Nanotechnology Innovations For The Sustainable Buildings of The Future
Nanotechnology Innovations For The Sustainable Buildings of The Future
Nanotechnology Innovations For The Sustainable Buildings of The Future
driving forces for the sustainability of construction industry are appearance, etc.),
explained. Then, the term NT is defined, and significance of g) Transportation problems,
innovations in NT for a sustainable construction industry is revealed. h) Risks of environmental accidents and effects arising, as
After presenting the application areas of NT and nanomaterials for
consequences of incidents, accidents and potential
buildings with a number of cases, challenges in the adoption of this
technology are put forward, and finally the impacts of nanoparticles emergency situations,
and nanomaterials on human health and environment are discussed. i) Effects on biodiversity of atmospheric emissions.
In addition, compared with other industries, the
Keywords—Nanomaterial, self-healing concrete, self-cleaning construction industry presents an unusual case that it is long
sensor, nano sensor, steel, wood, aerogel, flexible solar panel. lasting. Much of the built environment of our time will exist in
the future, which will be the era of rising temperatures and sea
I. INTRODUCTION levels. Structures in developed countries have an average life
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International Journal of Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Vol:8, No:8, 2014
extracted from the nature, manipulated, manufactured, used in concrete becomes more durable and stronger, steel tougher,
buildings and destroyed, as well. At least 3 billion tones of glass surface self-cleaning, thus all these innovations
materials are used in buildings each year, which is equivalent contributing to a more efficient use of natural resources and
to about 40% of total global material flows and building healthy environment.
material waste is estimated to be about 2 billion tones per year Although the meaning of NT varies from field to field, it is
[7]. In this context, the potential for resource and energy broadly defined as the understanding, controlling and
conservation, as well as reduction of non-renewable resource restructuring of matter on the level of nanometers in order to
consumption, waste, toxicity, and carbon emissions through create materials of new properties and functions [11]. It
architectural applications of new and innovative technologies specifically implies not only the miniaturization, but also the
is significant. The shift from traditional to high-performance precise manipulation of the atoms and molecules to design and
and state-of-the-art applications of buildings will be possible control the properties of nanomaterials and nanosystems.
through innovations in structural materials, insulation, These properties are completely different than those possessed
coatings, adhesives, air and water purification, as well as solar by the bulk materials, producing custom-made devices with
technologies. The foremost of these innovative technologies is capabilities not found in bulk materials or in nature, or even to
the nanotechnology and nano-enhanced materials, whose replicate natural processes that have not been currently
market applications have already, began with small consumer achieved through synthetic materials.
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Vol:8, No:8, 2014
ii. The “bottom-up” approach, also called “molecular Affordable production of corrosion-free steel,
manufacturing”, introduced by Drexler et al. [15], in Production of high-performance thermal insulation
which materials are engineered from atoms or molecular materials,
components through a process of assembly or self- Production of coats and thin films with self-cleansing and
assembly. color-changing ability to minimize pollution and energy
Production of sensors and materials of nano-size with
sensing and self-repairing ability for more reliable
Knowledge and manipulation of materials and structures at
Milling nanoscale promotes the development of new applications and
Top - down Grinding new products to repair or improve the properties of
Pyrrolysis construction materials. For example, the fundamental calcium-
silicate-hydrate gel, which is responsible for the mechanical
and physical properties of cement, shrinkage, creep, porosity,
permeability and elasticity, can be modified to obtain better
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Vol:8, No:8, 2014
undergoing drastic enhancements by the advent of NT. Energy (a) (b) (c)
consumption, carbon emissions and waste are major
environmental concerns related with concrete production and
use. Portland cement, binding aggregate, water and lime,
accounts for about 12 % of concrete’s volume, but 92 % of its
energy demand. For every ton of cement production, 1.3 tons
of CO2 is released into the atmosphere. Worldwide, cement
production generates over 1.6 billion tons of carbon, more
than 8 % of total carbon emissions. Waste is also considerable,
as concrete accounts for more than two-thirds of construction
and demolition waste with only 5 % currently recycled [23]. Healing Agent
Conventional utilization of concrete must be reinforced
with steel bars to resist tension, making it a timely and Fig. 3 Self healing matrix of concrete; (a) Crack forms in material;
expensive process. However nanofiber reinforcement has been (b) Crack fills bursts microcapsule, releasing healing agent;
shown to improve the strength of concrete significantly. Also (c) Contact with catalyst causes polymerization
grinding Portland cement into nanoparticles has been proved
Open Science Index, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Vol:8, No:8, 2014
to increase compressive strength up to four times [24]. Adding fly ash as an admixture to the cement not only
Sanchez and Sobolev also made experiments by adding improves concrete durability and strength, also reduces the
randomly oriented fibers ranging from nanometers to requirement for cement contributing to sustainability.
micrometers in length and made of carbon, steel or polymers, However, the curing process of concrete is slowed by the
and they suggested the utilization of carbon nanofibers for addition of fly ash and early stage strength is also low in
concrete bridges, heating them in the winter or allowing them comparison to normal concrete. With the addition of SiO2
to self-monitor for cracks, since fibers have the ability to (silica) nanoparticles, part of the cement is replaced but the
conduct electricity [14]-[25]. density and strength of the fly-ash concrete improves
NT has a great potential to produce new cements and particularly in the early stages. Porro et al. also mention that
admixtures in order to achieve high-performance and the use of SiO2 particles increases the compression strength of
sustainable concrete products. By the addition of CNTs and cement pastes, and this not due to puzzolonic reaction,
nanoparticles (SiO2, Fe2O3) to the concrete mixture consisting because calcium hydroxide consumption was very low, but, to
of binding phase and aggregates, the mechanical properties of the increased silica compounds that contributes to a denser
concrete elements can be improved. CNTs, which was first microstructure [27]. According to Lin et al., the use of SiO2
discovered in 1952 in Russia (and mostly ignored) and then nanoparticles on fly ash mortars, compensate the negative
re-discovered in the 1990’s in Japan, are currently on a effects on initial strength [28]. Sanchez and Sobolev also
research phase of investigation. Adding 1% CNTs by weight report that SiO2 nanoparticles addition leads to an increase of
improves the mechanical properties of concrete elements with strength by 15-20 % [14].
mixtures consisting of Portland cement. CNTs also have the Concrete is attacked by carbon dioxide and chloride ions,
potential to effectively hinder crack propagation in cement resulting in corrosion of the steel bars. Nanosensors have been
composites. When cracks form in self-healing concrete, designed and created for the reinforced concrete components
embedded microcapsules rupture and release a healing agent of a structure to monitor and determine acidity and chloride
into the damaged region through capillary action (Fig. 3). This ions, which are the primary reasons for deterioration and
agent contacts an embedded catalyst, polymerizing to bond the failure by the corrosion. These nanosensors can be embedded
crack face closed. This characteristic has the potential to in the concrete mixture to enable, quality control and
increase the life of the structural components as much as two durability monitoring where these can be designed to
or three times [26]. (i) measure concrete density and viscosity, (ii) monitor
concrete curing and measure shrinkage and (iii) measure
certain key parameters affecting the durability of these
structures such as temperature, moisture, chlorine
concentration, acidity, carbon dioxide, stresses, reinforcement
corrosion and vibration.
Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) is another innovative
structural material by the advent of NT, and does not need
vibration in order to level off and consolidate. This
significantly reduces the energy needed to build concrete
structures thus making this material sustainable. In addition
SCC can offer benefits of up to 50% in labour costs, due to it
being poured up to 80% faster and having reduced wear and
tear on formwork. The material behaves like a thick fluid and
is made possible by the use of polycarboxylates. In addition,
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Vol:8, No:8, 2014
while long-term strengths of conventionally superplasticized to develop completely a new material, thus introducing light
concrete are very high, the very early strengths, especially in weight, economical, multifunctional, biobased one, competing
winter, are not high enough for a quick and safe removal of with steel, concrete and other. Although CNTs are a new
formwork and steam curing is therefore used to accelerate the discovery of our time, wood, as a very old structural material,
hydration of cement. This can be eliminated in the precast is composed of nanotubes or nanofibrils, that have
industry through the use of the latest generations of approximately 25 % the strength of CNTS, and twice as strong
polycarboxylates resulting in further time and energy savings. as steel. If these cellulose nanofibrils could be extracted from
Steel, being a major component of reinforced concrete wood, it would be cheaper than manufacturing carbon
structures, as well as a primary construction material, is nanotubes [31]. Wood-based construction materials function
another material benefiting from innovations in NT. Steel has extremely well under a variety of end-use conditions.
been widely available since the 2nd Industrial Revolution and However, they can be prone to decay, mold, and insect attack
has played a major role in the construction industry, which can under wet conditions. Wood can be protected from
today benefit from the application of NT. Actually, NT is not deterioration by treatments using toxic chemicals or by
new for steel. Researchers recently discovered that Damascus maintaining low moisture content in wood. Achieving control
swords, made in the 8th century and known for their unusual of moisture is a major opportunity for NT. New non- or low-
hardness and sharpness, incorporated naturally occurring toxicity nanomaterials such as ZiO2, silver, TiO2 nanoparticles
Open Science Index, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Vol:8, No:8, 2014
nanoparticles including iron carbide nanowires and CNTs into and even clays might be used as either preservative treatments
their structure [29]. or moisture barriers. In addition, resistance to fire might be
Corrosion resistance is very important in steel structures, as enhanced by use of nanodimensional materials like TiO2
well as steel reinforcing bars in concrete structures. Today dioxide and clays.
there are several forms of steel incorporating NT innovations. Some developers have speculated that building functionality
Two of these new products are now marketed as MMFX and onto lignocellulosic surfaces at the nanoscale could open new
MMFX2 steel. MMFX steel is five times more corrosion- opportunities for such things as self-sterilizing surfaces,
resistant and up to three times stronger than conventional internal self-repair, and electronic lignocellulosic devices.
steel. MMFX steel products are used in structures across These non-obtrusive active or passive nanoscale sensors
North America including bridges, highways, parking would provide feedback on product performance and
structures, and residential and commercial high-rise buildings. environmental conditions during service by monitoring
The added strength of MMFX steel results in a decrease in the structural loads, temperatures, moisture content, decay fungi,
amount of conventional steel necessary to accomplish the heat losses or gains, and loss of conditioned air. Currently,
same task [30]. Although both products have corrosion however, research in these areas appears limited [20].
resistance, have different mechanical properties and are the NT is foreseen as a cornerstone for advancing the biomass-
result of different applications of nanotechnology [20]. based renewable, sustainable economy. Nanocatalysts that
High-rise structures require high-strength joints induce chemical reactions and make wood even more
necessitating high-strength bolts. The capacity of high- multifunctional than it is today, nanosensors to identify mold,
strength bolts is realized generally through quenching and decay, and termites, quantum dot fiber tagging, natural
tempering and the microstructures of such products consist of nanoparticle pesticides and repellents, self-cleaning wood
tempered martensite. By the addition of vanadium and surfaces, and photocatalytic degradation of pollutants are all
molybdenum nanoparticles, the steel microstructure of the envisioned by today’s wood engineers [32]. In the broader
bolts can be improved and thus increasing their strength. sense, NT represents a major opportunity for the wood
Although CNTs are an innovative and exciting material industry to develop new products, substantially reduce
with tremendous properties of strength and stiffness, due to processing costs, and open new markets for bio-based
their graphitic nature, they have found little application as an materials.
addition to steel as their inherent slipperiness, thus making
B. Non-Structural Materials
them difficult to bind to the bulk material and they pull out
easily, rendering them ineffective. In addition, the high Glass is one of the non-structural materials inevitably used
temperatures involved in steel manufacture and the effects of in buildings, and the sustainability of the buildings is largely
this on CNTs presents a challenge for their effective use as a affected by the properties of glass as a glazing material, since
composite component. it forms the most of the barrier between outside and inside,
Wood is another structural material, which has been used impacting the indoor air quality. Most of the heat gain and lost
since the ancient times. Two basic strategies incorporate NT occurs on the glass surface, as well as impacting the level of
into wood and wood-based materials. The first strategy uses daylighting. NT helps to improve the properties of glazing,
nanomaterials and nanosensors developed in other industries especially the heat gain and loss, by thin-film coatings,
and adapts them to the forest products, thus improving thermochromic, photochromic and electrochromic
existing product performance. These products range from technologies. Thin film coatings are spectrally sensitive
sheeting and siding with barrier coatings for water resistance, surface applications for window glass. They filter out infrared
to high-performance composites of wood and wood fiber. The light to reduce heat gain in buildings. Thermochromic glass,
second strategy is to exploit the nanoscale properties of wood for instance, change transparency in response to temperature
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International Journal of Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Vol:8, No:8, 2014
and it is very useful to control overheating for passive solar means by efficient insulation methods and materials. In the
heating applications. The temperature of the glass, which is a EU, over 40% of total energy produced is consumed by
function of solar intensity and outdoor and indoor temperature, buildings, and households are responsible for one quarter of
would regulate the amount of sunlight reaching the thermal EU carbon emissions, roughly 70% of which comes from
storage element. Thermochromic glass would be particularly meeting space heating needs [23].
appropriate for skylights because the obscured state would not By the innovations in NT, insulation materials and
interfere with views as much as with a typical window glass. applications will be more efficient and less reliant on non-
A thermochromic window can also be activated by a heating renewable resources. Manufacturers estimate that insulating
element in the window, making it operate like other materials derived from NT are roughly 30 % more efficient
switchable glazings, but this tends to be less energy efficient. than conventional materials [35]. Nanomaterials or
Photochromic glass, another sensitive glass, changes its nanoparticles can be applied to substrates using chemical
transparency in response to light intensity. It has been used in vapor deposition, dip, meniscus, spray, and plasma coating to
eye- glasses that change from clear in the dim indoor light to create a layer bound to the base material. These materials have
dark in the bright outdoors. Photochromics may be useful in the ability to trap still air within them, thus increasing their
conjunction with daylighting, allowing just enough light surface-to-volume ratio. These nanoscale insulation materials
through for lighting purposes, while cutting out excess may be sandwiched between rigid panels, applied as thin
Open Science Index, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Vol:8, No:8, 2014
sunlight that creates glare and overloads the cooling system films, or painted on as coatings.
[33]. One of the unique insulation materials developed by the
The most promising adaptable glass technology, improved advent of NT is the Aerogel, which is a highly porous solid
by the advent of NT is the electrochromic glass, which is material with extremely low density with large, open pores,
composed of a five-layer coating about one micron thick, and and highly specific surface area (Fig. 4). This material,
is deposited on a glass substrate. The electrochromic stack nicknamed “frozen smoke” is a gel in which liquid component
consists of thin metallic coatings of nickel or tungsten oxide has been replaced with gas. Despite its lightness, it can
sandwiched between two transparent electrical conductors. support over 2000 times its own weight. Its unique physical
When a voltage is applied between the transparent electrical properties result with low thermal conductivity and low sound
conductors, a distributed electrical field is set up. This field velocity, as well as high transparency. Since nanoporous
moves various coloration ions reversibly between the ion aerogels can be sensitive to moisture, they are often marketed
storage film through the ion conductor and into the sandwiched between wall panels that repel moisture.
electrochromic film. The main advantages of this glass are that Architectural applications of aerogel include windows,
it requires low-voltage power, remain transparent across its skylights, and translucent wall panels.
switching range, and can be modulated to any intermediate
state between clear and fully colored.
All these applications are intended to reduce energy use in
cooling buildings and could help bring down energy
consumption in buildings [20].
Plastics, which are another group of non-structural
materials, are widely used in construction industry, especially
for finishings. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is used in
door, windows, flooring, and etc., are mostly sensitive to fire
and have been cited to have health effects on people because
of the phthalates, used for flexibility of PVC components.
New alternatives to many conventional plastics will be
available in the market by the advent of NT researches. Fig. 4 Aerogel as an high-performance insulation nanomaterial
Naturally occurring nanoscale aggregates can also be used in
making nanocomposites. The crystalline structure of these Nanocoatings can also be manufactured as thin films, and
ceramic materials allows them to be easily separated into applied on glass and fabrics. For example fiber sheets, coated
flakes or fibers. Nano-reinforced polyester provides excellent with stainless steel films can absorb infrared rays and blocks
thermal and electrical insulation, while remaining strong and out sunlight, thus lowering room temperatures in summer by
lightweight. The material is corrosion resistant, has a high 2-3°C or more than conventional products [36]. Heat
fatigue limit, good impact strength, and fine surface finish. It absorbing films can be applied to windows, offering cost
can also be used as a load-bearing structural material and has effective control of heat and energy loads in buildings and
been used in bridges, doors, windows, facades, and structural solar performance. These thin film coatings utilizing SiO2 and
systems [34]. TiO2 nanorods can control exterior reflectivity. These coatings
have the lowest reflectivity ever reported [37].
C. Nanomaterials for Insulation Insulation can also be applied as a painting or spraying in
An important aspect of sustainability in buildings is the the form of a coating, thus having tremendous advantages
efficient use of energy, and this can be achieved in passive when compared with the conventional bulk insulators, such as
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(Fig. 8). Their silicon process lends itself to low cost and high A new technique proposed by Norris et al. monitors the
efficiency [41]. moisture level and temperature by the utilization of
While NT is leading to advances in silicon-based solar nanotechnology/microelectromechanical systems sensors
energy, it also supports silicon wafer technology as the (MEMs) to measure temperature and internal relative humidity
primary technology behind solar cells with new [43]. One advantage of these sensors is their nano scale
nanocrystalline materials, thin-film materials, and conducting dimensions (10-9 m to 10-5 m), enabling them to be embedded
polymeric films. Revolutionary thin-film and organic solar into the structural components during the construction process
cells are now entering the market and are expected to be (Fig. 9). These MEMs successfully monitor the behaviour of
significantly less expensive than current silicon-based solar concrete at early age of measuring the temperature and
cells. Organic thin-film, or plastic solar cells, use low-cost internal humidity during the hydration process. However,
materials primarily based on nanoparticles and polymers. An more tests are required to evaluate the effect of different
advantage of organic thin films is their flexibility, which will concrete mixtures on the MEMs response.
enable their integration into building applications than
conventional flat glass panels. This will open new possibilities
and overcome the aesthetic problems that architects have with
rigid flat panels, which can hardly be integrated into building
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Vol:8, No:8, 2014
would be too hard to pull its feet up. Today there are many economic development has gained worldwide attention. Since
groups working on gecko-inspired adhesive materials for a the construction industry is heavily involved in the economic
sustainable construction industry [46]. development and consumes great amount of resources and
energy, its impact on environment is significant. Therefore, it
V. CHALLENGES IN THE ADOPTION OF NANOTECHNOLOGY is necessary and urgent to regulate the construction and its
In the last decade, NT products and applications showed related performance to sustainability. More research and
significant environmental benefits including energy savings practice efforts are needed to save energy, reduce resource
and reduced reliance on non-renewable resources, as well as consumption, and avoid impacts on the built and natural
reduced waste, toxicity and carbon emissions. The benefits of environment.
NT for a sustainable construction industry will accrue first
from coatings and insulating materials available today, VI. ISSUES RELATED WITH THE HEALTH OF
followed by advances in solar technology, lighting, air and HUMANS AND ENVIRONMENT
water purification, and structural materials and fire protection, Although the integration of NT with the construction
as well. industry is very recent, it has already raised issues related with
its potential impacts on human health and environment. As the
production and use of nanomaterials increase, the possibility
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Vol:8, No:8, 2014
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