Functional Description of The Vacuum Pump Set-1
Functional Description of The Vacuum Pump Set-1
Functional Description of The Vacuum Pump Set-1
1. General description of the 3- stage vacuum pump set
1.1. Mode of operation of Process Vacuum -Rotary Piston Blowers
1.2. Operational description of the pump set
2. Description of principal Instrumentation and control equipment
3. Trips and alarm functions
3.1. Alarm functions
3.2. Trip functions
3.2.1.Trip functions handled by DCS control
3.2.2.Trip functions handled by HV switch gear (hard wired)
3.2.3.Hard wired- system in HV switch gear
3.2.4.Trips directly by HV- Switch gear
The principal function of all other vacuum units is identical to unit-1
1. General description of the 3- stage vacuum pump set
The function of the pump set is based on the use of 3 single blower stages with interstage
cooling of gas in water cooled heat exchangers. Each blower stage gets cooled gas from the
intercooler and therefore will be internally cooled by so called pre- inlet cooling.
1.1 Mode of operation of Process Vacuum -Rotary Piston Blowers
Process Vacuum rotary blowers work on the basis of the well known principle of non
contact rotary pistons. Two pistons rotate in a cast iron casing without contacting one another. The
shape of their path of rotation is similar to that of an eight. The non contact operation of the rotary
pistons is ensured by a synchronous coupling via gears. The clearance between the rotary pistons
and the wall of the casing is reduced to a minimum, to ensure that only a small backflow of gas is
possible to the suction side at a defined differential pressure without the pistons contacting the
casing due to the thermal expansion of the material.
A nearly closed conveying chamber is created by the rotary pistons and gas
from the suction side will be supplied to the discharge side of the blower. The gas as at the discharge
side is cooled down in a heat exchanger and a partial flow of the cooled gas will be directed to the
conveying chamber via the pre-in-let channel. The compression is caused by the backflow of
previously compressed and cooled gas from the discharge side into the pre- inlet channel. Using this
process, the compression process is anticipated before the piston opens the conveying chamber to
the discharge side. By applying this method of a pre-compression with cooled gas the compression
heat will be dissipated by internal cooling the moment it is generated. Therefore higher differential
pressures are possible as compared to machines with no cooling system. A dry generation of
vacuum is assured.
Process Vacuum pump sets are a combination of several single pumping stages
interconnected by pipes.
The pumping stages will be driven via a coupling and an intermediate gear drive
respectively. a V-belt drive. Based on the final pressure obtained during evacuation and the
pressure relationship between the individual stages, various differential pressures exist and
consequently compression heat and mechanical losses are created which will have to be dissipated.
1.2 Operational description of the pump set
The pump set is consisting of 3 single intercooled blower stages which are con nected for parallel
and serial operation.
At each new vacuum cycle the first stage 5C6.320-1 starts to evacuate the adsorber and
discharges the gas directly to the pulsation damper 5B 6.328 via check valves on line number 500-
QR-2227-F and 500-QR-2228-F During that short time interval the pump set operates only with the
first stage up to a defined suction pressure (PR 5/92102) of approx. 600 mbar. The other two stages
operate without compression (Dp = 0).
Below 600 mbar at the inlet pipe (PR 5/92102) the actual gas flow to 2nd blower stage is
less enough that it can be taken 100 % by second blower stage 5C6.320-2. The gas directly flows to
the pulsation damper 5B 6.328 via check valve on line number 500-QR-2231-F. Check valves on
line number 500-QR-2227-F and 500-QR-2228-F have already closed at suction pressure of 600
mbar. During that pressure interval the unit is working as a 2- stage system.
Below 300 mbar suction pressure (PR 5/92102) the actual gas flow is less enough that it can
be taken 100 % by third stage blower 5C6.320-3. The gas directly flows to the pulsation damper 5B
6.328 , check valve on line number 500-QR-2231-F has closed at 300 mbar suction pressure, Check
valves on line number 500-QR-2227-F and 500-QR-2228-F are still closed. During that time the unit
is working as a 3- stage system.
A new vacuum cycle will start with a pressure of 1100 mbar abs. In order to prevent the
pump set against a to high suction pressure a possible high suction pressure will be released
directly to the outlet via check valve 500-QR-2218-F using the by-pass piping.
Operation step: Stand- By Mode with (N21 Set point: 150 mbara
Operation step: Normal operation with (CQ2) Set point: 100 mbara
As well the suction pressure trips has to be changed accordingly the actual operation
Generally all trips and alarms can be handled either by DCS control or by fail safe interlocking
system at HV switch gear. The Process Data List as well as the interlocking list shows which
system will handle the single trips.
Please see process data list for set points and trip points.
3) Trips and alarm functions
(Please see Interlocking list, attached to this functional description)
3.1 Alarm functions
All alarm functions are generally handled by DCS control For further information see
Interlocking list.
3.2 Trip functions
Trip functions are handled either by: DCS control or HV switch gear (hard wired)
3.1.1 Trip functions handled bv DCS control
The interlocking list describes all trip functions which are handled by DCS control as well as
the action to be done.
In order to guarantee a fail safe function of the pump set following items are hard- wired connected.
- High voltage motor 5M 6.320
Within the HV- switch gear an auxiliary relay is used to connect/disconnect the
outlet of the DCS control to the solenoid valves of valves SOV 5/97108, SOV 5/97110 ,PV 5/92102A
In case the motor is in operation the aux. relay connects DCS and solenoid
valves to allow direct operation from the DCS control. In case the motor stops /trips the aux. relay
disconnects the line between DCS and solenoid valve. Therefore all valves will reach their a. m. fail
DCS outlet Trips directly bv HV- Switch gear
Actuated by the HV switch gear a motor trip will be directly executed in case of:
power failure of motor M 6.320
Temperature trip 93171-175 (motor temp.)
overload of motor M 6.320
Suction pressure switch PS 5/92115 (to low suction pressure)
The pressure trip of PS 5/92115 has to be integrated additionally into the
HV-switch gear