Splbe - Master Plumber 2015 15.: Page 1 of 7
Splbe - Master Plumber 2015 15.: Page 1 of 7
Splbe - Master Plumber 2015 15.: Page 1 of 7
2. Increasing vents by one pipe size will: 17. The most common type of PVC and steel type based on their wall
allow vents of longer lengths thickness is rated as.
schedule 40
3. _____________ may be used either for the collection of water 18. Flux can only be used in brazing process when
without consideration of pressure, or for storing water under air Brazing copper to brass
pressure or under a static head for future distribution by pneumatic
or gravity means. Materials are PVC, G.I., reinforced concrete, 19. Plumbing pipe color coded in Aqua-Blue stripe or band is
stainless steel or plain steel. identified as
CISTERN/ CISTERN TANK potable water pipe
4. How much is the plumbing permit fee for one lavatory in excess of 20. Water for domestic use comes from these source except
the one unit minimum sea water
required? Follow the National Building Code.
A. 6.00 21. A male adapter is
B. 4.00 external thread
C. 2.00
D. 1.00 22. Every exposed trap must
be self-cleaning
5. A valve known as a stop is a:
A. full port valve 23. What do you call this valve installed at the solution line of a pump
B. restrictive port design to prevent the loss of prime of the pump?
C. non directional valve foot valve
D. rising stem design
24. Turbidity may be associated with what characteristic of water?
6. A kind of plastic pipe which has excellent chemical, crush and fire physical
resistance, high impact and tensile strength and is nontoxic; used for
hot and cold water applications. 25. The effective thread length of a 3/4" diameter screwed steel
Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride pipe is.
A. 1 1/4" long
7. A 4” diameter stainless steel pipe is 26.5 m (86.9 feet) in length B. 1/2" long
and requires hangers to be placed at 1.6 m (5.25 feet) intervals. How C. 1" long
many hangers are required to support the pipe with hangers at both D. 3/4" long
ends of the run?
16 26. Plays an important part in the plumbing system, providing this is
the most critical utility requirement, and also known as a "Universal
8. What will be the result when a 4" pipe will be reduced in size in the Solvent"
direction of flow? Water
This could cause blockage to build up at the reduction point
27. Acidity is one of the most problems in water distribution and
9. This pumps are used in applications where excess water must be water purification, which can cause corrosion of non-ferrous pipes
pumped away from a particular area. A pump used to remove water and Rusting & clogging of steel pipes, which is the best solution for
that has accumulated in a water collecting sump pit, this problem?
SUMP PUMP Passing the water through a bed of crushed marble or limestone to
achieve alkalinity, or adding sodium silicate
10. What procedure is used to determine if additional PPE is required
for a specific task on a jobsite? 28. In back to back fixture connection, the following maybe used
Complete a hazard assessment. except ____.
double tapped tee
11. Advantage of Using Rain water is?
Water is soft & pure and is suitable for the hot water supply system 29. When silt and dirt is removed from water, the process is called
12. The valve for controlling two or more outlet in a cold water supply
line maybe a: 30. The minimum quantity for flushing urinal
A. Rising stem gate valve 2 gallons
B. Heavy duty globe valve
C. Ground key valve 31. To complete a PEX, PEX connection, the fitting is inserted into the
D. Non-rising stem globe valve PEX tubing and
13. Cast Iron piping 10 ft in lengths installed horizontally, shall be
supported at intervals not more 32. An operating gate valve
than. A. uses a rubber washer
10 ft B. uses a lever handle
C. makes it acceptable for gas
14. A residence with 12 family members requires 3.6 cu. meters of D. none of the above are correct
cold water daily with peak demand. What is the maximum hot water
probable hourly demand? 33. A tapered pipe thread used in the plumbing industry complies
(3600÷24hrs= 150L/h x 80% DF = 120L/h) with
national pipe thread standards
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34. These are dug with earth augers are usually less than 30 meters
(100 ft) deep. The diameter ranges from 2 to 30 inches. The well is
lined with metal, vitrified tile or concrete.
36. What would happen if there were no air supply from the vent on
the roof?
Waste water would not flow out.
39. On a private domestic water system, what would the usual cut-in 52. A material not listed in the code for use in water piping is?
and cut-out pressures be set at? aluminum
207 kPa and 345 kPa / 30 psi and 50 psi
53. Which one of these fixtures has the highest fixture unit rating?
40. What is the common type of water distribution system? This Water closet
method is dependent on the pressure provided by the water main &
involves a minimum and type of components such as overhead tank 54. The most common and widely used gate valve?
& pressure tank. Solid Wedge
upfeed & gravity distribution system
41. What is the principal function of the expansion tank in a hot water
It allows the volume of the water in the system to change to maintain
working pressure.
44. What is required when installing long, straight horizontal or 55. An air conditioner that discharges 0.05 L/s of condensate into a
vertical runs of copper domestic hot water piping? floor drain, would equate to how many fixture units?
Expansion joints 2 (1 FU = 0.025 L/s)
45. What determines the minimum size of the suction pipe of a well 56. Use extreme water pressure so as not to affect existing foundation
pump? in the vicinity. It makes use of a suction pump above, while casing acts
Size of the inlet opening of the pump as the pump riser.
46. Water cycle is consists of 3 stages of process, which is not included
Hydration 57. When using a Hilti powder actuated fastening tool, the device fails
to fire when the trigger is pulled. The first thing you should do is?
47. The other physical properties of water is ability to climb up a keep the tool in position and wait 30 seconds
surface against the pull of gravity
CAPILLARITY 58. A sewer ditch is to be 148 feet long, the pipe is to be installed with
a 2% grade. What would
48. A toilet seat used in a public washroom must be the total amount of fall be?
elongated type 35-1/2 in.
(2%=×/148*12" × = 35.52")
49. A vent pipe connecting upward from a soil or waste stack to a vent
stack to prevent pressure changes in the stacks is a: 59. The two most common sizes of pipe wrenches used by plumbers
yoke vent today
18" and 24"
62. A 4” cast iron pipe with 1” insulation is to pass through a wall. How
large a diameter hole is required to be cut?
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(pipe diameter+thickness+insulation)—0.75 inch thickness 66. Flowing stream of water has the tendency to purify itself. Which
term is not applicable in purification?
63. What is the smallest plumbing fixture used as the basis in Dilution
determining the fixture unit value?
lavatory or wash basin Sedimentation - the process of settling or being deposited as a
64. A _______ is used to connect with galvanized pipe.
coupling Infiltration is the process by which water on the ground surface enters
the soil.
A coupling (or coupler) (used in piping or plumbing) is a very short
length of pipe or tube, with a socket at one or both ends that allows Dilution is the process of decreasing the concentration of a solute in
two pipes or tubes to be joined, welded (steel), brazed or soldered a solution, usually simply by mixing with more solvent like adding
(copper, brass etc.) together. more water to a solution.
72. What is the allowable distance between the trap arm and the
vent if the fixture has a trap arm diameter of 32 mm?
0.76 m
73. The maximum spacing of horizontal hanger for 1/2inch cpvc piping
3 feet
Push-fit connector
74. What degree of pressure is required to ensure smooth drainage?
not a matter of pressure
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allowing contaminates to reverse flow from the fixture/equipment
back into the drinking water piping.
76. What is the color marking of copper tube for medical purposes?
Blue and Green
77. Are there major differences between sewer and septic systems in
your home?
They are very similar
78. What will be the best kind of pipe for underground drains within
the building?
cast iron pipe
79. A 4” cast iron pipe with 1” insulation is to pass through a wall. How gate valve - it is a linear motion valve used to start or stop fluid flow.
large a diameter hole is required to be cut? In service, these valves are either in fully open or fully closed position.
6.5” When the gate valve is fully open, the disk of a gate valve is
(pipe diameter+thickness+insulation)—0.75 inch thickness completely removed from the flow. Typically for on/off control rather
than flow regulation. Because of their ability to cut through
80. A common heat source for indirect water heater liquids, gate valves are often used in the petroleum industry.
A gate valve can be defined as a type of valve that used a gate or
81. Which does not apply to the plumbing system? wedge type disk and the disk moves perpendicular to flow to start or
Smoke tight stop the fluid flow in piping.
82. What is that valve recommended for installation that call for
throttling (flow regulation)? A gate valve is the most common type of valve that used in any
globe valve process plant. It is a linear motion valve used to start or stop fluid
flow. In service, these valves are either in fully open or fully closed
A globe valve, different from ball valve, is a type of valve used for position. When the gate valve is fully open, the disk of a gate valve is
regulating flow in a pipeline, consisting of a movable disk-type completely removed from the flow. Therefore virtually no resistance
element and a stationary ring seat in a generally spherical body. to flow. Due to this very little pressure drops when fluid passes
through a gate valve.
To achieve proper sealing, when the valve is fully closed, 360° surface
contact is required between disk and seats.
A gate valve should always be either fully open or fully closed. The
main difference is in the form of the inner elements and the form of
the flow inside the valves. In addition, the gate valve may have a
rising or non rising stem while the globe valve is typically a rising stem
88. How many eight bends (1/8 bend) are required to make a 45 deg.
360 / 8 = 45
90. The plumber shall have present the proper _____ for making the
tests, and shall furnish such assistance as may be necessary in 95. ______ means the portion of a pipe that is enlarged to receive
making the inspection. the end of another pipe of the same diameter for the purpose of
Apparatus making a joint.
Bell / hub
91. means a type of stationary holding tank used to collect and hold
wastewater discharges generated by an individual camping trailer or 96. This is used for basement or underground public restroom
recreational vehicle. wherein a vent stack may not be possible to extend 3 meters above
a. Campsite receptor the ground, as it may constitute a hazard and is unsightly.
b. Catch basin Utility Vent
c. Camping unit transfer container
d. None of the above *latrine Relief vent. A branch from the vent stack, connected to a horizontal
branch between the first fixture branch and the soil or waste stack,
92. ______ means a type of sewage pump which macerates (softens) whose primary function is to provide for circulation of air between
wastewater consisting in part of sewage. the vent stack and the soil or waste stack.
Sewage grinder pump
94. ______ means a device supplied with hot or cold water, or both,
and located adjacent to a water closet or clinical sink to be used for
cleansing bedpans.
Bedpan washer hose
102. A ____ inspection shall be made when the plumbing 113. Gray water that enters a collection reservoir must
system is roughed−in and before fixtures are set. be_________.
Final c. Filtered
103. _____ means a water closet, lavatory and a bathtub or
shower located together on the same floor level.
Three-quarter bath
108. How can you get to know the drainage system better?
Examine the pipes under your house or in the basement.
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