This document provides a list of topics that may be covered on Exam 2 for 3310. The topics include: 1) infant physical, sensory, cognitive, and language development; 2) biological and environmental influences on development; and 3) attachment systems and their stability/outcomes. Childcare trends, quality dimensions, and associated child outcomes are also listed.
This document provides a list of topics that may be covered on Exam 2 for 3310. The topics include: 1) infant physical, sensory, cognitive, and language development; 2) biological and environmental influences on development; and 3) attachment systems and their stability/outcomes. Childcare trends, quality dimensions, and associated child outcomes are also listed.
This document provides a list of topics that may be covered on Exam 2 for 3310. The topics include: 1) infant physical, sensory, cognitive, and language development; 2) biological and environmental influences on development; and 3) attachment systems and their stability/outcomes. Childcare trends, quality dimensions, and associated child outcomes are also listed.
This document provides a list of topics that may be covered on Exam 2 for 3310. The topics include: 1) infant physical, sensory, cognitive, and language development; 2) biological and environmental influences on development; and 3) attachment systems and their stability/outcomes. Childcare trends, quality dimensions, and associated child outcomes are also listed.
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3310 Study Guide for Exam 2
The following is a list of topics that may be included on the exam.
Italicized text indicates a topic from the textbook only. Infant Physical & Biological & internal working Sensory environmental model, and Development influences attachment Growth principles An interactionist systems Brain view Assessing development attachment Sleep Emotional Multiple Reflexes Development attachments Gross & fine Differential Stability & motor skills emotions theory outcomes of Malnutrition, Stranger and attachments obesity, separation anxiety Early prosocial breastfeeding Emotional behavior & Vision expression & socialization Hearing social Developmental Smell & taste relationships social Touch Mutual regulation neuroscience & model attachment Infant Cognitive Visual cliff Managing and Development research, social guiding infants’ Piaget: terms, referencing behavior sensorimotor Self-awareness, substages social emotions Child Care Carolyn Rovee- Trends/frequencie Collier’s research Temperament s Infantile amnesia Theories Types of childcare Environmental Consistent views Problems: influences Emotion shortage, cost, and Attention, regulation assessing quality memory, & Infants’ regulation Dimensions of imitation strategies quality care Relation between Associated child Infant Language temperament, outcomes Development regulation, and Strongest effects Language terms environment of childcare Comprehension Goodness-of-fit Marshall (2004) vs. production Attachment and reading Developmental Social Connecting with progression Development research: Language errors Personality Important and style development findings in the Infant directed Attachment National speech, language theories Longitudinal exposure Bowlby’s Study of Child Baby sign framework: Care in the US language sensitivity,