Lesson 2 Growth Mindset (Part 1)
Lesson 2 Growth Mindset (Part 1)
Lesson 2 Growth Mindset (Part 1)
Essential Questions:
● How do students interpret the idea of the “growth mindset” to become more positive
● To what extent does having students think critically about their language learning aid
their overall language learning?
● To what extent does having students apply their linguistic skills to another discipline aid
their overall language learning?
● How can having students research prominent public figures such as Steve Jobs help
them to think “outside the box” and enact positive change in their individual learning
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
Materials needed:
● Computer
● 1.Skimming and Scanning Skill Development worksheet
● 2.Listening for Main Ideas info gap activity
Teacher Instructions:
Important concepts: growth mindset, skimming, scanning, READY strategy
If you know what you are looking for before you start reading you can
use two helpful reading strategies to avoid having to read an entire
article for information. Although they are often conflated, skimming
and scanning are two different ways to find different information. Not
only that, but to skim and to scan a reading, you have to look in
different places.
Scanning is the technique that you should use if you have specific
information that you want to find in a piece of writing. For instance,
let’s say you want to find a good action movie playing at your local
cinema. When you look at the movie listings, your eyes are on the
lookout for keywords often associated with action films (e.g., exciting,
thrilling, fast-paced). Once you find a keyword that seems promising,
you read the words before and after it to find out some more
important information.
When scanning, your eyes are like the scanner on your printer, they
are going through the document looking for specific information and
mostly ignoring the other information.
Open Listening for Main Ideas info gap activity. Preview the
questions try to predict what sort of information you will need.
TOTAL 45 min
Collaboration/group work:
Not applicable in this asynchronous lesson.
The Skimming and Scanning Skill Development worksheet and the Listening for Main Ideas info
gap activity will be used as benchmarks assessment for reading skills presented in this lesson,
including: skimming, scanning and listening for the main idea.
1.Skimming and Scanning Skill Development worksheet
2.Listening for Main Ideas info gap activity
Handout #1
Skimming and Scanning Skill Development worksheet
Directions: Read the following questions and think about whether you will have to skim or scan
the text to find the answer. Circle “skim” if you think you need to skim the text for this information
and “scan” if you think you need to scan the text to find the answers. Then, skim the text to find
the answers to the questions that you circled “skim” for and then answer the remaining
questions by scanning the document. NOTE: You should NOT read this text from start to finish
as you should practice these two reading strategies.
2) How does the brain change when you learn? skim / scan
4) Explain two ways scientists know brains can get stronger. skim / scan
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
5) What do people need to do to learn a new skill like math? skim / scan
6) What reasons do people give for not practicing to get smarter? skim / scan
Handouts #2
Listening for Main Ideas info gap activity
not in _______________________(same
3. Three main ways to investigate these two mindset are to look at:
1. _______________________
2. focus
3. _______________________ ingredients