Evidencia 2 Marketing

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Evidencia 2: Market Projection

Market Share
Projection Tips for
Small Businesses

All the small business

wants to increase sales, to
succeed, you have to set
goals and strategies. The
basic principle is to define
what business remains in
your market and what is
the best way to persue that

Market Share Projection How Can a Company

is Similar to a Gap Project its Future Market
Analysis Share?
Each market is different, each
projection of market share, they
involve different circumstances.
However, the basic approach is
to determine how much new
business (units) the Company
3. Determine Current can steal from it is.
1. Determine
Market Share:
Market Size:
2. Determine Current The determination of the
The principal Business Relative to current market share
principle to Potential Business: simply involves dividing
determine the
the current business by
size of the market It is a matter of
the total market Size.
is to calculate the understanding how much
potential customers could really
within the market
The success of a Marketing plan depends on one word information Information is the key
to the success of a Marketing Plan. However, the collection and use of this information is
divided into 8 different parts:

1.Explore: Many marketing plans have been successful because they explored a variety
of ideas and plans, not just in their own sector. The more ideas you have at the beginning,
the better. The best marketer is the one who plans not only for the present but also for the

2. Anlyse your customers: The Importance of customer analysis in a previous post.

Instead of ask questions of others, ask questions of your own customers and get the best
answers and the best possible advice. In fact, not listening to customers is a sure way to
achieve marketing failure.

3.Analyse your competitor: you need to know what characteristics among those
announced by the competitors are the most prominent in the minds of the customers. You
need to point to same characteristics from a different angle. Or if you prefer the creative
form, then Prepare your own angle. Both modes work. However, in any case, it is
necessary Know your customers and your competitors, as well as the market scenario.

4. Analyse yourself: At this stage, you must decide what your budget is, how many men
How many hours can you dedicate to this campaign, whether you have the ability to go or
not, or if there is a need for price promotions. The refore its general
The strategy will depend on your position in the market.

5. Prepare your marketing plan: It is the stage where you need to use
your data and formulate a strategy. You also need to reduce the entire marketing plan. In
this stage, you decide your long-term strategy, as well as short-term. Marketing plans are
made months in advance. The refore you need to anticipate the
upcoming events.

6. Implement: Contingency plans are used when your strategy is not right. The best brands
always have a prepared contingency plan. While it is implemented, keep in touch with the
market and with people involved and anticipate any negativity, as well as capitalizing on
any positive aspects that are developed during implementation.

7. Follow up: The marketing plan has already been implemented. Monitoring does not
have to be too complicated. In fact, it should be as simple as possible.

8. Explore other opportunities: Your customers do not expect the same thing over and over
again from you. On the contrary, the more varied you keep it, the better is the response of
the customers.

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