JUMANDOS - Journal Paper Submitted To Researchfora
JUMANDOS - Journal Paper Submitted To Researchfora
JUMANDOS - Journal Paper Submitted To Researchfora
Abstract— The study intended to develop and graduation. An alumni system will bridge the gap of the
implement the Surigao Education Center Alumni Online alumni to its co-alumni and Alma Mater.
Portal. Many graduates like to be connected with their Surigao Education Center (SEC) which envisions to
former school, however, many institutions still lack be a dynamic educational institution that produced globally
facilities that helps alumni to become connected again competitive professionals (SEC Student Handbook, 2014)
with their Alma Mater. To address this problem, this study should adapt new technologies that can give advantage to
was aimed to develop and implement an alumni portal for its daily educational operation including the development
Surigao Education Center (SEC). The portal was designed to and implementation of online alumni portal to address the
promote active participation of the alumni in school affairs problems underlying to it.
in recognition of their critical role for the advancement of
education. It was also intended to promote fellowship and Objective of the Study
create familial community among the SEC alumni who are
now located in the various parts of the country and around General objectives:
the globe. The V-Model systems development life cycle The study is geared towards the development and
was used in creating the system. An alumni portal survey implementation of the online alumni portal of Surigao
was conducted to determine the features and functions of Education Center. In order to achieve this, the researcher
the system. The SEC Online Alumni Portal was developed opt to create a web-based system capable of recording in
and contains the profile of the alumni, the grouping of the time information concerning an alumni and activities to be
alumni per location per batch and a message board undertaken by the institution for record keeping, to develop
interface for communication. After presenting the system an information system that will integrate alumni to the
to the alumni, the alumni strongly agreed that the online institution’s activities and to create virtual forums that
system is usable, reliable, efficient, convenient and connects the alumni to the school administration, co-
effective as they evaluated the online alumni portal. The alumni, undergraduates and vice versa.
researcher recommended that the system should also be Specific objectives:
integrated by the bootstrap application and cluster Specifically, it aims to achieve the following:
algorithm for the improvement of the system. 1. To determine the requirements of the system;
2. To design and develop a system inclined to the
Keywords: Alumni System, Online Portal, Surigao Education Center, web-based architecture of the alumni system; and
Graduates Portal, V-model, Evaluation 3. Test and evaluate the system in terms of usability,
functionality, maintainability, efficiency portability and
I. INTRODUCTION system satisfaction.
The alumni association is one of the most
important part of an educational institute or an organization Scope and Limitation of the Study
(Medhe et. al, 2015). It says a lot about the quality of Scope
education imparted of that institute. Many students like to The system is designed for updating and
come back to their college however, many institutions still monitoring personal information of the graduates of
lack organization or way that might help alumni to become Surigao Education Center, event management system for
connected again with their Alma Mater – one of it is Surigao the various activities of the institution in corporation of the
Education Center. graduates and create virtual forums for the different
Online College Portal, an increasingly important batches of graduates.
part of the information technology infrastructure of
universities (Jones et. al, 2005), provides capabilities for
multiple users with different permission levels to manage Limitation
(all or a section of) content, data or information of a website This study was limited only to the Alumni Portal of
project, or internet or application. The software helps in the graduates in College Department of Surigao Education
planning and controlling the organizational operations and Center. Data management of the system will be done solely
provides a regular flow of information for managerial by the admin of the system. Furthermore, the system is
decision-making and control (Chavan, et. al, 2015). capable for online and client server architecture.
Integrating an alumni system to the existing
college portal will allow former students to take advantage
of the benefits and services that an institution offers after
II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES organized by the Institution, and when some important
events will be holding in the Institution. Another benefit is
The impact of computers on our lives today is that information concerning a former student can easily be
probably much more than we are actually known to. Getting received and other members of the alumni community can
good information and transforming it quickly is done be located without much stress. Also the student and
nowadays using Computers and Application Software. alumni can communicate each other.
According to Desousa (2008), Web based According to Medhe et. al (2015), an alumni
application have four core benefits. These are the following: association or convocation is solely a network for social
1) Compatibility. Web based applications are far more interaction that has cost initiatives valuable financial and
compatible across platforms than traditional installed human resources.
software like web browsers. 2) Efficiency. Everyone hates to
deal with piles of paper unless they do not have any other Today's education scenario is rapidly changing and
alternatives. The benefit of web based solution makes demanding. The system demands greater levels of
services and information available from any web‐facilitated communication between college, student and faculty
Personal Computer (PC). 3) Security of live data. Normally in members to have optimum use of resources.
more complex systems data is moved about separate UE is utilizing web portals that is available for use
systems and data sources. In web‐based systems, these of faculty, students, alumni and other academic purposes.
systems and processes can often be merged by reducing the On the other hand, Villafania (2007) reported that
need to move the data around. Web‐based applications also in the Philippines, the Commission on Higher Education
provide an additional security by removing the need for the (CHED) has initiated programs to secure academic records.
user to have access to the data and back end servers. 4) Cost CHED and the National Printing Office (NPO) have signed a
Effective. Web‐based applications can considerably lower memorandum of agreement (MOA) on the Securitization of
the costs because of reduced support and maintenance, Academic Records for college and university graduates
lower requirements on the end user system and simplified beginning school year 2007.
Portals facilitate knowledge transfer through the
inclusion of multiple communication channels, such as III. TECHNICAL BACKGROUND
message boards and directories; moving beyond the one- Architecture Design of the System
sided information exchange found in traditional web sites. The architecture design of the system, shown in
Web portals have been used to streamline and Figure 3.1, describes how the client (alumni) and the admin
automate administrative functions in higher education. give their inputs through the server to the database and
Portals also serve to empower individuals within a more how they obtain output from the database back to the
broadly defined university community. “The portal will actors (alumni and admin).
improve the efficiency of knowledge exchange and deliver a
set of shared business objectives that include
communications around best practices, a gateway to
research through technology,
Student information systems have been moving to
the web since the late 1990s and that trend is accelerating
as institutions replace older systems. The Cambridge
Student Information System (CAMSIS) replaced various
student records system used by the colleges, departments
and universities. CAMSIS provides comprehensive and Fig 3.1 Architecture Design of the System
accurate information about student body and also improves
data quality, reduce the administrative burden dramatically It can be gleaned that the client can go through the main
and provides better services to both academic staff and interface server which let it have its alumni operations input
students. and store it to the database server. Likewise, the admin
Recognizing the importance of the status of an could directly use the admin interface which let him/her do
education institution’s alumni is very important. The admin operations for the client and the system. Both admin
Commission on Higher (CHED) is conducting a and client could operate the staff and student operations.
comprehensive study that requires all Higher Education All of the data input will be stored in the database server
Institutions (HEI’s) to do individual alumni tracer studies in and operations of each specific actors gives an output
their respective alumni (CHED Strategic Plan 2011-2016). exclusive only for the operation of the actor.
There are many benefits for being an alumni
member of a college or Institution, some of these benefits
are: keeping a person inform on the events that are
System Design
The study will be aligned to the concept of After the survey, the researcher plan for the details
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) specifically the V- to be included in the system. Before moving forward for the
Model design to be the research method. modules of the system, the researcher set up first the
SDLC is a process used by software industry to hardware and software needed for the system to function.
design, develop, and test high quality softwares. It aims to This part also includes the use case diagram, system
produce a high quality software that meets or exceeds organization and data structure. After the survey, relevant
costumer expectations, reaches completion within time and models including the system use-case diagram, use-case
cost estimates (Jirava, 2004). There are various SDLC models descriptions or documentations and class diagram were
defined and designed following the SDLC process with series made to show the requirements of the system. The system
of steps unique to its type to ensure success in process of use-case diagram was made to show the different ways that
software development (Executive Brief, 2008). One of its a user can interact with the system. Use-case descriptions
renowned model is the V-Model design. were also made to list the processing details of every use-
The V-model, also known as Verification and case. A system class diagram was made to show the various
Validation model, is based on association of a testing phase classes of objects used in the system. Attributes and
for each of developing stage. The method thus presented is functions of these objects and their interactions with other
that each step is implemented by resorting to detailed objects provided guidelines in developing the system.
documentation from the previous step. With this
documentation, the product is checked and approved at Architectural Design
each stage of the process, before it can move on to the next Architectural designs show the technical stability
stage (Balaji and Murugaiyan, 2012). With constant testing, of the system designed. It describes how the actors of the
and its respective documentation, it is possible to increase system communicate with the system and how the system
the overall efficiency of the process, particularly because communicates with the external actors. Client and admin of
eventual problems can be detected and resolved early the system interaction with the interface to the database is
(Mathur and Malik, 2010). shown.
Module Design
The module design includes all the specific
functionalities of the system, the compatibility of the
modules to each other, the complete input and output of
the module and the database tables.
Project Schedule
The Gantt Chart of the study’s and system’s
timeline of creation is shown in the Table 4.1. In general, it
can be seen that the whole project is done in a weekly basis
of a three-months’ time – starting from the month of
Figure 4.1 V-Model Diagram January to March. This gives the systematic way on how the
researcher derived the system and the study along the way.
The core objective of the V life cycle model is to
illustrate the importance of the relationship between
development and testing tasks. V-model is a highly Alumni Portal Survey
disciplined model that phases are completed one at a time, Alumni Portal Survey was conducted to the alumni
works well for smaller projects where requirements are very of SEC to assess what are the things needed to picture out
well understood, simple and easy to understand and use, the overall system. This is the primary requirement before
and easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model in which making out the system. The segments research
each phase has specific deliverables and a review process. respondents, research setting, research instrument and
data analysis shows how was the data were gathered for the
Requirements Analysis study.
At the start, the researcher made the scheduling,
timeline and responsibilities of the project. The researcher Research Respondents
executed a plan to communicate with the alumni and then The respondents of the study are the alumni of
a survey was conducted to get feedback from alumni to help Surigao Education Center. Quota sampling will be utilized in
in determing the problems in the existing alumni system – which samples are chosen according to who is available as
which serves as the requirement of the system. the data gathering procedure took place until the number
of respondents reach the desired number of respondents
that researcher would consider in a study (Mortimor, 2017). V . RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
The researcher will give survey questionnaires to
the alumni who are still connected to SEC by means of 5.1 The Requirements of the System
employment or having filial relationship to any of the
employee and to the students currently enrolled at SEC. Results of the Surigao Education Center Online Alumni
Portal Survey
Research Setting
The Surigao Education Center is the locale of the Profile of the Respondents
study which is located in Km 2, Barangay Luna, Surigao City. The study has 50 alumni who were asked to answer
SEC is an integrating school which caters grade school and the first survey questionnaire of the study.
Montessori for elementary level, high school for secondary Based on Table 5.1, most of the respondents who
level and college for tertiary level (SEC Student Handbook, were asked for the study got the age range of 20-29 (n=36)
2014). which amounts to 72% percent of the total respondents of
SEC-College Level is further divided in various the study. On the other hand, the smallest age range is 40
colleges, departments and programs that each produced and above having 2 number of respondents which
number of graduates. The needs, as alumni, of those who corresponds to 4% percent of the total number of
graduated in various colleges will be catered in this study. respondents of the study.
The table also shows that most of the respondents
Research Instruments of the study is female (n=39) which constitutes 78% percent
The data needed in this study were gathered of the total respondents while the male (n=11) only got 22%
through the questionnaires made by the proponent. List of percent.
survey questions will be asked to respondents to extract The researcher also grouped the respondents
specific information. according to the year they’ve graduated from SEC. It shows
Two questionnaires were floated in the duration of that most of the respondents graduated from the year
the study. The first questionnaire was composed of two (2) range of 2014-2018 which accounts to 25 number of
parts. First part is the profile of the respondents, in terms of respondents (50%) followed by 2009-2013 year-range
the course and year graduated, and the second is open- having 11 (22%) number of respondents while the least are
ended, which let them give their perceptions, comments those who graduated from the year 2004 to 2008 (n=6,
and suggestions pertaining to the current status of alumni 12%).
system. The most common problems encountered by the When they are grouped according to their
alumni that are applicable in the research are seriously graduated course, the researcher tend group them
considered by the proponent. The second questionnaire according to where college thus the course belongs. A total
compose mainly of assessment of those respondents who of 14 (28%) came from the College of Allied Medical
answered in the first questionnaire to the system made by Sciences, followed by College of Business Education having
the researcher. 11 (22%) number of alumni participated while the least one
came from College of Information Technology having only 3
Statistical Analysis (6%) of the total number of respondents.
After administering the questionnaires, the
researcher will tabulate the data from the profile and survey
questionnaires of the first questionnaire and evaluation Alumni Experiences Towards SEC Alumni Organization
questionnaire of the second questionnaire used in the The alumni were asked when is the last time they
study. The researcher will then analyze the data by getting had visited SEC and the results show that most of them had
the frequency count, percentage and the verbal visited SEC between one to three years ago (n=24, 48%) and
interpretation of each item. there are still who visited SEC in more than three years ago
For the survey questionnaires and evaluation tool (n=7, 14%). Out of these, most of them visited SEC to
using scale-type tool, the researcher used the verbal process certain documents (n=27, 52%) while some
interpretation indicated in Table 4.2 attended an event (n=12, 24%) and just visited a friend or
Table 4.2 relative connected to SEC (n=11, 22%).
Verbal Interpretation of the Scale Used in the Study The respondents were then asked specifically to
SCALE PARAMETER VERBAL INTERPRETATION when is the last time the alumni attended an event at SEC
3.26 – 4.00 Very much Benefited and how did they know the occurrence of such event. The
4 Strongly Agree (SA)
3 2.51 – 3.25 Agree (A) Benefited (B)
result shows that most of the respondents attended an
2 1.76 – 2.50 Disagree (D) Slightly Benefited (SB) event for more than three years ago (n=18, 36%) followed
1.00 – 1.75 Strongly Disagree Not Benefited At All by between one to three years range (n=16, 32%). Only 5
(SD) (NB) (10%) had attended less than six months ago. Most of them
know the occurrence of such event through social
media/email (n=22, 44%), and friend/relatives (n=17, 34%). Use Case Diagram of the System
While some just know the occurrence of the event through To capture the requirements of the system the use
tarpaulin ads and the like (n=8, 16%) and through personal case diagram was made to show the various actors and how
visit to the institution (n=3, 6%). these actors use the system. As per Fig. 5.1 both the admin
and the alumni could use the log in function to get an access
The respondents were asked on their perception to the system, view function to see the pages, confirmation
on how they think that an alumni organization could be function to follow up different data and post events
benefited in the area of education-related, work/business- function to present posts regarding to the upcoming
related, school/community involvement and personal activities that alumni could be part of. Aside from that,
relationship. Table 5.4 shows that in the education-related alumni actor could also use the add or update information
area and work/business-related, the alumni perceive that to bring up to date information necessary for the alumni
they will have benefits if they are part of an alumni organization and the add groups and message function to
organization – having 2.98 and 3.2 mean respectively. On individually or by group send messages for co-alumni or
the other hand, they perceive that if they joined an alumni batch. The alumni actor could also use the group
organization they will be very much benefited on it – in membership and log-out function.
school/community involvement (m=3.6) and personal
relationship (m=3.66). In general, the respondents perceive
that they will be very much benefited (m=3.36) by being
part of an alumni organization.
The researcher then asked the respondents to the
ways they are being communicated to their batch mates
and Alma Mater. It can be gleaned in Table 5.5 that most of
the respondents can be communicated through social
media/email (n=45, 90%), through friends/relatives (n=38,
76%), through phones via call and text (n=37, 74%) while the Figure 5.1 Use Case Diagram of the System
least is through personal visit (n=13, 26%). On the other
hand, the alumni are connected to their Alma Mater mainly Hardware and Software Requirements
through social media/email (n=39, 78%), through The following are the specification of both
friends/relatives (n=36, 72%), through personal visit (n=21, hardware and system needed in the development and
42%) while the least is through phone via call and text (n=8, installation:
16%). The respondents answer as many as much as Hardware Specification
applicable to them in these items. 1. Desktop PC/ Laptop. A computing device designed
Lastly, the researcher asked the alumni on up to to fit on top of a typical office desk. This is a device
what extent to they want to be connected and be informed where the system is installed. It performs a
towards the alumni organization. Regarding with up to what common task such as input, processing, and output
extent do they wanted to be connected with their batch of information in relation to the system function. It
mates, instructors/professors, Alma Mater and community is usually better suited toward running more
SEC engaged in, it is found out that they are strongly agree intensive applications and running more
on connecting with them – having 3.72, 3.42, 3.44 and 3.40 applications at once. It is accompanied by
respectively as the mean in each item. The students also keyboard and mouse for inputting data and
agreed strongly when asked if they want to be informed by performing a computing task
the activities or events conducted by their batch mates Software Specification
(m=3.54), instructors or professors (m=3.34) and 1. Windows operating system. It is necessary to be
community SEC is engaged in (m=3.36). When asked if they installed on the desktop pc or laptop with at least
want to be part of SEC/s activities or events personally, the 64bits to which the system can execute its
alumni strongly agreed that they wanted to be part as functionality smoothly.
participant (m=3.64), facilitator (m=3.30) and sponsor 2. XAMPP and MySQL. It is used as a developmental
(m=3.66). On the other hand, when asked if they want to be tool, to designed and create a local web server and
part of SEC’s activities or events together with their batch database for testing and deployment of the
mates, the alumni strongly agreed that they want to be part system. It handles all of the database instructions
as participant (m=3.70), facilitator (m=3.56) and sponsor (or commands) and available as a separate
(m=3.66). In general, the alumni strongly agreed that alumni program for use in a client-server networked
connection is a beneficial thing to them (m=3.62) and feel environment which the programmers and web
the need of faster connection to the alumni organization designer can work on the system without internet
(m=3.70). connection.
5.2 SEC Online Alumni Portal (SOAP)
SEC Online Alumni Portal (SOAP) provides essential
information beneficial to the users and members. It includes
different function which makes the Alumni System user-
friendly and can be accessed anywhere – as long as
connected to a data network or by an internet.
The online alumni portal is directly link to the main
website of Surigao Education Center (www.sec.edu.ph) and Figure 5.5 Alumni Registration Form
may also be access directly through
www.sec.edu.ph/alumni. In the alumni section of the main The main panel (Figure 5.6) of the system is
website, the member/user could use several functions that composed of the user-profile button, notification button,
would will lead directly to the main alumni website – log in, quick access button and home page button represented by
search alumni, view alumni and register alumni. Figure 5.3 the school’s logo. The user-profile button is composed of
shows the figure of the main website of the institution. several functions: (a) main user profile, in which the user
can visit and edit profile for update and correction; (b)
account settings, in which the user can update email in
which the alumni account is connected and change
password; and (c) log out button, in which the user can log
out after using his/her account. The notification button
gives in time activity notification of the alumni system to the
member. It includes activity from the message boards,
dashboards and the institution. The quick access button
Fig. 5.3 Surigao Education Center Main Website could be use in searching for names, information about the
institution and many other information by just typing words
The first page that will appear upon an alumni click or keywords regarding the information being looked for
the “alumni” section is the Alumni Account Log in Page. It
requires the alumni’s email and password in order for the Figure 5.7 shows the sample profile page of the
alumni to get in to the online alumni portal. However, if the alumni. It consists of the personal information, group
alumnus is not registered yet to the system, it may choose affiliation for clustering, educational background and work
the “sign in” button to register first. Figure 5.4 shows the background of the alumni. This were the vital information
page for the alumni portal’s log in and sign in features. the alumni could let the other alumni see. The alumni could
update the information in his or her profile by clicking the
“write up” button in the upper right corner of the sub-page.
The information updated by the alumni will be confirmed
first by the admin before popping in to the system.