawn wires and make

the back relief susceptible to damage caused by fine metal powder adhering to the dies.

《Ordering our die products》

Please provide us with the following information.

1)Die hole diameter (size)

2)Allowable size (tolerance)
3)Type of wire material to be drawn
4)Size of base wire
5)Case size
Please refer to the table titled Standard tolerance of
wire drawing dies set by Asahi Diamond on page 5 in
this catalog.
6)Type of case

* Please contact us regarding special specifications.

R & D

Evaluation system Future-oriented research and development

To ensure the provision of high-quality products to our customers, we thoroughly “We offer needs-based products”   that is the theme behind our R&D.
evaluate our products.

We a l w a y s c o l l e c t u p - t o - d a t e i n f o r m a t i o n o n t h e
wire-drawing industry, use the latest technologies such as
the systems and devices shown on this and previous pages,
and engage in R&D ac tivities in order to provide or
recommend products that meet the needs of our customers.

Die profiler Microscope

Measuring the shape of die holes Measuring the shape of die holes and observing
the quality of die hole surfaces
Scanning electron microscope
Observing the quality of die hole surfaces and measuring physical
properties of wire materials

mg measuring instrument
Estimating the diameter of a drawn wire based on
its weight measured
《Diamond die manufacturing base》

Electronic micrometer
The device is capable of making measurements at a resolution one
order of magnitude higher than conventional electronic micrometers

Asahi Diamond Industrial Co.,Ltd. Mie Factory

〒518−0131 7-8-1, Yumegaoka, Iga-shi, Mie, 518-0131, Japan
Site area:127,960 ㎡
Laser scan micrometer measuring instrument By train : If taking the Kintetsu Osaka Line, get off at the Igakanbe Station. From there it is about a 20-minute taxi ride to the factory.
If taking the Iga Line, get off at the Uenoshi Station. From there it is about a 15-minute taxi ride to the factory.
The device is capable of measuring the diameter The device is capable of measuring the circularity
of a drawn wire without contacting the wire of a drawn wire without contacting the wire By car : About a 10-minute drive to the factory from both Uenohigashi IC on the Meihan Expressway and Tomono IC.

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I.D .A.会員

URL: http://www.asahidia.co.jp/
The New Otani Garden Court, 11th Floor 4-1, Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0094, Japan

Mie Factory

●The contents of this catalogue are subject to change without notice. Printed in Japan

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