Design of Fast FIR Filter Using Compressor and Carry Select Adder
Design of Fast FIR Filter Using Compressor and Carry Select Adder
Design of Fast FIR Filter Using Compressor and Carry Select Adder
ABSTRACT: - Speed and area are now a day’s one of the paper is to design a FIR filter [4], so for efficient and fast
fundamental design issues in digital era. To increase speed, while design here we used compressor technique for improved
doing the multiplication or addition operations, has always been multiplication and proposed adder structure for fast addition.
a basic requirement of designing of advanced system and For Delay purpose D flip-flop is used.
application. Carry Select Adder (CSA) is a fastest adder used in
many processors to accomplish fast arithmetic function. Many
Section II explains structure of Binary to Excess-1 converter.
different adder architecture designs have been developed to Section III and IV presents the function of conventional CSA
increase the efficiency of the adder. It is very commonly known and proposed modified CSA respectively. Section V describes
that per second any processors performed millions of work the URDHWA multiplier compressor (UMC) for high speed
functions in semiconductor industry. So when we do designing of multiplication. Section VI deals with the novel technique of
multipliers, one of the main standards is performing speed that combining UMC and CSA for designing of filter. Simulation
should be taken in the mind. In this paper, we propose a results and conclusion are analyzed in Section VII and VIII.
technique for designing of FIR filter using multiplier based on
compressor and carry select adder. Performance of all adder
designs is implemented for 16, 32 and 64 bit circuits. These II. EXCESS-1 CONVERTER IN BINARY
structures are synthesized on Xilinx device family. FORMAT (BEC)
X[15:11] Y[15:11] X[10:7] Y[10:7] X[6:4] Y[6:4] X[3:2] Y[3:2] X[1:0] Y[1:0]
15:11 RCA 0 10:7 RCA 0 6:4 RCA 0 3:2 RCA 0 1:0 RCA
5 4 3 2
Sum [15:11] Sum [10:7] Sum [6:4] Sum [3:2] Sum [1:0]
Figure 2: 16-Bit Carry Select Adder using Ripple Carry Adder [2]
The RCA is simplest adder but their working performance is Basic architecture of conventional adders clears that clearly
restricted due to the method of carry generation [5]. In this there is a chance that we can minimize the requirement of area
method carry is rippled from least bit to significant bit. From and power consumption of the conventional CSA. For this
the figure it is clear that the first block i.e. group 1 is purpose here used Binary to Excess-1 Converter that
combination of only single RCA block which has order of 2 effectively replaces the ripple carry adder with carry input
bit. Cin=1 and for improving the working operations we have not
This block has simply two inputs in form of X & Y and it will used multiplexer.
give sum and out carry. Out carry of first block will be used in We can clearly understand that from the block diagram of
the next block. Combination of two RCA blocks is used from proposed structure which is of the order of 16- bit is divided
the upcoming group. All these groups also have different bit into five blocks of RCA and BEC with different order of bit
size order. The concept is that if the carry-in is 0, the output of size. The first group in this structure i.e. group 1 contains
the upper RCA is chosen and if the input carry is 1, the output only single RCA block of 2- bit size, which gives there
of the lower RCA is chosen [7]. Finally the whole circuit gives output sum and carry out.
us summation of two numbers.
One is RCA block and another is BEC block is used from the
next coming groups that means it consist combination of 2
IV. 16-B PROPOSED CARRY SELECT ADDER blocks. In the designed circuit therefore there are two outputs
USING BEC AND WITHOUT one comes from the RCA block and other output from the
A[15:11] B[15:11] A[10:7] B[10:7] A[6:4] B[6:4] A[3:2] B[3:2] A[1:0] B[1:0]
5-bit RCA 0 4-bit RCA 0 3-bit RCA 0 2-bit RCA 0 2-bit RCA
5 4 3 2
Sum [15:11] Sum [10:7] Sum [6:4] Sum [3:2] Sum [1:0]
2016 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN)
Sout and Cout is chosen from the upper RCA block if Cin=0
and if Cin=1 then the output is chosen from BEC block. Final Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4
output is selected without the help of multiplexer. Using this
concept and with the help of Xilinx calling function command
we can design higher order bit like 32-bit and 64-bit adder.
Multiplication in most of the signal processing algorithms is a
very basic operation. Multipliers generally occupy large area,
latency is long and consumes considerable amount of power.
Therefore designing of low power multiplier has been an EX-OR MUX
essential part in any system design.
In this paper we used modified compressor technique to boost
up the speed of operation. So for the purpose of speed Cout Carry Sum
multiplication we use innovative technique known as
URDHWA multiplier compressor (UMC). Here in this paper
Figure 6: Modified Design of 4:2 Compressors
we used modified 4:2 compressor and 7:2 compressor for
addition purpose in multiplication [9].
The another way on figure 5 is implementation of 4:2
A1 A2 A3 A4 compressor shown in figure 4. Figure 5 is nothing but the
basic design of 4:2 compressor which we can design with the
help of full adder. From the structure of figure 5 it is clear that
we can again design it with the help of other suitable
architecture that can enhance the speed of operation. So Figure
Cout 4:2 Cin 6 represent our proposed modified design structure for 4:2
compressor using multiplexer and EX-OR gate.
Figure 5: Design of 4:2 Compressors Figure 7: Block diagram of 7:2 Compressors [9]
2016 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN)
In our implementation, we have designed 7: 2 compressor with The FIR, in signal processing, is a filter whose impulse
the help of utilizing two 4:2 compressors. The architecture has response is of finite duration. Since FIR filter settles to zero in
been shown in Figure 8. finite time, it is known as finite impulse response filter [6].
Designs of FIR Filter consist of Delay component, Multiplier
and adder. If we use this architecture, entire area as well as
4:2 4:2 delay will be more. Large number of adder, multiplier and D
Compressors Compressors flip-flop are needed. Thus the entire network is replaced as
C22 C21 S2 C1 C2 S1 shown in figure 9.
h0 h1 h2 h3 h7
A* A* A* A*
2016 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN)
Table 1: Comparison Table of Adders for Different Device Figure 12 shows the comparison of delay for the Carry Select
Families Adder in spartan 6, Virtex 6 and Virtex 7 device family for 64-
Adder Delay(ns) Delay(ns) Delay(ns)
Spartan 6 Vertex 6 Vertex 7
size 40
Conventional 13.292 5.610 4.478
(Dual RCA) 30
Spartan 6
16-B Proposed 11.257 3.933 3.144
(With BEC) 20 Vertex 6
Conventional 20.733 9.387 7.474 10 Vertex 7
(Dual RCA)
32-B Proposed 17.130 6.948 5.537 0
(With BEC) Conventional CSA Proposed CSA
Conventional 36.599 17.820 14.205 Figure 12: comparison of Adder for Delay (Word Size =64)
(Dual RCA)
64-B Proposed 28.876 12.977 10.324 Table 2: Comparison Table of Filter for Spartan 6 Device
(With BEC) Family
Figure 11 shown is the comparison graph for word size 32 for Filter Design Delay Frequency
conventional CSA and proposed CSA.
(ns) (MHZ)
25 Virtex 6
20 FIR filter using UMC 96.843 10.325
15 Spartan 6 and CSA using Dual
10 Vertex 6
5 Vertex 7
Proposed FIR filter 54.489 18.352
using UMC and CSA
Conventional CSA Proposed CSA
with BEC
Figure 11: comparison of Adder for Delay (Word Size =32)
2016 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN)
Table 3 and Table 4 represent the comparison of filter for Select Adder. In this paper we introduce unique compressor
Vertex 6 and Vertex 7 respectively family in terms of delay technique i.e. URDHWA multiplier compressor. By using this
and frequency and proposed design is better than conventional multiplier and modified CSA, a FIR filter is implemented and
design. our proposed FIR filter improves the performance of system.
All the results are synthesized using Xilinx 14.3i software.
The conventional CSA has a disadvantage of consuming larger
Table 4: Comparison Table of Filter for Vertex 7 Device area and delay. The modified CSA with BEC reduces the
Family delay, when compare to conventional CSA. On the device
family of Spartan 6, 16 bit proposed CSA and proposed design
Filter Design Delay Frequency structure of FIR filter with BEC provides approximately
15.30% and 36.31% higher speed than the conventional design
(ns) (MHZ) structure respectively. It would be challenging to test this
pattern design for higher order bit and for higher order filter.
Virtex 7
FIR filter using UMC 86.093 11.615
and CSA using Dual
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