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An Exclusive Portal for Kerala PSC Exam Preperation

Higher Secondary Education Department / Higher Secondary School Teacher /

Higher Secondary School Teacher (Senior), In Computer
Science/Computer Application



1. The size of an ATM cell is ---------- bytes.

(a) 25 (b) 32 (c) 53 (d) 64

2. “Stored program concept is attributed to :

(a)Ken Thompson (b) Dennis Ritchie (c) Von Neumann (d) Edsger Dijkstra

3. In a UNIX system, the macro htons is used to :

(a) Convert a short number from host to network order

(b) Convert a long number from host to network order
(c) Convert a short number from network to host order
(d) Convert a long number from network to host order

4. The cache which is on the same chip as the processor is called :

(a) L1 (b) L2 (c)L3 (d)None of these

5. Which level of RAID uses mirroring to achieve redundancy?

(a) 0 (b)1 (c)2 (d)3

6. Which IEEE standard is refers to fast Ethernet?

(a) 802.1 (b) 802.3b (c) 802.3u (d) 802.12

7. The new generation Intel processor with the IA-64 architecture is called :

(a) Itanium (b) Pentium 4 (c) Athlon (d)Xeon

8. A MAC address is ---------bytes long:

(a)4 (b)6 (c)8 (d)12

9. RARP is used to convert:

(a) IP address to MAC address (b) MAC address to IP address

(c) IP address to port number (d) Port number to IP address

10. Which among the following is an NP-Complete problem?

(a)3SAT Problem (b) Traveling Salesman

(d) Graph 3-coloring (d) All of the above

11. The solution to the count-to-infinity problem in which a router never

advertises the cost of a destination to its neighbour N, if N is the next hop to
that destination, is called :

(a) Triggered update (b) Source tracing (c) Split-horizon (d) Path vector

12. A compiler which runs on one machine and produces target code for
another is called a :

(a)Bootstrapping compiler (b) Just-in-time compiler

(c)Cross compiler (d) Optimizing compiler

13. Which among the following is an interior routing protocol ?


14. The maximum length (in bytes) of an IP packet:

(a)255 (b)1023 (c)32767 (d)65535

15. Which among the following is not a type of HTTP request ?


16. Which among the following is not a real time operating system ?

(a)RT-Linux (b)VxWorks (c) Solaris (d)Lynx

17. What is returned by a fork() call to the child process ?

(a)0 (b)Process-id-pf parent (c)Process-id of child (d)-1

18. The degree of multiprogramming is controlled primarily by ?

(a)Short-term scheduler (b)Medium-term scheduler

(c)Long-term scheduler (d) Disk scheduler

19. Which of the following is a high-level synchronization concept ?

(a)Interrupt (b)Semaphore (c)Mutex (d)Monitor

20. Paging solves the problem of:

(a)Thrashing (b)Page faults (c)Internal fragmentation (d)External

21. For some page –replacement algorithms, the page-fault rate may
increase as the number of allocated frames increases. This is known as :

(a)Thrashing (b)Swapping (c)Belady’s anomaly (d)Fragmentation

22. The Unix incode contains-------pointers to data blocks and -----pointers to

indirect blocks.

(a)10,3 (b)10,5 (c)12,3 (d)15,5

23. Which of the following disk scheduling algorithms may result instarvation?

(a)FCFS (b)Shortest-seek-time-first (c)SCAN (d)C-SCAN

24. An RPC uses------------to execute a routine on a remote system.

(a)FTP (b)TFTP (c)TCP (d)UDP

25. ‘Location transparency’ in distributed systems means that :

(a) Name of the file does not reveal any hint of its physical storage location
(b) Name of the file does not need to be changed when the storage location
(c) The storage location can be understood from the name of the file
(d) Name of the file will change if the storage location changes
26. The BSD version of UNIX was developed by :
(a)Bell Labs (b)MIT (c)University of Berkeley (d) Sun Microsystems

27. An example of a file system whose contents are not actually stored
anywhere, but are computed on demand is :

(a)NTFS (b)NFS (c)proc (d)ext3

28. Which among the following is a type of top-down parsing ?

(a)Predictive parsing (b)Shift-reduce parsing

(c)Operator precedence parsing (d) LR parsing

29. If r and s are regular expressions denoting languages L(r) and L(s), then
(r)|(s) is a regular expression denoting :

(a)L(r) U L(s) (b)L(r) L(s) (c){E} (d) L(rs)

30. What will the following program fragment output?

Integer i=new integer (5);

Integer j=new Integer (5);
If (i==j)System.out.println(“Equal”);
else System.out.println(“Not equal”);

(b)Not Equal

(c) Equal
Not equal
(d) The program doesn’t compile= = can’t be used with references

31. A grammar with the property that no production right side has two
adjacent non-terminals is called:

(a) Context-free grammar (b) Context sensitive grammar

(d) Operator Grammar (d) Regular grammar

32. Yacc is a :

(a) Lexical analyzer generator (b) Parser generator

(b)Macro preprocessor (d) Code optimizer

33. ----------uses an FAT for file allocation.

(a)OS/2 (b) Linux (c) Unix (d)Solaris
34. Which among the following is true of LL (1) grammar?
(a)ambiguous (b)not ambiguous (d)sometimes ambiguous (d)left-recursive

35. Apple Computer’s version of the high-performance serial bus used to

connect devices to the personal computer is :

(a)Fire Wire (b) High-Performance Parallel Interface

(c) Parallel sysplex (d) iLINK

36. Which among the following is a set of ANSI parallel interfaces that allow
personal computers to communicate with peripheral hardware?

(a) UPnP (b) SCSI (c) ISRC (d) ASPI

37. Which among the following is false?

(a)A relation scheme can be in Third Normal Form but not in Boyce-Codd
Normal Form (BCNF)
(b)Every BCNF relation scheme is in Third Normal Form.

(c) BCNF provides freedom from insertion and deletion anomalies.

(d) If a relation scheme has partial dependencies, it is in Second Normal


38. A foreign key imposes a specific kind of integrity to related tables. What is
the name of this integrity?

(a) Schema (b) Referential (c) Expatriate (d) Data

39. Which among the following is a high-bandwidth interface between a
computer and a hard disk or a tape device? The latest version of this
interface supports RAID.

(a) Intelligent Peripheral interface (b) Small Computer System Interface

(c) RS-232C (d) Centronics parallel interface

40. The-------consists of individual user views of portions of the database.

(a)User-level Schema (b) Internal-level Schema

(c)External-level Schema (d) Conceptual –level schema

41. An attribute that is used as a linkage from records in one table to a record
in another table is specified as the----------

(a)Pointer field(b)Foreign Key (c)Secondary Key (d)Primary Key

42. Data is stored on computer systems in files. The two basic file types are :

(a) Master and Database (b)Master and Transaction

(c) Transaction and DBMS (d)Master File and Accounts Receivable File

43. Which of the following statements in not true with respect to the
characeristics of the Master and the Transaction files ?

(a)A transaction files contain records that hold the details of daily events
affecting an attribute of the master file
(b)A master file should only contain data that are of a permanent or semi-
permanent nature
(c) A transaction file is similar to a ledger in a manual accounting system
(d) Records in the transaction file are used to update some of the data in the
master file.

44. Which of the following cannot be blank (Null) ?

(a) Foreign Key (b)Secondary Key (c)Primary Key (d)Connecting Key

45. Every DBMS provides for the three basic functions of creating, modifying
and querying the database. Sets of commands (languages) exist to perform
each of the three functions. Select the option that matches the order of the
languages to the order of the functions: querying, creating and modifying the



46. Third normal form is a tem used to describe :

(a)a database that is well structured

(b)a model that has been through three revisions.
(c) a table that has three columns
(d)a package containing the three levels of schema

47. A plug-and –play interface that allows you to add a new device such as a
scanner or printer to your computer without having to add an adapter card or
even having turn the computer off is :

(a) Audio/Modem Riser (b)Universal Serial Bus

(c) PCMCIA Card (d)Virtual deice driver

48. The microchip that controls a computer’s interface to its attached serial
devices is :

(a)Virtual Device driver

(b)Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
(c)Serial presence detect
(d)Bus master

49. Anomalies can occur in a poorly designed database. One type of anomaly
occurs when the removal of a record in the customer table inadvertently
removes information about sales. What is the name of this anomaly ?

(a)Erase anomaly (b)Delete anomaly

(c)Update anomaly (d)Insert anomaly

50. “Get me the date attribute of the third tuple in the sales order relation”.
What is being requested ?

(a)The person wants the value in the date field of the third table that is related
to sales order

(b)The person wants the value in the date field in the third row of the sales
order item table.

(c)The person wants the value in the date field of the third record inthe sales
order table.

(d)The person wants the value in the date field of the third sales order that is
related to the sales order item table.

51. The file-oriented approach to data storage creates a set of files for each
application program. The database approach combines all of the files in a
database and lets the application programs get the data that they needs
through a DBMS. Which of the following statements is correct?

(a) The database approach separates the logical view of data from the
physical view

(b) The database approach reduces the amount of redundancy in an


(c) The database approach views data as an organizational resource that

should be managed by the organization rather than by individual

(d) All of the above are correct

52. When is the TTL field in an IP packet decremented?

(a) Each time the packet is forwarded

(b) Once every second
(c) When a packet reached destination
(d) When a packet is discarded.

53. Which protocol is used to carry error messages from the metwork to an IP
source ?

(a)FTP (b)TFTP (c)ICMP (d)UDP

54. In which cache mapping method is it possible to load each main memory
block to any line of the cache ?

(a)Direct Mapping (b) Associative mapping

(c)Set-associative mapping (d)None of the above

55. The capacity of a double-sided dual- layer DVD-ROM is :

(a)660MB (b)4.7GB (c) 8.5GB (d)17 GB

56. Which among the following chips is aProgrammable Peripheral

Interface ?

(a)82C55A (b)82C59A (c)82C53 (D)8257A

57. Which among the folowwing is a little-endian machine ?

(a)DEC Alpha (b)IBM System 370 (c)Sun SPARC (d)Motorola 680x0

58. Hexadecimal equivalent of the decimal number 204.125 is :

(a)BD.201 (b)CC.201 (d)CC.1A (d)CC.2

59. Decimal equivalent of the binary number 11100.101 is :

(a)28.575 (b)28.625 (c)28.75 (d)28.875

60. Which of the following is TRUE about the switch statement in Java ?

(a) A default sends execution immediately to the end of the switch statement
(b) A break sends execution immediately to the end of the switch statement
(c) A case sends execution immediately to the end of the switch statement
(d) A break sends execution immediately to the end of the next case.

61. Among these Java expressions, which is of type String ?

(a) “0” (b)”ab”+”cd” (c)’0’ (d) (a) and (b)

62. Which among the following is false ?

(a) No LR(1) grammar can be ambiguous

(b) Every LL(1) grammar is an LR(1) grammar
(c) The regular expressions (a/b)* and (a*/b*)* are equivalent.
(d) Not all grammars can be converted to an equivalent operator grammar

63. The interface of a class refers to :

(a) the list of all of the fields and methods of the class
(b) the list of all of the public fields and public methods of the class
(c) the list of all of the private fields and public methods of the class
(d) the list of all of the private fields and private methods of the class

64. Consider the following Java code fragement.

Rectangle r1=new Rectangle();

Rectangle r2=r1;

After the above code is executed, what are the colors of r1 and r2 (in this
order) ?

(a)Color.blue, Color.red (b)Color.blue, Color.blue

(c)Color.blue, Color.red (d)Color.red, Color.blue

65. What is the type and value of the following Java expression?

(a) int -5 (b)double -4.5 (c)int -4 (d)double -5.0

66. Consider the two Java methods(within the same class):

Public int foo(int a, String s)

{ s=”Yellow”;a=a+2;return a;)}
Public void bar()
{ int a =3;
String s=”Blue”;
A=foo(a,s); System.out.println(“a=”+a+”s=”+s);}

What is printed?

(a) a=3 s=Blue

(b) a=5 s=Yellow
(c) a=3 s=Yellow
(d) a=5 s=Blue

67. Using De Morgan’s law, how would you rewrite the following:
Conditional statement? (i.e. rewrite the statement using && instead of || )
(c!=’n’ && z+2<=5)

(a) !(c!=’n’ || z+2<=5) (b) !(c= =’n’ || z+2>=5)

(c) !(c!=’n’ || z+2<5) (d) !(c==’n’ || z+2>5)

68. IEEE 802.11 standard is known as :

(a)CSMA/CA (b)CSMA/CD (c)Bluetooth (d)Token bus

69. Which of the following protocols is used to share the same IP address
among different computers (as long as they are not simultaneously active)?

(a)NFS (b)DHCP (c)TFTP (d)SNMP

70. Ipc6 uses ----------bit addresses.

(a)32 (b)64 (c)128 (d)256

71. Consider the following Java class definition:

Public class Myclass{
private int value;
public void setValue(int i){/*code*/}
//Other methods…}

The method setValue assigns the value of i to the instances field value. What
could you write for the implementation of setValue?

(a) value=I; (b)this.value=I; (c)value= = I; (d) (a) and (b)

72. Consider the following truth table for a logical operator “implies”:

P Q P implies Q





Which of the following java conditional expressions would reproduce the

above truth table ?

(a) P || Q (b) (!P) &&(!Q) (c)(!P) || Q (d)P && (!Q)

73. Which among the following involves modifying your computer so that the
microprocessor runs faster than the manufacturer-specified speed ?

(a) thrashing (b)debouncing (c)stepping (d)overclocking

74. Which was the first processor to be shipped with a 1 gigahertz clock
speed ?

(a)Athlon (b)BeOS (c)Crusoe (d)Pentium

75. Which among the following involve the continuous and somewhat
overlapped movement of instructions to the processor?

(a) flow control (b)cyclic redundancy checking

(c) inverse multiplexing (d) pipelining
76. The data path and physical interface between the processor and the L1
and L2 memory is called :

(a)Backlink (b)Backside bus (c)CardBus (d)Virtual memory

77. A group of microchips designed to work as a unit to perform one or more

related functions is called :

(a)Biochip (b)Bus (c)Chipset (d)Diode

78. On a PC the keyboard and mouse are connected through


(a)QWERTY (b)Serial (c)TWAIN (d)Parallel

79. An interconnection system between a microprocessor and attached

devices in which expansion slots are spaced closely for high speed operation
is :

(a)Peripheral Component Interconnect (b)Input/Output Supervisor

(c) Jumper block (d)12C bus

80. A term for technologies in which human neural activity or states would
effectively be an input peripheral for a computer is :

(a)Machine vision (b)Wearable computer

(c)Artificial intelligence (d)Brain-Machine interface

81. Which among the following is a boot loader ?

(a)LILO (b)MBR (c)FAT (d)POST

82. Which among the following is the fastest sorting method ?

(a)Heapsort (b)Insertion sort (c)Selection sort (d)Bubble Sort

83. Who developed the concept of semaphores ?

(a)Dekker (b)Tanenbaum (c)Kruskal (d)Dijkstra

84. Which among the following is not object oriented ?

(a)Java (b)Smalltalk (c)Delphi (d)LISP

85. Which among the following is used for file sharing among different
platforms ?

(a)NTFS (b)FAT (c)ext3 (d)SAMBA

86. Which among the foillowing SQL commands is a projection operation ?


87. Which among the following is a clipping algorithm ?

(a)Kruskal’s (b)Cohen-Sutherland (c)Dijkstra’s (d)Prim’s

88. Which is not a comparison based sort ?

(a)Radix Sort (b)Quick sort (c) Heap Sort (d)Merge Sort

89. The worst case time of Quick sort is ?

(a)O(n log n) (b)O(n2) (c)O(n2 log n) (d)O(n2)

90. The port number used by SMTP is :

(a)21 (b)23 (c)25 (d)80

91. Which among the following problems is undecidable ?

(a) Given a grammar G and a string w, to determine whether w is in L(G)

(b) Given a grammar G1 and G2, to determine whether L(G1)=L(G2)
(c) For an arbitrary grammar G, to determine whether L(G) is empty.
(d) All of the above.

92. Which algorithm is used to form a minimum spanning tree ?

(a)Prim’s algorithm (b)Strassen’s algorithm

(c)Dijkstra’s algorithm (d)Stirling’s formula

93. In linux, the daemon which runs user programs at periodic scheduled
times is :

(a) named (b)Ipd (c)crond (d)gated

94. Which of the following is a screen, attached externally to a monitor, that

plugs into a serial or Universal Serial Bus(USB) port or a bus card installed
inside the computer ?
(a) digiboard (b)patch panel (c)Source-route transparent bridging
(d)touch screen

95. The designation for an electronics standard for connecting devices to your
personal computer is :

(a) Universal Serial Bus (b)IEEE 1394

(c) Universal Plug and Play (d) Attachment unit interface

96. In a Java program, you read the following statement that compiles and
Cookie cookie=new Cookie(“chocolate chips”);
What can you conclude?

(a)Cookie is the name of the class

(b)Cookie is a primitive type variable

(c) The Cookie class must have a constructor that has one formal parameter
of type String

(d) (a) and (c)

97. You are programming a game of dice in Java. You need to generate a
random integer that can be 1,2,3,4,5 or 6.

Which of the following expression would you select ?

(a)math.random( )*6 (b)((int)Math.random( ))*6+1

(c) (int)(Math.random( )*6) +1 (d) (int)(Math.random( )+6)

98. Which among the following is not an e-mail protocol ?

(a)POP3 (b)SMTP (c) IMAP (d)SNMP

99. In linux, what does runlevel 6 of init do ?

(a)reboot (b)single-user mode (c)multi-user mode (d)shutdown

100. Which among the following products is a proxy server?

(a)Squid (b)Apache (c)Pine (d)IIS

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