Sr. No Experiment List For Fluid Mechanics-Ii Lab Experiment NO
Sr. No Experiment List For Fluid Mechanics-Ii Lab Experiment NO
Sr. No Experiment List For Fluid Mechanics-Ii Lab Experiment NO
Object: - To determine the co-efficient of drag by Stroke’s Law for spherical bodies
Theory: - When a small sphere falls freely in a viscous medium, the following three forces act on
the sphere.
1. Gravity force (W)
2. Upward Force (U) due to buoyancy
3. Drag force (FD )
The sphere initially accelerates under gravity. Gradually, the drag force increases and a stage is
raised at some depth below the free surface at which the drag force is equal to the net downward
force (W-U). At this stage there is no acceleration and the velocity of the sphere becomes constant.
This velocity is called the terminal velocity (V).
Now FD = W-U
or FD = D3 (ws-w)
= D3 (ρs-ρ)g
ws is the specific weight of the sphere material (=ρsg), and
w is the specific weight of the fluid (=ρg),
The co-efficient of drag (CD) can be expressed as
A (ρ V2/2)
( D2/4) (ρV2/2)
or CD = 4D (ρs-ρ)g Eq. (1)
3ρ V
The terminal velocity V is determined from the recorded time during which the sphere travels
though the marked distance L. Because stokes ‘Law is applicable when the fluid medium is infinite,
a correction is required for a finite medium, such as glycerin in the cylinder. The correction is given
V = V’[1+2.4 {D/D1)]
D1 is the diameter of the cylinder; D is the diameter of spherical ball.
V’ is the measured velocity
V is the corrected velocity.
CD, the coefficient of drag is also given by:-
CD = 24 Eq. (2)
Knowing D, ws w ρ, and, the value of CD can be calculated from Eq (2) and compared with
the theoretical value given by Eq. (1)
1. Measure the diameter (D) of the spherical balls, Record the specific weights (or
mass densities of the sphere material (ws) and glycerine (w). Measure the
diameter (D1) of the cylinder.
2. Fill the cylinder with the liquid (Glycerine) and close its mouth with a cork.
Insert the brass tube into the cork.
3. Mark two lines on the cylinder so that the vertical distance (L) is adequate for the
measurement of the terminal velocity. The upper line should be at a depth of
100mm or more below the bottom of the brass tube so that the terminal velocity
is achieved.
4. Release a ball into the brass tube carefully so that it does not touch the walls of
the tube
Note. If a brass tube is not available, the ball be released directly into the
5. When the steel ball crosses the upper line, start the stop watch.
6. Note the time taken by the ball to reach the lower line.
7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 for balls of different diameters but of the same material.
Mass density of fluid (Glycerine) = 1262.70 Kg/m3
Kinematic Viscosity of fluid (v) = 1174.40 x 10-6 m2/sec.
Dynamic viscosity of fluid (μ ) = 1188.00 x 10-3 N-s/m2
Object: - To determine the critical Reynold’s no. for flow through commercial pipes.
Equipment: - Supply tank with Elliptical bell mouth entry, coloured dye injector arrangement,
Perspex tube with means of varying flow rate and collecting tank.
Theory: - Depending upon the relative magnitudes of viscous and inertial forces, flow can occur in
two different manner viz laminar flow and turbulent flow. In laminar flow viscous effect are more
predominant than the inertial effects. But when shear and normal stresses are added with the increase
in velocity of flow the flow is turbulent. To identify the laminar and turbulent ranges of flow a
dimensionless parameter is being utilized which is measure of the relative importance of inertial
force and viscous force prevailing in the flow of a liquid, which is known as Reynolds number. It is
equal to the ratio of inertial force to the viscous force unit volume. This mean that a large value of
Reynolds number signifies conditions, equipment first used by Professor Osborne Reynolds after
whose name Reynold’s number exists.
The motion is laminar or turbulent according as the value of Re is less than or greater than a
certain value. If a liquid such as water is allowed to flow through a glass tubes, and if one of the
liquid filament is made visible by means of dye, then by watching this filament we may get insight
in to the actual behaviour of the liquid as it moves along. After the water in the supply tank has stood
for several hours to allow it to come completely to rest. The out let value is slightly opened. The
central thread of dye carried along by the slow stream of water in the glass tube is seen to be nearly
as steady and well defined as the indicating column in an alcohol thermometer. But when as a result
of further opening of the value, the water velocity passes a specific limit, a change occurs, the rigid
thread of ye begins to break up and to group momentarily ill defined. The moment the dye deviates
from its straight line pattern corresponds to the condition when the flow in the conduit is no longer in
laminar conditions. The discharge Q flowing in the conduit at this moment is measured and the
Reynold’s number = 4Q/ dυ (in which d is the diameter of the conduit and υ is the Kinematic
viscosity of water) is computed. This is the lower critical Reynolds number. Finally, at high
velocities is the dye mixes completely with the water and the coloured mixtures fills the tube.
1. Note down the relevant dimensions as diameter of Perspex tube, Area of collecting tank,
room temperature etc.
2. By maintaining suitable amount of steady flow or near by steady flow in the Perspex tube,
open inlet of the dye tank so that dye stream moves as a straight line in the tube which
represents the laminar flow.
3. The discharge flowing in the Perspex tube is recorded.
4. This procedure is repeated for other values of discharge.
5. By increasing the velocity of flow in the Perspex tube, again open the inlet of dye tank so
that the eye stream begins to break up in the tube which shows fluid is no more in the laminar
conditions. Hence transition stage occurs.
6. The discharge flowing in the Perspex tube is recorded.
7. This procedure is repeated for other values of discharge.
8. On further increase in the velocity of flow in the Perspex tube, again open the inlet of dye
tank so that dye mixes completely in the tube which shows fluid is no more in the transition
stage, Hence turbulent flow occurs in the tube.
9. The discharge flowing in the Perspex tube is recorded.
10. This procedure is repeated for other values of discharge.
Inner diameter of conduit D = 2.5cm
Room temperature E =
Kinematic viscosity of water υ =
Area of collecting tank = cm2
Object: - To determine co-efficient of discharge of broad crested weir, and relationship between Q
and H.
Apparatus: - Pointer gauge, stopwatch, Scale
Q= Cd Bh [2g (H-h)1/2
cd = Coefficient of discharge if B.C.W.
L = Length of broad crest weir
D = Depth of water at before entering crest of weir
B = Width of B.C.W
1. Conditions to work as a broad crest weir
B >2.5 H and B < 10 H
2. Maximum discharge form B.C.W, will be available when h=2/3H
1. Locate a section in the channel upstream of the weir where the water surface will have
almost no curvature even at the maximum discharge. This can be done by opening the
sluice gate fully and observing the water sure face.
2. Adjust the position of the sluice gate and when the flow becomes steady take the pointer
gauge reading for the water surface elevation at the section fixed in step (1) above.
3. Measure the discharge.
4. Repeat step (1) and (3) for other different positions of the sluice gate i.e discharge.
Plot (1) H V/s Q (H on x axis) on a log-log graph paper fit in a straight line with a slope of 1.5 to
the data points estimate value of c in equation.
The value of co-efficient of discharge is___________________.
Object: - To study the characteristics of Hydraulic jump of horizontal floor and sloping glacis
Theory: - When super critical flow meets sub critical flow where forms which are known as
hydraulic jump which is accompanied by violent turbulence, eddy formation air entrainment and
surface undulations. Hydraulic jump is very useful means to dissipate to excess energy of flowing
water which otherwise would cause damage downstream. Consider the flow situations in which
section 1 is in super critical zone and section 2 is in sub critical zone. Assuming the channel bed to
be 2 dimensional, one can write using moment equation P1-P2 = Pq (v2-v1)--------------- (1)
Where q = Q1/B in which B is width of chanel and P represents the hydraulic static force
writing down the values of P1 and P2 for rectangular channel in Eq. (1) get
Pgh12/2- Pgh22/2 = pg (v2-v1) --------------- (2)
Continuity eqn. q= v2h2 = v1h1-------------------- (3)
Combined eqn. (2) and (3) and then solving fo h2/h1
h2/h1 = 1 1 8 Fr12
In which Fr1 = and is termed as Froud’s no. of the incoming flow at section (1) h2 and h1 are
related by eq. (4) are known as conjugate or sequent depth. A jump from eq. (4) is satisfied because
of eddies and flow declaration that accompany the jump. Consider head loss occurs. This loss hx may
calculated by using energy eqn.
hx = (h1+v12/2g) – (h2 + v22/2g)-----------(5)
from eq. (3) and (5), it can be shown that
hx = (h2-h1)3/4h1h2
Ht. of jump is defined as difference between the depth after & before the jump.
Experimental setup:- it consists of a walled rectangular flume having a sluice gate at the inlet end,
a tail gate at the downstream end and top rails for the moments of pointer gauge. A sluice valve is
provided near the outlet end of supply pipe.Scale is also required.
1. Adjust the supply valve, sluice gate and the tail gate so that these form a stable hydraulic
jump in the flume.
2. Take the pointer gauge reading for bed level and water waves elevations at pre-jump section
and post jump section
3. Measure the discharge
4. Repeat steps (1) to (3) for other positions of valve, sluice gate and tail gate.
Dimensions of collecting tank =
Width of channel sec. B=
Run Discharge Measurement Pre Post V1= h2/h1 V2= Fri= E1= E2=
No. jump jump Q/BH1 Q/Bh2 v1 h1 v2
Depth Depth h2
+v 2
Initial Final Time t Discharge H1 H2 gh 1
level H1 level Q
Object:- To study the scouring phenomenon around a bridge pier model
Apparatus:- A tilting bed flume, Model of pier, A pointer gauge, a scale
Theory:- Scour around obstructions like bridge pier is a local phenomenon arising out of three
dimensional suppression of flow upstream of the obstruction giving use to horse shoe vortex system.
This horse shoe vortex system is responsible for removing the material from upstream of the pier and
releasing it in suspension at the rear of the pier thus causing the scouring around the pier. Thus
foundation for bridge pier in an erodible river bed should be deep enough to provide minimum
anchorage length for the safety of the foundation.
1. Initially level the sand bed across and along the direction of flow
2. Switch on the motor. Allow the water to flow in the flume so that the velocity is closed to
incipient condition, by opening the tailgate i.e by decreasing the flow depth of channel. The
incipient motion can be visually observed by noting the movement of bed material
3. Now pier model is placed symmetrically inside the flume as per the equipmental setup as
shown in fig.1
4. The experiment is run for 1 hour.
5. The tail gate is closed completely and the motor is switched off to stop the flow in the flume.
6. Allow the water to drain off slowly by opening the tail gate slightly so that scour pattern
developed is not disturbed.
7. Note down the scour profile by making a grid and plot it on a graph sheet.
8. Repeat the experiment with different shapes of pier model.
Dimension of Model =
Discharge in the channel =
Incipient velocity of flow =
Flow depth in the channel =
Characteristics of bed material =
Object: - To study the scouring phenomenon for flow past a spur.
Apparatus: - A tilting bed flume, model plates of spur, a pointer gauge, a scale
Theory: - Spurs are the structures constructed transverse to the river flow extending from the bank
into the river. These are aligned either perpendicular to the bank line or at an angle pointing
upstream or downstream. These are most widely used in river training works.
Functions of spur:
1. Protects riverbank
2. Improves river depth
3. Trains the river flow in certain distance
4. Silting up area in the vicinity
Types of spur: These are classified according to methods & material of construction, height of spur,
function served etc.
1. Initially level the sand bed across and along the direction of flow.
2. Switch on the motor. Allow the water to flow in the flume so that the velocity is closed to
incipient condition by opening the tailgate in order to decrease the flow depth of channel.
The incipient motion can be visually observed by noting the movement of bed material
3. Take the MS plate model of a spur length 10cm and height 20cm. Fix it on the one side of
steel flume keeping it perpendicular to the direction of flow. It is called as deflecting spur.
4. The experiment is run for one hour
5. The tailgate is closed completely and motor is switched off to stop the flow in the flume.
6. Allow the water top drain off slowly by opening the tailgate slightly so that scour pattern
developed is not disturbed.
7. Note down the scour profile by making a grid and plot it on a graph sheet.
8. Repeat the experiment with different orientations of spur with respect to the direction flow.
Dimension of model =
Discharge in the channel =
Incipient velocity of flow =
Flow depth in the channel =
Characteristics of bed material =
Object:- To draw the performance characteristics of centrifugal pump operating at various heads,
flow rates and speed.
Apparatus:- Centrifugal pump with energy meter and spring balance (dial type), control valves, ,
pressure gauge, vacuum gauge, rump tank and measuring tank.
Theory:- A plumb may be defined as mechanical device which interpose in pipe line, converts the
mechanical energy supplied to it from external source into hydraulic energy thus resulting in the
flow of liquid from lower potential to higher potential. In centrifugal pump, the liquid in made to
rotate in a closed chamber which is called volute caring. Thus creation centrifugal action, which
gradually builds pressure gradient towards outlet, thus resulting the continuous flow of liquid
1. Fill the rump tank with clean water.
2. Select the desired speed for pump using speed controller knob in increasing order.
3. Now, for a particular value of a charge opening note down the value of suction pressure and
delivery pressure.
4. Using hopper fixed at a measuring tank, collect water in measuring tank for specific time and
calculate volumetric flow of water.
5. Note down the delivery head and suction head.
6. Note down the time taken for no. of rev. of energy meter disc.
7. Repeat the experiment for different speed of pump and repeat the step from 4 to 8
8. Calculate the result using formulas
1. The water in the pump should be free from foreign particles
2. Open both control valves at the delivery and suction line before switch on the mains
3. Always start from lower speed.
Area of collecting tank =
Diff. in elevation of Pressure & vacuum gauge =
Head =
3600 x no.of rv of energy meter x n m
Input =
energy meter constant x time
Output = (WwQH)
R.P.M Discharge Reading Gauge’s Reading Watt Input Output Efficiency 100
Initial Final Time Q Vacuum Pressure Head meter SHP BHP x input/output
(m) (m) (sec) (lit/sec) gauge gauge (H) reading %
reading reading (m) 5 Revo.
Experiment No 8:
Equipment used: -
Connecting tank, transparent cylinder, a nozzle of 10 mm dia, flat vane, a curved vane
and a set of weight
Momentum equation is based on Newton’s second law of motion which states that the
algebraic sum of external forces applied to control volume of fluid in any direction is
equal to the rate of change of moments in that direction, the external force include the
components of the weight of the fluid and of the force exerted externally upon the
boundary surface of the control volume.
If the vertical water jet moving with velocity V is made to strike a target, which is free
to move in the vertical direction, then a force will be exerted on the target by the
impact of jet. According to momentum equations this force (which is also equal to the
force required to bring back the target in its original position) must be equal to the rate
of change of momentum of the jet flow that direction.
Applying momentum equation in x direction
-Fx = ρQ [v X. Out –]
ρQ [v cosβ – V]
Fx = ρQv [1 - cosβ]
Here, ρ is the Mass Density, Q the Discharge through the Nozzle, V the Velocity at
the exit of nozzle i.e.(Q/a) and ‘a’ is the area of cross section of nozzle.
Fx= ………….
Fx= -------------------
Experiment procedure:
Note down the relevant dimension as area of collection tank, mass density of water
and dia of nozzle.
The flat plate is installed.
When the jet is not running, note down the position of upper disc.
The water supply is admitted to the nozzle and the flow rate is adjusted to its
maximum value.
As the jet strikes the vane, position of the upper disc is changed. Now place the weight
to bring back the upper disc to original position.
At this position find out the discharge as well as note down weights places on the
upper disc.The procedure is repeated for each value of flow rate by reducing the water
supply in steps.
The procedure is repeated with the installation if curved vane in the apparatus.
Observation and computation sheet:
i. Dia of nozzle (mm) =
Mass density of water p =
Area of collecting tank =
Area of nozzle, a =
Horizontal flat plate:
When jet is not running, position of upper case disc is at:
Run Discharge measurement Balancing Theoretical Error in %
No. Initial Final Time Discharge Mass Force force F’ = =F-F’
(cm) (cm) (sec) 3
(cm / sec) W F Q 2 F’
Q (gm) (dyne) a
Experiment No. 9:-
Objective: To determine the head loss due to various pipe fittings.
Equipment used:- A flow chart circuit of 25 mm dia with sudden enlargement from
25 mm dia to 50 mm dia and sudden contraction from 50 mm dia to 25 mm dia, with
25 mm dia, with a means of varying the flow rate, inverted U-tube differential
manometer, collecting tank.
Introduction and Theory: In long pipes, the major loss of energy in pipe flow is due
to friction while the minor losses are those which are caused on account of the change
in the velocity of flowing fluid. Losses due to changes in cross section are categorized
as minor losses. In short pipes minor losses something outweigh the friction losses.
The minor energy head loss H1 in terms of velocity head can be expressed as
HL= Kv2
where K is loss coefficient which of practically constant at high Reynolds number for
a particular flow geometry. V is velocity of flow in the pipe and g is acceleration due
to gravity.
For sudden enlargement value of K is (1-a/A)2
3. By maintaining suitable amount of steady flow in the pipe circuit, there stabilize
a steady non-uniform flow in the circuit. Time is allowed to stabiles the levels
in the two limbs of a manometer.
4. The flow rate is reduced in stage by means of flow control value and the
discharge & reading of manometer are recorded. This procedure is repeated by
closing the pressure taping of the fitting and opening of other fitting.
1. Apparatus should be in leveled condition.
2. Reading must be taken in steady or near by steady conditions.
3. There should be no initial difference of the water levels in the manometer limbs
was observed to be zero.
Observation & Calculations:-
Object: - To study the phenomenon of cavitation in pipe flow.
Apparatus: - The cavitation rig with a venturi made of Perspex to allow flow visualization. A 5 HP
pup draws water from a storage tank and pumps through the venturies which discharges it back to
the storage tank. A pressure gauge, water meter and Control valve are fitted before venturi. A
manometer is connected to the throat of the venturi to fine the pressure.
Theory: - When the pressure in a flowing liquid is reduced below the vapour pressure of the liquid,
the vapour cavities are formed. These cavities are transported by the liquid to regions of higher
pressure where they condense into water again causing the collapse of the water cavities. The liquid
implodes with high pressure. If the collapse of the cavities occurs very near to a solid boundary it
causes intense stresses of tension & compression on the boundary at small time intervals and cause
failures by fatigue. The boundary gats pitted. This process of formation, transportation and collapse
of paper cavities and the pitting it causes is called cavitation.
1.Switch on the Electric motor allowing water to flow through the venturi
2.Regulate the control valve so that there is cavity formation at the throat of venturi
3.Reduce the discharge by adjusting the control valve until the cavities disappear
4.Do verify adjustment of the control valve until the cavity just appear
5.Find the pressure at the throat of the venturi
Note: - Note the temperature of water and compare with paper pressure of water that temperature.