SKDY Jeeyar Apr 2019 Flyer
SKDY Jeeyar Apr 2019 Flyer
SKDY Jeeyar Apr 2019 Flyer
His Holiness Sri Krishna Desika Jeeyar Swami was born in a small village near Nellore, Andhra Pradesh. He had
a Ph.D. in Experimental Nuclear Physics and He worked as a Medical Physicist for nearly 30 years in the USA.
At the command of His Acharya, HH 44th Jeeyar of Sri Ahobila Mutt, Sri Krishna Desika Jeeyar Swami
constructed a wonderful and unique Sri Vaishnava temple for Sri Ranganatha at Pomona, NY. His Holiness
Krishna Desika Jeeyar Swami renounced material life and took up sanyaasaashrama in 2014. His Holiness is very
passionate about spreading saranagathi or absolute surrender at the feet of Lord Sriman Narayana as the surest
path for salvation.