Sample Paper1
Sample Paper1
Sample Paper1
1 Preamble
3 List of Experiments
5 Experiment Details
9 Applications
10 Precautions
11 Code of Conduct
12 Graphs
as per the curriculum of B.Tech under JNTU. The laboratory manual helps the
student to understand the aim and then procedure Further the student will also
engineering projects.
understand the test procedures and it will helpful to them in the field practices.
This laboratory manual also contains the sample viva voce questions and sample
external experiments which will be asked frequently during the regular labs.
water, quality of air and noise characteristics.. The experiments include the
DO and COD of waste water and pollution level of air and noise. The highlight of
laboratory course will help the students to understand the theoretical concepts
The students will be able to analyze the various parameters like pH, Total
Solids, Total dissolved solids, iron and manganese, BOD, COD and chlorides,
sulphate and dissolved oxygen in water and waste water. Student enabled to
test the water quality and will have thorough knowledge on the quality
1. Determination of pH and Turbidity
2. Determination of Conductivity and Total dissolved solids.
3. Determination of Alkalinity/Acidity.
4. Determination of Chlorides.
5. Determination and Estimation of total solids, organic solids and inorganic
6. Determination of iron.
7. Determination of Dissolved Oxygen.
8. Determination of Nitrogen.
9. Determination of total Phosphorous.
10. Determination of B.O.D
11. Determination of C.O.D
12. Determination of Optimum coagulant dose.
13. Determination of Chlorine demand.
14. Presumptive coli form test.
Text Books:
1. Sawyer, N.C., and McCarty, P.L., “Chemistry for Environmental Engineering”,
5th Edn., McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York., 1985.
Reference Books
2. “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water”, APHA-
AWWAWPCF, 25th Edn.,Washington (D.C), 1995.
3. Water Supply Engineering by S.K.Garg (Khanna Publication)
4. Water Supply Engineering by B.C.Punmia (Laxmi Publication)
Reference Books:
1. Mark J Hammer Mark J Hammer Jr., Water and Waste Water Technology,
Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
2. Fair, Gayer and Okun, Water and Waste water Engineering, John Wiley
1a. Determination of pH of Water
pH value of water indicates the hydrogen ion concentration in water and concept
carbonate, bicarbonate and CO2, corrosion and stability index etc. While the
colorimetrically or electrometrically.
Colorimetric method is used only for rough estimation. It can be done either by
absolute standard for the measurement of pH. They range from portable battery
electrode. This system is based on the fact that a change of 1 pH unit produces
2. Beaker
3. Thermometer
5. Cuvettes
1. Buffer solutions
2. pH paper
3. Universal indicator
5. The procedure can be repeated using an indicator whose range is near the
value obtained.
(If comparators are not available, compare the colour with colours given in the
Aim :
scattered by the sample in specific conditions with the intensity of light scattered
by standard reference suspension under the same condition. The higher the
intensity of scattered lights, higher the turbidity. Formazine polymer, which has
more reproducible in its lights scattering properties than the clay or turbid
Nephelometer with accessories
(i) Turbidity free distilled water (for setting zero).
(ii) Formazine turbidity concentrate (hydrazine sulphate + hexamine).
(iii) Formazine standard (for setting 100 of the instrument).
Pass distilled water through a membrane filter having a precision pore size of
less than 10 microns (Whatman filter No. 42). Rinse collecting flask atleast twice
with such filtered water and discard the next 200 mL. Use this filtered water for
(a) Solution I
500 mL volumetric flask and add distilled water to make up to the mark. Leave
(hexamine) into a 500 mL volumetric flask and add distilled water to make up to
the mark. Mix equal volume of solution I and II to form formazine turbidity
Dilute 25mL of the formazine turbidity concentrate to 1 litre with turbidity free
distilled water to obtain 250 ppm or 100 NTU for setting ‘100’ of the instrument.
(1) Switch the instrument on.
(2) Open the lid of the sample compartment.
(3) Insert a test tube filled with distilled water into the sample compartment.
Close the lid.
(4) Adjust ‘SET 0’ control to get ‘0’ displayed on the read out.
(5) Open the lid. Replace the test tube filled with distilled water with a test tube
filled with formazine standard. Close the lid.
(6) Adjust the ‘SET 100’ control to get ‘100’ displayed on the read out.
(7) Repeat the above operation to get consistent values of 0 to 100 within 1% to
Dilute the sample with one or more volume of turbidity free distilled water until
Sample No. NTU NTU = A(B=C)/C
mL mL mL
Results :
2a. Determination of Conductivity
ctric current. This ability depends on the presence of ions, their mobility, valence, relative
concentrations and on the temperature of measurement. The inorganic acids, bases, and
salt solutions are relatively good conductors. On the contrary, molecules of organic
ohms. The electric resistance of a conductor is inversely proportional to its cross sectional
area and directly proportional to its length. The magnitude of the resistance measured in
used. Specific resistance is the resistance of a cube of 1cm. In aqueous solutions such a
Actually the electrodes measure a given fraction of the specific resistance known as the
cell constant C
C = Measured resistance, Rm
Specific resistance, Rs
and is expressed in reciprocal of ohms i.e mhos. In water analysis generally micromhos
is used. Knowing the cell constant the measured conductance is converted to the
Ks = 1/R s = C / R m
The term conductivity is preferred and usually reported in micromhos per
centimeter (µ mhos/cm)
Freshly made distilled water has a conductivity of 0.5 to 2 .0 µ mhos/cm that increases
The conductivity of potable waters varies generally from 50 to 1500 µ mhos/cm. The
conductivity of municipal waste waters may be near to that of the potable water. However
the industrial waste waters may have conductivities above 10000 µ mhos/cm.
continuously by the field recorders. These automatic recorders give idea about any sudden
drastic change in the quality of raw water or the waste water, so that required precautions
may be taken.
Actually the total dissolved solids in water can be estimated by measuring its
conductivity and multiplying it by an empirical factor. This factor varies from 0.55 to 0.9
depending upon the soluble components of water and the temperature. This factor can be
obtained for a system by observing the conductivity and the dissolved solids and then it
platinized electrodes are used depending upon the expected range of conductivity.
from durable metals like stainless steel are used for continuous monitoring systems.
(a) Conductivity water: Pass distilled water through a mixed bed deionizer an
Wash the conductivity cell with 0.01 M KCl solution. Adjust the temperature of the standar
d KCl at 25± 0.1oC. Measure resistance of the K C L and note the temperature.
Rinse cell with the sample. Adjust temperature of the sample to 25± 0.1oC. Measure sampl
If the temperature deviates from 25oC the corrected conductivity shall be as follows
(Km) C
K =
Km is the measured conductivity at toC.
/ cm
2b. Determination Of Total Dissolved Solids
Theory :
Sewage contains 99.9% water and only 0.1% solids but the nuisance caused by them is
considerable, as they are highly putrescible (readily degradable) and therefore require
proper treatment before disposal. The solids present in sewage may be classified as
suspended and dissolved solids which may further be subdivided into volatile and non
volatile solids. The volatile matter is organic matter. Quantification of volatile or organic
fraction of solid which is putrescible is necessary as this constitutes the load on biological
treatment units or oxygen resources of a stream when sewage is disposed of in a river. The
dissolved solid may be inorganic also and the inorganic fraction is considered when sewage
is used for land irrigation or when reuse of sewage is done for any other purpose. The
measurement of total dissolved solids in water can be done in similar way, by taking the
(i) Evaporating dishes
(ii) Drying oven
(iii) Standard filter paper
(iv) Digital weighing balance (microgram)
(v) Conical flask
(vi) Measuring cylinder
Take 50 ml of well mixed sewage sample in a measuring cylinder. Have four folds of the
standard filter paper and fix it on the funnel placed over a conical flask. Pour the sewage
gently on the funnel and allow it to slowly filter down through the funnel shaped filter
paper. Pour it intermittently so that the filtrate is only sewage containing dissolved solids
Transfer filtrate to a weighed evaporating dish (weight say A mg) and evaporate to
dryness in the drying oven. Dry evaporated sample for 1 hr in an oven at 180 C and cool it.
(A–B) × 1000
Total Dissolved Solids in mg/litre =
50 (volume of sample in ml)
The total dissolved solids give an idea about the organic and inorganic matter present in
the sewage in dissolved form. Organic matter is volatile and can be determined by igniting
the residue at higher temperature at 550 °C. Even the total dissolved solids give a fair idea
about the organic matter and the anticipated treatment of the wastewater. Treatment means
to satisfy the BOD. BOD can be satisfied aerobically or anerobically. Aerobic treatment is
better as it produces less harmful end products but it is generally costly. So depending
upon the foulness (organic solid matter) and the funds available the selection of process is
The total dissolved solids in the given sewage sample are ………… which shows
Drying oven
3a. Determination of Alkalinity of Water
To determine the amount of the following types of alkalinity present in the given
a. Hydroxide alkalinity
b. Carbonate alkalinity
c. Bicarbonate alkalinity
d. Hydroxide–Carbonate alkalinity
e. Carbonate–Bicarbonate alkalinity
primarily due to salts of weak acids, although weak or strong bases may also
acid and is reported in terms of CaCO3 equivalent. For samples whose initial pH
is above 8.3, the titration is conducted in two steps. In the first step, the
to the points for conversion of carbonate to bicarbonate ion. The second phase
orange end point, which corresponds to the equivalence points for the
1. Burette
2. Erlenmeyer flask
3. Pipettes
Erlenmeyer flask
2. Phenolphthalein indicator.
Reagents preparation :
4. Titrate against standard sulphuric acid in the burette, till the colour just
disappears. Note down the volume (V1).
5. Then add two drops of methyl orange indicator, the colour turns yellow.
6. Again titrate against acid, until the colour turns to orange yellow. Note down
the total volume (V2).
0.02 N H2SO4 x sample (Methyl orange/phenolphthalein indicator)
1. Phenolphthalein alkalinity (P) as mg/L V1 x 1000
CaCO3 =
mL of sample
V2 x 1000
2. Total alkalinity (T) as mg/L CaCO3 =
mL of sample
The types of alkalinities present in the samples are calculated using the
equations given in the following table
and the results are tabulated.
3b. Determination Of Acidity
To determine the acidity of the given sample of water.
to a designated pH. Strong minerals acids, weak acids such as carbonic and
acetic and hydrolysing salts such as ferric and aluminium sulphates may
solutes are neutralised by titration with standard alkali. The acidity thus depends
upon the end point pH or indicator used. Dissolved CO 2 is usually the major
a standard end point for the titration of total acidity. For more complex mixture
or buffered solution fixed end point of pH 3.7 and pH 8.3 are used. Thus, for
orange acidity (pH 3.7) and phenolphthalein acidity (pH 8.3) are used.
Thus, in determining the acidity of the sample the volumes of standard alkali
required to bring about colour change at pH 8.3 and at pH 3.7 are determined.
1. Burette
2. Pipette
3. Erlenmeyer flasks
4. Indicator solutions
6. NaOH solution 0.02 N: Dissolve 4 g NaOH in 1 litre water. This gives 0.1
N NaOH solution. Take 200 ml of this 0.1 N solution and make it up to 1
litre to obtain 0.02 N NaOH solution.
7. Methyl orange indicator: Dissolve 500 mg methyl orange powder in
distilled water and dilute it to 1 litre.
8. Phenolphthalein indicator: Dissolve 5 g phenolphthalein disodium salt
in distilled water and dilute to 1 litre.
9. Sodium thiosulphate 0.1 N: Dissolve 25 g Na2S2O3.5H2O and dilute to 1
litre distilled water.
4. These contents are titrated against 0.02 N hydroxide solution. The end
point is noted when colour change from orange red to yellow.
Acidity in mg/L as A x B x 50,000
CaCO3 =
A = mL of NaOH titrant
B = normality of NaOH
V = mL of the sample.
4. Determination of Chloride in Water
To determine the amount of chloride (in the form of Cl–) present in the given
If water containing chlorides is titrated with silver nitrate solution, chlorides are
1. Burette
2. Pipettes
3. Erlenmeyer flasks
4. Measuring cylinder
5. Titrate the solution against standard silver nitrate solution until a reddish
brown precipitate is obtained.
Note down the volume (V1).
6. Repeat the procedure for blank and note down the volume (V2).
5. Determination Of Iron
is less than 0.3 ppm. It may be in true solution in colloidal state that may be
ferric oxide and iron sulphide (pyrite). It occurs in some areas, also as ferrous
interferences are present. The method depends upon the fact that 1, 10-
of transmitted and incident light through a coloured solution and knowing its
1. Hydrochloric acid
2. Hydroxylamine solution
5. Phenanthroline solution
1. Pipette 10, 20, 30 and 50 mL. Standard iron solution into 100 mL conical
9. For visual comparison, pour the solution in 100 mL tall form Nessler tubes
and keep them in a stand.
12.Cool the flask to room temperature and transfer the solution to a 100 mL
Nessler tube.
16.Read off the conc. of iron (mg Fe) from the calibration graph for the
corresponding meter reading.
17.For visual comparison, match the colour of the sample with that of the
standard prepared in steps 1 to 7 above.
18.The matching colour standard will give the concentration of iron in the
sample (µg Fe).
Sample Calculation
6. Determination of Dissolved Oxygen in Water
Dissolved Oxygen (D.O.) levels in natural and wastewaters are dependent on the
physical, chemical and biochemical activities prevailing in the water body. The
analysis of D.O. is a key test in water pollution control activities and waste
the Winkler (or iodometric) test remains the most precise and reliable titrimetric
procedure for D.O. analysis. The test is based on the addition of divalent
of higher valency states. In the presence of iodide ions and upon acidification,
the oxidised manganese reverts to the divalent state, with the liberation of
iodine equivalent to the original D.O. content in the sample. The iodine is then
2. Burette
3. Pipettes, etc.
4. starch indicator
(The pipette should be dipped inside the sample while adding the above
two reagents.)
2. Stopper with care to exclude air bubbles and mix by inverting the bottle at
least 15 times.
.= = 203mL
8. Add 1–2 mL starch solution and continue the titration to the first
disappearance of the blue colour and note down the volume of sodium
thiosulphate solution added (V), which gives directly the D.O. in mg/L.
Sample x Standard sodium thiosulphate solution (0.025N) (Starch indicator)
7. Determine the Nitrate Nitrogen
The reaction with the nitrate and brucine produces yellow colour that can be
0.1– 2.0 mg/L NO-3—N. All strong oxidising and reducing agent interfere.
1. Spectrophotometer
2. Water bath
3. Reaction tubes
4. Cool water bath
1. Nitrate standards are prepared in the range 0.1–1.0 mg/LN diluting 1.00,
2.00, 4.00, 7.00 and 10.0 mL standard nitrate solution to 10 mL with
distilled water.
4. Place the stand in a cool water bath and add 2 mL NaCl solution and mix
5. Add 10 mL H2SO4 solution and again mix well and allow cooling.
6. The stand is then placed in a cool water bath and add 0.5 ml brucine-
sulphanilic acid reagent. Swirl the tubes and mix well and place the tubes
in boiling water bath at temperature 95°C.
7. After 20 minutes, remove the samples and immerse in cool water bath.
8. The sample are then poured into the dry tubes of spectrophotometer and
read the standards and sample against the reagent blank at 410 nm.
10.Read the concentration of NO-3N in the sample from the known value of
Nitrate N in mg/L µg NO3- – N
mL of sample
The observation are presented in Tables A and B respectively.
Table B:
8. Determination of Optimum Dose of Coagulant
Aim :
To determine the optimum coagulant dosage for clarifying the given sample of
water by using alum as the coagulant and performing the jar test experiment.
Alum [Al2(SO4)3. 18H2O] is the most widely used coagulant. When alum solution
is added to water, the molecules dissociate to yield SO2–4and Al3+. The +ve
Jar test is simple device used to determine this optimum coagulant dose
with paddles. The paddles can be rotated with varying speed with the help of a
motor and regulator. Samples will be taken in jars or beakers and varying dose
of coagulant will be added simultaneously to all the jars. The paddles will be
corresponding to the flash mixing and slow mixing in the flocculator of the
from all the jars to measure turbidity. The dose, which gives the least turbidity,
is taken as the optimum coagulant dose.
Apparatus :
2. Glass Beakers
3. Pipette
4. Nephelometer
5. pH meter
1. Take 1-litre beakers and fill them with sample up to the mark.
2. Keep each beaker below each paddle and lower the paddles, such that each
one is about 1cm above the bottom.
3. Find the pH of the sample and adjust it to 6 to 8.5.
4. Pipette 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 mL of the alum solution into the test samples.
5. Immediately run the paddles at 100 rpm for 1 minute.
6. Reduce the speed to 30–40 rpm and run at this rate for 30 minutes.
7. Stop the machine, lift out the paddles and allow to settle for 30 minutes.
8. Find the residual turbidity of the supernatant using nephelometer.
9. Plot a graph with alum dosage along x-axis and turbidity along y-axis.
10. The dosage of alum, which represents least turbidity, gives Optimum
Coagulant Dosage (O.C.D.).
11. Repeat steps 1–10 with higher dose of alum, if necessary.
Most water treatment plants are required to disinfect the water, a process used
to kill harmful bacteria. The most frequently used method of disinfection is the
addition of chlorine. Here, we will briefly introduce three terms used during
chlorination - chlorine dose, chlorine demand, and chlorine residual. These three
The amount of chlorine added to the water is known as the chlorine dose. This
is a measured quantity chosen by the operator and introduced into the water
As the chlorine reacts with bacteria and chemicals in the water, some of the
chlorine is used up. The amount of chlorine used up by reacting with substances
in the water is known as the chlorine demand. If nothing reacts with the
chlorine (as would be the case in distilled water), then the chlorine demand is
zero. However, in most cases the operator should count on some of the chlorine
The amount of chlorine remaining in the water after some of the chlorine reacts
with substances in the water is known as the chlorine residual. This lab
introduces a test which can be used to calculate the chlorine residual. The
chlorine residual is the most important of these three values - dose, demand,
plants. Since regulations require a certain level of chlorine in water at the far
ends of the distribution system, operators should be sure to test the chlorine
The DPD Colorimetric Method introduced in this lab is one of several procedures
which can be used to test for chlorine residual. This method requires
compensation for color and turbidity and can detect chlorine concentrations only
substance and that samples should be tested as soon as possible after the water
is collected.
The chemistry involved in the DPD Colorimetric Method is relatively simple. The
buffer lowers the pH of the sample to 4 or less. In this pH range, chlorine in the
water is able to react with the added potassium iodide, replacing the iodine
When free iodine becomes present in the water, the indicator makes the solution
change to a red color, with the intensity of the color equivalent to the amount of
or longer.
Chlorine-demand-free water
(For information on how to prepare these reagents, see p. 4-62 in Standard Methods.)
1. Calibrate the photometric equipment using the following procedure. Note that
this procedure uses potassium permanganate solutions. You can use chlorine
(Prepare the distilled water blank in the same manner as you prepare the
e. Fill a photometer or colorimeter cell with the solution in each flask and
versus %T.
g. Return the cell contents to the appropriate flask and titrate with FAS
c. Add 10 mL of sample water and read the color immediately. Use the
standard curve to determine the amount of chlorine in the sample. Record
this in the Data section as Reading A.
d. Continue by adding one very small crystal of KI (about 0.1 mg) to the
test tube and mixing. Read the color immediately. Use the standard curve
to determine the amount of chlorine in the sample. Record this in the Data
section as Reading B.
f. Place a very small crystal of KI (about 0.1 mg) in a clean test tube. Add
10 mL of the sample and mix. In a separate tube, add 0.5 mL of the
phosphate buffer solution and and 0.5 mL of the DPD indicator solution and
mix. Add the contents of the second tube to the first tube and mix. Read
the color immediately. Use the standard curve to determine the amount of
chlorine in the sample. Record this in the Data section as Reading N.
3. Calculate the amount of each type of chlorine using the calculation methods
listed in Table 2 in the Data section.
For example, let's consider our calculations if the readings were A = 1.0 mg/L, B
= 1.3 mg/L, C = 2.7 mg/L, and N = 1.9 mg/L.
First, the amount of free chlorine was shown by Reading A to be 1.0 mg/L.
Finally, since N is more than 0 and there are monochloramines present, the
amount of trichloramine is calculated as follows:
Standard Curve
Table 1
mg/L chlorine
Table 2
Type of
Calculation Method mg/L
Free Chlorine A
Monochloramine B - A
Dichloramine If N=0, then C - B;
If N>0, then C - N
Trichloramine If N=0, then 0 mg/L;
If N>0 and (B - A) = 0, then 2(N - A)
If N>0 and (B - A)>0, then 2(N - B)
10. Determination Of Total Phosphorus
1. Hot plate (An autoclave may be used in place of a hot plate.)
2. Bausch & Lomb Spectronic 100 spectrophotometer or equivalent
3. Cuvettes. If multiple cuvettes are used, they should be a matched set.
Note: Use only glassware designated for phosphorous analyses. Wash glassware
with a phosphate-free detergent and 1:1 hydrochloric acid after each use.
9. Ascorbic acid, 0.01M: Dissolve 1.76 g ascorbic acid in 100 mL water. Store
at 4oC. Discard after one week.
Note: The procedure in Standard Methods suggests that this line should be
drawn through the origin.
2. Digestion:
Hotplate Digestion
Boil all treated samples, standards, and blanks for 30-40 minutes or
until a final volume of 10 mL is reached.
Autoclave Digestion
Autoclave for 30 minutes in an autoclave or pressure cooker. Set the
conditions for 15-20 psi. (98-137kPa) Samples are not to boiled dry.
Note: there is little or no volume reduction with this technique. Keep
this in mind when preparing matrix spikes.
With both techniques, samples, standards and blanks are allowed to cool
following digestion. A drop of phenolphthalein indicator is added and the
sample neutralized by adding 1N NaOH dropwise until a faint pink color is
achieved (this will be pH 7.0+ 0.2). Dilute to 100 mL, but don’t filter.
i. Remove the flask from the hot plate. Cool to room temperature.
l. Add sodium hydroxide solution with a dropper one drop at a time until
a faint (light) pink color appears. Do not add excess NaOH.
3. Color Development
e. Wipe the outside of each cuvette with a Kimwipe or soft tissue before
inserting into the spectrophotometer. Use the same cuvette for all
blanks, standards, and samples. Different cuvettes may somehow be
differentially dirty or scratched leading to differences in baseline. This
leads to bias in the analytical data, or may affect the ability to meet
quality control limits. If multiply cuvettes are used, they should be a
matched set.
V =volume (mL) of sample + reagent water that was colored [typically 50]
FV =final volume (mL) after digestion [typically 100]
CV =volume (mL) of sample that was colored [typically50]
If you used 10 mL diluted to 50 with reagent water, A=10
SV =original volume of sample that was digested [typically 50]
5. The use of “color” blanks (if the sample has appreciable color
following digestion)
Some plants analyze samples that seasonally develop color due to algae or other
things. This type of color in a sample will register background absorbance on the
phosphorus analysis and therefore must be subtracted from the true sample
signal. This requires determining the absorbance of a “color blank”.
Concentration Absorbance
0 0
0.25 0.058
0.5 0.130
1.0 0.291
Slope= 3.38212347
Intercept= 0.03249071
Correlation coefficient= 0.99765256
mean 0.11714
st. dev 0.00488
t-value 3.143= from table based
on # replicates
MDL 0.01534= t-value x std
LOD 0.01534= roughly= to MDL
LOQ 0.05112= 10/3x the LOD
Aim :
To determine the amount of B.O.D. exerted by the given sample(s).
The Biochemical Oxygen Demand (B.O.D.) of sewage or of polluted water is the
matter to occur under aerobic condition and at the standardized time and
temperature. Usually, the time is taken as 5 days and the temperature 20°C as
The B.O.D. test is among the most important method in sanitary analysis to
required for the successful disposal of sewage by dilution. The test has its widest
The test consists in taking the given sample in suitable concentrations in dilute
water in B.O.D. bottles. Two bottles are taken for each concentration and three
concentrations are used for each sample. One set of bottles is incubated in a
B.O.D. incubator for 5 days at 20°C; the dissolved oxygen (initial) content (D1)
in the other set ofbottles will be determined immediately. At the end of 5 days,
the dissolved oxygen content (D2) in the incubated set of bottles is determined.
P = decimal fraction of sample used.
D1= dissolved oxygen of diluted sample (mg/L), immediately after preparation.
D2= dissolved oxygen of diluted sample (mg/L), at the end of 5 days incubation
Among the three values of B.O.D. obtained for a sample select that
dilution showing the residual dissolved oxygen of at least 1 mg/L and a
depletion of at least 2 mg/L. If two or more dilutions are showing the
same condition then select the B.O.D. value obtained by that dilution in
which the maximum dissolved oxygen depletion is obtained.
1. B.O.D. bottles 300 mL capacity
2. B.O.D. incubator
3. Burette
4. Pipette
5. Air compressor
6. Measuring cylinder etc.
1. Distilled water
2. Phosphate buffer solution
3. Magnesium sulphate solution
4. Calcium chloride solution
5. Ferric chloride solution
6. Acid and alkali solution
7. Seeding
8. Sodium sulphite solution
9. Reagents required for the determination of D.O.
1. Place the desired volume of distilled water in a 5 litre flask (usually about 3
litres of distilled water will be needed for each sample).
4. Saturate the dilution water in the flask by aerating with a supply of clean
compressed air for at least 30 minutes.
5. Highly alkaline or acidic samples should be neutralised to pH 7.
6. Destroy the chlorine residual in the sample by keeping the sample exposed to
air for 1 to 2 hours or by adding a few mL of sodium sulphite solution.
8. Add the required quantity of sample (calculate for 650 mL dilution water the
required quantity of sample for a particular concentration) into a 1000 mL
measuring cylinder. Add the dilution water up to the 650mL mark.
10. Add this solution into two B.O.D. bottles, one for incubation and the other for
determination of initial dissolved oxygen in the mixture.
11. Prepare in the same manner for other concentrations and for all the other
12. Lastly fill the dilution water alone into two B.O.D. bottles. Keep one for
incubation and the other for determination of initial dissolved oxygen.
13. Place the set of bottles to be incubated in a B.O.D. incubator for 5 days at
20°C. Care should be taken to maintain the water seal over the bottles
throughout the period of incubation.
14. Determine the initial dissolved oxygen contents in the other set of bottles
and note down the results.
15. Determine the dissolved oxygen content in the incubated bottles at the end
of 5 days and note down the results.
To determine the Chemical Oxygen Demand (C.O.D.) for given sample.
used. This allows the use of larger samples. Thus, each ml of 0.25 N solution
dichromate against ferrous ammonium sulphate. Blanks are used also treated
1. Reflux apparatus
2. Burettes
3. Pipettes
5. Attach the flask to the condenser and start the cooling water.
6. Add the remaining acid reagent (70 mL) through the open end of
condenser and mix well.
9. Dilute the mixture to about twice its volume and cool to room
10.Titrate the excess dichromate with standard ferrous ammonium sulphate
using ferroin indicator (2 to 3 drops).
11.The colour change from blue green to reddish indicates the end point.
(V1 - V2) N x 8000
mg/L C.O.D. =
V1 = mL ferrous ammonium sulphate used for blank
V2 = mL ferrous ammonium sulphate used for sample
N = normality of ferrous ammonium sulphate
V = volume of sample used.
13. Test for Coliforms in Water
To find the Most Probable Number (MPN) of bacterial density by E.coli test.
Coliform group comprises of all the aerobic, facultative and anaerobic gram-
negative non-spore forming rod shaped bacteria that ferment lactose with gas
formation within 48 hours at 35°C. The standard test for this group may be
fermenting lactose with the production of acid and gas at 35°C in less than 48
incapable of producing acetyl methyl carbinol, and which gives a positive methyl
red test. The results are expressed in terms of MPN (Most Probable Number),
which is based on certain probability formulae. The estimate may give a value
greater than the actual number of coliform present. The accuracy of any single
test depends on the number of tubes fermented. This method helps in describing
The safety of the water is generally judged from the knowledge of sanitary
1. Fermentation tubes
2. Petri dishes
3. Autoclave
4. Incubator
5. Test tubes
6. Pipettes
7. Measuring jars
8. Inoculating equipments
9. Media preparation utensils etc.
1. Lactose broth
4. Endo agar
Clean and sterilise all the glasswares.
Presumptive Test
will vary in size and number with the character of the water under
lactose or lauryl tryptose broth which has been prepared with twice the
and 0.1 mL of water into small tubes (two sets of three each) of single
24±2 hrs shake each tube gently and examine and if no gas is formed,
the tubes. Formation within 48±3 hrs of gas in any amount in the inverted
Confirmed Test
1. Lactose or lauryl tryptose broth may be used for primary fermentation in
presumptive test to avoid false positive results.
2. Brilliant green lactose bile broth fermentation tubes are used in confirmed
3. Submit all primary fermentation tubes showing any amount of gas at the
end of 24 hrs incubation to the confirmed test.
4. Gently shake primary fermentation tube showing gas formation and with a
sterile metal loop, transfer one loop full of medium to a fermentation tube
containing brilliant green lactose bile broth.
5. Incubate the inoculated brilliant green lactose bile broth tube for 48±3 hrs
at 35±0.5°C.
6. The formation of gas in any amount in the inverted vial of the brilliant
green lactose bile broth fermentation tube at any time within 48±3 hrs
constitutes a positive confirmed test.
1. Streak one or more endo or Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB) agar plates
(taken in Petri dishes) from each tube of brilliant green lactose bile broth
showing gas.
3. Insert the end of the streaking needle into the liquid in the tube to a
depth of 5mm.
4. Streak the plate by bringing only the curved section of the needle in
contact with the agar surface so that the latter will not be scratched or
7. From each of these plates fish out one or two colonies and transfer to
lauryl tryptose broth fermentation tubes and to nutrient agar slants.
8. Incubate the secondary broth tubes and agar slants at 35 ± 0.5°C for 24
± 2 hrs or 48 ± 3 hrs and if gas is not produced in 24 hrs gram stained
preparation from these agar slant cultures are made.
9. The gas formation in the secondary lauryl tryptose broth tubes and the
demonstration of gram-negative non-spore forming rod shaped bacteria in
agar culture may be considered a satisfactory positive completed test.
10.If after 48 ± 3 hrs gas is produced in the secondary fermentation tubes
and no spore of gram positive rod are found on the slant, the test may be
considered as positive completed test and this demonstrates the presence
of coliform organisms.
Differentiation of E. coli and A. aerogenes on eosin or EMB agar can be
done by referring the following table.
Differentiation of E.coli and A. aerogenes on eosin or EMB agar
Gram Staining
2. Air-dry or fix by passing the slide through a flame and stain for 1minute
with ammonium oxalate-crystal violet solution.
3. Rinse the slide in tap water and then apply Lugol's solution for 1minute.
6. Counter-stain with safranin for 15 seconds and then rinse with tap water.
7. Blot dry with blotting paper and view through the microscope.
8. Cells that decolorise and accept the safranin stain are pink and are
defined as gram negative. Cells that do not decolorise but retain the
crystal violet stain (deep blue) are defined as gram positive.
Computation of MPN
The number of positive finding of coliform group organisms resulting from the
(MPN). The MPN for the variety of planting series are presented in table in
Appendix III. The values are at the 95% confidence limit for each of the MPN
determined. These values are prepared for 10,1 and 0.1mL combination. If the
combination is 100, 10, 1mL, the MPN is 0.1 times the value in the table. If on
The MPN for combination not appearing on the table or for other combinations of
tubes and dilutions, may be estimated by Thomas' simple formula:
Case (i)
For three each of 10 mL, 1 mL and 0.1 mL sample concentration
MPN from the MPN table (Appendix-III) = .........
Case (ii)
For other combinations and dilutions
MPN/100 mL = .........
Determination of Odour
Determination of Colour
relating to water and waste water which enables him to provide detailed
4. Do not blow out the last drop from the pipette. When the liquid has drained
out completely, touch the tip of the pipette to the inner surface of the vessel.
10. Do read the level of the curve (meniscus), in all volumetric glassware, with
the eye at approximately the same level as the curve of solution.
4. Students should bring a notebook of about 200 pages and should enter the
readings/observations/results into the notebook while performing the
5. The record of the program(s) executed, results along with the description
and algorithm performed in the immediate previous session should be
submitted and certified by the staff member in-charge.
7. After completion of the lab work students should shut down the syste
9. Students should be present in the labs for the total scheduled duration.
Horseplay will not be tolerated and will constitute grounds for dismissal
from the course.