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for small and mid-size enterprises under budget costs and strict remain the big challenge for IT analysts and software
deadline is always challenging for software engineers. Therefore, we engineers.
introduced an approach to design mid-size enterprise software by System analysis and design are an exciting and active field
using the Waterfall model, which is one of the SDLC (Software where analysts continually learn new techniques and
Development Life Cycles), in a cost effective way. To fulfill research approaches to developing systems more effectively and
objectives, in this study, we developed mid-sized enterprise software
named “BSK Management System” that assists enterprise software efficiently [3]. Several approaches, methodologies, and
clients with information resource management and perform complex techniques have been reported and tested in the process of
organizational tasks. Waterfall model phases have been applied to software analysis. However, two widely used methodologies
ensure that all functions, user requirements, strategic goals, and are: 1) Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and 2)
objectives are met. In addition, Rich Picture, Structured English, and Prototyping [4]. In IT project management, SDLC process
Data Dictionary have been implemented and investigated properly in applies to information system development to ensure that all
engineering manner. Furthermore, an assessment survey with 20
participants has been conducted to investigate the usability and functions, user requirements, strategic goals, and objectives are
performance of the proposed software. The survey results indicated met. The SDLC provides a structured and standardized process
that our system featured simple interfaces, easy operation and for all phases of any system development effort. In this
maintenance, quick processing, and reliable and accurate transactions. particular study, the Waterfall approach, which is one of
SDLCs, has been considered as the software development
Keywords—End-user Application Development, Enterprise methodology.
Software Design, Information Resource Management, Usability. The rest of this article is structured as follows. A brief
introduction to SDLCs and particularly Waterfall approach had
I. INTRODUCTION been articulated in Section II. Section III covers the articles that
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This section briefly discusses on the implementation and the
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Vol:9, No:5, 2015
operations of the BSK Management System. management, 3) Examination control, and 4) Human resource
A. Interface Design
Library Management Module supported with functionalities
In Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), user interfaces have to perform basic book search operation. Librarians and
traditionally been about designing effective and efficient registered students were targeted users of this module. This
systems. By considering users ability to perform computer module was designed such a way that students can order
operations, we have designed simple and easy-to-operate (purchase) a book online. However, the software does not
interfaces. Proposed software ensures the security and function online payment. Fig. 8 displays a sub-module of
accessibility by password protection. library management module.
B. Technical Specification
We used Microsoft Office Visio 2007 for any sort of
designing including DFD, Rich Picture, and Entity
Relationship Diagram. To prepare Structured English we used
Microsoft Office XP and for presentation, we used Microsoft
International Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering Vol:9, No:5, 2015 waset.org/Publication/10001384
Fig. 7 Login Window to Access BSK Management System Fig. 9 Account Management Module
In this study, we report four modules that have been Examination Control Module performs tasks related to
developed and delivered to the client. The four modules were students’ education. Teachers can create student profiles and
designed to perform enterprise’s operation under four analyze their performances by using this module. Teachers and
departments, which are: 1) Library management, 2) Account people involved in teaching were main users of this module.
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F. Data Dictionary
Databases have been managed with active data dictionary. In I. Delivery and Maintenance
Data Management System (DMS), Data Dictionary is an The software was delivered to the client within the given
approach to represent a set of information describing the timeframe. Software installation and proper guidance to access
contents, format(s) and structure(s) of databases and the the system have been provided in engineering manner.
relationship between its elements. Werts [21] described
step-by-step instructions and demonstrated how to customize VI. USABILITY TEST
planning so the installed dictionary meets an organization's We have conducted a survey to investigate the usability of
specific needs. The article also reviewed basic data concepts our proposed system. We have also interviewed the company
and data-related problems, discussed diverse approaches to employees along with an assessment survey to ensure the
these problems, and described ideas and features of data accuracies and performances of the installed new software.
A. Participant Details:
G. Testing 10 employees and 10 students participated in the survey. The
Our proposed software BSK Management System has been participated students were involved in voluntary social works
tested in engineering manner. During software testing, bugs and also involved in BSK’s daily operations.
have been removed and compatibilities have been ensured.
B. Materials & Method:
H. Documentation Aid Participants were, at first, asked to perform some basis
After found out all required information for our software we transactions on the newly installed software. Then, participants
have recorded all the requirements accurately and made a were asked to evaluate our software under 8 perspectives
reliable and complete documentation for the further (shown in Fig. 14) based on their experiences. Each participant
improvements. was asked to use our system for 30 minutes. The system’s
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Vol:9, No:5, 2015
operation and functionalities have been explained in advance. approach will assist software engineering students and IT
After the 30-minutes session, we asked them to feedback analysts to understand the phases involved in the Waterfall
their impression on the usability of the software. An assessment model effectively.
questionnaire with 8 different perspectives of software was At first, we introduced mid-sized enterprise software named
provided to them. We also interviewed the participants about “BSK Management System”, which assists enterprise software
the software afterwards. clients with information resource management and perform
complex organizational tasks. The proposed system assists
enterprise software clients to assist with information resource
management under limited financial budget. The system was
designed and developed on a non-profitable organization
located in Bangladesh to perform its daily operations. The
organization is involved in activities like to promote reading
habits, enlightenment, and progressive ideas among students
and the general public in Bangladesh. The system analysis and
design phases have been done based on the given information
International Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering Vol:9, No:5, 2015 waset.org/Publication/10001384
on the organization.
In the system analysis phase, generic 7-phases (Preliminary
Investigation, System Analysis, System Design, Coding,
Testing, Conversion, and Maintenance) of the Waterfall model
had been investigated properly in engineering manner. The
reasons for using the Waterfall model were 1) it allowed
Fig. 14 Questionnaire Used in Usability Test designing flexibility, 2) rigidity, 3) phases do not overlap with
C. Result each other, 4) software testing in every stage, 5) easy
debugging, 6) less ambiguity in requirement gathering phase,
The survey result revealed that, all of the participants
7) limited budget, 8) strict timeline, and 9) quick
evaluated our system positively. The result indicated that,
approximately 60% evaluation (8 perspectives & 20
At the beginning of this study, we have gathered all the
participants) was found ‘Excellent’. Approximately 30%
requirements to proceed to system analysis phase. We have
feedback was noted as ‘Very Good’ and approximately 10%
interviewed the employees of the enterprise and analyzed the
noted as ‘Satisfactory’. None of the participants assessed our
infrastructure of the enterprise as the part of requirement
system as ‘Difficult to Operate’ and ‘Very Difficult to Operate’.
collection. Secondly, based on the gathered information, we
Therefore, we can conclude that our system features simple
have drawn the DFDs in context level, system level, and level 1
interfaces, easy operation and maintenance, quick processing,
of the enterprise. Thirdly, we have drawn the entity lifecycle
reliable and accurate operations. After interviewing the users of
diagram for the flexibility of the project. Fourthly, conceptual
this software, we knew that they took the solution very frankly
entity relationship diagram has been designed. Later on,
and they were satisfied with the software. Therefore, we can
databases have been implemented base on conceptual and
conclude that the employee will get everything they require by
logical relationships between entities. Fifthly, we have
using this software.
developed and reported 4-major modules for the enterprise.
Four modules for library, accounts, examination and HR have
been developed and delivered to the client. We have designed
ICT is a potentially powerful tool for extending business. simple interfaces because of users’ inadequate knowledge on
Not only big-size enterprises are investing in ICT-based technologies. Developed software has been tested and
information management, but also many mid-size and debugged with proper engineering ways.
small-size enterprises moving forward to it. The massive flow Then, we have supported this study with SEQUEL, rich
of ICT in organizations has been noticed significantly in picture of the enterprise, and built a data dictionary. A
third-world countries in recent decades. Enterprises are ready to documentation of the entire system has been prepared for
adopt ICTs because it features transcend time and space. further improvements.
However, limited financial budgets lack of IT skills, and lack of Finally, the software has been delivered to the client within
enough infrastructures enterprises are stepping back. To design the given time frame. The software had been implemented and
information resource management software for small and users of the system have been trained to use the system.
mid-size enterprises under budget cost and strict deadline was Moreover, we have conducted a questionnaire survey with
always problematic for engineers. At the same time, inadequate 20 participants to investigate the usability of the system. The
knowledge of different approaches to software engineering is a result revealed that users found our system easy to operate,
major challenge while working under the limited budget and a accurate transactions, fast processing and easy to navigate. An
strict deadline. interview followed by the questionnaire survey has been done.
Therefore, in this study, we have reported an approach to The interview indicated that users of the system are quite happy
design enterprise software under a strict deadline. Our proposed to use the system. Most of the participants agreed that the
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We, hereby acknowledge Mr. Shamimul Hasan Azim
(Researcher, VirginiaTech USA; ex-Faculty, Stamford
University Bangladesh) and Assistant Professor Kamruddin
Md. Nur (PhD Candidate, Pompeu Fabra University SPAIN;
Faculty, Stamford University Bangladesh) for their constant
advice and guidance throughout the project. In addition, we
show our deepest appreciation to the honorable Chairman, BSK
to grant us permission to conduct research activities and publish
the outcome.
We would also like to express our special thanks to the
participants of the experiments. Without their help and support,
this study would not have completed successfully.
Authors would like to dedicate this project to the victims of
Cyclone Sidr in 2007, Bangladesh.
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