Section E: Appendices Appendix 1: Lesson Plan

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Section E: Appendices

Appendix 1: Lesson Plan

Note: This can be modified depending (Student teacher to agree with teaching practice instructor from

LESSON PLAN Subject: Science

Trainee: Shamma Ali Al Topic or Theme: Healthy eating


Class: KG 2 Date & Duration: March 13th ,2019

9:15 AM.

Trainee Personal Goal

1. I will work on time management.

2. I will see how my MST manage the time for the centres so when it is my turn to give my lesson I
will handle the time correctly to help me.

3. When I give the student activity I give them 20 mins to finish it and I saw that the student finish
it exactly in 20 mins and they clean up and set down, before I think that they will not finish the
activity on the time, but they finish.

Lesson Focus

Focus in five senses and count number.

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to:


Describe the five sense and their corresponding body parts.


identify the five senses and their corresponding body parts.


Label the five senses and their corresponding body parts.

Links to Prior Learning:

Student know what the 5 senses and they know what they used for. What is the part of our body and
that relate to each sense and the name of them.

21st Century Skills:



critical thinking

Key vocabulary:










Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

The activity will be new for them and want Explain the activity for them and tell them what they
to explain it for them. Also, in the class they should do and ask my MST to divide them to the
have a different level of student, so I will do centres.
a simple activity for them.

Resources/equipment needed

Small trolley.

Materials describe the sense.

& Time
Students will: Teacher will:

Opining and 5 Sing a song about the body and count Put the song about body and count
senses number. number and sing with the student.

Answer with teacher the sight words Put a PowerPoint with sight word Say it
20 – 25 mins. and do exercises. with the students.

Song about letter J. Put the song about J letter.
One student will be teacher to do the Teacher choose one student to be the
calendar with the student. teacher today to do the calendar with the
students and the teacher help him.

Hear Answer with teacher about the 5 Teacher show the students a different
senses. picture about 5 senses and let the student
answer which sense is this.

Main activities
& Time
Math & Science Math: Science:

15 – 20 mins. Student will: Student will:

count the money to buy the items that Each student have one sense and they
they want. should buy the thing that is relate to the
sense and put it in basket.
& Time Plenary/Conclusion

5 – 7 mins. Students will Teacher will

Come back with the basket and show Tell the student if it is right or not and tell
the other student what the bought. them the right answer and discuss with
them and explain again about the 5
Homework -

Assessment I will show them a picture describe the 5 senses and I will see id they understand or
Strategies: not.

☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment


☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback



See appendix 2 for the template (and questions) to assist.

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