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A Thesis
Submitted to the Department of Petroleum & Mineral Resources Engineering
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of



Roll No: 040413007 (P)




It is hereby declared that this project or any part of it has not been submitted elsewhere for
the award of any degree or diploma.

Signature of the Candidate




Mohammad Mahbub Hossain, Roll Number 040413007(P), Session: April’ 2004, has been
accepted as satisfactory in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of
Petroleum Engineering in December, 2009.

1. Dr. Mohammed Mahbubur Rahman Chairman

Assistant Professor (Supervisor)
Department of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering.
BUET, Dhaka.

2. Dr. Md. Ehsan Member

Department of Mechanical Engineering.
BUET, Dhaka.

3. Mohammad Sohrab Hossain Member

Assistant Professor
Department of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering.
BUET, Dhaka.

Date: December 30, 2009






Invocation of who might be the sources for the blessings of Allah in completion of this study


I would like to express my deep appreciation to Dr. Mohammed Mahbubur Rahman,

Assistant Professor, Department of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering, for his
continuous guidance, encouragement, supervision and endeavors throughout the entire work.

I would like to express my respect and gratefulness to Dr. Md. Ehsan, Professor Department
of Mechanical Engineering, for his valuable suggestions and advices during this project.

I would like to express my gratefulness to Mohammad Sohrab Hossain, Assistant Professor,

Department of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering, for his guidance and
assistance to edit this project.

I would like to express my respect and gratefulness to Dr. Mohammad Tamim, Professor,
Department of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering, for his valuable advices and
inspiration during this project.

I also express my gratitude to the faculty and staff of Petroleum and Mineral Resources
Engineering Department for their cooperation of this project work.

I would like to thanks Titas Gas T & D Co. Ltd. personnel Engr. Md. Golam Sarwar, Engr.
Rana Akbar Hyderi, Md. Rezaul Karim, Engr. Md. Alauddin, Engr. Md. Sumsuddin Al Azad,
Engr. Md. Nasimul Islam, Engr. Golam Faraque, Engr. Satyajit Ghosh, Engr Md.
Nazimuzzaman and Engr. Md. Siddiqur Rahman for their kind cooperation in providing
necessary data, documents and facilities regarding preparation of this report.


In gas transmission and distribution system, the gas pressure and flow rate are controlled by
using CGS, TBS, DRS and RMS. It is important to supply uninterrupted gas at a desired
pressure and flow rate to the customer premises. The Regulating and Metering Station (RMS)
is generally used for controlling the gas pressure and measuring the gas volume for fiscal
purpose. It is apparent that proper design of RMS is very important for a customer for
supplying desired amount of gas at a required pressure as well as measuring the supplied gas
accurately which is very much crucial for gas supplier in fiscal context. A large number of
RMS’s are used for gas supply to different customers in the Titas franchise area.

The major objective of this project is to design an ideal gas Regulating and Metering Station
for uninterrupted gas supply to a 50 MW power plant. In this project work, fluid
characteristics, process data, gas safety rules, International codes and standards (ASTM,
ASME ANSI, API) have been followed for the proposed RMS design. Design considerations,
selection criteria and installation of RMS equipments are incorporated. Safety and
Environmental issues have been considered in designing the gas facilities for the power plant.
The negative effects on environment are negligible. The gas load of the power plant is
calculated around 12 MMSCFD at minimum outlet pressure of 50 psig. Design has been
checked allowing variation of some related variables such as inlet pressure, specific density,
specific heat, compressibility factor and heating value. Variation of these parameters needs
no change in the design. Instrumentation and piping diagrams of the proposed RMS are also
shown in the report. Some recommendations have been made for improvement of the RMS
design. Finally, cost estimation is performed for the project.

The cost estimation of the project have been calculated on the basis of preconstruction
expenditure, construction cost and material cost. The total cost of the project is estimated as
Tk. 494.463 Lakh.

TITLE PAGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
DECLARATION------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii


DEDICATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT-------------------------------------------------------------- vi
ABSTRACT------------------------------------------------------------------------------ vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS--------------------------------------------------------------- viii

LIST OF TABLES ---------------------------------------------------------------------- xiv
LIST OF FIGURES --------------------------------------------------------------------- xv
LIST OF ABBREVIATION ---------------------------------------------------------- xvi


1.1 Objectives -------------------------------------------------------- 2

1.2 Methodology ----------------------------------------------------- 2


2.1 Typical Gas Regulating and Metering System ---------------- 3

2.1.1 Conditioning------------------------------------------------ 3

2.1.2 Regulating ------------------------------------------------- 3

2.1.3 Metering --------------------------------------------------- 3

2.2 Equipments of Regulating and Metering Station ------------- 4

2.2.1 Inlet and outlet connection -------------------------------- 6

2.2.2 Insulating joint ---------------------------------------------- 6

2.2.3 Emergency shut down valve ------------------------------ 6

2.2.4 Headers ------------------------------------------------------- 6

2.2.5 Filter Separator --------------------------------------------- 6
2.2.6 Liquid Separator ------------------------------------------- 7

2.2.7 Condensate Collection and Storage system ------------ 9
2.2.8 Gas Regulator----------------------------------------------- 9
2.2.9 Valve --------------------------------------------------------- 13
2.2.10 Gas Heating System ------------------------------------- 14
2.2.11 Gas Metering System ------------------------------------- 15
2.2.12 Auxiliary devices ----------------------------------------- 21
2.2.13 SCADA System ------------------------------------------ 26


3.1 Design Parameters ----------------------------------------------- 27

3.2 Regulating and Metering Station Configuration ------------- 28

3.2.1 Recommended minimum requirements --------------- 29

3.3 Station Specification ------------------------------------------ 30

3.4 Pipe sizing -------------------------------------------------------- 32

3.5 Header-------------------------------------------------------------- 36

3.6 Filtering system --------------------------------------------------- 37

3.6.1 Liquid separation system --------------------------------- 37 Criteria of a well design separator ---------- 37

3.6.2 Filter separator design criteria -------------------------- 38 Gas capacity design of a separator ------------ 38 Liquid capacity design of a separator--------- 39

3.6.3 Vessel design consideration ------------------------ 40

3.7 Regulators --------------------------------------------------------- 41

3.7.1 Regulators installation ---------------------------------- 42

3.7.2 Inlet and outlet connection of regulators --------------- 43 Regulator sizing --------------------------------- 43 Pressure setting ---------------------------------- 47

3.8 Heating capacity of gas heater --------------------------------- 47

3.9 Meter selection --------------------------------------------------- 48
3.9.1 Parameters for meter selection -------------------------- 48
3.9.2 Meter type selection procedure ------------------------- 49
3.9.3 Meter sizing ----------------------------------------------- 50
3.9.4 Meter run design ------------------------------------------ 51
3.9.5 Turbine meter installation -------------------------------- 52 Recommended for installation of meter ------ 52
3.10 Operational short coupling installation ---------------------- 54
3.11 Straightening vanes -------------------------------------------- 55
3.12 Strainers --------------------------------------------------------- 55
3.13 Over range protection ------------------------------------------ 56
3.14 By- pass --------------------------------------------------------- 57
3.14.1 Additional installation requirements ---------------- 57
3.15 Accessory installation ------------------------------------------ 57
3.16 Flow conditions ------------------------------------------------- 58
3.16.1 Velocity profile and swirl------------------------------ 58
3.16.2 Reynolds number -------------------------------------- 60
3.17 Orifice meter selection ----------------------------------------- 60
3.17.1 Installation requirements of orifice meter ---------- 61
3.17.2 Minimum upstream and downstream length-------- 61


4.1 Gas source -------------------------------------------------------- 63
4.2: Gas based power plant------------------------------------------ 63
4.2.1: Gas load for 50 MW Power plant --------------------- 64


5.1 Gas facilities for the proposed RMS -------------------------- 66
5.2 Brief description of proposed RMS---------------------------- 66
5.3 RMS design considerations------------------------------------- 67
5.3.1 Process data----------------------------------------------- 67
5.3.2 Fluids Characteristics ------------------------------------ 68
5.3.3 Other factors----------------------------------------------- 68

5.4 Detail design calculation----------------------------------------- 68
5.4.1 Inlet pipe line section ------------------------------------ 68
5.4.2 RMS Inlet ------------------------------------------------- 68
5.4.3 Filtering system ------------------------------------------ 69 Filter separator connection size --------------- 69 Filter separator size calculation ----------------- 70 Liquid separator size calculation --------------- 73
5.4.4 Gas heating system --------------------------------------- 75 Heat requirement calculation ------------------- 75 Heat RMS ----------------------------------------- 76
5.4.5 Pressure regulating unit --------------------------------- 78 First stage pressure regulating unit ----------- 79 Second stage pressure regulating unit -------- 81
5.4.6 Metering unit ---------------------------------------------- 86 Turbine meter sizing ---------------------------- 87
5.4.7 Straightening vane ---------------------------------------- 87

5.4.8 Flow Computer ------------------------------------------ 88

5.4.9 Gas chromatograph --------------------------------------- 89

5.4.10 Measurement accuracy -------------------------------- 92

5.4.11 Condensate storage tank ------------------------------- 93

5.4.12 Pipe length of different section of RMS ------------- 93

5.4.12 Wall thickness of Pipe Line --------------------------- 94

5.4.13 The major components size for the proposed RMS 95

5.5 Piping and Instrumentation diagram of the proposed RMS 96


6.1 Environmental impact of gas facilities for the power plant 99

6.2 Environmental Consideration --------------------------------- 99

6.3 Safety Consideration ------------------------------------------- 100


7.1 Change the inlet pressure ------------------------------------- 104

7.2 Change the gas composition and properties ---------------- 104

7.2.1 Change of heating value ------------------------------ 105

7.2.2 Change of specific gravity --------------------------- 106

7.2.3 Effect on filter separator sizing ---------------------- 106

7.2.4 Effect on heater capacity ----------------------------- 107

7.2.5 Effect on material type -------------------------------- 108


8.1 Material costs -------------------------------------------------- 109

8.2 Land acquisition and requisition ---------------------------- 115

8.3 Costing of the project ---------------------------------------- 115


9.1 Conclusion -------------------------------------------------------- 117

9.2 Recommendations ----------------------------------------------- 118

REFERENCES -------------------------------------------------------------------- 119

APPENDIX A: TERMINOLOGY ------------------------------------------------ 121

APPENDIX B: CODE & STANDARD ----------------------------------------- 124

APPENDIX C: GAS COMPOSITION ------------------------------------------- 126

APPENDIX D: GAS GENERATOR DATA SHEET ------------------------- 127

APPENDIX E: UNIT CONVERSION ------------------------------------------ 128

APPENDIX F: G-RATING FOR TURBINE METER ------------------------ 129

APPENDIX G: TURN DOWN RATIO ------------------------------------------ 130

APPENDIX H: PIPE SCHEDULE ----------------------------------------------- 131

APPENDIX I: PRESSURE RATING -------------------------------------------- 132



APPENDIX L: STANDARD VALUES FOR NOISE ------------------------- 135

APPENDIX M: RMS MATERIAL SYMBOLS ------------------------------ 136





Table 3.1: Strength of line pipe steel ---------------------------------------------- 34

Table 3.2 Joint factor --------------------------------------------------------------- 35

Table 3.3: Location factor ----------------------------------------------------------- 35

Table 3.4: Temperature de rating factor ------------------------------------------- 36

Table 3.5: Value of separator coefficient ------------------------------------------ 38

Table 3.6: Cg Value of Regulator --------------------------------------------------- 44

Table 3.7: Maximum flow rate of regulator --------------------------------------- 45

Table 3.8: G- rating & Meter type -------------------------------------------------- 50

Table 5.1: Dimensions of separator------------------------------------------------- 71

Table 5.2: Pipe length of different sections of RMS ----------------------------- 93

Table 5.3: Pipe wall thickness ------------------------------------------------------- 94

Table 5.4: RMS components size--------------------------------------------------- 95

Table 6.1: Safety distance of pipeline ---------------------------------------------- 101

Table 7.1: Natural gas composition analysis report ------------------------------ 105

Table 7.2: Regulator sizing calculation -------------------------------------------- 106

Table 7.3: Separator sizing calculation -------------------------------------------- 106

Table 7.4: Heater capacity calculation --------------------------------------------- 107

Table 8.1: Cost estimation of RMS Materials ------------------------------------- 109

Table 8.2: Capital Cost -------------------------------------------------------------- 116


Figure 1.1: Pipe line Network------------------------------------------------------- 2

Figure 2.1: Typical gas Regulating and Metering System --------------------- 4
Figure 2.2: Gas Regulating and Metering. Station ----------------------------- 5
Figure 2.3: Vertical Separator ------------------------------------------------------ 7
Figure 2.4: Horizontal single tube Separator ------------------------------------ 8
Figure 2.5: Pilot operated regulator ----------------------------------------------- 11
Figure 2.6 : Cross-section of a Turbine meter ----------------------------------- 17
Figure 2.7 Orifice Meter ---------------------------------------------------------- 19
Figure 3.1: Regulator selection chart ---------------------------------------------- 45
Figure 3.2: Meter type selection chart --------------------------------------------- 49
Figure 3.3: Installation of turbine meter for gas flow measurement ---------- 53
Figure 3.4: Recommended Installation of an in-line gas turbine meter------- 54
Figure 3.5: Short coupled installation of an in-line gas turbine meter -------- 54
Figure 3.6: Straightening Vanes ---------------------------------------------------- 55
Figure 3.7: Standard meter tube length for Orifice meters --------------------- 62
Figure 4.1: Schematic diagram of 4"Ø×500 psig pipe line --------------------- 63
Figure 5.1: Schematic diagram of filter separator unit -------------------------- 72
Figure 5.2: Schematic diagram of liquid separator unit ------------------------ 74
Figure 5.3: Schematic diagram of heating unit --------------------------------- 77
Figure 5.4: First stage pressure regulating unit ---------------------------------- 84
Figure 5.5: Second stage pressure regulating unit ------------------------------- 85
Figure 5.6: Schematic diagram of metering unit ------------------------------- 91
Figure 5.7: P & I Diagram of proposed 50 MW Power Plant RMS ----------- 97
Figure 5.8: Top view of proposed 50 MW Power Plant RMS ----------------- 98

AGA American Gas Association
API American Petroleum Institute
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
AFV Axial Flow Valve
BS British Standards
BTU British Thermal Unit
CSA Canadian Standard Association
CPP Captive Power Plant
DN Nominal Diameter
DCS Distributed Control Systems
DOE Department of Environment
ESD Emergency Shut Down
EVC Electronic Volume Corrector
ERW Electrical Resistance Welding
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
FC Flow Computer
FPD Flame Photometric Detector
FID Flame ionization Detector
GC Gas Chromatograph
GSA Gas Sells Agreement
HART High Way Addressable Remote Transmitter
IGE Institution of Gas Engineers
ISA International Society of Automation
IEC International Electro technical Committee
ISO International Standards Organization
IPP Independent Power Producers
IJ Insulating Joint
JGTDSL Jalalabad Gas Transmission and Distribution System Ltd.

KOD Knock Out Drum
MSCFH Thousand Standard Cubic Feet per hour
MMSCF Million Standard Cubic Feet
MMSCM Million Standard Cubic Meter
MW Mega Watt
NDT Non-destructive Testing
NRV Non Return Valve
OIML Organization International De Metrology Legal
PSIA Pound Per Square Inch (Absolute)
PSIG Pound Per Square Inch (Gage)
P&I Piping and Instrumentation
PN Nominal Pressure
PLC Programmable Logic Controllers
PID Photo-Ionization Detector
RTU Remote Terminal Units
ROW Right of Way
SAR Submerged Arc Welding
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SSV Slam Shut off Valve
SPP Small Power Plant
TGTDCL Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Limited
TCD Thermal Conductivity Detector
CP Cathodic Protection



A network of transmission pipeline system transports natural gas from producing fields to
consumers. Gas transmission pipeline normally operates at high pressure of 1000/960/850/350
psig (GTCL, 2007). The customers usually do not use gas at such high pressures. It is
necessary to control the pressure and flow rate for supplying gas to a customer at desired
pressure and flow rate. In gas transmission and distribution network, the gas pressure and
flow rate are controlled at pressure reduction stations located at suitable places. There are
known as City Gate Station (CGS), Town Bordering Station (TBS), District Regulating
Station (DRS), Regulating and Metering Station (RMS). After reducing pressure through
these stations, gas is supplied to different bulk customers like Power and Fertilizer Producer
of Government Sector, Independent power producers (IPP), Small Power Plant (SPP), Captive
Power Plants (CPP) and Non bulk customers such as industrial, commercial and domestic

Regulating and Metering Station means a station comprising of Regulator, Meter and other
equipments necessary for the delivery of specification gas to a customer. Pressure Regulator
means all devices required to maintain a specified pressure at the outlet of the RMS under
variable gas flow conditions. Meter means all devices to be installed, operated and maintained
by the company for measuring, recording and computing the gas flow volumes delivered to
the customer.

This study aims to undertake and estimate of design an ideal Regulating and Metering Station
for gas supply to a 50 MW power plant in accordance with International codes and standards
(ASTM, ASME ANSI, API). The design will be carried out according to the fluid
characteristic and process data. Technical details of different equipments of the RMS will be
studied. The findings can then be incorporated in designing an improved RMS. Cost
estimation will be conducted for the proposed RMS design and construction for gas supply to
the said power plant.

A schematic diagram of pipeline network is shown in the following Figure-1.1

Gas Gathering Line

Gas Field Process TBS/
1000 Psig
150/50 Psig

Power Plant/Industry RMS/


Fig 1.1: Pipeline Network

1.1 Objectives
The main objectives of this study are as follows
· Design of an ideal gas Regulating and Metering Station to supply conditioned gas
at a desired pressure as per requirement of the power plant.
· Cost estimation of the proposed RMS.

1.2 Methodology

· Literature review of different equipments of the Regulating and Metering Station.

· Surveying of the proposed power plant RMS area including gas source such as
CGS/TBS/DRS or any high pressure gas line.
· Gas load calculation as per catalogue of gas based power station.
· Consult International Standards and Codes (ASTM, ASME ANSI, API) and there
practiced by Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Ltd.
· Design of the proposed ideal RMS considering all criteria.
· Cost estimation of the proposed RMS based on preconstruction expenditure,
construction cost and material cost etc.



Regulating and Metering Station (RMS) means a station comprising of Regulator, Meter and
other equipments necessary for the delivery of specification gas to the customer. Pressure
Regulator means all devices required to maintain a specified pressure at the outlet of the RMS
under variable gas flow conditions. Meter means all devices to be installed, operated and
maintained by the company for measuring, recording and computing for fiscal purpose the gas
flow volumes delivered to the customer.

In this chapter, typical gas regulating and metering system, different types of RMS
equipments and their working principle, advantages and disadvantages will be discussed.

2.1 Typical Gas Regulating and Metering System

Typical gas regulating and metering systems are gas conditioning, regulating and metering
which described below.

2.1.1 Conditioning
Natural gas quality has a strong effect on operation of the regulating and metering station and
measurement system. The gas should be pipeline quality gas. Gas conditioning is the
technique to remove surge of liquid, condensate, water and entrained solids from gas stream
by using separator and rising up the temperature of gas at a desired level to prevent hydrate
formation by using heater to prevent the damage of regulator and meter

2.1.2 Regulating
Regulating is the technique to control the flow of gas and maintain the system pressure and
flow with certain acceptable limit of a regulating station.

2.1.3 Metering
Gas metering is the technique to measure the gas volumes for transmission system, CGS,
TBS, DRS and RMS. The metering bank consists of meter runs according to AGA report for
the computation of the gas volume. Different types of meters are used for gas metering.

Fig 2.1: Typical Gas Metering and Regulating System
(Source : ZICOM Equipment Pvt. Ltd.)

A typical gas regulating and metering system is shown in Fig 2.1

2.2 Equipment of a Regulating and Metering Station

The Regulating and Metering Station (RMS) consists of inlet pipeline with filter separator
pressure regulator, relief valve and meter. Details of the station are given below:

(i) Insulating joint

(ii) Inlet emergency shut down (ESD) valve
(iii) Knock out drum (KOD)/ scrubbers and filter separators.
(iv) Gas heaters or heat exchanger
(v) Valves and valves actuators
(vi) Slam shut valve
(vii) Relief valves
(viii) Pressure regulators
(ix) Silencers
(x) Meters
(xi) Liquid separator.
(xii) Pressure Gauge

(xiii) Temperature Gauge
(xiv) Chart recorder
(xv) Differential pressure transmitter
(xvi) Temperature transmitter
(xvii) Density and specific gravity transducer
(xviii) Gas Chromatograph
(xix) Flow Computer
(xx) Electronic Volume Corrector (EVC)
(xxi) Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System
(xxii) Condensate tank
(xxiii) Weld-neck Flanges, Blind Flanges, Metallic and Asbestos Gaskets, Tees,
Elbows, End caps, Reducers, Saddle/weld-o-lets, Needle valves, Screwed gate
and ball valves, Socket welded fittings (Flange, Tee, Elbow, Reducer etc.),
Screwed Fittings, SS tubes, Compression Coupling and Stud Blots (As per
requirements), etc.

Fig 2.2 : Fenchugonj 90 MW Power Plant RMS

(Source : JGTDSL)

Partial view of a gas regulating and metering station is shown in Fig 2.2

Function of the equipments are described as follows

2.2.1 Inlet and outlet connections

The piping to and from regulator should be supported adequately to minimize pipe strains.
The piping should be designed to have adequate capacity for the expected maximum flow and
the pressure conditions. Velocities in regulator valve passages can reach sonic velocity
conditions. High velocities create noise so piping should be sized to keep gas velocities at a
reasonable level. There are specific pipeline velocity limits used by many companies to
maintain a relatively quiet pipeline system and to keep pressure losses low. Such limiting
velocities range between 50 feet per second to a maximum of approximately 400 feet per
second. There are situations where higher velocities may be required for short distances;
however, the designer should calculate the pipe velocities to be encountered and determine
the steps that may be necessary to maintain satisfactory noise levels.

2.2.2 Insulating joint

To protect eddy current producing from transmission and distribution network which damage
the pipeline of RMS, insulating joints are used at station inlet and outlet of RMS.

2.2.3 Emergency shut down (ESD) valve

To isolate the RMS from transmission network in case of emergency, ESD valve is placed at
inlet of the station.

2.2.4 Headers
A header is a way to combine multi sources or multi-outlets into a single source or outlet.
Headers need to be designed to distribute the gas symmetrically. They are typically larger
sized pipe, tees, and caps. Headers are used when more than one regulator or meter run are
required. In sizing headers it is a rule of thumb that the cross sectional area of the header be
1.5 times larger than the sum of the inlet or outlet cross sectional area (which ever is larger).

2.2.5 Knock out drum (KOD)/ scrubbers and filter separators

Knock out drum (KOD) is one kind of liquid separator and two stage filter separator. Liquid,
Condensate are separated through the KOD.

2.2.6 Liquid Separation System
The liquid separation system is composed by two identical filtering lines to provide separation
of liquid condensate mist from gas down stream pressure reduction . Each of them is designed
for the maximum station flow rate, so that during the normal operation of the plant one filter
will be in service and the second will be stand-by. Each filter will be put in/ on of service only
manually operating through the inlet/outlet filter gear operated ball valves.

Types of Separators
Separators can be categorized into three basic types. These are vertical separator, horizontal
separator, and spherical separator. Vertical separator

The well stream is feed to the vertical separator tangentially through an inlet diverter that
causes the primary separation by three simultaneous actions on the stream – gravity settling,
centrifugation, and impingement of the fluids against the separator shell in a thin film. Figure
2.3 is depicting a vertical separator.

Figure 2.3 : Vertical Separator

(Source : Shanghai Fiorentini, 2008)

7 Horizontal Separators
Horizontal separators may be of a single-tube or a double-tube design. In the single-tube
horizontal separator, the well stream upon entering through the inlet strikes an angle baffle
and then the separator shell. The liquid drains into the liquid accumulation section, via hori-
zontal baffles as shown in Figure 2.4. These baffles act as sites for further release of any
dissolved gas. Gas flows horizontally in a horizontal separator.

Figure 2.4 : Horizontal separator

(Source : Shanghai Fiorentini, 2008) Spherical Separators

The spherical separator is designed to make optimum use of all the known means of gas and
liquid separation such as gravity, low velocity, centrifugal force, and surface contact. An inlet
flow diverter spreads the entering well stream tangentially against the separator wall. The
liquid is split into two streams that come together after going halfway around the circular
vessel wall and then fall into the liquid accumulation section. Liquid droplets from the gas are
removed mostly by the velocity reduction imposed upon the gas inside the vessel. A mist
extractor is used for the final removal of smaller liquid droplets in the gas.

2.2.7 Condensate Collection and Storage System
Water and liquid hydrocarbons coming from the filtering system and liquid separators will be
collected and stored in the condensate tank. The condensate storage tank will be manually
emptied with local control. It will be equipped with a safety valve to prevent any internal over
pressure and level indicator with a high level alarm in control room.

2.2.8 Gas Regulator

The primary function of any gas regulator is to match the flow of gas through the regulator to
the demand for gas placed upon the system. At the same time, the regulator must maintain the
system pressure with certain acceptable limits. A typical gas pressure system might be similar
to that shown in Fig-2.5 where the regulator is placed upstream of the valve or other device
that is varying its demand for gas from the regulator.

If the load flow decreases, the regulator flow must decrease also. Otherwise, the regulator
would put too much gas into the system and the pressure (P2) would tend to increase. On the
other hand, if the load flow increases, then the regulator flow must increase also in order to
keep P2 from decreasing due to a shortage of gas in the pressure system. If the regulator were
capable of instantaneously matching its flow to the load flow, then we would never have
major transient variation in the pressure (P2) as the load changes rapidly.

Regulator Types

- Pressure reducing regulators

- Backpressure regulators
- Pressure relief valves
- Pressure switching valves
- Shutoff valves

9 Pressure reducing regulators
A pressure reducing regulator maintains a desired reduced outlet pressure while providing the
required fluid flow to satisfy a downstream demand. The pressure which the regulator
maintains is the outlet pressure setting (set point) of the regulator. Pressure reducing
regulators can be direct-operated or pilot-operated.

1. Direct-operated (Self- operated)

2. Pilot-operated Direct-operated (Self-operated)

Direct-operated regulators are the simplest style of regulators. At low set pressures,
typically below 1 psig (0.07 bar), they can have very accurate (+/-1%) control.. At high
control pressures, up to 500 psig (34.5 bar), 10 to 20% control is typical.
In operation, a direct-operated, pressure reducing regulator senses the downstream
pressure through either internal pressure registration or an external control line. This
downstream pressure opposes a spring which moves the diaphragm and valve plug to
change the size of the flow path through the regulator. Pilot-operated
Pilot-operated regulators are preferred for high rates or where precise pressure control is
required. A popular type of pilot- operated system uses two-path control. In two-path
control, the main valve diaphragm responds quickly to downstream pressure changes,
causing an immediate correction in the main valve plug position. At the same time, the
pilot- diaphragm diverts some of the reduced inlet pressure to the other side of the main
valve diaphragm to control the final positioning of the main valve plug. Two-path control
results in fast response and accurate control.

In the evolution of pressure regulator designs, the shortcomings of the direct-operated

regulator naturally led to attempts to improve accuracy and capacity.

Fig 2.5: Pilot-operated regulator
(Source: Fisher Controls, 2005)

· Regulator Pilots
· Set point
· Spring Action

Regulator Pilots
The major function of the pilot is to increase regulator sensitivity. If it can sense a change in
P2 and translate it into a larger change in P L, the regulator will be more responsive (sensitive)
to changes in demand.

Set point
Set point and many performance variables are determined by the pilot. It senses P2 directly
and will continue to make changes in PL on the main regulator until the system is in
equilibrium. The main regulator is the "muscle" of the system, and may be used to control
large flows and pressures.

Spring Action
Notice that the pilot uses a spring-open action as found in direct-operated regulators. The
main regulator, shown in Figure 1, uses a spring-close action. The spring, rather than loading
pressure, is used to achieve shutoff. Increasing PL from the pilot onto the main diaphragm
opens the main regulator. Overpressure protection

To prevent personal injury, equipment damage or leakage due to escaping gas or bursting of
pressure-containing parts, it is necessary to install adequate overpressure protection when
installing a pressure reducing regulator. Adequate overpressure protection should also be
installed to protect all downstream equipment in the event of regulator failure. Some
regulators are made with internal overpressure relief, whereas others require the installation of
a separate relief valve or an additional regulator to act as a monitor. There are also shut-off
devices that are designed specially to handle overpressure. Pressure relief valves

A pressure relief valve limits pressure buildup (i.e, prevents overpressure) at its location in a
pressure system. The relief valve opens to prevent a rise of inlet pressure in excess of a
specified value. The pressure at which the relief valve begins to open pressure is the relief
pressure setting. Pressure relief valves can be direct-operated or pilot- operated.

Relief valve and backpressure regulators are the same devices. The name is determined by the
application. Automatic Shutoffs/Slam-Shuts valves

A pressure shutoff or slam-Shut device Shuts off the flow whenever the sensed control
pressure violates a set limit. Depending on the capacity of the device selected, it may be able
to shut off in response to a low-pressure condition only a high- pressure condition only or
both. Backpressure regulators

A backpressure regulator maintains a desired upstream pressure by varying the flow in
response to change in upstream pressure. Pressure switching valves

Pressure switching valves are used in pneumatic logic systems. These valves are for either
two-way or three-way switching. Two way switching valves are used for on/off service in
pneumatic systems. Three-way switching valves direct inlet pressure from one outlet port to
another whenever the sensed pressure exceeds or drops below a preset limit.

2.2.9 Valve
A valve is a device that regulates the flow of a fluid (gases, liquids, fluidized solids, or
slurries) by opening, closing, or partially obstructing various passageways. Valves are
technically pipe fittings, but are usually discussed as a separate category. In an open valve,
fluid flows in a direction from higher pressure to lower pressure.

Valves are used in oil and gas, power generation, mining, water reticulation, sewerage and
chemical manufacturing.

Valves may be operated manually, either by a hand wheel, lever or pedal. Valves may also be
automatic, driven by changes in pressure, temperature, or flow. These changes may act upon a
diaphragm or a piston which in turn activates the valve, examples of this type of valve found
commonly are safety valves fitted to hot water systems or boilers. Types of valve

There are different types of valves are used such as Gate valves, Globe valves, Ball valves,
Plug valves, Diaphragm valves, Butterfly valves and Check valves.

Gate valves are generally used in systems where low flow resistance for a fully open valve is
desired and there is no need to throttle the flow. Globe valves are used in systems where
good throttling characteristics and low seat leakage are desired and a relatively high
head loss in an open valve is acceptable. Ball valves allow quick, quarter turn on-off
operation and have poor throttling characteristics. Plug valves are often used to direct flow

between several different ports through use of a single valve. Diaphragm valves and pinch
valves are used in systems where it is desirable for the entire operating mechanism to be
completely isolated from the fluid. Butterfly valves provide significant advantages over other
valve designs in weight, space, and cost for large valve applications. Check valves
automatically open to allow flow in one direction and seat to prevent flow in the reverse
direction. A stop check valve is a combination of a lift check valve and a globe valve and
incorporates the characteristics of both. Safety/relief valves are used to provide automatic
over pressurization protection for a system.

2.2.10 Gas Heating System

The heating system is provided to prevent the possibility of gas freezing and hydrates
formation, due to the pressure drop during the reducing step in regulating system and
pipelines, caused by the Joule-Thomson effect. A convenient rule of thumb indicates that a 15
psig reduction in pressure of natural gas is associated with a 1°F decrease in temperature
(Roy,1989). Preheating of the gas is necessary for smooth operation of the gas station and
correct flow measurement. Pre heaters are installed to heat the gas after the gas has passed the
filter and before pressure reduction.

There are several types of heaters which may be used in regulating and metering station.
Water bath heater, Heat exchangers and electric heater may be used depending on the station
capacity and design. Water bath heater

Water bath heater is one kind of indirect fired heater. Water bath heaters are often used in
regulating and metering stations. The purpose is to heat the gas so that after a pressure drop is
taken across a pressure regulator, the gas will be above the hydrate point. It consists of
tubular elements, carrying the gas immersed in a water bath, which is maintained at the
required constant temperature by the use of a burner fitted with standard controls and safety
devices to maintain the desired exit temperature in the gas stream. The capacity range of
water bath heater within 15 kw to 1170 kw according to heat required for heating gas. Heat Exchangers

Heat exchangers are used to increase the temperature (above the dew point) of natural gas.
Their performance is based on the heat exchanger between water (or steam) and the gas to be
treated. Heat exchangers are designed to be suitable for an easy inspection and cleaning of all
the parts. Electrical Heater

This may take the from of a pressure vessel located in the gas stream in which are inserted
electric immersion heaters. Such an arrangement would normally be confined to relatively
small gas flow. A form of heating suitable for low input needs, such as impulse piping is that
of heating tapes wrapped around the section of piping and thermally insulated on the outside.

2.2.11 Gas Metering System

Gas metering is very important for transmission and distribution system and metering station.
Throughout the world, gas measurement utilizes two basic principles to measure gas volumes,
positive displacement meter and inferential meters. Positive displacement meters comprise
the large majority of measurement devices in use while inferential meters are used primarily
for large volume measurement and thus fewer applications.

In RMS the metering bank consists of one metes runs design accordance to AGA report no.3
for the computation, of the gas volume flow delivered. Different types of meters are used for
gas metering which describes as follows :
· Positive displacement - Diaphragm meter ,Rotary meter & Turbine meter
· Differential pressure measurement – Orifice, Venturi and nozzle meter
· Ultrasonic flow meter - Doppler flow meter
· Fluid oscillatory – Vortex meter, Swirl meter
· Electro magnetic flow meter – Magnetic flow meter
· Direct mass – Coriolis mass flow meter.
· Thermal - Thermal profile flow meter. Positive displacement Meter

Positive displacement meter measures gas volume passing through it by repeatedly filling
and discharging one or more chambers in sequence. Each chamber’s volume is known &
the operating cycles are counted to get the volume passed. Meters incorporating the
positive displacement principle of measurement are of the diaphragm and rotary type

a) Diaphragm Meter
In diaphragm meters there are two chambers alternately fill and empty, with slide values
at the top of the meters controlling the flow to the chambers. The gas volume is obtained
through a mechanical linkage mechanism, which connects the diaphragm motion to the
mechanical readout system, where the number of displacements is counted.

A basic characteristics of diaphragm meters is their capability to accurately measure flow

rates varying from small pilot loads to the maximum capacity the meter. The capacity is
termed the frangibility. Diaphragm meters have excellent rangeability. The operation of
this meter is simple and proven. This type of displacement meters are available in sizes
and it can also be used for commercial and small industrial applications. These meters are
produced with a G–rating range from G – 1.6 to G – 10 with operating pressure 0.4 bars.

b) Rotary Meter
This type of meter contains two oppositely rotating impellers, which are the measuring
mechanism. The volume of gas is directly related to the number of revolutions of one of
the impeller shafts. The rotary meter’s capacity rating is much greater than the diaphragm
meter. Rotary meters are available in ranges of 800 to 102,000 CFH. It can be used in high
pressure applications with up to an ANSI 600 rating available. These meters are compact
and reliable, however since the operation depends on maintaining proper clearance
between the impellers and the case, they can be susceptible to stress and if a malfunction
occurs, then the gas flow could be stopped. The rotary meter is limited at high pressure.
Therefore this meter although an excellent performance is not regarded as appropriate for
large capacity, high pressure metering of natural gas.

C) Turbine Meters

The turbine meter is classified as a rotary inferential meter. These flow meters are used
successfully in both liquid and gas measurement. Turbine meters are velocity sensing
meters with the volume of fluid being derived from the rotations of the turbine rotor. The
speed of this rotor is proportional to flow rate. Turbine meters has been established as a
means of measuring fluid for nearly 80 years. Since the 1950s, they have been considered
favorably for the measurement of large volume gas flows. The designs have proved
receivable, accurate and repeatable. As well as being used as the primary measurement
standard, axial flow gas turbine meters are increasingly being used as calibration and
reference meters.
The turbine meter (Figure-2.6) has wide range ability (to 200:1 depending on meter
size and line pressure), greater accuracy potential and more versatility in adding
mechanical and electronic auxiliary devices. Like an orifice meter, a turbine meter
does not impede flow if there is damage or failure. This is important when maintaining
gas service to a downstream consumer is critical.

Figure-2.6: Turbine Meter

(Source: RMG-GmbH, 2008)
Two basic assumptions relate to the operation of the turbine meter:
1) The angular velocity of the rotor is proportional to the volumetric flow rate passing
through the meter.

2) The pulsed output frequency of the pick-up is proportional to angular velocity of
the rotor.
The axial flow gas turbine meter comprised of three main components:
a) The body through which the gas passes.
b) A rotor with bearings and supporting structure.
c) A device to transfer the internal revolutions of the rotor to an external counter.

Gas flowing through the meter impinges on turbine blades located centrally along the axis of
the unit. Turbine blades are free to rotate, and do so in a manner directly proportional to the
velocity of the gas passing the blades.

The area of the rotor face as defined by the mean radius of the rotor can be determined.
Permanent magnets installed in the hub of the rotor, turn with the rotor to produce a magnetic
field, which passes through a coil. As each of the magnets pass the coil a separate and distinct
voltage pulse is created. The frequency of these pulses is proportional to the velocity of the
rotor is also proportional to the flow rate. Each pulse is also proportional to a small unit of
volume. The pulses, the effective flow rate and total flow are transmitted by frequency and by
counting the pulses. The output frequency has been conditioned into a square wave through a
preamplifier. This conditioning allows it to be transferred to a remote flow computer. Each
pulse represents only a small incremental volume of flow. Since the turbine meter measures
volume at line conditions, the gas laws can be applied to change the register volume to base

2) Inferential Meters
Orifice and turbine meters operate on the inferential measurement principle. Here the flow
rate is found by inferring from other measured variables.

a) Orifice Meters
Orifice Metering is the most common form of gas metering used throughout the world for the
accounting of large volumes of natural gas. It is also used for the measurement of liquids.

Based on the differential pressure method, the rate of flow is computed on the basis of long
established physical principles. The common equation used for determining the total flow
volume being based on the current AGA or ISO Standard.

The orifice plate meter is classified as a differential pressure (dp) meter. There are a number
of types of flow meters, with different shapes and sizes, which fit into this category of
inferring flow rate from the pressure drop across a restriction. An Orifice plate flow meter
system consists of three discrete components the meter tube, the orifice assembly, and the
differential pressure gauge. The meter tube and orifice assembly are considered to be the
primary element and the differential pressure gauge, pressure and temperature gauge or
recorder are being referred to as secondary element.

Figure-2.7: Orifice Meter

(Source : AGA Report no 3)

Orifice meters must be designed, fabricated and installed according to AGA Report no 3
(ANSI/API 2530). When designing an orifice meter run, differential pressure should range
between 10” and 90” of water column for a 100” chart and 20” and 180” of water column for
a 200” chart. This avoids large measurement errors at low differential pressures and
overhanging the chart. Although AGA Report no 3 does not specify upper or lower
differential pressure limits, industry standard is 10” to 200” of water column. If the
differential pressure falls below 10” of water column, it does not stabilize and measurement
errors result.

The orifice plate meter is classified as a differential pressure (dp) meter. There are a number
of types of flow meters, with different shapes and sizes, which fit into this category of
inferring flow rate from the pressure drop across a restriction. An orifice plate flow meter
system consists of two basic elements, namely the primary flow element, which is the orifice
plate, and secondary elements which include the differential pressure transmitter, or
differential pressure indicating device such as a manometer, and the associated pipe work and
valves. The orifice plate meter relies on the principle of when a fluid is flowing a closed
medium (a pipe) and encounters a restriction, a pressure drop is developed. This pressure drop
is related to the flow rate of the fluid. By measuring the differential pressure across the orifice
plate (upstream and downstream of the plate) and the condition at which the orifice is being
used, then this pressure differential can be translated into a volume flow rate according to a
formula. Accurate measurement is definitely possible with this type of flow meter, if
malfunctions occur the flow of gas will not be stopped. Orifice meters are not limited by high
pressure or high flow so they can therefore be considered for high flow, high pressure gas
metering. Naturally the correct selection of orifice plate type is important.

The rangeability of a single orifice meter is about 3:1, by adding further orifice meter runs in
parallel, this rangeability increases by the square. That is, a dual run meter station would have
a theoretical rangeabilitiy of approximately 9:1. Rangeability is the term used with meters to
express the flow range over which a meter operates whilst continuing to meet a given
accuracy tolerance. The rangeability can also be expressed as ‘turndown’, which is a ratio of
the maximum flow divided by the minimum flow, again over a given accuracy tolerance.

Ultrasonic Meters
Ultrasonic meters, as custody transfer devices, are relatively new to the gas industry. A.G.A.
Report no-9 refers to the industry accepted standard for installation of an ultrasonic meter.
Report no- 9 is vague compared to Report no-3. It leaves a lot of the design and installation
up to the manufacture of the ultrasonic. This is due to the fact that there is not a good
understanding of installation effects of Ultrasonic's yet. Choosing the appropriate meter, out
of all the meters available, a designer must choose a meter to fit the need of the station. First
look at the flow rates and pressures and decide what type of meter would best fit for the
application. Positive displacement meters are usually used for low flow applications. Orifice

and ultrasonic meters are usually considered for large flow applications. After choosing a
meter the regulators may be sized.

2.2.12 Auxiliary devices Used with Meters:

The following auxiliary devices can be used with meters.

1) Electronic Volume Correctors

The electronic volume corrector (EVC) accomplishes the same functions electronically
as its mechanical counterparts.

Because they are microprocessor based, they are more versatile (perform more tasks)
and flexible (in date retrieval, manipulation and transmission) than mechanical
devices. They are also less subject to accuracy loss due to vibration, wear and other
mechanical failures. Features include:
· pressure and temperature correction
· calculated super compressibility factor using fixed gas quality values
· various volume outputs: uncorrected, corrected, totals
· imperial or metric unit choice
· built-in alarms indicating battery condition, pressure and temperature over under
ranges, etc.
· telemetry capability (with data transmission devices added)

EVCs are mounted above the meter's output drive shaft. They conserve battery power by
remaining dormant between flow calculations, which are only performed on every
complete revolution of this shaft. They are used on diaphragm, rotary and most turbine

2) Flow Computers :
A flow computer has more program options than an EVC. Features include those listed
for EVC's with the following:
· Calculated super compressibility factor using full gas composition data (if available)

· Wide variety of alarm settings
· Most are not approved for use in hazardous areas
· Continuously calculated flow using AGA Report no3 or 7 equations
· Reprogrammable for other applications
· Performs some logic functions
· Calculated flows for several meter runs simultaneously
· Differential pressure (in mA) or pulse input accepted
· Pulse output for an odorant injection system.

An orifice meter requires a flow computer with a differential pressure input. The unit
usually used in this case is approved for use in a Class 1, Division 1, Group D hazardous
area. All other flow computers can not be used in hazardous areas, so must be installed in
a site control building.

3) Chart Recorder
Chart recorder is standard for accurate, reliable measurement and recording of pressure,
differential pressure and temperature in a wide variety of applications.

Although very significant advances have been made in the direct processing of flow
measurement data by means of microprocessor based equipment, a need still exists for the
chart recorder because it is reliable. The use of the direct reading chart has the advantage
that the measurement being recorded can be read at a glance. Some organizations retire
charts as a permanent record for accounting purposes. The recording and calculation
process is the final consideration for obtaining accurate flow measurement. In the
evaluation of equipment, one significant factor tends to be overlooked in the selection
process – that of the skill and training of operators. The proper operation of complex data
processing equipment in many cases gets down to the skill.

Chart recorders are simple and fairly robust and therefore do not require highly skilled
operators or expensive diagnostic equipment, however malfunctions can occur if they are
not serviced properly or incorrect charts are used. Cost wise, the chart recorder can be an

attractive option. When a back correction is required or a prior event needs investigation,
a chart recording can be invaluable.

By using the concept of Bellows, Bourdon tube and thermos well mechanical recorder are
produced by the manufacturer of different ranges and sizes, which are used to measure the
differential pressure, static pressure of gas with circular chart. The accuracy of their
device is

a) Differential pressure element: ± 0.5% of full scale.

b) Static pressure: ± 1% of full scale.

Chart recorders are mainly two types one type is VPT recorder and another is flow
recorders for orifice meters.

4) Flow Recorders
The flow recorders are a differential flow recorder for orifice meters. They are used as the
primary record of flow through an orifice meter. The chart records static pressure,
pressure differential and flowing temperature. Chart drives are available to turn the charts
faster or slower, but in most installations 24 hour or 7 day charts are used.

Chart ranges are:

Static pressure : 0 to 3 450 kPa or 0 to 6900 kPa

Pressure differential : 0 to 25 kPa (o to 100” WC) or 0 to 50 kPa (0 to 200” WC)

Flowing temperature: 0 to 38oC.

Flow recorders are no longer used for backup in new installations because EVC's have
proven reliable and contain their own internal backup. Technical services, measurement
and electronics' standard is Graphic Controls disposable pens for all recorders.

5) Pressure Gauge

There are a number of devices and instruments available for the measurement of
pressure. The simplest pressure-measuring device is the pressure gauge, and the most

common of all the pressure gauges utilizes the ‘Bourdon tube’.[The principle of
operation of Bourdon tube, which is a thin metallic tube closed at one end, is that when
pressure is applied to the tube internally the tube will tend to straighten out from its
normal cylindrical form. The sealed top of the tube moves linearly with the applied
internal pressure, therefore this movement can be translated to a scale. When the
pressure is removed the tube will return to its normal state. Care must be taken not to
over range a Bourdon tube type pressure gauge otherwise damage through distortion of
the tube may occur]. An accuracy of about ± 1% should be available for at least the
upper range value of a good Bourdon tube type pressure gauge. These are some master
pressure gauge with an accuracy of ± 0.25%.Pressure gauges also adopt bellows as the
means of translating the pressure into a visual scale.

6) Temperature measurement

Two scales tend to be more commonly used these being the Celsius and the Fahrenheit
scales. For the international system of units (SI), the Kelvin (K) is the unit used and for
F. P. S. system it is Rankine (R). Among the process variables temperature is very
difficult to control. Temperature must be measured without any interference. This can
be achieved by a number of ways ad includes expansion and contraction of liquids and
metals. Changes in electrical resistance, change in intensity of emitted radiation and
changes in volume or pressure of gas the most common temperature measurement
devices are:

a) Filled thermal system

b) Thermocouples
c) Liquid in glass thermometer
d) Thermistors
e) Resistance temperature detectors (RTD’s)
f) Radiation pyrometers
g) Bimetallic devices
h) Smart temperature transmitters.

Selection of the best sensor for a given application can be a function of temperature range,
sensitivity, response time, initial cost, maintenance, accuracy, reliability and power
requirements. Overall control requirements are also important. This can lead to the
selection of a mechanically or pneumatically transmitted system, giving freedom from
external power sources and simple maintenance requirements. On the other hand higher
accuracy and sensitivity and multi sensing ability may make the electronic system more
attractive. Temperature measurement and its conversion have a strong effect on
measurement. Incorrectly measured temperature value can alter the actual flow quantity.
Now we can discuss some of the potential error of temperature measurement.

7) Density measurement
Measurement of density is necessary not only for mass flow measurement system but also
for a computerized volumetric flow measurement system.

The traditional methods for density measurement are to measure the mass of a fixed
volume of fluid or the volume of a fixed mass. This usually involves taking a sample of
the fluid from the process vessel or a pipeline to a laboratory for weighing. Although this
method can produce accurate results, it is impractical for most process and pipeline
applications. Due to the requirement for an in-site measurement device, the densitometer
was developed. Densitometer sometimes shows higher value than the actual due to
condensation of gas in the device. This may alter the value of actual gas used. So it has a
strong effect on system loss.

2.2.13 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System

The Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system allows users safety and
efficiency operate RMS by providing remote monitoring and processing, control functions,
data collection and analysis and report generations.. The system consists of electronic sensors
and controls installed remotely on the pipeline system and that are linked via network to a set
of computers.

From a SCADA terminal authorized users can
· Open and closed valves
· Monitor the flow, pressure and chemical composition of the gas
· View current conditions in the system
· View and print detailed information about the operation of the system and the data
received by the system

SCADA makes it possible to

· Quickly access accurate information
· Detect and respond to problem conditions very quickly
· Effectively manage the system operation
· Maximize the efficient use of available human resources
· Carefully oversee operations in remote areas.



Sustained safety, accuracy and control are the primary considerations in the design of
regulating and metering station. Many factors must be considered and assembled into
specifications and drawings to ensure safety and to provide accuracy, accessibility and work
space for operations. These factors can be combined into a piping structure with adequate
foundation and a partial or complete shelter arranged to fit the site. The station should be
designed with predicted load changes considered and to require a minimum of piping
alteration with unpredicted load change. Most regulating and metering stations are likely to be
in service for a long time.

After considering the safety, purpose and cost of a high pressure measuring and regulation
station one can follow a few steps in selection of basic components to design a reliable,
accurate, safe and cost efficient station. There are a variety of sources available for
information details on all the components of a high pressure measuring and regulation station,
including A.G.A. Report no-3, A.G.A. Report no-7, Bangladesh natural gas safety
rules,1991(Amendment 2003), National Regulations, company policy and manufacturer's
literature. Also consulting with the field operations personnel for ideas during the design will
help give practical perspective to the design of a station.

In this chapter, the basic design considerations and procedures in designing a regulation and
measuring station will be discussed. The equipment selection criteria are also elaborated here.

3.1 Design Parameters

To achieve safety, accuracy and dependability in a high pressure measuring and regulating
station the following parameters must be considered in order to design RMS.
· The amount of gas that must flow through the RMS and expected future changes in
volume requirements
· Inlet and outlet pressure

· In order to ensure supply continuously, alternate system must be taken for emergency
and scheduled maintenance of important equipment (By pass system)
· Provision of filter separator to protect valuable and sensitive regulators and meters
from dirt and condensate
· Provision of slam shut valve to protect down stream station from unexpected high
· Provision of emergency shut down (ESD) valve to isolate main station from
transmission network in case of any emergency situation
· Provision of heater to prevent the possibility of gas freezing due to the pressure drop
during the reducing step and low atmospheric temperature
· Use of silencer to reduce the noise level due to gas de-pressurization
· Meter selection
· Control device selection
· The requirements for maintenance
· Establish sophistical Flow computer/Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
(SCADA) System

Safety, cost, site location, constructability, operation and maintenance, environmental impact,
government regulations. All of these will impact the design parameters.

3.2 Regulating and Metering Station Configuration

Regulating and Metering Station configuration has a strong effect on system loss if it is not
installed or built as per the internationally recognized or prescribed standard with maintaining
the entire requirement for filtering, regulating, metering and safety. At least minimum
requirement should be meet. In this regard Institution of Gas Engineers (IGE)
recommendation, IGE/TD/9 and American Petroleum Institute (API) recommendation should
be used as a guideline. The pipe and fittings should be installed in such a way that turbulence
can be avoided.

3.2.1 Recommended Minimum Requirements

The overall design of Regulating and Metering Station (RMS) should comply as a minimum
requirement as per Institution of Gas Engineer’s recommendation IGE TD-9.

· Two or more high-pressure inlet filters with suitable valving and connections to permit
design throughput to be maintained with one unit out of action. Means to avoid the
entertainment of liquids in the gas entering a regulator assembly and, if necessary
suitable provision made for their removal. It is particularly important that the gas supply
to regulator control instruments should be fee of liquids and dust and suitable filters or
filter/separators should be installed as appropriate.

· Two or more streams of pressure regulators each stream to contain at least two
regulators, so impulse that if any one fails, the remainder will maintain safe conditions.
Where the installation is not a major supply or is reinforcement off take, consideration
may be given to the provision of a single stream of regulators only. Upstream slam–shut
valves should be fitted on all streams of regulators. This requirement for the provision of
slam-shut valves may be waived at the discretion of a responsible engineer in the case of
very small installations where the potential gas release via a relief valve can be allowed.

· Installations should be designed to withstand inlet pressure conditions through to the

final outlet valve. Where this is not reasonably practicable, the design should include
inter-stage relief valves in each stream where more than one stage of pressure reduction
is involved. Such relief valves should be at least of sufficient capacity to off-set the
effects of gas passing due to tail use of regulators to “lock-up” at times of no flow.
Protection may also be afforded by providing an auxiliary trip switch for the slam shut

· In certain circumstances failure of a pressure reduction installation to “lock-up” at

periods of low flow may cause the normal working pressure of the system into which it
delivers to be exceeded. The use of a relief valve and vent of sufficient capacity to offset
this failure to lock-up may be considered if the operation of the slam-shut system is

· It is necessary to consider whether or not preheating of the gas is required to avoid
unacceptable low temperature in the down stream pipe work and auxiliary systems
following pressure reduction. If heater is installed then they should be controlled in such
a way as to avoid high gas temperatures, which can damage any seals, diaphragms or
valve seats in equipment such as regulators, meters, relief valves etc.

3.3 Station specifications

There are many details to assemble in the development of station specifications. These details
are basically volume and pressure data with many other considerations to ensure safe and
proper operation.

3.3.1 Volume
The gas volume passing through a station is a very important factor to design a regulating and
metering station.

The design should be based on peak load requirements and not the daily average. regulating
and metering station. The peak load conditions must be considered in sizing meters and
regulators. Peak loads will be different from average volumes determined by the average daily

3.3.2 Pressure conditions

The pressure conditions for each installation are the inlet pressure to the station and the outlet
pressure of the station. Each condition influences the design of the station. Inlet pressure

The inlet or supply pressure to a station will vary depending on the system feeding the
particular station. The minimum inlet pressure is the basic factor in sizing regulators and the
metering equipment for the maximum demand rate. The maximum pressure will be the factor
determining the shell strength of the regulation and measurement equipment and is also
needed to size over- pressure protection equipment. The pressure condition may vary between
winter and summer and these variations must be considered in the design.

30 Outlet pressure
The outlet pressure of a regulating station will be set by operational requirements. Metering
station without regulating equipment will have an outlet pressure rating equal to the inlet
pressure. The regulating station specifications should indicate the quality of outlet pressure
control required and the minimum and maximum outlet pressure acceptable to the system.
The amount of pressure reduction is a major indication of whether a single stage pressure
regulator will be satisfactory or if multiple stage reduction is required.

3.3.3 Type of load

The type of load, economics of meter selection and the variation in station inlet pressure may
dictate that the metering pressure be held constant at some value below the minimum inlet
pressure and a second cut be made to supply the proper outlet pressure level for the system.
Load characteristics also influence the type of meter selection for the installation.

3.3.4 Gas conditions

Usually the gas contract will specify the minimum BTU content of the gas and may specify
the maximum allowable amount of H2O in the gas. Other conditions concerning the gas such
as amount of H2S, CO2 , N2 etc, may also be specified in the contract. Most pipeline quality
gas is dry and clean but dust conditions could cause severe velocity erosion of regulator trim.
If dust or other particular matter is present, filtering equipment should be installed upstream
of the station.

3.3.5 Ambient conditions

The maximum, minimum and average ambient temperatures for the area should be known.
Very low temperatures will require special considerations to prevent freezing of the
equipment. Likewise, the station site elevation will indicate the average barometric pressure
to be used in measurement calculations. If orifice meter measurement is used, the latitude of
the station should be determined to permit the use of the location factor in the orifice meter
calculation. High relative humidity can cause external ice for motion on piping if the piping
temperature reaches 320 F due to the temperature drop caused by pressure reduction.

3.3.6 Site condition
The characteristics of the station site or proposed area should be considered to determine the
type of external station design. A regulating station creating noise levels of greater than 85 db
will not be tolerated in a populated area, while the same station in a rural area may be
satisfactory. If population growth is in the direction of the site, then this should be considered
early in the design because it will have an influence on what protective measures must be
taken to make the station satisfactory over a long period of time. Prior to design, in addition to
becoming familiar with local in ordinances and regulating concerning site improvements,
consideration should be given to flooding ease of access to the site during adverse weather
and outlet lines crossing roadways and presenting frost-heaving problems. These and many
other details should be considered when gathering facts to prepare the station design.

3.4 Pipe sizing

3.4.1 Velocity formula

Pipe sizing is generally done by using the velocity of the gas through the pipe. Higher gas
velocities create greater pressure drops per foot and generate excessive noise. The velocity
through a pipeline should be 35-50 feet per second with above ground facilities of velocities
of 100 feet per second.

The sizing of pipe is performed by the following formula:

V = (0.75*Q)/(P*D2 ) ------------------------------------------------------------(3.1)

V = Limiting velocity of gas, feet per second
Q = Maximum flow rate, cfh
P = Minimum operating pressure, psia
D = Internal diameter, inches

3.4.2 Panhandle formula

For high pressure and long distance pipeline the Panhandle formula is suitable.
The Panhandle formula is given below.
Qmmscfd = 0.00128084 ((P12 – P22 )/L)0.51*d 2.53 ----------------------------------------(3.2)

Qmmscfd = Flow rate, MMSCFD
P1 = Up stream pressure, PSIA
P2 = Down stream pressure, PSIA
d = Inside diameter of pipe, Inches
L = Length of pipeline, Miles

3.4.3 Wall thickness of pipe

Now it is time to determine the pipe wall thickness. Pipe wall thickness for each nominal pipe
size commercially available, the outer diameter (OD) is specified. For each OD a variety of
wall thicknesses are available. For above ground pipe it is generally recommended that a
minimum of standard wall thickness be used. Yield strength

Pipeline steel is available in many strengths. The designer must choose a pipe grade and wall
thickness together to meet the pressure requirements of the station. Barlow’s Formula is used
to determine steel pipe selection.

Using Barlow’s Formula one can determine the size and strength of pipe needed for the

Below is Barlow’s Formula :

P = (2St/D)xFxExLxT -------------------------------------------------------------------(3.3)
P = Design pressure, PSIG
S = Yield strength, tensile strength of the metal, PSI
t = Nominal wall thickness, Inches
D = Outside diameter, Inches
F = Construction type design factor (safety factor)
E = Longitudinal joint factor
L = Location factor
T = Temperature de rating factor

F - above ground pipe = 0.5 or 0.4
E - seamless or electric resistance welded pipe =1
T - temperatures between 20 °F and 250 °F = 1 Minimum yield strength (Y)

The properties of steel used in the construction of pipeline are divided into two API
specification. 5L for normal quality steel and 5LX for high strength steels. These
specifications are now accepted throughout the world. Table 3.1 gives the strength properties
of most widely used steels.
Table 3.1 Strength of Line pipe Steel
Specification Grade SMYS (psi)
5L A 30,000
5L B 35,000
5LX X 42 42,000
5LX X 46 46,000
5LX X 52 52,000
5LX X 56 56,000
5LX X 60 60,000
5LX X 65 65,000
5LX X 70 70,000
5LX X 75 75,000
(SMYS = Specified Minimum Yield Strength) Joint factor (E)

The joint factor varies with the type of joint used in manufacturing the pipe. For different
manufacturing process joint factor are given in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 :Value for joint factor (E)
Weld type ASME B31.8
Seamless 1
Butt Welded 0.6
Spiral seam welded 0.8
(ERW= Electrical Resistance Welding, SAR = Submerged Arc Welding) Design factor (F) and class location factor (L)

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) suggests design of 0.8. Location factor
are designated in ASME B 31.8 code for high pressure gas transmission and distribution
piping are given in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 : Location factor (L)

Areas Class Location ASME CSA
Desert 1 0.72 0.80
Village 2 0.60 0.72
City 3 0.50 0.56
Metropolitan 4 0.40 0.44
(ASME = American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
CSA = Canadian Standard Association)

The effect of the Location factor is to increase pipe wall thickness for a given size and grade
of pipe as the construction area becomes more populated and the failure of a pipeline would
be more serious. Temperature de rating factor (T)

The temperature de rating factor for steel pipe varies from 1.0 for operating temperature up to
250 0F and 0.87 for an operating temperature of 450 0F or above. Temperature de rating factor
for different temperature ranges are given in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4:Temperature de rating factor (T)
Temperature ( 0F) Value as per ASME B31.8

Up to 250 1.00
251-300 0.97
301-400 0.93
401-450 0.91
451 and above 0.87

3.5 Headers
A header is a way to combine multi sources or multi-outlets into a single source or outlet.
Headers need to be designed to distribute the gas symmetrically. They are typically larger
sized pipe, tees, and caps. Headers are used when more than one regulator or meter run are
required. In sizing headers it is a rule of thumb that the cross sectional area of the header be
1.5 times larger than the sum of the inlet or outlet cross sectional area (which ever is larger).

The following equation is used for header sizing

п D2/4 = [( п d12/4 + п d22/4+-----+п dn2/4 )*1.5] ------------------------ (3.4)
п D2/4 - Cross sectional area of the header, square inches
п d12/4 –Cross sectional area of the 1st inlet or outlet pipe line, square inches
пd22/4 - Cross sectional area of the 2nd inlet or outlet pipe line, square inches
пdn2/4 - Cross sectional area of the nth inlet or outlet pipe line, square inches
Headers may be placed above ground or below ground. One must consider noise when
placing a header above ground and liquid removal when placed below ground. A straight or
U-shaped header may be used, but it is a good idea to know the gas velocity through the
header after sizing.

3.6 Filtering system
The vessel of filters separator will be designed and manufactured in accordance with ASME
section-8, Division1 and welding the vessel with AP1-1104 Code. The followings are
important matter in order to design filter separator:
1. Permissible particle size (5 micron is allowable)
2. Filtering efficiency
3. Pressure should not be reduce with filtering operation.

Maximum gas velocity for filtering system.

Up stream filtering system : 60 feet per second
Down stream filtering system : 120 feet per second

3.6.1 Liquid separation system

The liquid separation system is composed by two identical filtering lines to provide separation
of liquid condensate mist from gas down stream pressure reduction . Each of them is designed
for the maximum station flow rate, so that during the normal operation of the plant one filter
will be in service and the second will be stand-by. Each filter will be put in/on of service only
manually operating through the inlet/outlet filter gear operated ball valves. The liquid
separation system is designed for the following operating condition. Criteria of a well designed separator

To perform efficiently, a well designed separator should meet the following criteria –

· Control and dissipate the energy of the well stream as it enters the separator, and
provide low enough gas and liquid velocities for proper gravity segregation and vapor-
liquid equilibrium. For this purpose, a tangential inlet to impart centrifugal motion to
the entering fluids is generally used.

· Remove the bulk of the liquid from the gas in the primary separation section. It is
desirable to quickly achieve good separation at this stage.

· Have a large settling section, of sufficient volume to refine the primary separation by
removing any entrained liquid from the gas, and handle any slugs of liquid (usually

known as “liquid surges”).

· Minimize turbulence in the gas section of the separator to ensure proper settling.

· Have a mist extractor (or eliminator) near the gas outlet to capture and coalesce the
smaller liquid particles that could not be removed by gravity settling.

· Control the accumulation of froths and foams in the vessel.

· Prevent re-entrainment of the separated gas and liquid.

· Have proper control devices for controlling the back-pressure and the liquid level in
the separator.

· Provide reliable equipment for ensuring safe and efficient operations. This includes
pressure gauges, thermometer, liquid level indicator, safety valve etc.

3.6.2 Filter separator design criteria

The separator sizing is depends on gas capacity, liquid capacity of separator and pressure drop
through it. Gas capacity design of separator

The Souders- Brown Equation is used for calculation of gas capacity of gas-liquid separator
vg = Kl [(rl - rg)/rg] 0.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------(3.5)
Where, vg = allowable gas velocity at the operation conditions, ft/see
rl = liquid density at the operation conditions, lbm/ft3
rg = gas density at the operation conditions, lbm/ft3
Kl = coefficient of separator

Table 3.5: Values of separator coefficient, Kl (Kumar,1987)

Separator type Range of Kl Most commonly used Kl Value

Vertical 0.06 to 0.35 0.117 without mist extractor
0.167 with a mist extractor
Horizontal 0.40 to 0.50 0.382 with a mist extractor
Spherical 0.40 to 0.50 0.35 with a mist extractor

The gas capacity at the operation conditions rg, in ft3/sec is given below:
rg = Avg = (пD2/4) Kl [(rl - rg)/rg] 0.5 -----------------------------------------------(3.6)
A = cross sectional area of the separator, ft2
D = internal diameter of the vessel, ft

Here the gas velocity, vg is based upon the total separator area and it is therefore more
appropriate to refer to it as the superficial gas velocity. The gas capacity at standard condition
(14.73 psia and 60 0F), generally reported in units of MMSCFD is thus given by:
qgas = 2.40D2 Kl [p/Z(T+460)][(rl - rg)/rg] 0.5 --------------------------------------(3.7)
qgas = Gas capacity at the operation conditions, MMSCFD
p = Operating pressure, PSIA
T = Operating temperature, 0F
Z = Gas compressibility factor at the operation conditions.

Above two Equation can be used to calculate the separator diameter required to handle a
given gas rate or to calculate the gas rate that a separator of a given size can to handle.

The area of the mist extractor Am can be obtained as follows.

Am = qg/vm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------(3.8)
Where, vm is the gas velocity through the mist extractor, determine using the first Equation
with K = 0.35 for mist extractor (wire mesh type). Liquid capacity design of separator

The liquid capacity of a separator depends upon the volume of the of separator available to
the liquid and the retention time of the liquid within the separator (Kumar,1987).
w = 1440 (VL)/t] --------------------------------------------------------------------------(3.9)
Where, w = liquid capacity, bbl/day
VL = liquid setting volume, bbl
t = retention time, min (1440 is the conversion factor to convert bbl/day into bbl/min)

The liquid setting volume, VL can be used to calculate as follows:
VL = 0.1399D2h for vertical separators
VL = 0.1399D2 (L/2) for horizontal single tube separators
VL = 0.1399D2 L for horizontal double tube separators
VL = 0.0466D3 (D/2) 0.5 for spherical separators
Where, h = height of liquid column above the bottom of the liquid outlet in the vertical
separators, ft
L = separator length (height), ft
For good separators, a sufficient retention time, t must provide. From field experience, the
following liquid retention times have been suggested (Kumar,1987).
Oil-gas separation : 1 min.
High pressure oil water gas separation : 2 to 5 min.
Low pressure oil water gas separation : 5 to 10 min. at > 100 0F
10 to 15 min. at > 90 0F
15 to 20 min. at > 80 0F
20 to 25 min. at > 70 0F
25 to 30 min. at > 60 0F

3.6.3 Vessel design consideration

For designing separator some basic factors that must be consider are point out bellow
· The length to diameter ratio, L/D, for a horizontal or vertical separator should be kept
between 3 and 8, due to considerations of fabrication and foundation cost.
· For a vertical separator, the vapor-liquid interface (at which the feed enters) should be
at least 2 ft from the bottom and 4 ft from the top of the vessel. This implies a
minimum vertical separator length (height) of 6 ft.
· For horizontal separator, the feed enters just above the vapor-liquid interface that
must be off-centered to adjust for a greater gas (or liquid) capacity as needed. The
vapor-liquid interface must be kept at 10 inch from the bottom and 16 inch from the
top of the vessel. This implies minimum horizontal separator diameter of 26 inch.

3.7 Regulators
The regulator is a component of the system and therefore its selection and installation should
be based on the system requirements. After these have been selected the designer must then
determine how many pressure cuts are needed to meet the design requirements. Due to large
pressure drops across the station there may be a need for multiple pressure cuts to eliminate
freezing and maintenance problems. The making of multiple pressure cuts will reduce or
eliminate noise caused by large pressure drops across a control valve. Another way to
eliminate noise is to increase the wall thickness of the piping. Next, a regulator or control
valve should only be sized for 75% of its capacity at the maximum volume and minimum
inlet pressure of the station. Properly sizing the regulator is essential to the design of the
station in order to reduce maintenance cost and operational problems.

It is recommended that regulators be installed with 5 pipe diameters upstream and 8 pipe
diameters downstream. This will allow time for the control valve or regulator to sense and
react to a change in the process.

The selection of a regulator requires some consideration of the following

• Maximum volumes
• Site location
• Operation and Maintenance
• Environmental impact
• Safety

The first step in selecting a regulator is to know what type of control is desired
• Volume
• Pressure
The second step is to determine what type of regulator is needed

• Spring operated
• Pilot operated
• Controller operated
In the RMS both axial flow valve (AFV) and on line maintenance type regulators are used .

3.7.1 Regulators installed
It is recommended that regulators be installed with 5 pipe diameters upstream and 8 pipe
diameters downstream (AGA Report 7). This will allow time for the regulator to sense and
react to a change in the process. Parallel installation of regulators

Although many regulator designs can operate over a wide flow and pressure range often it is
necessary to consider parallel runs to provide proper control. A regulator required to operate
nearly closed over long periods of time will have more valve and seal damage than a unit that
is sized to have the valve open at least ten percent. A small regulator can be installed in the
one line to handle low flows and a large regulator installed in the parallel line to handle large
flows up to the required capacity for the station. Good practice would also dictate the use of
parallel regulators for the purpose of redundancy. Since there are different types and sizes of
regulators. Pressure sensing point

All regulators have a pressure sensing point and those with an external control line should
have a sensing pressure tap several pipe diameters downstream of the regulator on a straight
run of pipe. Each regulator should have a separate sensing tap and control line. A common
practice is to use ten pipe diameters downstream for the sensing pressure tap with five pipe
diameters usually considered to be minimum. The control line may be ¼ inch, ½ inch or ¾
inch pipe or tubing, depending on the type of regulator and the distance from the pressure
sensing point to the regulator. Long sensing lines should be adequately supported and should
slope slightly toward the point of connection to the pipe. Pressure taps should not be located
on elbows, expanders or other fitting that would introduce false or unstable pressure
registration. At the pressure sensing connection, a valve should be installed to enable isolation
of the sensing line, thus permitting the regulator to be taken out of service without shutting
down the station. In addition to the sensing line connection, another tap with a valve for
checking or recording pressure should be located as near as possible to the sensing line
connection. A single tap with a tee can be used to provide the attachments.

3.7.2 Inlet and outlet connections
The piping to and from regulator should be supported adequately to minimize pipe strains.
The piping should be designed to have adequate capacity for the expected maximum flow and
the pressure conditions. Velocities in regulator valve passages can reach sonic velocity
conditions. High velocities create noise so piping should be sized to keep gas velocities at a
reasonable level. There are specific pipeline velocity limits used by many companies to
maintain a relatively quiet pipeline system and to keep pressure losses low. Such limiting
velocities range between 50 feet per second to a maximum of approximately 400 feet per
second. There are situations where higher velocities may be required for short distances;
however, the designer should calculate the pipe velocities to be encountered and determine
the steps that may be necessary to maintain satisfactory noise levels. Regulator sizing

The following must be consider in order to sizing regulator :
· Inlet pressure
· Outlet pressure
· Gas flow rate
· Over pressure protection device such as monitor, relief valve and slam shut valve
· No. of pressure staging.

Two Equations are used for sizing regulator all over the world :
1.Universal gas sizing Equation and
2. ISA gas sizing equation.
ISA gas sizing equation is more precisely used for pressure control valve. But Universal
gas sizing Equation is popular in natural gas industries. This Equation is described as follows:

1. Subsonic Flow (P1- P2/ P1 £ 0.55)

Cg = Q/ P1[Ö 520/GT sin [(3417/C1)Ö(P1- P2)/P1] Degrees --------------------------- (3.10)
2. Sonic Flow (P1- P2/ P1 ³ 0.55)
Cg = Q/ (P1*1.29) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.11)

Q= Flow rate (SCFH)
Cg = Gas sizing co-efficient
P1 = Inlet Pressure (Psia)
P2 = Outlet Pressure (Psia)
C1 = Cg/Cv = Valve recovery co-efficient
G = Specific gravity
T = Temperature, 0 Rankine (460+F0)

In order to choose the best type of regulator for a particular application it is need to know the
outlet pressure (delivery pressure) and Cg value. The following Table 3.6 is used for
conversion of Cg value to regulator size. Then refer to the regulator selection chart
(Fig. 3.1) to determine the type of regulator that is best for the application.

Table 3.6: Cg value of regulator

Regulator Fisher EZR Tartarini FL Mooney
Size (Inch) Cg C1 Cg C1 Cg C1

1 509 32.5 550 29 450 34.0

2 2030 36.1 2300 27 1600 35.0
3 3830 37.2 5200 29 3450 36.0
4 6000 37.9 8300 27 6500 38.0
6 12360 35.5 17500 28 12500 40
8 20700 38.8 30600 30 20200 38
10 - - - - 22000 40
12 - - - - 40400 38

(Source : Fisher Controls, 2005 and Richard J. Mooney,1999)

200 Pilot Operated regulator shaded area
Pressure (psig)

Self Operated
Farm Tap Self Operated
roll out diaphragm type

1 House service Industrial

Regulator size (inch)

Fig. 3.1 : Regulator selection chart
(Source: Richard J. Mooney,1999)

Outlet velocity and noise

Another consideration in selecting a regulator size is outlet velocity, especially when noise is
a concern. Velocities in excess of 0.5 of mach or sonic velocity will increase the noise
produced and can cause excessive vibration and subsequent valve and piping damage in
extreme cases. The following Table 3.7 lists the approximate maximum flow rates by
regulator sizes and outlet pressure for 0.5 mach (50% of sonic velocity). Sonic velocity for
natural gas at 60 0F is 1400 feet/sec but recommendation is not to exceed 70% of sonic
Table 3.7: Maximum flow rates of regulator
Regulator Approx. Maximum flow (MSCFH) if outlet velocity is 0.5 Mach
sizes (Inch) (0.5 Mach = 700 feet/sec for natural gas)
7 15 30 125 250 500
Inch. W.C Psig Psig Psig Psig Psig

1 14.3 28.2 42.3 132 249 484

Table 3.7: Maximum flow rates of regulator(cont’d)

Regulator Approx. Maximum flow (MSCFH) if outlet velocity is 0.5 Mach
sizes (Inch) (0.5 Mach = 700 feet/sec for natural gas)
7 15 30 125 250 500
Inch. W.C Psig Psig Psig Psig Psig
2 57.4 113 169 526 996 1936
3 129 253 381 1184 2242 4357
4 229 451 677 2106 3986 7746
6 516 1015 1523 4738 8968 17428
8 918 1804 2707 8422 15942 30982
10 1434 2820 4230 13160 24910 48410
12 2065 4060 6091 18950 35870 69710
(Source : Richard J. Mooney,1999)

Inter stage pressure

When the station is a two or more stage pressure reducing station, it should be determine the
inter stage pressure to optimize noise abatement or to optimize capacity. The following
formula gives the inter stage pressure that is equalize the (P1- P2)/P1 values for the first and
second stage pressure reduction. This pressure will be very close to the optimum pressure for
quietest operation.
Pi = [Ö(P1. P2)] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.12)
Pi = Inter stage pressure, PSIA
P1 = Inlet Pressure, PSIA
P2 = Outlet Pressure, PSIA

The following steps are required to size and select a pilot operated regulator
· Calculate the Cg required form the service conditions. Adding 20-25 % with Cg
value to ensure good performance.

· Dividing the Cg value by 0.70 or multiplying by 1.43 to determine the size of
monitor and active regulator. Because when two regulators are used in series their
capacity is approximately 70% of a single regulator of the same size.
· Select a body class rating for the inlet pressure requirements.
· Select a body size based on published Cg values or sizing tables.
· Select a pilot pressure range for the outlet pressure desired. Pressure setting

Regulator can be used as a single or jointly as Active-Monitor. The relief valve is installed at
outlet portion of the regulating run. The setting pressure of relief valve is higher than
regulator pressure. The setting of Active regulator, monitor regulator, relief and shut off valve
are described as follows:
Active Regulator = X psig
Monitor Regulator = (X +5% of X) psig
Relief valve =(X +10% of X) psig
Slam shut off valve = (X +20% of X) psig

3.8 Heating capacity of gas heater

The heaters are designed on the basis of maximum inlet pressure, maximum outlet pressure,
minimum inlet temperature and maximum flow expected after ten years of installation. Heat
(Enthalpy) required to rise up the temperature of a specific density gas with different pressure
is the main criteria of heater design. For a gas of specific density , r (kg/m3); flow rate,
Q(m3/s) and enthalpy change, E (kJ/kg) for rise up temperature to two different pressure, rate
of heat absorption, W (kJ/s or kw) is written (Roy,1989) by.
W = E.Q. r -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.13)
Heat required for preheating the natural gas can also be calculated by using the Joule-
Thomson effect Equation (McAllister,1998).
W = qn.Dt gas.rn.Cp ----------------------------------------------------------------- (3.14)
Where, W = heat quantity, kJ/h
qn = gas volume or flow rate, m3/h
Dt gas = total temperature = Dt1+ Dt2 in K

Dt1= Joule-Thomson effect = (Pi – Po) 0.5 in K
Dt2 = temperature different between minimum gas inlet temperature and
temperature required after gas pressure reduction in K
rn = Specific density of natural gas, kg/m3
Cp = Specific heat of natural gas, kJ/kg
Pi = Inlet pressure of natural gas, bar
Po= Outlet pressure of natural gas, bar

On the basis of the heat required to rise up the temperature of gas a suitable capacity heater is
designed. The vessel size of heater will be design in accordance with ASME section 8,

3.9 Meter selection

For custody transfer application, it is very important to select a proper meter considering the
load nature of the RMS. In regulating & metering station design, both orifice and turbine
meters are used. The orifice meter is simple, accurate, relatively inexpensive rugged and
reliable but hence a limited rangebility (3:1) and are difficult to adapt to automation. For this
reason very low and very high quantity of volume are not measured by the same orifice plate.
Low quantity of volume is measured by small size of orifice plate. Accuracy and rangebility
(20:1) is very high for turbine meter.

3.9.1 Parameters for meter selection

Gas metering is very important for transmission and distribution. No universal meter exists;
each type possesses some limitations. Some meters may only be useful for specific
applications, where as others can be widely adopted. It is necessary to consider not only from
a measurement requirements, but also from economic, supply, security, safety and even
customer confidence, that the correct meter is selected for the given application. Certain
parameters must be tested against to ensure the meter selection is optimal. Some of these
parameters are:

· Maximum and minimum flow rate.

· Physical & chemical properties of gas ( Composition, specific gravity).

· The extremes of pressure and temperature at measurement conditions.
· The consequences of the gas flow being stopped by meter malfunction.
· Duration of operation of the meter. (continually or intermittently).
· The economic consequence of uncertainties in the measurement.
· Available for the installation of such meters.
· Legal metrology requirement – Approval of legal metrology (OIML – Organization
international metrology de legal).
· Cost effectiveness.

3.9.2 Meter type selection procedure

Generally meter is selected on the basis of hourly load. As per approved load diaphragm
displacement type meters are used for metered domestic and commercial type customers.
Rotary and turbine meter is used for industrial customer. A Chart is shown as below for
selection of meter type:

Fig. 3.2 : Meter type selection Chart

(Source: Instromet, 2001)
3.9.3 Meter sizing

Meter sizing has a strong effect on system loss. If meter sizing is not appropriate such under
or over size then it cannot measure properly. In this context turn down ratio is very important.
It is the ratio of the maximum to minimum volume of gas that can be measured properly and
safely with desired accuracy. Meter should be sized so that it can cater minimum flow rate
and also maximum flow rate properly with out any damage. Meter is generally sized and
selected on the basis of hourly load. Presently meter is selected on the basis of G-rating.
G rating is a standard established by Organization International De Metrology Legal (OIML).
Flow rate in cubic meter at line condition can be get if we multiply the G-rating with 1.6.

The following type of Gas meter is used for Natural Gas Metering system

Table : 3.8 : G-Rating & Meter Type

SL. G-Rating of Meter Meter Type Where Used
01 G-1.6 to G-16 Diaphragm Displacement Metered domestic and
type meter commercial customers
02 G-25 to G-65 Rotary type meter Industrial customers
03 G-100 to G-4000 Turbine type meter Industrial, bulk customer
RMS (power and
fertilizer produced) Town
Border Station (TBS),
District Regulating
Station (DRS)
04 - Orifice meter Sales and intake metering
station, and Power and
fertilizer producer
metering established by
05 Un metered Flat rate Domestic customer

As per approved load, Diaphragm, Displacement type meter are used for metered domestic
and commercial type customers. Rotary and turbine meter is used for industrial customer.
Presently rotary meter is produced with G-rating from G-10 to higher rating. Due to compact
size rotary meter is easy to installed in the customer yard. All most all the domestic customer
has no meter. They use gas on the basis of flat rate billing system imposed by the government.
Purchase point meters are orifice meter. Bulk users meters are turbine meter. Some of the
individual power producers (IPP) customers used orifice meter for gas billing.

3.9.4 Meter run design

To obtain reliable and accurate metering it is just not a matter of selecting an appropriate flow
meter. The choice of flow meter will affect the meter run, however the design of the meter run
is paramount if the flow meter is to perform reliable and accurately. Therefore a strong
interdependence exists between the meter and the meter run design.

The meter run design requirements and limitations must be reviewed in conjunction with the
flow meter characteristics. Taking this into account, together with meter manufacturers
recommendations and those given in the appropriate standards generates a list of items may
include but not be necessarily be limited to;

· Reynolds number sensitivity

· Rangeability limits
· Flow characteristics (intermittent, continuous, etc.)
· Maximum and average line pressure
· Allowable pressure drop across meter
· Space availability

· Calibration/proving requirements (legal metrology requirements are now becoming a

major issue with potential impact on how metering is undertaken)

· Maximum and average operating temperature, cost expectations (capital, operating)

· Properties of measured fluid (corrosive, viscosity etc.).

3.9.5 Turbine meter installation
The most common installation configuration is in line. A minimum of ten (10) pipe diameters
of straight pipe must be placed between any flow disturbing device (other than flow-
throttling) and the inlet flange of the turbine meter. An additional eight (8) pipe diameters
must be added between the meter inlet flange and any throttling device (regulator, control
valve etc) installed upstream of the meter. Inlet piping must be of the same nominal diameter
as the meter body.

Minor variations in piping ID caused by different wall thickness will not affect meter
accuracy. In-line straightening vanes located four or five pipe diameters upstream of the meter
are recommended.

To ensure a proper velocity profile at the meter inlet, the two 900 turns into the inlet end of the
meter run must be in the same plane. Elbows or tees can be used for the 900 turns. Reducing
fitting may be used as long as the reduction at the inlet end does not exceed one nominal pipe
size. Fitting sizes downstream from the meter are not critical, as long as the ID of the
connection to the meter outlet flange is equal to the meter ID.

A ¼ NPT pressure connection for instrumentation is located on each meter body. Temperature
connection for sensors or recorders should be located within two pipe diameters down-stream
of the meter. Installation of turbine meter for gas flow measurement

The turbine meter is a velocity measuring device. The piping configuration immediately
upstream of the meter should be such that the flow profile entering the meter has a uniform
distribution and is without jetting or swirl. Straightening vanes are recommended, without
proper location they will not eliminate the effect of strong jetting. The integral straightening
vanes which is installed in the entrance part of a meter will eliminate minor swirl condition of
flow. So a straightening vanes needed to install upstream position of the meter. The
installation of a throttling device such as a regulator or partially closed valve is not
recommended in close proximity to the meter. Where such installations are necessary, the

throttling device should be placed an additional eight nominal pipe diameters upstream of the
According to AGA Report No.07 the necessary installations for accurate flow measurement
through turbine meter are mainly piping configurations(Minimum length), Straightening
vanes, strainers or filters, over-range protection, By-pass, Accessory installations that would
be discussed below:

Fig :3.3 : Installation of turbine meter for gas flow measurement

(Source : AGA Report No.7) Recommended installation for in-line meters

The recommended installation requires a length of 10 nominal pipe diameters upstream with
the) straightening vane outlet located at five nominal pipe diameters from meter inlet as
shown in Figure 3.4. A length of five nominal pipe diameters is recommended down stream of
the meter. Both inlet and outlet pipe should be of the same nominal size as the meter.

Figure 3.4 Recommended Installation of an in-line gas turbine meter (Minimum Length)
(Source: AGA Report No.7) Optional installations for in-line meters

The use of optional installations may result in some degradation in meter accuracy.

3.10 Optional short-coupled installation

In those instances where the required space for the recommended installation of Figure 3.4 is
not available, a short-coupled installation may be employed as shown in Figure 3.5 This
configuration utilizes minimum of four nominal pipe diameters upstream with straightening
vanes located at the inlet of piping. The distance between the straightening vane outlet and the
meter inlet should be a minimum of two nominal pipe diameters. The meter is connected to
the vertical risers using a standard Tee or elbow. The maximum pipe reduction to the risers is
one nominal pipe size, valving, filters or strainers may be installed on the risers.

Figure 3.5 Short coupled installation of an in-line gas turbine meter (Minimum Length)
(Source : AGA Report 7)

3.11. Straightening vanes
The purpose of a straightening vane is to eliminate swirls and cross currents set up by the pipe
fitting valves or regulators preceding the meter inlet piping. While the specifications which
follow up particularly to the type of vanes shown in figure 3.6, vanes of other designs can be
used if they meet the specifications.
In construction of vanes the maximum transverse dimension, “a” of any passage through the
vane should not exceed one- fourth the inside diameter, “D” of the pipe. Also the cross
sectional area, “A” of any passage within the assembled vanes should not exceed one-
sixteenth of the cross sectional area of the containing pipe. The length, “L” of the vanes
should be at least 10 times the maximum inside dimension, “a”.
The vanes may be built of standard weight pipe or thin- walled tubing either welded together
securely attached into the meter inlet piping or mounted into two end-rings small enough to
slip in the pipe. Square, hexagonal or other shaped tubing may be used in making the vanes. It
is not necessary that the vane passages be of the same size, but their arrangement should be

Figure 3.6 Straightening Vanes

(Source : AGA Report 7)

3.12 Strainers or Filters

Foreign substances in a pipe line can cause serious damage to turbine meters. Strainers are
recommended when the presence of damaging foreign material in the gas stream can be
anticipated. Strainer should be sized so that at maximum flow there is a minimum pressure
drop and flow distortion.

A greater degree of meter protection can be accomplished through the use of dry-type or
separator type filter installed upstream of the meter inlet piping. It is recommended that the
differential pressure across a filter be monitored to maintain it in good condition so as to
prevent flow distortion and possible customer outage.

3.13. Over-range protection

Sudden rotor over speeding caused by extreme gas velocities encountered during pressuring
m, venting or purging can cause sever damage. Some meters and readout devices may be
damaged when they are run backwards. Therefore, the pressure blow-down valve should be
located downstream of the meter. While turbine meters can be operated up to 150% of rated
capacity with no damaging effects for short period of time, over-sized blow-down valves can
cause rotational speeds greatly in excess of this amount. Therefore, the blow-down valve
should be sized as follows (Source: AGA Report No.7):

Meter run Valve size

2² 1/4²
3² 1/2²
4² 1/2²
6² 1²
8² 1²
12² 1²

As a rule of thumb, the blow-down valve should not be larger than one-sixth of the meter size.
In those installations where adequate pressure is available, either a critical flow orifice or
sonic venture nozzle may be installed in the piping downstream of the meter and should be
sized to limit the meter to approximately 120% of its maximum rated capacity. A critical flow
orifice so designed will result in a 50% permanent pressure loss and a sonic venture nozzle
will in a 10-20% permanent pressure loss.

3.14 By- pass
It is good practice to provide a by-pass so the meter can be maintained and calibrated without
a service interruption. This should include proper valving relative to the type of calibrating
equipment to be used.

3.14.1 Additional installation requirements

· The meter and meter piping should be installed so as to reduce strain due to pipeline
· A concentric alignment of the companion pipe flanges with the meter inlet and outlet
connections should be obtained. This concentric alignment will eliminate any
appreciable effect upon the meter accuracy that might be caused by an offset in the
internal diameters that may occur in some installations.
· A gasket protrusion into the bore or flow pattern at the meter connections should not
be permitted.
· Pipe interior should be of commercial roughness, and the flange I.D. should be the
same as that of the pipe. Welds on piping at the meter inlet and outlet should be
ground to the I.D of the pipe.
· Installations where liquid can be encountered should be designed to prevent liquid
accumulation in the meter.
· No welding should be done in the immediate area of the meter to prevent possible
internal meter damage.

3.15 Accessory installation

Accessory devices used for integrating uncorrected volume to base conditions or for recording
operating parameters must be properly installed and their connections made as specified

3.15.1 Temperature measurement

Since upstream disturbances should be kept to a minimum, the recommended location for a
thermometer well is downstream of the meter. It should be located within five pipe diameters
of the meter outlet and upstream of any valve or flow restrictor. The thermometer well should

be installed to insure that the temperature is not influenced by heat transfer from the piping
and well attachment.

3.15.2 Pressure measurement

A pressure tap as provided by the manufacturer on the meter body should be used as the point
of pressure sensing for recording or integrating instruments.

3.15.3 Density measurement

In the use of densitometers, while it is desirable to sample the gas as close as possible to the
rotor conditions, care must be exercised not to disturb the meter inlet flow or to create an un
metered by-pass. Reference should be made to manuals on the various densitometers for
further information.

3.16 Flow conditions:

The pipe line or installation conditions, which can be made up of a number of variables can
have a major influence on the operation and accuracy of an orifice plate metering system. It is
very important to understand the influence of these variables for accurate flow measurement
through orifice or turbine meter. Before the fluid measurement process is initiated, some
fundamental characteristics of fluid to be measured and most common field conditions must
be determined. Some of these are as follows:
· Velocity profile and distortion
· Swirl
· Reynolds number
· That fluid is Newtonian in behavior
· the composition
· influence and/or presence of foreign material

3.16.1 Velocity profile and swirl

under ideal conditions, ideal flow exists. Ideal flow is said to be flow that follows theoretical
assumptions. The simplest interpretation of fluid flow is represented by “ideal conditions”.
ideal conditions means that there is no friction between adjacent fluid particles or between

fluid particles and a stationary surface. Under ideal conditions all of the particles flowing in a
pipe will travel at the same velocity and the position of particles relative to each other does
not change with time.
Under “real conditions” there is friction present between adjacent fluid particles as well as
between fluid particles and a stationary surface. The particles immediately adjacent to a
stationary surface will have nearly zero velocity.
The Reynolds number also characterize the velocity profile and stability of the fluid flow
pattern. For laminar flow (Re < 2000) the profile is parabolic and it is not influenced by the
pipe wall roughness. At these conditions, a particle at the centre of the flow would be
traveling at about twice the velocity of the average of the fluid particles. In the total turbulent
region, the flow profile is nearly flat, with particles traveling at same velocity. The exception
being particles close to the pipe wall interface which travel at a lower velocity.

The more common factors are the upstream and downstream pipe length, the location of
bends, valves, reciprocating plant, changes in pipe diameter and general conditions of the
internal pipe walls within the immediate and general proximity of the orifice plate. these
conditions can result in non-ideal flow conditions such as swirl, flow transients and profile
distortion or jetting. Swirl and profile distortion are the two more common dominant
disturbances. they may occur separately or together, especially where poor pipe work design
is present. These non-ideal flow conditions can produce errors which magnitude is higher than
the basic uncertainty in the orifice meter co-efficient. Swirl is caused by adjacent bends in
different planes in the pipe work, whereas irregularities in the pipe, such as partially closed
valves or partially blocked flow conditioners, other fittings like headers, tees and reducers are
the cause of the profile distortion. It may also occur alone within a pipe line system or
together with velocity profile distortion.
The use of straight lengths of pipe can reduce or eliminate swirl. With the viscosity of the
fluid influencing the length of straight pipe required. This means a liquid would require a
much shorter pipe length than would say natural gas.
Of course flow conditioners can also be used for reducing swirl within a pipe. The decay of
swirl is also influenced by the pipe wall roughness. For a very smooth internal pipe wall, swirl
may persist for well over 100 pipe diameters downstream of the source.

3.16.2 Reynolds number
Reynolds number Re is a dimensionless variable which represent the nature of flow in a pipe.
Re = (vd)/k --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.15)
Where Re = Reynold’s number
v = flow velocity m/s
d = inside diameter of pipe, m
k = kinematics viscosity at p and t m2/s
Reynolds number has been found to be an acceptable correlating parameter that combines the
effect of viscosity , density and pipe line velocity. A flow coefficient that is obtained for water
at a specified Reynold’s number will be the same for oil and gas at the same Reynolds
number. A high Reynold’s number means that viscous forces are small whereas a low value
means that viscous forces dominate.
The Reynold’s number should be kept above 1000000 if flow accuracy is to be maintained.
When the value of Reynold’s number is below 2000, the flow is termed as laminar. Turbulent
flow is said to exist when the value is above 40000. For Reynold’s numbers which fall
between these two values, the flow may be laminar or turbulent – this being termed the
transition area.

Re < 2000 laminar flow

2000 < Re < 40000 transition area

Re > 40000 turbulent flow.

For the measurement of natural gas, the Reynold’s number will be normally well above the
transition zone. It is always advisable to check the Reynold’s number sensitivity when
considering a particular flow meter type for a given application.

3.17 Orifice meter selection

The following factors must to be consider in choosing an orifice metering system:
1. Flow rate: Flow rate uniformity, maximum and minimum flow rates expected.
2. Pressure: expected station and differential pressure, and their range: permissible
pressure variation.

3.17.1 Installation requirements of orifice meter
For determining the orifice plate co-efficient accurately at first to be maintained favorable
flow conditions that is achieved installing the primary device and other necessaries as per
standard requirements, would be described briefly in the following:
The primary device shall be installed in the pipeline at a position such that the flow conditions
immediately upstream approach those of a fully developed profile and are free from swirl.
The primary device shall be fitted between two sections of straight cylindrical pipe of
constant cross-sectional area, in which there is no obstruction or branch connection other than
those specified by ISO. The pipe is considered as straight when it appears so by visual
The pipe bore shall be circular over the entire minimum length of straight pipe required. The
internal diameter D of the measuring pipe shall comply with the values given for each type of
primary device.
The inside surface of the measuring pipe shall be clean and free from encrustations, pitting
and deposits and shall conform with the roughness criterion for at least a length of 10D
upstream and 4D downstream of the primary device.
The pipe may be provided with drain holes and/or vent holes for the removal of solid deposits
and fluids other than the measured fluid. However, there shall be no flow through the drain
holes and vent holes using the measurement of flow.
The drain holes and vent holes shall not be located near to the primary device, unless it is
unavoidable to do so. In such cases the diameter of these holes shall be smaller than 0.08D
and their location shall be such that the distance, measured on a straight line from one of these
holes to a pressure tapping of the primary device placed on the same side of this primary
device, is always greater than 0.5D

3.17.2 Minimum upstream and downstream straight lengths required for installation
If any flow conditioner shall be installed in the upstream straight length between the primary
device and the disturbance or fitting closet to the primary device and unless it can be verified
that the flow conditions at the inlet of the primary device conform with fully developed
profile and free from swirl. In such a cases the straight length between this fitting and the
conditioner itself shall be equal to at least 20D, and the straight length between the

conditioner and primary device shall be equal to at least 22D. These length are measured from
the upstream face and the downstream face respectively of the conditioner. Conditioners are
only fully effective if their installation is such that the smallest possible gaps are left around
the resistive elements of the device, therefore permitting no by-pass flows which would
prevent their proper functioning.

Figure :3.7 Standard meter tube length for Orifice meter

(Source : AGA Report No.3)



4.1 Gas source

The location of the proposed 50 MW Power plant is at Sreepur in Gazipur district. A
4"DN×500 psig Off take point of Dhanua TBS exists at a approximate distance of 0.5
km from the plant site. The Dhanua TBS is presently receiving gas through Monohordi-
Elenga 24" DN ×1000 psig pipe line (Appendix O). A 0.5 km 4" DN ×500 psig pipe line
can be constructed to transmit gas to the Power plant through the RMS at a required
quantity and pressure.

A schematic line diagram of 4" DN ×500 psig pipe line network from Dhanua TBS to
power plant RMS is shown in Fig 4.1.

4" DN ×500 Psig Pipe

60 Psig Line
Pipe Line From off take Point

50 MW Power Plant Dhanua

Power plant RMS TBS

24" DN ×1000 Psig

Pipe Line

Fig 4.1. Schematic diagram of 4" DN ×500 psig pipe line

4.2 Gas based Power Plant

Bulk electric power is produced by special plants known as generating stations or power
plants. A generating station essentially employs a prime mover coupled to an alternator
for the production of electric power. Depending upon the form of energy converted into
electrical energy, the power plants are classified various classes such as Steam power
plants, Hydro- electric power plants, Diesel power plants and Nuclear power plants. The

Power Generating Station that generate electricity by using natural gas is called gas
based Power Plants. These type of Power Plants are Gas Turbine, Steam Turbine and gas

4.2.1 Gas load for 50 MW power plant

The proposed power plant considered as gas based power plant has an installed capacity
of 50 MW. The plant will produce electricity using gas generators. Six gas generators,
each having 8.425 MW capacity will be required for the power plant.

Considering Rolls-Royce generator for proposed power plant, the required data is given
as follows (Appendix D).

Engine Type- B 35 :40 V 20 AG

· Generating capacity of each generator = 8425 KW or 8.425 MW (Mega watt)
· Thermal overall efficiency = 42 %
· Fuel type = Natural gas
· Minimum gas feed pressure to engine inlet = 50 Psig
· Gas feed temperature to engine inlet = 20 0C
· Lower calorific value of natural gas = 915 Btu/SCF (Appendix C)

For 50 MW power generation = 50/8.425 = 6 (Six) generating sets are required

The gas load for 50 MW power plant is calculated is as follows:

Gas load calculation on the basis of electrical output :
Electrical output of each generator = 8425 KW
Heat input of each generator = 8425/0.42 KW (Thermal overall efficiency, η = 42%)
= 20060 KW
Input heat of each generator = (20060X1000)W
= (20060X1000) Joule/See
= [(20060X1000)/4.2] Cal/See
= [(20060X1000)/(4.2X252)] Btu/See
= [(20060X1000 X3600)/(4.2X252)] Btu/hr
= 6,82,31,293 Btu/hr

Lower calorific value of natural gas = 915 Btu/SCF (Appendix C)

Gas required for each generator = (6,82,31,293/915) SCFH

= 74,570 SCFH
= 1.8 MMSCFD
Gas required for 6 (Six) generators = 1.8 X 6 MMSCFD

Therefore, the gas consumption for the 50 MW power plant is 11 MMSCFD.

The selected type of gas generators requires minimum 50 psig pressure for their
operation. Therefore, the total gas will be required around 11 MMSCFD at pressure of
above 50 psig for the power plant.

For designing, the gas flowing capacity of the RMS should be consider as the sum of
power plant consumption, heater RMS consumption and decreasing the efficiency of the
power plant.

From the above discussion, it is recommended 10% additional load for RMS design.

Assume, 10% additional load for RMS design

The gas flowing capacity of the RMS = 11 MMSCFD*1.1 = 12 MMSCFD

From the data, it is seen that the maximum flowing capacity of the RMS is 12 MMSCFD
and the minimum flowing capacity of the RMS is 1.8 MMSCFD. Therefore, the turn
down ratio of the RMS is 12:1.8, which should be consider for proper size selection of
the RMS equipments.



In this chapter, the detail design procedure of the proposed RMS will be discussed. The
related calculation for size selection of the various components of RMS are also
elaborated here as per internationally recognized recommendation of Institution of Gas
Engineers (IGE-TD-9), AGA Part-9, American Petroleum Institute (API) and Natural
Gas Safety Rules of Bangladesh, 1991 (Amendment 2003). After designing the RMS a
Piping and Instrumentation (P & I) diagram will be drawn.

5.1 Gas facilities for the proposed RMS

The required gas facilities comprise the following components for supplying gas to a 50
MW Power plant.
· Inlet Pipe line section- From 4"DN×500 psig off take point of Dhanua TBS to
RMS Inlet
· Outlet Pipe line section- RMS Outlet to gas inlet of the Power plant
· One Regulating and Metering Station (RMS) of 12 MMSCFD capacity.

5.2 Brief description of proposed RMS

The RMS consists of inlet pipeline with filtering unit, heating unit, regulating unit and
metering unit. The filtering unit consists of two filter separators and one liquid separator.
The filter separators are installed at the inlet point of the station having 100% capacity
each to provide the separation of any solid particles from gas. The liquid separator is
installed at the outlet point of the second stage regulating unit of the station having 100%
capacity to provide the separation of liquid particles from gas. The heating unit consists
of one water bath heater and it is installed after filter separator at the inlet point of the
station having 100% capacity. The regulating unit has a two stage pressure reduction
provision. In first stage, pressure cuts from 500 psig to 200 psig and in second stage
pressure cuts from 200 psig to 60 psig. There are two regulating runs (streams), each
regulating unit to ensure a continuous gas supply to the power plant. These two are

identical runs each of 100% capacity and each regulating runs will consist of inlet
isolating valve (01 no), slam shut off valve (01 no), regulator (2 no), outlet isolating valve
(01 no) and safety relief valve (01 no) installed at the outlet header of the each regulating
unit. The details of pressure reduction is stated in article 5.4.5 of this chapter. Metering
unit consists of two metering runs (streams) with turbine meters for gas flow
measurement and each of 100% capacity. The meters are installed after regulating unit
and immediately before the delivery point of the RMS. The metering unit also includes
mechanical 2 pen chart recorder to record static pressure and flowing temperature for gas
flow rate calculation. The metering runs comprise with isolation valves. One insulating
joint is installed at inlet and another is out of the RMS to protect the eddy current. In the
station outlet, a Non return valve (NRV) is used to prevent the back pressure. There is a
condensate storage tank in the RMS premises to collect the condensate through discharge
lines from filter separator and liquid separator. The RMS is also well equipped with a
Flow computer (FC) and Gas chromatograph (GC) for automated billing from field data.

5.3 RMS Design Considerations

The design of the RMS will be carried out according to the fluid characteristic and
process data

5.3.1 Process Data

Natural gas of 0.6 specific gravity (air =1)

Flow rate (max) :12 MMSCFD

Inlet pressure (maximum) : 500 Psig
Inlet pressure (minimum) : 400 Psig
Outlet pressure : 60 Psig [As per engine requirement]
Inlet temperature : 20-25° C (68-77° F)
Outlet temperature :18-22°C (64-71° °F)
Velocity of gas, V= ft/sec
(Before filtration 60 ft/sec and after filtration 120 ft/sec)

5.3.2 Fluids Characteristics
The RMS which is required to be designed for supplying conditioned gas suitable for
delivery to the power plant. It is not possible to indicate very precisely the composition of
the inlet gas to the RMS. A sample gas composition analysis report that shows the extent
of variability of different components is given in the Appendix C.

5.3.3 Other factors

The minimum inlet pressure is the basic factor in sizing piping, regulating and metering
equipments for the maximum demand rate. The maximum pressure will be the factor
determining the strength of the piping, regulating and metering and over pressure
protection equipments. The API, ANSI code and standards have been followed for
selection of pressure rating of RMS equipments and pipe schedule (Appendix H, I).

5.4 Detail design calculation

5.4.1 Inlet Pipe line section (TBS to RMS Inlet)

Pipe diameter calculation

Off take point pressure (minimum), P1 = 425 psig = 439.73 psia
RMS inlet pressure (minimum), P2 = 400 psig = 414.73 psia
Length, L = 0.5 Km = 0.5x0.621 = 0.310 miles
By using Equation no-(3.2)
12 MMSCFD = 0.00128084 [(439.73)2 – (414.73)2]/0.310)0.51*d 2.53
or, Diameter, d = 3.93 inches
Therefore, the line pipe diameter size is 4 inch DNx Schedule-40

5.4.2 RMS Inlet

The sizing of inlet pipe and valve :
By using Equation no-(3.1)
Inlet pipe and valve size, D = (0.75*Q/V*P)1/2

= [0.75*(12000000/24)/(60*414.73)]1/2
or, D = 3.882 inch

Therefore, the inlet pipeline size : 4 inch DNx Schedule-40

Inlet valve size : 4 inch RF ANSI CL-300

Inlet I/J size : 4 inch RF ANSI CL-300

5.4.3 Filtering system

The vessel of filter separator will be designed and manufactured in accordance with
ASME section-8, Division1 and welding the vessel with AP1-1104 Code. The followings
are important matters in order to design filter separators:
1. Permissible particle size (5 micron is allowable)
2. Filtering efficiency
3. Pressure should not be reduced with filtering operation
4. Turn down ratio for efficient filtration 5 micron is allowable at all flowing rate

Maximum gas velocity for filtering system.

Up stream and down stream of filtering system : 60 feet per second

Filtering operation condition :

1. Flow rate (max) : 12 MMSCFD
2. Inlet pressure (maximum) :500 Psig
3. Inlet pressure (minimum) : 400 Psig Filter Separator connection size calculation

By using equation no-(3.1)
Inlet and outlet connection: D = (0.75*Q/V*P)

= [0.75**(12000000/24)/(60*414.73)]1/2
= 3.88 inch
Inlet and outlet size will be same because the pressure is same pressure reduction occurs
after filtration.

Therefore, the pipeline size of inlet and outlet connection is 4 inch DN
Size : Inlet connection 4 inch RF, ANSI CL 300
Outlet connection 4 inch RF, ANSI CL 300 Filter separator size calculation

Using Equation no (3.7) and data from Appendix C.

D2 = [12*1*520*(4.452) 0.5]/[Kl(2.40)(514.7)(48.6- 4.452) 0.5]

= 1.6040/Kl ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (5.1)
Applying separator coefficient, Kl for vertical, horizontal and spherical separator

A) Vertical separator
From Table 3.5 for vertical separator with a mist extractor, Kl = 0.167
Putting the value of Kl in Equation no-5.1, the diameter of the vertical separator is
D = [1.6040/0.167] 0.5 = 3.099 ft
According to design consideration for vertical separator, minimum length (height) should
be 6 ft (Kumar,1987), So L/D = 6/3.099 = 1.936
But this value does not satisfy the design consideration. Length verses diameter ratio
should be between 3 to 8 (Kumar,1987).

For Length, L = 6 ft = 72 inch and maximum L/D ratio = 8, So L/D = 8 or 72/D = 8 or

Diameter, D = 9 inch.
Therefore, a vertical filter separator of size 9 inch (dia)x 6 ft (length) is required for the
proposed RMS.

B) Horizontal separator
From Table 3.5 for horizontal separator with a mist extractor, Kl = 0.382
Putting the value of Kl in Equation no-5.1, the diameter of the horizontal separator is
D = [1.6040/0.382] 0.5 = 2.049 ft = 24.60 inch

But design consideration for horizontal separator should be of minimum diameter 26 inch
(Kumar,1987).So the diameter of horizontal separator should be 26 inch (2.166 ft).

According to design consideration for horizontal separator, Length verses diameter ratio
should be between 3 to 8 (Kumar,1987).

For diameter, D = 2.166 ft and minimum L/D ratio = 3,

The separator length, L is 3xD = 3X2.166 = 6.5 ft

Therefore, a 26 inch(dia)x 6.5 ft (length) horizontal separator is required for the proposed

C) Spherical separator
From Table 3.5 for spherical separator with a mist extractor, Kl = 0.35
Putting the value of Kl in Equation no-5.1, the diameter of the spherical separator is
D = [1.6040/0.35] 0.5 = 2.14 ft = 25.68 inch

Therefore, a spherical separator of diameter 26 inch is required for the proposed RMS.

From the above calculated values all the dimensions of separator are tabulated as follows

Table 5.1 Dimensions of separator

Types of Separator Dimensions Remarks
Vertical separator 9 inch (dia)x 6 ft (length) Selected
Horizontal separator 26 inch (dia)x 6.5 ft (length) -
Spherical separator 26 inch (dia) -

Vertical filter separator should be more suitable because this type of separator provides
better liquid surge control without carryover into the gas outlet and occupies less floor
space. A Vertical filter separator of size 9 inch (dia)x 6 ft (length) have been selected for
the proposed RMS. A schematic diagram of filter separator unit of the RMS is shown in
Fig 5.1.

Fig 5.1. Schematic diagram of filter separator unit of the RMS

72 Liquid separator size calculation

Filtering operation condition :

1. Flow rate (max) :12 MMSCFD
2. Operating pressure (maximum) : 65 Psig (After regulating of pressure)
3. Gas liquid ratio (GLR) : 0.10 bbl/MMSCF (Assumed)

At 65 psig operating pressure liquid-water separation, retention time, t = 25 minute and

amount of liquid collection (considered) from the RMS inlet gas,
Liquid collection, w = (0.10)(12) bbl/day

= 1.2 bbl /day ------------------------------------------------------- (5.2)

Putting the value of liquid collection (w) and retention time (t) in Equation no-3.9,

The liquid-setting volume, VL = wt/1440 = (1.2)(25)/1440 = 0.0208 bbl

From Figure J1(Appendix J) at 65 psig operating pressure, a 48 inch(dia)x10 ft(length)

vertical separator will handle 12 MMSCFD gas.
From Table K2 (Appendix K), the liquid-setting volume(VL) of 48 inch(dia)x10
ft(length) vertical separator is 3.04 bbl.

By using equation no (3.9), the liquid capacity of a separator can be calculated.

w = (1440)(3.04)/25 bbl/day = 175 bbl/day ------------------------------------ (5.3)
From equation no (5.3), the liquid capacity of a 48 inch(dia)x10 ft (length) vertical liquid
separator is175 bbl/day, but from equation no (5.2), the estimated amount of liquid
collection through the RMS is 1.2 bbl /day.

A 48 inch(dia)x10 ft(length) vertical liquid separator is capable for handling of gas and
liquid 12 MMSCFD and 1.2 bbl/day respectively.
Vertical liquid separator should be more suitable because this type of separator provides
better liquid surge control without carryover into the gas outlet and occupies less floor
Therefore, a vertical liquid separator of size 48 inch(dia)x10 ft(length) have been selected
for the proposed RMS. A schematic diagram of liquid separator unit is shown in Fig 5.2.

Fig 5.2. A schematic diagram of liquid separator unit

5.4.4 Gas heating system
Preheating of the gas is necessary for smooth operation of the gas station and correct flow
measurement. Pre heaters are installed to heat the gas after the gas has passed the filter
and before pressure reduction. The requirement of heater is explained in details in chapter
2 and 3.

Process Data
Natural gas of 0.6 specific gravity (air =1)
qn = Gas Flow rate (max) = 12 MMSCFD = 12524 nm3/h
Pi = Inlet pressure of natural gas = 500 Psig = 514.73 Psia = 35.7451 bar(abs)
Po= Outlet pressure of natural gas = 60 Psig = 74.73 Psia = 5.190 bar(abs)
Minimum inlet temperature of gas = 20 °C (50° F)
Minimum outlet temperature of gas = 18 °C (64 °F), (As per engine requirement)
rn = Specific density of natural gas = 0.71 kg/m3
Cp = Specific heat of natural gas = 0.60 kcal/kg
Velocity of gas , V= ft/sec
(Before filtration, 60 ft/sec and after filtration, 120 ft/sec) Heat requirement calculation

Total temperature drop due to Joule Thomson effect (Kumar,1987).

Dt1= Joule-Thomson effect = (Pi – Po). 0.5 0C
= (35.745-5.190)*0.50 0C = 15.30 0C
Total temperature drop due to Joule Thomson effect = 15.30 0C

Therefore, the temperature of gas will be raise up as per engine requirement (Appendix D),
Dt gas = (Minimum gas temperature required at outlet + temperature drop due to Joule
Thomson effect- Minimum temperature of gas at RMS inlet)
Or, Dt gas = (18 +15.30-20) 0C = 13.3 0C
Heat required for preheating the natural gas can also be calculated by using the Joule-
Thomson effect Equation (McAllister,1996).

Heat quantity, W = qn.Dt gas.rn.Cp
W = qn.Dt gas.rn.Cp
= 12524x13.3x0.71x0.60 kcal = 70958 kcal = 297087 kJ = 82.52 kw
The efficiency of heater is 85 % (Assumed)
Heat to be required = 82.52 kw/0.85 = 97.082 kw

Though 97.082 kw capacity of heater is not available in the market, Therefore a 100 kw
capacity heater is recommended to raise up the temperature of gas. Heater RMS

The water bath heater is a self contained with gas, so there is a small heater RMS for
supplying gas to the heater. The gas is taken in heater RMS from the main RMS (Outlet
of second stage regulating unit) at 60 psig and regulate the pressure from 60 psig to 18
inch W.C. It is comprising with two regulating runs, inlet valve, strainer, slam shut off
valve and outlet valve. A common relief valve should be installed for safety purpose and
a meter is used for gas measurement of heater RMS. The heater RMS should be place on
a steel structure skid placed on civil foundation. The gas consumption for the water bath
heater is calculated as follows.

Gas consumption calculation of water bath heater :

Heating capacity of water bath heater = 100 KW
Input heat of water bath heater = (100X1000)W
= [(100X1000 X3600)/(4.2X252)] Btu/hr
= 340136 Btu/hr
Lower calorific value of natural gas = 915 Btu/SCF (Appendix C)

Gas required for heater = (340136/915X 24) SCFD = 0.01 MMSCFD

Though the power plant RMS will be design for 10% additional load, so there is a
provision for gas consumption of the heater RMS. A schematic diagram of heating unit of
the RMS is shown in Fig 5.3.

Fig 5.3.A schematic diagram of heating unit of the RMS

5.4.5 Pressure regulating unit
The regulating run is designed as per internationally recognized recommendation of
International Gas Engineers, IGE-TD-9, AGA Part-9.

No single type of regulator can maintain an exactly constant outlet pressure under all
flowing conditions. Due to large pressure drops across a single regulator excessive noise,
vibration and hydrate formation may occur.

For good performance, the regulator’s valve opening should be maintained within a
range to 25% to 75% of its maximum flowing capacity and minimum inlet pressure of the
station. In this context turn down ratio of regulator is very important. The turn down ratio
of a single regulator is about 5:1(Appendix G). On the other hand turn down ratio of the
power plant is 6:1 according to gas consumption of the engine (Chapter-4).

The number of pressure reduction stage of the RMS runs depends on turn down ratio of
regulator, noise level and temperature drop across a regulator.

If the regulating unit is faulty in design then there may arise various technical problems
in operation of the RMS. To avoid the possibility of excessive noise, vibration and
damage of the regulator and piping, multiple stage pressure reduction provision is

From the above discussion, it is recommended a two stage pressure reduction provision
for the proposed RMS to ensure a continuous gas supply and smooth operation.

The proposed RMS is a two stage pressure regulating station, so the inter stage pressure
can be determined by using the equation no-(3.2).

The following are the process data

P1 = Maximum inlet pressure of RMS = 500 Psig = 514.73 Psia
P2 = Required outlet pressure of RMS = 60 Psig = 74.73 Psia

Putting the value in equation no-(3.2).
The inter stage pressure, Pi = [Ö(514.73*74.73)] = 196 psia

Therefore, the inter stage pressure is assumed 200 psig. In first stage pressure reduction
unit the pressure cuts from 500 psig to 200 psig and in second stage pressure cuts from
200 psig to 60 psig. There are two identical regulating runs (streams) each having 100%
capacity of the maximum flow and each run consists of inlet isolating valve (01no), slam
shut off valve (01no), regulator (2no), outlet isolating valve (01no) and safety relief valve
(01no) installed at the outlet header of the each regulating unit. One regulating run is
operational and another is stand by mode. First stage pressure regulating unit

Inlet pipe size of first stage pressure regulating unit
By using Equation no-(3.1)
D = (0.75*Q/V*P)1/2
= [0.75*(12000000/24)/(120*414.73)]1/2
= 2.745 inch

Therefore, the inlet pipeline, valve size and Slam shut off valve (SSV) size of first stage
pressure regulating unit are 3 inch DNx Sch-40, 3 inch RF ANSI CL-300 and 3 inch RF
ANSI CL-300 respectively.
Outlet pipe and valve size of first stage pressure regulating unit
D = (0.75*Q/V*P)1/2
= [0.75*(12000000/24)/(120*214.73)]1/2
= 3.815 inch

Therefore, the outlet pipeline and valve size of first stage pressure regulating unit are
4 inch DNx Sch-40, 4 inch RF ANSI CL-300 respectively.
By using Equation no-(3.3)
Outlet header size of the first stage pressure regulating unit :

пD2/4 = [( пd12/4 + пd22/4)* 1.5]

пD2/4 - Cross sectional area of header, square inches
пd12/4 – Cross sectional area of the 1st stream, square inches
пd22/4 - Cross sectional area of the 2nd, square inches
or, D = [(d12 +d22)* 1.5] ½ = [(42 +42)* 1.5] ½ = [(32)* 1.5] ½ = 6.928 inches

As the both regulating runs are 100% capacity of each and both the runs will not be
operated simultaneously, so there is no problem to use the outlet header size is 6 inch.

Therefore, the outlet header size of the first stage pressure regulating unit 6 inch DNx

Regulator sizing
At minimum inlet pressure
P1 - P2/ P1 = (414.73-214.73)/414.73 = 0.48
Since, P1 - P2/ P1 £ 0.55 so the flow is sub critical

By using the universal gas sizing Equation no-(3.10)

Now for sub critical flow,
Cg = Q/[P1Ö(520/GT) sin [(3417/C)Ö(P1- P2)/P1]
= [(12000000/24)/414.73[Ö520/0.5817*520sin[(3417/35)Ö(414.73-
= 993
Monitor & Active regulator correction = 993*1.43 =1420
Cg (recommended) = 1420*1.25 = 1775
From Table :3.6 :Two 2 inch regulators are required.
From Fig. 3.1 : Pilot operated or self operated regulator with roll out diaphragm is
required. Since Pilot operated regulator has very good regulation characteristic,
we chose Pilot operated regulator.
From Table :3.7 : Outlet velocity is not a problem.
V = (0.75*12000000/24)/(214.73*22) = 436 ft/see

Therefore, the regulator type and size : Fisher- 2 inch RF, ANSI CL 300
Relief valve Size : 1 inch RF, ANSI CL 300
Slam shut valve Size :3 inch RF, ANSI CL 300

Sensing or control line :

A common practice is to use 10 pipe diameters down stream for the sensing pressure tap
with 5 pipe diameters usually considered to be minimum because this will allow time for
the regulator to sense and react to change in the process.

As, the outlet pipeline size of first stage pressure regulating unit is 4 inch DN, so the
length of sensing line of this regulating stream is recommended as follows

Sensing line length = 10 pipe diameters

= 10*4 inch = 40 inch = 3.33 feet Second stage pressure regulating unit

Regulator sizing
At minimum inlet pressure
P1 - P2/ P1 = (214.73-74.73)/214.73 = 0.65
Since, P1 - P2/ P1 ³ 0.55 so the flow is critical
Now for critical flow ,
Cg = Q/ P1*1.31
Cg = [(12000000/24)/(214.73*1.31)]
= 1776
Monitor & Active regulator correction = 1776*1.43 = 2540
Cg (recommended) = 2540*1.25 = 3175
From Table :3.6 :Two 3 inch regulators are required.
From Fig :3.1 : Pilot operated or self operated regulator with roll out diaphragm
is required.
From Table :3.7 : Outlet velocity is not a problem.
V = [(0.75*12000000/24)/(74.73*32)] = 558 ft/see

Therefore, the regulator type and size : Fisher- 3 inch RF, ANSI CL 300
Slam shut valve size : 4 inch RF, ANSI CL 300
Relief valve size : 1 inch RF, ANSI CL 300

Inlet and outlet pipe and valve size of second stage pressure regulating unit
Inlet pipe size of second stage pressure regulating unit
By using Equation no-(3.1)
D = (0.75*Q/V*P)1/2
= [0.75*(12000000/24)/(120*214.73)]1/2
= 3.815 inch

Therefore, the inlet pipeline & valve size of second stage pressure regulating unit are
4 inch DNx Sch-40, 4 inch RF ANSI CL-300 respectively.

Outlet pipe and valve size of second stage pressure regulating unit
D = Ö(0.75Q/VP)
= Ö[(0.75*12000000/24)/(120*(74.73)]
= 6.47 inch
Though 7 inch pipe and valve size is not available, therefore the regulator outlet valve
size 8 inch DN, ANSI CL 300

Outlet header size of the second stage pressure regulating unit is calculated By using
Equation no-(3.3)
D = [(d12 +d22)* 1.5] ½ = [(82 +82)* 1.5] ½ = [(64+64)* 1.5] ½ = 13.856 inch

As the both regulating runs are 100% capable and both the runs will not be operated
simultaneously, so there is no problem to use the outlet header size is 12 inch.

Therefore, the outlet header size of the second stage pressure regulating unit is 12 inch
DNx Sch-40.

Sensing or control line :

As, the outlet pipeline size of second stage pressure regulating unit is 8 inch DN, so the
length of sensing line of this regulating stream is recommended as follows.

Sensing line length = 10 pipe diameters

= 10*8 inch

= 80 inch

= 6.66 feet

Noise attenuation
The selected regulators are designed to produce maximum noise level of 80 dBA at 1
meter distance (Fisher Controls, 2003). The regulating system of the RMS is a two stage
regulating unit, so comparatively low level noise will be produced due to several pressure
cut. The noise level will be approximately 70 dBA (Fisher Controls, 2003). The
environmental quality standards for Bangladesh have set noise guide for industrial sites in
Bangladesh, 85 dBA is usually nattered as the critical level for human ear damage
(DOE,1991). According to this standard, noise level should not exceed 75 dBA in
daytime and 70 dBA at night (Appendix L).

Therefore, no additional silencer is required to reduce noise for the proposed RMS.

Schematic diagram of first stage and second stage regulating unit of the RMS are shown
in Fig 5.4 and Fig 5.5 respectively.

Fig 5.4 Schematic diagram of first stage regulating unit of the RMS

Fig 5.5: Schematic diagram second stage regulating unit of the RMS

5.4.6 Metering unit
The metering run is designed as per internationally recognized recommendation of
Institution of Gas Engineers, IGE-TD-9, AGA Part-9 and AGA Report No.7

Rangeability or turn down ratio is very important for meter selection. Turn down ratio
has a strong effect on system loss. Because meter with improper ranged can not measure
accurately. In this context turn down ratio is very important. The turn down ratio of a
single orifice meter is about 3:1(AGA-3). On the other hand turn down ratio of turbine
meter is very high. At lower or medium pressure it is 20:1 and it increases as pressure
increases (AGA-7). Another considering factor is the turn down ratio of the power plant
is 6:1 according to gas consumption of the engine (Chapter-4). Where the gas
consumption is stable or where there is no load variation, it can be used orifice meter and
for load variation it can be used turbine meter.

Considering the above factors of both metering system, it is recommended for installation
of turbine meter in the RMS for accurate instantaneous gas flow measurement and
smooth operation of the station.

The configuration of the meter runs depends on the flow rate which have to be handled
and their turn down ratio.

For custody transfer application, the metering unit of the RMS consists of two metering
runs (streams) for uninterrupted gas flow measurement and each having 100% capacity of
the maximum flow. One metering run is operational and another is stand by mode. If
there is a provision of metering by pass run, the customer or RMS operators may miss
use of the metering by pass without any reason. Therefore, there is no provision of
metering by pass run to prevent theft or pilferage of gas.

From the above discussion it is recommend that, no by pass would be required for
metering unit and turbine meter is selected over orifice meter for the proposed RMS.

86 Turbine Meter sizing
Turbine meter size calculation

Maximum required flow = 500000 SCFH =14158 m3/hr

Maximum pressure = 65 Psig = 79.73 Psia
Minimum line pressure = 55 Psig = 69.73 Psia
Base pressure = 14.73 Psia
Velocity of Gas =120 ft/sec

Pressure factor = Line pressure/ Base pressure = 69.73/14.73 = 4.734

Equivalent line flow = Maximum required flow/ Pressure factor
= 14158/ 4.734 m3/hr = 2990 m3/hr
It is suggested that maximum flow should be within 90 % of the maximum meter flow
Recommended meter capacity = Equivalent line flow/0.9
= 2990/0.9 m3/hr
= 3323 m3/hr
From the above value meter size will be 12 inch ANSI 150 CL, G-2500 (Appendix F)
and also the pipe size is 12 inch DNx Sch-40.

5.4.7 Straightening vanes

The purpose of a straightening vane is to eliminate swirls and cross currents set up by the
pipe fitting valves or regulators preceding the meter inlet piping. The straightening vane
length should be at least 10 times the maximum inside dimension of single vane (AGA
Report 7).
The piping and meter diameter size is 12 inch, so the straightening vane’s should be
installed at a distance of 5 nominal pipe diameters of piping from the up stream of the
turbine meter inlet. The straightening vane’s position and length in the metering stream of
the proposed RMS is as follows.
Location of straightening vane = 5 DN of piping = 5*12 inch = 60 inch = 5 ft
Length of straightening vane = 2 DN of piping = 24 inch = 2 ft

Therefore, it is recommended to install the straightening vane at 5 ft upstream of turbine
meter inlet and the length should be 2 ft.

Now a days, most of the turbine meters are built in straightening vane, which is attached
into the meter inlet piping, so this type of turbine meter should be used to avoid swirls
and turbulence.

5.4.8 Flow Computer

There are many choices today for flow computer measurement. Not only are there
calculations and meter standards to choose from many time the application requires
selection of the right packaging. Flow computer consideration

When confronted with measurement decision, lot of factors be considered for each
application. Some key elements are typically as follow.
· System integrators
· Multiple K- factors and linearization
· Densitometer
· Proving
· Batching Reports
· Manufactured pulse meter conditioning
· Predictive maintenance through diagnostics
· Multi-product measurement using density
· Communication devices such as Gas chromatograph, SCADA, RTU, DCS etc.
through industry standard protocol.

Primary inputs for the flow computers are as follows.

· Pressure signal (4-20 mA) from pressure transmitter.
· Temperature signal (4-20 mA) from temperature transmitter.
· Pulse signal from turbine meters index.
· Gas components from Gas chromatograph.

From these primary inputs the minimum calculations performed by the flow computers
are usually:
· Volume rate
· Volume total
· Corrected Volume
· Uncorrected Volume
· Average density
· Total mass
· Average temperature
· Average static pressure
· Heating value and gas composition

5.4.9 Gas chromatograph

Gas chromatograph is an electronic device which capture a representative sample from
line gas and analyses the gas to its constituent components. Analyzer types are as follows.
a) Depending on sample capture and analysis
1. On line gas chromatograph
2. Off line gas chromatograph
b) Depending on fluid phase
1. Gas chromatograph
2. Liquid chromatograph
On line gas chromatograph category depending on analyzing capacity
· Controller assembly
· Analyzer assembly with sampling
Both can be in separate module or can be integrated in single module. Gas chromatograph selection

A gas chromatograph type may be selected after considering some parameters which is
described as follows.
· Fluid phase: Gas or liquid
· Components to be analyzed

· Carrier gas compotation : Should be low consumption of carrier gas.
· Detector technique : TCD, FPD, FID etc.
· Power supply and consumption : 220 VAC/24 VDC, low power consumption
· Area location : Hazardous or safe area.
· Column : Micro packed column or capillary column
· Detector accuracy : Should be capable to detection components up to PPM range
· Date and chromatograph storage capacity : Should be able to store in 3 days
analysis data @ each hour.
· Accuracy and repeatability: 0.05 Btu/1000Btu
· Stand along device to operate in field
· Analysis time per cycle : Typically 3-7 minutes
· Analysis and Heating value calculation are as per ISO 6976, GPA 2172

As per requirement of analysis and calculation it is recommended an on line gas

chromatograph of Daniel brand, Model- Danalizer 500 with C6+ application for the
proposed RMS according to Gas Sells Agreement (GSA) between buyer and seller.

A schematic diagram of metering unit of the RMS is shown in Fig 5.6.

Fig 5.6. A schematic diagram of metering unit of the RMS

5.4.10 Measurement accuracy of RMS equipment
The measurement accuracy of the custody transfer metering system is related to the
accuracy of the following equipments.

a) Turbine Meter
b) Pressure Transmitter
c) Temperature Transmitter
d) On line gas Chromatograph
e) Flow Computer Turbine Meter accuracy

The measurement accuracy (Ma) of turbine meter is within ±1% over a wide range of
both pressure and flow rate. They are capable of ±0.25% accuracy over a specified flow
range. They can maintain high accuracy level for a period of 2 years. Mechanical recorder accuracy

The accuracy of mechanical recorder is as follows
Static pressure element accuracy, Ptu is ±0.5% of full scale
Temperature element accuracy, Ttu is ±1% of full scale Flow computer accuracy

Flow computer accuracy, Fcconv is ±0.5%

The accuracy of the measuring device can be determined by following formula as per
ISO 5168 (2005).

Accuracy = ±√(Ma2+Fc2conv +P2tu+T2tu)

= ±√(12+0.52 +0.52+012) [Putting the value of Ma, Fcconv , Ptu and Ttu]
= ±1.58

Therefore, the overall measurement accuracy of the measuring device with turbine meter
of the proposed RMS is ±1.58%.

5.4.11 Condensate Storage Tank:
A condensate tank of about 500 gallons capacity will be required to store gas condensate
separated from sweet natural gas. The liquids will be stored under moderate pressure. The
tank should designed for maximum pressure of 10 bar. The condensate will be stored at a
pressure of 4.8 bar. The tank has been designed, fabricated and tested in accordance with
the ASME Boiler and pressure vessel code section V111 DIV 1. One inch diameter drain
line connection from filter separator and liquid separator equipped with dip pipe.

5.4.12 Pipe length of different sections of RMS

Pipe length of different sections of RMS can be calculated as per AGA Report no-7, IGE
TD-9, AGA Part -9 and manufacturer catalogue or manual. The pipe length of different
sections of RMS have been summarized in Tabular form.

Table 5.2 : Pipe length of different sections of RMS

Sl No. Section name Pipe dia Basis of Pipe length
(inch) calculation (feet)
1 Station Inlet piping 4 10 DN 3
2 Filter separator unit piping section 4 30 DN 10
3 Heater piping section 4 30 DN 10
4 First stage regulating unit piping 4 60 DN 20
section 3 30 DN 10
6 100 DN 30
5 Second stage regulating unit piping 6 60 DN 20
section 8 60 DN 20
6 Liquid separator unit piping section 12 100 DN 30
7 Metering unit piping section 12 100 DN 30
8 Station outlet piping 12 20 DN 6

(DN = Nominal Diameter)

5.4.12 Wall thickness of pipe line
Calculation results for pipe wall thickness of line pipe of different sections have been
summarized in Tabular form.
Table 5.3 Pipe wall thickness
Location of Design Pipe Grade Outside Inside Wall
Pipe line Pressure Diameter Diameter thickness
(psig) (inch) (inch) (inch)
Station Inlet 750 API 5L-X46 4.00 3.86 0.068
Inlet of Filter 750 API 5L-X46 4.00 3.86 0.068
Outlet of Filter 750 API 5L-X46 4.00 3.86 0.068
Inlet of Heater 750 API 5L-X46 4.00 3.86 0.068
Outlet of Heater 750 API 5L-X46 4.00 3.86 0.068
Inlet Header of first 750 API 5L-X46 4.00 5.80 0.102
regulating run
Outlet Header first 500 API 5L-Gr. B 6.00 5.86 0.068
stage regulating run
Inlet Header of second 450 API 5L-Gr. B 6.00 5.88 0.061
stage regulating run
Outlet pipe of second 90 API 5L-Gr. B 8.00 7.96 0.021
stage regulating run
Outlet Header of 90 API 5L-Gr. B 12.00 11.94 0.032
second stage
regulating run
Inlet of Liquid 90 API 5L-Gr. B 12.00 11.94 0.032
Outlet of Liquid 90 API 5L-Gr. B 12.00 11.94 0.032
Meter run 90 API 5L-Gr. B 12.00 11.94 0.032

5.4.13 The major components size for the proposed RMS
Size of the major components for the proposed RMS have been summarized in the
flowing Table 5.4 on the basis of detailed calculations.

Table 5.4 RMS components size

Sl.No Item Name Specifications Overall material
Quantity Unit
Station Inlet
1 Inlet Pipe 4'' DN, API 5L G-B 20 Meter
2 Insulating Joint ( IJ) 4'' DN, ANSI 300 1 Number
3 Valve 4'' DN, ANSI 300 9 Number
Separating Unit
4'' DN ANSI 300 2 Number
Capacity :12 mmscfd
4 Filter Separator at 80 psig with
max 100 mbar
pressure drop
12'' DN, ANSI 150 1 Number
Capacity :12 mmscfd
5 Liquid Separator at 80 psig with
max 100 mbar
pressure drop
Heating Unit
Heat duty :100 KW, 1 Number
Class : ANSI 300 ,
6 Water Bath Heater :Flanged 4''x4'' DN
Pressure range: Upto
1460 psig,
First stage pressure regulating run
7 Inlet valve 4'' DN, ANSI 300 2 Number
8 Outlet valve 4'' DN, ANSI 300 2 Number
2'' DN, ANSI 300, 4 Number
9 Pressure Regulator
10 Slam shut off valve 3'' DN, ANSI 300 2 Number
11 Safety Relief valve 1'' DN, ANSI 300 1 Number
12 Inlet header 4'' DN, API 5L G-B 10 Meter
13 Outlet header 6'' DN, API 5L G-B 10 Meter

Table 5.4 RMS components size (Cont’d)

Sl.No Item Name Specifications Overall material

Quantity Unit

Second stage pressure regulating run

14 Inlet valve 6'' DN, ANSI 150 2 Number
15 Outlet valve 8'' DN, ANSI 150 2 Number
3''DN, ANSI 150, 4 Number
16 Pressure Regulator
17 Slam shut off valve 4'' DN, ANSI 150 2 Number
18 Safety Relief valve 1'' DN, ANSI 150 1 Number
19 Inlet header 6'' DN, API 5L G-B 10 Meter
20 Outlet header 12'' DN, API 5L G-B 10 Meter
Metering Unit
12'' DN, ANSI 150, 2 Nos
21 Turbine Meter
22 Gas Flow Computer (FC) Multi-stream 1 No
Gas Chromatography (GC) On Line gas 1 No
2 (Two) Pen, 2 Nos.
Pressure Range:0~100
24 Mechanical Chart Recorder
Psig, Temperature
Range:0~150 F
25 Pipe 12''DN, API 5L G-B 20 Meter
Station Outlet
26 Outlet Pipe 12'' DN, API 5L G-B 10 Meter
27 Insulating Joint (IJ) 12'' DN, ANSI 150 1 No
28 Valve 12'' DN, ANSI 150 1 No
29 Non-Return valve 12'' DN, ANSI 150 1 No

5.5 Piping and Instrumentation diagram of the Proposed RMS

On the basis of size calculation and selection of equipments and materials, a Piping and
Instrumentation diagram and a top view of the Proposed RMS are shown in Figure 5.7
and Figure 5.8 respectively.

Figure 5.7: Piping and Instrumentation diagram

Figure 5.8: Top view of the Proposed RMS



Safety and environmental impacts are the first considerations in the design of regulating
and metering station. Many factors must be considered in the design to ensure safety of
pipeline and RMS operation.. International codes and standards (ASTM, ASME, ANSI,
API), A.G.A. Report no-7 and Bangladesh natural gas safety rules,1991(Amendment
2003) have been followed for design of gas pipelines and RMS. In this chapter, safety
and environmental aspects in designing a regulating and metering station will be

6.1 Environmental impacts of proposed gas facilities for the power plant
The impacts of a gas facilities project can be direct, such as the effect of toxic discharge
on air, noise and water quality or indirect, such as the effect on human health from
exposure to particulates or contaminants. It increases the possibility of explosion and
leakage due to accidents, malfunction of joints or corrosion and lack of skillness and
carefulness of related persons. These negative effects on the environment will be
negligible due to implementation of the project.

Taking proper precautions, these negative effects can be mitigated. The positive impacts
of the project will out weigh the negative one.

The negative impacts of the power plant are much more compared to that of RMS and
pipeline. Running of power plant will produce more noise, vibration, wear and rear
compared to RMS, so more protection should be taken to reduce the negative impacts of
power plant. The negative impacts of RMS and pipeline are less likely.

6.2 Environmental Consideration

For environmental reasons in additional to the necessary reliability the station should be
of the smallest practicable size with a high degree of safety against leakage and as silent
as possible in operation. The generated sound level shall not exceed 85dBA (DoE
Report,1991). In this regard, all of the equipments and instruments have been selected as

per ASTM, ASME, ANSI, API, A.G.A. Report no-7 and Bangladesh natural gas safety
rules,1991 (Amendment 2003), so that sound level dose not exceed 85dBA .

6.3 Safety Consideration

In order to enhance the occupational health and works safety of gas pipeline and RMS
project, the following monitoring works have been done.

6.3.1 Gas quality

Gas quality should be maintained to minimize the possibility of any kind of corrosion,
wear and tear, burning quality, so gas should be dust, water and sulfur free. In this view,
liquid separator, filter separator and heater have been used to maintain the gas quality of
the proposed RMS.

6.3.2 Wall thickness of pipe

Pipe is selected with sufficient wall thickness or installed with adequate protection to
withstand anticipated external pressures and loads that will imposed on the pipe after
installation. Due consideration is given to the safety of life and property while selecting a
valve and pipe. For this purpose the American code (ASME B 31.8) has been followed.

6.3.3 Pressure rating of materials

Considering the safety and environmental aspects, the pressure rating of RMS materials
have been selected as per maximum allowable operating pressure in accordance with
National Standards Institute (ANSI) pressure class and API (Appendix H, I).

6.3.4 Control of overpressure in the system

To prevent personal injury, equipment damage or leakage due to bursting of pressure-
containing parts, it is necessary to install adequate overpressure protection when
installing a pressure reducing regulator. Overpressure protection equipment should be
installed to protect all downstream equipments in the event of regulator failure.

To prevent accidental over pressure, the flowing protective devices are used in the
proposed RMS.

· Pressure relief valve is used to prevent a rise of inlet pressure in excess of a
specified value in the pressure system..
· Slam shut valve: Slam shut valve is installed in series with active regulator.
· Active Monitor regulator : A monitoring regulator is installed in series with active
· Non return valve is used to prevent flow in the reverse direction.

6.3.5 Installation of valves

Block valves install in transmission lines, distribution system and service lines at
intervals and at locations.
· Valves are installed above ground and above highest flood level.
· Valves are installed in accessible locations of the systems in order to reduce the
time to shut down a section of main in an emergency.
· A valve is installed on the inlet piping of each regulator or station controlling the
gas flow in the system. The distance between the valve and the regulator or
regulators should be sufficient to permit the operation of the valve during an
emergency, such as a large gas leakage or fire in the station.

6.3.6 Location of meters and regulators

Meters or regulators have been installed or located in easily accessible and ventilated
place and the distance should be at least five meter far and invisible from any source of
heat or ignition such as hearth, furnace, electric heater or open flame of any sort.

6.3.7 Safety distance of pipeline

The following safety distances of pipeline have been maintained for all pressure pipelines
to be operated above 150 Psig or above pressure of all high pressure pipeline which is
shown in Table 6.1.
Table 6.1 Safety distance of pipeline

Pipe size Pressure 150 Psig to 350 Psig Above 350 Psig
Up to 20” 2.00 Meter 2.50 Meter
Above 20” 3.00 Meter 3.50 Meter

6.3.8 Controlling Hazards
Some control measures to prevent hazards are as follows:
· Marking hazards with signs, flags, lights, alarms, barricades, fences, labels,
placards or other materials.
· Providing personal protective and other safety equipments to workers.

· Using engineering controls to reduce the impact of hazards.

Whenever possible, hazards should be eliminated. If elimination is not possible, other

control measures should be used to protect workers.

6.3.9 Prevention of eddy current

Insulating joints (IJ) have been used at station inlet and outlet of RMS to protect eddy
current producing from transmission and distribution network that may damage the RMS.

6.3.10 Leak detector

Pipe line leak detectors should be used in the gas system. Generally odorant is used to
detect the line leakage. A leak detector is suggested for the proposed RMS.

6.3.11 Fire Extinguisher

There is a provision of fire extinguisher in the RMS premises for controlling of small
fires due to leakage of gas.

6.3.12 Protection against corrosion

Natural gas pipelines are laid below the ground surface. These pipelines are susceptible to
corrosion by various subsoil environments. As the pipelines are growing old, it is
becoming more difficult to protect them from the damage caused by corrosion. Major
cause of the supply interruptions is leakage in the pipeline due to corrosion. To control
corrosion of pipeline combined system of coating and cathodic protection should be used.
Within one year of construction of pipeline, cathodic protection is applied to the pipeline
in accordance with BS CP 1021 or American National Association of corrosion
Engineers code RP 01-72 as far as practicable.

A safe and leak free pipeline network is essential for uninterrupted gas supply to the
power plant. For this reason a Cathodic Protection (CP) station is recommended for the
0.5 km 4" DN ×500 psig pipe line network of the power plant RMS within one year of
the construction of the pipeline.

6.3.13 The lighting arrangement

The lighting arrangement for the RMS area should be explosion proof and suitable for
hazardous area. Lighting fixtures are mounted on a pole above the suitable height for
proper illuminations.

6.3.14 Major activities of a Project

The major activities of a gas facilities project are pipeline routes survey, Clearance from
DOE, Design and Drawing, procurement of materials, construction, fabrication and
installation, testing, Tie-ins with live line and Commissioning.

Hydrostatic test
Hydrostatic test is performed after mechanical completion of the pipeline. For hydrostatic
test, water is poured into the pipeline section. Then the pipeline is pressurized by
injecting small amount of water through hand pump. As per API standard minimum
hydrostatic test pressure should be 1.5 times of design pressure.

Commissioning of pipeline and facilities

Commissioning is the flowing of natural gas through the newly constructed pipeline for
first time. Pipeline, valves, fittings, meters and regulators are checked and rectified if
necessary before Commissioning.



RMS Inlet pressure, gas flow rate, gas composition, heating value and compressibility
factor has a strong effect on selection of equipment size and material type. Ultimately,
design of the RMS will be affected for variation of all these factors.

In this chapter the above mentioned subjects are discussed in designing a regulating and
metering station.

7.1 Change the inlet pressure

The inlet pressure of the RMS is considered within 400 psig to 500 psig. Putting the
minimum and maximum inlet pressure in the equation 3.1, 3.10 and 3.11 the size of the
pipe, regulator and meter are shown in Appendix P.

From the Table P.1, P.2 and P.3 (Appendix P) it is seen that the pipe and equipment size
will be decreased with increase of the inlet pressure for the maximum flow rate.

In the proposed design, the minimum inlet pressure is taken in sizing all equipments for
the maximum flow rate. Therefore, no change is required in the design of the proposed

7.2 Change of gas composition and properties

The RMS which is required to be designed for supplying conditioned gas suitable for
delivery to the power plant, will get natural gas from the transmission system connected
at present with all major gas fields of the country. Since the system will receive gas from
multiple sources, it is not possible to indicate very precisely the composition of the gas.
The expected composition of the gas will be generally within the range which is shown in
Table 7.1.

Table 7.1: Natural gas composition analysis report

Composition of natural gas

Components % Mole
Nitrogen : 0.20-0.356
Carbon dioxide : 0.20- 0.45
Methane : 95.00-97.50
Ethane : 1.50-2.20
Propane : 0.30-0.50
Butane : 0.16-0.20
Pentane : 0.044-0.190
Hexane : 0.090
Heptane+ : 0.062

Properties of natural gas

Specific gravity (Air =01) : 0.57-0.60
Specific heat ratio : 0.60-0.75
Density at std. condition : 0.7132 kg/m3
Compressibility factor, Z : 0.98-0.9978
Higher Heating value (BTU/SCF) : 950-1050
Lower Heating value (BTU/SCF) : 915-940

(Source: Department of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering, BUET, Dhaka)

7.2.1 Change of heating value due to composition change

Taking the worst situation of gas composition, the lower heating value is 915 BTU/SCF.
Therefore, the fuel consumption of the power plant will be 11 MMSCFD (Chapter 4).

If lower heating value increases, fuel consumption of the power plant will be decreased.
The fuel consumption of the power plant will be 10.5 MMSCFD for 940 BTU/SCF. This
value will also affect the design of the RMS. Considering the fuel consumption of heater
and decrease of the power plant efficiency, the proposed RMS has been designed for the
flowing capacity of 12 MMSCFD.

7.2.2 Change of specific gravity due to composition change
In first stage regulating unit, pressure cuts from 500 psig to 200 psig and in second stage
pressure cuts from 200 psig to 60 psig. In this situation putting the different value of
specific gravity (S.G) in the equation no. 3.10 and 3.11, the size of the regulators are
summarized in the following Table 7.2.

Table 7.2: Regulator sizing calculation

Sl Regulating stage S.G Cg Value Calculated size Selected size
No. (inch) (inch)
1 First stage 0.57 1757 2
2 regulating unit 0.58 1775 2 2
3 0.60 1803 2
4 Second stage 0.57 3142 3
5 regulating unit 0.58 3175 3 3
6 0.60 3224 3

From the above data it is seen that the calculated results for different values of specific
gravity are similar to the selected sizes of the proposed RMS.

7.2.3 Effect on filter separator sizing due to change of composition and properties
Putting the different values of gas compressibility factor in the equation 3.7, the sizes of
the separator are summarized in the following Table 7.3.
Table 7.3: Separator sizing calculation
qgas T (°Rankine) p (psia) Z Kl D(ft) L/D

12 520 514.7 1.00 0.167 3.099 1.936
12 520 514.7 0.98 0.167 3.068 1.955

(Minimum length (height) for vertical separator should be 6 ft (Kumar,1987), So L/D = 6/D)
All of the length verses diameter ratio do not satisfy the design consideration. Length
verses diameter ratio should be between 3 to 8 (Kumar,1987).

For Length, L = 6 ft = 72 inch
Maximum L/D ratio = 8, So L/D = 8 or 72/D = 8 or Diameter, D = 9 inch.
Therefore, a vertical filter separator of size 9 inch (dia)x 6 ft (length) is required for the
proposed RMS.

The recommended size of the filter separator is similar to the above mentioned size.

7.2.4 Effect on heater sizing due to change of composition and properties

Putting the maximum and minimum value of specific density (rn), specific heat (Cp) of
natural gas and the following data in the equation 3.14, the required heat for preheating
the natural gas are computed and summarized in the Table 7.4.

Required data:
qn = Gas flow rate (max) = 12 MMSCFD = 12524 nm3/h
Pi = Inlet pressure of natural gas = 500 Psig = 514.73 Psia = 35.7451 bar (abs)
Po= Outlet pressure of natural gas = 60 Psig = 74.73 Psia = 5.190 bar (abs)
Maximum inlet temperature of gas = 20 °C (68° F)
Minimum outlet temperature of gas = 18 °C (64 °F)

Table 7.4: Heat capacity calculation

qn rn cp Heat capacity
(nm3/h) (Kg/m3) (kCal/Kg°C) Heat Heat Efficiency Input heat of
capacity capacity (%) heater (kw)
(kcal) (kw)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = (5/6)
12524 0.57 0.60 56967 66.25 85 78

12524 0.58 0.70 67627 78.65 85 93

12524 0.60 0.75 74956 87.17 85 103

From the above table it is seen that the calculated result of required heater for maximum
and minimum value of specific density (rn ), specific heat (Cp) is similar to recommended

heater capacity for the proposed RMS. Therefore, the selected capacity of heater is

7.2.5 Effect on material type due to change of gas properties

The gas composition, properties and environmental factors are also affecting in selection
of material type. Raw natural gas may contain high qualities of sulfur and carbon dioxide
(sour gas). Sour gas is extremely corrosive, therefore, special pipe material has to be
used. In this case, the supplied gas is sweet and line quality gas. Therefore, the material
of line pipe and equipments are used usually steel or cast iron. Steel pipes are both
covered with a special coating to avoid corrosion and they are protected by cathodic

Considering the safety and environmental aspects, the pressure rating and materials of the
proposed RMS have been selected steel as per maximum allowable operating pressure in
accordance with ANSI and API codes and standards.


Cost estimation is an essential part of a project. The costing of this project is consists of a
0.5 Km×4"DN×500 psig inlet pipe line of RMS, a 0.3 Km×12"DN×65 psig outlet pipe
line of RMS and one gas regulating and metering station having capacity of

8.1 Material costs

The detailed break-up of equipment and materials costs of both in local currency and
foreign currency are explained in Table 8.1.

Table 8.1: Cost Estimation of RMS Materials

Item Specifications Overall material Local Foreign
Name Total Price
Quantity Unit Unit Price Unit Price (Taka)
(Taka) (Taka)
Meter Type :Turbine 2 No 8,20,300 16,40,600
Class : ANSI 150
Size :12'' DN
Rating : G-4000
Connections :Flanged
Pressure Type :Pilot-operated 4 No 1,72,300 6,89,200
Regulator Mode of Operation :
Class : ANSI 300,
Size : 2'' DN
Pr. range :150-600 psig
Pressure Type :Pilot-operated 4 No 2,50,200 10,00,800
Regulator Mode of Operation :
Class : ANSI 300,
Size : 3'' DN
Pr. range :0-75 psig
Slam shut Class : ANSI 300 2 No 86,400 1,72,800
valve Size : 3'' DN
Pr. range :150-600 psig
Slam shut Class : ANSI 300 2 No 94,000 1,88,000
valve Size : 4'' DN
Pr. range :0-75 psig
Sub total (a) 36,91,400

Table 8.1: Cost Estimation of RMS Materials (Cont’d)
Overall material Local Foreign
Item Name Specifications Total Price
Quantity Unit Unit Unit Price (Taka)
Price (Taka)

Valve Type : Ball valve 15 No 12,300 1,84,500

(Full bore)
Class : ANSI 300
Size : 4'' DN
Valve Type : Ball valve 2 No 26,250 52,500
(Full bore)
Class : ANSI 300
Size : 6'' DN
Valve Type : Ball valve 2 No 51,250 1,02,500
(Full bore)
Class : ANSI 300
Size : 8'' DN
Valve Type : Ball valve 8 No 90,500 7,24,000
(Full bore)
Class : ANSI 150
Size : 12'' DN
Valve Type : Ball valve 51 No 13,000 66,300
(Full bore)
Class : ANSI 300
Size : 1/2'' DN
Valve Type : Ball valve 15 No 31,000 4,65,000
(Full bore)
Class : ANSI 300
Size : 1'' DN
Safety Relief Type : Spring 1 No 46,500 46,500
valve Loaded
Class : ANSI 300
Size : 1'' DN
Safety Relief Type : Spring 1 No 42,300 42,300
valve Loaded
Class : ANSI 150
Size : 1'' DN
Non-Return valve Type : Check Valve 1 No 1,44,100 1,44,100
Class : ANSI 150
Size : 12'' DN
Liquid Separator Type :Liquid 1 No 6,89,700 6,89,700
Class : ANSI 150
Size : 12'' DN
Capacity :12 mmscfd
at 80 psig with
max 100 mbar
pressure drop
Sub total (b) 25,17,400

Table 8.1: Cost Estimation of RMS Materials (Cont’d)
Overall material Local Foreign
Item Name Specifications Total Price
Quantity Unit Unit Unit Price (Taka)
Price (Taka)

Filter Separator Type :Liquid 2 No 5,97,700 11,95,400

Class : ANSI 300
Size : 4'' DN
Capacity :12 mmscfd
at 80 psig with
max 100 mbar
pressure drop
Heater Type :Water Bath, 1 No 24,14,000 24,14,000
Heat duty :100 KW,
Class : ANSI 300 ,
:Flanged 4''x4'' DN
Pressure range: Upto
1460 psig,
Mechanical Chart 2 (Two) Pen, 1 No 51,350 51,350
Recorder Pressure
Range:0~100 Psig,
Range:0~150 F
Gas Flow Multi-stream 1 No 17,41,000 17,41,000
Computer (FC)

Gas On Line gas 1 No 41,79,000 41,79,000

Chromatography Chromatography

Pressure Gauge Type : Bourdon Tube 19 No 1,900 36,100

Connection Size :
1/2'' NPT-M
Pressure range :
0-600 psig
Dial Size :150 mm
Pressure Gauge Type : Bourdon Tube 3 No 1,800 5,400
Connection Size :
1/2'' NPT-M
Pressure range :
0-400 psig
Dial Size :150 mm
Sub total (c) 96,22,250

Table 8.1: Cost Estimation of RMS Materials (Cont’d)
Overall material Local Foreign
Item Name Specifications Total Price
Quantity Unit Unit Unit Price (Taka)
Price (Taka)
Pressure Gauge Type : Bourdon Tube 4 No 1,850 7,400
Connection Size :
1/2'' NPT-M
Pressure range :
0-100 psig
Dial Size :150 mm
Temperature Connection Size : 3 No 2,500 7,500
Gauge with 3/4'' NTP(M)
Thermo well Range : 0-150 F
Dial Size : 100 mm
Thermo-well Type : TXC 1 No 900 900
Connection Size :
3/4'' NPT-M
U-Length : 10''
Insulating Class : ANSI 300, 1 No 15,600 15,600
Joint (IJ) Size : 4'' DN
Insulating Class : ANSI 150, 1 No 38,000 38,000
Joint (IJ) Size : 12'' DN
Reducer Sch-40 Size : 4''x3'' 17 No 500 8,500
Reducer Sch-40 Size : 4''x2'' 2 No 700 1,400
Reducer Sch-40 Size : 3''x2'' 2 No 500 1,000
Reducer Sch-40 Size : 6''x4'' 4 No 800 3,200
Reducer Sch-40 Size : 6''x3'' 2 No 750 1,500
Reducer Sch-40 Size : 8''x6'' 2 No 1,000 2,000
Reducer Sch-40 Size : 8''x3'' 2 No 1,200 2,400
Reducer Sch-40 Size : 12''x8'' 2 No 1,500 3,000
Equal Tee Sch-40 9 No 600 5,400
Size : 4''x4''x4''
Equal Tee Sch-40 2 No 1,500 3,000
Size : 6''x6''x6''
Equal Tee Sch-40 5 No 5,000 25,000
Size : 12''x12''x12''
Elbow Sch-40 Size : 4"x 90 14 No 500 7,000
Elbow Sch-40 Size : 6"x90 2 No 1,000 2,000
Elbow Sch-40 Size: 12"x90 2 No 7,000 14,000

Sub total (d) 1,46,800

Table 8.1: Cost Estimation of RMS Materials (Cont’d)

Overall material Local Foreign

Item Name Specifications Total Price
Quantity Unit Unit Price Unit Price (Taka)
(Taka) (Taka)
W/N Flange Class: ANSI 300 41 No 2,100 86,100
(RF) Size : 4''
W/N Flange Class: ANSI 300 12 No 700 8,400
(RF) Size : 3''
W/N Flange Class: ANSI 300 8 No 500 4,000
(RF) Size : 2''
W/N Flange Class: ANSI 300 4 No 2,500 10,000
(RF) Size : 6''
W/N Flange Class: ANSI 300 4 No 5,000 20,000
(RF) Size : 8''
W/N Flange Class: ANSI 150 24 No 10,000 2,40,000
(RF) Size : 12''
12'' M.S API 5L G-B 30 Meter 32,300 9,69,000
Seamless Pipe
8'' M.S Seamless API 5L G-B 5 Meter 29,000 1,45,000
6'' M.S Seamless API 5L G-B 20 Meter 2,100 42,000
4'' M.S Seamless API 5L G-B 35 Meter 1,200 42,000
3'' M.S Seamless API 5L G-B 5 Meter 1,150 5,750
2'' M.S Seamless API 5L G-B 2 Meter 700 1,400
4'' Gasket ANSI 300 41 No 8,200
3'' Gasket ANSI 300 12 No 2,040
2'' Gasket ANSI 300 8 No 1,200
6'' Gasket ANSI 300 4 No 1,600
8'' Gasket ANSI 300 4 No 2,000
12'' Gasket ANSI 150 24 No 1,000 24,000

1/2'' MS Nipple Pressure rating 51 No 100 51,000

:Upto 3000 psig
1'' MS Nipple Pressure rating 15 No 100 15,000
:Upto 3000 psig
Plug & Socket 1'' Pressure rating 15 No 200 3,000
:Upto 3000 psig
Plug & Socket Pressure rating 4 No 200 2,000
3/4” :Upto 3000 psig
Sub total (e) 14,10,690

Table 8.1: Cost Estimation of RMS Materials (Cont’d)

Overall material Local Foreign

Item Name Specifications Total Price
Quantity Unit Unit Price Unit Price (Taka)
Plug & Socket Pressure rating 51 No 50 2,550
1/2'' :Upto 3000 psig
SS Fittings Pressure rating 26 No 2,000 52,000
1/2'' NPT x 3/8'' :Upto 3000 psig
SS Fittings Pressure rating 26 No 1,100 28,600
1/4'' NPT x 3/8'' :Upto 3000 psig
Sensing Tube SS Pressure rating 60 Meter 50 3,000
3/8 '' :Upto 3000 psig
Stud bolt & Nuts Pressure rating 196 No 200 39,200
7/8''x6(1/4)'' :Upto 3000 psig
Stud bolt & Nuts Pressure rating 80 No 110 8,800
7/8''x5(1/2)'' :Upto 3000 psig
Stud bolt & Nuts Pressure rating 288 No 110 31,680
7/8''x4(1/2)'' :Upto 3000 psig
Stud bolt & Nuts Pressure rating 64 No 110 7,040
5/8''x4(1/2)'' :Upto 3000 psig
Stud bolt & Nuts Pressure rating 48 No 110 5,280
(3/4)''x4(3/4)'' :Upto 3000 psig
Stud bolt & Nuts Pressure rating 64 No 110 7,040
(3/4)''x4'' :Upto 3000 psig
Condensate tank Capacity :500 1 No 6,00,000 6,00,000
Sub total (f) 7,85,140

Sub total (a+b+c+d+e+f) 1,81,73,680

Item Name Specifications Overall material Local Foreign Total Price

Quantity Unit Unit Price Unit Price
(Taka) (Taka)
4'' M.S Seamless API 5L G-B 500 Meter 1,200 6,00,000
Total (RMS Materials Cost +Pipe Line Cost) 1,87,73,680

8.2 Land acquisition and requisition
Acquisition is the permanent possession of land. Eight meter wide strip land is required
for the pipeline route. Pipeline is laid along the acquisition land. Requisition is the
temporary possession of land for the construction period only. Fifteen meter wide strip at
the other end of acquisition land and along the pipeline route is requisitioned. After
completion of pipeline construction requisition land is handed over to the original land
owner. Requisition land is used to provide working space for construction crew and

8.2.1 Land acquisition

The location of the proposed power plant RMS is at Sreepur in Gazipur district. A 0.5 km
4" DN ×500 psig pipe line can be constructed to transmit gas to the power plant
(Appendix N). The RMS is in the premises of the power plant area. Fifty (50) decimals
land is required for RMS and One hundred (100) decimals land is required for pipe line.
Therefore, total one hundred fifty (150) decimals land should be acquisitioned. Cost of
the land is Taka 1(one) Lakh per decimal. The cost of one hundred fifty (150) decimals of
land has been considered at Taka 150 Lakh.

8.2.2 Land requisition

One hundred eighty five (185) decimals land is required for requisition for 0.5 km 4" DN
pipe line. Cost of this land is Taka 716/decimal/year. For this project assumed one year
construction period. The cost of One hundred eighty five (185) decimals of land is Taka
1,32,460 Lakh.

8.3 Costing of the project

The costing of this project is concerned with Pre construction expenditure, Construction
cost, Equipment and materials cost, Transport and vehicles cost. The summary of the
project costing is shown in Table 8.2.

Table 8.2: Capital Cost

SL Description Cost (Taka)

No. Local Foreign Total
1 Pre construction Expenditure
Land Acquisition 1,50,00,000 0.00 1,50,00,000
Land Requisition 1,32,460 0.00 1,32,460
Soil & subsurface investigation 20,000 0.00 20,000
Survey 10,000 0.00 10,000
EIA 20,000 0.00 20,000
Engineering Design 100,000 0.00 100,000
2 Construction Cost
Civil construction 10,00,000 0.00 10,00,000
Construction of pipeline & 3,25,000 0.00 3,25,000
other facilities (500m @Tk 650)
Installation & Fabrication 5,00,000 0.00 5,00,000
Testing & Commissioning 46,500 0.00 46,500
3 Equipment & Materials Cost
Line Pipe 6,00,000 0.00 6,00,000
RMS Equipment & Materials 18,27,330 1,63,46,350 1,81,73,680
Pre-shipment inspection (1% 0.00 163,464 163,464
of foreign cost)
Landing (7 % of foreign cost) 0.00 11,44,245 11,44,245
CD/VAT (45 %of foreign cost) 0.00 73,55,858 73,55,858

4 Supervision 3,60,000 0.00 3,60,000

Total 44,951,207
Adding 10 % Contingency 4,495,121
Total Cost 49,446,328
(Note: Land acquisition and requisition cost have been calculated on the basis of TGTDCL rate and the
quantity of land has been fixed as bare minimum base on the Natural Gas Safety rule 1991. Civil
construction work have been prepared on the basis of PWD standard and rate. Cost of material and
equipment have been calculated on the basis of TGTDCL rate.)

From the above estimation and calculation it is found that the total cost of the project is
Taka 494.463 Lakh.


9.1. Conclusions
Based on the objectives of this project to design an ideal gas Regulating and Metering
Station and cost estimation of the project, the following conclusions are made from this
· Gas flow capacity, maximum inlet pressure and outlet pressure of the RMS are
12 MMSCFD, 500 psig and 60 psig respectively for uninterrupted gas supply to
the 50 MW power plant.
· In this project work, fluid characteristics, process data, gas safety rules,
International codes and standards (ASTM, ASME ANSI, API) have been
followed for proper design.
· All the equipments of Regulating and Metering station have been selected and
arranged as per internationally recommended standards (IGE TD 9, AGA 7 and
API ) maintaining the entire requirements for filtering, regulating, metering to
prevent various operational difficulties and measurement error.
· The pipe and fittings have been chosen in such a way that turbulence can be
avoided or made minimum.
· Meter type and size have been selected considering variation of flow rate and
pressure to measure the gas volume accurately because the revenue earning for
the company is related to measurement.
· The RMS has been proposed to be well furnished with modern flow computer for
gas measurement and online gas chromatograph for continuous gas analysis for
smooth, quantitative and accurate measurement of gas flow.
· Variation in different variables such as inlet pressure, specific density, specific
heat, compressibility factor and heating value within the allowable limit do not
require any change in the proposed design.
· The cost estimation of the project has been calculated on the basis of
preconstruction expenditure, construction cost, material cost etc. The total cost of
the project is estimated as Tk. 494.463 Lakh.

9.2 Recommendations

· A Regulating and Metering station should be designed to meet the present and
future demand under variable gas flow and pressure conditions and decreasing
efficiency of the power plant.

· The RMS should be kept under a SCADA system for remote controlling of the
system such as the valves, regulators and also for monitoring the status of flow
rate and pressure for the case of operation as per international practice of the gas

· After construction of the pipe line of RMS, cathodic protection (CP) system
should be installed in the pipeline network and RMS for safe and leak free
network in accordance with the requirements of British standard specification
code BS CP 1021 or American National Association of Corrosion Engineers code
RP 01-72.

· RMS equipments, piping and inlet outlet direction of gas flow should be painted
as per colour coding of pipes and equipments.

· Before commissioning of the pipeline and RMS, both the pipeline and RMS
should be tested by means of standard hydrostatic test for ensuring the safety and
integrity of the pipeline and RMS.


[1] AGA Report Part Nine : ‘Design of Meter and Regulator Stations’ Operating section
American Gas Association 1515 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, Virginia 22209, U.S.A.

[2] AGA Report Number-7: Measuring of fuel gas by Turbine meters’ Operating section
American Gas Association 1515 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, Virginia 22209, U.S.A.

[3] AGA Report Number -3: Orifice Metering of Natural Gas and other related
hydrocarbon’ Operating section American Gas Association 1315 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, Virginia 22209, U.S.A.

[4] ASME B 31.8 (1995): ‘Gas and Transmission and Distribution Piping System’.

[5] API Specification 6D (1994), ‘Specification for Pipeline Valves’, Washington,

DC 20005.
[6] API Specification 5L(1991) ‘Specification for Line pipe’, Washington, DC 20005.

[7] C. Richard Sivalls, P.E(1987), ‘Oil and gas separator design manual’, Sivalls, Inc.
Odessa, Texas, U.S.A.

[8] DOE Report (1991), ‘Environmental Quality Standards for Bangladesh’, Published by
Department of Environment, Dhaka.

[9] DOE (1997), EIA Guide Lines for Industries, Department of Environment, Ministry
of Environmental and Forest, Government of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh.

[10] Fisher Controls, (2005), ‘Natural Gas Regulators Application Guide’, Fisher
Controls International Inc,U.S.A.

[11] GTCL (2007): ‘Report on High Pressure Transmission Lines’, Operation Division.

[12] IGE/TD/9 : ‘Recommendations on Transmission and Distribution Practice, for off

take and pressure Regulating Installations for inlet pressure between 7 and 100 bar’
The Institution of Gas Engineers, 17 Grosvenor crescent, London SW1X7E

[13] Instromet, (2001), ‘Turbine Gas Meter Handbook’ Instromet Inc, Houston, Texas.

[14] ISO 14001, (2004), ‘Standard for International Environmental Management System’,
Geneva, Switzerland.

[15] ISO 5168, (2005), ‘‘Procedures for the Evaluation of Uncertainties’,Geneva,


[16] Kumar, S. (1987), ‘Gas Production Engineering’, Gulf Publishing Company.

Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

[17] Mc.Allister, E.W. (1998), ‘Pipe Line Rules of Thumb Handbook’ Gulf Publishing
Company, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

[18] Natural Gas Safety Rules of Bangladesh, 1991(Amendment 2003), Published by the
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Government of Bangladesh.

[19] OHSAS 18001, (2007), ‘Standards for Occupational Health and Safety Management

[20] Parker, M.E, (1954) “Pipeline Corrosion and Cathodic Protection”, First Edition,
Houston, Texas.

[21] Roy, K. R. (1989), ‘A survey of the processes entailed in the design of natural gas
regulating stations in United Kingdom’, Department of Mechanical and process
Engineering, University of Strathclyde, U.K.

[22] Richard J. Mooney (1999), ‘Regulator sizing and selection’ Mooney Controls Inc.

[23] RMG, (2008), ‘Turbine Gas Meter Catalogue’ RMG-GmbH, Germany.

[24] Rolls-Royce (2006),‘Gas Engine Catalogue’, Bergen, Norway.

[25] Sercks Controls (2004),’ Bangladesh Gas Infrastructure Development Project-

SCADA Component’, Sercks Controls Ltd.

[26] Shanghai Fiorentini (2008),‘ Filter Separators Catalogue’ Shanghai Fiorentini Gas
Equipment Company Ltd, Shanghai, China.

[27] TGTDCL (2003), ‘Report on Environmental Safety’, Planning Department.

[28] TGTDCL (2007-2008): ‘Annual Report’, Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution
Com. Ltd.


Active/Monitor Regulator - A regulator that is in service performing a control function.

Backpressure Regulator - This is a device that controls and responds to changes in its
upstream/inlet pressure. Functions the same as a relief valve in that it opens on increasing
upstream pressure.

British Thermal Unit (Btu) - The quantity of heat required to raise one pound of water
from 59°F to 60°F.

C1 - A term used in a sizing equation. It is defined as the ratio of the gas sizing
coefficient and the liquid sizing coefficient and provides a numerical indicator of the
valve's recovery capabilities.

Capacity, Flow - The amount of a specified fluid that will flow through a valve, specific
length and configuration of tubing, a manifold, fitting, or other component at a specified
pressure drop in a fixed period of time. (scfh, gpm, m3/h(n), lpm, pph)

Cg (Flow Coefficient) - A term used in gas and steam valve sizing equations. The value
of Cg is proportional to flow rate and is used to predict flow based on physical size or
flow area.

Control Line - The external piping which connects the regulator actuator or pilot to the
point on the main line where control is required.

Critical Flow - The rate at which a fluid flows through an orifice when the stream
velocity at the orifice is equal to the velocity of sound in the fluid. Under such conditions,
the rate of flow may be increased by an increase in upstream pressure, but it will not be
affected by a decrease in downstream pressure. Critical flow occurs when P2 is
approximately 1/2 of P1.

Critical Velocity - The velocity at critical flow. Also called sonic velocity.

Downstream - Any site beyond a reference point (often a valve or regulator) in the
direction of fluid flow.

Hunting - A condition where a regulator's outlet pressure slowly fluctuates on either side
of a set point.

Lockup Pressure - Increase over set point when the regulator is at no-flow condition.

m3/h(n) - meters cubed per hour (normal); measurement of volume rate of a gas at
atmospheric pressure and 0°C.

m3/h(s) - meters cubed per hour (standard); measurement of volume rate of a gas at
atmospheric pressure and 60°F.

Monitor: A general term for an instrument used to sense the magnitude or status of one
or more variable.

Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP) - The maximum pressure that the
system may be operated at as determined by its components, taking into account function
and a factor of safety based on yield of parts or fracture.

Pilot (Amplifier) - A relatively small controlling regulator which operates the main
regulator. They are used to increase accuracy.

Pressure Reducing Regulator - A valve that satisfies downstream demand while

maintaining a constant reduced pressure. As the pressure decreases, the valve opens to
increase flow.
PSIA - pounds per square inch, absolute - The pressure above a perfect vacuum,
calculated from the sum of the pressure gauge reading and the (local or ambient)
atmospheric pressure (Approximately 14.7).
PSIG - Pounds per square inch, gauge. The pressure above atmospheric pressure. Near
sea level the atmospheric pressure is approximately 14.7 pounds per square inch.

Rangeability - The ratio of maximum rated capacity to the minimum controllable flow
within the specified accuracy band.

Repeatability: Repeatability is a meter’s ability to replicate the same reading each time,
given that the same flow conditions exist.

Retention time: The amount of time a liquid stays in a vessel is called retention time.
The retention time assures that equilibrium between the liquid and gas has been reached
at separator pressure. The retention time in a separator is determined by dividing the
liquid volume inside the vessel by the liquid flow rate.

Set point: An input variable that determines the value of the output variable.

Standard Pressure: The standard base pressure is generally recognized as 14.73 psia or
1.0136 Bara.

Standard Temperature: The standard base temperature is generally recognized as 60

degrees F or 15.5556 oC or 520 degree Rankine.

SCADA : Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system is the overall system –the
combination of software and hardware.
Sonic Velocity - The speed of sound for a particular gas at a given inlet pressure and

Transducer: A device that receives information in the form of one or more physical
quantities and converts the information and produces an output signal.

Transmitter: A device that responds to a process variable through a sensor and has an
output, which varies in relation to the process variable.

Vent - An opening in the regulator spring case to allow atmospheric pressure access to
the diaphragm, thus allowing free movement of the diaphragm during operation.

A piping and instrumentation diagram- A piping and instrumentation diagram/drawing

(P&ID) is a diagram in the process industry which shows the piping of the process flow
together with the installed equipment and instrumentation.

Gas Regulating and Metering Station designed and manufactured in accordance with the
latest edition of the following Codes and Standards :
a) Mechanical :
Equipment will generally be mechanically designed in accordance with the relevant
Institute of Gas Engineers (IGE) codes and the following principal codes of practice:

IGE Codes :
Section V : Non-destructive Examination
Section VIII : Pressure Vessels, Div. 1
Section IX : Welding and Brazing Qualifications


ANSI B.16.5 : Flanges and Flanged Fittings

ANSI B.31.8 : Gas transmission and distribution piping system


API RP 1104 : Welding Specifications

API RP 520 : Parts 1& 2 Design and Installation of pressure Reliving
Systems in Refineries
API RP 521 : Guide for pressure relief and depressurizing Systems
API 5L : line pipes
API 6D : Pipeline Valves


ASTM A 36 : Structural Steel

ASTM A 106 : Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe
ASTM A 105 : Forging, Carbon Steel for Piping Components
ASTM A 435 : Straight Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Steel Plates for
Pressure Vessels

b) Instrumentation :
Instrumentation will generally be in accordance with the applicable section of the
following principal codes of practice:

AGA Report No 3 : Orifice metering

AGA Report No 7 : Turbine metering
AGA Report No 8 : Super compressibility compensation
ISA A 5.1 : Instrument Symbols and Identification
API RP 550 : Manual on Installation of Refinery Instrument Control
API RP 521 : Guide for Pressure Relief and Depressing System
BS 1041 : Code for Temperature Measurement.

BS 1042 : Method for Measurement of Fluid in pipes.

BS 1259 : Intrinsically safe Electrical Apparatus and Circuits.

BS 5345 : Part- 1; Section, Installation and Maintenance of

Electrical Apparatus & circuits.

BS 5490 : Specification for degree of protection provided by


BS 5501 : Part 1, Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive


BS 2765 : Thermo well.

BS 4161 : Gas Meters.

c) Electrical

I.E.C. : International Electro technical Committee

d). Civil Engineering

Civil design will be performed in accordance with British Standard and Bangladesh


Table C.1: Composition analysis report

Components % Mole % Wt
Nitrogen : 0.356 0.592
Carbon dioxide : 0.236 0.617
Methane : 96.241 91.577
Ethane : 2.202 3.928
Propane : 0.464 1.215
i-Butane : 0.173 0.596
n- Butane : 0.086 0.296
i-Pentane : 0.052 0.224
n-Pentane : 0.036 0.153
Hexane : 0.090 0.448
Heptane+ : 0.062 0.354
Total 100 100

Molecular weight : 16.860 gm/mol

Specific gravity (Air =01) : 0.582
Density at std. condition : 0.7132 kg/m3
Higher Heating value :1043.4991 BTU/SCF

Lower Heating value : 915.7936 BTU/SCF

(Source: Department of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering, BUET, Dhaka)


Table D.1: Gas Engine Technical Data Sheet

Particulars Value Units

Engine mechanical output 8660 KW

Generator electrical output 8425 KW

Thermal overall efficiency 42 %

Generator efficiency 97.3 %

Specific energy consumption 7590 KJ/Kwh+5%

Lower heating value (LHV) of Fuel 36.0 MJ/Nm3

Generator power factor 0.8

Exhaust gas emission, NO2 , level at 5% O2 500 mg/ Nm3

Exhaust gas temperature 415 C

Minimum gas feed pressure to Engine inlet 50 Psig

Gas feed temperature to Engine inlet 20 C

Fuel type : Natural gas

Gas feed quality to Engine inlet: Clean and dry gas without any free droplets of
moisture and particle size normal 5 micron.
Mole percent of methane: 70%

(Source: Rolls-Royce, 2006)


Table E.1: Unit conversion

Particulars Relation Remarks

1 barg 14.505 psig

1 atm 14.73 Psig

14.73 Psig 101.560 KPa

1 Kg 14.22 Psig

14.22 Psig 2.2046 lb

1 Barrel 42 Gallons

1 Gallon 3.8 Litres

1 Nm3 37.32566 Nf 3

1 sm3 35.3147 sf 3

1 Btu 1055 Joules

1 Btu 0.252 Kilocalories

1 Joule 0.00024 Kilocalories

1 meter 3.0487 feet

1 feet 0.328 Meter

1 hector 0.01 Square Kilometer

1 Acre 0.0040469 Square Kilometer


Measurement High 2 x Low Overall Pressure

Pipe Size 3
Range (m /h) Frequency Frequency Length Rating
mm inch G-rating Qmin-Qmax (Hz) ) (mm)
G40 13-65 10 ANSI 150
50 2" G65 10-100 200-400 150
10 10/16
G100 16-160 1
G100 16-160 1 ANSI 150
G160 25-250
80 3" 200-300 1 240 10/16
G250 20-400 1
G400 32-650
G160 25-250 1 ANSI 150
G250 20-400
100 4" 200-300 1 300 10/16
G400 32-650 1
G650 50-1000 1
G400 32-650 1 ANSI 150
G650 50-100
150 6" 100-200 1 450 10/16
G1000 80-1600 0.1
G1600 130-2500 0.1
G650 50-1000 0.1 ANSI 150
G1000 80-1600
200 8" 75-150 0.1 600 10/16
G1600 130-2500 0.1
G2500 200-4000 0.1
G1000 80-1600 0.1 ANSI 150
G1600 130-2500
250 10" 75-150 0.1 600 10/16
G2500 200-4000 0.1
G4000 320-6500 0.1
G1600 130-2500 0.1 ANSI 150
G2500 200-4000
300 12" 75-150 0.1 600 10/16
G4000 320-6500 0.1
G6500 500-10000 0.1

(Source: Instromet, 2001)


Table G.1: The turn down ratio of RMS Equipments.

Equipment Name Turn down ratio Remarks

As per AGA report 7

Turbine meter 20:1

Orifice meter 3:1 As per AGA report 3

Regulator 5:1, 4:1,3:1 As per Catalogue

Filter Separator 5:1 As per Catalogue

Liquid Separator 5:1 As per Catalogue

RMS 12:1.8 As per maximum and

minimum flow rate
Power Plant Generator Bank 6:1 As per gas
consumption of the
power plant

(Source: AGA report 3 and 7, Fisher Control, Rolls-Royce, Shanghai Fiorentini)


Add three inches to the actual inside diameter; divide this by the wall thickness; the
schedule number can then be identified by the following Table H.1

Table H.1: Pipe Schedule

Pipe Schedule Calculated value Remarks

30 40 to 50

40 29 to 39

60 25 to 29

80 20 to 23

100 16 to 18

120 13 to 15

140 11 to 13

160 9 to 11

(Source: Mc.Allister, E.W,1998, Pipe Line Rules of Thumb Handbook)


Table I.1: Pressure Rating

Class PN
Bar Psi
150 20 290
300 50 725
400 64 928
600 100 1450
900 150 2176
1500 250 3626
2500 420 6092

PN = Nominal Pressure

(Source: API Specification 6D, 1994)


The Separator size can be selected by using the following Figure J.1

Figure J.1: Gas capacity of vertical L.P. Separator

(Source: C. Richard Sivalls, P.E, 1987)


The settling volume of vertical separator can be determined by the following Table K.1

Table K.1: Pipe Schedule

Sl No. Vertical Separator Size Settling volume, bbl

(Diameter x Height)
1 0.65
24 inch x 5 ft
2 1.01
24 inch x 7.5 ft
3 2.06
30 inch x 10 ft
4 1.61
36 inch x 5 ft
5 2.43
36 inch x 7.5 ft
6 3.04
36 inch x 10 ft
7 5.67
48 inch x 10 ft
8 7.86
48 inch x 15 ft
9 9.23
60 inch x 10 ft
60 inch x 15 ft
10 12.65
60 inch x 20 ft
11 15.51

(Source: C. Richard Sivalls, P.E, 1987)


The Environmental Quality Standards for Bangladesh (DoE, 1991) have been set noise
guide noise for industrial sites in Bangladesh. According to standard, noise level should
not exceed 75 dBA in the daytime and 70 dBA at night.

Table L1 : Standard Values for Noise

Area Category Unit Standard Valve

Day Time Night Time

A dBA 45 35

B dBA 50 40

C dBA 60 50

D dBA 70 60

E dBA 75 70

(Source: DoE Report,1991)




A) Transmission Line Block Valve Assay Colour

1 Above ground valves : Signal Red

2 Above ground pipes : White Enamel

3 Valves Handle : Black

B) Metering and Regulating Stations

1 Inlet Valves : Signal Red

2 By pass Valve : Signal Red

3 Sensing/Impulse Valve : Signal Red

4 Drain Valves : Bright yellow

5 Vent Valves : Bright yellow

6 Outlet Valves : Azure Blue

7 Regulators/Meters : Gray

8 Skid : Black

9 Pipes : Aluminium

10 Instrument Air Pipes : Rose

11 Vessels (Scruber/Heater) : Aluminium/Gray

(Source: Planning Department, TGTDCL, Dhaka)


(Source: TGTDCL Annual Report, 2007-2008)


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