Project Report B.E. ENTC

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Smart Intelligent Robot



Smart Intelligent Robot

1.1 Introduction

The project aims at designing a Robot which is controlled through Android

phone over Wi-Fi technology. The Robot can be moved in all the four directions
(front, back, left and right) through predefined keys assigned in the android

The advent of new high-speed technology and the growing computer

Capacity provided realistic opportunity for new robot controls and
realization of new methods of control theory. This technical improvement together
with the need for high performance robots created faster, more accurate and more
intelligent robots using new robots control devices, new drivers and advanced
control algorithms. This project describes a new economical solution of robot
control systems. The presented robot arm control system can be used for different
sophisticated robotic applications.

Wi-Fi (Short for Wireless Fidelity) is a wireless technology that uses radio
frequency to transmit data through the air. Wi-Fi has initial speeds of 1mbps to
2mbps. Wi-Fi transmits data in the frequency band of 2.4 GHz. It implements the
concept of frequency division multiplexing technology. Range of Wi-Fi
technology is 40-300 feet.

The controlling device for the robotic controlling in the project is a

Microcontroller. The data sent from Android mobile phone over Wi-Fi will be
received by Wi-Fi module connected to Microcontroller. Microcontroller reads the
data and decides the direction and operates the dc motors connected to it
accordingly. The Microcontroller is programmed used embedded ‘C’ language.

Smart Intelligent Robot

1.2 Features:

1. Wi-Fi based user-friendly interfacing.

2. Usage of Android phone’s Wi-Fi
3. Low power consumption.

1.3 The project focuses on the fallowing advancements:

1. Wi-Fi technology.
2. Interfacing Wi-Fi module to Microcontroller.
3. DC motor working and need for motor driver.
4. Embedded C programming.
5. PCB designing.

1.4 The major building blocks of this project are:

1. Regulated Power Supply

2. Micro Controller.
3. Wi-Fi module.
4. DC Motor with driver.
5. Crystal oscillator.
6. Reset.
7. LED indicators.

Smart Intelligent Robot



Smart Intelligent Robot

A robot is a machine designed to execute one or more tasks. This

information tells us the development of a robotic module based on Arduino Uno
technology. Communication between the robotic module and the operator (an end-
user device) is done via a WiFi network for operation and control purposes. This
communication occurs over a secured custom-made Encryption/Decryption
Algorithm to prevent others from controlling the module. The distance between
the module and the operator depends on the adapter itself. A camera “eye of
robot” captures and transmits images/videos to the operator who can then
recognize the surrounding environment and remotely control the module. The
operator can control the module from any development software, by using of the
private Encryption/Decryption Algorithm, and the correct controlling messages.
The results have shown the feasibility of the proposed system

It’s often said industrial robots have made their biggest mark in the
automotive world but it took many decades of refinement for them to get there.
How long has it been since robots got their start? The most basic ideas originate in
Leonardo's time!

The modern idea for the robot made its first appearance in a play in 1921. In this
production, robots were mechanical workers who helped humans – but they
eventually revolted and took over the world.

To say this is an inauspicious beginning would be an understatement. Still, real-

life technology soon began to catch up with the concept.

Smart Intelligent Robot



Smart Intelligent Robot


We are going to make a Wi-Fi controlled Robot using Arduino and

Arduino Mert App. This Arduino based Robot can be controlled wirelessly
using any Wi-Fi enabled Android smart phone.

For demonstration of Wi-Fi Controlled Robot, we have used an Android

Mobile. To make IoT based project. The chassis is simple made from pressed
shit metal with high gauge thickness.

The motors used are generated DC motors with rated speed of 200 RPM,
It works on 12V power supply given through the motor drive module. The rear
wheels are made of virgin plastic of 680 mm diameter. The coaster wheel is
mounted on the chassis using nut and screws. All the boards fir on the chassis
and are attached using screws.

Components Required :

Arduino UNO
L293D Motor Driver IC
ESP8266 – WiFi Module
OV 7670 Camera Module
12v DC Motor
AC Adaptor
Rear wheels
Coaster wheel

Smart Intelligent Robot

Circuit Explanation:

Fig 3.1 Circuit Diagram of Arduino+L293D+ESP8266

Circuit Diagram of Wi-Fi controlled robot is given below. We mainly

need a Arduino and ESP8266 Wi-Fi module. ESP8266’s Vcc and GND pins
are directly connected to 3.3V and GND of Arduino and CH_PD is also
connected with 3.3V. Tx and Rx pins of ESP8266 are directly connected to pin
2 and 3 of Arduino. Software Serial Library is used to allow serial
communication on pin 2 and 3 of Arduino. We have already covered
the Interfacing of ESP8266 Wi-Fi module to Arduino in detail.

A L293D Motor Driver IC is used for driving DC motors. Input pins of motor
driver IC is directly connected to pin 8, 9, 10 and 11 of Arduino. And DC
motors are connected at its output pins. Here we have used 9 Volt battery for
driving the Circuit and DC motors.

Smart Intelligent Robot

Working Explanation

Fig 3.2 Block diagram of project

Working of the Wi-Fi controlled Robot is very easy, we just need to Drag
or Slide the Joystick in the direction, where we want to move the Robot. Like
if we want to move the Robot in Forward direction then we need to Drag the
Joystick ‘circle’ in Forward direction. Likewise we can move the Robot in Left,
Right and Backward direction by Dragging the joystick in respective direction.
Now as soon as we release the Joystick, it will come back to centre and Robot

Mert Arduino App sends values from Two Axis Joystick to Arduino, through
Wi-Fi medium. Arduino receive the values, compare them with predefined
values and move the Robot accordingly in that direction.

Smart Intelligent Robot

1 Assembling the chassis

Step 1:

Fig.3.3 Assembled Chassis

Fig.3.4 Components

Smart Intelligent Robot

We used 2 motors to make it a 2 wheel drive . front two motors and

replace them with dummy wheels or add a castor wheel. To assemble the chassis
solder wires onto the motors and mount the motors on the chassis. If you don't
have a soldering iron then you can twist the wires and attach them with electrical
tape but it is not recommended as it will be quite a weak joint. I have mounted the
6v AA battery pack where the castor wheel is supposed to be attached The
assembly will be different for every different chassis but is a very easy process.

Smart Intelligent Robot

Step 2: Adding the ESP8266 in Arduino IDE

The esp8266 boards don't come installed in the arduino IDE. To install follow
these instructions :

1. Start Arduino and open Preferences window

2. Enter
"" into
Additional Board Manager URLs field

3. Open Boards Manager from Tools > Board menu and find esp8266 platform

4. Select the latest version from a drop-down box and click the install button

5. Don't forget to select your ESP8266 board from Tools > Board menu after

Smart Intelligent Robot

Step 3: Finding the IP Address of the ESP8266

1. Open the give code in the Arduino IDE

2. Find where it says "YOUR SSID" and erase it and write your wifi's SSID
(Between the inverted commas) which is the name of your wifi network.

2. Below it, it will say "YOUR PASSWORD" erase it and write the password of
your wifi network (Between the inverted commas)

3. After you have made the changes upload the code to your ESP8266 Board

4. Unplug the board from your computer and plug it again

5. Open the serial monitor and set the baud rate to 115200 and choose "Both NL
and CR". It will say "wifi connected" and will also show the IP address. Note
down the IP address because we will need it later.

Smart Intelligent Robot

Step 4: Programming

Smart Intelligent Robot

Step 5: Installing the Control App

This robot is controlled through an app, download the ESP8266_robot.apk file and
install it on your smartphone.

Smart Intelligent Robot

Step 6: Controlling the Robot

Open the app and write the IP address of your ESP8266 Board and now you will
be able to control it !!!


If the motors are spinning in the wrong direction then just interchange their
connections to the L293D or interchange the control pins. The ESP8266 connects
to wifi through DHCP, meaning that almost every time you connect it will have a
different IP address, so you will need to check the IP address every time.

Smart Intelligent Robot



Smart Intelligent Robot

List of Hardware

1. Arduino UNO
2. L293D Motor Driver IC
3. ESP8266 – Wi Fi Module
4. OV 7670 Camera Module
5. 12v DC Motor
6. AC Adaptor
7. Rear wheels
8. Coaster wheel
9. Chassis

Smart Intelligent Robot

1] Arduino Uno


Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on 8-bit ATmega328P

microcontroller. Along with ATmega328P, it consists other components such as
crystal oscillator, serial communication, voltage regulator, etc. to support the
microcontroller. Arduino Uno has 14 digital input/output pins (out of which 6 can
be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog input pins, a USB connection, A Power barrel
jack, an ICSP header and a reset button.

How to use Arduino Board

The 14 digital input/output pins can be used as input or output pins by using
pinMode(), digitalRead() and digitalWrite() functions in arduino programming.
Each pin operate at 5V and can provide or receive a maximum of 40mA current,
and has an internal pull-up resistor of 20-50 KOhms which are disconnected by
default. Out of these 14 pins, some pins have specific functions as listed below:

 Serial Pins 0 (Rx) and 1 (Tx): Rx and Tx pins are used to receive and
transmit TTL serial data. They are connected with the corresponding
ATmega328P USB to TTL serial chip.
 External Interrupt Pins 2 and 3: These pins can be configured to trigger
an interrupt on a low value, a rising or falling edge, or a change in value.
 PWM Pins 3, 5, 6, 9 and 11: These pins provide an 8-bit PWM output by
using analogWrite() function.
 SPI Pins 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO) and 13 (SCK): These pins are
used for SPI communication.
 In-built LED Pin 13: This pin is connected with an built-in LED, when
pin 13 is HIGH – LED is on and when pin 13 is LOW, its off.

Along with 14 Digital pins, there are 6 analog input pins, each of which provide
10 bits of resolution, i.e. 1024 different values. They measure from 0 to 5 volts but
this limit can be increased by using AREF pin with analog Reference() function.

Smart Intelligent Robot

 Analog pin 4 (SDA) and pin 5 (SCA) also used for TWI communication
using Wire library.

 AREF: Used to provide reference voltage for analog inputs with

analogReference() function.
 Reset Pin: Making this pin LOW, resets the microcontroller.

Arduino Uno to ATmega328 Pin Mapping

When ATmega328 chip is used in place of Arduino Uno, or vice versa, the image
below shows the pin mapping between the two.

Fig.4.1 Pin Discription of Arduino UNO


Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is required to program the

Arduino Uno board. Download it here.

Smart Intelligent Robot

Programming Arduino

Once arduino IDE is installed on the computer, connect the board with computer
using USB cable. Now open the arduino IDE and choose the correct board by
selecting Tools>Boards>Arduino/Genuino Uno, and choose the correct Port by
selecting Tools>Port. Arduino Uno is programmed using Arduino programming
language based on Wiring. To get it started with Arduino Uno board and blink the
built-in LED, load the example code by selecting Files>Examples>Basics>Blink.
Once the example code (also shown below) is loaded into your IDE, click on the
‘upload’ button given on the top bar. Once the upload is finished, you should see the
Arduino’s built-in LED blinking. Below is the example code for blinking:

// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board

void setup() {

// initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.


// the loop function runs over and over again forever

void loop() {

digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)

delay(1000); // wait for a second

digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW

delay(1000); // wait for a second

Smart Intelligent Robot


 Prototyping of Electronics Products and Systems

 Multiple DIY Projects.
 Easy to use for beginner level DIYers and makers.
 Projects requiring Multiple I/O interfaces and communications.


The Arduino Uno has 32 KB memory. It comes with 2 KB of SRAM and
also 1 KB of EEPROM (EEPROM library is required to read or write into

The performance of this controller is based on its clock speed. The Clock
speed of the Arduino is 16 Mhz so it can perform a particular task faster
than the other processor or controller

Most important feature of Arduino Uno is USB connectivity. It means if
we want to operate Arduino with PC, then we can do that and data
communication between PC and Arduino become easy.


The Arduino Uno can be powered via the USB connection or with an
external power supply. If we are using external power then we can supply
6 to 20 volts. Arduino works on 5 volts.


Each of the 14 digital pins on the Uno can be used as an input or output. 6
pins out of 14 can be used as PWM output. 6 pins can be used as analog

Smart Intelligent Robot

2] L293D Motor Driver IC

L293D Pin Configuration

Pin Name Description

1 Enable 1,2 This pin enables the input pin Input 1(2) and Input 2(7)

Directly controls the Output 1 pin. Controlled by digital

2 Input 1

3 Output 1 Connected to one end of Motor 1

4 Ground Ground pins are connected to ground of circuit (0V)

5 Ground Ground pins are connected to ground of circuit (0V)

6 Output 2 Connected to another end of Motor 1

Directly controls the Output 2 pin. Controlled by digital

7 Input 2

8 Vcc2 (Vs) Connected to Voltage pin for running motors (4.5V to 36V)

9 Enable 3,4 This pin enables the input pin Input 3(10) and Input 4(15)

Directly controls the Output 3 pin. Controlled by digital

10 Input 3

11 Output 3 Connected to one end of Motor 2

12 Ground Ground pins are connected to ground of circuit (0V)

13 Ground Ground pins are connected to ground of circuit (0V)

14 Output 4 Connected to another end of Motor 2

Directly controls the Output 4 pin. Controlled by digital

15 Input 4

16 Vcc2 (Vss) Connected to +5V to enable IC function

Table 4.2.1 L293D Pin Configuration

Smart Intelligent Robot


 Can be used to run Two DC motors with the same IC.

 Speed and Direction control is possible
 Motor voltage Vcc2 (Vs): 4.5V to 36V
 Maximum Peak motor current: 1.2A
 Maximum Continuous Motor Current: 600mA
 Supply Voltage to Vcc1(vss): 4.5V to 7V
 Transition time: 300ns (at 5Vand 24V)
 Automatic Thermal shutdown is available
 Available in 16-pin DIP, TSSOP, SOIC packages

L293D Equivalent Dual Timer IC

LB1909MC, SN754410, ULN2003

Where to use L293D IC

The L293D is a famous 16-Pin Motor Driver IC. As the name suggests it is mainly
used to drive motors. A single L293D IC is capable of running two DC motors at the
same time; also the direction of these two motors can be controlled independently. So
if you have motors which has operating voltage less than 36V and operating current
less than 600mA, which are to be controlled by digital circuits like Op-Amp, 555
timers, digital gates or even Micron rollers like Arduino, PIC, ARM etc.. this IC will
be the right choice for you.

How to use a L293D Motor Driver IC

Using this L293D motor driver IC is very simple. The IC works on the principle
of Half H-Bridge, let us not go too deep into what H-Bridge means, but for now just
know that H bridge is a set up which is used to run motors both in clock wise and anti
clockwise direction. As said earlier this IC is capable of running two motors at the
any direction at the same time, the circuit to achieve the same is shown below.

Smart Intelligent Robot

Fig.4.2 Pin Diagram of L293D Motor Driver IC

All the Ground pins should be grounded. There are two power pins for this IC, one is
the Vss(Vcc1) which provides the voltage for the IC to work, this must be connected
to +5V. The other is Vs(Vcc2) which provides voltage for the motors to run, based on
the specification of your motor you can connect this pin to anywhere between 4.5V to
36V, here I have connected to +12V.

The Enable pins (Enable 1,2 and Enable 3,4) are used to Enable Input pins for Motor
1 and Motor 2 respectively. Since in most cases we will be using both the motors both
the pins are held high by default by connecting to +5V supply. The input pins Input
1,2 are used to control the motor 1 and Input pins 3,4 are used to control the Motor 2.
The input pins are connected to the any Digital circuit or microcontroller to control
the speed and direction of the motor. You can toggle the input pins based on the
following table to control your motor.

Smart Intelligent Robot

Input 1 = HIGH(5v) Output 1 = HIGH Motor 1 rotates in Clock

Input 2 = LOW(0v) Output 2 = LOW wise Direction

Input 3 = HIGH(5v) Output 1 = HIGH Motor 2 rotates in Clock

Input 4 = LOW(0v) Output 2 = LOW wise Direction

Input 1 = LOW(0v) Output 1 = LOW Motor 1 rotates in Anti-

Input 2 = HIGH(5v) Output 2 = HIGH Clock wise Direction

Input 3 = LOW(0v) Output 1 = LOW Motor 2 rotates in Anti -

Input 4 = HIGH(5v) Output 2 = HIGH Clock wise Direction

Input 1 = HIGH(5v) Output 1 = HIGH

Motor 1 stays still
Input 2 = HIGH(5v) Output 2 = HIGH

Input 3 = HIGH(5v) Output 1 = LOW

Motor 2 stays still
Input 4 = HIGH(5v) Output 2 = HIGH

Table 4.2.2 I/O Connections


 Used to drive high current Motors using Digital Circuits

 Can be used to drive Stepper motors
 High current LED’s can be driven
 Relay Driver module (Latching Relay is possible)

Smart Intelligent Robot

3] ESP8266 – WiFi Module

Fig. 4.3 ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module

ESP8266-01 Features

 Low cost, compact and powerful Wi-Fi Module

 Power Supply: +3.3V only
 Current Consumption: 100mA
 I/O Voltage: 3.6V (max)
 I/O source current: 12mA (max)
 Built-in low power 32-bit MCU @ 80MHz
 512kB Flash Memory
 Can be used as Station or Access Point or both combined
 Supports Deep sleep (<10uA)
 Supports serial communication hence compatible with many development
platform like Arduino
 Can be programmed using Arduino IDE or AT-commands or Lua Script

Smart Intelligent Robot

ESP8266 Pin Configuration

Pin Alternat Alternate

Pin Name Normally used for
No. e Name purpose

Connected to the ground of

1 Ground - -
the circuit

Can act as a
Connected to Rx pin of General purpose
2 TX GPIO – 1 programmer/uC to upload Input/output pin
program when not used as

General purpose
3 GPIO-2 - -
Input/output pin

4 CH_EN - Chip Enable – Active high -

Takes module into

General purpose
5 GPIO - 0 Flash programming
Input/output pin
when held low
during start up

6 Reset - Resets the module -

Can act as a
General purpose
General purpose
7 RX GPIO - 3 Input/output pin
Input/output pin
when not used as

8 Vcc - Connect to +3.3V only

Table 4.3.1 ESP8266 Pin Configuration

Smart Intelligent Robot

ESP8266-01 Boot Option

GPIO – 0 GPIO – 2 Mode Used For

Run the program that is already

High High Flash Mode
uploaded to the module

Programming mode- to program

Low High UART Mode using Arduino or any serial

Table 4.3.2 ESP8266-01 Boot Option

How to use the ESP8266 Module

There are so many methods and IDEs available to with ESP modules, but the most
commonly used on is the Arduino IDE. So let us discuss only about that further

The ESP8266 module works with 3.3V only, anything more than 3.7V would kill
the module hence be cautions with your circuits. The best way to program
an ESP-01 is by using the FTDI board that supports 3.3V programming. If you
don’t have one it is recommended to buy one or for time being you can also use an
Arduino board. One commonly problem that every one faces with ESP-01 is the
powering up problem. The module is a bit power hungry while programming and
hence you can power it with a 3.3V pin on Arduino or just use a potential divider.
So it is important to make a small voltage regulator for 3.31v that could supply a
minimum of 500mA. One recommended regulator is the LM317 which could
handle the job easily. A simplified circuit diagram for using the ESP8266-01
module is given below

Smart Intelligent Robot

Fig. 4.4 ESP8266 Pin Diagram

The switch SW2 (Programming Switch) should be held pressed to hold the GPIO-
0 pin to ground. This way we can enter into the programming mode and upload
the code. Once the code is released the switch can be released.


 IOT Projects
 Access Point Portals
 Wireless Data logging
 Smart Home Automation
 Learn basics of networking
 Portable Electronics
 Smart bulbs and Sockets

Smart Intelligent Robot

4] OV7670 Camera module

OV7670 image sensor, small volume, low operating voltage, providing all
functions of a single chip of VGA camera and image processor. Through SCCB
bus control, the sensor can output the whole frame, sampling, and various
resolution 8 bits of data. The product VGA image can reach up to a maximum of
30 frames per second. Users can completely control the image quality, data format
and transmission mode. All the process of image processing functions can through
the SCCB programming interface, including gamma curve, white balance,
saturation and chroma .

Fig. 4.5 OV7670 Camera

OV7670 image sensor, small volume, low operating voltage, providing all
functions of a single chip of VGA camera and image processor. Through SCCB
bus control, the sensor can output the whole frame, sampling, and various
resolution 8 bits of data. The product VGA image can reach up to a maximum of
30 frames per second. Users can completely control the image quality, data format
and transmission mode. All the process of image processing functions can through

Smart Intelligent Robot

the SCCB programming interface, including gamma curve, white balance,

saturation and chroma .

OmmiVision image sensor has been in application of unique sensor technology,

by reducing or eliminating the optical or electronic defect such as fixed pattern
noise, tail, floating away, etc., to improve the quality of the image, and get the
clear and stable color images.

 Photosensitive array: 640X480
 IO Voltage: 2.5V to 3.0V (internal LDO for nuclear power 1.8V)
 Power operation: 60mW/15fpsVGAYUV
 Sleep: <20μA
 Temperature Operating: -30 to 70
 Stable: 0 to 50
 Output Formats (8): YUV/YCbCr4: 2:2 RGB565/555/444 GRB4: 2:2 Raw RGB
 Optical size: 1/6 "
 FOV: 25 °
 Maximum Zhen rate: 30fps VGA
 Sensitivity: 1.3V / (Lux-sec)
 SNR: 46 dB
 High sensitivity suitable for illumination applications
 Low voltage suitable for embedded applications
 Standard SCCB interface compatible with I2C interface
 RawRGB, RGB (GRB4: 2:2, RGB565/555/444), YUV (4:2:2) and YCbCr (4:2:2)
output format
 Supports VGA, CIF, and from a variety of sizes CIF to 40x30
 VarioPixel sub-sampling mode
 ISP has a compensation function to eliminate noise and dead pixels
 Support for image scaling
 Compensation for loss of optical lens
 50/60Hz automatic detection
 Saturation automatically adjust (UV adjustment)

Smart Intelligent Robot

5] DC Motor

Fig 4.6: DC motor

A DC motor is any of a class of electrical machines that converts direct

current electrical power into mechanical power. The most common types rely on
the forces produced by magnetic fields. Nearly all types of DC motors have some
internal mechanism, either electromechanical or electronic, to periodically change
the direction of current flow in part of the motor. Most types produce rotary
motion; a linear motor directly produces force and motion in a straight line.

DC motors were the first type widely used, since they could be powered
from existing direct-current lighting power distribution systems. A DC motor's
speed can be controlled over a wide range, using either a variable supply voltage
or by changing the strength of current in its field windings. Small DC motors are
used in tools, toys, and appliances.

DC Motor Application:

It is used for robotics.

Advantages of DC Motor:

1. Provide excellent speed control for acceleration and deceleration

2. Easy to understand design
3. Simple, cheap drive design

Smart Intelligent Robot

6] TTL Pins/ wires

Fig 4.7: TTL pin

TTL pin used for interface the port of controller. ransistor–transistor

logic (TTL) is a logic family built from bipolar junction transistors. Its name
signifies that transistors perform both the logic function (the first "transistor") and
the amplifying function (the second "transistor"); it is the same naming
convention used in resistor–transistor logic (RTL) and diode–transistor
logic (DTL).

TTL integrated circuits (ICs) were widely used in applications such as computers,
industrial controls, test equipment and instrumentation, consumer electronics,
and synthesizers. Sometimes TTL-compatible logic levels are not associated
directly with TTL integrated circuits, for example as a label on the inputs and
outputs of electronic instruments.

After their introduction in integrated circuit form in 1963 by Sylvania, TTL

integrated circuits were manufactured by several semiconductor companies.
The 7400 series by Texas Instruments became particularly popular. TTL
manufacturers offered a wide range of logic gates, flip-flops, counters, and other

Smart Intelligent Robot

8] Resistor

Fig 4.8: Resistor

Resistors act to reduce current flow, and, at the same time, act to lower
voltage levels within circuits. In electronic circuits, resistors are used to limit
current flow, to adjust signal levels, bias active elements, and
terminate transmission lines among other uses. High-power resistors, that can
dissipate many watts of electrical power as heat, may be used as part of motor
controls, in power distribution systems, or as test loads for generators. Fixed
resistors have resistances that only change slightly with temperature, time or
operating voltage. Variable resistors can be used to adjust circuit elements (such
as a volume control or a lamp dimmer), or as sensing devices for heat, light,
humidity, force, or chemical activity.

Resistors are common elements of electrical networks and electronic

circuits and are ubiquitous in electronic equipment. Practical resistors as discrete
components can be composed of various compounds and forms. Resistors are also
implemented within integrated circuits.

The electrical function of a resistor is specified by its resistance: common

commercial resistors are manufactured over a range of more than nine orders of
magnitude. The nominal value of the resistance will fall within a manufacturing

Smart Intelligent Robot

9] Capacitor

Fig 4.9: Capacitor

The capacitor is a component which has the ability or “capacity” to store energy in
the form of an electrical charge producing a potential difference (Static Voltage)
across its plates, much like a small rechargeable battery.

There are many different kinds of capacitors available from very small capacitor
beads used in resonance circuits to large power factor correction capacitors, but
they all do the same thing, they store charge.

The larger the surface area of the "plates" (conductors) and the narrower the
gap between them, the greater the capacitance is. In practice, the dielectric
between the plates passes a small amount of leakage current and also has an
electric field strength limit, known as the breakdown voltage. The conductors
and leads introduce an undesired inductance and resistance.


 Energy storage.
 Pulsed power and weapons.
 Power conditioning

Smart Intelligent Robot



Smart Intelligent Robot

Circuit Diagrams

Fig.5.1: Circuit Diagram of Arduino

 ATmega328-PU: The MCU we just talked about.

 IOL and IOH (Digital) Headers: These headers are the digital header for
pins 0 to 13 in addition to GND, AREF, SDA, and SCL. Note that RX and
TX from the USB bridge are connected with pin0 and pin1.
 AD Header: The analog pins header.

Smart Intelligent Robot

 16 MHz Ceramic Resonator (CSTCE16M0V53-R0): Connected with

XTAL2 and XTAL1 from the MCU.
 Reset Pin: This is pulled up with a 10K resistor to help prevent spurious
resets in noisy environments; the pin has an internal pull-up resistor, but
according to the AVR Hardware Design Considerations application note
(AVR042), “if the environment is noisy, it can be insufficient and reset
may occur sporadically.” Reset occurs if the user presses the reset button
or if a reset is issued from the USB bridge. You can also see the D2 diode.
The role of this diode is described in the same app note: “If not using High
Voltage Programming it is recommended to add an ESD protection diode
from RESET to Vcc, since this is not internally provided due to High
Voltage Programming”.
 C4 and C6 100nF Capacitors: These are added to filter supply noise. The
impedance of a capacitor decreases with frequency:

XcXc = 12πfC12πfC

The capacitors give high-frequency noise signals a low-impedance path to

ground. 100nF is the most common value. Read more about capacitors in
the AAC textbook.

 PIN13: This is connected to the SCK pin from the MCU and is also
connected to an LED. The Arduino board uses a buffer (the LMV358) to
drive the LED.
 ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programming) Header: This is used to program
the ATmega328 using an external programmer. It’s connected to the In-
System Programming (ISP) interface (which uses the SPI pins). Usually,
you don’t need to use this way of programming because bootloader
handles the programming of the MCU from the UART interface which is
connected using a bridge to the USB. This header is used when you need
to flash the MCU, for example, with a bootloader for the first time in

Smart Intelligent Robot

Fig.5.2: Arduino to ov7670 (a)

Fig.5.3:Arduino to ov7670 (b)

Smart Intelligent Robot

Fig 5.4:Arduino uno to L293

 L293D is a 16-pin in line package. As it is capable of

pin IC available in dual in-line
driving two motors, we’ll see the connections that are needed for driving a
single motor. In that,
 Pin 1 of L293D IC is used to enable the driver channels 1 and 2 i.e. inputs
of motor 1. It is an active high pin and hence it is connected to 5V supply.
 They
Pins 2 and 7 of L293D are inputs of drivers associated with motor 1. T
are connected to Pins 11 and 10 of Arduino UNO respectively.
 Pins 3 and 6 of L293D are the output pins of first driver channel. They must
be connected to the motor we are going to control.
 Pins 4, 5, 12 and 13 of the L293D IC are ground pins.
 The remaining
ning connections with respect to L293D IC are the power supply
pins. L293D Motor Driver IC needs two types of power: one for its internal
operations and other for driver channels that drive the motor.
 operations and is
Pin 16 of L293D IC is the supply pin for internal operations
connected to a 5V supply. Pin 8 of L293D IC is the supply for driving the
motor and is connected to a 12V supply.

Smart Intelligent Robot

Fig.5.5: Circuit-diagram-for-connecting-the-Microcontroller-Arduino-Uno-WiFi-module-

Circuit is very simple, for this project we only need Arduino and ESP8266
Wi-Fi module. A 16x2 LCD is also connected for displaying the status
messages. This LCD is optional. ESP8266’s Vcc and GND pins are directly
connected to 3.3V and GND of Arduino and CH_PD is also connected with

Tx and Rx pins of ESP8266 are directly connected to pin 2 and 3 of Arduino.

And Pin 2 of Arduino is also shorted with Tx pin (Pin 1) of Arduino. This pin is
shorted for displaying response of ESP8266 directly on Serial monitor of
Arduino. Software Serial Library is used to allow serial communication on pin 2
and 3 of Arduino.

Smart Intelligent Robot



Smart Intelligent Robot


Sr. No. Components Cost

1. Arduino UNO 550 /-

2. L293D Motor Driver IC 240 /-

3. ESP8266 – WiFi Module 315 /-

4. OV 7670 Camera Module 590 /-

5. 12v DC Motor * 2 400 /-

6. 12v AC Adaptor 420 /-

7. Rear wheels * 2 80 /-

8. Coaster wheel 40 /-

9. Chassis 160 /-

10. Jumper Wires 230 /-

(1.male to male * 15)
(2.male to female * 15)
(3.female to male * 15)

11. Resistors 10 /-

Total Cost 3035 /-

Table 6.1 Total Cost

Smart Intelligent Robot



Smart Intelligent Robot


Hence the two modules of controlling the robot is successfully tested and
demonstrated. Though controlling using Wi-Fi limits the range of distance for
communication, a smart and easy means to guide a robot is achieved. Controlling
the motion of robot via internet is one of the easiest means as it requires the user
to access the designated webpage to guide it.

In this project, we achieved control both wireless communication between

the Robot and mobile. The main task of this project was two parts: to interface
the camera in robot and access the live image of the place in our mobile or pc. We
can access the image by wirelessly by using Wi-Fi technology.

This system can be used in defence applications for detecting landmines in

war field and for bomb detections by mounting a metal detector sensor on it.
Further, the size of device can be miniaturized based upon specific applications.

Smart Intelligent Robot



Smart Intelligent Robot


1. “WIFI ENABLED SMART ROBOT” Conference: Conference: Science,

Engineering and Technology Conference, At VIT University, Vellore.

2. ‘Wi-Fi Robot For Video Monitoring & Surveillance System’ by Pavan.C,

Dr. B. Sivakumar, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering
Research Volume 3, Issue 8, August-2012 ISSN 2229-5518

3. ‘A Wi-Fi Enabled Robot’ by Mohammed Hisham, Sudhir V Prabhu,

Ashwin Kumar, Manipal Centre for Information Sciences, Manipal
University, Manipal, India

4. Jennic,JN-AN-1059 Deployment guidelines for IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee

wireless networks, 37-38, 2007.

5. ESP8266 Robotics projects : DY Wi-Fi Controlled robots by Pradeeka




1. ‘Networking and Internet Applications’ by Sangay Yeshi

2. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Rolin D. McKinlay, Danny Causey: PIC

Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, PE India, 01-Sep-2008 , Signal
Engineering Manual, Indian Railway Institute of Signal Engineering and


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