How Is ELECTRICITY Transmitted and Distributed
How Is ELECTRICITY Transmitted and Distributed
How Is ELECTRICITY Transmitted and Distributed
I – Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students must have;
a. traced the path of electricity from the generating station, transmission station and residential
b. determined the changes of electric voltage from the generating station down to the distribution
station until electricity reach their homes.
c. internalized the significance of electricity in our daily activities.
Materials: Pictures, TV and laptop.
References: Science 9 Learner’s Module p.328-330
II – Subject Matter:
‘’ Transmission and Distribution of Electricity’’
III- Method: 5 E’s
A. Preparation
Checking of Attendance
All students that sitting on the HOT SEATS are Students do as told!
requested to be here in front.
Okay read your question first after, you answer.
Do you have any clarification about our last topic? None so far!
B. Motivation
What makes all this things possible class?
How the bulb produce lights as you turn it on?
What makes rice cooker, music box and television to
function? It’s because of the ELECTRICITY ma’am.
Values Integration
In our everyday lifestyle and work class we always use
electricity. In many and just in simple ways like charging
our phones, cooking using a rice cooker, watching news in
the television, listening music using big speakers we have in
our house and etc.
All machines that can be found in our home class uses
Electricity to function and to be a useful one and to be
honest Electricity became the partner of human being from
the past generation and until this present.
C. Presentation
This time we already know that electricity played a
biggest and important role for us. But have you ever try
asking yourselves how does electricity transmitted and how
does electricity pass and reach from your home or individual
No maam.
Okay! If that is the case be with me this morning open
your mind, ears and eyes to capture and focus as we will
going to discuss the ‘’ TRANSMISSION AND
Everybody read!
D. Engagement
E. Exploration
Clarification class?
None ma’am.
I will give you 4 minutes to do your activity. Time
starts now!
Students do as told.
F. Explanation
Time is up!
Post your work on the board. Choose one
representative in your group to discuss your output. Students do as told.
E. Elaboration
Questions class!
Students do as told.
None ma’am.
F. Evaluation
With the same group, make a DIO-RAMA and pass it on Friday. And do an advance study of How to calculate
energy use?