International Business AU PDF
International Business AU PDF
International Business AU PDF
1 – 24
LESSONS : 1 – 24
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(For Private Circulation Only)
Editorial Board
Dr. K. Soundararajan Dr. B. Balamurali
Associate Professor Assistant Professor
Management Wing, DDE Management Wing, DDE
Annamalai University Annamalai University
Annamalainagar Annamalainagar
Dr. S. Thirunavukkarasu Dr. A. Jalal
Principal and Professor of Economics Associate Professor of Commerce
Vivekanandha Arts and Science College Khadir Mohideen College
Cehnnai Adirampattinam
Lesson Writer
Units : I to VI
Dr. P. Natraj
Assistant Professor
Economics Wing, D.D.E.
Annamalai University
International Trade: Meaning - Definition – Difference between domestic and
international trade – Dynamics of International Business - Gains from Trade and
terms of Trade – Process of Globalization - Balance of Payments.
The outlook for Export Marketing – Tariff and Non-Tariff barriers – Foreign
Exchange Control – PESTEL.
International Economic Organizations and Forums – IMF – World Bank – Asian
Development Bank – International Monetary System – The Euro Dollar Market –
International Liquidity – Role of SDRs – Regional Trade Blocks – WTO agreements
and implications – Risk Analysis.
Trends in Indian Foreign Trade Export – Promotion and import Substitution –
State Trading Corporation – MMTC – International Marketing – Export Finance and
Credit – Role of ECGC – Measures for Export Promotion.
Export Market Research – Joint ventures abroad – Export Licensing Procedure
– Banking procedure for negotiation of documents.
Import procedures and controls – Import Policy of the Government - Financing
of imports – Canalisation of import and exports – Desirability – Operating in a
borderless world – Business ethics and CSR.
References Books
1. V.H. Kripalini: International Marketing: Prentice Hall of In dia, 2005.
2. Francis Cherunilam : International Trade and Export Management, Himalaya, 2013.
3. Dr. C.B.Gupta, International Business, S. Chand, Chennai, 2009.
4. Dr.P.Subba Rao, International Business (Text and Cases, Third Edition, Himalaya
Publishing House), 2013.
Journals and Magazines
1. International Journal of Management and Business Studies
2. International Journal of Business Administration
3. International Business and Management
4. Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship.
5. Journal of International Business Ethics.
6. International Small Business Journal.
7. International Business and Economic Research.
Web Resources
Lesson Page
No No
1. The Nature of International Trade 1
2. Terms of Trade and Gains from International Trade 5
3. Free Trade Vs Protection 17
4. Trade and Commercial Policy: Tariffs and Import Quotas 23
5. International Trade Organisations: International Monetary Fund and IBRD 34
6. International Trade Organisation: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 45
7. International Trade Organisation: United Nations Conference on Trade and 56
Development (UNCTAD)
8. Rate of Exchange and Foreign Exchange Control 62
9. Balance of Trade and balance of Payments Current and Capital Accounts 72
and Adjustments Mechanism
10. Regional Economic Integration: Customs Union 82
11. The European Economic Community 86
12. New International Economic order: North-South Co-operation-SAARC 91
13. Trends in Indian Foreign Trade 102
14. Export Promotion and Import Substitution 113
15. Export Promotion Councils 124
16 Meeting International Standards 134
17 Role of ECGC 145
18. Basics of export 159
19. Packaging and labelling 174
20. Preshipment inspection 199
21. Problems in Maintaining Quality of Exports 209
22. Export Regulatory Documents 217
23. Export Licensing Procedure, CSR & Sustainability-Policy, 224
Process & Procedure
24. Export and import finance and credit 243
Tc = Px/Pm,
Tc = commodity terms of trade
Px = Price of exports
Pm = Price of imports
To measure changes in the commodity terms of trade over a period, the ratio of
the change in export prices to the change in import prices is taken. The formula for
the commodity terms of trade is
Px1 / Pm1
Tc =
Px 0 / Pm0
Pxo/Pmo Where the subscripts 0 and 1 indicate the base and end periods.
For example, the price of import have gone up by 25 percent and those of
export by 50 percent. The Net Barter Terms of Trade will be:
150 100
125 100
In the above example, the terms of trade of the concept have gone up to 1.20
from 1.0 or (1.20 from 1.0) at the base period. Thus, the country is benefited by 20
The above terms of trade do not indicate the economic position of the country,
unless data on balance of payments is provided. The a bove favourable net barter terms
deos not clarify whether the country exports remain balanced or less exports are
exchanged at the same amount of imports or the same amount of exports is exchanged
for more amount of imports or the surplus of export is invested in foreign countries. Gross Barter Terms of Trade
The gross barter terms of trade refer to the quantities of exports and imports
which have changed in the subsequent period as compared to that of the base
period. The equation can be given below:
Qx1 /Qm1 Y
Qx 0 /Qm0 Ym
Similar to the above equation, Qx and Qm is related with the quantity of
export and quantity of import.
The concept of gross barter terms of trade has been criti cized for lumping
together all types of goods and capital" payments and receipts as one category in
the index numbers of exports and imports.
There are no units applying equal to export (or import) of capital and the
payment (or receipt) of a grant. It is not possible to distinguish between the various
types of transactions which are lumped together in the index.
v. Greater dependency
Poor countries are greatly dependent for their capital goods requirement and
other needs on the advanced countries. They have no other alternative in view of
the absence of import substitution. While, advanced countries are least dependent
on the poor countries as they are capable of producing import substitutes. Hence,
poor countries have always weak bargaining power. So they have to accept even
terms of trade which are very much against their interest.
vi. Lack of Adaptability
Advanced countries can quickly adapt the production of such goods which are
high in demand and whose prices are rising faster than the goods whose prices
remain steady or declining. Underdeveloped countries lack such adaptability on
account of their primary production, backward state of technology, market
imperfections, immobility of factors of production and the over-all rigidity of their
economy as a whole. As such the terms of trade of underdeveloped countries tend
to deteriorate when inflation starts in manufactured goods at a faster rate, while
the world prices of agrarian output remain more or less steady.
2.3.6 The Nature of Gains
International trade confers a number of gains on the participating countries.
Particularly, international trade, based on the principle of comparative costs, leads
to international specialization or territorial division of labour. International
specialization is advantageous because:
i) The production of different commodities needs different types of resources
(factor of production) in different proportions.
ii) The different regions of the world are differently endowed with
various kinds of economic resources.
iii) The international mobility of factors such as lan d, labour and capital is
extremely limited.
iv) Obviously, therefore, when it is difficult for the resources to move between
nations, the goods which "embody" these resources should move, through
trade, for the optimum allocation of world resources. It goes wi thout saying,
thus, that international trade is beneficial to the trading partners.
v) We may now briefly enlist the gains resulting from international trade:
vi) International specialization and geographical division of labour lead to
optimum allocation of world resources making it possible to have the most
efficient use of them.
vii) Increase in the exchangeable value of possessions, means of enjoyment and
wealth of each trading country.
viii) As Ohlin states, the disadvantage of disproportionate geographical
distribution. of productive resources are mitigated by international trade. In
other words, the loss attributed to the immobility of factors is overcome by the
product movements between the trading countries.
5. Foreign trade for a country widens the size of market and thereby helps in
reducing the risks involved in huge investments undertaken for the growth of
home industries. It also enlarges the scope for large -scale production. The
economies of scale so realized would reduce the cost of production.
Consequently goods may cheaply be available to domestic consumers than
6. Under International trade each country will get more of each variety of goods,
more varieties and qualities of goods to consume.
7. International trade causes enlargement of world's total output.
8. International trade thus leads to an increase in the world's prosperity and
welfare of each trading nation. The living standards of trading countries in
turn improve. Hence, the world at large becomes a happy world.
2.3.7 Sources of Gains
According to the classical theory, specialization based on the principle of
comparative costs advantages is the major source of gain from international trade.
An additional source is the possibility of exploiting economies of scale when the size
of the market is extended through the free foreign trade of a country. The principle
of comparative costs shows that it is possible for both countries to gain from trade,
even if one of them is more efficient than the other in all lines of production.
Further, the principle of comparative cost-difference of gains in international
trade should not be looked upon merely as a possibility theorem, but as a positive
hypothesis relating to the real world. The doctrine of comparative costs predicts
that in the real. world, there will be gai ns from trade in terms of increased world
production. As such, each trading country will gain by getting relatively more and
cheaper goods and no one will lose by having less to consume than it would have if
it were self-sufficient. Though the validity of the theory of comparative costs has not
been conclusively proved, its general hypothesis that production and consumption
in the real world and in each country would be higher under international trade
than what it would be without it if all countries were forced to be completely self-
sufficient, cannot, for obvious reasons, be rejected even by any empirical tests.
2.3.8 Factors Determining Size Of Gains
Following are the important factors determining the size of gain and its
1. Nature of Terms of Trade
Terms of trade, i.e., the rate at which one country's goods exchange against
those of another, tend to affect the size of gain from trade. Terms of trade .may be
favourable or unfavourable to a country. A favourable term of trade implies a
relatively larger share of gain to a country and an unfavourable term of trade would
mean a relatively smaller share of gain accruing to the country. Between the two
countries, if one has a favourable term of trade, the other must necessarily have an
unfavourable term of trade. According to Ricardian example, if terms of trade are: 1
unit of wine= 1.1. unit of cloth, it if favourable to Portugal but unfavourable to
The terms of trade are favourable when they are set closer to the domestic
exchange ratio of the opposite country and unfavourable if they are closer to the
domestic exchange rate of the country under consideration.
2. Difference in Cost Ratios
According to Harrod, the gain from international trade depends on the relation
between the ratio of the costs of production in the two countries concerned. The
gain does not depend on the comparative cheapness of producing commodity X or Y
in the two countries. It depends on the relation between the ratio of the cost of
production of X to that of Y in one country and the ratio of the cost of production of
X to Y in the other country. Gain is possible if the cost ratios are different in
different countries. Briefly, the gain from internationalnal trade arises because of
the difference in cost ratios in the production of two commodities in differrent
It is quite obvious that the gain to the two cou ntries from international trade
will be greater when the difference between the cost ratio is great before trade
emerged. However, when trade takes place, each country will be producing more of
some goods (having comparative advantage) and less or none of others. This will
probably affect the costs of goods in which the country specialises and of others
which it curtails. Hence, new ratios are still differen t in the two trading countries,
gain can be secured by a further expansion of trade, which again affects the cost
ratios. Thus, a country would expand or curtail the production of different goods
and ratios of cost are the same as those of the other tradin g country, resulting in
exporting surplus or importing the deficiency so generated. To recapitulate, we
must note that the size of the gain from international trade depends upon the
difference in cost ratios before trade has taken place.
3. Productive Efficiency of the Country
The gain from international trade also depends upon the relative productive
efficiency of the country. If the productive efficiency of the home country increases,
it will cc to the advantage of the foreign country (and vice versa), fo r it will lead to
more favourable terms of trade for the later.
If the efficiency in producing a commodity in which a country specialises
increase, its costs and price fall, and it will be advantageous to the other country.
Moreover, it leads to an expansi on in the volume of trade, so that the total gain
from trade also increases.
4. Relative Elasticity of Demand
The gain from international trade also depends upon the relative elasticity of
demand for the commodities in different countries and the relative elasticity of
supply of different commodities in different countries. When exchange takes place
as a result of specialization, the amount of the commodity that will be imported by
a country depends not only on the difference in cost ratios but also on how the
demand for the commodity changes. Thus, as a result of specialization, real
incomes in both the countries rise; hence gain from trade increases, depending
upon the elasticity of demand. More elastic the demand for the commodities in both
the countries, the greater would be the volume of trade, output and real income
and larger the total gain.
5. Factor Endowments and Technological Conditions
There exists a positive correlation between the size of foreign trade and the
total gain reaped by the participating nations. However, kinds and quality of factors
available to a country and its technological advancement has unique significance in
this regard. A big, capital-abundant and technically as well as economically
advanced country will have a larger size of foreign trade than a small, labour -
abundant, technically and economically backward country. Moreover, a country
exporting manufacturers will have favourable terms of trade against a country
exporting primary products.
Types of terms of trade
Determinants of terms of trade
Reason for unfavourable terms of trade
Nature of gains
Sources of gains
Factors determining size of gains
1. What is an income term of trade?
2. Define Single factoral terms of trade?
3. The production of different commodities needs different types of resources
(factor of production) in different proportions. (true/false)
4. The gain from international trade depends upon the relative productive
efficiency of the country. (true/false)
This lesson explains the meaning of terms of trade along wi th the various types
of terms of trade and determinants of terms of trade. It also explains the reason for
unfavourable terms of trade of underdeveloped countries. This chapter explains the
nature of gains, sources of gains and factors determining the size of gains from
terms of trade.
1. Which economist explains the different types of terms of trade?
2. Enlist the gains resulting from international trade?
1. Francis Cherunilam, International business, Third Edition 2004.
2. M.C.Vaish & Sudama Singh, International Economics sixth Edition, reprint
3. Bo sodersten, international economics ii nd edition 1980.
3. Rational Consumption
For the sake of hygienic consumption, trade restrictions are essential,
otherwise, H.c country will have to pay a huge amount of foreign exchange or will
export for the Business goods of harmful consumption.
4. Dumping
No Country can tolerate the dumping by another country. Therefore,
restrictions become essential. The developing countries have to protect the ir infant
industries and the policy of free trade will be injurious for their development.
5. Lopsided Development
Free trade leads towards the specialization which causes lopsided development
of a country For example, England is specialised in industrial production and
agricultural products are imported. It may harm the country at any time and the
country would have to suffer.
3.3.4 Protection
Protection does not mean only tariff on imports, it also refers to the policy that
raises the price received by domestic producers of any importable commodity. It is a
policy of encouraging home industries by giving subsidies or by imposing custom duties
on imports. Tariff policy, i.e, import restrictions through custom duties is the most
important method of protection. The tariff barriers restrict the import of foreign goods.
3.3.5 Advantages
The following arguments are given in favour of protection.
1. Development of Infant Industries
Free trade provides proper ground for the development of infant industries.
The development of infant industries requires certain assistances from Government
and protections against foreign competition. Restrictions on trade enables a nation
to face the competition with a strong nation. Import duties provide revenue to
government as well as protection to home industries. It is a method of taxation
which is used for the" support of its industries.
The protection should be granted only to those industries which are able to
grow within a certain period. Protectionists also believe that they should not be
complete restriction, otherwise, the advantage of international specialization or
international division of labour may not be available.
All industries should not be indiscriminately recommended protections.
Industries which are weak and have not reached maturity are permitted
specialization. Thus, the protection to infant industries may speed up
industrialization and new industries can easily grow.
2. Diversification of Industries
Diversification of industries is essential for the balanced growth of a country.
Unbalanced economy may take place due to excessive specialization which leads
the nation towards overdependence. Overdependence is not sound, either
economically or politically. In war period, imports from foreign coun tries become
difficult. The economic dislocation may adversely affect the nation. In order to bring
about a harmonious and balanced growth of all industries, it is necessary to bring
about diversification through protection. These days self-sufficient to a certain
extent is essential; however, complete self-sufficiency is not possible to be
possessed by any country. Even developed countries are not self-sufficient.
3. Promotion of Employment
Protection leads to industrial and agricultural development; conse quently, the
employment increases. The belief was widely accepted during the thirtees. The
cyclical unemployment may be reduced. The costlier import discourages purchase
of domestic goods. The demand for domestic goods increases; consequently
industry develops and employment increases. So, the ultimate increase in
employment and income is greater than that initially is generated. The foreign
capital may also be attracted and industry develops in the country. Thus,
protection leads towards the Promotion of e mployment.
4. Balance of Payment
Tariff protection is used to improve balance of payment. The imposition of
import duty causes the import costlier and incentives to export make the export
cheaper. The combined effect of these two improves the unfavourable balance of
payment because the volume of import decreases and the volume of export
increases. Tariff duty moves to more favourable terms of trade for the importing
5. Revenue
Tariff duties serve as a good instrument for enhancing government revenu e.
Besides, serving the purpose of protection, the government exchequer is easened. It
has become a productive source of revenue in most of the countries.
6. Conservation of Natural Resources
The protectionists believe that the tariff protections conserve the natural
resources. Under free trade, the natural resources are exhausted.
7. Defence Purpose
The economic prosperity and welfare can be sacrificed at the alter of the country's
defence. The total and over-independence upon other country's trade makes a country
politically dependent. The country has to forgo its own policies, if there is over -
dependence upon other countries. Protection policy makes the country sound and self-
dependent, because most of the productions are done within the country.
8. Retaliation
Tariff duties are also imposed to complete with the foreign duties, because they
adversely affect export of internal commodities. Liberal trade policy cannot be
observed, if all the other countries are protecting themselves with the weapons of
the tariff instruments. To safeguard the surrounded duties, the country has to
impose tariff duties on its import, because the country cannot pursue other
countries to withdraw their duties.
3.3.6 Disadvantages
The protection has also been criticized by se veral authors.
The protection policy should not be adopted to avail the comparative
advantages and relative specialization. No country can be completely self-sufficient
and, therefore, specialization is the best policy to utilize the natural resources for
the maximum satisfaction.
Some authors have argued that protection is essential to safeguard the
country's high standard of living to maintain its high wages against the flow of
unskilled and cheap labour. But protection for the sake of maintaining high
standard of living is baseless, because when capital intensive technique is adopted.
Productivity will increase and the average cost may be reduced. Labour intensive
technique involves high costs of production. High wages are no bar to low cost of
Free trade
Dis advantages
1. Adam Smith and Ricardo were in favour of free international trade or
2. what is called retaliation?
1. This chapter reveals free trade and its purpose in Economic development.
2. It also expresses the protection and its advantages and disadvantages.
9. Define protection?
1. whether free trade means complete removal of export and import tariff?
1. Charles P.Kindleberger, International Economics, Fifth Edition, 1973.
2. Robert A.Mundell, International Economics, 1968, Macmillan & Co,
3. Jagdish Bhagawathi, International Trade & Economics Expension. the
American Economics Review, DEC.1958
1. What is Free trade?
2. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of free trade.
3. Elucidate the difference between free trade and protection.
Revenue tariffs are those whose primary purpose is to provide revenue to the
State. These are generally at a lower rate and not intended to exclude imports. They
are usually levied on imports of consumption goods.
Protective tariffs, on the other hand, are designed to curtail imports of certain
goods to protect domestic production. Column Classification of tariffs
In view of the country of origin and application of tariffs as between countries,
tariffs can be classified into: (i) single-column tariff, (ii) multiple-column tariffs and
(iii) traditional tariffs.
1. Single- Column Tariff
Irrespective of the origin of imports of goods, when only one rate of tariff duty
is imposed by law on all the goods, it is referred to as a single column tariff. It is a
very simple system which can be easily designed and administered.
2. Multiple-Column Tariff
In multiple column tariffs, two or more duties are levied by law on each class
of commodity. India, for instance, has adopted the double -column tariff policy since
the acceptance of the Commonwealth Prefe rence Agreement in 1932. Under this
scheme, imports from the commonwealth countries bear lower duties than from
other countries.
3. Traditional Tariffs
Under a traditional or conventional tariff, a basic duty is determined by law for
each class of commodity, with the provision that each such duty may be reduced
reciprocally under international treaties. If under international negotiations tariffs
are widely generalized, the traditional tariffs are reduced to a single column tariff.
4.3.2 Effects of Tariffs
Tariffs can affect import volume, prices, production and consumption. They
also affect the terms of trade, .the balance payments etc., the various effects of
tariffs have been discussed i n the following sections.
1. Price Effect
Assuming that the foreign price of a commodity is unchanged, we find that the
price in the tariff-imposed nation would rise by the full amount of the tariff duty In
this case, the incidence of tariff fails on the domestic consumers.
But this need not happen always. sometimes price may not rise at all or it may
rise by less than the amount of duty. When the price does not rise at all, it means
that the entire burden of tariff is shouldered by the exporters; hence the incidence
falls on burden is shared by both imports and exporters.
The exact price effect thus depends upon the volume and elasticity of supply
and demand in the trading countries. The elasticity of supply, however, depends
upon the costs conditions constant, increasing or decreasing which play an
important role in determining the price effect of the tariff.
2. Protective Effect
Since the imposition of tariff duties does not necessarily imply a reduction in
the value of imports, the effect of a tariff on the balance of payments cannot
be very certain.
8. Income and Employment Effect
It was firmly believed in the thirties that imposition of tariff would lead to
expansion of employment and incomes
By reducing imports, tariffs stimulate employment and output in the import
competing industries. A new flow of income will be generated with its 'multiplier
effect'. In an expanding economy, more capital goods investment will also be made
which produces 'acceleration effect'. Thus under conditions of less than full
employment, the interaction of multiplier-accelerator will lead to a cumulative
expansion of investment, employment, output and income in the country.
Another possible impact of tariffs is that the imposition of tariff duties may
attract foreign capital in the country concerned, when they find that they may lose
market for their products in the country due to contraction of import demand and
expansion of home industries under the protective effect of tariffs.
Doubts have been expressed, however, against this income-employment effect
argument for tariff as:
Under conditions of full employment, income through inflation, leaving real
allocation of resources.
Even when there are idle resources, it is highly questionable to say that
tariffs would lead to the expansion of income and employment very
effectively. When a country curtails its imports through tariffs, the exports of
other participating countries will be reduced to that extent. Thus, the
exporting country's employment; output and income in the expor sector
would contract, and a decline in employment is set in motion abroad. As
employment and incomes fall abroad, foreigners would curtail their imports.
Hence, tariff imposing country's exports may decline. This will offset the
import curtailment effect in improving income and employment position of
the country. Further, other countries may also retaliate by imposing tariffs
so that benefit goes to none, and the result is overall contraction of trade,
income and employment in the world as a whole. As Ellsworth puts a
country attempting to increase income and employment at home by means
of tariffs is in effect exporting its unemployment. This sort of beggar-my-
neighbour policy will definitely provoke resentment and retaliation.
To generate employment through tariffs means a permanent
allocation of resources which gives only a temporary gain. Hence
the remedy proves to be costly.
Thus, instead of resorting to tariffs for solving the problem of unemployment
and poverty in the country, appropriate monetary and fiscal policies should be
resorted to a tariff would raise only money income reduction by the altered
free or a special low rate of duty. But imports in excess of this fixed limit are
charged a higher rate of duty. The tariff quota thus combines the features of a tariff
with those of a quota. Flexibility is another advantage of this system.
(ii) The Unilateral Quota
Under this system, a country places an absolute limit on the importation of a
commodity during a given period. It is imposed without prior negotiation with,
foreign governments.
The quota so fixed may be either global or allocate. Under a global quota, the
commodity can be imported from any country upon the full amount of the quota.
Under an allocated quota system, however, the total of the quota is distributed
among specified supplying countries.
(iii) The Bilateral Quota
Under this system, quotas are set through negotiation between the importing
country and the exporting country (or foreign export groups).
(iv) The Mixing Quota
It is a type of regulation which requires producers to utilize a certain
proportion of domestic raw materials along with imported parts to produce finished
goods domestically. It thus sets limits on the proportion of foreign made raw
materials to be (imported and ) used in domestic production.
(v) Import Licensing
The mechanism of import licensing has been evolved as a system devised to
administer quota regulations. Under this, prospective importers are required to
obtain a license from the proper authorities for importing any quantity w ithin the
specified quotas. Licenses are generally distributed among established importers
keeping in view their share in the country's import trade.
4.3.5 Effects of Quotas
The following are important economic effects of quotas:
(i) The Price Effect
Import quotas, by limiting physical quantities, tend to raise the prices of
commodities to which they apply. While this is generally true also of a tariff, there
is one important difference in the impact of quotas. Mostly, the rise in price caused
by a tariff is limited to the amount of the duty imposed, less any decrease in price
abroad. Thus, the range of the price change due to tariff can well be circumscribed.
In contrast, a quota can raise price to any extent, since it places an absolute limit
upon the volume of imports and leaves price determination in the domestic market
to the interaction of supply and demand force. The price effect of quotas is thus
related to : (i) the restrictiveness of the quota, i.e., the degree to which the supply of
imported commodity is restricted; and (ii) the degree of elasticity of domestic and
foreign supply of the commodity; and (iii) the nature of the demand, Le., the
intensity or elasticity of demand for the commodity in the importing country.
Hence, the price change due to quotas is far less predictable.
If the importing country imports a fixed quota to the amount, then the relevant
import supply schedule assumes the form. Thus, the segment of the import supply
curve implies that supply in excess of the quota limit is perfec tly inelastic.' The new
equilibrium price is set. Thus, it is obvious that the extent of the price rise will be
different under different conditions of demand and supply.
(ii) The Terms of Trade Effect
As a result of the fixing of import quotas, the terms of trade of a country
change. The new terms of trade may be either more or Less favourable to the
country importing the quota. The terms of trade are generally improved by a quota,
to the extent that the foreign offer curve is elastic. If the foreign exporters of the
commodity are well-organised and the offer curve is elastic, the terms of trade may
move against the country imposing quota. But, if the foreign offer curve is more
elastic, the terms of trade may move favourably to the country imposing the quota.
(iii) The Balance of Payments Effect
It has been argued that import quotas can also serve as a useful means for
safeguarding the balance of trade. By restricting imports, quotas seek to eliminate
deficit and influence the balance of payments situation favorably. Further, it is
usually assumed that administrative reduction of imports, through import quotas,
would be a less harmful measure for correcting disequilibrium in the balance of
payments than such micro economic measures like deflation or devaluation.
Moreover, there is a greater expansive income effect of quotas, considered
important for underdeveloped countries which usually suffer from balance of
payment difficulties resulting from domestic inflation. Due to import quotas, the
marginal propensity to import becomes zero after the quota limit is reached, which
thus reduces leakage and increase the value of income multipliers in the country.
(iv) Other Miscellaneous Effects
Another important effect of quotas is that they have a protective effect. By
limiting to a fixed amount, irrespective of supply and demand conditions or prices
in the domestic or foreign markets, import quotas may tend to be absolutely
protective. They stimulate home production.
Further, import quotas raise domestic prices, causing reduction in overall
consumption. This is the consumption effect of quotas. They tend to discourage
consumption of imported goods as also domestic consumption of goods involving
foreign raw materials, since the prices of these goods rise due to the artificial
scarcity created by import restriction.
Another effect of quota is found to the redistribution effect. When prices rise,
there is redistribution of income from consumers to producers. The domesti c
producers' receipts increase when prices of goods rise and the consumers' surplus
in these goods decreases. Hence, there is a redistribution effect. .
4.3.6 Quotas vs. Tariffs
Import quotas have peculiar properties and problems distinguishing them from
1. Usually, quotas fix a rigid quantitative limit on imports. Thus, they are harsh
and inflexible in their operation. In case of tariffs, on the other hand, no such
rigidity lies. A tariff is rather mild and flexible in its restrictive influence.
2. In their impact, generally import quotas are absolutely protective. A tariff,
however, need not prove absolutely protective. Under tariffs, the commodity
can freely enter on payment of duties. Thus, the superiority of a quota over a
tariff lies in the certainty of its restriction of imports.
3. In its protective effect, however, the quota system provides protection to old
inefficient firms as it generally favours established importers in giving
licences. Tariffs shelter the domestic market from foreign competition .
4. Under a tariff, it’s probable effect upon price would be reasonably clear, but
its impact on the quantity of imports will be uncertain. In the case of an
import quota, its effect on the quantitative restriction would be explicit, but
its impact on the prices will not be very certain.
5. Tariffs permit the market forces of supply and demand to operate freely.
Quotas, however, by fixing a maximum limit on supply, inhibit the free play
of market forces. As against tariffs, however, quotas introduce a wholly
arbitrary new dimension in foreign trade of a imposing country. Thus, quotas
involve greater consciousness in the value judgments than tariffs.
6. Under quotas, domestic price would more than under tariffs, because when
the quantity imported is fixed under the quota, any changes in demand and
supply in the domestic market or world market have to be adjusted, not
through changing import quantities but rather than through altered prices.
7. When tariffs are imposed, the rise in price is absorbed partly or fully by the
State as revenue. Thus, the revenue effect of tariffs is favourable to the state.
Most quotas, however, fail to bring any revenue to the government.
Further, importers under a quota system are placed in a monopoly -like
position and as a result of rising prices are able to reap high profits, called
8. quota profits.
4.3.7 Concluding Remarks
From a general point of view tariffs seem to be superior to quantitative (quota)
restrictions. But from a rational point of view, especially in underdeveloped
countries, quantitative restrictions are better than tariffs on the following counts:
Tariffs are not very effective in poor countries as their problems are distinct
from those of advanced countries. Particularly, infant industries of poor
countries need to be protected through quotas rather than look protection
bounded with free competitive elements at a higher price of tariffs.
Marginal propensity of poor countries to import is generally very high while
their import demand is less elastic. Therefore, to correct the disequilibrium
in the balance of payments, curbs on imports, through quantitative
restriction, are absolutely essential for these countries.
Quotas are more effective than tariffs in various respects. They succeed
where tariffs might fail. Protected home producers feel more secure under
quotas than under tariffs. Quota system surely strengthens the bargaining
power of the country.
For a planned economy, quota system is better than tariffs, as its effect on
quantitative restriction is certain.
Quota system is generally administered by the executive authorities and so
it is more flexible and adaptable whereas tariffs prove to be a rigid and
conservative system requiring the approval of the legislature.
Further, tariffs undoubtedly raise the domestic price of a commodity, but
quotas do not rise it under price control and rationing.
Among other things, if tariffs are higher in prohibitory effect than quotas,
then quotas would be preferred and vice versa.
Classification of tariffs
Effects of tariffs
Nature and importance of Quotas
Types of Quotas
Effects of Quotas
Quotas vs Tariffs
Concluding Remarks
1. Define Specific duty?
2. What is meant by Advalorem duty?
3. What is meant by quotas?
4. Quotas can restrict or limit either value or quantity of commodity to be
imported and exported True/False.
This lesson reveals the purpose of tariff along with its classifications and the
effects of tariff on various sectors of economic activities such as price, revenue,
redistribution, consumption, BOP and employment. The use of Quotas as a
restrictive device was almost forced with foreign exchange. Import and export
Quotas are one of several restrictive trade practices which limit either value or
quantity of commodity to be imported.
1. Irrespective of the origin of imports of goods, when only one rate of tariff duty is
imposed by law on all the goods, it is referred to as a _______________tariff.
2. What are the objectives of quota?
3. Whether import licensing is a kind of quota or a kind of tariff?
1. Peter b.kenen, the international economy, third edition, cambridge edition, 1994.
2. Francis cherunilam, international business, third edition 2004.
3. C.Edwards, control of cartels and monopolies: an international comparison, 1966
1. Explain the offers of tariff on terms of trade and domestic price ratio.
2. What are the different classifications of tariffs?
3. What is Quota?
4. Explain and show with the help of a diagram the various effects of import
1. Charles P. Kindleberger, International Economics, Fifth Edition, 1973.
2. Robert A. Mundell, International Economics, 1968, Macmillan & co,
3. Jagdish Bhagawathi, International trade & Econ omics expension. The
4. Economics Review, Dec.1958.
5. M.C. Vaish & Sudama Singh, International Economics sixth Edition, reprint
6. Bo Sodersten, International Economics II nd Edition 1980.
1. Identify some of the countries and commodities where India is having
different types of quota at present
2. Try to study the effect of any one tariff on the export of a commodity in the
Indian economy.
1. Specific duties, Advalorem duty, unilateral quota, bilateral quota, import
licensing Sliding scale duty, Effects of tariff.
The genesis of the Fund lies in the breakdown of Gold Standard, which created
a vacuum in the field of international trade. With the abandonment of gold
standard in the 'thirties all countries realised the need for international cooperation
in economic affairs, as veritable chaos had resulted in the system of foreign
exchange rates and international trade after the end of the gold standard system.
As a result, each country tried to secure its own interest at the cost of others. Each
deliberately undervalued its currency to secure an advantage for its exports. They
started following' beggar-my-neighbour' policies in currency matters as well as in
matters of international trade. Competitive exchange depreciations, exchang~
controls, import and export regulations and bilateral trade pacts were the order of
the day, and world trade as a whole dec lined to a great exte nd . International
investments also suffered very much as a result of the uncertainty created by the
frequently changing exchange rates. In short, international trade and investments
passed through the worst period in the 'thirties.
It was then recognised that the monetary disorder of the world could be
corrected only by mutual agreement between nations having international economic
relations. International monetary cooperation became the dire need of the day. As a
result in 1943, the United States treasury published a proposal for the
establishment of an International Stabilisation Fund of the United and Associated
Nations. In the same period Great Britain also proposed the establishment of an
International Clearing Union. The American proposal is known as 'white Plan', and
the British proposal is known a 'Keynes Plan', after their principal authors Mr.
white and Lord Keynes respectively. In 1944, a joint plant pIa in the shape of a
"Joint Statement by Experts on the Establishment of Inte rnational Monetary Fund
of the United and Associated Nations" emerged, which became the basis for the
United Nations Monetary and financial conference at Bretton Woods, New
Hampshire, from July 1 to July 22, 1944.
The purpose of the Bretton woods Conference was to devise means for assuring a
system of international trade and payments consistent with the dual objectives of high
world productivity and trade and domestic employment and income with economic
stability. At this meeting, it was decided that an 'In ternational Monetary Fund' (IMF) be
organised embodying a working mechanism for the smooth settlement of international
payments in order to achieve the objectives.
However, the IMF itself was orgnised in 1946, and commenced operations in
March 1947.
2. Objectives
The objectives of the Fund are stated in Article 1 of the Fund Agreements as follows:
1. To promote international monetary cooperation through a permanent
institution which provides machinery for consultation and collaboration on
international monetary problems.
2. To facilitate the expansion of balanced growth of international trade, and to
contribute thereby to the promotion and maintenance of high levels of
directors is the Managing Director-who is the head of the Fund. The executive board
meets two or three times each week to consider problems brought before the Fund.
5.3.3 Quotas
IMF's constitution represents a departure in the formation of international
organisations. It is financed by the participating countries, with each country's
contribution fixed in terms of quota. Quotas were fixed on the following basis:
i) 2 per cent of national income;
ii) 5 per cent of gold and dollar reserves;
iii) 10 per cent of average annual imports;
iv) 10 per cent of maximum variation in annual exports;
v) The sum of (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv) increased by the percentage ratios of average
annual exports of national income.
The quotas are reviewed every five years and adjusted from time to time by the
Fund. In fact, the enlargement of quotas from time to time reflects the Fund's
appraisement of the increase in need for international liquidity.
5.3.4 Operations
Following points may be enlisted for discussing the operations of the IMF:
1. The lending operations of the Fund technically take the form of sale of
currency. Any member nation running short of foreign currency may buy the
required currency from the fun, paying for it with its own currency. Since
each member contributed gold to the extent of 25 per cent of its quota, the
Fund freely permits a member to draw up to the amount of its gold
contribution. Additional drawings are permitted only after certain careful
and strict scrutinies.
2. The Fund has also laid down provisions relating to exchange stability. under
the IMF arrangements, gold retains its role in determining the relative values
and currencies of different nations. And once the par values of different
currencies are fixed, it is quite easy to determine the exchange rate between
any tWo member nations.
3. With a view to eliminate or minimize exchange control operations, the Fund
laid down that in ordinary trade and other current transactions, there
should be no restrictions. Exchange controls are expressly permitted in the
case of currencies which may be declared 'scarce' by the Fund. It is also
permitted during the 'transition period'. Thus, the elements of exchange
control have been incorporated in the provisions of the Fund.
4. In fine, the IMF may be described as a bank of central banks of different
countries, because it collects the resources of the various central banks in
the same way in which a country's central bank collects cash reserves of all
its commercial banks and assists them in times of emergency.
5.3.5 IMF-A Better Scheme than Gold Standard
According to Keynes, the IMF scheme is quite the opposite of the gold standard
system in several respects.
The value of the currencies is not rigidly fixed in terms of gold and once for all:
Alterations in the exchange rates or par values are al lowed by the Fund within
certain limits.
The basic principles underlying the working of th~ international gold standard
was that the countries following it should adjust their internal price levels and
income levels in order to maintain the rigidly fixed e xchange rates. On the other
hand the Fund emphasises that orderly adjustment of exchange rates should be
undertaken in order to bring the exchange rates in parity with the structure of
internal prices and incomes. Thus IMF holds that de facto exchange depreciation
must be made de jure by devaluation. .
Unlike the gold standard system under the Fund's arrangements a deficit
country is under no compulsion to induce deflation in its economy. It can easily
counter-balance any deflationary influence, so arisen on account of international
payments, through the action of the central bank. Thus, deflation is not a logical
outcome of the IMF arrangements.
Under the game of gold standard, exchange control is not permitted, whereas
the IMF allows the use of exchange re strictions together with exchange rate
adjustments in certain circumstances.
Rules of gold standard emphasised external stability, even at the cost of
internal stability, whereas the IMF arrangements give greater importance to the
achievement and maintenance of internal stability.
International gold standard required a compulsory coordination if domestic
economic policies of the participating countries in accordance with the rules of the
gold standard game. Under IMF arrangements, member countries can follo w their
independent economic policies.
Under the gold standard system there was no international currency reserve
which could help the deficit countries to meet their temporary disequalibrium in
the balance of payments. The Fund, however, keeps a pool of such reserves, assists
in meeting a temporary shortfall in the balance of payments and tries to minimise
the ugly consequences (depression and unemployment) of the gold standard.
Undoubtedly the IMF has made a remarkable success in achieving most of its
principal objectives:
The primary goal of the IMF was to promote stability in exchange rates. The
measure of exchange stability that the world has witnessed in the IMF era is
remarkably superior to what was seen during the inter-war period or gold standard
regime. Under IMF arrangements, stable exchange rates do not imply rigid
exchange rates. IMF's object is to combine the merits of stability with flexibility in
exchange management. It is aimed at avoiding competitive exchange depreciations
by requiring members to declare the par values of their currencies fixed in terms of
gold er the U.S dollar. However, it permitted an orderly adjustment of exchange
rates when this was needed for correcting fundamental disequilibrium in a
country's balance of payments. The recent devaluation of the Indian rupee (in 1966)
and that of pound sterling were justified by the IMF.
The IMF also served as an exp.ert institution for consultation and guidance in
international monetary matters. It serves as an excellent forum for discussions,
practically on a day-to-day basis, of the economic, fiscal and financial policies of
member nations, with purticular reference to their balance of payments impact. The
fund has created a feeling among the member nations that their economic proble ms
are not their exclusive concern but of the whole international society.
The fund has contributed in certain ways to the expansion of world trade. By
providing credit facilities to member countries, the IMF has reduced the need for
their imposing import quotas and resorting to exchange controls. It assists the
deficit countries in meeting their temporary disequilibrium in the balance of
payments. It also works for facilitating multi -lateral payments and trade, promoting
thereby international trade as a whole.
In recent years the Fund has achieved some success in bringing about a
simplifIcation of the multiple exchange system at least in countries that have
sought fInancial assistance from the Fund.
The fund has been instrumental in ensuring steady progress in the
establishment of a multilateral system of payments in respect of current
transactions. However, little success has been achieved in this direction due to
agencies and organisations out of the Fund's purview.
In the beginning, the Fund pursued a con servative credit policy, refusing loans
for any purpose other than correcting a fundamental disequilibrium in the balance
of payments. Moreover, the IMF credit was of short-term duration only. Lately,
however, the Fund has changed its attitude by accepting a more liberal credit
policy. Today the Fund grants development loans, too. Hence, the quantum of
borrowings from the Fund has shown a marked increase in recent years.
In a nutshell, the fund has thus been able to secure all the advantages of
paper standard by maximising employment and accelerating the pace of economic
development and of the gold standard by maintaining comparative economic
stability, while carefully avoiding the disadvantages of either.
Moreover, the fund has been particularly interested in the newly developing
countries of the world and has been liberally assisting them to maintain a healthy
balance of payments and monetary stability at home. In recent years, however,
underdeveloped countries have started looking to the Fund to assist them in their
economic development programme also. Furthermore, most of the new member
countries who have acquired independence recently are facing difficult problems in
organising their monetary, fiscal and exchange systems. These countries, thus,
base for their economic growth. The fund has been already providing technical
assistance to its members in this respect, but now its activity is substantially
widened to meet this challenge. In Many of these countries, the Fund's experts have
The financial help given by the Bank does not amount to more than a drop in
the big ocean of financial requirements so essential for various development
5.3.11 Conclusion
It may be said that the World Bank has not come upto the expectations of
many nations. Nevertheless, it has been instrumental to a very large extent in
initiating and accelerating the work of economic reconstruction and development in
different countries. No doubt, India has derived immense benefit from the world
Bank. The Bank may have failed to finance most of the development projects, but it
should be remembered that it has financed quite a large number of them which
have proved a notable success. The Bank has also played a significant role outside
financial matters by serving as a mediator between different countries on major
economic and political issues. For instance, its help in the solution of the Indus
Waters dispute between India and Pakistan and the Suez Canal dispute between
the U.K. and U.A.R. has been invaluable.
Organisation and Structure
IMF – Gold Standards
The IMF and India
Capital Resources
Lending Operations
1. What are the functions of imf? name few vital operations of IMF define
capital resourses of ibrd?
2. What are the advantages of lending operation for the member countries of
This lesson outlines the functions of IMF, Objectives, Operations and Quotas
of International participating countries. This lesson explains that IBRD is an inter-
governmental institution, corporate in form and capital stock of which is entirely
own by its member-government.
1. IMF Fund are stated in ___________of the Fund Agreements
2. Developing countries including India must realise that some policy changes
in the right direction are inevitable for their own benefit . True/False
3. What is the other name of IBRD?
4. What is the expansion for IBRD or
5. IBRD stands for ___________?
constitution, it was not translated into practice due to various difficulties and lack
of common agreement.
However, some of the countries took up one of the important issues of the
Havana Charter regarding relaxation of trade restrictions by incorporating it into a
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). This was signed in 1947 by some
twenty-three major trading nations, including India. GATT membership has now
gone up to more than 64.
6.3.2 Main Objectives of Gatt
By reducing tariff barriers and eliminating discrimination in international
trade, the GATT aims at:
1. Expansion of international trade
Increase of world production by ensuring full employment in the
participating nations;
Development and full utilisation of world resources; and Raising standard of
living of the world community as a whole.
However, the articles of the GATT do not provi de directives for attaining
these objectives. These are to be indirectly achieved by the GATT through
the promotion of free (unrestricted) and multilateral international trade.
As such, the rules adopted by GATT are based on the following fundamental
Trade should be conducted in a non -discriminatory way; The use of
quantitative restrictions should be condemned; and Disagreements should
be resolved through consultations.
In short, members of GATT agree to reduce trade barriers and to eliminate
discrimination in international trade so that multilateral and free trade may
be promoted, leading to wider dimensions of world trade and prosperity.
6.3.3 Uruguay Round of The GATT The Uruguay Round
The Eighth round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations (MTN) of the GATT
participants-commonly referred to as the Uruguay Round-was launched at Punta Del
Este in Uruguay Latin America, in September 1986 in a special session and after eight
weary years, has been concluded on the 15 the December, 1993, at Geneva.
The Treaty of the Uruguay round will become effective in April 1995.
Global Trade and Negotiations Rounds (Conferences) of the GATT
Round Year Venue Outcome
First 1947 Geneva First GATT Agreement was signed. 20 tariff schedules
(Switzerland) were formed. 45,000 tariff concessions were exchanged.
Second 1949 Annecy Tariffs on specific products reduced but no significant
(France) cuts. Some 5, 000 tariff concessions exchanged
Third 1950-51 Torquay Tariffs on specific products redp.ced, Around 8,700
(England) tariff concessions exchanged
Fourth 1956 Geneva Tariffs on specific products reduced, but not significantly
(Switzerland) only 82.5 billion worth of tariff reductions,
At this juncture, it is not easy to say with full confidence about India's position
as a net gainer or a loser from the new Treaty as there are both plus and minus
points on several issues. A real picture of the URT's implications will be revealed
only through a close scrutiny of the provisions made in the 500 -page document
when it is signed and sealed in April 1994. Meanwhile, the present study, in brief,
makes only a broad perception of the likely outcomes of the new treaty.
Agriculture has been a major subject of the URT. Under the new treaty, member
countries are required to reduce their agro-export subsidies over the six years if these
exceed 10 per cent of the value of agricultural production. In the case of India, there is
no need to fear about this clause, since our product and non-products specified agro-
subsidies are already below 10 per cent of the total agro-output value. Member
countries have agreed to reduce import duties on agricultural products by 36 per cent.
Further, developed countries will have to import at least three per cent of their agro-
output. These provisions will give a boost to India's agro-exports when European farm
exports will tend to be more expensive in the world market.
From India's viewpoint, "Textiles" appears to be a green area of the GATT
agreement. It is presumed that India's textile exports should be boosted by the
phase-out of the multi fiber arrangement (MFA) under the new treaty. India's textile
exports have already doubled from Rs.9,558 crores in 1990-91 to Rs.18,643 crores
in 1992-93. Of the total textile exports of India, 52 per cent of the total cotton
textile exports and 77 per cent of readymade garments exports are to the quota
countries. With the dismantling of the quota system, apparently, India will have a
better access to the quota-countries markets for her textile export"5 especially
cotton piece goods, knitted fabrics and ready-made garments.
A provision for intellectual property rights (TRIPs) is a crucial area of the URT
with far-reaching implications for developing countries including India. Up till now
only the process patent was protected. Under the new agreement, inventor's fights
widely cover patents copyright, industrial design, trade marks as well as performing
art. The phasing-out period is specified as 10 years for drugs and agro-chemicals
and 5 years for the rest. In the years to come software packages will tend to become
more expensive for our country. India's software industry may become stagnant,
unless the government modifies the present duty structure on software and Indian
companies are encouraged to develop specialised software packages.
The TRIPs are likely to create some adverse effect on pharmaceutical industry
in India, when the new discoveries would become available at very heavy costs of
royalties. According to the new agreement, when the product patents will be
brought into force in the year 2005 in the developing countries including India,
drug prices will zoom. The indigenous pharmaceutical industry following the
process patent will be in an adverse position.
Under the GATT agreement then India can hope to increase her exports of
generic, tropical and ayurvedic drugs to many countries. This obviously calls for a
rational and pragmatic drug policy on the part of the government.
Under the TRIPs, seeds will be patented. Indian farmers' inputs costs will be
enhanced due to royalties on seeds to be paid. Simil arly, agro-chemicals of patented
manufacture will be more expensive. As a result, food grain prices will go up and
the average Indian consumer will be adversely affected. Effective and subsidised
public distribution system (PDS) can only
Regarding services, the new treaty provides for fair trade and non -
discrimination, easing entry restrictions on specialised and skilled labour. This will
help India to some extent as her consultancy exports will get a boost.
Further, on account of the anti-dumping strategy and rules adopted in the
URT, India's local chemical industry can be protected. Similarly, using the same
clause the US Government can also prevent India's textile exports when its quota
region is over.
India has to be the least worried about her financial sector, since the TRIMs
provisions exclude banking and insurance, and the country has the right to
formulate its own investment policy.
India's share in global exports, at present, is just around 0.5 per cent as
against that of 1.9 per cent in 1950. The positive side of the URT and the export
optimism prevailing in the country should be exploited for improving India's export
scenario on world's front. All efforts must be made to see that our exports expand
by at least 15 per cent per annum in US dollar te rms. Internal restrictions on
exports need to be removed. To sustain the' export - led growth strategy of the
country steps should the taken to provide an aggressive export push. An important
feature of India's exported growth strategy is the degree to whi ch the country can
supply exportables that prove acceptable to customers in the world markets. Good
design and better quality at competitive prices are highly significant factors. In this
respect, foreign collaborations with multinational corporations may prove important
for the Indian economy provided there is a clear understanding on this issue. The
country has yet to build a reputation for the Indian as symbol of quality trade mark
in the global markets.
6.3.5 Features of the WTO
The distinctive features of the WTO are:
Unlike the GATT, it is a legal entity.
Unlike the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank
(WB) it is not an agent of the United Nations.
Unlike the IMF and the world Bank, there is no weighted voting, but all the
WTO members have equal rights.
Unlike the GATT, the agreements under the WTO are permanent and
binding to the member countries.
Unlike the GATT, the WTO dispute settlement system is based not on
dilatory but automatic mechanism, It is also quicker and binding on the
members. As such, the WTO is a powerful body.
This lesson explains the origin , purpose and various rounds of treating
Dunkel draft and Uruguay round treaty. The role of Indian state in the trade
negotiations and agreements on MFA and textile played crucial role in India’s point
of view. This lesson consists of major functions of WTO based on the results of
Uruguay round of negotiations.
1. Which organisations reduce tariff barriers and eliminate discrimination in
international trade?
2. What is the implication of dunkel draft?
3. What is meant by MTA?
4. What is the role of PTA?
1. GATT, Trends in international Trade (THE HABERLER REPORT) Reymond
Vernon, American’s Foregn Trade policy and GATT.
2. Charles P.Kindleberger, International Economics, Fifth Edition, 1973.
1. Explain the origin, objectives and working of GATT.
2. Explain the objectives of WTO.
3. What are the functions of WTO?
1. Robert A.Mundell, International Economics, 1968, Macmillan & co, Newyork.
2. Jagdish Bhagawathi, International trade & Economics expansion.
The American Economics Review, Dec.1958.
3. Peter B.Kenen, The International Economy, Thi rd Edition, Cambridge
Edition, 1994.
4. Francis Cherunilam, International business, Third Edition 2004.
5. M.C.Vaish & Sudama Singh, International Economics sixth Edition, reprint
6. Bo sodersten, International Economics II Edition 1980.
1. Give an account of multilateral trade agreement by india in WTO
2. Write a report on the role of gatt in the global economy.
Uruguay round treaty, Dunkel draft, Most favoured nations, Multi fibre
agreements, TRIPS. Multilateral agreements, TRIPS, PTA & MTA, TPRM
Director of the committee on invisible sounded a warning that if such a code was
not formulated and honored, there would be pressure for national re gulations.
A notable achievement of UNCTAD-III has been that the governments of the
developed nations agreed unanimously, in principle, on the necessity of shipping
conferences providing the relevant financial data while making a demand for
revision in freight rates. There was also a consensus on the necessity in freight
rates. There was also a consensus on the necessity of arbitration in cases of
disputes between shippers and shipping lines, but compulsory arbitration was,
however, ruled out by the developed nations.
Failure of UNCTAD-III should not discourage developing countries; it should
rather bring them more closely together to solve their intricate trade problems. The
zeal of collective bargaining will brighten its colour one day. UNCTAD has failed but
UNCTAD must succeed.
In February 1976 a meeting of the Group of 77 developing nations was held at
manila, and passed a resolution that the developing countries ought to design a
programme of action against advanced nations to protect their trade interests. The
resolution also contained that during the forthcoming UNCTAD-IV, the participants
should be induced to restructure the commodity trade of the developing countries with a
view to create a common fund to maintain buffer stocks of 10 primary commodities and
to ease the terms of obtaining foreign aids from the advanced nations.
The representatives of the developing countries did agree to give debt relief and
debt-scheduling in favour of the poor countries. However, with respect of the
integrated commodity programme the participants of the conference failed to come
to any settlement, so the matter was kept pending on the future conference.
On May 7, 1979 a meeting of UNCTAD-V was held in Manila for nearly a month.
150 member countries participated in this conference. But, on the core issues no
concrete resolution were passed. However, some agreements were unanimously made on
the issues like transfer of resources to developing countries, protectionism, etc. some
ideas about monetary reforms have been placed for future consideration. It also
recommended all the members to refrain from exploiting resources until the adoption of
an international regime by the U.N. conference on the law of the Sea.
In July 1983, the sixth session of the UNCTAD was held at Belgrade. Its focus
was on the attainment of a new international economic order. It reiterated its full
support to earlier programmes approved in previous UNCTAD sessions. Monetary
issues such as SDR allocation, adequacy of fund resources, conditionality etc. were
discussed. Question of improvement in the quality of aid was examined.
Improvements in institutional arrangements were suggested.
UNCTAD VII took place in geneva during 1987. The develope d countries
expressed their desire to provide debt relief to the poor countries. The members,
only right policy. For it the country does not stablize her exchange rate,
fluctuations in the rate of exchange will disturb her foreign trade and within
the propensity and growth of country.
2. Case against Fixed Exchange Rates
All these conditions are absent today. Hence, the smooth operation of a system
of fixed exchange rates is not possible. Due to the interest defects in the IMF
system, the pegging of exchange rates has not been a very successful phenomenon.
The major shortcomings of the IMF are as follows:
2. Since the system of pegged rates followed by the IMF permits occasional
changes in exchange rates, it turns out to be a system of managed flexibility.
It involves various difficulties such as: (i) deciding as to when to change the
external value of a currency; (ii) establishing acceptable criteria for
devaluation; (iii) measuring the extent of devaluation needed to re -establish
equilibrium in the balance of payments of the devaluating country. Further,
due to more frequent exchange rate changes and the national monetary
policies followed today, the need for reserves is becoming greater and greater
which tends to aggravate the problem of international liquidity
The system of pegged rates may cause a large -scale destabilizing speculation
in the foreign exchange markets.
Pegged rates are not permanently fixed. As such, it deters long-
term foreign investment assumed to be available under genuinely
fixed rates system.
The present system of pegged rates thus provides neither the
expectation of permanently stable rates not the continuous and
sensitive 'adjustment of a freely fluctuating rate.
The monetary policies followed by' the countries individually are
rarely coordinated today. The objectives of achieving a high and
stable level of employment and income at home and maintenance
of external stability of the value of money are distinctively
8.3.3 Flexible Exchange Rates
Flexible, floating exchange rates are determined by market forces. The
monetory authorities do not intervene for the purpose of influencing the exchange
rate. Under a regime of freely fluctuating exchange rates, if there is an excess
supply of a currency, the value of that currency in foreign exchange markets will
fall. It will lead to depreciation of the exchange rate. Consequently equilibrium will
be restored in the exchange market on the other hand shortage of a currency will
lead' to appreciation of exchange rates thereby leading to r :storation of equilibrium
in the exchange market. These market forces operate autOI"1atically without any
action on the part of monetary authorities. We study below the case for and
advantages of flexible exchange rates.
1. Merits of Flexible Exchange Rates
The system of flexible exchange rates is a simple one. The exchange rate moves
in a free market to equate supply and demand, so that the market is cleared off and
the problem of scarcity or surplus of anyone currency is automatically solved.
Hence, under the flexible exchange rate system, the countries do not have to make
extra efforts in inducing changes in prices and incomes in order to maintain or re -
establish equilibrium in the balance of payments.
Being very sensitive, the system of flexible rates facilities continuous adjustments,
so that the adverse effect of prolonged period of disequilibrium is avoided.
It is the only system which permits the continued existence of free trade and
convertible currencies. This system does not require the use of exchange controls,
which is generally associated with the system of pegged rates.
The flexible exchange rates system also confers more independence on the
countries in their domestic policies.
So men argues that flexible rates system tends to reinforce the effectiveness of
monetary policy.
The system of flexible exchange rates eliminates the need for official foreign
exchange reserves.
2. Demerits of Flexible Exchange Rates
Under a system of flexible rates, as the friend of the rate of exchange can
usually be assessed through the forward market, the risk will be minimized an d
trade will grow.
It flexible exchange rates can do more than fixed rates to adjust external
balances and prevent recurrent balance of payments crises, then their effect on
international lending is likely to be more beneficial.
Typical economic, political and social forces have induced various countries to
constitute the sterling bloc and these forces would not be enfeebled if the sterling is
allowed to have flexible exchange rates.
The system of stable exchange rates has many inherent weaknesses. Even
under severe exchange control it, press up currency speculation and endangers the
stability in the external value of home currency, ultimately leading to devaluation.
When countries follow different economic policies, cost-price relations alter
frequency and the economic stability will be hampered.
8.3.4 Floating Exchange Rates
The system of floating exchange rates is not one of free flexible exchange rates
but of "managed floating". It has rarely operated without government intervention.
Periodic intervention by governments has led the system to be called a "managed"
or "dirty" floating system.' In 1977 when the intervention was very heavy, it was
characterized as a "filthy" float. When governments do not intervene, it is a "clean"
float. But the possibilities of a clean float are very remote. Thus a system of
managed floating exchange rates is evolving where the central banks are trying to
control fluctuations of exchange rates around some "normal" rates even though the
second Amendment of the fund makes no me ntion of normal rates.
8.3.5 Meaning and Objectives of Exchange Control
Exchange control implies governmental intervention in the matter of foreign
exchange and the exchange rates. According to Haberler, exchange control is "state
regulation excluding the free play of economic forces from the foreign exchange
market." Thus, when the exchange control is full -fledged the foreign exchange
market is ruled by the government's ~ decision. It forbids free transactions in
foreign exchange.
The main objects of foreign exchange control may be stated as follows.
1. Conservation of Foreign Exchange
Exchange control may be introduced by the monetary authority to converse
the gold, bullion, foreign exchange currencies etc., i.e., foreign exchange resources,
of the country.
2. Check on Flight of Capital
Under the free exchange system there is the danger of huge outflow of capital
which may weaken the country economy. Especially erratic shifting of capital tend
to accentuate the disequilibrium in the balance of paymen ts and it also adversely
affects future growth of the country. Exchange control, .however, offers a prompt
and effective means to prevent such capital outflows.
3. Correcting Disequilibrium in Balance of Payments
To correct the deficit in the balance of payments, the country needs to put a
curb on imports. For this purpose, the use of Foreign exchange earnings by
exporters for import of goods must be checked through appropriate exchange
control. Again, the exchange control is essential to implement an import policy very
effectively. In short, exchange control may be introduced may be introduced to
protect the country's balance of payments.
4. Stabilization of Exchange Rates
In a free exchange market exchange rate is a fluctuating phenomenon. Thus,
exchange control may be adopted to maintain exchange rates at an arbitrarily
chosen fIxed point.
5. Protecting the Interest of Home Producers
Exchange control may be used for giving protection to domestic producers by
restricting the competition from foreign traders through import control.
6. Redemption of External Debt
The Government may use the exchange control device to obtain foreign
exchange needed for repaying or servicing of its foreign loans.
7. Effective Economic Planning
For successful economic planning, foreign trade has to be coordinated with
planned programmes and the outflow of capital should be restricted in order to
make it available to domestic industries. Thus, for mitigating the economic
and the basic assumption is that countries entering into such an agreement should try
to equalise their imports and exports so that there will be no necessity for either
making or receiving payments from the other countries.
(vii) Payment Agreements
Under this scheme a creditor is paid as soon as informants. Under this
scheme a creditor is paid as soon as information is received by the central bank of
the debtor country from the creditor country's central bank that its debtor has
discharged his obligation and vice versa. By designing the arrangement for mutual
credit facilities, thus, possibilities of delay are ruled out. Payment Agreements have
the advantage that direct relation between exporters and importers are maintained.
(viii) Gold Policy
Through a suitable gold policy, the country can bring the desired exchange
control. for this the country may resort to the manipulation of the buying and
selling prices of gold which affect the exchange rate of the country's currency.
8.6.2 Indirect Exchange Control
Apart from the direct methods, there are several indirect methods also
regulating the rates of exchange. Important ones are briefly discussed below.
(i) Changes in Interest Rates
Changes in interest rate tend to influence indirectly the foreign exchange rate. A
rise in the interest rate of a country attracts liquid capital and banking funds of
foreigners. It will tend to keep their funds in their own country. All this tends to
increase the demand for local currency and consequently the exchange rate move its
favour. It goes without saying that a lowering of the rate of interest will have the
opposite effect.
(ii) Tariffs Duties and Import Quotas
The most important indirect method is the use of tariffs and import quotas and
other such quantitative restrictions on the volume of foreign trade. Import duty
reduces imports and with it rise the value of home currency relative to foreign
currency. Similarly, export duty restricts exports; as a result, the value of home
currency falls relative to foreign currencies. In short, when import duties and quotas
are imposed, the rate of exchange tends to go up in favour of the controlling country.
(iii) Export Bounties
Export bounties of subsidies increase exports. As such the external value of
the currency of the subsidy-giving country rises. It should be noted that import
duties and export bounties are treated as indirect instruments of exchange control
only if they are imposed with the object of conserving the foreign exchange.
Otherwise, the fundamental aims of import duty is merely check imports and that
of export bounty is to encourage exports.
(iv) Concluding Remarks
There are various forms in which the exchange control system may be devised.
Each form has its own merits and demerits and each one serves a specific purpose.
2. Capital Account
Capital account deals with payments of debts and claims. It consists of all such
items as may be employed in financing both imports and e xports, namely, private
balanced, assistance by the international institutional agencies and specie flow, and
balances held on government account. Accordingly, we shall have private capital
account, international institutional capital account, specie accou nt, and government
capital account. Balances in these accounts may rise or fall from year to year depending
upon the account movements or fluctuations in other items on capital account.
Under private capital account, all the private balances held by corporate bodies or
commercial banks are recorded. Private capital account usually consists of short and long
period adjustments. Obviously, the short period capital movements are caused by changes
in short-term liabilities. The long-term capital movement is affected by capital investment,
direct or indirect. Direct investment reals investment in industries. Indirect or portfolio
investment is financial investment in holding of existing assets.
International institutional capital account consists of assistance from the short
and long-term capital supplying agencies like MF, BIS (Bank of International
Settlements), World Bank, International Finance Corporation, International
Development association etc.
Specie account records the movements (inflow and outflow) of gold bullion. The
balances on government capital account consist of all governmental capital
transactions in the form of grants or loans, short-term as well as long-term.
9.3.4 Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments (BOP)
There is a marked distinction between the two concepts, balance of trade and
balance of payments. Balance of payments is a wider concept than balance of trade,
In fact, balance of payments includes in its structure the notion of balance of trade.
As we know, a country may export and import many items some of which are
visible and some are invisible. Balance of trade refers only to the value of imports
and exports of goods, Le., visible items only. Import or export of goods is a visible
item because it is an open trade between the countries and can be easily certified
by the customs officials. On the other hand, balance of payments is more
comprehensive in scope and covers the total debits and credits of all items, visible
as well as invisible. Thus, balance of trade is only a segment of the balance of
payments. It simply refc:;rs to the difference between the value of visible exports
and visible imports.
9.3.5 Balancing the Balance of Payments (BOP)
Since the balance of payments statement is drawn up in terms of debits and
credits based on a system of double-entry book-keeping, if all the entries are made
correctly, total debits must equal total credits. This is because two aspects (debits
and credits) of each transaction recorded are equal in amount but appear on the
opposite sides of the balance of payments account. In this accounting sense,
balance of payments of a country must always balance.
Merchandise Trade (goods exported) 200 Merchandise Trade (goods imported) 300
Income from foreign Investments 200 Foreign income from investment at home 200
Table 2
EXTERNAL BALANCE (Prepared From Table 1)
Credit – Debit = Surplus/ Deficit
Balance of Trade (1 & 8) 200 – 300 = -100
Balance of Services (2 &9) 100 – 200 = -100
Balance of Investment income (3 & 10) 100 – 200 = -100
Balance of unilateral transfers (4 & 11) (Rows I + II + III + IV) 200 – 100 = + 100
Balance of Current Account 600 – 800 = -200
Balance of loan transactions (5,6, 12 & 13) 300 – 140 = + 160
Balance of monetary gold Flows(7 & 14) 100-50 = + 50
Balance of Capital Account (Rows V &VII) 400-180 = +220
Errors and Omission –10
Net + 200
Balance of Payments 1000-1000 = 0
may become available for export purposes. So that exports may be increase wi th a
fall in domestic income of the people, their propensity to import will also decline
and imports will be decline curtailed. Thus, when exports increase and imports
decline as an impact of deflationary monetary policy a deficit in the balance of
payments gets automatically corrected.
However deflation is fruitfully employed when countries are on a gold standard
or on fixed exchange rates, because its workability assumes that exchange rates are
unchanged during its course.
2. Exchange depreciation
Another important method of correcting an adverse balance of payments is to
depreciate the external (exchange) value of the home currency. This device
obviously assumes that the country has adopted flexible exchange rate policy.
Thus, exchange depreciation is feasible. By exchange depreciation is meant a
decline in the rate of exchange of one country in terms of another's. Suppose the
Indian rupee exchanges for 3 cents of the American currency. If India experiences
an adverse balance of payments with regard to America, the Indian demand for
American currency. i.e. dollar will rise. Consequently, the price of dollars in terms
of the rupee will appreciate in its external value, while the rupee will depreciate in
its external value. Thus, the rate of exchange of Indian rupee in terms of American
dollar may change from Rs. 1=3 cents to Rs.1=2 cents. Such a depreciation in the
value of rupee is what is called exchange depreciation.
Exchange depreciation of a country will tend to cheaper its'domestic goods for the
foreigners so that its exports will be boosted up, while its imports will be costlier so
that they will tend to decline. Thus imports will be checked and exports will be
stimulated by a fall in exchange rate or the external value of the currency of a country.
The country may thus achieve a favourable balance to payoff an earlier deficit.
3. Devaluation
A most commonly adopted method consists in devaluation of the currency of a
country faced with an adverse balance of payments. Devaluation simply means the
lowering of the external value of the country's currency by an official edict. This
may be either is relation to the currencies of all the countries or in terms of gold or
it might be done in relation to the currencies of only a few selected countries. For
instance, the Indian rupee' on June 6, 1966 was devalued 36% in terms of gold,
and by 57.5% in terms of the American dollar and English pound-sterling. Thus, in
relation to the U.S. currency, the official exchange rate of rupee which was Rs.1=22
cents, has been fixed at Rs.1=13.3 cents after devaluation. It should be noted that
the difference between devaluation and depreciation of exchange is that while
devaluation is reduction of the external value of a currency as arbitrarily decided
upon the Government, depreciation stands for automatic reduction in the external
value of a country's currency by market forces. Some times the act of devaluing a
currency might simply mean giving official recognition to what might be termed the
defector depreciation of the currency in the foreign exchange market. In substance,
however, both imply the same thing, Le. lower value of the local currency in terms
of foreign currencies. Similarly, both devaluation and depreciation produce similar
effects increase exports. Curtail imports and ultimately correct an adverse balance
of payments and move it a favourable one.
The success of devaluation depends upon the following conditions.
a. A Fairly Elastic Demand
A fairly elastic demand for imports and exports will ease the way of the
successful functioning of devaluation to achieve its desire goal.
b. Structure of Imports and Exports
If the devaluing country's export consists of non -traditional items, and has a
large demand from the rest of the world, it can gain by improving terms of trade
due to increase in world's demand for its product induced by devaluation. But, if its
exports are largely of primary products and ~mports are of manufactured goods.
raw materials etc., it will have always unfavourable terms of trade, so it will lose
more under devaluations.
c. Domestic Price Stability
Maintenance of internal purchasing power of a devaluing country is very
essential to realize fruitful effects of devaluation. Success of devaluation requires
that when the external value of a currency is deliberately reduced, the internal
value of the currency should not change, otherwise the whole purpose will be
defeated. In other words, the cost-price structure of devaluing country should not
alter thus should be no inflation.
d. International Cooperation
Devaluation will serve its purpose only if other countries do not retaliate by
resorting to simultaneous devaluation. The rest of the world must be prepared to
cooperate fully with the country devaluing its currently by not raising import duties
or giving export bounties or devaluing their own currency which also may tend to
nullify the beneficial efforts of devaluation to the country under consideration.
e. Co-Ordination of Other Measures
If the act of devaluation is co-ordinated with a hike in import duties, Lowering of
export duties, liberalization of export licenses, fixing of import quotas, export
promotion program etc, devaluation will prove to be more efficacious. If however, other
measures are contrarily adopted the desirable effects of devaluation will be hampered.
f. Exchange Control
Under this method all the exporters are directed by the exchange control
authority, usually the central bank, to surrender their foreign exchange earnings to
it, and the foreign exchange is rationed out among the li censed .importers. Thus,
under exchange control none but the license-holders are allowed to import goods. A
quota for different items of imports is also fixed from time to time by the authority.
The balance of payments is thus rectified by keeping imports well within the limits
of export earnings and the foreign exchange balances.
9.3.7 Non-Monetary Measures
Among non-monetary measures import duties and quotas are generally used
for correcting an adverse balance of payments.
a) Tariff Duties
1. What is mean by Regional Economic integration?
2. What is customs union?
1. Robert A. Mundell, International Economics, 1968, Macmillan & co, Newyork.
2. Jagdish Bhagawathi, International Trade & Economics expansion. The American
Economics Review, Dec.1958.
3. Francis Cherunilam, International business, Third Edition 2004.
4. M.C. Vaish & Sudama Singh, International Economics Sixth Edition, Reprint
5. Bo Sodersten, International Economics II Edition 1980.
1. List out the Asian Countries coming under different economic integrations.
Custom Union, Economic integration, European investment fund, Treaty of
A customs union was achieve by the EEC by 1970 yet it did not succeed in
creating a common market until 1985. In 1985, a detailed programme was
charted to achieve real economic integration through common market.
In recent years the 1992 plan envisaged great unification of the European
community by introducing the followIng reforms:
a. Simplification of Border growing by relaxing internal border controls. Since
1993, the EC dominated its customs check at borders.
i) Removal of technical barrier to trade.
ii) Removal of government procurement obstacles with the EG commission
taking more control of this problem. This makes public procurement
more competitive among the member.
iii) Removal of hindrances to capital movement with the opening up of the
financial services such as banking and insurance.
iv) Permitting the professionals such as lawyers, accounts, etc. to practice
anywhere within the EC.
v) Removing the differences in tex systems by adopti ng standardised
system of a value-added tax in the community.
b. Foreign multinational corporations actually find an advantage in 1992 EC
reforms in their favour in competing with may EC firms as they have already
been treating the EC as unified market since long.
c. In short, with 1992 reforms for further unification the EC furnishes a living
example of programme towards economic integration in the pocket of global
economy and trade.
d. The Cecchini Report 1988, claimed that the member countries of the EC
would benefit by the 1992 plan, with a one-time boot to GDP spread over a
number of ears of 4.5 per cent to 6 per cent, a gain of 2 million new jobs,
and price-reduction by about 6 per cent. To some critics like Baldwin Flam
this is an overestimation. In their opi nion, gain is to be 2 per cent rise in
GDP and a million job creation.
The potential welfare gain of forming a common marked by the EEC are
measured by Cecchini Report (1988) (as in Table1).
Gains to the EEC from the process of forming an Integrated Common Market
Effect in Rise in
Rise in
Process (Consumer) Employment
GDP (%)
Price(%) (1,000)
1. Removal of Customs Formalities 0.4 -1.0 200
2. Opening of Public Procurement 0.5 -1.4 350
3. Liberalisation of Financial Services 1.5 -1.4 400
4. Supply-side Effects:
(Reduction in Production Costs) 2.1 -2.3 850
Source: Paolo Cecchini: The European Challenge: 1992 C Brook Field vs. Gower, 1988, p.98
The 1992 programme, however, created some suspicions among the European
Economic Community (also called European Unions) major trading partners the Japan
and the United States. It was referred to as a protedonist step towards creation of
Fortress.' The basic fear was that with the minimisation of its internal barriers the
European Union might tend to raise its external barriers. Several misgivings held by
the trading partners of the EU were confirmed by the evidences, such as:
i) The EU insisted that foreign producers have to monitor their exports in
certain sensitive industries (such as Japanese cars, American Television
after 1992, programme, etc) for an undefined period of time.
ii) The anti-dumping measures ofthe EU.
iii) Insistence on guaranteering the use of total input components upto 60 -80
per cent by the foreign companies establishing their production plan ts in the
European Union.
iv) The EU's reluctance to liberalise agricultural and cinematic products.
v) The EU's new industry policy focussed electronic, aircraft and computer
sectors of self-sufficiency.
Against, the pessimistic protectionist interpretation, there was also an
optimistic view held by some. It is argued that in the long run, the economic growth
of the EU envisaged under the 1992 programme would be equally shared by the
foreign companies. Besides, it is not in the interest of the EU to pursue
protectionists policy as the union is not against globalisation. Moreover, its exports
and inward investment are of a very high order. The EU contributes one -fourth of
the total world exports, which accounts for about 15 per cent of its gross domestic
product. Almost 40 per cent of foreign direct investment (FDI) of the developed
countries goes to the European Union.
The Nature of EEC
1. State few objectives of EU.
2. What are the functions of EEC?
The major impact of EEC has been the achievement of larger markets and
economics of scales.The most significant result of common market has been
breaking up of monopolies in Europe. Hence, going in productive efficiency could be
due to promotion of competition.
1. Whether EU is useful for its member countries?
2. What is EFTA stands for?
possible to eliminate the widening gap between the developed and the developing
countries and ensure steadily accelerating economic and social development and
peace and justice for present and future generation."
Though the declaration on the NIEO by the General Assembly (GA) is of recent
origin, the idea is not altogether a new one. In fact, similar resolution was ado~ted
by the G.A. itself long back in 1952. Agai n, similar demands were raised time to
time by the UNCTAD since its inception in 1964. A.K. Das Gupta, however, says
that what is spectacular about the NIEO Declaration is its timing.
The NIEO aims at a development of the global economy as a whole, with the
set up of inter-related policies and performance targets of the international
community at large.
12.3.2 The North-South Dialogue
IN 1977, there was a negotiation between the North and South at the Paris
talks. The: developed countries agreed to provide of an additional U.S.! billion
towards the Aid fund for the development of the poor nations.
In December 1977 the Willy Brandt Commission was set up with view to
review the issues of international economic development. The WB Commission's
Report (1980) stresses the need for North-South co-operation. Besides
establishment of a common development fund, its recommendations include
strengthening the structure of development lending a code of conduct for the
multinational corporations as well as the need for inter-governmental cooperation
in minatory and fiscal areas along with the trade policies. It also proposed for the
increasing participation of developing nations in the decision -making processes at
international level.
In essence, the NIEO aims at social justice among the trading countries of the
world. It seeks restructuring of existing institutions and forming new organisations
to regulated the flow of trade, technology, capital funds in the common interest of
the world's global economy and due benefits in favour of the LDCs. It has the spirit
of a "world without borders."
It suggests more equitable allocation of world's resources through increased
flow of aid from the rich nations to the poor countries.
It seeks to overcome world mass misery and alarming disparities between
the living conditions of the rich and poor in the world at large.
Its aim is to provide poor nations increased participation and have their say
in the decision-making processes in international affairs.
Among the other objectives, the NIEO envisages the establishment of a new
international currency, the implementation of SDR aid linkage, the increased
stabilisation of international floating exchange system and the use of IMF
funds a sincerest subsidy on loans to the poorest developing countries.
The crucial aim of the NIEO is to promote economic development among the
poor countries through self-help and South-south cooperation.
The NIEO intends to deal with the major problems of the South, such as
balance of payments disequilibrium, debt crisis, exchange scarcity etc.
12.3.4 Programme of Action for the NIEO
Its action programme narrates the need for a more rapid economic
development of the poor countries and their increasing share in the world's trade at
favourable terms of trade.
The era of 1990s is characterised by liberalisation and globalisation . WTO is
giving a new mode to form a newer global economic order. New challenges and new
problems have been emerging. With market-orientation, growing speculation is
taking its toll. With unchecked speculations currency trading, a kind of Rober
Capitalism has also cropped up. It is posing a new danger to developing countries.
A heavier speculation can ruin the economy in a .global set up despite its good
economic fundamentals-as has been the case with Malaysia recently. The UNCTAD
has to play a positive role in safeguarding the basic interest of the developing
countries at all levels. Negotiating with UN, WTO and IMF the developing countries
trade and finance have to be inserted from speculators' attack from outside. Check
through transparency and other devices have to be asked for.
12.3.5 South Asian Association for Regional Co-Operation (SAARC)
In recent years the global economy is witnessing certain dynamic and
unprecedented change. Regional economic integration is becoming its prominent
feature. In the South Asian Association for global economic system, south Asian
Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) is the youngest regional grouping
among the seven Asian countries, namely, India, Pakistan, Maldives, Sri Lanka,
Bangladesh Bhutan and Nepal, came into existence in the first summit at Dhaka in
1985. This group comprises over one -sixth of the world's population. Nearly 50 per
cent of the world's poor dwelve in this region.
The following are the main objectives of SAARC:
To promote the socio-economic welfare and cultural development of the
people in the region.
To achieve the goal of collective self-reliance.
To encourage active collaboration in the economic social , technical and
scientific fields among the grouping nations.
To strengthen over-all co-operation and harmonious economic and political
relations among the countries of the SAARC.
To facilitate optimum utilisation of human and material resources.
To develop free regional trade.
To stimulate investment flows and accelerate pace of economic development.
Empirical evidences show that there is an ample scope for extending trade and
economic relations among the countries constituting SARRC region. These
countries are competing for trade with other countries. For instance, India and
Bangladesh compete for their share in the world markets for jute goods. India, Sri
Lanka and Pakistan compete for readymade garments] similarly India and Sri
Lanka. Compete for tea. Through SAARC this kind oi internal competition can be
eliminated and the countries can improve their terms of trade by evolving - unified
marketing policies and practices. There is also a good potential to expend intra -
regional trade among these countries on bi-lateral terms.
The SAARC countries should assume foreign trade as a priority sector under
the rapid globalisation of their economies. They must have co-ordination of their
technical knowhow and scientific research with mutual help for their industrial
growth and development. They have to redesign their tariff and non -tariff structure
under a liberalised trade policy. They must built up a system for a common
information pool to take advantage in global markets. The member countries of the
SAARC would benefit themselves through co-operation in supply of inputs for
production and a market for the outputs. The countries should ignore their political
differences for the sake of regional co-operation and common welfare.
The progress of SAARC, in general has remained very slow due to lack of
adequate consensus among the countries. For the success of SAARC co -operation
the countries should undergo preferential trading arrangements, open data bank
start joint R & D programme and develop a common support service programme.
12.3.6 Pestle Analysis
Pestle is a mnemonic which in its expanded form denotes P for Political, E for
Economic, S for Social, T for Technological, L for Legal and E for Environmental. It
gives a bird’s eye view of the whole environment from many different angles that
one wants to check and keep a track of while contemplating on a certain idea/plan.
The framework has undergone certain alterations, as gurus of Marketing have
added certain things like an E for Ethics to instill the element of demographics
while utilizing the framework while researching the market.
There are certain questions that one needs to ask while conducting this analysis,
which give them an idea of what things to keep in mind. They are: What is the
political situation of the country and how can it affect the industry?
What are the prevalent economic factors?
How much importance does culture has in the market and what are its
What technological innovations are likely to pop up and affect the market
Are there any current legislations that regulate the industry or can there be
any change in the legislations for the industry?
What are the environmental concerns for the industry?
All the aspects of this technique are crucial for any industry a business might
be in. More than just understanding the market, this framework represents one of
the vertebras of the backbone of strategic management that not only defines what a
company should do, but also accounts for an organization’s goals and the strategies
stringed to them.
It may be so, that the importance of each of the factors may be different to
different kinds of industries, but it is imperative to any strategy a company wants
to develop that they conduct the PESTLE analysis as it forms a much more
comprehensive version of the SW OT analysis.
It is very critical for one to understand the complete depth of each of the
letters of the PESTLE. It is as below:
1. Political: These factors determine the extent to which a government may
influence the economy or a certain industry. [For example] a government may
impose a new tax or duty due to which entire revenue generating structures of
organizations might change. Political factors include tax policies, Fiscal policy,
trade tariffs etc. that a government may levy around the fiscal year and it may
affect the business environment (economic environment) to a great extent.
2. Economic: These factors are determinants of an economy’s performance that
directly impacts a company and have resonating long term effects. [For
example] a rise in the inflation rate of any economy would affect the way
companies’ price their products and services. Adding to that, it would affect
the purchasing power of a consumer and change demand/supply models for
that economy. Economic factors include inflation rate, interest rates, foreign
exchange rates, economic growth patterns etc. It also accounts for the FDI
(foreign direct investment) depending on certain specific industries who’re
undergoing this analysis.
3. Social: These factors scrutinize the social environment of the market, and
gauge determinants like cultural trends, demographics, population analytics
etc. An example for this can be buying trends for Western countries like the
US where there is high demand during the Holiday season.
4. Technological: These factors pertain to innovations in technology that may
affect the operations of the industry and the market favourably or
unfavourably. This refers to automation, research and development and the
amount of technological awareness that a market possesses.
5. Legal: These factors have both external and internal sides. There are certain laws
that affect the business environment in a certain country while there are certain
policies that companies maintain for themselves. Legal analysis takes into
account both of these angles and then charts out the strategies in light of these
legislations. For example, consumer laws, safety standards, labour laws etc.
6. Environmental: These factors include all those that influence or are
determined by the surrounding environment. This aspect of the PESTLE is
crucial for certain industries particularly for example tourism, farming,
agriculture etc. Factors of a business environmental analysis include but are
not limited to climate, weather, geographical location, global changes in
climate, environmental offsets etc.
There are many templates available for companies to conduct PESTLE
analysis. Many organizations have provided information regarding their PESTLE
analysis as case studies available on the Internet
A PESTEL analysis is a tool or framework for marketers. You can use it if you
are seeking to analyze and screen the external marketing environment of you
company. The strategic management tool gauges the macro environmental factors.
The results make decision taking much easier.
The different macro-environmental factors can affect business strategies. So, it
is vital to follow the PESTEL framework. The aim is to assess how exactly the
factors influence business performance.
one can judge 6 types of environmental influences in the PESTEL framework.
They are political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal. You
should not see these factors as i ndependent factors. They are all interdependent.
For example, technological advances can affect the economy in different markets.
The 6 factors mentioned above make up the acronym PESTEL. Each letter
represents one factor. It is often called PESTLE. You may these factors using other
tests too. PEST, STEEP, and STEEPLE are similar analyses. Some other variations
are STEPJE, STEP, and LEPEST. Managers can choose any based on the nature of
the firm and the factors they wish to study.
I have discussed some characteristics of these environmental factors below.
The article will help you find which factors are more important to your company’s
strategy. This might serve as a preliminary inspiration. You will have to dig deeper
into the details to take accurate decisions. POLITICAL FACTORS
Politics plays an important role in business. This is because there is a balance
between systems of control and free markets. As global economics supersedes
domestic economies, companies must consider numerous opportunities and
threats before expanding into new regions. It also applies to firms identifying
optimal areas for production or sales. Political factors may even help determine
the location of corporate headquarters.
Some of the political factors you need to watch are:
Tax policies
Stability of government
Entry mode regulations
Social policies (e.g. social welfare etc.)
Trade regulations (e.g. the EU & NAFTA)
The political risk in Singapore is quite low. In fact, the Political and Economic
Risk Consultancy (PERC) states that the country enjoys the lowest political
risk in the continent. It is a democratic country. The people elect
representatives to lead the nation. Since its independence, they cherished
relative political stability. Today, the stability has translated to peace and a
better standard of living. Moreover, It has transformed into improved business
opportunities for Singapore.
However, there have been reports about restriction of free speech for opposition
parties in Singapore. It is said that the value of free speech for the parties is
limited. The defamation laws require opposition parties to be careful that political
comments do not lead to costly defamation suits or imprisonment.
The fear of legal suits limits the potential of free speech for opposition parties
in Singapore. Another factor is limited dissemination of CONTENTS. These
discourage the opposition parties. As a result, the contribution to free speech
activities and inter-party debates is low. Economic Factors
Economic factors are metrics that measure the health of any economic region. The
economic state will change a lot of times during the firm’s lifetime. You have to
compare the current levels of inflation, unemployment, economic growth, and
international trade. This way, you can carry out your strategic plan better.
Some examples of economic factors you can judge are:
Disposable income of buyers
Credit accessibility
Unemployment rates
Interest rates
The economy of Singapore is a vibrant free-market economy. It is developing at
a very fast pace. The country’s per-capita income is the highest in ASEAN. A
corruption-free environment supports the business sector. It is among the
most competitive countries. The educated and motivated worke rs strengthen
it. The legal and financial business framework helps as well.
Recently, the government has invested in diversifying the economy. As a
result, the tourism, pharmaceutical, and many other industries have
flourished. One of the main reasons behi nd the success is its strategic
geographic location. The government is an imperative and active player. It
owns substantial productive assets. Cheaper labor cost from neighboring
countries helps Singapore save a lot of costs.
Some constraints on Singapore’s economic performance are the following:
Labor shortages
Rising labor costs
Declines in productivity
123.6.3 Social Factors
Social factors assess the mentality of the individuals or consumers in a given
market. These are also known as demographic factors. Social indicators like
exchange rates, GDP and inflation are critical to management. They can tell
when it is a good time to borrow. These factors help find out how an economy
might react to certain changes.
The following are some social factors to focus on:
Population demographics: (e.g. aging population)
Distribution of Wealth
Changes in lifestyles and trends
Educational levels
Socially, Singapore is like any other Eastern country. It still follows traditional family
values. It is true that the younger generation has the tendency to follow western
culture and values. The residents work hard and fulfill the materialism desire. This
urge to do well has increased nation productivity. The business sectors can,
therefore, expect higher purchasing power from customers. Reports suggest that
most Singaporeans dislike blue collar jobs like construction.
Literacy rate in the country is very high. Primary schooling is compulsory in
Singapore. Parents must ensure children’s regular attendance. Good command
of English and Chinese languages gives Singaporeans an advantage. It helps to
attract international trade and foreign investment. Technological Factors
This step entails recognizing the potential technologies that are available.
Technological advancements can optimize internal efficiency and help a
product or service from becoming technologically obsolete. Role of technology in
business is increasing each year. This trend will continue because R&D drives
new innovations.
Recognizing evolving technologies to optimize internal efficiency is a great asset in
management. But, there are few threats. Disruptive innovations such as Netflix
affect business for CD-players. The best strategy is to adapt according to the
changes. Your strategies should sidestep threats and embrace opportunities.
This is a large challenge for management. Below is a list of common technological factors:
New discoveries and innovations
Rate of technological advances and innovations
Rate of technological obsolescence
New technological platforms (e.g. VHS and DVD)
I can assure that one of the main reasons behind the change in lifestyle and
quality of life is the technological advancement.
As you might have guessed, the internet plays a role in Singapore’s
advancement. It eased communication and increases connectivity. The cost
and time of conducting business lowered. It also boosted the social
networking. The residents could easily connect to the rest of the world.
The IT infrastructure in Singapore is praise -worthy. The penetration rate for
household broadband internet is over 70% . E-commerce and eB2Cmodels
have flourished in turn. More than 10Mbps of broadband internet service is
available. The widespread IT infrastructure has encouraged multinational
companies to set up regional operations in Singapore. The government is also
moving towards an electronic government era. Environmental Factors
Both consumers and governments penalize firms for having adverse effect on
the environment. Governments levy huge fines upon companies for
polluting. Companies are also rewarded for having positive impact on the
environment. The consumers are willing to switch brands if they find a
business is ignoring its environmental duties.
Impact on the environment is a rising concern. Note that the envi ronment
benefits the company too. Running water for a hydro-power plant is an example.
Few common environmental factors are:
Waste disposal laws
Environmental protection laws
Energy consumption regulation
Popular attitude towards the environment
The Ministry of the Environment and Anti-Pollution Unit works relentlessly
to maintain air quality and other environmental factors. Pollution from the
transportation is the key problem in Singapore’s urban areas. There was a
time when Singapore was among countries with the highest level of
industrial carbon dioxide emissions.
Singapore lost almost 30% of its mangrove area. Many species are in danger of
The Water Pollution Control and Drainage Act helps control water quality.
One of the major concerns for Singaporeans is that the country does not
have enough water to support their needs. Pollution from the industrial
byproducts like oil increases the problem. As a solution, water is recycled
after desalination.
As there is a lack of water resources, Singapore is dependent on Malaysian
supplied water. A local brand called NEWater supplies sewage water after
purifying it using dual-membrane. More solutions to this problem are needed.
After analyzing all these factors, It is clear that Singapore is a remarkabl e
country. It houses talented and motivated people. It also provides great business
opportunities. I can conclude that its business success in both domestic and
international platforms is highly benefited by government policies. Its enterprise
friendly approach boosts business as well. Singapore’s continuing development
has made it a major competitor in the international market. The compulsory
primary education and hardworking citizen are contributing factors. Legal Factors
This step involves learning about the laws and regulations in your region. It
is critical for avoiding unnecessary legal costs. This is the last factor in
PESTEL. These factors examine the legal elements. Often, start-ups link
these elements to the political framework. Many legal issues can affect a
company that does not act responsibly. This step helps to avoid legal pitfalls.
You should always remain within the confines of established regulations.
Common legal factors that companies focus on include:
Employment regulations
Competitive regulations
Health and safety regulations
Product regulations
Antitrust laws
Patent infringements
Objectives of NIEO
Programme of action for NIEO
1. How NIEO was created and when?
2. List out the member countries of SAARC?
1. This chapter tries to explain the structure, objectives and functions of NIEO.
2. The lesson also explains the foreign trade as a priority sector under rapid
globalization of their economics.
1. What is NIEO stands for?
2. What is meant by action programe of NIEO?
1. B.S. Sreekantaradhya “Economic integration among developing countries
with special reference to south – East Asia” Economic affairs.
2. South commission, The challenge to the south, New Delhi; Oxford University
Press, 1992, P 197
3. South Commission . op.cit., P.197
1. What are the objectives of NIEO?
2. Explain the structure and functions of SAARC.
1. Charles P. Kindleberger, International Economics, Fifth Edition, 1973.
2. Robert A. Mundell, International Economics, 1968, Macmillan & co,
3. Jagdish Bhagawathi, International Trade & Economic expansion. The
American Economics Review, Dec.1958.
4. Peter B. Kenen, The International Economy, Third Edition, Cambridge
Edition, 1994.
5. Francis Cherunilam, International business, Third Editi on 2004.
6. M.C. Vaish & Sudama Singh, International Economics sixth Edition, reprint
7. Bo Sodersten, International Economics II Edition 1980.
1. What are the implications of the north-south dialogue?
General assembly, World without borders, Self-help, North-South
cooperation, preferential trade, R & D programs.
1950 2.0
1960 1.2
1970 0.7
1980 0.4
1990 0.5
2000 0.7
2006 1.0
2007 1.2
2009 1.3
2010 1.4
Source: IMF
a) The share of India in the total world exports fell from about 2 per cent in
1950 to 0.4 per cent in 1980. Since the mid eighties, there has, however,
been some improvement. In 2006 it was 1.0 per cent.
b) India was the 13th largest exporter in 1950, but there are more than two
dozen countries above India now.
c) India's exports as a percentage of the GDP had been stagnating around 5
per cent. Although it has improved since the liberalisation, it is still very
low (about 15 percent) even in comparison with many other developing
4. The term of trade has, on the whole, been favourable to India. (There was
deterioration for several years due to the oil price hike, and in some years
prior to that and after that).
5. There has been a very significant change in the composition of India's exports.
Manufactured products now account for overt three -fourths of the exports as
against the dominance of primary commodities in the early period.
6. There have been significant changes in the direction (i.e. the source of
imports and destination of exports) of India's foreign trade.
7. The export-import ratio has improved in the recent period. Foreign Trade Through The Plan
The First Five Year Plan period. 1951-56, actually witnessed a fall in India's
exports and imports. This was attributed mainly to: (i ) in the initial years of
planning the developmental and investment activities were still in doldrums
causing both imports and exports to fall, and ( i i ) after the Korean war boom, unit
prices of exports and imports were falling.
During the First Plan, 89 per cent of the imports could be paid for by exports.
Only during the Fourth Plan, when as much as 92 per cent of the imports were
financed by the exports, the situation was better than in the First Plan.
During the ten-year period covering the Second and Third Plans, imports more
than doubled from Rs. 1.024 crores in 1955-56 to Rs. 2.194 crores in 1965-66, as
against a mere 37 per cent increase in the exports during the same period. The
Mahalanobis model which gave much importance to the basic and heavy industries
necessitated large capital goods imports. The large development and the ancillary and
consequential expenditures increased the demand for consumer goods and necessitated
considerable import of consumer goods also. During the above-mentioned one decade,
while the imports grew at an average annual rate of 7.9 per cent, growth of export was a
tardy : 3.2 per cent annually, on an average.
During the Second Plan, the export earnings were sufficient to meet only
about 63 per cent of the import bill: during the Third Plan it was still lower at 60
per cent. The Fourth Five year Plan which should have commenced in 1966 was put
off by three years (during which we had annual plans).
The situation further improved during the Fourth Plan (1969 -70 to 1973-
74). As much as 92 per cent of the i mport bi l l c ou l d be me t by the e xport
earnings—a ratio never reached in any other Plan. In 1972-73, for the first time in
the history of independent India, there was a trade surplus. But the oil price hikes
since 1973 had been creating serious problem. However, in 1976 -77, once again
there was a small trade surplus. Thereafter, India always had a trade deficit.
Thus, in the last more than five decades, in all years, except 1972-73 and 1976-
77. India had an adverse balance of trade.
Despite the oil crisis, during the Fifth Plan (1974-75 to 1978-79 the period
originally envisaged for the Fifth Plan) the situation was on the whole better
compared to the Second, Third and Annual Plans: export earnings were equivalent
to about 83 per cent of the import bi l l .
Trade deficit burgeoned since the late 1970s. The oil price hike was a major
reason. The deficit much more than doubled in 1979 -80 (Rs. 2725 crores) from
the previous year's figure (Rs. 1085 crores). It further, more than doubted in
1980-81 to Rs. 5838 crores. Throughout the Sixth Plan ( 1 9 8 0 81 to 1984-85)
the trade deficit remained at very high levels. Although during the Seventh Plan
(1986-89 to 1989-90) trade deficit was much larger than during the Sixth Plan in
absolute terms, the deficit declined to 31 per cent of the imports from 39 per cent
during the Sixth Plan. The export-import ratio was about 85 per cent during the
decade 1990-91 to 1999-2000, but declined to 82 per cent in 2003-04 and
further to 68 per cent in 2006-07.
13.3.2 Trade Ratios
The export -GDP ratio which was almost stagnant for a very long time had
almost doubled during the one decade following the initiation of the l i beralisati on ,
i n dicating that the In di an e c onomy has be c ome more globally competitive. The
import ratio also grew but at a lower pace than the exports. The trade GDP ratio,
a measure of integration of the economy with the global economy, has improved
substantially from less than 12 per cent in the 1980s to over 25 per cent in
2003-2004 and to 35 per cent in 2006-07.
Table 13.3 India's Foreign Trade Ratios
Period Average X/GDP M/GDP T/GDP X/M
1980-81 to 1989-90 4.6 7.2 11.8 64.0
1990-91 to 1999-00* 8.0 9.5 17.4 84.1
1990-91 to1994-95* 7.3 8.4 15.7 88.9
1995-96 to 1999-00 8.5 10.4 18.9 81.8
2000-01 to 2001-02 9.4 10.8 20.2 86.7
2001-02 to 2002-03 11.3 13.1 24.4 83.4
2003-04 to 2004-05 11.6 14.2 25.8 80.7
2005-06 to 2006-07 14.0 20.9 34.9 68.0
2009-2010 to 2010-11 15.5 23.5 33.5 68.0
2011-12 to 2012-13 15.8 25.0 30.2 63.0
2013-14 to2014-15 14.7 24.8 30.5 61.0
2015-16 15.5 25.5 32.4 69.0
* Excluding 1991-92. Note: X = Exports, GDP = Gross Domestic Product at current market prices in
Sources: Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence & Statistics (as presented in RBI, Report on
Currency and Finance, 2014-15), and Government of India, Economic Survey (various years)
The average export-import ratio, an indicator of the import financing capacity
of exports, improved sharply from 64.0 per cent to 84.1 per cent, between the
1980s and 1990s and further to nearly 87 percent in 200-02; but declined later.
The trade deficit as a percentage of GDP recorded a decline since the early
eighties. In 1990-91, the trade deficit was three per cent of the GDP compared to 4.6
per cent in 1980-81. The average figure for the Seventh plan period was 3.2 per cent
compared to 3.4 per cent for the Sixth Plan. During 2000-01 to 2003-04. it ranged
between 2.1 and 2.7 per cent but increased to nearly 7 per cent in 2006 -07.
13.3.3 Determinants of Exports
Analysis of empirical data reveals that India's export performance is affected
by certain important factors. They include a set of external factors, a set of
internal factors and the real exchange rate. External Factors
1. The rate of growth of the economies of the importing, countries.
2. The rate of growth of the world trade.
3. The rate of change in the price level in the importing country. Internal Factors
1. The rate of growth of the Indian economy
2. The rate of change-in the domestic price level.
The most favourable condition for the growth of the Indian exports is a
combination of the high growth rates for all the three external factors, a high
growth rate with price stability for the Indian economy and a fall in the real
exchange rate for exports (RERx). If some of the above conditions are satisfied and
other conditions are not favourable, the export' performance should be expected to
be determined by the relative strengths of the favourable and unfavourable
factors. We will have the worst situation when the reverse of the ideal
combination of conditions occurs.
13.3.4 Determinants of Imports
Besides import regulations, the important factors which determine the volume
of India's imports are :
1. The rate of growth of the Indian economy - High rate of growth, ceteris
paribus, is associated with rise in imports.
2. The relative price of imports (i.e. the relative change in the prices of imports
and domestic goods). An increase in the imports, ceteris paribus, is associated
with a fall in the relative price of imports.
From the above two factors, it can be inferred that the volume of imports
tends to be very high when there is a conjuncture of high rate of economic growth
and a sharp fall in the relative price of imports and vice versa.
The study by da Costa, referred to above, has revealed that:
1. In a number of years, the volume of imports was kept down by moderate
growth of the economy together with relatively high price of imports.
2. For over a fairly long period of 12 years since 1977-78, higher growth of
the economy together with a downward trend in the relative prices of
imports (and with import liberalisation) were associated with rising imports
to India.
3. A sharp decrease in the volume of imports was noticed when there was a
combination of low growth of the economy and a sharp increase in the
relative price of imports.
4. On the other hand, there was a large increase in imports when there was a
combination of good growth of the Indian economy and a sharp decrease in
the relative price of imports.
5. Large imports in several years were associated with moderate growth of the
economy and substantial fall in the relative price of imports.
When change in the relative price of imports has been moderate, low growth of
the Indian economy has been associated with low growth in the volume of
A fte r In de pe n de n c e , In di a has ac hi e ve d c on si de r abl e diversification
in exports, both product-wise and country-wise.
Reflecting the evolving pattern of economic and industrial development, as also
the policy thrust India has gradually transformed from a predominantly primary
products exporting country into an exporter of manufactured goods. Today,
manufactures account for about three-fourths of the total exports compared to 45
per cent in 1960-61. The share of manufactured goods in India's total exports
increased from about 71 per cent during 1987-90 to 75per cent during. 1992-97
and to 78 per cent in 2000-01 but declined to 69 per cent is 2006-07. It may be
noted that the diversification of exports was more prominent in the 1970s. The
progress has been very tardy thereafter. This can be attributed to two factors. After
a certain level, as a general rule, further improvement would be at a very low pace
and may eventually tend to stagnate. Second, the deficiencies and failures of the
development strategy in achieving the objectives.
Table 13.4 Top 10 Countries of India's Export
Values in US$ Millions
(P) Provisional
Rank Country Apr- Mar 2014 Apr- Mar 2015(P) %Share
single item contributing to the largest share (31 per cent in 2000 -01 and 34 per
cent in 2006-07) to the import bill). While the share and absolute value of these
imports showed sharp fluctuations over the years mainly on account of the large
movements in international crude prices, the volume of such imports has grown
significantly on account of increase in domestic consumption and the
stagnation in domestic crude oil production. Given the large swings in
international crude prices, as also a rising trend in the oil import bill, there is a
need for a comprehensive review of energy policy of the country covering the
demand-supply aspects, as well as the price policy. Renewed efforts to improve
energy supply from domestic sources by encouraging explorations, and stepping
up of production and refining capacities are necessary to bring about a
structural change in this area.
Table 13.5 Top 10 Countries of India's Import
Values in US$ Millions
(P) Provisional
Rank Country Apr-Mar 2014 Apr-Mar 2015(P) %Share
1 CHINA P RP 51,034.62 60,395.27 13.50
2 SAUDI ARAB 36,403.65 28,241.81 6.31
In the early 1950s, the UK accounted for over on -fifth of India's developing
countries sharply increased. foreign trade; in recent years it has been about 5 to
6 per cent.
As a single country USA has been our largest trading partner. In 1950 -51,
the US accounted for 18 per cent of our imports and 19 per cent of the exports. In
2006-07 the share of US in India's exports was about 15 per cent but its share in
India's imports has declined considerably (only about 6 per cent recently).
The share of Japan in India's foreign trade was very low in the early 1950s.
However, Japan's share in India's trade rose significantly and then has fallen.
During 2006-07, the European Union accounted for about one -fifth of India's
exports and more than 17 per cent of imports.
The USSR was one of the major trading partners of India. Between 1960-61
and 1990-91, the share of India's exports to Eastern Europe had more than
doubled (from 7 per cent to 17 per cent). The political and economic policy
changes in the Eastern Europe has disrupted the trade with this region, it may
be noted that India was not earning hard currency by exporting to this region. It
was imprudent on the part of India to pay too much attention to trade expansion
with this region. Communist China has been concentrating on exports to the
developed economies and she has become one of the largest trading partners of
USA. There was a steep erosion in the relative position of the Eastern Europe in
India's exports. With the break-up of the Soviet Union, the share of the East
European countries fell dramatically from about 18 per cent in 1990-91 to below 2
percent in 2003-04, primarily on account of the termination of Rupee trade and its
adverse impact on exports of agricultural products such as tea, tobacco and
spices to this region. The loss of this market share was, however, made up by
increasing the shares in developing countries and the OPEC region, both of which
doubled between the years 1987-88 and 2001-02.
Although the US is India's major export market, the share of India in the
total imports of USA is negligible. The industrial market economies have recently
accounted for less than half of India's exports compared to about two-thirds
around 1960. Of late, China emerged as the largest source of India's imports,
increasing its share in India's imports from 7.3 per cent in 2005-06 to 9.1 per cent
in 2006-2007.
Recently, more than one-third of India's imports have originated from the
industrial market economies: about 30 per cent each has come from OPEC countries
and Non-OPEC developing countries. About 16 per cent of the exports has gone to
non-OPEC developing countries and about 40 per cent to the OPEC countries.
Merchandise trade, Export Performance of India, Highlights of India's Trade
Performance, foreign trade through the plan, Trade Ratios, Determinants of
Exports, External Factors, Internal Factors, Determinants of Imports,
major exports, major imports, direction of trade.
The controversial Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA), 1973, required the
foreign companies in India to dilute the foreign equity holding to 40 per cent
(exceptions were allowed in certain cases like high technology and export orie nted
An often heard criticism is that multinationals drain the foreign exchange
resources of the developing countries. However, Aiyar’s study indicates that,
contrary to the popular belief, foreign companies are less of a drain on foreign
exchange reserves than Indian ones. He also points out that the public sector has a
higher propensity to use foreign exchange on a net basis than multinationals. In
fact, the foreign exchange outgo of the public sector alone was greater than the
entire trade deficit of the country.
It is not a right approach to estimate the net impact of multinationals on the
foreign exchange reserves by taking the net foreign exchange outflow or inflow. If a
multinational is operating in an import substitution industry, the net e ffect on the
foreign exchange reserves could be favourable even if there is a net foreign
exchange outflow by the company.
Multinationals is several developing countries make substantial contribution to
export earnings. The performance in the case of India has, however, been very dismal.
This is attributed mostly to the Government policy. “We have consistently followed
policies in India that discriminate against export production and in favour of production
for the local market. In this milieu it has not made sense for the Indian private sector or
public sector to focus on exports. Naturally, it has not made sense for foreign companies
either. In 1947, foreign companies did not have an anti-export image. Indeed, the most
prominent ones were engaged in the export of tea and jute manufactures. Only after
Jawaharlal Nehru decided to emphasise import-substitution at the expense of exports
did foreign (and Indian) companies shun exports.
However, since the mid 1980s with the economic liberalization that increased
domestic competition and the steady depreciation of the rupee, exports began to
become attractive and several foreign companies and companies with foreign
participation, as well as Indian companies, have become serious about exports.
This was reflected in the acceleration of the export growth.
The new policy is expected to give a considerable impetus for MNC’s
investment in India. However, foreign companies find the policy and procedural
environment in India still perplexing and disgusting.
Since the economic liberalization ushered in 1991, many multinationals in
different lines of business have entered the Indian market. A number of
multinational which were in India prior to this have expanded their business.
Recently, FDI in India has surged.
14.3.2 Export Pessimism and Import Substitution Strategy
As mentioned earlier, in the 1950s economists like Prebisch, Myrdal and Nurkse
purported the export pessimism, i.e. pessimism about demand for LDC exports in the
markets of the developed countries. Arguing that the demand for ‘periphery countries’
exports in the 20 th century were far weaker than they were in the 19 th century, trade as
an engine of growth, a function which Nurkse, like several others, felt it served in the
19th century. Nurkse listed several factors for the deterioration of the demand for LDC
exports. They are summarized by Cairncross as follows :
The change in industrial structure in favour of heavy industries with a low
content of imported raw materials.
The rising share of services in total output of advanced countries.
The low income elasticity of consumer demand for many agricultural
Agricultural protectionism.
Economies in the use of raw materials, e.g. through reprocessing of scrap
and the introduction of synthetic materials.
Nurkse, however, failed to take into account the price factor adversely affecting
the developing country exports. The terms of trade issue was introduced primarily
by Prebisch and Myrdal who, as Kravis points out, “went beyon d Nurkse’s
pessimism about the adequacy of markets and claimed that free trade would be an
impediment to economic advance in the poor countries.”
The solution prescribed in the 1950s by Nurkse and several others with export
pessimism was an inward looking (i.e. import substitution) strategy, see the chapter
on Trade Strategies). Nurkse, for instance, maintained that “when developing
countries face difficulties in exporting both traditional and new exports, import
substitution strategy may be adopted by them as an escape route from economic
The ISI strategy was received with warmth, perhaps, also due to reasons other
than those mentioned above. For instance, Meier argues : “The promotion of a
sheltered home market had a common appeal to the bureaucratic-authoritarian
state, urban manufacturers, and multinationals that supplied technology and
capital. Protection also met the State’s objective of pursuing revenue and
expenditure-maximising activities through maximum revenue tariffs and export
Whatever be the real combination of motives, a number of countries pursued
the import substitution strategy in different forms, for different periods and with
different intensities and extent.
Import substitution strategy has contributed to the indu strial development of a
number of countries. In several cases import substitution set the stage for
successful export promotion. However, in India and several Latin American
countries, where the import substitution strategy has been extended too far,
neglecting export development, it has severely hampered economic progress (see the
chapter on Trade Policy of India). On the other hand, countries which, after a
certain period of import substitution strategy, shifted emphasis to export
promotion, (South Korea, for example) have achieved impressive economic growth.
Several studies indicate that the major drawbacks of the excessively inward
looking trade regime of India was that it led to an inefficient and high cost
industrial structure, which also adversely affected the prospects for export growth.
Also see the section Import Substitution in the chapter on Trade Regulation and
14.3.3 Harmful Effects of Trade
While trade can be beneficial to nations and the world as a whole, it can also
have harmful effects on some countries and the world as a whole.
The international trading system is biased against the developing countries,
particularly the poor among them, because of factors like their weak bargaining
power vis-à-vis the advanced countries, the parti cipation gap, dependence on the
developed countries for various needs etc.
The important harmful effects of trade are the following.
Trade may lead to indiscriminate exploitation of natural resource,
particularly of developing nations. Trade has been resul ting in the drain of
resources from the developing to developed countries.
Trade also causes environmental problems because of the indiscriminate
exploitation of resources and location / relocation of polluting and
hazardous industries in the developing world for the benefit of the developed
The deterioration of the terms of trade of the developing countries causes
large income transfers from the developing to the developed countries.
International trade may also give rise to demonstration effect in the
developing countries. Demonstration effect, a term associated with Nurkse,
refers to the tendency of poor people to imitate the life styles of the rich. In
international economics, it refers to the tendency of the people of developing
countries to follow the consumption habits of the people of the advanced
countries by importing. This could have harmful social and economic effects.
It could also have some favourable effect if it can encourage the development
of the domestic industries of the developing countries.
Another important harmful effect of trade is what is described as the
backwash effect. Some of the domestic industries of the developing
countries, particularly small scale units, which are unable to compete with
the well developed industries of the advanced countries, could be destroyed
or damaged by unregulated imports. India has had a paradoxical policy of
reserving many items for the small scale sector but allowing the import of
these items. The recent trade liberalization is adversely affecting the
agricultural, often subsistence, sector of many developing countries even as
the agricultural sector is heavily protected in the developed world.
Globalisation and free trade are now adversely affecting the developed
countries too because of the edge the developing countries have over the
developed ones in the production of many products.
Trade also results in the introduction of the pope and cola cultures to the
developing countries which have important social implications.
14.3.4 Prebisch-Singer Thesis (Secular Deterioration Thesis)
Economists like Gunnar Myrdal, Raul Prebisch and Hans Singer have argued
that the primary exporting countries, particularly those of the Third World, have
been experiencing a secular (i.e. long-term) deterioration in the terms of trade. The
implications of this argument, which is often referred to as the Prebisch-Singer
thesis, is that less developed countries had to export increasing amounts of their
primary products in exchange for imports of manufactured goods from the
industrially advanced countries. The secular deterioration in the terms of trade was
considered as one of the important reasons for these countries economic
This deterioration in the terms of trade causes large transfer of income from
developing to developed countries, as indicated towards the end of this section.
In support of the secular deterioration thesis it has been claimed, for instance,
that between the latter part of the 19 th century and 1939, there was a fall in the
prices of primary goods relative to the prices of manufactured goods. On average, a
given bundle of primary goods reduced, in exchange, to 60 per cent of the quantity
of manufactures that could be secured earlier. From this, it has been deduced that
there must have been a comparable worsening of the terms of trade of the
underdeveloped countries. Some studies have indicated that the terms of trade of
the developing countries have deteriorated in the recent decades also.
14.3.5 Immiserising Growth
The theory of immiserising growth, put forward by Jagdish N. Bhagwati,
purposts that under certain circumstances economic expansion and trade may
harm the developing country. Immiserising growth refers to a case where growth
(due to technical progress and / or factor accumulation) leads to a sufficiently
acute deterioration in the terms of trade, which imposes a loss of real income
outweighing the primary gain in real income due to the growth itself.
In other words, the concept of immiserising growth is that a substantial
increase in the export of a commodity can depress its price in the world market to
such an extent of making growth damaging for the country. That is, the negative
terms of trade effect outweights the positive effect outweighs the positive effect of
increased output.
The following three crucial conditions are necessary for immiserising growth to occur.
a) The country’s growth must be biased towards the export sector.
b) The foreign demand for the country’s exports must be price inelastic, so
that an expansion in export supply leads to a large drop in price.
c) The country already be heavily engaged in trade for the welfare meaning of
the drop in the terms of trade to be great enough to offset the gains from
being able to supply more.
Industries Products
I1 E
T1 C
A1 E1 C1
B T B1
Primary Products
Figure 14.1 illustrates a case of immiserising growth. In the figure, we
represent an underdeveloped country exporting primary products and importing
industrial goods. Originally, with the AB-production possibility curve, and IT-terms
of trade, the country is on the consumption point E on the indifference curve IC.
Now suppose that the production possibility curve shifts from AB to A 1 B1 ,
reflecting an increase in the production potential biased strongly towards primary
products and the terms of trade become T 1 T1, which is flatter than TT, implying a
deterioration for the country. (This is because the increase in the supply of the
primary product results in a fall in its price, demand for the primary product being
relatively inelastic). Now, the country is on the consumption point E1 on the
indifference I 1C1 , which represents a lower level of welfare than IC. This implies that
the production gain is more than offset by the declining terms of trade, resulting in
a decreased welfare position.
Supplementing Bhagwati’s proposition, Harry Johnson has shown that the
phenomenon of immiserising growth, involving reduction in social welfare below the
initial pre-growth level, can arise also in the case of a small country without any
monopoly power in trade if technical progress occurs in a tariff-protected import
competing industry or if the factor in the use of which this industry is intensive is
The case presented by Bhagwati and Johnson belong to a general class of
immiserising growth phenomena which can arise in the presence of distortions. In
the case presented by Bhagwati, where gains from growth were outweighed by
losses from worsened terms of trade, the distortion is foreign; the average terms of
trade differ from the marginal. In the tariff situation for a small country analysed by
Johnson, the distortion is policy imposed. In either case, the essential point is that
the gain which would accrue from growth is outweighed by the incremental loss of
real income which the distortion imposes in the post-growth situation. Thus, the
phenomenon of immiserising growth can occur, in principle, whenever distortions
occur in an economic system.
export marketing; export intelligence, incl uding research and collection and
dissemination of information; insurance covers against export risks; organization of
and participation in, trade fairs and exhibitions; packaging; pre -shipment
inspection and quality control ; export documentation and proc edures; and so on. Incentives
Export incentives are a widely employed strategy of export promotion. The
main aim of these incentives is to increase the profitability of export business.
Important export incentives in India include rebate of duties, income tax
concession, interest subsidies, freight subsidy, etc. However, as the Abid Hussain
Committee has observed, they are more of a compensation for the comparative
disadvantages faced by the Indian exporter than incentives. A brief account of these
‘incentives’ is given below.
14.3.7 Duty Exemption / Drawback
Duty exemption as an export promotion measures had its origin in India during the
Second Plan. Over the years, the scheme has been enlarged and modified.
The scheme of duty exemption is designed to avoid the incidence of commodity
taxes like exercise duty and customs duty on the exports so as to make the exports
more price competitive. The exporters are either exempted from the payment of duty
while procuring inputs like raw materials and intermediates or, in cases where the
duty is paid on the inputs, the duty paid is refunded. Thus, under the duty
drawback system, the exporters are reimbursed for tariff paid on the imported raw
materials and intermediates and central excise duty on domestically procured
inputs which enter into export production.
Due to a series of modifications in the import policy for registered exporters,
particularly with the introduction of the advance licensing system, the exporter can
now make most of the import of inputs without payment of customs duty. Eligible
exporters are entitled to interest-free bank credit against the duty drawback
applicable to them up to a period of 90 days or up to the time they realize the
drawback, whichever is earlier. Other Incentives
Other important export promotion measures include the following : Income Tax Concession
Besides the exemption or rebate of indirect taxes, a special fiscal treatment
granted to exports is in the form of certain tax concessions with respec t to income
from exports. Such income tax rebates have been provided to exporters in India
since the early 1960s.
14.3.8 IPRS
The International Price Reimbursement Scheme was designed to make
specified inputs, like steel and aluminium, available to the exporters at
international prices. Under this scheme, the difference between price of the
indigenously procured material and its international price was reimbursed to the
exporter to offset the cost difference because of the difference in the input prices.
The IPRS has been replaced by the Engineering Products Exports (Replenishment of
Iron and Steel Intermediates) Scheme. Other Schemes
In addition, schemes were put in place for imports undertaken by exporters so
as to neutralize the impact of any duties on those imports. Such schemes are
Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG), Duty Free Replenishment Certificate
(DFRC), Duty Remission Scheme and the Duty Entitlement Passbook (DEPB)
Scheme. Awards
A number of awards have been instituted to encourage exports and to
recognize excellence in exports. There are separate awards for different categories of
exporters. Awards are given on the basis of certain specified criteria such as
development of a market for products which have not been exported pre viously,
substantial increase in exports, successful introduction f new products, product
development, successful break though in foreign markets where conditions have
been especially difficult, etc.
Some incentives like the Cash Compensatory Support Scheme (CCS),
Replenishment Licence (REP) / Exim Scrip were abolished following the economic
References to some other incentives are made in the subsection on Marketing
14.3.9 Marketing Assistance
A number of steps have been taken to assist the exporters in their marketing
efforts. These include conducting, sponsoring or otherwise assisting, market
surveys and research; collection, storage and dissemination of marketing
information, organizing and facilitating participation in international trade fairs and
exhibitions; credit and insurance facilities; release of foreign exchange for export
marketing activities; assistance in export procedures; quality control and pre -
shipment inspection; identifying markets and products with export potential ;
helping buyer-seller interaction, etc.
14.3.10 Export Credit
From time to time, the Reserve Bank has undertaken several measures to
ensure adequate and timely availability of credit for exports at competitive interest
rates. The RBI’s export credit refinance schemes have played a pivotal role in this
area. Commercial banks have been providing credit to exporters at pre -shipment
and post-shipment stages, both in rupees as well as foreign currency.
The rupee export credit has been generally available at rate of interest linked
to the Prime Lending Rate (PLR). The export credit in foreign currency is provided at
internationally competitive interest rates linked to London Inter-Bank Offer Rate
(LIBOR) or similar interest rates. The Reserve Bank has been adjusting interest
rates o0n rupee export credit from time to time taking into account the need to
maintain competitiveness by looking at interest rate differentials, as also other
factors like inflation and developments in financial markets. The Reserve Bank has
also taken measures to support institutional arrangements for export promotion,
such as policy initiatives to provide a liberalized environment for the operations of
SEZ units. These measures include : (i) exemption from interest rate surcharge on
import finance ; (ii) release of foreign exchange to DTA units for buying goods from
EOU / EPZ/ SEZ units ; (iii) permitting 100 per cent retention of foreign exchange
in Exchange Earners Foreign Currency (EEFC) accounts; (iv) permitting overseas
investment by SEZ units from the EEFC accounts through the automatic route,
write-off of unrealized export bills and (v) permitting SEZ units to enter into a
contract with overseas commodity exchanges or markets to hedge the price risk in
the commodity on export/import provided that the contract is made on a ‘stand
alone’ basis.
1. Export Pessimism
2. Import Substitution Strategy
3. Harmful Effects of Trade, Prebisch-Singer Thesis (Secular Deterioration
4. Immiserising Growth
5. export promotion, Importance and Objectives of Export Promotion Measures.
1. What is meant by import substitution?
2. What is Immiserising Growth?
This chapter examines Export Pessimism and Import Substitution Strategy,
Harmful Effects of Trade, Prebisch-Singer Thesis (Secular Deterioration Thesis),
Immiserising Growth, export promotion, Importance and Objectives of Export
Promotion Measures, Organisational Set-up, Incentives, Duty
Other Incentives, Income Tax Concession, IPRS
1. Explain the Importance and Objectives of Export Promotion Measures?
1. Robert A. Mundell, International Economics, 1968, Macmillan & co, New york.
2. Jagdish Bhagawathi, International trade & Economic expansion. The
American economic review, dec.1958.
1. How Import Substitution and Export Promotion measures help the Indian
economy for its growth?
LESSON - 15 Functions
The major functions of the EPCs are as follows:
1. To provide commercially useful information and assistance to their
members in developing and increasing their exports.
2. To offer professional advice to their members in areas such as technology
upgradation, quality and design improvement, standards and
specifications, product development and innovation etc.,
3. To organize visits of delegations of its members abroad to explore overseas
market opportunities.
4. To organize participation in trade fairs, exhibitions and buyer-seller meets in
India and abroad.
5. To promote interaction between the exporting community and the
Government both at the Central and State levels, and
6. To build a statistical base and provide data on the exports and imports of
the country, exports and imports of their members, as well as othe r relevant
international trade data.
15.3.2 Professional Bodies
In order to give a boost and in impetus to exports, it is imperative that the
EPCs function as professional bodies. For this purpose, executives with a
professional background in commerce, management and international marketing
and having experience in government and industry are brought in to the EPCs.
15.3.3 Autonomy
The EPCs are autonomous and regulate their own affairs. However, if the
Central Government frames uniform bye-laws for the constitution and/or for the
transaction of business of EPCs, they are required to adopt the same with such
modifications and Central Government may approve having regard to the special
nature or functioning of such EPC. The EPCs shall not be required to o btain the
approval of the Central Government for participation in trade fairs, exhibitions etc
and sending sales teams/delegations abroad. The Ministry of Commerce and
Industry/Ministry of Textiles of the Government of India, as the case may be, would
interact with the Managing committee of the council concerned, twice a year, once
for approving their annual plans and budget and again for a mid -year appraisal and
review of their performance.
15.3.4 Government Support
The EPCs may be provided financial assistance by the Central Government.
The following are the names of the export, councils operating in India and the
details of the head quarters, addresses, etc., the students may browse the internet
which all most all the EPC has one.
1. Agricultural and Processed Food Product Export Development Authority,
New Delhi
2. Apparel Export Promotion Council, New Delhi
Planning to set up a joint venture for import, refining, packing and retailing
of edible oils in India.
Planning to undertake brand marketing of agricultural commodities like rice,
sugar, tea, coffee, spices in India.
While undertaking import and export operations, the Corporation renders following services
To the Overseas buyer
STC acts as an expert guide for buyers interested in Indian goods, For them,
STC finds the best Indian manufacturers, undertakes negotiations, fixes delivery
schedules, oversees quality control - all the way to the final shipment to the entire
satisfaction of the buyer.
To the Indian industry
The Indian manufacturers, whose products sail the seas via STC, benefit a lot
from, its expertise. STC helps thousands of Indian manufacturers to find markets
abroad for their products. STC assists the manufacturers to use the best raw -
materials, guides and helps them manufacture products that will attract buyers
broad. Some of the other services offered by STC to the Indian manufac turers
Financial assistance 10 exporters on easy terms.
Taking products of small scale manufacturers to international trade fairs
and exhibitions.
Import of machinery and raw material for export production.
Assistance in the areas of marketing, te chnical know-how, quality control,
packaging, documentation, etc.
Supply of imported goods in small quantities as per convenience of buyers.
Market intervention on behalf of the Government.
To the Indian Consumer
The Indian consumers also benefit from STC's expertise and infrastructure.
STC imports essential commodities for them to cover shortfalls arising in the
domestic market. During the last 5-6 years, STC imported sugar, wheat and pulses
to meet domestic requirements at a very short notice.
In MMTC we focus on fashioning our HR policies towards providing more non -
monetary incentives stemming from job satisfaction, diverse learning opportunities
and wider exposure to ever-changing global business environment. MMTC Ltd.,
which is a global trading organization and one of Asia's leading trading companies,
has been the first corporate in the public sector to realize the vital role which online
trading has come to occupy in today's global business.
HR mantra in MMTC is to provide more and more job enrichmen t
opportunities to all so as to ensure that employees remain motivated to realize their
full potential for organizational goals and self-development. Opportunities are also
provided to all to enrich their knowledge base and technical skills through in -house
at Ennore near Chennai. This facility is likely to be operational by May / June ’04
which will facilitate export of about 2.5 million tones Iron Ore per annum. This, in
turn, will de-congest the Chennai port where presently the pre -berthing waiting
time for Iron Ore vessels is more than a month. MMTC is also in dialogue with
Ennore Port for developing the permanent Terminal at Ennore which will facilitate
loading of super cape-size vessels to cater the increased demand for Iron Ore from
the Asian markets like, Japan, China, South Korea and Taiwan. This facility would
be comparable to the international standards presently now being operated from
Australia and Brazil. MMTC is also in constant dialogue with the various Ministries,
Railways, Ports and exporters to assess the development potential for a
comprehensive infrastructure requirements for larger volume of exports. MMTC will
continue to play a vital role in these directions.
16.3.2 Items of Trade
(Mud Chemicals, Barytes, Bentonite, Bauxite, Talc, Gypsum,
Feldspar, Quartz/Silica Sand, Garnet Sand, Kaolin (China Clay), Vermiculite)
16.3.3 Logistic Support
At all the loading ports, MMTC ensures proper receipt, stacking, quality
control and delivery of the cargo into the vessels for shipment. The entire
arrangement guarantees delivery of minerals & ores contracted in continuous
manner all around the year.
Table 16.1. All ports are equipped with mechanical loading facilities
Mechanical Berth and Handling Facilities
Vizag Outer Chennai Outer Marmagao Berth Paradip
Harbour Harbour (9)**
Outer Channel M-Meters
Length 1400 M 5900 M 4500 M 2020 M
Width 250 M 244 M 250 M 190 M
Depth 19 M 19.2 M 13.7 M 15 M
Inner / Entrance
Length 1250 M 780 M - 1100 M
Width 250 M 220 M - 160 M
Depth 19 M 18.6 M 13.1 M 12.8 M
Turning Basin
Diameter 610 M 549 M 480 M 520 M
Depth 18 M 17.4 M 11.3 M 12.8 M
Length 263 M 222 M 222 M 155 M
Depth 17.5 M 17.4 M 11.3 M 13.2 M
Foreign buyers
Located all over the globe and particularly in France, USA, Japan, Spain, Italy,
UK, South Africa, Kuwait and UAE etc.
Domestic customers
At our Souvenir shops,
Various Govt. departments
Foreign missions
Indian Missions abroad
Original Crafts persons,
Original Weavers,
Cluster of Artisans & their Societies
Dealers/ Jewellery Associates who in turn adopt any of the above three.
Corporation REACH
Associated closely in the ambitious "Cotton Technology Mission" for all round
development in cotton production, productivity, quality and upgradation
of market infrastructure.
Has been rated "Excellent" for its performance for the last five Years. Commitments
To maintain a constant dialogue with the cotton industry in differen t
sectors, with the consuming textile industry (who are our buyers) to
ascertain their precise requirement of cotton, with the ginning and pressing
industry for bringing improvement in cotton processing, with the
international buyers to meet their cotton requirements and to fulfill our export
commitments, so as to bring about improvement in the overall functioning of
the Corporation.
To fulfill our commitment towards the cotton farmers in ensuring
remunerative price to them on the one hand and to procure entire quantity of
kapas to prevent distress sale by them on the other, in the event of MSP
operations. To also ensure that payment to farmers for their kapas purchase
is made within 10 days.
Constantly make efforts to keep our actions and programmes open and
transparent reflecting the high ideals of the Corporation. Commercial operations
The Corporation has been undertaking commercial operations, with the twin
objectives of rendering necessary support and help to cotton growers in getting
remunerative prices for their produce and to meet the equality cotton requirements
of Textile Mills, both in the institutional and private sector. As a matter of policy,
CCI purchases kapas from the cotton growers directly or through commission
agents in open auctions in the regulated markets under the supervision of APMCs
to ensure remunerative prices to the cotton farmers.
In order to meet the growing demand of quality cotton with least
contamination by the Textile mills, Corporation has undertaken various measu res
of procuring and processing quality cotton. All operations being sales driven,
quality cotton of any grade and parameters are supplied to meet the specific -
demand from the mills including EOUs. Over the years, Corporation has acquired
the reputation of a 'dependable supplier of quality cotton' in large quantity along
with dependable after-sales service. Many of the prestigious textile groups in the
country, including EOUs, have shown keen interest in CCI cotton resulting into
manifold increase of its domestic sales to private sector mills, as will be evident
from the following chart.
The increasing share of domestic sales to private sector mills is a
manifestation of the confidence of buyer mills in the quality of cotton supplied by
CCI and its after-sales services. The highlights of the domestic sales policy could be
summarised as under:
Offers for sale any variety and grade of cotton with choice from more than one
state and even from a particular tract/centre.
ECGC is essentially an export promotion organization, seeking to improve the
competitiveness of the Indian exporters by providing them with credit insurance
covers. ECGC keeps its premium rates at the optimal level.
The mission of ECGC is to support the Indian Export Industry by providing
cost effective insurance and trade related services to meet the growing needs
of Indian export market by optimal utilization of available resources.
17.3.1History of ECGC Vision What does ECGC do How does ECGC help exporters Need for export credit insurance Objectives
17.3.2 Shipments Comprehensive Risks Policy - (SCR) SCR or Standard Policy
17.3.3 Small Exporters Policy - (SEP) Credit Insurance Policies for Small Exporters
17.3.4 Specific Shipment Policy (SSP)
17.3.5 Services Policy - (SRC)
17.3.6 Export Turnover Policy - (ETP)
17.3.7 Exports (Specific Buyers) Policy (BWP)
17.3.8 Consignment Exports Policy (Stockholding Agent) – (CSA)
17.3.9 Buyer Exposure Policy (SBEP)
17.3.10 IT-Enabled Services Policy-Single Customer (SITES)
17.3.11 Small and Medium Enterprise - (SME)
17.3.12 Software Project Policy (SPP)
ECGC Ltd. (Formerly Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Ltd.),
wholly owned by Government of India, was set up in 1957 with the objective of
promoting exports from the country by providing Credit Risk Insurance and related
services for exports. It functions under the administrative control of Ministry of
Commerce & Industry, and is managed by a Board of Directors comprising
representatives of the Government, Reserve Bank of India, banking, and insurance
and exporting community. Over the years it has designed different export credit risk
insurance products to suit the requirements of Indian exporters and commercial
banks extending export credit.
17.3.1 History of ECGC
The need for export promotion had started immediately after Independence in
1947. In 1953, a proposal for initiation of an export credit guarantee scheme was
put forward at a meeting of the Export Advisory Council . Ministry of Commerce &
Industry analyzed in depth the pros and cons of the Export Credit Insurance
Scheme and a revised draft proposal on the scheme was presented to the Export
Advisory Council in 1955.
Shri T T Krishnamachari, Finance Minister in Pandit Nehru’s cabinet
appointed a special committee under the Chairmanship of Shri T.C.Kapur to
examine the feasibility of setting up an effective organization to provide insurance
against export credit risks. The Government accepted the recommendations of
Kapur Committee and thus the Export Risk Insurance Corporation (ERIC) was
registered on 30th July 1957 in Mumbai as a Private Ltd. Company, entirely state
owned, under the Companies Act with an authorized capital of Rs.5 crores and paid
up capital of Rs.25 lakhs. Shri Ratilal M Gandhi was the First Chairman and Shri T
C Kapur was the First Managing Director of the Corporation. Shri Morarji Desai,
Union Commerce Minister inaugurated ERIC and the first Policy was issued on 14 th
October 1957.
After introduction of insurance covers to banks during the period 1962 -64,
ERIC’s name was changed to Export Credit & Guarantee Corporation Ltd in 1964.
The above name was changed to Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India
Ltd. in the year 1983. Subsequently in August 2014, it was renamed as ECGC Ltd. Vision
The vision of ECGC Ltd. Is to excel in providing export credit insurance and
trade related services. What does ECGC do?
Provides a range of credit risk insurance covers to exporters against loss in
export of goods and services
Offers Export Credit Insurance covers to banks and financial institutions to
enable exporters to obtain better facilities from them
Provides Overseas Investment Insurance to Indian companies investing in joint
ventures abroad in the form of equity or loan How does ECGC help exporters?
ECGC Offers insurance protection to exporters against payment risks Provides
guidance in export-related activities Makes available information on different
countries with it's own credit ratings Makes it easy to obtain export finance from
banks/financial institutions Assists exporters in recovering bad debts Provides
information on credit-worthiness of overseas buyers. Need for export credit insurance
Payments for exports are open to risks even at the best of times. The risks have
assumed large proportions today due to the far-reaching political and economic
changes that are sweeping the world. An outbreak of war or civil war may block or
delay payment for goods exported. A coup or an insurrection may also bring about the
same result. Economic difficulties or balance of payment problems may lead a country
to impose restrictions on either import of certain goods or on transfer of payments for
goods imported. In addition, the exporters have to face commercial risks of insolvency
or protracted default of buyers. The commercial risks of a foreign buyer going bankrupt
or losing his capacity to pay are aggravated due to the political and economic
uncertainties. Export credit insurance is designed to protect exporters from the
consequences of the payment risks, both political and commercial, and to enable them
to expand their overseas business without fear of loss. Objectives
The Corporation has set before itself the following objectives:
1. To encourage and facilitate globalization of India’s trade.
2. To assist Indian exporters in managing their credit risks by providing timely
information on worthiness of the buyers, bankers and the countries.
3. To protect the Indian exporters against unforeseen losses, which may arise
due to failure of the buyer, bank or problems faced by the country of the
buyer by providing cost effective credit insurance covers in the form of
Policy, Factoring and Investment Insurance Services comparable to similar
covers available to exporters in other countries.
4. To facilitate availability of adequate bank finance to the Indian exporters by
providing surety insurance covers for bankers at competitive rates.
5. To achieve improved performance in terms of profitability, financial and
operational efficiency indicators and achieve optimum return on investment.
6. To develop world class expertise in credit insurance among employees and
ensure continuous innovation and achieve the highest customer satisfaction
by delivering top quality service.
7. To educate the customers by continuous publicity and effective marketing.
8. Export Credit Insurance for Exporter
17.3.2 Shipments Comprehensive Risks Policy - (SCR) SCR or Standard Policy
An exporter whose annual export turnover is more than Rs.500 lakhs is
eligible for this Policy. This is a Standard Wholeturnover Policy wherein all
shipments are required to be covered under the Policy.
Period of Policy: 12 Months
Exclusions Permitted:
Exports to Associates
Shipments backed by Letters of Credit
Risks Covered:
Commercial Risk / Buyer Risk
Political Risk
L/C Opening Bank Risk
Percentage of Cover: 90%
Minimum Premium: Rs. 10,000/- shall be adjusted towards premiums
falling due on the shipments effected under the policy and is non -
What are the different types of Services Policy and what protection do they offer?
Specific Services Contract (Comprehensive Risks) Policy;
Specific Services Contract (Political Risks) Policy;
Whole-turnover Services (Comprehensive Risks) Policy; and
Whole-turnover Services (Political Risks) Policy
Specific Services Policy, as its name indicates, is issued to cover a single
specified contract. It is issued to provide cover for contracts, which are large in
value and extend over a relatively long period. Whole -turnover services policies are
appropriate for exporters who provide services to a set of principles on a repetitive
basis and where the period of each contract is relatively short. Such policies are
issued to cover all services contracts that may be concluded by the exporter over a
period of 24 months ahead.
The Corporation would expect that the terms of payment for the services are in
line with customary practices in international trade in these lines. Contracts should
normally provide for an adequate advance payment and the balance sho uld be
payable periodically based on the progress of work. The payments should be backed
by satisfactory security in the form of Letters of Credit or bank guarantees.
Services policies are designed to cover contracts under which only services are
to be rendered. Contracts under which the value of services to be rendered forms
only a small part of a contract involving supply of machinery or equipment will be
covered under an appropriate specific policy for supply contracts.
17.3.6 Export Turnover Policy - (ETP)
Turnover Policy is for the benefit of large exporters who contribute not less
than Rs.10 lakhs per annum towards premium based on projection of the export
turnover of the policy holder for a year.This is a Wholeturnover declaration based
Policy wherein all shipments are required to be covered under the Policy.
Period of Policy : 12 months
Exclusions Permitted:
Exports to Associates
Shipments backed by Letters of Credit
Risks Covered
Commercial Risk / Buyer Risk
Political Risk
L/C Opening Bank Risk
Percentage of Cover: 90%
Important Obligations of the Exporter
Obtaining valid credit limit on buyers and banks from ECGC.
Premium is payable in four equal quarterly installments in advance before
commencement of risks and sufficient premium deposit i s also to be
maintained in advance based on the turnover projection at all times during
the policy.
Covers only the exports effected under consignment sale.
Extended period for realization up to 360 days.
Automatic cover on ultimate buyers up to discretionary limits subject to
buyers being in a country placed in Open Cover category an d not in the list
of buyers on whom the Corporation has adverse information referred to as
Buyer Specific Approval List (BSAL)
Commercial risks on agents covered.
No Claim Bonus (NCB) of 5% subject to no claim, upto a maximum of 50% .
17.3.9 Buyer Exposure Policy (SBEP)
The Buyer Exposure Policy is to insure exporters having a large number of
shipments to a particular buyer with simplified procedure and rationalized
premium. An exporter can choose to obtain exposure based cover on a selected
buyer. The cover would be against commercial and political risks. The option to
exclude L/C shipment is available. If L/C shipment has been opted for commercial
and political risks cover, failure of L/C opening bank with World Rank upto 25000
as per latest Banker’s Almanac is available. If exporter opts for only political risks,
premium at lesser rate is offered.
Period of Policy : 12 months
Risks Covered
Commercial Risk / Buyer Risk
Political Risk
L/C Opening Bank Risk
Percentage of Cover: 90% for Standard Policyholders and 80% for others.
Important Obligations of the Exporter
Processing fee of Rs.2000/- (non-refundable) is payable.
Upfront premium payment in full on the Loss Limit.
Obtaining prior approval for extending the due date of payment of the expo rt
bill where the total credit period of realization exceeds180 days.
Notifying/Declaration of payments for bills that have remained unpaid
beyond 30 days from its due date of payment, by the 15th of the subsequent
Filing of claim within 360 days from the due date of the export bill or 540
days from expiry date of the Policy Cover whichever is earlier.
Initiating recovery steps including legal action.
Sharing of recovery.
Protection is available upto the Loss Limit approved on the buyer under the Policy.
Premium is payable only on the Loss Limit approved on the buyer,
irrespective of the shipments effected to the buyer.
No Claim Bonus (NCB) of 5% subject to non claim, upto a maximum of 50% .
Declaration procedure waived.
Separate Policy per buyer.
Selective buyer can be insured.
This Policy is not meant for the exporters carrying out trade activities only.
17.3.12 Software Project Policy (SPP)
Software Project Policy provides protection to exporters of software and related
services where the payments will be received in foreign exchange. Under SPP,
supply of software products and packages, or staffing and programming services or
both off-shore and on-site development is covered. It is meant for each contract for
a particular job.
Period of Policy : Depending on the contract.
Risks Covered
Commercial Risk / Buyer Risk
Political Risk
L/C Opening Bank Risk
Percentage of Cover: 80%
Distinct Characteristics OF ITES Contracts
Billing for the service rendered mostly on milestones progress report.
Exact due dates not possible.
Where there is a non-payment problem, there can be certain services
invoiced and accepted, certain services invoiced but not accepted and
certain services rendered but yet to be invoiced.
No requirement of physical documentation as the process is carried out
through electronic media.
Provision for correction in case of errors and omissions.
No salvage in almost all the cases.
Right to verify documents by the Corporation or by an authorized agency.
Important Obligations of the Exporter
Processing fee of Rs.2000/- (non-refundable) is payable.
Upfront premium payment in full on the Loss Limit.
Exporter would be required to submit a progress report indicating the level of
completion, payment sought and payment received and deviations in these areas.
The exporter has to specify in advance the manner in which the work in
progress would be estimated.
Filing of claim within 360 days from the due date of the export bill or 540
days from expiry date of the Policy Cover whichever is earlier.
Initiating recovery steps including legal action.
Sharing of recovery.
Protection is available upto the Loss Limit approved on the buyer under the Policy.
Premium is payable only on the Loss Limit approved on the buyer, irrespective
of the shipments effected to the buyer.
Separate Policy per buyer.
History of ECGC, Vision, , Need for export credit insurance, Objectives,
Shipments Comprehensive Risks Policy - (SCR), SCR or Standard Policy Small
Exporters Policy - (SEP), Credit Insurance Policies for Small Exporters , Specific
Shipment Policy (SSP), Services Policy - (SRC)
1. What does ECGC do?
2. How does ECGC help exporters?
History of ECGC, Vision, What does ECGC do, How does ECGC help exporters,
Need for export credit insurance, Objectives, Shipments Comprehensive Risks
Policy - (SCR), SCR or Standard Policy Small Exporters Policy - (SEP), Credit
Insurance Policies for Small Exporters , Specific Shipment Policy (SSP), Services
Policy - (SRC), Export Turnover Policy - (ETP), Exports (Specific Buyers) Policy
(BWP), Consignment Exports Policy (Stockholding Agent) – (CSA), Buyer Exposure
Policy (SBEP), IT-Enabled Services Policy-Single Customer (SITES), Small and
Medium Enterprise - (SME), Software Project Policy (SPP).
1. Explain the features of the SME Policy?
1. Robert A. Mundell, International Economics, 1968, Macmillan & co, New york.
2. Jagdish Bhagawathi, International trade & Economics expansion. The
American economics review, dec.1958.
1. Elucidate the Distinct Characteristics OF ITES Contracts?
1. Peter B. Kenen, The International Economy, Third Edition, Cambridge Edition, 1994.
2. Francis Cherunilam, International trade and export management, Himalaya
Third Edition 2013.
3. M.C.Vaish & Sudama Singh, International Economics, sixth Edition, reprint 1995.
4. Dr. P. Subba Rao, International Business, (text and cases, Third Edition,
Himalaya public house), 201.
1. How do Consignment Exports Policy (Stockholding Agent) – (CSA)
2. Important for the Exporter?
Consignment Exports Policy (Stockholding Agent) – (CSA), Buyer Exposure
Policy (SBEP), IT-Enabled Services Policy-Single Customer (SITES), Small and
Medium Enterprise - (SME), Software Project Policy (SPP).
To the inexperienced, international trade may appear to be a very complex
undertaking requiring extensive resources, a large and expensive marketing and
export department, a significant volume of the product to be marketed .
The goal of this chapter is to lay these myths to rest and open the world of
exporting to companies, which have previously abandoned the idea
and new to export companies of high-value agricultural products. We
will begin by exploring some common misconceptions, which many
companies possess concerning exporting.
18.3.1. Four common misconceptions about exporting You have to be Big to Export To Export You Must Have a Big Export Department To Export You Must Have Substantial Volume You Must be Fluent In Foreign Languages to Export Your Export Potential
18.3.2. Making the Export Decision
18.3.3. The value of planning
18.3.4. Export plan outline Twelve Most Common Mistakes New Exporters Should Avoid Export Intermediaries Export Merchants Export Commission House Export Broker Buyer for Export
18.3.5. Piggyback marketing Export Trading Companies Freight Forwarder
18.3.6. Evaluating your distributor or agent
18.3.1 Four common misconceptions about exporting You have to be Big to Export
To begin, let us look at the issue of company size. While large companies do the
greatest volume of international trade, smaller companies are also taking advantage of
the opportunities available in foreign markets. In fact, small businesses are big into
exports a survey by the U.S. Department of Commerce found that 60 percent of
American firms now exporting successfully have fewer than 100 employees, thus they
qualify as small businesses. Rather than company size, product quality, price, and
service determine a firm's success in the export market.
3. What countries are inquiries coming from? (A list of the sales inquiries of
each buyer by product and by country will be helpful.)
4. Is the trend of sales/inquiries up or down?
5. Who are the main domestic and foreign competitors?
6. What general and specific lessons have been learn ed from past export
II. Management and Personnel
1. What kind of commitment is the top level of management willing to make to
an exporting effort?
2. Who will be responsible for the export department's organization and staff?
3. How much senior management time should be allocated? How much could
be allocated?
4. What are management's expectations for the effort?
5. What organizational structure is required to ensure that export sales are
adequately serviced?
6. Who will follow through after the planning is accomplished?
III. Production Capacity
1. How is the present capacity being used?
2. Will filling export orders hurt domestic sales?
3. What will be the cost of additional production?
4. Are there fluctuations in the annual workload? When? Why?
5. What minimum order quantity is required?
6. What would be required to design and package products specifically for
IV. Financial Capacity
1. What amount of capital can be tied up in exports?
2. What level of export operating costs can be supported?
3. How are the initial expenses of the export effort to be allocated?
4. What other new development plans are in. the works, that may compete with
export plans?
5. By what date must an export effort pay for itself?
6. Is outside capital necessary to support, efforts?
Truthful and realistic answers to these questions will assist a company to
explore both the positive and negative aspects of entering the export market.
Knowing as much as possible before beginning the exporting process will help
ensure a smooth transition into international business and help avoid costly
18.3.3 The Value of Planning
Formulating an export strategy based upon good information and its proper
assessment increases the chances that the best options will be selected, resources
will be utilized effectively, and efforts will consequently be carried through to
completion. The export plan fulfills two major functions. First, it assembles the
facts, constraints, and goals for a market. Second, it creates a plan of action, which
takes all these factors into account. The statement includes specific objectives, it.
propounds time schedules for implementation, and it marks milestones so the
degree of success can be measured and be employed to motivate personnel. At first
the plan may be quite short and simple, but it should be come more detailed and
complete as you gain exporting experience. Ultimately, the export plan should
address the following questions:
1. What products are selected for export development? Also, what modifications,
if any, must be made to adapt them to overseas markets?
2. What countries are targeted for sales development?
3. In each country, what is the basic customer profile? What marketing and
distribution channels should be used to reach customers?
4. What special challenges pertain to each market (competition, cu ltural
differences, import controls etc.) and what strategies will be used to address
5. How will the product's export sales price be determined?
6. What specific operational steps must be taken and when?
7. What will be the time frame for implementing each e lement of the plan?
8. What personnel and company resources will be dedicated to exporting?
9. What will be the cost in time and money for each element?
10. How will the results be evaluated and used to modify the plan?
The plan should be reviewed periodically and actual results should be
compared with plan objectives. It is necessary to keep in mind that the plan is a
management tool and not a static document, thus you 'should not hesitate to
modify the plan to make it more specific as new information and experience is
gained. An export plan outline has been given here for your understanding.
18.3.4 Export Plan Outline
1. Executive Summary (one to two pages maximum)
2. Introduction: Identify reasons why your company should export.
3. Export Policy Commitment Statement
4. Situation/Background Analysis
a. Product
b. Operations
c. Personnel and Export Organization
d. Resources of the Firm
e. Industry Structure, Competition, and Demand
5. Marketing Component
a. Identification, Evaluation, and Selection of Target Markets
b. Product Selection and Pricing
c. Distribution Method
2. Direct Mail: You can write a letter directly to a company requesting that it
represent your product. Most companies will respond that they are not
interested or that they already carry a competitive line. However, only a few
positive replies are needed to continue your search and evaluation of
prospective distributors.
3. Personal Visits: Once you receive a number of "interested" replies plan a trip to
that market. Additionally while traveling, stop in other potential markets to
assess the situation as well as attempt to make contacts. Many times a personal
visit will pay for itself in terms of the gained benefits. Just one order or sale of
sample products, could cover the cost of your round-trip airline ticket.
4. Trade Shows & Exhibitions: Trade shows and exhibitions are perhaps the
best single source for finding distributors. Most competent distributors visit
these events to learn about new products and to evaluate the competition If
you are ready to introduce your product or service to the market, rent booth
space and many distributors will come to you. Even if you are just getting
started and not quite ready to export, you should at least visit the shows. You
will be able to speak with non-competing manufacturers in your industry
who can provide names of distributors. Occasionally, personal introductions
with distributors may even be" arranged.
5. Caution: Beware of professional "exclusive distributor hustlers" who work on
behalf of domestic manufacturers by attempting to sign up all foreign
manufacturers in order to control and restrict competition. Always investigate
and evaluate several distributors before making a definite decision.
6. Mail Lists: Domestic and international trade magazines often publish or sell
lists of distributors and agents. Also, these publications compile "Annual
Buyer's Guide" issues, which should not be overlooked.
7. Foreign Consulates and Banks: Generally speaking, U.S. based foreign
consulates, trade promotion offices and banks are not good sources for
potential distributor lists. The mission of these entities is to encourage the
entrance of imports from their home countries into the United States, rather
than to increase the number of U.S. exports their country receives. However,
Japan is an exception to this rule. The quasi -governmental JETRO/Japan
Trade Center, established in Chicago and several other U.S. cities, actively
promotes a "U.S. Exports to Japan" program.
8. Foreign Magazines and Newspapers; Placing "distributor wanted” to
"representative wanted" advertisements in foreign publications can venerate
many responses. However, it is important to investigate and qualify the
respondents Many times, this is difficult to ac hieve without personally
visiting the distributor's offices.
9. Private Marketing Consultants: Several nationwide companies offer senders
(for a fee) that ultimately bring together an American exporter and a foreign
buyer. Typically, the primary "international marketing program" offered by
these consultants includes market assessment and analysis, a distributor
search and recommendations, and a marketing- sales promotion plan. As
secondary services, these consultants also offer joint venture or licensing
development, manufacturing assistance, and observation of your overseas
18.3.6 Evaluating Your Distributor Or Agent
When searching for a potential overseas distributor or agent, the following
information should be obtained in order to adequately evaluate all candidates:
1. Basic Information
1. Name, address, location, telephone/fax numbers, email addresses and
contact person.
2. Annual sales, number of sales outlets, number of salespersons and support
3. How is the company organized? Who are the people in charge?
4. How much international business experience does the company have?
5. What is their experience in your product category?
6. How informed (up-to-date) are their personnel about your potential market?
2. Sales Staff
1. Do they hire their own sales staff? How many are on the payroll?
2. What are their sales techniques and methods of conducting sales?
3. How many customers do they currently serve?
4. What is the status of their relationship with their current customers? If
possible, assess this relationship by contacting customers directly.
5. Are they able to inventory and warehouse your goods if necessary? At what
additional cost?
6. How are deliveries made? Do they have their own delivery fleet, or do they use
common carriers?
3. Product Awareness
1. What related, but non-competitive products do they sell? Also, do they handle
any competitive products?
2. Why do they think your product will be successful in the market?
3. What do they assess as your product's strengths and weaknesses?
4. What modifications do they recommend? Can they assist you in making any of
these recommended modifications?
In addition to the previously mentioned methods, alternative contacts for
locating a distributor or agent include: AgExport Connections: The AgExport
Connections Office of the Foreign Agric ultural Service has "AgExport Action kits"
available. They include information on the following services:
1. Sales leads from foreign buyers
2. Free advertising for your product overseas
3. Lists of foreign buyers of food and agricultural products
4. Assistance in presenting your products at international trade shows
For more information contact the AgExport Connections Office of FAS. In
addition, the Trade Assistance and Promotion Office (TAPO) office provides export
counseling and referrals to other services of the USDA. The U.S. Department of
Commerce offers many services that are helpful for a small to medium sized
exporter such as The Agent/Distributor Service. This service can help you
determine the best markets for your product and prepare a. comprehensive
package to promote your product or service in the market you select. After they
receive a specific request, commercial specialists at U.S. embassies and consulates
abroad then search the market for qualified agents, distributors, or representatives
according to your specifications. Prospective agents or distributors are screened for
capability and interest and within 30-60 days you will receive information on up to
six of the most qualified candidates. Your company may also request a Customized,
Market Analysis with detailed information needed to make the most efficient and
beneficial marketing decisions. Sixty days after the request is placed, you will
receive information about sales potential, competitors, best channels for market
arrival, prices for comparable products, the best way to gain exposure in market,
impediments to sales, the best potential representatives and buyers, and potential
licensing or joint venture partners. The Commercial News, a U.S. government
catalog-magazine provides the opportunity to advertise you product as well as
attract potential distributors for as little as $395. The publication will promote your
product in over 152 countries at a fraction of the cost of commercial advertising. It
is printed ten times a year and distributed overse as, at no charge to the recipient.
Once you have narrowed down the field to one potential distributor or agent,
the Dept. of Commerce provides at a very reasonable cost, International Company
Profiles (ICP). This profile serves as a thorough background che ck on your potential
client, which will reduce your risk and allow you to enter new into a business
relationship with confidence. Within 30-45 days of the request, commercial
specialists abroad will give their assessment of whether or not you should enter
into this relationship. The profile includes bank and trade references, product lines
of that distributor, number of employees, financial data, sales volume, reputation
and market outlook. In addition, your ICP will qualify as one of the r-rpi.rts
required for you to obtain foreign credit risk insurance coverage.
Export Broker
Buyer for Export
Piggyback marketing
Export Trading Companies
Freight Forwarder
1. Make a review of basics of exporting.
2. What are the common mistakes one has to avoid in the business of
3. Examine the strength and weakness of export intermediaries.
This chapter explained the Export Decision, The value of planning, Export plan
outline, Most Common Mistakes New Exporters Should Avoid, Export
Intermediaries, Export Merchants and Export Commission House
1. Create an export outline and highlight the features step by step
2. Incremental cost pricing determines a basic unit cost that takes into account
the costs of producing and selling products for export, and then adds a mark -
up to arrive at the desired profit margin. To determine a price using this
method, first, establish the "export base cost" by stripping profit markup and
the cost of domestic selling. In addition to the base cost, include genuine
export expenses (export overheads, special packing, shipping, port charges,
insurance, overseas commissions, and allowance for sales promotion and
advertising) and the unit price necessary to yield the desired profit margin.
3. Cost modification involves reducing the quality of an item by using cheaper
materials, simplifying the product or modifying your marketing program,
which lowers the price. In addition, when making pricing decisions, you
should also consider your company's objectives, the price sensitivity and
uniqueness of your product.
In addition to obtaining competitive freight rates and services, a shipper should
ensure that the product will arrive in excellent condition. Of particular concern are
products of a perishable nature, such as frozen and chilled foods, as well as processed
and packaged foods, drinks, and juices. Important considerations include:
1. Effective packaging and labeling;
2. Temperature, humidity, and other environmental controls;
3. Well-maintained transportation equipment; and
4. Proper loading, in-transit monitoring, and unloading.
Under the best circumstances, product quality can only be maintained, not
improved, during transportation. Initial product quality should be the highest
possible. Products in top-quality condition:
1. Have a longer shelf life;
2. Allow more time for transportation, storage, and marketing;
3. Satisfy importers, brokers, and consumers;
4. Increase repeat sales and profits; and
5. Help expand markets.
constructed in a manner that allows a lot of air circulation around the packed
product. There is concern over whether wood crates are recyclable or reusable.
Machines are available to grind up wood crates for conversion into mulch or other
materials, but some countries in Europe have discouraged their use. Fasteners or
wire in wood crates to be recycled should be made of steel with a maximum
diameter of 10 mm, to allow grinding of the crates and extraction of the fastener
particles with magnets.
19.3.2 Stacking
The majority of fiberboard boxes and wood crates are designed to be stacked
top-to-bottom. Compression strength and product protection are sacrificed when
boxes or crates are stacked on their ends or sides. Misaligned fiberboard boxes can
lose up to 30 percent of their strength, while boxes that are not stacked top-to-
bottom {stacked either crosswise or off-center) can lose up to 50 percent of their
top-to.-bottom compression strength.
Various materials are added to boxes to provide additional strength and
product protection. Fiberboard trays, dividers, or partitions, and double or triple -
layer sides and ends in boxes provide additional compression strength and reduce
product damage.
Pads, wraps, sleeves, and excelsior are used to reduce bruisin g. Pads also are
used to: provide moisture, as with asparagus; absorb moisture as with retail
packages of meat, poultry, and seafood; provide chemical treatment to reduce
decay, as with sulfur dioxide pads for grapes; and absorb ethylene, as with
potassium permanganate pads used in boxes of bananas and flowers, or oxygen in
the case of some modified-atmosphere packaging.
Plastic Film Liners or Bags—Plastic film liners or bags are used to retain
moisture, provide for a modified atmosphere, or maintain produc t integrity, such as
in a cluster of grapes or tomatoes. Plastic with various size perforations, depending
on commodity requirements, is used to let oxygen in and carbon dioxide out.
Special films are used to seal the products and provide for a modified atmosphere
either by allowing the product to consume oxygen, releasing carbon dioxide and
therefore slow product respiration and ripening, or by flushing the package with a
modified atmosphere or by vacuum packaging. This is done for bananas,
strawberries, cherries, tomatoes, meat, poultry, seafood, and many other products
that benefit from a modified atmosphere.
Paper and Polystyrene Foam Liners-Liners help to insulate the product from
hot or cold temperatures when they are shipped in unrefrigerated air carg o holds
and uninsulated air cargo containers. Wet paper is used to provide moisture to
fresh cut herbs and flowers.
Shippers should check with the Foreign Agricultural Service' (FAS) or Animal
and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) for packaging materials restrictions in
foreign countries, especially those made from plant parts such as wood, straw, or
leaves. Some of these items are prohibited in other countries or require special
7. Remove field heat (precool) as soon as possible after harvest, and maintain
the cold chain ;
8. Use grade standards or buyer's specifications in packing;
9. Place only uniform sizes or amounts in each box:
10. Place only products with a uniform level of maturity in each box; and
11. Clearly mark the grade, size, weight, or count on the box, along with any
other required label information, such as country of origin, exporter,
importer, gross and net weights in kilograms, total number of packages, size
of package; in centimeters, handling marks (international pictorial symbols),
cautionary marks, port of entry, pesticides, and fungicides used, or wax or
resin coatings used, in a language accepted by the destination country.
Damaged fresh products can ruin an entire shipment and reduce importers'
confidence in the grower and shipper. Products in this condition:
1. Spread decay to other products in the load;
2. Produce more ethylene gas and heat, which cause further ripening and
decay; and
3. Lose more water resulting in shriveling and wilting. Packing methods for fresh produce include
Field Packing--Products are placed in fiberboard boxes or wood crates during
harvesting. Some products are wrapped. The filled containers are then taken to a
precooling facility to reduce field heat.
Shed Packing--Products are processed or packed indoors or under cover at a
central location. The product is brought from the field to the packing shed in bulk
in field crates, bins, or trucks. The products are precooled either before or after
they are placed in shipping containers.
Repacking- Products are taken out of one container, regarded, and placed in
another. This is often done to make smaller boxes for the retailer or consumer
Fresh-cut Processing--Products are washed, trimmed, shredded, peeled, cut,
and otherwise processed into salad mixe s or ready-to-eat items under sanitary and
temperature-controlled conditions using Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
(HACCP) or similar systems of quality control. These items are then placed in
modified-atmosphere consumer and foodservice packages which are then grouped
in fiberboard boxes for distribution under constant refrigeration.
19.3.4 Packing Meat, Poultry, and Seafood Products
Through careful sanitation, modified-atmosphere packaging technology,
temperature control, and loading of marine containers at meat packing plants,
extended shelf life of 70 days or more for chilled beef and lamb has been possible
since the late 1980's. This has provided higher revenues for the meat exporter as
compared to frozen product shipped by sea or chilled product shipped by air.
Recently instituted HACCP procedures may help additional firms get into the export
market with extended shelf-life, quality-assured chilled and frozen products.
19.3.5 Standardization
Due to the large number of different box sizes in use, box and pallet standards
have been developed by the fresh produce, frozen food, floral, and grocery
industries in Europe and the United States to reduce handling damage and
packaging waste. Standardized boxes can:
1. Reduce box inventory for manufacturers and growers;
2. Provide unit loads and more stable mixed pallet loads;
3. Reduce transportation and marketing costs; and
4. Use 90 to 100 percent of the pallet surface with no overhang and little
The following are standard pallet sizes:
1. Standard Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) pallet used in the
United States-1219 by 1016 mm (48 by 40 in).
2. International Standards Organization (ISO) pallet used in Europe -1200 by
1000 mm (47.24 by 39.37 in).
3. Europallet, also widely used in Europe-1200 by 800 mm (47.24 by 31.5 in).
The following five box sizes that fit well on all three of the above pallets are
recommended for international trade, especially in Europe.
1. 600 by 400 mm
2. 400 by 300 mm
3. 400 by 200 mm
4. 300 by 200 mm
5. 200 by 150 mm
19.3.6 Unit Loads
Shippers, carriers, and receivers prefer handling palletized unit loads instead
of individual boxes, one at a time. Most distribution centers are set up to store
palletized loads in three-tier or higher racks.
Unit loads provide for:
1. Reduced handling of boxes;
2. Less damage to the boxes and the products inside;
3. Faster loading and unloading of transportation equipment;
4. More efficient distribution center operations; and
5. Reduced pilferage of products. Unit loads may include some of the following features
1. Standard size reusable or recyclable wood pallets or slipsheets;
2. Fiberboard, plastic, or wire vertical interlocking tabs between boxes;
3. Boxes with holes for air circulation, which align when the boxes are stacked
squarely on top of one another, corner to corner;
4. Recyclable glue between boxes to resist horizontal slipping;
5. Plastic netting around the pallet load of boxes; and
slipsheets should be treated with a recyclable coating for use in wet conditions.
Slipsheets used in transportation equipment should have holes for air circulation
under the load. The use of slipsheets in refrigerated transportation equipment with
shallow floor channels is not recommended due to the need for adequate air
circulation under the load. Unit loads of boxes on slipsheets should be netted,
stretch-wrapped, or otherwise secured with cornerboards and strapping.
19.3.7 Labeling and Branding
Labeling of boxes may provide required information for export certification,
identify and advertise the products, and assist receivers in storing and retrieving
the boxes. Fiberboard boxes can be preprinted with colorful graphics. Wood
packaging has glued, stamped, or stenciled labeling. Some high-quality fruits and
vegetables are individually branded with small colorful trademark stickers. Some
shippers also provide selection, storage, recipes, posters, and other point-of-sale
material for the retailer or consumer.
All boxes and consumer packages should be clearly labeled, bar coded, and
branded in the language accepted by the destination country. The following
information should be included on boxes along with any other data required by the
foreign country:
1. Common name of the product;
2. Net weight, count, and/or volume;
3. Brand name as well as name and address of the packer or shipper;
4. Country of origin;
5. Size and grade, when standards are used;
6. Recommended storage temperature;
7. Special handling instructions; and
8. Name of officially approved fungicides or bactericides used in packaging.
Each country has labeling requirements that must be followed. Labeling of
consumer packages is mandatory under most national regulations. For example,
the United States requires that in addition to the product name, net weight, and
name and address of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor, processed items
must have a nutrition label and all ingredients listed in descending order of
prominence. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies fruits and
vegetables with wax or resin coatings as processed products which must be
properly labeled with names of the coating displayed at the point of retail sale or on
the individual items. Many processed products also are labeled with a "sell by" date
or "best if used by" date,
19.3.8 Temperature, Humidity, and other Environmental Controls
Removal of field heat by the process of precooling to a recommended storage
temperature and relative humidity is absolutely necessary to maintain the quality
of fresh fruits, vegetables, plants, and cut flowers. The quality of most products will
rapidly deteriorate if field heat is not removed before loading into transportation
equipment. The rate of respiration and ripening increases two to three times for
every 10° C (18° F) above the recommended storage temperature.
Refrigerated transportation equipment is designed to maintain temperature
and should not be used to remove field heat from products packed in shipping
containers. The refrigeration units also are not capable of raising or controlling the
relative humidity.
A high temperature difference between the refrigeration unit evaporation coil
and the product will increase the loss of product moisture. This will cause the
evaporator to frost and the products to shrivel or wilt and weigh less. Most fruits
and vegetables have a water content between 80 and 95 percent. Precooling Factors
Precooling extends product life by reducing:
1. Field heat;
2. Rate of respiration (heat generated by the product);
3. Rate of ripening;
4. Loss of moisture (shriveling and wilting);
5. Production of ethylene (ripening gas generated by the product); and
6. Spread of decay.
The success of precooling is dependent on:
1. Time between harvest and precooling;
2. Type of shipping container, if product is packed beforehand;
3. Initial product temperature;
4. Velocity or amount of cold air, water, or ice provided;
5. Final product temperature;
6. Sanitation of the precooling air or "water to reduce decay organisms; and
7. Maintenance of the recommended temperature after precooling.
Precooling should occur as soon as possible after harvest. Harvesting should
be done in early morning hours to minimize field heat and the refrigeration load on
precooling equipment. Harvested products should be protected from the sun with a
covering until they are placed in the precooling facility.
Many products are field or shed packed and then precooled. Wood wirebound
or nailed crates and waxed or coated fiberboard boxes are used for packed products
that are precooled with water or ice after packing. This process is being modified in
response to the demand for recyclable boxes.
Precooling of products packed in boxes and stacked in unitized pallet loads is
especially important as air circulation around and through the packaging may be
limited during transportation and storage.
Precooling is particularly important for products that produce a lot o f heat.
The following are examples of products that have high respiration rates, and short
transit and storage lives:
Many tropical fruits, vegetables, plants, and cut flowers requ ire much less
cooling than products that are cooled to 0° C (32° F). All products should be
precooled as near as possible to the recommended storage temperature and relative
humidity. Product temperatures should be taken in sample boxes by inserting an'
electronic thermometer into the product. The data should be recorded for future,
reference. Precautionary Measures
Some products are sensitive to chilling or freezing injury. Care must be taken
not to precool or store the products below the recommen ded temperature. Often the
visible effects of chilling injury are delayed until the product is offered for retail
sale. These effects include failure to ripen properly, pitting, decay, watery
breakdown, and discoloration in fruits and vegetables. Flowers and plants lose
florets or foliage, fail to open, discolor, or wilt.
All products are sensitive to decay. Precooling equipment and water should be
sanitized continuously with a hypochlorite solution to eliminate decay -producing
organisms. Care also must be taken not to allow products to warm up after
precooling. Condensation on cool product surfaces at higher air temperatures also
spreads decay.
Harvesting and packaging of most products should be closely coordinated with
transportation to minimize time in transit and storage, and maximize product
freshness in the hands of consumers. After precooling, the products must be
properly loaded and transported at or near the recommended storage temperature
and relative humidity to maintain quality.
19.3.9 Transportation
The design and condition of the transport equipment, and the loading method
used, are critical to maintaining product quality. The mode of transportation and
the carrier should be chosen carefully. Selection Factors
The mode of transportation and type of equipment used should be based on:
1. Destination;
2. Value of the product;
3. Degree of product perishability;
4. Amount of product to be transported;
5. Recommended storage temperature and re'ative humidity;
6. Outside temperature conditions at origin rind destination points;
7. Time in transit to reach destination by air, land, or ocean transport;
8. Freight rates negotiated with the carriers; and
9. Quality of transportation service.
The reliability and quality of transportation services provided by different
carriers must be carefully considered along with the rates charged. Services and
schedules are subject to change. Shippers should contact air and ocean port
authorities at their origin and destination locations to receive the most current
information on available services. Local trade publications also are excellent
sources of information, as many carriers and their agents advertise their schedules
and destinations.
Refrigerated trailers and containers are recommended for products shipped in
large volumes with transit and storage lives of 1 week or more. After transit, there
must be enough remaining product life for marketing. Carriers using trailers and
containers may offer door-to-door service, which reduces handling, exposure,
damage, and theft of the products.
Air cargo containers also can be used to provide door-to-door service. Products
transported by air are generally high in value, highly perishable, but shipped in
lower volumes, Freight costs, are higher by air, but transit time is reduce d
Many products are shipped in unrefrigerated air containers or on air cargo
pallets. This requires close coordination at the origin and destination airports to
protect the products when flights are delayed. Cold storage facilities are needed at
airports to ensure product quality. Refrigerated air containers, insulated blankets,
or gel pack refrigerants should be used when possible.
Products that can be shipped in refrigerated trailers and van containers are
sometimes shipped by air to take advantage of brief market opportunities, such as
the beginning of a season when prices are high and supply is limited. Often an
importer who is first to receive a certain product is able to build goodwill and
increase sales throughout the season. Available Equipment
The following transportation equipment is available:
1. Air Cargo Containers—For air and highway transport.
2. Air Cargo Pallets With Netting—For air and highway transport.
3. Highway Trailers—For highway transport only,
4. Piggyback Trailers—For rail, highway, and roll-on/roll-off ocean transport.
5. Containers--For rail, highway, and lift-on/lift-off ocean transport.
6. Breakbulk Reefer Vessels—Handling palletized loads in refrigerated holds.
7. Bulk Vessels—Handling dry and liquid products in holds.
8. Railroad Boxcars—Handling palletized or individual shipping containers.
19.3.10 Refrigeration and Ventilation SYSTEMS
The following systems are available:
1. Mechanical—Diesel-generated electric power is used over the road and
aboard ocean vessels. Van containers are plugged into electrical power at
depots and aboard ships.
2. Cryogenic—Liquid or gaseous nitrogen or carbon dioxide, which is released
into cargoes of frozen food and occasionally chilled food under controlled
18°C (0°F), 0°C (32°F), 10°C (50°F), or ambient temperature for products not
requiring refrigeration.
The frozen compartment is usually located at the front of the trailer closest to
the refrigeration unit. Movable bulkheads are placed between the compartments.
Separate evaporators or ventilation between compartments provide temperature
control for the nonfrozen products. Side doors are needed to access the forward
compartments when the trailers are inspected at ports of entry or used to make
multiple deliveries on a single run.
8. Modified or Controlled Atmosphere--Nitrogen and some carbon dioxide gas is
added to pallet bags, or to the cargo compartment of refrigerated van
containers, displacing oxygen. This reduces product decay, respiration, and
ripening of certain products. Controlled-atmosphere systems monitor and
replenish the nitrogen scrub carbon dioxide, and adjust the level of oxygen
according to specific product requirements. This allows products to be
shipped at a higher level of maturity-Controlled atmosphere also allows for
longer transit times enabling shippers to use less costly land and sea
transport instead of air transport for highly perishable products and to allow
the transport of riper fruit. Products shown to benefit include apples,
asparagus, avocados, bananas, cherries, kiwifruit, mangoes, pears, and
Modified or controlled atmospheres of reduced oxygen, and elevated nitrogen
and carbon dioxide, are provided to specially equipped containers of certain fruits,
vegetables, meat, and seafood after loading is completed. The atmospheres are
tailored for each commodity. Three controlled atmosphere systems are available:
gas injection, membrane air separation, and pressure swing absorption. Ethylene
scrubbers can be added to these systems.
For modified and controlled-atmosphere gas injection systems, containers are
equipped with channels at the doorway. A plastic curtain is sealed in the channels
to reduce air leakage. Gas ports in the side of the container are used for the
injection of the desired atmosphere and discharge of the existing air. In the case of
controlled atmosphere, an electronic controller, a scrubber for absorbing excess
carbon dioxide, and an air exchange port to allow in more oxygen are provided.
Trailers are generally considered too leaky, and transit times too short to
benefit from modified or controlled atmospheres. Instead, shippers may use a gas
injection system of modified atmosphere, which is applied either to pallet loads
enclosed by a plastic bag or applied to individual modi fied-atmosphere shipping
containers. The pallet application is primarily used for strawberries. The packaging
application has been used for tomatoes and broccoli.
The above systems are proprietary and, applied under a service agreement,
available at select ports and shipping points around the world. In the case of
container loads, the service applicators must check the container for excessive air
leakage prior to the application and correct major problems.
The membrane air separation system is either built into the refrigeration unit
or clipped on to it. The pressure swing absorption system is installed separately in
the container in addition to the refrigeration unit. These systems generate nitrogen,
reduce oxygen, and add or remove carbon dioxide as needed . These systems can be
programmed by the shipper and are able to overcome some air leakage. Membrane
air separation is also available to service individual holds in refrigerated vessels or a
number of porthole containers in the hold of a vessel.
Research continues to be conducted on using controlled atmosphere systems
to reduce or eliminate insect infestations. Warning labels must be applied to
containers and vessel holds with controlled atmospheres to caution employees that
the atmosphere will not support human life. The cargo area must be ventilated
properly before personnel can enter to unload the cargo.
19.3.11 Equipment Features
Long-distance transportation through tropical and frigid climates requires
rugged, well-designed equipment to withstand the transit environment and protect
the products. Desirable features in refrigerated trailers and containers include:
1. Adequate refrigeration capacity to hold frozen food at extreme ambient
2. Adequate air circulation for uniform product temperature an d high relative
humidity throughout the load;
3. A solid return air bulkhead at the front of the trailer to ensure air circulation
throughout the load;
4. Vertical ribs on side walls and the rear door to assist in air circulation;
5. Adequate insulation and provisi ons for heating in areas with extreme cold
6. Deep floor grooves or channels to provide an adequate cross-sectional area for
air circulation under loads placed directly on the floor;
7. Supply-air temperature sensing of the operation of the refrigeration unit to
reduce product chilling and freezing injury;
8. Provisions for ventilation to prevent ethylene or carbon dioxide buildup;
9. Provisions for application of controlled or modified atmospheres; and
9. Adequate suspension to reduce the amount of shock and vibration transferred
to the shipping containers and the products inside.
The capacities and dimensions of air cargo containers, air cargo pallets,
refrigerated trailers, and refrigerated van containers vary among carriers due to
differences in equipment design and manufacture. Sample specifications are
provided at the end of this section.
Carriers should be consulted for specifications, availability, and rates well in
advance of shipping. Many carriers provide valuable assistance and information on
loading and operating their equipment.
Room for air circulation must be provided in transport equipment loaded with
agricultural products. The nature of the product, packaging type, and loading
method affect air circulation, as well as the total weight and volume occupied by
the load.
Maximum cargo weights are limited by carriers to comply with restrictions on
particular transport and handling equipment, or limits enforced by Government
agencies to protect roads and bridges. Due to light product density or load li mits,
many loads do not use the maximum rated-weight capacity of the transport
Most carriers check their transport equipment before delivery to the shipper
for loading. Good equipment condition is critical to maintaining product quality.
The shipper also should check the equipment to ensure it is in good working order
and meets the needs of the product. Carriers provide guidance on checking and
operating the refrigeration systems.
All transportation equipment should be checked for:
1. Cleanliness—The load compartment should be regularly steam cleaned.
2. Damage— Walls, floors, doors, and ceilings should be in good condition,
3. Temperature Control— Refrigerated units should have been calibrated
recently and capable of supplying continuous air circulation for uniform
product temperatures.
Shippers should insist on clean equipment. A load of products can be ruined by:
1. Odors from previous shipments;
2. Toxic chemical residues;
3. Insects nesting in the equipment;
4. Decaying remains of agricultural products; and
5. Debris blocking drain openings or air circulation along the floor.
Shippers should insist on well-maintained equipment and check for the following:
1. Damage to walls, ceilings, or floors, which can let in the outside heat, cold,
moisture, dirt, and insects;
2. Operation and condition of doors, ventilation openings, and seals; and
3. Provisions for load locking and bracing.
For refrigerated trailers and containers, the following additional checks are important:
1. With the doors closed, the cargo area should be checked from inside for
light-door gaskets must seal. A smoke generator also can be used to detect
2. The refrigeration unit should cycle from high to low speed when the desired
temperature is reached and then back to high speed.
3. The location of the sensing element that controls the discharge air
temperature must be located. If it measures return air temperature, the
thermostat will have to be set higher to avoid a chilling injury or freezing
injury to the products.
4. A solid return air bulkhead should be installed at the front of the trailer.
5. A heating device should be available for transportation in areas with extreme
cold weather.
6. Equipment with a top air delivery system must have a fabric air chute or
metal ceiling plenum in good condition.
Products requiring refrigeration should be thoroughly precooled prior to loading
into transportation equipment. Product temperatures should be taken with an
electronic probe thermometer and recorded on the bill of lading for future reference.
The load compartment in the equipment also should be precooled to the
recommended transport or storage temperature for the product. Ideally, the loading area
should be enclosed and refrigerated, with dock seals at the trailer or container doors.
Proper loading practices are critical to maintaining temperature and relative
humidity, protecting the products from impact and vibration forces in transit, and
preventing insects from entering the load. Special care must be taken when
shipping mixed loads--the products must be compatible. Loading Methods
Basic loading methods include:
1. Bulkloading, by machine or hand, of unpackaged commodities;
2. Hand loading individual boxes with or without pallets; and
3. Unit loading of palletized or slipsheet loads of boxes with pallet jacks or
Mixed Loads
Many products are often transported in mixed loads or stored with other
products. They must be compatible in terms of:
1. Recommended temperature and relative humidity;
2. Production and sensitivity to ethylene; and
3. Production and absorption of odors.
Groups of fresh products suitable for transportation and storage together have
been identified. Products sensitive to chilling, freezing, moisture loss, ethylene, and
odors are listed. Many products are subject to chilling injury when transported or
stored at lower than recommended temperatures. This damage often becomes
apparent after the products warm up. Products injured may show pitting,
disco1oration, water-soaked areas, decay, and failure to ripen.
Many products are recommended to be transported or stored at temperatures
only 1°C to 3°C (2°F to 61F) above their freezing points. Thermostats on some
trailers and van containers are set 1C to 3C (2F to 6F) higher than the
recommended temperature of 0C (32F) for chilled products. Most tropical
products that freeze are first damaged by chilling injury.
Most products need to be transported and stored at a high relative humidity.
Some products are more susceptible to in moisture loss than others. Moisture loss
results in wilting and shriveling. To reduce moisture loss, products must be
adequately precooled before transit. Some products also ate waxed, film-wrapped,
package-iced, or top-iced Relative humidity during transit and storage must be
maintained as much as possible.
Never transport or store fruits and vegetables that produce a lot of ethylene
with products that are sensitive to it. Ethylene can cause premature ripening of
some products and will ruin others, such as plants and cut flowers. Cucumbers
and celery turn yellow, while lettuce will turn brown, in the presence of ethylene.
Potassium permanganate pads can be used to absorb ethylene during transit and
Never transport or store/odorous products with products that will absorb the
odors. Never load fruit, vegetables, or other food products with nonfood products
that provide any risk of contamination through transfer of toxic chemical residues.
Similar-sized shipping containers should be loaded together in mixed loads for
increased stability. Heavier shipping containers of products should be loaded first
and distributed evenly, across the floor of the trailer or container. Lighter shipping
containers can then be placed against or on top of the heavier products.
Load lock bars, load gates, and pocket placed in a vertical position can be used
to separate and secure stacks of different-sized shipping containers. To facilitate
inspection of mixed loads at ports of entry, a representative sample of each
commodity should be available near the door. This can minimize the unloading of
cargo for examination.
The longer the transit time, the higher the risks in transporting mixed loads of
agricultural products. Therefore, it is essential that guidelines be followed closely to
maintain quality in distant markets.
Providing for Air Circulation
Inadequate provisions for air circulation will ruin a load, even in well -designed
transportation equipment. When possible, boxes should be kept off shallow floors
and away from flat sidewalls by using pallets, racks, and damage. Room for air
circulation must be provided under, around, and through the load to protect the
products from:
1. Heat gain from the outside air during hot weather;
2. Heat generated by the produce through respiration;
3. Ethylene produced by certain products;
4. Heat loss to the outside air during extreme c old weather; and
5. Chilling injury or freezing injury during operation of the refrigeration unit.
Temperature Monitoring and Recording
Shippers should follow the carrier's recommendations on loading and setting
the temperature of the equipment's load compartment to avoid chilling or freezing
injury to fresh products. Discharge air may be colder than the set-point
temperature if the refrigeration system operates on return -air temperature sensing.
The temperature should be clearly marked on the bill of lading . Drivers and shipper
should check product temperatures with a pulp thermometer and record the
temperatures during the loading process.
Many carriers advise setting the thermostat temperature 1°C to 3°C (2°F to
6°F) higher than the recommended temperature of 0°C (32°F) for chilled products.
This depends on the design of the transportation equipment. Newer equipment with
supply-air temperature sensing and good air circulation can be operated closer to
the recommended temperature.
For most tropical fruits, vegetables and plants that have recommended
temperatures in the 10°C to 21°C (50°F to 70°F) range, the thermostat is set at or
near the recommended temperature.
It is now possible to monitor refrigeration unit operating conditions from a
central control room on a ship or by satellite transmission.
Refrigeration units for trailers and containers may have an electronic recorder
which can monitor up to three different points in the load. This data can be
downloaded and analyzed on a computer. Mechanical temperature recorders which
place data on a circular chart also are used.
In addition to trip insurance, all load should have a small portable air-
temperature recorder (supplied by the shipper) placed between packages in the area
where the warmest temperatures occur. Recorder companies recommend placement
on top of the load, near a sidewall, one -third of the way in from the rear doors, and
away from any direct discharge of refrigerated air.
Railcars should have two or three portable recorders. In loads with to p-ice or
humidity above 95 percent, the recorders should be waterproof or enclosed in a
plastic bag. Models are available for frozen food applications.
Shippers and receivers must follow the recorder company's instructions on
documenting the load, starting the recorder, reading the results, and returning it
for calibration and certification. The temperature recorder chart and/or instrument
number should be clearly marked on the bill of lading. These steps are essential for
settling claims over temperature management during transportation.
In the European Union temperature recording is mandatory. It also is
necessary in the case of cold treatment quarantine shipments in which fruit is held
at specific temperatures to kill fruit flies.
Cold Treatment and Pest Control
Shippers should avoid loading at night. Insects attracted by light can enter the
load and cause problems upon inspection at destination. The loading area should
be enclosed to prevent insects from reinfesting treated and packaged products. The
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) operates a preclearance
program in which product is inspected and certified to be free of injurious insect
pests and plant diseases. Such shipments are marked and sealed to prevent
tampering and infestation.
This chapter explains Effective packaging and labeling and Widely used
packaging materials include Stacking, Packing methods, Types of packs, Packing
fresh fruits and vegetables, Packing methods for fresh produce include Packing
meat, poultry, and seafood products Standardization, Unit loads, Unit loads may
include some of the following features, Pallets, Slipsheets, Labeling and branding,
Temperature, humidity, and other environmental controls, Precooling factors,
Precooling methods, Precautionary measures, Transportation, Selection factors,
Available equipment, Refrigeration aw ventilation systems, Equipment features,
Loading methods
1. What are the items exporters have to keep in their mind while they evolve a
labeling for their products?
1. Jagdish Bhagawathi, International trade & Economic expansion. The
American economics review, dec.1958.
1. Give an account of different modes of transportation and type of equipment
used in transmitting goods.
1. Peter B. Kenen, The International Economy, Third Edition, Cambridge
Edition, 1994.
2. Francis Cherunilam, International trade and export management, Himalaya
Third Edition 2013.
3. M.C. Vaish & Sudama Singh, International Economics sixth Edition, reprint
4. Dr. P. Subba rAo, International Business, (text and cases, Third Edition,
Himalaya public house), 2013.
1. Give an account of different modes of transportation and type of equipment
used in transmitting goods
Effective packaging and labeling , Pallets, Slipsheets,
Noting that Ministers on 20 September 1986 agreed that the Uruguay Round
of Multilateral Trade Negotiations shall aim to "bring about further liberalization
and expansion of world trade", "strengthen the role of GATT" and "increase the
responsiveness of the GATT system to the evolving international economic
To know the Procedure in Preshipment Inspection
To study the WTO guidelines
20.3.1 Article:1 Coverage - Definitions
20.3.2 Article 2: Obligations of User Members Non-discrimination Governmental Requirements Site of Inspection Standards Transparency Protection of Confidential Business Information Conflicts of Interest Delays Price Verification Appeals Procedures Derogation
20.3.3 Article 3: Obligations of Exporter Members Non-discrimination Transparency Technical Assistance
20.3.4 Article 4: Independent Review Procedures
20.3.5 Article 5: Notification
20.3.6 Article 6: Review
20.3.7 Article 7: Consultation
20.3.8 Article 8: Dispute Settlement
20.3.9 Article 9 Final Provisions
Noting that a number of developing country Members have recourse to
preshipment inspection. Recognizing the need of developing countries to do so for is
long and in so far as it is necessary to verify the quality, quantity or price of
imported goods. Mindful that such programmes must be carried out without giving
rise to unnecessary delays or un equal treatment. Noting that this inspection is by
definition carried out on the territory of exporter Members. Recognizing the need to
establish an agreed international framework of rights and obligations ©f both user
Members and exporter Members. Recognizing that the principles and obligations of
GATT 1994 apply to those activities of preshipment inspection entities that are
mandated by governments that are Members of the WTO. Recognizing that it is
200 Transparency
1. User Members shall ensure that preshipment inspection activities are
conducted in a transparent manner.
2. User Members shall ensure that, when in itially contacted by exporters,
preshipment inspection entities provide to the exporters a list of all the
information which is necessary for the exporters to comply with inspection
requirements. The preshipment inspection entities shall provide the actual
information when so requested by exporters. This information shall include a
reference to the laws and regulations of user Members relating to
preshipment inspection activities, and shall also include the procedures and
criteria used for inspection and for price and currency exchange-rate
verification purposes, the exporters' rights vis-a-vis the inspection entities,
and the appeals procedures set up under paragraph 21. Additional
procedural requirements or changes in existing procedures shall not be
applied to a shipment unless the exporter concerned is informed of these
changes at the time the inspection date is arranged. However, in emergency
situations of the types addressed by Articles XX and XXI of GATT 1994, such
additional requirements or changes may be applied to a shipment before the
exporter has been informed. This assistance shall not, however, relieve
exporters from their obligations in respect of compliance with the import
regulations of the user Members.
3. User Members shall ensure that the information referred to in paragraph 6 is
made available to exporters in a convenient manner, and that the
preshipment inspection offices maintained by preshipment inspection entities
serve as information points where this information is available.
4. User Members shall publish promptly all applicable laws and regulations
relating to preshipment inspection activities in such a manner as to .enable
other governments and traders to become acquainted with them. Protection of Confidential Busine ss Information
1. User Members shall ensure that preshipment inspection entities treat all
information received in the course of the preshipment inspection as business
confidential to the extent that such information is not already published,
generally available to third parties, on otherwise in the public domain. User
members shall ensure the preshipment inspection entities maintain
procedures to this end.
2. User members shall provide information to Members on request on the
measures they are taking to give effect to paragraph 9. The provisions of this
paragraph shall not require any Member to disclose confidential Information
the disclosure of which would jeopardize the effectiveness of the preshipment
inspection programmes or would prejudice the legitimate commercial interest
of particular enterprises, public or private.
3. User members shall ensure that preshipment Inspection entitles do not
divulge confidential business information to any third party, except that
preshipment inspection entities may share this information with the
It is often said that the poor will consume "anything" to mitigate their hunger.
This may or may not be true. To the extent that this phenomenon exists, it only
indicates the trade-off which people may face in difficult situations. On the one
hand, survival may depend mainly on access to a minimum quantity of food. On
the other hand, consumption of food which does not meet minimum safety
standards, can also jeopardize survival. Governments must take the necessary
steps through national food security policies, systems and programmes to ensure
that food quality and safety considerations form an integral part of their food
security system. At present many countries lack comprehensive national food
quality and safety regulations. In weighing the gains against the cost' of
comprehensive food quality and safety standards, countries may conclude that
given their social and economic level of development, the cost of certain standards
are high relative to the gains, especially if these higher costs have to be borne by
the poor themselves. Nevertheless, some developing country with FAO technical
assistance, have adopted and implemented comprehensive national food quality
and safety standards based on the international recommended Codex Alimentarius
Commission standards, guidelines and codes of practice. These countries have
immediately benefited from high levels of investment in the food sector, better
acceptance by consumers of higher quality and safer domestically produced raw
and processed foods, and greatly improved access to foreign market for their food
exports. Meeting these Codex-based standards has also increased efficiency in food
production, processing and distribution, promoted a lower cost domestic supply of
good quality and safe foods, reduced food loss problems and greatly increased
export earnings.
The essence of all national food laws in industrialised and developing countries
alike, is based on the following basic provision, which may be worded differently
but has similar intent: "Any person who sells to the prejudice of the purchaser any
food which is not of the nature or is not of the substance, or is not of the quality of
the food demanded by the purchaser, shall be guilty of an offence …… "Such
legislation establishes the will of the gove rnments to protect their populations from
unsafe and adulterated foods. This is achieved through appropriate food control
measures based on well- defined food regulations covering quality and safety of food
and its honest presentation to the consumer. Any steps taken by governments, to
strengthen these activities would significantly help in meeting food security needs
and their commitments at the WFS.
In all countries the food industry bears the responsibility of meeting food
quality and safety regulatory requirements. The food industry encompasses the
activities of small-scale farmers and artisanal fisheries, through medium to large -
scale producers; food storage; processing; wholesale and retail marketing. Food
chains can be as short as from the home garde n to the family table or thousands of
kilometers long with many intermediaries. Food preservation, processing and
packaging systems can be minimal or highly sophisticated, but assuring food
quality and safety in all situations should be a constant. Industry must play its role
in assuring food quality and safety through the application of quality assurance
and risk-based food safety systems utilising current scientific knowledge. The
implementation of such controls throughout production, handling, processing and
marketing leads to improved food quality and safety, increased competitiveness;
and, reduction in cost of production and wastage. Through national food control
systems, governments should provide a supporting infrastructure and assume an
advisory and regulatory role.
21.3.2 Food Quality and Safety Control and Food Trade
The value of the world food trade in 1997 was about $ 458 billion, and is
increasing every year, thanks to the expanding world economy, liberalisation in
food trade, growing consumer demand and developments in food science,
technology, transport and communication sectors.
Scientific developments have also arrived a better understanding of the
nutritional qualities of foods and their health implications. This has led consumers
to become more discriminating in food matters and to demand protection from
inferior quality and unsafe foods. Consumers expect that domestic and imported
foods will meet basic quality and safety standards and requirements related to food
hygiene, labelling and certification, use of food additives, limits for pesticide
residues etc.
Access by developing countries to food export markets in general, and of the
industrialised world in particular, will depend on their capacity to meet the
regulatory requirements of importing countries. For most developing countries,
agriculture lies at the centre of their economies and food exports are a major source
of foreign exchange and income generation for rural and urban workers in
agriculture and agro-industrial sectors. The long-term solution for developing
countries to sustain a demand for their products in world markets lies in building
up the trust and confidence of importers in the quality and safety of their food
supply systems. This requires improvement within national food control systems
and within industry food quality and safety programmes. Such efforts will greatly
help in increasing the relatively small share of developing countries in the
international food trade.
To have a better understanding of current food quality and safety problems in
international food exports from developing countries, it is useful to look at the
import detentions by the United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA)-the
only agency which makes such data public through a monthly import de tentions
list. US FDA regulates all foods in '.he US other than meat and poultry products.
The data from FDA detention lists for the period July 1996 to June 1997 for
imported food from different regions of the world is given in Table 1. The majority of
detentions and rejections of foods from developing countries are not related to
highly technical or sophisticated requirements. At the top of the list stand food
hygiene problems represented by contamination of food with insects and rodent
filth. Microbiological contamination comes next, followed by failure to comply with
US low acid canned food registration requirements, and then labelling. Over 50% of
at rejections are attributable to lack of basic food hygiene, and failure to meet
labelling requirements. Dealing with these is well within the means of most
developing countries and would go a long way in promoting export trade.
Origin Reason Latin America
for contravention Africa and the Europe Asia Total
Food Additives 2 (0.7%) 57 (1.5%) 69 (8%) 426 (7.4%) 554 (0%)
Pesticide residues 0 (0.0) 821 (21.1%) 20 (1.7%) 23 (0.4%) 864 (7.7%)
Heavy Metals 1 (0.3%) 426 (10.9%) 26 (2.2%) 84 (1.5%) 537 (4.8%)
Mould 19 (6.3%) 475 (12.2%) 27 (2.3%) 49 (0.8%) 570 (1%)
Microbiological 125 (41.3%) 246 (6.3%) 159 (13.4%) 895 (15%) 1425 (12.8%)
Decomposition 9 (3.0%) 206 (3%) 7 (0.6%) 068 (11.5%) 890 (8.0%)
Filth 54 (17.8%) 1253 (32.2%) 175 (14.8%) 2037 (32%) 3519 (31.5%)
Low Acid Canned 4 (1.3%) 142 (3.6%) 425 (39%) 829 (14.3%) 1400 (12.5%)
Labelling 38 (12.5%) 201 (2%) 237 (20.0%) 622 (10.8%) 1098 (9.8%)
Other 51 (16.8%) 68 (1.7%) 39 (3.3%) 151 (2.6%) 309 (2.8%)
Totals 303 (100%) 3895 (100%) 1184 (100%) 5784 (100%) 11166 (100%)
The international trading environment has changed considerably in the light of
agreements reached under the auspices of GATT, and the subsequent
establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Two Agreements are of
particular interest as they introduce a measure of discipline in international trade
and are extremely relevant to food safety and quality issues. These are:
1. Agreement on Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS).
2. Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT).
The SPS Agreement relates to protection of human, animal and plant health
and life. The Agreement covers all relevant laws, decrees, regulations; testing,
inspection certification and approval procedures; packaging and labelling
requirements directly related to food safety. Nations are asked to apply only those
measures that are based on scientific principles, and only to the extent necessary
and not constituting a disguised restriction on international trade. The Agreement
encourages use of international standards where they exist and identifies the Codex
Alimentarius Commission (CAC) food standards, guidelines and other
recommendations as consistent with the provisions of SPS. Where a WTO member
considers chat a higher level of sanitary protection than afforded by Codex is '
necessary, it will have to produce scientific evidence based on valid risk assessment
The TBT Agreement also recognises international standards where they exist.
It requires that technical regulations on traditional quality factors, fraudulent
practices, packaging, labelling e tc. (other than standards covered by SPS) imposed
by countries will not be more restrictive on imported products than they are on
A clean bill of lading is one in which no adverse entry about the apparent
condition of goods has been made. When an adverse comment does appear on it,
the bill of lading is termed as a claused bill of lading. The remarks on the mate
receipt issued by the Master of the vessel about the apparent condition of goods at
the time they were received on board the vessel, usually find a place on the bill of
lading as well, thus making it a claused bill of lading.
A claused bill of lading is normally not accepted by the foreign buyer. Unless
the letter of credit specifically permits the acceptance of such a bill, the exporter
should endeavour to negotiate documents with a clean bill of lading, for otherwise
the buyer has the right to refuse acceptance of goods because they do not conform
to the conditions of the letter of credit. A bill of lading is transferable when a
suitable endorsement for this purpose is made on it. It is therefore essential that
the exporter should take due care while preparing it. The three most widely used
endorsements are:
(i) To order and endorsed in blank, since it is endorsed in blank, any
individual who gains possessing of it can get delivery.
(ii) Endorsed to the order of ...when it is endorsed to the order of a person,
bank or a company, only the party indicated in the endorsement can get delivery of
goods. The endorse can further re-endorse the bill of lading in favour of another
party, who can then take delivery of goods. If the bill of lading is made out in the
name of the buyer or the foreign bank opening the credit as a consignee, either the
buyer or the foreign bank, as the case may be, can take delivery of the goods.
A bill of lading issued after the goods are loaded on the vessels is called an 'on
board bill of lading'. Negotiating banks usually accept only an 'on board' bill of
lading for the purpose of negotiation. A buyer usually asks, for a full set of 'clean
shipped' or 'on board' bill of lading as part of the negotiable documents required by
him. The letter of credit would specify what constitutes the full set of bill of lading.
22.3.2 Commercial Invoice
A commercial invoice is a document prepared by the exporter giving details of
the goods shipped, their brief description, the shipping marks, the unit and total
f.o.b., c& f. or c.i.f. value as the case may be, depending on the (L.C.) contract, the
number and date of the bill of lading as well as the name of the ship carrying the
cargo. The description of the cargo mentioned in the invoice should be on the same
lines as found in the letter of credit. It is essential that the invoice is made out in
the name of buyer or the consignee mentioned in the letter of credit.
22.3.3 Certificate of Origin
Sometimes import regulations of a foreign country may require that all import
consignments should be accompanied by a certificate of origin which states the
country in which products under export were origin ally produced / manufactured.
This is advisable, for it is quite likely that the goods produced in a particular
country attract preferential tariff rates in the foreign market at the time of
importation. Or it may be that goods produced in a particular cou ntry are banned
for import in the foreign market. The certificate of origin helps the buyer in
adhering to the import regulations of the country.
Some of the foreign markets may accept the certificate or origin issued by a
Chamber of Commerce of an exporti ng country. Others, especially countries in the
Middle East and the Gulf, require these certificates to be legalised by their own
respective consulates. An exporter submits a copy of the commercial invoice to the
Chamber of Commerce, together with the nomi nal fee prescribed by the Chamber.
On the basis of this, the Chamber issues a certificate of origin. Where the
Consulate requires legalisation, the certificate of origin issued by the Chamber of
Commerce is submitted to the Consulate of the concerned forei gn country, which
makes its endorsement on the certificate.
Special certificates of origin are applicable for availing of concessions under
Generalised System of Preferences as well as under Common Wealth Preferences. »
Under Generalised System of Preferen ces, the certificate of origin in the specified
form usually in triplicate is obtained from any one of the following agencies.
1) Export Inspection Council and its agencies
2) Chief Controller of Imports and Exports
The Central Silk Board, The Coir Board, The All India Handicrafts Board and
the Textile Committee are also authorised to issue certificates of origin for the
products under their purview.
The concessions under Common Wealth Preferences, the certificates of origin have
to be submitted in special forms obtainable from the High Commission of the country
concerned. The form is also known as 'combined certificate of origin and value'.
22.3.4 Marine Insurance Policy
Where the contracts will the foreign buyer is on c.i. (cost and insurance) or
c.i.f. (cost insurance and freight) basis, the responsibility for taking insurance cover
against all risks of damage to or loss of goods during the sea voyage is that of the
exporter. On an application received from him describing the goods and mentioning
the name of the ship on which the goods are loaded as well as the value of the )
goods for which the insurance is required, the insurance company issues a policy
in the name of the exporter and endorsed in blank. The premium charged by the
insurance company would depend on the total value for which the goods are
insured, the type of ship as also its age, and the port of discharge of the cargo as
evidenced in the bill of lading. The premium rate when goods are loaded on deck of
the ship is higher than when they are l oaded in the hold of the ship. This is
understandable, for the risks involved and the chances of damage to the cargo are
more when these are loaded on deck of the ship. The insurance policy issued by the
insurance company should carry the name of the vesse l, and the description of
goods, corresponding to those found in the bill of lading. It comes into effect only
after the date of the bill of lading.
Marine Insurance is a specialised sublet as it covers many types of risks. The
insurance cover, too, differs from material to material and also depends upon the
risks involved. Suffice it is to say that the exporter should consult the insurer
before taking out a suitable policy.
22.3.5 Negotiation
A complete set of negotiable documents is presented to the negotiating bank
through which the documentary letter of credit has been advised. Where the
exporter has complied with all the terms and conditions of the letter of credit while
submitting his documents to the negotiating bank, the documents are deemed to be
clean. The letter of credit opened by the buyer through his bank (the opening bank)
authorises drawing a bill of exchange against which payment will be made by the
opening bank on behalf of the buyer, provided the terms and conditions specified in
the letter of credit are complied with. A Bill of Exchange is a draft drawn by the
negotiating bank on the opening bank or the buyer as the case may be, and is an
instrument of payment which is negotiable. The drafts drawn are of two types.
1) Sight Draft
2) Usance Draft
If the letter of credit stipulates payment at sight, the exporter draws a sight
draft on the buyer or his bank. When the exporter draws sight drafts, he expects
the buyer to arrange for payment immediately on presentation of the draft. Until
payment for the draft is made, shipping documents will not be handed over to the
buyer to enable him to clear the goods.
When the exporter has offered credit term s of payment, the negotiating bank
of the exporter usually draws a usance draft. It is drawn for payment after a
specified period. The buyer on whom the draft is drawn retires the draft after 30
days, 60 days or 90 days as agreed between him and at the exporter at the time of
concluding the contract. The letter of credit opened by the buyer will clearly specify
the credit period which has been agreed upon the would mention that the draft
should be drawn for 30, 60 or 90 days, as the case may be.
For a credit period beyond 180 days, the exporter has to obtain the prior
permission of the exchange control authorities in India.
The bill of exchange drawn should correspond to the conditions stipulated in
the letter of credit.
The letter of credit would further specify the details of the dispatch of
documents. The negotiating bank of the exporter would accordingl y mail the
complete set of documents, usually, a set of documents is transmitted to the
banker of the buyer specified in the letter of credit by the first available air mail,
followed by a second set by the next available air mail, so as to ensure that eve n if
the first set is lost, the buyer or his bank may take possession of the goods on the
basis of the second copy. The exporter's banker completes the process of
negotiation with the dispatch of documents.
Besides the negotiation of the documents, the banker is to perform other
formalities. As part of the negotiable set of documents, the exporter has submitted
the duplicate copy of the GR-1 form. After negotiations are complete, and payment
is physically received by the bank, the duplicate copy of the GR-1 form is sent to
the RBI after due checks.
For the purpose of licensing, exporters are divided into the following two broad
i) Established Exporters i.e., those who have exports of a particular commodity
in the prescribed basic period, as admitted by the licensing authority. The
basic period varies from commodity to commodity.
ii) New comers, i.e.,. those who have no exports in the prescribed basic period but
possess sufficient experience in the particular field, either as exporters outside
the basic period or as dealers in the internal trade of the commodity concerned.
23.3.1 Quota Licensing
i) Commodities, the export of which is allowed on a quota basic to established
exporters, have been mentioned in the Import Export Policy. Where an
exporter desires to secure an export quota of any such commodity, he is
required to prove his exports of that commodity during any one year or part of
a year selected by him from out of the specified period called the basic period,
prescribed for such commodity.
ii) An exporter is free to select, from out of the prescribed basi c period, his own
best year or part of a year, as the case may be. The licensing authority in
support of the basic period exports may accept the following evidence.
a) Bill of lading
b) Certificate from the Manifest Clearance Department of the Customs when
the bill of lading is not available.
c) Certified- copies of Land Customs Appendices in the case of export by rail
or road.
d) Export invoices and
e) Postal receipts in the case of export by post. (Where original postal receipts
are sent by banks for collection purposes to foreign customers, certificates
from the banks concerned are accepted as valid evidence).
iii) The quota of an exporter is generally calculated on the basic of his basic
exports, subject to adjustments in a few cases. Promoted by considerations of
equity, e.g. fixation of minimum and / or maximum limits for export quotas.
Sometimes, a limited quantity of a commodity is released for export. In such
cases, the quota of each individual exporter is worked out on a pro rata basis,
calculations being based upon the percentage that the total of the established
exports bears to the total quantity released for export.
iv) In most cases, the percentage fixed for calculating the value of the quantity to
be allowed and to be exported is announced. The quota of the individual
exporter is then wor.ced out by applying the percentage to his basic exports.
v) In certain cases, when the number of established exporters is very large as
compared to ceiling available for export, quotas are granted at a flat rate.
vi) In cases where quotas remain under-utilised or unutilised, the item is
considered for being allowed to other exporters, subject to such conditions as
are deemed necessary.
vii) Applications for the export of items, which are licens rble against quotas,
should be made in the prescribed form, h should be accompanied by shipping
bills, quota slips granted by the licensing authority, and /or such other
ii) Unless otherwise indicated in the public notice/trade notice, applications will
be received 15 days after the date of its issue.
iii) All applications made in Form AX, complete respect, received on the prescribed
date between 10.30 a.m. and 1 p.m. shall have the same priority. Such
applications should be accompanied by evidence to the effect that the Indian
exporter applicant has accepted the offer of the overseas buyer to purchase the
commodity and the quantity applied for, subject only to the grant of a license
in his favour.
iv) As a rule, the licensing authorities shall record, in writing, the reasons for the
rejection of applications.
v) Each exporter shall be allowed to submit one application per day supported by
one contract from one foreign buyer only. With each export application, the
exporter should file a declaration that he has not submitted any export
application for the same commodity to any other licensing authority during the
same licensing period. The licensing authorities will allocate the quota strictly
on a prorate basis, subject to the conditions stipulated in sub paragraph (vi).
vi) An eligible applicant will be allowed a quota not exceeding 10 per cent of the
available ceiling per day allocated to the office concerned. If some quantity of
the ceiling is left over after the disposal of the applications received on the first
day, the balance will be carried over to the next day for fresh applications; this
process will be repeated until the ceiling has been reached.
vii) Exports will be allowed by issuing an e xport license with a validity period of 45
days from the date of issue.
viii) Shipment shall be made of the quantity covered by the contract against which
the license has been issued within the period of its validity. No extension of
time shall be granted except in the following circumstances.
a) The licensing authority, which issued the license, is satisfied, within 7 days
of its issue, that no ship is available for carrying the consignment(s) within
the said period of 45 days; or
b) Within the period of the validity of the license, the licensing authority at the
port, to which the consignment might have been carried, is satisfied that
there has been delay in the arrival of the ship within the initial period of
c) In either event, an extension of up to 15 days only shall be available for
effecting the shipments. No second extension will be granted, i.e., the
license will lapse automatically thereafter.
ix) After the shipment is effected but with a period of 7 days of the shipment, each
license holder shall intimate to the licensing authority, which issued the license
particulars of the shipment(s), actually effected. Also, in case the license is not
utilised at all or only partly utilised, the license holder shall report the position to
the licensing authority within 7 days of the date of shipment or the date of expiry of
the license as the case may be. Any failure to do so will result in refusal to grant an
export license for the items allowed under limited ceiling for further exports in terms
of clause 5(q) of the Export (Control) order, 1977, as amended from time to time, for
the licensing period.
x) Any quantity allocated against the earlier license which lapses for the above
reasons shall be available again to the licensing office concerned for
reallocation the same manner as laid down above.
23.3.4 Free Licensing
Whereas item is allowed free for exported but is not covered by an Open
General License, the intending exporters are required to secure licensing
endorsements on the connected shipping bills from the licensing authority.
Application should be made in the prescribed form. Ad Hoc Licensing
i) In order to develop new markets and encourage home based
industries in producing new export products, requests for exports in small
quantities are sometimes considered on an ad-hoc basis, even if the indigenous
production of such items is somewhat limited. Ad hoc licensing is, at time,
made use of to enable an industry or unit to clear accumulated stocks and
maintain continuous production.
ii) Application for the export of such items should be made in the prescribed form
and accompanied by shipping bills and/or such other documents as are
required to be furnished in terms of the relevant trade notice or are considered
necessary by the applicant. Pre-Ban commitment
Unless otherwise provided, the following types of pre -ban (including pre-
control) commitments may ordinarily be honoured for export control purposes:
i) Where, against a specific export order, an irrevocable letter of credit in favour
of the exporter/exporting firm has been opened by the foreign buyer, covering
100 per cent of the f.o.b. value of the prior to the date of ban/control.
ii) Where advance payment has been received, provided that:
a) The advance payment has been received against a specific export order arid
covers 100 per cent of the f.o.b. value of th4e consignment; and
b) Such advance payment has been received through an authorised dealer in
foreign exchange on or prior to the date of the ban.
Notwithstanding the above, the government may, for sufficient reasons, treat
any other claims not covered by the above provi sions as a pre-bank commitment.
Copies of pre-bank commitment / export contracts (or pre-control
commitments/contracts) should be sent by the person concerned to the regional
licensing authority along with documentary evidence relied upon in support of suc h
commitments/contracts having been made. These documents should be sent to the
licensing authority by Registered Post (Acknowledgement Due) within a period of 15
days from the date of the public/trade notice or notification announcing the
imposition of the ban on the export of a commodity, or the date on which such
commodity is placed under export control as the case may be. Cognisance will be
taken only of cases where these documents have been filed in time. The submission
of such evidence shall not, however, confer any right on a person to the grant of
any export license or permission to export.
A contract is deemed to be concluded after an offer has been made and
accepted by the second party. It should be specific as to the mutually accepted
terms and contents, i.e., it is binding on both, with reference to its enforceability.
Where such evidence is in the nature of a telegraphic/telex message detailing
the offer or the acceptance of the contract in its materials particulars, the evidence
relied upon the substantiating the pre -ban commitment/export contract (or pre-
control commitment/contract) should include the (confirmatory) post copy of the
said message sent immediately after its despatch, together with the connected
envelope bearing the stamp of the post office. Application Forms
Applications for export licenses or licensing endorsements on shipping bills
should be made on prescribed forms along with relevant documents. These forms
are given in the Hand Book of Import Export Procedures. The applicants may use
their own typed/cyclostyled or printed forms.
Persons Authorised to Sign Application
Every application for an export license or for a licensing endorsement on the
shipping bill should be signed by applicant himself or by a person duly / legally
authorised by the applicant to do so. The position or nature of such legal authority
held by the person signing the application / document form should be clearly given
therein, along with the official stamp of his status. Otherwise, such application /
document or form will receive no consideration by the licensing authority. This
requirement applies equally to the applications made to canalising agencies. Deficient applications
Applications will be summarily rejected if are not:
i) In the prescribed form
ii) Accompanied by necessary export documents
iii) Accompanied by the necessary particulars setting out the authority of the
person signing it; or
iv) Received before the last date prescribed
Applications are expected to complete all the columns in the application form
truly and properly. They may take the help of the counter Assistance System to
make sure that all these requirements are met. Amendments & Alteration to License
No change shall be made or effected by the license or any other person m the
description of the goods or the name of the consignor or the consignee and in the
terms and conditions of the license. Any unauthorised change would render the
license null and void, besides exposing the offender to the risk of being penali sed.
concern may obtain export licenses on the basis of such quota, if otherwise
admissible. In such cases, no application for TGR need be made; but
intimation about the change should be sent, in the prescribed form, to the
licensing authority within 90 days of the date of change. The constitution of the
new concern should also be mentioned in the usual manner in the next
application for an export license, indicating therein the nature of the change
and the date from which it has taken place. Where the intimation about the
change is sent after the expiry of 90 days, the quota entitlement of the
applicant will be liable to as cut of 25 per cent in the first licensing period after
the change. The licensing authority may, however, condone the delay if it is
satisfied that the delay was due to circumstances beyond the control of the
ii) Where there is a change in the name of the established exporter's business,
without any change in the ownership or constitution of the business, no
application for TGR need be made. The established exporter should produce
his quota certificate before the licensing authority for the necessary change
therein, together with an affidavit about the change of name and affirming that
he will not claim any license further in the old name. Where a private limited
company becomes a public limited company or vice versa, it should report the
fact to the licensing authority.
iii) Where there is a change in the name of the established exporter's business as
well as a change in the ownership or constitution of the business, the new
concern cannot claim export licenses on the basis of the quota of the original
concern without obtaining a TQR in its favour. The application of a TQR should
be made to the licensing authority.
iv) Where there is any change in the ownership or constitution of an established
exporter's business and, as a result of such change, a part of the quota of the
original concern is required to be separated or the quota of the original concern
in required to be divided, the application for such separation of the quota or for
its division, as the case may be, should be made to the concerned licensing
authority. If the quota to be separated in sought to be transferred in favour of
any person, the transferee, too, should made an application for the TQR to the
licensing authority. In such made cases, the new owner or the reconstituted
concern(s) cannot claim export licenses on the basis of the quota standing in
the name of the original concern without obtaining a TQR.
v) Where an established exporter is a limited company and the company is
amalgamated with another company, the application for a TQR in favour of the
new company should be made, td the licensing authority, supported by an
order of the competent court or other evidence of amalgamation.
23.3.8 Application TQR
The application for the TQR should be made by the head office of the applicant
concern, covering all its branches, and such application should be made to the
licensing authority in whose jurisdiction the head office is situated.
iii) The provisions of this paragraph will also apply to cases where the parties have
been exempted from making an application for a TQR.
Where an application for a TQR is required to be made in terms of these
provisions, such application should be made so as to reach the licensing authority
concerned, complete in all respects, within a period of 90 days from the date of
change in the ownership, constitution or name of business, etc., as the case may
be. The licensing authority may, however, in deserving cases, condone the delay in
making the application if such authority is satisfied that the delay was caused by
circumstances beyond the control the applicant. If the applicant is not in a position
to make an application complete in all respects within the prescribed period of 90
days due to formalities to be observed in getting the deed of transfer of business
registered with the Registrar of Documents, he may apply by producing an attested
copy of the transfer deed with evidence to show that the original deed has been
deposited for registration and should furnish an undertaking to the effect that the
original deed has been deposited for registration and should furnish an
undertaking to the effect that the originals deed, duly registered, will be provided by
him within a period of 15 days from the date of registration.
Where an application for as TQR, complete in all respects, i.e., accompanied by
documents specified above, is received by the licensing authority concerned within
a period of 90 days from the date of the ownership, constitution or name of the
business, as the case may be, or where the delay in the receipt of the application is
condensed by the licensing authority, as indicated above, the transferee will be
eligible for the transfer of the quota from the licensing period during which the
change occurred. In other cases, the TQR will be effective from the licensing period
during which the application for it is made, complete in all respects. In the case of a
deficient application, the TQR will be valid from the licensing period during which
the documents are produced.
Where an applicant is unable to produce the original document specified
above, he may submit photostat/certified/attested copies thereof in support of his
application for a TQR. The applican t may submit photostat/certified/attested
copies thereof and the original documents subsequently to show that the
photostat/certified/attested copies are correct. The benefit of the TQR may, in such
a case, be given from the date on which the photostat/c ertified/attested copies of
the documents in question were received, if the TQR is otherwise admissible from
such date.
The licensing authorities will expeditiously dispose of application for TQRs. If
an application for a TQR complete in all respects is not disposed of within a period
of one month, the licensing authority will issue an interim reply to the applicant. If
an applicant does not receive an interim reply even with this limit, he may bring the
matter to the notice of the Public Relations Officer. In the Export Trade Control
Office concerned; or fix up an interview with the officer concerned through the
Enquiry Officer in order to know the reasons for the delay in the disposal of his
Where an established exporter has duly made an appli cation for a license, but
there is a change in the ownership or constitution or name of the business before
the license is granted, the license will be granted on such application, if there
otherwise admissible, to the new owner or owners or newly constitution firm, etc.,
after their having been recognised/ as established exporters, provided that the
validity of the TQR covers the period of the application in question. The licensing
authority may also consider the grant of licenses in favour of the new o wner(s) of
the business of the reconstituted concern, etc., against other pending claims of the
old owner(s) of the business, if otherwise admissible provided that the agreement
between the parties or the affidavit or relinquishment specifically contains a
provision to this effect.
If the licensing authority is satisfied that the approval of the recognition and
grant of quota is lively to be delayed on account of circumstances beyond the
control of the applicant, it will be open to it to grant licenses to the applicant in
anticipation of the approval, if the applications are otherwise in order.
In the following cases, the quota of the established exporter will lapse:
i) If the established exporter is an individual and is declared insolvent; and
ii) If the established exporter is a limited company which is wound up without
any arrangement having been made for the transfer of its business.
In the following cases, no change in the ownership of the business will be held
to have taken place for the purpose of the rules:
i) Change of directors or shareholders in public or private limited company.
ii) Changes in the Hindu undivided family by birth, death or otherwise except the
death or retirement of the karta; and
iii) Change in the address of an established exporter's business.
Any case, which is not strictly covered by any of the above paragraphs, will be
decided on analogous principles.
In cases where any application for a TQR is not required to be made under the
foregoing provisions, the application for a license should be acc ompanied by a
declaration if the form prescribed.
Where the new established exporters have been exempted from making
applications for TQRs, the export licenses will be issued to them in the normal
course, if otherwise admissible. They will, however, be required to state in their
applications for licenses the changes occurring in the business and the dates from
which such have taken place. If in such cases, any objection or granted received
from any person at any time against the licenses claimed or grante d, the licensing
authority will examine such objection and call for such evidence from both the
parties as may be deemed necessary. If as a result of the examination, the licensing
authority finds that the established exporter is not entitled to the whole or a part of
the quota on the basis of which he has been claiming licenses without obtaining a
sanction for the TQR, the quota of the established exporter will be reduced
accordingly and the parties found guilty of misrepresentation or contravention of
these rules will be liable to panel action under the imports and exports (control) act
and the orders issued there under. In such cases, the value/quantity of the excess
licenses already obtained by the party will also be adjusted against the future
quotas of the party in respect of any item(s).
If the objection is made to the licensing authority within three months from
the date of the change in the constitution or ownership or name of the established
exporter's business, and the objector is found to be entitled either to the whole or a
part of the quota, such quota will be transferred in his favour, if he is otherwise
eligible. The licensing authority may also condone the delay was caused by
circumstances beyond the control of the objection.
It will be open to the licensing authority to reject the application for a TQR:
If die application or the documents accompanying the application are -
ii) If the licensing authority decides that the recognition and grant of quota is
not in public interest or for the continuity of any business,
iii) If the licensing authority decides that the transfer/division of quota is
sought with an intention to defeat the transferor's creditors; and
iv) For any other reasons to be recorded.
The licensing authority may, after giving a reasons opportunity to be heard to
the persons who have been grated through inadvertence or mistake or due to any
fraud or misrepresentation.
23.3.9 Permission for Utilisation of Quota License
Where an export license has been granted to an established exporter, and after
the grant of the license but before its utilisation, there is a change in the ownership
or constitution or name of the established e xporter's business. The new owner of
the business, or the reconstituted concern, etc., as the case may be, cannot utilise
the reconstituted concern, etc., as the case may be, cannot utilise the license in
question without obtaining the written permission of the licensing authority which
granted the license, or of any other persons empowered in this behalf by such
authority in terms of sub clause 4(2) of the Export (control) order, 1977. In such
cases, an application for the necessary permission of the autho rity should be
supported by an affidavit by the applicant, sworn before a First Class magistrate or
Notary Public. To the effect that he is the rightful successor of the business for
which the license in question was descended that, in the event o f any mis-
statement subsequently detected he will be liable to all actions and consequences
arising there from. Issue of Fresh Quota Certificates
i) In the event of a change in the ownership or constitution a business without
any change in the name of the business, where the new owner or the
reconstituted concern, as the case may be, is not required to apply for a TQR.
The quota certificates standing in the name of the original concern will be
endorsed by the licensing authority, indicating therein the nature of the
change and the date from which the change has taken place.
ii) If the name of the business changes, the licensing authority will amend the
quota certificate by changing the name of the established exporter’s business
appearing thereon. An endorsement will also be made on the quota certificate,
indicating the data from which the change has taken place.
iii) Where a quota has been divided the quota certificates and their counterfoil
standing in the name of the dissolved concern will be cancelled and fresh
quota certificates will be issued in the name of the succeeding parties
according to the share of the quota transferred to the name. A suitable
endorsement, giving the number and date of the order under which the
division/transfer has been allowed by the Export Trade Control Authority, will
also be made on the old and fresh quota certificates and their counterfoils.
iv) The persons concerned should produce the quota certificates before the
licensing authority, which issued the same for necessary endorsement /
amendment as indicated above immediately after the change has occurred. In
cases where the new owner or the reconstituted concern Is required to apply
for a TQR, the quota certification should immediately be produced before the
licensing authority for necessary endorsement / amendment but, in any case,
not later than 30 days, after the new owner of the reconstituted concern, as
the case may be, has been recognised as an established exporter. Advance License Scheme
An advance licence is granted for the import of inputs without payment of
basic customs duty. Such licences shall be issued in accordance with the policy
and procedure in force on the date of issue of the licence and shall be subject to the
fulfillment of a time-bound export obligation, and value addition as maybe
specified. Advance licences maybe either value based or quantity based. As per the
latest amendments to the EXIM Policy, the facility of Back to Back Inland Letter of
Credit has been introduced, to enable an Advance Licence holder to source his
inputs from domestic suppliers. Value Based Advance License
Under a value based advance licence, any of the inputs specified in the licence
maybe imported within the total CIF value indicated for those inputs, except inputs
specified as sensitive items. Under a value based advance licence, both the quantity
and the FOB value of the exports to be achieved shall be specified. It shall be
obligatory on the part of the licence holder to achieve both the quantity and FOB
value of the exports specified in the licence. Amendments to the Advance License
The Advance License Scheme has been expanded and liberalized with the
amendments made to the EXIM Policy, announced on 31 st March 1995.
23.3.10 CSR & Sustainability-Policy, Process & Procedure
1. Department of Public Enterprises (DPE), Government of India on
09.04.2010 issued guidelines on corporate social responsibilities. These guidelines
were adopted by STC and implemented in organization. Further, DPE revised the
guidelines on CSR & Sustainability effective from 01.04.2013. The clause 1.3.4 of
the above guidelines stipulates that each CPSE to formulate its own policy, process
and procedure to implement DPE guidelines in the organization. The clause 1.11.4
of the DPE guidelines states that these guidelines will stand modified by the
provisions of the new Companies Act and updated SEBI Guidelines as and when
these are in place and made enforceable. Therefore, STC adopts DPE guidelines as
modified by the Company’s Act 2013 and notified on 30.08.2013.
This chapter advocated Quota Licensing, Newcomers Licensing, Canalised
Exports, Open General License, Limited Free Licensing, Free Licensing, Ad Hoc
Licensing, Pre-Ban commitment, Application Forms, Deficient applications,
Amendments & Alteration to License, Report of Samples of Indian Origin & their
Re-import, Jurisdiction , Recognition to New Exporters & Transfer of Quotas,
Application TQR, Permission for Utilisation of Quota License , Issue of Fresh Quota
Certificates, Advance License Scheme. CSR & sustainability-policy, process &
procedure, Objective, Planning, Assessment of Need/ Baseline Survey, Institutional
Mechanism & CSR Process, Budgetary Allocation, Strategic Planning, Monitoring
and Evaluation, Implementation Agency/ Evaluation Agency, Key Performance
Indicators for MOU Evaluation.
1. What are the procedures involved to obtain license?
1. Robert A. Mundell, International Economics, 1968, Macmillan & co, New
2. Jagdish Bhagawathi, International trade & Economic expansion. The
American economics review, dec.1958.
1. Evaluate the features of Quota Licensing
1. Peter B. Kenen, The International Economy, Third Edition, Cambridge
Edition, 1994.
2. Francis Cherunilam, International trade and export management, Himalaya
Third Edition 2013.
3. M.C.Vaish & Sudama Singh, International Economics sixth Edition, reprint
4. Dr. P. Subba Rao, International business, (text and cases, Third Edition,
Himalaya Public House), 2013.
1. Give your views about the procedures involve in obtaining various licenses
for exporting the goods and services.
Quota Licensing, Open General License, Limited Free Licensing, Free
Licensing, Ad Hoc Licensing, Pre-Ban commitment, Advance License ,
Scheme, Application TQR, Issue of Fresh Quota Certificates, New Exporters
& Transfer of Quotas.
In export trade financing, the main difficulty is that the buyer and the seller
are far away and do not know each other. It depends on how the contract between
two parties is made. The contract must define the terms of payments whether the
exporter allows credit or not. The exporter must be careful in allowing credit. But
sometimes providing credit facilities is necessary to get the business, otherwise
there is a fear of losing the valuable foreign exchange for the country and good
buyers abrade. The way out may be to borrow money from a bank or any other
financial institution to finance such credit.
The areas where finance would be essentially needed and arranged, after one
obtains an order are:
a) Procuring raw materials and components to manufacture the product
b) Refinancing facilities so as to get the proceeds of bills after the shipment
c) Availability of funds until the export benefits are realized, and
d) Refinance facilities for long term credits offered for the export of products.
In India, the schemes of export financing available to an exporter are
reasonably liberal. There are many finan cial institutions, including recently set up.
Export Import bank, that undertakes the risks, attached to the export financing.
An exporter needs finances for his pre -shipment and post-shipment
requirements. Mainly pre-shipment requirements are short-term requirements
where period of credit normally does not exceed 180 days. The post-shipment credit
needs may be short term, medium term and long term. A credit extended beyond
180 days and upto 5 years is referred as medium term.
24.3.1 Short-term sources of Finance
The following are the short-term sources of finance in export trade:
1. By Importer: In certain cases the importer finance the exporter by sending the
amount required to meet the pre-shipment credit in advance, which can be
adjusted against the import price of the goods. The importer many insist upon
the letter of credit instead of cash. In either case, the effect is the same; the
importer has financed the transaction.
2. By Exporter: When the exporter puts up his own capital or diverts his business
funds towards export business, and execute the export order without the help of
borrowed funds, it is said that the exporter has financed the exports. The exporter
may either have an open account with the importer, if they are known and their
relations are well maintained or send the documents against payment or against
acceptance after shipping the goods. If documents are against payment, the
exporter gets the payment within a reasonable time and if the documents are
against acceptance, he can discount the acceptance from his banker as soon as
he gets it from the buyer after acceptance. In this way, the exporter finances his
short-term needs himself.
3. This method is most unusual because comparatively few manufacturers and
professional exporters either have their own capital or wish to employ it in this
manner. The reason: behind it is that the rate of interest charged by the bank
on export credit or fee for negotiating drafts is quite low and no wise man will
invest his own capital in this manner.
4. By the export middleman: The export middleman particularly the export
merchant, or export commission house finances export shipment. For this
purpose, the manufacturers pay a fee for the services rendered by such
middlemen. The fee is usually high. Such middlemen grant credit risks, which
are not ordinarily acceptable to banks. Usually, the middlemen turn around and
refinance their own drafts through a bank.
5. By factors: Factoring houses generally finance the export trade by discounting
the bills of the exporters. They charge discount or commission for their services.
They also undertake the responsibility of any risk in the discounting of bills and
therefore, they offer a good insurance cover for the losses. This method is useful
to those exporters whose working capital i s limited. The factoring houses serve
as a mercantile and banking house which finances manufacturers, exporters,
commission houses and selling agents through the discounting of receivable.
6. By banks: Banks also provide short-term finances to the exporters and render
valuable services in the international trade. The service in financing the export
credit generally offered by a bank are:
i) Bank opens documentary credit account in favour of the exporter at the
request of the importer, issue letter of credit to the exporter. It makes the
payment to the exporter on receiving the documents of the goods imported.
ii) The bank in the exporters country collects the necessary amount from the
importer's bank against letter of credit or against documents of payment on
behalf of the exporter.
iii) The bank generally finances the exporter by discounting the documentary
drafts as accepted by the importer.
iv) Bank also provides pre-shipment credits through loans, cash credits and
overdrafts for exporter's short term needs which are in turn, refinanced by
the RBI in India.
In India, commercial banks finance the most part of exporter's short term
24.3.2 Medium and long term sources of finance
By medium term finance means, finance for a period exceeding 180 days but
not exceeding 5 years. This type of credit is provided for in the case of durable
consumer goods and light capital goods. The long -term finances are provided for a
period exceeding 5 years and are normally provided for the sale of heavy capital goo
"is, complete plants and turnkey projects.
There are two types of medium and long-term credit widely known as (1)
Buyer's Credit and (2) Suppliers credit.
1. Buyer's Credit: It is a means of financing an export transaction involving capital
goods and equipment of large value or compl ete turnkey projects on long term
credit. A bank or other financial institution extents the credit facility to the buyer
in the supplier's country so that the overseas buyer may be in a position to pay
cash for the goods imported. The credit facility so extended is guaranteed by the
buyer's bank or often extended to buyer's bank itself for the specific purpose in
view. Two points are important in this connection: (i) If the supplier executes the
contract under the terms of contract of sale, he will get the money, (ii) It involves
no transfer of funds from one country to another. There is as such no financial
involvement for the seller.
2. Supplier's Credit: Under this credit the exporter or supplier offers credit to the
overseas importer against the reciprocal credits from the commercial banks,
which, in turn, get refinance from the EXIM Bank in India.
The sources of medium and long-term finances are:
a) Commercial banks: Commercial banks also provide the medium and long-term
loans but invariably they offer only short-term loans for exports. When
commercial banks extend the short-term and long-term loan facilities to
exporters, they get it finance from the specialized financial institutions as
from EXIM Bank in India.
b) Export Import Bank: in some countries, export import banks have been
established to finance the medium and long-term export credit needs. Such
banks have been set up in US in 1943 and in Japan in 1950. The Indian
Government has also established the Export-Import bank (EXIM Bank) on 1st
January 1982 as a public sector financial institution. It provides medium and
long-term loans for exports directly and indirectly to exporters.
c) International Financial Institutions: Many International banks and
financial institutions have extended long term credit facilities to many countries
especially under developed countries to expand their industrial base so that
those countries may contribute to world trade. Such institutions are World
Bank, International Finance Corporations, Asian Development bank, etc.
d) Private Export Finance Companies: In order to boost the export trade, a number
of private finance companies have spread up in many countries. They offer
medium and long-term loans for export purposes under their own tern and
conditions agreed upon between the two parties of the finance contract.
Thus medium and long-term finances are generally extended by banks and
specialised financial institutions.
24.3.3 Export Credit and Finance System in India
In India, the licensed commercial banks generally extend short-term credit
facilities at pre-shipment and post-shipment stages to the exporters. Banks
generally enjoy certain benefits for advancing loans to exporters. These benefits are:
i) They enjoy an interest subsidy of 1¾ percent or refinance from the Reserve
Bank of India or the Export-Import Bank.
ii) Guarantees are provided by the ECGC, where a substantial part of risk is
covered by the ECGC.
The commercial banks are also authorized to extend medium term and long -
term credit up to Rs. 1 crore and they get refinance from the EXIM Bank of India.
Such loans can be given only to export Indian capital goods or turnkey projects.
Long-term and medium term loans above Rs. 1 crore are directly provided by the
EXIM bank after conducting appraisal assessing the nature of export, economic
status of buyer and the importing country, the period of repayment and the credit
risks involved. Again the projects' commercial viability, capabilities of Indian
exporter, soundness of importer are also considered.
The EXIM Bank of India directly extends term credit facilities to exporter under
its various schemes and it indirectly provides finances to exporters by refinancing
the bills already discounted by the commercial banks. The term finance is generally
provided to exporters mainly to provide term credit to overseas buyer for the export
of capital goods and consultancy service.
The Reserve bank of India does not contribute directly in financing the export
trade but it formulates different policies, which help the exporters in getting
financial facilities from the commercial banks and financial institutions. It can
direct the banks and EXIM Bank to extend export credits for some particular
purpose or at concessional rates or on liberal terms. The RBI has formulated a
number of policies such as Export Bill Scheme, Rupee Export bill Scheme, Export
Interest Subsidy Scheme, etc.
The ECGC is another institution, which facilitate commercial banks to extend
credits to exporters by providing various types of covers for the risks (caused by any
political or economic reason) involved in export trade. The ECGC also guarantees
credits extended by banks to exporters.
Thus in India, commercial banks have played an important role in financing the
export trade. Other institutions except the EXIM Bank, which provides only term credit
to exporters in specific conditions, do not extend credit directly to exporters. Export Credit
After the shipment is made, exporter sometimes will have to give credit to the
importer for an agreed period and he has to wait for the value till the expiry of the
credit period. Even if, no credit is allowed to importer, the capital of the exporter is
blocked till the documents reach the importer, he makes the payment and the amount
is collected by the exporter's bank. Thus post shipment credit is required by the
exporter during the intervening period between the shipment of goods and the receipt
of payment therefore. Thus in nutshell, an exporter needs credit or financial support at
two states: (a) At pre-shipment stage and (b) At post-shipment stage. Pre-shipment finance or Packing Credit
Pre-shipment finance (Packing Credit) is needed by the exporter for his
working capital requirements between the time of the receipt of order from an
overseas buyer and the time of shipment to arrange for production procurement of
goods. The pre-shipment finance is required for short-term period ranging between
90 days to 180 days. Pre-shipment finance is of particular importance to small -
scale manufacturers and exporters who are short of finance to meet the necessary
expenditure involved in the production of goods for export.
Revolving Credit: If an exporter is well known to the bank and the bank is fully
satisfied with his past performance, it usually grants revolving pre -shipment credit
in connection with successive deliveries. This implies the automatic grant of the
successive loan as soon as the previous loan is repaid subject to the production of
export documents required. Packing credit is adjusted out of post-shipment credit
sanctioned by the bank.
Pre-shipment credit may be provided under a letter of credit with a red clause
where advance is granted at the instance and therefore, on the responsibility of the
foreign bank establishing the credit.
In case, the goods are to be procured from a manufacturer or supplier, the
bank may open a letter of credit in favour of supplier(s) under what is known "back
to back letter of credit'. Export houses generally apply this procedure. In case of
consignment sales, banks usually establish a post-shipment credit account, which
is adjusted when the goods are sold abroad or the sale proceeds receive d. Post-shipment Credit
Post-shipment finance requirement relates to exporter needs after the goods
are shipped till the actual payment therefore is received. Post-shipment credits are
also made available by the commercial banks against the security of approved
shipping documents tendered against letter of credit or otherwise. It is also
provided at concessional rates.
The banks normally finance the post-shipment credit in one of the following ways:
i) Negotiating the export bills under letter of credit.
ii) Discounting of bills drawn against shipment of goods - is usually done under
limits sanctioned to different customers, on the basis of their credit
worthiness, and
iii) Advancing credit against bills under collection.
Banks usually charge a commission according to the rates prescribed by the
Foreign Exchange Dealers' Association. The rate of interest charged is 12 per cent
up to 120 days and at rates prescribed, by the Reserve bank of India thereafter.
Repayment of loan starts when the payment from abroad is realised in
conformity with the terms of sale. It may take more time when the sale is done on
credit or against documents against acceptance. However, the policy of ECGC
covers against such risks.
Types of Post-shipment Credit: Post-shipment credit may be of three types
1. Short-term: The short-term loans are usually for a period of 6 months and
provided by commercial banks.
2. Medium-term: Loans generally offered for a period beyond 6 months and upto
five years may be termed as medium term loans. Such loan s are also provided
by the commercial banks in collaboration with the Export Import bank. Medium
term finance is provided for in case of durable consumer goods and light capital
3. Long-term: Loans for a period beyond five years may be classified as long-term
loans. They are provided in case of export of capital goods and turnkey projects.
Banks enjoy certain benefits for advancing loans to exporters. These benefits are:
a) An interest subsidy of 1 ½ per cent or refinance of credit by the Export Import
bank or the Reserve bank of India.
b) Guarantees for loans advanced are provided by the Export Credit and
Guarantee Corporation. In such case ECGC covers substantial part of the risks
24.3.4 Finance for Exports on Deferred Payment Terms
Our exchange control regulations stipulate that payment for export should be
received in India within six months from the date of shipment. In the case of
Pakistan and Afghanistan, payment should be received within three months.
Contracts for export goods against payment to be received fully or partly after the
expiry of the stipulated period for the realisation of export proceeds, treated as
deferred payment export contract. Extension of loan term export credit has become
an accepted export market started an therefore provision has been made for the
extension of medium and long term credit to finance the sale of Indian capital goods
related services. Any such contract, in which payment is received after six -month
period, a specific permission should be obtained from Exchange Control
Department. The rate of interest charged for such advances is 9 per cent.
Any loan upto Rs. 1 crore for financing exports of capital goods is decided b;'
the commercial bank which can be refinanced by the Export Import bank, where
the contract exceeds Rs. 1 crore, the EXIM bank conducts export credit appraisal
assessing the nature of export, economic status of buyer and the importing
country, the period of repayment and the credit risks involved. The various criteria
adopted for evaluation of projects are:
a) Whether the project is justified on commercial grounds.
b) Whether the Indian exporter is capable of executing the contract.
c) Whether the foreign buyer can make the payment according to the payment
schedule as proposed, and
d) Whether the project (proposed) is economically viable.
The maximum limit of loan has not been fixed for such credit.
Security for deferred credit could be provided by :
i) Letters of credit
ii) Pronotes executed by government buyers or public sector undertakings
iii) Acceptable bank guarantees
iv) Bills duly accepted by banks
v) Any other security considered adequate.
Thus export credits t pre-shipment and post-shipment stages are provided
mainly by commercial banks. EXIM Bank also finances long term projects requiring
Rs. 1 crore or more.
i) Cash in advance;
ii) Documentary letter of credit;
iii) Documentary collection or draft;
iv) Open account; and
v) Other payment mechanisms, such as consignment sales Cash in Advance
Receiving payment by cash in advance of the shipment might seem ideal. In
this situation, the exporter is relieved of collection problems and has immediate use
of the money. A wire transfer is commonly used and has the advantage of being
almost immediate. Payment by cheque may result in a collection delay of up to six
weeks. Therefore, this method may defeat the original intention of receiving
payment before shipment.
Many exporters accept credit cards in payment for exports of consumer and
other products, generally of a low dollar value, sold directly to the end user.
Domestic and international rules governing credit card transactions sometimes
differ, so U.S. merchants should contact their credit card processor for more
specific information. International credit card transactions are typically done by
telephone or fax. Due to the nature of these methods, exporters should be aware of
fraud. Merchants should determine the validity of transactions and obtain the
proper authorizations.
For the buyer, however, advance payment tends to create cash flow problems,
as well as increase risks. Furthermore, cash in advance is not as common in most
of the world as it is in the United States. Buyers are often concerned that the goods
may not be sent if payment is made in advance. Exporters that insist on this
method of payment as their sole method of doing business may find themselves
losing out to competitors who offer more flexible payment terms. Documentary Letters of Credit and Documentary Drafts
Documentary letters of credit or documentary drafts are often used to protect
the interests of both buyer and seller. These two methods require that payment be
made based on the presentation of documents conveying the title and that specific
steps have been taken. Letters of credit and drafts can be paid immediately or at a
later date. Drafts that are paid upon presentation are called sight drafts. Drafts
that are to be paid at a later date, often after the buyer receives the goods, are
called time drafts or date drafts.
Since payment by these two methods is made on the basis of documents, all
terms of payment should be clearly specified in order to avoid confusion and delay.
For example, "net 30 days" should be specified as "30 days from acceptance."
Likewise, the currency of payment should be specified as "US $ 30,000."
International bankers can offer other suggestions.
Banks charge fees - based mainly on a percentage of the amount of payment
for handling letters of credit and smaller amounts for handling drafts. If fees
charged by both the foreign and U.S. banks are to be applied to the buyer's
account, this should be explicitly stated in all quotations and in the letter of cred it.
The exporter usually expects the buyer to pay the charges for the letter of
credit, but some buyers may not agree to this added cost. In such cases, the
exporter must either absorb the costs of the letter of credit or risk losing that
potential sale. Letters of credit for smaller amounts can be somewhat expensive
since fees can be high relative to the sale. Letters of Credit
A letter of credit adds a bank's promise to pay the exporter to that of the
foreign buyer provided that the exporter has complied with all the terms and
conditions of the letter of credit. The foreign buyer applies for issuance of a letter of
credit from the buyer's bank to the exporter' bank and therefore is called the
applicant; the exporter is called the beneficiary.
Payment under a documentary letter of credit is based on documents, not on
the terms of sale or the physical condition of the goods. The letter of credit specifies
the documents that are required to be presented by the exporter, such as an ocean
bill of lading (original and several copies), consular invoice, draft, and an insurance
policy. The letter of credit also cont; as an expiration date. Before payment, the
bank responsible for making payment, verifies that all document conform to the'
letter of credit requirements. If not, the discrepancy must be resolved before
payment can be made and before the expiration date.
A letter of credit issued by a foreign bank is sometimes confirmed by a U.S.
bank. This confirmation means that the U.S. bank (the confirming bank), adds its
promise to pay to that of the foreign bank (the issuing bank). If a letters of credit is
not confirmed, it is advised through a U.S. bank and thus called an advised letter of
credit. U.S. exporters may wish to confirm letters of credit issu ed by foreign banks
if they are unfamiliar with the foreign banks or concerned about the political or
economic risk associated with the country in which the bank is located. An Export
Assistance Center or international banker can assist exporters in evaluating the
risks to determine what might be appropriate for specific export transactions.
A letter of credit may either be ^revocable and thus, unable to be changed
unless both parties agree; or revocable where either party may unilaterally make
changes. A revocable letter of credit is inadvisable as it carries many risks for the
A change made to a letter of credit after it has been issued is called an
amendment. Banks also charge fees for this service. It should be specified in the
amendment if the exporter or the buyer will pay these charges. Every effort should
be made to get the letter of credit right the first time since these changes can be
time-consuming and expensive.
To expedite the receipt of funds, wire transfers may be used. Exporters should
consult with their international bankers about bank charges for such services. A
Typical Letter of Credit Transaction
Here are the typical steps of an irrevocable letter of credit that has been
confirmed by a U.S. bank:
After the exporter and buyer agree on the terms of a sale, the buyer arranges
for its bank to open a letter of credit that specifies the documents needed for
payment. The buyer determines which documents will be required.
The buyer's bank issues, or opens, its irrevocable letter of credi t includes all
instructions to the seller relating to the shipment.
1. The buyer's bank sends its irrevocable letter of credit to a U.S. bank and
requests confirmation. The exporter may request that a particular U.S. bank
be the confirming bank, or the foreign bank may select a U.S. correspondent
2. The U.S. bank prepares a letter of confirmation to forward to the exporter
along with the irrevocable letter of credit.
3. The exporter reviews carefully all conditions in the letter of credit. The
exporter's freight forwarder is contacted to make sure that the shipping date
can be met. If the exporter cannot comply with one or more of the
conditions, the customer is alerted at once.
4. The exporter arranges with the freight forwarder to deliver the goods to the
appropriate port or airport.
5. When the goods are loaded, the freight forwarder completes the necessary
6. The exporter (or the freight forwarder) presents the documents, evidencing
full compliance with the letter of credit terms, to the U.S. bank.
7. The bank reviews the documents. If they are in order, the documents are
sent to the buyer's bank for review and then transmitted to the buyer.
8. The buyer (or the buyer's agent) uses the documents to claim the goods.
9. A draft, which accompanies the letter of credit, is paid by the buyer's bank
at the time specified or, if a time draft, may be discounted to the exporter's
bank at an earlier date. Tips on Using a Letter of Credit
1. When preparing quotations for prospective customers, exporters should keep
in mind that banks pay only the amount specified in the letter of credit –
even if higher charges for shipping, insurance, or other factors are incurred
and documented.
2. Upon receiving a letter of credit, the exporter should carefully compare the
letter's terms with the terms of the exporter's pro forma quotation. This step
is extremely important, since the terms must be precisely met or the letter of
credit may be invalid and the exporter may not be paid. If meeting the terms
of the letter of credit is impossible or if any of the information is incorrect or
even misspelled, the exporter should contact the customer immediately and
ask for an amendment to the letter of credit.
3. The exporter must provide documentation showing that the goods were
shipped by the date specified in the letter of credit or the exporter may not
be paid. Exporters should check with their freight forwarders to make sure
that no unusual conditions may arise that would delay shipment.
4. Documents must be presented by the date specified for the letter of credit to
be paid. Exporters should verify with their international bankers that there
would be sufficient time to present the letter of credit for payment.
5. Exporters may request that the letter of credit specify that partial shipments
and transshipment will be allowed. Specifying what will be allowed can
prevent unforeseen last minute problems. Documentary Drafts
A draft, sometimes also called a bill of exchange, is analogous to a foreign
buyer's check. Like checks used in domestic commerce, drafts carry the risk that
they will be dishonored. However, in international commerce, title does not transfer
to the buyer until he pays the draft, or at least engages a legal undertaking that the
draft will be paid when due. Sight Drafts
A sight draft is used when the exporter wishes to retain title to the shipment
until it reaches its destination and payment is made. Before the shipment can be
released to the buyer, the original ocean bill of lading (the document that evidences
title) must be properly endorsed by the buyer and surrendered to the carrier. It is
important to note that air waybills of lading, on the other hand, do not need to be
presented in order for the buyer to claim the goods. Hence, risk increases when a
sight draft is being used with an air shipment.
In actual practice, the ocean bill of lading is endorsed by the exporter and sent
via the exporter's bank to the buyer's bank. It is accompanied by the sight draft
invoices, and other supporting documents that are speci fied by either the buyer or
the buyer's country (e.g., packing lists, consular invoices, insurance certificates).
The foreign bank notifies the buyer when it has received these documents. As soon
as the draft is paid, the foreign bank turns over the bill of lading thereby enabling
the buyer to obtain the shipment.
There is still some risk when a sight draft is used to control transferring the
title of a shipment. The buyer's ability or willingness to pay might change from the
time the goods are shipped unti l the time the drafts are presented for payment;
there is no bank promise to pay standing behind the buyer's obligation.
Additionally, the policies of the importing country could also change. If the buyer
cannot or will not pay for and claim the goods, returning or disposing of the
products becomes the problem of the exporter. Time Drafts and Date Drafts
A time draft is used when the exporter extends credit to the buyer. The draft
states that payment is due by a specific time after the buyer accepts the time draft
and receives the goods (e.g., 30 days after acceptance). By signing and writing
"accepted" on the draft, the buyer is formally obligated to pay within the stated
time. When this is done the time draft is then called a trade acceptance. It can be
kept by the exporter until maturity or sold to a bank at a discount for immediate
A date draft differs slightly from a time draft in that it specifies a date on which
payment is due, rather than a time period after the draft is accepted. When either a
sight draft or time draft is used, a buyer can delay payment by delaying acceptance
of the draft. A date draft can prevent this delay in payment though it still must be
When a bank accepts a draft, it becomes an obligation of the ban k and thus, a
negotiable investment known as a banker's acceptance. A banker's acceptance can
also be sold to a bank at a discount for immediate payment. Open Account
In a foreign transaction, an open account can be a convenient method of
payment if the buyer is well established, has a long and favorable payment record,
or has been thoroughly checked for creditworthiness. With an open account, the
exporter simply bills the customer, who is expected to pay under agreed terms at a
future date. Some of the largest firms abroad make purchases only on open
However, there are risks to open account sales. The absence of documents and
banking channels might make it difficult to pursue the legal enforcement of claims.
The exporter might also have to pursue collection abroad, which can be difficult
and costly. Another problem is that receivables may be harder to finance, since
drafts or other evidence of indebtedness are unavailable. There are several ways to
reduce credit risk, through such means as export credit insurance and factoring.
Exporters contemplating a sale on open account terms should thoroughly
examine the political, economic, and commercial risks. They should also consult
with their bankers if financing will be needed for the transaction before issuing a
pro forma invoice to a buyer. Other Payment Mechanisms Consignment sales
International consignment sales follow the same basic procedures as in the
United States. The goods are shipped to a foreign distributor who sells them on
behalf of the exporter. The exporter retains title to the goods until they are sold, at
which point payment is sent to the exporter. The exporter has the greatest risk and
least control over the goods with this method. Additionally, recei ving payment may
take quite a while.
It is wise to consider risk insurance with international consignment sales. The
contract should clarify who is responsible for property risk insurance that will cover
the merchandise until it is sold and payment is rece ived. In addition, it may be
necessary to conduct a credit check on the foreign distributor. Counter-trade
International counter-trade is a trade practice whereby one party accepts
goods, services, or other instruments of trade in partial or whole payment for its
products. This type of trade fulfills financial, marketing, or public policy objectives
of the trading parties. For example, a firm might trade by bartering because it or its
trading partner lacks foreign exchange.
Many U.S. exporters consider counter-trade a necessary cost of doing business
in markets where U.S. exports would otherwise not be sold. One consideration for
smaller firms is that this type of trade may cause cash flow problems. Therefore,
many smaller exporters do not consider this a^ option as they wish to do business
in U.S. dollars.
There are several types of counter-trade, including counter purchase and
barter. Counter purchase is quite common. In this situation, exporters agree to
purchase a quantity of goods from a coun try in exchange for that country's
purchase of the exporter's product. These goods are typically unrelated but have an
equivalent value. Another form of this practice is contractually linked, parallel trade
transactions that each involves a separate financ ial settlement. For example, a
counter-trade contract may provide that the U.S. exporter will be paid in a
convertible currency as long as the U.S. exporter (or another entity designated by
the exporter) agrees to purchase a related quantity of goods from the importing
Barter arrangements in international commerce are not as common, because
the parties' needs for the goods of the other seldom coincide and because valuation
of the goods may be problematic. This type of counter-trade occurs without money
exchanging hands as merchandise is traded directly for other merchandise or
services. Barter might occur by swapping (one good for another) or by switching
(using a chain of buyers and sellers in different markets to barter).
U.S. exporters can take advantage of counter-trade opportunities by trading
through an intermediary with counter-trade expertise, such as an international
broker, an international bank, or an export management company. One drawback
to this type of exporting is that there are often higher transaction costs and greater
risks than with other kinds of export transactions.
The Department of Commerce can advise and assist U.S. exporters on counter-
trade requirements. The Financial Services and Counter-trade Division of ITA's
Office of Finance, monitors counter-trade trends, disseminates information
(including lists of potentially beneficial counter-trade opportunities), and provides
general assistance to enterprises seeking barter and counter-trade opportunities. Foreign Currency
A buyer and a seller who are in different countries rarely use the same
currency. Payment is usually made in either the buyer's or the seller's currency or
in a third mutually agreed-upon currency.
One of the risks associated with foreign trade is the un certainty of the future
exchange rates. The relative value between the two currencies would change
between the time the deal is concluded and the time payment is received. If the
exporter is not properly protected, a devaluation or depreciation of the fo reign
currency could cause the exporter to lose money. For example, if the buyer has
agreed to pay 500,000 French francs for a shipment and the franc is valued at 20
cents, the seller would expect to receive US$100,000. If the franc later decreased in
value to be worth 19 US cents, payment under the new rate would be only
US$95,000, a loss of US$5,000 for the seller. On the other hand, if the foreign
currency increases in value the exporter would get a windfall in extra profits.
Nonetheless, most exporters are not interested in speculating on foreign exchange
fluctuations and prefer to avoid risks.
One of the simplest ways for a U.S. exporter to avoid this type of risk is to
quote prices and require payment in U.S. dollars. Then the burden of exchanging
currencies and risk are placed on the buyer. Exporters should also be aware if
there are problems with currency convertibility. Not all currencies are freely or
quickly converted into U.S. dollars. Fortunately, the U.S. dollar is widely accepted
as an international trading currency, and American firms can often secure payment
in dollars.
If the buyer asks to make payment in a foreign currency, the exporter should
consult an international banker before negotiating the sales contract. Banks can
offer advice on the foreign exchange risks that exist with a particular currency.
Some international banks can also help hedge against such a risk, by agreeing to
purchase the foreign currency at a fixed price in dollars, regardless of the
currencies value at the time the customer pays. Banks will normally charge a fee or
discount the transaction for this service. If this mechanism is used, the bank's fee
should be included in the price quotation. Payment Problems
In international trade, problems involving bad de bts are more easily avoided
than rectified after they occur. Credit checks and the other methods that have been
discussed in this chapter can limit the risks. Nonetheless, just as in a company's
domestic business, exporters occasionally encounter problems with buyers who
default on their payment. When these problems occur in international trade,
obtaining payment can be both difficult and expensive. Even when the exporter has
insurance to cover commercial credit risks, a default by a buyer still requires the
time, effort, and cost of the exporter to collect a payment. The exporter must
exercise normal business prudence in exporting and exhaust all reasonable means
of obtaining payment before an insurance claim is honored. Even then there is
often a significant delay before the insurance payment is made.
The simplest (and least costly) solution to a payment problem is to contact and
negotiate with the customer. With patience, understanding, and flexibility, an
exporter can often resolve conflicts to the satisfaction of both sides.
This point is especially true when a simple misunderstanding or technical
problem is to blame and there is no question of bad faith. Even though the exporter
may be required to compromise on certain points - perhaps even on the price of the
committed goods - the company may save a valuable customer and profit in the
long run.
However, if negotiations fail and the sum involved is large enough to warrant
the effort, a company should obtain the assistance and advice of its bank, legal
counsel, and other qualified experts. Since arbitration is often faster and less
costly, this step is preferable to legal action if both parties can agree to take their
dispute to an arbitration agency. The International Chamber of Commerce handles
the majority of international arbitration and is usually acceptable to foreign
companies because it is not affiliated with any single country.
Short-term sources of finance, Medium and long term sources of finance,
Export and import credit and finance system in India, Export credit, Pre -
shipment finance or packing credit, Post-shipment credit, Finance for
exports on deferred payment terms, Methods of export, financing, Prudent
credit practices, Cash in advance.
1. What are the ways and means to generate finance for exports in the nation
as well as in the global market?
2. What are the problems may come up in the process of negotiating the
payment method, choosing the right financing option and “waling with
foreign currencies?
3. Highlight the features of the following methods of export financing.
a) Cash in advance;
b) Documentary letter of credit;
c) Documentary collection or draft;
d) Open account; and
e) Other payment mechanisms, such as consignment sales.
This chapter dealt with the detailed study of Short-term sources of finance,
Medium and long term sources of finance, Export and import credit and finance
system in India, Export credit, Pre-shipment finance or packing credit, Post-
shipment credit, Finance for exports on deferred payment terms, Methods of export,
financing, Prudent credit practices, Cash in advance, Documentary letters of
credit and documentary drafts, Letters of credit, Tips on using a letter of credit,
Documentary drafts, Sight drafts, Time drafts and date drafts, Open account,
Other payment mechanisms, consignment sales, Counter-trade, Foreign currency,
Payment problems.
1. What are the problems may come up in the process of negotiating the
payment method, choosing the right financing option and “waling with
foreign currencies?
1. Robert A. Mundell, International Economics, 1968, Macmillan & Co, New York.
2. Jagdish Bhagawathi, International trade & Economics expansion. The
American economics review, dec.1958.
1. What are the short-term and long-term sources of finance?
2. Describe the concepts of buyer’s credit and supplier’s credit?
3. Explain pre-shipment and post shipment credit. What factors the banks
have to consider offering loans to the exporters?
4. Evaluate the export credit and financing system in India.
1. Peter B. Kenen, The International Economy, Third Edition, Cambridge
Edition, 1994.
2. Francis Cherunilam, International trade and export management, himalaya
Third Edition 2013.
3. M.C.Vaish & Sudama Singh, International Economics, sixth Edition, reprint
4. Dr. p. subba rao, International business, (text and cases, Third Edition,
himalaya public house), 2013.
1. Describe the concepts of buyer’s credit and supplier’s credit?
2. Explain pre-shipment and post shipment credit. What factors the banks
have to consider offering loans to the exporters?
Export credit, Pre-shipment finance or packing credit, Post-shipment
credit, Finance for exports on deferred payment terms, Methods of export,
financing, Prudent credit practices, Cash in advance, Documentary letters
of credit and documentary drafts, Letters of credit, Tips on using a letter of
credit, Documentary drafts, Sight drafts, Time drafts and date drafts