Yixunite PT In: Crystal Data
Yixunite PT In: Crystal Data
Yixunite PT In: Crystal Data
Crystal Data: Cubic. Point Group: 4/m 3 2/m. A component of polycrystalline globules,
to 2 mm, typically associated with damiaoite, always in the interior.
Physical Properties: Tenacity: “weakly malleble.” Hardness = 5.8 VHN = 573–681, 634
average (50 g load). D(meas.) = n.d. D(calc.) = 18.21
Optical Properties: Opaque. Color: Steel-black; bright white with a yellowish tint in reflected
light. Streak: Black. Luster: Metallic.
Optical Class: Isotropic.
R: (400) 49.9, (420) 51.7, (440) 53.8, (460) 55.3, (480) 56.9, (500) 58.5, (520) 60.1, (540) 61.7,
(560) 63.5, (580) 64.9, (600) 66.5, (620) 68.4, (640) 70.3, (660) 72.4, (680) 74.5, (700) 76.6
Distribution: From near Damiao village and the Yixun River, about 270 km north of Beijing,
Hebei Province, China [TL].
References: (1) Yu Zuxiang (1997) Yixunite – an ordered new native indium and
platinum alloy. Acta Geol. Sinica, 71(4), 332–335 (in Chinese with English abs.). (2) (1998)
Amer. Mineral., 83, 655 (abs. ref. 1).
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