AAP Ireneo 2017
AAP Ireneo 2017
AAP Ireneo 2017
Group 1
Amoroso, Charmagne Monique U.
Ang, Wilson
Antonio, Mary Arvielyn
Avila, Niñalyn P.
Barnachea, Darren Marl M.
Belmonte, Cristopher Jr. F.
Acc. to Peter Drucker, management is a function, a discipline, a task to be done, and
managers practice this discipline, carry out the functions and discharge these tasks.
A guide and roadmap to create awareness and direction to the management of any
organization. The guidelines developed by an organization to govern its actions.They
define the limits within which decisions must be made.
Thinking about how you want your business to run, documenting it, and sharing it with
your employees, will save you time and money in the long run.
Common policies and procedures
* code of conduct — this should also cover privacy and conflicts of interest
* discipline, misconduct and employment investigations
* health and safety
* holidays and leave
* hours of work and overtime, including time in lieu and flexible work arrangements
* information security
* internet, e-mail and social media use
* leaving the business
* performance appraisals
* recruitment, including reference checking
* resolving employment issues
* training and development
* travel
* use of company equipment
* how to handle customer complaints.
To implement effective policies and procedures at your workplace, follow these steps to
get the best results.
Step 1: Consultation
When developing your policies and procedures, you must consult with all relevant
stakeholders, including health and safety representatives, contractors (particularly those
who work with you regularly), and of course your employees.
Consultation should ensure that every person in your workplace understands the
importance of company policies and procedures and why they need to be implemented
It will also ensure that the policies and procedures are realistic and actionable on a daily
Tip: Consultation helps to achieve more effective policies and procedures, and is a
greater motivation for employees to follow them.
Step 2: Tailor the policy to your business
The policies and procedures you adopt need to be tailored to the needs of your
business, not just lifted straight from a generic manual.
If you use policies and procedures from another source, it is essential that you adapt
them to your company and your workplace operations.
Step 3: Define obligations clearly – be specific!
All policies should be short and succinct.
All procedural steps should be set out in clear and plain English.
This will create an ‘auditable standard’, meaning that you create a standard that can be
used to measure whether your workplace health and safety obligations are being met or
The obligations outlined in an auditable standard should be defined in enough detail that
persons in your workplace understand exactly what is expected of them.
Specifically state what actions should be taken. For example, don’t say “dispose of
chemicals safely“, but state how this should be done at the site, e.g. “chemicals must be
disposed of in the designated approved dangerous goods waste drum“.
Step 4: Make the policy realistic
Make sure your business has the time, resources and personnel to implement the
There is no point in adopting a policy which aspires to the best practice possible if your
business cannot realistically adopt the procedures set out.
This is the development stage of the policy and procedure done. Once you have
• counselling;
• disciplinary action (e.g. a warning); or
• in serious circumstances, dismissal.
Step 8: Review all policies and procedures regularly
• triggers reviews;
• notes the dates of change; and
• involves interactive revision.
All employees and contractors need to be made aware of the changes to policy and
procedure when they occur.
Step 9: Enforce the policies and procedures
Once your policies and procedures have been implemented, they need to be enforced.
Make sure that you approach this consistently as this is an important factor in being
able to discipline a worker for a breach of policy.
Tip: The simpler the system, the easier it is for workers to understand and for employers
to enforce health and safety policies and procedures.
Before integrating Objectives, Strategies, and Policies, let us discuss first how and why
are these established. Looking at the bigger picture, a company first creates its vision
and mission statements.
What is vision? Vision statements are those which you want to achieve, more often it’s
unattainable, but the company still strives hard in achieving these.
What is mission? Mission statements are those how will you achieve your vision
After these are established, it is also be accompanied with core values; it’s how you will
behave in achieving those statements.
Once you have identified what your organization wants to achieve (vision) and generally
how the vision will be achieved (mission), the next step is to develop a series of
statements specifying how the mission will be utilized to achieve the vision:
Objective: Objectives provide specific milestones with a specific timeline for achieving
a goal.
Strategies: Strategies are one or more ways to use the mission statement in order to
achieve the vision statement. Although an organization will have just one vision
statement and one mission statement, it may have several strategies
Policies:The policy is also regarded as a mini – mission statement, is a set of principles
and rules which direct the decisions of the organization.
Objectives or the goals of the organization are the ends towards which every activity of
the organization is aimed at. Therefore, goals or objectives are the results that the
organization tries to achieve. Objectives are considered as a prerequisite for planning.
The strategy is a game plan, chosen to achieve the organizational objectives, gain
customer’s trust, and attain competitive advantage and to acquire a market position. It is
a combination of well-thought intent and actions which lead to the organization towards
its desired position or destination. It is a unified and integrated plan made to achieve the
basic objectives of the enterprise like:
• Effectiveness
• Handling events and problems
• Taking advantage of opportunities
• Full resource utilization
• Coping with threats
The strategy is a combination of flexibly designed corporate moves, through which an
organization can compete with its rivals successfully. The following are the features of
the Strategy:
• It should be formulated from the top level management. However, sub-strategies
can be made by middle-level management.
• It should have a long range perspective.
• It should be dynamic in nature.
• Strategies are concentrated toward actions.
• The main purpose is to overcome from uncertain situations.
• Strategies deal with external environmental factors.
The policy is also regarded as a mini – mission statement, is a set of principles and
rules which direct the decisions of the organization. It is helpful in highlighting the rules,
value and beliefs of the organization. In addition to this, it acts as a basis for guiding the
The difference between Strategy and Policy is, a little complicated because Policies
come under the Strategies. Apart from that, the policies are made to support strategies
in several ways like accomplishing organizational goals and securing an advantageous
position in the market. Both of them are made by the top management as well as made
after a deep analysis.