Certification by PCS:: Limits Prescribed Under Companies Act 2013
Certification by PCS:: Limits Prescribed Under Companies Act 2013
Certification by PCS:: Limits Prescribed Under Companies Act 2013
3 Independent Directors – Min. 2 Ind. Director for all Public companies having
Sec. 149 (4) i) paid up share capital of 10 crore rupees or more
ii) turnover of 100 crore rupees or more
iii) in aggregate, outstanding loans, debentures and deposits
exceeding 50 crore rupees.
4 Vigil Mechanism- a) Listed Company
b) Companies which accept deposits from the public
Sec 177(9) c) Companies which have borrowings from banks and public financial
institutions in excess of 50 crore rupees
6 OPC to convert itself into a Where paid up share capital of OPC exceeds 50 lakh or average annual
private co/ Small Company turnover during the relevant period exceeds 2 crore.
(Same limit for Small co definition also- “ Not to exceed these limits”)
7 Companies to have KMP- 1.Every Listed Company and
Sec. 203 2. Every other public company having a paid-up share capital of 10 crore
rupees or more. (For Co Secy alone, the limit is reduced to 5 crore paid up
8 Secretarial audit report 1. Every Listed Company or
Sec. 204 2. Public company having paid-up share capital of 50 crore or more or
3. Public company having a turnover of 250 crore or more.
9 Annual performance evaluation of 1.Every Listed Company
Board, Committee and individual 2. Every public limited company having Paid up capital of 25 crore or more.
10 Audit Committee & Nomination i) All listed Companies
and Remuneration Committee ii) All public companies with a paid up capital of 10 crore or more;
iii) All public companies having turnover of 100 crore or more;
iv) All public companies, having in aggregate, outstanding loans or
borrowings or debentures or deposits exceeding 50 crore or more
11. STAKEHOLDERS RELATIONSHIP Every company which has more than 1000 shareholders, deposit
COMMITTE holders or other security holders.
Compiled by: Cs Mohan Kumar, Practicing Company Secretary, Chennai [email protected]. 90030 12871
Compiled by: Cs Mohan Kumar, Practicing Company Secretary, Chennai [email protected]. 90030 12871