Vaisaketu Struta
Vaisaketu Struta
Vaisaketu Struta
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human beings to know themselves and the world in which they 'live
and move and have their being.'^ Philosophy mainly deals with the
nature of the universe in which we live, the nature of soul and its destiny
and the nature of God or the Absolute. Philosophy is the art of thinking
logical and rational. In the world there are many type of philosophies.
about the world and its living beings like other philosophies. Indian
Indian philosophy is considered as spiritual. It always
causes and includes all mental and bodily sufferings. The adhibhautika
is due to extra organic natural causes like men, beasts, birds, throns
Astika (orthodox). The Nastika schools are Carvaka, Bauddha and Jaina.
They do not accept the authority of Vedas. The astika achools are
They all accept the authority of Vedas. Among the six systems of
Vaisesika is derived from the term visesa. The word Vaisesika has been
Another view is that the name of the system is derived from the
of the eternal substances. The atoms of earth (prthvi), water (ap), fire
(tejas), and air (vayu), and ether fakasa), time (kala) space (dik), soul
The ultimate aim of Vaisesika philosophy is liberation. It
of them six bhava padarthas. The Vaisesika darsana deals with the topics
inherence. This system is famous for its atomic theory. The anuvada
or atomic theory which explains the creation of the world from the
The atoms of the elements like earth, water, fire and air are
accepts six categories viz, dravya, guna, karma, samanya, vis'esa and
Kanada does not clearly mention God in the Vais'esika Sutra. But his
and delusion.
Although Kanada speaks of bhava categories only, the
They are bhava and abh'ava. The six categories come under bhava and
viz, earth(prthvi), water (ap), fire (teja), air (vayu), ether (akasa),
seven more and so there are twenty four qualities accepted by the
another action or quality, for both action and quality can only be
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(avaksepana), contraction (akuncana) expansion (prasaiana) and
of the things which fall under the same class. The samanya stands for
The fifth category is visesa or particularity. It is the most
is a particular a single and unique thing different from all other. Thus
differences of atoms, akasa, space, time, soul and minds are because
of all systems and it is known for its new and novel interpretation of
into seven elemental realities covering the entire human thought and
distinguished by itself.
The wordvisesa is derived from the root 'sis' by, prefixing
'vi' and adding the suffix ghan. That system of philosophy which
like qualities etc. Like this gunatva and karmatva becomes samanya
the word Kanada suggests that one who lives on the philosophy of
Kanada was further called as the teacher of the Vaisesika
of Vaisesikadarsana^
an owl. This name was given to him because in the day time he
and at night, when people went to rest, he wandered about for food^
This mode of living was very similar to that of an owl. In the day time
he did his work and at night searched for food. He was lived on the top
God Mahadeva appeared to him in the form of an owl and revealed him
This system is also icnown as paiiava because of his close
had its beginning at a much older period. Karl. H. Potter states that
one writer observes that Kanada belongs to 800 years before Buddha'^
B.C"* P.T Raju points out that Kanadabelongs to 400 B.C'\ Das Gupta
mentions that Kanada belongs to third century B.C'^ From this we can
11. Sinha Jadunatha-I IP, Vol.11. Motilal Banarsidass publishers Delhi 1997
12 Karl.H. Potter-E I P,Vol.II Published by Motilal Banarsidass publishers
Delhi 1997 P2II
13. Chakrabarty Debasish- Vaisesika Sutra of KanadE^D.K Prinlworld Pvt
Ltd New Delhi 2003 P.27
14. Dr. S. Radhakrishna- Indian Philosophy, vol II Oxford University press
1999 R178
15. P.T Raju - Philosophical Traditions of India,Motilal Banarsidass publishers
Pvt Ltd Delhi 1992 PI93
16. Das Gupta SurendranathaA History of Indian Philosophy^^oi.I Motilal
Banarsidass publishers Pvt Ltd Delhi 1992 P.305
17. Theos Bernad- Hindu Philosophy,Motilal Banarsidass publishers Pvt Ltd
Delhi 1947P49
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There is only a little historical information available on the
It does not mention the existence of God and deals with physics and
be one such text that forms the basis of the syncretic Nyaya-Vaisesika
of atomism, argues for the theory of sound and adapts the view of
The Vaisesika sutra classifies categories into six. Later
abh~ava was added. That six categories are dravya (substance), guna
and samavaya (inherence). There are nine dravyas viz. earth (prthvi),
atma (self) and mind(manas). Of these the first five elements are
physical elements. Among them the first four viz. earth, water, fire
and air possess atoms. The atoms are indivisible and indestructible.
The atoms are the indivisible part of a substance and are eternal and
but must be inferred from their effects. Later writers have likened
They are eternal and all pervasive. The mind is an eternal substance
The self is an eternal and all pervading substance, which is
action also in attributes. Five types of actions are told. All other actions
other than utksepana etc. are said to be included in the fifth viz.
traditional dates are very vague. But the dates of the sutras cannot be
possibly be so remote.
of Maha-vira and Buddha i.e., the sixth century B.C'^ The theory that
the origin of Vaisesikais as old as Jainism is found on the fact that the
term hetu and pramana have the same meaning in both systems'*^.
500 AD^". Suali also following Jacobi's proof places the date in 250-
300 AD^'. Jacobi bases his proof mainly upon the relation of thesutras
Vaisesika siitra seems to have been composed earlier than the other
sutras. But it presupposes not only the Mimamsa and the Sankhya but
also the Vedanta and others^^. The middle of the first centuary BC is
patronage of Kaniska i.e., the first centuary A. D.. The work consists
of 200 volumes and it is not easy to read. The only one passage has
20. lbidP.65
21. Ibid
22 IbidP.34
The VibKasa'sastra, which seems to be a short extract from
the above work also refers to the Vaisesika"A certain teacher maintains
that there are five sense organs, the organ of smell, of taste, of seeing,
of touch and of hearing. Such type of quotations are found in the work
Sutrasthana i.e. A.D. 80. Some scholars contend that theVaisesika sutra
was written before the Nyaya Sutra, which was known to Kautilya in
at about 800 years before Buddha. In any case scholars assert that there
the fifth centuary BC. But it is quite possible they are much older.
work is divided into ten chapters. Each chapter contains two sections.
than Nyaya. In the several centuries before and after the Christian Era
played the most important role in the philosophy of those days. Some
mainly because it was compiled over a long time, during which the
are extremely difficult to interpret. The sutras are dense and this
In certain cases the author first establishes his view, then presents the
All the categories and statements are established in the aphorisms and
The fourth sutra says that salvation comes as a result of real knowledge,
features of the six categories. In the first chapter three prime categories
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The first section begins with the discussion of dharma or
merit and the authority of Veda. In the second section of the first
chapter he deals with the fourth and fifth categories called generality
gunatva and karmatva. In the first section of the second chapter, Kanada
gives the definition of Earth, water, light and air. He also describes
that smell is the special quality of earth, heat is the special quality of
light and coldness of water. He also deals with the existence of time
and space. He then examined the question whether the sound is eternal
existence of soul.
The fourth chapter deals with the existence of ultimate atoms
The second section deals with the composition and types of bodies.
The fifth chapter deals with karma or action. The second chapter deals
with the causes of pleasure, and pain and the nature of salvation and
describes the nature of merit and demerit. The second section deals
The first section of the eighth book examines cognition,
term 'object'. The first section of the ninth chapter describes non-
existence and the perception of Yogins. The second section deals with
dream, etc. This chapter also defines and illustrates vidya or true
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Vaisesika system.
fourth century A.D.^^ Das Gupta assigns that fifth or sixth century as
half of the sixth century or rather in the latter half of the fifth century.^'
28. Dr. S. Radhakrishna- Indian Philosophy, vol II Oxford University press 1999
PI 80
29. Ui-Vaisesika Philosophy according to Dasapadarthasaslra,Chauklianiba Sanskiit
30. Dr. Sasipr^bha Kumar - Vaisesika Darsan Pariseelan,Vidyanidhi Prakasan Delhi
2001 P98.
Besides these there are many new commentaries also. In
the following,
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commentary is logical and very proud. The work covers the topics
preface and visaya - suci not exist. According to this commentary the
sutras are 373. In the beginning he firstly prescribes the subjects and
classifies the subjects and deals with them. He uses quotations from
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list of subject matters are given in Salnskrit and English. The matters
this work. Editor of this work was Raghunadhacarya. In this work the
sutras are 374 in number. Like the name the style of this work is simple.
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Philosophy. His real name was Mahadeva. The name ' Vadindra' shows
Kanada sutravarttika.
Kanada sutranibandha must have come from the initial verse.
division even in the first and second chapters. Vadindra had a different
of language. This work consists often chapters. The first chapter deals
Fouth chapter deals with body and its related objects. Fifth chapter
The eighth chapter deals with production of knowledge and its cause.
Vaisesika sutra of Kanada . They cover the ninth and tenth chapters of
respectively. Only the ninth chapter has come to light in the second
was very bad and there were the consequent imperfections in the text,
The date of Vrtti may be considered in tiie begining of the
contemporary Bengal.
and Sankara Misra under the title Vrtti. Ui reports that the late work
Kaviraja, is not on this Vrtti, since the passage quoted by Sankara Misra
Besides these Vyomasiva wrote a commentary on it known
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as Vyomavati which is partly published. Padmanabha Misra of about
period showed total diversion from the ancient siltra tradition. From
the sutras alone in his hand when he wrote the Upaskara. And the later
and to proceed further they had to depend mostly upon their knowledge