ITEC 7410: SIP Plan/Technology Plan Analysis

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ITEC 7410: SIP Plan/Technology Plan Analysis

Name: LaToya Morgan Semester: Summer 2018

Type your answers below (ie. minimum of 2-5 sentences per question as appropriate).

School Improvement Plan Analysis:

 What is your school’s mission/vision?

The mission of Banneker High School is to “prepare its students to meet and exceed State
and National Standards of Learning that will lead to responsible, productive citizenship.”
The vision of the school is to “develop students who learn to their full potential”
(Banneker High School, n.d.).
 What are the targeted areas for improvement (ex. fourth-grade
math, improved LA scores for ESOL population, etc.) and the specific
goals related to this improvement area that are set forth in the SIP
(ex. % gain in CRCT scores)?
Banneker High School targeted nine areas of improvement, Language Arts Proficiency,
Math Proficiency, EOC Milestones, Discipline, Graduation, Pathway Completion, Move
on When Ready, and ACT & SAT. The EOC Milestones goals were to increase the
Developing, Proficient, and Distinguished bands of the 9th grade Literature EOC
Milestones scores by 4.2%, the American Literature EOC Milestone scores by 3.9%, the
Algebra I EOC Milestones scores by 10.6%, the Geometry Milestones by 9.1%, the
Biology EOC Milestones scores by 9.8%, the Physical Science EOC Milestones scores by
9.4%, the US History EOC Milestones scores by 8.1%, and the Economics EOC
Milestones scores by 12.2%. In discipline, the goal was to decrease the total number of
suspensions by 10%. The next goal was to increase the Graduation Rate to 75%. 85% of
seniors were to complete an academic, fine arts, or world language pathway. 75% of Move
on When Ready seniors were to earn high school and college credit from the Technical
System of Georgia or the University System of Georgia Schools. The last goal was for the
students enrolled in the ACT/SAT Prep course to average an 18 on the ACT and a 1200 on
the SAT (Banneker High School Second Semester 90-day Plan, 2017.)
 How does your SIP address the needs of diverse populations
regarding digital technology equity for low SES and gender groups
(ie. females) and assistive technology for disabled learners? If it does
not, what are your recommendations?
The SIP does not address the needs of diverse populations regarding digital technology
equity for low SES and gender groups and assistive technology for disabled learners.
Because Banneker High School is a Title 1 school, where 99% of the students are eligible
Free/Reduced Lunch, all decisions are made with this factor in mind. Students were given
Microsoft Surface Tablets during the 2017-2018 school year and resources were given out
about affordable internet services. After speaking with the School Improvement Specialist,
she explained that Exceptional Education teachers receive professional development for
students with disabilities, but this is not something that is required of all teachers. She did
indicate that this is an area of improvement for the 2018-2019 school year (L.Morgan,
personal communication, 2018).
 How is technology included in the SIP? In what ways is student
technology literacy included as a goal in your SIP? If it is not, what
are your recommendations?
The SIP broadly address technology by stating that “Banneker High School’s second
spring priority is to refine and standardize the systems, structures, and expectations related
to curriculum, instruction, assessment, technology, and professional learning so that
expectations are internalized and institutionalized to become the “Banneker Way” and can
therefore be consistently communicated, implemented, supported, and monitored school-
wide” (Banneker High School Second Semester 90 Day Plan, 2017). Even though student
technology literacy is not included as a goal, Banneker High School does take steps in
increasing student technology literacy through the implementation of Digital Citizenship
Week. Each day during this week, students complete activities surrounding digital
citizenship through the curriculum created by Common Sense Media. Even though this is
an area of improvement, strides were taken to offer Technology-focused professional
development to teachers.
 Why is technology addressed (or not addressed!) as it is? For
example, does school culture or history contribute to the way the SIP
addresses technology? [Additional Field Experience option if
interviewing others in the school to find this history.]
Even though technology is an important aspect of school improvement, teaching,
learning, and assessing, technology has not been the focus of Banneker High
School. Culturally and historically, technology has not been a focus for the school
because we have not had the proper training, support, or infrastructure to
incorporate technology appropriately. The most recent focus of the school was to
be removed from the state’s failing school list by increasing EOC scores and the
graduation rate. I am not sure the school administration understands how
technology can leverage academic improvement.
 Are you pleased with the current treatment of technology-related
issues in the SIP? Why or why not?
I am not pleased with the current treatment of technology related issues in the SIP because
it does not seem to be a priority or focus area for the school. I do not believe it is a focus
area because of lack of knowledge on the power of technology integration in classrooms.
Technology related professional development was offered two or three times during the
last school year. During the school year, we also distributed Microsoft Surface Tablets to
students. There was a disconnect on the use of the tablets because of infrastructure and
because teachers may not have been equipped with the capacity of how to integrate
technology within their lessons.
 Would you like to see technology issues represented differently in
future SIPs? Why?
I would like technology issues to be represented differently in future SIPs because
technology is a bridge. Most of the students from Banneker High School are from
impoverished communities. Exposure and access is a challenge for them. Technology is a
bridge that can give the access to exposure so that they can compete globally in any
 What are your first thoughts of how technology could contribute
toward achieving the mission/vision/goals set forth in your school
improvement plan?
Technology can contribute to the mission, vision, and goals set in the school improvement
plan by enhancing school communication and student exposure during lessons that require
collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and communication. Technology can remove
the geographical barriers for teachers and students. It can help teachers grow
professionally though technology-based professional development, such as webinars and
 How might technology be integrated more effectively into your SIP in
the future?
Technology can be integrated more effectively into the SIP by having a champion for
technology on the team that constructs the SIP. Specific goals can be set to help teachers
feel comfortable with using technology in their classroom in meaningful ways.

District Technology Plan Analysis:

(Note: Most districts do have a plan. Contact district-level personnel for a

copy if needed.)

 What are the three main curriculum goals in your district’s

technology plan?
Fulton County has five main goals in the technology plan. Three of those goals are:
1. Employing the flexibility and power of technology to enable standards-based,
student-centered, personalized learning for all FCS students.
2. Leverage technology to provide, support, and evaluate learning resources and
methodologies that enable FCS curriculum and goals.
3. Inspire and strengthen lifelong learning for teachers, staff and administration using
current digital tools. (Fulton County Schools, 2015)
 What strategies are outlined for achieving these goals?
Goal #1 Goal #2 Goal #3
1. 1:1 student mobile devices 1. Provide teachers with 1. Expand Vanguard Team
2. Expand the Virtual device, skills and to 400 members
program resources to support 1:1 (4/school)
3. Provide student support student access to mobile 2. Manage marketplace of
4. Enterprise level software devices. PD providers for
tools 2. Provide support to personalized learning
5. Provide increased access teachers on technology 3. Continue to promote use
to digital resources that enables students with of a Learning/ Content
curricula and standards,
effective strategies, Management System for
resources and data self-­‐paced PD
3. Provide teachers with
4. Establish a greater
enterprise level software
collaboration between
tools for learning
Instructional Technology
4. Identify/provide increased
and Professional
access to digital resources
such as ebooks, digital
media and online
(Fulton County Schools, 2015)

 Does the plan seem achievable over the designated timeline?

The plan seems achievable over the designated timeline because each goal was broken
down into smaller, realistic chunks to be completed. The designated timeline for this plan
was from 2015 – 2017.
 In what ways would you like to see the plan improved?
I would like to see the plan improved in the area of equity. Although I am not sure on the
decisions made and opportunities available, I do not think the enough support was offered
to my school with technology related professional development.
 What could you, in your current or a future position, do to help
support implementation of the plan?
In my current and future position, I am and will be an advocate for technology integration
and support. I could work with the district instructional technology personnel, the school
improvement specialist, and teachers at my school to build a plan to increase the capacity
of teachers as it relates to technology use.
 How does the plan address the needs of diverse populations
regarding digital technology equity for low SES and gender groups
(ie. females) and assistive technology for disabled learners? If it
does not, what are your recommendations?
This plan does not address the needs of diverse populations regarding digital technology
equity or assistive technology for disabled learners. My recommendation is to develop a
team that researches the best technology practices that will maximize learning for diverse
populations and disabled learners. This team would also be charged with connecting with
schools to offer professional development for the teachers.
 In what ways does the plan tie-in to your local SIP?
I could not find a connection between the District Technology Plan and Banneker High
School SIP.

School Tech Plan Status:

(Note: Most schools will not have a tech plan. In this case students can
only answer question one and maybe elaborate on why there is no plan
and if there ever was a history of tech planning at that school at all.)
 Is there a technology plan that is separate from the SIP at your
school? If so, when and how was it created?
There is not a technology plan separate from the SIP at Banneker High School. Historically
and culturally, technology has not been a focus area to improvement upon. I also believe
there has not been a strong vocal advocate for the mainstream, meaningful use of
technology in classes.

Reference List

Banneker High School Second Semester 90-day Plan, 2017.

Banneker High School. (n.d.). Mission and Vision. Retrieved June, 2018, from

Fulton County Schools. (2015). Instructional and Information Technology Strategic Plan
Update (Rep.).

L. Morgan, personal communication, February 2018.

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