A Study On Evaluation of Training Effectiveness AT Big Bazaar

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H.T. NO: 1408-17-672-047

Department of management studies






I hereby declare that this synopsis for Project Report titled EVALUATION OF
TRAINING EFFECTIVENESS submitted by me to the Department of Business
Management, O.U.,Hyderabad, is a bonafide work undertaken by me and it is not
submitted to any other University or Institution for the award of any degree diploma /
certificate or published any time before.

Signature of the Student
Place: (A. LAXMAN)

This is to certify that the synopsis for Project Report titled

EVALUATION OF TRAINING EFFECTIVENESS submitted in partial fulfilment for
the award of MBA Programme of Department of Business Management, O.U. Hyderabad,
was carried out by A.LAXMAN under my guidance. This has not been submitted to any
other University or Institution for the award of any degree/diploma/certificate.

Signature of the Guide


The success of any organization in the long run depends very much on the quality of
human resources. Human resources comprise the aggregate of employee attributes
including knowledge, skill and health which are potentially available to an
organization for the achievement of it’s goals. In other words, human resources
consist of the value of the productive capacity and considered to the most vital
and valuable amongst the resources namely men machine, money and material. It is
the quality of manpower that determines the success of an organization. The importance
also stems from the fact that all other resources depreciate in value with the passage of
time and use, the human resource appreciate in value through acquisition of greater
knowledge through experience and training that reflects an inherent dynamism and the
development potential.

There has been an increasing realization that the organization success is dependent on the
synergy created by its human resources. Growth can only be ensured through appropriate
collaboration and amalgamation of various personnel around organization goals or tasks.
Tremendous changes in the social science and technology, spheres have brought many
complexities to industrial system. The limitation of a machine is restricted to its
specification but that of a human being is unlimited provided it is tapped in the right way,
hence organization of all kinds seem to be growing increasingly aware of its economic
importance as a resource. In a competitive business world the success of an organization
depends to a great extent upon the leadership of the manager. If he can lead people
effectively and attain organizational objectives the organization will flourish.

The development of personnel at all levels is one of the primary responsibilities of the
manager as “it is the people in the organization which provide them competitive edge over
others”. Hence for the success of organization, management has to identify the potential
and innate abilities of the people to effectiveness of the organization in the economic
growth of country.
Every organization needs to have well trained and experienced persons to perform the
activity that have to be done. In a rapidly changing business environment training and
development is not only an activity but also an independent function or sub system within
the organization which it must commit its resources if it has to maintain a viable and
knowledgeable work force.

Training is defined as learning that is provided in order to improve performance on the

present job. A person's performance is improved by showing her how to master a new or
established technology. The technology may be a piece of heavy machinery, a computer, a
procedure for creating a product, or a method of providing a service.

Oliver Sheldon says ‘No industry can rendered efficient so long as the fact remains
unrecognized that the in principally human – not a mass of machines and technical process
but a body of men. If manpower is properly utilized it causes the industry to run at its
maximum optimization getting results and also works for as an climax for industrial and
group satisfaction in the relation to the work formed. Competitive advantage is therefore
depending on the knowledge and skill possessed by employee more than the finance or
market structure by organization.

Meaning and Definition:

After an employee is selected, placed and introduced, he or she needs to be provided with
training facilities. The training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an
employee for doing the particular job. Training is a short term educational process and
utilizing systematic and organized procedure by which an employee is learned the
technical knowledge.

Training is the acquisition of technology which permits employees to perform their
present job to standards. It improves human performance on the job the employee is
presently doing or is being hired to do. Also, it is given when new technology in
introduced into the workplace.
Development is training people to acquire new horizons, technologies, or viewpoints. It
enables leaders to guide their organizations onto new expectations by being proactive
rather than reactive. It enables workers to create better products, faster services, and more
competitive organizations. It is learning for growth of the individual, but not related to a
specific present or future job. Unlike training, which can be completely evaluated,
development cannot always be fully evaluated. This does not mean that we should
abandon development programs, as helping people to grow and develop is what keeps an
organization in the cutting edge of competitive environments. Development can be
considered the forefront of what many now call the Learning Organization.

Importance of training

A well planned and well executed training programme can provide the following

1. Higher productivity:- The training helps to improve the level of performance.

Trained employees perform better thus more efficiently by using better method of
work. Improvement in manpower productivity in developed nations can be
attributed in no small measure to there educational and industrial training
2. Better quality of work in formal training:- The best methods are standardized
and taught to employees. Uniformity of work methods and procedures helps to
improve the quality of product or service; trained employees are less likely to make
operational mistakes
3. Less learning period:- A systematic training programme helps to reduce the time
and cost involved in learning. Employees can more quickly reach the acceptable
level of performance. They need not waste their time and efforts in learning
through trial and error.
4. Cost reduction:- training employees make more economical use of materials and
machinery. Reduction in wastage and spoilage together with increase din
productivity help to minimize cost of operations per unit. Maintenance cost in also
reduced due to fewer machine breakdowns and better handling of equipment. Plant
capacity can be put to the optimum use.
5. Low accident rate:- Trained personnel adopt the right work methods are make use
of the prescribed safety devices. Therefore the frequency of accidents is reduced.
Health and safety of employees can be improved.
6. High morale:- Proper training can develop positive attitude among the employees.
Job satisfaction and morale are improved because of rise in earning and job
security of the employees training reduces the employees grievances because
opportunities for internal promotions are available to well trained employees.
7. Fulfilling manpower needs:- it is believed by many organizations that the best
way to overcome recruiting problems is to establish apprenticeship training
programmes. Thus training helps in identifying talented people for different jobs
without any unwanted costs.

Principle of Training:
1. Training Plan: This must be well planned, prescribed and ably executed effective
implementation depends to great extend on planning.

2. Organizational objectives: T & D program must meet objectives of the organization

3. Equity and fairness: T and D program must enjoy equal opportunity to drive benefit
out of such training and must have equal chance to undergo such training.

4. Application specification: Training content is balanced between theory and practical. It

must be ‘Application specification’.

5. Upgrading information: T and D program is continuous reviewed at periodic interval

as order to make them updated in terms of knowledge and skill.

6. Top Management support: Top management support is essential to make Training and
Development effective.

7. Centralization: For economy of effective uniformity and efficiency, centralization of

training department is found more common and useful.

8. Motivation – Training and Development have motivation aspects like better career
opportunity, individuals & skill development etc.,
Need for Training:

Training must be tailored to fit the organization’s strategy and structure. It is seen as
pivotal in implementing organization-wide culture-change efforts, such as developing a
commitment to customer service, adopting total quality management, or making a
transition to self-directed work teams. Pace-setting Human Resource Development
departments have moved from simply providing training on demand to solving
organizational problems.

Trainers see themselves as internal consultants or performance improvement specialists

rather than just instructional designers or classroom presenters. Training is only one of the
remedies that may be applied by the new breed of Human Resource Development

In an age of network organizations, alliances, and long-term relationships with just-in-time

suppliers, leading companies are finding that they need to train people other than their own
employees. Some organization offer quality training to their suppliers to ensure the quality
of critical inputs. Organizations with a strong focus on customer service may provide
training for purchasers to their product.

1. Shortage of skill: Skilled and knowledge people are always on short supply,
alternatively they are too expensive to hire from outside. The best way is to improve the
skill and knowledge of the existing employees through Training and Development.

2. Technological Obsolesce: Growth of technology takes place very fast. This will render
current technological obsolesces in the near future.

3. Personal Obsolesce: At the time of recruitment employees posses a certain amount of

knowledge and skill. As the time passes their knowledge becomes obsolesce unless it is
uploaded by proper training. This happens because of changes take place in product
methods procurement of better machines.

4. Organization Obsolesce: Modern management has introduced a number of innovative

steps in functioning of management like play organizing, controlling to such change are
bound to fail and become obsolete, to prevent obsolesce organization. Employees must be
exposed to modern Technology through T & D

Training and Development can help an organization in a number of ways. Ultimately, it is

employee knowledge and skill that produce the organization’s product or service. Training
facilitates the implementation of strategy by providing employees with the capability to
perform their jobs in the manner dictated by the strategy. Training also assists in solving
immediate business problems, such as when a team of Manager in an action learning
program studies a real problem and recommends a solution. Finally to keep ahead in a
highly competitive the turbulent environment, it has been suggested that the training
function must foster a continuous learning culture and stimulate managers to reinvent their

 To increase productivity of employees or workers

 To improve quality of work and product
 To enhance and update knowledge and skill level of employee in the organization
 To promote better opportunity for the growth and promotion chances of
employees and thereby the employability
 To secure better health and safety standard
 To improve quality of life of employees
 To sustain competitive advantage
 To impart new entrants of knowledge and skill
 To build up a sound line of competent efficiency and prepare them as a part of
their career progress to occupy more responsible positions


These are the objective I had taken for my study:-

1. To find out personal as well as organizational growth and development.

2. To find out contribution of organization as well as senior to make training
programs successful.
3. To find out Training Needs Analysis.
4. To know learning outcomes of training program.


The present study includes

1 Training and development facilities existing in Big Bazaar.

2 On-the-job and off-the-job training facilities of employees .
3 Development facilities ,opportunities provided to the management.
4 Both men and women employees at management and non- management category
in Big Bazaar.

Research can be defined as “a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information in
any branch of knowledge’. It is the pursuit of truth with the help of study, observation,
comparison and experiment. Research is , thus, an original contribution to the existing
stock of knowledge making for its advancement.


Research inculcates scientific and inductive thinking and it promotes the development of
logical habits of thinking and organization. The purpose of research is to discover answer
to question through the application of scientific procedures. The main aim of research is to
find out the hidden truth, which has not been discovered yet. Though each research study
has its own specific purpose, we may think of research objectives as falling not a number
of following broad groupings:

 To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it

(Exploratory or formularize research studies)
 To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or a
group (Descriptive research studies)
 To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is
associated with something else. (Diagnostic Research Studies)
 To test a hypotheses of a casual relationship between variables (hypothesis testing
research studies)

This research is an amalgamation of both formularize as well as descriptive research, as it

reflects on the present satisfaction level of the employees at Big Bazaar regarding the
various training and development programmes being conducted here. In the process, it also
aims to collect more detailed information on the subject of training and development itself.
Data collection methods
Primary data: Data observed or collected directly from first-hand experience. And I was
go through as interviews and questionnaire.

There are many methods of collecting primary data and the main methods include:

 Questionnaire
 Interviews
 Focus group interviews
 Observation
 Case studies
 Diaries
 portfolios
Secondary data: Publish data and the data collected in the past or other parties is called
secondary data.

 Magazine
 HR Manual
 Internet
 Newspaper

Sampling Design

A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. The non
-probability sampling method is adopted. Non- probability is that sampling procedures
which does not afford any basis for estimating the probability that each item in the
population has being included in the sample. The researcher has adopted the non-
probability sampling procedure, as it was convenient in conducting the research study.

Collection of Data
Both primary and secondary data are employed in this study. Secondary data were
collected from company books, reports, particular and records and reports. For primary
data questionnaire were prepared circulated and collected.
Frame work of Analysis
In order to study the collective bargaining process of the company various statistical tools
such as percentage analysis have been used for an easy understanding and a few diagrams
have been also incorporated.

Sample Size
Considering the nature and extent of the time constraints a sample of 100 employees were
taken for this study.

 Due to constraint of time and resources, the study was conducted in the regional
sector as Big Bazaar and the results of the study cannot be generated.
 The accuracy of the analysis and conclusion drawn entirely depends upon the
reliability of the information provided by the employees.
 Sincere efforts were made to cover maximum departments of the employees, but the
study may not fully reflect the entire opinion of the employees.
 In the fast moving/changing employees behavior, name new and better things may
emerge in the near future, which cannot be safeguard in this report.

Ellen A. et. al (2002) A research conducted by Ellen A.et.al during the year 2002
attempted to analyze training and development practice covering nine countries coming
under one regions. These countries are Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, Indonesia,
Mexico, Taiwan, United States as well as Central and South America. The study looked
into whether there are common and universal training and development practices across
these countries. The study revealed that there existed no common or universal practices
across all these countries, but there existed significant similarities in the practices within
the country groups.

Among nine countries and one region the managers from Asian countries stood at the top,
being highly satisfied with the practices of training and development in their organizations.
At the same time, the managers from Mexico and Latin America considered the training
and development practices as utterly inadequate and they strongly felt that the training and
development practices badly needed improvement.

Quartey (2012) elaborates the effects of “employee training on perceived organizational

performance in the print media industry in Ghana”. The investigator states that in
contemporary settings, employee training is important for accomplishing competitive
interpolations. The consequence of employee training on organizational performance in the
print media industry is observed mostly in the African context through a case study. The
results from the descriptive analysis showed that although some employees were not aware
and some were not considered for training programs, several employees reported that they
were involved in different training programs. The results also showed that training
programs in the print media industry are not regularly conducted. The results from the
interrelation investigation found a reasonably strong relationship between employee
training and organizational performance, where employee training has an enormous
consequence on organizational performance. Testing the theory of resource-based
observation needs an extension of this study to other private firms in the print-media
industry. It was ascertained that contemporary changes in employees‟ expertise require
continuous and frequent employees‟ training.
Sripirabaa and Sridevi K (2010) carried out astudy probing into the “training practices in
a Garment Manufacturing unit” was conducted by B. Sripirabaa, K. Sridevi during the year
2010 involving bottom level employees spread across various departments. Out of around
900 employees of the organization. 15% were selected at random and thus the study
comprised of 134 people. The study pointed out many factors influencing training in the
organization, such as training policy, adopted location of training, extracurricular activities,
safely measures, co-trainee, grasping capacity of the respondents, language of the trainer
and the competency. The respondents found the training methodology to be boring and
very few people an experience of over seven years. The opinion of respondents about the
type of train unpaired as against the one that was actually need differs with their
educational standards. The organization carefully identified the training needs and planned,
designed and executed on assessment of needs, and this has been revealed by the path
modeling results of the study. The organization evaluated the job performance of the
trainees and evaluated the implemented training program. The method of evaluation of
evaluation was also decided upon during the training design to ensure effective evaluation
results. Based on the evaluation results and the feedback obtained the training needs were
reconsidered and training was redesigned in the light of the assessment

Khanday N(2012) carried out a study “on overview of employee training and
development systema case study on Indian financial institutions” The objective of the
study was to know the existing training and development practices in Jammu and Kashmir
Bank LTD, ICICI and State bank of India and To evaluate the perceptions perceived by the
employees across gender and work experiences on all dimensions of training and
development. The study was conducted in J&K, ICICI and SBI banks in Delhi, Mumbai,
Kolkata and Bengaluru. The questionnaire was issued to 510 employees out of which 480
responded. Five point Likert scale was used for the survey, further eight dimensions were
assessed. The data was analyzed and interpreted using SPSS and Minitab statistical
package. Both male and female employees have expressed equal level of satisfaction on
training and development policies and objectives. Both genders feel that bank has well
defined training and development policies and procedure. However, perception across
gender shows a significant difference across banks. Induction training and orientation
process are rated good by both male and female of State bank and ICICI .
Raymond A. Noe(1986) Studies of the influence of trainees' characteristics on training
effectiveness have focused on the level of ability necessary to learn program content.
Motivational and environmental influences of training effectiveness have received little
attention. This analysis integrates important motivational and situational factors from
organizational behavior theory and research into a model which describes how trainees'
attributes and attitudes may influence the effectiveness of training.

Trainees' Attributes and Attitudes: Neglected Influences on Training Effectiveness


About The Future Group

Future Group, led by its founder and Group CEO, Mr. Kishore Biyani, is one of India's
leading business houses with multiple businesses spanning across the consumption space.
While retail forms the core business activity of Future Group, group subsidiaries are
present in consumer finance, capital, insurance, leisure and entertainment, brand
development, retail real estate development, retail media and logistics.

Future Group understands the soul of Indian consumers. As one of India’s retail pioneers
with multiple retail formats, we connect a diverse and passionate community of Indian
buyers, sellers and businesses. The collective impact on business is staggering: Around
300 million customers walk into our stores each year and choose products and services
supplied by over 30,000 small, medium and large entrepreneurs and manufacturers from
across India. And this number is set to grow.

Future Group employs 30,000 people directly from every section of our society. We source
our supplies from enterprises across the country, creating fresh employment, impacting
livelihoods, empowering local communities and fostering mutual growth.

We believe in the ‘Indian dream’ and have aligned our business practices to our larger
objective of being a premier catalyst in India’s consumption-led growth story. Working
towards this end, we are ushering positive socio-economic changes in communities to help
the Indian dream fly high and the ‘Sone Ki Chidiya’ soar once again. This approach
remains embedded in our ethos even as we rapidly expand our footprints deeper into India.

Future Group believes in developing strong insights on Indian consumers and building
businesses based on Indian ideas, as espoused in the group's core value of 'Indianness'. The
group's corporate credo is, 'Rewrite rules, Retain values'.
About FutureBazaar.com

FutureBazaar.com is the e-commerce arm of the Future Group. FutureBazaar provides an

integrated shopping site where consumers are able to buy products from our flagship stores
including eZone, Pantaloons and Big Bazaar online and get home delivery of products.

FutureBazaar delivers across more than 1500 cities and towns in India covering 16,000 pin
codes. FutureBazaar carries genuine products and offers manufacturer's warranty (as
opposed to Seller's warranty) which most other sites offer. FutureBazaar offers products
where the complete supply chain is managed by Future Group entities unlike other sites
that are marketplaces.

By the virtue of being a part of Future Group, FutureBazaar is able to offer a wide range of
genuine products at very competitive prices, confidence of buying from a trusted source
and the convenience of returning in our physical stores.

About Big Bazaar

Big Bazaar is not just another hypermarket. It caters to every need of your family. Where
Big Bazaar scores over other stores is its value for money proposition for the Indian

At Big Bazaar, you will definitely get the best products at the best prices - that's what we
guarantee. With the ever increasing array of private labels, it has opened the doors into the
world of fashion and general merchandise including home furnishings, utensils, crockery,
cutlery, sports goods and much more at prices that will surprise you. And this is just the
beginning. Big Bazaar plans to add much more to complete your shopping experience.

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