Projections Onto Convex Cones in Hiibert Space
Projections Onto Convex Cones in Hiibert Space
Projections Onto Convex Cones in Hiibert Space
LEMMA 2. Let Cc H.
(i) C’* is a closed, conwx cone.
(ii) C is a closed, convex cone if’ and oniy if C= c‘**.
(iii ) Let C he a closed, cuncex cone und x E H. Thrn there is CI unique
xl E C and u unique x2 E C* such that x = x, -t x2 and (x: , x2 ) = 0. (.u, ic
the neurest pninr of‘ C to x and x2 is the nearest point of C* to s.)
= (P(-~), x - p(x) > + (P(J), x - p(x) >
+ <pt.\-I? Y-P(J)) + <P(Y)> JC- P(J))
= (p(.r) + P(Y), x + r’- (p(x) + p(y))). (*I
Now suppose X, J E H and p(+r + ,:) = p(x) + p(y). Then by (*) and
part (v), we have
Since both (p(y). x-p(x)) and (p(x), -v- p(y)) are non-positive by
part (iv), this implies that (p(v), x - p(x)) = 0 = (p(x), y - p(y)).
We will focus on properties (i), (ii), and (iii) of Lemma 3. They arc
analogous to the idcmpotcnt, symmetric, and linear properties which
characterize projections onto closed subspaces. In particular, property (iii)
says that a projection onto a closed, convex cone is additive with respect
to two points if and only if it is symmetric with respect to these points. We
will say that a function which satisfies this property is face-linear. For the
remainder of this paper, WC let n: H + H denote an arbitrary function
which satisfies the following three properties. For x, y E H,
(1) n2(x)=nbh
(2) n(ax) = m(x) for r > 0: and
(3) n(x+y)=n(x)+n(y) if and only if (n(x),y)=(n(x),n(y))=
(4 n(y)).
For convenience, we let K = n(H). For A4 E H, let I@ and F(M) dcnotc
respectively the topological closure and boundary of M. We now consider
the following question.
(iii) n(O) = 0.
(iv) K is a cont:ex cone.
(v) Jf rz(x+y)=n(x)+n(y), then? for cccr)‘ r.j330, n(rx+/Yy)=
n(w(x) + ,by) = n(rx + [h(y)) = n(m(x) + pn(J)) = m(x) $ /h(y).
(vi) If‘ n(x) = n(y), then, jbr z, /j 3 0, iz((xx + /jJ*) = (Y i /I) n(x). In
pariicular, n(rx + /?n(x)) = (51+ /3) n(x).
(vii) If’ xEn ‘(O), y E K: and (A-, J.) = 0, then. jbr r, /I 3 0.
n( xx + /jy) = py.
(viii) Jj’x~n-l(O), ~EK, (x, y)=O, and rx+fiyL’K.for some r>O
and /I > 0, then x = 0.
(ix) &c YX + on(x) E K.for some CL> 0 und /I E R, then x E K.
(x) [fx$ K, then n(x)EI;(K).
(xi) K* cn-‘(0).
Thus, <4Xx), PY) > = (n(rx), n(PyJv)> = < xx, n(j3y)). By properties (3) and
(2), this implies that n(rx+ by) = n(rx) + n(/311)= m(x) + /3n(y). Using
properties (1) and (2), the other equalities in this part follow in a similar
(vi) By part (i), each of (n(x), 1~). (n(.u), n(y)). and (x, n(y)) is
The authors thank Frank Deutsch for helpful suggestions pertaining to the presentation 3f
the main result.
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