Assignment 4 Newsletter

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Lehigh University to host Environmental Awareness seminar for public

Six senior environmental science majors at Lehigh Uni-

versity will be presenting with three professors on the cur-
rent state of the environment and the major issues Pennsyl-
vania has. The event will take place May 5 at the Zoellner
Arts Center at Lehigh University. The event is open to the
The Blade
A Quarterly Newsletter provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
public and will be at 2 p.m.
Wind farm site gets approved by Union County town council Monday
Pennsylvania currently ranks 41st in renewable energy
usage in the United States and the Lehigh students and fac- Residents of Lewisburg introduced their proposal for
ulty are planning to talk about how renewable energy can a wind farm at the town council meeting Monday. The
be incorporated into local communities and beyond. As proposed wind farm site is at Dreamcatcher Farm,
a part of their senior research projects, the students have which provides healthy food to the community. Lo-
been researching different types of renewable energy that cated in an urban environment with high elevation,
would be best suited for Pennsylvania. the residents and owners of the farm agreed that this

“The future is in
would be an ideal location for a wind turbine.
For more information, please contact the Lehigh Depart-

your hands”
ment of Biological Sciences. “Pennsylvania currently has 27 wind farms which
provide 350,000 residents with electricity. Our hope is
to get more residents on board and help make Penn-
sylvania a cleaner state,” Martha Richardson said at the
meeting Monday.

Richard and Betty Jones, the farms owners, agreed to

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection ment of Environmental Protection to further
work with other Lewisburg residents to create a plan to
176 Main Street investigate all that is needed to make the proposal
provide clean energy and electricity to the area. “This
Harrisburg, PA 17105 a reality.
opportunity would not only help out the residents who
cannot afford electricity, but it would also help bring
more jobs into the area,” Lewisburg resident, Butch Both the Jones’ and the Richardson’s want to
Smith said. include Bucknell University students in their plan
to give them research opportunities and hands on
The proposers of this plan, Martha and Jack Richard- experience to learn about wind energy. In addition
son, attended an environmental lecture at Bucknell to the research opportunities, Bucknell may have
University in January and left the lecture inspired an option to have part of the university’s electricity
to make a change. Hosted by environmental science provided by the wind farm energy.
professors and student researchers, the lecture gave the
audience an insight on how wind energy works and “This opportunity would be great for the commu-
its effects on the environment. 3 student researchers nity, especially Bucknell University, and we cannot
informed the attendees of their most recent results of wait to see the progress we make in the coming
their studies which show high potential for wind ener- weeks with the state Department of Environmen-
gy in the Lewisburg/Selinsgrove area. tal Protection,” Richard Jones said.

Martha and Jack are currently working together with The proposal will be discussed in Harrisburg with
the science department at Bucknell, the owners of the secretary Patrick McDonnell in early April.
Dreamcatchers Farm and the Pennsylvania Depart-

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