Bio-Botany Vol-2 - EM PDF
Bio-Botany Vol-2 - EM PDF
Bio-Botany Vol-2 - EM PDF
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Scope of Botany
Higher Studies and Career Opportunities
MEDICAL Indian Medicine and Undergraduate Courses (UG) Courses in Arts & Science Colleges
B.Sc. Agriculture,
Homoeopathy Courses and Universities
B.Sc. Horticulture
B.Sc. Forestry, B.Sc. Botany
M.D/M.S/M.D.S B.A.M.S. - Ayurvedic Medicine B.Sc Nursing (post Certificate)
B.Sc Sericulture B.Sc. Plant Biology & Plant Biotechnology
M.Ch. (5 year course) B.H.M.S. - Homoeopathic Medicine B.Sc. (Hons.) Nursing
B.Tech Biotechnology B.Sc Biochemisty
B.D.S B.N.Y.S. - Naturopathy and Yogic Paramedical Courses (PM)
B.Tech Agricultural Engineering B.Sc Bio-computing
M.D.S B.S.M.S. - Siddha Medicine B.Sc. (Hons.) Opthalmic Techniques
B.Tech Horticulture B.Sc. Plant Pathology
B.U.M.S. - Unani Medicine B.Sc. (Hons.) Medical Technology
B.Tech Food process Engineering M.Sc. Botany
B.Tech Energy and Allied Health Sciences M.Sc Biotechnology
Environmental Engineering Postgraduate Courses (PG)
M.Sc. Bio-chemistry
B.Sc.(N)- Bachelor of Science in Nursing
B.Tech Bioinformatics M.Sc. Bioinformatics
B.P.T.- Bachelor of Physiotherapy M.D/M.S/M.D.S
B.Sc Agribusiness Management M.Sc Immunology and Microbiology
M.P.T. - Master of Physiotherapy M.Ch. (5 year course)
B.Tech Agricultural IT M.Sc. Applied Medical Biotechnology & clinical
B.O.T. - Bachelor of Occupational Therapy M.Sc. / M. Biotechnology
M. Tech. Environmental Engineering Research
M. Sc in Agriculture M.O.T. - Master of Occupational Therapy
M.Sc. Genetic Engineering & Plant Breeding
M. Sc in Agricultural Extension B.Sc. - Accident & Emergency Care Technology
M.Sc. Applied Plant Science
M. Sc in Agronomy B.Sc. - Audiology & speech Language Pathology
M.Sc. Plant Biology & Plant Biotechnology
M. Sc in Soil Science B.Sc. - Cardiac Technology
M.Sc. Plant molecular Biology
M. Sc in Agricultural Biotechnology B.Sc. - Cardio Pulmonary Perfusion Care Technology
M.Sc. Mycology & Plant pathology
M. Sc in Agricultural Marketing B.Sc. - Critical Care Technology
M.Sc. Plant science
M. Sc in Agricultural Microbiology B.Sc. - Dialysis Technology
M. Tech in Agricultural Engineering B.Sc. - Neuro Electrophysiology
M. E in Agricultural Engineering B.Sc. - Medical Sociology
Master of Agriculture in Entomology B.Sc. - Nuclear Medicine Technology
Master of Agriculture in Horticulture B.Sc. - Operation Theatre & Anaesthesia Technology
Master of Agriculture in Animal Sciences B.Sc. - Physician Assistant
Master of Agriculture in Entomology B.Sc. - Radiology Imaging Technology Integrated
d cours
Master of Agriculture in Plant Pathology B.Sc. - Radiotherapy Technology
Master of Agriculture in Agricultural B.Sc. - Fitness and Lifestyle Modifications Mode of selection: Entrance conducted by
Economics and Rural Sociology B.Sc. - Clinical Nutrition concern institution or NEET
Master In Agriculture And M.Sc in Life sciences- 5 year Integrated
Rural Development course
Diploma Course
Indian institute of Science, Bengaluru
Accident & Emergency Care Technology ANNA UNIVERSITY
TANUVAS Website:
Critical Care Technology
B.V.Sc and Animal Husbandry National Institute of Science
Health Care Aide (as per 245th GC)
B.Tech Food Technology Education and Research (NISER) , B.E. Bio Medical Engineering
Operation Theatre & Anaesthesia Technology
B.Tech Poultry processing
Bhubaneswar, Kolkata , Pune , B.Tech. Industrial Bio technology
Ophthalmic Nursing Assistant Mohali, Bhopal ,Thiruvananthapuram , B.Tech. Food technology
B.Tech Dairy Technology Scope Support Technology Tirupati and Berhampur
B.Tech. Bio technology
M.V.Sc. Medical Record Science Website:
M.Tech. Food Techology Optometry Technology B.Sc.,B.Ed -5 year Integrated course
M.Sc., Bioinformatics/BioStatistics Radiology & Imaging Technology Regional Institute of Education
M.B.A. Medical Lab Technology Ajmer, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Mysuru
Cardiac Non Invasive Technology and Shilillong
Post Graduate Diploma
Dialysis Technology Website:
Research Institutions in various areas of Botany
Name of the Institution Research Areas Website
International Centre for Genetic Engineering Mammalian Biology; Plant Biology; Synthetic Biology and Biofuels.
and Biotechnology (ICGEB), New Delhi
National Institute of Virology, Pune Epidemology, Basic virology; Diagnostics.
Center for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnos- Computational Biology, Bioinformatics; Protein structure, Dynamic
tics, Hyderabad and Interactions Epigenetic
Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar Infectious disease;Immune biology; Cancer biology; Nanotechnology
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Genetics & evolution, Genomics; Cell Biology & Development.
Central food Technological Research Institute, Food science and Technology
Central Institute of medicinal and Aromatic Agronomy & soil sciences; Biotechnology, Crop protection; Genetics
Plants, Lucknow. and plant breeding;
National Botanical Research Institute, Genetics and molecular biology; Plant microbe interaction & Phar-
Lucknow. macogonosy.
Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology Genomics and Molecular medicine, Chemical and systems biology.
Bose Institute, Kolkatta Molecular and cellular biology
National Centre for Biological Sciecnes, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Bioinformatics, Genetics and develop-
Bengaluru ment;Cellular organization & signelling neurobiology etc.
Birbal Sahni Institute od Palaeobotany (BSIP) Palynology in fossil fuel exploration; Dendrochronology; Ethnobota-
Lucknow. ny; Micropaleontology; Carbon 14Dating
School of Medical Science and Technology, Indian Tissue Engineering; Biomaterials; Herbal medicine & Bio-Engineering. www.smstweb.iitkgp.
Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal.
Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Tree improvement and Genetics; Chemistry of Forest Products.
Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute Behaviour Ecology; Evolution; climate change & conservation.
of Science. Bengaluru.
Botanical Survey of India(BSI), Kolkatta
endangered species.
Research Institutions in various areas of Botany
Name of the Institution Research Areas Website
Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) Genetics & Plant Breeding; Plant Pathology; Microbiology; Post Har-
New Delhi vest Technology
Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Horticultural Research; Biotechnology; Entomology; Pathology
Agharkar Research Institute, Pune Biodiversity & Palaeobiology, Bioenergy, BioprospectingNanobiosci-
National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources Plant genetic resources management and use.
(NBPGR) New Delhi
Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Tree improvement; Bio-prospecting of Forest Natural Resources www
Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal, www
Haryana of waste waters. Carbon Sequestration
Central Institute of Post Harvest Engineering & Rapid Evaluation of Food Quality and Safety; Packaging and storage
Technology, Ludiana of agricultural produce and products.
Central Plantation crops Research Institute, Crop improvement; Production; Protection; Plant physiology and
Kerala Biochemistry.
Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology, Agricultural Process Engineering Renewable energy for food process-
ing .
Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Development of Agro techniques for tuber crops
Management., Pune plants.
Central Research Institute for Dryland Dryland, Agrometerology and Crop sciences
Agriculture, Hyderabad
Central Research Institute for Jute & Allied Crop improvement, Crop production, Crop protection, Agricultural
Fibres, Kolkata, West Bengal research.
Indian Institute of Pulses Research (IIPR), Genetics & Plant Breeding and Seed Science
National Research Centre for Groundnut(N- Productivity and quality of groundnut; repository of groundnut ger-
RCG) Junagarh, Gujarat mplasm and information on groundnut researches
Indian Institutes of Science Education and Re- Microbial Ecology; Marine Molecular Ecology; Marine Biology.
search(IISER) - Berhampur, Bhopal,
and Tirupati.
References 190
Glossary 191
English-Tamil Terminology 194
Competitive Examination Questions 198
Unit IV: Plant Anatomy
(Structural Organisation)
Learning Objectives
The learner will be able to,
Nehemiah Grew
• Study major types of plant cells and Father of Plant
their function. Anatomy
• Differentiate the various types of
• Study the relationship between the Katherine Esau (1898–1997)
distribution of tissues in the various A legendary Role model for women in
parts of plants. science. She was a scintillating Botany
• Describes the ground tissue system teacher and pioneering researcher for
[cortex and pith] and vascular six decades. Her classic book Anatomy
systems of Seed Plants is the best literature in
• Interpret cross sections and Plant Anatomy. In
longitudinal sections of dicot and recognition of her
monocot root, stem and leaf. distinguished service
to science, she was
• Compare the internal organization awarded National
of dicot root and monocot root. Medal of Science
(1989) by USA.
Milestones in Anatomy of tissue is called Histology. A plant is
• 1837 Hartig: Coined the term Sieve made up of different types of tissues.
tubes There are two principal groups:
• 1839 Schleiden: Coined the term 1. Meristematic tissues
Collenchyma 2. Permanent tissues
• 1857 Hofmeister: Proposed Apical cell
9.1 Meristematic Tissue
• 1858 Nageli. C: Coined the term Xylem 9.1.1 Characteristics and classification
and Phloem, Meristem and supporter The characters of meristematic tissues:
of Apical cell theory (Gr. Meristos-Divisible)
• 1865 Mettenius: Coined the term The term meristem is coined by
Sclerenchyma C. Nageli 1858.
• 1868 Hanstein: Proposed Histogen • The meristematic cells are isodiametric
theory and they may be, oval, spherical or
• 1885 Tschirch: Coined the term polygonal in shape.
Sclereids Named Four types of • They have generally dense cytoplasm
Sclereids (Brachy, Macro, Osteo & with prominent nucleus.
Astro) in 1889
• Generally the vacuoles in them are
• 1914 Haberlandt: Coined the term
either small or absent.
xylem as Hadrome and Phloem
as Leptome and Classification of • Their cell wall is thin, elastic and
meristem. essentially made up of cellulose.
• 1924 Schmidt A: Proposed Tunica – • These are most actively dividing cells.
Corpus theory
• Meristematic cells are self-perpetuating.
• 1926 Schűepp: Mass, rib, & plate
meristem Classification of Meristem
• 1946 Bloch: Discovered the Meristem has been classified into several
Trichosclereids types on the basis of position, origin,
• 1952 Popham: Explained the function and division.
organization of Shoot apex of
Apical meristem
• 1955 Duchaigne: Discovered the
Annular collenchyma
Intercalary meristem
• 1961 Clowes: Proposed Quiescent
centre concept
• 1963 Sanio: Coined the term Tracheids Lateral meristem
The Tissues
A Tissue is a group of cells that are alike in Figure 9.1: Different types of meristems
origin, structure and function. The study on the basis of position in plant body
Classification of Meristem
Leaf primodium
Dermatogen Leaf primordia
Periblem Histogen
a. b. c.
Figure 9.2: Shoot apical meristem a) Apical cell theory, b) Histogen theory,
c) Shoot Tunica corpus theory
This apical cell governs the growth at their apices and the apical meristem
and development of whole plant body. It is present below the root cap. The
is applicable in Algae, Bryophytes and in different theories proposed to explain
some Pteridophytes. root apical meristem organization is
given below.
Histogen Theory
Apical Cell Theory
Histogen theory is proposed by Hanstein
(1868) and supported by Strassburgur. The Apical cell theory is proposed by Nageli.
shoot apex comprises three distinct zones. The single apical cell or apical initial
composes the root meristem. The apical
1. Dermatogen: It is a outermost layer.
initial is tetrahedral in shape and produces
It gives rise to epidermis.
root cap from one side. The remaining
2. Periblem: It is a middle layer. It gives three sides produce epidermis, cortex and
rise to cortex. vascular tissues. It is found in vascular
3. Plerome: It is innermost layer. It gives cryptogams.
rise to stele
Histogen Theory
Tunica Corpus Theory Histogen theory is proposed by Hanstein
Tunica corpus theory is proposed by (1868) and supported by Strassburgur.
A. Schmidt (1924). The histogen theory as appilied to the
Two zones of tissues are found in apical root apical meristem speaks of four
meristem. histogen in the meristem. They are
1. The tunica: It is the peripheral zone of
shoot apex, that forms epidermis. i. Dermatogen: It is a outermost layer. It
2. The corpus: It is the inner zone of gives rise to root epidermis.
shoot apex,that forms cortex and stele ii. Periblem: It is a middle layer. It gives
of shoot. rise to cortex.
Root Apical Meristem iii. Plerome: It is innermost layer. It gives
Root apex is present opposite to the rise to stele
shoot apex. The roots contain root cap iv. Calyptrogen: It gives rise to root cap.
Ground tissue
Vascular cambium Root centre
cap Inverted ‘T’
(Y division) Cap
Plerome Calyptrogen b. c.
Dermatogen / Calyptrogen
Figure 9.3: Root apical meristem
a) Histogen Theory, b) Korper kappe theory,
Root cap
a. b. c. 1. Angular collenchyma
Figure 9.5: a) Stellate parenchyma, It is the most common type of collenchyma
with irregular arrangement and
b) Chlorenchyma, c) Prosenchyma thickening at the angles where cells meets.
Example:Hypodermis of Datura and
Collenchyma (Gk. Colla-glue; Nicotiana
enchyma – an infusion)
Collenchyma is a simple, living mechanical 2. Lacunar collenchyma
tissue. Collenchyma generally occurs in The collenchyma cells are irregularly
hypodermis of dicot stem. It is absent arranged. Cell wall is thickening on the
in the roots and also occurs in petioles walls bordering intercellular spaces.
and pedicels. The cells are elongated Example:Hypodermis of Ipomoea
and appear polygonal in cross section.
The cell wall is unevenly thickened. 3. Lamellar collenchyma
It contains more of hemicellulose and The collenchyma cells are arranged
pectin besides cellulose. It provides compactly in layers(rows). The Cell wall
mechanical support and elasticity to the is thickening is at tangential walls.These
thickening appear as successsive tangential
growing parts of the plant. Collenchyma layers. Example:Hypodermis of Helianthus
consists of narrow cells. It has only a few
Diagramatic structures
Thickened Intercellular
corners thickenings
Vacuole Lamellar
Cell wall thickenings
a. b. c.
1. Sclereids
Annular Collenchyma: Duchaigne (1955)
2. Fibres
reported another type called Annular
collenchyma in petiole of Nerium. The Sclereids (Stone Cells)
lumen is more or less circular in shape.
Sclereids are dead cells, usually these
are isodiametric but some are elongated
Sclerenchyma (Gk. Sclerous- hard:
too. The cell wall is very thick due
enchyma-an infusion)
to lignification. Lumen is very much
The sclerenchyma is a dead cell and reduced. The pits may simple or branched.
lacks protoplasm. The cells are long or Sclereids are mechanical in function.
short, narrow thick walled and lignified They give hard texture to the seed coats,
secondary walls. The cell walls of these cells endosperms etc., Sclereids are classified
are uniformly and strongly thickened. The into the following types.
sclerenchymatous cells are of two types:
Types of Sclereids
4. Astrosclereids: 5. Trichosclereids:
Star cells with lobes or arms diverging Hair like thin walled sclereids. Numerous
form a central body. They occur in petioles small angular crystals are embedded in the
and leaves. Example: Tea, Nymphae and wall of these sclereids, present in stems and
Trochodendron. leaves of hydrophytes. Example: Nymphaea
leaf and Aerial roots of Monstera.
Diagramatic Structures
Sclereid Lumen
a. b. c.
Thick Tricho
cell wall Sclereids
d. e.
Cell lab: students prepare the slide Figure 9.10: Types of secondary wall
and identify the different types tissues.
thickenings in tracheids and vessels
elements found in Pteridophytes and Companion Cells
Gymnosperms. Sieve cells have sieve areas The thin walled, elongated, specialized
on their lateral walls only. They are not parenchyma cells, which are associated with
associated with companion cells. the sieve elements, are called companion
Sieve Tubes cells. These cells are living and they have
Sieve tubes are long tube like conducting cytoplasm and a prominent nucleus. They
elements in the phloem. These are formed are connected to the sieve tubes through
from a series of cells called sieve tube pits found in the lateral walls. Through
elements. The sieve tube elements are these pits cytoplasmic connections are
arranged one above the other and form maintained between these elements.
vertical sieve tube. The end wall contains These cells are helpful in maintaining
a number of pores and it looks like a the pressure gradient in the sieve tubes.
sieve. So it is called as sieve plate. The Usually the nuclei of the companion
sieve elements show nacreous thickenings cells serve for the nuclei of sieve tubes as
on their lateral walls. They may possess they lack them. The companion cells are
simple or compound sieve plates The present only in Angiosperms and absent
function of sieve tubes are believed to be in Gymnosperms and Pteridophytes. They
controlled by campanion cells.
assist the sieve tubes in the conduction of
In mature sieve tube, Nucleus is absent. food materials.
It contains a lining layer of cytoplasm.
A special protein (P. Protein = Phloem Phloem Parenchyma
Protein) called slime body is seen in it. In
mature sieve tubes, the pores in the sieve The parenchyma cells associated with the
plate are blocked by a substance called phloem are called phloem parenchyma.
callose (callose plug).The conduction These are living cells. They store starch
of food material takes place through and fats. They also contain resins and
cytoplasmic strands. Sieve tubes occur tannins in some plants. Primary phloem
only in Angiosperms. consists of axial parenchyma and
Sieve plate
secondary phloem consists of both axial
and ray parenchyma. They are present
Sieve tube
in Pteridophytes,Gymnosperms and
Phloem Fibres (or) Bast Fibres
The fibres of sclerenchyma associated
with phloem are called phloem fibres or
Cells bast fibres. They are narrow, vertically
elongated cells with very thick walls and
a small lumen. Among the four phloem
elements, phloem fibres are the only dead
Figure 9.11: Different types of tissue. These are the strengthening as well
phloem elements as supporting cells.
Concept Map
Plant tissues
Table 9.1: Different types of tissues
Distribution Main functions Nature Cell shape Wall materials
Parenchyma Cortex, Pith Packing tissue, Living Usually Mainly
medullary rays support, gaseous Isodiametric Cellulose and
and Packing exchange, food Pectinase
tissues in storage
vascular system
Collenchyma Outer region Mechanical Living Elongated, Mainly
of cortex as in Polygonal Cellulose,
angles of stems, Pectin and
mid-rib of leaves Hemi-cellulose
Sclerenchyma Outer region of Mechanical Dead Elongated Mainly Lignin
(a) Fibre cortex, pericycle and
of stems, vascular Polygonal
bundles with tapering
(b) Sclereids Cortex, Pith, Mechanical Dead Roughly Mainly lignin
Phloem shells Protection Isodiametric
and stones of with much
fruits and seed variation
Tracheids and Vascular System Translocation Dead Elongated Mainly lignin
Vessels of water and and Tubular
mineral salts
Phloem Sieve Vascular System Translocation of Living Elongated Cellulose,
tubes organic solutes and Tubular Pectin and
Companion Vascular System Work in Living Elongated Cellulose,
Cells association with and narrow Pectin and
sieve tubes Hemicellulose
Difference Between Collenchyma and Sclerenchyma
Collenchyma Sclerenchyma
• Living Cells • Dead cells
• Contains Protoplasm • Cells are empty
• Cell walls are cellulosic • Cell walls are lignified
• Thickening of cell wall is not uniform • Thickening of cell wall is uniform
• Keeps the plant body soft • Keeps plant body stiff and hard
• Sometimes it has chloroplast • Do not have chloroplast
9.3 The Tissue System recognized three tissue systems in the
plants. They are:
Introduction to Tissue System, Types
and Characteristics of tissue System 1. Epidermal tissue system (derived from
As you have learnt, the plant cells are
organised into tissues, in turn the tissues 2. Ground tissue system (derived from
are organised into organs. Different ground meristem)
organs in a plant show differences in their 3. Vascular tissue system (derived from
internal structure. This part of chapter procambium)
deals with the different type of internal
structure of various plant organs and its
adaptations to diverse environments. Histology
A group of tissues (Greek. histos – web,
performing a similar logos – science) It is
function, irrespective of the study of tissues,
its position in the plant their composition, and structure
body, is called a tissue as observed with the help of
system. In 1875, German Figure 9.12: microscope.
Scientist Julius von Sachs Julius von Sachs
Subsidiary cell
a. b.
Figure 9.14: (a) Stoma with bean-shaped guard cells. (b) Stoma with dumb-bell shaped
guard cells
Prickles main zones – cortex, pericycle and pith.
Prickles, are one type of It is classified into extrastelar ground
epidermal emergences tissue (Examples: cortex and endodermis)
with no vascular supply. and intrastelar ground tissue (Examples:
They are stiff and sharp pericycle, medullary ray and pith)
in appearance. (Example: Extrastelar Ground Tissue
The ground tissues present outside the
Figure 9.17:
Functions of Epidermal stele is called extrastelar ground tissue.
Prickles (Cortex)
Tissue System
1. This system in the shoot checks Intrastelar Ground Tissue
excessive loss of water due to the
The ground tissues present within the
presence of cuticle.
stele are called intrastelar ground tissues.
2. Epidermis protects the underlying (pericycle, medullary rays and pith).
Different Components of Ground
3. Stomata is involved in transpiration
Tissue Systems are as follows
and gaseous exchange.
4. Trichomes are also helpful in the Hypodermis
dispersal of seeds and fruits, and One or two layers of continuous or
provide protection against animals. discontinuous tissue present below the
5. Prickles also provide protection against epidermis, is called hypodermis. It is
animals and they also check excessive protective in function.
transpiration In dicot stem, hypodermis is generally
6. In some rose plants they also help in collenchymatous, whereas in monocot
climbing. stem, it is generally sclerenchymatous.
7. Glandular hairs repel herbivorous In many plants collenchyma form the
animals. hypodermis.
General Cortex
9.5 Fundamental Tissue System The Cortex occurs between the epidermis
The ground or fundamental tissue system and pericycle. Cortex is a few to many
constitutes the main body of the plants. It layers in thickness, In most cases, it is
includes all the tissues except epidermis made up of parenchymatous tissues.
and vascular tissues. In monocot stem, Intercellular spaces may or may not be
ground tissue system is a continuous present.
mass of parenchymatous tissue in which The cortical cells may contain non
vascular bundles are found scattered. living inclusions of starch grains, oil,
Hence ground tissue is not differentiated tannins and crystals.
into cortex, endodermis, pericycle and Sometimes in young stem, chloroplasts
pith. Generally in dicot stem, ground develop in peripheral cortical cells, which
tissue system is differentiated into three is called chlorenchyma.
In the leaves, the ground tissue consists Pericycle
of chlorenchyma tissues. This region is Pericycle is single or few layered parenchymatous
called mesophyll. In hydrophytes, cortex is found inner to the endodermis. It is the
Aerenchymatous (with air cavities). outermost layer of the stele. Rarely thick walled
Its general function is storage of food sclerenchymatous. In angiosperms, pericycle
as well as providing mechanical support gives rise to lateral roots.
to organs.
Pith or Medulla
The central part of the ground tissue is
The cells of this layer are barrel shaped and known as pith or medulla. Generally this
arranged compactly without intercellular is made up of thin walled parenchyma
spaces. cells with intercellular spaces. The cells
Endodermis is the innermost cortical in the pith generally stores starch, fatty
layer that separates cortex from the stele. substances, tannins, phenols, calcium
This layer may be a true endodermis as in oxalate crystals, etc.
root or it is an endodermis like layer in stems.
This layer is morphologically homologous Albuminous Cells: The cytoplasmic
to the endodermis found in the root. nucleated parenchyma, is associated
The cells of endodermis like layer with the sieve cells of Gymnosperms.
had living cells containing starch grains. Albuminous cells in Conifers are
Hence it is known as starch sheath. In analogous to companion cells of
true root endodermis, radial and inner Angiosperms. It also called as
tangential walls of endodermal cells strasburger cells.
possess thickenings of lignin, suberin and
some other carbohydrates in the form of 9.6 Vascular Tissue System
strips they are called casparian strips.
This section deals with the vascular tissue
The endodermal cells, which are
opposite to the protoxylem elements, system of gymnosperms and angiosperms
are thin walled without casparian strips. stems and roots.The vascular tissue
These cells are called passage cells. system consists of xylem and phloem. The
Their function is to transport water and elements of xylem and phloem are always
dissolved salts from the cortex to the organized in groups. They are called
protoxylem. vascular bundles.
Water cannot pass through other The stems of both groups have an
endodermal cells due to casparian strips. eustele while roots are protostele. In
The main function of casparian strips eustelic organization, the stele contains
in the endodermal cells is to prevent the usually a ring of vascular bundles separated
re-entry of water into the cortex once by interfascicular region or medullary ray
water entered the xylem tissue. The structural and organizational
The other suberized cells acts as variation in vascular bundles is shown
water-tight layer between vascular and non- below.
vascular regions to check the loss of water.
Types of vascular Bundles
Radial Conjoint Concentric
Xylem and phloem are present on Xylem and phloem Xylem and phloem are
different radii alternating with each are present on the present in concentric
other. The bundles are separated same radius in one circles one around the
by parenchymatous tissue. bundle. ( All stems ) other in some stems.
(Monocot and Dicot roots)
Collateral Bicollateral
Open Closed
9.7 Comparison of Primary of the cortex is endodermis. Endodermis
Structure – Dicot and Monocot is made up of single layer of barrel shaped
Root, Stem and Leaf parenchymatous cells. Stele is completely
surrounded by endodermis. The radial and
Anatomy of Dicot and Monocot Roots the inner tangential walls of endodermal
In different parts of the plants, the various cells are thickened with suberin and lignin.
tissues are distributed in characteristic This thickening was first noted by Robert
patterns. This is best understood by studying Casparay in 1965. So these thickenings are
their internal structure by cutting sections called casparian strips. But these casparian
(transverse or longitudinal or both) of the strips are absent in the endodermis cells
part to be studied. which are located opposite the protoxylem
elements. These thin-walled cells without
Primary Structure of Dicot Root – casparian strips are called passage cells
Bean Root through which water and mineral salts are
The transverse section of the dicot root conducted from the cortex to the xylem
(Bean) shows the following plan of elements. Water cannot pass through other
arrangement of tissues from the periphery endodermal cells due to the presence of
to the centre. casparian thickenings.
Cortex transport water and dissolved salts from
The cortex is homogenous. i.e. the cortex the cortex to the xylem. Water cannot
is made up of only one type of tissue called pass through other endodermal cells due
parenchyma. It consists of many layers to casparian strips. The main function of
of thin-walled parenchyma cells with casparian strips in the endodermal cells is
lot of intercellular spaces. The function to prevent the re-entry of water into the
of cortical cells is storage. Cortical cells cortex once water entered the xylem tissue.
are generally oval or rounded in shape.
Chloroplasts are absent in the cortical
cells, but they store starch. The cells All the tissues inside the endodermis
are living and possess leucoplasts. The comprise the stele. This includes pericycle,
inner layer of the cortex is endodermis. vascular system and pith.
It is composed of single layer of barrel
shaped parenchymatous cells. This forms
a complete ring around the stele. There Pericycle is the outermost layer of the
is a band like structure made of suberin stele and lies inner to the endodermis. It
and lignin present in the radial and inner consists of single layer of parenchymatous
tangential walls of the endodermal cells. cells.
They are called casparian strips named
after casparay who first noted the strips. Vascular System
The endodermal cells, which are opposite Vascular tissues are seen in radial
the protoxylem elements, are thin walled arrangement. The number of protoxylem
without casparian strips. These cells are groups is many. This arrangement of
called passage cells. Their function is to xylem is called polyarch. Xylem is in
exarch condition, the tissue which is Inner to the hypodermis, a few layers
present between the xylem and the of collenchyma cells are present. This zone
phloem, is called conjunctive tissue. In is called hypodermis. It gives mechanical
maize, the conjunctive tissue is made up strength to the stem. These cells are living
of sclerenchymatous tissue. and thickened at the corners. Inner to the
hypodermis, a few layers of chlorenchyma
Pith cells are present with conspicuous
The central portion is occupied by a large intercellular spaces. This region performs
pith. It consists of thin-walled parenchyma photosynthesis. Some resin ducts also
cells with intercellular spaces. These cells occur here. The third zone is made up of
are filled with abundant starch grains. parenchyma cells. These cells store food
materials. The innermost layer of the cortex
Anatomy of Dicot and Monocot Stems is called endodermis. The cells of this layer
The transverse section of the dicot stem are barrel shaped and arrange compactly
[sunflower] shows the following plan of without intercellular spaces. Since starch
arrangement of tissues from the periphery grains are abundant in these cells, this
to the centre. layer is also known a starch sheath. This
layer is morphologically homologous
Epidermis to the endodermis found in the root. In
It is protective in function and forms the most of the dicot stems, endodermis with
outermost layer of the stem. It is a single casparian strips is not developed.
layer of parenchymatous rectangular cells.
The cells are compactly arranged without Check Your Grasp!
intercellular spaces. The outer walls of Why the endodermis in dicot stem is
epidermal cells have a layer called cuticle. also referred to as the starch sheath?
The cuticle checks the transpiration. The The cells of the endodermis are
cuticle is made up of waxy substance rich in starch grains and thus this layer
known as cutin. Stomata may be present is also referred to as the starch sheath.
here and there. Epidermal cells are living.
Chloroplasts are usually absent. A large
number of multicellular hairs occur on Stele
the epidermis. The central part of the stem inner to the
endodermis is known as stele. It consists
Cortex of pericyle, vascular bundles and pith. In
Cortex lies below the epidermis. The dicot stem, vascular bundles are arranged
cortex is differentiated into three zones. in a ring around the pith. This type of stele
Below the epidermis, there are few layers is called eustele.
of collenchyma cells. This zone is called
hypodermis. It gives mechanical strength Pericycle
of the Stem. These cells are living and Pericycle is the layers of cells that occur
thickened at the corners. between the endodermis and vascular
bundles. In the stem of sunflower
Table 9.4: Anatomical differences between dicot stem and monocot stem
S.No. Characters Dicot Stem Monocot Stem
1. Hypodermis Collenchymatous Sclerenchymatous
2. Ground tissue Differentiated into cortex, Not differentiated, but it
endodermis and pericycle is a continuous mass of
and pith parenchyma.
3. Starch Sheath Present Absent
4. Medullary rays Present Absent
5. Vascular (a) Collateral and open (a) Collateral and closed
bundles (b) Arranged in a ring (b) Scattered in ground tissue
(c) Secondary growth occurs (c) Secondary growth usually
does not occur.
Collateral and closed. Xylem is present Xylem consists of metaxylem and
towards the upper epidermis, while the protoxylem elements. Protoxylem is
phloem towards the lower epidermis. present towards the upper epidermis,while
Vascular bundles are surrounded by the phloem consists of sieve tubes,
a compact layer of parenchymatous companion cells and phloem parenchyma.
cells called bundle sheath or border Phloem fibres are absent. Xylem consists of
parenchyma. vessels and xylem parenchyma. Tracheids
and xylem fibres are absent.
Upper epidermis
Palisade parenchyma
Spongy parenchyma
Bundle sheath
Epidermal hair
Lower epidermis
Respiratory cavity
Anatomy of a Monocot Leaf – Grass Leaf These cells are called subsidiary cells.
A transverse section of a grass leaf reveals Some cells of upper epidermis are large
the following internal structures. and thin walled. They are called bulliform
cells or motor cells. These cells are helpful
Epidermis for the rolling and unrolling of the leaf
The leaf has upper and lower epidermis. according to the weather change.
They are made up of a single layer of thin Some of the epidermal cells of the
walled cells. The outer walls are covered grass are filled with silica. They are called
by thick cuticle. silica cells.
The number of stomata is more or less
equal on both the epidermis. The stomata
is surrounded by dumb – bell shaped The ground tissue that is present between
guard cells. The guard cells-contain the upper and lower epidermis of the leaf
chloroplasts, whereas the other epidermal is called mesophyll. Here, the mesophyll
cells do not have them. is not differentiated into palisade and
Some special cells surround the spongy parenchyma. All the mesophyll
guard cells. They are distinct from other cells are nearly isodiametric and thin
epidermal cells. walled. These cells are compactly arranged
Differences Between Stomata and Halophiles
Hydathodes • Plants that grow in salty environment
are called Halophiles.
Stomata Hydathodes
• Plant growth in saline habitat developed
Occur in epidermis Occur at the tip or numerous adaptations to salt stress.
of leaves, young margin of leaves The secretion of ions by salt glands is the
stems. that are grown in best known mechanism for regulating
moist shady place. the salt content of plant shoots.
• Salt glands typically are found in
Stomatal aperture Aperture of
halophytes. (Plants that grow in saline
is guarded by two hydathodes are
guard cells. surrounded
by a ring of
cuticularized cells.
The two guard Subsidiary cells
cells are generally are absent.
surrounded by
subsidiary cell.
Opening and closing Hydathode pores
of the stomatal remain always
aperture is regulated open.
by guard cells.
These are involved These are involved
in transpiration and in guttation.
exchange of gases. Figure 9.26: Halophytes
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Unit IV: Plant Anatomy
(Structural Organisation)
10 Secondary Growth
Generally monocots do not have
secondary growth, but palms and
bamboos have woody stems. Find the
Figure 10.1: Taxus wood reason.
10.1 Secondary Growth in Dicot Stem Organization of Vascular Cambium
The axial system consists of vertical files
of treachery elements, fibers, and wood
c Second formed xylem
First formed xylem
parenchyma. Whereas the radial system
consists of rows of parenchymatous cells
Third formed xylem oriented at right angles to the longitudinal
d Second formed xylem axis of xylem elements.
First formed xylem
The secondary xylem varies very greatly
First formed phloem
Cambium from species to species with reference to
e Third formed xylem relative distribution of the different cell
Second formed xylem
First formed xylem types, density and other properties. It is
First formed phloem of two types.
Second formed phloem
Fourth formed xylem
Porous Wood or Hard Wood
f Third formed xylem
Second formed xylem Generally, the dicotyledonous wood,
First formed xylem which has vessels is called porous wood
Figure 10.3: Diagrammatic representa- or hard wood. Example: Morus rubra.
tion of vascular cambial activity (a–f)
Annual Rings Sometimes annual rings are called growth
The activity of vascular cambium is rings but it should be remembered all the
under the control of many physiological growth rings are not annual. In some trees
and environmental factors. In temperate more than one growth ring is formed with
regions, the climatic conditions are not in a year due to climatic changes.
uniform throughout the year. In the Additional growth rings are
spring season, cambium is very active developed within a year due to adverse
and produces a large number of xylary natural calamities like drought, frost,
elements having vessels/tracheids with defoliation, flood, mechanical injury
wide lumen. The wood formed during and biotic factors during the middle
this season is called spring wood or early of a growing season,which results in
wood. The tracheary elements are fairly the formation of more than one annual
thin walled. In winter, the cambium is less ring. Such rings are called pseudo- or
active and forms fewer xylary elements false- annual rings.
that have narrow vessels/ tracheids and Each annual ring corresponds to one
this wood is called autumn wood or late year’s growth and on the basis of these
wood.The treachery elements are with rings, the age of a particular plant can
narrow lumen, very thick walled. easily be calculated. The determination of
the age of a tree by counting the annual
• Usually more
rings is called dendrochronology.
distinct annual
rings are formed in
Importance of Studying Growth Rings
the regions where
climatic variations are sharp. • Age of wood can be calculated.
• Usually more distinct annual rings • The quality of timber can be
are formed in temperate plants ascertained.
and not in tropical plants. • Radio-Carbon dating can be
• Usually least distinct annual rings verified.
are formed in seashore region
• Past climate and archaeological
because the climatic conditions
dating can be made.
remain same throughout the year.
• Generally annual rings are also • Provides evidence in forensic
less distinct in desert plants. investigation.
Fossil resins-Amber
Plants secrete resins for their
protective benefits.Amber
is a fossilized tree resin
especially from the wood,
which has been appreciated
c. Microscopic slide
for its colour and natural
A slide of 60-years-old holotype specimen of beauty since neolithic times.
a flatworm (Lethacotyle fijiensis) permanently d. Ant inside Much valued from antiquity
mounted in canada balsam. to the present as a gemstone,
blastic amber
amber is made into a variety
of decorative objects. Amber
is used in jewellery. It has
also been used as a healing
agent in folk medicine.
older stems and roots of many seed plants. Differences Between Phellem and
It is characterized by regularly arranged Phelloderm
tiers and rows of cells. It is broken here Phellem (Cork) Phelloderm
and there by the presence of lenticels. (Secondary
Epidermis It is formed on It is formed on
First cork cell the outer side of the inner side of
(Cork cambium) phellogen. phellogen.
Cells are Cells are loosely
Cuticle compactly arranged with
arranged in intercellular
Phellogen regular tires and spaces.
(Cork cambium)
Phelloderm rows without
(Secondary cortex)
b spaces.
Figure 10.13: The cross section of Protective in As it contains
function. chloroplast, it
periderm (a–b)
synthesises and
stores food.
Phelloids Consists of non- Consists of
Phellem (Cork) like cells which lack living cells with living cells,
suberin in their walls. suberized walls. parenchymatous
in nature and does
not have suberin.
Phellogen (Cork Cambium) Lenticels are Lenticels are
It is a secondary lateral meristem. It present. absent.
comprises homogenous meristematic cells
unlike vascular cambium. It arises from
epidermis, cortex, phloem or pericycle Rhytidome is a
technical term used
(extrastelar in origin). Its cells divide
for the outer dead
periclinally and produce radially arranged bark which consists of
files of cells. The cells towards the outer periderm and isolated
side differentiate into phellem (cork) and cortical or phloem tissues formed
those towards the inside as phelloderm during successive secondary growth.
(secondary cortex). Example: Quercus.
Polyderm is found in the roots
Phelloderm (Secondary cortex) and underground Rosaceae.
It is a tissue resembling cortical living It refers to a special type of protective
parenchyma produced centripetally tissues consisting of uniseriate
(inward) from the phellogen as a part of the suberized layer alternating with
periderm of stems and roots in seed plants. multiseriatenonsuberized cells in
Differences Between Vascular barks normally do not peeled off, scale barks
Cambium and Cork Cambium peeled off.
Vascular cambium Cork cambium
Also called Also called
cambium phellogen
It arises from It arises from
procambium and epidermis, cortex,
interfascicular phloem, or
parenchyma in pericyle in both
stems and from stems and roots
parenchyma in
roots Figure 10.14: Quercus Tree-showing
It comprises long It comprises of ring bark
fusiform and homogenous cells.
short ray initials.
It produces It produces
secondary phloem phellem(cork)
towards the outer towards outer side
side and secondary and phelloderm
xylem towards (secondary cortex)
inner side. towards inner side.
Figure 10.15: Guava tree showing scale
The term ‘bark’ is commonly applied to all
the tissues outside the vascular cambium
of stem (i.e., periderm, cortex, primary Lenticel
phloem and secondary phloem). Bark
Lenticel is raised opening or pore on the
protects the plant from parasitic fungi and
epidermis or bark of stems and roots.
insects, prevents water loss by evaporation
It is formed during secondary growth
and guards against variations of external
in stems. When phellogen is more active
temperature. It is an insect repellent, decay
in the region of lenticels, a mass of loosely
proof, fireproof and is used in obtaining
arranged thin-walled parenchyma cells
drugs or spices. The phloem cells of the bark
are formed. It is called complementary
are involved in conduction of food while
tissue or filling tissue.
secondary cortical cells involved in storage.
Lenticel is helpful in exchange of
If the phellogen forms a complete cylinder
gases and transpiration called lenticular
around the stem, it gives rise to ring barks.
Example: Quercus. When the bark is formed
in overlapping scale like layers, it is known
as scale bark. Example: Guava. While ring
Complementary cell
(Cork cambium)
(Secondary cortex)
Figure 10.16: Structure of Lenticel
10.2 Secondary Growth in Dicot root combination of conjunctive tissue located
Secondary growth in dicot roots is essential just below the phloem bundles, and as a
to provide strength to the growing aerial portion of pericycle tissue present above
parts of the plants. It is similar to that of the the protoxylem to form a complete and
secondary growth in dicot stem. However, continuous wavy ring. This wavy ring later
there is marked difference in the manner of becomes circular and produces secondary
the formation of vascular cambium. xylem and secondary phloem similar to
the secondary growth in stems.
The vascular cambium is completely
secondary in origin. It originates from a
Primary phloem
Primary xylem
a b
Primary phloem
Secondary phloem
Cambial ring
Primary xylem
Secondary xylem
c d
Phellogen (Cork cambium)
Primary phloem
Secondary phloem
Phloem ray
Cambial ring
Primary xylem
e Secondary xylem
Xylem ray
Differences Between Secondary Growth in Dicot Stem and Root
Secondary growth in dicot stem Secondary growth in dicot root
The cambial ring formed is circular in The cambial ring formed is wavy in the
cross section from the beginning. beginning and later becomes circular.
The cambial ring is partially primary The cambial ring is completely secondary
(fascicular cambium)and partially in origin.
secondary (Interfascicular cambium) in
Generally, periderm originates from the Generally, periderm originates from the
cortical cells (extrastelar in origin). pericyle.
(intrastelar in origin)
More amount of cork is produced as stem Generally, less amount of cork is produced
is above the ground as root is underground.
Lenticels of periderm are prominent. Lenticels of periderm are not very
Pre-structure of Secondary
Primary Structure
Primary Structure secondary growth Secondary Structure
Axial Phloem
Fusiform initials
Conjunctive cambium Axial Xylem
Ray initials Phloem rays
Xylem rays
Summary Evaluation
Secondary growth deals with the formation 1. Consider the
of additional vascular tissue by the following statements
activities of vascular and cork cambia and In spring season
secondary thickening meristem (STM). vascular cambium
It increases the girth of stem and roots i. is less active
of gymnosperms, most angiosperms, and
ii. produces a large number of xylary
some monocot plants. Vascular cambium
possesses two kinds of initials they are,
fusiform and ray initials. Fusiform initials iii. forms vessels with wide cavities of
give rise to the axial tissue system whereas these,
ray initials give rise to radial tissue system a. (i) is correct but (ii) and (iii) are not
of stems and roots. correct
Wood is a very important product b. (i) is not correct but (ii) and (iii) are
of secondary growth. It represents correct
secondary xylem. It is classified in various c. (i) and (ii) are correct but (iii) is not
ways. Based respectively on the presence correct
or absence of vessels, wood is classified d. (i) and (ii) are not correct but (iii) is
into two types. i.e., porous and non- correct.
porous wood. Based on the wood formed
2. Usually, the monocotyledons do not
during seasons, it is classified into spring
increase their girth, because
wood and autumn wood. The spring and
a. They possess actively dividing
autumn wood, together is called annual
ring. The wood is also classified into sap
wood (pale in colour) and heart wood b. They do not possess actively
(dark in colour). The lumen of the xylem dividing cambium
vessels of heart wood are blocked by many c. Ceases activity of cambium
balloon like ingrowths from neighbouring d. All are correct
parenchymatous cells called tyloses. 3. In the diagram of lenticel identify the
The periderm, a secondary protective parts marked as A,B,C,D
tissue consists of phellem, phellogen and
phelloderm. Secondary growth produces
a corky bark around the tree trunk that
protects the interior parts from heat, cold,
infection etc. Secondary growth of root A
a. A. phellem, B. Complementary c. May or may not get crushed
tissue, C. Phelloderm, D. Phellogen. d. It gets surrounded by primary
b. A. Complementary tissue, phloem
B. Phellem, C. Phellogen, 6. In a forest, if the bark of a tree is
D. Phelloderm. damaged by the horn of a deer, How
c. A. Phellogen, B. Phellem, will the plant overcome the damage?
C. Phelloderm, D. complementary 7. In which season the vessels of
tissue angiosperms are larger in size, why?
d. A. Phelloderm, B. Phellem, 8. Continuous state of dividing tissue
C. Complementary tissue, is called meristem. In connection
D. Phellogen to this, what is the role of lateral
4. The common bottle cork is a product of meristem?
a. Dermatogen 9. A timber merchant bought 2 logs of
b. Phellogen wood from a forest & named them
c. Xylem A & B, The log A was 50 year old & B
was 20 years old. Which log of wood
d. Vascular cambium
will last longer for the merchant?
5. What is the fate of primary xylem in a Why?
dicot root showing extensive secondary
10. A transverse section of the trunk of
a tree shows concentric rings which
a. It is retained in the center of the axis are known as growth rings. How are
b. It gets crushed these rings formed? What are the
significance of these rings?
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Characteristics of Dicot and Monocot Stem and Root
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Unit V: Plant Physiology
(Functional Organisation)
11 Transport in Plants
Learning Objectives
The learner will be able to, Over 450 million years ago (the Ordovician
• Recall knowledge of basic physical period in Paleozoic era) plants migrated
and biological processes studied in from their own sophisticated water world
previous classes. to newly formed land. The land had harsh
• Classify, differentiate and compare environment; water availability was deeper
the process of active and passive and so plants struggled for getting water for
transport. their very existence. Some of them failed
to survive and rest adopted themselves to
• Understand the mechanism of
the new world. The biggest adaptations
absorption of water.
followed for their survival was building
• Analyse the various theories in their own water absorbing systems to
ascent of sap. draw water from deep inside the land. The
• Understand the process of creation and updating of water absorbing
transpiration and Compare the system (vascular tissues) led to the diversity
various types of transpiration. of the plant kingdom. The gregarious
• Discuss the mechanism of phloem growth of prehistoric pteridophytes,
translocation. gymnosperms and present-day flowering
• Understand the process behind plants led to the biggest challenge in the
mineral absorption. transport of water from root to several
meters high trees against gravity. In this
chapter, we will study the events taking
Chapter Outline place between the gain of water in roots
and loss in leaves and the mechanisms
11.1 Types of transport
behind the basic physical and biological
11.2 Cell to Cell transport
processes in the movement of water, gases
11.3 Plant water relations and minerals in plants. Further, we study
11.4 Absorption of water how food material synthesized in the leaf
11.5 Ascent of Sap can be transported to various utilizing
11.6 Transpiration and storage areas against struggles and
11.7 Translocation of organic solutes
11.8 Mineral absorption
ii. Active transport: It is a biological
process and it runs based on the Diffusion: The net movement of
energy obtained from respiration. It molecules from a region of their
is an uphill process. higher concentration to a region
of their lower concentration along
a concentration gradient until an
11.2 Cell to Cell Transport
equilibrium is attained.
Cell to cell or short distance transport
covers the limited area and consists of few
Characteristics of diffusion
cells. They are the facilitators or tributaries
to the long-distance transport. The i. It is a passive process, hence no energy
driving force for the cell to cell transport expenditure involved.
can be passive or active (Figure 11.1). The ii. It is independent of the living system.
following chart illustrate the various types iii. Diffusion is obvious in gases and
of cell to cell transport: liquids.
11.2.1 Passive Transport
1. Diffusion
When we expose a lightened incense stick
or mosquito coil or open a perfume bottle
in a closed room, we can smell the odour Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh
Table 11.1 Comparison of different
transport mechanisms
Passive transport
Figure 11.5: Direction of transport Active
Property Simple Facilitated transport
transports two types of molecules diffusion diffusion
across the membrane in the same Nature of
Physical Biological Biological
direction. process
iii. Antiport or Counter Transport: An Requirement
antiport is an integral membrane for presence
No Yes Yes
transport protein that simultaneously of membrane
transports two different molecules, protein
in opposite directions, across the Selectivity of
No Yes Yes
membrane. molecule
Saturation of
11.2.2 Active Transport No Yes Yes
The main disadvantage of passive transport Uphill
No No Yes
processes like diffusion is the lack of control transport
over the transport of selective molecules. Energy
There is a possibility of harmful substances requirement No No Yes
entering the cell by a concentration gradient (ATP)
in the diffusion process. But selective Sensitivity to
No Yes Yes
permeability of cell membrane has a great inhibitors
11.3 Plant Water Relations Significance of imbibition
Water plays an essential role in the life i. During germination of seeds, imbibition
of the plant. The availability of water increases the volume of seed enormously
and leads to bursting of the seed coat.
influences the external and internal
structures of plants as protoplasm is made ii. It helps in the absorption of water by
of 60-80% water. Water is a universal roots at the initial level.
solvent since most of the substances
get dissolved in it and the high tensile Activity
strength of water molecule is helpful in
Imbibition experiment
the ascent of sap. Water maintains the
internal temperature of the plant as well Collect 5 gm of gum from Drumstick
as the turgidity of the cell. tree or Babool tree or Almond tree.
Immerse in 100ml of water. After 24
11.3.1 Imbibition hours observe the changes and discuss
the results with your teacher.
Colloidal systems such as gum, starch,
proteins, cellulose, agar, gelatin when
placed in water, will absorb a large volume
of water and swell up. These substances are
called imbibants and the phenomenon is
the Greek symbol Ψ (psi) and measured withdrawal of water from the cell decreases
in Pascal (Pa). At standard temperature, the water potential and the cell becomes
the water potential of pure water is zero. flaccid.
Addition of solute to pure water decreases
3. Matric Potential (ΨM)
the kinetic energy thereby decreasing the
water potential. Comparatively a solution Matric potential represents the attraction
always has low water potential than pure between water and the hydrating colloid
water. In a group of cells with different or gel-like organic molecules in the cell
water potential, a water potential gradient wall which is collectively termed as matric
is generated. Water will move from higher potential. Matric potential is also known
water potential to lower water potential. as imbibition pressure. The matric
Water potential (Ψ) can be determined by, potential is maximum (most negative
value) in a dry material. Example: The
1. Solute concentration or Solute
swelling of soaked seeds in water.
potential (ΨS)
2. Pressure potential (ΨP) 11.3.3 Osmotic Pressure and Osmotic
By correlating two factors, water potential Potential
is written as,
When a solution and its solvent (pure
ΨW = ΨS + ΨP water) are separated by a semipermeable
membrane, a pressure is developed in the
Water Potential = Solute potential +
solution, due to the presence of dissolved
Pressure potential
solutes. This is called osmotic pressure
(OP). Osmotic pressure is increased
1. Solute Potential (ΨS)
with the increase of dissolved solutes in
Solute potential, otherwise known as
the solution. More concentrated solution
osmotic potential denotes the effect of
(low Ψ or Hypertonic) has high osmotic
dissolved solute on water potential. In pure
pressure. Similarly, less concentrated
water, the addition of solute reduces its
solution (high Ψ or Hypotonic) has low
free energy and lowers the water potential
osmotic pressure. The osmotic pressure
value from zero to negative. Thus the value
of pure water is always zero and it
of solute potential is always negative. In a
increases with the increase of solute
solution at standard atmospheric pressure,
concentration. Thus osmotic pressure
water potential is always equal to solute
always has a positive value and it is
potential (ΨW= ΨS).
represented as π.
2. Pressure Potential (ΨP) Osmotic potential is defined as
Pressure potential is a mechanical force the ratio between the number of solute
working against the effect of solute particles and the number of solvent
potential. Increased pressure potential particles in a solution. Osmotic potential
will increase water potential and water and osmotic pressure are numerically
enters cell and cells become turgid. This equal. Osmotic potential has a negative
positive hydrostatic pressure within the value whereas on the other hand osmotic
cell is called Turgor pressure. Likewise, pressure has a positive value.
11.3.4 Turgor Pressure and Wall It is equal to the difference of osmotic
Pressure pressure and turgor pressure of a cell.
The following three situations are seen in
When a plant cell is placed in pure water
(hypotonic solution) the diffusion of water
into the cell takes place by endosmosis. It • DPD in normal cell: DPD = OP – TP.
creates a positive hydrostatic pressure on • DPD in fully turgid cell: Osmotic
the rigid cell wall by the cell membrane. pressure is always equal to turgor
Henceforth the pressure exerted by the cell pressure in a fully turgid cell.
membrane towards the cell wall is Turgor • OP = TP or OP-TP =0. Hence DPD of
Pressure (TP). fully turgid cell is zero.
The cell wall reacts to this turgor • DPD in flaccid cell: If the cell is in
pressure with equal and opposite force, flaccid condition there is no turgor
and the counter-pressure exerted by the pressure or TP=0. Hence DPD = OP.
cell wall towards cell membrane is wall
pressure (WP). 11.3.6 Osmosis
Turgor pressure and wall pressure
Osmosis (Latin: Osmos-impulse, urge) is a
make the cell fully turgid.
special type of diffusion. It represents the
TP + WP = Turgid. movement of water or solvent molecules
through a selectively permeable
Activity membrane from the place of its higher
Find the role of turgor pressure in concentration (high water potential) to
sudden closing of leaves when we the place of its lower concentration (low
touch the ‘touch me not’ plant. water potential).
Types of Solutions based on concentration
11.3.5 Diffusion Pressure Deficit (DPD) i. Hypertonic (Hyper = High; tonic =
or Suction Pressure (SP) solute): This is a strong solution (low
solvent/ high solute / low Ψ) which
Pure solvent (hypotonic) has higher
attracts solvent from other solutions.
diffusion pressure. Addition of solute in
pure solvent lowers its diffusion pressure. ii. Hypotonic (Hypo = low; tonic = solute):
The difference between the diffusion This is a weak solution (high solvent
pressure of the solution and its solvent at /low or zero solute / high Ψ) and it
a particular temperature and atmospheric diffuses water out to other solutions
pressure is called as Diffusion Pressure (Figure 11.7).
Deficit (DPD) termed by Meyer (1938).
iii. Isotonic (Iso = identical; tonic = soute):
DPD is increased by the addition of solute
It refers to two solutions having same
into a solvent system. Increased DPD
concentration. In this condition the net
favours endosmosis or it sucks the water
movement of water molecule will be zero.
from hypotonic solution; hence Renner
(1935) called it as Suction pressure. The term hyper, hypo and isotonic are
relative terms which can be used only
in comparison with another solution.
Thistle funnel experiment
1. Types of osmosis
Based on the direction of movement of
water or solvent in an osmotic system,
two types of osmosis can occur, they are
Endosmosis and Exosmosis.
i. Endosmosis: Endosmosis is defined as
the osmotic entry of solvent into a cell
or a system when it is placed in a pure
water or hypotonic solution.
Figure 11.6: Thistle Funnel Experiment For example, dry raisins (high solute
and low solvent) placed in the water,
Mouth of a thistle funnel is tied with it swells up due to turgidity.
goat bladder. It acts as a semipermeable
membrane. Pour concentrated sugar ii. Exosmosis: Exosmosis is defined as
solution in the thistle funnel and the osmotic withdrawal of water from
mark the level of solution. Place a cell or system when it is placed in a
this in a beaker of water. After some hypertonic solution. Exosmosis in a
time, water level in the funnel rises plant cell leads to plasmolysis.
up steadily. This is due to the inward
diffusion of water molecules through 2. Plasmolysis (Plasma = cytoplasm;
the semipermeable membrane lysis = breakdown)
(Figure 11.6). When a plant cell is kept in a hypertonic
Conversely, if water in the beaker is solution, water leaves the cell due to
replaced by a sugar solution and sugar exosmosis. As a result of water loss,
solution in the thistle funnel replaced protoplasm shrinks and the cell membrane
by water, what will be happen? is pulled away from the cell wall and finally,
the cell becomes flaccid. This process is
named as plasmolysis.
Wilting of plants noticed under the
condition of water scarcity is an indication
of plasmolysis. Three types of plasmolysis
occur in plants: i) Incipient plasmolysis
ii) Evident plasmolysis and iii) Final
plasmolysis. Differences among them are
given in table 11.2.
Plasmolysis is exhibited only by living
Figure 11.7: Types of solution based on cells and so it is used to test whether the
concentration cell is living or dead.
3. Deplasmolysis 4. Reverse Osmosis
The effect of plasmolysis can be reversed, Reverse Osmosis follows the same
by transferring them back into water or principles of osmosis, but in the reverse
hypotonic solution. Due to endosmosis, direction. In this process movement of
the cell becomes turgid again. It regains its water is reversed by applying pressure to
original shape and size. This phenomenon force the water against a concentration
of the revival of the plasmolysed cell gradient of the solution. In regular
is called deplasmolysis. Example: osmosis, the water molecules move from
Immersion of dry raisin in water. the higher concentration (pure water
= hypotonic) to lower concentration
Potato Osmoscope (salt water = hypertonic). But in reverse
osmosis, the water molecules move from
the lower concentration (salt water =
hypertonic) to higher concentration (pure
water = hypotonic) through a selectively
permeable membrane (Figure 11.9).
Table 11.2: Difference between plasmolysis types.
Incipient plasmolysis Evident plasmolysis Final plasmolysis
No morphological Wilting of leaves appear. Severe wilting and
symptoms appear in plants. drooping of leaves appear.
The plasma membrane Plasma membrane completely Plasma membrane
separates only at the corner detaches from the cell wall. completely detaches from
from the cell wall of cells. cell wall with maximum
shrinkage of volume.
It is reversible. It is reversible. It is irreversible.
Low High
High solvent Low solvent
Concentration Concentration
11.6.2 Structure of Stomata Different theories have been proposed
The epidermis of leaves and green stems regarding opening and closing of stomata.
possess many small pores called stomata. The important theories of stomatal
The length and breadth of stomata is movement are as follows,
about 10-40μ and 3-10μ respectively. 1. Theory of Photosynthesis in guard cells
Mature leaves contain between 50 and 2. Starch – Sugar interconversion theory
500 stomata per mm2. Stomata are made 3. Active potassium transport ion concept
up of two guard cells, special semi-lunar
1. Theory of Photosynthesis in guard
or kidney-shaped living epidermal cells
in the epidermis. Guard cells are attached
to surrounding epidermal cells known as Von Mohl (1856) observed that stomata
subsidiary cells or accessory cells. The open in light and close in the night.
guard cells are joined together at each According to him, chloroplasts present
end but they are free to separate to form a in the guard cells photosynthesize in
pore between them. The inner wall of the the presence of light resulting in the
guard cell is thicker than the outer wall production of carbohydrate (Sugar) which
(Figure 11.14). The stoma opens to the increases osmotic pressure in guard cells.
interior into a cavity called sub-stomatal It leads to the entry of water from other
cavity which remains connected with the cell and stomatal aperture opens. The
intercellular spaces. above process vice versa in night leads to
closure of stomata.
1. Chloroplast of guard cells is
poorly developed and incapable of
performing photosynthesis.
2. The guard cells already possess
much amount of stored sugars.
Guard cells
2. Starch – Sugar Interconversion theory
i. According to Lloyd (1908), turgidity
Figure 11.14: Structure of Stomata of guard cell depends on interconversion,
of starch and sugar. It was supported by
11.6.3 Mechanism of Stomatal Movement Loftfield (1921) as he found guard cells
Stomatal movements are regulated by the containing sugar during the daytime when
change of turgor pressure in guard cells. they are open and starch during the night
When water enters the guard cell, it swells when they are closed.
and its unevenly thickened walls stretch ii. Sayre (1920) observed that the
up resulting in the opening of stomata. opening and closing of stomata depends
This is due to concave non-elastic nature upon change in pH of guard cells.
of inner wall pulled away from each According to him stomata open at high
other and stretching of the convex elastic pH during day time and become closed
natured outer wall of guard cell. at low pH at night. Utilization of CO2
by photosynthesis during light period
causes an increase in pH resulting in
the conversion of starch to sugar. Sugar
increase in cell favours endosmosis and
increases the turgor pressure which
leads to opening of stomata. Likewise,
accumulation of CO2 in cells during
night decrease the pH level resulting in
the conversion of sugar to starch. Starch
decreases the turgor pressure of guard cell
and stomata close.
iii. The discovery of enzyme
phosphorylase in guard cells by Hanes Figure 11.15: Steward Scheme
(1940) greatly supports the starch-sugar
interconversion theory. The enzyme iii. It fails to explain the drastic change
phosphorylase hydrolyses starch into sugar in pH from 5 to 7 by change of CO2.
and high pH followed by endosmosis and 3. Theory of K+ transport
the opening of stomata during light. The This theory was proposed by Levit
vice versa takes place during the night. (1974) and elaborated by Raschke (1975).
According to this theory, the following
steps are involved in the stomatal opening:
theories: e
3+ 3+
Fe Fe 2+ Fe
A- A-
c+ c+
and anion absorption. When a plant is
transferred from water to a salt solution
Figure 11.26: Cytochrome Pump theory
the rate of respiration increases which
Main defects of the above theory are: cation concentration would be greater in the
(i) Cations also induce respiration. internal than in the external solution. This
(ii) Fails to explain the selective uptake electrical balance or equilibrium controlled
of ions. by electrical as well as diffusion phenomenon
is known as the Donnan equilibrium.
(iii) It explains absorption of anions
2. Bennet-Clark’s Protein-Lecithin Theory:
In 1956, Bennet-Clark proposed that the There are two types of transports namely
carrier could be a protein associated with short and long distance in plants to
phosphatide called as lecithin. The carrier translocate sap and solutes. Based on
is amphoteric (the ability to act either as an energy requirement, the transport may
acid or a base) and hence both cations and either be passive or active. The process of
anions combine with it to form Lecithin- diffusion, facilitated diffusion, imbibition
ion complex in the membrane. Inside and osmosis are driven by concentration
the membrane, Lecithin-ion complex gradient like a ball rolling down to a slope
is broken down into phosphatidic acid and hence, no energy is needed. The water
and choline along with the liberation absorbed (either active or passive) from
of ions. Lecithin again gets regenerated the soil by root hairs must reach the xylem
from phosphatidic acid and choline in the for further transportation. There are three
presence of the enzyme choline acetylase possible routes to reach the xylem from root
and choline esterase (Figure 11.27). ATP hairs. They are i) apoplast ii) symplast and/
is required for regeneration of lecithin. or iii) transmembrane. Various theories
explain the path of sap in the xylem and
Dixon’s Cohesion-tension theory is the
C+ C+ Phosphatidic
_ Lecithin
_ most accepted one. Transpiration is mostly
Choline A
carried out by stomata, which has guard
Ch tera
Acetyl Choline
movement is based on entry and exit of
water molecules in guard cells. Many
theories are there to explain how water
Figure 11.27: Protein-Lecithin theory
enters and exits from guard cells. The
11.8.3 Donnan equilibrium theory of potassium transport enumerates
Within the cell, some of the ions never two different reactions separately run for
diffuse out through the membrane. They opening and closing of stomata. Contrary
are trapped within the cell and are called to ascent of sap by xylem in an upward
fixed ions. But they must be balanced by direction, the path of solute which
the ions of opposite charge. Assuming that consists of the photosynthetic products
a concentration of fixed anions is present is always in phloem and translocate
inside the membrane, more cations would be multidirectional. The point of origin of
absorbed in addition to the normal exchange translocation is photosynthetic leaves
to maintain the equilibrium. Therefore, the which are the source. On the other
hand, point of utilization is called 5. Munch hypothesis is based on
sink. According to Munch mass flow a. Translocation of food due to TP
hypothesis, the solutes move along the gradient and imbibition force
concentration gradient in a bulk flow. b. Translocation of food due to TP
Although minerals are dissolved in c. Translocation of food due to
soil water, they do not tend together imbibition force
with water to enter the root hairs during
d. None of the above
absorption of water. Mineral absorption is
independent of water absorption. Minerals 6. If the concentration of salt in the soil is
are absorbed either actively or passively. too high and the plants may wilt even
if the field is thoroughly irrigated.
Evaluation Explain
7. How phosphorylase enzyme
1. In a fully turgid cell
open the stomata in starch sugar
a. DPD = 10 atm; OP = 5 atm; interconversion theory?
TP = 10 atm
8. List out the non-photosynthetic
b. DPD = 0 atm; OP = 10 atm;
parts of a plant that need a supply of
TP = 10 atm
c. DPD = 0 atm; OP = 5 atm;
9. What are the parameters which
TP = 10 atm
control water potential?
d. DPD = 20 atm; OP = 20 atm;
10. An artificial cell made of selectively
TP = 10 atm
permeable membrane immersed in a
2. Which among the following is correct?
beaker (in the figure). Read the values
i. apoplast is fastest and operate in and answer the following questions?
nonliving part
ii. Transmembrane route includes
iii. symplast interconnect the nearby
cell through plasmadesmata
iv. symplast and transmembrane route
a. Draw an arrow to indicate the
are in living part of the cell
direction of water movement
a. i and ii b. ii and iii
b. Is the solution outside the cell
c. iii and iv d. i, ii, iii, iv isotonic, hypotonic or hypertonic?
3. What type of transpiration is possible c. Is the cell isotonic, hypotonic or
in the xerophyte Opuntia? hypertonic?
a. Stomatal b. Lenticular d. Will the cell become more flaccid,
c. Cuticular d. All the above more turgid or stay in original size?
4. Stomata of a plant open due to e. With reference to artificial cell
a. Influx of K+ b. Efflux of K+ state, the process is endosmosis or
exosmosis? Give reasons
c. Influx of Cl– d. Influx of OH–
t ICT Corner
Membrane transport
• Open PhET:
Method 1: By scanning the QR Code given
Method 2: Through Google – Open PhET by typing PhET
• Select play with simulation & enter
• Click Biology – select Membrane Channels & run
• Select Membrane channel in PhET
• Select round molecule and pump it by pressing red button in one column
• Select square molecule and pump it by pressing the same action
• Observe the movement of molecules across membrane
• Use leakage channel and gated channel in closed and open position and observe
the molecules movement.
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^ƚĞƉϯ ^ƚĞƉϰ
Unit V: Plant Physiology
(Functional Organisation)
12 Mineral Nutrition
Transition will prevent the uptake of Fe and Mg,
Zone prevent translocation of Ca to the shoot
Deficient Zone
Air pump
Buoyant pads to
support the plants Water
Non-Biological Biological
H 4. Ammonification
Decomposition of organic nitrogen
N H (proteins and amino acids) from dead
plants and animals into ammonia is called
H ammonification. Organisim involved
in this process are Bacillus ramosus and
H Bacillus vulgaris.
5. Denitrification
H Nitrates in the soil are converted back into
H atmospheric nitrogen by a process called
H denitrification. Bacteria involved in this
H process are Pseudomonas, Thiobacillus
Nitrogenase Ammonia and Bacillus subtilis.
Figure 12.7: Nitrogenase enzyme function
Nitrate Molecular Nitrogen
Overall equation: (NO32) (N2)
N2 1 8e2 1 8H1 1 16ATP
The overall process of nitrogen cycle is
2NH31 1 H2 1 16ADP 1 16 Pi given in Figure 12.8.
2. Nitrification
12.8.2 Nitrogen Metabolism
Ammonia (NH31) is converted into Nitrite
(NO22) by Nitrosomonas bacterium. Ammonium Assimilation (Fate of
Nitrite is then converted into Nitrate Ammonia)
(NO32) by Nitrobacter bacterium. Ammonia is converted into amino acids
Plants are more adapted to absorb nitrate by the following processes:
(NO32) than ammonium ions from the soil.
1. Reductive amination
2 NH31 1 3 O2 2 NO22 1 2 H1 1 2H2O Glutamic acid or glutamate is formed by
reaction of ammonia with α-ketoglutaric
2 NO22 1 O2 2 NO3- acid.
3. Catalytic Amination: (GS/GOGAT
Glutamate amino acid combines with
ammonia to form the amide glutamine.
Glutamine Synthetase (GS)
Glutamate 1 NH41 Glutamine.
(GOGAT- Glutamine-2-Oxoglutarate
aminotransferase) 12.9.2 Parasitic mode of nutrition in
12.9 Special modes of nutrition Organisms deriving their nutrient from
Nutrition is the process of uptake and another organism (host) and causing
utilization of nutrients by living organisms. disease to the host are called parasites.
There are two main types such as a. Obligate or Total parasite - Completely
autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition. depends on host for their survival and
Autotrophic nutrition is further divided produces haustoria.
into photosynthetic and chemosynthetic i. Total stem parasite: The leafless stem
nutrition. Heterotrophic nutrition is twine around the host and produce
further divided into saprophytic, parasitic, haustoria. Example: Cuscuta (Dodder),
symbiotic and insectivorous type. In this a rootless plant growing on Zizyphus,
topic you are going to learn about special Citrus and so on.
mode of nutrition.
ii. Total root parasite: They do not
12.9.1 Saprophytic mode of nutrition in have stem axis and grow in the roots
angiosperms of host plants produce haustoria.
Example: Rafflesia, Orobanche and
Saprophytes derive nutrients from dead
and decaying matter. Bacteria and fungus
b. Partial parasite - Plants of this group
are main saprophytic organisms. Some
contain chlorophyll and synthesize
angiosperms also follow saprophytic mode
carbohydrates. Water and mineral
of nutrition. Example: Neottia. Roots of
requirements are dependent on host plant.
Neottia (Bird’s Nest Orchid) associate
with mycorrhizae and absorb nutrients i. Partial Stem Parasite: Example:
as a saprophyte. Monotropa (Indian Loranthus and Viscum (Mistletoe)
Pipe) grow on humus rich soil found in Loranthus grows on fig and mango
thick forests. It absorbs nutrient through trees and absorb water and minerals
mycorrhizal association (Figure 12.9). from xylem.
Figure 12.11: Symbiotic mode of nutrition
Nostoc associates with its coralloid
roots. (Figure 12.11).
1. Identify correct match.
1. Die back disease of citrus - (i) Mo
2. Whip tail disease - (ii) Zn
3. Brown heart of turnip - (iii) Cu
4. Little leaf - (iv) B
5. Identify the correct statement
a. 1 (iii) 2 (ii) 3 (iv) 4 (i) i. Sulphur is essential for amino acids
b. 1 (iii) 2 (i) 3 (iv) 4 (ii) Cystine and Methionine
ii. Low level of N, K, S and Mo affect
c. 1 (i) 2 (iii) 3 (ii) 4 (iv)
the cell division
d. 1 (iii) 2 (iv) 3 (ii) 4 (i)
iii. Non-leguminous plant Alnuswhich
2. If a plant is provided with all mineral contain bacterium Frankia
nutrients but, Mn concentration is iv. Denitrification carried out by
increased, what will be the deficiency? nitrosomonas and nitrobacter.
a. Mn prevent the uptake of Fe, Mg a. I, II are correct
but not Ca b. I, II, III are correct
b. Mn increase the uptake of Fe, Mg c. I only correct
and Ca d. all are correct
c. Only increase the uptake of Ca 6. The nitrogen is present in the
d. Prevent the uptake Fe, Mg, and Ca atmosphere in huge amount but
3. The element which is not remobilized? higher plants fail to utilize it. Why?
a. Phosphorous b. Potassium 7. Why is that in certain plants
c. Calcium d. Nitrogen deficiency symptoms appear first in
4. Match the correct combination. younger parts of the plants while in
others, they do so in mature organs?
Minerals Role
8. Plant A in a nutrient medium shows
A Molybdenum 1 Chlorophyll whiptail disease plant B in a nutrient
B Zinc 2 Methionine medium shows a little leaf disease.
Identify mineral deficiency of plant A
C Magnesium 3 Auxin and B?
D Sulphur 4 Nitrogenase 9. Write the role of nitrogenase enzyme
in nitrogen fixation?
a. A-1 B-3 C-4 D-2 10. Explain the insectivorous mode of
nutrition in angiosperms?
b. A-2 B-1 C-3 D-4
c. A-4 B-3 C-1 D-2
d. A-4 B-2 C-1 D-3
t ICT Corner
• Scan the QR code
• Start a new game
• Add lime
• Test the Soil pH by test the sample press grows
• Do it for combination of minerals
• Change the combination of minerals and test the soil samples
• Find the correct proportion of chemical and specific pH for flowering
• Conclude your observations.
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Unit V: Plant Physiology
(Functional Organisation)
13 Photosynthesis
material for respiration and also to produce
A quest for future energy
many organic compounds. It maintains
Hydrogen is considered as a promising
atmospheric oxygen and carbon dioxide
energy vector for the next generation.
level. Photosynthesis consumes atmospheric
It can be used for “green” electricity
carbon dioxide which is continuously
production or developing cogeneration
added by the respiration of organisms.
systems such as fuel cells. The
Photosynthesis is the major endergonic
sustainability of its employment
reaction. In this chapter, we will study about
depends on the energy source used
the energy yielding process of photosynthesis
to synthesize it from hydrogen-rich
and various types of energy utilization
compounds such as water or biomass.
processes to produce carbohydrates.
The splitting of water in hydrogen and
oxygen by means of solar radiation in 13.1 Historical Events in
Photolysis is common in plants. Water
splitting is not an easy process to mimic
• Van Helmont (1648) – Increase in
artificially but preliminary success is
organic substances comes from water
achieved so far. If young minds take
alone by growing a Willow tree that
up this as their research ambition a
gains weight but soil loses only 2 ounces
revolution can be made in green energy.
of the original weight.
• Stephen Hales (1727) – Father of Plant
In leaf cell Chloroplast
Physiology, Plants obtain nourishment
PSII from air and light.
Hydrolysis e- • Joseph Priestley (1772) – Performed
H2O H2 Fuel cell
experiments with candle, mice and Mint
plant and concluded that vegetation
H2 H2
4H+ +O2
purifies the air.
Hydrogen storage
• Jean-Ingen-Housz (1779) – Confirmed
Priestley’s experiment that oxygen
the metabolic activities of plants which released by the plants is possible only in
produces energy resources and other
• Lavoisier (1783) – Purifying gas
The plants get energy from sun by converting produced by plants in sunlight is
solar or radiant energy into chemical energy Oxygen (Phlogiston) and noxious gas
by the process of Photosynthesis, which produced by burning of candle (de
acts as a driving force for both biotic and Phlogiston) is Carbon di oxide.
abiotic world. Photosynthesis produces
• Desaussure (1804)- Explained the
1700 million tonnes of dry matter per year
importance of water in the process of
by fixing 75 × 1012 Kg of carbon every year.
Photosynthetic organisms use only 0.2 % of
• Dutrochet (1837) – Explained
incident solar light on earth. Carbohydrates
the importance of Chlorophyll in
produced by photosynthesis are the basic raw
• Von Mayer (1845) – Green plants • Melvin Calvin (1954) – Used
convert solar energy into chemical radioactive 14CO2 and traced path
energy of organic matter. of carbon in the dark phase of
CO2 1 H2O Organic matter 1 O2 photosynthesis or C3 Cycle.
• Emerson et al., (1957) – Reported
• Liebig (1845) – Organic matter of plants
existence of two photosystems
was derived from CO2.
• Hatch and Slack (1965) – Reported C4
• Julius Von Sachs (1854) – Discovered
pathway and CO2 fixation in C4 plants
that product of photosynthesis was starch.
Green substance (chlorophyll) is located • Huber, Michel and Dissenhofer
in special structures (Chloroplast). (1985) – Crystalized photosynthetic
reaction centre of Rhodobacter and
• T.W. Engelmann (1888)- Plotted action
received the Nobel Prize in 1988.
spectrum of photosynthesis
• Blackman (1905) – Proposed Law of
13.2 Definition, Significance and Site
Limiting factors.
of Photosynthesis
• Warburg (1920) – Used unicellular
green algae Chlorella for the study of 13.2.1 Definition of Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is referred as photochemical
• Van Neil (1931) – Oxygen released oxidation and reduction reactions carried
during photolysis comes from water out with help of light, converting solar energy
and not from CO2. He also conducted into Chemical energy. It is the most important
experiments in Purple green bacteria anabolic process. Plants and photosynthetic
and demonstrated Photosynthesis. bacteria use simple raw materials like carbon
Light dioxide water and with the help of light
2H2A 1 CO2
Chlorophyll energy synthesize carbohydrates and evolve
(CH2O)n1H2O1 2A
oxygen. The overall chemical equation for
In Green Sulphur bacteria H2S is photosynthesis is:
the Hydrogen donor which releases Light
6CO2 1 6H2O C6H12O6 1 6O2↑
Sulphur instead of oxygen. Chlorophyll
• Emerson and Arnold (1932) – Ruben and Kamen (1941) demonstrated
Existence of light and dark reaction by six molecules of water as insufficient for
flashing light experiments. the evolution of 6 molecules of O2 and
• R. Hill (1937) – Explained photolysis modified the equation as:
with the help of isolated chloroplasts and 6CO2 1 12H2O C6H12O6 1 6 H2O1 6O2↑
electron acceptors in the presence of light. Chlorophyll
solar energy. Stroma contains enzyme which captures the light energy necessary for
reduces carbondioxide into carbohydrates. photosynthesis (Table 13.1).
In Cyanobacteria thylakoid lies freely in
cytoplasm without envelope (Figure 13.1). 13.3.1 Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll 'a' is the primary pigment
13.3 Photosynthetic Pigments which acts as a reaction centre and all
other pigments act as accessory pigments
A photosynthetic pigment is a
and trap solar energy and then transfer it
pigment that is present in chloroplasts
to chlorophyll 'a'. Chlorophyll molecules
or photosynthetic bacteria which
have a tadpole like structure. It consists of intermediate of Krebs cycle is activated
Mg-Porphyrin head (Hydrophilic Head) by the addition of coenzyme A and it reacts
and (Lipophilic tail) Phytol tail. The with a simple amino acid glycine and the
Porphyrin head consists of four pyrrol reaction goes on to produce chlorophyll 'a'.
rings linked together by C-H bridges. Each Bio synthesis of chlorophyll 'a' requires
pyrrole ring comprises of four carbons Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, K and nitrogen. The
and one nitrogen atom. Porphyrin ring absence of any one of these minerals leads
has several side groups which alter the to chlorosis (Recall what you have studied
properties of the pigment. Different side in ‘Mineral Nutrition’).
groups are indicative of various types of
chlorophyll. The Phytol tail made up of ii. Comparison of Chlorophyll – 'a' with
20 carbon alcohol is attached to carbon other pigments
7 of the Pyrrole ring IV. It has a long 1. Chlorophyll 'b' differs from Chlorophyll 'a'
propionic acid ester bond. Long lipophilic in having CHO (aldehyde)group instead
tail helps in anchoring chlorophyll to the of CH3(Methyl) group at the 3rd C atom
lamellae (Figure 13.2). in II Pyrrol ring (Figure 13.2).
i. Biosynthesis of Chlorophyll 2. Chlorophyll 'c' differs from Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll is synthesized from 'a' by lacking phytol tail.
intermediates of respiration and
photosynthesis. Succinic acid an
Chlorophyll a
Chlorophyll b
Ether acetone
Antenna 40
20 Absorption
400 600 700
Chlorophyll ‘b’ 500
13.7.2 Emerson’s Enhancement Effect Conclusions of Hill’s Reaction:
Emerson modified 1. During photosynthesis oxygen is
his first experiment evolved from water.
by supplying shorter 2. Electrons for the reduction of CO2
wavelength of light are obtained from water.
(red light) along with 3. Reduced substance produced, later
longer wavelength of helps to reduce CO2
light (far red light). He found that the
monochromatic light of longer wavelength 2H2O 1 2A 2 AH2 1 O2
(far red light) when supplemented with A is the Hydrogen acceptor, the common in
shorter wavelength of light (red light) vitro hydrogen acceptors are ferricyanide,
enhanced photosynthetic yield and benzoquinone and Di Chloro Phenol
recovered red drop. This enhancement Indole Phenol (DCPIP).
of photosynthetic yield is referred
to as Emerson’s Enhancement Effect 13.8 Modern Concept
(Figure 13.9).
of Photosynthesis
Rate of Photosynthesis
ii. Photo Chemical Phase: pigment molecule is in an excited state,
• Photolysis of water and oxygen evolution this excitation energy is utilised for the
• Electron transport and synthesis of phosphorylation. Phosphorylation takes
assimilatory power. place with the help of light generated
electron and hence it is known as
2. Dark reaction (Biosynthetic phase):
Fixation and reduction of CO2 into
carbohydrates with the help of assimilatory 13.9.1 Fluorescence and Phosphorescence
power produced during light reaction. This Normal state of an atom or molecule
reaction does not require light and is not is called ground state. When a photon
directly light driven. Hence, it is called as of light collides with the chlorophyll
Dark reaction or Calvin-Benson cycle molecule, an electron from outer most
(Figure 13.10). orbit is moved to higher energy orbit
causing excitation of chlorophyll. This is
known as excited state. There are three
excited states such as:
1. First singlet state (S1)
2. Second singlet state (S2)
3. First Triplet Sate (T1)
When a red light strikes chlorophyll
molecule, one electron is released from
its ground level (S0) to first singlet state
(S1). It is in unstable state having half-life
Figure 13.10: Light and Dark Reaction period of 10-9 seconds. When a blue light
strikes chlorophyll molecule, one electron is
13.9 Photo-Oxidation Phase of Light released from its ground level (S0) to second
Reaction singlet state (S2). It is because blue light has
The action of photon plays a vital role in shorter wavelength and more energy than
excitation of pigment molecules to release red light. This state is also unstable having
an electron. When the molecules absorb a half-life period of less than 10–12 seconds.
photon, it is in excited state. When the light Both S1 and S2 states being unstable move to
source turned off, the high energy electrons ground state S0 by releasing energy through
return to their normal low energy orbitals as the several possible ways.
the excited molecule goes back to its original i. Fluorescence
stable condition known as ground state. The electron from first singlet state (S1)
When molecules absorb or emit light they returns to ground state (S0) by releasing
change their electronic state. Absorption of energy in the form of radiation energy
blue light excites the chlorophyll to higher (light) in the red region and this is
energy state than absorption of Red light, known as fluorescence. Fluorescence
because the energy of photon is higher is the immediate emission of absorbed
when their wavelength is shorter. When the radiations (Figure 13.11). Pathway of
S2 –12
(Half Life 10 Sec.) 13.9.2 Photosystem and Reaction Centre
• Thylakoid membrane contains
S1 (Half Life 10 Sec.) Photosystem I (PS I) and Photosystem
Energy Level
Transfer of energy
Electron transport chain in each utilizes energy from ETC and converts
photosystem involves four complexes: ADP and inorganic phosphate (Pi) into
• Core Complex (CC): CC I in PS I the ATP (Figure 13.14).
reaction centre is P700, CC II in PS II
the reaction centre is P680 13.11 Photophosphorylation
• Light Harvesting Complex or Antenna Phosphorylation taking place during
complex (LHC): respiration is called as oxidative
• Two types: LHC I in PS I and LHC II phosphorylation and ATP produced
in PS II. by the breakdown of substrate is known
• Cytochrome b6 f complex: It is the as substrate level phosphorylation.
non-pigmented protein complex In this topic, we are going to learn
connecting PS I and PS II. about phosphorylation taking place in
Plastoquinone (PQ) and Plastocyanin chloroplast with the help of light. During
(PC) are intermediate complexes acting the movement of electrons through carrier
as mobile or shuttle electron carriers of molecules ATP and NADPH 1 H1 are
Electron Transport Chain. PQ acts as produced. Phosphorylation is the process
of synthesis of ATP by the addition of ADP+ Pi 2e- FRS
inorganic phosphate to ADP. The addition ATP Ferredoxin
of phosphate here takes place with the
- Light
help of light generated electron and so Cyt b6
it is called as photophosphorylation. It
- 2e
+1.0 P680 4e
- PS I
2H2O LHC II 4e
++ ++
Mn , Ca ,Cl
O2 Evolving O2 +
water molecules both PS I and PS II are 13.11.3 Bio energetics of light reaction
activated (Table 13.3). Non-cyclic electron • To release one electron from pigment
transport PS I and PS II both are involved system it requires two quanta of light.
co-operatively to transport electrons from
• One quantum is used for transport of
water to NADP1 (Figure 13.6). In oxygenic
electron from water to PS I.
species non-cyclic electron transport takes
place in three stages. • Second quantum is used for transport
of electron from PS I to NADP1
i. Electron transport from water to P680:
• Two electrons are required to generate
Splitting of water molecule produce one NADPH 1 H1.
electrons, protons and oxygen. Electrons
• During Non-Cyclic electron transport
lost by the PS II (P680) are replaced by
two NADPH 1 H1 are produced and it
electrons from splitting of water molecule.
requires 4 electrons.
ii. Electron transport from P680 to P700:
• Transportation of 4 electrons requires
Electron flow starts from P680 through 8 quanta of light.
a series of electron carrier molecules
like pheophytin, plastoquinone (PQ), Check your grasp!
cytochrome b6-f complex, plastocyanin
Name the products produced from
(PC) and finally reaches P700 (PS I).
Non-Cyclic photophosphorylation?
iii. Electron transport from P700 to NADP1 Why does PS II require electrons from
PS I(P700) is excited now and the electrons water?
pass to high energy level. When electron Can you find the difference in the
travels downhill through ferredoxin, Pathway of electrons during PS I and
NADP1 is reduced to NADPH 1 H1. PS II?
Table 13.3 Differences between Cyclic Photophosphorylation and Non-Cyclic
Cyclic Photophosphorylation Non-Cyclic Photophosphorylation
1. PS I only involved 1. PS I and PS II involved
2. Reaction centre is P700 2. Reaction centre is P680
3. Electrons released are cycled back 3. Electron released are not cycled back
4. Photolysis of water does not take place 4. Photolysis of water takes place
5. Only ATP synthesized 5. ATP and NADPH 1 H1are synthesized
6. Phosphorylation takes place at two 6. Phosphorylation takes place at only one
places place
7. It does not require an external electron 7. Requires external electron donor like
donor H2O or H2S
8. It is not sensitive to dichloro dimethyl 8. It is sensitive to DCMI and inhibits
urea (DCMI) electron flow
Chemiosmotic theory was proposed by +
Cytochromes NADPH+H
P. Mitchell (1966). According to this PS
theory electrons are transported along I I
the membrane through PS I and PS II and
H +
+ Thylakoid
3C Dehydrogenase + 3C
Glyceraldehyde 3 -Phosphate (G3P) pool
(6) 3-Phospho
Glycerate G3P G3P G3P G3P G3P G3P
5C 6 ADP+ 6 Pi
(3) Ribulose DHAP DHAP
1,5-Bis Phosphate Dihydroxy
3 ADP Phoshate
Kinase (DHAP)
5C 5C
(3) Ribulose Ribose 7C
5-Phosphate Isomerase 5-Phosphate Aldolase 6C Export
7 Phosphate
Fructose 1,6
Phosphatase Bis Phosphate
Pi Phosphatase 6C
1,7 Bis Phosphate Aldolase Fructose 6 Phosphate
Xylulose 4C
5 Phosphate Erythrose
4 Phosphate Glucose 6 Phosphate
phosphate pool
Stromal hexose
Glucose 1 Phosphate
Epimerase Xylulose
5 Phosphate
Figure 13.19: Calvin Cycle
1. Carboxylation (fixation) of one carbon dioxide requires 3 ATPs and
2. Reduction (Glycolytic Reversal) 2 NADPH 1 H1, and for the fixation of
3. Regeneration 6 CO2 requires 18 ATPs and 12 NADPH 1
H1 during C3 cycle. One 6 carbon compound
Phase 1- Carboxylation (Fixation) is the net gain to form hexose sugar.
The acceptor molecule Ribulose 1,5
Bisphosphate (RUBP) a 5 carbon compound
with the help of RUBP carboxylase
oxygenase (RUBISCO) enzyme accepts Overall equation for dark reaction:
one molecule of carbon dioxide to form
an unstable 6 carbon compound. This 6CO2 1 18ATP 1 12NADPH 1 H1
6C compound is broken down into two C6H12O6 1 6H2O1 18ADP 1 18Pi 1
molecules of 3-carbon compound phospho 12NADP1
glyceric acid (PGA) (Figure 13.19).
2 molecules PGA RUBISCO – RUBP
C a r b o x y l a s e
Oxygenase enzyme,
Phase 2 – Glycolytic Reversal /
is the most abundant
Reduction protein found on earth. It constitutes
Phospho glyceric acid is phosphorylated 16 % of the chloroplast protein. It acts
by ATP and produces 1,3 bis phospho as carboxylase in the presence of CO2
glyceric acid by PGA kinase. 1,3 bis phospho and oxygenase in the absence of CO2.
glyceric acid is reduced to glyceraldehyde
3 Phosphate (G-3-P) by using the reducing 13.14 Hatch & Slack Pathway or C4
power NADPH 1 H1. Glyceraldehyde Cycle or Dicarboxylic Acid
3 phosphate is converted into its isomeric Pathway or Dicarboxylation
form dihydroxy acetone phosphate (DHAP).
Till 1965, Calvin cycle is the only pathway for
PGA PGA Kinase 1,3 bisphosphoglyceric acid
ATP ADP CO2 fixation. But in 1965, Kortschak, Hart
and Burr made observations in sugarcane
and found C4 or dicarboxylic acid pathway.
NADPH 1 H1 NADP1 Malate and aspartate are the major labelled
1,3 bisphosphoglceric acid products. This observation was confirmed
Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate by Hatch & Slack in 1967. This alternate
pathway for the fixation of CO2 was found in
Phase 3 – Regeneration several tropical and sub-tropical grasses and
Regeneration of RUBP involves the some dicots. C4 cycle is discovered in more
formation of several intermediate than 1000 species. Among them 300 species
compounds of 6-carbon, 5-carbon, belong to dicots and rest of them are
4-carbon and 7- carbon skeleton. Fixation monocots. C4 plants represent about 5% of
The C4 pathway
cells of C4 Mesophyll
cell PEP carboxylase CO2
plant leaf
C4 leaf anatomy
Oxaloacetate (4c) PEP (3c)
Mesophyll cell ADP
stoma Vascular
Earth’s plant biomass and 1% of its known require 5 ATP and 2 NADPH 1 H1 to fix
plant species. Despite this scarcity, they one molecule of CO2.
account for about 30% of terrestrial carbon
fixation. Increasing the proportion of C4 13.14.1 Stage: I Mesophyll Cells
plants on earth could assist biosequestration
of CO2 and represent an important climate Phosphoenol Pyruvate 1 CO2
(PEP) (3C)
change avoidance strategy. PEP carboxylase
C4 pathway is completed in two
phases, first phase takes place in stroma of Oxaloacetic acid (OAA) (4C)
mesophyll cells, where the CO2 acceptor
molecule is 3-Carbon compound, phospho Oxaloacetic acid (OAA) is converted
enol pyruvate (PEP) to form 4-carbon Oxalo into malic acid or aspartic acid and is
acetic acid (OAA). The first product is a transported to the bundle sheath cells
4-carbon and so it is named as C4 cycle. oxalo through plasmodesmata.
acetic acid is a dicarboxylic acid and hence
13.14.2 Stage: II Bundle Sheath Cells
this cycle is also known as dicarboxylic
acid pathway (Figure 13.20). Carbon Malic acid undergoes decarboxylation
dioxide fixation takes place in two places and produces a 3 carbon compound
one in mesophyll and another in bundle Pyruvic acid and CO2. The released CO2
sheath cell (dicarboxylation pathway). It is combines with RUBP and follows the
the adaptation of tropical and sub tropical calvin cycle and finally sugar is released
plants growing in warm and dry conditions. to the phloem. Pyruvic acid is transported
Fixation of CO2 with minimal loss is due to the mesophyll cells.
to absence of photorespiration. C4 plants
Rubisco Kranz Anatomy: It
is the German term
(5C) (3C)
meaning a halo or
wreath. In C4 plants
Activity vascular bundles are surrounded by a
• Collect the leaves of Paddy (C3) layer of bundle sheath. Bundle sheath is
and Sugar cane (C4). surrounded by a ring of mesophyll cells.
The characteristic feature of C4 plants is
• Take the cross section.
the presence of dimorphic chloroplast:
• Observe the sections under the
Bundle sheath chloroplast: Larger
chloroplast, thylakoids not arranged
• See the difference in their anatomy in granum and rich in starch.
(Dimorphic chloroplast and Kranz
Mesophyll Chloroplast: Smaller
chloroplast, thylakoids arranged in
granum and less starch.
4. Due to absence of photorespiration,
Check your grasp! CO2 Compensation Point for C4 is
C4 plants requires 30 ATPs and lower than that of C3 plants.
12 NADPH 1 H1 to synthesize one Differences between C3 Plants (C3 Cycle) and
glucose, but C3 plants requires only C4 Plants (C4 Cycle) are given in table 13.4.
18 ATPs and 12 NADPH 1 H1 to
synthesize one glucose molecule. If
13.15 Crassulacean Acid
then, how can you say C4 plants are
more advantageous? Metabolism or CAM cycle
Solution: C4 plants are more advantageous It is one of the carbon pathways identified
than C3 plants because most of the energy in succulent plants growing in semi-arid
lost during photo respiration in C3 plants. or xerophytic condition. This was first
observed in crassulaceae family plants like
13.14.3 Significance of C4 cycle Bryophyllum, Sedum, Kalanchoe and is the
1. Plants having C4 cycle are mainly of reason behind the name of this cycle. It is
tropical and sub-tropical regions and also noticed in plants from other families
are able to survive in environment Examples: Agave, Opuntia, Pineapple and
with low CO2 concentration. Orchids. The stomata are closed during day
2. C4 plants are partially adapted to and are open during night (Scotoactive).
drought conditions. This reverse stomatal rhythm helps to
conserve water loss through transpiration
3. Oxygen has no inhibitory effect on
and will stop the fixation of CO2 during the
C4 cycle since PEP carboxylase is
day time. At night time CAM plants fix CO2
insensitive to O2.
NADP+ malk
PEP carboxylase enzyme
CO2 Malate
Phosphoenol- Oxaloacetate Malic acid
pyruvate NAD+ malic
dehydro Pyruvate
NAD+ Calvin
genase cycle
Triose Vacuole
phosphate Malate Starch
(2) O2
ADP (2) Pi
3C 2C
Glycerate (2) Glycolate
+ +
Figure 13.22: Photorespiration
condition changes the carboxylase role conditions 50% of the photosynthetic
of RUBISCO into oxygenase. C2 Cycle potential is lost because of Photorespiration
takes place in chloroplast, peroxisome and (Figure 13.22).
mitochondria. RUBP is converted into PGA
13.16.1 Significance of photorespiration
and a 2C-compound phosphoglycolate by
Rubisco enzyme in chloroplast. Since the 1. Glycine and Serine synthesised during
first product is a 2C-compound, this cycle this process are precursors of many
is known as C2 Cycle. Phosphoglycolate biomolecules like chlorophyll, proteins,
by loss of phosphate becomes glycolate. nucleotides.
Glycolate formed in chloroplast enters into 2. It consumes excess NADH 1 H1 generated.
peroxisome to form glyoxylate and hydrogen 3. Glycolate protects cells from Photo
peroxide. Glyoxylate is converted into oxidation.
glycine and transferred into mitochondria.
In mitochondria, two molecules of glycine 13.16.2 Carbon Dioxide Compensation Point
combine to form serine. Serine enters into When the rate of photosynthesis equals
peroxisome to form hydroxy pyruvate. the rate of respiration, there is no exchange
Hydroxy pyruvate with help of NADH 1 H1 of oxygen and carbon dioxide and this is
becomes glyceric acid. Glyceric acid is cycled called as carbon dioxide compensation
back to chloroplast utilising ATP and point. This will happen at particular light
becomes Phosphoglyceric acid (PGA) and intensity when exchange of gases becomes
enters into the Calvin cycle (PCR cycle). zero. When light is not a limiting factor and
Photorespiration does not yield any free atmospheric CO2 concentration is between
energy in the form of ATP. Under certain 50 to 100 ppm the net exchange is zero.
Table 13.5: Differences between Photorespiration and Dark Respiration
Photorespiration Dark respiration
1. It takes place in photosynthetic green
1. It takes place in all living cells
2. It takes place only in the presence of
2. It takes place all the time
3. It involves chloroplast, peroxisome
3. It involves only mitochondria
and mitochondria
4. It does not involve Glycolysis, Kreb’s
4. It involves glycolysis, Kreb’s Cycle and
Cycle, and ETS ETS
5. Substrate is carbohydrates, protein or
5. Substrate is glycolic acid
6. It is not essential for survival 6. Essential for survival
7. Phosphorylation produces ATP
7. No phosphorylation and yield of ATP
8. NADH2 is oxidised to NAD 1
8. NAD1 is reduced to NADH2
9. Hydrogen peroxide is produced 9. Hydrogen peroxide is not produced
10. End products are CO2 and PGA 10. End products are CO2 and water
13.17 Factors affecting Photosynthesis HIGH LIGHT
In 1860, Sachs gave three cardinal points
theory explaining minimum, optimum MEDIUM LIGHT
and maximum factors that control C INTENSITY F
photosynthesis. In 1905, Blackman put
forth the importance of smallest factor. B INTENSITY
Blackman’s law of limiting factor is
actually a modified Law proposed by
Liebig’s Law of minimum. According to A
Blackman, “When a process is conditioned CO2 CONCENTRATION
as to its rapidity by a number of separate
Figure 13.23: Blackman’s Law of Limiting
factors, the rate of the process is limited by Factors
the pace of the lowest factor”. To conclude
in an easy way “at any given point of time
the lowest factor among essentials will limit directly controlled by light. Stomatal
the rate of photosynthesis”. For example, movement leading to diffusion of CO2 is
when even sufficient light intensity is indirectly controlled by light.
available, photosynthesis may be low
due to low CO2 in the atmosphere. Here, a. Intensity of Light:
CO2 acts as a limiting factor. If CO2 is Intensity of light plays a direct role in
increased in the atmosphere the rate of the rate of photosynthesis. Under low
photosynthesis also increases. Further intensity the photosynthetic rate is low
increase in photosynthesis is possible and at higher intensity photosynthetic rate
only if the available light intensity is also is higher. It also depends on the nature of
increased proportionately (Figure 13.23). plants. Heliophytes (Bean Plant) require
Factors affecting photosynthesis higher intensity than Sciophytes (Oxalis).
are further grouped into External or b. Quantity of Light:
Environmental factors and Internal factors. In plants which are exposed to light
I. External factors: Light, carbon for longer duration (Long day Plants)
dioxide, temperature, water, mineral photosynthetic rate is higher.
and pollutants.
c. Quality of light:
II. Internal factors: Pigments, protoplasmic
factor, accumulation of carbohydrates, Different wavelengths of light affect the rate of
anatomy of leaf and hormones. photosynthesis because pigment system does
not absorb all the rays equally. Photosynthetic
13.17.1. External factors rate is maximum in blue and red light.
Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR)
1. Light
is between 400 to 700 nm. Red light induces
Energy for photosynthesis comes only highest rate of photosynthesis and green light
from light. Photooxidation of water and induces lowest rate of photosynthesis.
excitation of pigment molecules are
2. Carbon dioxide 5. Water
CO2 is found only 0.3 % in the atmosphere Photolysis of water provides electrons and
but plays a vital role. Increase in protons for the reduction of NADP, directly.
concentration of CO2 increases the rate of Indirect roles are stomatal movement and
photosynthesis (CO2 concentration in the hydration of protoplasm. During water
atmosphere is 330 ppm). If concentration stress, supply of NADPH 1 H1 is affected.
is increased beyond 500ppm, rate of
photosynthesis will be affected showing the 6. Minerals
inhibitory effect. Deficiency of certain minerals affect
photosynthesis e.g. mineral involved in the
3. Oxygen synthesis of chlorophyll (Mg, Fe and N),
The rate of photosynthesis decreases Phosphorylation reactions (P), Photolysis
when there is an increase of oxygen of water (Mn and Cl), formation of
concentration. This Inhibitory effect of plastocyanin (Cu).
oxygen was first discovered by Warburg
(1920) using green algae Chlorella. 7. Air pollutants
Pollutants like SO2, NO2, O3 (Ozone) and
4. Temperature
Smog affects rate of photosynthesis.
The optimum temperature for photo
synthesis varies from plant to plant. 13.17.2 Internal Factors
Temperature is not uniform in all places.
1. Photosynthetic Pigments
In general, the optimum temperature
for photosynthesis is 25oC to 35oC. This It is an essential factor and even a
is not applicable for all plants. The ideal small quantity is enough to carry out
temperature for plants like Opuntia is 55oC, photosynthesis.
Lichens 20oC and Algae growing in hot
2. Protoplasmic factor
spring photosynthesis is 75oC. Whether
Hydrated protoplasm is essential for
high temperature or low temperature it
photosynthesis. It also includes enzymes
will close the stomata as well as inactivate
responsible for Photosynthesis.
the enzymes responsible for photosynthesis
(Figure 13. 24).
Rate of Photosynthesis
Rate of Photosynthesis
Rate of Photosynthesis
Table 13.6: Difference between photosynthesis in plants and photosynthesis in bacteria
Photosynthesis in Plants Photosynthesis in Bacteria
1. Cyclic and non-cyclic phosphorylation 1. Only cyclic phosphorylation takes
takes place place
2. Photosystem I and II involved 2. Photosystem I only involved
3. Electron donor is water 3. Electron donor is H2S
4. Oxygen is evolved 4. Oxygen is not evolved
5. Reaction centres are P700 and P680 5. Reaction centre is P870
6. Reducing agent is NADPH 1 H1 6. Reducing agent is NADH 1 H1
7. PAR is 400 to 700 nm 7. PAR is above 700 nm
8. Chlorophyll, carotenoid and 8. Bacterio chlorophyll and bacterio
xanthophyll viridin
9. Photosynthetic apparatus – chloroplast 9. It is chlorosomes and chromatophores
Rubisco starts to play oxygenase role. Succulent a. 2ATP 1 2NADPH
and xerophytic plants show reverse stomatal b. 2ATP 1 3NADPH
rhythm as they open during night time and close c. 3ATP 1 2NADPH
during day time and follow CAM cycle. Night
d. 3ATP 1 3NADPH
time produces malic acid and during day time
malate is converted into pyruvate and produces 5. Identify true statement regarding light
CO2 which is reduced to carbohydrates. reaction of photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis is affected by internal and a. Splitting of water molecule is associate
external factors. Bacterial photosynthesis is the with PS I.
primitive type of photosynthesis and it involves b. PS I and PS II involved in the
only photosystem I. formation of NDPH1H1.
Evaluation c. The reaction center of PS I is
1. Assertion (A): Increase Chlorophyll a with absorption peak
in Proton gradient at 680 nm.
inside lumen responsible d. The reaction center of PS II is
for ATP synthesis Chlorophyll a with absorption peak
Reason (R): Oxygen evolving complex at 700 nm.
of PS I located on thylakoid membrane 6. Two groups (A & B) of bean plants of
facing Stroma, releases H1 ions similar size and same leaf area were placed
a. Both Assertion and Reason are True. in identical conditions. Group A was
exposed to light of wavelength 400-450nm
b. Assertion is True and Reason is False.
& Group B to light of wavelength of 500-
c. Reason is True and Assertion is False. 550nm. Compare the photosynthetic rate
d. Both Assertion and Reason are False. of the 2 groups giving reasons.
2. Which chlorophyll molecule does not 7. A tree is believed to be releasing oxygen
have a phytol tail? during night time. Do you believe the
a. Chl- a b. Chl-b c. Chl- c d. Chl -d truthfulness of this statement? Justify
your answer by giving reasons?
3. The correct sequence of flow of electrons
in the light reaction is 8. Grasses have an adaptive mechanism
a. PS II, plastoquinone, cytochrome, PS to compensate photorespiratory losses-
I, ferredoxin. Name and describe the mechanism.
b. PS I, plastoquinone, cytochrome, PS 9. In Botany class, teacher explains, Synthesis
of one glucose requires 30 ATPs in C4
II ferredoxin.
plants and only 18 ATPs in C3plants. The
c. PS II, ferredoxin, plastoquinone, same teacher explains C4 plants are more
cytochrome, PS I. advantageous than C3 plants. Can you
d. PS I, plastoquinone, cytochrome, PS identify the reason for this contradiction?
II, ferredoxin. 10. When there is plenty of light and higher
4. For every CO2 molecule entering the C3 concentration of O2, what kind of
cycle, the number of ATP & NADPH pathway does the plant undergo?Analyse
required the reasons.
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• Conclude your observations.
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Unit V: Plant Physiology
(Functional Organisation)
14 Respiration
If you are sleeping under a tree organic substances which are oxidised
during night time you will feel difficulty during respiration are called respiratory
in breathing. During night, plants take substrates. Among these, glucose is
up oxygen and release carbon dioxide the commonest respiratory substrate.
and as a result carbon dioxide will be Breaking of C-C bonds of complex organic
abundant around the tree. This process compounds through oxidation within the
of CO2 evolution is called respiration. cells leads to energy release. The energy
This process takes place during day time released during respiration is stored in the
also (Figure 14.1). It is accompanied by form of ATP (Adenosine Tri Phosphate) as
breakdown of substrates and release of well as liberated heat. Respiration occurs
energy. In this chapter, respiration process in all the living cells of organisms. The
in plants at cellular level will be dealt with. overall process of respiration corresponds
to a reversal of photosynthesis.
Depending upon the nature of
Compensation N O O O
Point O P O P O P OH
Adenine Phosphate groups
Rate of OH OH
Respiration Ribose
Monophosphate (AMP)
Time in a day (hours) Diphosphate (ADP)
Figure 14.2: Compensation point Triphosphate (ATP)
4. Electron transport chain and oxidative molecule with energy in the form of
phosphorylation remove hydrogen atoms ATP in mitochondrial inner membrane
from the products of glycolysis, link (Figure 14.5).
reaction and Krebs cycle release water
Ethyl alcohol + CO2 ATP
Anaerobic 2 molecules
of Pyruvic acid
Lactic acid
Link react
2NA H+
C o-A DH+
H + P
yl 6NA AT
cet DH+
A H+
2 DH2
2 Krebs ETC
2 ADP+2
Pi O2
4CO2 H 2O
+ 2Pi Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate
6.Oxidaon and + dehydrogenase
2x 1,3 Bisphospho Glycerate c c c
7. Dephosphorylaon 2ATP
7 Phosphoglycerate kinase
2x 2-Phospho Glycerate c c c
9 Enolase
9. Dehydraon
2x Phospho Enol Pyruvate c c c
2ADP Pyruvate kinase
10 Mg ++
10. Dephosphorylaon ++
2x Pyruvate c c c
14.5.1 Glycolysis
Check your grasp!
(Gr: Glykos 5 Glucose, Lysis 5 Splitting)
Glycolysis is a linear series of reactions in How many ATP molecules are
which 6-carbon glucose is split into two produced from one sucrose molecule?
molecules of 3-carbon pyruvic acid. The
enzymes which are required for glycolysis 2. Pay off phase
are present in the cytoplasm (Figure 14.6).
Two molecules of glyceraldehyde-3-
The reactions of glycolysis were worked
phosphate oxidatively phosphorylated into
out in yeast cells by three scientists Gustav
two molecules of 1,3 - bisphospho glycerate.
Embden (German), Otto Meyerhoff
During this reaction 2NAD1 is reduced
(German) and J Parnas (Polish) and so
to 2NADH 1 H1 by glyceraldehyde-
it is also called as EMP pathway. It is the
3- phosphate dehydrogenase at step 6.
first and common stage for both aerobic
Further reactions are carried out by
and anaerobic respiration. It is divided
different enzymes and at the end two
into two phases.
molecules of pyruvate are produced. In
1. Preparatory phase or endergonic this phase, 2ATPs are produced at step 7
phase or hexose phase (steps 1-5). and 2 ATPs at step10 (Figure 14.6). Direct
2. Pay off phase or oxidative phase or transfer of phosphate moiety from substrate
exergonic phase or triose phase (steps molecule to ADP and is converted into
6-10). ATP is called substrate phosphorylation
or direct phosphorylation or trans
1. Preparatory phase phosphorylation. During the reaction at
Glucose enters the glycolysis from sucrose step 9, 2phospho glycerate dehydrated into
which is the end product of photosynthesis. Phospho enol pyruvate a water molecule is
Glucose is phosphorylated into glucose-6- removed by the enzyme enolase. As a result,
phosphate by the enzyme hexokinase, and enol group is formed within the molecule.
subsequent reactions are carried out by This process is called Enolation.
different enzymes (Figure 14.6). At the end
of this phase fructose-1, 6 - bisphosphate is 3. Energy Budget
cleaved into glyceraldehyde-3- phosphate In the pay off phase totally 4ATP and
and dihydroxy acetone phosphate by the 2NADH 1 H1 molecules are produced.
enzyme aldolase. These two are isomers. Since 2ATP molecules are already
Dihydroxy acetone phosphate is isomerised consumed in the preparatory phase, the
into glyceraldehyde-3- phosphate by the net products in glycolysis are 2ATPs and
enzyme triose phosphate isomerase, now 2NADH 1 H1.
two molecules of glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate The overall net reaction of glycolysis
enter into pay off phase. During preparatory
C6 H12O6 1 2ADP 1 2Pi 1 2NAD1
phase two ATP molecules are consumed in
step-1 and step-3 (Figure 14.6). 2x CH3COCOOH 1 2ATP 12NADH12H1
14.5.2 Pyruvate Oxidation (Link reaction)
Sir Hans Adolf
Two molecules of pyruvate formed by Krebs was born in
glycolysis in the cytosol enters into Germany on 25th
August 1900. He was
the mitochondrial matrix. In aerobic
awarded Nobel Prize
respiration this pyruvate with coenzyme for his discovery of
A is oxidatively decarboxylated into acetyl Citric acid cycle in
CoA by pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. Physiology in 1953.
This reaction is irreversible and produces
two molecules of NADH 1 H1 and 2CO2.
It is also called transition reaction or
Link reaction. The reaction of pyruvate
oxidation is
2xCH3CO.CoA1 2NADH12H11 F1
2CO2↑ Stalk
Pyruvate c c c
Oxidation and
+ decarboxylation
Link Reaction NAD Co A Pyruvate
NADH+H CO2 dehydrogenase
Acetyl CoA c c
Co A
C 1. Condensation
Krebs cycle 1
c c c c
c c Citrate synthase c c
+ Oxaloacetate Citrate c c 2. Dehydration
10. Oxidation Malate Aconitase 2 c c
10 c c
NAD dehydrogenase Cis aconitate c c
c c c c Malate H2O
++ 3 3. Rehydration
Aconitase Fe
c c
H2O 9
9. Hydration Isocitrate + c c
Isocitrate ++
NAD c c
c c c c Fumarate dehydrogenase Mn 4 NADH+H+ 4. Oxidation
Succinate c c
FADH2 8 dehydrogenase
Oxalosuccinate c c
Oxalosuccinate 5 c c
8.Oxidation FAD decarboxylase CO2
Succinate 5. Decarboxylation
c c c c Succinyl α-ketoglutarate c c
Co-A synthetase α−ketoglutarate Co A c
ATP dehydrogenase 6 c c
+ CO2
7. Hydration and ADP+Pi 7 Succinyl
c CoA NAD 6. Oxidation and
Phosphorylation c c c c +
NADH+H decarboxylation
Co A H2O
DHAP Glyceraldehyde
Pyruvic acid
Acetyl CoA
Figure 14.9: Alternative substrates for respiration
1. Significance of Krebs cycle: through pyruvic acid or acetyl CoA and it
1. TCA cycle is to provide energy in the depends upon the structure. So respiratory
form of ATP for metabolism in plants. intermediates form the link between
2. It provides carbon skeleton or raw synthesis as well as breakdown. The citric
material for various anabolic processes. acid cycle is the final common pathway
for oxidation of fuel molecules like amino
3. Many intermediates of TCA cycle are
acids, fatty acids and carbohydrates.
further metabolised to produce amino
Therefore, respiratory pathway is an
acids, proteins and nucleic acids.
amphibolic pathway (Figure 14.9).
4. Succinyl CoA is raw material for
formation of chlorophylls, cytochrome, 14.5.4 Electron Transport Chain (ETC)
phytochrome and other pyrrole (Terminal oxidation)
substances. During glycolysis, link
5. α-ketoglutarate and oxaloacetate reaction and Krebs
undergo reductive amination and cycle the respiratory
produce amino acids. substrates are oxidised
6. It acts as metabolic sink which plays a at several steps and as a
central role in intermediary metabolism. result many reduced coenzymes NADH
1 H1 and FADH2 are produced. These
2. Amphibolic nature
reduced coenzymes are transported to
Krebs cycle is primarily a catabolic
inner membrane of mitochondria and
pathway, but it provides precursors for
are converted back to their oxidised
various biosynthetic pathways there by
forms produce electrons and protons. In
an anabolic pathway too. Hence, it is
mitochondria, the inner membrane is
called amphibolic pathway. It serves as
folded in the form of finger projections
a pathway for oxidation of carbohydrates,
towards the matrix called cristae. In cristae
fats and proteins. When fats are respiratory
many oxysomes (F1 particles) are present
substrate they are first broken down
which have electron transport carriers are
into glycerol and fatty acid. Glycerol is
present. According to Peter Mitchell’s
converted into DHAP and acetyl CoA.
Chemiosmotic theory this electron
This acetyl CoA enter into the Krebs
transport is coupled to ATP synthesis.
cycle. When proteins are the respiratory
Electron and hydrogen(proton) transport
substrate they are degraded into amino
takes place across four multiprotein
acids by proteases. The amino acids after
complexes(I-IV). They are
deamination enter into the Krebs cycle
1. Complex-I (NADH dehydrogenase).
The synthesis of It contains a flavoprotein(FMN) and
glucose from certain associated with non-heme iron Sulphur
non-carbohydrate protein (Fe-S). This complex is responsible
carbon substrates for passing electrons and protons from
such as proteins and lipids are called mitochondrial NADH (Internal) to
gluconeogenesis. Ubiquinone(UQ).
NADH 1 H1 1 UQ NAD1 1 UQH2 (A and B) and cytochromes a and a3.
In plants, an additional NADH Complex IV is the terminal oxidase and
dehydrogenase (External) complex is brings about the reduction of 1/2 O2 to
present on the outer surface of inner H2O.Two protons are needed to form a
membrane of mitochondria which can molecule of H2O (terminal oxidation).
oxidise cytosolic NADH 1 H1. 2Cyt coxidised 1 2H1 1 1/2 O2 2Cyt creduced 1H2O
Ubiquinone (UQ) or Coenzyme
Quinone(Co Q) is a small, lipid soluble The transfer of electrons from
electron, proton carrier located within the reduced coenzyme NADH to oxygen
inner membrane of mitochondria. via complexes I to IV is coupled to the
synthesis of ATP from ADP and inorganic
2. Complex-II (Succinic dehydrogenase)
phosphate (Pi) which is called Oxidative
It contains FAD flavoprotein is associated
phosphorylation. The F0F1-ATP synthase
with non-heme iron Sulphur (Fe-S)
(also called complex V) consists of F0
protein. This complex receives electrons
and F1. F1 converts ADP and Pi to ATP
and protons from succinate in Krebs cycle
and is attached to the matrix side of the
and is converted into fumarate and passes
inner membrane. F0 is present in inner
to ubiquinone.
membrane and acts as a channel through
Succinate 1 UQ → Fumarate 1 UQH2 which protons come into matrix.
3. Complex-III (Cytochrome bc1 com- Oxidation of one molecule of
plex) This complex oxidises reduced ubi- NADH 1 H1 gives rise to 3 molecules
quinone (ubiquinol) and transfers the elec- of ATP and oxidation of one molecule
trons through Cytochrome bc1 Complex FADH2 produces 2 molecules of ATP
(Iron Sulphur center bc1 complex) to cy- within a mitochondrion. But cytoplasmic
tochrome c. Cytochrome c is a small pro- NADH 1 H1 yields only two ATPs
tein attached to the outer surface of inner through external NADH dehydrogenase.
membrane and act as a mobile carrier to Therefore, two reduced coenzyme
transfer electrons between complex III to (NADH 1 H1) molecules from glycolysis
complex IV. being extra mitochondrial will yield
UQH2 12Cyt coxidised UQ12Cyt creduced 12H1 2 3 2 5 4 ATP molecules instead of
6 ATPs (Figure 14.10). The Mechanism
of mitochondrial ATP synthesis is based
Ubiquinone and
on Chemiosmotic hypothesis. According
cytochrome bc1 complex
to this theory electron carriers present
are structurally and
in the inner mitochondrial membrane
functionally similar
allow for the transfer of protons (H1).
to plastoquinone and cytochrome b6,f
For the production of single ATP,
complex respectively in the photosynthetic
3 protons (H1) are needed. The terminal
electron transport chain.
oxidation of external NADH bypasses
the first phosphorylation site and hence
4. Complex IV (Cytochrome c oxidase) only two ATP molecules are produced
This complex contains two copper centers per external NADH oxidised through
288.247 pt
Table 14.2: Net Products gained during aerobic respiration per glucose molecule.
2C6H12O6 1 3O2 3C4H6O5 1 3H2O 1 Energy
Glucose Malic acid
Potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution Activity
is hung into the conical flask with the
help of a thread and tightly close the Take a test tube with some germinated
one holed cork (Figure 14.11). Take seeds and fill with water. Keep this test
a bent glass tube, the shorter end of tube after some time until liberation of
which is inserted into the conical CO2. When the carbon dioxide from
flask through the hole in the cork, respiration is mixed to water, carbonic
while the longer end is dipped in a acid (H2CO3) is produced. Therefore,
beaker containing water. Observe the as more carbon dioxide is released,
position of initial water level in bent the solution becomes more acidic. You
glass tube. This experimental setup will see changes in pH as an indicator
is kept for two hours and the seeds using blue litmus paper changed into
were allowed to germinate. After red that respiration has occurred
two hours, the level of water rises in CO21H2O H2CO3
the glass tube. It is because, the CO2
evolved during aerobic respiration by 14.7 Anaerobic Respiration
germinating seeds will be absorbed by
14.7.1 Fermentation
KOH solution and the level of water
will rise in the glass tube. Some organisms can
CO2 1 2KOH —> K2CO3 1H2O respire in the absence of
oxygen. This process is
called fermentation or
anaerobic respiration
(Figure 14.12). There are
three types of fermentation:
1. Alcoholic fermentation
2. Lactic acid fermentation
Figure 14.11: Demonstration of
production of CO2 during respiration 3. Mixed acid fermentation
Table 14.3: Comparison of alcoholic fermentation and lactic acid fermentation
Alcoholic fermentation Lactic acid fermentation
1. It produces alcohol and releases CO2 It produces lactic acid and does not release
from pyruvic acid. CO2 from pyruvic acid.
2. It takes place in two steps. It takes place in single step.
3. It involves two enzymes, pyruvate
It uses one enzyme, lactate dehydrogenase
decarboxylase with Mg11 and alcohol
with Zn11.
4. It forms acetaldehyde as intermediate Does not form any intermediate
compound. compound.
2 x Pyruvic Acid
+ +
2 x NADH+H 2 x NADH+H
+ +
2 x NAD 2 x NAD
Alcohol dehydrogenase Lactate dehydrogenase
or Direct Oxidative Pathway. It consists
How alcoholic beverages
of two phases, oxidative phase and non-
like beer and wine is
oxidative phase. The oxidative events
convert six molecules of six carbon
The conversion of Glucose-6-phosphate to 6 molecules
pyruvate to ethanol takes place in malted of five carbon sugar Ribulose-5
barley and grapes through fermentation. phosphate with loss of 6CO2 molecules
Yeasts carryout this process under and generation of 12 NADPH 1 H1
anaerobic conditions and this conversion (not NADH). The remaining reactions
increases ethanol concentration. If the known as non-oxidative pathway, convert
concentration increases, it’s toxic effect Ribulose-5-phosphate molecules to
kills yeast cells and the left out is called various intermediates such as Ribose-5-
beer and wine respectively. phosphate(5C), Xylulose-5-phosphate(5C),
14.9 Pentose Phosphate Pathway Sedoheptulose-7-Phosphate(7C), and
(Phospho Gluconate Pathway) Erythrose-4-phosphate(4C). Finally, five
molecules of glucose-6-phosphate is
During respiration breakdown of glucose regenerated (Figure 14.16). The overall
in cytosol occurs both by glycolysis reaction is:
(about 2/3) as well as by oxidative pentose
phosphate pathway (about 1/3). Pentose 6 x Glucose-6-Phosphate 1 12NADP1 1 6H2O
phosphate pathway was described by
Warburg, Dickens and Lipmann (1938). 5 x Glucose-6-Phosphate 1 6CO2 1 Pi 1
Hence, it is also called Warburg-Dickens- 12NADPH 112H1
Lipmann pathway. It takes place in The net result of complete oxidation
cytoplasm of mature plant cells. It is an of one glucose-6-phosphate yield 6CO2
alternate way for breakdown of glucose and 12NADPH 1 H1. The oxidative
(Figure 14.15). pentose phosphate pathway is controlled
It is also known as Hexose by glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
monophosphate shunt (HMP Shunt) enzyme which is inhibited by high ratio of
30 C PHASE 6 X 6-Phospho Gluconate
Various intermediate compounds 6 x NADP
6-Phospho gluconate 3 +
such as 3C, 4C, 5C and 7C dehydrogenase 6 x NADPH+H
phosphorylated sugars
30 C
6 X Ribulose-5-Phosphate
3. Oxidation and
4. Formation of
Rate of respiration
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• Type online labs and install it.
• Select biology and select rate of respiration
• Click theory to know the basic about respiration
• Register yourself with mail-id and create password to access online lab simulations
• Press simulation to do the rate of respiration.
• Conclude your observations.
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Unit V: Plant Physiology
(Functional Organisation)
tip of the stem, root and branches. It is
the initial stage of growth. In other words,
growth starts from this period (Figure 15.2).
Maturation Phase ii. Log phase or exponential growth
Here, the newly formed cell increases
Elongation Phase
in size rapidly by deposition of cell wall
? Formative Phase
material. Growth rate is maximum and
Figure 15.1: Phases of growth in root reaches top because of cell division and
physiological processes are quite fast.
15.1.3 Kinetics of growth
The volume of protoplasm also increases.
It is an analysis of the motion of cells or It results in rapid growth and causes
expansion. elongation of internode in the stem.
1. Stages in Growth rate iii. Decelerating phase or Decline phase
The total period from initial to the final or slow growth phase
stage of growth is called the grand period The rate of growth decreases and becomes
of growth. The total growth is plotted limited owing to internal and external or
against time and ‘S’ shaped sigmoid both the factors because the metabolic
curve (Grand period curve) is obtained. process becomes slow.
It consists of four phases (Figure 15.2).
They are: iv. Steady state period or maturation
i. Lag phase phase
ii. Log phase In this phase cell wall thickening due
iii. Decelerating phase to new particle deposition on the inner
surface of the cell wall takes place. The
iv. Maturation phase
overall growth ceases and becomes
i. Lag phase constant. The growth rate becomes zero.
In this phase new cells are formed from
2. Types of growth rate
pre-existing cells slowly. It is found in the
The increased growth per unit time is
termed as growth rate. An organism or
Maturation Phase
Size / Weight of the organ
Mother cell
2 Progeny cells
4 Progeny
8 Progeny cells
W1 5 W0ert
W1 5 Final size (weight, height and
W0 5 Initial size at the beginning of the
r 5 Growth rate
t 5 Time of growth
e 5 Base of the natural logarithms Figure 15.6: Arithmetic and geometric
Here ‘r’ is the relative growth rate and growth of embryo
also a measure of the ability of the plant to Quantitative comparisons between the
produce new plant material, referred to as growth of living system can also be made
efficiency index. Hence, the final size of in two ways and is explained in the table 1.
W1 depends on the initial size W0. In figure 15.7, two leaves A and B are
iii. Arithmetic and Geometric Growth drawn at a particular time. Then A1and
B1 are drawn after a given time. A and
of Embryo
B 5 Area of leaves at a particular time. A 1
Plants often grow by a combination and B1 5 Area of leaves after a given time.
of arithmetic and geometric growth (A1-A) and (B1-B) represents an absolute
patterns. A young embryonic plant grows increase in area in the given time. Leaf A
geometrically and cell division becomes
restricted to certain cells at the tips of roots Table 1: Comparison between absolute
and relative growth rates
and shoots. After this point, growth is of
Absolute growth rate Relative growth rate
the slower arithmetic type, but some of the
Increase in total The growth of the
new cells that are produced can develop into growth of two organs given system per unit
their mature condition and begin carrying measured and time expressed per
out specialized types of metabolism compared per unit unit initial parameter
(Figure 15. 6). Plants are thus a mixture of time is called absolute is called relative
older, mature cells and young, dividing cells. growth rate. growth rate.
increases from 5 cm2 to 10 cm2; 5 cm2 in a in carbon-di-oxide and hydrogen in water
given time. Leaf B increases from 50 cm2 are assimilated in photosynthesis.
to 55 cm2 ; 5 cm2 in a given time. Hence, c. Temperature
both leaves A and B increase their area
Temperature plays a significant role in
by 5 cm2 in a given time. This is absolute
the growth of the plant. Proper growth
growth. Relative growth is faster in leaf A
of a plant occurs at a about 28o C to 30o C
because of initial small size. It decreases
temperature and above 45o C will damage
with time (Figure 15.7).
the protoplasm and hinders the growth.
d. Oxygen
Oxygen has a vital role in the growth of
the plant. It helps in releasing metabolic
energy essential for growth activities. It is
necessary for respiration.
e. Light
Light has its own contribution in the
growth of the plant. Light is important
for growth and photosynthesis. Light
stimulates healthy growth. Absence of
Figure 15.7: Diagrammatic comparision of light may lead to yellowish in colour. This
absolute and relative growth rates is called etiolation.
II. Internal Factors
3.Conditions of growth a. Genes are intracellular factors for
Plant growth is influenced by a variety growth.
of external and internal factors. A brief b. Phytohormones are intracellular factors
account of these factors is given below: for growth. Example: auxin, gibberellin,
I. External Factors cytokinin.
a. Water c. C/N ratio.
Water is essential for cell enlargement The ratio of carbohydrates and nitrogenous
as well as growth in the size of the compounds regulate the specific pattern
cell. Turgidity of cells helps in growth of growth in plants. For example, if a plant
extension. Water provides the medium for contains more nitrogenous compounds as
enzymatic activities needed for growth. compared to carbohydrates it produces
more protoplasm less mechanical tissues
b. Nutrition and vigorous vegetative growth. On the
Nutrition plays an important role in the other hand, less nitrogenous compounds
formation of protoplasm. Macro and micro and more carbohydrates favour the
elements are very important as sources of synthesis of more wall material, less
energy. For example, carbon and oxygen protoplasm, and more mechanical tissues.
4. Measurement of growth 5. Sequence of developmental process
in a plant cell
Development is a term that includes
Measurement of growth by direct
all the changes that an organism goes
through during life cyle from germination
Step 1: Take ordinary scale. of a seed to senescence. Diagrammatic
Step 2: Measure ground stem up to representation of the sequence of processes
the growing point of the plant. which constitute the development of a cell
Step 3: Use Indian ink and mark at of a higher plant is given in the figure. It is
regular intervals to measure the length also applicable to tissues/organ.
of root, stem, and girth of the trunk.
Potted plant
1. Differentiation This ability is called plasticity. Example:
The process of maturation of meristematic Heterophylly in cotton and coriander.
cells to specific types of cells performing In such plants, the leaves of the juvenile
specific functions is called differentiation. plant are different in shape from those
in mature plants. On the other hand,
2. Dedifferentiation the difference in shapes of leaves
The living differentiated cells which had produced in air and those produced in
lost capacity to divide, regain the capacity water in buttercup also represent the
to divide under certain conditions. Hence, heterophyllous development due to
dedifferentiation is the regaining of the the environment. This phenomenon of
ability of cell division by the differentiated heterophylly is an example of plasticity.
cells. Example: Interfascicular cambium
and Vascular cambium. 15.2 Plant Growth Regulators
3. Redifferentiation Plant Growth Regulators
Differentiated cells, after multiplication (chemical messenger)
again lose the ability to divide and mature are defined as organic
to perform specific functions. This is called substances which are
redifferentiation (Figure 15.9). Example: synthesized in minute
Secondary xylem and Secondary phloem. quantities in one part
of the plant body and transported to
4. Plasticity another part where they influence specific
Plants follow different pathways in physiological processes. Five major groups
response to environment or phases of of hormones viz., auxins, gibberellins,
life to form different kinds of structures. cytokinins, ethylene and abscisic acid
are presently known to coordinate and
regulate growth and development in
plants. The term phytohormones is
implied to those chemical substances
which are synthesized by plants and thus,
naturally occurring. On the other hand,
there are several manufactured chemicals
which often resemble the hormones in
physiological action and even in molecular
structure. Recently, another two groups,
the brassinosteroids and polyamines were
also known to behave like hormones.
Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs)
source and a detailed flow diagram is ii. Antagonistic effects: The effect of two
given in Figure 15.10. substances in such a way that they have
opposite effects on the same process.
2. Characteristics of phytohormones
One accelerates and other inhibits.
i. Usually produced in tips of roots, stems
Example: ABA and gibberellins during
and leaves.
seed or bud dormancy. ABA induces
ii. Transfer of hormones from one place to dormancy and gibberellins break it.
another takes part through conductive
systems. 15.2.1 Auxins
iii. They are required in trace quantities.
1. Discovery
iv. All hormones are organic in nature.
During 1880, Charles Darwin noted the
v. There are no specialized cells or organs unilateral growth and curvature of Canary
for their secretion. grass (Phalaris canariensis) coleoptile to light.
vi. They are capable of influencing The term auxin (Greek: Auxin – to Grow)
physiological activities leading to was first used by F. W. Went in 1926 using
promotion, inhibition and modification Oats (Avena) coleoptile and isolated the
of growth. auxin. F. W. Went in 1928 collected auxin in
agar jelly. Kogl and Haugen Smith (1931)
3. Synergistic and Antagonistic effects isolated Auxin from human urine, and called
i. Synergistic effects: The effect of one or it as Auxin A. Later on in 1934, similar active
more substance in such a way that both substances was isolated from corn grain oil
promote each others activity. Example: and was named as Auxin B. Kogl et al., (1934)
Activity of auxin and gibberellins or found heteroauxin in the plant and chemically
cytokinins. called it as Indole Acetic Acid (IAA)
Types of Auxin
Natural Synthetic
Auxin occuring in plants are called These are synthesized artificially and have
“Natural auxin” properties like Auxin.
1. Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) 1. 2,4-Dichloro Phenoxy Acetic Acid (2,4-D)
2. Indole Propionic Acid (IPA) 2. 2,4,5-Trichloro Phenoxy Acetic Acid (2,4,5-T)
3. Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) 3. Napthalene Acetic Acid (NAA)
4. Phenyl Acetic Acid (PAA)
Coleoptile placed on
Agar Block Auxin diffuses
in to agar block
placed on one side of the decapitated and for the formation of callus.
stump of Avena coleoptile. The auxin • Auxin stimulates respiration.
from the agar blocks diffuses down • Auxin induces vascular differentiation.
through coleoptile along the side to
which the auxin agar block is placed. An
Agent Orange
agar block without auxin is placed on
another decapitated coleoptile. Within Mixture of two phenoxy herbicides
an hour, the coleoptiles with auxin agar 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T is given the name
block bends on the opposite side where ‘Agent orange’ which was used by
the agar block is placed. This curvature USA in Vietnam war for defoliation
can be measured (Figure 15.12). of forest (chemical warfare).
9 3
Radial growth 6 x
Induces Breaks Gibberellins
seed seed
dormancy dormancy
of leaf Abscission stomata
1. Mechanism of Vernalization: B
Vernalin D Chilling
Two main theories to explain the Translocation of flower
inducing substance
immature embryo. Such seeds iii. Lack of specific light requirement leads
germinate only after maturation of to seed dormancy.
embryo. iv. A range of temperatures either higher
b. Viability: Usually seeds remain viable or lower cause dormancy.
or living only for a particular period.
v. The presence of inhibitors like phenolic
Viability of seeds range from a few
compounds which inhibits seed
days (Example: Oxalis) to more than
germination cause dormancy.
hundred years. Maximum viability
(1000 years) has been recorded in
2. Methods of breaking dormancy:
lotus seeds. Seeds germinate only
within the period of viability. The dormancy of seeds can be broken by
different methods. These are:
c. Dormancy: Seeds of many plants
are dormant at the time of shedding. i. Scarification: Mechanical and
A detailed treatment is given below. chemical treatments like cutting or
chipping of hard tough seed coat and
use of organic solvents to remove
II. Seed Dormancy
waxy or fatty compounds are called as
The seeds of most plants germinate under
favourable environmental conditions
but some seeds do not germinate when ii. Impaction: In some seeds water
suitable conditions like water, oxygen and and oxygen are unable to penetrate
favourable temperature are not available. micropyle due to blockage by cork
Germination of such seeds may be delayed cells. These seeds are shaken vigorously
for days, months or years. The condition to remove the plug which is called
of a seed when it fails to germinate even in Impaction.
suitable environmental condition is called iii. Stratification: Seeds of rosaceous
seed dormancy. There are two main plants (Apple, Plum, Peach and Cherry)
reasons for the development of dormancy: will not germinate until they have been
Imposed dormancy and innate dormancy. exposed to well aerated, moist condition
Imposed dormancy is due to low moisture
under low temperature (0oC to 10oC)
and low temperature. Innate dormancy is
for weeks to months. Such treatment is
related to the properties of seed itself.
called Stratification.
1. Factors causing dormancy of seeds: iv. Alternating temperatures: Germination
i. Hard, tough seed coat causes barrier of some seeds is strongly promoted
effect as impermeability of water, gas by alternating daily temperatures. An
and restriction of the expansion of alternation of low and high temperature
embryo prevents seed germination. improves the germination of seeds.
ii. Many species of seeds produce v. Light: The dormancy of photoblastic
imperfectly developed embryos called seeds can be broken by exposing them
rudimentary embryos which promotes to red light.
15.6 Senescence Example: Wheat and Soybean. It also
occurs in few perennials also. Example:
Plant life comprises some sequential events,
Agave and Bamboo.
viz: germination, juvenile stage, maturation,
old age and death. Old age is called ii. Top senescence: It occurs in aerial parts
senescence in plants. Senescence refers to of plants. It is common in perennials,
all collective, progressive and deteriorative underground and root system remains
processes which ultimately lead to complete viable. Example: Banana and Gladiolus.
loss of organization and function. Unlike iii. Deciduous senescence: It is common
animals, plants continuously form new in deciduous plants and occurs only in
organs and older organs undergo a highly leaves of plants, bulk of the stem and
regulated senescence program to maximize root system remains alive. Example:
nutrient export. Elm and Maple.
iv. Progressive senescence: This kind of
1. Types of Senescence
senescence is gradual. First it occurs
Leopold (1961) has recognised four types in old leaves followed by new leaves
of senescence: then stem and finally root system. It is
i. Overall senescence common in annuals (Figure 15.18).
ii. Top senescence
2. Physiology of Senescence
iii. Deciduous senescence
• Cells undergo changes in structure.
iv. Progressive senescence
• Vacuole of the cell acts as lysosome and
secretes hydrolytic enzymes.
The branch of botany which deals with
• The starch content is decreased in the
ageing, abscission and senescence is
called Phytogerontology
• Photosynthesis is reduced due to loss of
i. Overall senescence: This kind of chlorophyll accompanied by synthesis
senescence occurs in annual plants and accumulation of anthocyanin
when entire plant gets affected and dies. pigments, therefore the leaf becomes red.
responsible for the perception of light in 2. If the diameter of the pulley is
photophysiological process (induction 6 inches, length of pointer is 10 inches
and inhibition of flowering) is called and distance travelled by pointer is
Phytochrome. Besides photoperiod certain 5 inches. Calculate the actual growth
plants require a low temperature in the in length of plant.
earlier stages for flowering. Many biennial a. 3inches b. 6 inches
and perennial plants are induced to flower by c. 12 inches d. 30 inches
low temperature (0oC to 5oC). This process is 3. In unisexual plants, sex can be
called vernalization and the reversal effect of changed by the application of
vernalization is called devernalization. The a. Ethanol b. Cytokinins
condition of a seed when it fails to germinate c. ABA d. Auxin
even in suitable environmental condition is
4. Select the correctly matched one
called seed dormancy. Thus, dormancy can
A) Human urine i) Auxin –B
be overcome by following methods such
B) Corn gram oil ii) GA3
as scarification, impaction, stratification,
C) Fungus iii) Abscisic acid II
alternating temperatures and light.
Senescence refers to all collective, progressive D) Herring fish iv) Kinitin
and deteriorative processes which ultimately
E) Unripe maize v) Auxin A
lead to complete loss of organization and
function. Senescence is of four types and they
F) Young cotton vi) Zeatin
are overall, top, deciduous and progressive.
Senescence is controlled by plant’s own
genetic programme. Death of the plant or a) A-iii, B-iv, C-v, D-vi, E-i, F-ii,
its parts consequent to senescence is called b) A-v, B-i, C-ii, D-iv, E-vi, F-iii,
Programmed Cell Death (PCD). The final c) A-iii, B-v, C-vi, D-i, E-ii, F-iv,
stage of senescence is abscission. Abscission d) A-ii, B-iii, C-v, D-vi, E-iv, F-i
is a physiological process of shedding of 5. Seed dormancy allows the plants to
organs from the parent plant body. a. overcome unfavourable climatic
Evaluation b. develop healthy seeds
1. Select the wrong c. reduce viability
statement from the d. prevent deterioration of seeds
following: 6. What are the parameters used to
a. Formative phase of the cells retain measure growth of plants?
the capability of cell division. 7. What is plasticity?
b. In elongation phase development of 8. Write the physiological effects of
central vacuole takes place. Cytokinins.
c. In maturation phase thickening and 9. Describe the mechanism of
differentiation takes place. photoperiodic induction of flowering.
d. In maturation phase, the cells grow 10. Give a brief account on Programmed
further. Cell Death (PCD)
t ICT Corner
• Scan the QR code
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• Select items and complete the check list
• Follow the procedure – 1 to 10 steps
• Record your prediction and not your observation in lab note – Right top
• Observe the movements of plant seedlings and plant parts.
• Conclude your observations.
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Unit – 4 Plant Anatomy
1. Fahn.A, (1990), Plant Anatomy, 3rd edition, Oxford; New York; Pergamon Press
2. Gangulee,Das& Data, (2011) College Botany,Vol-II, New Central Bool Agency
3. Katherine Esau, (2006), Anatomy of Seed Plants, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
4. PandeyB.P, (2015), A Textbook of Botany: Angiosperms, New Delhi, S. Chand & Company Ltd.
5. Pijush Roy, (2012), Plant Anatomy, New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd.
6. Ray.F.Evert, (2007), Esau’s Plant Anatomy, 3rd Edition. Wiley-Liss
Abscission zone A region near the base of petiole of leaf which contains
abscission layer.
Absorption Spectrum A curve obtained by plotting the amount of absorption
of different wavelengths of light by a pigment is called its
absorption spectrum.
Action Spectrum A graphic representation showing the rate of photosynthesis
at different wavelengths of light is called action spectrum
Aeroponics A technique of growing plants suspended over the nutrient
solution in a mist chamber. Nutrient sprayed by motor
driven rotor on the roots.
Agar Jelly-like substance, derived from red algae
Allelopathy The chemical substances released by one plant species which
affect or benefit another plant
Amphicribal/ Xylem in the centre with phloem surrounding it. Example:
Hadrocentric Ferns ( Polypodium)
Amphivasal /Leptocentric Phloem in the centre with xylem surrounding it. Example:
Dragon plant – Dracena and Yucca
Anabolic It is an enzyme catalyzed reaction in a cell that involves
synthesis of complex molecules from simple molecules
which uses energy.
Apical cell theory Single apical cell growing into whole plant
Axil Parenchyma Parenchyma arranged longitudinally along the axis
Callose Sieve pores are blocked by substances called callose
Carbonic acid A weak acidic solution of carbon-di-oxide dissolved in
Catabolic It is an enzyme catalyzed reaction in a cell that involves
degradation of molecules into simple subunits which
release energy.
Chelating agents A chelate is the soluble product formed when certain atoms
in an organic ligand donate electrons to the cation.
Chlorosis Breakdown of chlorophylls leads to yellowing of leaves
Closed vascular bundle Cambium absent between xylem and phloem Example:
Monocot stem
Coenzyme A non-protein molecule involved in enzyme catalyzed
reactions serves as transfer of protons or electrons between
various molecules
Colloidal An evenly distributed mixture of two different particles in
a system without losing its own properties.
Deamination The enzymatic removal of an amino group from an amino
acid to form its corresponding keto acid.
Desiccation tolerance Ability of plants which can tolerate extreme water stress
without being killed.
Drought resistance Capacity of a plant to limit and control consequences of
water deficit.
EDTA Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic acid, chelating agent makes
iron uptake possible by forming soluble complex in an
alkaline soil.
Endergonic A chemical reaction with a positive free energy charge or
ATP utilizing reactions.
Exergonic A chemical reaction with a negative free energy charge or
ATP producing reactions.
Extra stellar ground tissue Tissues outside the stele
Fibre-Tracheids Transitional form between fibre and tracheids
Fluorescence Emission of light by a substance that has absorbed light in
the form luminescence.
Gelatin An animal-based product used as a gelling agent.
Granum A stack of thylakoid in a stroma of chloroplast
Hadrome Xylem-by Haberlandt
Halophytes Plants native to saline soils and complete their life cycle
Heliophytes Plants which are adapted to light
Histogenesis Differentiate tissues from undifferentiated cells of meristem
Indeterminate growth Plants grow throughout their life
Intrastelar ground tissue Tissues within the stele
Isomerisation Rearrangement of atomic groups within the same molecule
without any loss or gain of atoms.
Leptome Phloem – by Haberlandt
Lumen Space inside the tracheid/vessel/fibres
Malate Shuttle mechanism It is a biochemical system for translocating electrons
produced from glycolysis across inner membrane of
mitochondrion for oxidative phosphorylation.
Mass meristem Meristem which divides in all planes
Necrosis Death of tissue
Non heme iron An iron porphyrin prosthetic group of heme proteins from
plant origin
Nutation The growing stems of twiner and tendrils show automatic
Open vascular bundle Cambium present between xylem and phloem Example:
Dicot stem
Oxidation Water is oxidised into Oxygen (loss of electrons)
PAR The wavelength at which the rate of photosynthesis is more
is called ‘Photosynthetically Active Radiations’ which falls
between 400 to 700 nm.
Phosphorescence Phosphorescence is the delayed emission of absorbed
Photolysis Splitting of water molecules by light which generate
protons, electrons and oxygen.
Photon Light is electromagnetic radiant energy and travels as tiny
particles called photons. A discrete Physical unit of light energy.
Photoperiodism The response of plants to the photoperiod expressed in the
form of flowering.
Phytochrome A photo reversible proteinaceous plant pigment in very
low concentration that absorbs red and far red light which
controls flowering.
Pitted thickening Uniformly thick except at their pits
Preparatory phase First half of glycolysis comprising five enzymatic reactions
in which one molecule of glucose splitting into two
molecules of glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate with consumption
of two ATP molecules.
Prickles Stiff and sharp outgrowth
Quantasome Morphological expression of physiological photosynthetic
units, located on the inner membrane of thylakoid lamellae.
Act as photosynthetic unit contains 200 to 300 chlorophyll
Quantum The energy contained in a photon is represented as quantum
Quantum requirement The number of photons or quanta required to release one
molecule of oxygen during photosynthesis
Quantum yield The number of oxygen molecules produced per quantum
of light absorbed.
Quiescent centre concept Inactive region of root meristem
Radial vascular bundles Xylem and phloem present on different radii
Ray Parenchyma Parenchyma cells arranged in radial rows
Redox reactions Oxidation (loss of electrons) and Reduction (gain of
electrons) reactions are called redox reactions.
Reduction CO2 is reduced into Carbohydrates (gain of electrons)
Rib-meristem Meristem which divides anticlinally in two planes
RUBISCO Enzyme responsible for fixation of Carbon dioxide, the most
abundant protein (Ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate Carboxylase
Salt stress Adverse effects of excess mineral salts on plants
Sap It is a fluid consist of water and dissolved minerals
Slime body A special protein (Phloem Protein) in sieve tubes
Stellate hairs Star shaped hairs
Stratification A process of breaking the dormancy of some plants
resulting from chilling requirements
Subsidiary cells Surrounding guard cells in the leaf epidermis
Sucrose Non-reducing disaccharide composed of glucose and
Trichoblasts One type of epidermal cells that is also called short cell
Trichomes Unicellular or multicellular appendages
Tunica-carpus theory Two zones of apical meristem Tunica and Carpus
Xylos Wood
English – Tamil Terminology
Abscission 6ßEà
Abscission zone 6±Ý2©Ô¤
Absorption spectrum ;5ßÜ®LIT[M
Action spectrum ;Y@JàLåLIT[M
Activated diffusion ZIÝH©ÚEÜHØCHKPà
Active transport 3äLà@Tß>CÚEà
Adhesion ;Ø}[D¶
Aeroponics >TäÅC>PNßÜ®
Anabolic Z@ßÔ[>ÖY@Jà
Annual rings 3Ù©P[NJÕ>ã
Antenna molecules 9äÂMÔ·²>ã
Apical cell theory ¬Y@àY>Tã[>
Arithmetic growth 8Ù>~EPNßÖz
Ascent of sap @TZLäLÝ
Assimilatory power EåIJITÔ¤Ý3äLà
Autonomous movement EåÖ[@JTG2[@¶>ã
Autumn wood or late wood ¤ßÔ>TMÔ>Ø[C2àM«åH±PÔ>Ø[C
Axial parenchyma 2Ö¦HTKÕ[>IT
Bicollateral vascular bundle 4±HÔ>;±Õ>[IÛEPTæ¤MÔ>ä[L
Biosynthetic phase 6ßIZETäL[M
Biosequestration 6ßPE[IÜH©Ú«Eà
Brown heart disease [IJ>±Ô>àZFTÞ
Callus ¦ÚKã
Carbon fixation >TßHå[M²ÚEÝ
Carbon di oxide compensation point >TßHå[C3Ô[RØ5©Y@Þ°Ý®ã
Carrier protein ETÕxÜ®KEÝY>TÙ©Y@à³Ý®KEÝ
Catabolic z[EÔ¤ÝY@Jà
Catalytic amination [GÃÔ>2[IZGTPTÔ>Ý
Cavitation ¤OTEà
Channel protein >TàPTÞ®KEÝ
Chelating agents [DÔ¤Ý>TK~
Chemiosmotic theory ZP@áÉ©HKPàZ>TØHT©
Chlorophyll HÖ[@JÝ
Chloroplast H¦Õ>~>Ý
Chlorosis HÖ[@JZ@T[>
Closed collateral vascular bundles Â}J;±Õ>[IÛEPTæ¤MÔ>ä[L>ã
Cohesion ·Ø}[D¶
Collateral vascular bundles ;±Õ>[IÛEPTæ¤MÔ>ä[L>ã
Companion cells «[DÖY@à>ã
Compensation point 5©Y@Þ°Ý®ã
Concentration gradient Y@¶@
Concentric vascular bundles ¹O[IÛEPTæ¤MÔ>ä[L>ã
Core complex [IJ3ETK·ØC[IÜ®
Critical concentration ߶Ô>ØCY@¶
Day neutral plants FTãF©[METPKÕ>ã
Deamination 2ZGTÔ>Ý
Dendrochronology IKPJJà
Deplasmolysis NTæITz[E¶Øz
Dicarboxylic acid pathway [C>TßHTÔzÔ2M¦Oäz
Die back of shoot EÙ}å¬2}4LÜ®
Diffusion HKPà
Dimorphic chloroplast 4±P}PH¦Õ>~>Ý
Drought resistance PLØz[J8ßÜH[P
Efflux 2JYPÜ®>à
Electro magnetic spectrum å>TÛELIT[M
Electron transport chain 8MÔØKTå>CÚ«@Õx
Emerson’s enhancement effect 8Iß@[CJZIÝH©ÚEÜHØC[N¶
Endergonic 3äLà9ä¤Ý[G
Endosymbiotic hypothesis 2>·Ø©ßZ>TØHT©
Eutrophication [>7ØC[M
Exarch Xylem YPZFTÔ¤[@MÝ
Exergonic 3äLàYP©Ý[G
Extinction point 2¶Ü®ã
Fermentation YFTÚEà
Fibre Tracheids FTß}KÔ©>ã
Flourescence 6Cå;ßEà
Flux 2J®>à
Geometric growth {ZJTEPNßÖz
Grand period of growth YITÚEPNßÖzÔ>TMÝ
Growth rate YH±IPNßÖz EÝ
Halophiles 6PßFTØC¶
Halophytes 6Pß[METPKÕ>ã
Heart wood [PKÔ>Ø[C
Heliophytes ;[J±Ý®ÝETPKÕ>ã
Histogen theory æZCTAåY>Tã[>
Histogenesis æZCTYAzæ
HMP shunt ċĐēITä²PÜHT[E
Hydathode ß>z¶Ú«[N
Hydroponics ß7C>PNßÜ®
Imbibition 6ãßÚEà
Influx 2J6Ø®>à
Interveinal chlorosis FKÝ[CHÖ[@JZ@T[>
Isomerisation ITäJITEà
Lag phase 6±PTÔ>[M
Lenticel HØ[CÚ«[N
Light harvesting complex ;2²P[C·ØC[IÜ®
Link reaction 4[DÜ®[G
Log phase Øz°²[M
Macro nutrients YH±I7ØCÂMÕ>ã
Malate Shuttle mechanism ITZMرܮY@Jà
Mass meristem YHT±Ù[I3Ô¤¦
Matric potential 7C>6ØLå
Micro nutrients ¬Ù7ØCÂMÕ>ã
Mineral Nutrition >I7ØCÝ
Mitochondrial matrix [IØZCT>TÙØ
Necrosis [F¶Ü®Ù>ã
Nitrate Assimilation [FØZKØEåIJITEà
Nitrogen metabolism [FØKAåPNßz[EITäLÝ
Non-porous wood «[N>NäL>Ø[C
Nutation ¦OM[@¶
Obligate parasite >ØCTJ;Ø©Ù~
Open vascular bundle LÛEPTæ¤MÔ>ä[L
Oxygen evolving complex (OEC) 3ÔAå6±PTԤݷØC[IÜ®
Paper chromatography PÙD
Paratonic movement ¾ÙCÜH©Ý2[@¶>ã
Parthenocarpy [EMTÔ>
Passive transport 3äLà@TKT>CÚEà
Pay off phase [N[M
Phosphorescence åYLTßEàETIEI²;ßEà
Photo chemical phase ;ZP[M
Photo oxidation phase ;3ÔAZGäL[M
Photo respiration ;¦PT@Ý
Photolysis ;åKTäH¤Ü®
Photon ;Ú«>ã
Photoperiodic induction ;Ô>TMÚ«P¾Ù©Eà
Photoperiodism ;Ô>TMÚ«PÝ
Photophosphorylation ;HTæH
Photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle ;ÖZ@ß[>å>TßHå;©Ô>¦Oäz
Photosynthetic unit (Quantasome) ;ÖZ@ßÔ[>2M¤¤PTÙZCTZ@TÝ
Photosystem L2[IÜ®;2[IÜ®
Plant antitranspirants KTÜZHTÔ¤ÚE©ÜHTå>ã
Plasmolysis NTæITz[E¶
Plasticity 6±IT²ÝEå[I
Porous woods «[NÔ>Ø[C
Preparatory phase 3JÚE[M
Pressure potential 2µÚEJàLå
Primary growth ¯Eà[MPNßÖz
Programmed cell death ØCCÜHØCY@à4LÜ®
Proton gradient ®ZKTØCTå@
Pumps 6Û>ã
Quiescent centre concept 6LÔ>[IJÔY>Tã[>
Radial vascular bundles 3KÜZHTÔ>[IÛEPTæ¤MÔ>ä[L>ã
Ray parenchyma >ßHTKÕ[>IT
Reaction Centre [G[IJÝ
Red drop zPÜ® âÖz
Redox reaction 3ÔAZGäL;©Ô>[G
Reducing power ;©Ô¤Ý3äLà
Respiratory quotient ¦PT@5¶
Reverse osmosis åZGTÔxJ@áÉ©HKPà
Rib meristem P
Ring Bark P[NJHØ[C
Sap wood @Tä²Ô>Ø[C
Scale Bark Y@àHØ[C
Seed dormancy [E6LÔ>Ý
Semi autonomy HT¦J@Tß®Eå[I
Senescence ÂÜH[CEà
Slime bodies æ[MÝ6CMÕ>ã
Solute potential >[KYHT±ãLå
Source ZETä²PTÞ
Spring wood or early wood P@ÛEÔ>TMÔ>Ø[C2àM«¯åH±PÔ>Ø[C
Stress escapers YF±Ô>}[JEÜÚ«ÔY>Tã´ÝETPKÕ>ã
Stress physiology YF±Ô>}@TßPTâJà
Substrate phosphorylation ENÜYHT±ãHTæH
Sunken stomata 6ؤÛE4[MÚ«[N
Terminal oxidation 4²3ÔAZGäLÝ
Thermonastic YPÜH¾ÙCà
Thigmotactic YET©6D߶2[@¶
Transamination 2[IZGTITäLÝ
Tunica corpus theory ¼>T>TßHæY>Tã[>
Vernalization EØHÜHEGÝ
Water potential
Xeric Succession PLãETPKH}[MPNßÖz
Competitive Exam Questions
4. You are given a fairly old piece of a dicot 10. Sugarcane plant has (AIIMS 2009)
stem and a dicot root. Which of the a. reticulate venation
following anatomical structures will you b. capsular fruits
use to distinguish between the two? (CBSE c. pentamerous flowers
-AIPMT 2014) d. dump-bell shaped guard cells
a. secondary xylem
11. Vascular tissues in flowering plants develop
b. secondary phloem
from (CBSE- AIPMT 2008 & JIPMER
c. protoxylem
d. cortical cells
a. phellogen b. plerome
5. Heart wood differs from sapwood in (CBSE
c. periblem d. dermatogen
-AIPMT 2010)
a. the presence of rays and fibres 12. The length of different internodes in a culm
b. the absence of vessels and parenchyma of sugarcane is variable because of (CBSE
c. having dead and non-conducting -AIPMT 2008)
elements a. short apical meristem
d. being susceptible to hosts and pathogens b. position of axillary buds
c. size of leaf lamina at the node below each characterized by (CBSE -AIPMT 2003)
internode a. having dense cytoplasm and
d. intercalary meristems prominent nucleus
b. having light cytoplasm and small
13. Passage cells are thin-walled cells found in
(CBSE -AIPMT 2007)
c. dividing regularly to add to the corpus
a. endodermis of roots facilitating rapid
d. dividing regularly to add to tunica
transport of water from cortex to
pericycle 18. P. Protein is found in (CBSE- AIPMT 2000)
b. phloem elements that serve as entry a. parenchyma b. collenchyma
points for substances for transport to c. sieve tube d. xylem
other plant parts
c. testa of seeds to enable emergence of 19. Specialized epidermal cells surrounding the
growing embryonic axis during seed guard cells are called (NEET (I) 2016)
germination a. bulliform cells
d. central region of style through which b. lenticels
the pollen tube grows towards the ovary c. complementary cells
d. subsidiary cells
14. Which one of the following is not a lateral
meristem (CBSE -AIPMT 2010) Directions:
a. interfascicular cambium The following questions 20 & 21 consist of two
b. phellogen statements, one labelled Assertion and the
c. intercalary meristem another labelled Reason. Select the correct
d. intrafascicular cambium answer from the codes given below:
a) Both assertion and reason are true and
15. A common feature of vessel elements and reason is the correct explanation of assertion
sieve tube elements is (CBSE- AIPMT 2007) b) Both assertion and reason are true, but
a. enucleate condition reason is not the correct explanation of
b. presence of P. Protein assertion
c. thick secondary wall c) Assertion is true but reason is false
d. pores on lateral walls d) Assertion and reason are false
16. In a longitudinal section of a root, starting 20. Assertion: Conducting tissues, especially
from the tip upward, the four zones occur xylem show greatest reduction in submerged
in the following order (CBSE -AIPMT hydrophytes.
a. root cap, cell division, cell enlargement, Reason: Hydrophytes live in water. So no
cell maturation need of tissues. (AIIMS – 2010)
b. root cap, cell division, cell maturation, Ans: c.
cell enlargement 21. Assertion: Long distance flow of photo
c. cell division, cell enlargement, cell assimilates in plants occurs through sieve
maturation, root cap tubes.
d. cell division, cell maturation, cell Reason: Mature sieve tubes have partial
enlargement, root cap cytoplasm and perforated sieve plates
(AIIMS – 2012)
17. The cells of the quiescent centre are
Ans: a.
22. Duramen is present in (JIPMER 2016) a. phelloderm b.primary phloem
a. the inner region of secondary wood c. secondary xylem d. periderm
b. a part of sap wood
c. the outer region of secondary wood 30. Which of the following plants shows multiple
d. region of pericycle epidermis? (Manipal 2012)
a. Croton b. Allium
23. The interxylary phloem is found in the stem c. Nerium d. Cucurbita
of (JIPMER 2013)
a. Cucurbita b. Salvia UNIT -5 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY
c. Calotropis d. none of these
1. The water potential of pure water is (NEET
24. Wound healing is due to (JIPMER 2013) 2017)
a. ventral meristem a. Less than zero
b. secondary meristem b. More than zero but less than one
c. primary meristem c. More than one
d. all of these d. Zero
25. Which of the following tissues consists of 2. Transpiration and root pressure cause
living cells (JIPMER 2012) water to rise in plants by (NEET 2015)
a. vessels b. tracheids a. pulling it upward
c. companion cell d. sclerenchyma b. pulling and pushing it, respectively
26. The Quiescent centre in root meristem c. pushing it upward
serves as a (JIPMER 2011) d. pushing and pulling it, respectively
a. site for storage of food, which is utilized 3. Movement of ions or molecules in a
during maturation direction opposite to that of prevailing
b. reservoir of growth hormones electro-chemical gradient is known as
c. reserve for replenishment of damaged (C.B.S.E. 2000)
cells of the meristem a. Active transport
d. region for absorption of water b. Pinocytosis
27. In the sieve elements, which one of the c. Brownian movement
following is the most likely function of d. Diffusion
P.Proteins? (JIPMER 2011)
a) Deposition of callose on sieve plates 4. Correct sequence of events in wilting?
b. Providing energy for active translocation (P.M.T. Kerala 2001)
c. Autolytic enzymes a. Exosmosis-deplasmolysis-temporary
d. Sealing-off mechanism on wounding and permanent wilting
b. Exosmosis-plasmolysis-temporary
28 .Which of the following is made up of dead and permanent wilting
cells? (NEET 2017) c. Endosmosis-plasmolysis-temporary
a. Xylem parenchyma b. Collenchyma and permanent wilting
c. Phellem d. Phloem d. Endosmosis-deplasmolysis - temporary
29. The vascular cambium normally gives rise to and permanent wilting
(NEET 2017) e. Exosmosis-deplasmolysis-plasmolysis -
temporary and permanent wilting
5. What will be the direction of net osmotic b. Water plus minerals
movement of water if a solution 'A', c. Water plus enzymes
enclosed in a semi permeable membrane, d. All of these
having an osmotic potential of '- 30' bars
and turgor pressure of '5' bars is submerged 12. Stomata of a plant open due to (CBSE 2003)
in a solution 'B' with an osmotic potential of a. Influx of potassium ions
'- 10' bars and '0' turgor pressure ? (C.E.T. b. Efflux of potassium ions
Karnataka 2002) c. Influx of hydrogen ions
a. Equal movement in both directions d. Influx of calcium ions
b. 'B' to 'A'
c. No movement 13. Potometer works on the principle of
d. 'A' to 'B' (CBSE 2000)
a. Osmotic pressure
6. The pressure exerted by a swollen vacuole b. Amount of water absorbed equals the
on the cell wall is (C.M.C. Vellore 2002) amount transpired
a. OP b. WP c. Potential difference between the tip of
c. TP d. DPD the tube and then of the plant
d. Root pressure
7. Who said that ‘transpiration is a necessary
evil’? (JIPMER-2006) 14. Most suitable theory for ascent of sap is
a. Curtis b. Steward (CBSE 1991, CPMT-UP 1995)
c. Anderson d. J.C.Bose a. Transpirational pull and cohesion
theory of Dixon and Jolly
8. Which one gives the most valid and recent
b. Pulsation theory of J.C. Bose
explanation for stomatal movements?
c. Relay pump theory of Godlewski
(NEET 2015)
d. None of these
a. Transpiration
b. Potassium influx and efflux 15. If a cell kept in a solution of unknown
c. Starch hydrolysis concentration gets deplasmolysed, the
d. Guard cell photosynthesis solution is, (CPMT-UP 1996)
a. Detonic b. Hypertonic
9. Carrier proteins are involved in ( P M T -
c. Isotonic d. Hypotonic
a. Active transport of ions 16. Which is essential for the growth of root tip
b. Passive transport of ions ? (NEET PHASE II 2016)
c. Water transport a. Zn b. Fe
d. Water evaporation c. Ca d. Mn
10. Active transport of ions in the cell requires 17. On the basis of symptoms of chlorosis in
(PMT MP 2002) leaves, a student inferred that this was due to
a. High temperature b. ATP deficiency of nitrogen. The inference could
c. Alkaline pH d. Salts be correct only if we assume that yellowing
of leaves appeared first in (AIIMS 2007)
11. Guttated liquid is (AFMC 2002) a. old leaves b. young leaves
a. Pure water c. young leaves followed by mature leaves
d. mature leaves followed by young leaves. 25. The first stable product of fixation of
atmospheric nitrogen in leguminous plants
18. Cytochrome oxidase contains (UP CPMT is _____ (AIPMT 2013)
2006) a. NO-3 b. glutamate
a. Iron b. Magnesium
c. NO -2
d. ammonia
c. Zinc d. Copper
26. C4 plants are more efficient in photosynthesis
19. Which is correct to saprophytic than C3 plants due to (AIPMT 2010)
angiosperms? (UP CPMT 2006) a. presence of thin cuticle
a. They secrete enzyme outside the body
b. lower rate of photorespiration
and absorb
c. higher leaf area
b. They have mycorrhizae fungi
d. presence of larger number of chloroplast
c. They take food and then digest it
in the leaf cells.
d. They are photosynthetic
27. Chlorophyll b is (JIPMER 1980)
20. The ability of the venus fly trap to capture a. C54H70 O6 N4 Mg
insects is due to (JIPMER 2008)
b. C55H70 O6 N4 Mg
a. chemical stimulation by the prey
c. C55H72 O5 N4 Mg
b. a passive process requiring no special
d. C45H72 O5 N4 Mg
ability on the part of the plant.
c. Specialized muscle like cells 28. Synthesis of ADP + Pi o ATP in grana is
d. rapid turgor pressure changes (AIIMS 1993)
a. phosphorylation
21. Boron in green plants assists in (RPMT
b. photophosphorylation
c. oxidative phosphorylation
a. photosynthesis
d. photolysis
b. Sugar transport
c. activation of enzyme 29. In chloroplast, chlorophyll is present in the
d. acting as enzyme cofactor (AIPMT 2004)
a. stroma
22. Which of the following elements is very
b. outer membrane
essential for the uptake of Ca2+ and
c. inner membrane
membrane function? (Kerala CEE 2007)
d. thylakoids
a. phosphorus b. molybdenum
c. manganese d. boron 30. Electrons from the excited chlorophyll
molecule of photosystem II are accepted
23. Sulphur is not a constituent of (AMU 2011)
first by (AIPMT 2008)
a. cysteine b. methionine
a. quinone b. ferredoxin
c. ferredoxin d. pyridoxine
c. cytochrome-b d. cytochrome-f
24. Deficiency symptoms of nitrogen and
31. Read the following four statements A,B,C
potassium are visible first in _____ (AIPMT
and D. Select the right option (AIPMT 2010)
A. Z scheme of light reaction takes place in
a. senescent leaves b. young leaves
the presence of PS I only
c. roots d. buds
B. only PS I is functional in cyclic water use efficiency, shows high rates of
photophosphorylation photosynthesis at high temperatures and has
C. cyclic photophosphorylation results into improved efficiency of nitrogen utilization.
synthesis of ATP and NADPH2 In which of the following physiological
D. stroma lamellae lack PS II as well as groups would you assign this plant? (NEET
a. A and B b. B and C a. C4 b. CAM
c. C and D d. B and D c. Nitrogen fixer d. C3
32. Photolysis of each water molecule in light 37. Emerson's enhancement effect and Red
reaction will yield ___ (Kerala CEE 2007) drop have been instrumental in the
a. 2 electrons and 4 protons discovery of (NEET PHASE I 2016)
b. 4 electrons and 4 protons a. two photosystems operating
c. 4 electrons and 3 protons
b. photophosphorylation and cyclic
d. 2 electrons and 2 protons
electron transport
33. Photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) has c. oxidative phosphorylation
the following range of wavelength (AIPMT d. photophosphorylation and non-cyclic
2005) electron transport
a. 400-700 nm b. 450-920 nm
c. 340-450 nm d. 500-600 nm 38. The process which makes major difference
between C3 and C4 plants is (NEET PHASE
34. Phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) is the primary II 2016)
CO2 acceptor in __ (NEET 2017) a. glycolysis b. calvin cycle
a. C3 plants b. C4 plants c. photorespiration d. respiration
c. C2 plants d. C3 and C4 plants
39. In a chloroplast the highest number of
35. With reference to factors affecting the rate protons are found in (NEET PHASE I 2016)
of photosynthesis, which of the following a. lumen of thylakoids
statements is not correct? (NEET 2017) b. inter membrane space
a light saturation for CO2 fixation occurs at c. antennae complex
10 % of full sunlight d. stroma
b. increasing atmospheric CO2
concentration up to 0.05% can enhance 40. Oxidative phosphorylation is (NEET
CO2 fixation rate 2016)
c. C3 plants respond to higher temperature a. formation of ATP by transfer of phosphate
with enhanced photosynthesis while C4 group from a substrate to ADP
plants have much lower temperature b. oxidation of phosphate group in ATP
optimum. c. Aaddition of phosphate group to ATP
d. tomato is a greenhouse crop which can d. formation of ATP by energy released
be grown in CO2 enriched atmosphere from electrons during substrate
for higher yield oxidation.
c. indole acetic acid a. Abscisic acid b. Zeatin
d. zeatin c. Indole – 3 – acetic acid
d. Ethylene
51. Coconut milk factor is (PMT 2003)
a. auxin b. gibberellin 59. Root development is promoted by
c. abscisic acid d. cytokinin (AIPMT 2010)
a. Auxin b. Gibberellin
52. Banana is seedless because (JIPMER
c. Ethylene d. Abscisic acid
a. it produces asexually 60. Senscence as an active developmental cellular
b. auxin is sprayed process in the growth and functioning of
c. both A and B a flowering plant is indicated in (AIPMT
d. none of the above 2008)
a. Annual plants
53. Pruning of plants promotes branching due b. Floral plants
to sensation of axillary buds by (AIIMS c. Vessels and Tracheid differentiation
d. Leaf abscission
a. Ethylene b. Gibberellin
c. IAA d. Cytokinin 61. You are given a tissue with its potential
for differentiation in an artificial culture.
54 Avena curvature test is bioassay for activity Which of the following pairs of hormones
of (AIIMS 2006) (NEET 2016) would you add to the medium to secure
a. Auxin b. Ethylene shoots as well as roots?
c.Cytokinin d. Gibberellin (NEET 2016)
a. Gibberellin and abscissic acid
55. One of the synthetic auxin is (AIPMT
b. IAA and gibberellins
a. IBA b. NAA c. Auxin and cytokinin
c. IAA d. GA d. Auxin and abscisic acid
Bio-Botany - Class XI
List of Authors and Reviewers
Reviewers Authors
Dr. K.V. Krishnamurthy, P. Senthil, P.G. Assistant in Botany,
Professor and Head (Rtd), GBHSS, Uthangarai, Krishnagiri.
Bharathidasan University, Trichy
P. Saravanakumaran,
Dr. P. Ravichandran, P.G. Assistant in Botany, GHSS, Koduvilarpatti, Theni.
Associate Professor and Head,
Department of Botany, MS University, Tirunelveli Dr. N. Maheshkumar, Dist. Environmental Coordinator,
Chief Educational Office, Namakkal.
Dr. R. Ravindhran,
Associate Professor and Head, P. Anandhimala, P.G. Assistant in Botany,
Department of Plant Biology and Biotechnology, GGHSS,Pochampalli, Krishnagiri.
Loyola College, Chennai. Dr. P. Sivashankar,
Dr. M.P. Ramanujam, P.G. Assistant in Botany, GGHSS, Nachiyar Koil. Thanjavur.
Associate Professor of Botany G. Muthu, P.G. Assistant in Botany,
Kanchi Mamunivar Center for Post Graduate Studies GHSS (ADW) Achampatti, Madurai.
Pondichery J. Mani, P.G. Assistant in Botany,
Academic Coordinators GHSS, R Gobinathampatti, Dharmapuri.
U. Kalirajan,P.G. Assistant in Botany,
K. Manjula, ADWHSS, Meenambakkam, Kancheepuram.
Lecturer in Botany, DIET, Triplicane, Chennai.
G. Sathiyamoorthy,
V.Kokila Devi, PGTGHSS, Jayapuram, Vellore.
P.G. Assistant in Botany,Mahendravadi,Vellore. S.B. Amuthavalli, P.G. Assistant in Botany,
GHSS, Ottery (Extension), Vandalur, Kancheepuram.
Domain Experts
S. Malar Vizhi,P.G. Assistant in Botany,
Dr. S.S. Rathinakumar,Principal (Rtd.), GHSS, Chenbagaramanputhoor, Kannyakumari.
Sri Subramania Swamy Government Arts College, Thiruthani.
G. Bagyalakshmi, P.G. Assistant in Botany,
Dr. D. Narashiman, Professor and Head (Rtd.), GGHSS, Jalagandapuram, Salem.
Plant Biologly & BioTechnology, MCC College, Tambaram,
Kancheepuram. M. Chelladurai,
P.G. Assistant in Botany, GGHSS, Samuthiram, Salem.
Dr. Mujeera Fathima, Associate Professor of Botany,
Govt. Arts & Science College, Nandanam, Chennai. C. Kishore Kumar,
P.G. Assistant in Botany, GHSS, Thattaparai,Vellore.
Dr. K.P. Girivasan, Associate Professor of Botany,
Govt. Arts & Science College, Nandanam, Chennai. M. Vijayalakshmi , P.G. Assistant in Botany,
Dr. C.V. Chitti Babu, Associate Professor of Botany, Model School, Asthinapuram, Ariyalur.
Presidency College, Chennai. M. Lakshmi, P.G. Assistant in Botany,
Dr. Renu Edwin, Associate Professor of Botany, Sri Sankara Senior Secondary School, Adyar, Chennai.
Presidency College, Chennai. M. Chamundeswari, P.G. Assistant in Botany,
Dr. D. Kandavel, Associate Professor of Botany, Prince MHSS, Nanganallur, Kancheepuram.
Periyar EVR College, Trichy.
Dr. T. Sekar, Associate Professor of Botany, Content Readers
Pachaiyappa's College, Chennai.
Dr. T. S. Subha, Associate Professor in Botany,
Dr. D. Kathiresan, Assosiate Professor of Botany, Bharathi Women’s College, Chennai.
Saraswathi Narayana College, Madurai.
Dr. M. Pazhanisami,
Dr. S. Nagaraj, Assistant Professor of Botany, Associate Professor in Botany,
University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai. Govt. Arts College, Nandanam, Chennai
Dr. M. Kumar, Assistant Professor of Botany, Dr. G. Rajalakshmi, Assistant Professor in Botany,
MCC College, Tambaram, Kancheepuram. Bharathi Women’s College, Chennai.
Dr. R. Kavitha, Assistant Professor in Botany,
Bharathi Women’s college, Chennai.
Art and Design Team
Chief Co-ordinator and Creative Head ICT Coordinator
Srinivasan Natarajan N. Rajesh Kumar, B.T. Assistant,
CCMAGGHSS, Coimbatore
Gopu Rasuvel,
Karthik kalaiarasu
A. Jeyaseelan, Art Teacher
GBHSS, Uthangarai, Krishnagiri.
S.Gopu, Dr. N. Maheshkumar, Sathish,
Srinivasan This book has been printed on 80 G.S.M.
Elegant Maplitho paper.
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QC - Gopu Rasuvel
- Rajesh Thangappan
- Karthik Kalaiarasu
Wrapper Design
Kathir Arumugam
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