Microsoft PowerPoint - Ester Cured Sodium Silicate

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Ester cured sodium silicate

A valid process for sand


59 th Indian Foundry Congress Author Ing. Cozzi Carlo

Feb 11-
11-13, 2011 Sales Manager – Sogemi Engineering
Chandigarh - India Milan - Italy
Sodium silicate binder
 It’s a binder based on a module with SiO2-Na2O ratio
varying from 2 to 2.6
 The most popular application method consists of
hardening moulds and cores by injection of CO2 gas
 Another possibility is the addition of a liquid hardener,
generally organic esters, in a normal continuous mixer
 In the presence of aqueous silicate, CO2 gas, or acid,
released by hydrolysis of ester causes precipitation of
a silica gel that, due to a further loss of water,
solidifies the sand to make the required shape.
Advantages of sodium silicate

Low incidence of gas defects

Very low incidence of cracks in castings

No sulphur, phosphorus and nitrogen

Safety for operators and environment

Negative factors which effected
sodium silicate use
 Low strength and break-down capacity
 Short preservation
 Low flow ability of the sand mix
 High shake-out time-bench life ratio (in case
of silicate/liquid hardener)
 Difficult sand reclamation
Stregth depends on

growing application percentages

growing silicate module

type of silicate
Break-down capacity depends on

percentage of the applied binder

silicate module

type of silicate
Break -down relations



soda contents
(higher module)
• saccharine
• dextrose
Addition of • wood flour
• graphite

better break-down capacity

loss of strength and core use of special
preservation organic material
Sand mix flow ability
Depends on:
 percentage of the applied silicate
 silicate viscosity

Development of products with low viscosity modified by

special additives and which allowed to reduce considerably
the percentage ofapplication.
Bench life and shake-out time
 A short bench life means high module and, in case
of silicate/hardener, a higher setting velocity.
 the higher the sand/ambient temperature, the
shorter the bench life and, in case of
silicate/liquid hardener, the higher the setting

Development of hardener which influences setting velocity

Sand reclamation

 wet sand reclamation with high yields requires

very large volumes of sand to justify the high
investment involved
 plant dimensions have to be very large and in
addition washing water must be treated

Dry sand reclamation seems to be the only

economically acceptable solution
Sand reclamation
reclamation:: problems
The following problems have been found during the
development of this process

 due to its increased accumulation, residual binders in

the sand interfere with the hardening reaction
reducing the bench life of the sand mixtures to a
point where regular production of moulds and cores is
 accumulation of residual material also increases the
content of soda in the sand, continuously reducing
sand refractoriness.
Sand reclamation
reclamation:: target


Sand reclamation
reclamation:: solutions
From chemical poinf of view:
 use of propylene carbonate (ester) which, when in
contact with silicate, hydrolyse, causing the
precipitation of silica without leaving any residue to
effect the plasticity of the silica film

From installation poinf of view:

 Use of a thermo-mechanical reclamation because
heating the silicate film which covers the sand
grain greatly helps the removing of the elastic film
of silicate
Sand reclamation
reclamation:: topics

 sand heating in a fluid bed dryer with a

temperature of 150 °C where sand looses the
main part of its incorporated water, therefore
the silicate film which covers the sand grains
becomes stiff and fragile.
 mechanical attrition to remove the silicate film
 sand cooling, classification and dedusting in a
fluid bed machine
 pneumatic conveying of sand to storage silos
Sand fluid-bed
Sand fluid-bed
Crusher cooler/classifier

Attrition mill for

mechanical treatment
Reclaimed sand
sand:: typical results

 L.O.I. at 550°
550° C. 0,6% max
 Alkalinity 0,3% max (NA20 content)
 Fines < 100 mesh 3.0% max

Bench life and shake out time at 20ºC are

doubled if compared to new sand

Yield of reclamation is 90-95% with only

5-10% addition of new sand, mainly with
To keep these results constant …
… it is necessary to check the following

 % of binder and hardener in use (3-3.5 % of

sand for binder, 10% of binder for hardener)

 chemical and physical features of the sand

 working conditions of the reclamation plant,

with special attention to sand temperature
inside the drier, wear of the friction mill and
dust collection of the sand.
Case study:
study: Farem foundry
Remanzacco (Italy)
 Steelmaking foundry producing valves, castings for
mechanic industry
 Weight from 10 to 5000 kg

 4000 ton/year production

 Ester cured sodium silicate as binder

 Use of silica sand and chromite sand

 Thermo-mechanic reclamation plant

 Chromite separation from silica sand

Typical castings produced by
Reclaimed silica sand analysis
 L.O.I. 0,33%

 NA20 content 0,08%

 Fines < 100 mesh 4.3%

 Compression resistance 7 kg/cm2 (1 hr)


33 kg/cm2 (4 hrs

43 kg/cm2 (24 hrs


 Bench life 13 min

Sand bench life graph
Safety value
Resistance kg/cm2

Hardening time (hrs) Bench life (min)

Reclaimed chromite sand analysis
 L.O.I. 0,33%

 NA20 content 0,15%

 Fines < 100 mesh 2.6%

 Compression resistance 8 kg/cm2 (1 hr)


34 kg/cm2 (4 hrs

42 kg/cm2 (24 hrs


 Bench life 14.30 min

 Silica sand content 1.24%

Chromite bench life graph
Safety value
Resistance kg/cm2

Hardening time (hrs) Bench life (min)

 100% use of reclaimed sand for
moulding (backing)
 100% use of reclaimed chromite for
moulding (facing)
 Only 5% addition of new
sand/chromie through cores
Additional remarks
 The process can be applied using different
types of sand, such as: chromites, silica,

 Approximately 30% of sand hardened by C02

does not create any problem

 Latest sodium silicate gives good bench life and

compression strength with high room
temperature too
This process has given the following advantages

 Low moulding costs due to a lower use of binders

and higher sand reclamation.

 Very good castings with good surfaces and

impressive reduction of defects caused by gas.

 Healthier working environment and no dangerous

gas evolution.
Thanks a lot for your

For more details:


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