How Is ELECTRICITY Transmitted and Distributed

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Charity L.

I – Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students must have;
a. traced the path of electricity from the generating station, transmission station and residential
b. determined the changes of electric voltage from the generating station down to the distribution
station until electricity reach their homes.
c. internalized the significance of electricity in our daily activities.
Materials: Pictures, TV and laptop.
References: Science 9 Learner’s Module p.328-330
II – Subject Matter:
‘’ Transmission and Distribution of Electricity’’
III- Method: 5 E’s


A. Preparation
Checking of Attendance


Good morning class.

How are you this morning? Good morning ma’am.
Nice to hear that! Now class before we will proceed We’re good ma’am.
to our next topic lets have first a some sort of review about
Heat Engine through an activity. The title of this activity is
Okay! Just this morning class. I put several sticky
notes under your chairs. That means to say, some of you
right now are sitting on the HOT SEAT. So if you are one of
the lucky students sitting on the hot seat, you should be
ready to answer the following questions written in the sticky
notes regarding to our previous topic. Are you ready class!
Okay! In the count of 3. Go! And start checking the
underneath of your chair. Yes ma’am.
In 3-2-1 go!

All students that sitting on the HOT SEATS are Students do as told!
requested to be here in front.
Okay read your question first after, you answer.

 What are the four cycle stroke of a gasoline engine?


 What is the movement of piston during COMPRESSION


 A machine that turns the energy by the use of fuel into

force and motion is called ___.?
 Engine
 What do you call a device that changes thermal energy
into Mechanical work?
 Heat Engine.

Do you have any clarification about our last topic? None so far!
B. Motivation

Before going to our new topic this

morning class! I’ve prepared a video presentation for all of
you! And I want all of you to listen attentively and watch
the video carefully because later on I’ll call random names
to answer my questions. Is that all clear class? Yes ma’am.

What makes all this things possible class?
How the bulb produce lights as you turn it on?
What makes rice cooker, music box and television to
function? It’s because of the ELECTRICITY ma’am.

Very Good! Electricity make this things possible

to happen! As you turn on the lights it requires electricity
right? Yes ma’am.
Can you cook a rice in the rice cooker without electricity
Mark? No ma’am.
Yes we cannot! So rice cooker also needs electricity in
order to be a useful one.

Values Integration
In our everyday lifestyle and work class we always use
electricity. In many and just in simple ways like charging
our phones, cooking using a rice cooker, watching news in
the television, listening music using big speakers we have in
our house and etc.
All machines that can be found in our home class uses
Electricity to function and to be a useful one and to be
honest Electricity became the partner of human being from
the past generation and until this present.

C. Presentation
This time we already know that electricity played a
biggest and important role for us. But have you ever try
asking yourselves how does electricity transmitted and how
does electricity pass and reach from your home or individual
No maam.
Okay! If that is the case be with me this morning open
your mind, ears and eyes to capture and focus as we will
going to discuss the ‘’ TRANSMISSION AND
Everybody read!


Okay! Here’s our objectives for this morning discussion ELECTRICITY’’
class. Everybody read!
At the end of the lesson the students must have;
a. traced the path of electricity from
the generating station, transmission At the end of the lesson the students must have;
station and residential areas; a. traced the path of electricity from the
b. determined the changes of electric generating station, transmission station
voltage from the generating station and residential areas;
down to the distribution station b. determined the changes of electric
until electricity reach their homes. voltage from the generating station
c. internalized the significance of down to the distribution station until
electricity in our daily activities. electricity reach their homes.
c. internalized the significance of
In order to achieve this objectives class, I electricity in our daily activities.
have rules that must be followed. The RBTC rules
B ehavior.
T-ake more time to listen.

D. Engagement

Okay, I will divide you into two groups

class. Count one up to 2. Let’s start from Mark! None ma’am.
Now for the group 1 stay in the right side while the
group 2 in the left side. I’ll give you one minute to go to
your respective areas!

Time starts now!

This time. I will play a video presentation about

Electricity and I want you to trace the path of electricity Students do as told.
from the generating station - transmission station down to
the distribution of electricity in the households. Another
thing is I want you to pay attention with it and take down
some important details on the bond paper that I will be given
to you.
Is that all clear class!

(PLAY THE VIDEO PRESENTATION) Students do as told.

From the video I have played earlier class.

What generates the electricity?
Yes Ryan?

Very good! Power plant generates or produce

electricity. Now can you give me an Power plant ma’am.
example of a power plant that can be found in the
Philippines. Yes Jaymer?

Another example ! Hydroelectric power plant in Maria Christina Falls ma’am.

Geothermal plant in Albay

Wind power plants in Ilocos Norte
Excellent! Those power plants you have mention
earlier class are one of the sources of electricity here in the

E. Exploration

Since you already have the knowledge

about the electricity class. Let’s have another activity. This
activity is called “Read - Arrange so you can Trace Me”
Okay! As you can see I have there a pasted paper
in your assigned area. All you have to do class! is you’ll
going to read that paper and understand the process of
transmission and distribution of electricity.
Next thing to do is, if you already understand and
trace the process of transmission and distribution of
electricity kindly arrange the pictures inside of this envelope
from the generating station down to distribution station of
electricity. And after that paste your work on the board.

Clarification class?
None ma’am.
I will give you 4 minutes to do your activity. Time
starts now!
Students do as told.
F. Explanation

Time is up!
Post your work on the board. Choose one
representative in your group to discuss your output. Students do as told.


E. Elaboration

Very good, let’s give a barangay clap for the job

well done.
Now Val? When you hear the word Electricity,
what comes into your mind? Electricity is the flow of electrons through conductors such as
copper wires.

Well said, in short the word electricity is

sometimes used to mean “electrical energy”. It is a form of
energy which we use to power machines and electrical

For you to know class, How is electricity

reach your home? Or How is electricity transmitted and
distributed? Just take a look at this big picture

Power plants produces electricity. The electric

voltage from the power plant is about 15,000 volts.
From the power plants electricity will going to
travel along the cables and wires called Transmission Lines.
Transmission lines put up between substations and
substations regulated by the National Power Corporation.
They are operated at high voltages, send out large amounts
of electrical power to extend over considerable distances.
From the generating station 15,000 volts, the
transmission substations step-up the voltage to a range of
138,000-765,000 volts. Within the operating area,
transmission substations (transformer) step- down the
voltage to 34,000- 138,000 volts. This power is then carried
through lines to the distribution systems.
The distribution substations further step down the
voltage to 2,400 – 19,920 volts. A stepdown transformer
further reduces the voltage to 220 volts, which it is the
standard AC voltage in the Philippines. This voltage powers
most of the electrical appliances we have at home.

Questions class!

Is your work correct class?

None ma’am.
If no, then I will give you time to check your work.
Clarifications? Maybe Yes or No.

Students do as told.

None ma’am.
F. Evaluation

Based on your activity and my discussion. I want you

to draw the process of the TRANSMISSION AND
From the generating station up to your home. After that
choose atleast one representative in your group to explain
your work.

We have two criteria for this activity class.


 CONTENT -30%


 DELIVERY - 25%
 CONTENT -25%

With the same group, make a DIO-RAMA and pass it on Friday. And do an advance study of How to calculate
energy use?

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