Expectation-Maximization-Based Channel Estimation Algorithm For OFDM Visible Light Communication Systems
Expectation-Maximization-Based Channel Estimation Algorithm For OFDM Visible Light Communication Systems
Expectation-Maximization-Based Channel Estimation Algorithm For OFDM Visible Light Communication Systems
The tremendous growth of indoor communication requires increased capacity and appropriate quality of services. Visible light communi-
ca-tion (VLC) is a green technology that shows great promise in terms of its ability to meet the demand for communication services.
Orthogo-nal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) enables VLC to provide a higher data rate and to combat inter-symbol interference.
However, an accurate and efficient channel estimation method is needed for coherent demodulation at the receiver end of an OFDM sys-
tem. In this paper, a new algorithm for OFDM-based VLC systems is proposed. The algorithm is based on expectation maximization and
is called the expectation maximization for visible light communication (EM-VLC) algorithm. The algorithm is implemented to find the
maximum-likelihood (ML) estimation of the channel impulse response and to find unknown parameters. In addition, a low-rank mini-
mum mean square error (lr-MMSE) estimator algorithm is developed and its performance is compared with least squares (LS) and mini-
mum mean square error (MMSE) estimators. The proposed EM-VLC algorithm improves the performance of OFDM VLC systems by
significantly reducing the bit error rate (BER) and consequently increasing system throughput. The simulation results demonstrate that
the EM-VLC algorithm outper-forms the three channel estimation algorithms, LS, MMSE and lr-MMSE.
Keywords: Bit Error Rate; Channel Estimation; Expectation Maximization; Optical OFDM Visible Light Communication.
OFDM. The channel estimation methods in OWC are training- In this section, the OFDM-based VLC system is presented togeth-
sequence-based and can be performed by utilizing least squares er with its channel model. The OFDM VLC system is illustrated
(LS) or minimum mean square error (MMSE) algorithms [15] as in Fig. 1. The typical OFDM signal is bipolar and complex, so it is
well as other modified MMSE algorithms, such as low-rank min- impossible to transmit such a signal via an optical wireless chan-
imum mean square error (lr-MMSE) algorithms [16]. Furthermore, nel using intensity modulated/direct detection (IM/DD). In VLC,
some other methods that have been proposed for purposes other the signal must be unipolar and real. Thus, Hermitian symmetry in
than channel estimation could also be used for channel estimation. the inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) and a DC-bias current
These methods, which were proposed in [17] and [18], aimed to are needed to make the signal real and positive, respectively. This
overcome the nonlinearities in OFDM VLC systems, including the is referred to as the DC-biased optical OFDM (DCO-OFDM)
peak to average power ratio (PAPR). scheme [26].
In [6], a method that combines discrete Fourier transformation In the VLC system, a LED serves as a transmitter and a PD acts as
(DFT) with post-processing and LS, called DFT-LS, was proposed a receiver. The number of multipath components is large and the
for DCO-OFDM with the aim of improving system performance propagation channel varies temporally due to the movement of
by eliminating the noise beyond the maximum delay of the chan- users and other natural propagation processes of light, such as
nel. The method uses a LS approach for channel estimation with a reflection and diffraction. The noise due to background light can
comb-type pilot arrangement and linear interpolation. While DFT- be exhibited as additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) within the
LS performs better than the ordinary LS estimator in terms of model. There is no interference with other RF communication
BER at different orders of constellation, it is less accurate than an systems [27].
MMSE estimator is. [19].
In [7], an adaptive channel estimation method based on a LS dis-
crete Fourier transform (LS-DFT) and orthogonal matching pur-
suit (OMP) was proposed as a means to enhance the reliability of
asymmetrically clipped DC-biased optical (ACO-OFDM) VLC
systems. The first part of the algorithm is similar to that proposed
in [6] in which a post-process DFT-LS/LS-DFT is used to obtain
the channel response in the frequency domain after eliminating the
noise effect [16]. The second part of the algorithm is an iterative
greedy OMP algorithm that is used to obtain the channel response
in the time domain. The results show that LS-DFT achieves a
better BER than the DFT-LS presented in [6]. However, an addi-
tional computational cost is incurred. The results of an investiga-
tion into the differences between DCO-OFDM and ACO-OFDM
in VLC systems can be found in [20].
In [8], an adaptive and specific grid-type pilot arrangement was Fig. 1: Block Diagram of DCO-OFDM VLC System.
proposed as a way to evaluate the channel response in DCO-
OFDM VLC systems. This method is based on sending known At the transmitter end of the system, the mapping to an M-QAM
subcarriers from the transmitter in one or more OFDM symbols to constellation has to be done before the Hermitian symmetry, X H,
the receiver. At the receiver, the channel response can be found by is applied. The IFFT operation results in 2N points in the frequen-
estimating the subcarrier changes. The use of more pilots can im- cy domain. Then, the modulated OFDM symbol vector, x, in the
prove channel estimation, but such an approach sacrifices trans- time domain, xm, is converted from parallel to serial (P/S), adding
mission capacity. However, in this method, fewer pilot insertions the CP and digital-to-analogue (D/A) conversion, as shown in
are needed, so it has better transmission capacity than methods Equation (1):
that use training symbols (block-type pilots). Moreover, this
2 N 1 2hm
method can adapt the pilot tones according to the BER perfor-
1 j
xm H ,h e N for 0 m 2 N 1
mance, at the cost, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) cannot maintain N h 0 (1)
the transmission. In [9], a more recent work, an adaptive statistical
channel estimation of Bayesian MMSE was proposed in which the Where h is the hth-subcarrier symbol of XH.
variable statistic window is exploited, but this approach has high The bipolar and real value of OFDM, xt, is obtained in the time
computational complexity. domain. Then, the DC bias is applied to obtain a new unipolar or
In this paper, a new algorithm for OFDM-based VLC systems is positive signal as an input to the LED. Finally, the signal derives
proposed. It is based on EM and is called the expectation maximi- the LED that can convert the electrical signal into an optical inten-
zation for visible light communication (EM-VLC) algorithm. In sity. With the PD acting as a receiver, the signal can be directly
addition, a lr-MMSE algorithm is developed for OFDM VLC detected. The reverse process is carried out in addition to channel
systems. The proposed EM-VLC algorithm is an iterative method estimation to retrieve the original transmitted signal. The output
for computing the maximum-likelihood (ML) channel estimation received signal of the channel can be expressed as:
and finding unknown parameters. It consists of two steps: the first
step involves expectation (E) for unknown parameters and the y(n) x(n) h(n) w(n)
second step involves maximization (M) to maximize the expecta- (2)
tion of the log-likelihood function. The EM algorithm has been
widely used in RF for channel estimation, for instance in [21 - 25]. Where h (n) is the channel impulse response. It is assumed that the
However, EM for indoor VLC is different from that for conven- channel is linear and 2N is the received time-domain signal length.
tional RF due to several limitations, and it is these limitations that An AWGN channel is represented by w (n).
motivated the present study. The simulation results of the pro- Then, the output in the frequency domain is obtained, in which the
posed algorithm demonstrate its ability to significantly reduce the FFT of h (n) and w (n) in Equation (2) becomes H (k) and W (k)
BER. Moreover, it is a powerful channel estimation solution for in Equation (3), respectively, as follows:
OFDM VLC systems.
Y (k ) X (k ) H (k ) W (k ) k 0,....,N 1 (3)
3. The system model
3.2. Channel estimation
3.1. The OFDM VLC system
2640 International Journal of Engineering & Technology
Channel estimation is the key feature of the OFDM VLC system. Where E [•] is the expectation operator. First, it is expected that to
The received signal is influenced by the channel characteristics determine the estimator value L, to obtain the MMSE channel
and an accurate channel estimation is needed to recover the origi- estimation. Therefore, the value of L must be satisfied by Equation
nal transmitted bits [28]. Thus, channel estimation is an essential (9) below:
part of OFDM systems. A good channel estimation algorithm
should have both low complexity and high accuracy. Generally, L arg min ( L)
two common techniques can be employed for channel estimation. L (9)
The first involves using training symbols when pilots (known In a similar manner to LS, MMSE uses differentiation and sets to
information) are sent when no data is being sent. The second in- zero with respect to each channel coefficient L, as below:
volves using pilot aided where the pilot inserted together with the
data. In the frequency domain, the pilot spacing depends on the
( H LY )( H LY ) H 0
frequency coherence, which is related to the delay spread, so it (10)
must be determined carefully [29].
In the VLC system, the shadowing effect can be alleviated by By solving Equation (10), the value of operator L can be obtained
using numerous LEDs. However, increasing the number of LEDs as
aggravates the multipath effect, which leads to ISI. Inter-symbol
interference is a significant issue in OFDM VLC systems because RH X H
it can reduce the system’s data rate as well as its BER [30]. Hence XRH X H RW
channel estimation is a critical issue and achieving coherent de-
modulation is a challenging task. The two common channel esti- Where RW = E [WWH] is the covariance matrix of noise, RH = E
mation methods for OFDM VLC systems – LS and MMSE – are [HHH] is the covariance matrix of the channel coefficient in the
described below. Then, the lr-MMSE estimator developed for this frequency domain and σ2 is the noise variance. Thus, the MMSE
work is presented. channel estimation can be expressed as
3.2.1. Least squares RH X H
The main reason for using the LS algorithm is to find an optimal
estimator for the unknown parameters by minimizing the LS er-
rors [31]. Generally, LS is used to get an initial channel estimation
at the pilot subcarriers [32]. The channel statistical model in the
2 1
frequency domain for the OFDM VLC system can be modelled as RH
Y XH W (4)
From Equation (12), it is can be seen that the MMSE channel
Where the Gaussian noise is denoted by W with variance σ2. estimation method mitigates the channel noise effects relatively
better than the LS method. However, in the MMSE method more
Then, the input matrix is X = diag({Xk}). To find the LS channel prior knowledge is needed about the channel coefficient matrix
estimation, the sum of the square errors of channel estimation is (auto-covariance) and noise covariance matrix, RH and RW, re-
computed in the frequency domain. By using differentiation and spectively. In practice, these unknown parameters of channel fre-
setting Equation (4) to zero with each channel coefficient H, the quency response make MMSE channel estimation almost impos-
LS channel estimation in the frequency domain can be calculated sible in real time [29]. Therefore, the MMSE method has greater
as follows: complexity than the LS method.
H LS 3.2.3. Low-rank minimum mean square error
X (5)
The low-rank approximation for MMSE channel estimation de-
The channel estimation objective and estimation error can be veloped for this paper simplifies the computational process of
found by substituting Equation (4) into Equation (5): MMSE to reduce complexity in three ways. The first simplifica-
H 1
tion involves replacing ( XX ) by its expectation E {( XX ) } .
H 1
H LS H It is assumed that the constellations of the signal on all tones are
X (6)
the same and that there is an equal probability on all constellation
points, thus:
Where W/X is the estimated error and H is the objective of chan-
nel estimation. The LS is simple and easy to implement. However, 2
it has low accuracy. E {( XX H ) 1} E
1X I
k (13)
3.2.2. Minimum mean square error
Where I represents the identity matrix.
The main aim of using the MMSE algorithm is to develop an op- This defines the mean SNR as
timal estimator for finding the unknown parameters by minimizing
the mean square error (MSE). Defining the linear estimator opera- SNR E{ X k } / 2
H MMSE LY E{ X k }E 1 X
( L) ( H H MMSE )
The singular value decomposition (SVD) is performed over Her-
mitian RH :
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 2641
quency channel response. Then, the ML of the transmitted signal is presented. Figure 2 shows the BER produced by the proposed
can be expressed as algorithm when using a FFT size of 64 and a pilot spacing of 8.
The proposed algorithm performs better than the other three chan-
X (n) arg min | Y (n) H (n) X (n) |2 nel estimation methods, LS, MMSE and Ir-MMSE. This is due to
X M , 0 n 2N 1 (26)
the fast convergence of the EM-VLC algorithm. A comparatively
low BER is achieved by the EM-VLC algorithm at different SNR
The final estimation of the transmitted signal, X, can be found by
values. As explained in section 4, and based on the analytical re-
Y ( n)
sults, the EM-VLC algorithm has less complexity than the MMSE
X (n) Quantization channel estimation method because the former can estimate un-
H ( n) , 0 n 2N 1 (27) known parameters (noise variance and channel covariance) and
retrieve transmitted bits.
Two factors that have a high impact on the performance of the The MMSE estimator requires prior knowledge of the channel
EM-VLC algorithm are the number of iterations and the initializa- covariance and noise variance. Furthermore, the MMSE estimator
tion step. Greater accuracy can be achieved with a greater number has higher complexity than the LS estimator. However, the LS
of iterations. However, as the number of iterations increases the estimator is less accurate than the MMSE estimator. Thus, the
complexity increases as well. Initialization can be performed ei- higher the SNR, the better the performance of the MMSE estima-
ther with pilot insertion or without pilots by using the statistical tor in comparison to the LS estimator.
properties of the signal, such as in direct decision channel estima- On the other hand, the enhanced lr-MMSE estimator is a modified
tion. In this paper, we use LS estimator pilot insertion for initiali- MMSE estimator and it has less complexity due to some simplifi-
zation, using a grid-type pilot as in [8] for a more appropriate cations, as explained in section 3.2.3. Thus this estimator is, in
initial value for X 0 . essence, a compromise between the MMSE and LS estimators in
It is possible to obtain results that are more accurate with pilot respect of performance and complexity. Therefore, the BER of the
insertion [38], and less time is required for convergence. On the lr-MMSE estimator lies between that of the MMSE and LS esti-
other hand, a direct decision is undesirable in real-time estimation mators. The worst BER occurs when no channel estimation meth-
because the data detection of the current estimation relies on the od is applied.
previous OFDM symbol, then the new detected data is used for the In this paper, the highest BER at all SNR values occurs when no
estimation of the current channel [39]. Practically, the EM-VLC channel estimation is used, while the lowest BER at all SNR val-
algorithm is a highly robust technique for channel estimation ues occurs when the EM-VLC algorithm is used. For example, at a
when the available data are incomplete. This is because it has high SNR of 13 dB, the proposed EM-VLC algorithm has a BER of 10-
accuracy and less complexity compared to other channel estima- 1. This value shows a gain of [1], [2]. [5] And [3] dB of BER over
tion methods. the other channel estimation methods, MMSE, lr-MMSE and LS,
5. Simulation results and discussion
5.1. Simulation setup
Fig. 5: Comparative BER Performance for 512 FFT and Pilot Spacing of
It is also clear from Fig. 7 that the BER increases when the QAM
order increases for each channel estimation algorithm. For in-
stance, with 16-QAM the performance of the MMSE estimator is
better than that of the LS estimator; the MMSE estimator can
achieve the same BER of 10-1 but at a lower SNR of 3 dB. In other
words, the higher the SNR, the better the performance of the
MMSE estimator compared to the LS estimator. Moreover, the LS
estimator is susceptible to channel noise and variance in the esti-
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