Biodiversity Monitoring Report
Biodiversity Monitoring Report
Biodiversity Monitoring Report
1. Introduction
The Biodiversity Monitoring System (BMS) aims to improve the information available for
decision—makers in protected areas through the regular collection of data on natural biological
resources and their utilization. The focus is on identifying trends in biodiversity and its use so as
to guide action in PA management. In addition, the BMS is intended to improve the participation
of protected area communities in PA management.
1. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) are held quarterly in _______ sites. This method generates
information regarding trends in the use of resources, trends in the status of selected
resources, and trends in status of households benefitting from the use of resources. The
information is mainly based on local communities’ own perception of trends. Data gathered
continuously from a number of representative communities can provide a valid picture of
general trends.
2. Field Diaries are used by_______ PA Staff during regular patrols and other field activities in
the protected area. This method comprises standardized recording of routine observations
on resource use and wildlife in a simple pocketbook or data sheet. Information may be own
observations or second-hand information.
3. Photo Documentation is done at ________ permanent points by taking photos of the
landscape from the same place every quarter. The new photos are compared with older ones
to detect changes in the forest cover.
4. Transects are somewhat similar to routine patrolling using field diary. However, transects are
permanent demarcated routes where there are precise recommendations on where to walk,
when to do it, and what to note. Transects are undertaken along _______ permanent transect
routes every quarter.
Issue 1
Charcoal making
Sitio Carangan, Mapurog, Bonifacio, Misamis Occ.
Issue 2
Photo Documentation
Transect Walk
PA Name: Mt. Malindang Range Natural Park Total No. of established photo sites:
Name of Code name Date of Date of Date of Total no. of Habitat Change
Photo Site of photo Photo this previous first times between photo this
quarter photo photo photographed quarter and previous
4.3.Summary of Transect Data 1st Quarter of Year 2018.
P.A Name: Mt. Malindang Range Natural Park Total No. of established transect routes:
Name of Transect Date of Survey No. of Priority species and uses recorded No. recorded
Route this Quarter times this quarter
Sitio Malikan, February 20, Agoho del monte 126
Clarin Settlement, 2018 Gulayan 115
Oroquieta City Pulayo 46
Danlugan 24
Kalayaan 27
Tanguile 49
Igem 3
Kanao Kanao,
Lalud, Don
4.3. Summary of Focus Group Discussion data 1st Quarter of Year 2018.
P.A Name: MMRNP Total No. of sites with Community Monitoring Groups__
Name of Sitios and members of Date of CMG meeting Total no. of CMG’s in this
Community Monitoring Group this quarter barangay
Brgy. Mialen, Oroquieta City May 2, 2018 2 groups
8 CMG members