Chapter 1 Thesis

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Background of the Study

People nowadays are mostly aware for exportation of timber and

non- timber forest products outside the country, as raw materials. This

includes lumbers and palms. The activity has led to exploitation of forest

in which not only the humanity is affected but also those living faunas

inhabiting within. Considering that palms are part of the forest biomass,

therefore, this species also needs preservation and acknowledged its

valuable contribution to the society. This purpose is to let every generation

know and discover more facts and to explore more in the field of research.

Palms played an important role in the society and in urban forestry.

One of this palm is Anahaw (Saribus rotundifolius Lam.) that gives vitality

in several aspects. It could become a medicinal purpose, aesthetic beauty

for landscapes in parks, pathways and as shed for the direct heat of

sunlight, flood prevention, erosion control, glare and reflection reduction,

traps particulates and carbon dioxide on the air. Lastly, its serves as

windbreaks for some buildings and other infrastructures.

Saribus rotundifolius Lam. (Arecaceae), round-leaf fountain palm is

a medium-sized to large palm with a slender trunk bearing prominent leaf

scars. Spiny stalks support rounded, dark green leaf blades divided into

many linear, rigid, notched lobes. Panicles of cream flowers in summer are
followed by spherical, bright-red fruit that ripen to black. S.

rotundifolius bud is highly esteemed as a vegetable in the Philippines. Nuts

are eaten when young and green. The rind is tasty when ripe. Saribus

rotundifolius Lam. is a medicinal plant employed to treat fresh wounds and

diarrhea. The plant leaves extracts contain antibacterial compounds.

(Zeng X, Tian et al., 2014)

The researchers aims to introduce this kind of species. Hence, the

study was conducted to find out the growth performance of the Anahaw

palm (Saribus rotundifolius Lam.). Under this objective includes the

assessment of the apical and lateral growth performance and to know its

growth percentage rate.

The study was conducted inside the vicinity of USeP- Bislig Campus

in the duration of (4) four months, starting from January to the month of

April 2019.
Statement of the Problem

The researcher aims to introduce Anahaw palm (Saribus

rotundifolius Lam.) in USeP- Bislig Campus as an approach to Palmetum

1. What is the percentage survival rate of Anahaw palm (Saribus

rotundifolius Lam.) in USeP- Bislig campus?
2. What is the apical growth performance of Anahaw palm (Saribus
rotundifolius Lam.) in USeP- Bislig campus?
3. What is the lateral growth performance of Anahaw palm (Saribus
rotundifolius Lam.) in USeP- Bislig campus?

Objectives of the Study

General Objectives
To introduce Anahaw palm (Saribus rotundifolius Lam.) in
USeP- Bislig Campus as an approach to Palmetum project conservation.

Specific Objectives

1. To know the percentage survival rate of Anahaw (Saribus

rotundifolius Lam.) in USeP- Bislig Campus.
2. To assess the apical growth performance of Anahaw (Saribus
rotundifolius Lam).
3. To assess the lateral growth performance of Anahaw
(Saribus rotundifolius Lam.) in USeP- Bislig Campus.
Significance of the Study

The outcomes of this research study would be a great help for the
researchers to answer the questions in response to problems. Also, the
next generation will also be given prior knowledge and learnings how to
grow and tend this kind of species. It would also be a great benefit to
Forestry students as their future reference and field Laboratory area.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of this study was limited only in the introduction of

Anahaw palm (Saribus rotundifolius Linn.) in USeP- Bislig Campus. The
study was conducted from January 2019 to April 2019, duration of (4) four

Alternative Hypothesis

The introduction of Anahaw palm (Saribus rotundifolius Lam.) in

USeP- Bislig campus was possible.

1. There was a percentage survival rate of Anahaw palm (Saribus

rotundifolius Lam.) in USeP- Bislig Campus.
2. There was an apical growth performance of Anahaw palm
(Saribus rotundifolius Lam.) in USeP- Bislig Campus.
3. There was a lateral growth performance of Anahaw palm (Saribus
rotundifolius Lam.) in USeP- Bislig Campus.

Aesthetics is used to talk about beauty or art, and people’s appreciation

of beautiful things.

Apical growth a growth resulting from an apical meristem.

Biomass the total mass of organisms in a given area or volume.

Exportation the act, business, or process of exporting goods or services.

Exploitation the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to
benefit from their work.
Fauna the animals of a particular region, habitat, or geological period.
Humanity the entire human race or the characteristics that belong
uniquely to human beings, such as kindness, mercy and sympathy.
Inhabiting (of a person, animal, or group) live in or occupy (a place or

Lateral growth a term used to describe the growth of plants in diameter.

Panicles a flower cluster that usually grows at the end of a stem or a shoot.

Particulates minute separate particle, as of a granular substance or pow


Preservation the act of keeping something as it is, esp.

in order to prevent it from decaying or to protect it from
being damaged or destroyed

Urban forestry the art, science and technology of managing trees

and forest resources in and around urban community ecosystems for the
physiological, sociological, economic, and aesthetic benefits trees provide

Windbreaks a line of trees or a fence which gives protection against the

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent variables

Introduction of Anahaw Survival rate and growth

(Saribus rotundifolius) in USeP- performance of Anahaw palm
Bislig Campus (Saribus rotundifolius)

Intervening Variables


Figure 1.0 Theoretical and Conceptual framework of the Study.

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